#i'm actually having a ball in this bitch
earlgodwin · 9 months
from supernatural to the borgias pipeline is so real gotta stan 10/10 toxic codependency and fucked up siblings dynamics with loads of parallels and symbolisms
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ghostfacerseffect · 2 years
The passage of time is not so bad because it means i get to add new pages and/or columns to my spreadsheets <3
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prettyblondguys · 9 months
Am I allowed to be negative on here about stuff for a minute? Pretty please?
I don't really think that things are gonna change for the better/ get better for me at this point tbh
#Like. I know things constantly change and nothing stays the same but I don't really think it'll get much better y'know.#Lik#I get paid 8.50 an hour to fucking wipe 3D glasses off and retrieve golf balls and get covered in gross mystery liquid bc im in charge of -#-- trash and I have to argue with grown ass men about a claw machine not working.#I don't really think that's gonna change and I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to move out of this house or live on my own or anything -#-- like that or start dating or be the type of normal I want. Just a lot of decisions leading up to me being stuck here forever and yeah.#Shit sucks#Tbc I'm NOT fishing for It gets betters or stuff like that. If I could turn comments off for this post I would lol I really appreciate any#-- concern and stuff but I am Okay#I'm still doing everything I'm still going through the motions even tho the motions suck ass. It's just that I'm constantly --#-- positive and that gets really really hard sometimes lol. Like. My mental health doesn't do well if I'm not forcing myself to be --#-- disgustingly positive so I am. A lot. But it's HARD and sometimes I just wanna admit that no actually it DOESN'T feel like everything --#-- is gonna be okay and that I actually do kinda not like my life lol#I'm good I'm fine I'm just bitching and moaning#I . Wrote this last night bc I couldn't sleep but sent it to the drafts of hell lol. Today's gonna be so fun /sarcasm#Besties I'm fine please please please seriously I'm good#Just pretend Tumblr has a Turn comments off feature lmao#Y'all can seriously ignore this#Will probably delete later but what's the point of Tumblr if not to embarrass yourself by oversharing lol
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Me vs the instinct to chug
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bylertruther · 2 years
do you guys have any by|er fics that literally and actually Live In Your Head Rent-Free like they actually Changed you and you have never been the same since? fics tht you think abt and see so clearly in your head it's like you're remembering a tv show or movie scene? those fics where the characters' voices were so Strong tht u can still hear the dialogue in ur head?
bc for me it's undoubtedly Fight or Flight (I'd rather die). without spoiling anything, i see the final fight + onwards in my head SO. FUCKING. VIVIDLY. and it fucks every single time!!!!! literally the sexiest most horrific most gut-wrenching and positively fucking scrumptious scene(s) i've ever had the honor and privilege of reading. there's so much love in it. the good parts of love, the bad parts of love, the easy parts, the hard parts. i just. jesus fucking christ.
and then mike's interim pov that stuck with me because it was just So Canon!Mike and So Good tht it immediately seared itself into my brain as i read n as such i feel like i could recite it jus from memory alone. the fucking... the binder scene. THE BINDER SCENE. no words. shaking, crying, goosebumps flaring jus thinking abt it.
