#i'm just so angry right now cause he disrespects us all
ontargetmadders · 2 years
The fucking cheek of my brother! Doesn't bother to turn up to anyone else's birthday meals but expects us all to come to his!! Fuck off man. Fucking dickhead!!
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tarjapearce · 10 months
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Summary: Gabi gets her period ~ Comfort ensues.
A/N: Based on a couple of asks in my inbox ❤️✨. (Haven't forgot about them c: Comments or reblogs are highly appreciated ☺️)
The arising time was always at six thirty, school days at seven yet Gabriella had ignored Miguel's wake up calls.
And now it was twenty minutes past seven.
"Is Gabi awake yet?"
You mumbled half asleep, Miguel however grumbled underneath his breath as he took his towel to get himself ready to start the day.
"Let me."
With a sigh he went to Gabi's room and knocked the door. Voice firm yet gentle.
"Gabriella, you'll be late for school."
"I don't wanna go to school!."
That was a new tone he didn't know, a tone that made his bushy brows to instantly furrow.
"Gabriella O'Hara."
His voice didn't mean to sound harsh, but the sniffle behind the door made his sudden parenting anger to melt instantly, morphing into an alert.
"I... I want Mama."
"Solecito, are you ok?"
"God, just get mom!"
Her voice also didn't mean to sound disrespectful, but her emotions were into a raging fit that she didn't know what to feel, and Miguel's urgency only made it worse.
She knew her beloved Papa meant well, but she didn't want him to handle whatever this thing in her hands was. This was something beyond her control, but she had seen you go through it so many times, it was dumb to not call you.
Miguel however just stood there on the door, perplexed. Both at her angry words and the sudden urge she had for you. Not that he bragged about being her favorite parent, but most of the time Gabi seeked him either for advice or random talks, not that she didn't talk or bonded with you.
Hell sometimes you'd stay past sleeping hours talking about little things, she just felt more inclined to Miguel cause he was a bit more lenient on her and let her get away with little things. But this was different.
She needed you and needed you now.
He didn't need to wake you up, since you were already next to him, a concerned look etched on your face.
"Gabi, bebé are you ok?"
Upon hearing your voice, her door creaked open, and closed on Miguel's face. And before you could reprimand her for her attitude, she pulled you in closer and fiddled nervously with her fingers.
"... Mami."
"Wanna tell me what's going on you slammed the door on your dad's face?"
"I'm... Im sorry. I panicked and..."
Her eyes turned glossy, and you sighed while taking her shoulders.
"You know you can talk to us, mi amor. But disrespecting your dad like that isn't right."
"I know" She sniffed and hiccuped, worry blooming in your heart, "I'm scared."
"Why are you scared?"
"I'm... I don't know. I just..." She hiccuped, a soft frown came into your grimace, but instantly widened in surprise upon seeing the back of her pants, stained. Little spots that made the clear colored fabric to focus the attention in the dark red stains nearby her inner thighs.
"Ay, mi niña. Come here."
"I'm all covered in blood, Mama"
Her crying voice only made your heart wrench as you hugged her and wiped her tears.
"It's something completely normal, ok?"
"Is it? It hurts and I just... feel so moody and I didn't mean to yell at Papa."
"I know, mi niña. I know. Let's get you help ok? You'll be fine."
"Does this means I am a woman now?"
"What? No, corazón. You're still a child, ok? Your body is going through natural changes. Now, go shower, take warm bath. It'll help you ease the discomfort in your abdomen."
She nodded but looked nervously at the bed.
"I stained the bedsheets"
"It's totally fine, mi amor. I have stained the sheets too."
"Have you?"
"Yes. Dad always spoils me around those days. And now we get to spoil you too."
There was a nervous smile while she grabbed her towel.
"Can I tell your dad about this? Or-"
"It's ok. You said it's a normal thing, and he's a scientist so... yeah."
"Alright. I'll tell him to prepare you something nice and warm for you, ok?"
She nodded and headed for the shower. You removed the bedsheets, leaving the mattress bare. Thankfully the stains had only reached for the fabrics you now held, and not into the mattress.
When you came out, Miguel's eyes settled on you and the bundle of linens in your hands. The little spots of blood made realization hit harder than a train wreck.
"Oh... She's..."
"Yup. Can you prepare her something nice and warm? I'll get her the pads."
"Is she ok? I mean, feeling ok? I've got some painkillers if she needs them."
"Yeah, bring them over. I noticed she was a little bloated."
Miguel could just nod a bit shocked but his thoughts would be assessed later during pillow talk with you. Right now, he needed to make his little girl feel better and comfortable. He headed to the kitchen as you rummaged into your monthly drawer. Full of pads and tampons, ugly yet comfy underwear, and snacks.
While Gabi was on the shower, you changed her bedsheets for something more plush and warm. Just like Miguel had done for you plenty of times in the past. And when she came out, you explained how to wear the pad, then left her to change.
Miguel came with a tray with a freshly made raspberry tea, a banana and a pair of ibuprofens.
You tucked in Gabi in the sheets and Miguel knocked on the door.
"May I come in?"
She nodded while you sat on the edge of the bed.
"How are you feeling, Solecito?"
"Weird and pained. Like a dull ache in my lower belly."
"Its completely normal, Mija. I've got you some tea, a banana and painkillers."
"I didn't mean to yell at you or being disrespectful."
"I know. I'm sorry too for coming out like that."
Miguel placed the tray next to her bed and urged her first to eat the banana.
"It'll help you to ease the cramps a bit. In these times, you loose blood and that will make you tired, moody and even crying."
"Yeah," Gabi gave him an awkward smile, "Noted."
"Bananas have potassium, and it helps to keep the cramps at bay. You gotta drink alot of water, ok?"
"Oh... OK."
"And if it hurts too much, you gotta tell your Mama or me, ok? This is a completely normal thing in girls your age."
"But... Raquel said that her parents told her she was already a woman."
With a shake of your head your squeezed her hand
"Mi niña, a period does not make a girl to suddenly become a grown woman. Again, you are still a little girl that is going through puberty."
"So... am I allowed to play and stuff?"
"Of course you are, princesa! The only thing period changes in you is your hormones. Some days you'll be really tired, other days you'll have mood swings and the like."
"I see."
Gabi took the mug from Miguel as she sipped the tea.
"Feeling better?"
"Yeah, Thanks you. I'm sorry about school."
"Don't worry baby, Mama's got you. Is your abdomen cramping too much?"
"I... don't know?"
"In a scale of one to ten how bad you'd describe the pain?"
"I think it's a six."
"I see. After you finish your tea, take one pill and sleep, ok?"
Miguel kissed Gabriella's forehead and got ready to work. He was already late, so he took his time, knowing that you'd take care and pamper Gabi.
When he returned, the first thing he did after kissing you hello, was to go to her room and give her a little snack bag, with the condition for it to last the upcoming days, along some pads.
Once the night had settled in and everyone was on bed, you could see Miguel on the bed, staring at the ceiling, with a hand behind his back. Eyes too focused on a spot above, thinking.
Until you snuggled next to him, breaking his focus to set his attention on you.
"I'm scared too you know?"
"She's... growing so fast."
"Yeah, I know."
"In a few years she'll be dating and then she'll move out to college."
"Miguel, mi amor, look at me."
Soft and half lidded eyes stared at you.
"I know this means so many things for us, but we still have her. She still needs us. And we will be there until she decides otherwise."
You kissed him and his shoulders slumped.
"I know. Just wished I could stop time."
You gave him another kiss and he curled into your chest, hoarding you in his arms.
"Even though we can't, we can create the best memories together. We still have a lot of time, amor."
"How was she today?"
"Hungry, sleepy and her usual self."
It was his time to kiss your chest and close his eyes.
"I'm scared too you know? I know teenagers are a handful, but we've raised her well."
"Don't remind me."
A little chuckle escaped your lips.
"She's a good daughter."
"One of the best."
Your hands caressing his hair made him sleepy.
"Still, couldn't help to feel I could've done more."
"Miguel, you did your best today. And that's all your daughter needed. She's happy, loved and pampered."
"You think?"
"Yeah. She was literally panicking because she yelled. Don't rack your brain on it. We did good. I'm proud of us. And guess what?"
A sleepy grunt came from him.
"She trusts you. Which is good. Other teenagers don't even speak up, but she did."
That did the trick enough for him to let a deep relieved sigh.
"She adores you. So rest assured that she's not going anywhere any time soon."
"Te amo. No se qué sería mi vida sin ti." (I don't know what my life would be without you.)
He mumbled between sleepy and slurred words. You kissed his forehead with a giggle.
" A mess, probably. But también te amo."
Gabi slept soundly, like Benjamin and Rosie. And so like you both.
In Miguel's office however, there was this little calendar, where all the milestones his family were tracked A new entry was added. He had marked the day as a special one. Gabi's first period .
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
Can i request follower!Narinder x follower!reader who's kind heart person? Like they always want to help other even tho they rude to them,and they forgive them eventually but Narinder cannot handle see​ing his spouse being disrespectful.
I want this to be oneshot angst/fluff pls thank you and have a nice day/night🥰
"How goes...your marriage..?"
"Hmph..hello to you too, sister." Narinder rolled his eyes as he sat by the pond with a bowl of stew, hoping for some peace and quiet.
But of course, ever since his siblings arrived into Lamb's cult and learned that he was betrothed to a mortal..he hasn't known such things.
He could tolerate Heket at the very least, since Kallamar was off flirting with gods-know-who, Leshy was on a missionary, and Shamura was reading their usual books.
"It fairs well. I sometimes find it funny.."
"Shamura surely couldn't have predicted that I would become wedded to a measly mortal..let alone find myself in my vessel's cult. I was to sacrifice them and all of Lamb's followers. Yet when I ended up here..[y/n] was the first to reach out a hand and help me find my place." The black cat huffed. "When others mocked me..they defended my name day and night despite my past transgressions, willing to lookover the fact I once thought of them as nothing but a pawn in my game."
"You've..gotten soft..brother.." Heket lightly teased, earning her a scowl from him. However, something in the distance caught her eyes, and she tensed. "Go."
"What? Go away, you mean?" He blinked in confusion, taken aback by her command as he sneered. "I open my heart up to you, and you have the nerve to-?!"
"[Y/n]." She simply pointed, and he followed her gaze to the drinkhouse where you were trying to help a drunken follower stand on their own two feet.
While you could normally handle that sort of thing, something about it didn't sit right with Narinder. They were acting rather belligerent, babbling nonsense and causing a barrel to topple over, all while refusing to surrender their empty glass.
Only then he remember you were the bartender for today and were trying to close up shop.
He got up, deciding to let Heket finish his stew, and began walking over. His footsteps were silent as to not draw attention to himself.
He wanted to observe how you'd handle the situation.
"Please, go rest." You gently tried to urge the inebriated follower. "You've had enough."
"Don't touch meeeeeee...I ain't-" A hiccup interrupted them as their face became redder, words so slurred you could hardly understand them. "I ain't gonna..go anywherrre.."
"I'm afraid you must, I'm sorry-"
"Nooooo...I don't wanna be handled by some...idiot who slept with the One Who Waits!"
You froze. "Pardon?"
"Whatdya see in that guy anyway? He haaaates us all..he was..gonna kill us, right? And Lamby, too?" They grumbled, now sounding completely serious and irate. "Why don't you wanna be with Lamby? Or me? Or someone who isn't a monster...do ya hate us, too?"
"No, I don't hate anyone." You tried to reassure them. "But it's rude to speak of Narinder that way."
"But his stupid siblings..they...they hurt us so much because of him!" Tears began filling their eyes, their expression growing angrier. "Why did they have to come? What they did to us...was 'cuz of HIM! EVERYTHING is his fault!!!"
"I hear your pain, my friend. I really do. But Lamb believed-"
"WHAT ABOUT WHAT I BELIEVE?!" They raised their empty glass in a threatening manner, and you flinched, taking your hands off their robe in preparation for an attack.
But before anything could happen-
A black paw grabbed their wrist, claws digging into their flesh. Not enough to draw blood, but just enough to make it hurt and divert their attention to a certain angry feline.
"How irritating.." A trio of red eyes pierced through Narinder's veil as he scowled down at the follower. "I don't know whether you're more annoying now or when you're sober. You may scorn Lamb to your heart's content..but to threaten my spouse is a line you'll regret ever crossing. Now go lie down before I make you."
