#🌙: midnight meadow runs
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strxwberrylemonxde · 1 year ago
joker joker 😣🙏 please pleaseee
a/n: SKDNJS I'M FINALLY FREE TO ANSWER MY ASKS 😭 allow me to use this ask to insert some random headcanons of our favorite pookie bear while I work on the other joker fics I got for you đŸ€© these are so bad im so sorry
He would say this to Batman after escaping Arkham for the millionth time
Kicks feet and giggles 
Someone please sedate me
I know damn well they had to put a muzzle on this man in Arkham because he bit someone for talking bad about Batman 
It was Killer Croc 💀
I think this man loves sprinkles for some reason -- specifically rainbow sprinkles 
Like he needs it on his ice cream or else he won't eat it
Like he would rob a store at gunpoint for rainbow sprinkles
 And then go, “Oh nooo, I hope a big, bad, Bat doesn’t come and stop me” type shit 😭
Speaking of ice cream, I wholeheartedly believe Joker is lactose intolerant
Does he care?
Not in the slightest
He is guzzling milk, cheese, and ice cream at all times
He went to extensive lengths to smuggle in a picture of Batman into his cell in Arkham, but don’t ask him how he did it 
You don't wanna know
He has a tattoo on his lower back a tramp stamp of the bat symbol
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strxwberrylemonxde · 4 years ago
Watching True Crime w/ Them
Featuring: Deku, Bakugou, Hawks, and Dabi
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warning: None
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N - After a couple of days of writers block, this idea spontaneously came to me while I was painting sksj, I hope you enjoy <3
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Okay but this man would be invested
 Like scarily invested
I don’t know why, but I can just imagine him intensely paying attention to every detail thats displayed
He initially wanted to make a little surprise visit to your dorm, hoping to spend some time with you and then he would see you watching a true crime show on your computer
Huddled in a little blanket with the blinds shut may I add
See, you would think he wouldn’t want to watch or that he would want to do something else and that he’s had enough hearing about crime
He sits down with you and within the first five minutes, he was hooked 
He would constantly rewind and go back just to analyze everything again
Okay but picture him aggressively muttering about the inconsistencies of the suspect’s story and how there were holes in the investigation 
Meanwhile, you’re next to him on the bed like 😃
If he pulls out a notebook to jot notes or clues down i-
At this point, you can’t tell if he’s planning on using the information for “future reference” or just to test out his investigative skills and deductive reasoning
Heaven forbid him from figuring out the perpetrator before the narrator does because he will just go on and on about how it was the only possible answer and that the clues all point to that person
But honestly, you find it adorable
This would absolutely lead to more true-crime dates
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He comes into the common room to see you and the Bakusqaud watching a true-crime documentary
You and Kiri convince him to come join you guys, and much to his annoyance, he does
Now, on the outside, he watches with a bored look on his face
Maybe he’ll even criticize their actions every now and then or he’ll start yelling about the mistakes they’ve made
But inside? His soul has left his body
Poor boy will start to sweat -excessively- and is lowkey scared he’s gonna set off explosions in front of everyone
He would be deeply unsettled with the idea of how far people are willing to go 
Or maybe he’s unsettled by the tone of the narrator because me too 
If the Bakusquad were watching Forensic Files, he might just combust
By the time the killer and/or the whole plan behind the crime is revealed, man is  p a l e
Like I’m pretty sure all the blood has drained from his face because the next time you look at him, there is no color 
Denki notices this and thought it would be funny to give him a little scare
Biggest mistake of his life
RIP Kaminari aye
Sero and Mina rushed him to Recovery Girl
You felt kind of bad for Bakugou so you invited him to stay over in your dorm
Of course his pride said “no 😐” but you insisted that you wouldn’t be able to sleep after watching the documentary
You knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep that night
 or several nights after that
Expect a very cuddly Bakugou in your bed 
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This man has to have seen some of this stuff at work so he’s probably used to it by now
Like some of this might even be just an average Tuesday night at the Hero Commissions to him
So he would be unfazed
Like at this point he’s seen it all
But the one thing he enjoys most is scaring you into oblivion
And that’s what he does

It’s late and he’s just coming home from work right, and there you are in one of his shirts in his penthouse watching a true-crime documentary on the TV
It’s dark in the room to add to the ambiance
Hawks sees this as an opportunity to mess with you