honestly i start thinking abt these fics n immediately my eyes start stinging i get a lump in my throat n i feel like tearing a chunk out of my phone with my own teeth. i just. fuc k ign . THEY'RE SO.......... UNBELIEVABLY FUCKING GOOD............... (SAID WHILE GRIPPING MY PHONE SO HARD IT SNAPS IN TWO)
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cockinator3000 · 2 months
so the main kcon stage is at 10 am i think...and assuming i'm fr staying up until 5 for bonedo i'll def wake up late..... enha probs won't perform until the show's almost over....and i'm going out tommorrow around noon so i'll be waking up around the time kcon starts anyway to get ready even if i didn't want to and then i'll be there by the time enha appears....i'm set it seems
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neverendingford · 5 months
#tag talk#vent#I'm so fucking lonely and it doesn't have to be that way#I have someone I used to consider my best friend and they never have any fucking time for me ever#they say “yeah let's catch up!” and I'm willing to burn my schedule to the grouns for them but they never make time for me.#baby boy sweet prince I will call out of work sick just to have a good phone call with you#but you're too busy going out for drinks with transphobic coworkers you hate#you call me your friend but you never make time for me.#of we are friends but we never hang out then we're not actually friends anymore are we.#plus that thing where people buy you a video game with the express purpose of playing it with you and then they never do.#we played ror2 twice and never again. it's been since last summer and we never came back to it because you're too fucking busy I guess#I fucking hate when people are like “yeah let's hang out!” like... sure bitch let's. put your time where your intentions are.#I didn't stay alive just so I could get blue-balled with the false promise of genuine human connection#like. I guess I'm just not your priority I just wish you would admit it instead of claiming genuine intention when you have none#but if I cut things off somehow it'll be my fault because you claim to want to be friends so it'll be my fault suddenly#if I stop talking to you it'll be my fault even though none of your words have meant anything for months.#ughhhh I'm so fucking annoyed right now I wish I could depression nap and wake up tomorrow and go to work and forget this shit
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phantomrose96 · 2 months
So my mom's birthday was this week and I flew down with Patches to visit her for a few days. Patches, while a verified hater of the airport, really loves my mom's place because there are so many more closets to explore and birds to watch and cobwebs to dust with her stupid little face.
My mom also goes to bed earlier than anyone I know, so for the evenings it was on me to monitor Patches' activity. And she's very good. She's 99% good. She's 1% "could use improvement" good and the 1%, which I'd forgotten about, is tomatoes.
Patches will leave most things alone. (And by "alone" I mean she'll absolutely bitch slap them onto the floor, but they will leave the ordeal with just as many or few surface punctures as they had before the encounter started.) Not tomatoes. Patches has it the fuck out for tomatoes.
So when I noticed her batting something around on the ground I realized that my mom had left a sole, roma tomato in the fruit basket on the counter and it was now experiencing the life cycle of a pingpong ball between Patches' paws.
I take it away from her, like a fucking evil woman, and now I'm like "okay actually, where do I hide this." See at home I have an anti-Patches cabinet, which is for things that have no business living in a cabinet but which WILL have business dying at Patches' hands if left accessible. And this is WEIRD to have such a cabinet but it's my own home.
I'm scanning my mother's cabinets going "is this weird here? can the tomato go in my mother's dish cabinet?" And I briefly consider sticking it in the fridge, as a normal location, but the audacity of altering this tomato's ripening process is an audacity I do not possess. So I go with cabinet. I go with the first eye-level cabinet, which is the coffee mug cabinet, which is perfect because the tomato will not be lost to cabinet purgatory there, since my mom opens it every morning for her coffee. I will simply tell her in the morning that the tomato is there.
Next morning. Seeing as my mother goes to bed at the butt-crack of dusk she ALSO gets up at the ass-crack of dawn. This means I trail down like 2 hours after her with my work laptop and Patches. This is also now her birthday. I'm sharing the sofa with her for a good 15 minutes when I think to myself I'd like some coffee, and I remember I put a tomato in the cabinet. I tell my mom as much. I put the tomato in her coffee mug cabinet.
And the look I get is one I can't really figure out on spot. But she says "Chrissy this is the best birthday present you could have given me" which is a very weird response to the already weird statement "Oh you probably saw, but I hid the tomato in the coffee mug cabinet because Patches has it out for tomatoes."
So I do not at all know how this makes for a good birthday gift. My mom tells me how a week or two ago, she came home unloading groceries. At the end of putting everything away she could not for the life of her find her phone. Absolutely nowhere. She pinged it from her iPad and it started singing. From the fridge. She opened her fridge. Her phone was in the fridge.
A couple days later she lost Ash's collar. Spent three days looking for it. Couldn't remember where she'd taken it off or what she did with it. Showed up in the grass when she remembered she took it off to let him play fetch in the lake.