With a nod and a quiet whimper, they shakily set the glass down on the counter. And the moment he let their wrist go, they took off stumbling all the way to their shelter.
You frowned a little. "Darling, it's my job to lead them to-"
"They'll find their own way. Whatever they break can be fixed in no time." Narinder dismissed as he went to clean off the glass, while you plugged up the beer kegs for the night.
But as he rubbed and twisted the rag, he began thinking about what might've happened had he not intervened when he did..and it only made him angrier.
What if the glass was still full and they decided to spill it?
What if they threw it at your head?
What if they left tiny shards in your flesh and caused blood to pour down your face?
What if-?
A sudden sharp pain in his paw pad made him wince slightly, realizing that the cup broke apart, a piece of glass now embedded in his own flesh.
"Oh no, let me take care of that for you, love."
He perked up at your voice, seeing you pull out a pair of tweezers and a roll of bandages from your robe pocket. "I can do it myself, you know."
"And risk getting more blood on the counter?" You pointed out the red splatters on the oak. "Heavens no."
Narinder chuffed, eventually turning his paw over and allowing you to tend to his injury. "Why do you allow them to speak to you that way? And being drunk is no excuse. They knew damn well what they were saying. They've disproved of our relationship from the start."
"So have plenty of others, including your own siblings, Nari. They'll come around eventually. I have all the faith in them."
"[Y/n]..they almost smashed a glass over your head. And I stopped them from doing so." He growled, frustrated at your lack of outrage. "You are content in letting such disrespect continue without punishment? Without consulting Lamb? If we cannot do anything about it, surely they can."
"I will let it go this one time. But only because I believe they won't do it again. I think they learned their lesson thanks to you." You simply reassured him, before you finished wrapping the gauze around his paw.
With a smile, you brought it up to your lips and kissed it, eyes flickering up to him. "You needn't worry, my darling. I am okay."
"...I'm not worrying about anything." Narinder scoffed, having difficulty hiding the blush beneath his fur. "I simply refuse to tolerate imbeciles who make obscene assumptions about us, thinking there'd be no repercussions."
"Of course, but in any case..thank you for coming to my defense."
"Now come." You gently tugged him away from the drinkhouse, looping your arm around his. "I believe we have some farming plots to attend to. I promised Lamb I'd work on them in Leshy's steed, but what say...you pick out the seeds you wish to plant this time?"
Narinder's ears perked. "Hah. I thought you were about to tell me to gather fertilizer." He chuckled quietly. "You are too good to me sometimes."
"Well, I figured you could use a break. Come, come!"
And so he followed you to the farming area. While he could sense Heket still staring at him, knowing her grin was smug as ever, he didn't care about what she was thinking--or what anybody in the cult was thinking for that matter.
All that he cared about right now was vegetation would prosper best on this warm spring day.
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arandomdai · 8 months
Persephone Lost Herself To Marriage
⚠️ Warning: I'm just saying my opinions (and theories) like everyone else. So put your tin foil hats on, it's going to be a LONG read. Enjoy!!!⚠️
• The Realization
This was/is a cry for help. She's finally admitted something that we (some of us) already noticed. The fact that she's so worried about her blue corpse of a man's feelings, while in denial about killing hundreds if not thousands of mortals in seconds...is nasty work. Like okay you don't know yourself, good we are getting somewhere. But are you willing to change your ways like finally admitting that your Mom was right, Minthe was right (about you and your man), Zeus was right (where he says they didn't know each other long), finally realize your selfish and a murderer, etc. Like I wanna see the change, not this boohoo act. And speaking of Demeter, she is a little bit at fault for why Persephone acts like this. If she would've told her about being a FG, teach her how to defend herself, help her control her powers or help make her own decisions, none of this wouldn't happen. Now Persephone (this her own fault here)is trapped with guilt, a blu gru, and a whole population of shades coming in. Once this is over, I pray to God that she wakes up, and leave that man, live in the mortal realm, and hopefully come to terms/works on herself to know who she is because her being a Queen is not one of them.
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•Hades Is Her Downfall
This man never loved her. He wanted to sleep with her knowing he had a girlfriend (Minthe at the time) and when she was only 19 years old !!!(smdh 🤢😒), somehow he shows up in her nightmare saying, "I Know That I Can Smell Your Ambitions As They Rot At Your Feet.", he didn't let Persephone tell him what happened, lies about everything, disrespects Demeter, never gave Thanatos a real apology, never actually going to therapy, etc, need I say more? This man genuinely hates powerful women. He sabotaged Demeter's right to rule the mortal realm, gets angry when women stand up for themselves, preys on the vulnerable and young, dangles money over them, had an affair with Hera behind his brothers back, etc, and Persephone still thinks he's husband material... chile. Like how come she doesn't see those horrible qualities and notice that he brings out the worst in her? Real men don't treat women like this. To be fair, that first genocide she caused was all her fault, like yes they were playing in her face, but she didn't need to start killing people. But you know what she did, she was willing to help the shades get into the Underworld (and he was mad about that 😒). Now we're on to our second genocide, and this man was the cause of this as well (mostly her fault but still). The fact he said "I can't stop her from trying." Like yes you can Blunocchio 🙄. I'm so tired of him, and his evil ways. Persephone really needs to understand that man was never in her corner, and if he was, he would've left her alone from the very beginning. The lesson is don't EVER let a man be your downfall and try to make you feel powerless. If he can't take how powerful you are, he was never the one and he's an insecure a**hole.
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• There Was Always Someone
Hydros tried to warn Gaia
People thought Rhea was stupid for loving Kronos
Probably someone close to the Missing Goddess tried to warn her
Demeter warned Persephone
Do we see the pattern? Constantly losing yourself in love with abusive men, getting your powers drained because they wanted to prove that they were worth loving, and trying to prove the haters wrong (looking at you author)? Well, yes. Persephone had her twenties to look forward to (school, TOGEM, and starting her future), but made a man child the #1 priority. Had her thirties (self reflection, getting her shit together, realize she can do bad by herself.), but still managed to keep him in the #1 priority slot, instead of her and her own mother. Like does she not get that her mom is her real best friend? These fertility goddesses (excluding Metis 🤢) wish that they would've listened to those people/or families, and saw from their point of view that their men weren't no good, and go from there. Like did Persephone ever think about what Zeus told her ( his back story about what happened to Rhea), nope. Just ignored it because she never listens, and loves finding out the hard way 🙄😒. If the author wanted a real ('cause let's be honest, it's not) feminist retelling, she could've had Persephone look at the fertility goddesses differently, Seeing there struggles, learn that Demeter just didn't want to see her get hurt, and walk away from him (but in a perfect world I guess 🫤). Remember y'all there is always someone in your corner that is looking out for you and/or showing they love you.
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• Persephone's Fate
Until she starts listening to the right people, know how to think for herself, and realize that man ain't crap, she's doomed. Years from now, she's going to be trapped in a marriage full of regrets and shattered dreams, sparkling and useless if you will. Hades will continue to use and abuse her. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if he started cheating on her like he cheated on Minthe. Also, wouldn't be shocked if she becomes the next Hera, after all she was just her stand in. Hades would take most of her powers, someone defeats him, and puts him in prison somewhere, she starts seeing him, and no one else can. Would that be something? I mean he was in her dreams telling her that her ambitions will rot. Also people wouldn't want to come around her, and she gotta live with that for the rest of her life. Demeter, lasion, and her son living life to the fullest, so who can she call? She is stuck in a tragic cautionary tale of a fertility goddess. Someone that wanted to prove the haters wrong, wanted to be worthy of loving, and a victim of a man's abuse and manipulations.
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holdmytesseract · 5 months
Greetings Bestie, I am here with a Magnus blurb request
How about a piece where Magnus realizes he's in love with his partner, and it's at a funny & inappropriate time and place? Like they're in an interrogation or maybe undercover?
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Perfectly Bad Timing
Warnings: fluff, police things, more fluff
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Bestiiie, thank you so much for this! I really hope you're going to like this lil' story! 🥹💖
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Magnus's eyes were glued to you. Something you didn't seem to notice. If the young man across from you and him noticed? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Anyways, the policeman wouldn't care. He always had just eyes for the wonderful woman he gad the honour to call his girlfriend, but today... Today was one of these days on which he got reminded by himself how freaking much he actually loved you.
During an interrogation in the first case Kurt allowed you and Magnus to be leading inspectors was admittedly not exactly the right moment, but what was he supposed to do?
You two worked at the Ystad police station for almost five years together now and he had never... Never seen you interrogate a person. This time was a first - and to Magnus, it was stunning. You were stunning. The way you talked. How you always found the right words to say against the snappy, arrogant and pubescent teenager. Your smart and witty nature...
Magnus would even go as far and say it was dominant, and he couldn't deny that he found that to be pretty hot.
The palm of your hand slamming down on the wooden table everybody sat at, caused the young policeman to snap out of his daydream. At least a little.
"Stop lying to us, Nils. We knew you were at the boathouse. We found your goddamn fingerprints!" You accused the eighteen-year-old across from you. By now you were utterly frustrated and kind of angry. Not just because the disrespectful young man just wouldn't cooperate, no... You were also angry because you already sat inside this constricting, small room for almost an hour and your colleague/boyfriend hadn't said a single word!
You gritted your teeth and slowly turned to face the curly haired man. "Magnus?" He shortly blinked and looked up; oceanic blues meeting your Y/E/C ones. "Yes?" You nodded at the door. "For a word..."
Magnus nodded in agreement; noticed immediately that you weren’t in a good mood. His chair scratched over the polished floor as he stood up and followed you outside in the hallway wordlessly.
You had crossed your arms and waited for him to close the door shut. "Magnus..." You started and took a deep breath; trying not to snap at him right away. Perhaps he had a reason why he didn't say something yet. "We are in there for almost an hour and after five minutes you kind of zoned out completely. Baby, you are absolutely no help! That's shitty. If you're just sitting beside me and staring holes into the wall, I might as well do this alone."
Magnus swallowed hard. You could see his Adam's apple bobbing. And he was blushing. "I-I know, I-" "Then why are you doing it?" You interrupted him. "This isn't working without you! Nils might be the key to solve this case! We can't let this opportunity sl-"
The policeman had heard enough. He knew what this was about. His head told him that repeatedly. But his heart... His heart just wanted one thing... For his lips to kiss you. So, he did.
Magnus interrupted you with his mouth on yours; hands on your hips and pulling you against his body.
You were shocked at first - like frozen, but then you couldn't help but to melt against his touch. Against his sinful kiss.
"Mags..." You panted, once he broke the kiss to get some fresh air into his lungs. "W-What... What was that about?" A boyish smile grazed the curly haired man's face; cheeks reddening. "Me, realising how much I love you, min älskling. I'm sorry for not doing my job, but... All I could focus on, was you."
Your expression softened. He was so cute and kind. How could you possibly be mad at him?
"Aww..." You hugged your boyfriend tightly; burying your hands in his wild, blond curls. "I love you so so much as well." You kissed him again and again and again; the ongoing integration forgotten... At least for a few minutes.
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Tags: @muddyorbsblr @mochie85 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @multifandom-worlds @jennyggggrrr @huntedmusicgardenn @hisredheadedgoddess28 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @fictive-sl0th @loz-3 @javagirl328 @icytrickster17 @jaidenhawke @eleniblue @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @km-ffluv @herdetectivetheorist @lokiforever @crimson25 @simping-for-marvel @cakesandtom @vanilla-daydreaming @kimanne723 @glitchquake @lulubelle814 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @buttercupcookies-blog @november-rayne @mandywholock1980 @lokidbadguy @smolvenger
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klutzyroses · 10 months
IkeVamp HCs: Their Pregnant S/O Fighting
How do they react to their s/o fighting with someone while pregnant?
Suitors: Napoleon, Arthur, Theo, Jean
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Being four months pregnant did not mean Y/N would let anyone disrespect her emperor in her presence.
Napoleon's wife had joined him and Isaac at their little school, chatting away with a few of the children, who gazed at her with wonder- for her general beauty, and her cute round belly.
It was a bit tough for either Napoleon or Isaac to get the kids to concentrate when they kept insisting on touching Y/N and unfortunately for Isaac, he was on the receiving end of "Where do babies come from?", to the amusement of Napoleon.
However, the pleasant atmosphere didn't last as, when school was out, Napoleon was dealing with the angry mother of one of his students. He remained civil and calm, but the incensed woman kept poking him in the chest and getting in his face.
