#i'm also killing it with posting regularly for october!!!!
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byemambo · 5 months ago
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Please come back home Come back to our familiar path Come back home I don’t want to be left alone Do you think about me? I’ve been waiting all night I just need to walk a few steps It’s already dawn I miss you
Spooky Season K-Pop [7/31] | dir. ZANYBROS
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rindomness · 6 months ago
hello hi tell us about mementos and the security level
OH HELLO. Welcome to my personal hill to die on. This post is long. It's one of my out-loud rants in text form. Sorry in advance. There's a cut down there somewhere.
Thesis statement of whatever's about to come next is that Mementos fucks actually as a concept its execution was just horrible and also Yaldabaoth is a terrible final boss. OKAY LET'S GET INTO IT
First things first I really do think Mementos should have gotten a security level. The game plays "Mementos is the public's Palace" very straight, all the way to the end, insisting that Yaldabaoth is created by the public's desire for a status quo yadda yadda yadda. So like. Here's the screenshots actually
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I didn't get the whole conversation mostly because I think I was streaming at the time and complaining out loud but like. He just straight-up says this? And then they do nothing with it???
Imagine this with me. Enter the imagisphere or whatever.
It's October. You've just defeated Okumura, and you just watched the mysterious black-masked figure you've been told cryptically about for a while now kill his Shadow. You watch Okumura have a mental shutdown live. It's horrific! It's worrying! What happened? What's going to happen to you? The Phan-Site meter starts dropping rapidly. You go to Mementos to prepare for the next Palace.
There's a security level.
NOT ONLY did this act make the public lose faith in you, but now you're enemy #1, and it's reflected in the collective unconscious. This Chekov's gun that they set up back in May goes off. You have to be much more careful in Mementos because if you aren't, you could get kicked out. The stakes are higher. Mementos, the public view of you, has changed. It's not just doors opening for you anymore.
THAT WOULD BE SO COOL. RIGHT? RIGHT??? BUT NO! No we don't get a security level until the depths, which contradicts itself, actually, because once you get to the depths, the whole POINT is that the public ISN'T reacting to you or your actions! Why the hell would they care that you're In There!
The obvious answer is that it's because the security level belongs to the Holy Grail/Yaldabaoth/the fuckass cup/whatever you personally call him. And okay, whatever, but the game goes out of its way to establish that the Grail isn't really a separate entity from "public desire," he IS "public desire," the status quo incarnate, so once again, I ask, why is this the only time you have a security level! (I know it's because this is the home-stretch to the final boss and mechanically it has to act like a proper Palace. I still think it's stupid.)
And now that I'm talking about the Grail. Hi. Hello. If you've talked to me on Discord you already know this but I fucking hate the Grail. I think it's stupid. I think it's thematically inconsistent. I think its only purpose is to be the "Let's fight God!" final boss. I truly believe that if I hadn't gotten into Persona 5 through Royal, I would not still be into Persona 5, because I would have gotten so frustrated with Yaldabaoth that I would have dropped the game. I regularly complain for half an hour straight about this thing in voice calls. One person once told me the only thing they knew about Persona 5 was that this cup sucked because I wouldn't shut up about it.
I've somehow managed to not do this on Tumblr but I can't really talk about Mementos without talking about it so I guess we're talking about the cup
Narratively: Yaldabaoth just sort of comes out of nowhere??? The whole game is building up to Shido. The whole game. And you do it! You defeat him! And then... there's this other thing??? Apparently??? I was genuinely really confused when I got to this part of the game the first time because I was going ok we beat the final boss complete with eight hundred phases! Hooray! And now there's this other fucker. Going back through the game there's some foreshadowing for him? But it's kind of all concentrated in the start of the game, around Madarame's Palace, when you're just getting used to Mementos, and then it all sorta just disappears.
Imagine with me x2 because this is where I thought the game was taking us when it went "btw we need to tackle the depths now"
Morgana has no memories. Morgana knows there's something in the depths that explains who he is. Morgana assumes it's because he's human, and will become human again if he finds out what it is. The WHOLE POINT of exploring Mementos was for Morgana's memories! And then he starts getting these really unsettling dreams, right, where he's a Shadow, or has a Shadow, or whatever. And then you get to the depths.
What I thought was about to happen was that we were going to find out that Morgana was more or less what the Grail claims to be(a being created by the wishes of the masses) and that Mementos was going to be Morgana's Palace. "Oh but Morgana has a Persona-" Morgana's already a weird case I could easily see him having a Shadow or being a Shadow himself while also having a Persona. I'm ignoring Maruki because we're talking about vanilla and Maruki didn't exist yet.
