#i'm just a physics and maths girl i shouldn't be having to take these classes
another-atom · 8 months
i urgently need tips or methods for memorizing dull subjects i can't go like this anymore (a boring ass subject is bringing down my gpa)
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toxinoire · 7 months
Heathers + Mean Girls as things my classmates (or just my batch generally) (and me)'s interactions
Ms. Norbury: Why is it that in the Philippines bathrooms are called "Comfort Rooms"?
Janis: "Comfort room" but people cry in there.
Gretchen: Wait you're right-
Martha, putting a slug toy in a toilet paper roll: It's a snail! It has a house now!
Martha: I'm so mature :)
Janis: You're still not done???
Damian, holding up her iced coffee in a gay ass way: This is a cold drink, and I'm a theatre kid. Put two and two together.
Cady: Four.
Regina: *wheeze*
(Playing scrabble)
Damian, to Cady: No, it has to be straight.
Janis: Oh woooowwww how Catholic.
Veronica: Here's my braincell. *draws a dot*
Betty: That's your braincell? Here's mine. *taps pen on paper but doesn't open pen so there's nothing*
Veronica: Where is it?
Betty: Exactly.
Ms. Flemming: Wait, why doesn't she want to ride the ferris wheel?
Veronica: She said it's a "hygeine issue."
Heather, to Heather: The reason why you don't get it is because you're a basher.
(Grouped together in a research project)
Janis: Yeah but-
Damian and Gretchen: *treating this like a sitcom* The drama I love it.
Betty: Hey, has anyone done the presentation?
The whole class: ....
The whole class: No.
Betty: Perfect we can get an extension.
Ms. Flemmimg: You have to write in cursive.
Heather: What
Heather: I don't remember how to write in cursive.
Veronica: I'm fine with cursive when I write it with my own free will not when I'm fORCED
Martha: Why???
Betty: It's as if we're back in grade school.
People in class: *hollering at nothing*
Janis: Gay.
Janis: Hey, what's the schedule today?
Cady: Uhhh first there's general math-
Janis: Fuck
Cady: Then physical science-
Janis: Fuck
Cady: And 21st century literature
Janis: Fuck
Damian: *laughs*
(A message on the whiteboard that insults a whole grade level because of how they use the classroom and leave it in a mess)
Janis: Damn.
Damian: It's right though.
Gretchen: Can't be an opinion if it's a fact.
Aaron: "Cheap perfumes" Holy shit.
Cady: *turns to Regina*
Regina: They left the classroom is arranged for once it worked.
Heather: No, you do it like this.
Veronica: Yeah then just take x+3 and-
Betty: I don't gET IT
Veronica: YEAH
Heather: And now Heather is judging us.
Heather: *sees a pride flag on Heather's pencilcase*
Heather: Wow how bold.
Heather: Whatcha mean? That's our country's flag, I'm patriotic.
(In the class gc)
Heather: Is it just me, but I can't edit the gdrive Ms. Flemming sent.
(No response)
Heather, replying to her own message: Heather, me too!
Heather, replying to her message again: What do we do Heather?
Veronica: Me too!
Veronica: Guys reply to her message, she's sulking now.
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blue-asher · 1 year
Luka Couffaine X Reader Imagine
Been thinking about a scenery where the reader is hanging out with like Marinette, Rose, Juleka AND Luka and then an akuma attack happens (as always). A blow was thrown in the direction of one of the three and when reader intercepts we see what the akuma was about: turns out a girl had her diary read in front of her whole class so her attacks kind of "creates" a diary out of the person and a copy of the girl starts reading your deepest secrets and commenting mean things about them. So, when the blow reaches the reader, the akuma starts saying
"Y/N hates Marinette with all her soul, like, what's up with that girl? Never appreciates what she has and believes a whole lot about herself. (You are really jealous about her aren't you, little one?) Oh! Look at this, Reader is also deeply in love with Marinette's ex boyfriend, Luka Couffaine!! (Aren't you lame? Get a life already!)"
And the reader hears in shock, horrified, and starts screaming Shut Up at the top of her lungs and throws herself at the copy but the copy is not physical so she kind of pass it through and falls harshly to the ground. In pain and shock for the sudden hit, she starts crying and then looks up to see that Luka is staring at her in shock.
When reader realises that the copy follows her wherever she goes, she runs away as fast as she can screaming for the others to not follow her as they hear other minor secrets being reveled (Such as "she copied in the math exam last semester and she used her sisters watercolors without asking for permission").
After the akuma is defeated, the reader comes back to the park were they were hanging out mainly because she doesn't know what to do next. She still feels awful about what the akuma said and she's still in schock (having your secrets spilled out like that takes a toll out of you). But then she sees Luka aproching. Trying to act all cool and like nothing happend -as if her eyes weren't all red from crying- she asks Luka how he is and if everyone is okay. A little unsure, Luka [our lovely boy as caring as always] talks to her in a soft voice and tells the reader that Yes, everyone is okay; No, I didn't get akumatised; Yes, I took Juleka home. After a little silence, just when Luka was about to ask her how she was, the reader abruptly asks about Marinette.
"I feel like I own her an apology...a rather big one" she says blushing in shame.
"Marinette went home after checking on the girls, but Y/N are you sure you wa-"
"Well I better go there then. Could you tell me where the main Street is? I always get kinda lost in this zone"
"I could walk you there later but-"
"That's okay, you should go home with Juleka I don't want to bother you any l-"
Interrupting you, Luka grabs your hands as he noticed that you were lightly shaking.
"Hey, take it slow Y/N... Are you okay? You are shaking. You can talk with Mari latter"
With this the reader starts sobing and repeting like a mantra I'm sorry, it isn't true, I swear. I don't hate Marinette. The things they said; oh, they were horrible! She must hate me now! I'm so sorry.
Luka just hugs her and rubs her back kindly and tells her that they know it isn't true that she is okay. Marinette doesn't hate you. Breath.
After a while, the reader calms down and they end up sitting at a bench from the park. Luka is just waiting for them to talk first.
