#i'm bored. I wanna talk about this stupid episode for a minute
masteroffakesmiles · 10 months
I hated the ending of idate a bad boy in the og icarly. Like they made Carly so dumb and shallow. Yeah, don't break up with the guy who's literally a delinquent, but break up with him because he collects plush toys. What?
Like I'm sorry, but any smart person wouldn't date a criminal (then again, Carly is BFFs with one so I dunno)
I think if this were written better, Griffin would just be a normal guy who loves to collect plush toys. (And if he has to be a “bad boy”, still make him a normal dude with a snarky jackass personality) And that would make Carly head-over-heels for him (since she DOES have plushies in her room I think) And even if she didn't like plushies, that's still no reason to break things off with him. She just sees it as "Oh no! A tough-as-nails badass collects plushies! That's not sexy!"
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s12e10 lily sunder has some regrets (w. steve yockey)
almost typed regerts. will i have them? also forgot billie said "consequnces on a cosmic scale" so thanks for the reminder, does that mean cas caused the big problem again this time? they take turns. also appreciate the bitchy little *pause* "you're welcome." from cas, lol
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s12e10 / cybill (1995-1998) s1e5 - alicia witt as zoey woodbine
oh, it's uhhh. alicia witt! what do i know her from originally. something when she was in her teens maybe? voice is the same. ahhh she was in cybill too, she was one of the mains! cybill's daughter.
did you know jensen was also in an episode of cybill?? one episode in 1997 lol
damn this is punchier than i remember, pretty great actually. watching a little clip and alicia's line talking to her mom (cybill) and cybill's best friend, maryann
cybill s1e5 (clip) ZOEY You know what your problem is. You're both addicted to orgasms. MARYANN Did I black out and miss something? ZOEY No, I just think you two are pathetic. All you ever talk about is men and sex, men and sex. It's so boring. What's the big prize? A few seconds of involuntary muscular contractions.
so ok, dedee pfeiffer was also in cybill (42 episodes! she was the other daughter) - she was in spn s4e19 jump the shark, and i see it looks like she's a main on big sky too, which jensen was in s3 of. i have not tried to watch it (or walker or basically anything else they've been in). it's all connected!
45 minute detour later.... 🥴 (she's been in a ton of other stuff ofc)
laughed out loud at the response to angel pulling an angel blade, answer is ha-ha i have two angel blades!! so cheesy.
SAM You talk to Cass yet? DEAN No. SAM So, what, you're just gonna keep walking past each other in the kitchen, not saying a word? DEAN Maybe. SAM Look, yes, Cass killed Billie, but he saved us. He saved Mom. How long are you gonna stay pissed? DEAN I'm not pissed that he cares about us, you know. I'm – I'm grateful. But Billie said there would be “cosmic consequences” if that deal got broken. You have any idea what that means? SAM No. DEAN Neither do I, but I'm pretty sure it ain't jellybeans and g-strings. SAM My point is, Cass thought he was doing the right thing.
so this is the thing that dean's gonna hold a grudge over? well he drops other things pretty fast so i imagine it's not gonna last. i thought the wall breaking was the unforgivable grudge-worthy thing but eh! they're family, i think was the explanation. the perpetual clean slate. which i've been given reason to believe for certain individuals. maybe not at all for others falling under the category :p
SAM Yeah, all right. Well… we'll come with you. CASS Both of you? DEAN Sure. Yeah, we could help. Gotta make sure you don't do anything else stupid.
don't be an asshole, dean. i will be the first to agree cas tends to make atrocious decisions, but sometimes you keep those comments inside your head :p
SAM All right. Guys, you know what? This – this silent treatment thing, it's silly. It's not gonna work. Whatever we're walking into, we should, you know, probably have an actual plan. CASS (sighs) What do you wanna know? DEAN Oh, he speaks. SAM Enough.
i'm here for sam having to mediate their snapping at each other but i was trying to figure out why (perpetually displeased with how the show does their relationship) i thought the bickering felt unfounded and contrived and like. dean being this stubborn-mad at cas for saving his two closest family members (and himself) because of some hazy unknown big bad consequences.... just feels really hypocritical :P what with killing Death to save sam, sam letting the darkness out to save dean, not finising the trials to close hell's doors to save sam, etc etc etc. but oh you're gonna be mad at cas for doing the same thing (and with less time to decide aka no time/info) whatever, dude
DEAN Wow, this Benjamin seems like he's pretty cool, you know. Like he wouldn't make any half-cocked, knee-jerk choices. CASS Yeah, you know what I like about him? Is that he's sarcastic, but he's thoughtful and appreciative, too. DEAN Now what is that supposed to mean? SAM Okay, okay, the road, road. Dude, watch the road.
but i do always appreciate the episodes where they decide cas gets to have some personality other than clueless robot. snarky cas is my favorite
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CASS Ishim said to come alone. He doesn't like humans. If I plan to do anything else stupid, I'll let you know.
tell him, cas
CASS I'm not a hero, but sometimes doing the right thing requires sacrifices. ISHIM True, but it just always seems that it's other angels sacrificing for your good deeds. Their wings, their lives. CASS Are you here to insult me or talk about Benjamin? ISHIM Can't we do both?
