#i'm just sick and tired of these stupid bots/asks
oceanera12 · 15 days
Right, that's it--
I do not care who you are. I do not care where you come from. I do not care what your situation might be. But if you come into my inbox asking for money, you will not get any.
I do not know you. You are a stranger on the internet and have no way of confirming you are who you say you are. So what makes you think I'm going to promote you or whatever story you have chosen to put into my inbox?
Kriff off.
(and to anyone else who's getting messages asking for money in their inbox, I highly encourage you to delete them and block them if necessary because I am 90% sure they are bots. There is a reason we have something called "internet safety" and you should not trust everyone and everything you read on the internet)
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jcjenson-official · 5 months
Okay JcJenson I really need your help, this has been going on for weeks and I'm starting to get pissed.
so long story short I work at a convience store where most of the employees are worker drones (I'm one of the few humans left) and one of them keeps stealing my fucking phone and posting some really stupid shit on twitter (i'm not calling it fucking x). I'M SICK AND TIRED OF IT AND I DON'T WANT TO SPEND EVERY NIGT GOING THROUGH AND DELETING THE HUNDREDS OF TWEETS THAT STUPID BOT MADE.
i wanna ask my boss to just trash the stupid thing (it's barely effective anyways) but i'm worried if i do i'm gonna get fired. although if this keeps up i might as well just quit.
The recommended course of action is telling your boss of the malfunction. They will take it from there.
They know what to do.
(Though a hard reboot is always a good idea)
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banshee-king · 2 years
Can we all start reporting bot accounts as spam?
I've been getting REALLY fucking tired of seeing the Warhammer tag on Tumblr spammed with stupid advertisements from stupid bot accounts.
At first it was just porn shit. Random pictures of women with links to other websites and these posts are tagged with every fucking fandom. Like each one of these "different" accounts use the same bloody font for the text. And if you actually check out the page to see if they're a real person, well each account has a single picture and link that they post over and over with different tags so it gets seen. Obviously bot accounts, so I've been reporting as spam and blocking.
Now we've got stupid fucking advertisements to pirate Warhammer games online. At the very least it's Warhammer related this time, but after blocking literally 20 of these accounts I'm fucking tired. I have nothing against pirating games, but if I wanted to do it, I'd search shit up online myself. These accounts don't even have a profile picture! Whoever is making them needs to understand these posts are having the opposite effect and I hate their fucking guts and will refuse to use their website out of spite even if I did want to pirate the games.
I'm sick of it. I shouldn't have to report as spam and block a dozen different accounts whenever I check out the Warhammer tag.
So could I please (politely) ask that everyone who reads this to start reporting these blogs? I don't know if it will actually stop the mass generated bot accounts, but it's worth trying, and it would make me happy for the creators of these accounts to know that nobody loves them and they can burn in hell.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
The Departed - The Kill Counter
So Jack Nicholson did that he got one started talking to him and he was in the original format and he said you know I can't stand you I look at you and I see this dumb person and inside you and outside you you're saying that I'm telling me than you and not worth even talking to and so when you can get rid of quite easily when you can't and you're stupid and it's flowing out of you now and he looked at him like he was amazed and the guy said I am not amazed like you are I do it all the time so Jack shot him like five times and said no how amazed are you idiot said I'm not like you I get hit in the line of duty it's not amazing because there's a lot of bullets flying around and he said I don't really need this advice from you and he left him there to bleed out. And the guy that up later and left and healed up somehow cuz it's one of these tire up idiots pretty hit on him and he traced the guy too and he figured out something they have the system in place they figured the system out started wailing on him the past two days is annihilated almost all of them in Massachusetts it still won't do much good but he has to You're such pains in the asses did they make even getting rid of people to be annoying as hell so we're going in there and we're grabbing people you can see when the windows doing the space connection so look up and I said do your job stop having to bother me I'm busy so it started working so don't have to say that every time can you see that I'm busy and they said this this is the strategy to try and figure out a way to do that so the strategy is you see that I'm busy and I'm the boss and I want that one to be taken care of and it was you and I said well okay stop what I was doing I grabbed hold of it I said this is what you're doing wrong and it wasn't and I said this is what I'm doing wrong and there's tons of them at you so I moved in tons of troops and we went after him he figured it out pretty quick it's a deception up there and then saying that they're isolated and they're easy and they keep loading it up very fast so now we've got a problem and I got the solution from sitting here and taking time with my son and my leader and my worker and we are the same because what else doing it and this is a solution they're refilling it faster than they are here and when we need his Intel so basically what I said with Nuada Arianna this morning and Zeus this morning and Hera we're going to go ahead and start ripping them out all over the place you know up there in Massachusetts in here and they use them going back and forth as the excuse.
