#i'm doing the same thing with my pumpkin seeds right now
balkanradfem · 6 months
step 1: start pre-cultivating spinach
step 2: go check on the seedlings every day while going hehe spinch
diagnosis: tumblr brain rot
thats just gardening
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ryeriy · 11 months
warnings: carving with knives (pumpkin carving)
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"Why are there pumpkins on the table?" Adam asked while walking over. "Because I bought them," I said. I was sitting in the living room watching TV. "Well obviously. But why did you buy them?" He asked. "For decor." He let out a laugh. "You realize pumpkins can't be house decor, right? They're gonna rot!" He exclaimed at me while laughing. He thinks I'm that dumb. "You seriously think I'm that dumb?" I got up from the kitchen to find Adam staring at the two pumpkins I had bought. Staring at what to do with them. "Well, of course not." He said. "Well maybe you shouldn't underestimate me then!" I exclaimed at him while laughing.
I'm a sophomore at Ohio State University. Adam recently got drafted to the Bluejackets this year. It worked out perfectly for us. I was already going to school here and he now works here. We'd been dating before I went to college. We started dating right before our freshman year of college. I was originally going to go to Michigan but Ohio had a better program for what I wanted to do than Michigan. Now that he's here it's better. Adam only moved here a few months ago. When I found out he got drafted to Columbus of course, I offered him to come live with me in my apartment. He'd been only living with me for a few months now but I've tried to make the most of it by making him feel welcomed. So having pumpkins to carve is a start. Especially with his season starting soon. I want to have some fun with him before we both get busy.
"We're going to carve them, dumbie," I said while grabbing the two knives I bought to carve the pumpkins. "This is going to get real messy then," Adam said while looking at me and letting out a laugh. "Well, I didn't think about that okay Albert Einstein," I said. We both couldn't stop laughing at each other. At this rate, the pumpkins would just become decor. We both pulled out our phones going onto Google and Pinterest. Searching for ideas of what to do. I decided on a basic Hello Kitty design while Adam chose the classic jack-o-lantern look.
Now, was the messy part. We both took off the top of the pumpkin. Adam went over to one of the cabinets and grabbed a big bowl. "We can put the guts in here." He said. Placing down the bowl in between the two of us. We both started to take out the guts and throw them into the bowl. "There's so much!" It felt like it was never going to end with the amount that was coming out. "Have you ever carved a pumpkin?" Adam said jokingly while laughing. "When I was little!" I laughed back at him. By now we were almost done with the guts and removing the seeds. "Are you almost done?" He asks. "Yeah, are you?" I asked back. "Mhmhm." He said back while taking the last few guts he had left out of the pumpkin.
The two of us started carving after twenty minutes. It took us so long to take out the guts. Too long. We both went in different directions on how we carved them. He was going the classic way, and I'm trying something harder. I think it's going to look cute though. Adam's is almost done and I'm not far behind him. I only had a few more things to do but he had to do less. "What are you even making?" I laugh for a moment. "It's hello kitty!" "Oh, now I see it! Sort of?" He said jokingly. "Oh my god, stop that!" I said while laughing as I playfully softly pushed him.
Both of us continued to finish up our pumpkins we were getting ready to put the candle inside to glow it up. "Yours doesn't look too bad. It's cute." Adam said as he placed a kiss on my head. "Aw, you're so sweet," I said while smiling up at him. He smiled back as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket to take a photo of his pumpkin. "Here I want one with you and yours. Then we can do the opposite." He said. I walked next to my pumpkin, picked it up, and stood next to it smiling at the camera. I put it down as I grabbed my phone and did the same. Took a photo of mine followed by one of Adam and his. "These are going on Christmas cards for sure," I said jokingly. "100%" Adam replied.
31 days of Halloween
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gvnslingerrr · 2 months
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︻デ═一 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 
"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts and I looked and behold, a pale horse and his name that sat on him was Death and Hell followed with him"
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ╾━╤デ╦︻
This blog has no set DNI but me and the block button are lovers
╭         ★ ABOUT ME ★         ╮
Call me Sam or Samuel (I’m also ok with Sammy & other nicknames if we’re close)
I’m 16 but I have no problems with adults interacting just don’t be creepy
I’m a (trans) dude so stick with He/Him, I block transphobic assholes on here don’t bother arguing
I have BPD (questioning comorbid NPD or at-least narcissistic tendencies) and I’m autistic (high functioning) which causes me to have low empathy
Aroace (despite this I’m still a hopeless romantic) but attraction fluctuates. Default to repulsed, do not flirt with me
My research shit isn’t on here (I keep all that offline), same with any art I make this blog is literally just for rambling and interacting with others
[DMs and asks are always open, however I actively avoid interacting with antis]
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╭         ★More Shit★         ╮
I’m a weapons collector and gun/explosives enthusiast.
My main focus is on Columbine but I find Sandy Hook interesting as well. I’m really just here for the big shootings sorry guys.
I love just about anything horror related and I’m a big 80’s/90’s movie fan. The Thing (1982, can’t stand the new one.) and Aliens (1986, yeah yeah I prefer the second movie don’t bite my head off.) are two of my favorites. Oh and pretty much any older FPS style games, if anyone here remembers Turok (especially the second game Seeds of Evil on N64) hmu.
I was raised extremely alt right, more specifically as a Neo Nazi. While I still actively work to correct my mindset please do correct me if I’m ever unknowingly insensitive.
╰                                          ╯
Random facts (?) about myself that I can’t turn into a paragraph below!
I have a 4.0 GPA and I’m a national honors society member.
I have a buck hunting knife named Kindness my father gave to me, I also name all my guns.
I had (formerly) planned to join the Marines after Highschool however now I’m looking into a field in bio chem.
I'm a pathetic stray dog of a man.
Midwesterner but raised very southern.
Learning ASL as I’m hard of hearing
I’m also learning German :]
I don’t shut up
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halleyuhm · 1 year
~WTW Ghost Gala: Days 1 to 8~
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I just found the event and I'm several days back, so I'll try to be brief. I'll be using my WIP The trees don't let you see the forest because I think it's the one I'd like to try for NaNoWriMo and the aesthetics fit with the season.
It tells the story of a young witch cursed with blindness due to a failed spell and her journey to find the way to reverse it, aided by friends, fought by foes, and realizing the might be more important things than getting her sight back. It will be a challenge to write using every sense but vision! I have written the synopsis here, if you are interested. Yeah, I should probably do an official WIP intro.
So there we go, under the cut.
(Divider by @cafekitsune, go check her work out!)
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🎃 Pumpkin Carving - You have to kill off a character: Who do you choose?
Right now, without having planned much, I choose Mauve. She's the secret keeper and sooner or later the past catches up with everyone.
🦅Raven - Create a tagline for your WIP
"Things we lose aren't lost: they remain with us, albeit in different shapes".