As the window is unlocked to let him in, he slips a few feathers inside
By now, you are already on edge because 1: it’s dark as hell and you’re alone, and 2: everything about the case you’re watching is just overall unsettling
But then you hear a rustle in the other room and your blood turns to ice
You turn and there’s nothing there
Absolutely terrified and paranoid, you turn the TV off and sprint your way into the bedroom
You start to hear more noises around you and absolutely freak
Unbeknownst to you, Hawks is inside, wings spread wide with a feral look in his eyes just right in the middle of the bedroom in the dark
As soon as you open the door your screams are the only thing ringing in his ears
Oh lord you were seeing red
You refused to give him cuddles afterward and he was pouty for the rest of the night
“Oh come on dove, I said I was sorry”
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He’s another one who would be invested, but he wouldn’t actually show it
Like Hawks, he has seen literally everything and more in his time at the League so to him this was absolutely nothing
I think he would cackle every now and then at an unexpected plot twist and he would definitely make fun of you for being so on edge
So you’re sitting next to him on this old raggedy couch right
And his eyes are fixed on the screen
You on the other hand are absolutely petrified
Even though you’re a villain, some of the true-crime stories you see and hear about are just as unsettling as the one time you saw a shrine of Eraserhead in Shigaraki’s room

Anyways, it’s late and you and Dabi are watching a true-crime docuseries in the dark
As villainous couples do
And the whole thing just absolutely freaks you out, like you even broke out into a cold sweat
Dabi takes notice of this and thinks it’s funny to tease you, leaning in to whisper in your ear
“Why so tense dollface?”
You see the smirk on his face
You take this as a challenge as you shove him away from you
“I’m perfectly fine”
You were indeed not fine
The chill of the narrator’s tone was enough to scare you out of your mind and by the time you reach the end, you were paler than before
He would tease you for the rest of the night and laugh at the way you couldn’t sleep for a week straight
But deep down, he feels kinda bad
He would leave a kiss on your forehead once he lulls you to sleep
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years ago
Before requesting i have to say i just love the way you write! And also just the vibes of your account are so nice jsjdjd i love it.
Anyways, i'd like to request 8. 2. and 7. with Shoto Todoroki for the Halloween extravaganza. Fluff but like with some crack. Either drabble or a scenario whatever fits you better. Thank you!
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Warning: None :) Maybe a few little mistakes
Word Count: 1.0k
A/N - You're so sweet anon đŸ„ș You've literally made my whole day. Thank you so much, I'm so happy you're here! I'm so sorry for the wait, I've been piled up with homework and performances for weeks but I'm here now to finally deliver 💀 Thank you so much for the request, this ran a little longer than I expected but I really hope you enjoy dear, this was so much fun to write <3
Lynn's Halloween Extravaganza
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“Like this?” Shoto questioned as he stabbed the carving knife into the pumpkin.
“Okay maybe don’t stab it like that, but you’ve got the idea.” You smiled, as Shoto struggled a bit to get the knife out of the pumpkin.
The sun was just about to set when you went to ask Shoto if he wanted to carve a pumpkin with you. You weren’t sure if the puzzled look he gave was from the way he didn’t know you could carve your own pumpkins or the way that you excitedly banged on his door. To be fair, the last thing you wanted was for Kaminari to steal all the pumpkins and make them into a pumpkin suit
 like last year. Somedays you could still smell the pumpkin guts on him.
The laughter of your classmates rang in the background as you focused on your pumpkin carving, listening to the conversations that lingered around you.
“Y/N, I think I finished my pumpkin.” Shoto’s words grabbed your attention, pulling you away from the sound of Mina and Kaminari’s giggling as they tried to put a fake spider on Bakugou’s arm.
“Ooo, Let me see! How did it go?”
“Well, besides the inside of the pumpkin being kind of gross and Bakugou almost slipping on the pumpkin seeds, I think it went pretty well.”
“I HEARD THAT YOU DAMN ICY HOT!” Bakugou barked from the couch, an ice pack resting on his right knee.
You bit your cheek, trying not to laugh as Shoto showed you the pumpkin he carved.
“I- Shoto, there are so many designs you could have gone with and that’s how you chose to carve the pumpkin??” You had to stifle another wave of laughter as you looked at the smile on his face. Carved into the pumpkin was a circle, a simple circle, and you watched as the candle flickered inside it.
“Did I do it correctly?” He asked as he tilted his head, trying to gauge your reaction
“Yeah Sho, it looks beautiful.” You laughed again as you pecked his cheek.
A small smile adorned his face as you heard Mina gasp.
