#i'm literally grabbing every small tidbit of old lore interaction janna had with other people
ask-hextechjanna · 7 years
Pre-established relationships with my interpretation of Janna. A lot of these are heavily old lore based and are to be adjusted to fit the new lore as more story is released.
Karma - When An (Janna’s most influential mentor) decided that Janna just wasn’t “getting it” when she was learning magic, she ships Janna off to Ionia to study in the temple she grew up in so Janna could get a better connection with the magic flowing through undisturbed nature. Karma was a priestess in training there and the first person there to smile at the younger girl during her stay, and approached Janna to ask her teach her how to use her fans after seeing Janna perform a stunning routine with them earlier. Karma teaches her how to connect with her spiritual side and how to keep her powers under control. The two of them still keep in contact, and Janna usually stays at the duchess’s place when she visits Ionia.
Jinx - Blue Jay or Jay, as Janna knows her as. A nameless orphan that Janna encountered on the streets one day during her huge depressive episode after An died. Jinx tries to steal a glass necklace that An left for Janna, and Janna chases her down in a fit of rage intending to force Jay to return the necklace. She changes her mind and lets Jay keep the necklace and takes pity on the girl after noticing how thin her wrists were. Jay is fascinated by the “kind girl with odd ears” and continues to seek out Janna after that. Jay is bold and talkative, a complete opposite to more reserved Janna but her optimistic personality helps pull Janna out of her dark thoughts. The support each other and make a living together with Janna using with her street smarts and influence with her powerful magic to win people over and Jay using her expertise in building the most amazing devices out of scrap metal. The two grow super close, and even though Janna feels like something is “off” about Jay, she begins to have feelings for someone for the first time. Jay dies her hair bright blue to be “janna’s sky”. And then Janna abandons her for status and is currently being eaten away by guilt from this decision and hasn’t seen Jay (now jinx) ever since. Truly a heartwarming story.
Lux - She considers Lux her best friend, even though they don’t have a chance to meet very much. Since lux pretty much became elsa with her update, I’m imagining that circumstances similar to frozen happened where lux’s powers were outed during a large social gathering at the crownguard estate. Lux either ran off/was sent off to Piltover with one or two trusted maids while her parents did damage control. Janna found the baffled lux staring at some of the mechanized devices used all over the city, and the two soon became good friends. Lux was the first person to genuinely compliment Janna on her pointed ears, which Janna hated, and helped Janna gain her self confidence. They write each other frequently, and Lux frequently volunteers to go on any missions that take her close to Piltover.
Ezreal - Blondie squad buddy! She's always heard of the prodigal explorer, but she never imagined he’d be so... well... ezreal. Janna took an immediate disliking to him after seeing him in person for the first time. Their relationship got better though, after Lux came in to the mix, and she considers him to be a pretty good friend now. They worry for each other’s well being, although Janna is the often the one doing most of the worrying. She likes to study the artifacts he brings and always teases him about how bad he looks after coming back from his adventures.
Zilean - A mentor figure and a trusted friend. She finds the elderly man aimlessly wandering the streets of Zaun one day and guides him away from trouble and invites him to stay in her home while he remained in the area. They design and build a zeppelin together for Piltover for the annual race, and he helps reassure her of her self worth while they worked day and night on the project. Her kind words and serene personality helps relieve Zilean of his suffering a little, but he soon wanders off to search for a cure after she wins the race. She has not seen him ever since, but is hopeful they’ll meet again.
Ekko - She met the boy a few times when were both hanging around Jinx, but never really talked to him and only knows him as one of jinx’s old gang members and kinda forgets about him. She meets him again as an adult, finding him taking residence in one of her old hideouts when she heads there to take shelter from an acid rain storm. They exchange some small talk before Janna seemingly vanishes, leaving ekko confused at the encounter. He feels she’s familiar but doesn’t recognize Janna from her younger days (because she looks so different now).
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