#i'm in awe
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valleyofwater · 1 day ago
None of my thoughts are holy. None.
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Trying to learn to draw quickly so I can draw more of him 🥰
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cliji · 3 days ago
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she's unbelievably stunning
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namelessdumbass · 5 months ago
how is this the same person?!
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evelina-maar · 1 year ago
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Gypsy Taylor, the woman that you are
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spirk-trek · 1 month ago
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Starborne Fanzine | Michael Verina, 1979
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 1 year ago
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mjfass · 3 months ago
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ponury-grajek · 2 years ago
there is something absolutely wonderful in following your art mutuals for years and seeing them making progress and their art style changing, it's probably the most inspiring thing ever
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aelswiths · 8 months ago
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Gisela in 2x07
Inspired by @mojogifs beautiful gisela gifset
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transparentdreamruins · 8 months ago
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Jamie & Claire
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Random fact about me : I fell in love with Tom Holland when I saw his lip sync performance on Umbrella
And I honestly think that we don't talk enough about that
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juniper-clan · 1 year ago
Okay, so I am BACK with Moon Phases. Fun facts that are just trivia but if you or anyone cares, here they are! Moon 2 (April) we see a full moon when Heron sees the kittypet, which means that night specifically was April 22 1701
The Gathering in September would be the 17th.
There was a Lunar Eclipse February 22 1701 (Moon 0) that would've been visible to them.
Ages: Heronstar is 19, Longstrike would be 14, Heronpaw is 8 (obvs).
As for birthdays, starting March 1st seems appropriate for 1) ease 2) it was the half-moon which is normally the healer meeting. This also means something interesting! February that month just missed being a full month by moon cycle, with the previous half moon that follows the full moon being January 31! So off to a wonderful and weird start when it comes to ages.
So, using the half-moon and pretending they both turned exactly 7 Moons old (Heron) and 2 Moons old (Long) for the sake of this.
Longstrike would've been born December 3. If you want to make that his birthday is up to you, I'm not gonna assign your characters a birthday, but he'd be a December baby.
Heronstar would be July 9th! Once again, your comic, your characters, your rules, so if anyone sees this ask, Unless Jade Says So those are not Official Dates. Fun trivia, there was a blue moon that month, on July 30th.
Slickpaw is being assigned half-moon baby as well for the sake of my sanity, which is already questionable at this point. He would be August 26th, which supports his claim to a lack of food, as a month later was the gathering where Howlstar announced that her Clan was starving and would now kill trespassers. [Also instead makes him the month Long and Heron fought after she saw the kittypet at the border]
For Drama, the gathering would've been March 14th, and the April Gathering with be April 12th, for when Howlstar might ask if anyone knows where that apprentice ran to
-Heron Anon (I am absolutely that in front of the pinboard meme)
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This is you.
(Also this is amazing and this is all canon now. I don't make the rules history makes the rules)
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thatscarletflycatcher · 1 year ago
Teaching 🤝 nursing
Underpaid professions that have horrible rep despite having more vocational, kind, generous people in their ranks than they do abusers or narcissists.
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futurelabs · 2 years ago
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peaceful dawn 💛
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khaoala · 1 year ago
the actor khaotung thanawat is.
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yujeong · 2 years ago
"I'm not choosing. I'm just not eating" - Pete and the concept of choice
Oh Pete. You wonderful being, you. (Can you tell that I'm lost for words already? Great) I cannot stress enough what this line has done to my brain. I keep thinking about it to this day. I'm sure there are posts here that have delved on it in a more coherent way than what I'm about to do but I would like to offer sth to the fandom besides a small number of fics that will fade into obscurity, so here we are. (If anyone knows of posts that have touched this subject, pls share them, I'd love to read them)
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This line, at first glance, seems contradictory. What do you mean you're not choosing Pete? Not eating is a choice you've made. Surely, you must see that.
The thing is, though, Pete doesn't see that as a choice. To Pete, there's the choice of submitting to Vegas and the choice of fighting him. Doing nothing, to Pete isn't considered a choice. He's inactive, passive, simply existing. Kind of like how he is as a bodyguard in the main family. As a bodyguard, Pete doesn't make choices. Other people make them for him and he follows them. The first actual choice he makes is going to the minor family's compound to get the evidence against Vegas (which is fantastic and deserves its own separate analysis but I digress). Otherwise, he's just a weapon for the main family to use, nothing more, nothing less. You can tell that this is his philosophy in life by examining his behaviour throughout the show up to this point. Does he have opinions and expresses them? Oh hell yes. Does he still do whatever he's told with minimal arguing? Also yes. I would dare say, in headcanon fashion, that this is his mindset from when he was young and defenseless against his father's violence. I'm fairly confident in my opinion that Pete never fought back against his father, kind of like what Vegas is doing with his but not exactly the same. I believe Pete never even spoke back at him, like Vegas does both in ep 11, when he tells Gun he's doing what he told him, and in ep 13, when he tells Gun he never wanted to be his son. For this reason, I'm a bit skeptical with the headcanon of Pete killing his father. I think it goes against the basic principles of his character; he's submissive in nature and doesn't fight back and just accepts the violence inflicted on him. Maybe, in Pete's mind, he feels that he deserves it. It would certainly explain his self sacrificial tendencies throughout the series, that's for sure. Now, back to the scene in question, in Pete's mind, a choice would be to eat the food or to throw it away, wasting it. Not touching the food, letting it go bad, isn't a choice. Vegas doesn't see it that way because of course he doesn't; to Vegas, Pete is retaliating, acting defiant again but Pete isn't doing that. He's simply doing...nothing. Generally, the first time I saw this line, it reminded me of ATLA, specifically this exchange:
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Whoever has watched the show probably remembers that episode, in which Aang learned the third option of earth bending. That is, doing nothing = waiting. That's what Pete did. He did nothing, he waited, either to slowly die or to find a chance to escape. I feel like I'm not explaining myself properly but I just love how Pete's mind works and I wanted to touch upon this line specifically. It's such a nuanced take on agency and whoever came up with this line deserves all the projects they can get.
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