#i'm not done talking about kanon there a lot to say about him...
diedraechin · 2 years
Io has been editing like gangbusters! And actually is indeed almost done with editing the next chapter (reminder, only half of what was going to be the next chapter).
Which means it's time for another sneak peek. I'm thinking: "Yuuri introduces LOVE-ly to Murata and his boyfriend". I was thinking about "Viktor opens his birthday present", but then that would ruin the surprise of what's in the box, and I don't want to be too spoilery in these sneak peeks.
Yuuri gave her a curious look, but Yuuko just waved it off — she didn’t want him worrying about her — so he turned to his friends. “LOVE-ly, you’ve already met Yuu-chan briefly before. This is Murata Akira, silver medalist in Men’s, and…” He paused, since he hadn’t yet met Shiga himself.
“Shiga Ichiro. It’s so very nice to meet you.” Shiga-san bowed quite low while the girls gave him their best cute, media-ready smiles.
“This is Noda Haruka, Yoshida Fumika, Ito Erika, Isobe Satomi, and… Kanon.” Yuuri paused with a frown, digging his toepick into the ice. “I’m not being weird. I’m not supposed to use her last name. I probably should have gone with just first names for everyone, but too late now.”
Laughing, Kanon shook her head and stepped forward. “It’s fine, Yuu-kun.” She looked at the new arrivals, her smile a bit more genuine now. “I just don’t use my last name professionally. It’s very nice to meet you all.” She bowed alongside the rest of the group before looking over at Yuuri. “You’re getting better, Yuu-kun. One day you might actually be good at this.”
Yuuri shook his head. “Where is the bubbly? Keiko told me last night that your personality type was cute and bubbly. I was expecting bubbly.”
Shiga-san stepped forward. “Kanon-chan is cute and bubbly, Katsuki-san, but Kanon-chan also has a secret mysterious side.” His expression was so earnest that Yuuko had to hide her blossoming smile behind her hand. The excitement at meeting some of his favorite idols was definitely evident.
By contrast, Yuuri’s expression was unreadable: he looked straight down at the ice for a second before turning his attention to Kanon. “Is ‘mysterious’ code for ‘skipped a handshake event because you weren’t happy with what the producers did with that one single and decided to fix it yourself’?” he stage-whispered.
“No. It’s code for ‘I don’t use my last name’.” Kanon replied, smiling at him.
Yuuri hummed. “I thought you didn’t use your last name because your mother is the head of a legal department for a multinational.”
Kanon lifted one shoulder in a delicate shrug. “There is that, since my mother was hoping I’d get the modeling and singing nonsense out of my system and settle down and go to university after I graduated from Fukuzawa. But we all know that was never going to happen. So now it’s just ‘mysterious’.” She tilted her head to the side and gave him a small smile. “Don’t you think I’m a little mysterious, Yuu-kun?”
From where she was standing, it was easy for Yuuko to tell that Yuuri was biting the inside of his cheek to try and stop blurting out his initial reaction. “Well, it’s probably a better defining type than just ‘bubbly’. I mean, bubbly? How is ‘bubbly’ at all related to argumentative?” he remarked, forcing Sattan and Erika to hide their giggles behind their respective hands.
Kanon pursed her lips and drew in a deep breath. “I’m argumentative? You’re the one who is so competitive that–”
“Would the two of you stop?” Haruka-chan cut Kanon off, shaking her head before turning to smile at Yuuko. The rest of LOVE-ly were still tittering, but Haruka-chan seemed to be pretending that they weren’t. “Yuu-kun has told us a lot about you, Yuuko-san. It’s very nice to see you again.”
Yuuri groaned. “I hate this sort of small talk, and now I’m no longer allowed to argue with Kanon-chan about what exactly makes her 'mysterious' because No-chan says so. I’d rather skate and leave you all to talk or whatever, so that is what I’m going to do. No-chan, if you all wanted to be super nice to me since I’m doing you a favor… Shiga-san might like a photo or autograph or something. You know, idol-y things. じゃあね 。(Ja ne)” Yuuri took off before anyone could say something to stop him, skating straight for the far end of the rink.
However, Kanon apparently had one more thing to say, leaning forward onto her toes and calling out at a volume that Yuuri couldn’t hope to miss, “Does anyone have a one hundred yen coin? I need to test a hypothesis.” This sent Yuuri spinning on his skates to stare at the lot of them, his face suddenly an astonishing shade of crimson.
