#i'm boggled.... utterly gobsmacked
pummelingbat · 3 months
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it's, like, a lot of books, too. is the thing.
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f0rever15elf · 4 years
Oof I would love some HC's on the boys and how they'd react if you told them your family didn't really want you. My whole family rejected me when I needed them the most, through my severe depression and suicidal thoughts, etc. I'd just like to know how the boys would help me through this time of mine. (sorry for the trigger I just need the boys to tell me I'm wanted I guess)
I’m so sorry my darling. No one would have to deal with something like that and my inbox is always open for you. I hope this is to your liking my dear. <3 
Whiskey: For once in his life, Jack has no words. His eyes go wide as saucers as those words slip past your lips. Your hands are in his and he’s squeezing them in that comforting way that only he can. After several moments of stunned silence, Jack would pull you into his arms and just... hold you. He’d be pressing gentle kisses to your forehead and temple and his hands run up and down your body as he holds you. “I’ve got you, Sugar. I’ll always have you and I’ll always want you. With me, you always have a home, sure as shootin’.” 
Frankie: He bristles with anger at first, but almost immediately deflates as he pulls you to him. “How can I help?” will be the first words out of his mouth as he holds you. He would offer to call your family, to try and fix things. That’s what Frankie does, he fixes things. He wants so desperately to fix this. If you tell him no, he would switch his focus. “What do you need? What do you want? What can I do?” That’s how he shows he cares for you, acts of service. Whatever you need, he does, no questions asked.  
Javi: Javi says something in Spanish, and you’re pretty sure it’s swearing of some kind based on how it sounds. After he calms down, he sits with you and tells you that he’s putting in for time off. He’s going to take you home to his parents, to his family. He tells you they’re going to take you in, that they’ll be that stability that you need. In the mean time, he’s gong to spend the night with you, whispering sweet things to you, some in Spanish, some in English for as long as you need, even long after you fall asleep. 
Ezra: He immediately starts listing off all of the amazing things about you, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual... You’re his muse and he will be sure you know this. He’s no stranger to feeling alone, especially while dealing with demons of the mind, and he wants you to know that so you know you can talk to him about whatever it is that haunts you thoughts. He knows what it is to feel alone, and he wants you to know that even if those who should always be there for you have turned their backs, that he’s there. He will always and forever be there for you, the safe place for you to come to. He’s never leaving and he will not stop his ramblings until he’s POSITIVE that you know this. 
Oberyn: Oberyn loves his family. Adores them. Even if his daughters are bastards, he loves them all the same. So the fact that your family has turned their backs on you, it just boggles his mind. It doesn’t compute for him. It also makes him angry, but he refuses to let you see that side of him, especially when he can tell you’re feeling vulnerable. And he can always tell. But when he holds you, it’s like you’re the most precious of gems. He coos to you how beautiful and perfect and amazing you are. How here with him you will always have a home and you will always be wanted and loved and treasured. Anything you may need, and he does mean anything, he will get for you. he’s a prince after all. And he makes sure you know that as he takes your hand and leads you to your shared chamber. 
Din: As I said before, family is the crux of Mandalorian culture. But for them, family extends so far beyond blood. He’s taken you as his, meaning you’re a part of his clan and therefor you will always have a home with him, anywhere in the galaxy. He would tell you stories of how the Mandalorians took him in, and how they’ll take you in same as they did him. He’d explain how now that you’re a part of his clan, you’ll never be alone again, you’ll never need to fear being turned away. And as you open up more and more to him, he will shower you with the gentle affections that he knows you like. He struggles to put how he feels into words sometimes, so he’ll show you physically. He’ll show you how home is with each other. 
Pero: Pero hasn’t had a family in a very, very long time. He’s been on his own for as long as he can remember. The closest he’s come to having a family was in William. That is, until he met you. He doesn’t say much, he’s always been a man of few words, but he does know that you’re hurting. And that can’t be allowed to stand. Pero is like Frankie in that he is a man of action. He does things. He fixes things. So while he may not say much, he absolutely will not give you the chance to feel alone. He’ll be by your side as often as he can, physically surround you as often as possible to comfort you in the way that he knows best. You’ll always feel safe and protected, especially when you feel vulnerable. 
Max: “No Max, you can’t eat my family.” He doesn’t see why he can’t but he’ll sigh oh so dramatically before picking you up an taking you upstairs and , ehem, distracting you until all you can think about him and how you’re totally surrounded by him. And honey, he can go all night if he needs to. When you’re thoroughly spent and laying sleepily besides him, his touches are super tender. “You know I love you right? That I’ll never leave you?” You know it’s true, but you ask him to tell you again because you need to hear it, and he obliges again and again until you’re snoring next to him. 
Maxwell: It... takes him a minute to really comprehend why this is bothering you so much, and you’ll need to do a little bit more explaining than with the others to get him to see why you’re hurting so. But when you do, he tries to shower you with gifts to have a physical reminder of how much he treasures you. If he sees that that’s not exactly what you need, he’ll sit down and talk to you, asking what it is he can do to help. Do you need him to buy you something? To take you somewhere? Ask and it’s yours. And if all you say is “hold me and tell me you want and need me,” then that’s what he’ll do. He’ll be awkward at first, but when you relax against him, he’ll relax too, holding you and comforting you as long as you need. 
Marcus: Poor, sweet, beautiful Marcus. He’s gobsmacked and on the verge of tears. You’re so wonderful and amazing, how could someone turn their back on someone so utterly perfect? He’s going full koala. He’s going to hold you and not let you go. Even once you’re asleep, it’s going to be in his arms. When you wake up, he’s going to have a very serious conversation about what you need as far as your mental health goes, and he’s going to promise that he’s going to do everything in his power to get you the help you need. Then he’d go to cup your cheeks and in a voice more sincere than you’ve ever heard before he’s going to make you the promise that you will always, always have a home with him, no matter how hard things get. 
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