#i'm not going to be able to manage it i already know
cheeeeseburger · 16 hours
I'm an Aston Martin
Fernando Alonso x Reader
A/N: English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes. Enjoy!
Even at 25, crossing the street was scary. People were driving so damn fast these days. Most drivers didn’t stop to let go you anyway. You were getting impatient, waiting on the corner in your short dress, all dolled up for a fancy dinner. You had gotten a few wolf-whistles already, and a car even honked.
Finally, a very expensive looking car stopped for you. As you were walking, you looked to your left to wave to the nice driver as a thank you. You nearly stopped dead in your track. The driver was a fine ass man. He was handsome and he looked a lot older than you, which clearly shouldn’t have that much of an effect on you. He lowered his gaze to get a good look at you, and he gave you an appreciative nod. Maybe your had pre-drink a little too hard, because you blew him a kiss as you finally crossed the street. You smiled to yourself as you entered the restaurant. This small interaction definitely put you in a good mood.
This dinner was starting to get more and more fun. People were now leaving to go to the dancefloor, and you made your way to the bar to get a drink, just to let loose a little. You accidentally bumped into a wall, which was actually a very sturdy man.
“Oh, excuse me sir!” The man turned around. Holy shit. It was the attractive man for earlier, at the crosswalk.
“Don’t apologize, princesa.” He looked so much hotter now that he was close to you. He had to be at least 15 years older than you, which was a nice bonus.
“It’s you!” was all you managed to reply. He smiled at you. The driver from earlier had an attractive face, and his suit made him look dashing.
“It’s me? Were you expecting me?” He flashed a cocky grin. This man was handsome, and he knew it. You blushed.
“You’re the guy who let me cross the street earlier! Thank you so much for being a gentleman.” You batted your eyelashes, going full-on flirty. This man was way too fine for you to resist the temptation.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear. “I only stop for pretty girls, princesa. But when they get to close, I stop being a gentleman.” You shivered. Goddamn. This was a thousand times better than your ex’s poor attempt at foreplay.
You managed to keep your cool, even though you were starting to get hot all over. “It’s okay, gentlemen are overrated anyway.” You put your hand on his arm. He stared at your eyes for a few seconds, clearly in a fight with himself.
“How kind of you to entertain an old man like me, princesa. Let me buy you a drink as a thank you.” His words made your heart drop in your chest. Did he really think you weren’t attracted to him?
“I assure you, sir, that you’re the one doing me a favour. Being here with a man as attractive as you, talking and laughing is doing wonders for my ego.” It was you turn to whisper in his ear: “Talking with you is also great for my daddy issues. Imagine what sleeping together could do to me, huh? It would be better than therapy.” He flushed. Okay, was this a new version of yourself? Were you finally able to talk seductively to a man you found attractive and not make a fool of yourself, for once?
“Princesa, this is all very flattering, but you’re way too young for me.” You didn’t even know his name, but you were already falling for this man who clearly needed to take a good look at himself in the mirror.
“It’s funny, I think I’m perfect for you, actually.” He laughed at that, and you flashed him your best smile. A connection was definitely forming, because it seemed as if the world stopped. There was only you, him, and something else that was just starting to blossom.
“Why don’t I buy you a drink and I let you go after, huh?” Feeling bold, you put your hand on his cheek.
“Oh baby, you’re never going to want to let me go.” He chuckled and put his hand on the small of your back to lead you to the bar.
(He in fact never let you, and he even put a ring on it to make sure you stay. But you didn’t know that at the time.)
“Tell me, princesa, what’s your drink of choice?” Fernando asked you. People around you were staring at the pair you were forming. Was this guy famous or something?
“I like an Amaretto sour!” He ordered one as well as a whiskey for himself. He paid, and you kissed his cheek as a thank you, letting your lips linger to the corner of his mouth.
“Interesting choice, hermosa. You seem so sweet, not sour at all.” You took a sip of your cocktail, and his eyes did not leave your lips for a second. “Don’t worry, handsome. I can still be very sweet. I just need to balance that sweetness.” You winked at him. This time, it was your turn to stare as he drank his whiskey. He was throwing his head back a little, and it made your imagination run wild with fantasies. You wanted to lock your arms behind his strong neck, and maybe leave a few hickeys there, too.
He laughed. “I like you, princesa. It’s scary because I don’t know anything about you.” His gaze lingered on your body, trying to gather information on you. The only thing he knew for sure was that you were the most stunning woman he had ever seen. And also, the youngest woman he had flirted with in a long, long time.
You felt butterflies all over your stomach when he mentioned liking you. This man was doing something to you. You answered: “Don’t be scared, lover boy. I feel the same, and I don’t even know your name. And I need to know so I can scream it later, when you take me in your bed.” You let your hand run all over his arm.
He looked up at the ceiling and started praying quietly. “Dios mio, hermosa.” He seemed to have trouble breathing. “You were right, I don’t know how I’m going to let you go.”
“How about you start you start by telling me your name, huh?” You squeezed his hand in yours and you gave him a reassuring smile.
“Okay. My name is Fernando Alonso. What’s yours, princesa?” Even his name was sexy. Alonso? That rung a bell. Didn’t that Charli xcx song mention that name?
“Fernando. Fernando. Fernando,” you repeated, liking the way his name rolled of your tongue. Apparently, he liked it too, a little too much. His eyes were full of desire.
“Stop that. It sounds too good. Tell me yours.” His knuckles were white. It was fun to see how much power you had over this near stranger.
“I won’t tell you, Fernando, because I’m afraid you’ll stop calling me princesa. I happen to like the nickname very much, Fernando,” you replied, making sure to insist on every syllable in his name. He raised an eyebrow, and he grabbed your arm and held it tight.
“I see what you’re doing, little girl. But this isn’t a game anymore” He put his hand around your waist and pulled you close. “I understand now why you’re attracted to me. You need someone older, someone to guide you. I could help you with that.” You felt heat rise everywhere in your body, his dominant words and his touch making your toes curl in your high heels. You had never felt his lips on yours, yet you were craving them. This man was driving you crazy, and nothing not PG rated had happened… yet.
