#i'm actually very proud of the pose and lighting here
miru667 · 4 months
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The whole Once-ler family is working full tilt!
Here's my full piece for the VK Onceler Zine! I was very lucky to get to be a part of it...🥹 I used concept art as my inspiration this time: [link] Keep reading below for my process vid and all my director's commentary!
Thank you for being curious! Here's a video of my WIPs:
Deadlines were TIGHT for this zine! We were given only 2 months (compared to the 6 months I had on the previous onceler zine), so to make sure I could finish on time, I decided to do only base colours and lighting, with almost no shading anywhere. Still, trying to balance all the colours took the longest for me, as you can see in the vid. xP
Also idk if anyone noticed, but for the face I chose to use an already existing onceler doodle: [link] Why? Well, why not! I really liked that doodle and I didn't want it to go to waste. 😆
Things that I enjoyed sneaking in:
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-the golden spiral! Vaguely, at least! At the very least I hope your eyes can follow the order of thneed production, from the fallen tree at the window to the tuft harvesting to the thread spinning, to knitting the thneed and then drawing up plans for bigger and better things, and then ending with him pulling on his iconic glove to show he's going to take control now
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-15 cents, a nail, and a great great great grandfather snail, as well as a tin pail since that's where you're supposed to deposit your payment
-combining things from the 2012 movie and concept art, the 1972 movie, and the 1971 book (e.g. that funny wrench he uses to fix pipes)
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-Miss O'Schmunce-ler! You can see from the vid that I added the bracelet pretty late, because it was a late decision to have a Miss O'Schumunce-ler somewhere. I chose her to be the one picking up the pencil in the end, since she's pretty good with a pencil in the movie hehe. You guys can pretend the arms holding the phone is Miss Funce-ler.
-a thneed, a seed, and a (grickle grass) weed on the floor. The thneed is just the first of many that will soon create a giant pile. The seed lies forgotten in the corner. The weed is foreshadowing the future.
-hinting that Lorax and Once-ler were actually good friends, like they were in the Lorax musical stageplay. 🥺 I kept this part of the script in my mind for this piece:
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This was aftermath Once-ler talking to the Lorax, reminiscing on their good times...and also being stupid and inconsiderate because the Lorax was in fact there all along as his friend, trying to warn him of what was going to happen. 😔
So in my zine piece we're witnessing a peaceful time before all the real biggering really starts. I like to think that in this scene, the Lorax had been sitting on the Once-ler's lap, holding his gloves for him and having a nice chat together with maybe some harmless bickering, but then the Once-ler gets a phone call so he cuts their convo short and rolls his chair over to the window to answer it. Putting business over friendship as usual, of course. Inspo for the lap sitting comes from this fanart by Emi that I love: [link]
What else...the parts that I'm proud of the most are the stool (I spent 2 days just drawing this stool), the curtains, the fact that I was able to include every truffula colour, and the Once-ler's pose. I was close to giving up on that pose because I had no idea how to draw it but I'm glad that I tried again. I wanted to show him at ease during a stage in his life that we never got to see much: the happier and more innocent days of his biggering when he only had a small shop. 😊
That's all, I think! Thanks for reading if you did! Once again it was an honour to be part of this zine!!
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sutibunbani · 4 months
TOOK ME A BIT- But I decided when I was colouring this, that I was going to give it a more RETRO look! And I'm GLAD I did!
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There was a LOT more concepting than I originally expected with this piece... for example I have two sketch sheets that I used to Light board this into existence... And one of them has a Maid Jax, which I decided against putting in for... Reasons (Nothing bad, Just didn't feel like putting him in. He's just holding his skirt down blushing a lot nervously, almost embarrassed).
And second, there's another headshot of him in another sheet. that one showing an ANGRY Jax, which i chose against adding, and replaced with the new headshot. The one that looks like he's spacing out next to the Little Jax looking at his tail.
[I don't have a picture of the angry one]
Also, the one with the middle finger wasn't originally supposed to have such intense shading. But I went with it after fucking up his eye, and shading the yellow part like it was his pupil. Also the Censor bar wasn't always there. I was debating if it'd be too hard or not, but ultimately put it there anyways, and tested my skill!
Another fun fact, the Red retro shapes weren't originally gonna be there. It was an almost Last minute add! And the background also wasn't gonna have that light dull yellow over it. I added it thinking the plain white wasn't doing well with the retro shapes!
And there's few OTHER changes I did in the process of lining on certain doodles. Some of them actually moved spots too. And the one with the peace sign... Yeah, that one was flipped when it hit the Light board for final sketching!
the other one that changed during final sketching would be the one with his cheek pressed, On the ORIGINAL sketch of him, he was going to be laying down, But I decided to make more space, i was just going to lean him on the side of the paper, behind the Walking/posing one! (I GENUINELY have no idea what I was doing with the poses, but I love each and every one of them!
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OVERALL Im VERY proud of this drawing! I haven't been THIS proud of a traditional drawing in A LONG TIME! But here we are!
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Here's a look at the final again!
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milezperprower · 6 months
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mock ragamaster scenes/ comic panels to experiment with and for promotion purposes! all to.. varying degrees of quality LOL. these were mainly to try working my hand at scene composition and character dynamics while also messing around with methods of greyscale coloring and rendering.
these are likely NOT actual scenes in ragamaster but rough estimates of what they could be. think of it like concept art!
okay but take THIS one with a VERY LIGHT GRAIN OF SALT.
(tw for violence again)
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im just going to reiterated that this one in particular is NOT CANNON. until further notice at least.
i actually made this kind of by accident because i KNEW i wanted to draw some kind of confrontation between jax and pomni, but i just ended up getting something way more extreme than i indented and ended up really liking it. not necessarily story-wise but i'm IN LOVE WITH THE POSES I DID. REALLY PROUD OF THAT.
i was actually really hesitant about showing this one in particular because i was scared that people are going to jump into conclusions about jax's character. but i think if i state the fact that its not cannon hopefully people will listen.
anyways here's a version of the 1st shot without any text bubbles!
