#i'm interested but idk how this plot is going to last a full season. something unique has gotta happen soon
ineffable-human · 1 year
Season 2 Hot Take - We're Being Manipulated
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Yes I know this is going to sound like a conspiracy theory, but is it really a conspiracy if its true? So, as someone who spent the last four years obsessing almost entirely about Gabriel's character and arc (do not get me started on him in S2) and not much else, I feel like I have a different approach to Aziraphale and his actions. I mean, I'm sorry but I just don't buy the fact that Aziraphale is so deeply traumatized that he would return to heaven just like that. I just don't.
Like, c'mon, season 1 Aziraphale, the utter bastard who straight up lied to God's (metaphorical) face, who got gut punched by some 'bad angels', who was sentenced to death, who tried to talk to God for help and got the run around, merged with season 2 Azirpahale who saw that heaven would just let kids die and not understand why it's bad (also please don't get me started on his 'you really were truly awuful' line, I cannot), who learned the that line between right and wrong is blured and that sometimes graverobbing can be good, who found out he could do magic the real, human way, would not just be like fuck yeah heaven is the good guys let's gooooo. I just don't buy it. And I want to trust that the writing in season 2 was purposeful and for a reason, because I want to trust that Neil Gaiman knows what he's doing (weird plot-device of the miracle block aside of course because idk how that could possibly be explained properly). And one of my friends pointed out to me that season 2 was/felt very influenced by the fandom. So what makes the most sense? That Neil Gaiman would just write some really weird and off-character stuff to match what the people want? Or that he would use the fandom's expectations to influence how they react to a situation and event in order to hide what's actually going on? I mean, look at all the information we're missing.
We don't know what Aziraphale's relationship was like with heaven between seasons (and I'm thinking he had to have some kind of relationship for the Bookshop to still be considered an protected embassy. Because let's face it, vindictive lil heaven isn't gonna keep a triator safe for no good reason).
We don't know the full conversation between Aziraphale and the Metatron (and the fact that Aziraphale's response after the whole Crowley as an angel thing is blocked off is the most interesting tidbit of all. We never actually find out what Aziraphale said, and we know he hadn't given Metatron a real answer before he went to talk to Crowley {yet the Metatron walks in after as if Aziraphale already said yes})
We don't know how and why it was so easy for Gabriel to sneak off after the trial. (Like, I know all the other angels are clueless, but the Metatron has clearly shown himself to have a strategic mind and, let's be honest, he would have seen something like that coming).
There's so much we don't know about, that's being hidden and held back, and we don't question it too much because it's easier to just fill in the blanks with our four years of headcanons and ideas.
And all the posts that Neil Gaiman interact with just further these ideas! I mean, let's face it, he's not gonna like this one because it's too close to the TRUTH (and also because he's busy and there's like a million posts a day but MAINLY BECAUSE OF THE TRUTH)
Aziraphale is a smart character, who knows that heaven is toxic. He's strong and stubborn, and I truely don't believe he's going to just slide right back into that abusive relationship without a Plan. Aziraphale doesn't want to go back to heaven because he knows they aren't really the good guys, but that's the argument he uses because that's the only one he knows how to use. It's his default setting. (and the Metatron is most definitely probably listening in on them so Aziraphale clearly can't say what he actually wants to say, which only contributes to their horrible communication skills).
Aziraphale doesn't need to learn that heaven is in bad shape. He already knows that. But what he didn't know was that he could fix it. He's spent 6,000 years seeing all the cracks in the foundation and not having the power to do anything about it. That's his whole arch in season 1; taking control and doing what he can to fix the wrongs he sees.
But even now the idea that he actually has the power or influence to make the changes he knows are needed is a foreign concept. And the Metatron offering him the job is kind of like Crowley offering him the food. Azirpahale didn't know he could want to actually change things. That he could be the one to put in a suggestion box. He's not going back to learn the hard truth, he's going back to change the hard truth before others have to suffer a similar fate.
Our ideas and expectations were shattered, but that's only because we were coming at it with those expectations. We let them cloud the real story and distract us from the TRUTH.
This whole entire season was a magic act of the highest form using fan-service and shotty writing (dear god please let it be on purpose) as smoke and mirrors. and we're falling for it.
(And while we're on the topic, may I just slip in as an added bonus, Crowley has only himself to blame for Aziraphale thinking him becoming an angel would be a good thing, because how can he expect to go around calling Aziraphale angel all the time and looking at him the way he does and NOT expect Aziraphale to just assume that Crowley thinks being an angel is the best thing since sliced bread????)
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
I think Adrien always being on time, Akumas or not, is more indicative of the writers not wanting to do anything with him than it is of Marinette's character with her always being late
Realistically, who should have a harder time balancing their super and civilian lives timewise, the intended to be average girl from a middle class working family, or the teen model who's been well known since he was very young, is the son of a former film star and the fashion designer who's outfits he models, who's super busy and restricting schedule is constantly mentioned? Adrichat.
Except, of course, Adrichats super busy schedule, his controlling father, and the two fully grown and very competent adults who's literal jobs are 'get this kid to this place at this time and don't lose track of him' never actually matter when he needs to be Chat.
But hey, an actual story arc where something like, idk, Adrichat being stuck at an event for so long he completely misses an Akuma fight where Ladybug is barely able to scrape by without him happens long before episode 100, and Adrichat realizes 'oh, this is gonna happen again if I can't figure something out' and he spends a season going back and forth with his father until he finally manages to get Gabriel to drastically cut back on his modeling, which then opens Adrichat up to being involved in his own civilian plots that don't just involve Gabriel being a dick would be ... a fun and interesting use of the characters.
Let's point and laugh at Marinette being late bc she spent so long drooling at...an add of Adrien in his normal civilian outfit.
Bc that's better writing!
(i know we've all pointed out on this blog that Mari getting in good with a bunch of celebrities in the past year kinda defeats the point of her being a 'normal girl with a normal life' but the writers never address that, so I believe they do intend for Mari to be seen as a mostly average teen with a talent for fashion and a secret identity, so thats how I talked about her in this)
Oh yeah no like.
It's absolutely a thing where they should focus on both of them but they just don't.
Because yeah it's. Logically: Adrien /should/ be having far more trouble than Marinette if only because even his free time should be accounted for. While Mari has some genuine free time where she doesn't have anything planned and can do whatever she wants last minute and off schedule and just say to her parents 'hey I'm going to go out' and they're like 'okay cool be back by curfew', Adrien has to request hangouts 4-7 business days beforehand and is often told no because Gabriel is a controlling fuck.
And there's multiple potential stories with this!!
As above: Adrien is having trouble sneaking away to be Chat Noir. Either he ends up being unable to leave and Ladybug suffers for it, or he does leave and ends up missing/late/etc. for his other duties and he's punished for skipping out. Maybe even accidentally making his friends look bad because Gabriel thinks they're bad influences encouraging him to skip out. This forces Adrien to either figure out better ways to sneak off, or he manages to get Gabriel to relax his schedule to allow for 'more social life', or hell maybe we have a Gang of Secrets situation with The Gorilla as the confidant and he helps convince Gabriel that Adrien is where he's supposed to be.