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dreamcrush · 7 months
7, 9, 15! -🌹
7. Did you have a romantic relationship with anyone? Who? Or who would you have liked to have been in a romantic relationship with?
i think most of my canons i'm in relationships or had crushes... which can definitely be hard to handle when you're an idol and you're really not supposed to be doing that, especially not publicly. as koga i have a few different canons, but my main two are one where i ended up quite literally. marrying rei. which was kind of weird to navigate as far as the fanbase goes and stuff. or in a different one i was in a not-super-subtle-but-also-not-public-or-confirmed-but-heavily-speculated-upon relationship with ritsu. or as mika i was in a relationship with shu, shying away from enstars as chisato (bandori) i was in a relationship with kanon that i could by no means let anyone find out about, especially my managers... so full of love and for what if i may not show it... - 🏹
oh hey cheri talked about our shared canons ahahe- well yes as rei since i was with koga we were not super... public about it for a while. we had a lot to deal with from both my family, his family, and like eventually our own child so i didnt want to mess anything up badly especially for public appearances. once things were more settled and easier to navigate we were more public about it! and then as shu, i of course was with mika but again not public about it for as long as i could. i just don't like to merge personal life with art a lot but after le temps des fleurs and things i decided to slowly start being a bit more open about things and realized personal life and art could mix into something even more beautiful. (others i'll answer in other asks) - 🪽
9. Did you have a specific person you considered a rival or enemy? Did you end up becoming friends?
in my main natsume canon everybody was an enemy for the most part, after the sorts of things that he’s been through it’s hard to really find trust in people. more specifically there are some examples, like mao. he was in trickstar and was considered their “magician” so to speak. as the school’s specialist in magic, you could say i felt a bit threatened by that. i constantly felt like i had to outdo him and assert myself lest all of my work be for naught. eventually we’re friends to a degree though, that didn’t always happen. - 🏹
eichi for rei omg. he just inserted himself as my rival as sorts and i didn't mind too much of course until things got worse and i really hated him for a little. things did calm down though and we became more of like healthy rivals/friends. he wasn't a bad person by any means , not that i ever thought he was. but i did need time to better understand him as a person. - 🪽
15. Was being an idol difficult? Is there anything that you would have done differently looking back?
yeah it's difficult. i'm not... one to think too hard about regrets and things i wish i could have done differently because well. the past is the past in the end. but it's hard regardless. relationships are hard. relationships with other idols are hard. your relationship with your fans and with yourself and "who even are you?" is hard. being viewed as an object to be consumed and idolized instead of as a person most of the time, having to force yourself through personal struggles because no matter what you have to go perform on stage at the end of the day regardless of if you're feeling well or not, being separated from your humanity in a way. it's rough buddy. - 🏹
yeah oh my god. expectations from the people around you, the industry, fans, companies, everything. it's hard to have any relationships outside of work too. like cheri said too just identity is hard and especially when you already have disorders! lots of other mental health issues and feeling like you're treated not really as a person it sucks. - 🪽
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whenthechickencry · 11 months
Umineko EP3. Replay Part 4
God damn, they went weirdly hard in this scene on console.
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I don't really have a lot to say about this scene other than it''s really goofy to compare how Yasu used magic to how Tohya does lmfaoooo
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He's just throwing an actual tantrum omg I remembered him leaving but not him literally crying at Beatrice
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you are so bad at lying
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Nanjo on panic mode when they actually check her corpse lmfao.
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I also don't really have a lot to say about this scene - it's a good scene made to help you understand the world after a lot of people gave up in episode 2, it is said by Virgilia because that is someone whose words you trust right now, it's also a little boring to get explained stuff like this again on reread lol.
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Eva is an accomplice this time so she should know about Kinzo's situation so I am pretty sure she is just fucking with Natsuhi as she does in episode 1 - though I guess she might have also been recruited later when shes just kind of walking around solving the epitaph.
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Of course, the trick here is just to leave everything prepared except the first and last rooms where Shakannon are, and Shannon would run from the first room to the last one after her corpse was discovered... the fact that they left the master keys is pretty risky though, they could have decided to not follow the order at any time and fucked things over....
