#i'm engaged to an antizionist jew. they exist
dayvan · 11 months
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a bug fan of Isreal and the Jewish people, (Their hypocrisy is revolting) but when I research and find the Hamas statement so intent on killing jews, not just retaking their land but focusing on killing jews specifically.
"Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him." (Article 7)
(Taken directly from the Hamas covenant https://embassies.gov.il/holysee/AboutIsrael/the-middle-east/Pages/The%20Hamas-Covenant.aspx)
I dont care too much, so support who you want to support, I still like your content regardless of political opinions. They only show you the best of themselves and the worst of their enemies doesn't matter what side you are on. Stay safe and keep love in your heart.
nobody is "showing me the best of themselves", do you think hamas wants to convince me in particular that they're the good guys? they don't give a fuck what we think all the way over here. they don't even have internet access to check my blog.
when you see my unwavering support for palestinians and think i endorse hamas, you're making assumptions about me based on a very black-and-white perception of this conflict. yes hamas is bad. but people online shouldn't have to preface every single word of support for palestinian resistance with "hamas bad", especially when hamas is only the biggest political party in Palestine because Israel thwarted any secular opposition in order to fuel the fire for a religious war to use as an excuse for territory annexation.
thank you for not coming out of the gate with insults like the last anon and i hope i've shown you my perspective well. basically: hamas is an extreme islamist group, and i'm not going to fuck with any extreme religious group.
but the palestinian people should not have to answer in blood for the lashing out of a cornered extremist group, and realistically they were never given the option to pick any other party to give them hope of revolution [even setting undeniable israeli interference aside, the majority of palestinians today weren't of voting age when Hamas came into power. reminder that the median age of Palestinians is 19.6 years as of 2023.]
unlike israelis, palestinians do not have the choice to just leave and decide to not support thteir government. this is all they have. i can't stress enough how desperate these people are for a semblance of stability, and stability has eluded them for decades because of Israeli occupation. unless the international community is pressured into intervening, hamas is ALL they are going to have.
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the-library-alcove · 1 year
Ironic Parallels
For all that the political Left likes to claim that they're without bias or bigotry, just existing as a Jew in Leftist spaces will quickly demonstrate otherwise. And for maximum irony, the patterns of systemic antisemitism on the Left don't mirror right-wing antisemitism. Instead, they mirror right-wing racism. Imperfectly, for sure, but the parallels between how the Right treats Black people and how the Left treats Jews are striking.
Discussions of systemic bigotry are deflected with Whataboutisms so that the instigating issue isn't addressed. For African-Americans, it's often "What about Black-on-Black crime?" and similar by the Right-Wing, and for Jews, it's "What about Israel?"
Alternatively, a prominent political advocacy organization is attacked and defamed in order to again deflect and dismiss. "BLM is violent and engages in riots!" or the usual libels against ACORN, and "Israel is fascist!" or the usual libels against AIPAC and the ADL.
At the same time, prominent dead members have their words cherrypicked to make people feel good about themselves and their treatment of that group. Contrast how MLK's "I had a dream!" speech is used by the Right-Wing with how Anne Frank's "I believe that people are fundamentally good at heart" is used by the Left.
On that same theme, token members are held up to deflect accusations of systemic bias. African-American right-wingers prove that the Right Isn't Racist, and Jewish Antizionists prove that the Left isn't antisemitic--or, conversely, the extremist members of the individual group are cherrypicked to "prove" that the whole group is like them.
Furthermore, laws are proposed or passed to disrupt cultural practices; people of African descent face bias for having natural hair, while Jews routinely face people proposing banning circumcision, kosher slaughter, or the keeping of an eruv. But, you see, they can't be biased, because they know all about that group... based on what they saw on TV/Movies/Wikipedia, so they know that the group can handle these laws and rules just "fine".
The targeted group are treated as having an unfair advantage in the racial hierarchy. Consider the parallels between a right-winger complaining about Affirmative Action, and a Left-Winger saying that, since "Jews are White and therefore privileged, antisemitism isn't real discrimination."
But as soon as one shows up in a space outside of where they "belong", they're treated with suspicion until proven that they're acceptable... if ever. A POC in a store is treated as a potential thief, and a Jew in public is automatically acceptable to interrogate if they're a "Zionist".