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CASS These are my friends – my friends who don't listen very well.
sam hanging off the edge reminds me sitting 3 to a seat on the school bus 😂 dean, you ass. but also, cas scoot over, there's no way this booth is this small!
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glad we got the little primer about benjamin being "he" but in a woman's vessel so now we can understand castiel being in this lady's body :p also the primer on nephilim to prepare for spawn of lucifer?
surprise surprise, shady angel is shady. sam gets to stay behind and relate to poor woman who's burning up her soul with angel magic, then she gets to freak him out saying dean's gonna die.
DEAN This Lily chick? Says that her daughter was human. I think Ishim… I think he's playing you.
apparently castiel has had the bad luck for a while
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ISHIM Who are you gonna believe? Your brother, or some filthy ape who's always talking down to you, always mocking you. DEAN You know, Cass and I might not agree all the time, but at least he knows who his real friends are. CASS Why do his words bother you so much, Ishim? ISHIM Who is he to question my choices? Who is he to question yours? CASS Well, it seems that some of my choices may need to be questioned. Now tell me. The girl – was she human?
this is the cas i like to see! he's got spunk and fire and thoughts! not being woobified by the writers :p
ISHIM So now… I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna cure you of your human weakness same way I cured my own– – by cutting it out.
cutting out castiel's weakness by killing dean, like he killed who.. the daughter? i thought it was comparing his obsession with alicia witt but no she's still alive lol
DEAN I thought you were supposed to keep her out of this. SAM Yeah, I changed my mind. DEAN Good call.
DEAN What Ishim said… You're not weak, Cass. You know that, right? SAM I mean, obviously, you've changed, but it's all been for the better, man. DEAN And you have been with us every step of this long, crazy thrill ride. And no matter how crazy it got, you never backed down.
i mean.... except for that time he betrayed y'all. but it's ok lol
SAM And that takes real strength. CASS Thank you. DEAN Cass, I don't like how the whole Billie thing went down. Okay? I know you think you were doing the right thing. And I'm not mad. I'm worried. Because things like “cosmic consequences” have a habit of biting us in the ass. CASS I know they do. But I don't regret what I did, even if it costs me my life. SAM Don't say that, man.
sweet reaction there by sam, that kind of kneejerk reaction to someone you care about talking that way. well, i'm glad they talked and smoothed things over quickly, as expected. thinking now how different the show must seem if you watch just the cas episodes. deep thoughts
(amused the past couple? wiki transcriptions have used cass instead of cas)
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rinadragomir · 2 years
Poor book fan reacts to IWTV episode 1 🧛
Timeline in question. Daniel is an old man he always feared to be AND without his Armand🥺 and it's their 2 interview cause?... I don't understand, why you had to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place?
God bless Jacob Anderson
Obsessively religious Paul check ✅
RIP Lestat's silky hair, you were forgotten by the showrunners, but never by me 🪦
Miss Lily who?
I must say all the actors do a good job but Sam Reid's acting is just on another level, he understood his character so well that it creates a problem. Every time he's not on the screen I'm getting bored. So far, he's the most charismatic character in this show. (I chose to ignore the hair yes ;-;)
"He's not white he's French" Louis—
Louis family at dinner was like
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Lots of people say they made Louis less sophisticated and more rough without a reason. I would say that's pretty canon Louis but they made him more...resolute? That's not a bad change ONLY if in the future Louis doesn't accuse Lestat of manipulating him. Cause book Louis was kinda suggestible and show Louis makes all his choices consciously.
And if you read books you know that LOUIS HAD SOME ANGER ISSUES when it came to Lestat so it's canon. I'm just upset he doesn't suffer enough, HE SHOULD SUFFER EVERY SECOND OF HIS LIFE it's his thing🤌🏻
"The Earth's a savage garden" NO YOU DUMB WHORE U WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY "Beauty was a Savage Garden" or "The mind of each man is a Savage Garden" YOU CHEAP COPYCAT WHAT HAVE YOU DONE🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
I'm sorry I can't control it🙇🏼‍♀️
Sex scene was interesting. Everyone's talking about flying gays but I wanna talk about how Louis was eating Lily out and she just fell asleep. I know Lestat made her do it but if I were Louis I would cry😦
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Why does Louis react so casually to all Lestat's vampire shit? He's just like 🤷🏾"he's French" it's funny and all but why tho?
Paul's death was HILARIOUS 😭✋WHY DID THEY MAKE IT LOOK LIKE THIS my roommate laughed for like 3 minutes straight
Family blaming Louis check ✅
Thank God Lestat's back I was dying here. No wonder he's the main character in most books
Oh the final is honestly the best part of this episode. Lestat goes mad and violent so beautifully 😍 my little meow meow
Louis voice-over fucked up that scene. Like I'm not this stupid, I can understand what he's thinking right now without you explaining it to me thanks showrunners
My blood kink feels seen and appreciated 🥰
In conclusion: 7/10 - worth watching
Pros: Lestat's acting, Louis/ Lestat chemistry
Cons: old Daniel without his Armand; interview scenes (voice-over) pop up when we, as an audience, don't actually need them; not enough Lestat/Louis scenes where we could see their connection. It's a tv show, not a podcast, I don't wanna listen to what great moments they shared together, I WANNA ACTUALLY SEE IT OKAY? Like Louis was sitting in the car counting money with a satisfied smile bit the voice-over says he felt terrible 🥺 like WHERE
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irenic-raccoon · 11 months
Yall wanna see my The Young Ones creepypasta? Of course you do here u go. This is a joke btw. I'm not a good writer but I wanted to write something funny. The Narrator is unreliable. Or not. U decide lol. I just tried to write this fic with somewhat similar humor to that of The Young Ones.