And then this morning, her birthday morning, she came into the kitchen, made her pot of coffee, opened the cabinet to fetch her coffee mug, and found... tomato. Singular. Tomato in the cabinet. Tomato she had no memory of placing in a cabinet. Tomato she could not possibly fathom having a reason for being in the cabinet.
She was like Chrissy I cried. She was like this is it, time to send her to pasture. She's a harebrained old lady now and there is no coming back from this. She's the lady who accidentally puts tomatoes in the cabinet. Awake before God, standing in the kitchen, signing her life away over this tiny roma tomato. (Roma tomato with little cat vampire teeth marks in it).
I was like oh. No. I put it there. Because Patches was going to commit war crimes against it. I put it there because I did not stop to consider "Will finding a single tomato in the coffee mug cabinet somehow be the very specific thing that undoes my mother this morning?" I put it there out of careful consideration for the life of this tomato, and with no consideration for the extremely esoteric way that a tomato in the cabinet could be received like a horse head in the bed, Godfather style.
We made a salad with the tomato. Happy birthday Mom.
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corkinavoid · 4 months
DPxDC Shit Fae!Danny Has Said While Living With Waynes
Danny, making a 'got your nose' gesture: Hey Jason, look, I've got your name!
Red Hood, who suddenly can't remember his own name: What the fuck
Bruce, in a tired dad voice: Danny, please, we talked about this, return your brother's name back
Danny: Oh, come on, it's not like he even uses it
Jason, thankfully remembering his name: And I repeat, what the f u c k
Steph, at dinner: I was wondering, what do faeries even eat normally? Like, flowers and stuff?
Danny, his eyes two black voids inside his eyesockets: The souls of the innocent
Steph: So that's a 'no' on the flowers?
Danny, back to normal and shoving a bagel in his mouth: I mean, I can, but would you want to stay on the crumbs-only diet when you are in a 5-star Michelin restaurant?
Tim: It's actually 3-star. Michelin rating system only has three stars, not five.
Dick: Are you saying that people are basically food joints for Fae?
Damian, at Constantine: It would do you well to choose your wording better when speaking to fair folk-
Danny, very much a fair folk, appearing out of thin air in the Cave: Yolo, s'up bitches, guess who's back in town!
Damian: -even when they do not necessarily do so themselves.
Constantine, looking between them: Are you sure you're the human and he is the changeling?
Tim, 46 hours of no sleep: Hey, if you can take a name from someone, does it mean you can take, like, other things that have no real shape or form?
Danny: Names do have shape and form, they even have taste. Yours is like a ping-pong ball made out of really dense cotton candy with banana-caramel flavor.
Tim, losing his touch with reality: Dense banana cotton candy...
Danny: By the way, I know you wanted to ask me if I could take your need to sleep from you, and theoretically, the answer is yes.
Tim, his whisper full of hope: ...will you?..
Danny: No. Either go to sleep or keep suffering. I'm not here to make your life easier.
Danny, after a half-an-hour rant on the Fae customs and traditions: -and Fae never tell the truth, but also never lie. It's a work of art, you know, say what you want but never in a way that makes sense.
Jason: So Fae just like to fuck with people.
Danny, looking him in the eyes, smiling and winking: Sure, humans are very fuckable.
Bruce, trying very hard not to pay attention to this: Can you make an example?
Danny: Sure. I lied.
Bruce: Where?
Danny: :)
Bruce, feeling like he is about to lose his mind: W h e r e ?
Alfred, right after he heard Dick's muffled screaming in the hallway: Young Master Danny, would you mind returning Master Dick his ability to talk in coherent sentences?
Danny, obediently standing up and walking out of the library: ...okay.
Bruce: How come he always listens to you?
Alfred: He knows what I will do if he doesn't.
Danny, returning to the library: He will change all the silverware to iron-ware. As well as the doorknobs and hairbrushes and lightswitches and everything else.
Alfred: Did you fix Master Dick's shoes?
Danny: I did. But I still think that making all of his shoes left ones was funny.
Alfred: Indeed, it was.
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There's also a fic now.
