#i'm like ????
pwhale6 · 26 days
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i've been sleeping so long in a twenty year dark night and now i see daylight
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
y’all. what if
what if we get a dream sequence where ed is longing for what could have happened, what should have happened. like, we see the same few beats of him on the dock, calling out for stede and looking increasingly concerned. but then the brush behind him rustles, and stede actually stumbles out into view.
and ed’s face breaks out into the most relieved, beautiful smile, and there’s this very dreamy sequence of them breathing each other’s names and running to each other. they of course hug each other tightly, maybe even kiss, before ed murmurs something like, “was worried for a second. thought i’d lost you.”
only for stede to go “oh, no. you’ll never ever lose me.”
...and then ed wakes up in the gutted darkness of the captain’s quarters. alone.
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dat-is-i · 7 months
everyone's talking about witch yuri but have we considered... abominations yaoi
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f3l1c1af0x · 2 months
UGHHHH I have no ideas for a pooooostttt!!!!
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nobody-nexus · 9 months
I'll give ya a challenge, how about ragapom, but it's my Cursed Monsters AU?🐍👀
I had this idea in my head and I just had to
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garykingz · 9 months
Sometimes I think Max looks hot af and then sometimes I think he looks like a randomised sim
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imminent-danger-came · 6 months
I think people don't appreciate how much heavy lifting ROTSQ did for both DBK and Red Son's arcs
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strpw · 1 year
Finished piece!!
I really like the way it turned out!! Tho it's a little too dark now as I look at it from my phone lmao 💀
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lepusrufus · 1 year
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What if Caitvi but it's sorta kinda a very loose Howl's moving castle AU
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nerdallwritey · 11 days
I'm in the home stretch of writing this fic but.......how to end it.............
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aroninshonour · 5 months
Just thought of a scene for Amnesia!Jay and I'm so gonna plug it in right here :)
(Think of this as a scene for a random ah fanfic or as a minific or something)
His computer screen glows brightly in the dimly lit office. A man sat slouched, his face resting on his hand as he scrolled through the Ninjago News of the past. He has no clue how long or how far down he's gotten. Just that he knew he was searching for something.
Who was he? Before....all this?
He scrolled, looking like he hadn't been looking for anything at all. He'd been used to doing that by now, knowing the trouble he'd get in if he ever got caught searching for things outside the administration's approval.
His finger stopped scrolling.
Thats him. He sat up a bit, staring intensely at the screen infront of him.
He studied the picture he was looking at.
Him. Wearing what looked like a party hat. It had blue and orange stripes on it. There was another blue and orange striped hat, this one however, sat atop a metal...no, titanium...person? Robot? Droid? Their outfit was white and gray.
Then there was another hat type, this one green with red dots around it. Someone with brown, spiked hair and a red outfit wore it. So did another person with black, long-ish hair and a black and orange outfit. And another...a woman. Her black hair tied up in a pony tail, her outfit gray with bits of blue.
She smiled at him.
Jay stared at her picture, her smile, she was so...perfect.
But...who, are these people? Who was the little toddler who danced infront of them as they sung into a microphone?
He read the caption. The Ninja having saved ninjago once again, dance and sing to their victory!
The word rung in his head. Was that who he was? Who he used to be?
The word sounded so familiar. The picture replayed in his mind. The scene felt so familiar in on it's own. She felt so damn familiar, they felt so familiar but who are they?!
Why were they so close yet so far? Why couldn't he just remember? They felt so familiar yet so strange to him.
He scrolled a touch farther down the article. There was a video. Reluctantly, he clicked it.
He stared at it as it played, sounds of singing and toddler babbling played, music in the background.
Then it stopped, it was over. Jay sat in silence for a moment.
His face scrunched up, his eyes seeming to gloss over as he clicked it again, and again, and again.
He was so frustrated! Why couldn't he remember?! Why was his mind so...so, insistent on forgetting?!