With difficulties, you replied: “Then do it, please. You can do anything you want to do to me.” It was like something switched in his brain. All the restraint he had left his body. Fernando grabbed your arm and lead you all the way to a darkened corner. You were immediately against the wall, and his lips crashed against yours. You didn’t care that this was in public, and that this man was getting stares everywhere he went. Right now, the attraction between you two was the only thing on your mind.
Your fingers were twirling his hair to get a better grip on him. He put your leg around his waist, and you arched your back against him. You felt a bulge against your thigh, and that sent heat to your core. Were you really busy making out in public with a hot older man? If this was a dream, it was a damn good one, and you didn’t want to wake up.
“I’m going to take care of you, princesa.” Your moans replaced words. “Such a good girl, responding to my touch.” You nodded, and he wiped the lipstick off your swollen lips. Your legs were already shaking. You unbuttoned the first few buttons of his dress shirt, then pulled him by the collar.
“Fernando, please. I need you so bad, that I don’t even care if you take me right here, right now.” You had never wanted anyone else so badly. There was something special between you two, because otherwise you would have never felt so strongly about someone you just met. You started to leave little love bites all over his neck and jaw, practically begging him to fuck you.
He grunted at your words. “I would love to have you in front of everyone, but I don’t like to share. But I can’t wait, either.” You shivered. You didn’t know you had a thing for exhibitionism. He started to palm your body, and it felt like your skin was on fire every time he touched it. Fernando bit the strap of your dress and pulled it aside with his teeth to suck on that spot.
Thinking was hard. Replying was even harder. “Then fuck me in your car, where it all started.” He stopped what he was doing to immediately lead you out of the room. “That’s a great idea, princesa. Such a smart girl. I’m going to be very good to you. Keep it up.” You practically glowed at his praise. You felt special, because everyone was looking at the famous driver escaping the party with a pretty girl on his arm. Your dishevel hair was a pretty good clue as to what you were doing.
“Are you famous or something?” you asked.
He walked faster. “Don’t worry about it, hermosa.” A secretive man. Umm. He grabbed his keys from the valet, not bothering to get him to bring up his car.
Fernando was practically running in the parking lot to get to his Aston Martin, and you were following him, laughing. It was a very romantic moment. Somehow, it felt natural, casual even. There was a familiarity with Fernando that you had never observed with anyone else before. Your little walk was sometimes interrupted by him stopping in his tracks to stun you with kisses.
Finally, you got to his car. “Oh god. This is it. This is where I first saw you, and where I first noticed you were hot as fuck.” He laughed and pushed you against the hood.
“Don’t worry, princesa. I noticed you too. I saw how beautiful you were. I’m glad that I stopped for you, but I’m also mad, because every other car had to stop, and they all had the time to admire you while you crossed the street. I want to keep you for myself.” Fernando kissed the spot on your shoulder where the strap had fallen.
“Are you this possessive of every woman you just met?” You felt like the siren statues on ship, except that you were on a very expensive car. Just like a mermaid, you had lured him. Just like a sailor, you were drunk, but it wasn’t the alcohol that made you lose all your senses, it was him.
He chuckled and his large hands grabbed your waist. “Just with beautiful ones.” A wave of jealousy suddenly hit you. Had he done this before?
Fernando moved his attention to your neck, on which he left a trail of kisses and hickeys all the way to your jawline. He really was a possessive man, marking you as his. You balanced yourself on the hood of the car because you weren’t sure if your legs would be able to hold you any longer.
“I hope I’m the most beautiful of them all, then.” It was your turn to get possessive, which was crazy because three hours ago, you had never seen the man in question. You wrapped one leg around his waist to pull him forward. You felt his bulge, but there was too much fabric between you two, and you desperately rubbed yourself on him to try and get some friction to ease the heat between your legs. Fernando held your chin in his hands and put his thumb on your lower lip, forcing you to look at him.
“Of course you are. No one compares to you, princesa.” Oh, his words were too good, and you started to suck on his thumb.
“You’re too nice. Let me get you a treat, in exchange. Give me your jacket.” Confused, Fernando took of his suit jacket and gave it to you. With the jacket in your hand, you switched sides so he was the one resting against the hood.
You felt the fabric between your thumbs and winced when you saw that it was high quality. “I hope it wasn’t too expensive, because it might be ruined after this.” You put the jacket on the ground, and you went down on your knees.
“Dios mio, hermosa. Are you really going to do this here, outside?” You looked up at him and smirked. “Are you shy? Afraid of moaning too loudly, of everybody hearing you screaming?” You palmed him over the fabric of his pants and unzipped them.
In response, he pulled your hair and brought your head closer to his bulge. “Careful. You asked for it.” He removed his dick from his pants, and you started to suck on it.
Goddamn. You had enough material to suck on for days. You used your hands for the base, and you took as much as you could in your mouth. Fernando gripped your hair to push you forward. He was right, you had asked for it. Tears were stinging your eyes, but you didn’t mind them at all. The only thing you were focused on were his words of praise.
“You’re doing so good, princesa.” You heard a car door closing somewhere in the parking lot. You gasped and stopped what you were doing. “Don’t worry about it, hermosa. Keep it up, you’re doing so well.” He tilted your head, and you continued sucking on his length, his praise only making you ache more to please him.
When he felt he was about to come, he pushed your head back, but you returned to your original position and swallowed every last drop, your hand going back and forth for good measure.
Still on your knees, you looked up at him and licked your lips: “Did I do good?” Fernando put his hand under your chin. “You were perfect, princesa.” He helped you get up, giving your ass a small slap when you bent to pick up his jacket. You really hoped there were no cameras in the parking lot, but you kind of wish there were at the same time. The thought of everyone seeing you sucking his dick made you feel something down there. It was the kind of video you would like to watch again and again.
“Now it’s my turn to give you something, sweet girl.” Fernando spun you so your back was once again against the hood of the Aston Martin. His lips were on yours in an instant, and his hands were busy palming up your whole body, giving special attention to your breasts. He pinched your hard nipples that were showing up underneath the fabric of your dress between two fingers. You were moaning so fucking loud; it was like you were paid to do it.
“Shhh, we don’t want to get caught,” Fernando said, placing one hand over your mouth. Your plea and your cries were muttered, but if they weren’t, the whole neighborhood would have heard you begging the hot Spaniard to please get inside of you. Even though this man was a near stranger, you two understood each other perfectly, it was like you were in synch. “Now, princesa. Do you want to do this right here, or inside the car?”