🔮Crystal Ball - Outline a scene, act or your entire WIP.
Let's just try the first scene so we can compare what I plan with what will later come up:
1. Juniper wakes up and sees nothing. Elowyn is there tending to her wounds. Crying, stress, oops she messed up so bad, she can't be a Sun Sage anymore. But she deserves it, and Mauve, her mentor, lets her know. Periwinkle, the cat, is silently judging June so hard she can feel it.
2. Laurel comes in, distraught because he played a part in the situation (unknowingly??). Maybe he argues with Elowyn and Mauve because of inner guilt + they accuse him. But June crashes against something and they focus on stopping her from falling head-first into a boiling pot.
3. Same scene or after some struggles?? Mauve (or Periwinkle, why not) mentions the Wildfire Hollyhock, the burnt lands, and the town there, but doesn't tell what happened in those cursed places.
4. June wants to go, Laurel joins, and Elowyn is told by Mauve to go with them because she is the BEST. There are obvious reactions. Witchy stuff.
5. I'm bad at this.
🍂Fallen Leaves - Create a playlist for your WIP
Work in progress but here it goes.
🎇Jack o' lantern -Share an interesting fact you found while doing research for your WIP
There is a flower that only blooms after wildfires. The seeds lay dormant under the surface until the soil is burnt and then they sprout. They don't last long, just enough for bees to pollinate them and drop seeds which will stay dormant until they are awakened.
You can read an article here, for example.
🧄Vampire - Tell us where you find inspiration or motivation.
This is what I struggle with the most (along with planning).
Inspiration comes in dreams, random shower thoughts, a single word in an extensive paragraph, Pinterest aesthetics, little things I see in my daily life, name generators (that I never end up picking), and simple things. Like, "Oh, this would be fun to write about."
Motivation uh, comes when my brain hyperfixates on an idea. And reading. Reading lots.
💀Skeleton - Have a favorite plot structure? If not, share how you plot.
I have no idea how I plot. Usually, I start writing and let the story take me where it needs to go (yeah, there's lots of editing later). I get ideas on the go, maybe a whole scene, and I add it to my evergrowing list of ideas waiting for the auspicious moment when it comes into play. Somehow, I managed to be very cohesive, though. And I surprise myself with how everything seems to flow as if I had previously planned it.
🍬Trick or Treat - Set some writing goals and milestones for your WIP.
This crashes a bit with the last answer, but I really really want to be more disciplined and focused. I just want to manage to plot the story and get to the NaNoWriMo final milestone. Let's do it!!
If you've come this far, thank you! You are my hero 💜
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ask-the-calendar · 1 year
Papa! Papa, where did this pumpkin come from?
[Christmas motions to the jack-o-lantern sitting in the center of the castle courtyard. King Winter steps outside in his robe and slippers, looking at it curiously.]
...I'm not certain, but it's most likely from Czar Halloween.
Ooh! It could be the party invitation! Maybe he wanted to try something more creative. Eve!! Come down, Halloween sent his invitation!
[The king and princess look up at Eve's bedroom window, but there is no movement or response.]
Perhaps he's sleeping in... we can update him later, yes?
Ohoho, sure we can! The early bird gets the seeds!
[With this, Christmas kneels down in front of the jack-o-lantern and pulls the top off. She reaches in to pull out a folded letter, and when she steps back, the pumpkin bursts into flame! The pair pull away as the rising spire of flame twists to form the familiar figure of the czar of fall himself.]
GREETINGS, from the notorious ruler of the kingdom of Fall! I, Czar Halloween, am proud to announce that your beloved prince has been kidnapped, and now lay captured within the walls of my stronghold! If you wish to see him returned, you must come to the castle and face THE TRIALS OF FRIGHT! Do so, and you shall be rewarded! Good luck- you're most certainly going to need it! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!~
[With a whoosh, the flames go out, and the entire thing disappears, leaving behind only the letter, a strong scent of pumpkin, and a shining black key on the ground. Christmas kneels down to pick up the key.]
Oh dear...
I'm off to rescue him right away, Papa! He went out to save me, it's only right that I do the same for him!
Please don't go alone. Find Valentine's and ask them to accompany you.
I will! I won't let you or Eve down, Papa!
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I am at the theater with James! It is intermission right now. And James has to keep running out to deal with job stuff. But I am having a great time. A great Halloween.
I didn't sleep great last night but I woke up in a great mood. James was out on a bike ride. I got up and got washed up and as I was getting dressed James was coming home.
And it was a great day. Sweetps 8th birthday! We got him a present and special treats. And I was feeling good.
Me and James worked on finishing the drawings for the staffs. I think they came out so cool. Though James is going to attach them for me and the first one went crooked. So we have to reassess that. But I loved having James's help. They did the big coloring in after I did all the details. And I'm just thrilled so far. I can't wait to see them done.
We hung out for a while before we ventured into the world. We wanted to get lunch and do Halloween photos and get groceries before we went to the theater.
So there was lots to do. We would drive over to Pepe's and get sandwiches. And it was just really nice being out together. We enjoyed our lunch and then drove down the street to the same park we did our engagement photos at.
Honestly we had to much fun. We set up a tripod and we did use it but I had more fun just running around and screaming. We were having a blast. We swapped costumes half way through. I found being a sheet ghost was to disorienting. But I love just taking pictures with James.
And I think we really got great shots. And some just hilarious faces. Ever since I figure out how to export live photos as videos I have really appreciated them for my little tiktoks. And I was really happy with the snapshots we got today.
The running was a lot for me though. And after a few runs towards and away from the camera I was ready to chill. We did some cute photos on the benches by the water. And then it was time to get out of the drizzle.
We went to the grocery store and I was disappointed that they had no pumpkins at all!! I was hoping to make pumpkin seeds but no suck luck. But that was okay. I got some stuff for lunches this week from the deli counter. And we popped around the store for a while. But I was feeling tired all of a sudden so I was happy to go home.
James put away all the groceries while I laid down for a while. I didn't sleep but my body didn't hurt so much anymore.
So I would knit for a long while. I got all caught up to today so I can do my monthly clip for progress. And I got started on my new rectangle loom. And I'm really excited about it but I already broke a peg off. So that is annoying but at least I have the proper glue to fix that now.
James made us Indian food in bed. And after dinner got our shoes back on and headed to the theater.
I requested we drove both because of the rain and because I didn't want to walk home in the dark.
But that made us a little to early. So we waited in the car until 6 and headed in.
James got people checked in while I knitted. And the show was honestly great.
I thought it was an opera but it was actually the Johns Hopkins dance capstone projects! And it was so fun! I started this during intermission but the show just finished. The second dance was my favorite and had the best outfits. The solo dances were my least favorite but you could really see the control they had over their bodies and that was really neat. The whole thing leaves me curious what you do with a BFA in dancing. Only because from what I know about ballet and figure skating. Your career is usually over by 26? But this is different so I'm curious what a career looks like. It's really cool though!! I'm glad we came.