“Guys, we HAVE to go trick-or-treating!!” She squealed, bouncing around as she looked around the room. “It’ll be so much fun, and besides, I’ve been DYING to wear the costume I bought like forever ago!!”
Shoto only turned to you in slight confusion. “I don’t think I’ve ever been trick-or-treating before.”
Mina turned, aghast at the statement. “Now we have to go guys!!! We gotta make Todoroki’s first trick-or-treating experience one to remember!!”
Before anyone else could chime in, Bakugou scoffed. “There’s no way in hell I’m going out to do little kid stuff. I’ve got better things to do than-”
“What’s wrong Kacchan, you scared you’re not gonna get the most candy out of all of us?” Kaminari teased, hoping to entice the little gremlin to join the fun. “I know you’re scared of losing and all but-”
“Wait wait!! Mina yelled, sprinting down the hall toward her dorm, “I’ve got the perfect costume for Todoroki!”
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Apparently, Mina’s definition of a “perfect costume” for Shoto was a sheet with two eye holes in it. With the same stoic expression on his face, he put the sheet on, and when Deku asked how he felt in the sheet, he replied with “spooky.”
The plan was simple. Everyone got into groups of two or three and would split into different directions. By 10:00 pm, you would all meet back in the common room to count the candy collected and determine the winner. Dressed in a makeshift outfit of one of your favorite heroes, you paired with Shoto and set off.
The two of you had been walking for a while with no houses in sight and you started to worry that you took the wrong path. “Do you know where we are?” You heard Shoto ask. You looked around anxiously as you saw no house in sight.
“No I don’t think I do, but we could probably just go back the way we came and
” Looking around, you felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach as you realized you weren’t sure which way you guys came from.
 I think we’re lost.”
With a finger on his chin, you watched as Shoto scanned the area questioningly until he pointed in the distance. “I think I see a house right there, let’s go before the others get here.”
Approaching the building, you watched as Shoto searched for a front door. With no luck finding one, he knocked on the concrete of the building instead. “Trick-or-treat.”
You smacked your face with the palm of your hand as you surveyed the area before you. “Sho, this is a graveyard
You pointed to the large sign that read the name of the cemetery, too old and rusted to be legible, but enough to get the point across. You heard a little “oh” escape him and he blushed a slight shade of red as he apologized.
Before you could laugh and tell him it was alright, you heard the snapping of a twig in the distance.
“Shoto, did you hear that?”
Another twig snapped, sounding closer this time, and Shoto drew near you, taking off the sheet and pulling you into his chest, attempting to shield you from anything that came near.
As a third twig snapped, you shut your eyes and buried your head into his chest, the anxiety beginning to eat away at you.
“BOO!” A scream ripped out of you and Shoto’s throats as you heard wheezing.
Before you stood Mina and Kaminari doubled over, laughing like hyenas.
“We totally got you guys, oh my god,” Kaminari said between wheezes.
“You should’ve seen your guy’s faces, totally priceless!” Mina laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Very funny guys! You got us!” You rolled your eyes.
“We couldn’t help ourselves, we saw you guys and thought it was a perfect opportunity!” Mina giggled.
Kaminari sprung up from the ground and gestured to his candy pale. “Yeah yeah, we’re sorry, but enough talk, we need your help to get the most candy so we can beat Bakugou! You guys in??”
Todoroki’s first trick-or-treat was definitely going to be something to remember.
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years ago
First time doing an ask (ever) so I'm trying my best. Sorry. I'd like to request;
Shoto Todoroki 🧊icy hotđŸ”„ drabble with him in a corn maze(13?), crack style ending in prompt one.
CORN MAZE MADNESS - Shoto Todoroki
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Warning: None
Word Count: 0.49k
A/N - Hehe I'm so happy you chose prompt 1 for Mr. IcyHot, the ideas I've had for this one!!! And there's no need to apologize dear, I'm so happy you requested :) I really hope you enjoy this one <3
Lynn's Halloween Extravaganza
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“So it’s a maze
 made of
 corn?” Shoto asked, tilting his head to the side as he looked at the maze.
“Yup, exactly! And usually, there’ll be a few jumpscares here and there too, but that’s part of the fun!” You beamed.
The sounds of the Halloween carnival rang out from behind you as you, Deku, and Shoto continued to wait in line.
Shoto only looked at it again before he squinted his eyes. “I don’t trust it.”