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interpet these all as you will! like i said, while i have most of the main idea's for Ragamaster coming together, im still working on the finer details. this is part of that lol. enjoy!
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youjustwaitsunshine · 6 months
Seb helmets: the long awaited sequel
Mugello 2020:
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Not on Seb's website, but still on ferraris instagram, Seb had this helmet to celebrate Ferraris 1000th gp. (in the same week, he announced his move to aston martin)
Turkish GP 2021
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a beautiful sea creature design to remind us to save our oceans. i personally really love the turtles
Singapore GP 2022
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gorgeous neon rainbow on super light absorbent black design. now it can be said with finality (as of yet): jens munser and sebastian vettel never missed when it was about helmets in singapore. i have a keychain of this helmet so I'm especially fond of it.
British GP 2022
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ngl i cried a bit just from pulling those pictures up again. he is so loved. i love how even though we know barely anything about sebs family, this helmet shows so much personality from his kids and hanna. this is the most gorgeous helmet of them all. however, shoutout to the subtle nigel mansell design hed have driven with if his family hadn't made a secret birthday helmet for him.
Abu Dhabi 2022
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I'm so so proud to be a fan of a driver who loves his fans. The few times I've met Seb, he's always taken his time - often more than allotted - to greet as many people as he could, pose for pictures sign things etc. He feels very genuine in showing his appreciation for his fans and so I think this helmet is a beautiful monument to the love people have for him. He is deeply beloved and in turn, he loves his fans and has shown this from his retirement message that was so much more personal than a press release, over the time between the announcement to his last race and beyond. This helmet is a testament to the way we love Seb and the way he loves us back.
USGP 2022
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Peace and Love baby! this gorgeous woodstock inspired piece is incredibly gaudy and glittery and very unapologetically so. i love it deeply but opinions were very split on it
Japan 2022
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a very cleverly done thank you to helmet provider arai. who doesn't love opening packages? especially one as beautiful as this one! it's a bit sad to not have the little ninja mascot on the helmet for sebs last f1 race in japan, however, with his 2022 helmet designs being so beautiful and elevated, he outgrew it a bit. important side note about japan 2022 here is sebs battle to the line with fernando alonso.
Hungary 2021
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Let us remember this GP for the joy it brought and not the desperation that followed. Seb came, saw and served cunt in his rainbow sneakers, rainbow shirt, rainbow mask and rainbow helmet. He drove to the podium and nothing bad or terrible happened after.
Brazil 2022
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the intertwined bars of the german and then, further up, the climate change flag (and the brazilian one on top) are reminiscent of the 2018 german gp helmet!
Austria 2022
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The iconic bee helmet! I actually have a few pics of this one from the Austrian GP that i took myself. Even though that GP specifically sucked so hard it made Seb sway towards retiring, the helmet is beautiful and iconic.
Honourable Mentions:
- Miami 2022: the snorkel helmet! first GP underwater, also premiering sebs GIGANTICALLY OVERSIZED climate change t shirt also found in his shoo
- Canada 2022: Canadas Climate Crimes/ stop mining tar sands. this one made a politician on twitter sooooo angry. it lost her rant a bit of credibility that she directly profited from the tar sand mining.
- LGBTQ+ CLEAN OUR OCEANS (Abu Dhabi 2021): the world's to do list. i mostly have to laugh at the unlucky placement of the lgbtq+ and the clean our oceans phrase. why are the cishets exempt from cleaning our oceans? questionable.
- Race4Women: Saudi Arabia 2021. a return of the beautiful day-glow paint.
almost all of sebs helmets are either on the sebsite or deep in jens munsers archives (difficult but not impossible to find)
Seb helmet masterpost
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
heyy just wanted to ask for a quick request! take as much time as you want. your such a good writer!! 🫶🏽
could you do one with arda güler x a feminine reader. they both meet on holiday and after realising they share a few similarities they end up dating or something. you can change it to how you like. something with a plot like that.
thankss!!! ❤️‍🩹
The city of love brings people together
Arda Güler x fem! reader
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The bustling streets of Paris were alive with the hum of tourists and the aroma of freshly baked croissants. The Eiffel Tower stood tall in the distance, its iron lattice glistening under the summer sun.
I had always dreamed of visiting Paris, and here I was, ready to capture the perfect photo with the iconic tower in the background.
As I fumbled with my phone, trying to get the right angle, I realized it was nearly impossible to get a decent shot by myself.
I sighed in frustration, glancing around for someone who might help. That's when I noticed him – a tall, dark-haired man with a warm smile, casually dressed and clearly enjoying the sights.
"Excuse me," I called out, walking up to him. "Would you mind taking a picture for me?"
He looked up, his eyes meeting mine with a friendly glint. "Of course," he replied, taking my phone from my hand. "Happy to help."
I posed in front of the Eiffel Tower, and he snapped a few pictures, showing me the results. They were perfect – far better than anything I could have managed on my own.
"Thank you so much," I said, genuinely grateful.
"No problem at all," he said, handing my phone back. "I'm Arda, by the way."
"I'm Y/N," I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you, Arda."
"Would you like me to take a picture for you?" I offered, noticing he didn't have anyone with him either.
He smiled. "Sure, that would be great."
After I took a few shots of him with the Eiffel Tower, we started chatting. We discovered that we were both traveling alone and had coincidentally planned to visit many of the same landmarks.
"How about we explore the city together?" Arda suggested. "It's always more fun with company."
I agreed, and we set off on an impromptu adventure through the streets of Paris. We visited the Louvre, strolled along the Seine, and indulged in crepes from a street vendor.
The day flew by, filled with laughter and easy conversation.
"So, what do you do, Arda?" I asked as we sat on a bench, enjoying the view of Notre-Dame.