Consider also how historical revisionism is rife as well. For POC, slavery and imperialism are erased from textbooks, as well as the backlash against Critical Race Theory, the 1619 Project and more. Meanwhile for Jews, pretty much nothing exists in educational curriculums between the start of the Diaspora (assuming it's even mentioned) and the Holocaust, which is treated as an aberration of bigotry instead of the culmination of centuries of hate. Even the admission of the real history is treated as an unforgiveable sin. Black people were never mistreated or enslaved, but were Guest Workers. Jews never came from the Levant and are Just White People From Europe.
And that's before we even get into systemic disenfranchisement. The original "ghetto" was the Jewish ghetto of Venice, and Jews are still routinely discriminated against for hiring, just as POC are.
But at the same time, everyone knows that "Blacks always play the race card" and that "Jews always accuse people of antisemitism."
And so on and so forth.
They're not perfect parallels--and I'm not saying that they are--but they are striking parallels in behavior.
I drafted this in April 2023, and it's been sitting in my drafts ever since, as I didn't have the courage to post it.
But given the current SURGE in Leftist Antisemitism, I somehow don't care anymore.
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xclowniex · 14 days
I want to talk about allegations of jew face aka claims that someone is faking being jewish.
On one hand, people do fake being jewish. Last year, at pro Palestine protests, JVP handed out shirts with "not in our name" on the front and "jews say ceasefire now" on the back, to people at protests. Some of the people who recieved and wore the shirts were jewish, but there were also non jews given the shirts and wore them. This shirt is still available for sale on the JVP website. Non jews who wear the shirt are doing jew face, as the shirt implies they are jewish.
Then you have blogs like one which was deleted a few months ago, who claimed to be a jew but was actually someone from Iran. Whilst there are jews in Iran, the blog was claiming to be a Jew in the US. So safe to say, it was an Iranian psyop as they were antisemitic.
Conversely, there are many antizionist jewish bloggers who get falsely slapped with the accusation that they aren't really jewish. 10% of jews worldwide are antizionist or non zionist (someone who doesn't believe that countries should exist, and therefore believes both Israel and Palestine, along with every other country should no longer exist).
And it is actually disgusting when an antizionist jew gets slapped with claims that they aren't actually jewish. A jew is a jew is a jew. Someone's opinion does not strip them of their jewishness.
This post was something I have been wanting to talk about but the thing which motivated me to write it is a post I saw listing behaviors that if someone who says their jewish does, then they aren't really jewish.
And I agree with this in some capacity. A lot of those behaviors are indicative of someone faking being jewish, but no group is a monolith and there could be real jews doing that behavior. I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to that poster and assuming they meant it as a loose rule and not hard criteria.
Some of the behaviors listed were people only saying they were jewish after Oct 7th, jews who post antisemitic content, and blogs which go beyond criticisms of Israel and is literally just xenophobia and that's all they post.
And yes, that are all things which jew fakers do. They only claim to be Jewish to gain a sense of being reputable. However I have spoken with jews who are really jews, who do engage in that behavior. Do I agree with that behavior (excluding claiming to be Jewish only after Oct 7th)? No, I do not. I think it's terrible. But does that made a person less Jewish? No. The reason I excluded the only claiming to be Jewish post oct 7th is because for some jews, being jewish wasn't something they want to advertise on their blog. Whilst I have said I was jewish on past blogs I've had, on this one, it wasn't till after Oct 7th did I make it known here. Which for those who never knew my old blogs, which would be everyone as I was cyberstalked by an ex and would delete blogs when my ex found them, it comes off as if I'm suddenly claiming to be Jewish post oct 7th.
There is also another claim commonly tied to claiming antizionist jews are fake jews, which is that antizionist jews must have no connection or limited connection to jewish culture. That they were either not raised with jewish culture or if they were, as an adult they no longer practice even secular judaism. And whilst again yes, this is true for some, it's not true for all.
There is a popular antizionist jewish blogger on here, which has spoken multiple times about how they practice jewish culture and religion. It would be stupid to deny it because of a political belief.
This post as ended up being far longer than I intended, so to hurry up and get to the point, I do not think we should fake claim jews unless there is hard proof that someone is faking being jewish.
Hard proof can be a person claiming prior to not be Jewish, if a blog is revealed to be a psyop, or if you personally know the person running the blog and know for a fact that they aren't jewish.
