#i'm gonna make kitty's version of this set too
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dramaism · 1 month ago
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It's just humiliating, okay? Like how she rejected me on the plane. Do you know how that felt? After I put myself out there? It's not something I do.
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citruslullabies · 1 year ago
Catnap X reader
I've got this idea from another author, perhaps the reader is getting too attached to one of the mini catnaps? They spend their time cuddling the little rascal instead of him and he decides to make his displeasure noticed albeit in his own way.
Oh hey, I love that author! Bumblehoneybee is one of my favorites<3
Trigger warnings: none
Romantic/platonic: neutral (unspecified)
Requested by: anonymous
Category: fluff
Ship (romantic or platonic): catnap x reader
Word count: 565
Cat Fight
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After having redeemed Catnap, you were left to depend on him and for him to depend on you with the little things. Whether that be warmth or cuddles, or defenses, you two always had each other's back in the dark and gloomy place. Catnap just like any cat, loved you and saw you as his person.
And that's why you're in the pickle you're in now. A little smiling critter of Catnap had been spying on you before finally walking up to you while meowing its little head off like a banshee. You looked down at the oddly friendly creature and gasped, smiling and kneeling down to pet it in which it gladly accepted. “Awh! You're so cute!” You cooed to the rather prissy and affectionate feline.
Catnap was just coming back from finding food while Poppy and Kissy Missy were busy looking for routes in the place to keep going, happily coming back expecting your praise but was greeted with basically a smack to the face. He set the food and water down and let his ears fall flat, slowly slinking over to you and staring at the tinier version of himself. “..Mouse, why is this.. thing here?”
The larger feline was not at all happy with this, staring down at the smaller version of him. All of your attention was going onto this cheap little declawed copy of him and he didn't appreciate it.
“Catnap, just look at how cute it is! Hmm..” you thought for a moment, before plucking the little kitty into your arms and feeling your heart melt at the feeling of it nuzzling against you and wrapping its tiny paws around your neck. Catnap let out a low growl as he thought about swatting the little creature out of your arms, but refraining from doing so.
“Ugly little thing..” he hissed despite looking like it, displeased as he picked the food back up to continue moving. Kissy Missy was silent as always when they returned, judging the small cat while Poppy made a few comments here and there but ultimately decided it was fine if it was friendly. The entire walk you were just cradling and cooing at the little cat before you decided on a name, gently pressing your nose against its tiny one. “I'm gonna name you.. Cleocatra!” You said, earning a weirded out look from the larger feline and a purr from Cleocatra. But he said nothing.
When tiredness finally overcame your senses, he was more than happy to get cozy on the floor as you set the cat down despite its screaming protests. He wrapped his tail around your form and gently kneaded at your shoulder, being completely at peace before being disrupted by meows and little paws standing on him. He opened his eyes only to be greeted with a tiny Cleo that was pouty and trying to snuggle in-between them, to which Catnap grabbed it by its scruff and set it down away from the both of you. You spent all day with the little fucker, it was his turn.
But the tiny cat just kept pushing until catnap hissed at it, being quiet so he wouldn't wake you up despite your stirring. The little cat huffed and walked off, flicking its tail at Catnap as if it was a middle finger and snuggling up on top of your backpack instead.
Little shit.
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Thank you for requesting!
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synthaphone · 24 days ago
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took a stab at tweaking the Darigan Chia- it was a good lesson in humility, if I'm being honest. Its never been my favorite design, so I went overboard at first with changes, and then ended up reigning it back in and feeling more appreciative of the original design then when I started.
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(my original 'heavily redesigned' version before I walked it back a little)
The main things I wanted to change going in:
the spots not having shading
the face looking silly instead of intimidating
unclear attachment of the horns + the one closest to the viewer looking like it was attached at a weird angle
the claws on the feet looking like a mustache and not looking attached
the weird little claw at the base of the wings, which is incomprehensible to me
the angles and positioning of the back spikes - two of them seem like maybe they're coming from the back of the arm, but its unclear, and they also create a weird tangent with the already confusing wings
Shading the spots was easy- I ended up adding a few more too, since the value of the spots is so similar to the value of the shadows, the design felt like it needed a few extra that overlap the shaded area. After I decided I wasn't keeping my tailed redesign, I went back and added even more spots to the forehead- if I kept something else from that version, it'd probably be those spots, I think they look nice.
The funny face with the visible lower teeth implies an underbite to me, so I redrew it a little fiercer. I also played around with the idea of a cuter vampiric happy kitty mouth, but it felt too different from the original design.
I understand the original artist's decision to design the eyes the way they did them (the upper line of the eye is the chia's original eye, so if you put contacts on them they look weird but Less weird than they will on completely redrawn eyes), but decided to give my edit the Darigan Wocky redrawn eyes treatment instead, since the base Chia eyes are, imo, kind of awful.
While I made their attachment to the head more clear, I feel that I failed to make the closer horn aligned properly, and I don't think how I drew the rings on the horns makes sense with how they attach to the head either. Symmetrical curved horns are so hard to draw in perspective, and I suspect the original artist had way less time than I spent on my attempt, too. Maybe someday it'll bug me enough to take another stab at it, but I'm setting it down for now, lol
I'm not 100% sure the bigger claws I ended up going with are an improvement either- while they look more attached to the foot and less like mustaches, you lose some of the teal color on the feet, and that color is nice.
I initially redrew the wings completely, but ended up liking the shape of the original wings way better- mine feel cluttered, and my attempt to bring the teal back in a second spot doesn't have the nice contrast that the white webbing has. While I was making slight edits to the original wings, I realized that without the spike tangents and with the far wing re-positioned slightly, I probably wouldn't mind the strange little claws. Its not like this style of cartoon bat wing is realistic anyway.
Oh and I also gave my more elaborate redesign a tail because I felt like it looked like it was gonna fall over, and slit pupils because uhhhhh, and I gave all of them shinier hair because I got carried away and its fun.
anyway! if you read all of that- wow thanks, i hope it was interesting!
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panfroggy · 29 days ago
Zombie Apocalypse Cherik AU - Relationships
Relationship Things
I will feed you cherik lovers at the end but first. Some others.
Logan x Kurt (Logurt)
These two are in it for the long haul. They were planning their wedding before the infection broke out actually, too bad plans have been postponed. Kurt is Logan’s anchor to this world, he keeps him level and calm. Logan in turn is Kurt's safe place, after a rough life he went through Kurt is thankful to have someone who gets it and is patient with him. Surprisingly healthy yaoi. Kurt refers to Logan as his husband because he can, but he does want to actually get married somewhat normally one day. They make good dads too! Jubilee and Kitty are well taken care of and happy despite it all. They are happily in love and their bond is stronger than ever through the apocalypse. 
Rouge x Remy (Romy)
So, finally explaining them. After the outbreak they were attempting to reach FC but got caught off guard one day when camping in an abandoned mall. CHOMP right into Remy’s arm. Rouge promises that she can find a way to fix this. She’d heard whispers of a girl who was immune traveling south, so they catch up to the group. Rouge says that they need medical supplies for a nasty blade cut in his leg and to stay somewhere safe at night. Jean and Kurt beg the others to let them stay, despite Charle’s wariness that Rouge is purposefully blocking him out and he can’t read Remy’s mind. Staying the night, Rouge tries to siphon Wanda’s life force thinking her mutant power was the cure. This causes massive fighting and Logan threatens to kill Remy then and there so they don’t have to deal with anymore zombies. Rouge begs them to let her and Remy go. Saying they’ll go lock themselves somewhere safe. Die together somewhere safe. Eventually, they agree and the two disappear and are never heard from again.
 SO. Tragedy, I’m aware. But this is them two loving each other so fiercely they wont even let death do them part. Remy’s mindset is ‘if i'm going to die it will be kissing my soul sucker girlfriend and I don’t care what hell that puts me in’ and Rouge’s mindset is ‘if something is gonna kill me please god let it be my boyfriend.’  They are madly in love, Romeo and Juliet levels of love. So dying together is the only path.
In a happier version I’d say that the cure gets to them in the nick of time! Unfortunately this is not true, the two of them are laying in a barn somewhere. Zombified but with knives in both their chests (a trap they set for themselves). 
Scott x Jean (Scean? Jott?)
Silly high school age love story. Scott thinks she’s pretty, she feels the weight of the entire world on her shoulders. The usual. Very light hearted and fun and doesn’t get farther then a kiss on the cheek but it shows love preserving.
Raven x Irene (Idk man)
Okay so this is actually just angst. So, Raven ‘dies’ in the swarm. Very shortly after they run into Irene who’s like “I’m quite sad, the woman I was meant to love isn’t here. She should be… I’m sorry you lost her.” And Charles is GAGGED and it’s just more misery. But Irene provides some insight and gets they asses moving after the loss so thanks Irene!
Charles x Erik (Cherik)
Okay. The main two. The gays who cross the country to meet then go through Texas and back together. That’s a feat not for the faint of heart. 
Leading up to this Charles knew he was gay for a while, never been in a committed gay relationship tho cuz he was focusing on school. Erik is very very new to being out of the closet. Not Just finding out but not really accepting it very much until he decided that caring about that during the apocalypse was stupid as hell so yeah. Two bisexual men. Their relationship starts off cautious and business like but slowly but surely shifts into more. Charles helps care for Erik’s children and Erik keeps Charles safe and makes Raven stop shoving him around so much.