OR! Or! Let Adrien lie. We've already had one or two instances where Adrien sneaks out/lies about where he is. Go full force on it. Sneak around Gabriel by pretending to be where he's supposed to be. Forge notes and gaslight Bustier into thinking his father pulled him out of class. Might be a little tricky since this is a kids show to teach good morals but 1.) HA! 2.) they have Adrien break these rules on occasion anyway and 3.) just have an exchange with Plagg where he suggests sneaking out again for fun social friend things, and Adrien goes 'no, that's wrong. I only break the rules because I have to be Chat Noir and save people! I'm not going to do it for fun!' This could even set up for the Lila plot as a narrative foil in someone who lies because they have to vs. someone who lies for fun and profit. Even hammering it home with Adrien feeling guild despite his situation.
Hell, you could even set up other plots like the Chloé stuff! Have the school staff not report Adrien's absences. Either because they think he'll be like Chloé and demand daddy fixes it, or even have Chloé cover for him by actually playing the card. Whether you see this as her using her abilities for good to help out a friend even though it's still 'wrong' she's trying, or any abuse of power is bad and therefore more proof she's a dick depends on the season.
Just. Could've done plenty with it.
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hughjidiot · 10 months
Thoughts on Season 2, Episode 1 of the Total Drama Island Reboot
So I still haven't seen season one of the reboot in full, only bits and pieces. (IDK what the hell is going on with the US release schedule.) But I've seen enough to get a feel for the plot and characters, and it seems really good. Now the second episode of season two has been leaked and I was able to watch it in full, so here are my thoughts. Spoilers below the cut, obviously.
So Priya is mentioned multiple times as being the season one winner, and to my knowledge Bowie's ending hasn't aired anywhere. Some are wondering if Bowie will even get an ending, but I think he will - alternate winners have been a thing in Total Drama since the beginning, and the finale of the season one was shot in a way that the winner can be interchangeable. So I'm pretty sure Bowie will get an ending where he canonically wins.
Not sure how long Priya, Milie and Bowie will stick around to be honest, since they already got a lot of screentime in season one. Pretty sure Bowie will stick around for a little bit to give us some Rajbow, but I'm not sure about Priya and Millie.
Speaking of Millie, she continues to be her socially awkward self. It's also a nice change of pace to see her genuinely trying at the challenge, even if she still isn't very good.
Caleb is an interesting one. He's obviously still bitter about being voted off first last time, and now he's determined to prove himself. Some have been predicting that he could evolve into a full on antagonist like Justin did in TDA, but I think it's still too early to tell one way or the other. If they go the antagonist route I at least hope he's better than Justin was, who was basically just Alejandro's buggy prototype.
Chase and Emma broke up offscreen, which I'm honestly glad for. I hope this doesn't lead to another "will they/won't they" that lasts for much of the season. In fact if I'm being honest I kind of hope Chase is an early boot and Emma finally moves on to someone who can actually treat her right. That'd be some good development on Emma's part.
Ripper... I'll be honest, he's one of my least favorite contestants of the new generation. He does fit his role of an obnoxious jerk, I'll give him that. But if I'm being honest I hope he's also an early boot because there are other characters far more deserving of screentime; particularly those that got eliminated instead of Ripper back in season one. Which leads me to...
Axel is one of the contestants I'm most excited to see in season two. She's the newest in the "abrasive tomboy" archetype after Eva and Jo. Eva never got any major character development and Jo always stayed a jerk with the occasional moment of kindness, so I was hoping Axel would be the one to break the trend and get some real character development. What we've seen so far with her saying she's trying to be nicer has me cautiously optimistic.
Speaking of character development, how about Nichelle? I and many others expected her to get training and become a stronger contestant, but I wasn't expecting to see evidence of that right off the bat in the first episode! She's another contestant I'll be watching closely.
Damien didn't do a whole lot, which kind of surprised me. Damien was at the top of my list for being a major character in season two, after he lost in season one right as he vowed to start taking the game seriously. But that can still happen; it's only episode one after all, and you can't frontload the first episode with every single plotline right away.
Seeing Julia and MK being on good terms and showing mutual respect was something I didn't see coming after how things went down between them in season one. But you know what, I'm here for an MK/Julia alliance arc. Also MK is my favorite character of the new generation and I look forward to seeing her schemes, especially after she talked about getting her hands on an intern uniform.
Wayne and Raj are wildcards to me, I honestly have no idea how long they'll last or what their specific plots will be. But like I said earlier with Bowie, I think at least he and Raj will stick around for at least a little while for Rajbow. It's genuinely one of the best written couples the show has given us.
Zee I don't picture getting very far. As much as I like Zee he already made it fairly far in season one, and not sure how much material they can get out of his whole "influencer" arc.
Last but not least, Lauren AKA Scary Girl. As a fan of her it hurt to see her voted off first, but I understand; there's other characters that are far more deserving of screentime, and Lauren is pretty one note. That being said, it's obvious we haven't seen the last of Lauren. I'm guessing she'll pull an Ezekiel and keep sneaking back onto to the show to disrupt things.
And that's everything. So far I'm really enjoying this new season and I'll be following it closely.
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jyushi-thoughts · 1 year
have you watch the Takoyaki Party? how do you like it? I'm kinda satisfied cause I'm surprised by the descriptions about Totoko's growth😊she's such a nice girl who loves fish as always☺️☺️
OOC: I have! Funny you send me this ask, I was just about to talk about it on my main! EXTREMELY LONG RAMBLE INCOMING!!
Ahh what a sweet little movie.. While the wacky shenanigans are my favorite part of this show, I always still love a slice of life "nothing happens" kind of plot. And it couldn't have come at a better time honestly. I've been feeling like Totoko a lot lately.
As a character, Totoko hasn't really been focused on in depth very often, but it's clear that she's always had a problem with comparing herself to others. She always wants to be better than everyone else, and feels self conscious about it. She's also always trying to force herself into feminine stereotypes that don't really fit her personality or interests. It's nice to see that explored a little more here, though it's osomatsu san so they won't get too deep into it of course.
She's anxious at the pressure to become a "real adult" like Nyaa and her brother Fighting Yowai are. Specifically the focus here seems to be on having children. I mean when you really think about it, that's the supposed "end goal" of being what society says is a "proper adult" yknow? Especially for women. She's clearly feeling kinda behind when she's seeing Nyaa chan be an independent single mother, and now with her brother coming home with his wife and new baby. Totoko is nowhere near ready to be independent like that.
Sooo it's easier to just forget about real life for a while and hang out with the Matsus! They're always the same, ever since they were kids! They're not "real adults" either, but they seem to be carefree and having lots of fun every day! So everyone in town who has to work so hard, they can just party with the matsus for as long as they can!
The matsus are sorta anxious about their lack of independence too, but that feeling kinda lessened ever since season 1. It seems like over time they accepted it to the point where they're PROUD to be NEETS now, or at least apathetic to it. So to them, they don't really understand why everyone else wants the sleepover to last forever. Time stands still for them anyway.
Plus either way, while they are pressured by society to be "proper adults", it's kinda different for them as cis men. Totoko's focus on having children is something that comes with very different social expectations and baggage. Pretty much all women are expected to be mothers someday, and it can feel incredibly stifling and stressful when you know that there's a time limit on that. A time limit on finding a partner and settling down, thats terrible! Plus then, even when that happens, the idealized version is never the reality. At the party, everyone is so happy. The old guys are full of energy, and Nyaa's toddler is behaving as a perfect cute angel. But in the split second flashbacks at the end, we can see the tedium of their day to day jobs, Matsuyo coping with aging, the struggles Nyaa goes through to raise her baby alone, ...Dayon's cat dies or something.. idk
So isn't it easier to forget about that reality and hang around with the matsus, who always go at their own pace? That's way more fun!