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this shit infuriates me to no end
this isn’t a callout and there isn’t anything wrong with this post in and of itself, let me gripe
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ID: screenshot of a post reblogged by @jewish-kulindadromeus
@sinothetimes: “while l'm on a roll of no longer giving a shit, I also think it's stupid to pretend that the rise in antisemitism, while terrifying, is a bigger issue than the active genocide being perpetrated in Gaza. like, the hate and the potential for things to get worse in the future is incredibly horrible. the fact that most like well over 100,000 gazans have been murdered in the last year is inherently worse because those people are dying right now. this is not saying stop talking about antisemitism but that is me saying if you use leftist antisemitism as an excuse to turn your back on the ACTIVE GENOCIDE youre kind of a shitstain.
End ID
what really grinds my gears is when someone like a-dinosaur-a-day/jewish-kulindadromeus/zygodactylus has the gall to act like eir’s not part of the problem.
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ID: a set of screenshots showing @jewish-kulindadromeus reblogging from @shofarsogood, @starlightomatic, @notyourgoodjew, @tributary, @jewishlivesmatter, @yidpunk. End ID
(eventually i will have posts about all those blogs, but these take a long time to make because of the image descriptions but i will not skimp on accessibility. but if you know these blogs you know)
it’s good to have issues with how people use talking about antisemitism as a reason to ignore the genocide, but clearly ey doesn’t care too much about people doing that type of shit. a post here and there about how ey doesn’t believe in violence and reblogging a couple gazan donation posts doesn’t cancel out the much much more frequent posts reblogged from people who would like everyone to stop talking about the genocide pretty please
like it rings so fucking hollow when a few days later ey goes and reblogs this (on eir other blog)
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ID: a screenshot of a post that @zygodactylus reblogged from @jewish-rock
an image of the meme of two spider-men pointing at each other. one of them has the text “ppl who use "zio" as a slur for jews” and the other one has “ppl who use "pali" as a slur for palestinians”. the text of the post says “get it bc ur both extremist assholes who are making things worse.”
@transmascpetewentz: “radical antizionists (handshake emoji) kahanists
literally their entire ideology other than whose side they happen to be on”
End ID.
again it’s not the post itself (stupid as it fucking is), it’s the poster or rather who ey reblogged it from. this is @jewish-rock on the same day that @jewish-kulindadromeus/zygodactylus reblogged a posts which ends with “if you use leftist antisemitism as an excuse to turn your back on the ACTIVE GENOCIDE youre kind of a shitstain.”
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ID: two screenshots of a post reblogged by @jewish-rock
@jewish-mccoi: “Can we talk about how fucked up it is that Jews and Israelis have no safe spaces online? And if we dare complain, we're told we're whining and other groups have it worse.
And no one seems to either notice or care. The pro Palestine movement is infested with antisemitism. Leftist spaces are infested with antisemitism. It's impossible to engage with the pro Palestinian movement because to do so, they demand you denounce Israel's existence and make you be their token Jew. Like no? The fuck gives you the audacity?
I'm tired of walking on eggshells around leftists for fear of being called a colonizer or a genocide apologist because guess what??? It doesn't fucking matter what I say, you're gonna do it anyway, because I'm an evil Jew!
I could talk till I'm blue in the face about cease fires or how Hamas is purposefully putting civilians in harms way, but the second I do, people are like "oh you mean Israel. Israel is the problem." Actually, you fucking black and white thinker, ISRAEL IS NOT ALWAYS THE PROBLEM. Israel has done fucked up things. So has every fucking country on earth. But the news is dominated by "Israel is awful" and "wipe Israel off the map." Why do you think that is.
IT'S ANTISEMITISM. It's just that simple. Really fucking is.
And because the movement keeps flooding Jewish tags on tumblr with antisemitism, I am gonna tag this so the "river to the sea" people ACTUALLY ADVOCATING GENOCIDE can have their safe spaces (Jew free spaces) interrupted. I'm tired of taking the high road.
You all would rather side with terrorists than Jews. That's how bad the leftist problem with antisemitism is. Terrorists who admit to using rape and murder and torture ON CIVILIANS as tactics. That's how much you fucking hate us.
Well, tough fucking luck. We're here and we're not going anywhere. Am yisrael chai, fuckers.”
