#i'm in love with him i'd like to fuck that old man to pieces
likesummerrainn · 1 year
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NJPW STRONG | 12.10.22
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strang3lov3 · 3 months
Seeing Red
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“Because if I don’t fuck you,” he says, “Then I’m gonna strangle you. So which would you like?”
Joel’s sorry that your period sucks, but he's reached the end of his rope with your attitude. (6k)
Tags - 18+ smut, brat taming, blow jobs, face fucking, rough period sex, fingering, mating press, overstimulation and multiple orgasms, creampie, aftercare in the form of a shared bubble bath, all things periods and period symptoms so headaches, breast pain, cramps, irritability that reader takes out on Joel. You will feel so bad for being such a cunt to this man but he gets to fill two of your holes with his cum so it all kind of evens out. takes place in jackson Fic help - @beefrobeefcal and @joelsdagger for all of their love and support and eyeballs, @noxturnalpascal and @endlessthxxghts thank you both for being my compass and giving me direction and helping to make this fic perfect. I love you <3 A/N - if you're on your period, i'm sending you a hug <3 if you're not i'm hugging you too
I was reminded of my friend @covetyou's fic "Sleepless" which is a lovely piece of classic literature, just like the rest of her works, and I'd like to credit her for inspo. Thank you Lo 🤎🩷💚
You should have guessed there’d be a bloodstain in your underwear, but despite the headaches, your sore breasts, and your cramping abdomen, you’re surprised when you’re met with rusty red in your panties. Fucking great, you whisper, dripping with sarcasm, this is not what you needed today. You had so many things you wanted to get done and now you were going to be spending the whole day miserable and in pain.
“Joel,” you loudly call out. You wait a beat, nothing. “JOEL,” you yell louder. 
You hear the faint sound of his recliner, the popping of his knees and the creaking of the stairs as he walks up them. His two feet are visible through the space between the floor and the bathroom door and then he knocks, “Whatcha need, darlin’?”
“New underwear,” you answer. “And a pad. Also in the underwear drawer.” 
Joel walks away and returns with what you’ve asked for and slides both items under the door. You change your panties and secure the pad made of old rags and t-shirts with the clothespin attached to it. “You got it?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you reply.
“Guessin’ you just started your cycle, then.” 
“Can I get you anything?”
“Nope,” you answer. “I think I’m just gonna go to bed.” 
“Alright. I’ll join you, then.” 
 You wash your hands and rinse the bloodstain out of your panties with annoyance in the sink, wringing them out before tossing them in the dirty laundry hamper in the bathroom. When you unlock the door and leave the bathroom, Joel’s already asleep in your shared bed. He sleeps curled on his side and yet he still fucking snores - between that and the pain you’re in, you know it won’t be a restful night of sleep. You look at Joel, sleeping peacefully like a baby, and yet you wanna beat the living fucking crap out of him. You curl your body around his, stealing his body heat to soothe your cramps. 
Joel wakes up early the next morning and greets you with a kiss pressed to the side of your head. “Fuck off,” you mumble, your voice is still thick with sleep but he knows you mean it so he lets you sleep in a bit while he cleans the bathroom for you. He works as quietly as he can, scrubbing it and mopping it from top to bottom. He empties the trash can and the laundry hamper, he makes sure there’s a fresh bar of soap and a new washrag for you. Joel’s just finishing up and wiping dust from the mirror when you find him in the bathroom. “Mornin’, sunshine,” he says as he kisses the top of your head. “How do you feel?” 
“Shitty.” You grab at the mirror and Joel’s skin crawls as you touch the glass with your thumb, the smudges left behind from your fingertips clear as day on the freshly cleaned glass. He’ll just touch it up later. You pull out your toothbrush and frown, your nose scrunched in disgust. “It smells like bleach in here,” you complain.
“Well, yeah,” Joel chuckles. “I just cleaned it for ya. ‘Course it smells like bleach.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” you mumble. “The bleach you used makes my head hurt worse.”
“Oh,” Joel scratches the back of his head and frowns. “M’sorry, then. Well, we can let it air out for a while, we’ll leave the fan on. Shouldn’t smell for more than a day or so.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
If looks could fuckin’ kill, Joel thinks. You’re glaring at him. He takes that as his cue to leave. You shrink away from him as he gently brushes your arm when he walks past, then shut the door loudly behind him. Ouch. Joel knows not to take it personally, though. You’re crampy, but you’re also probably hungry. He’ll make you breakfast, something with protein because he knows you need it. 
He cleans the kitchen first. He washes the dirty dishes you must’ve forgotten about last night and wipes crumbs from the table. As you come downstairs dressed in sweats and a shirt you stole from Joel, he’s finishing up making your breakfast. “Sit down, I made your favorite.” 
You sit down at the table with your head in your hands. Joel puts a plate with two slices of perfectly golden brown toast and two over-easy eggs in front of you, then a fork and a knife on either side. He fills a glass with water for you as well. He walks away to clean up the stove, then turns around to check on you. Your face is contorted in disgust and you’re not eating. “What’s the matter?”
“I don’t want this,” you grouse.
“But s’your favorite. You love your eggs over easy,” Joel says. “And the toast, that’s fresh bread and butter. Eat up.” 
“Yeah, but I wanted scrambled.” 
Joel stares at you for a moment, dumbfounded. You usually hate scrambled eggs, and he knows this. But you’re not smirking or holding back laughter like you’re fucking with him. So maybe your tastes have changed, who knows. “Okay. Would you like me to make you scrambled eggs instead, then?”
“Yes,” you mumble in a small voice. 
“I didn’t hear ya, sweetheart. Speak up, please.” 
“I said yes,” you snap. 
Your clipped tone cuts like a knife. Joel bites his inner cheek as he takes your plate from you. He quickly scarfs down the perfectly cooked eggs and toast as he makes you a new plate of breakfast, this time with scrambled eggs. He places it in front of you with a little less care than before and waits for you to take a bite. “Better?”
“Just okay.” 
‘Just okay’. Of course you think it’s ‘just okay’, they’re scrambled fucking eggs - which you don’t like. You’re just being - 
Joel needs to cool off. Hopefully once you’ve eaten you’re a little less irritable. “I’m gonna head out an’ do some errands. Be back shortly,” He’s met with no answer from you, which he expected. 
He comes back an hour or so later with a few things from the market he’s been needing along with a couple of VHS tapes that he rented from the library. “So,” Joel says, “I picked out some movies for ya.” He lays four tapes down on the coffee table in front of the couch where you lay. “When Harry Met Sally, that’s a good one,” he begins, “Next is How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, then Blade Runner, and I picked out My Cousin Vinny,” Joel says. He thinks you’re gonna pick out Blade Runner because it stars Harrison Ford, who he knows you have a thing for. “My Cousin Vinny is pretty good, I don’t think we’ve seen that one yet f’ya wanna give that a try.”
“Mmm, no.” 
Shot down. “Okay. How ‘bout Blade Runner, then. S’got Indiana Jones in -”
“No. I don’t care,” you interrupt, which hurts Joel’s feelings a little. A lot, actually. “I wanna watch this one,” you point to How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days. “He’s cute.” 
Of course you picked the Matthew McConaughey movie. God, Joel fucking hated him. He always seemed so skeezy, if there’s anyone who should’ve bit it on Outbreak Day, it should’ve been Matthew McConaughey. “Yeah, okay. Whatever. Do you think he’s dreamy too?”
“Fuck off, Joel.” 
So teasing’s off the table too, he’ll add that to the list of things that have pissed you off today. Joel turns on the TV and puts the tape in the VHS player before he sits back down next to you. At first you rest on his shoulder, then you spread out and lay your head on his lap. It’s not long before you fall asleep on Joel, leaving him to watch this dumb fucking movie all by himself because god forbid he move you and disrupt your nap. He knows better than to do that. 
“So fuckin’ stupid,” Joel whispers to himself as the movie plays, though he did find himself enjoying the part where the Kate Hudson sings “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon. He always did like that song. 
“Mmmm,” you groan, shifting onto your back. Joel’s hand is stroking your hair as you look up at him, but you push it away. “You’re too close to me,” you grumble. 
“What’re you talkin’ about?” 
“You’re crowding me. I feel smothered.” 
Joel scoffs. “Oh, you feel smothered? You’re the one who laid on me.” Once again, your glare is all that you need to say. “Alright then, I’ll move.” Joel concedes. He lifts your head gently and scoots down to the opposite end of the couch. And then he hears you huff. “What?”
“Well, now I don’t have a pillow.” 
Joel sighs as he gets up to grab a throw pillow from the opposite couch. 
“The other one.” 
You’re referring to the other throw pillow that’s absolutely indistinguishable from the one currently in Joel’s hand, but he gets it for you anyway. “Lift your head,” he says softly, putting the pillow under you. He sits back down in the spot you made him move to as you both watch the movie play, but your soft groans interrupt. You’re no doubt in pain from all the cramps right now. “I’ve got somethin’ like a heating pad,” Joel says, looking at you. “S’a big sock filled with rice, I heat it up and use it for neck and back pain. Would that help with them cramps?” You nod without making any effort to meet Joel’s eyes, which he finds a little rude. But still, you’re hurting. He’ll give you grace. 
So, once again, Joel gets up for you. He goes upstairs to get his rice sock from his nightstand, then comes back downstairs and heats it in the microwave for a couple of minutes. He pokes the sock to make sure it’s plenty warm for you and then gives it to you to take. “Here,” he says, “Hold it on your tummy.”
“JESUS,” you yell at him. 
“It’s too fucking hot, Joel, why would you make it so hot?” 
 “Just give it a second, sweetheart, you’ll get used to it.” 
“No. It was burning me.” 
“Okay, then let me have it and we’ll let it cool off a minute. Christ almighty.” Joel takes the sock back from you, and he knows his hands are pretty calloused but…it doesn’t feel that hot. When a few minutes have passed, he gives it back to you. “This should be better.” 
You lay the big, warm stuffed sock across your stomach and frown. “It’s not warm enough.” 
“You have gotta be kiddin’ me.” 
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head, giving Joel back his sock like you just assume he’ll heat it up again for you. 
“Just a couple minutes ago you screamed bloody murder about it burnin’ you. And now it’s not hot enough?”
“Yeah, that’s what I said.” When Joel doesn’t jump immediately to reheat the sock for you, you look at him impatiently. “Joel.” 
“You can ask, you know.” 
But Joel gets the hint and gets up for you a third time to reheat the sock he’s letting you borrow. You don’t say please, and when he returns with the sock reheated, there’s no thank you either. What does he get from you? “It’s too hot.”
“Then tell me how I should rectify that for you, because last time I let it cool off and it wasn’t warm enough for ya after.” 
“I don’t know,” you snap. “You’re just really upsetting me right now. Everything hurts and your voice is grating.”
“I’m upsetting you?” Joel repeats your words back to you. “And my voice is grating.” 
He’s about at his wits end. “You know, you–” Joel decides not to finish that sentence. Instead, he sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose and breathes out on the count of five. “Two, three, four…You need to drink some water. S’your first issue, you’re probably dehydrated. Did you drink any water?” 
“It’s not your business.”
 Jesus fucking Christ. “Okay, well I’m makin’ it my business.” Joel gets up for the fourth goddamn time and slams the cup cabinet before filling a glass with water from the sink. He marches back to the couch, “Sit up,” he says. “Drink.” 
“I don’t want to,” you whine. 
“It’ll fix your headache. Drink.” 
“It won’t actually, that’s a myth.” 
“Right, what do I know when you’ve got an answer for fuckin’ everything. Drink.” 
You sit up, scowling at Joel as you take a sip. 
“All of it.” 
You drink the rest of it, glaring at him the whole time. He’s so full of shit, as if any of what you’re going through could be fixed by drinking a glass of water. Water won’t fix your cramps, won’t fix your aching and sore back. When you’re done, you slam the glass on the end table next to you and in doing so, break Joel’s reading glasses. Oops. Didn’t see those. The lenses aren’t shattered, but one of the arms is all bent now. When you look at Joel, he’s biting his bottom lip and breathing deeply. “Your glasses broke.” 
“Yeah. I see that.” 
“I didn’t mean to,” you tell him defensively.
“But you really shouldn’t leave your glasses there, Joel.”
“Yeah, right. Shouldn’t leave my glasses on the end table,” Joel says. “I should leave them where, exactly? Maybe the floor?” 
“Somewhere else.” 
“Right. Somewhere else.” 
He’s hoping that by repeating your words back to you, you start to hear how absolutely ridiculous you sound. But you don’t seem to. Joel turns and walks away before he fucking throttles you. 
“Can you put on the next movie? I wanna watch My Cousin Vinny.”
Now, now you want to watch that movie. And Joel’s gonna miss out, because he can’t stand to be around you for one minute longer. “Are your legs broken?” 
Walked into that one. “You’re fuckin’ impossible. Fine. I’ll put it on, then I’m goin’ away for a bit.” 
Oh, he could fucking kill you. This whole day he’s heard nothing but complaints from your mouth, no pleases or thank you’s at all. Everything he’s done today has been for you, and you couldn’t give a flying fuck. 
Joel puts on the movie, grabs his bent glasses from the end table and heads out to the garage without saying a single word to you. You wonder what bug crawled up his ass. 
My Cousin Vinny plays just fine until Vinny shows up in his ridiculous suit to the courthouse. The tape begins to skip a whole bunch, the movie barely making sense, and you have no idea how to fix it - not that it’s your job to know, anyway. So you call out the name of the man whose job it is. 
No answer. 
“JOELLLL,” you yell. 
Same deal. You sigh as you sit up and get off of the couch, walking to the garage door. There’s finally a break in your cramps and you’re feeling halfway-human for the first time since yesterday. Entering the garage, you find Joel sitting at his workbench, he’s working on bending the frame of his glasses back into shape. “Joel.” 
He doesn’t turn around to look at you and in fact, he heard you calling for him. He had just ignored you. “Looks like your legs are workin’ now,” Joel replies, without looking at you. “S’a miracle. Means you can follow me around now, terrific.”
You choose to ignore his sarcasm. “Whatever. You need to do something for me. The VCR is messing up and you have to fix it.”
“Hm,” he hums.
“What’s hm?” 
“I’ve fixed lotsa things for you today,” he says quietly. “I need some time to fix my glasses that you broke. S’a difficult task on account of the fact I need my glasses to see.”
“You can do me one favor, Joel. It won’t kill you.” 
Joel stops and gently places his broken glasses on his work bench. He turns to his right and glares daggers at you. “One favor,” he scoffs. “Oh, you’re a fuckin’ peach. You wanna try that again?”
“Try what again?” 
You’re fucking with him. You have to be fucking with him. Why are you fucking with him? You’re not antagonistic like this, not usually, so he concludes that you must be looking for a fight. At this point, Joel is too. 
“I’ve done you countless favors today, sweetheart,” Joel gripes.
“Yeah, but-” you begin.
Joel’s large, warm hand suddenly covers the lower half of your face, silencing your argument. “If the next words outta this mouth aren’t thank you, then I don’t wanna hear ‘em. In fact…”
He bites his inner cheek, nodding his head as he thinks. The way he stares at you, his dark eyes piercing through you - you feel the chill deep in your bones. A wave of clarity hits you as you recall some of the details of the day, the way Joel was there at every turn and while you were busy being cranky and achey, he was trying to wait on you hand and foot. Shit. You’ve been a Grade-A bitch to him all day, a total fucking cunt.
Breaking the silence, Joel finally clears his throat and continues his thought, “I’m gonna give you two options,” Joel says. “You can walk the fuck away from me, or you can get on your knees. Whichever you choose, you do so silently. Nod if you understand.” 
It’s like you’re watching a scene from a movie. You hear Joel’s words, but you almost don’t believe they’re real and so they don’t quite register. He pulls his hand away from your face slowly. Your mouth falls open a bit but you don’t say or do anything.
“Nod. If. You. Understand.” You nod quickly. Joel awaits your decision as you look at the garage door and contemplate your clean way out from this situation, “So what’ll it be?” he asks. Despite it all, that uneasy feeling in your gut, you drop to your knees anyway, eyes still lingering on the door before you look up at Joel. You trust him to take care of you and you think you might owe him this obedience after your behavior today. “You’ve earned yourself brownie points choosin’ the latter of the two options, but this still ain’t gonna be fun for you,” he says. It should scare you - and it does - but you’re still thrilled by it, by the way he sighs and his knees crack as he gets off of his barstool, by the cold look in his eyes as he reaches under his thick belly to unbuckle his belt. Standing above you, he pulls out his half-hard cock and pumps it, feeling it grow to full length in his hand. He’s thick, veiny, and generously sized, a pearly white bead of precum sits atop his slit. His cock is just an inch or two away from your mouth as he holds it between his fingers, his thumb on top and middle and forefingers on the underside. With his other hand, he cards his fingers through your hair and pulls you close, the tip of his cock pressing against your lips. “Open.”
You part your lips open and with that, Joel pushes himself into your mouth inch by inch. You smell him first, that musky and heady sort of scent. Next, you taste the saltiness of his skin and his precome on your tongue and for a moment it’s pleasurable, with his cock halfway in your mouth. You wrap your hand around the end of his shaft like you know what he wants but you don’t know, not really - Joel holds your hand in his own and squeezes it so that your knuckles grind against each other a little bit. He pushes himself further and you can’t lick him or savor this like you wanted to, you just feel his cock intruding, sliding into your mouth. Joel’s testing you, making sure that you can handle all of him and if you can’t, you know he’ll make you. 
He draws out of your mouth entirely only to force his way back in, making you gag and sputter. You attempt to pull away but Joel keeps his hand firm on your head and holds you right where he wants you. “Nuh-uh. I don’t know where you think you’re goin’, hon.” 
There’s no gentleness to it, he fucks your mouth heatedly so that you’re drooling and choking on him, your eyes springing with tears as that pressure builds behind them. “Breathe through your nose,” he reminds you. “In and out. You ain’t done jus’ ‘cause you’re cryin’.” Your lips are sore with the repeated action, your jaw is aching. He rolls his hips, his cock is deep down your throat as he relishes in your warm, wet mouth and the way it makes him feel. 
“Mmm,” you moan, you’re not sure if the noise is indicative of your pleasure or discomfort.
“Quiet,” he growls. “Heard fuckin’ enough outta you today. You keep quiet.”
Your nose is buried in that thatch of coarse curls as he rocks his hips over and over, his soft and pillowy tummy bouncing against your forehead. You squirm and whine as his tip teases the back of your throat and your mouth feels so full, uncomfortably so. Joel picks up on that. “Let it be a lesson to ya, then, if it hurts. That mouth ‘a yours has done nothin’ but bitch and moan at me today. S’a punishment, ain’t ‘sposed to feel good.” 
He’s grunting and groaning, eyes screwed shut as he uses you, pumping in and out of your mouth. Your jaw aches with the brutality of the way he fucks your mouth, and just as you think you can’t take anymore, you feel Joel’s cock begin to twitch and pulse. He comes in your mouth without a warning, painting your tongue with his hot spend. It’s salty and bitter and warm on your tongue. Once you’ve swallowed, Joel reaches down and yanks you up by your bicep. He thought fucking your mouth and coming down your throat would make him feel better but honestly, it doesn’t. As he looks at your face, all puffy with tears and swollen lips, he can’t quite find it in himself to let go of his anger. Not yet, at least. “Let’s go,” he grunts as he drags you with him towards the garage door. He marches you though the house and up the stairs. 
“Where are we going?”
“Bedroom,” Joel growls, answering your question like it’s obvious. You suppose it should be, but you figured he was done with you. But he’s not. The regret begins to set in when you realize the retribution you’re about to be met with for the way you’ve treated Joel today. You’d be lying if you said that while wallowing in your pain you didn’t notice how your curt tone got under his skin, hurt his feelings and frustrated him immensely. The dread you feel can’t save you, it’s all too late now. 
 “Because if I don’t fuck you,” he says, “Then I’m gonna strangle you. So which would you like?”
“Fuck me,” you whisper. 
Joel pushes you into the bedroom and locks the door behind himself. “Lie down on your back,” he says. 
You protest, “But the sheets, Joel. The blood–”
“I will wash the fucking sheets. We can add it to the list of all the things I’ve done for ya today, hm?”
When you don’t jump at his request, Joel takes initiative. He pulls off your - his - shirt from your body and then bends you over the end of the neatly made bed, the old and worn comforter feels rough on the skin of your cheek. Joel pulls down your sweatpants and panties in one motion and then flips you over onto your back, your legs hanging off the end of the bed. You feel embarrassed when you catch a glimpse of your bloodied pad and underwear, moreso when you feel yourself making a mess on his bedding and between your legs. 
“You didn’t make yourself come today, did you?”
“Uhh–” you stutter. “I - I…”
“No point in gettin’ bashful now, darlin’. Just gimme an answer.”
“No,” you tell him. It’s been a while. 
Joel had assumed sexual frustration had been playing a role in your attitude today. Cramps, headaches, all sorts of things going on with you and a needy, aching pussy to boot. He does feel sorry for you, but he feels sorry for himself too. It’s why he got his first, but now it’s time for you to get yours. An orgasm should set you straight, or two or three. Whatever he feels is necessary. 
Joel undresses himself before pushing your thighs apart and hitching your legs around his waist. Slowly, he slides his thumb through your folds and then circles your clit. He knows you’re vulnerable like this - bleeding pussy on display for him as you make a mess of his sheets. But he’s patient, and he massages your clit calmly until you finally let a moan, a little mmm slip. He smirks at that. 
He pushes his middle two fingers inside you, pumping in and out slowly. He then curls his fingers, searching for that sweet spot on a woman he loves so much. “Fuck,” you cry out, legs instinctually closing shut around him, and he knows he’s found it. 
“Don’t fight it,” he says, opening you back up. He curls his fingers and circles your clit in tandem, making all sorts of lewd noises with your cunt. He admires your body all laid out for him like this, your breasts and your pebbled nipples, soft tummy rising and falling with your breathy oh’s and ahh’s, thick curls framing your pretty pussy like a picture just for him. Joel takes his free hand and uses it to press down on your lower stomach, intensifying the feeling of it all. You come hard, gushing on his fingers as you whimper his name. 