However, despite their growing affection neither of them are really thinking they’re in love until they are shoved in the right direction by Logurt and small children. This bubbles up to Charles getting confused and Hurt when Erik starts blocking him out of his head because Erik is worried he’ll be made.
They finally get together when, on the return, they’re intercepted by Emma and Azazel on their way back. They want to kill Wanda and take Jean to try and gain more control over the virus and eliminate all human kind. This conflict ends when Charles finally taps into the fact he’s an Omega Level telepath and completely wipes the twos memory of them at all. And changes their agenda to be going home. Erik finds this hot as hell.
After the brotherhood leaves and the kids (still sleeping) are safe Charles and Erik have a true heart to heart and they confess their love to each other. Very cheesy ‘you complete me’ type stuff.
They are each others other half’s the whole time. Charles patience and Erik’s sternness, Erik’s violence and Charles’s peace keeping, Charles’s optimism and Erik’s pessimism. They balance each other out and become quite the familial unit with the kids :]  
Ask if you’re wondering anything or have little ideas!!!!!
This on love.
Tune in next time for some other facet of this au.
View the original post about them HERE and from there you can find the continuation!
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those70scomics · 5 months ago
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Fictober Day 3: "I know you better"
That '70s Show Fanfiction
Fez had finished tempering chocolate in his industrial kitchen at home. He was trying out a recipe he created for Halloween candy. Rhonda designed packaging, and he hoped the manufacturer would deliver it in time.
The molds he'd designed himself months ago. He poured chocolate into them and slid the tray into his refrigerator. The pumpkin- and gost-shaped candies needed twenty minutes to set. It should go well, but his insides were melting with anxiety.
He wiped his sweaty hands on his apron, and Rhonda shouted, "Cocoa Puff!" Rhonda behind him. He stumbled from the refrigerator to her arms. "I'm sorry," she said and positioned him upright. 'I forget that you disappear into a different world when you're working."
"Yes. I did not expect you back for a half-hour."
"It's already past two. I'm starving!" She grasped the refrigerator handle, but he shouted at her to stop. "What's wrong?"
He grabbed frozen pork chops from the freezer. "Wrong? Nothing is wrong."
"I know you better -- and your voice is two octaves higher than usual."
He put the foil-wrapped pork chops into a pot, placed the pot in the sink, filled the pot with hot water, and weighed down the pork chops with a ceramic canister. "They will be defrosted before your hunger devours you."
She cupped his chin and pecked his lips. "Thanks. Now what's devouring you?"
Ah, his mashed potato was so perceptive. He wouldn't know what to do without her, and that was the problem. Her parents had discovered oil on their Mississippi dirt farm, taking them out poverty to the rich life. They were the real Beverly Hillbillies, except they had remained in Mississippi.
"I'm worried my candies will not be good enough for Miss Kitty's Halloween party."
Rhonda laugh-snorted. "It's only October third. You've been working on this candy for a month and have another month to perfect them. So what's actually bothering you?"
Fez glanced around the industrial kitchen. Their house in Kenosha was bigger than he believed he would ever live in. "What am I offering you?"
"Fez -- " she gestured to the sink -- "you're making me lunch."
"Ai, that is not enough! You're getting a PhD in kinesiology ... did I pronounce that correctly?" She nodded, and Fez continued. "Your career will help people. Becoming a chocolatier will make me happy. I hurt you to make me happy, too, but you forgave the unforgivable."
He ripped off his apron and tossed it to the floor. His life was a sham.
Rhonda picked up his apron. "Hey, that was over a decade ago, and you were under a bad influence."
"Do not use Casey Kelso to excuse my behavior. I am a horrible, horrible man."
"What's bringing all this up now? I don't get it. We're happy. Having a career that makes you happy will help other people. Remember Willy Wonka -- the movie version." She held his apron to her chest and sighed. "Gene Wilder is so sexy in it."
"Yes, he is. I suppose ... well ... " Fez ran his palm over the cold granite counter top. "Halloween is our favorite holiday -- and the anniversary of when we reconciled. This year, it feels more important than ever."
Rhonda slipped the apron over his head and embraced him. "Mr. and Mrs. Forman basically said it is. They've recruited all of us for her party. Even Kelso, Brooke, and Betsy, and they live in Chicago! We're only in Kenosha."
"And Jackie and Hyde live in Milwaukee. Perhaps the pressure is bringing up feelings I have not completely dealt with."
"We're gonna turn thirty next year. We have a lot of plans. I can't be your shrink. I can only tell you that I love you and want us to stay together past when you've gone bald and I've gotten arthritis."
She tried to kiss him, but Fez gasped and stepped backward. "I am not going bald! My father still has his hair."
"Gray, then." She attempted to kiss him again, and he let her. "I've got contacts at my university. I'll get the number of some shrinks for you ... if you're willing to try therapy."
"I'm willing to try anything as long as it means I can enjoy everything we have together."
She clasped his shoulders tightly. He winced, and her grip loosened. She had become better at assessing her own strength but not perfectly, and maybe that was the answer. Unlike chocolate, tempering his guilt did not have to be a perfect process. It could not be by its very nature. He was human, not candy.
Although he wouldn't mind being candy if Rhonda were the one who ate him.
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nifftykit · 4 months ago
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Audio version is in progress.. Also DeviantArt won't let me post my Art anymore which is why in here now.. Anyways.. Enjoy^^
**Angel Dust and Kit stay at the Hazbin Hotel. Both works for Vox and Valentino, Kit is Angel's personal body guard. Plus, Kit is Angel's best friend. Always ready to help him. Now, Valentino was yelling and slapping Angel because of Charlie, Lucifer's daughter on the set.**
Valentino: you idiot, who the hell do you think you are?!
**Valentino was grabbing Angel by the hair and slapping him twice**
Valentino: keep your mouth shut unless I say, got it?
Angel: yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
**Angel was holding his cheek, looking at the floor so Valentino won't see any tears rolling down his cheeks**
**Valentino turned and saw a snow leopard demon with red hair and blue eyes; holding his slingshot and aims it at Val**
Valentino: and what are you gonna do? Huh? Shoot me?
**He laughed not too amused by the fact that Kit pulled out a slingshot on him**
**Fires at Val**
Valentino: OWH!
**He gets hit on his arm**
**Angel looked at Kit when they shot Valentino**
**Valentino grabs Kit**
Angel: KIIIIT!!
**Angel runs away immediately**
Valentino: I'm gonna enjoy making you cry and beg, little one.
**He had a sadistic smile then took Kit to the studio dressing room**
**Kit struggles to get free from Valentino's grasp*
Valentino: Don't call me that, you little shit!! Call me Daddy instead..~
**He held Kit tightly, smirking. Getting annoyed at how hard Kit was struggling, so he grabs his tail and pulls it as hard as he could**
**The pain shot through Kit as he screamed and about to cry**
Valentino: hm? What was that? Did I hear you say stop?~
**He said that in a seductive tone, smirking**
**Kit sobs and nods**
Valentino: oh~? So... you want me to stop?~
**He was smirking mischievously. Loving knowing Kit is whimpering and begging for him to stop. Valentino starts playing with Kit's tail**
Kit: yes please don't pull my tail! I'm sorry I shot ya! Alright?..
Valentino: no, I think I'll keep playing with it~ it's so soft.. It makes me wanna rip it off and use it as a boa~
**He was enjoying playing with Kit's tail, loving Kit's crying. Making him cry more he starts pulling harder on it**
Kit: AHH!! Noo!!!-
**Kit kicked Val in the groin**
Valentino: OW!
**He was taken back by Kit's kick, getting a bit angry, Valentino pinned Kit to the dressing table/counter**
Kit: EEP!!
Valentino: ohhoho~ you're going to pay for that, sweetheart~
**He grabs the nearest makeup brush, starting to tickle Kit's stomach**
Valentino: such a naughty little thing~
Kit: N-No! Waithahahahah!!
Valentino: oh! Sensitive spot?~
**He chuckled, getting more aggressive in tickling Kit's belly button with the makeup brush**
Kit: HAHAHA STOP!!! hahhHAHA!!
Valentino: oh? Why should I stop? You deserve this for being a bad kitty~
**He said in a sinister tone, tickling Kit with more force with the brush**
**Kit squirms and giggles with tears flowing down his face**
Valentino: oh~?~ is the naughty kitty gonna cry?~
**He grinned evilly and started tickling Kit's feet with the brush**
Kit: NO! NOT THEREHbabahahahah!!