This of course, sat about as well with the emperor's wife as one would expect. Next thing anyone was aware of, Y/N was by his side, shoving the woman away from him.
"Don't put your hands on my husband! Apologize to him!"
"How dare you, who do you think you are?!"
The angry mother stepped forward again, only to get shoved back again by the expectant woman.
"I think I'm the one who's going to put you in the hospital if you don't apologize and leave right now."
Livid, the mother shoved Y/N right back, causing her to fall backwards. Napoleon moved like lightning, catching her with ease. He sent a reproachful glare to the woman, who stood frozen, as if shocked by her own actions.
"Isaac, keep an eye on Y/N."
Y/N reluctantly stayed by Isaac's side while Napoleon dealt with the woman until she left. Later, he took her in his arms, sighing as he lifted her head to lock eyes.
"Don't do that again, nunuche. You can't just get into fights with people. Not in your condition."
He felt a chill up his spine when he thought of what could've happened if she had actually fallen and he wasn't there. He instinctively pulled her closer to him, her head between his neck and shoulder.
He was touched that she had stood up for him, but the last thing he wanted was for her and his baby to be getting into any fights at all.
Sometimes, his former flings just...didn't quit, even when he was married with a child on the way.
One such brazen woman had approached Arthur while his wife, who was 4 months along, was with him.
The sheer audacity of it- unabashed flirting with a married man in front of his pregnant wife?
Arthur had no time to rebuff her advances before his scandalized wife moved in front of him and confronted the little viper right there.
"Are you really so desperate you're going to pretend I'm not here, or are you stupid?"
The argument only got more heated from there, finally reaching a tipping point when the spiteful woman made mocking comments about Y/N's body, and even further by implying that she trapped Arthur using the baby.
Neither Arthur or the shameless troublemaker saw the slap coming. Y/N threw the fastest slap ever thrown and the other woman found herself suddenly looking the other direction, her cheek stinging.
Y/N for her part, was slightly red faced and teary eyed and was ready with another slap when the woman righted herself. And another. And another.
Arthur was too stunned at first to react, but he jumped into action when the former fling, infuriated, raised her hand to retaliate.
He caught her wrist in a second, his other arm coiling around his wife as he tugged her back towards him, his hand on her stomach protectively.
"Enough! You don't touch her! Y/N, come with me, darling."
Not wanting her to spend anymore energy on this, he maneuvered his upset wife out of there and somewhere more safe.
His heart ached when confronted with her pretty face flushed and streaked with tears of anger and humiliation. He gently wiped them away.
"Come on now, luv, please don't cry. It's alright..."
He pulled her into his chest as he rubbed her belly, his own pulse starting to slow. His heart had almost given out when he had seen the woman about to hit Y/N.
"Darling, please don't put yourself at risk like that. I can't stand anything happening to you...either of you."
He rubs circles on her stomach as he kisses her cheek.
Theo is used to dealing with L' Academie by now, but he was not expecting that his hondje would ever have to do so in her state.
And yet, he found himself in said position when one of them came to do their usual shenanigans, but this time, Y/N was with him.
Theo felt more exasperated than nervous, until his wife, four months pregnant with twins, stormed up to the man in the middle of whatever nonsense he was spouting and faced him head on.
"Can't you do anything other than bother him? Go find something to do!"
"It is the duty of L'Academie and he is nothing but an upstart allowing riff raff into the art world!"
Indignant, and hormonal at that, Y/N decided to put the man, and the Academie, in his place once and for all.
"How dare you, you don't get to decide what's art and what's not, my husband is better than any elitist highbrows and you know it, that's why you keep harrassing him! But I won't let you anymore, leave. My. Husband. Alone."
She punctuated her words with a slap so fast across the man's face that it makes her stumble a bit as she holds onto her stomach for balance. Theo had never moved so quick in his life, the second the man's eyes flashed with rage, the younger Van Gogh pulled Y/N to him, his hand on her stomach, both to keep her at bay and to just reassure himself that she was out of harm's way.
Y/N covered his hand with hers, both to reassure him she was alright, but also to show her solidarity to him.
"Don't even think about it. You won't like what happens if you try to hurt her."
The dark look in Theo's sky blue eyes, sends the man retreating wisely on his part.
Y/N was indeed scolded for her recklessness later, even if he thought she was the sweetest for it. She still put herself and the babies in danger. He hadn't liked the look in the man's eyes in the slightest.
"Hondje, what you just did? Never again, understand?"
He tugged her close to him, holding her from behind, resting his head against hers as he ran a hand over her swollen stomach, speaking softer.
"I don't want you in that position again, let alone while you're carrying my pups, got it?"
He wouldn't have known what he would have done if that man had dared to hurt her. Just that it wouldn't have been good.
The fact anyone had the audacity to attack or threaten a visibly pregnant woman sent a wave of distaste through him.
A customer was being difficult to Y/N who had been seated in the front of the shop while Jean was at the back of the weapon's shop so that Y/N was away from the weapons, because he was very wary of the sharp objects near his 4 month pregnant wife.
She had got up and confronted him alone before Jean could deal with him, pushing the rude man away herself, to the surprise of both men present.
"Get ahold of yourself, this is a place of business, not a schoolyard!"
"Why, I never!"
"Never what, learned proper manners? You don't come into my husband's shop and kick up a fuss, not on my watch!"
The man, galled, took a step forward threateningly, and that was all it took for Jean to immediately move from the other side of the shop to pull Y/N behind him.
His visible eye twinkled with something dangerous at the prospect that he was about to threaten Y/N.
"I suggest you keep your distance from this woman, lest I be forced to make you."
Nobody threatened his wife and child.
After the customer left with intimidation from Jean, the soldier turned to his wife, placing his hand on her stomach, searching her for any signs of distress.
Y/N placed her hands over Jean's on her round belly with a small smile, assuring him she was fine but Jean shook his head.
"If there is a problem like that again, let me handle it. That was dangerous."
Brave as it was that she faced the man alone, he would prefer that she be safe, after all, who knows what he would have done to her, regardless of her delicate state.
His gloved fingers caress her belly as he remains diligently beside her the remainder of the day, just to make sure she remained unharmed and unbothered.
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
It's Done pt. 3
Part 2 <<<
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Asshole Mihawk x Femreader
Angst and Saddness
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It had been nearly 2 months since you'd last seen Mihawk- The day he tried to give his life in a sad attempt to get you to back down.. In truth you were a hot mess for a solid week afterwards- Sobbing hysterically and having to start the process of healing all over again.
You wondered when he got so selfish- to dare treat you like that for nearly 20 years only to try a dirty move like that of wanting to die your husband- When has he ever acted like your husband? When he fucked eveything that moved or insulted your infertility to your face?
It was hard.. terrible even but you started to rebuild all over again. But luckily during those two months you prepared, knowing eventually he would return and you'd be ready.
You sat outside on the padio of your home sipping some tea, taking a gentle breath as you tried to ease yourself... you could already feel it that he was going to arrive-
As if on cue by late noon Mihawk was at your door... unlike before he didn't look like he had rolled out of a dumpster but he didn't look good either- He had lost weight, his skin looking unhealthy and heavy bags under his eyes. He wasn't taking care of himself in the slightest and it was noticable.
"Here to try again?" You said with venom in your voice- Mihawk quietly nodding as he held up the same dirty manilla envelope and this time one of his own.
"Can we just talk first?" He asked softly, You rolling your eyes but nodded and allowed him inside- leading him to the study to allows this meeting to take place. However you made it a point to set down a pistol right on your lap as a warning- Which by his gaze you could tell worried him slightly.
"...I brought back the papers and I brought some of my own. I wanted to see if this would be something you'd be interested in before a divorce" Mihawk started as he handed you the new folder her brought. Taking it you quickly opened it and saw a detailed legal contract- asking for a trial separation, both parties going to couples counseling and individual, promise of no outer relationships for 6 months to establish trust and while it didn't say that at the end you two would end up together but it was clearly implied.
"You're actually serious?-" You deadpanned, glaring at Mihawk.
"Please (Y/N)- Just hear me out.." Mihawk begged- You sighing heavily at this having just wanted the papers to be signed.
"What Mr. Dracule?" You said formally and kept a hand on the pistol.
"I can be better. It's just a temporary separation agreement. Not yet a divorce but just some time for us to- Think and maybe heal?" He suggested and you just felt angry once more.
"Heal? You think I need to heal and think about us divorcing? It is me healing and thinking being away from you Mihawk!" You yelled and he bit his lip- clearly wanting to say more to unsure which direction to go.
"And why should I?" You question, staring at him as he looked down.. you could practically see the shame running through him and the hurt in his gaze.
"Cause I can't live without you- I can't sleep knowing you're not home.. it doesn't feel like home anymore, I don't smell your perfume, don't hear you humming... it feels like I'm lost at sea without a raft and... and..." He stopped, his eyes watering as he looked at you- studying your face like he was seeing you for the first time in years.
"...I..." He sighed heavily- Bowing his head fully as if in defeat.
"You shouldnt..." He finally said which caught you off guard.
"Gods this is all my fault.. it truly is.. I disrespected you, dishonored you and broke our vows.. I have no right to sit before you and ask for anything.. I just didnt want you to absolutely detest me since I do still love you- Ive just been taking advantage of your heart for over two decades.. I see it now.." Mihawk said truthfully- You could hear the true regret in his voice. Total and utter defeat clearly humbling him in some way as he sat there before you..
"Ill sign the papers (Y/N)...I-I just wanted another chance to make this right.. I'm so sorry" He said softly, this being the first time he actually apologized for his wcruons as a whole or what he did to you- Surprise hitting your whole body.
It was silent for a few moments, Mihawk getting up and grabbing the pen from the desk and the semi soiled divorce papers. The ink from your signing runny and bleeding the paper. You doubted it would be accepted in that state-.
However despite the ruined pages he began to sign them. Your own heart breaking ever so slightly as you watched- As he was signing the last page you grabbed his hand stopping him.
"Wait- I can't believe I'm saying this.. but stop" You sigh out- Mihawk staring at you with widened eyes, You pulling away from his hand and staring at the wreck of a man.
"Mihawk I don't think I can find it in myself to forgive you... But I am willing to give the trial separation a try" You sigh, rubbing your temple softly at allowing this small thing.
Mihawks yellow eyes lighting up at hearing this- while this didn't mean you would get back together nor even avoid the divorce. However he simply wanted the chance for you two could be on better terms or even just your to not hate his guts.
"Thank you (Y/N)... Thank you"
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
Hey it's me so I was thinking that how the upper-moon react when they're jealous- like some girl or guys just woke up to the reader and start to flirting with him right in front of the upper-moon
Nice to got you here, thank you for always re-bloging. I hope you like it and sorry for the wait.
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Uppermooms getting jelous for gn reader. (I will use "them" for the person who started to flirt with reader.)
Warnings: Cannibalism, Death of unamed character, Self-harm (Gyutaro and his canonical violent scratching), Implied sexual content, Assault, Canon insecurity to ot's respective characters, Gyokko and Douma are their own warning, Torture.
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He knows when someone is about to flirt, you know where he lives. He can tell when you are going to approached, so he leaves before that happens as he scratches his face. He seems downhearted when you find him after rejecting the other person, and he refuses to talk about it. The next day he bahaves as normal, but you still try to see what is wrong.
When you tried to talk to him, Gyutaro scratches himself, hard. It's enough to tear skin and make him bleed. "NeEeEe, just cut it out! Go with someone that is not as ugly and disgusting as me! Neee! You can have anyone so stop nagging me, ne..." It's inpossible to comfort him, Gyutaro is convinced that is just matter of time before someone else can take your attention from him. You try everything, but he doesn't believe that he can compete with whoever flirts with you.
Again, he easily acts as always later on when you drop the subject and he doesn't act upon it ever, but he is still jealous and bottling it up. He is resigned and doesn't see reason to do anything as long as you fon't bother him.
Most of all, Gyokko is offended. How dare them to flirt with his darling in front of him? The disrespect! Second of all, he kills them. Easy as that, he doesn't ask questions or even react beyond that. Just a gasp, some few seconds to get even more offended and then he summons tentacles for them to torture that person.
After that, with the agonizing from behind as the tentacles squeeze, pull and twist limbs, breaking bones and ripping flesh, he just starts complaining to you, similar as if he had a bad experience at WalMart. "Can you believe it? They acted as if I wasn't even there! There is no respect anymore!"