I thought our final boss was going to be Mona's Shadow and that by defeating him(the part of Morgana(as a Shadow/Metaverse being/etc) representative of what they were trying to make Yaldabaoth: wanting to let the status quo handle everything, more or less, the desire to let the system do what it's designed to even if that thing is "crush everything in its path") we would reaffirm that change is possible as long as we all work together. Morgana getting to be this very physical symbol of rebellion and force of will and getting to go NO I want to try even if it hurts me.
What actually happened was... a lot more underwhelming.
What we got was, in a game where one of the primary themes is "rebellion against systemic injustice, you can't just get rid of the One Guy and fix Everything," a final boss who was... one guy who if you got rid of him you'd fix everything?
And I get it Atlus doesn't want to actually shake the boat that much but at the same time Yaldabaoth comes out of nowhere and says absolutely nothing of substance in a game that, over and over again, gets SO CLOSE to saying something really powerful and then sinking back into what's comfortable. It's the aesthetic of rebellion without the teeth of it.
Anyway now that I've complained for an essay's worth here's some positive stuff
I really do like Mementos. It gets a lot of shit for being repetitive and boring and like I sort of get that but on the other hand it is a JRPG. I'm not sure what you expected from the area that is, mechanically, "Here's where you go to grind." I don't see a problem with having this area. I think the special floor events manage to spice it up enough that it's not all that boring. I like Jose being there in Royal, I think he adds a lot, actually. The implications of everything Jose says are fascinating to me. The fact it's impacted by the weather! Like, as a world component, Mementos is so so cool actually guys. I know it's a Persona game so "world impacted by cognition" is sort of the bare minimum but it's really cool!!! The aesthetics fuck! The only layer I really don't like is.. fuck, I think it's Kaitul? Whichever one gets unlocked after Kaneshiro's Palace, I haven't gotten there in my current playthrough yet. It's just... too dark to see, all the time, imo. Mementos feels(except for... 90% sure it's Chemdah) very oppressive and spooky and I honestly think that's great. It's a depressing place to be! For a game about how corruption and systemic violence hurts everybody, it's really good!
In conclusion... don't ask me about Mementos unless you want an essay LMAO in seriousness I understand why Mementos gets shit but I think it should get less of it. And also that I could have fixed it(the cup. The cup is the big bad part of Mementos. Not the grinding you're going to get that with a JRPG no matter what you do you signed up for it when you launched the game.)
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carolinayourspiritmaster · 5 months ago
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Attention Customers: Announcing My Artober / Witchtober / Paintober 2024
This week, I created a whole new Gallery Page on the website, so I can go back at showcasing and selling my art regularly. I thought it was just the perfect moment (yay for synchronicity!) to join one of the many October Art Challenges. I already did one Inktober in 2021, which was a very interesting, but also very demanding experience – since I do not wish to repeat it, I am writing my own rules this time. Here is all the info:
Dates: October 1 to October 31.
Medium: I work in many different mediums, so all of them, as I feel like it.
Prompts: none, because I've never needed them. Expect lots of Visionary, lots of Botanical, lots of Spirit, lots of Witch.
How Many Drawings/Paintings: as many as I can, within the limits of my schedule, and with reasonable rest. I want to do a good job, but I'm not going to kill myself for a post, and neither should you!
Goals: to have lots of fun, to work on preliminar ideas for future paintings, to experiment with colour and light, and to flex the muscle a bit by challenging myself to show and sell more work.
Will They Be For Sale? Absolutely! They will be put for sale in November, once the challenge is finished, so if you fall in love with any of them, consider reserving them once they are posted.
Where will they be posted? On all my social media, on the website's Gallery Page and on my Flickr. Just stay tuned!
Do you want to join? I'm not giving any special hashtags to this, because there are already too many versions of this challenge, so I will be using the following ones on social media: #artober #artober2024 #paintober #paintober2024 #drawtober #drawtober2024 #witchtober #witchtober2024
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thestudentfarmer · 4 months ago
November 2, 2024
October came and went like a lightening bolt, my apologies it's been a bit since I posted, things have gotten a bit crazy this way with some personal things. With luck now the October shuffles just about done and the November tubslide will be a bit gentler.