"I'm okay now" is all she manages to say because she don't where else to start. Sensing this, Luka tells her that he is sorry those "secrets" were revealed so abruptly and that he knows the akuma exaggerated some things. "But, why would you be jealous of Marinette? No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask. You don't have to answer that"
"No, it's okay, I..." they take a deep breath to calm themselves down "I might as well just explain. The thing is, I was jealous of Marinette. For a long time, short after I met her and really didn't know her that well. She is just so... She connects with people; it's a second nature for her (you know that for experience). And I... Do not. It was so hard for me to make friends at first, it was a whole Oddisy to talk to her for the first time.
But then, I read that if you keep comparing yourself with others, you'll never be able to be the person you are supposed to be" you say, looking Luka into his eyes as he remembers having told you that time ago. He smiles lightly "So I started working on myself. I allowed myself to take my time and do thing my way and before long, I was talking with you guys as if I knew you for years. Actually comfortable with myself. But that jealousy prevailed. It's hard to overcome self-doubt. I still find myself from time to time wanting to be a bit more like her. So the akuma sort of, took me back in time and I felt like I was that lost girl with no friends from a year ago... So, yeah" after a short pause your face goes red at realising just how much of yourself you had shared. Had you overshared?
"I'm sorry, it was a long monologue. I didn't-"
"It's okay" He simply says and goes for another hug, knowing that you needed one.
After hanging out for a little, you two decide to head home. You'll talk with Marinette tomorrow. He offers to walk you home [I feel like he is the type to just accompany every female friend he has I swear to god-] and you accept. When you are near your house, you stop in your tracks and ask Luka if you can tell him one last thing.
"Well, it was already revealed in the worst possible way so, can I" you doubt for a few seconds and blush "Can I confess to you? In my own way this time. If that's okay with you"
Luka, who was just waiting for you to be ready and was expecting this conversation since he found you in the park, stands up a little straight without noticing. He grins and gently tells you "Of course".
After a very pretty confession for which I don't have the romantic soul to write:
Luka basically tells you that he is still getting over Marinette but that he has been interested in you for a little while and that you have always been a deared friend to him. That he would be delighted to getting to know you better and see how things go.
[I'm a sucker for scenarios of me just hanging out with Luka and getting to know him better. The whole awkwardness of knowing you like each other it's just a bonus]
The next day he receives a call from you, saying if he could guide you because you got lost trying to find the main Street. Again. He could only laugh at how panicked your voice sounded.
He accompanied you to apologize to Marinette.
This was a scenario that just popped in my head one time when I couldn't sleep. I was mainly thinking about how I would really feel with the characters if I really knew them and it hit me hard to realise that I would, probably, actually be jealous of Marinette (even if her character doesn't completely fall in place for me, assuming that she had a consistent personality, I would)... Oh, and that I love Luka.
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gok1bvri72 · 1 year
I adore Len and Rin! I have been trying my hand in x readers lately by making a load of Lyney x Reader so why not make some nostalgic (for me at least) Len x Reader🤔? As cringe as it may sound I've been reading all the fics left over by the fandom of old since I was 10 I'm so obsessed with Len>< So I pretty much have a headcanon for everything under the sun about him! So this mini thing will be a breeze:>
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Len is a very cautious lover.
Used to all the memes and hate he used to regularly get back when the Vocaloid fandom was rampant; he is very hesitant with just about everything he does lest it become yet another meme and another reason to make fun of him.
As you can guess this leads to major anxiety and constantly feeling like he has done something wrong.
Please don't let him feel this way.
This being said, he is great at recognizing panic/anxiety attacks long before they happen.
He has a tendency to memorize what triggers them and avoids those places/topics entirely.
It's almost like he was built to be some form of anxiety relief android. Maybe he has some beta coding for future therapy androids?
Either way despite his physical age and mindset his is incredibly observant and can read a person pretty well.
He has a tendency to make assumptions though.
Brush his hair and don't tell him he needs to whack his ponytail off.
He'll love you.
Maybe he will let you braid it if you ask nicely.
He owns a saluki named Happy. No questions asked.
No he does not co-own her with Rin. Happy is *his* dog and neither him or the dog will accept otherwise.
If his dog approves of you 9 times outta 10 he will too.
He also likes cats, he and Rin are just allergic.
If you're someone like me and covered in cat hair 24/7, he will sneeze around you all the time.
It's cute though.
Len sneezes are adorable.
He is bad at english/kanji class please help him.
That being said he is a math wizard.
If you're like me and suck at math he can help you don't need to worry.
He would probably just do your homework for you if you ask.
Which is why you shouldn't.
Len has a problem with doing things for others so he'll do just about anything (within reason) for you if he loves you enough.
We already know he would die for his sister if I had to guess he would die for you too if you won him over.
He will take his hoodie off for you and let you wear it. He never takes his hoodies off.
Please please protect him.
Him is verr ee wholesome.
Len has some serious self doubt issues (as I mentioned earlier) so remind him that he *is* talented and that his sister isn't any better than he is.
I mentioned earlier he is good at recognising the signs of a panic attack and I think he is just as prepared to handle them as he is good at sensing them.
If you need words of comfort he can provide you with those but if you just want him to hold you while you cry he can do that too.
He actually prefers the latter because he is afraid he may say something wrong.
He has attachment issues and separation anxiety.
To certain extent he has separation anxiety with his sister and dog but it's not as bad as it is with you.
He gets so nervous and scared. He doesn't like being without you.
He is also super attached to you because you aren't mean to him.
That's probably one of the big reasons he loves you so much; you treat him like a person.
Len gets angry when people say he is a little gay twink.
He likes girls too!
He thinks no matter what's in your pants if your beautiful and kind you are beautiful and kind>:[
Please play minecraft and animal crossing with him♡♡♡
He is often littered with band-aids for no reason. He thinks they look cool lol.
Big cuddler!
Winter and autumn are his favourite seasons because he can cuddle with you in bed and wear layers:)
He has *so* many blankets and he shares all of them with you!