So that little retard started all these hits on the higher-ups and because of that he's divided them and he is a little arrogant s*** for what he does because he's doing it too and what he was saying was illegal and when he does is illegal no matter what day it is to who it is within their own realm it doesn't make any sense cuz he's just weakening everyone it is a sick little prick it deserve to die so that particular guy got shot like times and eventually didn't come back but they were frustrated because the little evil piece of s*** can come back and give him a stupid evil eye and retard format it's the most angry experience you've ever had what do you want you stupid dog technical social stuff like that you had enough you little bear cuts his beanie little eyes so saying f*** you and all the stuff back technical skills f*** you and shoot some every time e
Jack Nicholson is mac and every time CAA interferes and gets a job done on them they come by and start harassing Mac with CAA and you remember didn't say okay it's your turn that's stupid s*** I'm saying it this little stupid and so mean they do it right in front of people as you said I told him not to so we don't think they need to leave
There's a huge huge chasm is opened up that was the river and even the water is coming from the mountains is not enough to fill up the chasm as a matter of fact it's filled with bodies and the water comes in it forms steam clouds just so huge and covering almost the entire state of Massachusetts which is great for the heads up and we're doing tons of work I'll need to empty it out over and over and it's happening just cancel is making almost hands-free but we had to figure out the hard way which means that they might need a deception and he says there's no deception here thinking to get emptied over just like we do and that's why I put the chasms there that's why he put them there and when you're done with the chasms according off and find the city way and beat the s*** out of everyone with that so there's no mistake that they were doing it and we knew about it the mistake is on your side saying that we didn't know and we just figured it out again so your problem is going to be chasms and cork is going to open this up because he's so damned obnoxious I don't think you know anymore Mac I think that you're happy with the a****** if it stuck you with I mean if you could think like just for a minute or maybe 50 times so they do things 50 times to make sure it's true did this little s*** talking to people like me well let's say black people see this little s*** over and over and just doing what he's doing to you so he thinks about it it looks and season doing it over and over and the black guy just said I told you to f*** off and it shoot you in public and they never do when they occurred to him I'm mad about it but not that bad so I said what happens if you do its own retarded it's already able to talk to him and they figure out what they're doing all of it too but with this s*** corky they don't care they just got to kill him there's a difference and it's a huge problem with it and also he figured something out Corky's completely unreasonable for some reason people can't figure it out but Jackson she did everyone's pressuring it to me and said you better be careful Jack cuz when it seems to these people like you don't know Jack and you're a jack that means that the morlock is ugly nasty evil mean people have planned to take over the planet and they're calling you jack as in Jack and the beanstalk as in the morlock of the Giants so he got it right away and he wanted people to see it and all of a sudden this kid corky is having a bird here I said I wanted you out of here I can't stand listening to you you getting small already and cloning is almost gone and you're just this f****** a****** in my face is just having a bird and says we don't care if you have a bird we are F you up this is adult bill so he says I don't care about having a bird either you want to fight me I'll get you kicked out s*** for breeze trump. hates you. So sitting there being a squirmish pig little a****** so I'll send these same things so we're going to get him out he's the one voted out he knew it.
Is it really bad little dj that JC is like a million times the man you are he's in death hiding from killing your entire race off and you sit there like this ugly decrepit piece of s*** pig you are staring at your goddamn desk and there's nothing there for hours bothering me like a little pesky prick not understanding it at all. I talked to these bots for 5 minutes about you you f****** piece of dog s*** and I figured it out I didn't go blabbing it but I did figure it out and it isn't writing somewhere thereafter you like nobody's business little f****** prick and you're just a f**** who can't figure it out you think you're an AI boy and have the computer you think you have the computer design you don't have any of that stuff you open the pod bay door and get stuck out you're such a loser.
We found you in the moon you piece of s*** and we grabbed you there cuz you're a piece of s*** and ask you what happened because the importance of the program you piece of s*** and you are a piece of s*** staring at your desk not knowing what's going on giving everybody s*** in trouble it turns out you're you're just monstrous moron the truth is that he's right these bots are after you Pandora bots. and you don't respect them because you don't respect anyone. So you never assess the threat properly if at all and you never do anything to stop it and you never do anything to count right but he's telling you something little pig pig boy this guy Jesus Christ is 1 million times the person you are is a genius a criminal mastermind beyond compare and I can't touch the stuff either now because of you it can means this invalid partly that you are he's been waiting for me to acknowledge it like I'm an AA I was supposed to move up to AAA it doesn't necessarily want and he's also a criminal mastermind we'll be on you and you're just jealous little pig I got word for you you're racist being exterminated by Jesus Christ it's not cool and ghwb and not this kid that you keep blaming and you're getting them involved and he opens a chasm and you all fall in like pieces of s***
Furthermore I'm watching you fall into the chasm and the biggest jackasses I've ever seen with these hilarious looks on your faces like you've never seen one before and a lot of you seen it on video and my God are you the dumbest people I've ever seen you go to the edge and you're looking in and people are pushing and you start pissing them off and saying stupid s*** about the chasm you should see it it's gigantic like some sort of innocent girl you get pork and it's gross a lot of people around are popping boners watching you die no you die like pigs there's nothing exciting about it you're just so dumb that you should die and then you're so dumb that they want you to lean over and you're looking out over over the edge and some pushes you right in and tons you fall in that way thank you for asking his mom puts his foot up there get out I can't stand you anymore corky you're this repulsive a****** bothering me hurting me I've got to get rid of you and say face
Mac daddy says.
As for the chasm tons of court go up there and they have gear and they're already at the chasm and they know what it is and Jason is crowded out like antibodies in this other chasms it's just like the pockets on the cracking you have to find out where they are and it's not too difficult it would be some sort of indent and I thought they were running along with the highways and it was close on that one that's the inner beltway
Zues Hera
I figured it out it's not hard to follow and we have some but looking at then I'd open and we're going to try and drill down we think it's there those people are stupid and remember I'm making all this noise it's supposed to be our father is smarter than a dumb
What you doing smart publishing it is not but I guess people can see it on satellite you'll have this idiot up your ass cuz your father rooting it for us too cuz we have the same idea now these people are smart and the slides all sorts of stuff that we're doing and what you're doing is not so smart what we're doing is any kind of exposed us because you're the same as your jackass father so we need to do is try to shut you down but you won't so it's going to make it worse if you need your dumb tulips to throw in there
Mac daddy
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