End ID.
at most mildly perturbed by people using leftist antisemitism as an excuse to turn their back on an active genocide, not enough to unfollow them though
i find it so fucking spineless. be mutuals with & follow a shitload of zionists who have spent the last 11 months downplaying and trying to distract from the endless massacres in gaza, who try to discredit any and all efforts to help people who are fenced in & bombed. but claim moral righteousness by every now & then going “war is bad you guys, can’t we all be friends, i don’t support either side i support peace”, thinking that absolves you for supporting those people
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guerrilla-gorilla · 7 months
Hi beloved mutuals just wanted to say I appreciate the support of Palestinians and I stand in solidarity with them.
I do want to say also that I keep seeing some pretty antisemitic stuff on here that is disturbing to me, like saying everyone in the IDF should kill themselves (like...they're literally drafted)
I've seen people celebrate Jewish bodies being mutilated in the streets, championing people vandalizing american Hanukkah decorations in the name of anti-zionism, interrogating and berating American Jewish celebs for any small hint of zionism
It just makes it hard to engage with a lot of this stuff in good faith as a Jew and I think it's a good idea to look carefully at a lot of rabidly antizionist stuff bc it makes a lot of jews feel unsafe, especially considering how much there is an expectation for all jews to so fervently and frequently disavow Israel.
Israel is basically a fascist state and should be condemned for its actions and face pressure to stop their atrocities, obviously. But also at the same time, Israel came to exist because of pervasive global antisemitism and if your activism begins and ends with demanding moral purity from all jews, wishing death on all Israeli soldiers, demanding the total destruction of Israel, like that's just bigotry.
Anyway I'm sorry, this shit is rly hard and finding nuance online is difficult. That's all.
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valcaira · 2 years
About me
Hello folks! you can call me Cyrus or Cy. I'm 20 years old and I blog about many kind of things including disability, queerness, art, fandom and politics.
I'm transmasc bigender nonbinary butch faggot man and use he/him pronouns. I'm also german-belaruthian and practice witchcraft.
I am vehemently kink positive and will tag posts where i'm lusting over blood, cannibalism and guts as #bloodthirst so filter out that tag if it makes you uncomfortable.
If you use Zionist as an insult, to categotize Jews into "good" and "bad", only get your sources from antizionists and refuse to listen to Jewish people who keep telling you it's a complex ideology with many facets and doesn't mean what you think it does - you are both wrong and stupid.
I won't post donation asks. They will be reported as spam.
Further information under the cut:
Instagram: @/valcaira_art
Other Socials:
AO3: valcaira
NexusMods: valcaira
My blog is a MOGAI friendly space.
I'm disabled and chronically ill. I have rheumatoid arthritis, POTS, FND with hemiparesis, a tic disorder, BPD, NPD, dpdr, psychosis and CPTSD. I'm also autistic.
In terms of political stances I consider myself left wing and a democratic socialist. Democracy is non-negotiable. I'm pro-European Union. Anti-authoritarianism. The lives and wellbeing of humans stand above all else, especially capitalism. If you're a western tankie or Russia lover don't even attempt trying to "convince" me of your ideology. I'm Belarusian. I know more than you.
If your support for minorities stops at Jewish and Romani people you might as well hurl yourself into the sun while you're at it.
I'm also an artist and have tons of OCs. If you want to talk about them and yours go ahead!
While I do allow minors to interact with my blog, I wouldn't call it strictly SFW since I make sexual jokes and make the occasional "hell yeah penis" post. I have a sideblog for hornyposting, although visit it with care as it can be very distressing to a lot of people due to it being gore centered. @bleeding-aorta
If I'm on your dni and you interact/follow me first I'm going to ignore it. I'm still open to chill with people who have different stances.
- anti TERF, anti TIRF, anti radfem, anti bioessentialism
- pro democracy, pro european union, anti facist, anti tankie
- "narcissistic abuse" isn't a real thing and just reinforces ableism
- Transandrophobia exists
- pro mpec lesbians and gays + contradictory labels, radinclus
- professional transmed/truscum hater
- anti radqueer, anti transid
- pro para anti contact paraphile
- pro fiction. Don't harass people over what they consume in fiction. Thought crimes are not a thing and you don't automatically endorse in reality what you enjoy in fiction. Antis are free to interact but do behave please. I have horrible experiences with your group (including being sent death and rape threats).
- the Hammer and Sickle is a genocidal symbol just as much as the Hakenkreuz and thus I treat people who put that shit in their bios the same way as I treat Neo-Nazis. Tankie punks fuck off.