Doesn't mind if you fart in the bed. Doesn't run away squealing in disgust like his sister. Literally could not care less it's no different from a sneeze to him. True manliness right there.
Apple cider is his favourite!
He loves the smell so much his room has diffusers everywhere in it and they all have the scent:)
He also has his windows open a lot of the time!
So it smells like that windy-open-window-bedroom *and* apple cider!
If you open his door without expecting it, it's like being hit in the face with essence of bard. (If you get it you get it.)
Hates anything to do with zombies. They trigger panic attacks in him because he knows he would survive because he is an android but he wouldn't know how to keep you and your loved ones safe.
Not knowing what to do in certain situations enduces anixety and panic attacks in him whether it be an on the spot question from a teacher or just thinking about a situation like such his room.
He cries a lot.
I mean he is adorable and it's impossible to not find him cute when he does cry but he has one of those crying faces that makes you just feel so much guilt and a need to protect him.
Smooch his cheeks when he cries, if you do it enough he cries a little less.
Don't make him bottle up his emotions though, but also help him to stop crying because it's not very good for his eye cameras.
His eyes can glow in the dark by the way.
Every android's can.
But his are so pretty! When they glow they are a bright, electric blue that fades into a slightly deeper shade and they are *so*, SO sparkly!!
Make sure to tell him his sparkle eyes are beautiful✨✨
He has a lot of plushies.
He likes Journey to the West and is a Sun Wukong enthusiast!
He really likes Dragon Ball so he wanted to know about the design origins of Goku and you get the picture.
He doesn't quite understand all the symbolism in JTTW but he still enjoys it regardless because MONKEY KING SMASH!!!
Has a lanyard that he really likes and doesn't take off often.
He has a Vocaloid tomogatchi and the little character in it is the same Rin he has had since he first got it back when they were released.
He can't let his sister die on him!
His sister has one with him in it that she takes just as good care of♡
They may argue all the time but they really do love eachother!
Len and Rin are you best friends and Len is the best, most accommodating boyfriend you could ever ask for so please treasure him and his sister you lucky you!
Handle with care U^U
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1o1percentmilk · 9 months
I'm just very affected by stereotypes around masculine vs feminine fields... I like fitting in, at least superficially, and I want to be liked. Growing up I was never actually told that I couldn't do anything because I was a girl, but I felt it... like, "girls are worse at math" and "girls naturally don't want to go into stem"... So I, as a girl who was good at math, felt an obligation to succeed in STEM, and prove to everyone that a girl could do these things! Even more, I wanted to prove to everyone that a trans man who was socialized as a girl could do STEM, and fight the stereotype that trans men are relegated to the arts and humanities, or only take up artistic careers. I wanted to be different and prove that trans men had the same capabilities as cis men.
But... as I get further and further into my tech career... I feel guilty because in my case... the stereotypes are right. I'm not good at math beyond calculus, and I don't have any motivation to pursue programming projects of my own. I'm not good at physics and while I'm good with computers, I don't go out of my way to get better at it. There are blips of enjoyment here and there and I try my best to cultivate interest, but the truth is that I am deeply unhappy with what I study. What I really want to do is to sit around and read and draw and talk to people. But I'm scared to admit it, because then that means they were right, and I can't do anything useful. In some form it strips away part of what makes me feel masculine and I don't feel comfortable with that.
I think that part of it is a burden on me to separate gender from profession and field, because I definitely do have a lot of hangups around that. I'm majoring in Computer Science because it makes me feel "malebrained" and I don't think that's like, a thought process that any normal person has. (I am not normal). But I think the other part is that it shouldn't be on me to represent an entire population of people. It's a good thing to do, certainly, but trying to be "good transgender rep" in real life shouldn't be any single person's goal.
Why should I be a more virtuous person, put more effort into my day, count my missteps more, for the reason of being a minority population? Why should I push myself to do things I don't enjoy for the purposes of pointing to someone that "HEY! I'm a man too! And I can DO STUFF just like men! Because hey! Men and women can do the SAME THINGS!" Maybe I'm making up a person to get mad at, someone who really believes that "female brains" aren't wired the same as "male brains."* But why can't I just be allowed to exist and make mistakes just like anyone else?
I don't want to have to be a shining pillar of society just to be a human.
*this footnote is here because I am quite sure that these people exist; in fact, I had a rather notorious Computer Science professor, Stuart Reges, for one of my first classes of uni, ever, who wrote an article titled "Why Women Don't Code." It's as bad as you expect, and is my Roman Empire.
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eiirisworkshop · 10 months
One More Notch
A Glee fanfiction Complete fic available to read on Ao3 here.
So here's what you missed on Glee:
Blaine got drunk and made out with Rachel so he thought he might be bi.
In Rachel's basement, she and Blaine kiss sloppily, surrounded by the rest of the glee kids.
Kurt didn't take that too well since he doesn't seem to think bisexuals are real.
Across a coffee shop table, Kurt gives Blaine a scathing look. "Bi is just what people call themselves when they're scared to admit they're gay."
Blaine got really fed up with Kurt so he dumped him.
"You're being so narrow minded and dismissive!" Blaine shouts across the choir room. "I'm sick of it! I'm done."
Then he went out with Rachel, but they had no chemistry so they called it off and Blaine's sure he really is gay. Kurt was really upset over getting dumped so he and Blaine just kinda didn't get back together. They're mostly over it but things are still a little weird.
At the end of a musical number, hugs and high fives are going around. Kurt and Blaine shake hands stiffly.
And that's what you missed on Glee.
"Again, winning Sectionals has done absolutely nothing for our cred," Mercedes lamented as she set her lunch tray down and dropped into her seat.
Kurt brushed his hair off his forehead with a sigh. "Let's face it, it's going to take a bigger win to earn us the respect we deserve."
"Yeah." Tina stared listlessly at her chicken nuggets. "On a less depressing note," she ate a nugget, "have either of you seen the new transfer kid?"
"Yeah." Mercedes made a face. "What kinda kid changes schools in November ?"