I've also been thinking too, on a more personal level. Gosh this show is 8 years old. ITS 8 YEARS OLD!!! ITS IN THE THIRD GRADE! What a nightmare the passage of time is. So yeah I've been feeling like Totoko. And I'm sentimental about this show! For whatever reason, my brain decided to fixate on it for all this time.
The matsus were kinda my ambassadors to adulthood really. I just graduated highschool and was starting my first semester of college when I first watched this show. And the feeling of "oh god we're supposed to be adults but we don't know what we're doing!!" that went from being funny to WAY TOO RELATABLE super quickly. And man, back then I certainly didn't think id still be feeling that way after 8 years. I'll probably be feeling it forever. Buuut reality still goes on and time is passing, and we're all older and Nyaa chan's baby is a toddler now. But the matsus are the same, and for a little while we can forget about reality and party with them for a little while~!
Even if the matsus are reeeeeeallly sick of it..
And that reminds me of another thing too. When the matsus were like sick and dying and begging for sleep when the whole town was forcing them to keep partying... That.. was meta commentary right? Like, I can't interpret that any other way. Like the show writers are just trying to tell us that they're BURNT OUT. Which, let's be fair, that's understandable I guess. (I mean not to ME because I feel like the matsus have infinite stories they could be used for but. anyway.) If that's true, and the writers are just begging to let the matsus finally go to sleep. I'm kinda fine with it! I genuinely think that this movie is a PERFECT series finale. It brushes on the anxiety of adulthood that the show is known for, it gives a spotlight to the beloved side characters, and it feels like a nice calm little summary of the whole thing. We had a fun party with these guys, and we can go back and play with them whenever we get tired of being adults for a while.
...so yea! I liked it! :3
And I'll be ready in 20-30 years when they reboot it as Osomatsu-Ojiisan where the brothers are all middle aged lmao
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saline-coelacanth · 6 months
I'm gonna try my best to formulate my thoughts but this post is probably just gonna be a bunch of rambling
Spoilers for DR season 2 part 1
I LOVE BONZLE SO MUCH HOLY CRAP! I already liked her a lot, she was probably my favorite of the finders besides Cole and Geo, but wow I was not ready for her backstory. I just... my heart can't handle it man, the finders are her family!!!!!
And speaking of Bonzle, HER AND KAI BETTER BE OK! They better find a way out of that prison place or I'm gonna lose my mind!!! I am so emotionally destroyed over Kai right now, I can't. And when Nya was talking to Wyldfyre about how Kai was always her hero, that stabbed me in the feels so hard.
Kai was also just great, I love his relationship with Wyldfyre so much. He's such a dad and I love him for that
I will say that I didn't really enjoy how long the training went on for. Idk it just felt kinda repetitive and I sort of stopped caring after a while. But luckily, we had the plot with Cole, Zane and Bonzle which was probably my favorite part of the season. At the very least, it had my favorite moments. I think it mainly just stems from the fact that I love Cole a lot. And also the magical shenanigans that they got up to with the sorcerer lady (who I don't remember the name of I am so sorry) were really fun.
Also, holy crap Lloyd having full on panic attacks! I was not expecting that, the poor boy. Also poor Arin, I felt so bad for him! And I am not ready for the potential conflict that's gonna come from Sora using her powers and making Arin think he used his object spinjitzu, that is gonna destroy me. I feel like it may be a little too soon to tell, but I will say the pieces are there for Arin to have a villain arc. And even if the show doesn't go there, I'm sure someone will make an au about it.
I like Cinder a lot, I thought he was cool, I just wish we got to see more of him. It's honestly kinda crazy how little of the wolf warriors we saw in general, but we'll probably see more of them in part 2.
So last major thing I wanna scream about, and I saved the best for last, JAY! OMG AAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS GOING ON WITH HIM???????
So we've learned now that he doesn't really care too much about the Administration. I mean, we could have picked that up before, but now it's confirmed. It's also been 100% confirmed that he has lost his memories, so all the people trying to deny it can calm down now. But the thing with Jay that interested me the most was when the sprite thingy was showing him his reflection and revealing his lightning powers, Jay seemed genuinely terrified at the thought of anyone finding out he can control lightning. I feel like it has something to do with the Administration, like they would do something terrible if they found out, but we'll just have to wait and see I guess. Honestly I could scream about Jay for so long with the very little amount of screen time we got of him, but I'll just end things here.
But yeah, that was pretty great. Not sure if I enjoyed it more than season 1, I'm probably gonna have to rewatch it to fully solidify my feelings, but yeah.
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acertaincritic · 2 months
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Episode 7:
I wasn't interested in the Sunfire plot at all but I still enjoyed this episode decently. It helped that we also had Ezran there.
I like the twist with the dragon in the end and how it ties back to Aaravos at last.
However, I don't remember it being foreshadowed - we only saw this elf was corrupted in this episode, right? Unless I missed something, which hey, might've happened, since I honestly blocked this Z plot in previous seasons in my mind lol.
However, this reinforces my conviction that the writers just... arbitrarily decided they need to have 7 seasons when they didn't have enough material for all of them. Or I'm guessing, one writer in particular decided that.
Now that we're near the endgame, things are finally moving just fine.
But before this, we had two filler seasons. They could've been combined into one without losing any substance.
Alternatively, they could've just been... Better written? Have Karim actually scheme for the sunseed while pretending to go along with the queen instead of trying to be king, failing, trying to use a moon assassin, failing, then just being handed the seed over? There could've been more of an arc for the queen - she only got a stub of one in this season, resolved within one episode. The dragon mom could've had an actual shadow corruption arc, where maybe the heroes would've had to pause their search and instead fight to subdue her so she could be healed. That could've been a season finale!
And so on.
I just think there were so many unused possibilities. My memory is far from perfect, but I remember shooting ideas how to rewrite those seasons so that they still finished in the same place. I'm all the more certain that it could've been done now. There's no rule in writing saying that you can only have exciting things and character arcs happen near the end. If anything, when having a multi-POV story that's divided into chunks, it's a good idea to move the center of gravity from one character to another. It would be fine to make Callum fans like me wait if we got some great arcs for other characters in the meantime. But it feels to me like those characters - Amaya, the Sun Queen - haven't been allowed to start being wrong or flawed enough to have a full season-long arc. Karim wasn't allowed to be threatening or look like he was winning enough, either.
Idk just go read The Stormlight Archive to see how it can done I guess.
Anyway, grumbling about the past aside, I'm quite happy now.
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kmze · 6 months
Thoughts on 3x01-3x11, lol I WROTE SO MUCH but this season (especially this half) has so much happening it's kind of impossible to not have a lot of thoughts. This is also where the show starts to embrace being more comedic (like this show is really a dark comedy at it's heart) so that helps. More characters being involved in the supernatural business also helps and up-powering Tyler is great for the plot IMO. I don't think Klaus was as strong of a villian as Katherine was last season (he is so whiny in the first half) but he started to get a little more interesting after he came back, maybe he just needed his hybrid minions to become more interesting. More below, I even broke it up in episode order!