He wanted so badly to remember who he was, Where he came from, who his friends and family were.
He couldn't. He couldn't remember.
As his frustration lingered, his gut churned, he lay his head in his arms on the desk and cried. Quietly, but he cried. He was so tired. Exhausted. He just wanted to know who he was...who he used to be.
Calm once again he sat back up and studied the faces in the picture intently. He knew them at one point, and now he was going to find them.
The administration isn't going to stop him anymore. Not if he makes it out at least. If he knew these people, maybe they're important. Maybe they know his family, maybe they were his friends. Maybe the toddler in the picture is grown up a bit now. It couldn't have been that long right? He still looked almost exactly the same as he did in the picture.
He packed up a few things in a small backpack, food, water, money that he got from the administration. (Hopefully it worked outside the administration...)
He left. Didn't even turn back. Snuck through the doors and left.
He was going to find these people. Or at least...he hoped too. If they weren't gone or too far lost.
He shook his head at the thought. No time for that he thought as he ran as far as he could from the place he'd lived for...well, as long as he could remember.
He made it (Undetected, as far as he was aware) to a place people called 'The Cross Roads'. Maybe he'd find them here.
He took a look around, unsure where to go. (He did think he seemed a bit out of place though...still wearing his formal attire) His look of confusion shifted a bit to suspicion as he noticed a boy pointing at him as he talked to the girl next to him. The boy wore an orange hoodie with blue jeans. The hoodie had a dragon imprinted on it. His hair was black and curly. The girl wore her hair in a ponytail, it was pink with cat-ear headphones on her head. Her left arm looked to be prosthetic. Her white outfit held pink and golds and dark blues. A cat key-chain as well.
It reminded him of the white gi he saw on the titanium droid in the picture. The two stared at him a bit wide eyed. It...kinda freaked him out a bit.
The boy began to run towards him. He froze unsure what to do.
"HEY!" The boy shouted as he ran up. Jay smiled awkwardly, as he stood perfectly still, as if it'd make him invisible.
As the boy made his way up, he slowed to a stop and bent over to catch his breath a bit. The girl now appeared behind the other.
"Uhm...Hi?..." Jay paused for a moment. "Do I...know, you?" He awkwardly smiled again.
The curly haired guy stood up again, (He was a lot taller than Jay expected) his hands curled into fists infront of his chest. His eyes seemed to *literally* shine like stars as he smiled breathlessly.
"Are you Jay Walker?!"
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ellalalala · 5 days
I'm so mentally exhausted
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errruvande · 7 months
LOTR is so confusing... Like if you ask me who's my favorite male character? I'd go numb
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foxgonyoom · 2 months
Fic title: I Hope You're Sad Now
Oooooooh, this is a good one. Let me think...
Perhaps a fic where someone was hurt by another, and wants them to understand what it was like. For example, maybe a fic where Nezha wants his father to understand how it felt to him when Li Jing burned down his temple.
He doesn't necessarily want revenge, he knows murder for the sake of murder solves nothing, and similarly, that pain for the sake of pain leads nowhere. He just wants empathy, understanding. He doesn't want Li Jing's pain, but for Li Jing to understand what it was like to be treated that way by your own father. By someone you cared about. By someone you had sacrificed yourself for. Rooted for. Even if he was under pressure. Even if it was out of stress or fear.
He just wants Li Jing to get it. To feel bad. To feel regret for the way he treated his son, even if he had his reasons. He just wants his father to recognize the hurt, to feel guilty for ever causing it, to acknowledge those feelings. Maybe then, he can finally feel justified in having them.
Maybe then, the past can truly be put to rest.
Maybe then, he could finally move on.
Frankly, he still isn't sure.
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ralvezfanatic · 5 months
me tryna not change my insta user into smth ralvez related
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zehina · 5 months
People make their blogs and posts so pretty, and I'm just sitting here in my corner with my ugly posts. Jesus christ...
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