"Bargain store cowboys with no-name jeans and a ridiculously thick accent."
The two girls stared at Kurt. He shrugged. "He's in my math class."
"Oh," both girls said, nodding.
"He's kinda cute, though, in a pickup truck commercial kinda way," Mercedes said casually.
Tina and Kurt considered her, looked to each other, then nodded.
Meanwhile, a knock at his office doorframe startled Mr. Schuester into looking up from the stack of quizzes he was grading. A tall boy in a faded buttonfront, worn jeans, and scuffed boots was standing in the doorway under a thatch of sun-blonded hair, hands crammed in his pockets, shoulders hunched. "Mr. Schuester? I was in your Spanish One class this mornin'."
"Yeah, yeah." Mr. Schuester set the quizzes aside. "It's Joel, right?"
"Yessir. Joel Henry."
"Come in, sit. What can I do for you?"
Joel folded himself into the chair across from Mr. Schuester—quite a feat given the kid was at least as tall as Finn. He shook his head despairingly and met Mr. Schuester's gaze. "I don't know what I'm doin' in your class. I don't speak a word a Spanish. I been takin' German the past two years."
"We don't have a German program here," Mr. Schuester said carefully. "Shouldn't you be eating lunch right now?"
"I wasn't talkin' to nobody, didn't take long to eat." Joel sighed. "I'm gonna fail your class; I can't speak Spanish."
"It's an intro class, Joel."
"That I'm three months behind in! And I'm not good with languages."
"Okay." Mr. Schuester nodded. "Can you stay after school or do you have to catch a bus?"
"No, I drive."
"Great. Then right after school let's you and me go talk to Principal Figgins about moving you out of Spanish."
"Thank you, sir," Joel said. "But why couldn't we go talk to him during afternoon free period in a couple hours?"
Mr. Schuester held up his palms apologetically. "I coach the school's glee club and we meet during afternoon free period."
"Oh. Alright. Well, thank you, sir." Joel got to his feet. "Uh, before I go though, can you tell me how to get to the physics rooms? This school is a lot bigger than my old one."
After physics and history when afternoon free period came around, Joel found himself at loose ends just like he had at morning free period. So, just like that morning, he wandered the halls, trying to learn his way around. The handful of other kids not occupied with clubs, making out in corners, or smoking pot in the bathroom mercifully ignored him. He turned down another hall—the hall Mr. Schuester's office was on—and he heard music.
Oh yeah, glee club.
He lingered by the half-open door, watching as about a dozen kids danced around singing some pop song he didn't know. He recognized a few of the kids though—one of them, the kid who looked like the creepy Austrian ceramic dolls Joel's grandma collected, was definitely in his math class. The kid was hard to miss. Then there was the Latina cheerleader who'd blatantly offered him sex that morning. She scared him. And she'd noticed him. She'd stopped dancing to stare through the door at him, one eyebrow arched. Another of the girls—the short one in a cat sweater—noticed the scary Latina staring and followed her gaze. Joel gave them a pleading look and put a finger to his lips. The two girls shared a look, then resumed dancing, ignoring him.
The next morning, with his schedule fixed—home ec in place of Spanish, not great, but workable—Joel settled into his seat in the back of his first period math class. Suddenly, an argyle-clad butt perched itself on the edge of the table in front of him. He looked up to find the owner of the butt smiling down at him: creepy Austrian doll kid. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel."
Joel blinked. "Your last name is actually Hummel?"
Kurt frowned. "Yes, is that a problem?"
"No." Joel shook his head slowly. "The universe just has one hell of a sense a humor."
"I'm going to assume for your sake that that wasn't offensive. Anyway." Kurt leaned in, smile re-plastering itself across his rosy-cheeked face. "A little bird told me that you were spying on our glee club yesterday."
Joel gave him an unimpressed look. "Was it the sexy bird or the short one?"
"Both of them but that's beside the point." Kurt brushed away the question with a wave of his hand. "The point is, you should join."
Joel slid his math book and notebook between himself and Kurt. "I don't know, I don't really sing."
"Well, if you change your mind, we meet during free period every afternoon and on Monday mornings and after school on Thursdays. Sometimes after school on Fridays, too, but don't count on that one—it's on an as needed basis. Bring a song." Kurt's smile had turned fake. He patted Joel's shoulder and sashayed off to his own seat. Joel watched him go. He had no idea where the hell somebody would get purple argyle skinny jeans in suburban Ohio. He also had no idea why anyone would want to.
After that, class was uneventful. Trigonometry couldn't only be so exciting. Joel's next class, though, was unexpectedly awesome. It was home ec, and they'd been told to pair up to make no-bake cheesecake. A pretty blond girl in a cheerleading uniform walked right up to him, decidedly within Joel's personal space, and looked at him with intense, shiny blue eyes. "Santana told me that if I saw you I should seduce you into joining glee club so I think we should totally make cake out of cheese together." She leaned in to whisper, "What kind of cheese do you want?"
"Uh." Joel took a step back. "I already told your buddy Kurt I don't really sing." He handed her a block of cream cheese. "You really don't need to seduce me, either. Santana is the scary, sexy, Latina one, right?"
"Yeah, she's super hot."
"Well, I already told her I'm not really on the market."
"On the market for what?" The girl cocked her head to the side like a puppy.
Joel stared at her for a second then shook his head. "Nevermind. What's your name?"
"I'm Joel."
Brittany's eyes widen and she whispered in awe. "You're a famous singer, we were just singing that song of yours about not being an arsonist."
Joel stared at her again. "That's Billy Joel. I'm not related to him."
"Oh...." She looked down at the cream cheese disappointedly.
He chewed his tongue briefly, then leaned toward her to confide, "But I'm a cowboy."
She immediately lit up with excitement. "A real one?"
"Mhm." He grinned.
"That's so cool."
At the end of home ec, Brittany handed Joel their cheesecake, then pulled him out of the room, ignoring his protests. She dragged him to the choir room where, despite the lack of an official club meeting, most of the club was hanging out—well, arguing.