Onto some urban homesteading and otherwise~
I'm going to have to restart my fall seeds. Unfortunately, there was a bit of a situation which killed off my seed table and started plants entirely. For the most part, it's sorted, but I'll have to begin my fall and winter crops from scratch and hope there's time for em to grow. Otherwise I'll need to figure some other crops instead. Probably more chicken food or flowers/peas instead.
Thankfully, the already established in ground crops were okay for the most part. Some a bit stressed or stunted from lack of consistent watering.
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Sweet potato has already started flowering now, i really didn't get any greenery from it so far (mayby a pound), so I'm just gonna let it keep going for now. When it msotly dies back I'll dig them out.
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The sunchoke has now begun flowering, it's rather different than the last flowering I thought it did. Mayby a regular sunflower got mixed in? I did plant them around the time the regular sunflowers started sprouting.
I'm pretty excited to try the Tubers out, if there's enough for a decent harvest. Otherwise I'm taking them and spreading to another bit of the garden for fill in and propogation.
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I can confirm, we do have a rooster. His name is Heihei. He's not gone through full second molt, but we've seen his curly feather, now hear his crowing and have caught him doing what roosters do lol.
Looks like I may get to try out hatching after all :)
No new layers so far, but hoping soon :)
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Spotted this feather, which i believe belongs to one of the local woodpeckers. (I didn't take it, not allowed where I live)
Also have started spotting hummingbirds more locally and regularly. The parrots have returned again, though they aren't currently visiting us (no sunflowers yet ) and I think we've had a few female cardinals visit the lambs quarter plant I'm letting go to seed. Haven't noticed much in new bug species.
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I got to learn how to change tires on a dolly this month. It was quite a bit easier than expected, cost less than $30 and gave new life to a good tool.
Thats it for now, ive got some chores to do and hopefully some time to get garden set up a bit :) new photos and updates coming ASAP!
🌱🍊Happy Urban homesteading🍊🌱
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worldofwardcraft · 1 year ago
American terrorist.
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October 26, 2023
Watch The Sopranos or The Godfather or Goodfellas, and you'll get a pretty fair notion of how Mafia bosses operate. They never come right out and say, "I want you to murder Joey Peanuts." Instead, they'll say something like, "That rat Joey should be taken care of." And because he's done business with mobsters his whole life, this is also how Donald Trump deals with those he considers enemies. He says something offensive about somebody, then sits back and waits for his obedient MAGA foot soldiers to take action.
It's called stochastic terrorism, the public demonization of a person or group that results in the incitement of a violent act. We saw a chilling example of this on January 6, 2021, when Trump told a crowd of supporters that the presidential election was stolen and they should all march to the Capitol.
He didn't specifically instruct them to break into the building, attack the Capitol police, disrupt Congress and murder the vice president. But that's what he hoped would happen. In true mob boss fashion, Trump merely told them, "If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."
Trump's repeated grievance that the election was stolen inspired a nationwide wave of death threats and harassment against election administrators — from secretaries of state to the lowest-level local poll workers. However, now that he's been indicted for 91 separate felonies, Trump has turned the attention of his MAGA henchmen to the judges, prosecutors and witnesses in those cases.
At his cult rallies and on his failing social media platform, Trump regularly calls Special Prosecutor Jack Smith "deranged," New York AG Letitia James a "Trump hater," Arthur Engoron (the judge in his fraud case) a "radical left judge," and Tanya Chutkan (the judge in his election subversion case) a "radical Obama hack." He has also issued rabble-rousing insults and accusations about witnesses, court employees and potential jurors.
As a result, nearly all of the above have received threats from Trump's minions. For instance, The New York Times reported how a woman called Judge Engoron's chambers and said that if Trump were not reelected next year, “we are coming to kill you.”
Both judges have issued partial gag orders in an attempt to moderate Trump's dangerous discourse. Still, unable to keep his big bazoo shut, Trump continues to emit inflammatory statements. Like the one he posted the day after his arraignment in August: "If you go after me, I'm coming after you." A terroristic threat from a mob boss? Sure sounds like it.
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consult-sherlockholmes · 2 years ago
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I posted 3,242 times in 2022
That's 3,242 more posts than 2021!