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Battler immediately figures it out too!
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I imagine Beatrice was a bit hesitant to use this since it might be above Battler's grade, though I think the fact she did shows she trusts his intelligence more than before.
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This is probably one of the first times you see Beatricce really flair around - Battler is off the trail by now but she still has to figure out a way to word things without saying things that give her away! It's pretty exciting to read even knowing the solution.
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This is a cute line haha. I think it shows that even if he has improved a lot he still has a lot to learn - after all pushing on Kanon is actually what he should have done in that game even if 'Kanon' isn't the culprit!
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Team Beato is freaking out here, rightfully so! One wrong word to this repetition request and she either gives her game away or makes the mystery basically unsolvable!
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You can tell by now they are really having fun together lmfao. Ronove realizes how difficult the situation is and asks for time.
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Um, ah that's a way to interpret that interaction Rosa, though maybe she meant it sarcastically.
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These are the hints they are talking about Taiwan, though there when they start talking about the symbol for Maria's name and stuff is where I kind of went "no way I'm getting the answer to this" when I first read it lol
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I imagine Kinzo didn't like that since it gave 2 possible hints to the puzzle - you could link village to Maria as stated and then you could link 'Maria' to the church and give a kind of shortcut to the answer.... also I guess everyone is in agreement Maria was disliked by Kinzo even though he probably met her like, 3 times tops after she was a baby. It's kind of interesting how both of Yasu's games had her assume the family wouldn't even bother solving the epitaph - but as soon as someone with an idea of what actually happened writes a story suddenly the family cares!
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This line always makes me chuckle - especially Natsuhi's ???
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It's a bit funny how they just spell out what they will do later and yet it still feels like a betrayal somehow, doesn't it? I think it's trying to make you lie to yourself so you understand a bit more about why people choose to live in magic. Also these lines pretty much spell out Beatrice motivations - to make Battler accept her.
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I think by this point Eva was probably already recruited - I think she wouldn't be this bold and remark about how she isn't scared of the culprit otherwise.
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Interesting how Eva knows this! I kind of assumed she sincerely thought her stupid - but I guess this makes sense! There's a reason why she asked her for help specifically earlier!
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Woah that's a line I didn't expect lol - I guess it shows how Eva's spite for others is also her feelings of insecurity.
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Seeing Eva break is kind of cute - I guess I would too if the thing I wanted since I was born but was always denied would be given to me magically!
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The way the game plays the creepy music before switching to Happiness of Marionette I think really highlights how this huge amount of gold being found will just lead to greed and not actually anything good...
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Kinda funny how this is the opposite conclusion Eva seems to have gotten in her actual, real, life after Rokkenjima.
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Man, this family is so fucked.
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Guess this time Yasu told Eva this was a prank too - I wonder if she gave Eva any hints about the epitaph on her way as well.... also this entire scene is really tense as you can tell they are both ready to kill each other as soon as negoations break off. Also if Eva just wasn't destroyed by her greed and actually told the siblings there wouldn't be any more murders by Yasu - but I am sure the siblings would uh. Figure something out between themselves anwyasy.
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Of course, the purpose of this scene is to get you thinking into what makes someone a witch. If the Golden power was granted to Eva upon finding the room, how did the original Beatrice get it?
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The sponsorship system is interesting - in reality, it was probably something Yasu made up to play with Maria.... though there is a lot you can say about Lambdadelta and Bern based on who they sponsor but I'll probably have more to say about it later.
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It's kind of funny how many things you can imagine this line is referencing (or a combination of things) from Takano's efforts to get her grandfather acknowledged, to Satoko's efforts at improving herself for Satoshi to Satoko's efforts to trap Rika in GouSotsuMeguri - I don't really have a very well developed theory on WTC as a series since I read things wildly out of order and am a rather new fan and didn't even finish Ciconia yet - but that's part of the reason I am rereading now.
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okay 1. Kotoko let's face it someone was gonna call you that eventually Komaru or Kanon weren't even the only person you've done that to. 2. how do you know about that? Did you have cameras on that train Utsugi?
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Wh-What the hell, what gives you the right to say that crap to me! She told me that it wasn't reco-!
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Not recorded? Hmph, for someone that was one of Monaca's little followers, you sure are an idiot; we saw what you did and knowing you, you probably wanted this to happen.