He hesitated for a moment before answering. "I play football. For Real Madrid."
My eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that's amazing! I've heard of Real Madrid, of course. You must be pretty famous then."
He chuckled. "I guess you could say that. But today, I'm just a guy exploring Paris."
The day ended with a beautiful sunset at Montmartre. As we watched the city light up, I felt a connection with Arda that I hadn't expected.
"Do you have any plans for dinner?" Arda asked, glancing at me hopefully.
"I don't, actually," I replied. "Do you?"
"How about we find a nice little bistro and continue this amazing day?" he suggested.
Dinner was delightful, filled with more laughter and stories. By the time we parted ways that night, we had exchanged numbers and promised to stay in touch.
Over the following weeks, Arda and I kept in contact, texting and calling each other regularly.
Our bond grew stronger, and it wasn't long before we decided to take the next step.
One weekend, I flew to Spain to watch him play. Seeing him on the pitch, surrounded by thousands of cheering fans, was surreal. He was incredible, and I felt so proud.
After the match, we met up, and Arda introduced me to some of his teammates. "This is Y/N," he said, beaming. "She’s very special to me."
Our relationship continued to blossom despite the distance.
We made time to visit each other whenever we could, exploring new places and creating beautiful memories.
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mtkay13 · 2 years
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Qi Ye cast poster!!
This had started as a sketch, waaay back as I was still reading Qi Ye. The original is pretty different from this (I considered adding it in the post but I actually don't like it anymore haha), but the plan was already to make this big spread with most of the -more or less- important cast.
I will add here some thoughts about the whole piece, and I guess, Qi Ye itself. My main goal was probably to express my deep and intense feelings for Qi Ye, its grandness, and its awesome cast-- and along with that, flesh out my mental image of each of them, their personality, their style. Here is a table with the names, so we know who is whom, and so I can add some details about my perspective on them and their design.
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Jing Beiyuan has always come quite naturally. I just go for the "prettiest face" I ever came with in terms of : my own taste, and the features I find the most delicate. I'd argue he's the easiest character to draw for me across both QY and TYK. On this image, he's probably around 16 or 17. I find his expressions to be very fun to work on in general.
Ping An is also quite an easy character to draw, just for how specific Priest is when describing him.
Wu Xi's design is mainly inspired by a discussion with my friend Hanya, who talked about how, in SHL, Wu Xi more resembled a northern shaman than a southern shaman. It made me want to explore the designs and characteristics a bit more, and come up with more colourful fabrics, patterns, and darker skin color. Same goes for Ashinlae and Nuahar, to have them matching Wu Xi's aesthetic.
Ming Hua was included in this just because of the mess the mention of his name caused in the story. The two jealousy tantrums are just so delightful!!
Su Qingluan was made to resemble Jing Beiyuan, of course. What I wanted to reflect in her face was her frustration, mainly.
Ji Xiang and Hua Yue... Well. Nothing particular about their design either, but they had to be there. Of course, of course they had to be there.
Finally, an opportunity to draw Zishu with his fan and henchmen! Not mad that he kinda looks like a villain, here.
Lu Yu!! I drew him with an Ashinlae mask, since he disguises himself as Ashinlae. I included him because he matters a lot in my headcanons about Siji Manor. (it isn't specified, in Qi Ye, whether or not he's actually part of the manor, but I like to consider that he is for various reason that I may detail if I ever make a Siji Manor post)
I'll skip Jiang Xue and Liang Jiuxiao because their designs are steady for me, now.
I hesitated a lot for Helian Pei's pose, but ended up going for this one (looking bored, out of his depth, lost in the distance with his birds around him). I considered showing him with a bird in his hands, but I guess that's not the main vibe I get from him. And then, well, golden, flashy clothing, suited for an emperor.
Helian Zhao had to be in a showy armor, and I hated making it because it's so much work, haha. I took inspiration from an armor in NiF. I'm quite happy with how he came out in terms of both vibe and showiness.
I tried going full out on Helian Qi. Making him the villain that Qi Ye deserved. Dark, showy, elegant and horrible.
Helian Yi is also pretty solid for me, by now.
About the illustration itself, the main challenge was definitely to make a nice colour palette while still differenciating all the characters. I wanted to go with something intense, eerie, that could also complement the main tones I would go for (= red, purple, blue and green). I'm quite happy with how the golden tones, along with the green and reddish lights, make the whole thing come together. I struggled a little bit with the composition at first, but once I got the flow and the main figures down, it just happened quite easily. Anyway, I'm quite proud of this, and hope it conveys the love and admiration I have for Qi Ye well.
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biasbuck · 4 months
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Finale Friday everyone! Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here.
A reminder I'm putting my fingers in my ears and ignoring discourse here for all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations, though these last two weeks I've been pretty down bad in my messy and hurting Eddie Diaz feels and it's manifested in the form of pining fics.
I'm always on the lookout for more henren fic to read, so please send recs my way!
31 May 2024
7x10 coda by @ghosthunterbuck was the Eddie pov fic that was exactly what I needed to read after the finale. Obviously spoilery for the episode so I'm not going to go too into detail here as to the what, but for the why - I think it perfectly captures Eddie's head space going forward, his emotional journey, canon compliant relationships, and the family dynamics at play. The last line got me good.
i love you like a dog with a bird at your door (and sequel) by @shitouttabuck (and this gorgeous fanart by @midbam too) absolutely stole my heart. A slowburn buddie fic, set post-season six. In which Buck reflects on his childhood in how he demonstrates and feels love with dogged devotion, and his love for the Diaz family. Through the ups and downs of life together at work and at home, and with some A+ 'moving in to take care of each other' vibes. I just loved getting swept away in the sweetness of this fic, it really warmed my heart. PLUS just...incredible deft, light handed and excellent use of metaphor that encapsulates Buck so so well.
love on the brain by @lizzybizzyzzz yes yessssss sexy henren fic!!! In which Karen oh so casually asks if Hen's going to pose for the firefighter calendar, Hen bluescreens for a bit, but then ropes in Athena to help out with a surprise. Set pre-6x06 (and the follow up delves into it and takes an angstier turn), this was just delightfully fun and I loved Hen stepping a little out of her comfort zone to show off for her wife. Those poses *fans self* where do I get me a Hen calendar?
meditating on your lips by @coldbam look I can't possibly summarise this one better than the actual summary. Buck comes out, and Eddie has some interesting dreams:
“I take it the date went well then? Cleared some things up for you.”