1,215 posts created (37%)
2,027 posts reblogged (63%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,826 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#roleplay - 2,329 posts
#sherlock roleplay - 2,128 posts
#rp - 2,097 posts
#sherlock rp - 1,688 posts
#sherlock - 1,668 posts
#johnlock roleplay - 1,647 posts
#bbc sherlock - 1,602 posts
#sherlock holmes - 1,574 posts
#john watson - 1,406 posts
#sherlock bbc - 1,382 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i still did nothing wrong but people tend to disregard other people for such things thats why i dont want you to go around telling everyone
My Top Posts in 2022:
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As everyone keeps doubting that I can actually cook, here it is.
And the bacon is vegan, as fried pork products can contain carcinogens like nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic amines, and I do not want John to consume such toxins and potentially shorten his lifespan that way.
The whole flat might have been filled with smoke after I finished cooking and the kitchen in disarray, but I still prepared a fine meal, which is the thing that actually counts with cooking.
117 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
I've got a leg now! And I'm keeping their heart! This ones the first girl I've killed, 35 years old! Dont know her job!
-Murderous Anonymous
Good for you that you have a heart now, because you probably weren't in possession of one before. A thing I also regularly get accussed of, but who cares. So your prefered victims are males? Why? Any particular reason for that? @di-greglestrade we got another one. Looks like he is slowly building up to collecting a whole human consisting of different humans.
121 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
How did you delete your emotions
Put all your emotions into one folder, and then right click on it and click delete. Or pull it into the recycle bin and then empty it, on older operating systems. Press Control+Alt+Delete to terminate the emotional process. Reboot the system and it should be cleaned from all emotions. Installing an emotional firewall can help to prevent another emotional infection. If corrupted data of emotions remain, you need to do a hard reset of your system. But all data will be lost during that process, so treat this as a last resort with caution.
167 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
What's your favorite poison and why?
Finally an interesting question. There are many answers to this, depending on the used definition of poison and for what it would be intended for. Whether I find a poison interesting enough is mostly determined by how fascinating it’s biochemical mechanisms are, but also if it’s nondetectable and rare, how clever it would be in a murder. 
Some more common poisons can have very fascinating biochemical properties like cyanide, which inhibits enzymes neccessary for aerobic respiration and suffocating a person on a cellular level. But they are more commonly used in murders, making them more easily traceable, less creative and thus less interesting then. Just obvious. I prefer rarer poisons, less obvious. The more cunning and sophisticated, the better. Toxins which you can barely detect, unless you know what you are looking for, but most people are idiots and won’t think about it. Perfect murder. Unless you consult me of course.
And especially natural poisons are the most toxic, like Botulinum toxin which was used in some of my cases. Especially neurotoxins like this work in fascinating ways, Tetrodotoxin from pufferfish, shutting down nerve cell communication, slowly paralysing and shutting the body down by respiratory failure. This poison is especially cruel because the victim can still be conscious and lucid, even if they are completely paralyzed, unable to talk or move, to do nothing except to suffer and wait for death approaching. 
Another very potent and very rare poison is Polonium-210, killing by acute irradiation, no antidote and it takes days to show effects, giving the murderer enough time to get an alibi or leave the country. Of course the trail of radiation can lead to the killer if not handled correctly. Very fascinating poison, but difficult to acquire, which is why it’s only knowinlgy used by secret services, but there might be more cases where it was never detected. As you can see it’s difficult to pick favourites with such diverse acting mechanisms of poisons and their interesting ways to kill.  
However, if you meant favourite poison in a more recreational way, then my clear answer is cocaine. Which also has cardiotoxic effects so it can be used as a poison resulting in overdoses, but it’s subjective personal effects are much better than to use it to kill someone, I assure. A more poisonous drug would be fentanyl, very strong opioid resulting in respiratory depression, 120 times stronger than morphine, difficult to dosage. Though I prefer morphine for personal use. But even nicotine can be considered a poison if overdosed. But it’s all just subjective defintions, to quote Paracelsus  “What is there that is not poison? All things are poison and nothing is without poison.”
251 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh, I wish. I would love a slaying for a case right now.
278 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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eastofakkala · 2 years ago
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I posted 222 times in 2022
That's 218 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (28%)
159 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 217 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#the untamed - 49 posts
#untamed fic - 29 posts
#nie huaisang - 20 posts
#fanart - 19 posts
#lan xichen - 19 posts
#writer things - 19 posts
#nie mingjue - 17 posts
#dgtw - 15 posts
#fanfic - 14 posts
#hahahahaha - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 107 characters
#nice to know that coming second in the county spelling bee has actual implications for how my life has gone
My Top Posts in 2022:
I published chapter 2 of The Dog Star, the full-length sequel to The Nightmare Which Saved the World. “Tidings of Comfort and Joy” acts as a oneshot sequel to them both. 