Joel pulls his fingers from your core and wipes them haphazardly on his own torso. “Joel,” you gasp when you feel the thick head of his cock at your entrance.
“I am sorry,” he begins, notching his tip inside you and popping it out. He slides the blunt head through your folds and over your clit, then taps the sensitive part of you with himself. “That you’re in pain. It isn’t fair and I know that. But you’ve done nothing but take your hurt out on me.” He presses himself inside you again, “I’ve got a half a mind to take my own hurt out on you, y’know.” His voice is dark and angered, but he speaks calmly in a way that contrasts the darkness but maintains his authority all the same. “And I think I’m gonna.”
“Joel, I– ”
“Quiet,” he commands. He begins teasing your slit with his cock once more before he speaks, “So this is what we’re gonna do: you’re gonna take what I give you, however much or little it is. You’re not gonna cry or complain ‘cause you’ve done enough of that today. Right?” Joel pauses, “Nod your head.” 
 You obey his rule and nod, yes.
He drags his cock up and down your cunt again, the soft skin of your labia rubbing so nicely against his thickness. He notches himself inside you over and over again, pushing in a little bit deeper each time and pulling back out. You whine, rolling your hips in search of more. “I know, I know, sweetheart,” he coos at you to quiet you down. “You’re all out of sorts today. M’gonna fix it. I always fix it, don’t I?”
Yes. You nod again. Quiet.
“S’right,” he says. “Good girl.”
With that, Joel pushes his leaking cock into you entirely, one gradual slide that has you sucking in a breath that comes out in a strained sort of whimper. His hard, warm shaft parting your insides, filling you whole. Joel hears it in the way that you sigh, that this, this is what you needed. He rocks his hips once, twice. Experiments with shallow thrusts, inching his way in and out of you before he draws out of your pussy entirely only to thrust himself right back in, deeper and harder than before. 
With the fullness of Joel inside of you, everything seems to melt away - all that anger, misplaced or not. Joel’s rhythmic thrusting soothes you, sort of. The soreness of your body, the aching cramps in your abdomen are all gone as you focus on the in and out, the in and out. He builds a comfortable pace, but one that borders on too much too soon. His hands on your waist, pulling you towards him as he pushes into you in equal measure. 
He fucks you without discipline, no tenderness at all to the action with those sloppy thrusts, but you’re more lost in him than he is in you - he’s focused on your face, watching you make an ‘O’ with your mouth, and he’s focused on your bouncing body, your twitching thighs spread wide. Your moans, your whimpers and your whines, babbling nothing but nonsense. Joel’s brow is furrowed as he breathes heavily through his teeth, his soft body jerking above you as he hits that sweet spot inside you over and over and over…
“It’s all ya needed, isn’t it? The whole goddamn time,” he pants. “Didn’t need to go an’ bitch me out all day if you needed lovin’ like this. Woulda been nice f’ya just said so.” Joel reaches for your breasts, harshly squeezing the tender, sore flesh. You wince in pain and he loosens his grip, focusing on your nipples instead. He twists and flicks the sensitive buds and your moans become louder, more high pitched. Joel fucking loves it when that happens, you never realized. 
“Oh, Joel,” you moan, “Yeah, fuck.” 
With one hand still teasing your nipples, he brings the other to your pussy. A few strokes of his thumb on your clit is all it takes to send you over the edge a second time, wanton moans and choked sobs spilling from your lips as he fucks you through it. 
And fucks you, and fucks you. 
And keeps fucking you. 
It doesn’t end, he doesn’t slow himself and you never feel that come down, that descent from pleasure. It keeps going, like pressure with nowhere to go and you feel like you might break. “I can’t, I need you to stop, stop, Joel.”
“Nuh-uh,” he shakes his head, thrusting still. “You can take it, be a good girl. Gonna fuck you good and deep like you need. You brought this on yourself, anyway. Two more.” 
This whole time, he doesn’t stop. It’s so much at once and when you thought it was going to end, it doesn’t. Tears of overstimulation spring in your eyes and flow freely down your cheeks. Joel lets you cry because he knows you need it, he knows the release is good for you. You poor thing, how much you must be feeling right now, both physically and mentally. “It’s too much, Joel, I can’t,” you plead.
 “Always the tears with you, huh?” he taunts. “Always somethin’. Oh, I know. I know.” 
It’s the way you look at Joel that causes him to cave, eyes all wide and tear-stained. You’re spent and he knows it, what with all that your body’s put you through. You’ve had a rough day and though he did too, he can’t help but feel sympathy for you at this moment. “Oh, my sweet girl. What am I gonna do with you, hm?”
“I don’t know,” you sniffle. 
“Know you don’t, ‘n you don’t have to. S’my job,” he soothes. With his clean hand, he traces the side of your face and rubs his thumb over your cheekbone. “How about this, then - what are we gonna do next time you’re not feeling so good?” 
“I’m - I’m–”
“You’re gonna tell me what you need,” he instructs, “And you’re gonna ask for it. Nicely. So that means usin’ your manners. Please, Joel. Thank you, Joel. Remember those words?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “Yeah, I remember.”
 “But you forgot ‘em the whole day today,” Joel says softly. “I think you gotta learn to compromise, too,” he adds. The guilt had begun to set in before, but you really start to feel the burn now. You were unkind to Joel, and he’s been nothing but sweet, doting on every one of your needs. “I think an apology’s in order for the way you treated me today.” 
He’s right, and you know it. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, Joel.”
“Oh, I know you are. You just needed the reminder, s’okay,” You hadn’t even noticed how his thrusting had slowed to a still until it picks up again slowly, as he presses kisses to you. Your cheeks first, then your lips. “I’ll compromise too - I’m only gonna make you come one more time, not two. Sound good? Sound fair?”
“I don’t think I can, Joel…”
“Yeah, you can, s’the last one. Take it good for me,” he encourages. “Take it good.” 
That’s what he repeats as his thrusts build again, fucking you deeply. Take it good, take it good for me. He hikes you up further on the bed and joins you so that he’s no longer standing at the floor, he’s got you pressed in half instead, your knees on either side of your chest and your feet above his shoulders. This angle intensifies everything and he knows, oh he knows how much it is for you. You’re tired, sore, overstimulated. But you’ll be done soon, he’ll be done with you soon. He takes your hand and wedges it between your bodies, pressing your own fingers to your clit, “Let go for me, I wanna feel you let go for me,” he says. “Focus right here. You’re gonna come with me, keep your eyes on me…”
You don’t even have to massage your clit, the way Joel angles himself has his body doing all the work, his pubic bone adding pressure to your fingers adding pressure to your clit. It’s intense, all of it - deeply energetic, overwhelming. You can’t quite discern your orgasm as it builds, there’s no definitive start but it’s powerful, devastating almost. Washing over you in waves, you feel it in the base of your spine first. You feel it in your gut, the backs of your thighs all the way to your toes. You hardly register that he’s coming with you, filling you deep with his come. His jaw is clenched tight and he’s groaning, grunting as he milks himself in you.
He leaves you there, whimpering, twitching on the bed. You hear the faint sound of running water, you figure he’s washing himself off. You’re surprised when he returns to you, pelvis covered in your blood, and scoops you right up in his arms. He helps you to your feet and on shaky legs, guides you to the bathroom. It no longer smells like bleach but instead, lavender. He’s got a candle lit on the sink and the bathtub is filled with warm, bubbly water. “Picked out a bubble bath for you earlier when I went out. Wanna test it out with me?” 
“Yeah,” you sniffle. “Yes. Please.” 
Joel sits in the tub first, spreads his legs and welcomes you to sit between them. He washes the blood from your poor, sensitive core and your thighs, washes it from his own body as well. When he’s done, he pulls you back into his chest and his hands find your breasts. “They’re tender, huh,” he murmurs into the side of your head. 
“Super, yeah. Sore.” 
“I’ll bet,” he says. He gently massages the tissue for you, his strong hands working you out in a way you can’t quite do. 
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
Joel chuckles. “Bout fuckin’ time you thanked me,” he says. “You’re welcome.” 
If you enjoyed, please reblog with thoughts, leave me a comment, or send me an ask! Your words motivate me to keep writing for you all 🩷
Least helpful cats award goes to these two 👇 if you’ve ever wondered what takes me so long to put fics out, it’s this. I try to write and I’m cockblocked by these fuzzballs.
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clan-ackerman · 6 months
Human!Alastor x f!reader
blood / size kink / bitting / incorrect usage of knives / virgin reader / fucking in general / ALASTOR IS FILTHY AS HELL / porn with plot
Your father always disapproved of him. A girl like you should never marry such man.
"A radio host? Pumpkin, you need a man who will be able to look after you when you grow old." Your father had said to you when you had gathered all your courage at dinner table one evening.
"But... I love him father..." You mumbled quietly.
"Love? You're far too young to know what love is. And besides, didn't you see at the ball how all the girls were looking at him? I can bet, that he looks at all the girls the same." Your father continued and dabbing at his moustache with napkin, cleared his throat:
"I must head out. Moon is out tonight and it's perfect for hunting. Lads will be waiting on me by now."
"Stay safe." Your mother kissed your father on cheek and saw him off. You were left sitting alone at the table, staring at your half eaten plate.
"Dont take it so hard, petal." Your mother stood next to you and gently run her hand through your hair.
"A man I respect is keeping me away from the man that my heart yearns for..." You sighed.
"Does father want me to marry someone I do not love? I'd kill myself in such marriage, mother."
"Don't even say such thing. You know your father is only looking out for you. For your future." Your mother said, trying to calm you.
"Alastor is also looking out for me." You narrowed your eyes at mother. With a hard look down at you, your mother advised:
"I think... It would be better if you did not see him anymore. Don't make your father angry, petal."
You looked up at her, not believing what she had just said.
"What..? Mama... How could you say such thing?" Your lip started to tremble. With blurry vision you looked around the table, butter knives shining in dim light. With angry huff you tried to brush your tears away and stood up, chair falling over in process. Your mother took a step back:
"Behave now." Mother said in sharp tone. You took a quick glance at the clock on the mantle piece and then bolted for the door.
"Where are YOU going at such hour?!" Your mother grabbed your hand before you even got two steps away from table.
"Clearly away from here." You spat, not breaking eye contact.
"You will sit back down, finish your dinner and go straight to bed." Your mother stated, her grip on your arm tightening. What she didn't notice, was how your other hand sneaked behind you and blindly reached for the first thing - the glimmering butter knife.
"I will not do such thing. Now. Let. Go." You said through gritted teeth.
"That's it. You insolent daughter." Your mother's hand reached up to grab your hair, but before she could do so - you were pointing the knife at her.
With wide eyes, both of you stared at the knife that was between you two.
"Mother.... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean--"
Your mother looked up at you and in one swift motion slapped you right across your face. With a cry you clutched your cheek and finally escaped the house. Leaving your mother to seeth back at the doorstep.
Quickly running down the front stairs of the house, you bolted across the yard. Ducked through the wooden fence that held your father's horses out of mother's garden, and run bare feet in the field. Trying to put as much distance between her and yourself.
When you finally had reached the other far off side of stockyard, you felt like you could breath again. Not bothering to climb over the fence you sat in the wet dewy grass and leaned against the fence pole. Distinct sounds of hunters gunshots and hound howls echoed in the forest behind.
You looked down at your hands. Right one still clutching the butter knife. From holding it incorrectly in your hand while on the run, you had accidentally nicked your fingers. New tears gathered in your eyes and you let out pathetic whimper.
"Y/n...?" You heard steps approaching on the other side of the fence on the gravel road.
"A-Alastor?" You immediately jumped up. Switching the knife from one clammy hand to other and hiding it behind your back. Now free hand, whipped your nose and cheeks, unknowingly to you - leaving red streaks across your face.
"What has my darling doe crying?" He quickly approached the fence when he picked up on your sniffling.
"Its fine, Alastor. Just had quarrel with my mother." You tried to laugh it off.
"A bloody one, as I see." He eyed you, reaching for your cheek. You tried to step away, but his warm touch was so inviting.
"Show me your hands, love." he said. He wasn't asking.
Swallowing thickly you brought both hands in front of you. Feeling like child in trouble. Trembling, and both bloody by now.
"We were having family dinner. And my father was reminiscing on the previous ball. And asked if I fancied any men there-" Alastor eyed you sharply for a second, unknowingly to you as you kept on rambling:
"-and I said that there was a man that I have had eyes for such long time, that the other men at the ball didn't even interest me. And he asked who. I said it's you. And he said that I should look elsewhere. I stood my ground and told him I love you. And he disapproved. Then mother said I should listen to him. Then she was screaming, saying I should stop seeing you. I got angry. She grabbed me. Tried to pull my hair and I... I just -I just pulled a knife at her... And then... And now I'm here..." You ranted so quickly that now you were out of breath.
With gentle chuckle, Alastor reached for your hand that was holding the knife, his ever seeing eyes, noticing the cuts on your other palm. He slowly frapped your fingers alongside his around the hilt of the butter knife and pulled both of your hands across the fence.
"When in dire straits, slice the sinew to halt movement," he murmured, gently drawing the knife across his chest. "Stab and pivot to temporarily cease motion," he directed, gesturing towards the center of his chest.
"You're wicked, Alastor..." You mumbled looking up at him.
"And you should never shed your blood. Though I am touched by your eagerness in defending your convictions concerning me, I would prefer not to witness your blood spilled, my love."
"Even if blood is such a pretty colour on you." He continued, his eyes flickering across your face. Standing up on the first wooden beam of the fence, he now stood way taller than you. Grabbing your chin he tilted your face one way, then the other.
"Since you say I'm wicked-" he gave you a cheeky smile,
"I might be afraid that your parents are correct. You should stay away from me." He looked away from you and across the field behind you.
"But I love you, Alastor..." You whispered so quietly, afraid that he might not have heard you.
"You have brought a knife in bloody hands tonight. What an odd way of confessing one's love." He bent his head closer to your face.
"What a lovely thing you are." His voice suddenly sounded sultry. It was enough for you to stand on your tippy toes and press your lips against his.
You could feel his smile against your lips. One of his hands sneaking to hold the back of your neck and pulling you closer. When that was not enough, in swift motion his legs swung over the fence and he was right in front of you. His lips never leaving yours.
It felt so right to kiss him. To kiss him felt like finally quelling an obsession. Just to feel the painful withdrawal as soon as his lips traveled to your neck to leave love bites there. Love bites that bloomed the same way as the blood splatters on your light summer dress.
His hands traveled down your back, the butter knife still in his hand. Both of you knew that no one would come down this road at this hour, but there was urgency in your actions. Desperation, almost. Your hands traveled to the front of his shirt, to get rid of the bow tie and open couple of buttons.
"The next move shan't be quite gentlemanly of me, my doe.." he was breathing hard and put the hilt of the knife in his mouth. His tongue briefly tasted your blood on it. Alastor's hands deftly gathered the skirt part of your dress and pushed you against the fence. Then raising the fabric around your hips and bunching it to the side, he grabbed the knife and pinned your dress to the fence.
"Alastor..." Your breath caught in your throat as your lower half was exposed to the cold nights air.
"Too much?" He asked, now stepping closer as his hands worked on his belt.
He clearly did intend to fuck you here. In empty field. Against a fence. In middle of the night.
"No, just perfect, you're perfect..." you breathed, hands looping around his neck to pull him in for a kiss.
"Lovely." He whispered and kissed you. His hand reaching down between your legs.
"Ah..." You moaned at the first contact.
"Needy little thing you are..." Alastor sighed against your lips, feeling the wetness between your legs.
It was the first time someone else's hands were touching you down there, besides your own. Feeling was not entirely new, but the anticipation was almost killing you. Your hand around Alastor's neck tightened, pulling him down, so you could hide your face in his shoulder. Breath heavy against his neck.
His fingers deftly slid through your slit.
"How.. many...?" Alastor implied, trying to shift his face away and look at you, making him pull his hand slightly away and his fingers circling back to your clit.
"Ah.." you gasped, not hearing his question and just trying to hide your face again.
"Sweetheart..." Alastor's hand slid from your cunt and instead dug his fingers in - right where your thigh met your pussy. This finally got your attention and your head shot up to look at him. You could almost swear that you could see your own debauched image reflecting in his glasses. He tilted his head down at you, and your reflection was gone and his warm eyes were staring right into your soul.
"How many men you have sle-" before he could ask the question you were shaking your head.
"None. No one." You said. "None has touched me this way," you looked down at his hand between your legs. His pointer finger that was closest to your pussy, slowly slid through your slit once more. Your head fell back and you stared at the sky. Stars were slowly starting to appear in the night sky.
"... except myself." You swallowed. Your head feeling empty of any coherent thought. Alastor's mouth fell open slightly:
"Say the word, and I'll stop, my doe..." He leaned down to your exposed neck, and gently run his nose up and down your pulse point.
Your hand shot down and grabbed his wrist:
"I want you and you alone."
His smile against your neck was almost infectious.
"Well, then... To rephrase..." He planted slow, open-mouthed kisses against your shoulder, his free hand pulling your dress down your shoulder. He moved his lips against your ear, as if to tell you something that no one else could ever hear:
"...How many of your own fingers have you taken?" you could hear his wicked smile in his voice. And you could feel his hand moving between your legs. His middle finger slowly, almost feather lightly, circled your clit and slid down to your opening. Your breath hitched:
When you didn't provide him the answer, he quickly pulled his hand out of your underwear and grabbed your hand putting it up between both of you. He pressed his palm against yours and looked at your hands. You did the same. Both of you could see how his fingers shined in the moonlight from your wetness coating them.
"Tell me."
"How far?"
You were staring at your pressed together hands. He was looking straight at you, watching how your eyes showed the realization of how much bigger his hands were and how longer his fingers were.
"Second knuckle..." You whispered and your eyes met his, over the frames if his glasses.
"Oh, my little doe... I will give you so much more than that..." He chuckled and looked at your hands as his fingers interlinked with yours.
"When I kneel before you, you shall receive all I offer. Diligently." He let go of your hand and took off his glasses.
You nodded. For such a gentleman, he definitely had such a filthy mouth. You'll soon learn it both ways.
"Hold these for me, will you?" He innocently asked and put his glasses on you, quite lower so you could stare over the round frames. Before you could say anything else, he was on his knees in the dewy grass, both of his hands sliding up your bare legs. His lips gently leaving kisses on your hips as he dragged your panties down your legs. You couldn't look away from him. His soft lips moving from one hip, across your stomach to the other side. His fingers running between your folds, time to time coming up to circle your clit and then tease your entrance by dipping in a fingertip.
"Mark me..." you breathed out as one of your hands slid to his hair.
"That will hurt." He looked up at you.
"You won't hurt me. I trust you, Al..." You said through a moan.
"...where...?" He quietly inquired.
God, please, everywhere.
"Here..." you gently tapped your hip. Alastor smiled, leaned closer, pressed his lips to the top of your hand and then gently bit your fingertip.
"This shall mean you're mine, my love, I hope you are preparing for the consequences that it ensues." He said against your skin as you pulled your hand away.
"I was yours as soon as our eyes locked when I saw you riding horses with the hunters all those years ago..." You moaned as his fingers circled your clit, as if he was encouraging you to finish your though. Next second, you felt his teeth sink into your skin and his middle finger plunging into you.
"Alastor! Ah.." both of your hands flew to his hair, as your hips jerked against his hand.
"Shhh.." Alastor smiled against the blooming love bite. His eyes then locked on how you were taking his finger.
"Good girl." His smiled and looked up at you. His other hand joining to circle your clit.
"Oh Lord..." You moaned. He playfully rolled his eyes at you and leaned his temple against your hip.
"Such a good girl, taking my fingers so well." He praised, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. He twisted his finger and you let out a high pitch keen.
"Look at me." He straighted a little. Your eyes locked with his. Opening his mouth, he stuck his tongue out. Your eyes grew big, and a flash of warmth traveled down from your chest to your legs. Your pussy involuntary clamping down on his finger. And then his mouth was on you. As soon as his tongue got the first taste of you, his eyes fell shut and he moaned against you, sending vibrations straight through you.
"Ahh...ha...." You moaned loudly, both hands moving to his hair and pulling it. He lapped at your pussy as if he was a starving man. He sucked on your clit and then you felt a second finger stretching you open.
"Please.... Just don't stop..." You moaned, your hips jerking against his mouth. His fingers picked up the speed and your breathing did the same.
"I think I'm going to..." Your hold on his hair grew tighter and you were starting to push his mouth harder against your weeping cunt. Alastor grunted, his hand that was constantly squeezing your ass traveled down to his crotch and palmed himself. His pants growing too tight.
Alastor curled his fingers forward and sucked hard on your clit. With a loud cry you came on his fingers and tongue. You yourself could never reach such intense peak. Your toes curled, your knees almost wishing to pull together. You pressed Alastor's head closer to your dripping core, at the moment careless if he could breathe or not.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckkk..." Your eyes rolled back into your skull. For a moment you felt weightless, your hands falling away from his hair, to hold onto to the fence beams that you were leaning against.
Flatly dragging his tongue from your twitching hole up your slit to the clit, he placed chaste kiss on your mound. Alastor leaned back and looked up at you.
When you had gathered at least some wits about you, you looked down at him. His chin and lips were glistening from your cum.
"You taste sweet." He gave you a wink and licked his lips.
"Alastor..." You whispered his name and in swift motion crossed your hands and pulled the dress over your head. Leaving it hanging by the knife. Alastor was caught off guard and sat back, his hands slowly starting to unbutton his vest and then his shirt.
Was Alastor intending to fuck you against the fence or where you intending to ride him in the dewy grass?
In two quick steps you were in front of him and straddling his hips. Your lips immediately seeking out his and hands helping him to unbutton his shirt faster. With a groan he pulled away and grabbing your hand dragged it down his chest to the front of his pants. Unzipping his pants you dipped your hand in his boxers.
"Fuck..." He moaned, his eyes rolling back. You wrapped your hand around his cock and gently freed him from the confines of his pants.