"I think we should go caroling," the short one was saying. Her sweater had an owl today.
An Asian girl who looked like some kind of Victorian heiress who'd sold her soul to a demon butler gave the short one an incredulous look. "Do you remember how badly that went last year? We got a shoe thrown at us. By a teacher ."
"Hey, everyone," Brittany said pleasantly. "So it turns out he's not a famous singer like I thought when he said his name, but I brought the new guy and I didn't even have to seduce him." She grinned at Santana, who looked both impressed and disappointed.
"I was brought here against my will," Joel said. "But I have cheesecake if anyone wants some," he offered feebly.
"I will take some cheesecake," a curvy black girl with big heart-shaped earrings said. Joel handed her the pie pan he was holding.
"I'm glad you decided to join us," the short one said brightly, stepping forward to give him a salesman's smile. "I'm Rachel, I essentially run this—"
"I have not decided to join you," Joel said firmly. "Why are you all hounding me outta nowhere like this? I been at this school less than two days."
"We're pretty much always hoping for new members," Kurt said, lounging across two chairs next to the black girl. "You showed interest. And you're here now, so you might as well show us what you've got."
"I told you, I don't really sing." Joel shook his head and looked around the room. There was Kurt, the hip hop princess eating cheesecake, Rachel the American Girl doll, Asian vampire chick, a super nerdy kid in a wheelchair, a total of three cheerleaders, a guy with a mohawk, a guy in a sweatervest and bowtie, a blond Bieber-type, and three more dudes in letterman jackets. "Do you realize that most of you look more like cartoon characters than real people?"
Rachel huffed haughtily, Kurt and the girl next to him both frowned. The blond cheerleader who wasn't Brittany leaned on her elbows. "He's not wrong, though."
The guy in the sweatervest held his hands out and shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much everyone in this club is crazy."
"But, we're the most fun people in this whole damn school." The black girl stood up. "Look—what's your name?"
"Heya, Joel. I'm Mercedes. You gave me cheesecake, as far as I'm concerned that makes us friends. This is your second day here, so I figure you don't have too many friends yet."
"Not really, no." Joel admitted.
"Uh huh." Mercedes settled her weight into her hip. "And how many people not in this room have actually talked to you?"
"A guy with a jewfro shoved a microphone in my face...."
"Jacob doesn't count," sweatervest guy interjected. "He's a gossip blogger and you're the new kid, he'll harass you for a few weeks. I'm sorry. I transferred in last year, I never did find a way to avoid him entirely. Puck chasing him off is a good temporary measure though." He gestured at the guy with the mohawk.
"And," one of the letterman jacket guys said, "I don't really sing, either." He shrugged. "I used to sway in the background but now I dance."
Joel scrubbed a hand through his hair. "I'll think about it." He looked at sweatervest guy. "But you're right, you're all crazy." He walked out.
At lunch two classes later, Mercedes came up to Joel in the line. "Hey, Joel." She smiled and got a serving of tots. "You wanna sit with us?"
"Who's us?" He grabbed the least bruised apple available.
"Me, Tina, and Kurt."
"Uh," Joel hesitated.
Mercedes glared at him. "Kurt doesn't bite, you know."
"I know." Joel let out a breath and glanced over to the table where Kurt and Asian vampire chick were sitting. She must've been Tina. Joel shrugged. "I've just never met anyone like him before in my life. He's...a little overwhelming."
"I'll admit that he—and Rachel, and sometimes me and Santana—have a flare for the dramatic and it can get a little over the top." She shrugged. "Occupational hazard of showbiz."
Joel sighed.
"Who you gonna sit with if not us?"
"You got a point," Joel admitted. He followed her to the table and carefully sat between her and Tina the vampire. She and Kurt smiled at him. He nodded to them and focused on his food.
Brittany and Santana joined the table a minute later, paying zero attention to anyone else sitting there while they chit-chatted. After that, sweatervest bowtie guy came over carrying a tray. He and Kurt looked directly at each other, Kurt busied himself with his phone, and sweatervest pulled up a chair between Joel and Mercedes. Joel glanced between him and Kurt a couple times. “Well, absolutely no one can tell the two of you used to date.”
Both boys grimaced and glanced at each other.
“Is the awkward that obvious?” sweatervest guy asked.
Joel nodded and gestured between them. “There's laser beams of awkward.”
“Good God, he said what we've all been thinking,” Santana said in astonishment. “At least, I think he did. I'm only sure of every other word. Where the hell are you from, cowboy?”
“Wyoming,” Joel said flatly.
Santana blinked and tilted her head. “See, there's a problem with that: I'm pretty sure Wyoming really doesn't exist.”
Joel rolled his eyes. “I promise you it does.”
Santana shook her head. “I don't believe y—”
“Where in Wyoming?” Kurt interrupted.
Joel poked at his food. “Trust me, you've never heard of it.” He paused and took a moment to study Kurt. “But I'm gonna go way out on a limb and say you've seen Brokeback Mountain.”
Kurt nodded. “Everyone at this table has, even if only because I made them.”
Joel couldn't help but snicker. “Okay, so in Brokeback, Ennis—the blond one, Heath Ledger—and his wife live in Riverton. I'm from Crowheart, 'bout an hour northwest a Riverton.”
Everyone exchanged looks and nodded or shrugged.
“Well, I still don't think we have any idea where that is,” sweatervest guy said, “but that's a pretty good frame of reference.”
“Why did you move here in the middle of the semester?” Tina asked.
“My folks split,” Joel said quickly. “Me an' my mama an' my sister moved in with my mama's sister. Sorry, who're you?” He looked at sweatervest guy. “Never got yer name.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Blaine.”
“Pleased to meetcha.” Joel went back to eating.
End of chapter! Read the rest on Ao3 here.
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lovefromskyee · 9 months
Yesterday went about as well as I expect it to, honestly. In the sense that it was just another regular day.
I had a two hour math class yesterday, which was such a wonderful way to start the new year honestly, but the day went well other than that. I solved a french paper when I came back home, and half of a physics one too, which is definitely not me at my most productive but it's okay.