Besides that, he understand that it's not your fault and doesn't take it out on you, but he is going to complain for hours straight. And heaven's forbid he remembers it later when talking with someone else, because he will spend hours complaining again. "Don't interrupt me, I'm not finished. As I was saying, it was insulting! How dare they?" And there is no way stopping it.
If Sekido is always angry, how could you explain how he's feeling now. Livid? Not enough. Furious? Not enough. There are no words to describe his rage, except one phrase. "You're jealous..." you say incredulous as he pants after having stabbed the person who was flirting with you with his staff.... plural. There are like 14 still electrified, five on the chest and stomach without fully going in to not pierce organs and the one he just killed him with, the head.
"Don't say that crap, they just made me angry!" He tries to explain himself, but... this is a lot for only "being angry" "Why did they have to flirt with you?" He mutters under his breath, he is still mand but doesn't want to take it out of you.... yet. He will if you become too annoying. You just let it be because after what you just saw you don't want to be beaten up by Sekido.
It passes after a while, and he even apologizes... for the wrong reasons... "Sorry for causing an scene. I was just so angry! I'll try to be more discreet next time." Still, you take it and shrug, there is nothing you can do anyway, he would not have stopped even if you asked.
Karaku is a chill dude, very relaxed. He can't get jealous, can he? "Oh, we are flirting with Y/N? Well, you had your turn already, my friend. Now is mine, so get lost." He is still chill as he throws himself over you, passing his arm over your shoulder and getting his face just inches from yours. He proceeds to flirt and rizz like the sex god he is, not caring if the other party is still there or not. "Babe, do ya like it when strangers flirt with ya~? Totally deserve it, ya know? Cuz you're so hot and cute one just wants ya~."
He really is chill about it, it's not fake or repressed. He is ok with others flirting with you, what he is not ok is others going around thinking they have a chance. "But they must know you are mine, ya know? Should we give them a show for them to realize it?" He kisses and licks your face.
"KARAKU!" You scream, face red because of how shameless he is as he grabs his own pants. Once he heard you Karaku starts laughing, only to start teasing you. "Sorry love, you're right. I'll leave some for the bedroom.~!"
"GET OFF MY Y/N!" Urogi attacks that person the second you make eye contact with him, taking it as a permission and an ask for help from your part. He is ok with people talking to you, but flirting? "Y/N IS MINE!" He takes them to the sky, grabbing them by his feet to them give a sonic scream once they are 200 feet high and drop them.
Then back down he stabs them with his claws. Once they are finally dead he brings the corpse to you (the eyes are missing, and you know he ate them. But he gor hungry, ok?) "Did I do good? Y/N, did I do good? I protected you, so I deserve a reward, right?" If he was a dog instead of a bird he would be wiggling his tail happy and proud, you can basically feel him shining. C'mon, how are you supposed to scold that?
"Yes, you did good. But don't do it again, ok?" He lunges over you to hug you joyfully. "Yay! Does this mean I can eat them? You don't mind?" Like a dog, he asks permission. And they are dead anyway, so there is nothing that should stop it. So you neither don't look at Urogi while being flirted or put a good poker face."Yummy!"
"I'm feeling sad." He tells you, tugging weakly your arm, pouting. "Y/N, I'm sad. Can I please have a hug? Please?" The person who was talking to you looks slight offended, not only for being interrupted, but the fact you switched all your attention to those sad eyes beghing for your attention. How were you supposed to not cuddle him?
Aizetsu smiles a little at them, who were flirting with you, just before burrying his face into you, arms wraped in a hug. He knows what he is doing. He gets needy whenever he gets jealous, but instead of having an outburst Aizetsu used his sad puppy eyes on you and makes sure that you only look at him besides showing the other party who is the one you answer to.
There are times he makes himself look so pitiful that you don't even notice that he isn't sadder than usual, he just wants you to stop talking with other people. "Thank you, I really needed. Sorry for being a bother." What a baby.
You didn't even know Nakime could get jealous. But now you just saw her opening a door in the floor to drop someone into her castle only because they told you some pick-up lines. You know you are not going to be seeing them again... ever. If she just send them away, killed them or just trapped them in her fortress, you have no idea.
If you bring it up with her, she plays dumb, even if there is no denying that it was her biwa, her castle, her demon blood art, her. "I don't recall doing so. Are you ok, though? They seemed like a bother." She will speak soflty and gently, smiling a bit to you. That is so scaru you don't push the issue.
At the end you both act as if nothing happened, but she will be doing it again without shame or guilt. She always knows, so forget having flirty people in your life.
Akaza has always been protective, not liking when others get near since he is forever paranoid something bad will happen if he isn't there. In other words, he is easy to make jealous. "Y/N IS NOT INTERESTED YOU PIECE OF-" he goes off to attack inmediately, and it just takes one uncomfortable look in your face for Akaza to kill them. But at least he kills them rather fast instead of torturing them.
"You didn't need to go that far." You try and get him to apologize easily. He was too fast for you to be able to do anything about it, but he would have stopped if you told him. "It's just that we are together. We are together and it makes me mad when others don't understand it ot let us be." He answers honestly. Akaza still understands that you can't control other people's actions so he would never take it out on you.
On contrary, he is the one to comfort and spoil you after it to apologize his outburst. He is usually very relaxed with you, so it was a bit scary, still he won't be doing it again unless (he will only attack if you are being hurted).
Douma is bad at feelings, bad with his own feelings, that you already knew. But he does understand the desire of others respecting distance or possesions (not that he ever cared), he would not like others taking his fans or his food away, for example. It's a similar sensation when they try to convince you to go un a date, even after you already said no several times. "Understand already that I don't want anything with you!"
Douma doesn't act, at all. He doesn't even know what of all of the situation he is against. If he dislikes anything that person, if he dislikes your actions or their actions, if he dislikes how tired you look, or if he dislikes how repetitive it is the scene, he doesn't know, so he can't act upon it right away. He just knows he doesn't like it.
That doesn't stop him from killing that person, who was still part of his cult, and eating him greedily. He still doesn't understand it, but it's definetely better. It could be that his stomach is full, it could be that they are gone, it could be that he just did something good and let them have an eternal life inside him. "Y/N, if something like this happens ever again, please tell me. I will deal with it."
Kokushibou is petty, but really petty about it. When he sees you being flirted by someone else he just... stares. And stares from afar, blank face yet you can see in his eyes both the yearning and resentment... x3. Then the second you look at him he looks any other way, and if you try to make a step towards him Kokushibou will basically run away. And then starts to avoid you. CAN HE GET ANY MORE PETTY?! He can, actually. He is yet to start making poetry about heartbreak, the one you catched him doing when you were fibally able to get close and talk to him after two weeks.
"Why do you let them speak to you like that? It's inappropriate." Well, it's not like you can do anything but reject their advances, like you did. But number one here is very insecure, so the fact that others flirt with you scare him and he dislikes that. "Kokushibou, please. You know I love you, and only you." But as a good lover you start to list why you like him and think he is better than everyone else. He becomes shy and runs away again.
But at least, once he gets over the outburst of his insecurity, is over is easy to reasure. Besides, apart from being a bit rude and shy, he doesn't hurt anyone.
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goodnightmemes · 24 days
episodes: s01e01 - s01e04
❛ There are stories out there that need to be told. ❜
❛ Mortality beats a heavy drum. ❜
❛ Things didn't end well the last time, so forgive me if I'm a little nervous. ❜
❛ Do you not know your value? Do you suffer these indignities for some larger purpose? ❜
❛ Let the tale seduce you. Just as I was seduced. ❜
❛ Stop! Don't do that shit here! ❜
❛ Dishonesty breeds dishonesty. ❜
❛ It ain't easy, the work I do. Nothing but broken souls around me, and the ones that ain't broke are greedy. ❜
❛ The Earth's a savage garden. ❜
❛ How do you do that? Get in my head like that. ❜
❛ I had no room for feelings like these in my life. ❜
❛ I have seen death over and over and over and over again. It's boring. ❜
❛ Easy prey for the discerning predator. ❜
❛ And rather than fix it like a man should, I run like a coward. I run to the bottle. I run to the grift. I run to bad beds. ❜
❛ I laid down with the Devil. And he has roots in me, all his spindly roots in me, and I can't think nothin' anymore but his voice and his words! ❜
❛ I'm not the Devil. You were wrong about that. But I can give you death. ❜
❛ What rage you must feel as you choke on your sorrow. ❜
❛ I can swap this life of shame, swap it out for a dark gift and a power you can't begin to imagine. You just have to ask me for it. ❜
❛ For the first time in my life, I was seen. ❜
❛ Be my companion. Be all the beautiful things you are, and be them without apology. For all eternity. ❜
❛ Memory is a monster. We forget, it doesn't. ❜
❛ We live off the blood of the living. Lap up the blood of the deceased and it'll suck you right down into death, along with your victim. ❜
❛ You have the power to subdue anyone you want, but sometimes restraint is your most powerful weapon. ❜
❛ This is your home now. ❜
❛ The sun gives life to everything but us. ❜
❛ The life of a vampire has its challenges and its rewards... ❜
❛ Do you contemplate the life of the rabbit before you cut it? Or do you simply cut?❜
❛ These are nightmares I'm having, not dreams. ❜
❛ One might think the ability to read a mind a most useful gift, but, in reality, it's quite mundane. ❜
❛ Every human thought boils down to three things..."I want food", "I want sex", "I want to go home". ❜
❛ You chase after phantoms of your former self. I'll break you of it. ❜
❛ You hide from me this long again, I'll hunt you down and slap you sideways. ❜
❛ I had powers now and decades of rage to process, and it was both random and unfortunate, the man picked that night to dabble in fuckery. ❜
❛ You are a library of confusion. ❜
❛ I don't like sleeping angry. ❜
❛ For the record, if disrespect was done to you, I would have killed him myself. ❜
❛ If you love your family, as I know you do, spare them all the pain that you are causing them. ❜
❛ I ain't never gon' have a family of my own, am I? No sons, no daughters. ❜
❛ I'm your family. ❜
❛ I've been neglectful of our romance. ❜
❛ He was my murderer, my mentor, my lover, and my maker… all of those things at once. ❜
❛ There is one thing about being a vampire that I most fear above all else... and that is loneliness. You can't imagine the emptiness, a void stretching out for decades at a time. ❜
❛ We must stay together and take precaution and never part. ❜
❛ Well, I don't say that you have to enjoy it! Kill them swiftly if you have to, but do it! Embrace what you are! You are a killer! ❜
❛ Come now, love, let's get you to the couch to die. ❜
❛ If you'd listen to me, if you finally submit to your nature, you will be filled, with all the life you can hold. ❜
❛ You will see death in all its beauty, life as it is only known at the very point of the death. You alone, of all creatures, can see death with that impunity. ❜
❛ You alone, under the rising moon, can strike like the hand of God. ❜
❛ Do you ever think that we, that's to say, our kind...were put on Earth for a larger purpose? ❜
❛ I put you on this earth. Your purpose is to enjoy yourself. ❜
❛ I desire blood as much as you do. But I wonder, should we be more selective? ❜
❛ Hunting is pure instinct. Reason is a set of leg irons. ❜
❛ Every one of them is capable of abomination, even the ones worthy of admiration. ❜
❛ Don't mind the shaking. I've snapped his spine. It's merely his nerves spasming. ❜
❛ I don't wanna kill people anymore. ❜
❛ So much of that year was a blur. And you can imagine what time's inevitable hammer does to the minute details. ❜
❛ This is the odyssey of recollection. ❜
❛ Oh, come now. I don't bite. ❜
❛ Aren't I enough? ❜
❛ We'll be together ten thousand nights, a hundred thousand.  ❜
❛ What we're doing is hard. Anything that wards off the dungs of the everlasting road we walk. ❜
❛ There. I said it. We're communicating so much better now, no? ❜
❛ You ever think about those old days when we were kids? ❜
❛ You wanna come around, you come around when people are awake. ❜
❛ Well, I thought we could have an orgy. You can fuck them, and I can eat them. ❜
❛ What can I say? I'm a lot. I'm not perfect. ❜
❛ I heard your hearts dancing! ❜
❛ You watched the whole thing like some creeper! ❜
❛ This is not a life! ❜
❛ Am I from the Devil? Is my very nature that of the Devil? ❜
❛ Take a black man in America, make him a vampire, fuck with that vampire, and see what comes of it. ❜
❛ You're here to threaten me, I suppose. ❜
❛ Why is your heart beatin' so fast? ❜
❛ Did you not smile when he begged? Did you not feel pleasure as you carved him up? ❜
❛ You did what you did because it gave you pleasure. ❜
❛ We should make this our anniversary. ❜
❛ That's why you and me ain't never gon' work. That's why you're always gonna be alone. ❜
❛ You were ready to abandon our home. Now you want a third. ❜
❛ I'm not human no more, am I? ❜
❛ I'll teach you, but not if we're going to have family secrets. ❜
❛ We're a family? ❜
❛ You're not a girl. You're a devil. ❜
❛ Hungry? You just ate a man twice your size. You can't possibly be… ❜
❛ I'm so hungry. I think I'm gon' die. Is that how vampires die? From starvation? ❜
❛ If you made me and you made [name], who made you? ❜
❛ When I'm tired, I'm not so kind. ❜
❛ Fighting sounds funny in French. ❜
❛ A girl vampire needs her own space if she's gonna find herself in this no-day world. ❜
❛ He got secrets. He don't give good answers to questions, sits on the truth like it's his chair or somethin'. ❜
❛ I thought we weren't supposed to keep secrets. ❜
❛ Sometimes, old people don't like talkin' much about the past. ❜
❛ For a killing machine, I kinda like her. ❜
❛ You wouldn't believe how time flies when there's people to eat and money to spend. ❜
❛ We do like mortals do. We fight, we eat, we laugh, we sleep, we love. ❜
❛ Never seen a dead one look so peaceful. You know what her last words were? ❜
❛ Wakes were invented in places where it snows. ❜
❛ You've been too sheltered, my belladonnic beauty. ❜
❛ You must be most ferocious, hmm? ❜
❛ There's something back there, something evil. ❜
❛ Yeah, I'm surprised your fancy parents let you out at night. ❜
❛ I finally got a few secrets of my own. ❜
❛ You're an angel. ❜
❛ This is why we never get close to mortals. Because sooner or later, they end up dead. ❜
❛ I had a daughter. ❜
❛ That means there's so much more fun out there to have. I'm just getting started.❜
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warnings: (angst/fluff) quick mention of blood.