"How is that going to fit...?" You blurted out when you looked down at him and gave him two long strokes.
"... perfectly..." He hissed through his teeth and threw his head back when your thumb swiped across his dripping tip. You switched your hands, and raised now free hand up to your face. Alastor looked at you through lidded eyes. Gently you licked your finger, tasting him on your skin. Seeing you do that, Alastor's hips jerked up into your fist and his eyes fluttered shut.
"Lover." He gritted through clenched teeth. His hands coming to hold your hips. You only smiled at your ability to drive him as insane and he was driving you. You slid your hand down to his base and gently squeezed.
"Cheeky little thing..." Alastor opened his eyes and pulled you in for a kiss by your neck. It was slow but messy. Tongues twisting, saliva smearing against both of your lips.
You got up on your knees and wrapped your hands around Alastor's neck. However, he grabbed your hand and wrapped it around his cock alongside his own.
"Now, now." He smiled against your lips. "You gotta learn how to take it. Put. It. In." Alastor whispered absolute filth against your lips and moved your hand so that his cock dragged through your soaked folds.
With a shaky breath you dragged his cock through your folds once more. Pausing on your clit and moaning against Alastor's lips.
"Yes... Take your pleasure..." He whispered.
Then moving his cock down, you pushed it's tip against your entrance. And then with a hissfrom your mouth, your hips were flush with his. The unknown feeling between your legs made you bite Alastor's lip. He groaned in your mouth, but didn't pull away if both of you felt the tangy taste of blood.
Alastor was patient with you, and let you decide when and how to move. But once your hips started to twitch against his, Alastor ground hips up into yours. His warm hands moved up to your back and shoulder blades to pull you closer. Your own hands tangled themselves in his dark hair and scratched down his back. By now your moans were echoing the same as the hounds of the hunters.
"Harder.. Al... Please..." You moaned against his cheek, as your hips moved up and down. Your desperate cunt twitching around his cock and making Alastor moan in your ear.
Next moment you were on your back, your legs on his shoulders as he leaned over you. Your eyes locked with his. Both of you as mirrored image to each other. Hair disheveled, foreheads sweaty, short rapid breaths. And then he was fucking you as if this is the last night out here with stars. As if the coming morning you won't stop by the coffee shop where he gets his morning dose of caffeine.
The way his cock so deliciously dragged against your walls - you had nothing in this world to compare it to. Leaking tip of his cock was carving your cunt out with every push back in, and each drag of it made you clench around him. As if to say, that you need him back in and not let him pull out.
You grabbed Alastor's cheeks:
"I'm in love with you...." He said first, as if he had read your thoughts on what you were about to say.
"I love you." You smiled back and pulled him in for a kiss that was broken by your moan as Alastor gave harsh thrust, hitting your cervix. Making you lose your breath momentarily.
"More.. please..." You begged, your cunt twitching around him.
"Fuck..." Alastor moaned, his hips taking on harsher and faster movements. You could swear that you felt him in your guts. Your hand traveled down your stomach and pressed on the outline of his cock. He smirked at you, as if saying that no other cock will ever be this deep, no one ever will pleasure you the same way.
"You're mine..." He groaned. Letting your legs off his shoulders, he pulled your lower lip with his thumb until your mouth opened and he could slide his finger in. Your tongue latched around his digit and sucked hard, making him stutter in his movements as he wondered how to use that mouth of yours in other ways.
With press on your tongue, your mouth opened once more, Alastor pulled his finger out and dived in to kiss you. Your tongues meeting before your lips could. You moaned in his eager mouth as his wet thumb now circled your clit. Your hips raising to meet his thrusts. When your wandering hands were enough for him, he grabbed them and pinned both of them above your head.
"Keep them there..." He said breathlessly and leaned back lifting your hips with his.
He was fucking you like drowning animal would fight for air. And the pleasure was rapidly pulling both of you under. The way your cunt clenched around him more and more frequently, was a sign that you were close. As if not being able to stand not touching him, your hand raised to rest on his stomach, feeling the lean muscles flexing there.
Not wanting to soil you on your first sexual encounter, Alastor was ready to pull out when your legs wrapping around his hips locked him in place. Sliding his hands up your legs and then sides, he leaned over you.
Your orgasm approached you unknowingly, as such intense feeling you have never felt before.
"I got you. Just let go." Alastor said against your chest as his forehead rested against your collarbone. With a moan that stole all your breath - you came. Alastor's name tumbling out of your lips like the sweetest honey. Your body arched off the ground and pressed against Alastor. Not knowing what to do with your hands as all nerve ends felt like going haywire, you opt to grab Alastor's hips and, as if your legs being locked around him wasn't enough, you pulled him against you.
Corrupting such sweet doe as yourself felt so rewarding. He could almost feel your orgasm on his tongue. Perhaps that was just taste of your cunt that kept lingering on his tongue. His own hips stuttered and with deep groan he came deep inside you, his teeth latching on the side of your left breast, leaving another love bite to remind you of this night of debaucheries.
For a moment neither of you moved. Still ongoing gunfires of hunters and howls of hounds could be heard echoing, meaning that hunt was still on. And you could return home without your father seeing you here.
Alastor wrapped one hand around your back and gently laid you back on ground.
"I must beg your pardon. A lady such as yourself ought never to be deflowered in such a place for the first time." He said quietly against your soft breasts that were still raising and falling in short breaths.
"Oh, hush. I enjoyed myself very much so." You took a deep breath trying to steady your breathing. Alastor looked at you and you smiled at him. Gently running your hands through his hair in order to tame it.
Steadying himself on his hands, Alastor pulled out and couldn't help but to stare at your cunt that was already leaking his cum. Catching him staring, ought to teas him a little bit. Bending your legs you spread them open. Gaining Alastor's attention, you trailed one hand down your body and dipped your fingertips in your folds. Shyly looking to the side you spread your folds, making more cum leak out. Alastor was watching your hand like it was a prey.
"Darling-" Alastor warned as his lashes fluttered. He leaned to kiss your knee instead. Fighting so hard not to take your overstimulated body the second time.
"We should talk in the morning." Alastor got up with a sigh, tucked himself away and walked over to the fence to retrieve your dress.
You quietly got dressed, not questioning anything. You weren't sure what we're you to say in such moment. While you were getting dressed you couldn't help but stare as Alastor was putting on his shirt. His skin on the back scratched by your nails. Or how the fingers you had cut had smeared blood all over his body.
"Shall I escort you home?" Alastor turned to you.
"No. It's late, we both should be getting home and to bed. And besides, I know this field like back of my hand." You shook your head.
"Alright." Alastor tilted his head to the side and smiled. He walked up to you and gently took off his glasses from you.
"Not a scratch. Good girl." He praised you, leaning down to your eye level. Your cheeks immediately flushed red and you quickly pressed your lips against his.
As he watched you walk back home, you couldn't help the smile that was on your lips. The faithful butter knife clutched carefully in your hands, will be neatly stored in your vanity as a reminder.
Meanwhile Alastor was sitting on the fence, watching you walk away, with skip in your step. Once you were far enough, he hauled himself over the fance, back on the road. What you had not seen at the very beginning, was that Alastor had come with knive of his own. Quite menacing butcher knife, that he had wedged in the nearby tree.
You were almost home. You had just ducked through the fence and walked quietly across the yard when, one, so much differently sounding gunshot, made you turn back around and stare at the field where you had come from....
Part 2?
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bigwishes · 1 year
Pretty Boy's Mistake
Kye was you average university athlete, mainly there to get a degree a generic sports degree to get a job as a personal trainer in the high end gyms, he rarely went to his lecture but always got outstanding grades. It wasn't that he wasn't passionate about sports or health, in fact he had taught himself pretty much everything the university had to offer before he had even gotten there. He was only there for a piece of paper. He spent most of his time in the gym, lifting weights whilst also training some guys on the side for some cash in hand work but he always made sure to put his own workouts first. His body was almost perfect and he loved every inch of it.
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Although he wished he could be bigger. He saw some of the guys in the gym, how their tank tops looked like they could burst at any moment. One time he even saw a guys tank split because of an insane chest pump. He loved huge guys, wanted to be fucking huge like them. He would picture his gym crush and how his entire car would bounce and wobble when he squeezed his massive frame inside, he wanted a guy like that in his bed, he wanted to be bigger than that but a body like that would probably take him another 15 years to build and he wanted to enjoy and flaunt that size before he left uni.
Kye was in the gym when he saw a huge lumbering giant walk in. The man looked like a superhero right out of a comic and something possessed Kye out of no where. He followed the huge meathead to the locker room.
Kye stood there seeing the giant block almost all the lockers on a wall his back was so wide and Kye got nervous, a lump formed in his throat and he spat out what he had to say.
"so...how do I get as big as you bro"
the massive dude turned around looking around the locker room checking to see if he was talking to someone else, he let out a thunderous chuckle.
"you talkin to me pretty boy?"
Kye grew red in the face "y-yeah man, look I been lifting for a few years and I really wanna get fucking huge like you man"
"aaa just keep at it guy, youll be massive like mean real soon"
"how old are you?"
"Im 22 bro"
"22!" Kye yelled "bro im almost 23 how the fuck you get so big man, you gotta tell me your secret"
"hmmm, look, you're kinda cute bro so, I'll let you in on a little secret, for a trade of course"
"Anything man, anything, Ive tried everything I know with diet and routine and I'm just not swelling up like other guys are"
"I'll give you my secret if you tell me why you wanna be so big, annnnd, for a date" the large man raise his eyebrow and walked closer to Kye.
Kye's heart started pounded as he imagined what it'd be like to have his skull crushed by the giant bodybuilder's monstrous thighs
"o-okay, ummm, phew, is it hot in here?" kye tripped and stumbled over his words like it was his first time ever talking to a guy.
"so, why you wanna be big pretty boy?"
Suddenly the man had is arms leaning on the doorframe behind Kye forming an arch over him looking down at him.
"eer, well, I-I like size and, I like guys with size and I wanna be big y-ya know" Kye tried to avoid eye contact as the massive brute leaned in
"So you like big guys hey? why don't you keep your lil jock bod, let a mountain like myself have fun with you"
"Because I ain't no bodies bottom bitch, believe me man, if I was as big as you, I'd of already throw you against the wall and you'd be beggin for it"
The massive meat head in front of him bit his lip
"so you promise, once you're as big as me you'll be tossing me around?"
Kye smirked trying to keep up the confident façade
"yeah bro, but gotta warn you, I'm already a catch, once guys see me with arms tearing out of my shirt and my huge muscled fat ass squeezed into tight gym shorts you'll probably have some competition"
"oh I like a cocky meathead"
the man turned around walking back to his gym bag pulling out a small vial of orange fluid, he handed it to kye
"I'm Jason by the way"
"What is this?"
"My secret mixture, drink it man, it'll make you real big...and give you that fat juicy ass you want"
Kye instantly downed the drink and gave Jason a wink.
"Alright, Im gonna go workout man"
"See you tomorrow pretty boy" Jason laughed as Kye walked out.
Kye was stepping into his car, having to stop to catch his breath, he worked harder than he ever had. He knew the vitamin shot he was given wasn't going to do anything but it was at least energising. Kye felt a strange tingling, as the veins on his pelvis swelled with blood pumping downwards. Kye gritted his teeth feeling like he was about to get hard and suddenly he watched as his package swelled and doubled in size in his pants.
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Kye jumped in his car feeling his thighs and arms swell. Like his pump was subsiding but his muscles weren't shrinking down to normal size.
He drove home, gritting his teeth and occasionally grunting the entire way.
Kye stepping of of his car feeling his shirt tight around his chest and arms. He let out a tired sigh feeling strange and walked inside. Kye saw himself in the mirror, his shirt tightly pulled across body. He pulled off his shirt seeing his abs slightly stretched out, rubbing his stomach watches his package swell again.
UUUUUGGGGhhhhhh He groaned.
"W-what the fuck is going on"
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Kye watches as his bulge swelled outwards in his pants straining against the fabric, as his stomach swelled outwards with it.
Kye grabbed his stomach feeling it strain
Kye let out a painful groan that turned into a belch as tears started to form in his eyes, his perfect 6 pack was gone swelled out like he had been bulking all year round.
Kye couldn't hold back the belches escaping his mouth and with each on his body changed. His arms swelled bigger, his thighs swells bigger.
He watched helplessly in the mirror unable to stop the changes, no matter how hard he pushed his stomach trying to get it to shrink the only thing he managed to do was push out another belch. Kye mercilessly began scratching at his jaw and neck feeling an annoying itch take over. He was too busy watching as his body swelled up to notice the changes in his face. Kye finally looked up from his bloated stomach to see himself, hairy, big and bulky.
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"WHAT THE FUCK, I" Kye pinched the side of his waist in disbelief
Kye's massive meaty hand felt is muscled gut vibrate as he belched. Feeling a surge of change again, but he didn't see himself get any bigger in the mirror, he heard a slight ripping noise and looked around. Turning to the side he saw the fabric of his gym shorts tight, torn and ripped over his massive muscular ass. His face turned bright red.
"Oh god..I'm...uuggh I'm like a fat bear"
Kye's stomach grumbled and he made his way to the kitchen poking and patting his gut hoping by some mirecal it would shrink and turn back into a six pack.
Kye sat in the gym locker room trying to hide his new burly body under bagging clothing. Embarrassed and hoping Jason would walk in at any moment. After about an hour Jason walked in.
"H-Hey Jason"
"Oh hey Pretty Boy, hows it feel bein big"
"I" Kye couldn't even finish his sentence before letting out a monstrous belch
"I didn't ask for this"
"yeah you did bro, you wanted to be big"
"AND NOW LOOK AT THIS, WHERE ARE MY ABS IM TUBBY" Kye lifted his shirt and poked at the muscled slab
"Man you aint tubby, you bulky, thick muscle"
"But I wanted my abs bro, I wanted to look like some pro bodybuilder not like some kinda burping werewolf"
Kye rubbed his gut cocking his mouth open belching causing Jason to laugh. Kye's face turned bright red
"Dude stop laughing and fucking do something, uuuggghhh"
"alright bro, quit the complaining I might have something for you"
"Anything is better than this man"
Jason handed Kye a vial filled with bright pink liquid
UUUURpp "so, this'll fix me?"
"Oh man, it'll give you the perfect body"
Kye looked at it suspiciously feeling the concrete wall he had for a stomach. He closed his eyes and downed, a few moments passed and Kye didn't feel much different, when suddenly the familiar sensation rose up from his gut to his throat.
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Kye's eyes widen and his face turned white
Kye tried to speak more but he struggled to form a full sentence from his constant belching
"Looking good man" Jason laughed
Kye, felt is rock hard bloated gut and heard the sound of tearing fabric as his muscles bulged out of his shit, soon he was left standing there in the gym locker room in nothing but his underwear.
Kye looked at himself in the mirror disappointed by his huge muscle gut, he cocked his mouth open and belched.
Jason let out a booming laugh "bro you look like you take roids and smash 6 protein shakes hourly"
"bro why'd you do this" Kye sheepishly asked
"because you wanted to me big"
"then why not make me like you, why give me this huge gu-UUUUURRP"
"Coz you were cocky, and I find it hot when cocky guys get taken down a peg"
"oh" kye smiled "so now you've gotten you kick I can go back right?"
"nah, you were a pretty boy jock, now you can enjoy being a bulky cunt"
Kye went to walk away from the mirror, hearing his underwear start to rip around is massive muscled ass. That'll teach him to take stuff from strangers in the locker room.
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chamomiletealeaf · 18 days
Hiiiii hope this is an ok request but what about price holding readers thighs apart and making her watch in a mirror as she cums from his fingers over and over again? Maybe in an 'I'm the only one who can make you feel like this' way?
I want this entire request engraved into my tombstone when I die...
Warnings: unwanted attention from a guy in the bar, Price being a tease, fingering, squirting (ofc)
The dim lights of the bar accentuate the curve of your breasts in your low cut dress you're wearing and John cannot keep his eyes off of you.
He watches you from the bar, leaning back against it while sitting at the stool with his legs wide as you dance without a care in the world. Your tiny little skin tight dress dress riding up as you raise your arms and you pull the hem down before you flash everyone in the place your dainty little panties.
John chuckles to himself and takes a sip of his whiskey as he notices the panic in your swift motion to pull your dress down when you feel it begin to ride up over your ass.
He's enjoying the show, and you're enjoying putting one on for him.
That is until some drunk frat boy thinks you're doing it all for him.
He comes up behind you and whispers in your ear.
"Cute little' dance you got goin' on babe." He says and you scowl.
"Ew." You say, trying to move away from him.
"Aw c'mon baby, you think I don't see you dancin' for me?" He slurs his words and tries to reach for your hips, but John gets his hands there before the bastard drunk off a white claw can.
John pulls your hips back so your ass is pressing against his front as he stares daggers into the man's eyes.
"You wanna try touching my girl again or do you value your arms?" He spits over you down at the man.
The man scoffs and makes a snarky remark about an "old man" before going back to his buddies.
John spins you around and runs his hands down to your ass and squeezes, making you giggle.
"How bout we get out of here sweetheart?" John whispers into your ear, giving it a nibble, and you nod your head.
The ride home was quiet as you look at him with a smile, admiring your man runnin your hand through his hair and he squeezes your thigh.
John runs his hand up your thigh until he feels something around it that's not your panties.
He looks down in confusion to see what his hand caught on to and he sees a frilly little garter with a tiny baby blue bow on it and he growls.
"Well fuck me darling. If I knew you were wearing this tiny little thing I'd have taken you home sooner." He snarls and snaps the band against your thigh making you whimper.
The second you get home John is rushing to your side of the door to pick you up and throw you over his shoulder, giving your ass a smack.
"John! The whole neighborhood can see up my dress!" You say, trying to cover yourself with the hand not holding onto him.
"Let 'em look love, they just can't touch." He says with a smirk, putting the key in the door with you still over his shoulder.
You get inside the house and he bring you into your shared bedroom and throws you down on the bed.
Instantly John is between your thighs kissing up your legs as he moves up the bed until his mouth is at your garter.
"You wore this on purpose didn't you." He says, biting the delicate piece of fabric while squeezing your thighs.
You nod your head while biting back a smile, giddy at the sight of your man going feral for you.
"You fuckin' minx." He says with a smirk.
"Don't even know how fuckin' gorgeous you look do you. Such a pretty sight you are." John says, moving his lips from your garter to your panties peeking out from your tiny fitted dress that was more of a long tank top if anything.
"Fuck and look at these." John says, shoving his nose into the gusset of your silk baby blue panties that match the bow of your garter.
"Knew you were gonna get fucked tonight didn't you." He teased. "So fuckin' wet already. You been like this all night sweetheart?"
You squeeze your legs together and whimper, but John shoves his hands between your legs pulling them apart.
"Uh-uh, you got all dolled up for me and you're not gonna hide. In fact-" John says, and you see a flash of curiosity in his eyes, like he just got an idea.
He gets off of you and grabs the chair from your vanity, placing it in front of your full body mirror.
"You're gonna watch yourself get fucked, since you wanted to look all pretty. Gotta show you just how sexy you look." John pulls you off the bed by your ankles and he grabs your hips as he sits in the chair, pulling you down onto him.
"Now c'mon sweetheart. Open those legs for me."
You do as he asks, and he places one of your legs over each of his, spreading you wide for him, damp spot on your panties on display.
"Ooh now look at that darling. All spread out nice and pretty for me." He says, making eye contact with you in the mirror as he goes to bite your neck.
"Fuck John please." You moan.
"Yeah? Want me to play with this pretty little pussy? Hm?" John says into your ear, rubbing his fingers over your clit through your panties making your back arch.
"Didn't know you'd like my outfit this much." You tease.
"Don't get cheeky with me now." He warns, slapping your clit through your panties making you arch your back.
"As much as I love your little outfit I needa see this sweet little pussy drip for me." John says before ripping your panties down your legs, then spreading you back open.
"Keepin' this little garter on. So fuckin' cute." He says, mostly to himself before he shoves two fingers into your cunt.
You arch your back and reach an arm back around his head.
"Fuck John- mmph-"
"Eyes on the mirror baby. Look at yourself while I fuck you with my fingers like a good girl."
"Bet that muppet couldn't even find where that spot is. Riighhhtt here." He says before curling his fingers into that perfect spot inside you that makes you gush.
Your eyes roll back and you yelp.
"Ah! fuck right there baby- oh my god." You moan, gripping his hair as you writhe in his lap in front of the mirror.
"Keep those pretty eyes on the mirror bunny. Look at how wet I make you."
Price fingers you ruthlessly curling his fingers up and down inside you making you flutter and gush around him, your pussy all glossy from your arousal.
Tears prick at your eyes and roll down your cheeks when he wraps a hand around your jaw forcing you to keep your head in place looking straight at yourself in the mirror, and you can't help but feel embarrassed at how helpless you look.
You wiggle in his lap, feet kicking out as you hiccup and sob in pleasure, the sensation becoming too much.
"Fuck John yeah- mhm- don't stop. Please fuck-" You babble.
"Look at yourself darling. Look how fucking pretty you look, such a gorgeous fuckin' mess for me. Prettiest fuckin' cunt I've ever seen. Always so fuckin' pretty and wet. Look so cute in this skimpy little dress and that garter squeezing your pretty little thigh. Go on say it, say you're so fuckin' pretty." Price growls in your ear, not breaking eye contact with you in the mirror.
"I- I'm" You struggle.
"Say it or you don't get to cum." He demands, stopping for a moment.
"I- I'm so fuckin' pretty." You say, humiliated at the position he's put you in.
"Yeah you are. Now cum for me sweetheart." He says, and you do.
You kick your legs out and squeal as you squirt all over the both of you, trying to keep your eyes on Price in the mirror.
"Fuck such a good girl. Squirting all over me just like she's told." He coos.
After you cum, Price turns your head to him and devours you in a kiss. Tongue licking into your mouth.
"Did so well for me." He praises as he presses his forehead to yours and you sniffle, his thumb coming up to wipe your tears from your cheeks.