You didn’t hesitate for a second: “Here. I can’t wait. Please, please, please, Fernando. You have to get inside of me.” He grunted at your eagerness, then took both of your arms and raised them over your head to pin them on the hood, near the windshield. You were on display on the hood, a dessert for him to enjoy, a sweet treat for him to devour.
“You want this so badly, little girl. After what you did for me, it’s only fair that I give back to you.” Fernando went down to your jaw and left a trail of kisses all the way to your cleavage, where he pushed aside the fabric of your dress to give you hickeys in the valley between your breasts. You wished you were in front of a mirror to get a better view of him savouring you.
His hands were busy lifting the hem of your dress and drawing circles higher and higher each time on your thighs. When you felt his fingers through the thin fabric of your underwear, you let out a moan that was good enough for a porn movie. You were holding on to the hood for dear life when he put one finger inside of you, then two.
“Oh my god, Fernando, oh my god!” you nearly shouted, panting. You must have done something good recently because you had never experienced anything as good before.
“If you keep it up, princesa, the whole fucking parking lot will hear you. So be a good girl and keep quiet.” Anything for you, hot stranger.
“I just need to have your dick in me so bad. I saw how big it was, and I need you to fill me up.” He shut you up with a kissing frenzy that left your lips swollen and your mind fuzzy.
“Who am I to refuse anything to such an angel?” He parted your legs and removed your underwear, letting it fall on the ground. Somewhere in his pocket, he found a condom and rolled it on.
Just the tip was enough to make your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Oh god. I don’t think it’s going to fit!” He laughed, but you heard him let out pained noises. You had just given him a massive ego boost. Slowly, inches by inches, he managed to make it fit.
You wanted to scream at each thrust, but he always kept you quiet with a kiss or his hand over your mouth. In the back of your mind, you were thinking about the huge risk you were taking, fucking a stranger in a public place and all, but all you could focus about was the way he felt inside of you. You were gripping hard on his shoulders and on the car to stay standing up, because your legs were oh so very weak.
“That’s it, take it all in, princesa. You’re so perfect, all put on display for me. Thank god I let you cross the street earlier.” He caressed your hair and whispered words of praise in your ear that you would think about every time you used your vibrator for at least the next 10 years.
You were about to give in to your orgasm. He had found the perfect pace for you. In fact, everything he did was perfect for you. It was sad to think you would never feel anything this good ever again.
When you came undone, your legs started to shake uncontrollably, and you slipped of the hood. Fernando held you in place as he did a few other sloppy thrusts as he was himself finishing.
You both stood there, panting, appreciating the beauty of what you just did.
"I think I know why you're famous. You must be a pornstar, because you sure fuck like one." He chuckled and his lips lightly brushed your bare shoulder. "Don't be silly, hermosa. I'm not in this business. But I do ride for a living." Ok, that just left you more confused. Fernando softly kissed you.
“Now, princesa, do you think you could give me your name?”
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ratsummer · 1 day
So my bestie was telling me the other day about Phantom wanting to practice kissing and I am running away with it!!
It doesn't take long after he's summoned for Phantom to want to kiss his pack mates. Unfortunately, he is a very anxious and not-yet-well-adjusted ghoul, so he agonizes over who to go to for a long, long time. They're all so beautiful, and everyone has been happy to help him, but the thought of kissing them... of being vulnerable in that way... He agonizes over everything that could go wrong for hours on end. After much sleeplessness and pacing around his room with a notebook (Cirrus taught him about decision trees) he finally decides Mountain is the safest bet.
First of all, he sees Mountain kissing literally everyone, all of the time, everywhere. Anyone can see he's good at it. Anyone can see he likes it! Also, both Swiss and Rain have independently confessed to Phantom that Mountain is the best kisser. Mountain has never laughed at him for not knowing how to do something, so he at least almost certainly won't be mean if he thinks it's weird that Phantom hasn't ever kissed anyone. Really, Phantom feels pretty safe that he can walk away from the situation unscathed, no matter which way things go.
So. It's gonna be Mountain. Phantom works up all the courage in his little heart and goes to Mountain's door. When Mountain greets him, he sees a skinny little ghoul (the littlest quint he's ever seen, that might never wear off) clutching his weighted bat stuffy close and barely able to stammer out a hello.
The one thing that Phantom had unfortunately left out of consideration was Mountain's height. Even glamored, the guy towers over him. He's also generally quiet, so he really just has a very consistenly... looming quality to him. Which is fine! So fine! But Phantom is already embarrassed and nervous and this big beautiful ghoul is just looking down at him with his big pretty soft gentle eyes and his sweet lovely smile and it's all so disarming and Phantom is just shrinking in on himself more and more and he can't even say hello to Mountain and he's such an idiot and he shouldn't have come and-
"Hey, snuggle bug, come here. Come back to me."
And, oh. Mountain is kneeling in front of him. He's shorter than Phantom now, but only just barely, and... wow, okay, Phantom can breathe again. And Mountain is just holding his hips and gently squeezing, and his big heavy tail is gently thumping on the ground, and he's still smiling that beautiful soft smile.
It's such a relief to have Mountain holding him that Phantom doesn't realize he's crying until Mountain reaches up to softly wipe his cheeks. And then Phantom is giggling, and his face is so hot, and then he starts crying for real, and he feels so stupid but also so safe. And he apologizes to Mountain over and over, sorry, he doesn't know why he's crying.
And around his gasps and half-stuttered apologies, he finally manages to confess. "I don't even know why I'm crying. I just wanted to kiss with you."
And Mountain is grinning so big and pulling him close, and even though he's on his knees he's somehow still making Phantom feel safe and small. And Mountain nuzzles up under his jaw, and presses a sweet, tiny kiss there. He cups Phantom's cheeks, and tilts his head down so he can press a lingering kiss between his horns.
"I would love to kiss with you, snuggle bug. Should we get in my nest?"
And Phantom can only whine and nod, knuckles white as he clings desperately to Mountain's shirt. He refuses to let go, even as Mountain stands and towers over him once more, stretching Phantom's arms out over his head. Mountain just laughs softly, not mean at all, and grabs Phantom's thighs to pick him up and wrap them around his waist.