Deku, who was eating his fifth bag of kettle corn, choked out, “I- What’s not to trust about it Todoroki? I know the idea of getting jump scared can be scary but they’re just the workers in costume, it’s not that bad-”
“Nothing can be scarier than my old man’s attempts at being a better father.” Shoto deadpanned, a blank look on his face as he stared at the two of you.
“I- At this point, I can’t even tell if you're joking anymore Sho
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“Which way should we turn now?” Deku asked. After three left turns and a right, the three of you approached a divide in the maze, your only options being left or right.
“Maybe we should try going right? Someone once told me to always follow the right wall when in a predicament like this.” Shoto said.
 the person who told you that was the fortune teller from earlier. Remember when you asked what a fortune teller was
“Oh. Then should we go left then?”
“No no, right is perfectly fine. Let’s go, guys!” Deku said, speed walking towards the right.
Around the corner there was a woman dressed in all black, a creepy clown grin painted on her face.
You watched as Deku gulped before trying to speed walk past her.
A giggle escaped her lips as she spoke, “Beware of the pumpkin killer, they say he lurks these walls, searching for his next victim.” She paused before adding, “Or maybe I should say, ``victims.”
“Hello, I am Shoto Todoroki from U.A, do you happen to know where the exit is?”
The girl only grinned wider as she watched the three of you leave.
Suddenly, you paused as you watched Deku let out a relieved sigh. “Wait, I think I see the exit! We did it!”
You took three steps before you heard the corn stalks rustle beside you.
“Wait did you guys hear-”
A scream ripped out of your throat as you felt something grab your shoulders from behind. Your eyes were screwed shut as you heard Deku scream from in front of you. “TODOROKI WAIT DON’T-”
And then you felt the temperature drop.
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“Can someone please explain to me why an employee was almost frozen to death tonight?”
“I didn’t mean to try and kill him. He shouldn’t have scared me.” Shoto stated, looking Aizawa dead in the eyes. “He caught me off guard.”
Aizawa only sighed and rubbed his eyes. “They don’t pay me enough for this.”
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strxwberrylemonxde · 4 years ago
Could I please have Shinsou and Kirishima with someone who acts like PuppyCat and talks like puppy cat from bee and puppy cat!(just in case you need a reference to who that is there’s a vid of yt called “Every Time PuppyCat Talks!”!!)
S/O Who Acts & Talks Like PuppyCat
Featuring: Shinsou and Kirishima
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Warning: Very very light cursing
Word Count: 0.73k
A/N - Okay I know I say this about a lot of the requests I get, but this idea so adorable 😭 I looked up the reference video you provided (which by the way, thank you very much for it) and couldn't stop cackling in the darkness of my bedroom at 5:37am. I really hope I captured PuppyCat's personality well enough in this. Thank you so much for the request dear and I hope you enjoy! <33
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Oh boy were you feisty
The first time he met you he thought you were just another Bakugou
And that pissed him off beyond belief
He didn’t want to associate with you because of your blunt and aloof attitude, thinking you were just another arrogant hero course student
But when you guys got together, he realized you were the funniest and cutest person out there
It’s kind of a funny story how you guys started getting along actually
He was being harassed by another student in the hallway on his way to class
It was a rare occasion now that he was in high school but it still happened from time to time
They called him a villain, telling him that he didn’t have any potential as a hero and he tried his best to ignore them
You were on your way to class yourself and saw the whole ordeal go down
And without thinking, you went up to the students face and told them, and I quote, “Out of the way you disgusting human”
And proceeded to walk off, pulling Shinsou along with you by the wrist
From there, he started seeing a new side to your personality
He literally thinks of you like a cat trying to act like the top dog and he loses his shit every time he thinks about it
One time he called you cute and I swear to god, the look you gave him 💀
“You’re so adorable, you act like a kitten sometimes I swear”
“The hell did you just say to me?? 😠”
After watching the reference vid, I get the feeling that PuppyCat would say that he hates cuddling, but would secretly love it if you were to cuddle him
So with that being said, if Shinsou tried to cuddle you, I can just imagine you letting out a [Small Scream] 💀
It’s just you squirming around in his arms and when he releases you, you just start cuddling up to him or start nestling your face into his chest while Shinsou looks at you like “Really? 😐”
The two of you together is like watching a sleep-deprived cat interact with a slightly feral, aloof, and cold
 cat? puppy? PuppyCat?