pairing: modern(ish)!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric was gone, and you desperately wanted to understand why and how.
word count: 4.4k
Note: last chapter! :) I hope it makes sense to you all. A quick thank you to @tssf-imagines who inspired me to go down this road!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @bathedinheat @hb8301
‘Is there anything you wish to know in particular?’ 
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
Weeks had passed since Sihtric's disappearance. With barely a single trace left behind, except for the clothes you had bought him, it seemed as if he had never even been here. 
You were desperate the night he disappeared. You kept calling his name, to which you never got a reply. You cried for hours, nearly pulling your hair out of your head. You didn't know what to do. He was gone. You had fallen in love with him and now he was gone. Your gift, your sign from your guides. It had all been a cruel joke.
You had cried for days when you finally started to come to terms with it, but then found the phone he had used to "fetch" you. You mindlessly wanted to erase everything, until you saw the photos you took together before the Beltane celebration.
You felt a lump in your throat when you saw his sincere smile, those duo coloured eyes and your arms around his neck as he took the photo. Tears crept in your eyes when you swiped to the next picture. His hand gently held your chin as he kissed your cheek, which reminded you how affectionate he was that evening. And as you swiped to the next slide a video suddenly started to play, which seemed to have been accidentally recorded without your knowledge. It was right after the last picture.
It showed how his lips left your cheek and you both chuckled, then the screen went dark as you hadn't been aware of the recording, and you only heard his voice now. 
'I'm lucky to have found you, lady,' you heard Sihtric say, and right after that the recording stopped. 
You remembered those words and how he had given you a soft smile before his fingers had intertwined with yours. You threw the phone against the floor as hard as you could, which caused the screen to break into a hundred tiny cracks. Just like your heart had done, you thought.
Your sadness turned into anger over as the weeks passed by. You were angry with everything and everyone. How could you have met someone like him and then have him taken away again. You cursed your guides as you tried to understand why it had happened.
You tried to recall everything you had done, but you couldn't find an answer. Until your mind stopped at the Beltane celebration.
Your bay leaf ritual. 
You had wished for order to be restored in a way that would harm no one. As above, so below. That was the only thing you could think of that might have caused him to disappear. Yet, order was restored, but you were harmed in the process. It didn't make sense.
Your friends grew worried when they hadn't heard from you in a while, and when they decided to answer their texts you could only tell them a lie. You said that Sihtric had dumped you and left town. You hated your lie, but you couldn't explain it otherwise. Your friends tried to help you but only made it worse when they said how awful he was and that you deserved better. When in reality, Sihtric had never disrespected you. He was the sweetest and purest man you had ever met.
After a period of mourning your loss, your friends said it was about time you'd leave your apartment again. You knew they were right, and you allowed them to take you on a little surprise trip. They picked you up at noon and after an hour they dragged you through a ticket check and you suddenly found yourself in the middle of a viking themed gathering. 
A medieval festival.
'What the fuck,' you whispered.
'Surprise!' your friends yelled.
You had no words, you felt your sadness slip back into you and it became hard to breathe. You saw people dressed up as warriors with swords and axes, you saw groups of men forming a shield wall, women who rode on horses and kids getting their hair braided.
Everything here reminded you of Sihtric. Everything.
You wanted to cry and run away, but you tried to compose yourself as your friends took your hand and dragged you along. You felt yourself calm down after a while and tried to just enjoy it. Albeit rough, you felt your facade became easier as the day progressed. 
Your friends all wanted to join a medieval dance class as the evening was approaching, which you thankfully declined and said you'd wait for them at the centre point of the festival, where you'd get a drink.
You made your way through the crowd with a drink in your hand and found an empty table near the back, away from most people. You tried to enjoy yourself as you watched a battlefield reenactment from afar. Your stomach twisted at the sight, thinking of how Sihtric would have fought in battles like that, but for real. You tried to shake the thought of him. He was just a person in history now. You let out a shaky breath and turned away from the battle, holding your head in your hands as you closed your eyes.
You don't remember for how long you had been sitting like that before someone cleared their throat behind you.
'Excuse me,' a voice said, 'but, do I know you?'
You opened your eyes and your heart jumped out of your chest when you saw the man who had spoken to you. You felt your cheeks burn and your hands started to shake. 
'I… I have a feeling we have met before, I'm sorry if this comes off weird,' the man chuckled as he rubbed his hand over his chest, not knowing how to compose himself. 
He looked just like Sihtric. It was his spitting image. His eyes, his voice, scars and all, even the tattoo on his neck and those on his fingers. It was Sihtric. Except his hair wasn't braided, but tied in a bun, and his clothes weren't medieval, but typical modern clothes; sweatpants, sneakers and a hoodie.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, you just stared at him.
'I… actually, I've been watching you for a little while, I, I… I really thought I knew you. I… I am very sorry if I am mistaken,' he said and gave you a polite smile before turning away from you.
'Sihtric?' you blurted out as you stood up.
The man stopped and turned back to face you.
'You know my name?'
He stepped towards you and you swallowed hard. It was him, but… also not. You felt dizzy and he saw your legs were about to give out under you. He rushed to catch you and sat you back down on the wooden bench. He quietly held your hands as he waited for you to fully come back to this world again. You felt his hands trembling, just like yours.
'I don't understand,' you said, to which Sihtric shook his head and chuckled.
'I also don't understand,' he said, 'I can't recall your name, but I feel like I know everything about you somehow.'
You said you understood and you told him your name. And as you told him that you met someone not long ago who looked just like him, you looked over his shoulder and saw a small tent with a sign that said "readings". You stopped talking and jumped up, took Sihtric's hand and pulled him with you.
'Hey, wait. Where are we going?'
'Trust me,' you said, pulling him towards the tent.
'Already trying to get me alone, miss? We just met,' he smirked as he followed you.
You scoffed. He was exactly like the medieval Sihtric.
Once inside the tent you needed a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dim light. Down on the floor, in the middle of the tent, sat an elderly woman. She invited you to sit down and took out a small, black bag.
'Is there anything you wish to know in particular?' she asked.
You looked at Sihtric and he gave you a nervous smile as he knew what you were thinking.
'We would like to know,' he said, 'if we're… if… if we,' he stammered.
'We wish to know how we are connected,' you helped him out.
You looked at Sihtric and he agreed with a nod. You both watched the woman take the runes out of the bag, in toher hands and she closed her eyes. You felt Sihtric's fingers reach for yours, and he intertwined them as you both kept watching the woman. She whispered something to the runes in her hands and then threw them onto the cloth in front of her.
The three of you looked down at the stones. All stones had their symbol faced down on the cloth, meaning they will not take part in the reading as they have no message for you, all stones except for two.
'Perthtro,' the woman said in a soft voice, before she gazed up at you both, 'and Ansuz.'
You and Sihtric gave each other a quick look and a nervous smile, you both knew what the runes meant, but wanted to hear the woman speak her mind.
'Perhtro,' she said, 'the universe is at play. Your connection seems hidden. But trust each other, for the Norns have brought you together, your connection is simply destiny.'
You felt Sihtric squeeze your hand gently as you both kept your eyes on the woman.
'Hidden,' Sihtric said, 'but is there a way for us to tap into that?'
The woman smiled and whispered, 'Ansuz.'
'Revelation,' you said, to which the woman nodded.
'There is a way,' she said, 'to reveal any hidden memories.'
'How? Can we do it?' Sihtric asked.
The woman stood up and you both watched her as she gathered a chalice, some fresh herbs, water and an athame, the knife which she uses during her practices. She sat down again and held the chalice out to you and Sihtric.
'I need you to both spit in the bowl.'
You and Sihtric gave each other a quick disgusted look and did what you were told. You watched as she whispered in a language you didn't understand and she sprinkled the herbs in the chalice. Then she added the water.
'A few drops of blood are needed. From both of you,' she said, and handed you the knife, 'you have to draw each other's blood and drip it in the bowl.'
You held the knife in one hand and looked at Sihtric with questioning eyes. He took your hand and smiled.
'Do it,' he said, 'I somehow trust you wholeheartedly.'
'I'm sorry if it hurts,' you said and made a small cut in his finger, but he didn't even flinch.
The woman held the bowl under your hands and small drops of blood fell down in the mixture. You gave Sihtric the knife and he looked at you with big eyes. And those eyes. Those damn eyes, you thought, it had to be him. He looked at you with so much love, the same as he had done when youvhad read to him in the library and before he kissed you at the Beltane celebration.
'I'm sorry too,' he whispered before he made a small cut in your finger. 
You flinched slightly and watched your blood drip down in the chalice. Sihtric held your hand firmly in his, letting you know that he never wants to hurt you again. The woman took the knife back and stirred the mixture in the bowl with it as she chanted something inaudible.
'Are you sure about this? There is no way back once you drink from the potion,' she said.
'Yes,' you and Sihtric said at the same time.
She handed you the cup. You looked at Sihtric before you took a sip, and he gave you an encouraging smile. You handed him the chalice and he also took a sip, after which the woman quickly took the chalice out of his hands. You became dizzy and felt Sihtric's hand grab yours as you both fell back onto the soft cloths beneath you. 
And then everything became dark and quiet.
You woke up in an unfamiliar place, Sihtric's hand in yours, and you both sat up. It was quite dark and cold. When your eyes had adjusted you saw you had woken up in a cave. Sihtric helped you up and you both wiped the dirt off your clothes the best as you could.
'Where are we?' you asked.
'Nilfheim,' Sihtric sighed as he looked down at his dirty sneakers, which he swore had been white until a second ago. You looked at his sour face and snorted, but then you both were startled by a sudden voice. Sihtric pulled you close and you hid behind a large rock.
'I curse them all,' a voice growled, 'all those who fight for Uhtred!' A maniacal cackle echoed through the dark cave. 'Loki, I have made my sacrifice to you, bring chaos to all men who fight against the Danes on behalf of Lord Uhtred!'
You looked up at Sihtric, who looked as if he had seen a ghost.
'I know this place,' he whispered, 'I have heard these words before.'
'What?' you whispered back, 'how?'
'I don't know. I… I just know it. I've been here before, somehow.'
You opened your mouth to speak but a sudden force tried to pull you both down. You and Sihtric gasped and became dizzy, you grabbed each other in an effort to remain in balance, but without any luck. You both fell down to your knees and suddenly you found yourselves in a dark forest. You felt Sihtric's arms around you as you both tried to fight the dizziness, and you had barely recovered when you heard voices again.