Phantom squishes himself as close to Mountain as he can, snuggled up against his chest like a baby bat. He tucks his face into Mountain's neck to breathe in his warm, familiar smell, and wraps his tail tight around Mountain's hips. Mountain is rubbing his back, a deep, rumbling purr rolling through his chest as he closes the bedroom door and turns to his nest.
"Alright, snuggle bug. You're alright. Mounty's got you."
And maybe Phantom's entire body is finally relaxing from being so tense for hours, stressing over whether he should or shouldn't approach Mountain. Maybe his eyes are heavy from crying. Maybe he's finally warm and calm and maybe a big, cozy ghoul is kissing his hair and wrapping a big, cozy blanket around him.
Maybe he can get kisses tomorrow.
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whumpetywhumpwhump · 2 days
*slams hands on table*
Got a prompt for ya. Apologies if it's something you've already done. ^^;
Intubated whumpee waking up from either a coma or surgery, fighting the breathing tube, and caretaker attempting to calm them down.
GO. 💜
Caretaker sits at Whumpee's bedside, brow furrowed with unease as they stroke Whumpee's sweat damp hair. A few days ago now, Whumpee underwent major surgery, and since then they've been here, in the ICU, intubated and sedated. Caretaker wonders whether they're even aware of anything that's happened.
For a while, Caretaker watches the regular condensation misting the inside of the breathing tube, every so often glancing over at the monitor denoting Whumpee's condition. The even peaks and troughs of the EKG are reassuring to a certain extent, as are the waveforms that show Whumpee's breathing pattern, but when paired with how lifeless Whumpee looks in the bed, hooked up to so many wires and tubes, it's hard to feel comforted.
As Caretaker brushes back a strand of hair from Whumpee's forehead, though, something changes. Whumpee's brow knits in discomfort, and when Caretaker reaches for Whumpee's hand, they feel their fingers twitching beneath the weight of the sedation. It was only a matter of time. They started lowering the sedation this morning.
"Whumpee? Hey, it's only me. You're okay. Just relax, sweetheart."
The peaks and troughs on the EKG grow more frequent, a few alarms blaring every so often. Whumpee shifts, weakly lifting a trembling hand as if to move it towards their throat, but Caretaker takes it instead, lowering it gently back towards the sheets and shushing Whumpee softly.
"Easy... easy, Whumpee. I'm here. I'm here."
At last, Whumpee fights hard enough to open their eyes, albeit half-mast. The expression within them is dulled by the cocktail of medications they're on, but even so, the fear shines through the exhaustion. Their eyes track across Caretaker's face, searching desperately for explanation.
Caretaker shuffles forward in their chair, gripping Whumpee's hand, thumb drifting across the back of it, while their other hand continues to stroke Whumpee's hair in what they hope is a reassuring motion.
"Hey, it's okay. You've had surgery, alright? Pretty major surgery. You've been asleep for a couple of days while they monitored you, but you're waking up now, and you're doing so well."
Whumpee's throat bobs, and as they blink, wincing slightly, Caretaker can tell they're uncomfortable. It's no surprise when they weakly try to lift that isn't restrained to their throat yet again, heart rate still elevated.
The alarming of the monitor, though, seems to have attracted the attention of a nurse. She approaches, smiling faintly, and watches the screen for a few seconds before moving to Whumpee's side, squeezing their shoulder.
"Whumpee? I'm one of your nurses, okay? I'm here to make sure you're as comfortable as possible. Right now, the tube is helping you breathe properly, because you've been quite sick and weren't able to manage your airway well. I promise we'll take it out as soon as possible."
Whumpee closes their eyes, nostrils flaring.
Caretaker turns to the nurse.
"Is everything okay?"
"It's all as expected- they're bucking the tube a little, but that's normal when they're just starting to wake up. We can give them some muscle relaxants to make things easier in the meantime, and hopefully soon we'll be able to extubate- to take the tube out."
Caretaker sighs with relief as the nurse gives them a small smile, moving from the room to fetch the medications. They move closer to Whumpee again, still rhythmically stroking their hair.
"Hear that, Whumpee? Everything's going as expected. You're doing so well. I know you must be uncomfortable right now, but things'll feel better soon, I promise. Just try to relax."
Whumpee nods ever so slightly, a small tear escaping from beneath closed eyelids and snaking its way down their cheek. Caretaker wipes it away, careful not to disturb the sticky patches holding the tube in place.
"I know, sweetheart, I know." They squeeze Whumpee's hand, tears welling in their own eyes when Whumpee squeezes back. "I'm right here with you. You're okay."
And slowly but surely, the rapid beeping of the monitors begins to slow again.
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 days
Her Eyes
Pairing: Lily x James
Hey everybody, I hope you enjoy this! It was based off of this request. As always I'm the author (please don't repost)
Masterlist. Read on Ao3
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Warnings: fluff, literally just James simping over Lily, the fluffiest fluff ever with a smidge of the rest of the Marauders in the background
Word Count: 1113
Description: On a peaceful May evening, Lily and James enjoy a picnic on the front lawn of the castle while the other three Marauders realize that things are changing.
(Read: now our quartet is down to three a la Lion King) iykyk
Taglist: @sylveryfire
It was a warm, sunny day at Hogwarts and most of the students were out on the front lawn, reveling in the warmth that had been gone for so long. Under one particular tree sat three boys. Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Now these three boys were seemingly not as content as they might otherwise have been, usually joking around. The reason for this could be found not too far away from them, sitting on a blanket having a picnic with his new girlfriend.
“You know, staring at them isn’t going to make James come back over here.” Remus said from where he lay on the ground.
Sirius grumbled, “I know.”
Laughter echoed through the spring air.
“I’m happy for them, ya know? But she stole him! The least she could do is let us borrow him every once and a while.” He complained.
Remus sat up slightly, shielding his eyes with his hand. “After all the years Prongs spent mooning over her he’s probably afraid that if he leaves her alone for one second she’ll revert back to not liking him.”
Peter looked over at the two of them from where he sat. “We’ll all get to hang out during the summer though, right?”
“Nah, she’s staying with us for the first part of the summer.” Sirius said, referring to the Potter household. For the past few summers all four boys had stayed together there and all of them saw it as a home away from home, though now, since Sirius had started actually living with them, he did truly see it as home.
“Finally. Now I’ll have someone to have intellectually stimulating conversations with.” Remus joked.