It was a really good Halloween. And I am in a good mood. But I am also tired. They are doing a q&a right now. And we'll stay until the crowd leaves. And then home for showers and bed.
Tomorrow we are going to go to Ellicott city to start Christmas shopping. And I'm looking forward to a nice day.
Goodnight everyone!! Take care of yourself!!
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phosphenemoth · 17 days
Afterlife - Do you believe in life after death?
Bat - What’s your favorite creature associated with Halloween?
Fantasy -  What’s your favorite mythical character?
King - What’s your favorite Halloween tradition?
Spell - What kind of magical power would you like to have?
Yearn - What’s something you’re looking forward to this spooky season?
Bc I know you like Halloween and this spiritual stuff 😁
Afterlife- Do I believe in life after death? Hmm it's different on different days. Sometimes I believe in life after death and reincarnation, other days I believe we just die out and that's it... I am very skeptical either way. But most days what I believe is super complex... it is like life after death, but it's not quite the same... it's more like our souls always existed... like this life is sort of a "dream" that our souls are having. That we choose before we enter our earthly bodies the life that we have and the people we bump into. Now that's not to say there isn't free will. I think free will works more like there are multiple paths, but the endings of each path are kind of chosen already, whether those paths lead to the same thing or not is all dependent upon the situation. I could ramble about this for hours and probably too long for an ask lmaooo
Bat- Black cats or ravens... though I do love bats and moths... so many choices ooh and spiders...hmmm 🧐
Fantasy- Mothman lolz
King- Either carving pumpkins and baking the seeds orrrr making pumpkin rolls. My mamaw taught me her recipe for them and she had to make so many when she was alive to give to people every year because they were so good. I made them with her a couple of times... they are difficult but fun! You have to be super gentle when you transfer them off the sheet and roll them or they will break. They have to be the exact right temperature too !
Spell- Either teleportation or invisibility! But probably more for teleportation because I love to travel and see new things. With teleportation I could go wherever I wanted ! Lmao I'd probably still just go to sleep. 😅
Yearn- hmm I suppose I'm looking forward to seeing all the leaves change again and how beautiful the fall is, watching all the horror movies and the vibe, but I also might try to find free little Halloween stuff to do around the city.
Oof, long response to that ask hehe
Thank you for the ask 😌
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nancypullen · 2 months
Thrilling Thursday
Just kidding, absolutely blog-worthy has happened. It's 6 o'clock, I've already had dinner and cleaned up, and I'm in my jammies. That's right, I'm walkin' on the wild side.
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In my defense, I'm wearing a kaftan - back in the day it would have been termed "lounge wear", and I am indeed lounging.
I headed to the gardens early this morning to try to get things tidied before the blazing heat set in again. It was still hot, still muggy, but I was able to pull some weeds and foof things up a bit. I can't stand a scraggly garden, and mine were headed that way. I feel so defeated when I look at my beds. I've used every trick in my arsenal, done copious research for my gardening zone and soil, and still I get weak, stunted plants. My lilac offered one bloom this spring and nothing since. My little hydrangea offered one bloom this spring and nothing since. My climbing rose offered one bloom this spring and nothing since. Anyone seeing a pattern? Remember my glorious gardens in Tennessee? I could make huge bouquets for the house and still have waves of flowers in the gardens. I grew everything - corn, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, cukes, pumpkins, and so on. Right now I have a beautifully healthy German Pink tomato plant that has produced over fifty blossoms since May, and not a single one turned into a tomato.
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I have given it vitamins, water, pep talks and resorted to begging. Nothing. I've never experienced this in my life and I hate it. I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. Whatever it is, I'm doing it wrong in every flower bed. I think this house was probably built on a sacred Native American burial ground and the land is cursed. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. For someone who has treasured her gardens as much as I always have, this is heartbreaking. Know what I do when I feel defeated and that all is lost? Okay, besides drowning those feelings in chocolate. I set myself up for more heartbreak by trying again. A couple of days ago I opened a packet of pumpkin seeds, nipped them with nail clippers, and soaked the seeds overnight.
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Yesterday I made little hills of soil in each flower bed and poked those seeds in all over the hills. We'll see how many sprout and then I'll decide who gets to live and spread their vines. I really need this win. I don't know what makes me think that this will work, nothing else does. I may be setting myself up for a huge disappointment. Oh, how I miss my gardens. BUT, because I am a lifeboat singer and eternal optimist (it always gets better, right?) I try to find little bits of joy.
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When I watered and weeded this morning there were a few flower faces who were happy to see me. Back in Tennessee bees and butterflies were plentiful, I could often count two dozen butterflies in my zinnia patch. I rarely see a bee around here and I never see a butterfly. I don't know if it's because of what local farmers are spraying on their fields or if they're just scarce around here. Whatever it is, it's a real shame to see such an absence of pollinators. Enough boo-hooing about gardens. I miss being surrounded by summer beauty, but chin up, it's just 112 days to Halloween! We have to slog through another couple months of heat and humidity, but then we're rewarded with this...
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Due to the temps, I've successfully avoided cooking since the 8th. Mickey is down in Atlanta visiting his mom, and I'm happy with a tuna sandwich or a cup of yogurt for dinner. I broke my streak today because I had a craving. I love summer squash, specifically the yellow, crookneck variety. Normally I just cook it up with onions, salt, and pepper. Today I wanted something better, something decadent. Are you familiar with the good ol', southern potluck, Ritz cracker version of squash casserole? That's what I wanted. I sliced up the squash and boiled it for about 8 minutes.
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I drained the squash in a colander and let it drip while I sautéed onion in that same skillet. While the onion cooked I mixed together a little mayo (maybe 1/4 cup), cheese (measure with your heart, but I'd use a cup),salt, a little sugar, and two beaten eggs. I pressed as much water as I could out of the squash, then squeezed it in a towel. You really don't want a watery casserole. Then I dumped the squash and the cheese mixture into the onions, folded it all together and put it in a casserole. Now comes the best part. Melt a tablespoon of butter and toss that with twenty-ish crushed Ritz crackers. Scatter that on top of your squash and pop it all into a 350 oven for about 30 minutes. If you're lazy like me, you'll open the rotisserie chicken you bought and just slice up a fresh cucumber for a veggie. Perfect summer meal. Terrible photo, but delicious spoonful.
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Guess what I'm having for dinner tomorrow? Same thing, this time with no cooking! Women in lounge wear don't cook.
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That is exactly what I look like in my kaftan. I don't look at all like a tea cozy, I swear. Mirrors are liars.