I wanted to share this story as I am now in my Late 40s early 30s and this memory still sends a chill down my spine... Ow, my back.
It was the 80s and I was a British youngster. Don't worry, I recovered. I'm now a proud American. USA!!! Before my recovery, I'd watch alot of Television. This was before TV went extinct. No seriously. Some coder made a digital meteor and wiped all technology into extinction. Why did he even do that what's wrong with him??
I'd watch BBC and they had this show called "The Young Ones". It was this very nonsensical sitcom with slapstick and toilet humor. It wasn't even a cartoon this was all live action. What kinda drugs were they on??? Errmmmm 😂. My pops really liked it though because was a stupid alcoholic who'd laugh at paint drying. I prefer watching the grass grow but to each their own I guess. He'd record the episodes and save them on VHS. We burned them all one day because it was cold and he drunk us out of home. He gambled our house for bitcoin. Yes, Bitcoin existed in the 80s shut up this is my story.
One of the VHS tapes wasn't burnt though. My father mentioned something like how "it's haunted" and he "bought it from some strange man with a black cloak and glowing orb"... Even though HE recorded the episodes himself!?!? I got bored of living on the streets and bought a house with the money I had in my bank account. R.i.p Mom and Dad, they ate eachother alive while being homeless. If only there was something I could have done to help 💔. Still had that one recording of "The Young Ones". I got bored of watching the grass grow in the green room that costed 3 thousand dollars, so I decided to give it a watch. The VHS tape had writing on it. "DON'T PLAY THIS TAPE!!! IT'S CURSED AND YOU WILL DIE!!! ESPECIALLY YOU JOHN YOU BASTARD!!!!". Typical dad, always such a drunk comedian!! 😊
It started off normal. This was the last episode of the series. The main characters die in a bus crash at the end. At least thats how I remembered it before I watched this recording. The tall one, Neil, was being insulted by everyone while in the back yard, talking about summer break. Strange, since they looked too old for highschool, but that's also typical in media so I brushed that thought aside. Neil was usually the punching bag because he was a dirty hippie. In the original episode he tuned into the Hulk. Well, it was a daydream segment. The usual nonsensical shit. But in this one when they got a close up on his face before his Hulk transformation, the screen got really glitchy. Nothing out of the norm since it was a VHS. Except for the fact that his eyes got all black and he started crying blood. I thought it was just the VHS acting up so I turned the TV off and on again. It played the episode back from the beginning and it was just a black screen for 10 minutes this time.
I just sat there watching the black screen, since that was my 2nd favorite activity behind watching grass grow. I was having the time of my life. After that, it just showed Neil in the back yard, the same place before the tape started acting up. It was nighttime for whatever reason and he just stood there, looking at me... What the hell was he looking at? He needs to get a hobby! What did I do to him?! I looked at the screen a little closer since the screen was so dark. Bad directing on their part. Three bloody bodies laid there behind him. I don't remember the episode being this dark but also this show was all over the place and I was probably just high and imagining things again. It's a serious problem. I'm just like my father.
I had to go take a shit so I stood up and went to the restroom. Couldn't shit on the couch again. The stain was still there and it smelt bad. When I came back, Neil was gone and it was just the bodies. Boooring! I took the VHS tape out and threw it away.
None of this has to do with the creepy thing I mentioned in the beginning, just got off topic. I ran out of Adderall. Anyways, I was outside looking directly at the sun since that was my 3rd favorite activity. When I was out there, I saw a guy walk by wearing a Nirvana t-shirt. Nirvana didn't even exist by then. What the fuck. But bitcoin did. Don't question me!
Neil.exe is coming...
Hahaha I said "coming."
The And
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covermeinclouds · 3 years
i just finished watching gilmore girls including the reboot and here are my final thoughts on the whole thing:
i get distracted too easily and i get way too bored too fast so i don't watch a lot of shows that last 40 minutes an episode. i can only count by hand how many shows i've seen that last that long with more than 4 seasons. gilmore girls was supposed to be a show i'd put on when i don't really wanna watch anything but want to watch something if that makes sense. but i ended up falling in love with the show and finding the home-y type of comfort in it. it's as if i watch an episode just to "go home."
dean forester was my absolute favorite boyfriend even if he had some things about him that i didn't like. dean forester is exactly the guy you want to meet when you want to settle down. he's exactly who you want to be with when you grow older. i think rory said something along the lines of that when she saw dean again in the reboot. (non-verbatim) "you taught me how it feels to be safe." that is exactly why i was rooting for him. cause i'm 24 and have already had a jess mariano in my life to know that dean is exactly the person rory should want
but rory was going to be a teenager. and, yes, even the most book smart people get tempted over guys who are assholes to everyone else but you. it's the trope we all want and root for to succeed. but as expected, they were 17(or was it 18?) and had shit to figure out and jess had stuff in his life he needed to deal with which resulted to mistreating rory (which isn't an excuse but he learned along the way)
didn't like that dean cheated on lindsay for rory. didn't like that he lied to rory to get her to sleep with him either. and that he really probably wouldn't have told lindsay if he didn't get caught.