Sirius clutched his chest in shock, “Are you saying that we aren’t stimulating you?”
Remus gave him a look. “Don’t you dare laugh.” He warned.
Sirius grinned back, barely holding in laughter.
“I’m seri...” Remus stopped, realizing his blunder. “Shit.”
Sirius started cracking up, saying through laughs, “No, I’m Sirius.”
Remus and Peter exchanged a look.
“You walked right into that one, my friend.”
The werewolf sighed, “I know.”
Across the field, Lily and James were finishing up their food. Lily was still munching on the last remnants of her meal while James was already done so he took the time to admire the beautiful girl that sat next to him. She was absolutely stunning. He already knew that but it wasn’t until recently that he had been able to admire her beauty up close.
As if she could sense his gaze she looked over at him, her eyes meeting his.
“What are you doing?” She asked in bewilderment.
“Gazing at the most amazing girl I have ever met and wondering how I managed to get her to agree to go on a date with me.”
She laughed, pushing playfully at his shoulder. “Flatterer.”
“I mean it.” He insisted.
She ducked her head down in embarrassment, “Thank you.”
Lily shifted a bit to look out into the distance at the Black Lake, the sun shimmering on the surface.
Staring into her beautiful green eyes he couldn’t help but ask, “Lils?”
She looked over at him, “Yes, Jamie?”
“Were your eyes always this wonderful?” He asked, with a dazed expression on his face.
Her cheeks flushed a deep pink, “You are the first person to say that besides mum & dad.”
“Does your sister not like them?” He asked, puzzled at how anybody could stare into her gorgeous emerald eyes and not think they were absolutely stunning.
“No, she thinks they are ugly.” Lily admitted.
“She needs to get her eyes checked.”
Lily giggled.
“No, I’m being serious.” James said earnestly.
“That’s sweet of you.”
Lily smiled inwardly, ever since she had finally said yes to going on a date he had been acting over the moon. Flowers had appeared at her door every morning with a handwritten note that always had some compliment or, occasionally, a quote. She had been quite amused and very touched when she discovered that he had been asking Remus for recommendations and had even created a list of the ones that reminded him the most of her.
He was always being sweet to her, offering to carry things for her. While he had never been known to particularly care about getting to class on time he was frequently late because he always walked with her to class and somehow left his class early to arrive right when hers got out.
Her friends joked about how they were attached at the hip but she couldn’t be happier. Maybe it was too soon to know but she had a feeling that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together. When she looked over at him she could see herself marrying him, starting a family, and growing old together.
She ruffled his dark hair, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He looked up at her with a smile. A smile that earned himself yet another kiss, this one was a bit longer.
From a ways away came a few hoots. Laughing, they both turned to look at where Remus, Sirius, and Peter sat. James casually flipped them off before slipping a hand into Lily’s hair to pull her face towards his, kissing her again. They eventually pulled apart, but Lily sidled up closer and laid her head down on his shoulder, both of them looking out into the horizon at the sun starting to fall behind the mountains. They would eventually have to pack up and return to the castle but for now they simply enjoyed the mostly peaceful May evening side by side, wishing that they could just stay there in that moment together forever.
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furiousgoldfish · 8 hours
I've noticed that when living with other people (roommates), I easily get stressed to the point of panic and mortification, if there's a tense silence in the air, and nobody is talking to me or reacting positively to my attempts to communicate. This very often is the situation, since I'm living with roommates I don't know well, and who do not have any incentive to be friendly, or are generally just not very polite people. It is normal and fine that we all stick to our own business and ignore each other. But it gets me stressed and I find myself feeling like I am despised by them, even if they don't do anything to me, or complain about me at all.
I'm generally feeling more relaxed with the rare roommates who are more social and accept my invitations to watch a movie, or go to a walk together, or just have a conversation; suddenly it's all okay and I can go on without second-guessing if something is extremely wrong. But this is rare and most of the time I can't count on it.
I believe that this is happening because of the past 'shunning' or 'the silent treatment' abuse tactic, I believe the two are very similar. Shunning is generally something that happens within a cult; when a certain member is 'disobedient', which means, they question something, complain about something, try to do something against the rules (which is in reality a completely normal thing to do), or just find themselves at the wrong side of the leaders, they'll be shut out from any and all communications. Other members will not be allowed to look at them, talk to them, help them, they'll sometimes be forced to preform some humiliating activity or be isolated and locked up until they've managed to 'redeem themselves' (whenever the leaders decide it's been enough and the shunned member is unlikely to 'misbehave' again). The function of this is to not only stop the victimized member from being allowed to think and act freely, but also to scare everyone else who starts thinking into the 'forbidden direction', they will not dare to voice it seeing someone being punished so harshly for that same behaviour. The victim will feel completely alone against the world, despised, and eventually they'll be forced to say that they're in the wrong, even if their original 'crime' was something completely normal, logical and human.
I believe that the 'silent treatment' is almost the same thing, only it's happening in more intimate setting, within the victim and the abuser directly. It usually happens after the abuser does an act of abuse, or the victim does something that is perfectly okay and normal but the abuser wants them to not be able to do that, that's when they start the 'silent treatment', to convince the victim they're in the wrong, they're responsible for whatever just went down, and they now need to suffer the consequences, which is the abuser withholding any attention, affection, familiarity or communication from them. It usually happens after the victim has already been isolated from everyone else they could rely on, so it means the victim is effectively cut off from the world. The victim will usually be stuck in this isolation, rejection and neglect until the abuser decides they want or need something, or until they apologize, accept blame, and promise to be 'obedient' to the abuser. It's a slow method of brainwashing, convincing someone they deserve a painful punishment for doing nomal things, that the abuser doesn't like, or just to convince them to take responsibility for the abuse that the abuser did out of their own volition.
And my parents did that a lot. I would often be subjected to assault, I never knew exactly why, only that my father was in a bad mood, and then all of the family members would not look at me, talk to me, give me food, they would be angry and glaring if I as much as went outside of my room. The message was clear; I was responsible for the abuse, I needed to feel guilty, ashamed, humbled, I needed to accept that the violence was deserved, that it was my fault. I needed to apologize, repent, and be aware that because I caused all this, I was disgusting and monstrous to my entire family to the extent they couldn't even look at me. It was a pretty insane farce to isolate and shun a child because the father is violent and assaults the child, and we all needed to pretend this is 100% child's fault, and father was in fact, forced to do it because the child is just, so bad (wow I feel so sorry for him, if only he could control his own actions, how sad that a child completely controls an adult in this fantasy).