'What if it was not a trap, lord?'
'Finan, do not be foolish?'
'Uhtred, what if ya just got us cursed?' Finan asked, 'ya heard what the sorcerer said!'
'The sorcerer is just messing with us, that is all,' Uhtred said.
'Aye, messing with magic,' Finan said.
'Do not speak of such things!' Uhtred hissed.
Your heart stopped for a moment when you suddenly saw Sihtric. The medieval Sihtric. The one who had been yours. He walked towards the two men, who you figured must be Uhtred and Finan, who he had told you all those stories about. Sihtric looked exactly like he had done when you first met him in the forest, when he asked you for directions. And you desperately wanted to run to him. You wanted to shout his name and jump into his arms. You wanted to kiss him and tell him how much you have missed him, but something kept you in place, nailed to the ground. And you noticed it was because current Sihtric held you back. His eyes were huge upon seeing the scene in front of you. You looked at him and he shook his head with a concerned look.
'Something is wrong. I can feel it,' he whispered. You couldn't explain it, but you trusted him, so you stayed in your place and Sihtric kept his arms around you.
'No, Finan is right, lord,' the medieval Sihtric said, 'something is wrong. I can feel it.'
As you watched the men set up a camp, you understood this must have been the moment medieval Sihtric had spoken about to you, this happened just before he woke up in the future. You quickly turned to face current Sihtric, but before you fully could, a brute force pulled both of you down again and suddenly you woke up at the Beltane celebration.
'I've been here before,' you said, slurring your words for how dizzy you felt.
Sihtric groaned, 'I have been here before too,' he paused, 'I might throw up this time.'
As your heads were still spinning, you both watched how you and medieval Sihtric had celebrated the sabbat and how you performed the bay leaf ritual. It was an outer body experience and you both felt sick to your stomachs. Seconds later you both passed out in the field. 
With a loud gasp you and Sihtric both woke up from, what had felt like, the worst night out ever and you sat up. You scanned the place as you held onto his hand for dear life, and you felt relief when you saw the elderly woman in front of you. You were safely back in her tent at the medieval festival.
The woman gave you some time to process everything, and she asked if you had found your answers. You nodded slowly, as did Sihtric, who looked like he would pass out again.
Someone had cursed all men who fought for Uhtred, causing chaos in their lives by messing with timelines. And as you had watched yourself perform your Beltane ritual, you understood what had happened. You had restored balance, and it had sent Sihtric back to his own time. But as you had asked for no one to be harmed in the process, as above so below, you were destined to run into this modern version of Sihtric. You were destined to meet here and to take this rune reading and this insane trip to understand why Sihtric felt like he knew you. Everything was connected, you and Sihtric were connected. He was the same man you had found in the forest, but in a way, he also wasn't. And you told the elderly woman that you didn't understand how that could be.
'Do you know what an alternative universe is?' she asked.
'You're saying that this Sihtric,' you pointed at him, 'was the medieval Sihtric in an alternative universe?'
'Not was,' she smiled, 'he is. He is the exact same man. Whoever cursed them caused that version of him to cross into this world. And as you restored balance again, you brought to life this one,' she said and pointed at Sihtric, 'young man, what do you remember about your childhood?'
'My childhood?' he asked, 'I…eh,' he stopped talking.
'Sihtric?' you asked after a moment.
'I… I only remember my… medieval childhood?'
'What do you mean?' you asked him, then you looked at the woman, 'what does that mean?'
'He knows everything about our time, but frankly has no recollection of his life here because he was never here before you summoned him, when you restored balance. It's a butterfly effect. You changed time too when you sent him back, but you changed time in a way that harmed no one. He is what you asked for and need, and in return you are what he needs, otherwise he wouldn't be here. Everything you know about him is the truth,' she smiled.
'So,' you paused and tried to get it right, 'you're saying… that Sihtric is the same Sihtric, except that he has adapted to modern life? And everything has led up to exactly right now? We were meant to be here, drink that… potion in order to find out?'
'And to make him remember you. Do you remember, boy?'
'Yes,' Sihtric whispered, 'I remember.' He looked up at you, 'I remember how you found me in the forest. How lost I felt and how we argued until you took me home,' he took your hands, 'I remember how you gave me your phone and how you'd braid my hair, even though I could do it myself,' he said, and you both chuckled. 'I remember how I wanted to fight that drunk man. I remember everything now.'
'Then my work here is done,' the woman said.
You both agreed and Sihtric helped you up. You stepped outside the tent and saw it was dark. You had no idea how much time had passed. It felt like minutes, but it looked like it had been hours as the entire festival field was empty of people.
'Fuck. What time is it?' you asked. Sihtric shrugged, still looking rather upset at his dirty sneakers. You checked the time and saw that hours have passed since you left your friends.
'What the fuck!' you yelled, 'oh god, 87 missed calls. My friends must be so upset.'
'Even I didn't call you that often,' Sihtric snorted.
And in your confusion you hadn't even registered that this Sihtric was your Sihtric. He remembered everything now. You looked at him and you didn't know if you wanted to laugh or cry. So you did a little of both. Sihtric reached out for you and pulled you in his arms.
'My love,' he whispered, 'you found me again.'
'I thought I had lost you forever,' your voice broke.
'No,' he sighed, 'I was just waiting for you as the Norns were busy spinning our threads.'
'Their yarn must be a gigantic clusterfuck,' you laughed through your tears.
'Probably,' Sihtric laughed and he kissed your forehead.
'But I really need to call my friends,' you said after a moment, taking out your phone again.
Sihtric kept you in his arms as he watched you talk on the phone.
'I am really sorry, I am fine. I ran into Sihtric and-' you paused, 'no, I didn't leave with him. We went to a rune reading and- yes, I know,' you continued, 'I know he did that, yes,' you gave Sihtric a nervous smile when you saw he frowned at your words.
'I will be careful. No, he won't do it again. No, you don't have to pick me up, wait, hold on,' you said and covered the phone with your hand. 'Sihtric? Do you have a car?'
'Okay,' you said back on the phone, 'Sihtric will bring me home. Yes, I will let you know when I'm home. No, he won't stay over. I know. I'm really sorry. Okay. Okay, yes, bye. Bye.'
You hung up with a sigh and turned your focus to Sihtric again, who gave you curious eyes.
'What did you tell them? When I was gone for a while?'
'I told them you dumped me and left town.'
'Oh, wow,' he scoffed.
'I'm sorry, but what else was I supposed to say?'
'I know,' he said, 'but I would never hurt you like that.' 
Sihtric smiled and took your face in his hands.
'I know,' you whispered as you looked up into his eyes.
You tugged his shirt gently and you felt his breath on your lips when he chuckled lightly, making you feel dizzy once again today.
'You know, I couldn't tell you before. I mean, not before it was too late,' he said and rolled his eyes before he smirked, 'but I love you. So much.'
You opened your mouth to speak, but Sihtric took the opportunity to capture your lips in a kiss. And he felt just as you remembered. You couldn't help but slightly moan as he kissed you, and you felt Sihtric smiling against your lips.
'Sihtric,' you sighed, 'I love you too.'
'I know,' he said before he kissed you again.
'We should go home,' you managed to say in between kisses.
Sihtric agreed, although he never said it, he just pulled you towards his car as he kept his hands and lips on you.
He opened the car door for you and kissed you again passionately before he allowed you to get in the car. You shook your head and smiled as you watched Sihtric walk over the other side of his car. How would you explain this to your friends, you thought, as he got in next to you and started the car.
'You still live in the same place?'
'Sihtric,' you snorted, 'it has been weeks, not years.'
'Hey,' Sihtric threw his hands up, 'back in my day people moved all the time.'
You gave him a worried look but then you both collapsed in laughter.
'I still live in the same place, yes,' you smiled.
'Good,' Sihtric said, and placed his hand on your knee before he drove you home.
'Will you come in?' you asked as Sihtric pulled up at your apartment building.
'You told your friends I wouldn't stay over,' he smirked.
'I didn't say you could stay over, I only asked if you wanted to come in,' you teased.
You watched Sihtric bite down his lip as he considered your offer.
'Fuck it,' he said, and you both got out of the car, 'it's not like it's the first time we met.'
'That is true,' you laughed as you walked to the main door.
You searched around in your bag for the keys when you felt Sihtric's hands on your waist. You tried to hide your smile as you opened the door. You took his hand and pulled him inside the main hall. 
And it felt like deja-vu. 
You both stumbled up the stairs, his hands and lips never leaving you. And once you shut your front door behind you Sihtric picked you up and threw you over his shoulder.
'I recall unfinished business,' he smiled as he threw you onto your bed, and you watched him switch on your nightlight before he lowered his body down onto yours.
It was all familiar to you. The touch of his hands, the taste of his lips, the feeling of his soft hair as you brushed your hands through it.
'Wait,' you broke the kiss, 'hold on.'
Sihtric groaned as you hopped out of bed to the bathroom. Better safe than sorry, you thought again.
'You better get back in here now,' Sihtric teased. 
'Demanding, are we?' you teased back. 
You looked up into the mirror and quickly fixed your hair, then your eyes darted to the clock and you saw the numbers change like you had seen last time he was here.
Your heart stopped and you quickly ran back into the bedroom. You froze and gasped as you looked at your messy bed.
'You're going to keep me waiting, princess?' Sihtric asked with a puzzled look.
You sighed in relief. Sihtric glanced at the clock in your bedroom and he sat up slowly as he understood why you looked concerned just yet.
'Hey,' he said as he pulled you towards him, 'everything is fine.'
He leaned in to kiss you and before you knew it he was on top of you again. Your hands found his face as he leaned his forehead against yours.
'I am not going anywhere, I promise,' Sihtric said, clutching his necklace, before he kissed you once more.
And the next morning you woke up in his arms, and it felt as if you had never been separated.
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Jikook's Rainy Day Fight
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So FINALLY getting around to making this post. Lol so honestly go read this one first. It's a HUGE post I made where I really broke down my thoughts about the rainy day fight before they told us more about it. I still stand by alot of these thoughts for the most part now that we know more. The only thing I might switch up a bit is the very last paragraph where I said something like "this clearly has nothing to do with BTS as a whole and seems like a couple-esque fight more than anything else." Imma walk that one back with the new info given lol
Regardless, read this post first before proceeding. Thanks!
Okay, all done with that post? Great! So here is what JK said about the rainy day fight:
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And here is what Jimin said:
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Overall, the dramatics were ridiculous (i say lovingly) for what this fight was about and somehow it still gives off couple vibes simply because of the way they escalated this "speak more politely to your hyungs" conversation into a "I'm cutting you off" and a slam dunk hug in the rain reunion. Lol
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(The way they both think back the most fond over that reunion hug is so freaking cute)
Things I want to additionally point out.
- Hobi hyung getting angry was the barometer of "wow. I super fucked up this time" which makes me cackle 🤣 the man is an angel lol
- after brushing aside his other members remarks and everyone else huffing but leaving, Jimin was the one to make the effort to pull him aside to have a more serious conversation about it. Trying to take it seriously with him, give him respect in return and not make it seem like he was being ganged up on. It speaks once again to how they have always been so incredibly close to each other. This was back in 2015 ish and they made these allowances for each other and gave each other their trust.
- Both Jimin and Jungkook told the same story, but took the blame for the fight upon themselves. They recongized what happened but when sharing the story with a third party, made it seem totally like their own fault (when clearly they both had some anger issues and bad judgements during that fight). It seemed like they were lowkey trying to protect the other and mostly just felt bad about their own contributions to the fight rather than the other person's. Clearly the forgiveness was absolute.
- Jungkooks snarkiness clearly got Jimin feed up to the point where he snapped and said something he clearly didn't mean, but also clearly felt. He probably felt disrespected and felt like that wasn't the type of bond they had cultivated together. And JK clearly felt bad and was upset himself and even after they separated, when he found himself upset and lost, his first instinct was to reach out to Jimin. And even pissed off and mad, Jimins first instinct was to answer JKs phone call and make sure he was okay and safe. Just for them to reunite not too long after, both feel shitty for their behavior and find a secluded spot for them to actually talk it through before they went home and to bed. Regardless of their full day of schedules right after that too. It's incredibly sweet of them.