"I love you John Price." You blurt out, and his eyes soften.
"I love you too y/n. Now let's move this to the bed, I'm not quite done with you yet darling." He says with a soft smile, and you nod, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to have someone like John Price.
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WIBTA For telling my partner I'd like to bring my ex into our relationship?
I'm copying this over from r/relationship_advice, because the responses are giving me the impression they don't really get what polyamory is & I'm hoping tumblr does. For reference: there's me (29M), my ex (28, Trans Man), and my partner (30M).
My ex and I were best friends in high school, went to the same college, & dated through the tail end of undergrad, for about a year and change. We ended things on very good terms, the only reason we broke up was a difference in life paths: I stayed in the city to get my Master's, he traveled constantly for his work (he's a sculptor who makes these huge custom multimedia pieces, they're genuinely some of the most beautiful things I've seen). We fell out of touch for the most part, but I'd see him popping up on social media occasionally, or he'd text me when he was in town and we'd hang out, along with some other school friends.
The last time I saw him before our present situation was about 3 1/2 years ago today. We went out for drinks, he came back to my place after, and we ended up hooking up. He stayed in town for about a week, and we hooked up a few more times, and then he left again. He sort of dropped off the face of the earth after that, but he'd always been pretty sporadic, especially when he had a big project, so I didn't think much about it.
Not long after that, I met my current partner. He's truly one of my favorite people in the whole world; he's incredibly thoughtful, and earnest, and passionate about his morals & principles (he's an environmental lawyer), and more than anything, he's someone I never feel like I have to pretend with. He asked for my number, we had our first date a few days later, and ended up staying awake the entire night just talking about anything and everything, so we went ahead and got 5am pancakes and called it our second date. We've been together for a little over 3 years now, we've been moved in together for about 2, and while we've had the occasional fight or rough patch I can definitely say I love this man, and I plan to spend the rest of my life with him.
So, the big change.
About a year ago (~2 years since seeing my ex, my partner and I have lived together for about a year at this point), my partner and I are having a night in, and there's a knock at the door. It's my ex, looking absolutely ragged, holding a 15 month old baby. As in, a baby who was conceived 24 months before then. Yep, it's pretty much what you're guessing. I let them both in, we had a sit down in the kitchen, and he told me everything he'd been doing in the past 2 years in between me cussing him out for keeping it all from me in the first place. I really do want to keep this as short as possible, so to give you the super condensed version:
She's my daughter, he's completely sure about that, there's no one else he's been with the math is even close to correct for
The second he found out he was pregnant, he more or less panicked. He's got a whole Thing about feeling like he's irresponsible/not a "real" adult, and this really set him off, so telling me felt like "admitting to fucking both our lives up" at the time. His OB/GYN said some pretty awful shit to him about not being more careful as a trans man too, which just made it all even worse
Because of all that, he'd genuinely planned to just never tell me I have a daughter & raise her completely on his own, but a few things compounded to force his hand:
The birth was really rough on him, and his recovery was slow enough he was having trouble going back to work, to the point where money was getting tight
On top of that, our daughter has celiac disease, and between paying out of pocket for blood tests & spending more on baby food she's safe to eat, things got desperate enough he went and took out a really dodgy loan from a scummy payday company
He was at our door because all of this had finally spiraled to a point where he'd lost his apartment, they'd been sleeping in his car for about a week, and he couldn't think of anything else to do
I think I was probably feeling every human emotion in existence at the same time through all of this, but the thing I remember most from the whole conversation was the way my partner kept drifting right back to the baby, and the soft way he looked at her. We put my ex & daughter up in a hotel room for the night and told him we needed to talk, and we'd discuss our options in the morning, but I think even then I kind of knew what our answer was going to be.
Sure enough, for the last year and a half we've been co-parenting our little girl, all three of us. We didn't want to juggle who's got her, or force my ex to find a place to stay, so we've turned my partner's home office into our daughter's room, and redid most of the downstairs layout so my ex could move into an actual bedroom, rather than just sleep on our pullout couch in perpetuity. We finally succeeded in convincing him that rest and recovery was more important than trying to contribute to the house finances right away, and it's been magical watching all that stress and terror slowly fall off him. It's like he's a little more alive again every time I look.
Which is where my question comes in.
I'd like to restate, I love my partner 100%. None of this changes that whatsoever. If I ask, and he says no, that will be the end of the discussion for me completely. But I have eyes. My ex is, objectively, a very attractive man. I know we work well together, and I have to admit I'm very curious to see where that same chemistry could lead now that he's not on the other side of the country half the time. I've also been noticing these little moments between him and my partner. Nothing I'd consider crossing a line, but I've caught my partner checking my ex out several times, as well as vice versa, and they get along remarkably well. Sometimes I'll go to enter a room, and see them both sitting there laughing and chatting and playing with our baby, and I'll just hang back to watch because it makes me so happy.
Add to all that, we're pretty deeply ingrained in each other's lives now. My partner and I don't often go out on dates alone anymore, but the last few times we did it felt as if my ex was missing from the table. We watched a movie together last night, and my ex sat in the middle of us with his feet in my partner's lap and his head on my chest, and it felt just as natural as my arm on my partner's shoulder. It's not about just having sex with him, and it's not that I'd want to invite any old person into our relationship. I know we already all love each other, and I think there's potential for that to become romantic between the two of us and my ex.
It just feels as though we're all holding our breath, waiting for someone else to say it first. My ex certainly isn't going to bring it up when he's living rent free in "our" home (it's his home too, but he doesn't seem to see it like that yet). My partner grew up sheltered enough that I'm not sure he's ever heard of polyamory at all, so he's not going to bring it up. That just leaves me.
My problem is, if I'm wrong about what I think I'm seeing, or if I bring it up the wrong way, I can't take it back. I don't want my partner to feel insecure or betrayed, I don't want my ex to feel pressured or put on the spot, and I definitely don't want my daughter to lose any of us, which I know could happen if we aren't all on the same page. Or worse, if we do all date and it goes badly.
Should I just keep this whole thing secret? Is that even worse? Would I be the asshole for opening this can of worms on everyone else?
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weebsinstash · 10 months
hey, can I have more husband and wife family dynamics with thragg? maybe more about her pregnancy or the kids' childhood/baby time?
Sure can! It's been pretty fun writing about potential scenarios where this monstrous piece of shit can actually feel love. First and foremost I was watching a video on YouTube going over this scene again and uh Comic Readers KNOW How Fucked This Man Is. um, out of context vague spoilers but, I'm assuming people asking about Thragg have read the comics or are curious about the comics but like yall Need To Know how he treats the kids of his enemies
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I feel like I need to share/remind people of this scene because like, this man can be kind of hard to pin down. He's from this loveless society that sees kindness as weakness and he's like King Dickhead but there are still times when he can be quite courteous, even apologetic, sarcastic, whatever. I think at the end of the day he's just a very selfish, explosive, emotionally impulsive man but revisiting this scene was a little surprising for me since I forgot he was even like, capable of "small kindnesses" like saying sorry or whatever. Like. Is him wiping her tears while smearing blood all over her face a well intentioned accident or is he like waging psychological warfare on this like, i think she's literally 5 years old. What is the purpose of him apologizing to a child for splashing blood of her family member on her when he intends to kill her or leave her for dead in front of her dying parents anyways. I'm still trying to get a feel on this man
THAT BEING SAID, moving on, we're talking about a yandere Thragg today and thankfully that comes with perks
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- it's pretty obvious but like, you are his favorite mate and your children are his favorite children. I like to think of concepts with Reader being Ursaal and Onaan's mother or even the previously mentioned triplet idea with Mark being their sibling (otherwise I'd have to invent new characters and that doesn't, resonate the same, and I also really like Ursaal actually and I feel like there's some real story potential in Ursaal discovering more of her humanity through her mother's kindness and wanting to protect her mother from her father)
-can you imagine like. I still think about the idea where you're actually Nolan's mate but one day you mouth off to Thragg and he "puts you in your place" in front of Nolan as a punishment to you both and like a month later you find out you're pregnant and, I imagine abortions are only done on Viltrum if the fetus is too weak or defective, so you're forced to carry it and you and Nolan are lying that it's his and then one day Thragg just, passes by, sees your swelling tummy, takes one sniff of you, "it's mine" and demands a paternity test. And you'd think, "oh surely he'd just take the baby" which is what you'd prefer but, no it becomes a pretext for him to steal you from Nolan altogether
-you're fed incredibly nutrient dense, protein packed, ultimate pregnancy food because Thragg wants those babies as healthy as possible. Thragg has probably had other alien kids before but these are his first hybrid or nearly fully Viltrumite children and that makes them special. New dad Thragg holding up these little absolute mammoths of newborns with all their chunk and pudge and rolls and he's just so proud, "look at how robust these children are! Surely they have inherited my strength! Fine additions to the Viltrum Empire were born on this day" and you're like half awake in bed and he just, pets your hair
-ok just. Ok just picture it like. You're pregnant and upset and so stressed out because you didn't want to be Nolan's mate after he helped conquer Earth but at least you had known him and liked him initially. You're just constantly stressed out and angry and watching every single word you say around Thragg because you don't know him or what he's capable of, but I imagine a sort of scenario where he's taking you to the doctor and running tests and procedures and just, you know prenatal checkup stuff, but the doctors are all speaking to Thragg instead of you, you aren't even being told your own test results, and the two of you finally arrive back home and you just break down crying and kind of tear into him, "I'm sure YOU have had lots of kids before but I'VE never had a baby before and I don't know what to expect or what's going to happen or- or -" and you're just bawling because, it's not a lie you're scared. You're having a baby and you're gonna be a new mom and it's entirely against your will, out of your control, and that's incredibly stressful. And this becomes a moment where Thragg actually shows some humanity by sitting you down and discussing the doctors visit with you, and that's one of the first times the two of you actually have a civil, extended conversation
Thragg thinking he's so fucking big and tough and then he sees you this little fragile fleshy untrained civillian with the big teary boo hoo eyes with your shaking hands on your little belly as you cry about being scared about giving birth to his baby and he's just, "shit I DO have feelings" and immediately feels the overwhelming need to comfort you. He'll comfort you under the guise of "stress isn't good for the children" which is true but, it's him blanketing his own concern and masking it under an excuse
-I kind of feel like that hypothetical event would be like, a footnote in your relationship. He starts treating you differently, attentive in new ways, more... emotional ways. He'll stop by while he's working on a break or something to check on with you and the assigned caretakers he has guarding you (because the very second you're confirmed pregnant you have 24/7 security) and he'll awkwardly grunt out questions about, have you eaten yet, are you experiencing any pain today, any discomfort, any new symptoms. He'll check in with your guards/nannies privately about if there's anything you're doing that he needs to know about, give tou a nice husbandly shoulder touch and then (reluctantly) getting back to work
-to be blunt part of me questions if he even has sex to create children or if he uses something akin to IVF and I only say this because of the absolute ASSEMBLY LINE he sets up on Thraxia. Trust me though he beats the kitty up with you CONSTANTLY
-I actually think after giving birth is like the ONE time you're allowed any birth control because apparently if you have too many pregnancies in too close time frames it actually sucks the calcium out of your bones and can give you osteoarthritis and Thragg wants you healthy, "for more future children obviously" which is such a lie because let's say you have your miracle birth of giving him twins or triplets or whatever but you hemmorage and become infertile or whatever. Mf is STILL keeping you around. When you think about it he technically doesn't even need you to help raise his children, he has people for that, but he forces you to be part of the process anyways
- tbh I kind of like the idea of Thragg developing some weird fucking like complex where he discovers he feels comforted cuddling you, like man gets hit by oxytocin like a fucking freight train, and it becomes him literally being unable to sleep without you in his arms. You could be in a yelling screaming argument with this man and he suddenly like, just completely shuts you down, "ENOUGH!! I require rest and I won't tolerate anymore of your childish whining!" And you could be spitting mad at him and he's just, picking you up just physically picks you up and drags you to bed anyways. Hooks his arms around your waist as the big spoon and buries his face in your hair even as you spit insults about how you hope he kills himself
Like I think I've mentioned this idea with other characters before but imagine Thragg waking up on the middle of the night IMMEDIATELY PISSED because the bed beside him is cold and he finds you on the couch, on the couch, maybe even without blankets and visibly uncomfortable, because yeah he WILL wake you up to drag you back to bed with him.
- Thragg being this warrior who literally watched people be disembowled and tortured and conquered races but suddenly you're in labor and he's in the delivery room (he refuses to wait outside) watching you literally scream in pain and he just, takes your hand and tells you to squeeze, and that it'll be alright, and he sees you so vulnerable and scared and emotional and you're looking to him for some kind of help but he can't, even with all his strengths and feats he can't help you right now, however this pregnancy goes is up to fate and the doctors and he feels like an actual visceral HUMBLING sense of helplessness that just makes him, even more obsessively protective over you
- deadass if it becomes a "he can only save one: you or the children" life-threatening pregnancy scenario, he chooses you. Says you can always try again but even if you wind up infertile and "useless" to him, he's too attached to you at this point, it doesn't matter if you "don't serve a function" or whatever bullshit Viltrumite mindset he may have had with previous mates before. You're different to him, and you're making HIM different as a person
- You're just half alive on the couch because Giving Birth is Hard and here's Thragg doing shit like personally bringing you water, feeling your forehead for any fever, monitoring your condition, aggressively interrogating your guards for extra info, sitting beside you with your babies in his arms. He lets you rest after giving birth and nearly bends over backwards
- I feel like at some point you're forced to accept a lot of real fucked up stuff and especially if you are a hybrid Vultrimite yourself and thus will be with Thragg for, basically forever, like some real "mate, do you have any cravings today. What do the children require" "ummm... at the ceremony last month, there was that... blue, little.... crab thing?" "A Florkian. They are incredibly rare" "oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know-" " -and since I observed that you were fond of the taste when you were consuming them, I went ahead and conquered their homeworld and farms have been established. I can have the slaves prepare a dish for you right away" "oh, thank you, ive been craving it ever since i ate it but i didnt want to bother by asking 🥰" "as your mate it is my duty to provide for you. Do not keep any of your desires from me"
- your children are getting trained as soldiers the second they develop powers and that's something you'll have to get used to. If your little babies get their powers at 5, they're still learning combat, getting knocked around, near beaten, "toughened up". Thragg will conceal the full extent of how they're treated from you because the way he sees it, you weren't raised on Viltrum and you're simply ignorant of their culture. He doesn't need you to accept how things are. Your kids will come home with black eyes and bruises and bloodied noses and he'll growl at you not to make them too soft as you weep over Ursaal missing a chunk of her hair because an opponent grabbed her by it and she had to break away and some was ripped out at her scalp, like. The psychological damage of asking your small child how their day with their father went, "it was excellent mother, I made my first kill!!" And then gleefully describing to you in detail how while their father was fighting an enemy soldier, the soldiers child attacked yours, and, your baby killed another kid. Like. That's the sort of thing you have to be raised with to block out of your heart. Going to hug your child who may not even be 10 years old and they have literal blood on their hands
-personal headcanon but also semi canon but I imagine Ursaal is the most competent of your twins and is Thragg's favorite. She just has a better tactical mind on her shoulders and isn't, uh. As horribly sadistically violent as Onaan. Like say your kids become platonic yandere or whatever, or, you have your own kids with thragg and the twins are separate but still attached to you. Onaan is the kid you find killing cats because he's jealous they get more attention than him while Ursaal is like, giving her father incredibly detailed reports and her own insight into what you've been up to, how you're feelings, things you say and do when Thragg isn't around
-so I know y'all see that image I posted with Thragg and his twins. I tried to censor, The Cape last time but I realized like, even with censoring the head it's still super obvious who that is, there's only one white furred creature in this entire show. I imagine after Thragg gets his Beast Drip that, once Throkk's daughter comes for revenge, she is also slaughtered, and her pelt becomes YOUR cape. Or maybe Thragg offhandedly mentions to you that BB Jr has vowed vengeance and you're casually flipping through a book, "is she as strong as her father, like if you had to rate it 1 to 10 with her father being 10 and 1 being a human. If the daughter is at about a 7 or below, Ursaal should be able to handle her, get herself a nice coat to match her father" and Thragg feels this warmth in his chest to hear you're actually observant of his/your children and their prowess, especially to hear you praise Ursaal in such a uh violent context, just casually suggesting his daughter could turn another sentient humanoid creature into a pelt to wear. This is another example of "living the viltrum life will eventually dehumanize you and rob you of certain empathies"
- I don't think you would actually have a title but could you imagine if Thragg decides you're like, officially his true mate, like the mate above all others, like you're the Empress in his little harem of concubines and ladies in waiting. I hc that your official title is something like Grand Duchess or perhaps if this is the twin/triplet scenario something more vaguely historical sounding like The High Mother or Regent Mother or, you get the point
-I still think "Reader turns out to be an incredibly late blooming hybrid" is a neat concept but I also don't know how they would miss that since during your pregnancy and all you're receiving medical care out the ass but like. Thragg personally training both you and the children as a family. Would be kind of humiliating honestly because it's kind of vaguely implied you should learn things before the kids do and if you struggle, here's Thragg, telling his kids in private they have to protect you and keep an eye on you and report any problems back to him
- thragg would definitely be training you in hand to hand but suddenly finds he can't bear hitting you in the face or hitting you at a certain strength. Like. Absolutely 100% you're gonna have a lot of scenarios where you're brawling or wrestling and he pins you and it swiftly transitions to you getting rawdogged from your high on adrenaline husband. Tbh that sex would probably be his favorite, where he has to defeat you in combat and then rewards himself. Can probably border from hatesex to consensual to noncon, not that he has a problem doing THAT to you either
- probably has portraits done of you and him. Idk do you think Viltrum has like enough art culture for portraits to be a thing? Most fascist tyrants have portraits. He would have several done: you and him, just you, you while pregnant, him and you while pregnant, you holding your babies, you and him holding your babies, and family shots as they grow up. Say you conquer a planet together as a family and one day you're revisiting and there's some sort of museum set up amd you find like a wall length portrait of, you and your children soaked in blood tearing carnage through the fire and flames and Thragg is beside you just nodding in approval, "they captured your image rather well"
- goooooddddd imagine you're just a normal human and you progressively start showing signs of aging. You start getting more wrinkles. Your body starts working in different ways, popping, cracking, aching. Onaan, Ursaal, and Thragg all notice and they're like FREAKING OUT HONESTLY. The children don't want to accept that their mother is actually going to be a speck on the timeline of their entire lifespans. Thragg doesn't want to accept that he has to let you go and you're never coming back. They all become obsessed with finding ways to keep you young, keep you alive, fuck it they'll clone you and transfer your consciousness into a new body if they have to! This is comic book world and these are obsessed aliens and they have OPTIONS
- something something "what if Reader isn't a viltrumite hybrid but is still like super-powered or a mutant or whatever and this isn't revealed until you like are fatally injured or even DIE die and suddenly you, pop back up". Cause I feel like this "close call" would drive any yandere literally insane because, what if there's no second chance, what just happened, can you still die, they can never never never never never allow you to get hurt ever ever ever again
Thragg just walks into the kitchen and you have the stove top red hot and you've just got your palm resting on it and you look to him kind of just shocked, all, "look... nothing happens... I just feel some of the warmth" and Thragg just puts his fist through your oven anyways, "you could've gotten hurt" and immediately picking you up and carrying you to some sort of perceived "safer place"
- this is like a specific scenario but like, can you imagine as a mom you like to brush and comb Ursaal's hair and you idly suggest she could always grow it out more and you could help braid it and things, but once it starts getting longer Thragg objects and says it could get grabbed during a fight and orders her to cut it but you step in and say she shouldnt have to, it's HER hair, and you two get into it, and one day Ursaal is brought home by her father and he's all but shaved her head after she had actually grown it out to a decent length. You and Thragg are at odds over how to treat rhe children and Ursaal begins to realize that many of the restrictions her father instills on her are because of a way of life she may not fully agree with, a life filled with violence and bloodshed with no room for love or kindness or creativity. She probably helps you from going over the edge too, honestly. If anything else through this life with Thragg, in your darkest places you may still find yourself thinking you have to keep going to try and help your children
- with others, Thragg is the kind of yandere where he's standing in the same room as you and you're both doing completely different things and he suddenly says, "so I noticed during the meeting that your eyes kept lingering on my mate" and without further warning he's beating up someone on the accusation they were lusting for his wife, no discussion, just fists , and he'll do shit like this a lot to the point people don't feel comfortable being around you and you're just further socially isolated
- I feel like Thragg would have some weird like fondness slash fetish for watching you breastfeed. Like, awww here's his cute little wife with his chubby little babies and you're giving them their nice milk, what a good mom, providing for the babies he put in your belly ❤️ part of me is convinced if you're a viltrumite or hybrid or whatever that you uh. Eventually wind up with a lot of babies. A LOT of babies. Do you think he would want a specific amount or its just vibes. Like you're over 300 years old and you've already got 50 kids with him but he sees you teaching one of your youngest sons how to throw a punch and suddenly he wants another
- all I'm saying is if he ever catches you self harming or attempting to hurt yourself he's gonna have a real extreme reaction. Like he finds you cutting yourself with a broken glass and you're immediately restrained and taken to a hospital, completely stripped, inspected for other wounds, and if there are any and especially a lengthy history of them, you're in such trouble. But I also think it would be extremely difficult to hide this from him since as time goes on you two are constantly having sex or he's inviting himself into your shower to bathe with you. You accidentally bang your arm on a counter or something and get a tiny bruise, this man will know about it and wants a detailed report on where it came from
- even when you guys aren't super familiar with each other and you've "just met" he's already protective and all that. Like you've just been brought into his home and you barely even know him still and he may even act mean and angry to you and then one day he sees you have a large bruise on your arm, "what is this?" ".... it's nothing, Grand Regent" "I asked you a question and you'll answer me: where did this come from" "... I spoke out of turn with one of your advisors and turned to leave without permission, Grand Regent" "And so they grabbed you?" "Yes Grand Regent" "who" "it was my fault, I-" "WHO" and the second you give a name or description he's wordlessly leaving the room and shows up again HOURS later with visible blood on him, "it has been handled. You are not to be harmed or punished without my permission or instruction"
- in some scenario where you leave the kids behind and try to run away, like... he isn't just gonna throw up his hands, "well I already got children out of her, she has served her purpose" and leave you the fuck alone. If anything this man would track you down just to tell you off for having the fucking nerve to disobey and defy him! I can picture an actively captured wife where you are constantly kept on some kind of restraint or have a bracelet or collar or even a LEAD THAT HE HOLDS and you're IMPRISONED rather than "I'm being monitored but otherwise I have my own agency". Thragg will make himself a throne that you can be chained to if he has to. He'll have restraints made that are decorative and complimentary of your features. Imagine he's making some sort of public appearance and while he's speaking he's got an arm around your waist and you're pulled up against him and meanwhile you've got. A bar gag and cannot speak
- really, truly, in a way, you become a symbol, but one of all different kinds. There are Viltrumites who see how their mighty Grand Regent treats his mate and they are viscerally disgusted (Kregg and Lucan comes to mind), like people who really start to question the society they are living in, questioning if it really must be so selfish and devoid of empathy, questioning if they really want to keep living this way and for their children and their children's children to live like this. Then there are others who see the way the Grand Regent controls his mate and see its as a sign of strength and permission to treat their own mates the same.