In this chapter: a meeting of the prefects, a cameo by Cedric Diggory, and mostly just exposition. We will return to our regularly-scheduled programming next Tuesday!
9 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
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I made this meme before getting to the end of the show, so had no idea just how incredibly freaking accurate it is. 
9 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
The Untamed Dads: A Definitive* Ranking
*I thought about this for twenty minutes and know I'm gonna get blowback. Also no one in Yi City is included because XXC and XY didn’t really give me “dad” vibes so much as “older bro” vibes. Sorry guys. 
Lan Wangji: Is he officially Sizhui’s dad or just a “primary caretaker”? I don’t care. He rocked it with the kid. He took a perfectly nice little boy and helped him grow up into a perfectly nice young adult who clearly feels supported and loved! Good job, Wangji! Edges WWX out solely by longevity. 
Wei Wuxian: Wasn’t around much for A-Yuan’s childhood, but the fact that A-Yuan looked back on being a little kid and saw so much joy and not the fact that he was in terrible circumstances means that Wei Wuxian is also objectively better than 80% of this list.  
Sect Leader Nie: Pretty much nothing is known about him, but he still manages to out-dad most of the other dads since his children don’t hate each other and most of their problems do not involve his parenting. 
Wei Changze: We see very little of him and in it he seems nice. Good job Wei Changze, by seeming sweet in one memory you are better than 70% of dads on this show.  
A-Yan’s dad: Gave his soul for his daughter. Would be higher up if we knew more about him.  
Mianmian’s husband: Has no name and shows up in one scene as a loving father. Still about at the midpoint of this list. Would also be higher up if we knew about him. 
Jin Zixuan: Clearly headed towards S-tier dadness, but sadly only got to be a dad for longer than a month. 
Sect Leader Ouyang: He made an awesome kid who’s not afraid to call him out. Therefore not a TERRIBLE dad, just a dad with terrible takes.   
Wen Ruohan: His dadness made even less of an impression on me than Sect Leader Ouyang’s. Ranked a bit lower because his kids have serious issues. May or may not be his fault. Is kinda an evil overlord.  
Jiang Fengmian: Tried. Gave his children a shitton of issues, so I’d say he failed. Badly.  
Jin Guangyao: The fact that he probably killed his child and isn’t at the bottom of this list really says something.  
Qingheng-jun: If your kids are terrified of becoming you, then congratulations, you’ve failed at parenting forever. 
Jin Guangshan: Does this even have to be said?
13 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Confession: I don't know why I really like the concept of throuples in fiction and why I ship so many (and have created my own fictional throuples), but I know whose fault it is:
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(Photo from here).
Those three awoke something in me, man...
35 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hot take: Modern AU versions of Huaisang’s aesthetic usually boil down to “hot girl summer”: crop tops, shorts, wild clothes, etc. Shouldn’t he be “dark academia” instead? 
Look at what he usually wears in-canon. There’s no one more wrapped up than he is! You tell me that Modern AU Huaisang would not be into sweaters and jackets and horn-rimmed glasses and know how to accessorize like the best of them. 
TL;DR Give me dark academia Huaisang! 
339 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aelaer · 3 years ago
Hi hi hi helloo, big fan of your works and all :p Anyway, is the update for your Earth 197320 series coming sooner or laterr? I mean, you can take as long as you want ofc, I just needed something similar I guess 🥲 Any recs maybe?? I'm searching for something angsty haha
Hiiii thank you <3 That's always a lovely thing to read, I appreciate it, Nonny.
So my plan was to start regularly writing the final(!) story for Earth-197320 since like, 2020. Then 2020 happened and my muse noped the fuck out for about 8 or 9 months. But I was very prepared to start writing it in 2021! Then several things happened:
The Blood in Your Veins, taken from a prompt of all things, decided that it wasn't going to be a 20k fic, but a 90k fic, and since I was publishing it as a WIP it took some precedence.
I changed jobs for what turned out to be a really sucky job and then got weirdly sick in the summer which really killed my muses for like, 3 months.
But! I started working on it in October! ... then half-way through, my Marvel muse decided it needed a break and I didn't do anything in the MCU (including watching TV/movies) for two months.
Okay, fine, I could still start working on it in December and that counts as 2021.
Then I decided to join an IS gift exchange and am now finishing up with the monster currently a WIP on AO3.