at first, i was only annoyed at lindsay because of her approach when rory spoke to her in the hockey game. but then again, she is somebody's girlfriend. and even if she was annoying, she didn't deserve to be cheated on. she didn't deserve to marry a guy who was slurring his ex girlfriend's name the night before the wedding. she didn't deserve any of that.
i love dean. season 1 and season 2 dean. i love him.
i loved when rory finally got to yale. i mean yeah she did more stupid things and it got really fucking annoying to watch her fuck shit up. but i guess it just got real.
when rory dropped out of yale because of one negative comment about her. might have been an overreaction, but i do get her.
also it screamed privilege for her to just drop out
i loved when shit got real on gilmore girls
justice for tristin. he should have had a bigger role. he should have had more time on gilmore girls. i liked him.
i didn't like logan at first. but overall, he really loved rory. when rory wanted to cut the casual dating and he stepped up and said he'll be her boyfriend, he really was. i didn't like that he slept with someone else when they "broke up" but he didn't know they weren't broken up cause rory hadn't spoken to him in weeks. she should have at least clarified it with him.
but why did he sleep with someone else
ANYWAY HAHAHAHHA logan really did love rory and took care of her. always picked her up when she was about to crumble. rory's first adult relationship. they were each other's best friend. even in the reboot. even if that was fucked up. he shouldn't have done that.
i wanted so badly for lorelai and christopher to work out. i've been a lorelai and luke shipper the whole time ok jsyk since people have been trying to tell lorelai that luke likes her and she denies it. i only wanted lorelai and christopher to work out because he's always been in love with her. even when he didn't have his shit together. even when they were kids.
but i hated when they finally got married and everything was so off and christopher was talking shit about luke even if he was the one who slept with his fiance.
of course, it takes two to tango. it wasn't all that good on lorelai's side either. she wasn't all that innocent. but im glad instead of letting luke marry her, she told him that she slept with christopher and called it all off.
richard and emily gilmore reminded me so much of my mom. yes, my mom only. their elitist ways and condescending tone to people who don't make as much money or who isn't in their circle was such a trigger for me.
the way emily and lorelai were together, that was the tip of the ice berg for me and my mom. i felt lorelai to the core whenever she'd pull out wiseass comments whenever emily spoke. "ah, just like mother and i" i'd tell myself. the urge to want to rebel against your mother. of course, my mother was much worse. i was a rebel with a cause.
nonetheless, i did like that they tried with lorelai and rory. that they had these scheduled friday night dinners. that they wanted to help out whenever and however they could. i was envious and wanted that for me so bad.
there were no small characters in the whole show. it didn't matter if they had 10 seconds of screen time in each episode. you'd remember who they were and what they said.
gilmore girls is the kind of show you'd really want the subtitles on for. you'd want to catch up with all the chaos. most of the show is dialogue. so you'd really want to catch on. well, at least, i did. it made me feel like i was there. like i was a part of it.
best character development throughout the show was lane's mom, mrs. kim. she was still her the ever loving strict, asian mom we all so love and are familiar with. but even when lane finally stood up for herself, she couldn't completely cut her off.
from helping out lane's band get their first tour to helping zack propose to lane by shaping him into a man worthy of lane in her eyes.
it's like she finally understood that she can't control lane and what she does and what she'll like. but she can still be the mother she is to the daughter lane is. they could be themselves and be in each other's lives. but of course, it was fun seeing lane hide all her cds under the floorboards of her room and sneaking around to try to get to talk to boys. that was cute. stressful to watch. but cute.
now, to paris gellar, my favorite character in the whole show. even if she was so fucking annoying in the first seasons. i loved that she ended up befriending rory for real. she knew rory was her only equal. everyone else, for her, were idiots. she basically dropped her friends and kept rory. but let's face it, her friends tolerated her. rory actually understood paris. let her live the way paris knew how to live. became her friend. they lived together! they never left each other's side
and idk paris is just really fucking funny without trying to be. her interview at harvard was so funny even if it was the reason she didnt get in but it was so funny cause paris has one type of tone when she speaks to anyone.
jess' character development was great, too. i loved that they still gave him a few episodes in the later seasons to show that he wasn't still just some punk. that was probably the only time i got on team jess. he treated rory like shit before ok. who says i love you and storms off and never says anything again what the fuck
i love the small town love. i love the small town life. i have never wanted to move to a small town in the middle of autumn so bad
also, i hated when lorelai cheated on luke by sleeping with christopher the same night they "broke up" (im not sure if it was a break up at all but goddamn it was barely a day) i hated how she dated christopher and married him and let him move in to her house THE ONE THAT LUKE HAD RENOVATED FOR THEIR MARRIED LIFE. ICK
i cried the first 10 minutes of winter. bursted into tears when lorelai said "i smell snow"
i was just waiting for everybody to appear. i love that everyone was there. the thing with reboots/spin offs, sometimes, shows struggle to get every single person on-board with the reboot. (im just salty over the olsen twins not being in fuller house, the full house spin off) so this was refreshing.