Mostly, though... the only thing that will take you away from Thragg is death. Until the day one of you dies, you're stuck with him, and there's basically no one around who's stronger than he is, period. You might as well cozy up and get friendly with your new husband, since you're going to be together for a long time and spend lots, and lots, and LOTS of time together ❤️
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 6 months
Hello! if you accept requests, can I make it?
I hope the answer is yes🙂‍↕️
I really, really, REALLY want to see the situation with Thomas Hewitt when he was too affected by Hoyt's joke. Thomas was offended by him to the point of tears for the first time in many years, and Y/N calms him down.This only makes Tommy cry harder, since no one has calmed him so tenderly before. They spend a long time together like this until Tommy stops crying. (I ESPECIALLY WANT MORE DESCRIPTION OF TOMMY’S EMOTIONS. You can even write on his behalf if you wish🥺)
thank you very much, and have a nice day!
Someone to fall back on
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It was a joke. A mean joke, but a joke nonetheless.
Thomas Hewitt heard them all before. The mean jokes, snide comments and straight up merciless teasing. From strangers, from victims. From some of his own family.
Hoyt's words towards him has always had a underlying tone of hate. Talking down to him like he was a child. Criticizing everything he's done to keep his family safe. And this only seemed to escalate when Thomas met you.
Brave, beautiful, wonderful you. He never imagined that he could love one person so much.
But not everyone thought your love was beautiful.
"Why the fuck else would someone stay with him?!? It ain't definitely for his looks!"
"That bitch is just waitin' for him to fuck up like he always do!"
"You must really fuck 'em good if they're willin' to put up with your ugly mug, eh Tommy? "
It hurt. It hurts.
There was so much nasty thoughts swimming around Thomas's head, that he didn't feel that first tear fall down his cheek. Or the one after that. Or the one after that.
He didn't feel his hands gripping his hair so tightly, he was pulling out strands. He couldn't hear anything else but the pounding of his own heart and his uncle's voice replaying like a broken record. His body shaking, breathing coming out in short puffs.
Anxiety ate away at him, piece by piece. Despair tore through his heart like a freight train.
Everything was wrong. He was wrong. He was the monster keeping you in this hell hole for his own selfish reasons. He kept you because he loved you.
And you stayed because you feared him.
Thomas could feel his consciousness slipping away. Good, maybe he'd never wake back up.
But what would happen to you?
"-Mas? Thomas? Tommy!"
Your hands grabbed his, prying them off his abused scalp. He was scared to look at you, not knowing what look would be on your face. Disgust? Fear? He couldn't handle any of those.
He heard you sigh, then could feel your body sit next to him. When did he get down on the floor?
"Tommy, baby, are you okay?" You scoffed "Of course you're not. Your uncle's a asshole."
You grabbed his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. His teary eyes reluctantly met yours. You smiled "There's my handsome man. With his pretty eyes. "
Slipping on to his lap, you ran your fingers through his hair "You can't believe everything Hoyt says, Thomas. He's a bitter, old man."
"I love you, Thomas Hewitt. And I'm sorry if I haven't told you enough, showed you enough. And I'm sorry that Hoyt's words hurt that much. But nothing he says is, or will ever be, true."
With the upmost tenderness, you removed the beaten leather mask from his face. Placing a kiss on his forehead, you continued "I'm here because I love you. I stayed because I love you. Not because I'm scared, not because of pity. I love you, Thomas. Just you."
Thomas let out a broken sob and you brought his head to your chest "Tommy, please, there's nothing wrong with crying. I'd rather you get snot all over me than you kept all this in."
The quiet sobs turned into quiet wails as Thomas's arm pulled you closer to him. You hummed, some song he couldn't place a name on. Maybe it wasn't real, Thomas thought, you had a knack for random melodies.
But you were real.
This was real.
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onmyyan · 4 months
👋 You mentioned that Marcos killed the earliest out of his brothers and is the best at it, and even that he's gotten paid for it before. If you're still taking requests I'd love to see Marcos in a "falling for the mark" situation where someone hires him to "handle" the reader but during the research process he falls in love with her (or he can fall in love at first sight or even after their first conversation, whatever works best) and ends up killing the person who hired him instead
Loooove your OCs, especially the Delmonts! Super excited for whatever you drop next!
Marcos felt his fingers twitching in his coat pocket as he entered the building, making a b-line for the mahogany bar full of patrons he couldn't help but grin to himself, this was his favorite part after all.
Sure he was good at the killing bit and sure he was talented at it, man oh man did his skills shine when it came to the parts before that, the stalking, the studying, he relishes the feeling of getting to know his target, and today that target was you, a pretty little bartender who'd been unfortunate enough to serve Marcos client, Tito, see Tito liked to get hammered and run his mouth, turns out he said some things to you, his bartender, that really shouldn't have left his mouth and now to cover his own ass, he'd hired Marcos.
You were a classic case in his eyes, in the wrong place at the wrong time, overhearing something you shouldn't have, put you in the line of sight of a bad man like Marcos.
He came on a particularly busy day intentionally, wanting to see you in your natural state amid the chaos of rush hour, and he noticed a few things immediately, you were very attentive to your patrons, probably how you ended up in this mess he thought to himself, it showed a level of care not many people had in their jobs, the second thing he noticed was your laugh, it carried over the music and the chatter and the yells from customers, and he felt a twinge of guilt, the idea of never hearing that laugh again, of depriving the world from it, didn't sit well with him.
He shifts in his seat uncomfortable, lost in his subconscious he doesn't realize he'd walked up to the bar, sneakily taking his place amongst the crowd, he let his eyes drift to you from your Doc Martin's to the old jeans you had on, then up past your wonderfully sculpted ass, and finally settling on your face, this is when he knew he was really fucked.
You filled glass after glass never stopping, your motion fluid and smooth, he could watch you work forever, and he did. So long in fact the bar had closed, "you know I've never had someone take this long to decide what to drink." You joke making your way towards him, most of the lingering patrons were slowly, drunkenly, heading for the door, leaving Marcos and you alone. In theory this was the perfect time, he could finish the job and pour himself a drink before anyone noticed your body.
But he didn't.
Instead he smiled, his ringed fingers knocking into the wood of the bar, "Maybe I'm shy."
"A pretty boy like you? No way." Your response was quick, like your mind, your warm (e/c) eyes held him there where he sat, unable to lift a finger to do his job. "You probably say that to all your customers, but I know I'm the prettiest." He leaned into his chair, red eyes never leaving your gaze, "Well no matter how true that is, it's closing time gorgeous, order something now or hit the bricks." You leaned on your hand , nails drumming along to the music playing from the speakers above you.
"what takes the longest to make?"
"are you trying to screw with me?"
"No! I just don't know how else to stall long enough to get your number." He folds his fingers together, resting his chin on his hands, the pose makes you laugh, you shake your head ripping a piece of napkin, you jot down a number and slide it to him with two pretty fingers. "Here, now get out."
And he did, with a grin so wide it showed off all his teeth, he couldn't recall the last time someone had lit a fire under him the way you did, the piece of napkin seemed to burn a hole in his pocket, all he wanted to do was call you and really lay on the charm he knew he had, but first, he had a visit to make to his friend Tito. He whistles the song that was playing as he left the bar and thumbs the knife in his pocket, someone would be dying tonight, but it wasn't you.
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leeknow-thoughts · 3 months
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𝝑𝝔 son of Eros!Changbin x mortal!fem!reader
𝝑𝝔 cw : unserious!reader (she is .... interesting for sure!), crude humor, Changbin is a sweetheart :c, fluffy smut, mild angst, Switch(mostly sub)!Changbin, Switch(mostly Dom)!reader, LOTS OF KISSING, mutual masterbation, clit play, no p in v, tit sucking, mommy kink !??!, love spells!!!, lmk if I missed anything!
𝝑𝝔 hyung line m.list | maknae line m.list
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Something was off, you didn't know how to describe it.
You sat up in your bed, looking around for a moment. That's when you spot a man in the corner of your dark room and you scream.
You grab the knife you kept in your nightstand, "who are you!?" you scream at him.
"Shhh!" the man tries to hush you.
"Why are you telling me to shh, you broke into my home!" you exclaim.
"Listen, I'm here on business," he starts before you interrupt him.
"What business do you have being in my house? Is the C.I.A trying to take me out because of my theory on the money smuggling because if so I deeply regret questioning my government and I swear I'm a good brainwashed citizen!" you yelp.
"C.I.A? Government? Brainwashing? I swear to Zeus, you mortals get more crazy by the minute!" the man exclaims, "but no, luckily for you, I am not from the government, well not your government."
"So like the United Nations!? That's even fucking worse! I swear I'm a good law abiding citizen who never questions the old hags that we call politicians!"
The man stares at you with a look of mixed shock and terror on his face, "the godly government," he explains.
"That's somehow even worse?! I don't even believe in God! Wait which religion is right? I swear to God, if it's Scientology I'll find the nearest cliff and jump off, I swear you will not take me alive Mr.Secret Scientology Agent Man Thing."
The man's mouth is agape and you can tell he's trying to put the pieces together, "What's Scientology?" he questions.
"They believe in aliens and shit, but they're lowkey a cult, and they're trying to reach Nirvana or whatever, trying to get their brainwaves to vibrate at the same frequency as an alien's or some stupid shit like that," you explain.
"Ok, well aliens aren't real," Changbin starts before you interrupt him.
"Ok science denier, you're telling me you're a- whatever you are- and aliens aren't real. Maybe you're in a cult. What frequency do your brainwaves vibrate at?"
"I'm not in a cult, I'm one of the sons of Eros," he explains.
You burst out into a fit of laughter while the man slaps himself on his forehead, "okay buddy, time to put you back in whatever insane asylum you escaped from," you say as you sit up.
The man turns around and you see the wings poking out from his back. "Maybe evolution did hit the ancient Greeks, you're like Icarus but like evolved and not as crispy and fried as I'd imagine him being," you figure as you admire the man's wings.
"Why are you bringing up Icarus?"
"Well he had wings," you remind him.
"Yeah and you're about to fly too close to the sun," he sighs, "I was assigned to your case. I'm going to help you find your soulmate."
"Ok sure you are buddy," you chuckle.
"Can you at least put down the knife, I feel like you're gonna stab me," he requests.
You sigh and put the knife back in your nightstand. "So how does this whole thing work?" you ask the man.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and I'll find a list of potential soulmates for you," he explains.
"So you're like the match maker from Mulan?"
"I'll make sure to look for someone who appreciates your fantastic sense of humor," he retorts sarcastically.
"Boo, you're no fun! Live a little!" you exclaim and sit criss crossed on your bed.
The man pulls up a chair and pulls out a clip board and a pen. "Male or female?" he asks.
"I'm a woman," you say it like it's obvious.
"I mean for a partner, do you want a man or a woman?"
"Either," you shrug.
He scribbles that down in your chart. "What's your name by the way, you know like everything about me and all I know is that you're a Scientologist and mentally impaired and a bird or whatever."
"Changbin," he says while rolling his eyes, "do you have a height preference?"
"Nope," you pop the p.
"Weight preference?"
"Another no."
"Age preference?"
"What do you mean by that because I am not-"
"-I'm going to stop you right there," he glares at you, "you need to take this seriously."
"I am being serious!? I'm not a-"
"Ok! I get it, I'll j-just mark down older."
"Make sure it's not like super old though."
He looks up at you, "excuse me?"
"Like a person who is like- older than my grandma. Unless they're like absolutely loaded."
He rolls his eyes and moves on, "do you have a preference regarding lifestyle?"
"Yeah, I don't want them to be a politician or a Scientologist or mentally insane."
"Ok," he scribbles on the paper, "done, I need you to sign here."
He passes the clipboard to you and hands you the pen.
"Why?" you question.
"Because this is a legally binding contract," he says it like it's obvious.
"So like in Cat in the Hat where two underage kids sign their life away to a six foot tall man in a fur suit? Am I signing my life away?"
"Just sign the fucking paper," he requests.
You sign the paper and hand it back to the winged man.
He flips through more pages in the clipboard before his face falls. "What is it? Don't tell me my soulmate is a politician!" you whine.
"It's worse," he hums, "you need to come to HQ with me."
"Wait so who is it? Is it like a serial killer? I didn't even think of that!"
"Will you shut up and take my hand," he offers his hand out to you.
You hesitantly take it. You're instantly transported to a place you've never seen before. An office building with pink walls and pink tainted glass that over looks above the clouds. Changbin pulls you with him to a desk.
"Eros, I need to speak with him," Changbin says to the person, who also has wings, that is working at the desk.
"I'll tell him you need to see him," the person says.
"Thanks," Changbin mutters.
Changbin lets go of your hand and begins pacing around the waiting room. "So like is it bad?"
"It is me," he mumbles.
"Your soulmate, it's me."
Your mouth falls agape as you stare at he man. "What?" you question.
"Yeah, tell me about it," he grumbles as he continues his pacing.
"But you're like-" you pause.
"-a matchmaker. And you're a mortal."
"Eros will see you now," the woman at the reception desk announces.
Changbin pulls you by the wrist through the hallway and into a room. The room is large, huge floor to ceiling windows on two of the walls, a huge desk right in the center, and an extremely tall man with strawberry blonde hair sitting at the desk. Changbin lets go of your wrist when he makes eye contact with the man. "Changbin!" the man at the desk says, he stands up and walks over to where Changbin and you were standing, "it's so good to see you, son!"
You look up at the man towering over yourself and Changbin. Easily 8 feet tall with a pair of feathery wings on his back.
The man lifts up Changbin, pulling him into a tight hug. "Dad, it's good to see you too, but listen we have a situation," Changbin says sternly.
"A situation?" the man asks, putting Changbin back on the ground.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n," he introduces you.
"I know of her," he smiles.
He leans down to shake your hand, holding his out for you to take. You hesitate before you do, but you gently shake the tall man's hand, "you know me?" you ask the man.
"Well of course I do! I am a God after all!" he cheerfully booms, "you can just call me Eros!"
"Nice to meet you," you give the man a tight lipped smile.
He lets go of your hand and it falls to your side.
"Listen- Dad," Changbin interrupts, "I think that there was a mistake with y/n's soulmate generator."
"How so?" Eros questions.
"Well, it said that well-" he stammers.
"Does she have a soulmate?" Eros asks.
"Well yes b-but-" Changbin continues to stutter.
"-it's him, sir, Changbin is my soulmate," you explain.
"What?" the man gasps.
"Listen, I'm just as surprised as you are, I specifically said no politicians, Scientologists, or mentally insane people."
"He is, none of those things?" Eros states.
"Yeah well when you wake up in the middle of the night to someone standing in the corner of your bedroom talking about how they're from the 'godly government' and it reminds you of Scientology, and then he tells you he's the son of Eros so obviously you start thinking to yourself that this guy is either seeing something we can't or he's strung out on something, and then he makes you sign your life away like those kids did in the cat in the hat movie, then you can call me picky," you ramble.
Eros glances at Changbin then at you and then back to Changbin, "well were you the only option?"
"Yes," Changbin confirms.
"Well then it is destined to be, she did sign the contract," he points out.
"So wait? Did I sign my life away?" you ask.
"Well not your life," Eros begins before he cuts himself off.
"Dad," Changbin says, "what do we do?"
"I suppose we follow the rules," Eros figures, "you two are soulmates."
Changbin's jaw practically falls to the floor, "there is no way."
So now you find yourself at Changbin's house, well apartment, on Mt.Olympus. The apartment itself is more than just nice. It is beautiful. Floor to ceiling windows with a scenic view, a full kitchen with a separate wine closet, even a balcony overlooking the streets of Olympus which were full of nymphs and muses and Gods and Goddesses alike. Ornate furniture with gold accents, a chandelier that looked like it costed more than a yacht, and 4 luxurious bedrooms. "Make yourself at home," Changbin sighs as he takes off his coat.
"Woah, this is your house?" you exclaim as you ogle at the ornate house.
"Yeah," he blushes, "it's ours now I suppose," he runs a hand on the back of his neck.
"Oh my God, this is straight up like a fairytale," you say as you look through the kitchen.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, opening the fridge.
"Yeah, is there anything I can eat?"
"What do you mean anything you can eat?"
"Well like I don't think I can drink nectar, because I'm like a mortal or whatever," you chuckle as you look at his puzzled expression.
"Well technically you can drink it, but you would like probably pass out from what you mortals call 'alcohol poisoning'," he chuckles as he grabs a soda from the fridge.
"Wait do you have some?" you ask excitedly.
"I mean yeah but like, why?"
"Well I wanna try it!"
"No," he shuts down before you can continue.
"Please! Just once Changbin!" you beg.
"I said no," he says, more firmly this time.
"Ugh fine you're no fun," you cross your arms and take a seat on his kitchen island.
"What do you want for dinner?" he asks, changing the topic.
You hum while you think for a moment, "spaghetti," you decide.
"Okay," he agrees.
He begins pulling ingredients out of the fridge and pantry and you just sit there on the counter and watch as the man prepares dinner. "Soooooo," you speak as Changbin puts a pot of water on the stove, "what's it like being the son of Eros?"
"Well, I think it gives people the wrong impression of me sometimes," he reveals.
"How so?"
"Imagine that your father is known for orgies and sex, prayed to by mortals for him to grant them fertility and true love, doesn't always leave the best impression with people," he explains crossing his arms.
"Why not? Are you not like him?"
"Not at all," he mumbles softly, "I do this job because I like making people happy, to be honest I didn't know it was possible as a matchmaker to match with anyone," he explains, "especially a mortal, like yourself."
"Doesn't Zeus have lots of kids though? Is he matched with someone?" you ask.
"Don't even get me started on how many kids he has, y'know we have a whole department that keeps track of his children," he whispers the last part.
You stifle a laugh and get a good look at the man who is your soulmate. His sharp nose and round face paired with gentle eyes and buff arms have you feeling tingly inside and out. "Zeus does have a soulmate, or well he says she's his soulmate, Hera," he explains.
"Isn't that his sister?"
"I wish you mortals would stop spreading lies like that," Changbin sighs and rubs his eyes.
You giggle and swing your feet back and forth. "So wait, not all of you are like related?" you ask.
"No," he chuckles.
"So like how does the whole soulmates thing work?"
"Well, once you're matched, you're matched, you fall in love with the person, they fall in love with you, some couples get married, some don't," he explains.
"Can we get married? If we get married can we please get married by and Elvis impersonator in Vegas, ooh and I want a pink wedding dress!" you proclaim.
"Yeah, sure," he hums as he adds the noodles to the boiling water, "anything else you want for our wedding?"
"Hmm, maybe a chocolate fountain at the reception and for the reception to be held in a strip club," you half joke.
"That would make our wedding, interesting," he giggles, turning back to face you now.
"Well yeah, you only get married once! May as well enjoy it! Also honeymoon in Paris, or like somewhere in Europe!"
"Yeah," he smirks, "we can do all of that."
God, he looked good. Did he always look this good? Maybe you were too blind to it before, because fuck he was good looking.
"Really?" you ask enthusiastically.
"Really," he smiles softly.
"What about our wedding night?" you ask before you fully think through what you're saying.
"Our wedding night? Aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself?" he teases.
"Well- I-I j-just wanna k-know what you like? I mean I-" you stutter as you try to speak.
You freeze when Changbin moves over to where you sit and pulls you in for a kiss, stopping right before his lips touch yours, you feel your heart thumping in your chest and heat rising to your cheeks as you slowly relax into his gentle grasp.
"Kiss me-" you hoarsely whisper.
He licks his lips before he finally puts his lips on your own, his lips molding against yours in a tantalizing rhythm. You are the one to break away from the hypnotic kisses he is placing on your lips. "Changbin- why I feel so-" you mumble, searching his eyes for an answer for the certain wanting in the bottom of your stomach.
"The love spell, it- well- it makes you," he flushes.
"Horny?" you ask.
"Yeah," he laughs, "makes both parties-y-y'know horny."
"Holy shit," you giggle as you bring him back in for another kiss.
This kiss is passionate and rough, in perfect contrast with the way Changbin holds you close. His hands resting on your waist, gently rubbing feather-light touches on your sides, each one leaving you more breathless than the last. Your arms loop around the back of his neck, reveling in the comfort of his lips on yours.
It's not enough though, you need him inside you, you need him to fuck you. "Changbin-" you moan against his lips.
"Darling," he coos, "tell me what you want-you c-can have it-w-whatever you want."
"Bin- I-I," you whine.
"P-please ma'am wan-wanna be inside," he squeaks.
"Ma'am?" you smirk, pulling apart from the kiss to search Changbin's eyes.
"Ma'am, mommy, mistress, master, whatever you want- I-I d'care, just pl-please, wanna be inside," he searches your face for any apprehension.
"Changbin I-I, get on your knees," you whimper as you notice the way he looks at you.