Then NWH came out and I am of course writing something for that (that also was supposed to be a one-shot but guess what, it's not a one-shot anymore).
And... yeah. My poor little finale got pushed back again and again and again. So I don't plan on doing anymore challenges and want to really work on the finale of Earth-197320 once the NWH fic is done. I have prompt replies to get to from 2019 and 2020 but those are the only other works on my eventual to-do list. But I desperately want to finish the Earth-197320 series this year. I love the ideas I have for it and I've got about 12k written so far (it's hard to know for sure with all the notes in the doc too). Which is not much, but it's a start. Also, I have to finish this before I work on what is probably gonna be my magnum opus in this fandom if I pull it off right. Assuming MoM doesn't change my muses.
This reply was significantly longer than it needed to be. xD
(Also, as for fic recs, see the ask two posts below! Some of those are very, very angsty. Otherwise, there's definitely angsty one-shots I have favorited in my public bookmarks on AO3).
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hilarychuff · 4 years ago
I don't know what I would've done this year without fanfic so I'm asking some writers this (no pressure if you'd rather not answer)-what's your favourite thing you've written this year? Could be a whole story, a chapter or just a line or two. What was the thing you loved writing? Thanks ❤️
saw this earlier and was so honored that someone thought of me that i was like hmm must think about this and have since seen a couple of other people who also got this ask give it very thoughtful, considerate answers and then i was really like!!! must think!!!!!!
but it’s hard to settle on something. when i started writing my jonsa soulmate au i charged like 40 pages deep in my google doc within maybe two or three weeks and then started posting, but i have since slowed down as i get further into the story where i have to figure out more of it myself/the ending and now i am like.... creating less joy for myself from it. i still really like it (and i think if i had to pick a favorite chapter, maybe the first sansa one, chapter 2, though the visual of jon revealing his soulmark to sansa and her pressing her palm to his heart as he’s like “i would fight for you” is what compelled me to get as far as i did right off the bat, same with sansa realizing in the next chapter that he wanted her to be queen and being like!!!!! crumples to the floor)
BUT i also still get a lot of joy from my sansa-centric scream au. i love spooky movies and i always say that my brain is a constantly generating au machine and so when i started thinking about sansa as sidney prescott in october, i was like “that is so fun!” and it seemed obvious that joffrey would be billy since he’s the boyfriend, but i couldn’t figure out his exact motivations other than joffrey is a piece of shit and it also meant that if joffrey was the one with the murderous backstory then who was stu, a no-motives monster????? and i puzzled over that for a while before coming up with an answer that i really like and was happy with that i won’t spoil even though it is probs kind of obvious on its own. i also only wrote it in a few days in a wild rush to publish before it became november and while a lot of plot/dialogue is obviously cribbed from the actual movie i still am proud with how fast i spat out 16k words
doing that also made me get more creative with some of my other au ideas, which i have been playing with in my no-writing writing hack that is making au graphics. at first like with my jon/sansa bring it on graphic i just did the visuals and was like... you get it lmao. but then when i was doing my parent trap graphic i was like.... ok now hold on how the fuck does this work if sansa and arya are not identical and i had to sit down and figure it out, and i ended up writing out a short two paragraph summary to bridge the gaps between the source material and the asoiaf version and that was fun. create the concept, flesh out the premise, but everyone gets to to still imagine the rest of it themselves. 
i think certain ones, like bring it on/miss congeniality i will probably never actually write into anything more, but i am still having a lot of fun coming up with the concepts/killing myself to find the right visuals for the vibe and to create some (hopefully) aesthetically pleasing graphics. and then other ones, like my overboard au idea (and another one that currently exists only in my head and in a few slides on photoshop) have me thinking more about the story and like..... i haven’t actually written anything on paper yet, but i am excited to one day do that. 
which!!!!!! is a long way i guess of plugging pretty much all of the asoiaf stuff i’ve written this year (i’ll get back to you in earnest next year, marauders!!!), but after a long time of NOT writing creatively, or at least not sharing any of it with people, it’s been really nice and fun to return to it regularly in the last few months even if it only came at the expense of my normal work/social life going tits up lmao. which is to say that reading/writing fic has also done a lot for me this year so i am right there with you, friend, and v grateful for the opportunity to to highlight and chat about my stuff
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faithghoul · 3 years ago
answering them for myself lmao im bored. it's gonna be longgggg post
1. Culpa - When did you first discover Ghost?
I'm a fan of slasher movies especially Halloween franchise. The movie "Halloween Kills" is released last year, and when I'm looking for more Michael Myers content on Tumblr (I'm also a fanfic writer for slasher fandom), I found this fanart involving Michael Myers with someone named Papa Emeritus IV. I was like, "Who is Papa Emeritus IV? Is he a new slasher?" and ding dong I got it wrong. That was my first encounter with something related to Ghost, thanks to Michael Myers. (I started listening to Ghost on October 2021, pretty new!)