also, every time i watch old shows, i always want a spin off showing how this show could have been if it were made in the age of smart phones and netflix. and i got just that
rory having 3 phones and the old flip phone that only works in stars hollow cause apparently you can't get reception there???
luke not giving out the actual password to the wifi in the diner. classic
and jess unplugging the router. classic
really wish we could have seen more of jess, of course. like is he dating anyone???? or will the show always just project that he is always going to be somewhat available for rory?
my favorite thing is that luke always has the last word about rory to jess. like he knows how deep it is for jess. how deep it's buried in him. and he lets jess react however he likes even if he knows
having an update on kirk's life was my absolute favorite thing???????????
i cried during emily grieving over richard's death (rip ed herrmann) the way it hit her. THE WAY IT HIT HER. IT COMPLETELY CHANGED HER LIFE. most of this reboot was truly about emily moving on from her life with richard. it wasn't even just like she was trying to move on. it was because her old life just didn't make sense without richard
that part when she puts a tv in the lounge????? what the fuck? i mean yeah it's a living room it should have a tv but????
anyway it was all too real. how emily grieved and picked up the pace of her life and just did whatever she did
the moment they mentioned the gazette was closing, i knew rory would take the job. i mean duh obviously. she's in between EVERYTHING no job no idea what to do MIGHT AS WELL
logan still being around and cheating on his fiance with rory what the fuck????? that's so fucked up
but she really had to cut him off. it just wasn't right anymore
gilmore girls is full of references. the whole fucking show. it truly is a show you'd need to watch with google on standby. it's somewhat educational with all the pop culture shit.
anyway, this whole show felt like a hug. i loved every bit of it. i wish i could watch it with brand new eyes. i tried stretching it as much as i could. but i just couldn't stop watching once i'd start. i watched it along when red (taylor's version) came out. and the vibe was so perfect. it was all autumn and winter vibes and i loved it so so so much.
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bucksbisexual · 4 years
hiii i was thinking of starting thonhon chonlatee today but now i'm afraid it's gonna be really silly and terrible. i'm pretty picky with the shows i watch so i don't wanna waste my time if it's not great. can i ask why you're not enjoying it?
hey!! that’s a pretty good question anon and i’ll answer it.
already from the get-go the trailer (the official one, not the amazing one they released months ago) gave me bad vibes. the internalised homophobia, or as i like to call it, the excused homophobia, from thonhon was just No. i’m so tired of the “bUt wHy wOuLd i dO tHaT? hE’s a mAn” kinda shit that is ALWAYS linked with “i dOn’T LiKe mEn, i liKe yOu” and i’m so tired of bls doing that. homophobic gays are just not it and i hope that people who are trying to create those kind of lgbt (mostly mlm) characters stop <3.
probably one of the most obvious reasons is: it looks boring. it’s nothing new. it’s literally a copy+paste of every bl ever but without the university setting. it hurts me to say this because khao and podd finally have main roles but it’s in the most boring and stereotypical bl ever, the only thing i can see it being different from apart from setting is the absence of the absolutely stupid hatred between each other.
and now speaking of the episode (i’ve only watched the first part and it was 16 minutes), i want my time back. literally what the fuck was that 😭😭 the moment a bl says “y novel/drama”, i KNOW it’s gonna be bad lmaooooo but yeah it just was.... so weird. i also didn’t like it acting wise lmao sorry. the preview for pt2 was just.... disgusting. i don’t even want to talk about it because it makes my blood boil. i don’t even know if i’ll end up watching any more of it tbh.
i’m just sick and tired of companies creating bls that they know fujoshis will like and will make big money just because it’s gay. lgbt people are real and we are more than the same stories they keep writing. we need new ideas and concepts in lgbt media. it feels as if tcts just took 3 steps back from the progress that was being made by other new and fresh bls being released this year,,,,
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baebeyza · 4 years
I've finished watching TFA and I got 5 episodes into TFP, but I'm not so sure if I'm into it. Do you think I should keep watching TFP or try something else, and if so which continuity would you recommend? I was thinking of doing either the G1 cartoon or G1 IDW, but I'm sort of warming up to other stuff like Cyberverse and I could use comments/opinions from someone who's watched more
Oh well dear, depends on what you didn’t like or missed in those first 5 episodes!
For me TFP was my first transformer show and it was good enough for me to go full into the whole franchise and I would recommend it for newcomers.
For newcomers it has a small cast to get invested in, has a good grasp on the general conflict of most transformers shows and a good story to follow. I at least never felt like I needed things explained to me or that it’s something you get more off if you already know the franchise.
But there is always a difference between “this show is objectively good” and “I enjoyed it”. I do think that Prime is pretty well written, not perfect, but still awesome with great moments. Also the animation is EPIC, with some of the best fight scenes I’ve seen in years!
