#i'm just along for the ride
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femmefeedist · 2 months ago
its okay if ur a lil too silly and ditzy to make any important life decisions for yourself
just forget about it, okay?
your appetite will make the decision for you <3
everyone must be psychic!!! I *am* silly and ditzy!!! and also had lots of ice cream and fries and burgers tonight I did not think any thoughts
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 2 years ago
Yandere (human sized) ant colony/ alien hive? Love this blog btw
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Aight, so I have this issue. I had the biggest lesbian fantasy when reading this ask, and I have no idea what you want (which is not insult btw I also frequently have no idea what the fuck I want). This isn't just you, dear anon, quite a few people crawl up to me on all fours with amazing ideas, but no genders or sexual orientations. For me, that's fine, gender neutral protagonists with vaguely described genitalia getting loved on by men, women, parasitic alien life forms that reproduce asexually, are all my jams. But I feel bad assuming that you are like me, and don't care about the gender of the yandere(s).
Did you know there are ant colonies that are all female, because the Queen reproduces asexually, creating clones of herself, but there is evidence to suggest that (similarly to the lesbian lizard species) they still have sex, just because it feels good?
Let me know, what you had in mind, because if you were hoping for something else I'll start writing something for you, but I'm still going to write the lesbian ant inspired alien colony.
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unmellowyellowfellow · 2 years ago
oh mygdocnfn there's so much DIALOGUE IN THIS CHAPTER. when will my characters learn to sHUT UP
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lineffability · 1 year ago
hug me tender idk for WIP Wednesday!
 The bouquet wobbled out of his sight and Crowley with it. Aziraphale stood there for a moment longer without turning around, hearing Crowley bustle behind him, the snap of a miracle, water, and then he heard him whisper something that sounded disturbingly close to if you don’t bloom for him I will kill you with children’s scissors. That made him turn around, at last. 
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cangrellesteponme · 2 years ago
tamlin and lucien definitely explored eachother's bodies but in the most disgustingly heterosexual way
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trainwrecksobserver · 22 days ago
Alright, I've been posting a lot about the Trainwrecks relationships, and I feel I should elaborate a bit, for fear of being misunderstood (as so easily happens on the internet).
I do think that friendships between a guy and a girl that are only friendships are important. I actually have 3 guys I'm close with and have never dated or gone through romantic confusion with (and as far as I can see, we never will) and those are some of my favorite people ever. I trust those dudes with my life. They're so sweet to me and the other girl who makes up our little group of "people who went to school together for a time and graduated the same year and took our senior trip together". We may not be best friends in the way the Trainwrecks guys and girls are (mostly bc we didn't grow up together or save each other from bullying) but they feel like my most trusted friends. Like we can pick up anytime, I can tell them anything, and they'll listen and mean it bc they care about me. They feel like family. And that's really important. I never want to discount the value of platonic male-female relationships. Because that's how you start to figure out how to get along with a spouse, cuz marriage isn't just smooching. You've got to be friends! And you've got to learn how to respect and encourage each other. And you can learn that really well by being ONLY friends with someone of the opposite sex. Because you know what I've learned? I'm never going to build a relationship, much less a life, with a guy who treats me any lesser than those three dorks I graduated with.
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husband-steve-cortez · 2 years ago
It's so annoying how often my imaginings aren't like centered around what I think is sexy it's my oc telling me "this is what I'm into" and I'm just sitting there like "yes dear"
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demithebohemian · 2 years ago
Anyone else have a character who they cut from the story, only for said character to worm their way back in? 😂
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ducktracy · 11 days ago
it's seriously so.. Something that i've had multiple people tell me that my posts are the first they're hearing about The Day the Earth Blew Up.. WHICH IS WHY I'M BEING AN OBNOXIOUS SHILL!!! some theaters have early releases as soon as TODAY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so please please be sure to check your local theaters and listings!! take a friend! take your family! in doing so you not only spread the message that people want to see more traditionally animated films, you not only convince WB you don't want to see movies that are glorified shoe commercials, you not only convince WB that they are dead wrong for attempting to write this off for tax purposes, but you get a pretty dang good film out of it, too! let director Pete Browngardt and supervising producer Alex Kirwan tell you the same 👇
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personally, as someone who works in animation, i'm very against the messaging of "IF YOU DON'T WATCH THIS YOU ARE SINGLEHANDEDLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FAILURE THAT COMES. YOU ARE MURDERING THE ANIMATORS". i find it condescending and unprofessional, and it only alienates your audience further. nobody should be forced to watch something they dont want to. especially when most (if not all) of these problems come strictly from above.