“You can say that again, Hen. Not only am I now a proud bisexual man, it turns out I’m excellent at sucking dick!”
Eddie chokes on his coffee.
No notes. (And then I proceeded to read all of coldbam's backlist and had a DELIGHTFUL TIME. Gardening fic! Phone sex! Athena/Eddie friendship. Pining!!!!! What fun!)
I'll Scrawl it on Every Wall I See by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels is from a few years back and was my favouritist of tropes, Buddie secretly writing to each other anonymous penpals, simultaneously falling in love, but all threaded through on the concept that they never clicked as work besties as they did in the show. I loved the balance of canon and reinterpreting the series through this lens. Deeply sweet and romantic and fun, and also heartwrenching.
drive you into a corner (and kiss you without a sound) by @hauntsorchards in which Eddie joins the 118 and can't seem to stop kissing Buck when he does something heroic, delightful or goofy. But it doesn't mean anything, right? In which the entire firehouse deserves a raise for putting up with them.
looking for an ocean breeze/so i can fill my mind with ease by newtkelly was the bucktommy fic ALL over my dash earlier this week and for good reason. Look I love a pun based fic prompt, and “Can I top you off?” was the perfect wedding scene one. It captured Tommy's sardonic humour so well, as well as exploring some of Buck's potential hang ups. And also now we know what we know...works very well on a kink exploration level. A sexy and fun 7x06 coda.
be you in time (it's easy) by @mycenaae my favourite fic exploring Tommy's reaction to seeing Captain Gerrard on the guestlist as a post 7x09 coda. Excellent bucktommy dynamics, as well as my very favourite thing...the Tommy and Hen and Chim groupchat. Please let this become a thing show, because it's perfect.
don't just stand there by @smallandalmosthonest AND FINALLY my favourite buddietommy WIP posted it's final chapter this week. Here's my summary from before: In which Eddie interruptus and Buck is maybe kinda sorta okay with that actually. A+ accidental exhibitionism kink discovery, with fantastic dialogue characterisation and just really really fun established bucktommy and buddie dynamics all wrapped into one. The final chapter is chefs kiss on flipping the narrative perspective and tying everything (and everyone) together!
Happy hiatus - treat each other kindly, and bang it out in fic form if you have to! If you need me I'll be over here revelling in Eddie going through it fic (oh Eddie indeed.)
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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HEY, IT'S A FREAKING ENORMOUS SMILE FOR ME FANCOMIC!! there is a very real chance that if you're new from twitter following me here, you followed me for this!! I don't blame you!! I'm real dang proud of this and it was a true labor of love!!! I have more like this I would like to draw soon, too...
(full transcript slash detailed image descriptions under the cut!)
PAGE 1 The comic title, COOKING, is written at the top of the page in big handwritten bubble-letters colored in pale peach.
Panel one shows Kamal, wearing a brown-and-red striped turtleneck sweater, standing next to Habit, wearing a fluffy teal-blue sweater over a pink button-up and blue jeans. Kamal is lightly grimacing, looking mildly embarrassed and rubbing his right arm with his left hand, while Habit stands with his hands on his hips and a big grin. Kamal: So, um, something that we only realized after we started living together... ...turns out neither of us can cook. Like. At all. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): I can make "spaghetti" (smiley face) Kamal: Yeah that barely counts. (in smaller text) I guess I can't talk, though... I was living off Chinese takeout and hot dogs...
Panel two shows Habit on the left, smiling warmly and holding up Putunia with both hands, who is grinning and holding both fists in the air triumphantly. Kamal is on the bottom right of the panel, shrugging. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): But now we have "Putunia"!! Putunia (shouting): THAT'S ME!!! Kamal: So, uh, we had to figure out the whole "cooking" thing. 'Cause we're the adults here or whatever...?
The third panel is marked with a big handwritten caption of "SO THEY LEARNED TO COOK". Below that, Kamal, left, and Habit, right, are standing wearing frilly aprons - Kamal's yellow with pink-and-red trim and a heart on the chest; Habit's light green with dark green trim and flowers on the chest. Habit is also still holding Putunia in one arm, while the other hand gives a thumbs up. Putunia is smiling with her limbs dangling limply like a kitten. Kamal (in small font): How did you just... have these ready...?
PAGE 2 In the large top panel, Kamal, still wearing the apron, is smiling, wearing red oven mitts with yellow flowers, and holding a blue plate with freshly-cooked samosas that are emitting a cloud of steam. Kamal: I, um, actually ended up calling my mom for advice, and she's been teaching me all her old recipes? I didn't really appreciate her cooking growing up - you know, you're a dumb kid and you just want pizza 'cause all your friends are getting pizza... But now... I dunno, it makes me feel closer to her. Feels like I'm carryin' on something important. And there's something real nice about getting to share a family recipe with people I lo- CARE ABOUT.
The second panel shows Habit leaning in from the right, smiling slightly mischievously and clutching his hands near his face. Putunia is also bursting in from the bottom right, smiling and throwing her fists in the air. Kamal is visibly flustered, sweating and yelling, jostling the plate of samosas. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): I still need to meet your mom!! Kamal (yelling): I- I told you, I'm not ready for that yet!! (in smaller text) Ugh, she keeps bugging me about coming over to meet you two... Putunia (yelling): I WANNA MEET KAMAL-MOM!! KA-MOM!!!!!