But there are other TF shows I enjoyed more, despite not exactly thinking they are better written. TFA for example! That show I enjoyed more because it was more fun and the characters had better dynamics and development. But the general plot wasn’t as intriguing as TFP in my eyes.
What I personally didn’t like about it (TFP) were:
1. The human characters arent really all that great. They get better and are important, but they can be annoying, especially Miko. (though she develops more than the other two)
2. The heroes lack good character interactions, they mostly feel like people stuck in a group project without much friendship behind
3. There are sub-plots I didn’t care much for (like the human villains)
So I dunno if you should watch the rest - remember that the first 5 episodes were it’s own little plot, and that with episode 6 the real one starts. Maybe that will be more to your liking! 
Personal enjoyment really depends on you and what you like too see though.
I for one like great character interaction, intense moments but also fun. Fun as in funny but also lighthearted, non-serious moments.
TFP does have good character writing and good character interactions with the villains at least. Not as much fun as TFA, but there are still some hilarious moments and characters. And the serious moments are actually really great! This show did have me on the edge on a lot of occasions, there is a lot of good escalations and “oh shit” moments.
But if you like really great character writing with great character interactions and dynamics, watch Beast Wars! It has some of the best character writing I’ve seen and also a really great plot! It takes a while to fully get into the meat and most of season 1 is built-up to that, but once it starts its a truly epic ride!
Beast Wars also has a good balance between fun and serious. If a show is just serious it gets tiring, but if it’s just fun and lighthearted it gets a little boring. Beast Wars has some truly intense moments that make me feel like crying thinking about them, but also a lot of funny scenes, mostly through character interactions, but also slapstick comedy.
The one contra people always bring up is the “bad” animation. And YES it’s bad for todays standards because we are used to seeing better, but just because it’s outdated doesnt mean it’s not good! Like give it a chance people, once you get used to it it’s not as bad. It won an award for outstanding animation back when it aired!
G1 is my favourite show though! Not because it’s actually good, quite the opposite - it’s silly and stupid, it makes no sense and it’s completely shameless in that regard and that way it is just a fun ride!
With no overarching plot each episodes has it’s own plot and drama and while most episodes follow the same format (for season 1&2 at least) it barely gets boring! The creativity of the show writers knows no bounds ~
G1 also made me love a lot of characters! Some I learnt of only from that show and some I already knew but didn’t care for before. (Like Hot Rod for example)
G1 also has great dialogue and interactions as well :D
Headmasters is a japanese show that continues after G1 season 3 (and ignores the american season 4) and personally I really liked it! Unlike G1, Headmasters has a plot and a really good plot that made you come back for more. I still had my issues with it, but those were mostly because of the changes they made from the G1 cartoon. Still recommending it though! Especially if you feel like you need something a little more sophisticated after G1 :D I mean it has death scenes, character depth and development and redemption! (PS: the hong kong english dub of it is shit, but people like it as a “so bad it’s good” kind of comedy. would still watch the japanese version first)
Robots in Disguise 2001 is also a show for newcomers, given that it’s the first one to have it’s own continuity after G1. Though know that this one is more for really young kids. There isnt much escalation or truly serious moments, it’s more fun and lighthearted. So as an adult I found it a little boring, but it’s still good if you like lighthearted stuff! And most of the characters were really cute! It has a lot of brothers too, so as a person with lots of siblings I enjoyed that aspect :D (PS: I watched the original japanese version here)
Beast Wars II (you don’t need to have watched Beast Wars for this) is similiar to RiD01, as in really lighthearted with little escalation and depth. It’s a little jarring though, the heroes are really bland and the plot doesn’t really start until halfway through the show. The first half being about introducing various character groups that end up being important in the end, but most of these episodes aren’t really entertaining, especially when you don’t care about those characters like I did. I’d say the best thing about this show are the decepticons with a really sweet Galvatron as the leader and his idiot little brother Megastorm (who can be read as a version of Megatron) and a Starscream whose a little shit like always but also has a friend he cares about!
If that’s enough for you, go for it xD
Oh and Optimus has a son here - the best and only character arc the heroes have to offer. Found it pretty cute in the end ~
Cyberverse was a “meh” from me though, mostly because it feels like fanfiction. Fanfiction doesn’t need to explain to you who the characters are, it is able to assume that beforehand. And Cyberverse does that, it assumes that you already know the characters and world. And like that it doesn’t really try to write things with depth, it feels all shallow. To me at least, I am aware other people love it.
It just didn’t vibe with me because I want the media I consume to shake me and make me feel things, I wanna be at the edge of my seat, I wanna be anxious about what’s gonna happen next!
That is a thing Prime Wars was able to deliver - the third season, Return of the Primes, at least. 
Though the Prime Wars Trilogy isn’t popular and has many flaws in storytelling, voice acting and animation (+ other things that have to do with expectation, which I don’t really consider flaws of the show itself), but I cannot help it, I still enjoyed it a lot ~ Also the whole thing is pretty short - 28 episodes, 8 of them 5-6 minutes long and the other 10 minutes. It doesn’t take long to finish it all. 
The only shows I truly didn’t enjoy are Robots in Disguise 2015 and Beast Machines - RiD15 is the sequel to TFP and mate if you already don’t vibe with TFP, just skip this one. I didn’t like it much because:
- The decepticons are all badly written, either completely forgettable, not given enough screentime or just kinda having their potential ignored. 