His hair is messy, his eyes lust blown and lips plump from kissing. You watch the heavenly sight in front of you as Changbin sinks down to his knees in front of you. He gently holds your leg as he kisses your knee, "please," he speaks a confession, "wanna worship you."
His fingers trail up and down your clothed legs, and at this time you curse yourself for wearing plaid pajama pants instead of flimsy sleep shorts.
You quickly stand on two feet and begin walking away, scaring the man on the floor. "Y/n- w-we d'have to!" he yelps.
"Take me to the bedroom, please," you huff.
Changbin leaps onto his feet and shows you to the bedroom, his hand in yours. Like two horny teenagers left unsupervised for more than 30 seconds.
You found yourself making out with him on his soft bed, it was a little awkward with Changbin's wings on his back, but you couldn't seem to mind, especially not when his fingers are cupping your breasts under your shirt and his fingers are tweaking your nipples in his fingers. A soft tune is playing from what you presume is your phone, or it could be the record player in the corner of Changbin's room, but honestly you don't care when Changbin's head moves down your chest, kissing above your waistband. "Honey," he calls out to you.
"Y-yeah," you look at him.
"Wanna watch you get off," he requests, "wanna watch you, please."
You're stripping off your clothes before you can even think of what you're doing, throwing your clothes somewhere in Changbin's room. You watch as his mouth falls open as he stares at your tits. "Like what you see, honey?" you ask as you lay your head back on the pillows.
He nods and you watch the faint blush creep up onto his cheeks. "Wanna see you too, please, please Bin," you hum.
He follows after you, removing his clothes and you ogle at his body. Fuck, he was muscular, and your mouth started watering when you saw his cock.
"It's n-not," he begins before you are spitting in your hand and wrapping it around the base of his cock.
Not very long, but fat in girth, with a pretty flushed tip and nicely trimmed bush surrounding it. Changbin's mouth falls open as you begin jerking his cock, "it's more than okay, baby," you reassure the man whose eyes are rolling to the back of his head from pleasure.
"Y-your," he whimpers, trying to speak.
"Don't worry about anything other than feeling good, just relax my love, let me make you feel good," you hum.
You can see the internal struggle on Changbin's face before he shoves his own hand in between your legs, spreading your wetness around your folds. "Changb-" you begin, going to chastise the boy but his fingers move up to your clit, rubbing in soft circles.
"P-please," he whimpers.
"Hm?" you hum searching his face while his fingers continue playing with your pussy.
"Can I suck on your tits?" he asks with a timid voice.
You can't help but smile as the fingers on your spare hand wrap in the boy's curly black hair and bring his mouth to your chest. You speed up your hand that is playing with his cock, trying to repay how well Changbin is making your pussy gush just with his calloused fingers.
Changbin is sucking on your nipple and his fingers are playing with your clit and it all is becoming too much and just enough at the same time. "Mommy," Changbin moans against your chest.
"Yeah, I know it feels good doesn't it?" you coo to the man who is clearly losing himself in the pleasure of you stroking his chubby cock.
He nods his head into your chest and you watch as his eyes roll to the back of his head before his hips start bucking his cock into your hand. "G-gonna-ngh," Changbin whimpers.
"It's okay my love, let go, there you go honey," you instruct.
Changbin cums with a low groan as his hips keep bucking into your hand, his fingers that were playing with your clit stopping and resting there as you watch his pearly white cum shoot out of his cock and onto his soft stomach.
His legs slightly twitch as he comes down from his orgasm before he looks up at you before remembering he is also supposed to make you cum, you don't let him feel bad about cumming first though. Instead opting to praise him for being good while his fingers resume their movements on your swollen clit while his mouth continues playing with your nipples.
"Ch-changbin," you choke out a whine.
A particular hard swipe to your clit has you tumbling over the edge of your orgasm, clenching Changbin's shoulders as you ride through the high. "Perfect," Changbin praises and presses a kiss between your breasts, "and all mine."
"All yours," you reassure, "all yours Changbin."
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thatztyv · 10 months
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- Couple Interview
Word Count:
- 1k
Tɪᴀɴᴀ Gʀᴀɴɢᴇʀ
(tea-on-nuh grain-jur)
"Why you looking so mean?", Tiana said and reached across the table, gently grasping his jaw. "You have perfect teeth. Show them off baby."
He cracked a half smile, before showing off his teeth.
"I'm so lucky", Tiana sighed with a smile.
Celebrity TRUTH or DRINK
ᴊᴀᴄᴋ ʜᴀʀʟᴏᴡ & ᴛɪᴀɴᴀ
People must ask each other a set of questions.
They can either answer... or take a shot.
"Wassup y'all I'm Tiana", she said and looked at the camera.
"I'm Jack Harlow", Jack said turning to the camera as well.
"For y'all that don't know, that's my man", Tiana said towards the camera, shielding her mouth from Jack.
"I can hear you", Jack chuckled.
She just looked over at him with a smile.
"And Tiana what are you best known for?", the producer asked.
"For being fine as fuck", she replied jokingly with a laugh. "Like have you seen this ass on me."
She stood up and turned her back to the camera.
"Wata", she said and shook her leg a little bit.
"Blur all of this", Jack said, and the editing team was spot on.
She laughed and sat back down. "Nah I'm playing y'all. I'm a makeup artist and I make clothes."
“I don't drink, so they substituted the Tequila with Tabasco hot sauce", Tiana said picking up the bottle and showing the camera. "Alright Jack."
He sighed, picking up a card from the middle of the table.
"What's something that you've never told your parents?", Jack read off the card.
Tiana pursed her lips and furrowed her brows.
"Huh?", she said, even though she heard exactly what he said.
"What's something you've never told your parents?", Jack chuckled as he watched her expression. "There's a lot you don't want them to know."
"Yeah", she said, grabbing a shot glass.
Tiana grabbed a bottle of hot sauce, pouring some into her glass.
"Love you mom and dad", she hummed before tapping the glass on the table then downing the Tabasco. "Oh that's not that hot.. I like that."
"You're lying, I can see it in your eyes", Jack chuckled.
"No I'm not", she said as she felt her chest getting warm. "Next question."
She grabbed a card from the middle as Jack chuckled.
"Is everything you say in your raps real?", Tiana read off the card.
She looked over at Jack with a stern expression.
"Why you looking at me like that?", Jack chuckled.
"I wanna know the answer cause from the raps I heard you want ass, you got side pieces and you just be wanting to fuck, fuck, fuck."
"Well", he hummed, scratching the back of his head. "Those are the old raps, I am a changed man."
"Mmhm, answer the question", she said making him chuckle.
"Yes all the raps are real", he said honestly.
"Mmm, ask the next question", she hummed.
"Are you upset?", he teased.
She rolled her eyes and tapped the table. "Come on grab another card."
He chuckled before grabbing another card.
"I dare you to read some of your most recent dms", Jack said then tapped the card on the table.
Tiana squinted her eyes before picking up her phone off the table.
"Let me just take a lil sneak peak.. make sure it ain't nothing too crazy", she said as she unlocked her phone.
"Can she take a sneak peak though?", Jack asked.
"Well look at that", she said turning her phone to the camera, then reading the message out loud.
jackharlow replied to your story
I'd hit.. respectfully 😘
"That was not me", he chuckled.
"Wait there's more!"
jackharlow replied to your story
My lady 😍
I'm so lucky 🥹
"Homeboys a simp", she chuckled as she set her phone down.
"No, I'm not. A fan obviously sent that", he said denying that was him.
"And that fan was him", she said with a laugh.
"Take my hand look me deep in the eyes and tell me you love me", Tiana read off the card.
He grabbed her hand and looked her straight in the eyes.
"I- think I'm gonna drink the hot sauce", he said and she rolled her eyes.
"Y'all see how he do me", she said letting his hand go and glancing at the camera.
"I'm playing", he chuckled as he grabbed her hand again. "I love you Tiana."
"I guess I love you too", she said playfully as she rolled her eyes.
"What's one thing about me that you'd change?", Jack read off the card.
"I love everything about you so that's hard", Tiana said before going deep into thought. "I wish you'd stop cheating on me."
“Woah”, he said and looked at her taken aback. “I have never cheated on you.”
"Oh but you have and there’s video evidence of you flirting with other people", she said sitting up in her seat. "Druski, Jayson Tatum, Kevin Hart. Hell even Drake.”
"You’re lying, I have never flirted with them.”
"You just lying today ain't it? You get in front of a camera and you wanna act different", she said and tapped the table. "Mm I got something for you, grab the next card."
"I didn't do anything", he chuckled.
"What is your love language?", Jack read off the card.
"Umm.. I like small things, it feels more genuine. Like when you made me those paper flowers after you saw someone make them on TikTok”, Tiana said with a smile.
“You actually liked that? I thought you hated them.”
“I could never. They’ve been on my vanity since you gave them to me. I smile every time I look at them.”
Jack hummed and leaned back in his chair, smiling at Tiana.
“While we’re on the topic”, Tiana started. “What’s your love language?”
“Touch. Warm hugs, kisses, etc.”
“Is that why you always want to hold my hand everywhere we go?”
"In the cut with my twin we be vibing", Tiana said as she did the lil dance. "Well you guys that's all for today. Y'all said y'all wanna see more vids of me and Jack together so here y'all go. Anything you want to say?"
"Stream my most recent drop, tour for me starts soon, and shop my baby's brand", Jack said as he stood from his seat.
"Bye y'all", she said and throwing up the peace sign with a smile.
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beenbaanbuun · 7 months
Hey bunny! Sorry for bothering you when I'm sure you're in the middle of perfecting the addams!matz fic, but I have a kinda specific request I'm not sure I'd trust anyone else with.
I've been feeling kinda low on the self esteem/body image scales, but whenever I look for comfort fics I find that a lot of them cater towards chubby or curvier readers, which is great! I'm really happy that authors are doing that... but as someone who has the figure of a crayon, and is insecure about not being curvy or "feminine" enough, or worse that I appear child-like, it kinda just serves as a reminder some days T-T
So would it be too self indulgent to request a comfort/body worship fic with either Mingi or Yeosang with an s/o who's not curvy and is insecure about it?
No hard feelings if that's outta your comfort zone tho! I geddit ^^
Have a good day bunny, hope you have nothing but happy, snuggly, cozy vibes <33
i get where you’re coming from completely!! i feel like as a curvier girl i’m very lucky because it’s fairly easy to find fics catered towards me. i guess due to my own ignorance i haven’t really taken notice of a lack of fics that don’t cater to me but now you point it out i can see that it’s definitely true! i hope that i can write this perfectly for you because i feel like everyone should have fics that include them!
so i’m under the impression that mingi does not give a fuck about body type in the slightest
i mean we’ve all seen his fan calls - the man flirts with anyone regardless of body type and he’s so real for that!
but despite your boyfriend’s love and affection, sometimes your own brain gets to you a little
and sometimes the time you spend picking yourself to pieces in the mirror increases to a level that’s become concerning to mingi
he’ll catch you from time to time, just standing there and running your hands over your form
and, sure, he may be a little oblivious sometimes, but he isn’t dumb; he knows that it can’t be anything good
it’s not really a surprise when the two of you are getting ready for a date night and he catches you doing the exact same thing
he doesn’t say anything as he crawls on the bed, choosing to relax as he waits for you to finish, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t worried
still, even with him wondering whether or not you’re okay, he can’t help but admire how pretty you look in that dress
the way it elegantly hugs your body, stopping at mid-thigh to reveal just enough of your pretty legs to draw him in, but not enough to send him feral
well, even more feral than usual that is; you could be dressed in a pair of ratty old pyjamas and that man would still find something to make his dick twitch
“mingi,” you say after a short while of him admiring you, “do you think i look alright?”
his brow furrows and he scoffs in dismay
he’s almost offended in a way because how dare someone say something like that about his girl?
then he remembers that you are his girl and the fact that you’re saying it should probably be more cause for concern than offense
“you look better than alright, princess,” he says, “you think i’d be sat here undressing you with my eyes if i didn’t?”
you send him a glare through the mirror
“that’s not the point, mingi,” you grumble, “i know you think i’m hot but…”
“but what?” he asks, voice thick with worry, “you’re not worried about what other people think of you, right?”
you begin to shake your head, although you feel like your denial isn’t necessarily true
so instead you shrug, and with a sigh you tear yourself away from the mirror so you can go and sit on the edge of the bed next to mingi
he budges his legs over, making space for you to perch yourself on the mattress
“i mean i guess so?” you say, “i just… i don’t want people thinking i look like a child or something, y’know?”
mingi doesn’t know - the last thing he thinks of you is ‘child’, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he can’t try and sympathise
he shifts one of his hands from behind his head to rub against your arm soothingly
“i don’t think you look like a child,” he says, “i think you look like my girlfriend; my very pretty, very sexy girlfriend, very mature-looking girlfriend.”
and while you appreciate his words, you can’t help but feel like they don’t mean much coming from him
it makes you feel bad, of course, but your boyfriend telling you you’re hot just doesn’t fill you with confidence about what everyone else thinks
“you don’t count,” you pout, “you have to think i’m hot.”
you don’t see the way mingi rolls his eyes before shoving himself into a sitting position
he shuffles his way over until he’s right behind you, close enough to swaddle your upper half in his overly-lengthy arms
he squeezes tight, just how he knows you like it
“i don’t have to think anything,” he kisses the spot just below your ear, “i think you’re hot because i have eyes and i can see that you’re hot.”
you can’t help but giggle as he nuzzled his nose into your neck, puffing out blasts of warm air against the sensitive skin
he always could find a way of making you laugh, even if in this situation, you’d personally class it as cheating
“well,” you say through your giggles, “i also have eyes and my eyes say the opposite!”
“yeah, but i don’t trust your eyes,” he kisses you, wet and sloppy and soft, against where your shoulder meets your neck, “they’re connected to your brain and me and your brain aren’t the best of friends.”
his hand move until they’re flat against your ribs, thumbs smoothing over the fabric of your dress
he almost wished the dress wasn’t there at all, wanting to feel the skin to skin contact, but he hardly thought now was the best time to ask you to strip
“you love my brain,” you counter, “my brain is me and you always tell me you love me!”
he smiles; you feel his teeth brush against you
“true,” he says, “but your brain is also mean to you, and anyone who’s mean to my baby is my enemy, okay?”
it’s a silly argument, but you can’t help but nod along in agreement
“good,” he says as he feels you give into his compliments, “now we have two choices; we either go out on the date, or we lie here and cuddle. it’s up to you, princess.”
you know which one he’d prefer; the way he’s stuck himself to you back like a limpet is enough evidence of that
but you can’t quite decide for yourself
one one hand you’re already dressed and made up, plus the fact that you’ve been wanting to go to this place for ages now and tables are really hard to book
on the other, taking the uncomfortable shoes off and crawling into bed next to your overly-clingy boyfriend seemed just so tempting
perhaps the choice isn’t that hard after all, you realise as you lean over - boyfriend still very much attached to you - to grab your makeup wipes
“pick a film, then,” you instruct as you take one out of the packet and begin to rub at your face, “and make it a good one!”
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efingart · 2 months
Hey E! idkifishouldaskhereorinyourcodaccount BUT I’ll ask anyway. I’ve noticed you post a lot about Frank Woods, what made Woods be THE favorite character for you?
Hey no worries, I'm not exactly the most organized so it doesn't make a difference to me!
Oh my god where do I start? I'm going to try so hard to hold back because I will just tell you everything I like about him and this will take me even longer to write 😅
Frank falls into the unwanted child trope a bit. Not confirmed by Activision, but close enough and it is a trope that I find myself drawn to. The idea that he was a runaway, his home life must have been bad enough that the streets were better. Born right at the start of the Great Depression so his early life was never going to be easy. But he must have been resourceful and smart enough to survive. Another quality I like in my faves. It's interesting to think about that piece of his history that we will probably never get in any detail in canon. But that's ok, I'm happy to fill in the gaps with my own headcanons and fics.
Frank was then able to pick himself off the streets and enlist (his options were so limited, but he must have made the best choice for himself at the time.) Become such a standout that he was recruited into the CIA. And there, despite being a "self-reliant loner" he developed close friendships with Mason and Bowman. (as an aside, it is always funny when people hc he's an extrovert when he's very much not)
It's clear he cares for them deeply, even at the expense of his own well being as seen in 'Payback.' I do think he was still reeling from Bowman's death and that's why he acted with such reckless disregard for his own life. (But that's headcanon)
The way he reacts when anyone else is hurt or in danger, it's always them first him second, even in the middle of a firefight (redirecting Mason's attention to the pilot in 'Victor Charlie,' the kid on the PBR in 'Crash Site', the nurse during 'Suffer With Me' in BO2, multiple examples).
Then the way he treats Bell. I think he's the first person to deliver Bell a genuine compliment in the game (if you're a good shot). He knows his people and if I could ever get the damn sound bite again of him saying to Bell that he'd bet they'd like five minutes with the supercomputer to work again I'd link it here. How does he know Bell is such a nerd if he doesn't give a damn about his team?
He and Mason are the only ones who actually treat Bell as a member of the team. And that endeared me to him before I even knew about the plot twist.
And of course, the pain of Black Ops 2. He's just fucking dragged through the ringer isn't he? Everything, the shipping container, watching his entire team die, his tragic mistakes and how he reflects them as an old man. I really love that we get to see him as an old man. See him removed from his experiences in the 80s section of BO2. It's so interesting.
I mean even while he's still managing fresh life-changing injuries he still rallies for a kid who needs him. And he must have done a good job raising David because the kid turned out just fine in the end.
I probably could think of a half dozen more specific examples, his outrage at Project Greenlight for one: "Thousands dying in a flash and you're talking about fucking infrastructure."
Or how he has David's childhood drawings hung up in his room at the Vault.
I'm sure I'll have a dozen more after Black Ops 6 comes out if they deliver on the promised emotional journey storyline for Frank. (God, I'm so unbelievably happy he's in BO6.)
Frank is a complicated person. He has had it rough but doesn't wallow in self-pity. He's a smart and capable leader. He's imperfect. He knows how and when to keep things light. He takes care of his people. He rallies when he's most needed even if it's at his own expense. On the shallow end of things? He's hot, he's got great fashion sense.
Sorry, it took me a bit to get this all out. I think again I was trying to balance the urge to just dump every thought and feeling I have vs trying to be a bit more thoughtful about it. Also just cross-referencing things from the games to make sure I remembered them correctly. I'm sure there's a lot I left out. I'm planning on playing through 1, CW, & 2 again before BO6 comes out so I'm sure I'll have more thoughts to share. 😅
I genuinely appreciate you asking me about this, I love talking about Frank. Thank you so so much.
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delicate-luv · 1 year
The Red Dress - Eddie Munson
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Summary: Eddie loves it when you wear your red dress, but he loves what’s underneath it more.
CW: 18+, Minors DNI, p in v sex, fem!reader, nicknames/pet names, no use of y/n, quickly proofread, i believe that’s it?
this is only my second time writing smut, so please go easy on me! ———————————————————————
Eddie decided to come over after his long shift at the body shop. You had on your red mini dress, one you knew he couldn't get enough of. You had put it on just for him. You hear a knock on your door, knowing it could only be the man you love.
"Hi, beautiful." He walked in and gave you a soft kiss. "I don't think I'll ever get enough of that."
"Hi, baby." Your hands went to his uniform collar as you kissed him back. "I'm so glad you could come over. My door is always open for you."
He was holding a bouquet of pink tulips. "Oh! Uh..these are for you." He smiles, handing them over to you. "I know pink is like, one of your favorite colors."
"They're beautiful, thank you baby." You begin to blush, trying to hide the matching pink in your cheeks. "Would you like to change into something more comfortable?" You had kept a few pieces of Eddie's clothes at your place, knowing how much he comes around.
"Sure, same drawer as always?" He began to zip down his coveralls, making you feel flustered at the sight of his bare chest.
"The left side, second one down, yes." As he leaves, you put the flowers into the vase. A few minutes later, he comes back out in an old black T-shirt and sweatpants.
"You know how much I love that red dress, do you?" He comes out of your bedroom, tying his hair up. He grabs your waist and holds you close. "Hey. You're the girl I've dreamt about in my dreams. I'd do anything to make you happy, nothing in this world is too much for me to do for you." He kisses your cheek. It's obvious he can't stop staring at you in your red dress. "I love you. I love talking to you, I love being with you, I love looking at your gorgeous smile, I love holding your hand. I love everything about you. I love you with every fiber of my being." He grabs your hand and brings it up to his lips, peppering it in soft kisses.
You take your free hand and run it through his hair. "I never want us to be apart. I'm so lucky I'm right here with you right now."
He takes your hand and leads you into your bedroom, closing the door. He can't help but stare at your twinkling smile. He gently lays you on your bed and he lays beside you. "Do you want to know something else I love about you?"
"What?" You ask playfully.
"When you give me that look." He smirks. "You know the look I'm talking about. The one you always give me. That sweet, lovable, gaze you give me makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world. I could stare at your smile- your eyes all night." He slowly leans towards you and begins to kiss your lips. "And if you haven't heard, I love this red dress on you, s-so fucking much. But, I would love you better without it."
He pulled away from the kiss to look for your approval. Your face became flushed. He was sporting a huge smirk that made you immediately want to throw away any dignity you had left.
"I'd love to see you without your red dress, I won't lie." He whispered, his hands moving down to your waist. You're urgent to kiss him even more, even more passionately than before. His lips travel from your cheek, to your neck, then to your collarbone. You run your hands through his hair. He slowly moves his lips to your chest.
"Is this good, baby?" He continues to kiss you as he wraps his arms around your waist, so he's on top of you. He holds both your hands as he keeps kissing you.
"Mhm." You sit back and let him take over. He seems to know what he's doing. "I can't express enough how much I think about you when you're not here."
"Are you enjoying this, my sweet girl?" He bites your collar bone gently before resuming to give you kisses.
"Would you like to take my pretty red dress off?" You ask with a smirk. You love to be a tease to him. You knew exactly what you were doing.