PAGE 3 The large top panel shows Habit in his apron, smiling, holding up a wooden spoon in his left hand and a wooden fork in his left. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): I've been learning to do "new things" with my favorite foods!!! (smiley face) "Homemade sauce"!! "Black bean burger"!! "Crabo"- "Crabounara"- "Cbabao"- "Ca"- Fancy spaghetti.
The second panel shows him in the same pose and expression, but now pointing upwards with his left hand. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): Also!!! I
The next panel abruptly cuts to a nervous-looking shadow-Habit, with an equally-nervous looking Kamal (no longer wearing the apron) peeking in from the right side of hte frame. Habit: um
PAGE 4 The large top panel shows Habit smiling nervously, looking more subdued than normal, lightly scratching his chin with his right pointer finger. Kamal, smiling proudly, is hugging onto his left arm. Habit (with a normal speech pattern): I... so, for a long time, I didn't even want to look at food from... where I grew up. Too many bad associations for me, yes? But, now that I'm in a better place, I'm trying to reconnect in ways that feel safe for me. Food has been a nice way to do that. Lets me build new memories to replace bad ones. Kamal: Proud of ya, big guy
The next panel shows Habit back to his usual bubbly self, smiling, wearing the flower-patterned oven-mitts and holding up a plate with a Medovik cake (a type of Russian honey cake) topped with berries. IN the background, Kamal and Putunia both stare at the cake, Kamal visibly drooling, Putunia with stars in her eyes. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): The baking is "ESPECIALLY GOOD"!!! Today I made "Медови́к" ("Medovik" in Russian script)!!! Kamal (in small text): it looks so good... Putunia (in small text): CAKE!!!!!!
The final panel cuts to Kamal drawn from the chest-up, looking slightly sheepish and scratching his chin. Kamal: Um, so that's the other thing we've discovered through all this. It turns out, uh...
PAGE 5 The top panel shows Kamal (left), Putunia (center), and Habit (right) all sitting at a table with a yellow-and-red checkered tablecloth, eating the Medovik cake. Kamal, with a sheepish expression, is leaning forward with his elbows on the table, right arm resting down and left raising a fork to his mouth, with a plate with a slice of cake to his right. Putunia is pumping her right fist and raising the left, holding a fork with some cake on it, into the air triumphantly, shouting with delight. Habit is resting his head in his hands with both elbows on the table, looking delighted, a slice of cake and a fork to his left. The cake itself, with a cake-serving knife to the left side, is in the center of the table. Kamal: ...we... all have a giant sweet tooth... (in smaller text) Oh my god I feel like such a hypocrite... Putunia (in small text): YUMMY!!!!!! Habit (in small text; misspelled Habitspeak): Isn't it?? Isn't it??
The next two panels cut in close on Kamal and Habit, from roughly the chest-up, as they both eat. Kamal is chewing with a guilty expression, holding his fork near his chest, while Kamal is smiling and lifting a bite of cake to his mouth with a fork held delicately in his right hand. Kamal: How did this happen?? We are literally both dentists?? Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): "You" are. "I" don't have to worry about that anymore
The next panel shows Kamal grimacing, gesturing with his fork, while Habit chews with a smug grin. Kamal: Yeah, not how that works. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): Plus I brush my teeth 4 to 60 times per day so they are "perfect" Kamal: Also not how that works. (in smaller text) Please talk to your therapist about that I worry about you
The next panel cuts to Putunia, on the right, shoving her empty plate towards Kamal with a determined expression. Kamal stares back with one eyebrow raised. Putunia (shouting): I WANT MORE CAKE!!! Kamal: Uh huh. And what do we say about that? Putunia (shouting): MORE CAKE PLEASE??
The final panel shows Kamal, on the left, slicing into the cake, while Putunia to the right watches with a smile and her plate held up. Habit comes up behind her, also holding out his empty plate and watching with a smile. Habit (in misspelled Habitspeak): Kamal me too Kamal (smiley face) Kamal: Well, if you're both having seconds...
PAGE 6 The final page has a full-page panel illustration. Kamal, grimacing with his hands on his hips, is looking down at a messy sink full of dirty cooking implements. Behind him, Habit, scratching his chin, looks away sheepishly while Putunia to his right cheers, hands in the air. Kamal: Okay, now which of us is gonna be the adult who does the dishes Habit: not it Putunia (shouting): NOT IT!!! Kamal: oh my god
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Have two random characters I came up with yesterday as a play on the words "may or may not" and then I had to give him a wife
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Mayor Maynot
His first name is Justice but everyone always thinks that it's May, because he stutters, so whenever he introduces himself, he says "I'm Mayor May-Maynot"
Always worried about being on time
Always appears incredibly nervous out in public, but as soon as he's in his own home he's lively and upbeat
His hobby outside of work is origami flowers that he hides around the house for Constance
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Constance Maynot
Very confident in her decisions, tries hard not to interfere with her husband dealing with Mayoral duties because she believes its good for him to come out of his comfort zone
But if he appears to be really struggling she will jump in, for example if the press is overwhelming
Loves cats, she and Justice own quite a few because they also make him feel comfortable
Can't stand people who treat others like garbage or speak to them like they're lower life forms, she will light into anyone who talks to anyone like that @idk-im-just-here-now this is the character idea I sent an ask about hehe I don't know if I'm actually gonna develop anything with these characters but I just had to draw a Mayor Maynot XD I'm quite proud of how he turned out, the pose fits so well
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littlemisspractical · 9 months
I wanted to do a monthly reveiw, but then realised that due to Life I haven't been consistent enough to do that this year. So, a Top Three instead of stuff I'm proud of this year. First this one, which I am still really proud of. The lighting and the posing and the detail I am very pleased with.
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OG post: https://www.tumblr.com/littlemisspractical/707271740163801088/a-dramatic-scene-from-my-tuesday-game-that-i-have?source=share
This is the next one, which I drew for my DnD party when our game ended and I ... may or may not have forgotten to post here. Oh well! I am still pleased with how it came out!
