thgseasonofhope · 5 months
...Weird edit....
OK, this is the second time Xkit posted something random to a different blog than I intended. For those of you here for THGSeasonofHope content, I apologize. This blog really isn't mine, though I co-run it. I should know better.
In so many ways, Gale is not just counterpoint, but an interesting story of his own. Does he move on down the path of "protection is a needs of the many" thing and it's worth some sacrifices? Does he keep prioritizing the need to keep people "in line"?
Katniss stops speaking to him, so we don't see him except to hear that he's in District 2 with a cushy government job. But what happens? What haunts him? Does it shift in him later?
I read a fic a long time ago about him in 2 and he ends up finding Madge there. (Of course) It's a love story. But it also brings up his grief and the need to move on from home. What it means to be from a place that is, in essence full of ghosts. And how we recreate ourselves on the outside but always have that kernel of truth inside.
(Anyone recall the name? I only remember that she wears a white dress at one point. Rated M.)
Hot take but… “Gale was a teen soldier who got brainwashed, by a manipulative dictator, into the idea that sacrificing a small number of troops was worth it to definitively stop the government that had spent years ruining the lives of him and his people” and “Gale’s gross disregard for human life directly led to the death of Prim and thousands of other civilians including children, and Katniss is justified in her anger and has no obligation to ever forgive him” are two statements that can and should coexist together.
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thgseasonofhope · 5 months
...And we're live***
***We have one offering that just won't reveal. I may need to have the author resubmit in a bit, so you will likely see this as a weird anomaly on the Collection list. If you do, I apologize.
We had five pinch hitters this time, which is a record. I can't thank the following people enough for coming through and creating for us! If not for their ability to plot quickly and cleanly and follow through, we might not have had a collection at all!
Thank you and may you be showered with fresh bread in the coming days!
Fkatwirls (I'm sorry I don't know their Tumblr name?)
On behalf of @shesasurvivor and myself, Happy, Happy New Year!
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thgseasonofhope · 5 months
We're getting closer!
I've got my fingers and toes crossed that the last fics will be finished and we can release this week! I'm so excited!
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thgseasonofhope · 5 months
What are the Everlark prompts? I might be able to cook something up fairly quickly this week.
I will send you a screen shot of the prompts so you can check them out!
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thgseasonofhope · 5 months
We will reveal this coming week.
We've had a snag with a couple of creators going silent, so we're working that out. If you would still like to submit something (especially Everlark) and are willing to respond to prompts quickly, please let me know.
I hope 2024 is treating everyone well.
Thank you all for your patience.
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
Are pitch hitters still needed, or were you able to find someone? Just curious! SO excited for these fics to be released :). Thank you so much for putting this together and putting effort into making sure everyone gets their gift.
I think we have the pinch hitters we need. @shesasurvivor reached out to a few folks and assigned them, so I'll let her weigh in.
As soon as we have all the submissions, we will release!
(It's super-exciting and I can't wait!)
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
dandelions are magic. literally tiny suns in the grass that turn into the moon and then the stars when you blow on them. fucking insane.
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
Two Pinch Hitters Needed
Happy new year, everyone! I'm sorry to be announcing late -- I just got home from family vacation for the holidays.
We need two pinch hitters to cover two defaulted stories. One is an Everlark, one is a general requested focusing on the Catching Fire victors. If anyone would like to please step up and help us out, let us know! We won't be able to open things until we have a gift for everyone. Please send a message through here if you'd be interested in helping us out!
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
I think I might have uploaded my thing wrong — I’ve never done anything like this before, and it’s already showing up on my dashboard? IDK, I’m just not sure.
You didn't do anything incorrectly. I do see your work on the collection, and I do see it is currently revealed. (SHHHHH!!!!! Don't tell your recipient!)
You're not the only one, so something is going on. The collection shows as unrevealed and anonymous in settings, so I'm seeing if Support can help. Until then, hang tight.
Update: I've got the settings working. @princessjaqulinechess1031, go ahead and resubmit your work.
I'm super excited that we already have submissions! You guys are the best.
If you'd like to continue working, we've added a week to the deadline.
Happy Holidays!
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
Extending the deadline
Shesasurvivor and I talked through extending the deadline this week. I think we're going to do it. Things this week have been challenging in so many ways and it seems like there's never enough time to get everything done.
New due date? 12/31/2023
New Reveal 1/1/2024
If you need to extend beyond that, please, please let us know and we can reassess.
Six of you have already turned in submissions. Thank you so, so much. If you want to upload newer versions, go for it and let us know.
As always, this fandom is amazing.
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
Hi! I just submitted my work, but it looks like it is receiving kudos and hits even though the collection hasn’t been revealed yet. Is that supposed to happen? I just clicked the “fulfill” button and then uploaded it like I would a normal fic from the page that brought me to. Just want to make sure I did not mess something up!
Anon, can you dm me your fic name on A03? I'll look it up.
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
Hello! What will happen if I miss the submission window? I'm a bit concerned about whether I'll have it completely ready by then.
No worries, Anon! We're going to extend the window. If you still need more time, let me know. We like to have a "gift" for everyone when we launch, but I think an extra week or so will help everyone out.
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thgseasonofhope · 6 months
Lmao this is the same anon from last night- I think I fixed my fuckup, please disregard my last ask!!
I was going to check in on A03 today. You sure you got it? You can always add an update after we're live, and we're adding time (I'll announce that today). Let me know if you want me to remove your submission and you can re-upload.
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thgseasonofhope · 7 months
Does the person you get matched with match with you?
No. The way matching works with A03, each person is matched with someone unique. For example, if I am matched with Shesasurvivor, she will be matched with someone else.
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thgseasonofhope · 7 months
Hi! This is definitely a stupid question that I should already know the answer to, but are we supposed to fulfill all of the prompts we were assigned, or just one? Or are we supposed to do as many as we can get done before the deadline?
Hi, Anon!
You only *need* to write one prompt. However, if you feel the spirit and it moves you, you may do more if you wish. (It's not expected because there's just not enough time!) We've definitely had people do one and then write another based on a different prompt because they couldn't get it out of their head.
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thgseasonofhope · 7 months
Signups closed!
We reached the needed number - thank you, everyone! I’ll initiate matching and matches should go out soon!
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thgseasonofhope · 7 months
If no one signs up to make it an even number, I'm willing to write two gifts. Not sure if AO3 will allow that, but just putting it out there as an option.
Thank you, that’s so kind of you! I’m hoping we can get one more unique signup, but if not then we just may take you up on that offer.
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