"I would." He pulled away, looking you up and down, and then looking into your eyes. "I would love to see what's underneath." He begins to unzip your dress, pulling it down your shoulders before taking it off entirely. Your dress being taken off reveals your matching red panties, which you knew would make him go crazy.
You blush, feeling so vulnerable around the only man you've ever loved. You look at him and gently tug on the edges of his T-shirt. "May I?"
"Mhm." He nods, stroking your hair. "You're so beautiful when you blush." He says in a low voice.
After you take his T-shirt off, you run your hands over his tattoos. He lays back on the bed, completely shirtless, still staring at you. You place his T-shirt on the floor, next to your dress.
"I like the view." He shyly jokes as he continues to admire you. "I could look at you forever and never get tired." He gestures to his jeans. "Would you like to do the honors?"
You start to unbutton his jeans while Eddie continues to admire you. "You aren't too bad yourself." You joke back, tossing the pair of jeans next to the other discarded clothes.
"You're a dream come true. You have the prettiest eyes, the softest lips." He leans in and kissing your lips gingerly. He once again lays you down, getting on top of you. His gentle kisses become more passionate as he creeps down your your neck, then your chest, and then approaching the top of your red panties.
"I knew how much you like me in red." You grin. "I figured it would make you go crazy."
"It worked." He chuckled. "God, you're so good to me."
"May I take your boxers off, you can take my panties off?" You run your hands through his hair while he continues to give you kisses all over your body.
He gently nods. "How about we just take yours off? Hmm?" He looks into your eyes, waiting for an answer.
"Mhm." You softly moan. "But why not yours too?"
He leans over and begins to take them off your body, adding them to the pile. "I know you've been wearing these for me."
He begins to spread your legs apart, giving you intimate kisses on the insides of your thighs. He can sense you're shy and a little bit nervous. "Tell me the truth, are you nervous?"
"How can I not be nervous? My boyfriend I love so very much is staring directly at the most intimate part of me right now."
"You have nothing to be nervous about." He runs his hands down your body, landing on your thighs and lifting them up over his shoulders. "You're going to need all the help you can get, I don't plan on stopping anytime soon." He gave you a mischievous smirk. "Would you like me to move my lips? Tell me what you're feeling."
"Please move your lips." You tilt your head back. "I'm feeling like I want you. Like I need you, Ed's."
"I think I know where you'd like me to move them. I want you too. I need you too." He snickers before moving down, leaving a trail of kisses right up against your cunt. His hands travel lower as you begin to take off your bra, feeling truly exposed and vulnerable.
He looks up, seeing your bare chest for the first time. Sure, you've been intimate with him multiple times before. But this is the first time he'd ever seen you fully naked, he wants to take everything in.
You run your hands through his hair, feeling every curl under your touch. "Eddie? I want you to fuck me." You finally whisper.
Eddie chuckled softly and looks at you lustfully. You know this is what he's been wanting to hear. He pulls away from your thighs and begins to kiss your lips once more. As the kissing progresses, you begin to feel a hardness against your thigh.
"Shit." He groans under his breath while you begin to take his boxers off. "Oh, fuck."
You chuckle, throwing the boxers to the side. His cock already leaking. He begins to slide in, you both moaning in ecstasy.
"Fuck! You feel so amazing princess." His one hand grabs your thigh and his other caresses your stomach. You grab a fistful of your bedsheets. His eyes are full of love and desire just from seeing you in pure pleasure and ecstasy.
"You're so good to me." You mumble as he picks up his pace, pumping in and out quicker than before.
"If I'm only half as good as you are to me, I'm doing something right." He seems filled with passion as he admires your body. "You look so sexy like this. You have a body that could steal a man's soul."
All you could make out were screams of his name accompanied by moans.
"Oh god, sweetheart. I love you, I really really love you." His hands move to your chest. "You're the most incredible girl I ever met, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, treat you the way you deserve. Let everyone know you're mine. Mine forever, fuck." His movements become sloppy, and so do yours. "You are my princess, so I'm always gonna treat you like one." Hearing the only man you've ever wanted to marry talk about you this way has made you come undone, onto him.
"Fuck." He sighs, collapsing next to you. You look at each other and immediately begin to break out in giggles. He makes sure you are both fully covered and comfortable under the blankets, before he begins to cuddle you. He caresses the sides of your body while you both drift off to sleep.
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bbymunsonx · 3 months
The Last Time (Ted's Version)
Chapter Ten
chapter warnings: language, ANGST, violence, abuse, smut(!!!), piv, oral (f), ted lasso is an aftercare king bc obvi (18+)
word count: 5.8k
buckle up ;)
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"You know, when I had to hear from my friends that you had taken a job with my coaches and moved across the Atlantic, I didn't think it was true. I thought to myself, 'Now, why would Lacy do that? Lacy is the kind of girl that's too scared to do anything. She'd be too scared to leave.' But here you are." Julian smirked, as he could sense that I was scared. He always could. 
"What- what are you doing here?" I asked.
"Just thought I'd pay a trip to see my girlfriend. I missed you so much," He grabbed his face with his hands and harshly planted an open kiss right on my lips. It was like he was trying to mark his territory. That's how he always felt with me. 
Just then, Ted's door swung open and he peaked his head out, "Is everything alright, Lace-." He immediately stopped when he realized what was happening. "Julian."
"Coach Lasso! How's it going, man?" Julian reached out to fist bump Ted but he didn't budge. He just kept his eyes on me. 
"Remember that movie we're gonna go see, we have to leave now if we're gonna make it in time," Ted said on the fly, coming up with an excuse to get Julian to leave. 
"Wait a second," Julian's gaze went from Ted to me to Ted to me. "Are you fucking this old man?" My blood ran cold, once again. I could take his abuse, I have for years. But I couldn't stomach him being mean to Ted, even if I was angry with him.
"No, Julian. He's not my boyfriend. You are. I only love you." I grabbed Julian's face to make him look at me, taking the heat off of Ted. Julian shook out of my grip and went walking over to Ted. 
"I used to like you. I thought you were a great coach. But then you steal my girlfriend away from me, and then you fuck her?" Julian's voice started to raise. 
"Julian, I understand why you are frustrated, okay? But Lacy here and I are just co-workers. Nothing more. She really loves you. I can tell." Ted nodded at Julian to try to get him to listen. 
Julian grabbed Ted by the collar of his shirt, "If I hear that you even talk to her, I will kick your fucking ass, old man, do you understand me? Besides," Julian got closer to Ted's ear, "Only I will ever know the sounds she makes right before she's about to-."
"Leave him alone!" I interjected and pulled Julian off of Ted. I have never even thought about doing something like that, but Ted is such an innocent guy. He doesn't deserve to be treated like this. 
"What's going on?" Coach Beard finally whipped his head out of his flat, probably because Julian was being so loud.
"You fucking bitch, did you just touch me? Did you touch me?" Julian spit at me. He started slowly walking toward me, trying to corner me against the wall. "Remember, you're a fucking good for nothing slut. You'd be nowhere if it weren't for me. I'm the only reason why you are where you are and I want you to remember that for the rest of your miserable fucking life." I flinched with every word that he threw at me. 
Julian moved closer to my ear and whispered, "You will always be mine. I own you." Julian punched the wall causing the drywall to crumble, inches away from my face. 
"You know what I think, Julian?" For some reason, Ted and Beard being here made me feel safe enough to be able to say this, and if I don't say it now, I never will. "I think you're an insecure little boy who feels threatened by your girlfriend leaving you to go work with two men. Two men that you always admired. You will never be half the man that Ted is, and you should feel fucking ashamed. You are an abusive piece of shit and you don't own anything. We are fucking over." 
If looks could kill, Ted, Beard, and I would all be dead on the floor. I feared that if Ted and Beard weren't here, Julian would actually kill me. But, to give the final blow, I leaned into his ear and whispered, "You wanna talk to Ted about that 'little sound I make right before I finish'? You've never made me finish a fucking day in my life, you selfish asshole." I smirked to myself knowing that what I just said had just tipped him over the ledge. 
"You fucking cunt," I swore at me. My eyes widen as I noticed him wind his fist back. He was gonna hit me. He always hit me, threw me into furniture, and pushed me around. He never actually "punched" me in the face. He always said he was too much of a gentleman. And now, now, he's going to punch me. As his fist was winded back, I closed my eyes, preparing for the blow. Suddenly, Ted grabbed both of his hands and held them behind his back, restraining him. 
Coach Beard walked up to Julian as he was restrained and said, "You know, I never liked you," before knocking him unconscious. When Julian landed on the ground, I let out a giant exhale my legs gave out, sending me to the floor. 
Completely ignoring Julian just laying on the ground, Ted came rushing over to me on the floor similarly to how I helped Ted when he had his panic attack. He took my face in his hands and looked me right in the face, "Lacy, breathe, baby, you gotta breathe." I looked up at him and just nodded, slowly down my breaths. 
"I'm gonna call the police. Do you want me to call Keeley and Rebecca?" Coach Beard asked. I could only nod. Coach Beard stepped away to go use his phone while Ted and I remained on the floor. 
"I'm gonna go see if Beard needs help making those calls," Ted went to get up but I immediately just grabbed his hand. 
"No. Please don't leave me." My voice shook. Ted immediately knelt back down and sat right next to me to the point where are legs were flushed against one another. 
"Alright, Lacy Loo. I'm not going anywhere. You might get a bit annoyed in a day or two but just remember you asked for this." He tried to joke with me and it actually made me laugh. Technically, I just blew air out of my nose but it's the thought that counts. 
I leaned my head on Ted's shoulder and interlocked out fingers together while we both sat on the floor waiting for the police to come. 
The police arrive within ten minutes and Keeley and Rebecca arrived within fifteen minutes. By the time the girls arrived, Julian had already been taken away by the police. One of the woman police officers knelt down on the floor to talk to me about what happened. After taking notes, she nodded and promised he wouldn't be an issue anymore. 
As soon as Rebecca and Keeley arrived, they switched spots with Ted and sat next to me. "When I got divorced, I had to absolutely best lawyers money could buy. I'll send them over your way, of no cost of course." Rebecca said as she took my hand. 
"Rebecca, I can't do that." I shook my head vigorously. 
"I knew you were going to say that. That's why I already made the phone call on my way here." She smiled down at me. "He's not going to hurt you anymore. I promise you that. We'll have a restraining order drawn up before the sun rises."
"I made a couple phone calls to some people, myself. I actually know some real shady people so let's see if the prick is even alive by the time your lawyers get to him. I had to talk Roy out of killing him himself," Keeley said causing me to smile. 
The three of us sat on the ground while Ted and Coach Beard were talking to the police officers outside. 
"So, they're taking him in," Ted came in and told us. "I wouldn't worry about him for right now. You're safe." Ted smiled down at me. 
"Babes, do you wanna stay the night with me? I don't think you should be alone." Keeley offered. 
"Ya know, she could stay with me." Ted suggested. "That way all of her stuff is here so that's one less thing she's gotta worry about." 
"Thank you, Keeley, but I think I'll stay with Ted." I shot her a guilty smile which made her smile. 
"You got it." She kissed my forehead. 
When I finally mustered enough strength to stand up, Rebecca and Keeley so I could get some rest. Ted helped me make a trip up to my flat to get some of the essentials I needed for the night to get settled into his flat. 
"Here, you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch, alright?" Ted put all of my stuff down on the bed. 
"Ted, you're already opening your home for me, I can't ask for you to give up your bed, too. I'll sleep on the couch." I took my stuff off the bed and handed it back to Ted. 
"Absolutely not," Ted put my belongings back on the bed, "Mama Lasso would fly all the way over here and kick my buttocks if she knew I let you sleep on the couch. You're taking the bed, end of discussion." 
I smiled, "Okay. Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I just feel...icky." 
"Of course. I'll get everything set up for you." Ted disappeared into the bathroom for a few minutes. "Alright I put your shower products in there, a towel, a washcloth, and a toothbrush. I think that should be everything."
"Thank you, Ted." I smiled and patted him on the shoulder before walking behind him, into the bathroom. 
I took my time in the shower, making sure to scrub every inch of my body. Every single inch that Julian might have ever touched. Every single inch that Julian offended and claimed as his own. My body belongs to me and only me. 
After my shower, I saw Ted's Chief's t-shirt and a pair of my pajama bottoms on the bed. On top of the t-shirt was a note that said, "The only Kansas football player worthy of our time is Travis Kelce... no one else (don't worry, it's clean) - Ted" . I smiled to myself before putting on the t-shirt. It was extremely oversized, but it made me feel safe. 
 I walked into the kitchen to see Ted making Rebecca her biscuits. Before he realized I was standing there, I giggled to myself as I heard the faint sound of Taylor Swift coming from his phone, and the faintest sound of the lyrics stumbling from his lips. 
"So you're a secret Swiftie, huh?" I smirked. He jumped as he realized I was there. 
"Geez Louise. You'll give me a heart attack." Ted placed his hand over his heart. "It's just a playlist of all the hits. Of course Ms. Taylor Swift's gonna be on there." 
"Uh huh." I didn't believe him. "So you're gonna tell me you weren't singing along just now? This song isn't even a single." I laughed. 
"Excuse me, "Dancing with our Hands Tied" is one of my favorites." Ted scoffed. 
"You're definitely a Swiftie, Ted. Only Swifties know that song," I laughed, hoisting myself on the counter. I immediately took one of the big spoons that Ted was using to bake and used it as a pretend microphone as I started singing along with the song. I gave Ted the spoon back, but not to bake, but to sing the following lyrics. He knew every single word. We were in our own little word, I had almost completely forgot the events that took place tonight. 
I could spend all night sitting on this counter singing Taylor Swift, but I was just getting so tired,"I'm gonna try to get some sleep."
"Alright, let me know if there's anything you need alright?" Ted's eyes softened, to which I nodded. 
"Goodnight, Ted." 
"Goodnight, sugar." He said softly to the bag of sugar he was using to bake, "Oh yeah, goodnight to you too, Lacy."
I rolled my eyes and laughed as I walked over to his bedroom. 
"Lacy! Lacy you're dreaming! Wake up, honey! You gotta get up!" I heard in my sleep as my body started shaking. I woke up with a gasp, my scream filling the dark room. "You're okay. You're alright. Come here." Ted took my body into his grasp, holding me tight. 
"What happening?" I asked, completely oblivious as to what happened. 
"I was sleeping and I just heard you screaming. It seems like you were having a really bad nightmare. Does this happen often?" Ted asked as he stroked my hair. 
My head hung down, "No. This hasn't happened since I was with Julian. It stopped a few months ago."
"Well, you're alright now, okay? Try to get some sleep." Ted went to get up before I grabbed his arm. 
"Please. Please stay." I whimpered, almost mirroring the same conversation we had earlier in the night. 
"Are you sure? I don't have to," Ted was apprehensive at first. 
"I don't wanna be alone." I softly said making Ted nod. I scooched over, making room for Ted on the bed. I laid back down on my back, the same as Ted. The two of us staring up at the ceiling unable to sleep. 
It wasn't until Ted had inched his hand over to mine, and interlaced his pinky with mine. That alone made me feel the safest I've felt in months, easing me to sleep right away. 
Three days after the incident, Keeley had sent me a screenshot of an article written by Trent Crimm in "The Independent". The headline read "American Tourist Killed in Jail Incident". 
Keeley Jones: Told you. 
I didn't even have to read the article. I knew all that I had to know and it made my heart feel more at ease. Ted still wouldn't let me stay in my flat. We had made a deal that he'd let me move back into my flat when I stopped waking up in the middle of the night screaming. That could be never, but he didn't care. He just didn't want me alone. 
It's been five days since Julian was killed and I still can't get my night terrors under control. Ted and I were sitting on the couch, on opposite ends of course, having a drink and watching a movie. Both of us were in our pajamas, comfortable. But the alcohol created some tension in the air. 
I got up from the couch to go back to the kitchen to get another drink. Suddenly, the alcohol gave me the courage to say, "Can I ask you something a little personal?"
"Yeah, of course." He looked over at me. 
"Are you in love with Sassy?" I asked as I leaned against the counter.
"Why would you think I was in love with Sassy?" He seemed genuinely confused. 
"Because you had sex with her." Ted jumped off the couch as I responded. 
"Um, how do you know I slept with Sassy?" He asked, his eyes widening.
"I went to your room that night, just to ask how you were doing after everything that happened at karaoke. And let's just say that you're very vocal when you have sex. Also, I guess you forgot my room was right next to yours." I laughed. 
"Jesus Christ, Lacy, I'm-I'm so sorry. I didn't know you could hear all... all that." Ted apologized.
"You don't have to apologize, Ted. I was just wondering if you loved her." 
Ted laughed. "No, I don't love her. I was just upset and she was there. She's a great woman, but no, I don't love her." I hoisted myself up on the counter and sighed as he said that. "Why do you seem like you're relieved?" He raised an eyebrow at me. 
"Why would I possibly be relieved? Remember, I told you I liked Jamie." I smirked.
"You never told me you liked Jamie, you just told me that you were upset that he left. Actually, since you asking me if I loved Sassy solely because I had sex with her, I guess it's only fair if I ask you if you're in love with Jamie?" 
"Ted, don't be silly, of course I'm not in love with Jamie." I said. Ted started to walk closer to me, slowly. 
"Well, I, for one am relieved." Ted jokingly sighed a breath of relief. 
"Why are you possibly relieved?" I chucked. 
"I think you deserve to be with a real man that'll treat you well. And Jamie is not that man." Ted continued to walk closer to me. 
"You never know. Jamie is starting to change for the better. But I guess we'll never know now that he's gone," I laughed. 
"Lacy," Ted said seriously. I raised my eyebrows at him, showing him I was listening, intently. "Are you in love with anyone?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me, his eyes beginning to soften. 
"That's a loaded question, Coach Lasso. I think I may have to take this up with HR." I laughed as Ted moved as close as he possibly could, my legs instantly widening so he could stand in between them. 
"Panda." Ted said through lowered eyelids, his glance moving from my lips to my eyes. I'll always giggle at the idea of a grown man saying 'panda' to me. I should've picked a sexier word. 
"I'm in love with you, Ted." My eyebrows furrowed as those words fell out of my mouth. I couldn't lie anymore. Not to him or myself. Even though I'd love to blame it on the alcohol, the adrenaline of Ted standing between my legs made me feel completely sober. "I should've said it before, but I'm in love with you, Theodore Lasso. I've been in love with you since the first time I saw you. I love you so much it hurts." I grabbed his face in my hands and stroked his cheek with my thumb, causing him to shut his eyes. 
"Please... say something." I continued. 
"Lacy Watson, you are the most perfect woman that I have ever met in my entire life. I've loved you for so long and I'm so sorry that I made you think that I didn't. It sickens me how much love I have for you. Could you forgive me?" Ted raised an eyebrow at me. 
"I think you need to get on your knees and beg for my forgiveness," I joked around, being facetious. Ted instantly got on his knees right in front of me, still leaving me sat on top of the counter. 
"I remember on the flight over here, you told me you liked Taylor Swift and South Park. Every time I bake Rebecca her biscuits, I like to turn on Taylor Swift because it makes me feel like you're with me. You caught me the other night and I lied to you because I was embarrassed, but it's true. I love Taylor Swift because I love you. And every time I fall asleep at night, I turn on South Park in hopes that it'll somehow bring me closer to you. That's how much I love you." Ted said while looking up at me through glossy eyes. 
"Stand up, Teddy," I whispered to him. I quickly batted away the tears that started to form in my eyes. 
"Yes ma'am," he responded, but this time, his voice sounded way lower and had much more of a southern drawl to it. 
Ted rose to meet me at eye level, his gaze still flickering between my lips and my eyes. His eyes were glossed with inexplainable longing. I needed him and I needed him now. 
Ted lowered his head several inches until his lips were mere centimeters away from mine. He left his lips hovering for a second, and before I knew it, he pressed his lips onto mine. He started slowly at first, not knowing how I was going to react, but he didn't know how much I truly needed him. 
I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer. The feeling of his mustache on my sensitive skin was even better than I imagined. As he started kissing me with more passion, I opened my mouth slightly to welcome his tongue. I squealed as soon as I felt his tongue, feeling pleasantly surprised by the feeling. Ted pulled away for a second, it felt like the worst second of my entire life.
"Uh oh, seems like I'm not the only one that's loud during sex," Ted taunted. 
"Oh, shut up," I scoffed and pulled him back to me. His lips were ravenous against my mouth, then traveled down to my neck and my collar bone. Every time he suck on my neck resulted in a desperate moan escaping my mouth. 
Suddenly, all of my clothes felt way too tight. My nipples strained in my tank top, it was almost painful. I groaned in frustration. I just wanted to rip all my clothes off. 
"What is it, baby?" Ted raised his head from my neck to meet my face, sending my frustration full force. 
"I need you, I need you now." I whined. Without question, Ted lifted me off of the counter, both of his hands flushed against my ass. My legs were wrapped around his waist as he tried to walk us to the bedroom. I wasted no time reattaching his lips to mine while grinding my core onto his obvious boner that was showing through his grey sweatpants. 
"Darlin', if you keep doing that I'm gonna bust in my pants before we even make it to the bedroom." Ted whispered in between kisses. As he was talking, I kissed a trail up and down his neck. 
"You better walk faster then, old man," I taunted, still peppering his neck in kisses. Ted rushed his pace and got us into the bedroom, gently placing me down on his bed. I inched up until I was flush against the headboard. 
I laid down while he started to climb up my body and started layering kisses all over my neck and face. "Mmm you're so beautiful, darlin'," Ted yearned in between kisses. 
Ted attached himself to my lips for a few more seconds before he started making his way down further. Thankfully, I didn't wear a bra tonight but my tank top was still way too much fabric. Ted started with sucking on my neck, then sucking on my collar bone, causing me to whimper. This man was such a tease. 
My nipples were rock hard and strained against the fabric of my tank top. As Ted was focused on on my collar bone, I snuck a hand underneath by tank top and slowly started to tug on my right nipple to relieve some of the pressure. 
Ted stopped kissing me for a minute and pulled away, looking down at me. "I'm sorry? Am I not good enough for you?" he joked while pulling my hand out from underneath my shirt. 