It's the perfect mix of chaotic and wholesome
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Okay, this man is used to your attitude and he literally thinks you’re the cutest thing in the whole world
This man is friends with Bakugou, so that cool and distant energy you have? He’s immune
I can just picture this man’s heart melting every time he sees you let out screams of [RAGE], especially during combat training or when you would yell at Bakugou to do something, calling him a peasant p l e a s e a peasant im screaming
Like, you know that scene in Heroes Rising where Kirishima is smiling at Bakugou and his head’s on the table? This one
Yeah, that's how he looks at you and it's just *chefs kiss*
To put it simply, this is how I imagine you guys started talking
Kiri: “You’re my friend now, we’re having soft tacos later!”
You: *feral PuppyCat noises*
You know how PuppyCat also has this fixation on Pretty Patrick?
Whenever Kiri wants your attention and you’re busy, he will play your favorite TV show/movie and just watch you levitate into his arms 💀
Please this is so funny to picture 😭
Oh god speaking of TV shows and movies
Heaven forbid you from ever seeing him cry
I headcanon that he could watch any chick-flick which Mina totally didn’t convince him to watch and would just start crying by the end of it
So when you caught him crying over like “10 Things I Hate About You” or something in the common room, you were about to lose it
“Eiji, are you crying? THAT’S IT WHO DID IT? WAS IT BAKUGOU? SO HELP ME-”
Mans started laughing so hard he started crying again
You let out one of those [Small Screams] and he almost pissed himself 💀
Next time you saw Bakugou, Kiri had to hold you back from unleashing another wave of [RAGE] at him
Bakugou: 😐🙄
Kiri definitely had to stop multiple fights from breaking out between the two of you
All in all, the two of you were quite the dynamic duo
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years ago
aah i think this is like my third request but this is just so fun! and i still didn't request for haikyuu so if i could have 1 from your Halloween extravaganza as crack for Oikawa.
I don't mind either a drabble or a scenario. thank you.
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Warning: Slight cursing
Word Count: 0.44k
A/N - Aww thank you for the request dear, I'm so happy you're enjoying it!! And thank you for requesting a Haikyuu one 😭 It's been a hot second since I last wrote for Haikyuu... I've been starting to feel a little better with my cold and stuff so I finally had the energy to finish up all the requests I have. So sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoy <333
Lynn’s Halloween Extravaganza
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Oikawa hated haunted houses, and it showed. His insistence on wanting to sit out only wore Iwaizumi’s patience and his life was surely about to flash before his eyes if he began to test him further.
“Nope, no way Iwa, I am NOT going in there. Who knows what kind of sickos are lurking in there.”
“You mean the sickos you call your classmate?” Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow.
Seijoh was holding a Halloween carnival, and everyone you passed had said the haunted house was the attraction of the night.
“Yes, exactly.” Oikawa turned his head and crossed his arms, pouting like the child he was.
“Oh come on Tooru, it’ll be fun!” You chimed in, smiling light-heartedly in hopes of easing his fears.
“Nope, absolutely not, I am not risking-”
“STOP BEING A WUSS SHITTYKAWA, LETS GO BEFORE THE LINE GETS TOO LONG” You held back a wheeze as Iwaizumi kicked Oikawa forward, pushing him in the direction of the school, where the haunted house was set up.
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“You guys suck” Oikawa wailed as his voice echoed in the darkness of the hallway. You could feel him clutching onto your shirt as you stood in the front, leading the three of you down the path.
“Tooru, can you stop clutching onto my shirt so hard, I can feel your fingernails in my back.”
“You’re my shield Y/N! If anything scary happens, you’ll be in front to protect me.”
“Well, I can also feel your hot breath running down my neck, so would you please-”
The creak of a door alerted the three of you, and you all froze.
You turned your head to the source of the noise to see a door slightly ajar, only pitch black on the other side. Suspense hung in the air as seconds ticked by, the three of you staring at the door, waiting for something to happen.
“Why are we just standing here, can we please keep moving so we can lea- WHO JUST TOUCHED ME AHHHHHHHH” Oikawa’s screams rang in your ears.
The only thing you could see now was the outline of Oikawa aggressively punching the air before a loud “OW” and thud was heard. Within seconds, the lights in the hallway turned on and a hooded creature was on the floor, groaning as he removed his costume.
It was Makki.
Iwa was the first to speak among the shock. “Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?! You just killed Hanamaki!”
“I didn’t mean to kill him! He shouldn’t have scared me like that!”
“Guess you guys will be down a player huh
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years ago
May i request 1. as a crack drabble and 6. as scary drabble for Kirishima for the Halloween extravaganza? Thanks in advance.