(And the child is controlling the adult in the way that forces adult to assault the child, thats the exact thing children want from adults for sure. Not, I don't know, candy and freedom. For sure a child would use control to force assault.)
When this was going on, I did feel like every person in the world hates me, and like I was some sort of a monster who couldn't be looked at without disgust. I felt like every part of me was horrifying and ugly, and sometimes it messed with me so much, I felt like even the furniture in the house hated me. I would shut myself in my room and I felt like even the bed and the chair and the desk were hostile, angry, and wanted me to not exist anymore. There was no escape.
I didn't realize until now, but it's possible that every time my roommates are cold, ignoring me, rejecting my friendliness, I might be re-living that feeling of being shunned again. It's not like after living that life for so long, I can just be normal and okay with being ignored and treated with silence again. One of my roommates was leaving the other day, and since the stakes are no longer existent, I asked them if they hated me the entire time, because they sometimes wouldn't even greet me. They told me 'no, I was exhausted from having to socialize at work, by the time I got home I didn't have the energy to look at anyone'. Which was of some comfort, but not something I would assume. They basically had no complaints, but I felt like I was being despised most of the time. I hope I can eventually be normal about this. Suffering for no reason is not helpful. But I also don't know if any person as isolated as me would be bothered by being ignored and rejected, and not shown basic politeness, and my painful experience of it is maybe normal and not that odd. I just get to have extra pain because it's triggering.
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jackiesrabbit · 2 days
ten things i love about you
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jackie taylor x gn!reader
warnings: the french language, cringe gross stuff i can't believe resulted from my mind...
when you had heard that your long time crush of three years was in desperate need of a french tutor by the time senior year rolled around, you were ecstatic at the thought of being able to spend time with the damsel in distress known as jackie taylor.
only problem? you didn't know french. who knew taking latin would come back to bite you in the ass. puer vita tua, am i right?
she said before senior year, though, and that was three months away. that gave you the perfect amount of time to learn everything up until french four for her! you were already ecstatic at the thought of no school, but now you were even more grateful for the free time you were presented with.
you spent the next coupla months learning the language. it was difficult, because why the fuck were their different genders for a chair? but it would be worth it when you smoothly slid up on the first day of school offering your compétences to jackie taylor. she would swoon over you, you just knew it.
you walked through the halls on the first day feeling pretty grand. you weren't the best at french, but you were good enough to offer your services to jackie. when you spotted jackie with shauna, you didn't hesitate to approach. you and shauna had gone to the same summer camp a couple of years ago, so you were familiar with her presence.
"jackie?" you had said, a small smile on your face as you watch the girl to turn around and meet your gaze.
when you explained that you overheard her talking about how she needed a french tutor, you nearly had a heart attack when her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. oh, god, she had mentioned this one thing months ago. you've never experienced such silence, until shauna quickly said that she had talked to you about helping her out, that's why you were mentioning it.
anyone who said shauna was a dick was a liar, this was proof.
jackie didn't hesitate to take you up on your offer, free french lessons wasn't something she was gonna pass up, especially since she knew she wasn't going to pass her senior year without a little help, even if she was confused on why somebody in latin was helping her with french.
to say your charisma was nonexistent would be the truth, you had never been so nervous when she came over to your house for the first time. not only did you trip on your way to open the door, but you tripped on your way upstairs trying to take her to your room.
she found it quite endearing the way you stuttered over your words, the way you nervously mispronounced a word in french that was supposed to be taught in french one, in eighth grade. gosh, it really was cute the way you were trying so hard to help her achieve a passing grade for the class. she couldn't afford to fail the class a third time, and despite your incoherent explanations, you really did help her out.
you became more lax around her after a while, no longer nervous at here mere presence. eventually, you guys became friends. you'd even wait for her while she practiced, going over your notes before she got off.
tutoring sessions three times a week turned into her spending every saturday at your house, with an occasionally present shauna. shauna was your wingman throughout all this, a silent understanding between you two. she knew that you knew that she knew about your crush on jackie.
jackie wasn't all that observant, you started to get nervous that maybe she was ignoring the signs. but, just like with french, she just didn't pay attention. she was pleasantly surprised when you asked her to spring fling. it took quite a push from shauna to ask, but you eventually did manage to ask with only a week left before the dance.
you had even asked her in french, and after a long six months, she finally understood the language.
(hey saachi please don't immediately message me about this i'm nervous 😿)
a/n this entire fic was to portray ooc shauna shipman and make her seem a lot better in my mind (#stopshipmanhate.)
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lucy90712 · 23 hours
I love your writing!!!! I wanted to ask if you could write a story where the reader is a famous actress and has a crush on Carlos and decides to watch a tennis match, but you didn't expect that Carlos also has a crush on you, he's already watched all your films and the whole team know this
Carlos' POV
"Who was your first celebrity crush?" The interviewer asked 
"I honestly don't remember I remember having a few but I can't think of one right now" I answered 
"Can you give us a recent one?" They then asked 
"God this is embarrassing hopefully she won't see this but y/n is definitely one I love everything she's been in" I admitted 
"That is a lot of people's answers so you aren't alone in that" the interviewer laughed 
Your POV
"We know you are very much into sport you are often seen at football matches and f1 or motogp races but a few days ago you posted yourself playing tennis is this another sport to add to the list" the interviewer asked me 
"Definitely I love tennis I can't watch as much of it as all of the grand slams seem to be when I'm really busy but I try my best to watch as many matches as I can I also love to play tennis it's become my favourite thing to do after I get off set in the evenings" I answered 
"Do you have favourite players?" I was then asked 
"I do I like Sabalenka and Coco Gauff and I love to watch Carlos Alcaraz I always try and watch his matches even if it's late I'll stay up and watch him play" I said 
"Have you ever been to a tennis match?" The interviewer asked 
"I haven't yet but I'm hoping to make it to one this year I think I will be in London at the same time as Wimbledon so hopefully I will have some free days to be able to go and watch a few matches" I answered 
After my interview saying that I love tennis and would love to go and watch a match at Wimbledon one of the organisers contacted my manager and offered me tickets to centre court for a day. Of course I had to say yes but I couldn't make any day in the first week as I had it be on set every day but I have a few days off during the second week so they gave me tickets to the day with the best matches on. One of those matches happened to be involving Carlos Alcaraz which is the one I'm most excited to watch as I can't lie I have a bit of a crush on him which I didn't mention in that interview as I didn't want him finding out. 