- The heroes never really develop - it’s a show with a lesson in every episode that get’s forgotten in the next. So you have the characters learning the same lessons all the time and I hate shit like that
There are decent episodes sure, and some really sweet characters, but overall it’s just not really good
And the last show I watched is Beast Machines, the sequel to Beast Wars with most of the same cast and some new characters.
And this is a show were I say that it had a good plot with good structure and conflict, but I didn’t enjoy it!
And I do try to divorce it from Beast Wars, but even then the flaws are still there. The biggest complaint I have is that the heroes are never in good terms with each other, almost every episodes has some of them being angry and fighting and that’s TIRING! NO FUN ALLOWED IN THIS SHOW! There is only one character who enjoys being in the show and he dies screaming.
The plot is also really philosophical and not really for kids that way. As an adult I did try to enjoy it, but the show has some flaws in it’s good vs evil conflict.
That would be it with the shows I watched!
As for IDW, I’m not really far with that so I cannot talk much. 
Hope it helped ~ But I would recommend that you give them all a shot, at least for a few episodes. I cannot claim to always be objective, even if I try my best at it
And yeah, my no. recommendation is Beast Wars, it’s really good!
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serenagaywaterford · 6 years
1) Feel free to keep rambling! Not only I love talking with level-headed fandom people, but our opinions seem to converge (even if my wording comes off as weird/wrong because of Tumblr's word limit). Anyway. I had many issues with S2, besides Serena's arc I mean (I'll get back to her). Blessed be the goddamned plotholes! Fred becomes a cockroach that just won't die (Red Center), because he's essential to the plot. Same goes for Aunt Lydia. (Although I'm kinda glad that she's alive, because
2) I LOVE Dowd’s acting and I’m excited about her background story.) Emily comes back from the Colonies and is smfh 100% healthy. Moreover, Gilead has been surprisingly lenient with Fred and Serena’s constant fuckups in S2 (mutilated fingers aside). June won’t leave with Emily, bc MOTHERHOOD (more like there’s a s3 on the horizon and drama is needed). And don’t get me started on that slow pace. The beginning and the finale were explosive of course,but some mid-season episodes?
3) They were dragging on and on. Examples? 2x11, where only 2 things happen: a) June gives birth to Nicole, b) Fred and Serena make it clear that they want to tear each other apart (duh). The only redeeming qualities of that episode was the wolf symbolism and the excellent cinematography. I get it, the series is successful and has more seasons ahead. But if only they had squeezed some episodes, it would have been so much better.
OMG YAY!!! I’m gonna answer these in pieces since I’ll prolly flood a giant essay otherwise. Cos, lbr, if I didn’t know better, I’d swear I had multiple personalities and was secretly sending these to myself from a fugue state, that’s how much we agree! Cos I’ve just read through all your messages and sat here going “YES! YES!” lol. I think you, me, maybe 5 other people on tumblr, and 1 TV reviewer are of the same mindset and it’s such a relief to find others who are reasonable and critical about the show/Serena.
Yes, Fred not dying was just so fucking stupid I couldn’t deal. Like, it’s not even like, “Well, he didn’t die which is crazy but he’s horribly injured and disfigured cos I dunno, he was like 15 feet FROM A MASSIVE BOMB EXPLODING.” But noooo. Instead we get Fred in hospital with a scratchy throat for like a few weeks, and when he comes back he’s got a little bit of a limp. No burns, nothing. And, to top it off, he’s got all the strength and balance of a perfectly healthy man to whip the shit out of his wife. I get they needed to get him out of the way and out of service so Serena and June could have all sorts of treasonous hi-jinks together but surely… they could have considered having Fred not 15 feet from the bomb. It killed handmaids that were way farther away than that. Just a thought. Deffo an eye-roll moment.
Aunt Lydia I’m less irritated about simply cos, like you, I love Ann Dowd and think she’s done a fab job. And we honestly haven’t got enough of her backstory and I wanna know that too. I think this show can only really captivate if it tells ALL the women’s stories, not just the victims. Like how does a woman become an Aunt? How do they justify that? Or is it simply a type of socio-religio-politcal brainwashing, akin to a lot of Nazi Party supporters? Is she a True Believer? Like, honestly, wtf is up with her? Like, cos so many of us can empathise with the Handmaids and we understand how that came about–but it takes more sides to tell a full story. So, Aunt Lydia being back… I’m not too fussed about. I really do consider Emily so damaged that I would never trust her with a baby–but that’s me. She’s been so broken, so traumatized, and like I don’t blame her at all ofc, but she needs softness and patience and no stress ever again. Like, she is not well emotionally by any stretch.
Which leads into the Colonies bullshit. That was just really bad writing. She, Janine, etc, were there for MONTHS. Like, June ran away and was gone for 92 days (Thanks for that count, Serena!). And then add on whatever time passed between her being returned to the Waterfords house and when Lilly set off the bomb. That is a long ass time to be splashing about in radioactive waste. Emily’s teeth were falling out, right? Like, how she went from literally dying of radiation poisoning to “Totally healthy enough to pop out some totally healthy babies!” I’ll never understand. The loss of the Handmaids in the bombing isn’t a good enough reasoning. A dictatorship like Gilead could easily have just conscripted a bunch of Econowives with the sweep of a pen. That is how these militant theocracies work. They’re already half-indoctrinated anyway. It was dumb to put Emily and Janine there in the first place if you knew they had to come back, as they are main cast members.