2. Spirit - What’s your favorite Ghost song?
Definitely Mary On A Cross and Absolution. Square Hammer is also my everyday go-to song, and I'm regularly asking myself, "Have I square hammer'ed today?"
3. Pinnacle - What’s your favorite Ghost album?
My favourite album is Meliora!
4. Hammer - If you could resurrect one Papa, who would you pick?
I think Papa II even though I've never experienced the Infestissumam era. I'm lowkey scared of him, but also wanted to get to know him more. He seems very intimidating, but I feel that he's also... somehow soft?
5. Zero - Have you been to one of their concerts?
Sadly, no. I'm currently living in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, to be exact) and I'm not quite sure if they will come here? The Ghost fandom here is not that big, I guess... :(
6. Cirice - Have you written/read or have stumbled upon Ghost fanfiction?
HAHAHAHAH I'm a fanfiction writer myself. Yes, I have read some Ghost fanfictions, even writing one where you can find it here. To be honest I haven't 100% understood about the Ghost lore but I'm trying my best to write them as lore-based as I could.
7. Rats - Copia or Papa III?
Copia. Well, I have to admit Papa III is very intoxicating, intense, and boy I love his energy too, but Copia... I feel like he's just being himself: a funny man who has abnormal obsession over rats. He's just him. There was something child-like that I found in Copia, and I think that's adorable.
8. Mummy - Have you ever attempted to cosplay someone from Ghost (or are planning to)?
My Halloween 2021 costume was based of slasher and Nameless Ghouls concept. I was wearing a bloody bunny mask, holding a knife (inspired by Michael Myers) and wearing black shirt and black jeans (Nameless Ghouls inspired). Yeah.
9. Ghuleh - What’s your least favorite Ghost album?
Opus Eponymous. I'm not saying it's bad, but it doesn't really match my taste? Sorry!
10. Ritual - Do you own any merch?
No I don't. They're way too expensive for me :(
11. Secular - What’s your favorite Ghost MV?
Life Eternal. Boooooy, it's so fucking beautiful. The song, the MV, everything. It makes me feels emotional. Damn.
12. Elizabeth - Do you have a Ghost blog, or do you post things related to Ghost?
I do have a Ghost blog. This is the blog 🤣
13. Monstrance - Would you consider yourself a Ghost “superfan”?
No. As stated before, I'm pretty new in the fandom so I need to learn more about the band. Not only the "history" of the band itself, but also the lore, etc.
14. Majesty - Do you have a favorite ghoul?
Every ghoul is my favourite (except THESE four ones, obviously) I can't decide. I'm mainly focused on Era IV Ghouls and Ghoulette :D
15. Satan - Do you believe Ghost is satanic?
I don't think the band is purely satanic to the point that they literally do the satanic ritual (or do they?). I just think that the Satanic thing in this band is showing in the concept and lyrics only.
16. Genesis - Would you kill Copia if it meant you could bring back all of the Papas?
Copia is a great leader himself, so the Papas. I'm not quite sure how to answer this question. Maybe I would...?
17. Crucified - What was the song that introduced you to Ghost?
Hunter's Moon and Mary On A Cross.
18.Macabre - Do you enjoy the interviews and the lore, or do you like sticking to just the music?
I fairly enjoy all of them, but about the lore... it's confusing sometimes 🤷🏻
Culpa - When did you first discover Ghost?
Spirit - What’s your favorite Ghost song?
Pinnacle - What’s your favorite Ghost album?
Hammer - If you could resurrect one Papa, who would you pick?
Zero - Have you been to one of their concerts?
Cirice - Have you written/read or have stumbled upon Ghost fanfiction?
Rats - Copia or Papa III?
Mummy - Have you ever attempted to cosplay someone from Ghost (or are planning to)?
Ghuleh - What’s your least favorite Ghost album?
Ritual - Do you own any merch?
Secular - What’s your favorite Ghost MV?
Elizabeth - Do you have a Ghost blog, or do you post things related to Ghost?