Isn’t Elena’s birthday in June? She said Ric spent half the summer on the couch but that would mean it’s gotta be late July early August, right? (don't know why I'm even trying to make sense of this show's timeline)
I forgot that A Drop in the Ocean was played during a montage and included Forwood sexy time! What a moment. When I first watched the show the Stefan and Elena scene at the end is when I actually started shipping Stelena, it was the first time I really felt like they truly loved each other (song helped too because WHAT A SONG I always sing-a-long). I didn't feel that same buzz this time though, but maybe too much time as passed (and that damn scene in 6x02 saying this was when Elena fell in love with Damon takes a lot away from my old feels). I'm getting such a buzz from Forwood though!
Elena’s getting on my damn nerves with this stupid rescue mission in the woods during a full moon… I don’t understand how Ric and Damon agreed. I fail to see any reason for this nonsense plan.
The moment in the 20s flashbacks when Stefan is looking at Rebekah while Klaus is talking to him and then he turns and looks at Klaus with the biggest heart eyes I have ever seen him use how am I supposed to not ship it? The way they keep using "brother" to hide the extremely heavy gay subtext too I S2G. If this show was made 10 years later on a better network with better writers that subtext would be straight-up text! Think Louis and Lestat on AMC's Interview with the Vampire. In that just world I would have gotten canon Klefaroline dammit!
Caroline is a much better person than I because she's protecting her Dad meanwhile I'm counting down the episodes until he drops dead.
Stefan is really off his game (happens when he's too emotional about something) I cannot believe he got out-manipulated by Rebekah one of the most easily manipulated characters on this show. Pathetic really.
As soon as Beremy started being cute the writers start fucking it up for Bonnie. Makes me madder watching it all over again and how much they never give Bonnie the devoted love interests like Caro and Elena. And I like Jeremy and Anna but I’m so annoyed at this whole storyline in how it’s treating Bonnie I can’t even enjoy it. GFY Julie.
Completely forgot Bill Forbes taught himself how to resist compulsion (IDK why too it's a big plot point oops) and I can't believe none of these idiots bothered to learn how. I like to believe Caroline did and there's a class at the Salvatore Boarding School that teaches it.
The gym buzzer countdown was a nice touch lol.
I like that Rebekah narrowed in on Caroline and was like “you, I want your life” because she sees the vision and the potential! In all seriousness though I wonder if Rebekah having an interest in Caroline is why the writers picked Caroline to be the love interest for Klaus (since it parallels with them and Stefan in the '20s). Things that make me go hmmm.
I'm with Ric and Caroline, every time I see or hear about Damon and Elena I was to scream "stop molesting her!" UGH! He is always invading her personal space and it annoys me! The part where Elena said Damon needed to use his charm to distract Rebekah and Ric said "better luck finding a dagger" and you see Caro in the background laughing was the best.
Kinda happy to get a break from Klaus for a few episodes, he's just so one-dimensional during this time period and frankly annoying.
3x06 made me laugh so much even though I'm not sure I was supposed to laugh as much as I did. I mean Ripper Stefan is never not funny (a jerk but a hilarious jerk) but the scene were Ripper Stefan and 1,000 year old Rebekah are sitting in Ric's HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY CLASS just kills me, like what even is this show. Also laughed at Tyler being a "d-bag" baby hybrid, and you knew he was sired as soon as he didn't want to help lock up Stefan. HA!
Um, how did Rebekah get into the Lockwood mansion?
How did Lexi make Stefan think he’d been bleeding out for years? Is that a vampire power they just never used again or is it a special ghost power? I don’t remember this ever happening again.
Caroline fighting the ghost-vamps in her ballet flats lol the cutest!
Elena dealt with Ripper Stefan for like an hour and was like "absolutely not, Damon you do it" LMFAO which reminded me of the gifset that made everyone mad.
The Defan convo in 3x08 about Stefan always saving Damon for the bajillionith time even without humanity reminds of the convo in Damon’s head in 8x10 a little. This is a good season for them if I remember correctly, obviously I always enjoy them more when their causes of contention aren’t solely about Elena.
Elena making the Beremy breakup about herself, she really does have a gift. Even Bonnie was like really?
Bonnie ignoring Jeremy and giving him a death glare 1000% BB you deserve better you brought his ass back to life and lost tons of witchy power doing so he deserves to feel like shit!
Oh this is the first time Tyler and Caroline get into it about not including each other in schemes. This is kind of always a cause of conflict in their relationship but it’s a good cause of conflict because it makes sense. Tyler has a pack mentality (werewolf/hybrid) whereas Caroline is more independently driven (vampire). Like Caro said so much supernatural boyfriend drama.
Elena stabbing Rebekah in the back with the dagger is one of her best moments (even if I RME at her “I care too much” moment after).
Elena giving Tyler shit for being sired to Klaus (something he has no control over) is pretty funny considering what happens to her next season... insert well-well-well-how-the-turntables.gif.
Stefan’s spin decapitation of one of Klaus’ hybrids in front of him is so extra, I love it.
The symbolism of Elena “crowning” Caroline is not lost on me. Neither is Klaus forcing his way into Caroline’s house through the doorway.
Yeah the Wickery bridge scene was rough, no one knows how to psychologically torture/traumatize people quite like Stefan does.
Lines that made me laugh:
Bonnie: You think you're bored? My dads family is like wet paint that never dries. (oh I’m saving that one!)
Stefan: You’re into Tyler now, huh? That’s kind of fickle. (He's the worst but the comedic timing is *chef's kiss*)
Stefan: We should all listen to Elena, right? I mean, her plans always work out so well, don't they? (I’m saying! Damon agreed too LMFAO)
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
Not sure if this makes sense, but is there anything regarding Klaine that your opinion has significantly changed on since the show ended/you last analyzed the show?
It makes absolute sense, Nonny! And it's a great question!
It's interesting because I'm not sure that opinions have necessarily changed, but the context in which I have opinions has changed? Which - is a thought that probably doesn't make much sense but...
I've been thinking about it. My relationship with the show has gone through phases. When I first watched the show, I didn't think much of it, because I didn't like it all that much. And then falling in love with the characters and intaking everything, and I feel like during that time, especially since the show was still airing, you had gut reactions and instant feelings and you had to defend those feelings because other people would come at you and it was intense, etc, etc, etc.
And then after the wash of feels, getting into meta. And let me tell you, Nonny, doing deep analysis of a thing -- it fundamentally changes how you are with that thing. I feel as though I took Glee apart and put it back together again and looked at just about every angle and it kind of solidifies how you feel about it? And, that's not to say I'm not open to new takes or hearing new people talk about it -- but it is fascinating watching people get to the same conclusion on things you've had figured out ages ago.
I think if I were ever to go back and do meta again on the show, though, one thing I'd do is make sure I'm addressing a bigger context? I was so narrowly focused when I did the Kurt-meta, that I think I sometimes missed things. That it was important, sometimes, to branch out and talk about -- not just Blaine (Which I often did) but the Rachel or Santana or Mercedes or whatever, and I didn't dig in to the greater context sometimes as I should.
But anyway, I think I'm in a different stage now? I feel like when you have such an intense relationship with something, it kind of stays with you. Like, Glee feels like it's a part of me, a part of my make up. But there's very much a distance to it now. And I'm okay with that. I've made my peace with a lot of things. I've made my peace that the show was incredibly imperfect, but still very much had value. And it feels weird to watch new people play with the show in ways that are unfamiliar to me, but I've made my peace with that, too, and respect that just a new group of people are going to interact with it differently than those of us who went through fandom when it was on the air.