I've spent the last few months coming to terms with the fact that I won't always be able to do my best, and that it's okay to take breaks and have off days sometimes but yesterday was the first day where I really understood just how hard I'd worked to kind of... understand that, I guess? I've been working a lot for the past few weeks (and very rightfully so, considering that my GCSEs are coming up) and it was good to have a break.
Apart from that, I asked my online friend if a random song I'd heard on TV was the american national anthem and she got so surprised that she made me a playlist with every american patriotic song, and I'm not going to lie. They are actually... so good? I'm listening to them non-stop since yesterday, and they are genuinely such bops. My favourite would definitely have to be You're a grand old flag, though, I love that song so much for some reason.
Apart from that, I made vision boards!
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I know it's nothing special, really. But it was my first time making a vision board like this, and I'm so so proud of how it turned out <33 The affirmations in the corner were added as an afterthought, but it was a really good thing to add, in my opinion. Plus I think it will really help me get my priorities started as we enter this new year. Fingers crossed?
Today was a little bit more eventful. I had a three hours physics and biology class 😄
One hour and a half for physics, one hour and a half was biology. Didn't get around to doing much biology, however, because the class got distracted at around the 2.5 hour mark. I guess that was to be expected, really, the teachers really shouldn't have high hopes for us.
I got home and solved another math paper, but I kinda did give up near the end. I think three hours is enough studying for the next few weeks, actually. My brain might actually stop working someday, at this rate.
I bought this really cool leather journal today as well, and it makes my inner author want to jump up and down with joy. I have this quill and ink set from a few months ago that I never got around to using, and this feels like the perfect opportunity to. I think I may be kinda ruining the aesthetic by writing the lyrics to hollaback girl on the first page, but it's alright.
I'll wrap this up now, because it's almost nine and I have to eat dinner. 2024 is definitely of to a good start, but that one meme about leap years being horrible keeps coming back to me, and I'm just praying for the best.
Love from Skye <3
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25/10/22 (357 words)
89.469 words, 288 pages
The math-physics teacher brought us to the astronomical observatory to see the partial sun eclipse. First we had some time to wander around the museum on our own, to see the experiments and cool stuff it had. I stayed with the two all the time and there was another girl of their group, we tried some of the stuff. Fluid iron, gravity experiments, the cosmic shower (he muttered "golden shower" at half voice and behind him I chuckled like an idiot) and overall it was fun, along with weird and funny things happening to us. There was a small tunnel in the room, with screens instead of the floor that would show the universe under our feet. Fascinating, but the movement of it gave me vertigo and slight nausea and I wasn't the only one.
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And again, I sat with the two during the first conference, literally only the three of us in the lowest row. He and I muttered jokes and comments to each other all the time. I didn't think he would have been this """interested"" in telling so many of them to me, considering he had his mate on his other side.
Then we went on the roof of the building to see the eclipse with special glasses we were given. Very interesting. Not that stunning, but certainly shocking. Lot of photos sent in the class groupchat, some of single classmates and in one there is me, looking at the sky with a surprised smile and my eyes covered by the glasses. I think it's the best photo I have of myself, because I look happy and I look like... I see myself. There. I also didn't think the side and back of my hairs were this good.
There was... a moment, seeing the conference. He'd often turn to me to either just shortly meet my gaze or telling me things, or probably just look around. I'd always be looking some other way the second he'd turn (because I didn't want to make him think I was taking at him all the time) and only meet his gaze when he'd spoke. But in that moment he turned, didn't say anything, just smiling amused from the show projected on the roof of the room, and waited. For some seconds. Until I... understood, or just thought, supposed. He only turned away after I purposefully met his gaze. I waited on purpose, at first I thought... but he too waited until I did. He didn't say anything. Just smiling, turning, waited to connect our eyes, and turned away. I seriously have no idea why he did that. I don't really care about any meaning, it almost surely doesn't have one, I'm just confused and don't think anything. It just felt good.
We've gotten closer in these two months. Thanks to casualties, events and actions of my purpose, but also theirs. And I am living this time so much. I'm living. I wish so much I could tell them what they mean for me.
And then there's House Of The Dragon's last episode that broke my heart with the ending. Almost reducing me to tears. There was one thing, one thing the writers shouldn't have done. Touch the dragons. And they SLAUGHTERED one in that horrible way. It was the cutest, pink little flying creature, shred in pieces like an origami. Not to talk about the boy... oh hell. It broke me.
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apricotpicotty · 3 years
dear future dee
today i went to school like during a normal day.
woke up ar 5:30 finished 1 ray optics lecture, got ready while listening to tennis court, trying to gather courage to go to school cuz i was scared as fuck.
but after reaching...it wasn't that bad.
actually it was a lot better than staying at home. i'm writing this in my room as my mom and brother are physically fighting and screaming in the living room. my bro's crying and screaming.
anyways back to what i was saying.
1st this mansi girl from 12 b asked me where's 12a on the stairs...to sound relatable i subconsciously said "mai bhi dhundh rahi hoon" even tho i knew where 12 a was. but by mistake i went to the 2nd floor and shit it was obvly the wring floor and mansi followed me lol. so after tht we did end up in the right class. she aske me if i was in 12b i said nope i'm from 12a and wanted to confirm so i said gauri from her section is inside.
then navreet came and told to switch on the lights and i did then payal came and mera lol hogaya cuz i said phy was 2nd period which wasn't. it was the last period.
then we went to chem lab for 1st period..i had to switch off the lights.
oh right! i went to washroom to calm myself after getting in the class. then while going back i met sharanya.
chem lab: i sat on the window side 1st seat. did the practicals with tanishka 12b and i fucked up the 1st time idky. then maybe also the 2nd time. ik i shouldn't mention siddharth. i do not have any feelings for him and he has a huge crush on gauri..sorry i'll get him out of my head soon dw dw.