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[Image description] Talari, on the left of the group, stands with her hands held in front of her and a slight smile. She is a white half-elf with ginger hair cut in a bob. She is wearing a white shirt, brown trousers, and a black open-fronted robe with a silver holy symbol on the front. Nadia is standing just behind and to her right. She is a tall, muscular, white human woman. She is similing with her eyes closed and her head tilted, with one arm around Krusk. She is wearing a cream tank top decorated with red tufts of fur, brown trouers and fur boots. She has a necklance in the shape of an oak leaf. Krust is standing to Nadia's right with one arm on her shoulder, also similing with his eyes closed. He is a tall half-orc man wearing blue-grey plate armour and a dramatic red cloak. His other hand is resting on Dezeldmiir's shoulder. Ulva the direwolf is stood behind Nadia and Thoradin. She has jumped up to put her front paws on their shoulders, and has her tounge hanging out. She has brown-grey fur and the air of a wolf well pleased with herself. Thoradin is stood in front of Nadia and Krusk. He is a very muscular, white dwarf man, with long, flaming ginger hair and beard. His is grinning confidently with his arms crossed. He is shirtless, with many black tattoos. He wear a wide wrestlers belt, green plaid trousers, and large boots. A small black housecat sits on his foot. Dezeldmiir is standing on the right. She is a petite drow woman with purple skin and lilac hair. She is wearing a blue wrap dress, a silver brooch, and a flower in her hair. She is barefoot. [End image description]
My third pick for the year is a sketch I did for a little art exchange, of my character Mina talking to another OC with very similar interests. It came out really well!
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Overall actually a good year for my art, I've drawn a lot more even if I haven't posted, and I've been usign Tumblr more and more so hopefully NEXT year I'll have more stuff!
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shiawasekai · 5 months
For Nela: 9, 23, 25?
Thank you so much for these, Dujour! They were fun!
Answers to this ask meme
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Now I've mentioned before I don't do playlists and I only check lyrics for a very select few things...
Which means my pool of options is very shallow and the lyrics that come to mind are from something VERY obscure. This is my personal translation of the lyrics (done at the moment, too). For the title and further details, please DM me if you want. I would very much like to not summon that particular fandom:
"You humans may not realize it, but you avoid lighting up what's dark
And, did you know? Darkness, left unchecked, just grows deeper, murkier
And you, you have the face of someone living like they have no darkness within
It's so nice and comforting, to be within someone like you..."
Yeah... Yeah.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Now that's a hard question.
For the hardest to process, I lean towards insecurity.
So many of her problems boil down to poorly managing her insecurities. Societal pressure gave her such a complex she spent years on a self-destructive campaign of teenage rebellion and then, she struggles during the game in no small part because she was too insecure and with no actual support system. There is a reason I argue she would have an easier time as a companion, having someone (the KC) to fully rely on.
There are other emotions at play in both instances, but I feel insecurity is the one that has most consistently given her trouble.
As for the hardest to express... That's guilt. No contest.
During the late game and post-game, one of the main reasons she doesn't seek out help is because she feels guilty about her own thoughts and fears voicing them would only hurt those around her. For a long time, she's blind to the fact she is actually hurting them even more this way.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
That one is both hard and easy. There is a lot I love about her, but... her design has a very, very special place in my heart.
Before I sat down to draw her, I was feeling quite unmotivated with my art. I didn't feel ready to design my own characters from scratch and, being a very OC-driven artist, that drastically reduced the pool of options. Not being able to branch out made it hard to find said motivation.
Mind you, designing Nela was h a r d and ironing out that first draft of her design took me way longer than I care to admit. So many failed attempts... What started as some silly low stakes doodles to solidify a bit more the image in my mind (to never be shared) turned into a whole endeavor.
But it opened a door for me: I could, in fact, do character design!! I didn't need to limit myself! It was hard, but possible! It didn't turn out terrible at least!
... And I've been ever since in the biggest drawing spree since I started with drawing (admittedly that's not very long lmao). I've worked on the designs of multiple characters already, and I want to give more of my children an actual face. I'm so thankful for what she gave me (the creative freedom, the motivation) and proud of the work I put into it.
It may be also why I've gone above and beyond to develop said design further. Insert here reference sheet shenanigans.
This whole situation is made funnier because I remember stressing out over how much time I was dedicating to it because that was time I wasn't practicing things like, you know, posing, anatomy, color/shading/render...
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especdreamy · 2 years
My personal favorite Daily c!Ranboos, in order of posting!
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Now that it's finally over, I feel like its appropriate to share all the daily c!Ranboos I'm the most proud of, and the reasons why I like them so much.
I'll probably redraw some of these in the future!
Under the readmore bc its long and has lots of pics!
Day 5 - Brain Fried
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Looking back to it, this one isn't all that great compared to other Daily c!Ranboos I have done, but it's the first one I did in which I tried to make an actual composition rather than just. Drawing c!Ranboo. So it's kind of an important one!
Day 13 - Allium
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Kind of similarly as Brain Fried, this one is kinda rough in the edges when looking back on it, but I loved the eerie vibe of it, and the effort of using a more limited palette!
Day 21 - Bouquet
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It's just cute. He looks so squishy! Not much more to add tbh :)
Day 22 - Under the Weather
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I personally love how I made the effect of them "disintegrating" due to contact with water look! I like how the particles flow :) I love how I made the effect of the water dripping, how it could kinda look like tears running down their face. I used "Under the Weather" in both a literal and metaphorical sense!
Day 28 - Tears
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I like the expression and colors :) tbh the tears could be better but otherwise I like it.
Day 32 - Awake
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It's soft, comforting, bright, warm, I love the way I did the colors SO MUCH! The expression is everything to me, I like how their hair looks. Also you might notice that I have 100% used the same colors for Revival and Freedom.