And, I know you were looking for more specific things tied to, say, plot points, I'm sorry I went down a self reflective, indulgent, rabbit hole.
I don't know that my opinions really have changed all that much in the past decade. I think the meta and fanfic have given me the ability to deal with the show's misgivings. I appreciate Season 4 and 6 more than I used to, and have cool, ever so slightly on Season 5. (Nothing you say will get me to like Season 3 more - it's still terrible.) I think overall, the show just was never as good as its potential.
But mean, admittedly, it's really been a long, long time since I've sat and just watched through it. It has to have been years since I sat and just watched through the show, and really outside of doing music meta for Season 1, I haven't really watched a full episode in a long, long time. I have seen clips of things here and there for fic purposes.
So, Idk -- I think I've needed some distance, to allow me to really enjoy other things. But I also think I'm in a place where I'm open to doing a rewatch and seeing how I feel about it.
Idk, Nonny, that's kind of where I'm at!
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furryprovocateur · 3 months
For the video gaymer ask meme: 1-8
platform of choice when gaming
not to be annoying but sony is the console manufacturer i prefer. in a perfect world sony would not be the best of the big three and would instead easily be the worst. but we live in a society that does not value men who. how does the full quote go idk it
2. top 5 games of all time
in ascending order: shin megami tensei: persona 3, sonic adventure 2: battle, fire emblem, phantasy star online: episode I and II plus, shin megami tensei: nocturne. the top 2 have been fairly set in stone for several years now, and the remaining 3 have fluctuated among the top 10 or so but this feels most correct. sad that the 6th place snub is FFXII 💔
3. favorite boss
NONE OF THEM!!!! #antiwork anyways i'm not sure what i would use as a criteria for this. i think i'm gonna go with the master from fallout because it really is just the most well done encounter in any RPG imo. if there's a "favorite final boss" question i'll kms because this would be my answer for that one.
4. favorite OST
here since i already answered this i'll just isolate some of my favorite tracks off the top of my head: "Dark Samus Boss Fight" - Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, "Miller Ball Breakers" - Jet Set Radio, "Kopfsprung" - Ever17, "You Blow My Mind" - Street Fighter III: Third Strike, "This is True Love Makin'" - Capcom vs. SNK 2, "Distant Travels" - Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, "Climbing to the Top" - Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, "Hoist the Sword with Pride in the Heart" - Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City, "Their Own Brand of Justice" - Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City (yes it gets two entries. fatlus, remember), "Demon of Darkness" - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, "Septentrione" - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2, "Changing Seasons" - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, "Lovely Gate 3" - Sonic Adventure 2, and, if you've actually read this entire list, we must end with the classic "NO MORE NO MORE HEROES" - No More Heroes.
5. most memorable game moment
any time i see this prompt on asks like this my mind immediately and distinctly goes to one of the plot twists of zero time dilemma, specifically one regarding D team. i won't say what it is, but all i will say is that it had me going "SHUT THE FUCK UP. . . NO FUCKING WAY" for like 5 mins straight. the ending of drv3 is also up there on the same level of memorable.
6. first game you ever played
probably the original super mario bros. on NES at a family member's house. it's much harder to delineate what was the first game i meaningfully played on my own. i'm tempted to say something like mario kart 64.
7. most recent game you've played
trying to catch a calm lilleep from the dreamworld in white 2. before that, i was mat duping in PSO all of yesterday. i had 5 characters to do mat plans for, including TP materials (i got them with action replay. idgaf if you call that cheating because not having access to an entire material offline is stupid. 🤪). i had to stop at like 11:30 last night due to getting tired, but i only have like 400ish mats left to do, which is pretty decent all things considered.
8. most anticipated upcoming game
is "none of them" an answer? jkjkjkjkjk i wouldn't say i'm actively anticipating anything but i guess by default metaphor re:fantazio because i pre-ordered it and know nothing about it. i'm more interested in seeing what the fuck it's gonna be than i would say anything else. metroid prime 4 seems like an easy candidate for hype so i'm staying cautious. i never really wanted the prime trilogy to get a sequel and would've rather they just do their own thing like they did with dread. oh well.
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unknownths · 7 months
WHAT  MADE  YOU  PICK  UP  THE  MUSE  YOU  HAVE  ?   autism probably
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  DON'T  LIKE  TO  WRITE  ?  aside from the like. illegal and morally reprehensible stuff i'm not very good at writing action since i don't do it often, so i skirt around it lol. if i were going to write for more than a hobby i would probably practice and get better at it and hate it less. i also just don't really find cheating as a plot device interesting or sexy lol but i can't really think of anything that's a super hard no for me
IS  THERE  ANYTHING  YOU  REALLY  ENJOY  WRITING  ?   hurt/comfort makes me want to eat glass /pos
HOW  DO  YOU  COME  UP  WITH  YOUR  HEADCANONS  ?   autism again. no uh i just. idk exist. i'm possessed or something probably. my mind just wanders. sometimes i black out and my phone notes are full of headcanons. i'm super normal about it
DO  YOU  WRITE  IN  SILENCE  OR  LISTEN  TO  MUSIC  ?   varies based on how overstimulated i am LMAO a lot of the time i'll write on my phone just in notes or on a google doc because that's what i have energy for, so that's usually silent. if i'm sitting down to knock out a bunch of drafts i'll usually pick a playlist of the character i'm writing to get me in the zone :)
DO  YOU  PLAN  YOUR  REPLIES  OR  WING  THEM  ?   i want to say i wing them but truthfully i think i plan most of it. not like hardcore planning, but if a thread is going somewhere i've usually had some sort of conversation with the other writer about the general direction of the thread or our muses' relationship whatever that may be. i don't like to have everything super plotted out usually because at that point like.... why am i writing it if i've already let it rotate in my head for 10 million years, but sue me i like some structure
WHAT'S  YOUR  ALIAS/NAME  ?   My middle name technically haha. I used to go by the name of one of my first ocs, but then i started writing her on tumblr and it got weird, so i started using my middle name which then got shortened to christie. since i'm a performer i've also had to think about my stage name a lot, and i ended up including it in that which is kinda fun
AGE  ?   22 baby let's gooo
BIRTHDAY  ?  September 29, same as my Aether and also Annie @actstogether <3
FAVORITE  COLOR  ?   It used to be orange but tbh? Green has kinda been the vibe lately
FAVORITE  SONG  ?   it's either francesca by hozier or fake out by fall out boy, i don't think anything else even comes close to those
LAST  MOVIE  YOU  WATCHED  ?   dune part 2! for once i've seen something recent lmao i don't watch a lot of movies but my dad loves dune so i had to watch the first one and then he dragged me to the new one last week
LAST  SHOW  YOU  WATCHED  ?   like casually i think it was psych, as far as like binging a whole series i'm not sure
LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO  ?  red wine supernova by chapell roan don't look at me like that
FAVORITE  SEASON  ?   i dont even know anymore bro. spring maybe?