Valentino: ooh~ sensitive here too?~
**He smirked maliciously, seeing how Kit was squirming. Valentino then started to tickle Kit's feet with the feather**
Valentino: Kitsy Kitsy Koo to those cute, small kitty feet~
**He continued tickling Kit's feet, loving the fact that Kit is crying and begging him to stop. Valentino then started tickling Kit's sides with his fingers**
Valentino: oh? What was that~?~ Did you say I win?~
**He smirked, laughing evilly, loving how Kit was laughing and crying and begging to stop tickling. Valentino then started tickling under Kit's chin with the makeup brush**
**Kit blushes as he bite his lip and holds the giggles in**
Valentino: aww~ so you want me to keep going kitty~?~
**He grinned, seeing how Kit bit his lip from Valentino tickling under his chin, feeling Kit's body starting to get warm from blushing and giggles. Valentino then started tickling Kit's armpits**
Valentino: ticklish here too, kitten?~
**He grinned widely, tickling Kit's armpits even faster, loving seeing Kit cry and giggle in tears. Valentino was getting a sadistic laugh out of this**
**Kit starts banging my head against the table**
Valentino: what's that? I didn't hear you, kitten~
**He smirked, loving knowing Kit was feeling pain and suffering while he was tickling him. Valentino then started tickling Kit's hips more vigorously**
Valentino: anything~?~
**He had a wicked grin on his face, Valentino loved knowing Kit's limits have been pushed on how much he could handle being tickled. Valentino stopped tickling Kit, letting him catch his breath**
Kit: Y-yeah...
Valentino: Well.... In that case..
**Val grabs Kit's hair to have him look from side to side**
Valentino: Sice you're Vox's toy, I'ma have his permission for you to be my little pet.~ Would that be fun?~
**Valentino grabbed ahold of his mouth to shut him up; digging his claws into his cheeks**
Valentino: If that's a no deal, then I'll tickle you to DEATH and skin your fur after you die of LAUGHTER!
**Kin gulped**
Valentino: So what's it gonna be, Kitten?
**Kit was hesitant but gives in**
Kit: Ok... Fine!
Valentino: Good boy...~
**He grinned, Valentino's body language changed from aggressive and menacing to a more affectionate one, having his smile widened from thinking of how perfect this deal would be. Valentino then pets Kit's head and ears, running his fingers through Kit's hair**
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catboymettaton · 23 days ago
Marsh 10, Polly 16 and Jenny 19? :3
10. What is their main character arc in the story? Where do they start and how do they develop? Do they get a happy ending or is their story a tragic one?
hmmm so the ocverse as a whole is less of a like. Story Arc and more just about Growing Up but I suppose I did in fact go throuigh several story arcs in the time between creating these characters and now. much to think about
initially I created Marsh as representing the "water" element because the very first incarnation of the oc story was as a four elements type of deal and they were supposed to get magic powers and things and then I pivoted genres to a regular middle school setting. so the water doesn't really mean anything anymore. but to my 12 year old mind "water" basically meant like. being really compassionate and caring so Marsh was conceived as someone with high empathy and emotional intelligence who is good at helping her friends and stuff
OH WAIT she was the main character of another incarnation hang on. the incarnation of the story that I wrote when I was 14 and coming to terms with being gay was about. drumroll please. Marsh coming to terms with being bi! so that version of the story starts with Marsh realizing she's having some Feelings for a fictional female character (nonspecific) and kinda freaks out about it and then ends up talking to eighth grade's most out lesbian Ashley for support and one thing leads to another and they start kissing on the mouth. under the piano at lunch. and meanwhile Kitty (Marsh's best friend) is like hey why are you ghosting me and Marsh is like scared that Kitty's gonna be homophobic and actually yeah I think Kitty is in fact homophobic but she gets better
and then also later on in high school Marsh realizes he's also a guy and then in college starts transitioning and stuff. so that's neat. I hope this answered the question
16. Is there any memes or running jokes associated with the character, both in- and out of universe?
oh yes for sure. so one of Polly's main gimmicks is they love pockets. they're obsessed with pockets. they're great at sewing and love adding pockets to things. their shoes have pockets.
and I promise you I did NOT realize until after deciding this that. polly pocket. is a doll that exists. so this is definitely a joke that gets made in universe
the other bit with Polly is that they're polyamorous so Polly is poly. initially I also made them polysexual before deciding to make them a lesbian instead but in canon I think they had a phase of identifying as polysexual largely just for the bit
they're also into rpf btw. that's not really relevant but that's another one of their defining character traits. polyamorous rpf himejoshi
19. What is your general favourite thing about the character? What is your least favourite?
so the thing about Jenny is she was originally my self insert. and then when I started transing my characters instead of making her transmasc like me I decided to make her transfem instead. and I kinda don't think that was the right choice but I'm in too deep now to change my mind. anyway along with making her transfem I also made her fat so that's another characteristic that distinguishes her from me. except honestly I don't think I'm good at drawing fat characters and I need to practice more so idk if she actually looks fat in any of her art. but in my head she is fat.
which leads us to my favorite thing is probably how easy to write because she is just me an alternate timeline really. I project a lot of my hobbies and preferences and such onto her! I also like what I did with her hair. she's got blue hair with her pronouns also
my least favorite thing is probably. idk I do feel kinda weird about the whole origin story of how I made her Not Me anymore and I wonder if that was the right decision or not. also part of her backstory which is unrelated to all that, which is that she and Caitlin had a huge feud that lasted multiple years that started over a stupid fight about star wars and star trek. which I have come to realize is like. not realistic at all however I don't want to write it out of the story because them having a stupid feud Is a major part of the timeline. so trying to figure out how to handle that and make it actually make sense is kind of annoying
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tarisilmarwen · 2 years ago
Rebels Rewatch: "Wolves And A Door"/"A World Between Worlds"
Things get Force Weird as we approach the final stretch.
Live reaction version.
Right so I'm probably going to be cannibalizing some of my "Ezra Bridger as a thematic Chosen One in Star Wars Rebels and the messianic imagery of “A World Between Worlds”" essay because even though I still want to make that its own separate post someday, there's going to be things about these two episodes that I have to bring up and observations that will crossover with that essay when and if that finally gets finished.
I'm going to try to be very sparing with the caps too, because I've got two whole episodes to cover and ghksajhfkjahkjh there's way too much pretty to show off, I honestly don't know how I'm gonna do it guys.
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I love that after the somber musical fog they put us through last episode they start us off with bouncy plinky pizzicato strings and Loth-cat cuteness. They were like, "Hey, we know things have been heavy lately and they're gonna be again, but in the meantime have kitties sitting on top of doggos and feel for a moment reassured that there is still goodness in the world."
Zeb's skepticism re. the wolves is a little silly given that they've already shown that they're intelligent sentient creatures.
Ezra's already showing signs of the serenity and dignity he takes on as de facto leader of the Lothal rebels. Hera actually kind of cedes that role to him, and Ryder has certainly already taken several steps back out of cynicism.
So it falls to Ezra to lead them, to plan out their attack strategies, to be their head.
He's matured so much I'm so proud of him.
The wolves are deeply connected to the Force, and to Lothal. Ezra is too. In a way, he's of their kind. And after accepting his task from them last episode they consider him officially part of the pack it seems, because they readily come to his call.
Ezra's unique ability to connect, once again an invaluable asset.
Subtle animation appreciation moment: The tufts of grass that wobble as the wolves walk through them.
Ezra's favor with the wolves extends to the others, so they are all able to climb on board and hitch a Force-assisted ride back to the northern hemisphere where the Temple is.
Love this sequence. The pounding drums. The sound design. The slow phasing of the wolves into the ground and disappearing soundlessly into it, with just a whisper of wind in their wake.
I can't get over how the Loth-wolf visions keep going back to Kanan's "You want a ride?". Filoni has mentioned that Ezra's tuned into the "echoes" that are particularly relevant to him while inside the WBW and I guess the same must apply to the hyperspace wolves tunnels. It's fascinating, we've always taken hyperspace for granted but since it's part of the galaxy, it has to be part of the Force as well, so it makes perfect sense in a way that ancient Force guardians like the Loth-wolves, or creatures just intimately connected with the Force like the purrgil, can make their own hyperspace tunnels naturally, in order to pass through time and space.
"It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds the galaxy together."
Something I really love about the whole concept of the World Between Worlds is the idea that we're getting a rare glimpse at the inner structure of the Force itself, the tendons and strings connecting it together.
Anyway, sob with me about how the echoes end with Ezra's "There's just you and me." from "Siege of Lothal". It was just them, two flickering twin moons against the blackest night, holding back the darkness until sunrise.
And now it's just Ezra alone.
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What I wouldn't give to know what they're talking about.
Frick his whole bearing is different. He's quieter, more somber. We blinked and he grew up, aged five years in a night.
We reach the Temple and it's as bad as we've feared, the Empire has set up all around it and the area bristles with lights and equipment. They've burrowed down to the foundations of the Temple, trying to pull up its secrets by the root, and they've wholecloth removed the familiar doors from it, leaving a gaping surface level hole.
The Temple itself has sealed itself tight, barring entry to the interlopers, and I LOVE the thematic fairy tale underpinnings of this.
There's a line in The Magician's Nephew, one of the Chronicles of Narnia and another strong influence on the show's writing and concepts, that goes like: "Come in by the gold gates or not at all, Take of my fruit for others or forbear, For those who steal or those who climb my wall, Shall find their heart’s desire and find despair."
This is another overarching myth archetype: Only The Worthy May Pass.
If your heart is true, and you ask permission, show the Threshold Guardian respect, walk humbly and seek the boon for others, it will be granted to you freely. But if you're selfish, if you lie and cheat and steal and trick your way in, brute force what you want and are arrogant, demanding the prize, you will receive your just reward. And you won't like it.