Day 34 - Arrival
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I just like their goofy expression and how much of a twig they look. Silly lad
Day 38 - Butcher Army
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I LOVE the expression and the limited color palette! While theres bits that could be improved upon this is one of my best compositions here.
Day 39 - Apprentice
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Day 41 - Memory Book
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I like how the anatomy looks here! Looks very sleek and natural I guess? I love how the tail lies on the ground. I just can feel the weight here a bit.
Day 44 - Doomsday
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The blue sky with the bright red flames, the lighting, c! Ranboo's silhouette, idk this is just very pleasing to look at!
Day 64 - Revival
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I can't even elaborate on how much I love this one, it's probably The Best drawing (drawings?) of Daily c!Ranboo! I used the same color palette as Awake bc I wanted to give it the same comforting and soft vibe, I love how fuzzy it all looks, how quiet it seems...Also its a comic too! I speedran that in 3 or so hours and im so damn happy with it.
Day 67 - Light
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The colors are very nice, I like the lighting!
Day 76 - Dance
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I like the poses! I tend to struggle to draw c!Tubbo but he looks very cute here. I think I made c!Ranboo a bit too short but tbh it was a challenge to make the pose work!
Day 82 - Windy
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I like the colors, the expression, AND THE HANDS!! Its fuckign wimdy!
Day 89 - Void
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HORROR VIBES! I wanted to do at least one creepy-looking drawing for this challenge that I liked and this is the one for sure!
Day 90 - Stars
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I like the colors a lot here! The way he looks up to the sky with the big ol' eyes and his pose feels so natural.
Day 91 - Birthday
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I may have speedran this in like an hour and a half but GOD I just LOVE the symbolism in this drawing! The balloon because birthday! But its black because death! Ghostboo is the one holding it because they're the one in the overworld after all. How c!Ranboo looks down while Ghostboo stares at them!
Day 92 - Freedom
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I used the same palette as Awake and Revival, it just felt right! I tried my best to do a piece that'd be forth of being the "sendoff" for the daily c!Ranboo series, and I do think it holds up!
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lucarrie · 2 months
As usual, I procrastinated until the very end to do this =w=
I managed to do 3 attacks tho! I will link the artists' ArtFight profile if you wanna check them out~ ( you should )
Here's my ArtFight profile if you wanna check me out too! —> https://artfight.net/~lucarrie
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Susie, for ArtistZarry
This was really fun bc I had a very clear vision on what I wanted to draw as soon as I saw the references
Susie lives in the nightmare realm and the monster(s) looked so cool so I had to include it somewhere
Lighting turned out fire 😎 proud of this one
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Romeo "Row", for abido_odles
So she revenged me for the fanart I did last year, and therefore I must revenge back >:))
Romeo is actually so fabulous so I reeeeally wanted to do him justice
I'm unfamiliar with drawing bearded guys so it was a challenge but I think I did well 😎😎
Suffered on the bg 🥲 lowkey gave up im so sorry abi
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Carolina, for anteaterx0
Inspired by Mesmerizer by 32ki because the crazy eyes reminded me of that song!! It's vaaaguely the pose Miku makes when she becomes crazy
Carolina's color palette is so mwah mwah chef's kiss, it was so fun to render ( probs bc I'm not doing fancy lighting 🤪 )
I literally finished this piece an hour ago ahakdkwjdndndmw so last minute idk if he'll see this piece
no lie i forgot what my artstyle was bc there's a bunch of inconsistencies ahajdkwkw needed to have previous arts pulled up to remember
anyways regardless of me barely making it, I had a lot of fun!! I always use the randomizer to choose characters so I can be given a good challenge 😎
hopefully i'll do more next year :")
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enigma-absolute · 5 months
when u get this u have to answer with 5 things u like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite mutuals (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!)
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Both you and @choasuqeen had sent me this at roughly the same time, so I guess I’m gonna have to answer this with ten things instead, which is fine!
I was able to cut, sew and stitch on a collar on to my Steve shirt in time to wear it out to my local convention with Blue in hand! Here's one of many photos!
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2. Still can't believe I'm saying this, but I managed to rope in three friends to help me sing a cover of 'The Rainbow Connection' for a friend's belated birthday present. I genuinely still listen to it because... wow. It genuinely made both my friend and I tear up when we listened to it together over discord.
(And honestly, we could all do with a bigger choir together...)
3. I'm actually kinda proud of how far my art's come since I started keeping sketchbooks. Looking at the shelf on my right from 2019 to now (though I started in 2013), it's nuts how much I've drawn in those years.
4. On the topic of sewing and sketchbooks, I'm actually kinda surprised I still have bookbound my own sketchbooks, and now they sit in wait to be used someday, ready and waiting in their drawers until I choose the next to go ham with.
5. ...oh my god I still can't fully grasp the weight of having written my show's complete pilot episode, complete since last year for Honours. I know I usually talk and think about it in a very light manner, but dude! I have LORE for that story in SEVERAL notebooks, building and retconning and rewriting as I've gone. I did that??? I DID that?????!!!!!
6. If I really like someone international and online (PLATONICALLY), I'm the kind of woman to mail them physical gifts. The fact that I've sent so much mail and have a minor hoarde of envelopes and sealing wax should say something. This only comes at a certain level of closeness though, since, well, of course. You don't go exchanging physically addresses that easily.
7. Something I hadn’t noticed myself until someone had pointed it out to me is that I’m very outwardly silly in front of my friends. And why shouldn’t I be, I love it! I love that I can say or do something that can make my friends laugh; that I have the lack of care to just do a family guy death pose in a video games shop, get a lab coat for a Beaker Bit, or even have the dumbest grin and cackle while everyone else is done at another dad joke I can think of on the spot.