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Other than crying over my gardens and cooking squash, I haven't done much of anything today. I did a drive-by at the library and dropped a few books into the book drop, then stopped at the post office and mailed some fabric to my sister so that she can whip up some pretty napkins for me. From there I dropped off an Amazon return and by then I was so close to Starbucks that I had to get an iced coffee. Big day in Denton. Tomorrow I'm starting a little project. I picked up this ugly picture at the auction.
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Isn't it just begging for witches and ghosts? Maybe a couple of witches in a canoe out on the lake, another one on the bank with a fishing pole. You can see that it has a couple of spots on it.
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If that blob was in the upper third of the picture I could just turn it into a moon. It'll have to become a ghost or maybe smoke from a cauldron. It'll be fun to figure out what it is. I'll paint the frame black and then stick it behind my desk with the rest of the silly stuff I do. When I die my kids are going to uncover a mountain of nonsense. That's going to be one interesting estate sale. I should probably add that before I ever apply paint to one of these old pictures I always check to make sure that it has no value. This particular print still has a tag on the back of the frame that says Turner Wall Accessories. In perfect condition it might fetch 20 or 30 bucks. With the spots and scuffed frame, far less. I won't be breaking the hearts of any collectors. That's enough from me today, I'm rambling and no one enjoys that. Time to feed the kitties and then lose myself in a book. Perfect evening. Sending out lots of love tonight, take as much as you need. I hope that if you're feeling disappointment (cough*my gardens*cough) that you realize that it's temporary. Whatever it is may never change, may never live up to your hopes, and it's okay. No one gets 100% of what they want in life. No one. If you take a hit in one area but can list five other things that make you happy, congratulations, you're winning! I'll bet if you make a list of what's right and what's wrong in your life, the happy side will have a longer list. I'm not making light of the serious stuff that life throws at us, I'm talking about the everyday, ordinary frustrations. It's important to keep those in the "minor things" category. That's enough of me. Go enjoy yourself. Celebrate the good stuff. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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twilight-resonance · 11 months
All Right
All right, all right, I'll write some. The little voice in my gut said so. I'm not sure what, mind you, but here we are.
Last month or so's been rough. The self-doubt is truly crippling. It's hard when no matter how well or poorly you do, you'll hate yourself no matter what; particularly so when that in turn blinds you to being able to assess whether you've done well or not. Among other longstanding and pervasive problems. My breaking-down point this time was more about how the problems recurse - it feels like I have the same fights over, and over, and over again, and I'm so tired from it and wish I could just have new challenges. Not the same ones I've resolved before. What's the point in resolving them if they're just going to come back?
But that's neither here nor there. I suppose I ought to write about how other things have been. We've had more days off together than we've had in a while - between school holidays, taking days here and there, and most recently an actual open weekend. It's been nice. I think we miss each other a lot most of the time. We went on a hike - first one in a while - and that we nice; we got a lot further up the trail (well, the mountain) than we ever have in the past, and it was neat watching the natural space shift with elevation. There were other days as well; mostly recently we've been playing For the King II together, and that's been fun. The first chapter we did with BIL, and that was a lot of fun and a nice chance to just hang out and bullshit around a bit. We've been playing it intermittently in the evenings with just the two of us otherwise.
I asked Hearthsnail to take on planning and making dinner a couple times a week (the days I'm not home), and that's been really nice. It's nice to come home to food of course; but it's also really really nice not to have to plan everything; and it's also nice in that it keeps me honest on my days about planning and cooking proper meals; and it's nice in that we've been eating a lot more actual meals rather than just odds and ends than we had been for the first half of the school-year-to-date. Mostly it's just surprising how much a relief it is, all in all. I feel like it gives me space to be tender in other ways - making him coffee when he gets home on days I'm there, or other little things like that. So that's been good for us both as well in other ways.
Gods, what else. It's hard to think in fits and spurts - I'm sort-of multitasking right now. Prolly oughta go to bed soon anyway. Oh - that was another. Pumpkin patch and corn maze. We still have not managed to actually carve the pumpkins yet, a week past Halloween; and we ought to at some point, if only so that we can roast the seeds but also because it would be fun. Just barely got out with our pumpkins before the patch closed because we got lost in the corn maze and brazenly decided not to take a map with us. That was a lot of fun, though - the maze was probably several acres across, so it was extensive. It was fun pulling out all kinds of rangering and dungeoneering techniques once we were good and lost, and seeing what was actually helpful versus not. I'd do it again for sure.
Bleh. Lots of things to process through at some point. Tonight's not the night though I think. I think this was more about getting this out of the way so that the processing can come later; probably also about... not establishing a baseline, exactly, but I've found that I enjoy looking back even at simple posts like this and that it helps ground the others in more general context.
To bed, then. An hour later than I ought've - so be it. Goodnight.
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xxooj · 1 year
horrible greed and pumpkin seeds
I never thought I could despise someone who I once loved more than any soul on this planet. I felt like I could see right through you, that I could see that stupid thing inside you, the same thing I had inside me which was wrapped around your finger. thinking of your hands on my skin used to make me shudder in an emotion only a teenager in love could feel, now my eyes sting and my heart thumps with pain even thinking about your name. your presence would calm my nerves and make my jaw ease into relaxation, now even in my own room I'm being nagged by your paraphernalia. do I throw it all away? I cry thinking about how you're probably telling her all the things you told me. How you'd take care of me for the rest of our lives, how you're sorry for all the bad things that happened to us, that I was the love of your life. Which life was I in? which version of you really loves me, and why cant that version jump out of your body and walk away with me? I'm the same girl, slightly better
you're the same boy, only worse
xxoo j
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jessjustplay · 2 years
Currently Playing Rune Factory 5 - Update 1.1
March 5, 2023
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Rune Factory 5 is so much fun. It's incredibly relaxing and I have been enjoying it immensely.
My character, Alice, has been leveling up quite nicely. She's currently level 62 and is equipped with the Iron Edge... a set of swords that I found in the Atohl's End dungeon. They are so strong & fast. I love them!
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My relationships with my neighbors/friends have been steadily improving. I have been tag-teaming with Martin and Reinhard and they are great to have on my team. Romantically, I guess she is also leaning towards Martin and Reinhard and I'm not sure how the whole romantic relationship thing works in the game... do they actually ever date? Get married? Etc?! Who knows, for now it's pretty funny to see their reaction when I tell them "I love you!" 😂
I am at the point in the game when I am taking a leave of absence from SEED. Apparently the head honchos are crooks and they create the chaos they supposedly fix!? That's what I gathered from the revelations at the end of the Atohl's End. *shrug?*
I can't recruit any monsters to join my party anymore, but I wasn't a big fan of that feature anyway, so right now it's pretty much the same. I just need to figure out what to do next! Everyone in town is telling me it's Beach Day tomorrow, so at least the narrative is still going on. Wonder when/if we join SEED again!??