DOUBLE FEATURE - Eijirou Kirishima
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Warning: None!
Total Word Count: 0.69k
A/N - My first Kirishima request for this event!! Hi hi anon, I'm so happy you requested! Thank you very much for the request, I've been so excited to write this one, I hope you enjoy it <33
Lynn’s Halloween Extravaganza
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A Spindling Surprise
The sound of Jirou’s Halloween playlist echoed through the common room as the sound of laughter filled your ears. It was Eri’s first Halloween, and as a surprise, Class 1-A wanted to give her the best Halloween party she could ask for. Each of you was split into pairs and put in charge of different areas of the party, and you and Kirishima were responsible for decoration hanging.
As you were stringing orange and black streamers on the wall and ceiling, you heard Kirishima bustling around with the black and orange balloons that were clenched in his hands.
“Eiji, do you have any more tape? I’m running out up here.” You called from your place on the ladder.
“Sorry sunshine, I don’t, but I can get some for you! I’ll be right back!” He gave you a toothy smile before rushing out of the room in search of some tape.
Kirishima was only gone for less than a minute when you heard a screech ring out from the hallway, followed by a deafening crash and the sound of something breaking. With your blood running cold, you jumped from the ladder and made your way to the site of the sound. Rounding the corner, you were met with a misty-eyed Kiri, a pout on his lip, as his lip quivered in sadness.
“I didn’t mean to kill him! He shouldn’t have scared me like that!”
Looking around him, you had to hold back the snort that began to surface as you saw pieces of Kaminari’s spider decoration lying on the floor.
“Aww Eiji, did the spider scare you that bad?” You cooed, kneeling down to squish his cheek.
“It came out of nowhere and assaulted me!”
From behind, you could hear the sound of footsteps approaching, accompanied by Kaminari’s loud gasp.
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The Witching Hour Awaits
Your dorm was quiet as you and Kirishima studied for a quiz that was coming up. You were growing bored and watched as Kiri struggled to maintain focus. To entertain yourself, you shifted your focus to the autumnal candle that flickered on the dresser across the room, and an idea crossed your mind.
“Hey Eiji, do you wanna hear a story?”
“Ooo, a story huh? What do you have for me sunshine?” Kiri closed the book he was looking from and placed his attention on you, scooting closer in the process.
“I just remembered a story one of the other classes was telling at lunch today. It seemed to freak everybody out and Halloween is coming up, so it’s perfect.” You smiled.
“I’m your manly man! I think I’ll be able to handle it!” Giving you a toothy grin in response.
“Well, they always said 3 AM was when the witches wake.”
Your tone was unnerving as you spoke, flat as iron with the tint of a smile. You spoke of a poor woman they claimed to have made a deal with the dead. How she preyed on the lives of the innocent and filled their dreams with dread. Tired of her sorrow and tired of her shame, she seemed to have snapped in the eyes of man. For one soul she traded, she lived an extra day, and the more she fulfilled their lust for blood, the more she was bestowed. In the end, nothing could quench the bloodlust and desire more than the dealer herself, so she was dragged down to Hell, from tooth, skin, and nail, to rot with the rest down under.
And as Halloween approaches, it is said that the 3 AM hour unleashes the sounds of her wails. They say the witch finally wakes, and you’ll know by the blowing of a candle.
By the time you were done, you looked at Kiri’s ashen face and a nervous chuckle escaped his lips.
“Gotcha didn’t I Eij-”
It was the faint whooshing sound that drew your attention. All was still for the briefest of moments as you turned to the side.
Your candle had blown out.
But even more so, while you were too preoccupied to notice before, the air had gone stiller as the tick of the clock crept closer to the 3 AM hour.
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strxwberrylemonxde · 4 years ago
Tagging System
#🍯: freshly baked -> original works
#☀: village finds -> reblogs + recs
#đŸŒ»: lynn’s response -> answering/responding to asks
#🍄: lynn’s baking breaks -> random thoughts, rants, etc.
#🍁: sincerely lynn -> friendly reminders
#🐝: sweet as honey -> original fluff works
#🌙: midnight meadow runs -> original crack works
#đŸ„€: fallen petals -> original angst works
#💕: lynn sends love -> original comfort works
#💋: the lovers -> original suggestive works
#đŸŒč: tag games
#💌: anons -> specific anon interactions <3
more shall be added <3
triggers will be appropriately tagged
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