8. It’s hard to believe it now, but me ten years ago on this hellsite didn’t really have two cares about fashion aside from emulating her idol at the time. Now? I’ve developed some tastes and aesthetics, and while I still have a way to keep growing, I’ve found multiple styles and dream outfits and even outfits I own that not only work in comfort, but also style. Velvet green flared pants? Gold jeans? Bright blue overcoat? Vests? YES.
9. Now that I think about it, I’m… actually kind of impressed with my range of voice acting and impressions? Yes it’s very silly and often for the bit, but I’ve had people compliment my Kermit the Frog voice before, and even if I can’t reach the octave Columbo is at, I can still do the vibes.
10. This is off the back of having a psychology appointment recently, but... I'm kinda proud of how far I've come, honestly. From a lost and lonely and scared girl stuck in NZ to someone about to get a teacher's aide job (hopefully, pray for me y'all!) at her old school's sister school for kids on the spectrum - WITH a Bachelor's and Honours in Animation. In Australia. Who would've thought? I sure didn't. But now I'm here.
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zestyderg · 3 months
(The narrator sits within the abandoned bare bones hideout, enjoying a caprisun with the only Smilo plushie spared from the milk onslaught. He hopes that after the recent failure of the Broccoli Man's plans and the massive pile of milk drenched plushies almost blocking the bridge over that he will finally find some peace.)
Hello... again. I'm not sure how you keep finding me whenever I go to hide, but I'll blame it on sheer coincidence. I just hope you weren't followed, because if I see any hint of tree related sentient vegetables, I think I might actually go insane this time.
(He places the half empty pouch on the smilo's head, sighing a little.)
Shame that I'm stuck here until the next round of helicopters fly in, and with how Mr. Wildwest is right now, I don't think they're coming soon. At the very least, free vivosaur plushie.
(Something emerges from the depths of the grotto, coming into the light slowly. The narrator only has to take one glance before he lets out the deepest sigh he can and flops onto his back.)
I don't even know why I even try anymore.
it is I
The Broccoli Man!!
(He poses dramatically, only to immediately drop the pose, pull out some papers from his florets and sit on the ground. He seems to be thinking deeply for once.)
Now, I know my last plan backfired miserably, and now Rainbow Canyon is sort of a no go zone due to the smell, BUUUUUT I think I might be onto something with this next plan.
(He files through the pages until he pulls out a chickenscratch plan of action, slapping it on the floor.)
It took a while to get the materials together, because there's not much in the way of craft stores on the Castillo Isles, but with a little bit of ingenuity I managed to pull this together. Step one, make a decoy.
(He stands up, disappearing into the shadows, before dragging back a life size, hand painted that looks eerily similar to Dino.)
Step two, put my acting degree to work and make a show. In other words, draw Joe's attention with a little bit of puppetry, and lure him into a good position. Step three is where it gets hard.
(He reaches into his florets again, pulling out a shiny green dino medal. He flips it like a coin, letting out a fluffy little Squiro.)
This time, I'm actually using one of my own vivosaurs instead of borrowing them, so the stakes are slightly higher. But anyways, step three is to let my little pea build up some karma before we both jump into the fray once Joe realizes the deception. This is the make or break step of the plan, because if he realizes what's up too soon, then my poor little pea will get launched into the stratosphere. Step four is easy in comparison, if all goes well.
(He smiles cartoonishly wide.)
Joe attempts to attack, but instead gets knocked square in the jaw by his own assault. Gets knocked out, and finally step five takes place. Raid Wildwest tower, get the stinking fossils, and steal KL-33N with no one to stop me >:)
(He laughs deviously, finally playing up the drama again.)
Finally, a worthy plan to take down the Cowboy!... dino... thing? I'm not too sure what he is right now cause every time I see him he has more teeth. BUT ANYWAYS!! FEAR THE BROCCOLI!!! MUHAHAHAHHAHAHWHHW
-the broccoli man (chaotic evil)🥦
Wow! The vegetable has come up with a plan that might actually do something! I'm proud!
Although, it won't take very long for Joe to recognize that "Dino" is a fake, so better be sure that Squiro is ready to counter as soon as possible.
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windmermaid-blog · 1 year
#17: Rindō Haitani
(And his second hand embarrassment. We all felt it when Angry started crying like that 😅)
I got a bit carried away and before I noticed I had given him a nose that is definitely not in Wakui's style, but how I draw noses in my original characters. Overall, I think tjis is the portrait I feel closest to my (developing) personal style.
About his eyes, I actually have no idea what colour they really are, official art isn't too consistent (looking ESPECIALLY at you, Pazuribe 😑), but the average Rindō has purple eyes, in a violet shade a bit desaturated and more blue than red.
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Generally speaking, he is overall cool, particularly next to his brother, who is generally warm. Ran's skin is very light and blushy, Rin's is tan and ashen. Ran's eyes are mauve, a pinkish purple; Rin's are cool violet, a bluish purple. The eldest's blond hair is a warm yellow with a warm brown undertone, Rin's is a cool tone with sage green undertones.
Warning: here comes a ridiculously long rant because I'm a Haitani simp character analysis. I thought about these comparisons while painting and I need to get ot out of my head.
I think these opposites show not only in their colour palette, but it also kind of reflects their outward personalities, with Ran being all saccharine and kind (in a very fake-y way), with a welcoming body language; his "poses" always have his arms away from his body, even when being threatening he is inviting the other person to come closer with his demeanor. However Rin is far cooler, more closed and uninviting, matching his tendency to deliver sarcastic jabs and appear annoyed at everything. He is most definitely not timid, but he appears far more secluded than Ran in his social interactions. At first he "hides" behing quite big glasses, he often poses with his arms crossed or with his body leaning to a side, af if avoiding interaction, and he often has his hands in front of his body (think that scene where he looks like he is casting a spell with his hands, he is launching himself forward and looks threatening, but his body is "hidden" behind his hands. Next to him, Ran mightbe even a bigger threat, but he looks far more relaxed and even proud, head high and chest open).
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