- its still lowkey giving off couple fight/break up and reunion vibes. Lmfao but only in how they handled their dramatics, not in the actual fight. Nor do I think they were a couple during this time frame. I do think they were harboring crushes on each other, but that's a seperate conversation. And the fact that JK held onto feeling guilty over his bratty attitude and causing this fight so many years later??? Clearly, it had a lasting impact, even though he still acts like a brat to Jimin sometimes lol its done in a teasing manner rather than a disrespectful one. And it's something that the two of them clearly encourage in their bond together.
- the acknowledgement of that through this fight (and the subsequent conversation on the roof and make up afterwards) they got closer is worth highlighting and mentioning too. When a fight/disagreement is done in a healthy way (and while it didnt start that way. They clearly got there), the communication and the way you can get to know someone better can be so helpful for having an even better relationship. Platonic, romantic or any other kind. I'm glad they spent that time together on the roof. It was probably something they both really needed that night and lead to even more emotional vulnerability and comfort between the two of them going forward I'm sure.
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Thanks to everyone for waiting so long for me to write this up and for anyone who read this far too. 💜 I know I ramble a lot! I think this was everything I had to say about the rainy day fight though! 💜 Hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
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denny-artsss · 4 months
I miss mei mei!!! Can we have a short story about mei Mei and her parents pretty please!!! X3
Mey-Mey: Mother?
Gangle: Yesss??
Mey-Mey: Is it okay if I use a knife to butter my toast, or are you worried I'll do something crazy with it?
Gangle: You can butter your own toast.
Mey-Mey: Oh good, you can see the toast too, I was afraid I was imagining it.
Gangle: Mey-Mey.
Jax: All right, that's enough...
Ragatha: What's... going on?
Gangle: Nothing's going on. Everything is fine.
Pomni: I'll tell you later.
Mey-Mey: My mother believes I'm mentally unstable. And since there's a genetic component and I'm her child, I suppose it's possible.
Gangle: I know you're angry right now, but you will not be disrespectful.
Mey-Mey: You know, fits of rage are a classic symptom of psychosis.
Gangle: Oh, you haven't seen fits of rage yet.
Jax: I said that's enough!!! Both of you act like lunatics.
Gangle: So...naturally I was concerned about her wellbeing... and was keeping an eye on her... just to be safe.
Mey-Mey: It's called being neurotic.
Mey-Mey: Maybe it's hormonal. When does menopause typically begin?
Gangle: It is NOT my hormones.
Mey-Mey: Well, it certainly isn't mine. I'm showing NO signs of puberty.
Gangle: Baby, there's something I need to tell you.
Mey-Mey: ....
Gangle: Kinger is not in the type of hospital you think he is.
Mey-Mey: What kind of hospital is he in?
Gangle: The... psychiatric kind.
Mey-Mey: Why? What's going on???
Gangle: Mey-Mey, you're my baby. It is my job to worry about you. I can't help it.
Mey-Mey: I'm sorry I caused you so much concern...
Jax: See how valuable a little communication can be?
(I stole this whole script from young Sheldon you're welcome.)
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sugary-sweet-anon · 7 months
In your last post, you wrote to a user, "I can do it if you want, send me a plan." Ah, I'm not that person and I can give you another example of fiction. I don't know if you can do it, but I still want you to try!
My fic is about Lee Namjoon.
Namjoon is generally a person who constantly tickles the members. So, judging by the moments, it is.
Namjoon loves to tease and tickle them, but now all the members want to take revenge on him and catch him.
and they realize that this man tickling them is very ticklish and they tickle torture him
Can you make a Lee Namjoon and ler Bts story like this? Please🥹💗
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This is my first fanfic! I don't know how well this will be received, but I hope you enjoy it! As I was writing it, it turned into something a bit different. Thank you very much for requesting, and I'm sorry it's taken so long.
Leader's Plight
Lee!Namjoon, Ler!BTS
It was a calm day for the Bangtan boys. A day where they had a light schedule. These days were few and far between, so all seven of them took advantage of it.
Most of them were resting. Others were watching TV. Overall, just a calm and peaceful day.
Well, it WAS anyway. Five of the guys met outside their rooms, confused looks on all of their faces.
"What in the world was that?" Jimin was the first to speak up.
"I dunno, but it woke me up," Yoongi mumbled, clearly agitated.
"It sounded like it came from Jin hyung's room."
Taehyung was right. With his room being closest to Seokjin's, he could easily tell. (A/N I don't know how their rooms are set up so just work with me on this). They all agreed and followed the laughter to the eldest's room. What awaited them on the other side, however, was not what they expected.
Directly in front of them, in the middle of the floor, was Namjoon, their leader. In a writhing mass of laughter. And who was causing all of this? Seokjin, the eldest of the seven.
The other five boys stood in awe of what was happening. They never thought that their strong leader would be this ticklish!
"Whoa! How did this start?" Hoseok asked with a grin on his face.
Jin paused his attack on Namjoon, leaving the younger to gasp for air on the floor.
"This brat thought he could get away with forgetting to use 'hyung' after my name!" He exclaimed dramatically. He wasn't really angry or upset at Namjoon. He just felt like teasing him for it.
The others knew this too, but they decided to play along with their oldest hyung. After all, it wasn't often that Namjoon was the victim of a tickle attack. 99% of the time, he was the one who started them. And, well, this seemed like the perfect opportunity for revenge~.
"Ooooo hyungie is in trouble!" Jungkook couldn't resist approaching his favorite member and wiggling his fingers at him.
"You little brat!" Namjoon felt his face heat up as he reached out and squeezed the youngest's side.
"EHEHEY!" Jungkook quickly pinned Namjoon's hands down. "I'm not the one who forgot to be respectful to our wonderful Jin-hyung"
"Ahhh Joonie you should know better~!" Hobi mischievously smirked.
"So disrespectful!" Jimin shook his head, slowly kneeling down beside Jungkook.
"I think you've earned yourself this punishment, Namjoon-ah," Yoongi said.
Namjoon tried wriggling away, but unfortunately Jin had too strong of a hold on him still. "Wahahahait guys we can talk about thihihis!"
Taehyung, who had been quiet this whole time, suddenly spoke up. "Hey, you know what I just realized?"
The others looked at him expectantly. "What is it hyung?" Jungkook asked, his big eyes wide with curiosity.
"Namjoonie hyung tickles us all the time! We never get to see him like this!" Tae couldn't help but smile in glee.
Everyone gasped happily. Except the young man in question. "TAEHYUNG-AH!" Namjoon yelled in disbelief. If his face wasn't red before, it definitely was now.
Jin, meanwhile, was growing impatient. "Ya, are you all going to stand there or help me with him?" He said, his eyes glinting with mischief.
The others didn't say another word before they all pounced on their leader. Jungkook near his head, tickling his neck, Jimin and Taehyung going after his feet, Hoseok and Yoongi at his armpits, and Jin still at his original spot at his sides and stomach.
The response was immediate. "GAHAHAHAHA GUHUHUHUYS NOHOHOHOHO!!" Namjoon's hyena-like laughter exploded into the air. He couldn't focus on anything except the ticklish sensations. Try as hard as he might, there was no way he could escape!
"This is your punishment Joonie! Take it like a man!" Jin said playfully, digging into the poor boy's sides.
"I'm just happy to finally be tickling him instead of the other way around!" Tae exclaimed happily. He was currently scratching the leader's left sole with his long nails, eliciting screams of laughter from him. The other maknaes nodded in agreement.
"Tickle tickle tickle Namjoonie!" Hobi teased in a high-pitched voice while scribbling away at Namjoon's left armpit.
"DOHOHOHON'T TEHEHEHEHEASE MEHEHEHEHE!!" Dang it, why did Hobi have to be so good at teasing? Probably practiced on the maknaes. He attempted to hide his face by turning his head away from Hobi, but was met with Jungkook's wriggling fingers in his neck.
"Awwww hyungie is shy!" Jungkook cooed. He leaned down close to Namjoon's ear. "Coochie coo hyung~"
This caused Namjoon to squeal loudly. "JUNGKOHOHOHOHOOK YOU BRAHAHAHAT!" His thrashing intensified.
Yoongi could see that he was getting close to his limit, so he motioned for everyone to slow down, but not completely stop. "Hang on everyone," he said. "There's something I want to do before we kill him."
The others watched to see the show Yoongi was gonna pull. Namjoon, on the other hand, looked at him in terror.
"Hyuhuhung noho dohohon't! I know that lohohohook!" Anticipatory giggles flowed out of his mouth.
"What look?" Oh, that liar. Anyone could recognize that sly evil look on his face. And he knew it too. It wasn't often, but nearly every one of the members had experienced this at one point. And they all feared it.
"Hyuhuhung dohohon't you dahahaHAHAHAHAHAHARE NAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Namjoon screamed in laughter as Yoongi had lifted his shirt and blown a massive raspberry right on his navel. The other members couldn't help but smile in awe as their beloved leader was reduced to a laughing writhing mess on the floor. Taehyung was right, it was a happy sight to see him being tickled to happy tears for a change.
Eventually, Namjoon couldn't take it anymore. "HYUHUHUHUNG *snort* ENOHOHOHOUGH STOHOHO*hic*HOHOP!!"
Yoongi stopped immediately and rubbed Namjoon's stomach. Everyone else crowded around him to make sure he was okay.
"Are you alright Namjoonie hyung?" Jimin asked with concern.
Jungkook sat him up and started rubbing his back to help him breathe better. "Did we go too far?"
Namjoon breathed heavily while stroking Taehyung's head. The younger boy had made his way into Namjoon's lap, hugging him. "I'm okay guys. You didn't go too far." Though he sounded tired, and he was, deep down he felt really happy. He didn't realize how much he need that.
Everyone crowded in for a big group hug. They were really lucky to have each other. Even if they could be annoying at times. Namjoon took a moment to consider this and welcomed the embrace. He really was the luckiest guy on the planet.
It was a calm and peaceful day once again.
"Did anyone notice that Joonie didn't say stop until the very end?"
Well, it was anyway.
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I've decided to try and complete the top ten that we know of so far. This time line is after Astras death, I can't really think of many scenarios where he would tolerate a child. The reader is a bit older than the previous ones since she's 7. The reader due to her power is able to see the dead.
Readers power has the ability to give the dead solid form and bind them to her as well the ability to transform into a monster. Awakeners can use their powers to cause damage, as long as reader gives them the energy to remain corporal, stronger attacks will also consume readers energy.
Pissed would be an understatement to explain how he was feeling right now. He had died due to Kayden and Kartien, and he couldn't even get revenge on them, no matter how he tried to interact with the living world he just couldn't, he could only touch other ghosts. His only consolation in the situation being his discovery of Kayden and Kartiens cat form. That faded away the moment he realised how great of a feat Kayden had done in making such a technique. He had held excitement when he spotted Pluton, only for it to dissipate when Pluton offered to guard Kayden and his apprentice.Then as if to add salt to his wounds, Muras was offering everything precious he had to Andrei.
Without much else to do he decided to float around, when he stumbled upon a small clearing in the middle of a forest where he decided to shout angrily about how he would get revenge.
"mister you sure are angry"
A small voice said
It was at that moment he noticed a child, wearing light blue overalls and a white shirt. Her eyes stared at him, they looked like an empty void. Her head tilted to the side as she looked at him. He was reminded of those old dolls he saw in his childhood, the ones that looked eerily alive. He had never liked them much and the child in front of him looked at him the same way those dolls did. He clicked his tongue and looked at her with a harsh gaze.
"none of your concern rat"
"..okay, bye mister angry"
The child said with a deadpan face walking away.
"why you disrespectful little-WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO"
And he swiped at you completely going through you
" wha-why am I unable to touch you?"
" because I'm alive mister angry"
"then how can you see me?"
"It's my power mister angry"
"my name is Astra, and you shall refer to me as sir Astra, rat"
" will you call me Y/n, and not rat?"
"no, the strong will take control of the weak and you are a little pathetic rat. So you will do as I say."
" okay, you're mister angry then"
"you can't touch me, I'm not scared of you"
You say as you walk away
"where do you think you're going?"
He asks following you annoyance evident in his voice
"I'm going to play dollhouse with my friends in the woods"
You say as you pull an old ragged doll from your pocket. It had a missing eye, and was seen back together at various places with different colour treads. It had lost half the hair on it's head, and the stitches of what was once it's mouth had come undone.
"..that is one creepy doll"
"her name is Frankie, and me and all the other kids like her"
As you say this 2 little ghost kids; 1 boy and 1 girl come into the clearing.