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You...you weren't suppose to see that, it...it wasn't suppose to happen...
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Then probably it's a good thing we did see that, so you better stay the hell away from me and Kanae if you know what's good for you, you molester and thanks to your actions I had adults actually try to kill me, and the fact I had to rely on rapist says a lot...
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...I...I was-!
???: Hey...
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*standing there was Masashi* Oh...it's you...
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Rui, can you stop talking with Kotoko and show the others the weapons, I think given your skills - they might need to learn.
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Huh? Masashi, I thought you were gonna teach them...
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I was but as say, I do need help so maybe go help them, I'll come later.
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Hm yeah, okay then! *Rui walks away as Masashi walks over to Kotoko*
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...What do you want?
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I heard some shouting and came over, I heard some of it...
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I'm... sorry that he say that stuff, Rui and his sister were attack by child hating-adults in the past due to what you and your friends did, he hasn't gotten over it.
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Yeah, I can tell... seems everyone has an issue with me, I'm not even sure why; I...I thought what I did 2 chicks wasn't recorded, did... did Monaca record me...?
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Wouldn't be surprise as Japanese subways do have cameras in them so she has proof but Rui isn't wrong about seeing the footage, the whole shelter knows about it.
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Which... maybe you shouldn't try to confront Kota.
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Wh-What...? But why...?
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Because I know him well enough he would use that footage against you, if the residents discover that you were there then he'll do everything to make Future Foundation much worse.
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Unless you want to make things difficult then I recommend you don't confront him as much as you want to.
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madmachaca · 4 years
Why didn't Saga look for Kanon after he had killed Shion, framed Aioros as a traitor and took control of the Santuary?
The answer would probably be "because Kanon was not there anymore".
But didn't Kanon stayed days locked up? Amd if we take this scene as reference:
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We can tell the conversation between the two were Kanon reveled his master evil plan was AFTER Shion has choosen his successor. I like to imagine tnis conversation took place mainly because Saga came to his brother to tell him the news, and Kanon knew that not-so-deep down Saga wanted that position, he could probably tell his big brother was dissapointed (despite acknowledging Aioros worth), so he shares his plan...and Saga hates it.
Now, I also believe it is very likely that Kanon had an alternative version of the plan with the same overall outcome (Athena's death) parting from the possibility of Saga being choosen, he would probably suggest the infanticide of thr godess soon or later, but since that didn't happen and Aioros is noe the next pope, things change, and if Saga had listen to him, it would have been even better for Kanon.
Because nobody know they were twins, so nobody knew Kanon existed
(Some may argue "of course people knew he existed!! I don't think the Santuary would leep a boy hidden for years!! He just said they didn't now they were twins!!"
They are identical twins. It's very unlikely someone would meet a two people the same age who look exactly alike and be like "oh, I didn't realize you were twins". So I think that if other saints had seen Kanon before, he was likely pretending to be Saga. But I am getting side tracked... back to the post)
If they had followed Kanon's plan and killed Shion so Saga can pose as him, the gemini saint would have never gone missing, because Kanon would have taken his place.so we would have: 1. Saga posing as Shion, 2. Kanon posing as Saga, and (assuming Athena's rescue would go exaclty as it when im canon) 3. Aioros dead and framed as a traitor.
So that could have work, right?
No one could suspect if Saga of Saga was still protecting yhe gemini temple, right?
So, why then, didn't he go and save his younger brother from thay cold, wet cell?
Ideals, probably.
As strong as his evil side is and as much as he made him suffer, Saga was able to keep it in line and actually lead the Santuary well enough so people would respect him, even thought he knew he was doing wrong part of him believe he was right: Athena is a child that couldn't have protect anyone.
Kanon's plan was more classic super villian like "let's kill the pope, Athena, and then take over the world" which is pretty much what Saga did, but he probably thought Kanon wouldn't be satisfied, he would likely want more..
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Saga knew Kanon was a potentially great ally, but he also knew he was extremely dangerous, and Saga is the type of person who would leave his feelings aside to fulfill his mission/goals. He locked his brother up because he considered him to be a danger to Athena...and he left him there because he realized he would be a problem to his own plan
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danganronpa-21 · 5 years
Hope you don't mind me asking. I'm just curious. What exactly are your problems with Kiyo (besides him being a killer), Kokichi (besides him being basically a killer), and V3 as a whole?