Also yes, I am still addicted to fishing and I spend a lot of time just catching fish, squid, and shrimp. 😂
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And here's my current farm... I'm not very good at cooking, but it's fun to grow crops!
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I had four squares of pumpkins but accidentally hit the attack button and it disappeared. 🥲
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years
Before requesting i have to say i just love the way you write! And also just the vibes of your account are so nice jsjdjd i love it.
Anyways, i'd like to request 8. 2. and 7. with Shoto Todoroki for the Halloween extravaganza. Fluff but like with some crack. Either drabble or a scenario whatever fits you better. Thank you!
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Warning: None :) Maybe a few little mistakes
Word Count: 1.0k
A/N - You're so sweet anon 🥺 You've literally made my whole day. Thank you so much, I'm so happy you're here! I'm so sorry for the wait, I've been piled up with homework and performances for weeks but I'm here now to finally deliver 💀 Thank you so much for the request, this ran a little longer than I expected but I really hope you enjoy dear, this was so much fun to write <3
Lynn's Halloween Extravaganza
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“Like this?” Shoto questioned as he stabbed the carving knife into the pumpkin.
“Okay maybe don’t stab it like that, but you’ve got the idea.” You smiled, as Shoto struggled a bit to get the knife out of the pumpkin.
The sun was just about to set when you went to ask Shoto if he wanted to carve a pumpkin with you. You weren’t sure if the puzzled look he gave was from the way he didn’t know you could carve your own pumpkins or the way that you excitedly banged on his door. To be fair, the last thing you wanted was for Kaminari to steal all the pumpkins and make them into a pumpkin suit… like last year. Somedays you could still smell the pumpkin guts on him.
The laughter of your classmates rang in the background as you focused on your pumpkin carving, listening to the conversations that lingered around you.
“Y/N, I think I finished my pumpkin.” Shoto’s words grabbed your attention, pulling you away from the sound of Mina and Kaminari’s giggling as they tried to put a fake spider on Bakugou’s arm.
“Ooo, Let me see! How did it go?”
“Well, besides the inside of the pumpkin being kind of gross and Bakugou almost slipping on the pumpkin seeds, I think it went pretty well.”
“I HEARD THAT YOU DAMN ICY HOT!” Bakugou barked from the couch, an ice pack resting on his right knee.
You bit your cheek, trying not to laugh as Shoto showed you the pumpkin he carved.
“I- Shoto, there are so many designs you could have gone with and that’s how you chose to carve the pumpkin??” You had to stifle another wave of laughter as you looked at the smile on his face. Carved into the pumpkin was a circle, a simple circle, and you watched as the candle flickered inside it.
“Did I do it correctly?” He asked as he tilted his head, trying to gauge your reaction
“Yeah Sho, it looks beautiful.” You laughed again as you pecked his cheek.
A small smile adorned his face as you heard Mina gasp.
“Guys, we HAVE to go trick-or-treating!!” She squealed, bouncing around as she looked around the room. “It’ll be so much fun, and besides, I’ve been DYING to wear the costume I bought like forever ago!!”
Shoto only turned to you in slight confusion. “I don’t think I’ve ever been trick-or-treating before.”
Mina turned, aghast at the statement. “Now we have to go guys!!! We gotta make Todoroki’s first trick-or-treating experience one to remember!!”
Before anyone else could chime in, Bakugou scoffed. “There’s no way in hell I’m going out to do little kid stuff. I’ve got better things to do than-”
“What’s wrong Kacchan, you scared you’re not gonna get the most candy out of all of us?” Kaminari teased, hoping to entice the little gremlin to join the fun. “I know you’re scared of losing and all but-”
“Wait wait!! Mina yelled, sprinting down the hall toward her dorm, “I’ve got the perfect costume for Todoroki!”
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Apparently, Mina’s definition of a “perfect costume” for Shoto was a sheet with two eye holes in it. With the same stoic expression on his face, he put the sheet on, and when Deku asked how he felt in the sheet, he replied with “spooky.”
The plan was simple. Everyone got into groups of two or three and would split into different directions. By 10:00 pm, you would all meet back in the common room to count the candy collected and determine the winner. Dressed in a makeshift outfit of one of your favorite heroes, you paired with Shoto and set off.
The two of you had been walking for a while with no houses in sight and you started to worry that you took the wrong path. “Do you know where we are?” You heard Shoto ask. You looked around anxiously as you saw no house in sight.
“No I don’t think I do, but we could probably just go back the way we came and…” Looking around, you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach as you realized you weren’t sure which way you guys came from.
“So… I think we’re lost.”
With a finger on his chin, you watched as Shoto scanned the area questioningly until he pointed in the distance. “I think I see a house right there, let’s go before the others get here.”
Approaching the building, you watched as Shoto searched for a front door. With no luck finding one, he knocked on the concrete of the building instead. “Trick-or-treat.”
You smacked your face with the palm of your hand as you surveyed the area before you. “Sho, this is a graveyard…”
You pointed to the large sign that read the name of the cemetery, too old and rusted to be legible, but enough to get the point across. You heard a little “oh” escape him and he blushed a slight shade of red as he apologized.
Before you could laugh and tell him it was alright, you heard the snapping of a twig in the distance.
“Shoto, did you hear that?”
Another twig snapped, sounding closer this time, and Shoto drew near you, taking off the sheet and pulling you into his chest, attempting to shield you from anything that came near.
As a third twig snapped, you shut your eyes and buried your head into his chest, the anxiety beginning to eat away at you.
“BOO!” A scream ripped out of you and Shoto’s throats as you heard wheezing.
Before you stood Mina and Kaminari doubled over, laughing like hyenas.
“We totally got you guys, oh my god,” Kaminari said between wheezes.
“You should’ve seen your guy’s faces, totally priceless!” Mina laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Very funny guys! You got us!” You rolled your eyes.
“We couldn’t help ourselves, we saw you guys and thought it was a perfect opportunity!” Mina giggled.
Kaminari sprung up from the ground and gestured to his candy pale. “Yeah yeah, we’re sorry, but enough talk, we need your help to get the most candy so we can beat Bakugou! You guys in??”
Todoroki’s first trick-or-treat was definitely going to be something to remember.
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rjalker · 4 years
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[Image description, five pictures of still wet, rounded and flattened balls of dark gray clay sitting on a silver wire tray, each of them with three large striped white and black sunflower seeds visibly poking out of the top. There are seven seed bombs in total. End image description.]
This entire post is made with speech to text because I'm on my phone and this is a lot to type, so please forgive any typos and lack of grammar.
Made some seed bombs with a single pie pumpkin seed, and three mammoth sunflower seeds in each. I put three sunflowers instead of just one, because they're from 2015, and it is 2020, so I don't know if they'll grow. The sunflowers are going in with the pumpkin so that assuming everything works, the pumpkin can climb up the sunflowers.