Think of the last Indiana Jones movie. Indiana Jones is the one that takes all the risk, makes the leap of faith to save his father, and is granted permission to use the Grail's healing powers. The Nazi-aligned academic rival who barged in with tanks and guns and wants to live forever using the Grail's powers, however?
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Indiana Jones vibes are aaaaaaaallll over these whole two episodes by the way. The whole general feel of an archaeological adventure with an unexpected encounter with the divine, it's great.
I still think it's immensely clever that they used the recording of Thrawn to distract the Scout Troopers. Still hilariously convenient that one of them is female.
Even the music gets Indiana Jones-esque when Ezra and Sabine make it down into the hollow.
Hi Hydan!
I love him. He's such a good oneshot villain. Cordial and affably polite and yet my skin crawls whenever he threatens either Sabine or Ezra. He's another Thrawn archetype/parallel, he studies the mysteries of the Force in the hopes of understanding them, not for himself, but to grow the power of his Emperor. He plunders the wealth of the Lothal Temple not out of respect for it, but to dissect it for knowledge and power.
An absolutely seamless Mind Trick from Ezra here. So proud of him.
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The matching "Oh crap!" expressions on their faces when they realize that's Emperor Freaking Palpatine on the other end of the line.
The Mortis arc is actually one of the few TCW arcs I watched in full. Sue me I love me some Force Weirdness. So it was quite a delight to see the Mortis gods returning as artistic archetypal representations of the aspects of the Force. The Light, the Dark, the Unifying/Cosmic Balance. (Even the Living Force is represented in the mural by the Loth-wolves.) Since we're exploring the very inner scaffolding of the Force itself these episodes, it made perfect sense to me to bring them back, and tie them into how the Lothal Temple operates.
Unsurprisingly the Emperor's leitmotif makes an appearance here. Palpatine already has extraordinary clairvoyent powers but they've become confused after Kanan's sacrifice. Kanan has altered the fate of Lothal somehow, and even Palpatine can't figure out why.
(Pssst, it's because the Force is actually working against you buddy, it's trying to restore proper balance.)
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This moment was very mean and hurted in all the right ways.
"They'll be fine." "I used to always believe that." This hits right in the parental bone, ouch.
Harps and female vocals once again signifying the arcane mysteries of the Force.
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And this is gorgeous.
Ezra and Sabine begin to puzzle out the meaning behind the mural, Ezra only able to identify the Loth-wolves and the green convor that liked to follow Ahsoka around. (We've still not been given an explanation for that one yet. The prevailing theory is that it's what left of the Daughter, acting as a spirit guide/guardian for Ahsoka.)
The golden pathways correspond to the paths and doorways inside the World Between Worlds and when they're aligned on the mural, the wolves awaken to form the portal that grants access. Only one who can channel the Light Side is able to unlock the mechanism to align the pathways, via connecting to the Daughter part of the mural.
This is one of the reasons why Palpatine needed to cheat to get inside. The other reason is that, per word of Filoni, the World Between Worlds is actually a bit choosy about who it lets inside.
Again, Only The Worthy May Pass. Ezra is connected to the Force and to Lothal, a native son of the planet, a Jedi, and he has the wolves' favor, so he is granted access.
Like Maul back on Malachor, Palpatine cannot open the door on his own.
Sabine does a pretty good job bluffing the Troopers that come to investigate her presence by the mural, buying Ezra enough time to connect to the Daughter and open the portal.
Ezra remembering Kanan's last words to him, the reminder to listen.
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Rebels animation is gorgeous, I will hear no slander.
And this technique they developed to animate 2D images on top of a 3D CGI environmental surface was probably the same technology they used for mini Maui in Moana. Put to absolutely beautiful use, there's zero weird blending or edging at all, it just looks fully integrated and a natural part of the image.
Now, obviously the mural wolves need a clear space in order to form the portal but I also think they were drawing Ezra far enough away from the Stormtroopers that they wouldn't get to him in time. So that they couldn't stop him.
I'm actually reminded of a scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender (which Filoni also worked on), where Aang manages to slip in last minute through the giant door into the inner shrine that could only be opened by several Fire Sages working in tandem, and the way Roku--the previous Avatar before Aang, and a Firebender himself--seals the door behind Aang, so that even the Sages can't open the door anymore.
Ezra has a meeting with the Divine, and the Empire is not invited.
The score going full blast Indiana Jones mysticism, love it.
Like Thrawn, Hydan clocks Sabine as someone who doesn't belong there immediately, recognizing her from the incident before. The dig site is put on full alert and Troopers close in on Ezra, who's paralyzed for a moment, nervous to enter the portal.
Sabine yells for him to go.
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And with determination and purpose, he does.
And the portal seals behind him.
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Sabine's worry and fear. <3 Even though she told him to go, watching him literally disappear into a wall has to be frightening.
The World Between Worlds is a place where time and space have no meaning, because all time is present at once. Past, present, and future is all happening simultaneously inside the starvoid, which pulses with the whispers of those who have come before, and those who are yet to come. It's a liminal space, a space of transition, an "in-between" that is neither here nor there. @seleneisrising has an excellent series of posts comparing it to the Wood Between The Worlds, again from The Magician's Nephew, a seemingly endless wood with countless pools that represent different worlds one can enter and exit, if one has the proper travel implements (green and gold rings, in this case).
It is not time travel. Filoni and other writers make it very clear that you cannot, SHOULD NOT, actually use it for that purpose, because if you take something out of its proper time and space, things could go very very badly, and you could create a paradox that destroys time.
Ezra doesn't know this when he winds up pulling Ahsoka out of Malachor, but Ahsoka suspects--since she's been in this kind of Force Weird situation before--so that why she's immediately all, "Okay you have to put me exactly back where you found me." and declines to come with Ezra out his portal.
And that's also why Ezra can't save Kanan.
More on that later.
Our first series of echoes is about the Force, in general, and specific quotes apply to Ezra in particular, for the character journey he's going to complete inside this liminal space.
"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose." "What you need you already have. Unfortunately, you seem to be letting it all go." "I won't let him lose his way. Not like I did."
The World Between Worlds is already warning him of the temptation that Palpatine will offer, first with Kanan, and then with his parents. Palpatine will dangle the idea of undoing his loss, reversing and cheating death, the same thing he offered Anakin, if he would only just lend Palpatine a little of his power, just a small favor, just open this door for me good lad, don't you want this?
It's a trap. A trick. A lie. There is no reversing death.
You cannot go back down into Hades.
The Force theme permeates this space, floating above our heads with the stars in the vast empty void. Obi-Wan pipes in, via voiceover, to explain what we're seeing, in essence, the very scaffolding and inner workings of the Force.
Meanwhile outside, the troopers are not gentle with Sabine. Hydan tries to make nice and she sasses him to hell and back, refusing to cooperate.
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Sabine trying not to let her worry for Ezra show, when Hydan threatens that the Emperor will find him inside the World Between Worlds. <3
Vocal cameos from across the Star Wars canon as Ezra crosses the World Between Worlds. I know someone has identified all of them but I don't have the list at hand. Most of them aren't relevant to Ezra in any case.
Morai appears though, to help guide Ezra to the Malachor portal. I know it was suggested that Kanan helped orchestrate Ahsoka's rescue from beyond the grave, as some kind of "unfinished business" Kanan had yet to do before he fully pass on. Some people were confused why Kanan would want to do that, he was never particularly close to Ahsoka nor was he particularly as devastated by her apparent death. Not like Ezra.
I can accept that logic from the writers though, if it's Kanan trying to help Ezra finally assuage his guilt over Malachor, give him a chance to make things better. And give Ezra a Force Sensitive ally to help find him after everything is said and done.
Kanan knew he was going to die. Knew he couldn't be there for Ezra. So he arranged a way for there to be someone to look for and after Ezra after he was gone. He knew they would need Ahsoka's help.
My thoughts, anyway.
Ezra's quiet horror when the portal activates and shows him the tail end of the Malachor confrontation. :(
It is hilarious to think about how this must look to Vader and Ahsoka. On Vader's end he's swinging down and all of a sudden a hand comes out of a shimmering patch of air and just yoinks Ahsoka away into thin air and then the floor collapses under him and he just had to go back to Palpatine and explain all of that or else pretend that didn't happen, lol.
And then Ahsoka had to wake up in a weird place after fighting Vader and unpacking all of that My Master Is Evil trauma and then see an older Ezra in Stormtrooper armor, learn that Kanan was dead, help Ezra not break the universe, fight an apparition of the Emperor, and then run back to Malachor so she wouldn't break the universe either. Girl needs a damn nap after all that ha ha.
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Sabine continuing to be super uncooperative with Hydan. He eventually loses patience and lets the Death Troopers smack her a bit. She's not badly hurt but the point comes across; she needs to play nice or else.
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Ahsoka looks SO confused lol.
Vader echoes sound in the background, these ones attuned to Ahsoka, responding to the revelations she has just had about Vader's true identity. As well as an echo from the Daughter, when Ahsoka notices Morai.