DO  YOU  HAVE  A  TUMBLR  BEST  FRIEND  ?   i have a crew :^) my little gay people in my discord server <3
tagged by: @mischiiefs hi mak xx tagging: well u see. mak also tagged the rest of the aforementioned crew so if you wanna do this go for it i can't stop you-
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zehecatl · 4 months
2024 media thread part FEBRUARY
1st February: Cult of the Lamb
decided to replay COTL, since i haven't played it since i 100% it at launch, and tbh, my feelings on it haven't really changed? as a game it's rather mid, and the main appeal is, hands down, everything surrounding the game aspect. the art, the lore, the setting. it is SO fucking appealing, and interesting, and there is SO MUCH you can do with it, as a fandom. but as a game, COTL is... lacking
the combat is mid. the cult management portion is shallow, if interesting, and there is SO MUCH here that could be fantastic, but just. falls short of it. like, do not get me wrong- i've now officially clocked 75 hours into this fucker, so it's not bad, but it just cannot compete with its contemporaries. its main draw truly is the fandom
also i did 100% it again, which i'm only saying because i feel like it needs repeating. do you know. how fucking ANNOYING. IT WAS TO GET THAT LAST LORE PIECE... CRIME
14th February: TMNT (2007)
rewatched TMNT with the fiance for the like, i think fourth time? and i know people generally don't care about this one, but MAN. it is my favourite iteration, and i will die on that fucking hill
the CGI isn't that good, but i think the Turtles look fantastic, and the fact that it sometimes looks like a PS2 game is like, part of the charm, at least for me
also, i think the story is WAY underappreciated. like, there is some GOOD fucking bones here, with the parallel between the Turtles and Yoatl, and ngl, i DO love the whole. immortal wants to die bit. like that's tasty shut the fuck UP
also, yes. the Raph vs Leo scene is ICONIC. it fucking goes HARD, and i love it so much. Raph's whole deal in this movie is engrained in my head, like that is my sad self-destructive BOY!!
anyway, i just love this movie a lot, and all TMNT fans should watch it. for me <3
14th February: Hazbin Hotel
honestly, Hazbin Hotel is just a fun show. there's stuff to criticize, absolutely, but at the end of the day, it's just such a fun little season to watch. the characters are interesting, the plot is good enough to keep you engaged, and the songs are like- such fucking bangers. like, what the hell. did anyone see that coming??
i do wish the season had more episodes, more time to flesh out the six months the season takes place over, but it's. what it is. the animation can be kind of stilted at times, likely due to puppets use, and the colours is- well it's a choice. but idk, i had a good time with it. it's still in my head, weeks later (because i forgot to write this LOL) and i think that's, if nothing else, a mark of something interesting
i'm very much looking forward to season 2
15th February: The Amazing Digital Circus
so i've seen TADC before, but i wanted to show the fiance, so rewatch, and oh my god. i forgot how good this pilot is???
like the humour! the animation! the CHARACTERS!! everything about this pilot is a fucking hit, like it perfectly nails what it's going for, and i am so looking forward to the full season, like it is going to burrow into my brain
16th February: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
i might still wish they had picked a different animation style, but MAN. Mutant Mayhem was just such a good movie. it perfectly executed what it set out to do, and it's definitely a very... teenage mutant ninja turtles iteration. and that's good! that's what they set out to do! and i think they nailed it
i feel like i had a lot more to say after watching it, but looking back.. it's just a really good movie? and yeah, the animation style is not my thing, but it's well done, it suits the movie, you get used to it- etc etc. so really what can i say, except i liked it a lot, and i'm looking forward to the spin-off series?
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archivehotties · 5 months
immaculate - 3.5/5
i decided i'm gonna do more in depth movie reviews here (let's see how long that lasts LMAO), i used to do longer reviews on my letterboxd but idk doesn't seem as fitting? i can insert other photo stuff here so i'd rather here then. also spoilers ahead fucking duh
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i watched immaculate tonight! my thoughts before this movie were 1, i love sydney sweeney but for a hot minute right now i felt like she wasn't being taken seriously. euphoria was one of my favorite shows and i loved her in the first season, but since then it felt like people were overly sexualizing her and not taking her seriously as an actor which blows bc she's honestly talented! and can show real emotional depth!!! so i really wanted her to hone that into a full blown artsy kind of horror movie because, as i saw in the movie, she's very scream-queen worthy.
i will admit i am very biased to religious horror. is it because i was raised catholic Yes. is it because i like looking at the pretty gold colors because catholicism is really good at making things look badass Yes as well. have i rewatched wendigoon's long video explanation of dante's inferno over and over Yes absolutely. Regardless!!!! this is just a bias i need to address to the readers beforehand before any of u fucking yank my chain
i did not expect to be as into this movie as i thought i was gonna be, honest to god i went in thinking this was probably gonna be disappointing and sydney probably didn't get a good enough writer and it was gonna be as boring as idk the nun movie in the conjuring franchise. just jumpscares. the writing was honestly not that bad though, though i will say that sydney kind of fell off her mark sometimes. especially at the start it kind of didn't feel as authentic as i wanted, but maybe that's because it felt weird to hear her euphoria high american accent while she was surrounded by italian nuns and priests. some of the creepy elements felt kinda cheesy like oh wow the creepy patient says she can never leave womp womp. like find something more interesting to say.
cinematography soooo good. really liked it, also i am again biased to italy because i love italy and it's my dream vacation place. there were some shots that were framed sooo good like when she goes to confession, the ending scene in particular was really good. i really like the choice of it not being filmed from the usual third person pov and it being from the baby's (?) or just it being right below sydney and she is just yelling her fucking heart out with blood all over her face. so good. i was smiling and clapping good for u girl!!!!!!!!!!
i also liked that it was done in chapters so they went like per trimester of the baby, it was really fun to see in that way. i liked the themes, it didn't feel like a Fake church u know? again i compare it to the nun movie from the conjuring series where it's like ... it doesn't feel like they got dressed up in nun outfits. they're just ... nuns. doesn't feel like a set, which is good.
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a concern again i had for this movie was that it was gonna be too jumpscare-y-- at some times it was, but honestly that's too be expected. i really liked the idea of her having to escape from the convent over and over again and just how creepy the other people in the church were, though i will admit the "we tried to make the next savior and i'm a mad scientist" bit was a little ... meh. i'd prefer if they leaned into that whole secret cult thing they had going on. or if it was a carrie/rosemary's baby moment where she was carrying the devil's baby.
another concern i had was, looping back to what i said about sydney, i had watched the trailer beforehand and i was scared it was gonna oversexualize her because soo many of the shots they chose were like centered around her body? which i mean makes sense now that i know the plot, but it didn't feel sexualized at all, which makes me happy :) sydney has lots of potential !
thematically and in cinematography sense, it reminded me a lot of the vvitch. just like eerie and creepy and dark. and the endings too were shot in similar ways. additionally i also like that she killed every one of the major leaders in the end, that was fun.
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overall was it the best horror movie i've ever seen? no. definitely not. was it a fun watch yes! would i watch it again, sure. though i do look away when the gory bits happen, but that's normal with horror. i hope sydney sweeney does more horror, and i mean like a24 style. i'd love for her to be in a movie with mia goth or anya taylor joy or something.
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calcified--heart · 1 year
asks galore
5, 7, 11, 14, 18, 22, 24
26, 28, 32, 39, 51, 52
5. do you have any episodes that you just didn't care for that much? honestly, not really. overall i prefer act two to the other acts but i wholeheartedly love each episode. like i've seen this show 197 times, and there really hasnt been an episode that i didn't care for.