I'm going to be putting these most likely out front with a little sign that says what they are and how to collect and when to harvest and they will be for free for anybody who wants one. I might also just make more seed bombs like this specifically to give away.
I mean, walks has giant freaking ridiculous pumpkin squash thing climbed the milkweed all by itself, and so did the beans, so I assume it'll do the same with sunflowers. Also I always forget to plant sunflowers. And I literally always want to plant sunflowers. So now I can just throw them as soon as it gets cold enough because the weather right now keeps flipping back and forth between freezing cold and 80° farenheight.
Now that I think about it once again to put some send flowers in the actual garden bed out front and use them as trellising for all the other plants out there because those plants are dumb and they keep falling over so I can just tie them to the sunflowers!!! Fuck yeah.
In the spring I will also be giving away free milkweed seedlings, free milkweed seeds, a bunch of random food seedlings, more combination seed bombs like these that should take care of themselves, and stuff like that.
And today I stuck some passion flower cuttings outside for free with instructions because I have blue passion flowers out front (which is an annual here, purple is a perrenial) and a lot of people were out walking their dogs and every single person was like like, dang and pointing and like oh my God look at those flowers!!
We still haven't gotten any fruit from it, so I assume we need a separate plant.
For anyone who isn't aware, seed bombs are made with clay, soil or compost, and seeds, rolled and mixed together and left to dry, and then thrown or placed where you want the plants to grow. The clay protects the seeds from being blown or washed away, or eaten, while also giving them something to sprout in. They are usually used for what is known as Guerrilla gardening, where are you secretly plant native plants in public areas where they otherwise would not be able to grow, like in abandoned lots or other places that are just being left to waste.
But I'm using these ones for my garden, just so that I can simply just throw them where I want them to go instead of having to remember to go out and sow them in the spring. Because I literally never remember to plant sunflowers even though I always want to. I don't know why. They're just cursed. So now I have to do is wait until the weather is cold and staying cold and then I can just put them where I want them, or I can wait until the spring to do it too.
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raging-violets · 5 years
Narnia:  “How many pumpkins do you actually need?!” // Fall Prompt // Edmund x Issi
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Pulling an exaggerated face, Issi wiped the horse-hair fine trail of pumpkin guts sticking to her fingers onto the wooden table she stood behind. Fighting the sudden wave of disgust, annoyance, and restlessness that rolled through her body, Issi laughed in response to the loud cries of "Ewwww," and the wrinkled noses of the little Telmarine children that crowded around her. She rolled her shoulders and shook her head, only relaxing when the foreign feelings passed.
"It is not so bad, these pumpkins," she said.
"They smell funny," a little girl said, sticking her tongue out between the gap in her teeth.
"They do, yes," Issi agreed with a nod of her head. "No better than any other bloke, I'd say. But they are mighty tasty, I'd say." Reaching her arm into the pumpkin up to her elbow, she grabbed a handful of warm, slimy, pumpkin guts and lifted it into the air. "Want some?"
"Noooo." The girls shook their heads, hair flying. The boys reached out little fingers to touch it, recoiling as the goo stuck to their fingers. Some jumped up and down, shrieking, waving their littles hands.
"Really?" Issi feigned surprise. Shrugging her shoulders, she pulled down the corners of her lips. "More for me, then."
"You can't eat that whole pumpkin by yourself," a little girl declared, sticking her finger into the air. She stepped forward and rest her chin on top of the table, watching Issi separated the seeds from the pumpkin guts. "It's too big."
"Reckon I'd be waddling all over town if I tried," Issi agreed. The kids tittered, pushing themselves closer. "No, I'm going to be eating the seeds. You will too if you come back in visit. A few spices, and it's the perfect afternoon snack." She placed her hands on the table and leaned forward, lowering her voice conspiratorially.
"What about that stuff?"
"Well, they're good for the body, good for your eyes," Issi explained, swinging her curly red hair out of her face, "and make for a great tart." She then started wiggling her guts covered fingers in their faces. "And it's ooey, and gooey, and right fun to play with." She reached for the child closest to her and they all shrieked and ran off. Issi's laughter followed behind them.
"Hi, Issi." Hair shining in the sun, Lucy stepped across the stone road, one hand lifting the skirts of her dress upwards, the other cradling a medium sized pumpkin under her arm. Issi took quick steps towards Lucy to unburden her from the weight that was pulling her down towards the Earth. Lucy looked around at the differently sized and shaped pumpkins lined up along the ground. "How many more pumpkins do you need?! There's got to be twenty here, at least."
"Queen Lucy," Issi said, carefully taking the pumpkin, doing her best not to leave any of the pumpkin goo on her. "I reckon this should be enough. The little babes will either like carving pumpkins or hate it."
"Carving pumpkins," Lucy said with a happy sigh, "it was always my favorite."
"You are most welcome to join us," Issi said. Once her hands were free of the pumpkin, she lowered herself into a curtsy. The drying pumpkin guts on her hands stuck to the thick fabric, peeling from her palms. "Peter and Susan as well."
Edmund snorted as he shuffled over, a larger pumpkin held in his arms. His cheeks puffed slightly. A light sheen of sweat covered his forehead. Still, he kept his chin up. "Peter? Come carve a pumpkin?" Edmund asked, voice tight. "That's not likely."
"Do you need any help, Edmund?" Lucy asked, her eyes widening slightly.
"You could barely hold it, Lu." Shifting the pumpkin upwards just slightly, Edmund's scoff of laughter puffed his cheeks up further.
"It looks like you can't, either," Lucy pointed out. Issi hid a laugh behind her arm, using her forearm to scratch at her nose before brushing loose hair up off her forehead.
"I'm ok."
"Are you sure?" Issi asked.
The wooden table creaked and threatened to buckle under the weight of the pumpkin Edmund suddenly dropped onto it's top. Planting his hands on his hips, he nodded. "I'm sure," he replied. He used a hand to indicate between the two of them. "Neither of you could carry it."
"Where would we be without King Edmund around to carry our pumpkins?" Lucy asked with over the top grandeur. "Without his sword, how could we ever carve them?" She clutched at her chest.
"What are you on about?" Edmund asked, making a face. "Who had the best carved pumpkin two years in a row?"
"They were pretty good," Lucy admitted, dropping her dramatization with a grin. "Even if you hated scraping out the pumpkin guts."
"Well, with all of these pumpkins, I'm sure to feed all the hungry babes that comes by," Issi said, slapping her hand on the pumpkin Edmund had just deposited on the table. "With King Peter's permission, I am going to take them out on a small patrol around the area." She grinned sheepishly. "I may have made the mistake of telling them some spooky stories and now they're kind of scared of the dryads." She lifted a hand to the side of her mouth and said in a faux whisper, "They think they're forest witches."