"Ted," I whined. "Please."
"Please what?" He quirked an eyebrow. 
"Touch me," I continued to whine. 
"Have I not been touching you this entire time?" He dragged a finger down my neck, down my collar bone, and right onto my tits. His fingers trailed both tits, intentionally not touching my nipples. He wanted to hear me say it first. 
"I need you to fuck me, Ted," I groaned. 
"Yes, ma'am," He nodded. That's all it took for him to hook his fingers around the bottom of my tank top and yanking it over my head. I laid underneath him, with no tank top on and no bra. His eyes widened and his pupils dilated at the sight of me bare beneath him. "Christ," he whispered before leaning down and taking one of my nipples in his mouth. That's all it took for me to become a whimpering mess. He swirled his tongue around my peaked nipples, slowly, making sure he was taking his time. 
"Fuck, Ted," I whined as he continued to suck on my nipples, making sure he was paying equal attention to both. When his mouth was latched to one, his thumb and forefinger worked on the other one, and vice versa. My arms were littered with goosebumps as my body was overtaken my pure pleasure. I arched my nipple into his mouth, chasing the warm heat. 
After he was done, Ted kissed his way down my stomach, taking his time and making sure every part of me was accounted for. As he laid between my legs, he looked up at me to get visible consent to continue. I frantically nodded and he laced his fingers under my shorts before yanking them down. 
I was wearing a pair of one of my nice lacy, black underwear tonight. I continued to pinch my nipples as Ted sucked on the inside of my thighs. As Ted worked his way to my core, went to pull my underwear down before I suddenly tightened up. "Wait a second!"
"What's wrong? Are you okay? We can stop if you want," Ted looked extremely worried. 
"Ted, I think I would actually kill you if you stopped right now. I just, I've never," I motioned to him in between my legs and then motioned in between my legs. I was so embarrassed that I covered my face. 
"No one's ever eaten you out before?" He quirked an eyebrow at me. I shook my head. 
"He always said it was gross. He always expected me to do the work," I groaned. Ted scoffed. 
"I don't have to if you don't want me to. But," Ted paused for a minute, "I'd absolutely love to."
I slowly removed my hands from my face, "Yeah?" I questioned, this time I quirked an eyebrow at him. 
"Baby, I wanna make you feel good. Do you you trust me?" He continued to rub my thighs to get me out of my head. 
"Absolutely," I smiled. 
"So just lay back and let me make you feel good," Ted smirked. I took a deep breath and laid on my back. I raised my hips a bit in order to help Ted get my underwear off. From the top of the bed, I could hear his breath shudder at the sight of my bare pussy. 
He planted kisses all over my thighs, but instead of stopping this time, he placed a kiss right on top of my pussy, causing me to let out an elongated whine. 
"Wow, just one touch and you're already whining for me," Ted cockily said into my core. I couldn't even speak so I just moaned in agreement. 
He extended his tongue and licked a long strip from my core right to my clit. Between the warm, wetness from his tongue and the harsh contact of his mustache on my clit, my back immediately arched off of the bed. 
As his tongue kept sucking on my clit, he slipped one finger inside of me, thrusting it in and out. 
"Mmm, Teddy, you feel so good." I moaned. 
"I can feel you clenching around my fingers darlin'." Ted lifted his face from my pussy to joke around, but if he pulled away one more time I was going to start sobbing. I tugged on his hair and forced it back in between my legs. The second I pulled on his hair, Ted let out a whine. I'll have to remember that. 
As his tongue became more hectic on my clit and his fingers pumped even faster, I inadvertently started to grind on his face. 
I  had suddenly remembered the night of the gala, when I had gotten home and touched myself to the exact thought of this. The reality is so much better than I had imagined. 
As I was getting closer to finishing, I hooked my ankles around his neck and interlaced my fingers in his hair, making sure he didn't move. 
"Teddy, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come." I whined. 
"It's alright, darlin'. Come on my face," Ted whispered. That's all it took for the cord in my lower belly to let go as I came all over Ted's face. 
"Fuuuuck,"  I breathlessly groaned as I rode out my high on Ted's face. His face stayed still, lapping up every last drop of me. He looked up at me, his eyes completely filled with lust, with my come dripping off of his mustache. His hair had become messy and was flopped over his forehead. It was the hottest thing I've ever seen. I pulled him back up to the top of the bed and immediately latched my mouth onto him. 
Correction, tasting myself on him was the hottest thing. 
I reached the bottom of his white T-shirt and pulled it over his head. I sat myself back so I could take in the sight of him. His broad shoulders. His dad-bod. The little trail of hair that lead underneath his pants. He was perfect. 
"Jesus Christ, Teddy." I groaned as I pulled him back to my mouth. As we continued to sloppily make out, I trailed my hands down his broad chest, down his stomach, and cupped him through his pants. "Do you want me to-" I looked down at his growing boner. 
"There's nothing I'd love more than your pretty little mouth on my cock, but I don't think I'd last two seconds." Ted cringed at himself as he spoke, causing me to giggle.
"Next time, then," I smiled. 
He kissed me for a few more seconds before he took off his grey sweatpants and his boxers. This man was huge, I thought to myself. But I didn't want anything more. My mouth practically watered at the sight of his throbbing cock in front of me. As he reattached his mouth onto mine, I quickly wrapped my leg around his, flipping us over so I was on top of him. 
"Is this okay?" I asked him, wanting to make sure he was still okay. 
Ted cupped my face, "Absolutely, darlin'. Can you reach over to my nightstand and grab a condom real quick?"
I smirked at him for a second before reaching over and grabbing a condom. "Did you hope this would be happening, Coach Lasso?" 
"If you call me Coach Lasso I'm gonna bust before I even get to fuck ya," Ted strained. 
"That's what does it for you?" I laughed while ripping the wrapping off of the condom and rolling it onto his throbbing cock. 
I interlocked my arms around Ted's neck as I gave myself leverage so I could slowly start to lower myself on his cock. His eyes immediately snapped shut and his breathing started to shake. He moved his hands to my hips so he could control how I move. My breath immediately hitched as I felt like he was going to split me into two. 
"Jesus, fuck, baby, you're so tight." Ted groaned, with his eyes still shut. 
"I'm not gonna move until you look at me, Teddy." I smirked, making his eyes start to flutter open. I sank down a little bit more, still getting used to the length. 
My mouth hung open, not even making any noise. I was so overtaken by the feeling of being full that my body couldn't do anything. 
After letting my pussy become accustomed to Ted, Ted groaned while looking down at us, "You got all of me, darlin'." 
That's when I began to move. Ted held my hips in place as I started to circulate my hips. I leaned down to kiss Ted, and the two of us just ended up whimpering into each others mouths. 
As I sped up my pace, Ted tried to keep his mouth latched to mine to stop me from screaming, "You gotta keep quiet, baby. You don't want Beard hearing us, do you?" Ted whimpered. 
"The whole city of Richmond could hear us for all I care. I want this entire city to know how fucking good you feel." I whimpered into Ted's mouth. 
"Fuck, Lace," Ted moaned into my mouth. There was just something about hearing Ted curse that almost made me come itself. "I'm almost there."
"Me too, baby,"  I let out a drawn out gasp. As soon as I said that, Ted reached out and used his thumb to rub circles around my sensitive clit. That completely sent me over the edge. "Fuck, Ted. I'm gonna-I'm-"
"Come with me, baby. That's it. Good girl," Ted whimpered as he could feel me clench around him. The both of us reaching our highs at the same exact time. I continued to whimper as I rode out my high, placing my forehead on Ted's forehead. Our incredibly sweaty foreheads instantly latching to one another. 
Ted slowly pulled out of me, causing me to roll over and fall onto my back, completely out of breath. I covered my face with my hands, immediately getting nervous about laying in Ted's bed naked. He must've sensed my apprehension as he almost instantaneously covered me with his sheet. 
"I'll be right back, darlin'," he whispered while kissing me on the forehead. After a moment, he comes back into the room with his boxers back on and a warm washcloth in his hands. 
"Can I?" He asked while he motioned the washcloth in between my legs. 
I could've almost sobbed. No man has ever done this for me, ever. "Of course, Teddy." I smiled. My heart was so full. 
Ted used the washcloth to help clean me up. He even took his time since he knew I was still sensitive. He got up from the bed to grab me my tank top and a pair of his boxers to wear. After I used the bathroom, I got dressed and giggled at myself in the mirror. I looked so sexed out. 
I walked back into the bedroom and my heart beamed at the sight of Ted laying in bed with his grey sweatpants and his white t-shirt back on. His back was pressed up against the headboard as he channel surfed, looking for my favorite show. He patted the spot next to him on the bed. I flopped down on the bed and nuzzled myself in his arms. 
"Here we go!" He exclaimed as he put on South Park, smiling down at me. 
"Ya know, you don't have to watch this now if you don't want to. You've already got me, Teddy." I looked up at him. 
"Actually, I don't mind. I've gotten used to it. It's actually a really good show," he laughed. As my eyes started to flutter shut, Ted must've thought I had fallen asleep since he leaned down to kiss me on the forehead before whispering, "Goodnight, my love."
That was the first night in over a week where I slept through the entire night.
authors note: there we have it folks!!!! julians dead and ted & lacy finally fucked! the end!! (jk im just getting started hehe) but this is the first time ive literally ever written smut so I hope its okay!!
taglist: @nerdgirljen
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grapejuicestyless · 1 year
Love Me Until My Breathing Stops?
Harry Styles x Fem!reader
Angst to Fluff
DISCLAIMER!: There are some very serious topics in this. Depression, mentions of fucked up relationships. This is not romanticizing this at all.
Teaser: "Now they'd pass with whispers about how she'd only ever be a shell of who she once was. Destroyed by the weight of the love that she'd given so recklessly and the evil she'd let sleep next to her in her bed at night."
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To be honest, I had no idea where it went so irreparably wrong. You never notice you're slipping until your feet are out from under you and your head hits the floor. Maybe that's how I never saw it coming.
My bed was my new home, my tears were my midnight snack and my eyes were probably permanently shut from the puffy skin that was blotchy and irritated beyond belief. My pillow was my sanctuary and the darkness was my friend. I miss my old friend sunshine. I miss the backyard barbeques and the reunions in the park. I miss the kids running from the bees and the smell of the wet grass in the mornings.
It had been a month, two weeks, three days, twenty one hours and thirteen minutes since I'd fallen, unable to pick up the shattered pieces that became my identity. The shadow of the girl who used to find peace in the smiles from people passing by. The girl who threw welcome home parties and tended to her garden every afternoon. Now they'd pass with whispers about how she'd only ever be a shell of who she once was. Destroyed by the weight of the love that she'd given so recklessly and the evil she'd let sleep next to her in her bed at night.
I'd been so convinced that he was the one. Grew up these past few months believing I was all that he saw. Breathing him was slowly killing me. I thought so highly of the man I shared my in's and out's with. I'd wake up early just to see the even rise of his chest, dreaming of his curly hair and our future together. Now in my own suffering, I dreamt that he drowned.
But it wasn't his fault, no he'd asked if I would be okay. I promised I'd be okay. There was no okay, how could he believe me? How can someone simply be okay after wrecking the only thing I'd been sure of in my entire life? No, there wasn't okay. There was simply bad and worse.
Today, was bad.
On days like this, I would talk myself up to a shower. Rid myself of the stench of rock bottom. Ridding myself of the killer that drove him away. How could he be so forgiving to me not being enough? How could he brush off my wasted potential and blame it on himself. Guilt till consumed me whole, even if he'd underlined it in red that it was him, not me. His unfaithfulness that had torn a sweet love story to ashes. Tell me, how could the attentive wife to be miss the smirk hiding beneath his winning smile, his lessons really just weapons targeted at my deepest hurts. Every comforting explanation was twisted way back to what I feared most.
Soon, I'd find myself in the kitchen, raiding the empty cabinets and the ransacked fridge. There was only crumbs and lemon juice in the entire house by now. The appetite I'd worked up gone at just the flashbacks of the slow dances in the crack of the refrigerator light. His hand over mine and his empty promises soothing in my ear. Did he want me or did he want me not? I heard one thing, now I'm hearing another.
I felt rage boiling, the slam of the door rattling the plates in the sink and the pan on the stove. Ripping my hair from my head was the only reliever of the pain, tearing apart my body hoping that eventually it could be put back together into a beautiful bloody mess. Wearing my hurt on my sleeve and praying to god that, that someone could love me just as much for that.
I was thinner now, shedding the pounds like I had anymore to spare. The only clothes that still fit was a white ruffled dress that fell just below my knees. The straps hanging loosely and my feet slipped into black Mary Janes and red socks. I wonder how ghostly I looked stepping into the sun. Skin greyed from the lack of light.
I counted my breathing, noted the cracks on the pavement and counted the daffodils on the walk into town. All to cease the tears pushing behind my eyes.
It was nice out, the air was crisp and warming with the middle of spring having sprung. Vines were growing and the world was getting loud again. It was peaceful, I wanted a piece of that inner silence for myself. Maybe it would bring me a sort of closure, pushing me towards a more okay future.
I listened to the bell rattle with the push of the door, hands hanging loose at my sides. I waved towards the girl working the counter in the flower store. She smiled, recognizing the unrecognizable shadow that waltzed into the humid room. I pasted on the fake togetherness I'd mastered from unexpected visits from family and friends. Trying to imitate the girl who had lost her way long ago.
"Do you have any tulips?" My eyes remained glued to the flower beds as I searched the store for any bright pink clusters.
"A few in the back row, though you might need to hurry, they're quite popular today." I nodded, scurrying to the back in hopes to finally get what I wanted.
There, I saw the empty basket, the last bouquet of bright pink tulips being held up to a tall man. He was maybe six feet tall, but his posture made him seem a little shorter. His hair was chocolatey brown with free falling curls and waves pushed behind his tortoise shell sunglasses. He wore a teal cardigan over a white graphic tee that read something in blue I couldn't quite make out from the angle. His legs fit into lose jeans with rips at the knees and blue and white checkered vans. His laces were ripped slightly, probably from stepping on them, and he smelled like sweet vanilla.
He looked like happiness, a ray of modern day sunshine and fair love, his nose still buried between two flowers, eyes fluttered shut.
Some white carnations lined with a hot pink sat near the tulips, they looked just as beautiful as the fresh flowers that I'd missed by a second too late.
I let myself sigh after taking in the clean smell from the center of them, the crinkling of the paper distracting me from the hurt I felt inside.
"You planning a wedding?" His English accent wasn't horribly noticeable, but still able to be picked up on. I cracked a smile, trying to be polite. Trying to be the girl I missed.
"Something like that, yeah." He laughed, we made eye contact.
I could see his dark green eyes now, sparkling with interest. I can only imagine the lack thereof that I returned to him.
"I'm Harry." He held out his hand, smiling so much so there were crinkles by his eyes.
"I'm y/n." I met his palms. They were soft yet rough around the edges. His fingers had been picked at and he had guitar string scars across his hands.
There was a silence. It was comfortable, relaxed but still, I itched to back away.
"It was nice to meet you." I stepped back, walking away faster than I came to pay for the carnations clenched between my shaking hands.
"Hey wait!" His footsteps were heavy, hammering into the asphalt. I turned, but continued to move backwards, a faint smile played on his lips. Chasing after the beautiful fool who secretly adored the interest the random flower shop boy took in her.
"Missed me already?" I turned back to walk forwards once I felt his arm bump mine.
"Can't help it, you're just so missable!" He joked, flowers facing down at the ground, hitting each other as we walked close together. We left a petal trail as we walked.
"You say that to every girl you meet?"
"Only the runaway brides dressed up like Dorothy on her way to Oz." I covered my smile in my hand, brushing the blush off.
"I'm flattered." We shared a look, walking in silence as we looked at each others eyes.
"So tell me about yourself, Dorothy."
"Dorothy?" He pointed to my shoes, I scoffed.
"Okay..." I thought on it, counting the cracks again.
I knew I was barely together. Barely able to keep up with the work that seemed to just pile itself onto my back. I knew that my finger still stung from when I ripped off the engagement ring and told him to go to hell. I knew I was a fucked in the head, a childish girl who only wanted to be loved like she loved others. I knew at one point I would've said all these things to Harry, a man I'd met only a few minutes ago. Trusted him easily and let him in without an inch of doubt. But I also knew that wasn't fully me anymore.
"I haven't met the new me yet." I smiled at him, chewing at my cheek at the curious eyebrow lift and the breathy laugh.
'What about you, Harry? Who are you?" I looked to my feet.
"I'll let you decide." He looked to my face, my eyes finding it almost impossible to meet his warm gaze.
"Someone who reads too many love stories."
"Says the one dressed as Wendy from Peter Pan." I laughed, meeting his stare finally.
"Am I Wendy or Dorothy?"
"Why not both?" He was unbelievably easy to talk to, even in my mess and hurt, it soothed the panging in my chest with every breath he took.
"Let me walk you home, y/n?" I smiled.
"Okay." We fell into a silence again, out of teasing and jokes to share for the five minute walk remaining. I went back to counting the daffodils and he went back to sniffing his flowers. I went back to silently pulling myself together, picking up any shards of myself that had fallen and focused on my breathing.
"This is mine." I looked towards the dark home, the garden still neat despite the overgrown plants and the few dead plants. I looked back at Harry, then to his feet where his tulip petals continued to fall. They looked bare, hurt and dying now. I met his eyes again.
"Take good care of those tulips for me?" He froze, confused about the sudden request after my silence towards him and his polite offer.
"Yeah, of course." I nodded, turning myself slowly towards my front steps. I took in the pale blue of my paint, the new white shutters beautiful and perfectly matched with the white wrap around porch that hugged the west corner of the home snuggly and the short, white picket fence. You would've never expected such a fuck up to live in such a nice looking home.
"Bye, Harry." Waving, I made my way up the driveway, passing the fence and the the garden. All while he stood there, done with the chase, done with my mood swings. My politeness and my silence. My trust and my question. He stayed outside of my lawn, feet stuck to the sidewalk like gum.
Seven months, one week, six hours and eighteen minutes since I'd fallen, unable to pick up the shattered pieces that became my identity. Seven months, one week, six hours and eighteen minutes since the man who hung the moon for me in my eyes confessed his infidelities and left me to throw a pity party for myself. Almost six months since the next best thing had entered my life. My best friend, Harry.
Unlike my ex-fiancé, Harry came back. He came back and picked up the shards that I'd let crack and bleed under my feet and glued me back together. He'd come by once a week at first, checking up after noticing the vacant look in my eyes when we first parted ways. How I'd slipped into the darkest house he'd ever seen. Cold, tired, worked to the bone. Once turned into twice. Twice turned into four and four turned into almost everyday. His knock at my door my favorite sound. Yet, what he knew of me, wasn't fully me.
Even with Harry and his flowers decorating my home. Even with his laugh and his trusting demeanor, part of that girl I was was forever lost. That engagement ring hadn't only taken skin, it had taken the foolish woman who slept next to a liar and swallowed her pride. It had taken my ability to let people in so easily. And I wish he hadn't taken that from me, because as stupidly blind she was, she was some of the best parts of me.
"The Notebook or Ten Things I Hate About You?" Harry hoped over the back of my couch, his arm falling limp around my shoulders, each hand holding a movie for me to chose.
"Is that even a question?" I snatched the disc with Heath Ledger on the cover and waved it around Harry's face. He smiled, ruffling up my hair before getting up to pop the disc in.
"I need to stop asking you these things, Dorothy. I was hoping for the notebook." I stuck my tongue out, my heart flooding with a familiar warmth only Harry could pull from me.
I bit my cheek until it bled, my shoulder squished between his chest and the bend of his elbow. Silently, I mouthed the lines to the movie, my lips brushing against the soft cotton of Harry's white t-shirt.
"That tickles, my love." He laughed, craning his head down while mine stretched up. Crinkles folded by my eyes, smile lines permanently tattooed on my skin from just the past few months. What was a curse for others, was a permanent reminder of the adoration I had gained for Harry and his ability to fix what was irreparably shattered.
"What?" His whole body shook with a silent giggle, eyes reflecting the movie and an emotion I couldn't pin. I remained silent, eyes flicking down to his lips, his eyes following mine. I felt his touch tighten around my back and his body heat up.
Closer and closer, longer and longer. I panicked the closer I got to wrecking this beautiful relationship we'd built over a silly crush I'd obtained.
Sure, he was nice. He was handsome and possibly the best thing that had ever walked into my life, but stacking every single one of those reasons and more couldn't make me risk everything. I couldn't deal with someone else I loved walking out of my life.
I inched away, scared. I watched his face freeze, eyes relaxed and breath hot on my lips.
"Harry." I whimpered.
"What if we fuck this up? What if after tonight you change your mind? I can't do that again Harry. I can't pick myself up again." I quietly rambled, tense, scared of the idea that I would face the hatred for my own reflection for weeks and weeks again.
"Y/n." He repeated, softer.
My mouth stopped, eyes flicking to observe his expression over and over. Trying to fight back the tears that built and built.
"I swear to you, I'm not going anywhere. If you trust me, let me in just this once, I wont leave until you're kicking me out." He searched my face now, an internal fight going on in my head. He made it so hard to think being so close him.
"Love me until my breathing stops?" I asked, tears springing from under my eyes and gathering at my waterline now. Scared, just as I was all those months ago. no longer a vacant stare, but one of fear and uncertainty.
"I'll love you until my breathing stops." He wiped under my eyes, fingers quick to land on my cheeks. He waited, patiently for any sign that it would be okay to continue.
I nodded, swallowing.
"Okay?" He smiled, shoulders slumping like a weight had been lifted and he was at ease.
"Okay." I returned the feeling, lips brushing his. They were soft and plump. They tasted of buttery popcorn and chocolate. His nose bumped into mine, skin brushing skin and limbs tangling the longer we tried to hold onto the moment.
When we pulled away, it was breathless, and suddenly I realized the man who'd hurt me seven months, one week, seven hours and three minutes ago hadn't stolen the best parts of me, he only scared her into hiding.
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