Monstrance - Would you consider yourself a Ghost “superfan”?
Majesty - Do you have a favorite ghoul?
Satan - Do you believe Ghost is satanic?
Genesis - Would you kill Copia if it meant you could bring back all of the Papas?
Crucified - What was the song that introduced you to Ghost?
Macabre - Do you enjoy the interviews and the lore, or do you like sticking to just the music?
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coralsgrimes · 3 years ago
Newish Beyyn fan here. Was he ever in a musical? Or was he just in a photoshoot of a musical?
Also not trying to rile your feathers or be the cause of death for ya… but.. can we see a timeline of Ben’s music career coral style?? Pretty pleassse🧁🧁
HE WAS NOT!?!?! I'm sure lol x.x our Benny was in Killing Bono and Jackie & Ryan and there was some singing but not a musical kinda stuff ;c he was in some stage musicals as a babe if I remember right <3 he did the Rocky Horror fundraiser tho!
What ye mean Coral STYLE? Is it the one where I think I remember all the details but end up missing half the stuff AND also being a try hard? Will do ma best ;c
The not so long Benny Boy Music Career Timeline!
It all started in West End actually! The drums! Teenage Benny and all that stuff. The lifelong dream one might say.
Then in the early 2000s we seen the rise of Hyrise with the obvious big ending in 2004 when his band tried their luck and wanted to do Eurovision, and failed. Would say that was actually good but it was not lol
After that Benny went on a music hiatus and if imma right (obvi!) he started to doing the covers on ig in 2016? Mostly christmasy songs I think. Then when pandemic hit poor boy got stuck at home and the covers started to come out quite regularly. There were also some ye know connections between the songs and twin flaming. We got the gist here and here already! Debatable stuff tho! Most of the 2020/2021 covers are actually referenced in the EP or influenced it to some extent - confirmed info. Most importantly, it was the time when the Benny Boy Singing Face™ came to life!
At the same time his lovely fans started to tell him he's not only the most beautiful human being but he also can sing and they demand an album! Others would say they only been telling him he can sing cuz boy is pretty... Either way it worked cuz as we know, in the second half of 2020 he was most probably writing his heart out in his lil secret diary <3 Rise Up was the first song he finished apparently.
The songs were recorded and more or less ready to go in the first half of 2021. He apparently told one of his fans (during the Shadow and Bone me Daddy promo) that it's ready but he's looking as to how release it. In May no one wanted to take it x.x
Eventually boy finds the way cuz he starts the hinting in the summer. In early/mid July he was doing the Rise Up mv and couple of days later he posted from the theater where 11:11 mv was done.
In August 2021 we get the real shit. The 11:11 posting times, the watch, what time is it and finally... on the 20th Benny announces his first single and EP! Fans happy, Benny happy. Some were a lil disappointed that it's only EP and long weeks to go but we can make it lol other fans could not tell the difference between an album and EP, some still can't ;c
When in Toronto, the dreadful interviews start and won't stop for months! FINALLY! 16th September - we get the early People Mag approved 11:11 premiere, followed by the official release on the 17th! The interviews continue!
On October 10th 11:11 hits million streams on Spotify lol I think I talked about streams enough lately so will leave it out of here x.x
October 14th we get the Rise Up - both song and mv, this time pushed by Deadline. Anyways, next day (October 15th!!!) the EP drops! Yeyeyeyeye that was a blast! No party tho ;c unless twin flame was twin flaming him a party... Big success, millions of people interacting, everyone talks about it, everyone wants a piece! Two Vogue covers, Oprah exclusive and Las Vegas residency to follow...
The next day we got the pre taped 'live' of 11:11 from boy's own backyard followed by more interviews. Zelda was involved tho! Always nice to see an old fren around ;c
October 22nd we get the amazing merch/swag/whatever promo! Everything is going great <3 Then more interviews and around Halloween we got the Rise Up live/acoustic in funeral suit since it was end of October lol
Around the same time, Benny's new relationship with the scary pocket weekdays whatever starts. We got the Best Part cover around the same time, followed by the Sledgehammer cover and some innuendos (APPARENTLY!!!) around the time Bulianne was officially over which would be the end of November. And then we have This Christmas just a lil bit over a week back and more to come! probably...
Sorry that it is short and not detailed ;c not much to say anyways and I put ma cunty hat away too..... Also not sure if this is what ye wanted lol AS ALWAYS! if i missed something or got it wrong just tell me <3
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