Usually I'm not supposed to go to events like this on my own, my manger likes to arrange security to come with me or makes sure I have a friend with me but this time I insisted that I go alone as I want to experience everything properly. Even if there is a lot of people around who might want pictures I don't care I just want to take it all in without someone stopping me from doing some things. The one thing I couldn't get out of was having someone drive me there and wait for me to leave but I'm ok with that compromise as it's for my safety and I'm still free to roam around Wimbledon all day. 
First thing this morning I had a meeting but by lunchtime I was free to go so I grabbed some food and then got the person driving me to head to Wimbledon. Heading inside the grounds were spectacular there was so many flowers and every green space was perfectly maintained. It wasn't long before people started to notice me and I had fans coming up asking for photos and lots of photographers trying to take pictures of me. Most of the time I try and avoid all of this attention but today I don't mind as I'm just so happy to be here and be able to watch the best tennis players in the world play.
I spent a while walking around looking at all the courts and just exploring before I headed to centre court to watch my first match. My seat was right behind one of the player boxes which meant I got to listen to the instructions they gave to help the players below. I had so much fun watching the match that I didn't even really pay attention to the score but Swiatek won in straight sets then it was time to prepare for the next match which is the one I'm looking forward to the most. There is quite a gap between matches to allow people to leave and get drink and to prepare the court but I stayed put wanting to see everything. One of the perks of getting given tickets is that I've ended up in the vip area so they have been bringing out drinks and snacks which means I really don't have to leave. 
While waiting for the next match to start I decided to actually look at my phone and of course there is lots of pictures from today but I ignored most of those and just looked at what my friends have been up to and what has been going on on set as I like to know what they are filming. After scrolling for a minute I came across a video of Carlos from an interview with Wimbledon so it must be recent so I watched it. They asked him a lot of questions then they asked about his celebrity crush which is when I heard my name so I had to rewind it to make sure I wasn't imagining things. I wasn't hearing things Carlos actually named me as his celebrity crush I mean sure he could be lying but it sure seemed like he was being genuine which has me feeling so much more nervous about watching him play. 
While I was freaking out people started to file back in and there was people starting to take their seats in the box in front of me. I wasn't really paying attention to who was walking in until I saw Juanki sit just a few rows in front of me which is when I realise all of Carlos' team were sat in front of me. I'm not sure if this is a dream or a nightmare there is so much going on in my head it feels like it's about to explode. There was still a bit of time until the match was due to start so I just tried to gather my thoughts but as I did that I made eye contact with Juanki who then climbed up the few rows to stand right in front of me. 
"Hi you are y/n the actress right?" He asked 
"Yes I am it's great to meet you you've done an incredible job coaching Carlos" I said trying to be nice 
"Thank you but he makes it easy" he laughed 
"I wanted to ask you if you are free after this match to come and meet Carlos I know he loves your shows and would love to meet you" he said 
"Yeah I would love to do that I'm a big fan of his tennis so I'd love to meet him" I said 
"Great after the match you can follow us out of here and we can sort things out" he said 
With that he went back to his seat leaving me to watch the match while thinking about the fact that in just a few hours I'm going to meet Carlos. Most people would think that because I'm an actress I'm fine with meeting new people but the thought of meeting Carlos who is someone I admire as an athlete as well as thinking he's extremely attractive is nerve wracking. That being said this match can't finish quick enough as I'd love to talk to him and find out what he's like as a normal person and not the tennis player. 
The match was long but Carlos won in four sets and is through to the quarter finals. Once he won he had to do his interview on court and he looked up at his team and I'm convinced made eye contact but I couldn't keep looking as I got nervous. Once he left the court his team started to leave but Juanki stayed and helped me climb over the little wall between my seat and the box and then showed me the way out of the stands. We ended up in a very official seeming building as there was lots of staff and security as well as a few other players then we went down a corridor that had security at the end checking people's passes so Juanki had to assure them that I was with them and eventually they let me through. Juanki led me to a room that had some tables and chairs as well as a few other people I recognised from Carlos' box and told me that Carlos would be here as soon as he's done his media commitments. 
Waiting there made me so nervous it was like I was back on the set of my first big shoot all over again. That day I was nervous that I'd mess up in front of the many seasoned actors and make myself look like a fool but today I'm nervous that I won't be the way Carlos expects me to be. That's something I often struggle with everyone expects me to be a certain way and I always struggle with trying to live up to the high expectations but I'm hoping that by just being myself I won't disappoint. 
After waiting for around half an hour Carlos walked in and looked right at me so I just smiled as I didn't really know what else to do. Our little staring contest went on for a few seconds before I decided to get up and greet him before things got too awkward. As I walked over he started to smile too which made me feel slightly less nervous. 
"Hi congrats on the win you did great out there" I said not really knowing what else to say 
"Thank you I can't believe you watched my match" he said clearly thinking out loud 
"Well I love tennis and you are one of my favourite players so it was an honour to get to watch you play" I said 
"It's so cool to actually meet you in person I think I've watched everything you've been in and made others watch you are an incredible actress" he complimented 
"You haven't seen that awful vampire movie I did right my acting was awful in that it was so awkward" I laughed 
"I have seen it I thought you were great not the best thing you've been in though" he smiled 
After that our conversation flowed a lot easier we sat down together and just got to know each other. We talked about how he got into tennis and how much of his life is dedicated to it and about my career and what it's like working all around the work and with so many different actors. We also got to know each other on a more personal level which was really nice as in our careers you don't really get to know people properly so it's nice to make a human connection not a networking connection. He was so lovely and we got along really well to the point that we didn't notice how much time had gone by until the sun started shining right into our faces as it was setting outside. Both of us have busy days tomorrow so we really had to get back to our normal lives if we want to get enough sleep for tomorrow. 