Honestly, sometimes I forget that my opinions are on public display like that on my Amino/Instagram. Especially the Amino ones, cause those are sort of out of date.
Anyway, thanks for asking this question!
I do want to preface this by saying a little something though: My takes on V3 should not be taken as 100% valid! Why, you may ask? Well... confession time, I haven’t played all V3. At the time it came out, I was harshly disinterested. Rather than experiencing it for myself, I chose to read up on it and learn what happened for myself. I’ve never been someone who’s particularly bothered by spoilers (much to the chagrin of literally everyone I’ve ever known), so I didn’t think anything of it at the time. And when I looked in to it, I didn’t like what I read and thought that it was good that I didn’t bother playing it for myself. I felt this way for a long time, rejecting all V3 things, until eventually I was lovingly bullied in to picking up the game myself. So while there are aspects of V3 I have experienced beyond my readings, it’s not done in full for me at all yet, so there could be several gaps in my knowledge or just my feelings. Please don’t take everything I say as my one and only interpretation, because it’s true that many of the feelings I express in my answer could be subject to change. I recognize that these takes aren’t valid because I haven’t experienced the game in full. It’s the same as when someone criticizes Danganronpa 3 without having seen it themselves: sure, you know how it’s written so you have some thoughts on it... but it’s still best to experience it yourself to formulate your own opinions. That’s what I’m intending to do, but I haven’t gotten around to it fully yet... because it’s an experience I’m hoping to share, if I play my cards right.
Really though, if I am to explain the offences I have at the current level of V3 I am on, I would say that each of these three aspects of V3 are explained… probably more simplistically than one would expect. I see a lot of people who have these in-depth reasons as to why they feel so strongly about a certain aspect of Danganronpa, and while I can be that person sometimes… here, not so much. 
Besides being a killer, honestly Korekiyo just makes me uncomfortable. Like even beyond the incest thing, there’s something about him that absolutely puts me off. I tried watching his Free Time Events to see if I could stir up some love for him, but I found myself making any excuse to stop every five minutes. I can’t say that I like his design or his mannerisms, and his voice actor communicates Korekiyo’s creepiness well… but I couldn’t find it in me to get past to what some people would refer to as the softer, sweeter aspects of Kiyo. Even the anthropologist element couldn’t save Kiyo for me, and I honestly thought it might. I’ve taken a few anthropology classes myself and I think the topic in itself is interesting enough. However, hearing Kiyo talk about it just either felt boring or off-putting, and I can’t say that I one hundred percent know exactly why that I ended up feeling that way. I suppose it’s fair to say that anthropology is a rather broad topic, and that what Kiyo spoke of in his FTEs wasn’t exactly my point of interest. But if you jump away from the anthropological aspect of Korekiyo, I’m with the majority in saying that the incest thing just made me flat out uncomfortable. 
At this point you could absolutely argue that it’s unfair of me to slander Korekiyo for being incesty if another character I love is Kanon Nakajima, a girl who has extreme and obsessive romantic feelings for her first cousin. However, I would justify myself in saying that the primary reason why Kanon works for me and Korekiyo doesn’t all boils down to other aspects of character. Do I think it’s creepy the way Kanon talks about and acts around Leon? Yes, of course. But the thing about Kanon is that she manages to utilize her other traits to become likeable in spite of it. She has all kinds of other quirks and traits that exist outside of being Leon’s creepy cousin who’s in love with him. Her whole presence as a character isn’t for the sake of being chilling, whereas I find much of Korekiyo’s character is to be weird and unnerving. It’s easier to get behind Kanon because I feel like she’s not just madly in love with Leon, but rather has other parts to her existence that are meant to make her realistic outside of it. Korekiyo, while he does have additional character traits, seems to be crafted with the intention of being creepy. 