(This resonates with what Filoni says about the World Between Worlds in a recent interview, that it attunes to whoever is currently inside, or the person inside only truly hears echoes that are relevant to them, the rest may as well be static and noise, incomprehensible.)
Ahsoka's the one who suggests Kanan's spirit is lingering, trying to guide and teach Ezra one last time from beyond the grave, through the manifestation of the Dume wolf, and yeah, it tracks. I kind of like the notion that Kanan clung to himself just long enough to make sure Ezra was okay before he let himself move on and dissipate into the ether.
Ezra latches onto the idea that Kanan meant for him to save Ahsoka, and then tracks that thought straight into "I can prevent Kanan's death too."
But it's not the same.
Ahsoka knows she has to go back through her portal and return to the time she left, sooner rather than later in order to prevent any kind of paradoxical damage to the timeline. But she can't leave the grieving Ezra in limbo and so she rushes after him to hold back his hand.
Once again, "You want a ride?" echoes, the moment Kanan first offered his hand and help to Ezra, which must be so intimately imprinted on him that it's what he always first hears.
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"You can learn what it truly means to be a Jedi." And he's about to, Kanan, believe me.
Ezra's theme plays here. It doesn't complete, never making it to the second stanza. Ezra's not thinking straight. His words echo Anakin's, "I can stop people from dying!" He's too wrapped up in his grief. He's trying once again to reach for power that isn't his to grasp, in order to stop loss from happening to him.
He is attached.
Attachment in the Star Wars universe has a very specific connotation. It has never meant love, or relationships, friendships, other people, cherished places or things. It is all about one's own mindset when relating to those things. Jedi are supposed to love everyone, selflessly. But they are supposed to understand that nothing lasts forever. Things die, people move in and out of your life, the change happens and you can't stop it "Any more than you can stop the twin suns from setting." Shmi says. Children grow up and leave home. Being a Jedi, being balanced in the Force, means you accept the transitory nature of things and let go of your fear of loss.
Because fear leads to the Dark Side. Being afraid of loss, of being without the things important to you, makes you angry at what might try to take those things. Which makes you jealous, clingy. Greedy. Makes you grasp tighter. Makes you desperate. Makes you seek for the power to keep those things with you. And there the Dark Side is, calling to you, offering you that power. Promising to help you keep those things you want.
But it's a trap. The Dark Side will consume you. It will not help you save what you fear to lose, it will instead demand their sacrifice. The desire for power will overtake everything else, every other noble intention or motivation you had. What you intended to save you will no longer care about. The Dark Side will be all there is.
So you must let go of the things you fear to lose. Let go of that fear, and it will have no power over you. Accept the loss, and do not grasp for the power to break reality, to cheat the natural order, just to spare yourself the pain of not having that thing or person in your life.
Because you cannot go back down into Hades.
You cannot turn back time. You cannot undo death.
"You can't save your master," Ahsoka tells him, so so gently because she knows how hard this is. "And I can't save mine," she accepts.
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And so Ezra looks at the portal, everything in him screaming in grief. And Ezra, who has abandonment issues and so much of his own worth and validation wrapped up in Kanan--"Kanan believes I can."--who thinks of Kanan as more a father than a teacher, who is still at heart a lost little boy who misses his parents... does one of the hardest and bravest things ever required of him.
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He drops his hand, and turns his eyes, and lets go.
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He faces the grief and loss head on, and accepts it. Doesn't let it master him.
And thwarts Palpatine one moment more.
Because the image of Kanan was not actually him. The Dark Side will never actually keep its promises. Or it will fulfill them in a way that makes it not matter. It all consuming, always hungry, never satisfied, and it will suck you dry.
The portal Ezra was tempted by leads straight to Palpatine. Who reveals himself like a cackling demon, shrouded and surrounded by blue flames.
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Outside, Hera and Zeb are preparing to spring Sabine free of Hydan's "company", though not before she learns the way to seal the portal again.
The lovely dichotomy of "Sabine will know."/"He's on his way." is great BTW, they have so much faith and trust in each other.
Sabine's cheeky little, "Sorry about the mess." :)
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I am fairly certain, though I can't find the post from Celebration that talked about it in overview, that Dave et all recycled several ideas from the planned Season 7 arcs for TCW into Rebels. This fight I'm sure was one of them, I remember something about fighting Palpatine in the basement of the Jedi Temple, where the nexus is.
Full male chorus for this moment, love it.
Palpatine won't give up so easily. He still needs to piggyback off Ezra's permission, because the Temple accepted Ezra and rejected him. If he cannot trick Ezra into being his anchor, he will simply attempt to latch onto him from the other side by force, through Sith sorcery.
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Also fanficcers once again have let me down, I need way more Bad End AUs to this scene than just the one I wrote.
"When you get back, come and find me!" An obligation yet to be fulfilled. Hopefully the Ahsoka show will finish this out. *fingers crossed*
Ahsoka runs back off into the shot where her back was to the camera from "Twilight of the Apprentice" and Ezra escapes, to Palpatine's severe annoyance I'm sure. I would not want to be in the room when that happened, lemme just tell ya lol.
There's so many things about this scene that I love. Sabine grabbing Ezra's arm to help him up. Zeb practically holding Ezra to him as they run, giving him cover from the blaster fire. Chopper's Big Damn Heroes moment as he drives a freaking drill (one he was eyeing earlier) into the crowd of Stormtroopers.
Ezra looking immediately to Sabine to tell him which one to activate, because he trusts she's figured it out. Zeb helping lift him high enough to reach.
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Ezra connecting to the Son, the score piping in with piano to signify the Force usage. Maybe Ezra is having to call upon the Dark Side, maybe he is just making a connection, but either way it's harder than it was with the Daughter. Takes more effort. He collapses immediately into Zeb's arms right after.
But look at Ezra’s expression:
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The way his lips and eyes pinch, how his face tightens.  The minute tremble in his lip. It’s not anger or fear or passion he’s channeling here.
It’s grief.
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Ezra falls unconscious into a Pietà pose (more on that in the messianic imagery post) and looks incredibly small here in Zeb's arms. This is such a soft moment and it's so sweet, I love it.
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The mural turns crimson red and the Temple begins to seal and collapse. Removing itself from the physical plane of existence entirely, to deny Palpatine access.
Our heroes flee, Hydan perishes, the most gorgeous animation of the show splashes across the screen as the wolves return to their place, the Daughter and Son descend, and the Father claps his hands and sinks the Temple.
Ezra is barely conscious the whole time, a lot having been taken out of him. It's similar to how he collapsed in "Gathering Forces" and "Vision of Hope" and "Holocrons of Fate", too much Force energy exhausts him. As he fades out, Kanan's voice calls out from the white light.
"The Force will be with you, always."
By implication, "I'll be with you Ezra. I'm alive inside of you now."
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And then all that's left is to say one last goodbye to Kanan, across the glasslike surface of the plain where the Temple once stood, into the rising light of dawn and the fading footsteps of the white Loth-wolf.
Kanan's theme plays us out over the credits.
These two episodes contextualize, and re-contextualize SO much about the overall story. Finally we know what Ezra was meant to do, what made him so special that the Force chose him, not as the Chosen One, but as a Chosen One, with a specific destiny and purpose that he needed to fulfill.
A child of Lothal, tested and found worthy by the wolves, who was already blessed by the Jedi Temple before. Favored by the Force to enter into its innermost sanctum to protect it from those who would desecrate it, twist it to their own purposes.
Ezra's narrative importance to the overall Star Wars saga becomes immensely clear. His character development is complete, and he now has the strength to stand against Palpatine's temptations, and the bravery to make the ultimate sacrifice for his planet and people. One whose results he won't even be able to see.
Just like Kanan did. Kanan's last lesson--To love unselfishly and give of yourself, even if means losing what you hold dear, simply because it is right and you are needed--will be Ezra's final act as well. And it took being asked to let go and accept Kanan's death for him to understand.
These episodes are beautiful in theme and message. The World Between Worlds is a fascinating perfect addition to Star Wars lore. The character work is fantastic and I can even pardon the clear favoritism in managing to bring Ahsoka back. I love these episodes so so much, they're my absolute favorites of the whole show.
We're almost done my loves, let's watch Ezra's character development pay off next time. :)
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silver-wield · 11 months ago
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 12
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
Onto the guilded saucer!
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First things first, we gotta find Dio, and with arrangements made to represent him in a battle royale the next day (yeah it's the OG monster battles only way better) we head off to get some sleep.
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Entering hotel we hear an announcement that a contest to become Rosa for the play is over and they're not accepting more entries, and yet as we pass Aerith we see her writing up an entry that she not only enters late, but wins. Because that's how things go when you're the Mary Sue and decide you wanna do something.
Yes this annoys me. If a contest is closed then you don't get to enter, let alone win. This is bullshit.
Anyway, Cloud has a two hr nap in which we get another sneak peek into Zack's world where he hears a bunch of confusing info from Marlene before heading off to find help for Cloud, but gets intercepted by a note from Biggs.
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Back in the main scenario, Cloud has a date. What happens on each date is specific for Cloud's feelings to them, though all the dates are optional and there's no default.
Jessie plays a vr ballerina version of Rosa, which makes Tifa and Barret cry.