then i was the last one to leave chem lab..after that i went o pee again and cs period! boom
maam was like "ouu~ disha you've also come?" after seeing me..i was like "yea"..said that bluntly lol then class was actually about to start. duddu looked back at me and told me to close the door with his eyes. i pointed at ma'am then back at him with my eyes hoping he'd understand that i was trying to say that ask for ma'am permission first. idk if he understood. then devansh asked if he can close the door...it's most likely he saw both of us..if not me then at least duddu or maybe it was his own decision. idc
dduring break we were in class, palkin was seated next to me by then. sharanya was standing..and the "not so useful but still morally good genes" from my mom got worked up and i asked ujjwal to give the seat next to him. he went o get another seat and i took him lol. sharanya was laughing lmao so was i and then i told him to use the one he got. three of us talked about useless stuff i don't remember. aamna gave me chem lab file and later everyone was aked to raise hand who've gotten the files..i did and continued talking to those 2 but forgot to put my hand down..everyone laughed..i'm not upset about it but...ok whtever.
just like then cs ended and we went for math. we were told to go down to av room..
in front of the av room: i was standing behind arnie and divyian, sharanya was next to me on my right we were standing next to the railing. duddu came and stood b/w me and divyian. sharanya was obvsly giggling and blushing whteves and i was trying to avoid his presence by facing the other side and talking about my lil bro's class who were in the skating ring. vasu dev was the only kid i could identify. totally ignored his presence.. btw! my bro saw me in his screen during tht time lol. payal ma;am then sent him to get the av room keys and arnie too idk whteves
just like that math ended and i understood fucking nothing
last period we were taken down cuz phy was a subsi and we fucking played games.
i'd totally forgotten about the "spot" and sharanya reminded me and fucking ruined my mood.
then we asked ma'am if we could play something else other than basketball cuz both of us didn't want to play basketball.
got the ball from tht cage thingy and one kid who was playing there told her to take the shortcut lmao.
okay so it's just the two of us now. i asked aamna and kasish to play with us and gawd i really wished aanvi was with us. it would've been so mucchh funn
so i played..so much..kept throwing later 11thies joined us. by then kashish and i were the only ones left, aamna and sharanya wasere talking and walking. seejoni, aditi and shreya also joined us later left. at the last only i was alone on my team, one 11th girl and kasish were oon the opp team. for a sec i was scared or something idk but the thought of being alone.....but then this thought came in my head "so what if i'm alone? i'm equal to an army of 100 people who're against me" and threw the ball so high the kid couldn't catch. it felt good. that no matter who stays or who leaves me, in the end it's me who'll be with me forever. it's just me. this fact can make me feel may emotions when looked at from diff povs. but one of the povs makes me happy:)
then last period got over and i thought to myself.."i missed this, i wanted this i was starving for this lol a bit too much of exaggeration but u get it. i looked at the wall paintings i made with others..it was so blurry and faded. but i knew that i also contributed to it. i was a part of it. maybe i want people to remember me...idk that's for u to decide.
went to the main gate and saw dad, waved him and he waved back. didn't look back and went straight to him.
i was so happy and excited i told him how we were taken to the field to play games. he asked a few more questions like how many kids came then few minutes later asked if i needed more pens, i sid yea but they'll last for another week. he replied that i should by them on 18th. i said okay. silence. a comfortable kind of silence all the way back home. when we reached back, he told me to sanitize and stufff as i was getting down. came back home finally. and told mom and my bro everyhting.
i gtg now, i was soooooo happy that's it. i missed feeling happy just for myself. :) i hope you're happy too in the future. i'll try my best too!
bye bye, i'm behind my schedule .
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naturezoneunite · 4 years
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Elemental Wars Book Of Wishes Chapter VI: The Return of Junis|New Student
Wednesday morning at school in the auditorium, all students, freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors reported to the auditorium for the five huge announcements. "Good morning everyone, may I have your attention please?" "So when will you let me get your phone number?" "You, me, at my place." "Mr. Turner!" "Huh?" "Go back to your seat or I will give you Saturday detention." "Okay! Okay!"
"I'm here to explain to everyone that is present in this assembly about the huge announcements." "First announcement is the new rule, you are allowed to wear casual clothes every Friday, it has to be appropriate, nothing inappropriate." "Second announcement is there will be a new student coming to Shanghai Academy, behave yourselves and show her a lot of respect."
"Third announcement will be a Boys vs Girls Relay Race this Friday, just sign up if you interested to participate in the special event." "Fourth announcement has to do with everyone here, Mr. Galanos, Mr. Turner, Ms. Sanchez, and the new student will be on the new school bus with the juniors and seniors." "Mr. Yakamura, Ms. Ishikawa, and Ms. Akamine will be on the same bus with Freshmen and Sophomores."
The boys were arguing and really fed up about the rules of being moved to another bus except for Junis and Anstice. "Silence!" The boys kept their mouths shut and behaved themselves. "Moving on to the Fifth announcement, everyone make some noise for the return of the freshmen, Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura!" Junis arrived on the stage really confident as everyone cheered for him going wild.
"Good morning Shanghai Academy, what is going on today?" "I'm back!" "Better than the time I came here which was last week." "I won't let anyone down here, I will give in my all to lead us to victory!" The crowd cheered so loud really hyped up as hell giving him the energy and the courage to do the impossible.
Few moments later at lunch, Junis was eating Spicy Curry, Pork Ramen, and drinking his Blue Iced Tea for lunch. he noticed Sukina was next to him in the same table. She sighed really sad and he looked at her. "What's wrong Akamine San?"
"It's this jerk, he has been harassing me for two days and I told her to stop but he threatened to hit me." "What!?" "Where is that peeping tom!?" "He's in the weight room working out for his first football game." "Why?" "Because you need to tell the principal about this." "But, but, I'm too scared." "You shouldn't be afraid to tell her."
The peeping tom showed up in the cafeteria. His name is Troy Stevenson he's 6'8, 245 Ibs. Running back for the Shanghai Academy Football Team. He's a Senior, he loves to sexually harass freshmen girls like Sukina. He sat next to Sukina and began to harass her and not caring that Junis is next to her.