I also know that at this point some people would want to argue that I’ve judged Korekiyo all wrong because his sister manipulated him into loving her and he’s actually an abuse victim, and I won’t dispute them. Do I agree with them? I can’t say, because the interpretation itself is just that: interpretation. Just because another interpreted it that way doesn’t mean that I will interpret something the same way, and so on and so forth. But even the line between “is Korekiyo an abuse victim or not” is something that puzzles me, because otherwise, the wrong person could boil it down to the question of Korekiyo stooping down to the level of his abusive sister by manipulating and murdering Tenko and Angie (and just to be clear, this question is not something that I personally believe). And even if maybe that seems like a far-fetched interpretation that someone could draw, the suggestion that an abuse victim will turn out like their abuser makes me undeniably frustrated. It would send a message that I don’t feel is appropriate in the slightest, and play in to the fear that many real life abuse victims have. 
All in all, the way Korekiyo was constructed just doesn’t have what I would call the “Koto appeal”. They simply had a different Danganronpa player in mind when they were designing him, and that’s perfectly fine. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking Korekiyo, he’s just very far from my cup of tea.
Something like Kokichi, I would say.
Kokichi already gets a hard time from me because honestly… I don’t find I like characters who are just out to make the player’s life harder. It’s not even a “i’m bad at video games” thing, it’s just that I genuinely find myself frustrated with characters like Byakuya and Nagito sometimes because I’m just trying to do my job, how dare you be trying to screw me up, you little shit!
So he’s already got beef with me right there, especially being the one that’s so much more challenging to fight against than the others. The dude’s high jacking entire trials and you just have to sit there with an “I guess this happening” expression as you try to work out the problem. I already play Danganronpa on gentle because something about the game just makes my inner potato brain skyrocket to like 500%, so Kokichi is kind of a pain in the ass for me. Which I get he’s supposed to be, but I don’t like it. 
His character relationships don’t help me, either. While I am fully aware that it’s all an act, the insensitivity is still harmful to the people around him. Yes, he does have this put on for the sake of fulfilling this plan of his and preventing the others from mourning him when he eventually does die. Unfortunately that plan in itself is a problem for me too though, after seeing a fan reconstruction of his plot to avoid the deaths of Gonta and Miu. Which even if it was a necessary sacrifice, makes Kokichi feel slightly more cruel to me -- although I know some may think that it shouldn’t. The behaviour still just sits badly with me, not to mention that even if you consider the inklings of Kokichi being a good guy… I don’t feel as if I can say with confidence really anything about him. Which again falls back on to a personal writing problem with me, because I am entirely an audience who likes to know things. That’s part of the reason why I write fankid fic: because there are things that I like to know that Kodaka will not confirm nor deny for me. So I took matters in to my own hands in hopes of satisfying both myself and others with where things will go. But if I don’t feel like I know Kokichi and my only evidences of him are of him being a jerk, it doesn’t lead me to like him very much.
Which is also what throws me for a loop with Danganronpa V3 as a whole, actually! All of the end revelations got me pretty badly in the sake that I have a vague notion of things that they showed me pregame, but otherwise there’s a lot that the game leaves unanswered. I mean, on the flipside, there’s absolutely evidence that everything we got to see was true… But until I know, I have trouble enjoying V3 totally. 
Plus, it also just contains my least favourite cast. I still like some of them, but there are more that I either don’t like or don’t care about. As you mentioned before, I’m not excited about Korekiyo or Kokichi. And maybe I just don’t know anything about them yet, but I’m not terribly interested in Kirumi, Ryoma, Tenko, or Rantaro. I have a little bit of love for characters like Himiko, Gonta, and Tsumugi. And to be fair, I do like Kaede, Kaito, Kiibo, Miu, Maki, and Shuichi a decent amount. But still, compare that to games like Danganronpa 1 where the only character I actively dislike is Hifumi... then it just comes out as my least favourite. Even with Super Danganronpa 2, I have a sort of dislike-like for characters like Nagito and Kazuichi. I don’t completely dislike them in the same way I do some of the characters in V3. 
Really, though, I know all of this is stuff that I personally think about V3 is subject to change. After awhile of straight up disliking it and refusing to play it like the stubborn child that I am, I do fully intend to commit myself to the game and maybe change some of my opinions along the way. Sure, it’s fine for me to have some of this opinions and ideas based off of what I do know, but ultimately I know it’s something I have to experience for myself for my take on it to be actually valid.
Hopefully if I can work out the things I need to try and work out, you guys might even be able to watch me experience it for the first time... but that all depends on how well my computer can handle running the appropriate programs simultaneously. Fingers crossed, though!
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