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The second stage of the play is viewer interactive where the audience can take the role of a character in it.
There's three battles and some fun dialogue choices. If you confess to Varvados instead of Rosa, Barret breaks character for a second to be all "are you kidding me with this?" ���
The third act of the play is the contest winner singing. Yeah, I'm still annoyed they let her win a closed contest and somehow have music and production cued to the lyrics she hastily scribbled down within two hours of learning about the contest.
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After the play is the gondola ride, although it's now called the sky wheel. Each date has a different conversation and plays out to a different mood depending on how Cloud feels about them.
In both Tifa and Aerith's dates we see a flashback to Tifa telling Aerith about how Cloud recalled Zack. This is before she started writing the song lyrics. Tifa tells Cloud she hasn't had a chance to. Aerith tells him nothing important was spoken about.
Tifa goes onto imply she's aware Aerith has feelings for Cloud, and Cloud reassures her the only one he has feelings for is Tifa before they share the only kiss in the game.
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The following day we see the Turks on approach to the GS before we hit up the arena and get into a series of battles that ends in a second round against corneo and his sewer monster.
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Obviously our heroes win and give him an extended cut of their threats from Remake before he runs off to go harass people in Wutai ready for part three.
The devs in a shady bit of piss taking, have Cloud and Tifa high five just like he did with Aerith in the last set of coliseum bouts.
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With Dio triumphant, we're about to get the keystone when the Turks get in the way. Cait Sith betrays us and the party splits to chase his traitorous ass down.
Cloud, Tifa and Aerith are our trio for the rematch against the Turks but before we're done, Rufus shows up for another one on one with Cloud.
Why? Who knows. He's a petulant sob who doesn't like losing 🤷
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After Cloud kicks corporate ass, we go on a kitty hunt, but one that's more serious than finding Tifa or Betty's kitties.
When we finally catch up to Cait, it's too late to stop him. The Turks leave and Cait has to face the music. Tifa stops Barret from shooting him, but everybody has had enough and leaves him behind after Vincent lets them know he can find the Turks location.
The play itself is the bulk of the chapter and we get three different versions of it. I honestly have very little interest in Loveless and I found the first part kinda dull. The interactive part is fun and also has slight differences in dialogue and actions between each of his dates. I've only played Tifa's because, frankly, idgaf about the other dates. The intimacy between Cloud and Tifa on the sky wheel is everything and I'm so glad they showed how proactive Cloud is with her. He initiates the kiss and everything else. He engages her with conversation. He's the one staring at her while she's looking at the fireworks. He's being shown as very much into her.
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beloveddawn-blog · 1 year ago
Anne: Material Girl by Madonna
Catharine: Anything Rockabye Baby has done (like Hotel California)
Claude: Hotel California by the Eagles. Which I think is basically a perfect song but I just *really* don't like. It's brilliant and technically amazing and haunting and connects people and makes people *feel*... I just disappointingly don't like it myself
Darius: Surprise Surprise by Billy Talent. I think
For those who think we don't care/
For those that think we're not aware/
Surprise surprise!
Speaks to him and how he feels like his father is a bit of a sellout when it comes to the welfare of the people, and how he has his eyes open about how Dynus doesn't *actually* care about the monsterfolk, just about his empire. Also that music video is a trip and half.
Donovan: What's My Age Again by Blink-182
Iris: Carol of the Bells the version by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Jun: Circle of Life from The Lion King. Fight me.
Kai: (unknown yet)
Kitty: hmmm... this was tricky. I know she's canonically a j-pop idol, but I really think she'd like bopping out to things like Pink by Lizzo (from The Barbie Movie) in less structured settings.
Liam: In My Daughter's Eyes by Martina McBride. I know in the song it's a mother, but I feel it would really speak to him and soothe him. (And oh *fuck* was that a bad choice for today. One moment. Didn't... expect that to hit that way. I was in tears from the opening music)
Lucia: I don't actually think she would be a country fan, but I think I'm Gonna Take That Mountain by Reba McEntire suits her really well and how she handles adversity.
Lynn: Although I think her favourite song is Teardrops On My Guitar, the song I think that suits her best is Tied Together With A Smile, both by Taylor Swift
Nathaniel: Ordinary Day by Great Big Sea. I think he'd also love Sea of No Cares, but he takes his duty too seriously for it to really be his theme song.
Vaan: Storm by Vanessa Mae (who someone on YouTube commented quit playing the violin professionally to focus on her Olympic skiing career??? Tf, how talented is she???). Lindsey Stirling as well, but she's more well known nowadays so I wanted to put Storm in more.
Vivi: (uncertain)
Wes: (uncertain)
Wornhardt: Cell Block Tango from the musical Chicago. He wants drama VERY FAR AWAY from his life at this point tyvm but is also naturally a charismatic drama queen. Not in a negative way, more just a bit... larger than life, you know?
Xyla: Rage of Poseidon by Apocalyptica, though she tells people it's Unstoppable by Disturbed
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trickster-whim · 5 months ago
I went out to Goodwill the other day, and it was uhhh a bad time? It was pretty crowded by people with no concept of personal space, there was a kid following me around and shooting me with a fake gun and looking up my skirt, and there was a guy verbally and physically abusing his kid in there, which was scary and terrible. So that sucked. But um... I got some stuff... so yay.
I'm gonna do a read-more because I kept taking photos, but the rest of the post won't be such a downer lol.
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First off, tempted by this very Forever Knight wood block thing.
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The statuette game was on point this visit.
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I liked this little kitty music box, but it was hands-down the heaviest thing in the known universe. I can't believe it didn't break the shelf it was on.
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Again, gotta say, tempted. This guy was a look.
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Ready to die???
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I almost bought this little robot, but I'm trying to control my dark urges. The purple and lime green is a good look, though.
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Fish! Some of the big fish from the main canal were in the little canal at the side, and I scared them, oops.
Anyway, stuff I got:
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Blue Exorcist and In These Words (both in German) were actually an online purchase, but they got here around the same time, so they're in the picture. (Side note, it's really hard to find In These Words in English, and I haven't been able to find it to read online, so I got it in German to see if I wanted to try to find it in English. My German's not good enough to fully understand it without a dictionary nearby, but I can kinda follow, and this version was pretty affordable. The art's nice, too!)
I'm always looking for Furbys and Furby merch, that little velveteen Daiso pouch was cute and I can put pens in there, and I've heard of Children of the Sea and for $1, I'll check it out.
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The last thing I got was a Pottery Barn kids Star Wars bedsheet. I haven't fully decided whether I'm going to just use it as a sheet (I have a comforter set from there from when I was a kid, and it's my favorite and most expensive blanket) or use the fabric to make a skirt. I really like blue and yellow, so I'm leaning toward skirt, but I haven't decided. I've been really lazy about sewing lately (。﹏。*)
And then finally...
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I uh. I've heard of environmental storytelling, but I'm not sure I get this one.
0 notes
lilycovecity · 7 months ago
smt vv thread
more like i wanted to document this a little better than a usual twitter thread. also wanted to spend more time thinking about it.
i bought smtv on launch and started it, got a couple of hours into the first area and got freaking murked by a demon it completely shattered my desire to keep playing. which is really funny but also a testament to the smt way of saving every 2 minute because you never know when you're gonna get owned by a new moon demon.
in any case i went to target today on a journey for something else and smtvv was 20 dollars off so of course i copped it.
i think smtvv has such a strong aesthetic sense. it's peak kaneko except as interpreted by doi, which is insane because i feel like doi is doing kaneko more than kaneko has done. LOL. it's funny and cute especially when you compare smt iv/iva to smt v. i really love the school uniforms.
i was really surprised that they had like four variations on their uniform, including a sailor style and then a more preppy varsity type...i think nahobino's full gakuran with the lilies is so beautiful and i wish that we got a female character with the seifuku version because it's one of my favorite uniforms in the game.
the music in this game is also a lot of ambient noise which i love. lol. i dont know if the overworld stuff will be as strong as smtiv for me music wise but the big important scene music has been so delightful.
the first time i heard smtv stuff was at the concert and i was really floored by the instrumentals so ... i have my hopes.
in any case...
as you know obviously my favorite smt game is smt iv. so that's my baseline for comparing anything i consume re. smt. LMFAO i know the love of nostalgia blinds me but it is my everything.
so i find it really interesting that you're simultaneously painted as loser with no friends in your class but also you know the most popular girls in school. for some reason.
while i was typing this i went to go google what his canon name is and i guess it's kei amemura? which is cute. kei-san...
i'm already ready for the yuzuru/kei yaoi. a good demon hunter x demon set up.
i also think kei in general seems so...detached? there's something about him that's really whatever about the entire ordeal. kind of just being pushed along vs the other members that we've met so far.
also aogami/kei is kind offffff (pleasepleaseplasepleaspelaseplaese) lmfao
ok. we are back again. finally at my first demon fusion and i got cait sith :) my kitty cat. i love the demon fusion for smtv lmfao. sick organ moment.
one of the things that sucks about smt in general is the inability to like. teleport to ur quest marker. like for sidequests. i grabbed what u needed dont make me go trek all the way over there
ok. finally at the first boss fight (tokyo tower) the minotaur if u will. after this we will see if i continue for the night...