"Better that than any real witches," Edmund commented. "Or the Boogeyman." His lips lifted into a teasing smile he threw Lucy's way. "Coming after little girls sneaking sweets into bed."
Issi pressed her lips together at the sudden rush of anger that prickled and burned through her. Attempting to breathe through the onslaught of emotion that scratched at her, wanting to be released, her nostrils flared. She blinked rapidly, attempting to keep her eyes dry. Clearly, Jadis didn't like being talked badly about.
It was such a normal comment. Not said with any malice, yet Issi knew he was thinking of Jadis. Could see it in the sudden light that flickered, almost imperceptible, yet blazed with intensity. Her thoughts had instantly gone in the same direction. Jadis was not happy about it. Issi clenched her teeth behind her lips, reaching a hand to grip the edge of the table. He knuckles popped as she gripped the edge tighter, tighter, the tips of her fingers throbbing.
"I thought I was being sneaky," Lucy sniffed, brushing her shoulder with her cheek. She then pouted, looking so much her age in that moment than with the heir of regality (though youthful) she carried herself with. "And you didn't have to scare me out of it. You could have just asked for some."
"Oh, I dare say Queen Lucy the Valiant was able to ward off any fright and enjoy the sweets," Issi explained through clenched teeth. Edmund snorted for a second time and Lucy made a tisk sound with her tongue that was very reminiscent of Susan. "Halloween is my favorite holiday." Issi breathed through the pain that slowed ebbed away, "I thought the kids would enjoy it. I told them all about dressing in costumes, and everything." She stepped around the table, pushing forward a crumpled drawing.
"Is that supposed to be me?" Edmund asked, looking down at the crude drawing. Charcoal smears and small fingerprints dotted the paper around circles, lines, ovals, and a crown shaped image. Squiggly lines and big, small, and backwards letters spelled out his name. "That doesn't look like me at all."
"Let's see your drawings from nursery," Lucy commented, peering at it over his shoulder.
"Little Alel reckons he'll become a king just like you and Peter one day," Issi said, gazing fondly down at the paper. Then she threw a quick smirk over at Edmund. "Though, I suppose you're right, this doesn't resemble you much. I reckon he needed a bigger piece of parchment to get the size of your head right."
It was a risk, speaking so freely with the King and Queen of Narnia around town. If anyone to overhear her speaking s casually in her position… She was townsfolk like the rest of them and would do well to follow their lead – Miraz knew how to keep people in line.
Lucy collapsed into a fit of giggles. Edmund's tongue darted out of his mouth, briefly wetting his lips as he pressed them together. "Very funny," he said, rolling his eyes. They stayed for a fraction of a second on Issi, eyes narrowing slightly. Then, he gently hit Lucy on the shoulder. "Hey, Lu," he said, and she did her best to stifle her laughter, gazing upon him seriously, "go check to see if any of the kids want a carriage ride."
Lucy's eyes lit up. "I'm sure they'd enjoy it," she said before grabbing the hem of her dress and scampering off.
"Are you ok?" Edmund asked, turning back to Issi the second Lucy was gone. It was a loaded question they both knew, however the hard tone to his voice indicated he wanted a truthful answer. Not just as a King checking in on his townsfolk, but as Edmund.
"She didn't quite like you taking the mickey out of her," Issi said, clasping her hands together.
"I suppose I can't be afraid of her, forever," Edmund said quietly. "Though, if it's causing you this much pain—"
"Nothing you should worry about," Issi said, "I'm ok, Edmund." The skirts of her dress swishing around her legs, she moved to get back to separating pumpkin seeds. "I do appreciate the concern, but this is nothing you can control."
"Maybe Peter was on about something," Edmund said, feigning thought, "he always said I couldn't control my mouth."
Issi laughed through her nose. "I suppose you'd say the same thing when he sees how many Pumpkin Tarts I plan on making," she said. She shook her hair out of her face, and then got a good look at him, laughing into her wrist.
"What?" Edmund asked.
"I suppose even a king likes to get his hands dirty in his work," she commented, eyes trained on the stringy orange pulp stuck to his face, and in his hair. It must have flown up to hit him in the face when he dropped his pumpkin. "Or rather, his face, eh Just Edmund?"
Eyebrows furrowing towards each other, Edmund reached up a hand to pat at his face. They widened slightly when his fingertips brushed over the pumpkin guts drying to his face. Face pulling into a frown, he slowly peeled it off. "Ugh!" Shaking his hand in the air, the pumpkin guts flew off his finger, arched through the air, and landed across her face.
Issi gasped in surprise at the cold, slimy sensation suddenly stretched across her face. "Hey." She reached for the bowl of slippery Pumpkin seeds. Edmund moved quickly, digging his fingers into the bowl of pumpkin guts and, seeming to revolt at the feeling, he whipped it at her. "Edmund!" Eyes closed, she threw her handful of seeds back at him, hearing them pattered against the ground.
"Truce, truce."
Shaking her hands away from her, Issi carefully pinched the shoulder of her dress and start
"Here." Edmund reached for the towel on Issi's table, digging his fingers into the soft cloth. "You've got some…" Issi peeled a quickly drying strand of pumpkin from her eyebrow, before allowing him to gently scrub at her face. "There."
"Thanks, Edmund." Smiling gently, she took the towel from him. She scrubbed the cloth fibers over her fingers, trying to ignore the lingering feeling of her fingers brushing over his when she took the towel from him.
Lucy looked back and forth between Edmund and Issi as she stepped over to them, the crunching of loose stones under her feet pulling their attention. Eyebrows lifted; a knowing smile slowly spread across her face. "Did I miss something?"
Forever tag: @foxesandmagic
[ Fall Prompts | Ask Box ]
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I am so sensitive to almost everything, especially if it involves energy. Not sensitive in the sense that it overwhelms me, but sensitive to even the most subtle changes.
Where I live we experience the 4 distinct seasons. What I always sense first is the energetic change in the physical world, I notice that the days are less humid, become shorter, the air grows more crisp, the leaves change colors, and then they fall. I'm such a fall baby, I love it all. Yet the most pronounced changes are within. At times I feel like the maiden Persephone, called to a place that is foreign yet oh so familiar to me. (I feel the same way in the spring) The 1st indication is I crave pomegranate, (seriously) and pumpkin spice, and cinnamon. (I made pumpkin bread on Friday) I intuitively shun everything that doesn't ground me or isn't a part of my roots. People will exit my life, while certain ones return, and new faces arrive, as if on que. Just like my day ones and certain family members that have always grounded me, the energy I experience during the fall is drastically different than during other times.
I also find myself deeply meditating on my favorite mantra " beauty out of chaos and blessings from the scars. " I' m in a beautiful space in my journey right now, its such a peaceful state of abundance and harvest. Many a seed that was sown in the spring, has arrived as a beautiful harvest. I remember times of intense labor, contractions, pushing, and rebirthing myself into new realities. I honor the pain, that was a part of it too.