Before we left his team wanted to take pictures of us together and we both agreed as we both know that those posts will get a lot of interaction as we have mentioned each other in interviews before. He also asked for my number so that we could keep in contact which I was happy to give him as I'd really like to keep getting to know each other. Him and his team walked with me back to my car to make sure I was ok but then they left me and Carlos to say goodbye to each other. He took the initiative and gave me a hug and kissed my cheek as he did so which had me blushing like crazy which I was a bit embarrassed about until I noticed he also had a pink tint on his cheeks. 
We said one last goodbye to each other before I got in the car and taken back to my hotel so I could eat dinner and go to bed. While I got myself ready for bed I scrolled on my phone and of course my picture with Carlos had been posted on his account and then reposted to Wimbledon's account. Of course I had to repost his post to my story which I know will make my fans crazy as I was with a guy but I don't care I had fun today. Right before I went to bed Carlos sent me a text saying that he enjoyed our conversation and asked me to contact him if I'm free at any time both of us are still here so we can spend some more time together which made me smile as I thought about when I have time off over the next week or so. 
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bloomingbluebell · 2 months
me: i don't have executive functioning problems. i'm handling things perfectly fine!
me: *ignoring the growing pile of tasks and chores that i have not done*
me: *gets home after one (1) class and lays down for 5-6 hours*
me: perfectly fine
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unloneliest · 7 months
the problem of the matter is i did internalize so much of what ex friend believed about me. even though i knew he was wrong and knew what was happening and tried to stop it and if i took more action to stop it would have been abusing power i held in a way i couldn't live with myself for.
#A BAD PERSON TRYING TO RUIN YOUR LIFE WOULD'VE GOTTEN YOU FIRED AND EVICTED IN WINTER IN ALASKA YOU MOTHERFUCKER. WHICH I DID NOT DO#he was renting a room from my dad. for cheaper than he wouldve been able to find anywhere else. his brother was too#his brother didn't pay rent for over 6 months and my dad just forgave him the debt because my dad knew how much of a difference it wouldve#made when he was that age. and i had told him ex friend was family to me & my dad applied that to the brother too. bc he is a good person.#and one of the strongest parts of my support system. and i didn't say a word to him about what was happening until i knew he already had a#plan for when he would be ending ex friend's lease. so there would be no subconscious impact on ex friend's housing either#mgmt at work straight up asked me if i thought ex friend should be fired immediately multiple times and i'm in retrospect livid they put me#in that position but told them to go by the strike system in the employee handbook and to follow policy that ex friend knew perfectly. that#it couldn't be on me as acting assistant manager to choose#and after 10 months of workplace harassment i got a different job to save my life. ex friend didn't get fired.#he did saw trap shit to my brain!!!!!! jesus christ#he moved cross country to live with his long time gf he called his wife despite never having met irl. to a way more conservative state.#despite being gay. and she left him this summer lol#hadn't checked his twitter in over a year when it got pulled up frm an old link and i saw that. and when he was already at a low point too#me voice. oh no who could've seen this coming. from how you behave in every relationship in your life#may delete this in the morning. but i have to talk about it sometimes#i'm never reaching out for closure both bc he wouldn't give me any and because i know it would trigger him and i don't intentionally trigge#people. unlike him :)#vampire pit#like. i have to talk about it sometimes. i have to talk about it.#jam posts
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bylertruther · 2 years
ok tinhat time i kno shut up but.. hear me out.
u kno how the mind flayer is made up of dark particles? and how will could feel it everywhere? and it likes it cold?
and u remember how the teens used the light particles to communicate through the lights? and how they said they felt "good"?
what if... those light particles... are another creature, maybe a different type of mind flayer / flayer-kin? but maybe this one isn't evil, and that's why they can communicate through to the other side with it and why it feels "good" to touch?
what if... those light particles, whatever they may be, are what helped will to communicate in s1? which could maybe explain why he was able to manipulate the lights like that, since it clearly couldn't have been in the same way the teens did? (and maybe they even had something to do with how he shaped the upside down and why his powers are related to it but not present in his realm? smth smth abt hiding from henry in the light + will is good at hiding + el saying that will is hiding in s1)
what if... vecna, the dark wizard, uses dark particles to fight in the name of evil... and will, the light wizard, uses light particles to fight in the name of good... what if 🤔
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
today should be a t break day
bc I'll need it to be more effective in the coming days if we see family, and then I'll have the survey shifts
but since late last night i keep randomly nearly breaking into tears and thinking abt the stupidest shit that needs to stay in the box in my brain
so idk. maybe it will be. it is thus far. but I'm not leaving my room without a container of some edible or another in my pocket either
#text post#no idea where the fuck this came from and it kept me up until fucking four in the fucking morning#but only NEARLY crying my body/brain still won't let me FULLY cry#and i did email my prior doc with a 'can i ask u just abt this one current symptom and if it is abt what i think & ill send u 20 bucks even'#she said no to the twenty bucks but said yeah it does sound like my ptsd has been triggered by multiple things over the last year#and the not being able to cry is a part of it. my body's trying to protect me from feeling anything abt it and breaking down#and part of that means not letting the tears fall so there's no physical acknowledgement of any feelings#which is what i was thinking was going on but it's nice to confirm it with someone who knows their shit#doesn't fix it but at least i know.#the thing is that the triggers are like. good? bc im in a healthier safer environment now with ppl that don't do what my mum & fam do to me#but it means my brain is learning just how much of a lot of it Wasn't Normal and was actually Pretty Harmful and that's.#i want my brain to just accept and get over that already tbh. okay so that's the case it doesn't change anything????#why are we still thinking abt it and having feelings over it at this point bc that feels like a waste of time#there are no apologies I'll get for things that happened from when i was younger and there's no closure it just Is What It Is#I'm tired of even wanting to cry over it when I'd rather be throwing myself into making money & being productive art-wise#it manages to interrupt so many fucking facets of my life like#whatever. anyway considering a music au new draft where ed and izzy meet seth. and immediately offer to kill him for Pickles aksnsjfnfgj
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theood · 24 days
Have to a call a job place back and it's giving me.so much fucking dread to do it
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beelzzzebub · 1 month
three months until i get to go back to school. i can deal with three months.
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skeleton-keychain · 3 months
Eldest daughter syndrome (is that a term?) sure is a thing...
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raspberrybluejeans · 1 year
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szczekaczz · 6 months
i need to get normal
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