HOWEVER: you have absolutely nothing to lose by watching this.
you can feel good about supporting a film that almost didn't make it and helping to contribute to spreading a message that we want more films like this. you get to bask in the satisfaction of proving the higher ups wrong, that we DO want movies like this, we DO want traditional animation, we DO want to support the artists. but the best thing of all is that you get to enjoy a traditionally animated film on the big screen again
knowledge or investment of the characters and series is genuinely, in my eyes, irrelevant. i sincerely think it has elements that can be appreciated by anyone--even if, again, it just comes down to the satisfaction of doing a good turn and showing your support for animation. there is absolutely nothing you can lose by supporting it, but so, so much you, these workers, and the medium of animation as a whole can gain. if you have a spare hour and a half within the next few weeks, get out of the house, grab a friend, grab your siblings, grab your significant other, or just grab your own company and chill out with a gorgeous and funny and heartwarming and history defying movie. it's no small miracle that something like this exists in the current climate of the animation industry. don't you want to say you could play a hand in experiencing that miracle?
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breadandlottery · 2 months ago
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One man. Three personas. Each one a foil to the protagonist in a different way.
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asmodeusamaryllis · 19 days ago
You know there something really funny that it Alice telling clara that SHE the one now stuck with him if iruma ever disappears
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treeofnonsense · 2 years ago
The two adhd people conversation with both constantly saying, "this is off topic" like it's okay, this is the off topic support group.
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ariadne-mouse · 11 months ago
I know I made a comment about M9 animated series and that if there's new Essek content I'm not going to be normal about it, but if Essek actually shows up in C3 in the next bit here (if BH need to go to Aeor and M9 have found their way to the centralized allies camp with Keyleth, best tour guides would be Caleb or Essek, the chances are small but do exist) I am absolutely not going to be normal about that either. You're all in danger
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rookamell · 2 months ago
Ok here's the thing that I think. I don't think Lucanis's trepidation at a relationship with Rook is because of Spite at all. Ok maybe a little bit, but I keep going back to the coffee date because that scene has literally embedded itself into my psyche but also because... he flirts back! Whether you read the scene as Rook flirting or not, Lucanis is! Just as much as people might say he flirts with Neve or Bellara or Davrin early game, he does the same with Rook! So Spite isnt really a consideration for him when it comes to those early game fun banters with his colleagues BUT after that in act 2 is when he starts getting reticent WITH EVERYONE. But beyond all of his personal problems at this point, I think he's genuinely falling for Rook if you keep choosing the "flirty" (in quotes because you're actually just being nice) options and I don't think Spite has anything to do with his fears. I think it's the possibility of this being his big life-altering love! Spite's like/dislike of Rook doesnt influence the fact that Rook could be It for him. And that's scary just in general esp with his background of not really having a cvonnection to anyone before.
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thistaletasty · 6 months ago
Ohhhhh, I can't wait for the results.
Last night I dreamed I baked banana bread.
But not just any banana bread.
I dreamed that I made the banana bread like normal. But then!
Then I thinned some peanut butter with milk (????) and melted some chocolate and thinned that with milk, too, and then put them into separate baggies, and put those baggies into a third baggie so their corners were all aligned. I cut the overlapping corner to make a squeezy bag like for frosting where they would both come out together but not mixed, and then I dipped the tip of it into the banana bread batter and swirled peanut butter and chocolate into it.
THEN I baked it.
I explained my dream to my neighbor and she gave me bananas and told me to make my dreams come true. So. I'm gonna try it tomorrow.
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samephotoofskswlink · 1 month ago
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Follow to see the same photo of Skyward Sword Link every day.
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