7. what character first caught your eye? the first character i ever saw was viktor. he was the reason i even watched the show. it was like three in the morning and i was scrolling aimlessly on instagram and i stumbled upon someones viktor fanart and decided immediately that i had to watch the show.
11. which character design is your favorite? as a jinx girlie, i'm contractually obligated to say jinx. but aside from her, my favorites are mel and sevika. jinx appeals to the part of my brain that loves messy, imperfect characters. her nails are chipped and she has these big, vulnerable eyes that draw you in. she has this like, smudged eyeliner and these little bits of hair that used to be in her braids but have since migrated to her face. i like how messy she looks particularly in act three. and the way she looks as a child speaks to me, from her fucked up hair that she obviously cut herself to the clothes that look like they used to belong to someone else. she reminds me of myself. also i have blue hair and she has blue hair and omg she's just like me fr. mel and sevika are different, in that i don't even remotely see myself in them. i just sincerely think that mel is beautiful, and that sevika is hot. im a very shallow person.
14. which relationship was your favorite? honestly, i know i should say jinx and vi, but jinx and silco really hit me full force in the chest. the fucked up, manipulative relationship between a child and their parent. i cried when silco died, and i cried when silco held her at the end of the first act. he was horrible and evil and he loved her in the fucked up way that someone loves their favorite weapon, their specialist tool. but he also looked at the worst parts of jinx and saw the worst parts of himself and he loved her for that and- its probably very telling that this is my favorite. i also really liked ambessa and mel. bet you cant guess what kind of a childhood i had.
18. what was your favorite emotional scene? the scene where vi leaves powder at the last drop and she has the meltdown. idk it just resonated with me. the fear, the terror at the thought of being abandoned is something i deal with on a semi-frequent basis, and honestly i have a similar reaction to powder. like watching it, hurt me. it was just so visceral and raw.
22. any characters you thought deserved more screen time? singed!! i'm confident that he's going to play a more prominent role in season two, and im glad because i need to know more. tell me about his experiments and his past and his DAUGHTER!!! i mean, i have my theories, but i need to know more! i just know that he has an absolutely juicy backstory, you know. also i think his ideas and philosophies were super interesting and i was a little sad that we didn't get to see more of him and rio. i dont think we saw too little, but it would have pleased me to see more of him. i do think we saw too little of the chem barons, but i care less about them than i do singed.
24. what side characters were your favorite? oh baby i love you forever for asking me this question! my favorite side character is undoubtedly elora, mel's assistant. she's of minimal relevance to the plot but i love her all the same. i don't have a real reason for my attachment to her, i just think she's neat.
26. what are your favorite parallels? im an absolute whore for the parallels between vi and jinx and vander and silco. i think its so interesting to see their similarities, but also how they differ. are they doomed to repeat the sins of their fathers? part of me kind of hopes so.
28. favorite vi scene? the first fight between vi and sevika i think is so interesting. vi sees this woman, who she was so like at one point in time. pre time skip, they both had very similar ideology, in that they both believed in an independent zaun. she sees how much has changed. sevika is a physical representation of the shift that's happened in the lanes whilst vi was in prison. straight away, sevika is presented as arrogant and uncaring, a far cry from the united zaun she wanted in act one. even physically, she has a prosthetic arm powered by shimmer (they weren't exactly subtle about it) a clear sign of her loyalty to silco and vi just loses it. and then at the end where caitlyn saves her and she sees her for who she really is. she's not malicious, she's just some sheltered rich kid. cait cares fiercely about bringing about real, actual justice. yeah i just really like it.
32. were there any moments that really shocked you? the tea party scene in episode nine. maybe a bit basic, i know but the whole scene had this tense, horror movie-esque feel to it. and it wasn't even just the implication of cait's head being on the tray when jinx says "i made her a snack", but the sort of way that she proclaims herself to be "not that crazy" that immediately makes us think the opposite. everything from the scribbles on vi's gauntlets, to the candles and the dummies, to the fact that it's in the last place that vander, claggor and milo were ever alive. and then of course she kills silco and fires a bomb at the council.
39. do you think anything should have played out differently? all in all, i have very few complaints about how the show played out. i think its a masterpiece. i would however have liked to know the fucking name of ambessa medarda's boytoy twink. sorry, it just irks me that i don't know.
51. do you have any characters that you would like to see have a heart to heart? yesss! i would love for viktor and jinx to have a heart to heart about their similar experiences and particularly, i think it would be very fun to see them do science together, particularly after viktor loses his last lab partner to piltover (and his last assistant to being a pile of dust) and i swear i have more articulate thoughts but im writing this and its like 2:15 in the morning. ask me again when im closer to coherence.
52. do you have any characters that you hope take a more serious role? i would love for ekko to have a more serious role, but if it means that i have to suffer through more heimerdinger then its just. i don't want it. i need for the chem barons to be a more active part of the story, and i think they will be, given the power vacuum left after silco's death. i doubt sevika will rise to power, as she's always presented herself as being a independent, but a follower. she followed vander, and when it was convenient to her, she followed silco. she's loyal to her idea of a free zaun, but not enough that i think she would take up that role. sevika knows her strengths, and they don't lie in leadership. i could be wrong tho, but either way i would like her to become more central to the story. i hope that singed takes on a more active role in the plot, for the reasons i said earlier. i just want to sink my teeth into his backstory. and finally i would love for ambessa's twink to take on enough of a role that i would know his name. certainly, he was on an airship.. airship fight.. maybe?? (please)
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retvenkos · 2 years
first of all, i can already tell you that i know heather and ray are going to get together at some point, but that's a big disrespect to bishop who is RIGHT THERE having SUCH best friends to lovers vibes for no good reason. i don't think there will be a ~love triangle~ so much as disappointment on bishops part (and lol probably heather. why would you choose ray????) but bishop deserves better i'm already calling it.
also, uhhhh,,,, heather sweetie I know you're the Bland Female Protagonist that we can all project onto but please get some kind of personality,,,, the sibling bond with your sister can only do so much.
secondly, can i just predict right now that somehow dodge is related to one of the kids who died in panic the year prior - maybe they're siblings or cousins or something - and he wants revenge. i saw him escorting a crying woman at the graduation ceremony, he seems very intent to win panic, and i have a feeling they're going to try to hit us with a ~twist~ motivation because he's very light skinned, and nO oNe WoUlD eXpEcT iT— but i come from a mixed family and the diversity in skin tone and features that you can have between siblings is vast, alright? idk how to account for the last name difference, but 'dodge mason' sounds very fake name-y to me, so who knows? maybe he doctors official documents in his spare time.