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ticklishshenanigansau · 4 years ago
Hi :D jus saw tat a new mlp show is gonna come out
Jus wanna know ur thoughts on it lol :P tbh Im open to the idea but at the same time I'm jus salty and mad that they changed everything abt it T.T they don't even hav frekin cutie marks reeeeeeeee
-:P anon
Kitty and I both saw the trailer for the new movie, and I'm so excited and intrigued to see what the writing staff has planned for this new futuristic version of Equestria!
I understand your concerns about the movie, though, but allow me to offer a new perspective: the staff is doing a reboot of MLP since G4 has ended, just as they had done when the previous generations ended. Only this time, they're basing the newest generation in the same universe as G4. But since they're making something brand-new, they aren't relying too heavily on the past generation to make a good story. It's amazing that they're referencing the past generation in this newer one, but the stories and inspirations of the Mane 6's adventures and accomplishments are the driving force of one of the new main characters in this version, not the physical ponies themselves (if that makes sense.)
To explain the missing cutie marks, remember Lord Tirek’s ability to drain magic from ponies? When he did, the ponies’ cutie marks would disappear, as they were no longer able to perform the talents that came with them without magic. Perhaps this is the same case for the ponies in G5; with magic gone from their world, they can’t perform their special talents, and only once the magic returns will their cutie marks return as well. That’s what I think, anyway. ~ Yosh
I don’t think that the magic of G4 can ever be replicated, simply because of it’s place in time. Nobody was expecting this cartoon targeted for young girls to actually be any good, and the shock that it was, or at the very least, better than people’s expectations brought on an entirely different demographic; a diverse fandom full of (arguably) mature, talented people who brought even more life to the show, both feeding off each other, going so far as to impact or even, at times, drive culture.
So, this new generation has a tough act to follow. Now people have much higher thresholds of expectation for this franchise, and there is indeed the stigma of ‘It’s different so now it sucks’, which is ironic considering G4 dared to be different from its predecessors. I admit I’m not excited about the switch to 3D or the modern setting, but I am glad that the rumors that G5 would just be a remixed version of the mane six turned out not to be true.
I’m sure Yosh is right and that the blank flanks are temporary, ‘cause cutie marks are too central to the core and lore of MLP, haha.
Also, even if the movie doesn’t grab me, I’ll still give the show a shot. There was a lot I didn’t like about the 2017 movie, but it didn’t diminish my enjoyment for the show, lol. - Kitty
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frecklesinoureyes-left · 6 years ago
Tagged by: @kaidacreator
Rules: Tag ten people you want to know better
I tag: @charliethechocolateeater @shejustcalledmeafish @shows-up-naked-covered-in-bees Sorry if I'm bothering anyone I don't mean to, I don't know a lot of people sooooo yeah @kaidacreator too tho you're the one who tagged me XD
Height: 5 feet 6 and three quarters inches :)
Star Sign: Gemini
Put your music on shuffle. What are the first four songs that come up?
1. Stay by Rihanna
2. Apologize by One Republic
3. Bills Bills Bills (the Glee cast version lol)
4. Crystals by Of Monsters and Men
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What's line 17?
And soon she was off on another tack: "Can you call the birds and beasts to you?" She asked.
~A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
I haven't read it yet but I probably will eventually...
Ever had a poem or a song written about you?
When was the last time you played air guitar?
Uhh a couple months ago most likely :)
Who is your celebrity crush?
Katie McGrath definitely, and I really like Zooey Deschenel or however you spell her last name
What's a sound you hate and a sound you love?
I hate it when people cry, it makes me super upset. Like angry almost, because I can't stop them from crying and fix everything. I love the sounds of rain falling on the roof, birds chirping in the springtime, and my nice kitty cat purring.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Not really, but when I watch an episode of Supernatural and lie awake at one in the morning I'm a little more convinced
How about aliens?
Yeah! But I don't think we'll ever be able to make any kind of contact with anything
Do you drive?
Well I've got a permit, but no license yet because.... Well I dunno I'm scared of the test I guess
If so, have you ever crashed?
Nah, came close a few times though
What was the last book you read?
Well the most recent book I read was The Omnivores Dilemma, for my environmental science class, but I read The Hobbit a month ago or so which was much more fun :)
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
No, there's gonna be a fire or something that's scary
What was the last movie you saw?
In theaters, I went to see Crazy Rich Asians with @kaidacreator, but I just saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a week ago, which was really good.
What was the worst injury you've ever had?
Well uh I injure myself constantly because I'm a klutz, the worst was probably when I broke my leg a couple years ago though, I was setting up a treasure hunt for my little cousins and slipped on some gravel trying not to be seen
Do you have any obsessions right now?
Well I love Supernatural and Lucifer obviously, but I have just now watched all five seasons of Steven Universe in about two weeks so I think that counts.
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Yeah, but only when they've really done something really mean.
In a relationship?
Um,,, yeah??? :)) My girlfriend's the nicest person I know and just absolutely wonderful. I don't smile a whole lot but I smile every time I see her. I just finished making her something which is why I took so long to post this. :)
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Superheroes with Secrets: Batman and Catwoman (Fic part 47) (Set in 2001)
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places.
Tags: @piratewithvigor please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts
‘Giantess’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
Reference Posts: Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms
Kirby ‘The Blacklight Bandit’ Roussimoff
Notes: The story is set in 2001, which would make Helms 27 and Kirby 31. This story also blends Kayfabe and Reality. Certain people speak in different colours, Mainly: Helms is Green. Kirby is Orange. Kane is Red. Undertaker is Purple. Big Show is Blue.
Other members of the BSK are also in purple.
Other women are in Pink.
"How's this feel, sweetheart?"
"Oh ... it's ... perfect." Kirby whispers between moans of pleasure.
"Feels good to me too... so damn tight..."
"Shane, I love you, mon ange."
"I love you too, Kirby. So damn much."
Kirby leans up to kiss Helms, moaning against his lips as he pumps into her.
"Getting close..." he whispers against her lips.
"God, fuck me..." Kirby whispers before she screams his name as she cums, her hips bucking up against his.
Helms only needs a few more thrusts before he reaches his climax, groaning loudly.
"You alright, babe?" Kirby whispers.
"Never been better, sweetheart." He smiles.
"You're so handsome, you know, when you're all sweaty and breathless."
"Convenient I get sweaty and breathless for a living."
"You know what I mean, when you're like this, all ... I don't know the right word, glowy?"
"Glowy works. If I looked like Thor, you could call me your lightning bug."
"Green Lantern's light." Kirby jokes.
"Works for me."
Kirby pulls Helms into a gentle kiss, "if you're the green Lantern, what does that make me?"
"Well, in some versions, that makes you Alexandra DeWitt, but she dies really fast."
"Jesus Christ, Shane, don't you go comparing me to a character who dies quickly." Kirby murmurs against his neck.
"Not intending to. Green Lantern is just a really big loner. Kinda like how I thought I'd be. But for a better comparison..." He pauses to think for a moment. "If I'm Green Lantern, you're the ring. My most prized possession, the one who makes me powerful. Beautiful, bright, and with a hole I love to put my finger in." He grins devilishly.
"This is why I stick with She-Hulk." Kirby states flatly before shifting their positions again so she's on top.
"At least give me credit for being cute and poetic before I got dirty."
"I will admit, up until you got dirty with it, it was very sweet." Kirby whispers as she lifts herself up to straddle his crotch, with him still inside her.
"Thank you. That's all the validation I need."
Kirby smirks slightly as she thinks of other superheroes to compare them with, shifting herself slightly to roll her hips against his, "if you were Green Arrow, that would make me Black Canary."
"I can see that. For sure."
"Or, Batman and Catwoman, or maybe even Reed Richards and Sue Storm, or perhaps Superman and Lois Lane."
"You're far cooler than Lois Lane. I can take Batman and Catwoman."
Kirby rolls her hips against his again, "or ... Spiderman and Mary Jane Watson."
"Well, if that's the case, I wanna try a spider kiss."
"If you want that to work, you're gonna have to get quite high up babe."
He thinks for a minute. "Do you know who's staying in the room directly under us?"
"No, why?"
"I was thinking I hang off the balcony here and hold the railings with my legs and you get a kiss from the balcony underneath. With proper spotting from up here, of course."
"No, last time I was on a balcony it didn't end well." Kirby murmurs, blushing in embarrassment.
"Then maybe you sit on the floor and I lay down on the bed."
"Now that, that might work."
"Wanna try?"
"In about five minutes maybe." Kirby whispers, rolling her hips again.
"Just using me as a scratching post first?"
"Exactly, and there's an itch deep inside me, if you know what I mean." Kirby teases.
"Scratch away, kitty cat."
Kirby smirks, pinning his hands above his head and kissing from his lips to his collarbone, pumping his cock into her rhythmically. Helms couldn't be more pleased to be pinned down and ridden, watching his beloved look so happy and pleased from below. It doesn't take long for Kirby to be on the edge of her climax, but she stops herself from satisfying the need for release.
"Why'd you stop?" Helms practically whines.