I am beyond blessed and grateful, I can look back over my life and see the lows and the highs as one. At times I am not content, because there is always more to experience, and new ways to do it. In those moments I willingly embrace the fire, burning passionately, knowing that I have the power to rise from the ashes fresh & new.
I'm aware that it may appear self destructive, yet, its completely intuitive and similar to the changes in the season to a point. I instinctively do this every year. Just as I instinctively know when to sow. My spirit is warmed and maintained by the fire of my passion as I enjoy the things that renew my spirit.
Energetically speaking, parting with the busy days of spring (setting intensions, nourishing) and days of summer (opening gateways, clearing) are not sorrowful knowing that the harvest (frutation, abundance & gratitude) has come in and will sustain me through the winter. (a time of planning & preparation)
There is this powerful energy simmering just within reach. Something yet to be acknowledged and explored. Appealing but not distracting. A missing ingredient, a coming together, a recipe, a meldly, a mix of energy being brought into harmony. #autumn #energy
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sugar-hearse · 7 years
I'm bored
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? Ok are we talking like a text text or like a snap chat message or an Instagram DM because if it’s text text then absolutely not although I actually have slept with him in the past because he’s my ex so 
2. You talked to an ex today, correct? Yes, see above comment hahaha. Mitchell texted me and I was just like WHAT DO YOU WANT 
 3. Have you taken someones virginity? Nope 
4. Is trust a big issue for you? Yeah :/ 
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? Saturday 
6. What are you excited for? MOVING TO MY NEW APARTMENT 
7. What happened tonight? It’s like one in the afternoon 
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Only if they are stupid or puke everywhere 
9. Is confidence cute? To a degree 
10. What is the last beverage you had? My daily morning protein and probiotic drink YUM 
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? Maybe like…4. 
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? Yeah 
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? This Saturday? I have no clue, I think I’m scheduled to work 
14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably food or gas 
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? Nope. I wish. 
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Probably? I feel like I’m constantly changing 
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Probably my mom or Krissy and Chloe 
18. The last time you felt broken? Like, last week hahaha 
19. Have you had sex today? Nope :/ 
20. Are you starting to realize anything? Not really anything I haven’t already realized 
21. Are you in a good mood? Kinda. I’m feeling extremely lazy today 
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? It depends on the situation 
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? No, they’re the same color as my mom's 
24. What do you want right this second? Delicious food 
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I’ve had this happen and I lived so it’s not gonna kill me even though it sucks but it’s like whatever, if I’m not with the person it doesn’t matter. I’ve also been cheated on and survived that so whatever, people like to fuck me over and mess with my emotions then so be it, I’m not gonna have them in my life, I deserve better. 
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yeah I’ve never dyed it 
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? Absolutely not 
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? I think something stupid on Facebook 
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? Yes, absolutely 
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? Not everyone. But sometimes. 
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? Yes 
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? I have feelings for two people, one knows and the other I’m pretty sure is too dumb still to have figured it out 
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I technically can’t drink soda anymore, I’m not just “one of THOSE people"
 34. Listening to? Silence at the moment, surprisingly 
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? All the time 
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? Hopefully at work, otherwise he’d be a damn liar and also his Instagram story would be a damn liar 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight? Actually I kinda do 
38. Who did you last call? Like an outgoing call? Anthony. The last call I took was from work.
 39. Who was the last person you danced with? Katherine hahaha 
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I was dating him for a hot second 
 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? TOO LONG AGO 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
 Ok when I first really hung out with one of my current crushes I got this like, turkey meal and I couldn’t finish it but I got hungry later and I was eating it with this dinky plastic fork and I looked like a cave woman eating this damn hunk of meat and I was like "I’m sorry, this is super embarrassing” and he said it wasn’t and so he told me a story of when he was embarrassed in high school and it made me feel better 44. Do you tan in the nude? No 
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Hmmmm maybe. Probably not. 
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? No 
47. Who was the last person to call you? Anthony or my mom I forget which 
48. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes 
49. Do you dance in the car? Sometimes 
50. Ever used a bow and arrow? I think I’ve like, held my dad’s bow but didn’t shoot it 
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Uhhhhh ok well what counts as a photographer are we talking a professional or what because the last time I had my picture taken and it was planned out and shit was in Anthony’s car, he took my film camera and like, unbuckled his seatbelt and turned around in his chair and became a contortionist just to get a good shot of me driving and I swear if it didn’t turn out I’m gonna be upset 
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? Yes, I hate most of them 
53. Is Christmas stressful? Yes 
54. Ever eat a pierogi? YES MMMMM 
55. Favorite type of fruit pie? Pumpkin DUH 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Veterinarian and artist 
57. Do you believe in ghosts? Kinda, I’ve had some weird ass unexplainable shit happen to me 
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Happens all the damn time to me 
59. Take a vitamin daily? Kinda, I have this protein drink with all this stuff in it 
60. Wear slippers? No 
61. Wear a bath robe? No 
62. What do you wear to bed? A dress that’s too short to wear out 
63. First concert? Lauryn Hill when I was 8 
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Target for SURE 
65. Nike or Adidas? Adidas 
66. Cheetos Or Fritos? Neither 
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Sunflower seeds 
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? None? 
69. Ever take dance lessons? Nope 
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Knowing me I’ll probably marry some artsy type, that’s all I go for, he’ll be some kind of musician or artist or writer or some shit 
71. Can you curl your tongue? Yes 
72. Ever won a spelling bee? NO ok we were just talking about this with my friends, I got the word “scared” and I didn’t hear it right and spelled “stairs” so I failed 
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? No actually 
74. What is your favorite book? Rant by Chuck Palahniuk 
75. Do you study better with or without music? With 
76. Regularly burn incense? No 
77. Ever been in love? I think so although sometimes I wonder 
78. Who would you like to see in concert? David Bowie 
79. What was the last concert you saw? Young Jesus at the echoplex 
80. Hot tea or cold tea? Cold 
81. Tea or coffee? Tea 
82. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate mother fucking chip 
83. Can you swim well? Yeah 
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yeah 
85. Are you patient? Not at all whatsoever 
86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ 
87. Ever won a contest? Yes I’ve won several writing competitions actually, and I won a contest where I got free Coachella tickets 
88. Ever have plastic surgery? No 
89. Which are better black or green olives? BLACK 
90. Opinions on sex before marriage? Fuck whoever whenever as long as you aren’t hurting anybody and it’s consensual 
91. Best room for a fireplace? Bedroom for sure 
92. Do you want to get married? Yeah it could be super cool to have a wedding but the idea of marriage is bizarre to me although tbh yeah, I would love to be married someday
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