(also, i guess half-siblings and adoption are fair reasons for his last name difference, his light skin, and his anonymity in the town, but it feels like a cop out to me.)
third, i know we should be rooting for heather to win, but i'm rooting for dodge since i have that theory about his relatedness to the fallen. also, uhhh,,, dodge has personality asdfhjhgfdsdgh.
fourth, not gonna lie, i think dodge is making the ~moves~ on natalie and he's doing it strategically for a reason but i honestly don't know what reason it could be. it's most likely not heather-related, but he wants to be close to her for a reason
!!!!!! maybe it has to do with how her dad is a police officer! maybe he wants connections with the police for some reason! idk.
and speaking of,,,, uhhh,,,,, natalie's fine. i don't like or dislike her. i think she made a pretty quick change in judgement when she forgave heather with very little reasoning. i would forgive heather too since she clearly needs the money, but natalie was pissed like 'there's only enemies in panic!!!!!! there's no together!!!!!!!!!' and then, just,,,, immediately changes her mind?? idk. i would like to see that conflict stew (and who knows? maybe it is and she just has a killer poker face. maybe she'll lash out at some point. idk though... but she is an aspiring actress, right? i hope we get some theatre kid energy out of her asghjhgfdfgh.)
oh, also, heather has some kind of dog whispering abilities (mentioned offhandedly but has to have purpose) so i bet you that's going to be relevant to panic later on. they're gonna sicc dogs on them or something and heathers going to have some kind of ~magic touch~ idk
also, i know i mentioned how fake-y dodge's name sounds, but i also like how it implies a lot about his character. he's good at evasive maneuvering. he can dodge well, but it also implies he gets into a lot of fights - rather than flight, he holds his ground and dodges until it's time to strike. also, the surname mason has a connotation connected to strength. interesting....
oh, and, the name bishop really strikes me as someone who is level-headed and far seeing, but also someone strategic (bc of the chess connection, lol). idk if that's going to factor into any plotline he has (please say he's not just the best friend without depth character) but i have hopes he could be pulling massive strings.
also,,,, isn't it a thing that the heather plant is known to grow where there's been bloodshed on a battlefield? did i just make that up or is that a thing? because if so..... then even the name heather, which is just ~soft and feminine~ might have some kind of implication........ also, i think it has healing properties so hmmmm......
lol, i'm stretching with name connotations but i just think names are neat!!!!
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camellia-salazar · 3 years
Things I've learned from each fandom part 2.
Bunny Maloney: the fandom is mostly cursed. But there are a lot of Jean-Francois fans (of course why not?).
Bone: probably full of promising fans. Also new animated show on Netflix probably.
Camp Camp: the moment I actually realized that some shows don't make it past the forth season. Also I haven't heard from this fandom in a while so my knowledge is pretty old.
BBIEAL: this fandom lived for about a year until it was ultimately forgotten. Also princibaldi was my otp for a while and I half regret it half not.
Aggretsuko: Season four is coming up (or already is up) and people started shipping Hayda and that other dude forgot his name (give me a break, i have probably over a thousand characters from each fandom so chill).
The Outsiders: I never got to watch the movie. I was supposed to with a friend but I haven't gotten to talk to her in like three years. But the book was my middle school favorite. Sodapop is best bro. Stay gold.
DDLC: idk what I learned other than what I already know in DDLC+. I'm just a bit surprised about how Sayori told Monika about how she feels. Well, I guess it makes sense, Monika wouldn't even really know if she didn't tell her I guess. Unless she found out in the files or something like I originally thought. But I like the results instead. I just like those little side stories ngl.
There She Is!!: I still can't believe I found out about the extra part RIGHT AFTER the week ended. Since it was shown to everyone for a week and then gone forever, I was totally bummed out when I found out that I was only a day late. Smh.
Nichijou: I ligit thought it was gonna have a plot (since that every other show/anime I've watch has one I think). I was wrong, but that doesn't mean I dislike it. It was hilarious and interesting. Idk. (Didn't get to finish it tho). I also keep having to search the title up just to see how the name is spelled. Oof.
Elfin Lied: ah yes, childhood along side Soul Eater (when it comes to anime). Gory and stuff, tragic, but still pretty good. Me and my siblings remembered the "dog getting beat up by kids" bit so whenever I go to talk about it I have to remind them with that one phase. Also probably one of the reasons on how Xavier got used to gore.
Little Nightmares: ah yes, one of the fandoms that got me thinking of how I should've been into it at the time everyone else was. Same with DDLC and TF2 on that category. Everyone used to talk about rk (the runaway kid) or seven however you call him. Now no one cares for him as much as they used to. Also I love how the fandom sorta dies until the second game came out.
Among Us: the memes are a bit annoying, but at least the game is pretty cool. A lot of angst. Honestly the reason I joined this fandom was really to make an AU/crossover of Clone High and Total Drama with it. Then it turned into another AU/crossover only this time it's with more characters from other fandoms. It was epic in my mind.
My Pride: this was big until I've heard rumors about how the creator for this webseries is also transphobic. Idk if that's still happening but at that point I realized just how much drama is happening within fans and the creators of the shows/webseries/games/etc. Also a lot of love for Feather.
Why Women Kill: idek how big this fandom is or if it's alive or what not, but the show still bangs. The one and only live action show I've ever really liked. Season 2 came out and my parents and I still didn't finish it. I like the changing of the decades deal in season 1 tho.
That's it for now, reply to this whenever I miss something because some of you did that the last time and I think it's a great idea.
Part 1 Part 3
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sun-daisies · 3 years
euphoria s2e1 thoughts (spoilers)
first of all I thought s1 was BEAUTIFUL but something about shooting it on film this time is just. it's a whole different vibe but it's almost even more stunning, like genuinely. and I think the choice to shoot it in film will differentiate it and make it stand out as its own thing from s1 even though its a continuation if that makes sense? it's so gritty and it makes it so much more real. like s1 was bokeh and neon lights and glitter and it was a high. s2 is going to be darker and grittier and harsh reality. anyway-
this episode just SPRINTED. the rue and jules special episodes were so slow I forgot how euphoria likes to just throw you right into it. it was absolute whiplash in the best way possible. like the special episodes were an hour of just talking through what happened (I will NEVER be over trouble dont last always omg that episode fucked me up) and then this one immediately threw you into it
FEZCOOOO omg omg omg fezco episode!!!! i genuinely didn't think we'd get a fez episode so soon??? or even at all tbh. but I'm so excited that we did omg
Cassie gave me literal panic the entire episode omg, I am so afraid for her this season she is Not Okay
Elliott is cool I think? I really really hope he's a full person like the rest of them and not just a plot device for rules :/ but honestly knowing euphoria I feel like he's got a tonnn of potential
gosh seeing rue in trouble dont last always and now in this first episode I am so worried for her like genuinely idk if she's gonna beat her addiction? the thought genuinely crossed my mind. but also after fuck anyone who's not a sea blob (or whatever that ep was called) I know jules blames herself for rue's relapse and I am just. ahhhhhh
I was never the biggest rules shipper but honestly I hope they dont get together again in this season they're so bad for each other :(
I love maddy. that's it thats the comment.
fez and lexi's dynamic is..... so refreshing...??? maybe I just love it because I relate to lexi the most, especially in this episode where she's sort of just on her own. and everyone's wrapped up in their own drama and she's sort of trying to check in on everyone and mom everyone but the girl's gotta feel so drained you feel? and then fez, he's just chilling on the couch and he talks to her and she feels seen. she's not just "the side character" for her sister, or rue's fallback friend, or the girl who maddy and kat hang out with because they hang out with cassie. fez cares about what she has to say and finds her interesting and god that validation is unmatched. I dont think I love them as a couple, even though I know that's where the season is going, but it was so nice to see lexi get SOME acknowledgement. (lexi is totally in love with rue and if they don't address that I stg)
anyway finally, the cinematography in this ep was MASTERFUL. I literally- I was losing it the whole time. I just- it's everything dude
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