"Because I can hear someone outside and didn't want to freak them out by screaming your name, I'm kidding, I stopped because I was hoping you'd take control once I did this," Kirby takes her hands away from his wrists.
"Mmm, think I can do that." He smirks, flipping them over with surprising ease. 250lbs flipped with pretty much just his abs and hips.
Kirby moans as Helms flips them over, not cumming but slightly surprised at his feat of strength.
"They ain't just for show, sweetheart."
"I know, but damn that was sexy."
"Glad you thought so. Gives me a lot more incentive to work out in like three hours."
"Shit, I forgot it was so early."
"It's alright. This is more fun than sleep."
"Oh I bet" Kirby jokes.
"It's promising to be even more fun." He smirks, pinning her wrists to the bed.
"Oh mon sauvage." Kirby whispers.
He leans down and bites a tiny hickey right between her breasts. Somewhere only they'd see. Kirby moans as Helms leaves the mark, slightly in pain but mostly in pleasure. He starts moving his hips intently, thrusting in hard. Kirby cums as he does so, throwing her head back and screaming his name in pleasure.
"There we go." He murmurs happily. "Feel better, sweetheart?"
Kirby nods, trying to get slow her breathing.
"Good girl."
"Isn't that always the way, a good girl with a bad boy?" Kirby jokes.
"Must be. You've got yourself an utter scoundrel here."
"Oh really, a scoundrel, name one bad thing you'd like to do to me, if you're such a scoundrel."
"I'd like to mark you up where people will see."
"Anything else you want to do to me, Hero?"
"Well, if we're getting really kinky, I'd like to tie you up to the bed. Keep you from squirming kind of tight."
"Any other kinks in that skull of yours?" Kirby questions teasingly.
"A couple, but none I'd want to do without us being at home."
"Oh, that just makes me more curious about you, mon ange."
"Lil' ol' me? I'm the tall, dark, mysterious one?" He grins.
"You damn sure are, babe." Kirby whispers.
"Well, as long as I've got that going for me, I'm not too inclined to stop." He chuckles. "Might ease up on the mystery a little."
"I don't think I've got any kinks ... I've always thought the idea of lifting someone's head with a knife or something was sexy though"
"Sexy, but dangerous as hell. Blood play gets... messy."
"It's not that, just the side of the blade lifting their head."
"Definitely sexy... just takes one wrong jolt to make it anything but."
"God, I would hate to hurt you." Kirby murmurs.
"Too many arteries in the neck. If I did test it out, we'd need to be somewhere silent, but also with a hospital close by."
"Shane, drop it." Kirby whispers, finding herself unable to look at his face.
"Just saying I've got too much blood on my hands already..." he mumbles softly.
"Shane, I know, I'm sorry I brought up something dangerous." Kirby murmurs, barely loud enough to hear.
"You don't have to be sorry. Like I said, tall dark and mysterious." He shrugs. "For the time being, we can keep to safer things."
"I also ... never want to take it ... in the ass." Kirby mutters, still looking away but blushing bright pink.
"Good. Didn't really want to give it there. Health class told me way too much about anal to ever be into it."
"I didn't go to Health class an awful lot, kinda thought it wasn't necessary and would flunk it, used to go out to where the seniors and staff smoked and talk to whoever was out there during classes I didn't like." Kirby admits, barely above a whisper and blushing red.
"It wasn't anything to write home about. Mostly extremely religious 'hairy palms if you masturbate, premarital sex will kill you' stuff at my school."
"I went to one class and was used as an example of what happens to your kids if you have premarital sex, ruined my life for a while, until I changed school."
"I deeply hope someone was sued over that."
"I was too ashamed of myself being the way I am to tell anyone, I thought they'd just laugh at me."
"You had no right to be treated that way. You didn't deserve it."
"Couldn't escape being treated like shit back then. I excelled in sports, but got ridiculed for it. I was great at Languages like French and Spanish, but got picked on for it. Every time I was good at something, I knew I was going to be bullied for it so I hid myself from the world."
"Oh God..." Helms whispers, his heart breaking even further for his girl.
"I remember one day, when I was twelve, I was drawing and these two older girls came over to me and ripped apart my sketchbook and I was so distressed that I couldn't stop shaking for the rest of the day."
"You didn't deserve for that to happen. Not at all."
"It's why I bottle everything up, I don't like talking about it because I feel as though people will laugh at me."
"No one would dare to anymore."
"God, Helms, I'm so fucking stupid."
"How on earth do you figure that?"
"Because I have hidden myself from the world for so long, I hardly know how to be human."
"Sweetheart, you're more human than anyone I know. You went through everything you did and you still have the capacity to trust and love people. Some go through a fraction of that and become serial killers. What's more human than the capacity to love?"
"I dare say the fact I'm reluctant to stand up for myself makes me less of a person."
"Not at all. It means you're kind. That you love people beyond their kindness for you. It doesn't make you less of a person."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"I'm trying to make you feel better, yes, but that doesn't mean it isn't true."
Kirby tries to pull her wrists out of his grasp but fails.
"Do you want me to let you up?"
Kirby lets out a shaky breath but shakes her head 'no'.
"You're safe here, Kirby. You're safe with me, okay?"
"Okay, I'm okay. Shane, you sure you wouldn't change a thing about me?"
"Only thing I would change is letting you see yourself the way I see you. As perfect as a person can get."
"Nothing else?"
"Not a thing."
"I don't know anything I would change about you, except for how many times you kiss me or fuck me." Kirby whispers.
"Too many or not enough?"
"I'd be up for round three." Kirby teases.
"Hell, sweetheart, I'm still inside you." He chuckles.
"I know that, but I'd still be up for another round."
"Convenient, cause I am too."
"One question, do you have anything to tie my wrists to the bed with?"
"Got my tie. Might be long enough."
"Do you wanna try it?"
"God yes."
"Then what are you waiting for?"
Helms is practically giddy as he slides out to fetch his tie from the floor. Kirby adjust herself to have her wrists tied to the bed, feeling two rounds of Helms' cum slowly dripping out of her already wet heat.
He's quick and efficient tying her up. Not escapable unless you pull on the right part. "All tied up like a gift just for me." He grins.
Kirby shifts her weight slightly, "good lord, I can feel your cum filling me up, two rounds already and it's not even six am."
"You asked for this one, sweetheart." He chuckles.
"I know, I just didn't realise how much I could feel it, usually I don't feel much, but this, this I can feel extremely well."
"That's the point. Wanna make you feel so damn good."
"Fill me up, mon sauvage." Kirby purrs.
"Planning on it." He smirks, sliding back in.
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mandysxmuses · 6 months ago
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"Wha-- what the fuck? I'm not here to do anything weird, I'm doing this to help him. Shut up. I knew that kid in there before Zhang, I'm his friend. Look-- I'll explain everything if you want. Might as well, this shit's already on camera... I already know Zhang's his guardian, is that what that means?"
And, maybe, if he did explain, this dipshit kid might actually put in a good word for him about what a great teacher he was to Zhang! And then he'd finally be hired.
... That was the things-going-way-too-well version of events, though, and Todd's main priority was just not getting eaten by a werewolf. They already had one of those in the Void.
... And that was making him wonder how Zhang hadn't changed and effortlessly destroyed the entire school yet.
Todd sat down next to the dumpster, crossing his legs like he was about to tell a campfire story.
"Okay, so this asshole in the dumpster is Jemand. And Niemand's always been his little scapegoat."
More muffled screaming continued. Todd slapped the side of the dumpster.
"Shutthefuckup! -- Anyway. Niemand apparently got a phone somehow and was able to find you guys. And he got out, and he was happy. And I didn't give two shits. I really didn't. If he's happier up here, more power to the little shit. I don't blame him, I know the Void's a shithole. And Jemand's a big reason it is one. So good for him."
Todd gestured to himself.
"But Jemand was weird about it, really weird, so he wanted me to apply. And I wasn't gonna try to bring him back--" More screaming. "SHUT UP, JEMAND-- so I did! I don't even know what position I was applying for, I think it was reading, I don't know? Somethin'... either way, Principal Fuckstick didn't call me back because he's a fucking idiot, and so Jemand just sent me up again to try and make him come back. I didn't. We literally just went into town in a car and Niemand bought me some cute kitty figurines. And I smoked. Hell yeah."
The screaming was slowly dissolving into sobbing.
"Then Jemand set his whole garden on fire, and the garden's a really big deal to Niemand so I was almost sure that was gonna get him back, but it didn't. And then, uh, I beat the absolute shit outta Jemand. And now he's here. Tah-daaah."
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"I'm pretty sure Niemand's gonna be fucking thrilled. I already sent him the picture."
Eyes widened. Niemand... That super sheltered kid the Principal adopted? What were they doing talking to him? His expression faltered, turning to one far colder than it had been. 
If he applied to replaced Kiara, then who was to say he was any different from her?
Henri still had the phone camera rolling.
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"Oh, you mean the Principal's son? What are you doing, talking to a school kid like that? How do you know him? You fucking creeps. You know if you do anything to him, Mr. Zhang will kill you right?"
If Henri didn't, of course.
He already had his eye on Ms. Nagatoro to feed to Centrias next. She just had to slip up.
"Like actually kill you. He's some kind of wolf thing."
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