"G-G-Get off of me!" "Nope, you are just the perfect one to become my girlfriend, what do you say?" "I don't want to be with a peeping Tom like you!" Sukina slapped him really hard and hides behind Junis really scared.
"Come on babe, don't be scared of me." Troy tried to harass her again but more than that, to rape her but Junis prevented him from doing that. "Who the fuck are you loser?" "Her friend, leave her alone!" Junis said as he glared at him. Troy got pissed, moved him out of the way and Sukina ran to Junis seeing him on the floor.
"Yakamura Sama, speak to me!" Junis woke up and looked at Sukina and smiled. "Ugh...I'm fine now." Principal Akamine showed up in the Cafeteria and was really furious at Troy. "I caught you on camera, you sexually harassed my daughter and attacked one of my star pupils." I warned you yesterday that if you disobey me, I will suspend you!" "You are expelled, meaning you won't be in this school anymore!"
"You are so dead Yakamura, I will come after you!" "Take him away." The security threw him out of school as Principal Akamine went back to her office.
Later after school, Junis Participated at the Shanghai Academy's Basketball tryouts, everyone in the gym say he put on a show but he show no emotion, he was more serious than the varsity players that played last year. He was on another level, before the tryouts, everyone thought he's a horrible talent, a try hard, a joke to the team, he proved everyone wrong.
He let the game do the talking, he was known as the silent rookie. he was a cold blood killer in the gym, he put the coach, fans, even the varsity team on notice. Coach decided to make his decision on Friday. Junis understood Coach's message and part ways as he went in the locker room getting dressed after working so hard.
Few hours later after he got dressed, he started walking to home but decided to walk to Sukina's house to check on her. He heard her screaming coming from the basement and he hurried and rushed in her house, in the basement and sees Sukina in the corner avoiding Troy in fear.
"LEAVE AKAMINE SAN ALONE!" Junis said yelling at Troy really angry. Troy turned around and transformed into a big mutant beast. "I was close to making the bitch mine until you got in my way you little runt!" "I'm tired of running from you Troy, I will take you down, and save Akamine San!" Troy got pissed and comes at Junis and attacked him crushing his bones, Junis coughs a lot of blood and trying to get up, Troy grinned at him and laughed maniacally for a moment.
"Well then, it's time to kill you, you are a worthless, useless, unworthy loser, even he would use his sloppy seconds on that green hair beauty. Junis having memories of the times he spent with Kimichi, the moments that makes him happy. Troy started choking him in the worst way possible you can think of, Junis balds his right fist and punched him really hard in the gut and Troy crashed against the wall.
"How did you manage to surpass my power!?" "You are a weakling, you are nothing but a human!" "You're wrong, I'm Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura, I'm a crimson dragon!" Junis said as he opened his right yellow eye. Junis brutally attacked Troy, crushing his body, and his skull using amber crusher.
Troy crashed through the wall and into the forest dead. Junis breathes heavily and turned back to normal. He takes Sukina back to her room and healed her using phoenix tears. He did everything he can to heal her wounds, Sukina went to sleep peacefully. He went to the basement and restored the walls downstairs using restore spell.
Thursday morning at 1st period class, Mr. Dominguez started passing out everyone's previous classwork from yesterday. "Sukina Akamine." "Present." "You got a A+, congratulations." "Thank you Mr. Dominguez." "Ming Zhun." "Here." "You got a A-, congratulations." "Thank you sir." "The new student named Allison Dominique." "Present." "A+ for you." "Thank you." "Junis Yakamura." "Present." "Outstanding job, I'm proud of you just like Allison,Sukina, and Ming, congratulations, you passed." "Thank you so much sir."
"Lastly we got you, Terrance McPeterson, you failed, you skipped my class for 3 weeks." "You get a F." Terrance loses his cool and yelled at the teacher with unyielding rage. "Oh come on Mr. Dominguez, how did I get a fucking F!?." Mr. Dominguez explained to him how he failed his class.
"Mr. McPeterson, just look at your grades, you have the worst grades than Samuel." "What!?" "Be quiet and listen." "On your first math sheet, you got a 0%, a F in multiplication. " "On your second math sheet, you got a 25%, a F in Division." "On your third math sheet, you got a 5%, a F in addition." "On your fourth math sheet, you got a 40%, a F in Subtraction." On your Last Sheet, you got a 50%." "That's a good grade." "No it's not you idiot!" "A 50% is a F!
"This is a load of bullshit, you stupid sack of shit!" "Get out of my class, you are banned from coming here!" Terrence threw his table at the chalkboard and stormed out the class, Mr. Dominguez called Principal Akamine and Terrance McPeterson got suspended for a year for his rude behavior."
Few moments later after school in the gym, Junis performed on the last day of basketball tryouts, he moved faster than yesterday, worked even harder, made every shot, rebounded better, played really aggressive, moved the ball around unselfishly, protecting the paint, and go on a fast break running too hard ahead of everyone.
At the end of the basketball tryouts, the coach of the basketball team walks up to Junis and speaks to him. "Hey kid, you got spunk, physicality, being unselfish, die hard attitude, winning mentality, and the skills that we need in a point guard, you are just the point guard we need." "My name is Dennis Harris, but call me Coach Harris." Coach Harris said as he shakes his hand. "What's your name kid?" "Junis Yei-Sung Yakamura, you can call me Junis." "Cool name for a talented point guard like yourself, congratulations, you are part of the basketball team, welcome to the Shanghai Dragons."
Few hours later Sukina and Junis came home late with Principal Akamine, Principal Akamine went to bed in her room on the 3rd floor. Sukina wanted to talk to Junis and thank him for saving her life. "Yakamura Sama, I want to thank you for saving my life, if you haven't been there for me, I would have been dead."
"No problem Akamine San, I will always look out for my friends especially you." Sukina smiled and went to her room and fell asleep. Junis went in the basement and felt cold, he warmed himself up by making the basement cold. He lays on the comfortable bed and fell asleep.
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