I always thought Fred and Serena were getting away with too much but I wrote it off as Fred (and Serena lbr) being a HUGE part of bringing about Gilead in the first place so they get some leeway. But then, you see Warren and Cushing being dealt with fairly severely for basically hearsay. (Okay, Warren’s I get cos you had outcry from Janine in a massively public display and backup from Naomi.) I guess because Fred/Serena’s fuckups were a little more ~private, they could excuse/lie about them/cover them up them easier? Cushing was dealt with way to easily. Like… no. “Fred” signs some paper and suddenly Cushing is being disappeared immediately. I suppose Fred took over Pryce’s place in the hierarchy? Who knows. And from what I understand, nobody in SOJ knew about June’s escape to the big country house. But c’mon, one Handmaid kills herself, the new one another starting shit every where she goes with other Handmaids and is pals with two of the most notorious other Handmaids (Emily and Janine), then is “kidnapped”, is partners with the bomber, then runs away again, then again… Sigh.
June not leaving… I just… it was so obvious that she wouldn’t cos otherwise there is no show. But why bother with all that drama then. Like, what if Emily hadn’t been there??? June had no way of knowing she’d be meeting up with Emily. She would have just dumped Nicole in some van and run back? Ugh.
And the pace was bad. ITA. There are whole episodes I don’t even bother with on rewatches. I thought the season premiere was great, then it fell of a cliff and lost my interest until about the 5th episode? Then it got going nicely (altho 2x07 wasn’t great either), then took another nosedive in 2x10 and sort of coasted almost aimlessly until the finale. I don’t like to hate on June but honestly the really 100% June-centric episodes bore the shit out of me. 2x02/03 and 2x11 being the biggest culprits. I’m just tired of the excessive use of flashbacks that all basically say the same thing now. And Moss is a great actress but there’s such thing as too much of a good thing. Not to mention, Nick and June bore me to tears as well (SACRILEGE! Send the indignant rabid fangirls on a rampage into my inbox!) so when there’s a lot of focus on that clusterfuck of inanity, I tune out. I can’t help it. I find them so annoying lol. (Which is were I usually lose common ground with basically everyone in this fandom cos everyone loves Nick for some reason I just cannot understand. If you like him, I apologise! I just can’t. I liked him more at the beginning but as it’s gone on the less I give even the slightest shit about him.)
Also, like I found 2x02 and 2x03 to just be… a waste of time? Like, okay, we got to see the Econopeople and how they live or whatever but to me, there was zero point to the whole thing because we all know June isn’t going to get away with it. So, why waste 2 whole episodes building to something everyone knows ain’t happening just for the sake of some worldbuilding that I’m guessing could have been done some other more cogent way? 2x04 was basically just to show more breaking June down in various ways. Then 2x05 was just to show the Colonies and had a lot of filler in it about that. I still don’t understand the point of the “wedding” bits. It wasn’t uplifting or hopeful at all. It was still really dark, like killing the Wife. I only really liked watching Serena go apeshit because her babyslave isn’t making proper gossipy conversation. It’s just an interesting angle cos finally Serena gets what she asks for with a super obedient Offred, and low and behold, it actually sucks and she wants June back. Story of Serena’s life and she never fucking learns lol. And Aunt Lydia flexing on Serena was hilarious. I just enjoy watching them go head to head. Not to mention the grotesque child brides thing. Gross. Super gross. Like, a bunch of stuff happened but I’m not convinced it needed to be dragged out over 4 episodes like that. Not to mention it was all really depressing. I remember watching and going, “JESUS, this show is fucking depressing. Why am I torturing myself?”
But yeah, 2x11 was super slow and all the important things that happened (that you listed) could have taken 10 minutes. Like I get too that she had to see Hannah in order to… make her decision in the finale make sense??? Was that the reason? I still don’t know. All of this could have been dealt with way more quickly and with just as much emotional gravity had it been done well.
I really like Moira but she’s been given shit all to do. I liked how we got a little insight into her and Odette. A LITTLE. But a huge weakness is that the Toronto peeps are so divorced from the drama that it often seems, not pointless, but something like it. It definitely slows the pace down to a crawl. That’s why I thought 2x09 worked well because it married both worlds. (I will never understand why 1x07 exists the way it does. What a stupid episode. I do not care about Luke’s journey, tbh. I’m here for the women–good, evil, or inbetween; not an entire episode devoted to him–especially not when we could have had Moira’s instead. I accept that his is intertwined with June’s attempted escape but… meh. It’s just like I will never care about Nice Guy TM Nick’s backstory or character. I don’t care about Fred’s childhood, or Warren’s marriage, or Luke’s manbabying, or Nick’s manpain. Eek.)
I dunno. Personally I think it could have been tightened up a bit better. But again, what do I know? I’m just a viewer. I’m sure other viewers have completely the opposite opinion.
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