"hi Y/n are you here to play?"
the little girl asks
"uh huh, here Jessie I brought Frankie with me"
"you play with these ghost children?"
"the kids in the orphanage think I'm crazy, they don't like me. The adults think I'm crazy too, so I come here the forest grown ups are nice too"
" of course they think you're crazy, you can see things they can't, stupid child"
" HEY, don't be mean to Y/n, old man"
the young ghost boy exclaims while pointing at him
Instantly a look of rage crossed over Astras face.
"why you little insignificant rat"
He flies over to the boy and just as he was about to reach him, he phased right through the boy and fell face first on to the ground.
"what in the world just happened?"
He touched the ground in shock, it felt solid. Not how it felt when he was alive, but it was more than what he had been feeling since he died.
"I made you corporal, I don't want you hurting Eric."
You gaze at your friends and signal at them to run away.
You watch his every move as he tried to adjust to having physical form again
"YOU RAT, you could have made me physical this entire time!"
He swiped his hand at you, only for it to pass right through you. You stare at him blankly as he glares at you in rage.
"you little- stop doing that"
"no, you said the strong will take control of the weak. You're weak to me right now so you have to do as I say"
You look at him, and for the first time since he had met you he saw emotion on your face. You tilted your head and an eerie smile spread across your face.
"brat, using my own words against me"
" They're the same words that caused you to die. You're old, aren't you supposed to be smart, and not repeat the same mistakes?"
"watch your mouth.. wait a moment, how do you know how I died?"
"there were a lot of happy people who I saw here a little while back. I asked them why they were happy, they said someone named Astra was responsible for their passing.They said they were happy because you passed away in a fight with Kayden. They also described the fight and why it started."
" so you heard of me due to the celebration of my enemies,tch. In any case, I want you to make me corporal so I can get revenge"
" I'm not helping you"
"you'll get money, power and so much more, whatever you want I'm willing to give."
" you said the same thing to mister Kartien and then you tried to take his legs, and said you would torture him"
You look at him with a deadpan expression. As you continued playing with Frankie.
"oh, guess you would know that as well"
" also I need to be near you for you to be corporal, and using your more powerful attacks will take my energy. I won't be able to help you unless you protect me, and I don't believe you've protected someone a day in your life"
".. that insult was unnecessary, this is why I hate children"
" I wish you would choke on your ego"
"..you don't talk like a child at all."
You shrug and start messing around with Frankie's hair.
" the grown ups don't like me, but ghost grown ups do so I spend time with them instead. All of them are really old and they taught me to talk like this."
"that explains how you know your power so well, you're basically raising yourself using your power... Would you stop playing with that doll you're eerie enough as it is"
"no, I like Frankie, say mister angry why do you want revenge so badly?"
"Kayden literally killed me of course I want revenge"
" mister angry wasn't it more of Mister Andreis fault?"
" what makes you think it's his fault?"
He asked, mild confusion on his face.
" well many of the ghosts told me how mister Kayden got on mister Andreis bad side. First when mister Andrei led an attack on the students of WAA mister Kayden stopped it, since his apprentice was there. Mister Kayden ended up killing the entire squad that was there except for Earthquake. Second mister Kayden and mister Kartien killed Earthquake, since he was responsible for hurting mister Kayden's apprentice. Earthquake rigged up the match he was in and was the first to falsely accuse him of murder. Then he called you, cause you're known for being an angry and bad person. He set you up to fight Mister Kayden and mister Kartien since he wanted revenge."
" I already know that Kayden pissed off Andrei, but it's a far cry to believe he would set me up for a fight with them."
" you can ask the other ghosts, the ones near mister Andrei can give you more evidence"
You looked at him mildly curious as he looked deep in thought.
"I'll be back brat"
With that he left and took a week to return.
" it seems that Andrei truly set me up, not only do the ones around him confirm Andrei himself confirmed it aloud."
"does that mean you're going to have revenge on Mister Andrei now?"
"yes, and you're going to help me"
" but why would I help you? I don't like Mister Andrei, but I have no reason to help you and I'm also not strong enough to do so"
" I'm going to help you get strong, second you're an unaffiliated child and your powers are better kept secret. If criminals found you they would give you to a laboratory, and if your power was to be discovered by an organisation they would try to capture you. Your ability would help boast any organisation since they could use you to get powerful techniques lost to time. They would force you to help them. I will protect you and in exchange you help me get revenge."
You gazed at him with a look of suspicion at his offer
" I wouldn't be able to cheat you in any way, you literally have control over me"
" is it alright if I only help you get revenge on mister Andrei?"
".. Andrei will suffice, killing two top 10s especially someone like Kayden would be too difficult. Especially since you can use your youth as an advantage against Andrei while Kayden would still be in his prime..Is there any reason you don't like Andrei? I have a reputation just as horrible if not worse than Andrei's yet you want to help me."
" he's responsible for killing Eric and Jessie, and a bunch of other kids in this forest. We hate him here."
Astras face turns to one of shock
"how many are there?"
You shout into the woods around you
" the bad man?"
"that's his name in this forest, I called him mister Andrei until you agreed to help us get revenge."
At that moment the entire forest lit up like someone hung little fairy lights.
"so.. all these children hate Andrei? Heh.. guess he's in for a ride"
"they don't trust you, you tried to hit Eric. They'll take a while to accept you. They're okay with you as long as you help in getting revenge"
" Alright then we're working together for revenge."
With that an alliance was formed in between the both of you and the ghost children. It was difficult at first since you would butt heads in various instances. He's methodology of forcing someone to rely on you after torture was used against him. He calls it torture you call it character building, all he has to do is be patient and nice with the kids. Having to work with you and a forest of kids forced him into having to be a better person. The forced retirement did wonders for his personality. Your relationship got better and you and the other kids start referring to him grandpa cranky and he calls you brat or doll child. Anyone who knew him alive is surprised at your interactions, Tanji doesn't know how to refer to you. You're amused watching people who were loyal to Astra trying to figure out how to talk to you. Astra tells you sadism is a horrible trait to learn from him. You tell him that he got his positive traits from you, so you have to even the score and get some of his negative traits.
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prototypelq · 6 months
Haven't posted MHW screens in a while, so here are some
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My little kitty squire, he saves me on a regular basis, thank you little guy for your service
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Explorer Grandma is my #2 favourite character in the game where character have No Names Besides Their Profession. Handler's my bff, but I almost love the grandma even more, she is awesome
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(I really need to start using the stealth mantle to take screens of monsters in the wild BEFORE I mercilessly cut them down...)
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Adore the collectibles in the Elder's Recess! They look gorgeous, sadly the textures get weird when I try to take a picture of them.
Speaking of textures, I was happy to delete 47 gbs of highest textures, cause apparently I do not use them anyway and they just east my memory space))) Why isn't this An Option In Every Game And I have To Manually Dig Through Files With Fear Of Breaking The Game Tailing Behind Me. I have only been a pc-gamer for less than half a year, and I already hate the memory space problems. Make the highest-res texture packs optional downloads.
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Some Nergigante being a total bastard shots. The first one - he flew to the arena above the one we previously fought on, and the moment I climbed onto it, he did a diving attack, which landed him right back at the lower arena. I had to jump down after him, only for the bastard to Fly Up Again. And then we got right into the beginning of this situation, because he did the dive attack and fell down AGAIN. I swear. This absolute bastard. Also, I'm pretty sure that death pose is a meme?
Finished him off with utter disrespect through firing at him with the slinger. Took me three tries. At least, the high rank armor/weapon grind is finally accesibble now.
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Listen. Listen. I know this is high rank, I do, But This Is A Few Ranks Too High???
I went for a 'quick odogaron grind' hunt. While I was chasing the doggo, who ran to the highest level of the valley, where I followed him, where apparently bazel followed Me, and we all crashed into a poor radobaan who didn't deserve any of this. Bazel was a freakin menace, he kept tailing me, while I was tailing odogaron, simply thinking he'd go away. Apparently not, cause after I managed to cut down the poor doggo, bazel finished me off, And Odogaron Respawned. So i got no materials out of my 'quick doggo grind'. I was angry enough to try to take on the pinecone plane himself, but I only managed to cut his tail off and drive him away, after which I went to hunt the respawned odogaron, Again. I wanted to chase the pinecone afterwards, but he fleed like a coward. Anyway, this was an interesting hunt for sure, and I now have an unfurfilled grudge against bazel, which I will try to remedy for sure. He is really cool tho, I cannot lie, and I think his battle theme is metal? Anyway, pinecone boy is annoying but cool, I like him.
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felixcloud6288 · 3 months
Higurashi: Festival Accompanying Chapter 5
Miyo got that headpat from Hifumi.
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Miyo keeps talking about how much she wants her grandfather's work to be acknowledged and his name to be immortalized. Somewhere between now and 1983, we're going to see her ideals become horribly twisted.
When Dr Takano talks about becoming a god, he's talking about vindication and being remembered past his death. Considering his reasons for studying Hinamizawa Syndrome, it may also be a matter of being a cornerstone to building something people benefit from long after he's gone.
But in the vast majority of timelines, Miyo Takano used his research as a cornerstone to drive the Japanese government to destroy Hinamizawa and cast everyone in it as cursed by an angry god. She very much is going to lose the idea her grandfather had.
We meet Hifumi's friend Koizumi who sets Dr. Takano up to meet with several scholars to look at his work. And after how that meeting goes, I want you to understand that I use "set up" in the negative sense cause I feel like Koizumi straight-up is trying to sabotage Dr. Takano's efforts.
Dark skies, faces draped in shadow, and heavy rain. The only way this scene could feel more menacing is if the Jojo "Menacing" kanji littered the scene.
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The way those scholars acted pisses me off in so many ways. Just to start, they laugh at how it's "impossible" for a parasite to control human brains. HAVE THEY NEVER HEARD OF RABIES!?! Rabies literally makes people hydrophobic. If you say something is "impossible" in the biology field, evolution will take that as a challenge.
I'm willing to accept a lack of clinical evidence as a genuine critique for Dr. Takano's research, but that's actually a reason to fund his research rather than disregard it. It's a clearly defined shortcoming in his research and a limitation that he's asking for support to fix.
And of course there is the sheer disrespect from these people. I hesitate to call them scholars cause they clearly treat their position as something they can lord over others. They should be looking at this with an open mind and curiosity and should be making sure Dr. Takano dotted all his i's and crossed all his t's when confirming the validity of his work and ideas. Instead they're coming in with full mockery and an "I'm right cause I'm better than you" attitude.
Miyo's Shion foil started to show after this. If she could, she would totally lock those men in a dungeon and torture them to death in revenge for her grandpa. But since she can't she's going to take it out on god and destiny.
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Did you know the 1 and 6 on a standard six-sided die are on opposite sides of each other? I'm bringing this up because I want to draw a parallel between Takano and Rika.
Both of them have a sort of luck that causes them to constantly roll 1's on destiny's dice. When it happens to Rika, she opts to try again and hope for a different outcome. Takano meanwhile responds by flipping the table to force the dice to end up on 6's. Takano just refuses to accept misfortune and it only drives her to force a desired outcome instead.
I wasn't expecting to do this, but I think there's a part of Takano that is also a foil to Keiichi as seen in the end of this chapter. They're both very intelligent but are driven by different motivators. Keiichi liked the sense of superiority that came with being the smart guy and loved receiving praise for it. Takano meanwhile is motivated more by an internal desire to prove her grandfather right. We've yet to see Takano hit a wall where her motivation dries up, but considering what normally happens, she probably also takes things out on other people and justifies it because of her status and intellect. But there doesn't appear to be any line Takano won't cross whereas Keiichi does end up realizing when he's done wrong.
And to close out all these comparisons to the main cast, I'm going to compare Takano to Mion. Through her hard work, Takano managed to become a name in high society with the connections that come with it. Compare that to Mion who was born into a position of eventual power (Although technically, she accidentally ended up in that position and Shion was intended to be the heir) and has to learn to play the part even though she'd rather not. And of course, both of them have some very shady connections.
But here we are. We have seen Miyoko Tanashi grow into Miyo Takano. She is an orphan who refused to accept her cursed life. She opposes god and forges her own identity. She loves her grandfather and has devoted her life to proving to the world that he was right. She is intelligent, hardworking, and self-motivated. She is well-connected and ruthless in her methods. She does not accept destiny and has an indomitable will than can defy it.
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