- pro Zionism (not a Zionist because I'm not a Jew yet), pro two state solution
- pro Jewish self-determination
- Kahanists and Islamists get blocked on sight
- If you identify with the term "Asperger's" I am very likely to block you.
- attacking people for creating Harry Potter fanworks isn't helping anyone. Don't give money to JKR, enjoy your fanfic and ships. I still like reading Snarry fanfic despite not engaging with the source material anymore.
Twerking Sombron gif for personal archiving reasons:
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hero-israel · 2 years
The discourse about water is just as insidious as that of trees. All throughout the 2010s I heard from antizionist leftists that Israel was actively engaged in water theft. Palestinian wells were becoming salty because Israel pumped up so much groundwater you see. Maybe that was true at one point (probably not). But it's actually ludicrous and hilarious to deny how ahead of the curve Israel is on water conservation and efficient farming.
I'd almost say it's like blood libel on a national scale. "Israel is sucking the life out of the land! We need to boycott divest and sanction to save Palestinian farmers from their livelihood being leeched away!" Jews are framed as parasites in their own homeland, taking far more than they need. Even the basic act of needing water to drink, bathe, cook is an act of foreign imperial aggression. Jews existing and needing water to live (in their native land!) is a threat to Palestinians.
And for the forests specifically, they imply that by "terraforming" Palestine, Israel is using an unconscionable amount of water. Reforestation is now actually an environmental disaster, surely if a free Palestine from River to Sea ever bothered to reforest, it would be in a pure and good and ethical way, and would magically not need a lot of water to get it done. And they insist that Israel dumps insane amount of water on foreign cash crops to sell on the global market, poisoning the wells of humble Arab olive farmers in the process. But Israel waters these new forests using desalination, drought resistant native species... Israel waters its farms using drip irrigation, shading technology, genetically modified crops, literal ai to calculate where and when water is needed.
I'm not saying Palestinians wouldn't be capable of achieving the same thing if they ran everything (Saudi and Jordanian permaculture projects are wildly successful), but to a braindead American leftist, "Caretakers of their Homeland" is necessarily and irrefutably "White Man's Burden", so they have to lie, and then lie some more, to dismiss every single leaf on every single tree as apartheid capitalist genocide against Palestinians.
More on Palestinian propaganda about water:
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anshelsgendercrisis · 8 months
I admire you. How you continue to run this blog surrounded by absolute buffoons who now believe Antisemitism is just a scheme made up by Israel is impressive (but also remember to put yourself first because I'm losing my mind just witnessing it so I can only imagine the toll it must have on you 💔)
I must say though, I just feel so hurt because so many Jewish Anti-Zionists have such extreme internalised Antisemitism :/ You're one of the very few I trust despite being an Anti-Zionist Jew myself because everyone else is just bleeding themselves dry to prove they're a good Jew. They're the ones saying dumb shit like "we all have blood on our hands" etc etc. I'm just so tired and I have no idea how you continue despite it all. I tried to have a blog highlighting Antisemitism and I just got so triggered by the things being said I had to delete it.
i am honestly not sure. i haven’t been as active over the past few weeks to months, and it sucks bc i want to do more music and cultural content but it feels like the more i share abt my passions the more in danger i am of getting doxed again bc ppl on this damn website are absolutely feral abt me.
but yes i absolutely sympathize. i feel for a lot of antizionist jews who are feeling hurt and betrayed. that was me in 2021, and i decided i just could not handle the constant antisemitism so i stepped away. but in the past few months i have really wanted to try to create more spaces for progressive jews who are pro palestine but also don’t want to have to constantly be on guard or feel like we have to justify our history and culture and existence.
something one of my rabbis, who has been an activist for decades, has talked abt is the fact that a lot of people just don’t know how to “stay at the table” anymore. they can’t engage with people they disagree with, or people they think they disagree with, without lashing out and it makes activism and advocacy work so difficult. so i’ve been thinking of ways to try to get my local non jewish progressive community to “stay at the table” with the local jewish community bc there’s just so many reactionary beliefs and misconceptions on all sides and no one wants to just listen. i have more empathy for jews or palestinians who don’t feel they can have those discussions, but i have zero patience for non palestinian gentiles who choose not to do the difficult work so palestinians and jews don’t have to.
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