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rueclfer · 3 months
Fake Dating // Bakugou
a/n: hi all, i am back from the dead with this shit that took me DAYS to finish bc my brain is def not used to writing anymore. pls enjoy and maybe keep a look out for PART 2 if people want it !
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You stare at your phone in disbelief. The audacity he had to tell you where to go, how to dress, and to essentially perform in front of everyone for him. Of course this was a mutually beneficial agreement, but at least you only dragged him along to your family functions sparingly.
You two had come to this agreement early last Winter when family members kept pestering you about potentially finding a love interest at your new University, and for him when he couldn't shake off all of the romantic confessions from the students in the other classes.
No one else knew about your arrangement. What made it so much more unbearable was the fact that you shared the same cohort and friend group, so it was a constant facade whenever you're in each other's presence with the others around.
You felt a bit awkward coming to the party alone, and a few hours late. You could hear the bass thumping through the door from the front yard, and from the looks of it, there were far more people than you expected, but on the bright side, it'll be easier to be invisible within the crowd than have to hold up this facade all night.
You approached the front to see Jirou catching a breath of fresh air. She had a drink in one hand and her other interlocked with Momo's
"Are you guys already tapping out?" You asked, taking the steps up the porch.
"Y/N!! For a second I thought you weren't going to make it!" Jirou says, releasing Momo from her grasp and giving you a big hug. "I'm so happy you're here."
"Can't blame me for always being fashionably late” You embrace her back.
"Better now than never." She drunkenly chuckles “Bakugo’s been a moody bitch all night please go contain him”
“Are we surprised?” You roll your eyes and laugh. “Where are you two off to?”
"I'm gonna take Momo out for some air and to maybe vomit, but go inside and I'll find you later!"
“I love you Y/N!! Take a shot for me!!” Momo slurs and blows you a kiss as Jirou drags her away.
"I love you too, Mo! I'll catch you guys inside."
Once you stepped foot inside, it felt like the air from your lungs were instantly replaced with the thick fog of weed and cigarette smoke. It was suffocating, but all too familiar at the same time. You recognized many of the faces around from campus, but none of which were your close friends.
Before anything else, you decided to stop by the kitchen to pour yourself something to drink. To be honest, you weren't picky with your liquor. As long as it did its job, you weren't going to complain. You grabbed a red solo cup off of the stack and poured in a shot and some change worth of cheap vodka.
Mina has to have some red bull somewhere around here…
You quickly down it and refill another cup to carry around while you look for your ball and chain, Katsuki. You wander around the crowd for a few moments, waiting for someone you knew to catch your attention, but no one did. You decide to take a break to lean against a wall and to send Katsuki a text to see where he was hiding. Before you could even get your phone unlocked, you received a notification from him.
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After he sent the last message, you looked up and searched for his meeting eyes. He said he was looking right at you, but for some reason you couldn't find those fiery eyes.
“Looking for someone?” A low voice breaks you from your search.
You turn to see Katsuki leaning up against the wall right beside you, almost shoulder to shoulder.
“Hmmm yeah I am, actually. Have you seen my boyfriend?” You turn to him fully. “He’s tall, messy blonde hair, kind of has a stupid look to his face, really hot though, trust me, and also like a medium build?”
You catch a glimpse of the smallest smirk on his face.
“Yeah? Well I’ll be sure to keep a lookout for him. In the meantime though, can you keep an eye out for my girlfriend? Angel faced, toothy smile, obnoxious ass laugh though, like if you hear honking, it's probably them.” He retaliates.
You both stare at each other in silence before you break character and playfully punch him in the arm. “Shut up, idiot. I don't honk.”
“You do. Like a goose.”
"You're so good at this flirting thing, Katsuki. Keep it up." You say sarcastically.
"It is my job, after all."
He stealthily wraps his arms around your shoulder, bringing himself in closer to you. He damn near was caging you in against the wall, blocking out the rest of the party with his back.
“So what's the game plan for tonight?” You peered up at his towering figure.
“Hang out for a couple hours, do all that lovey bullshit and then I’ll take you home. Don't get too messy tonight either. I’m not trying to babysit.”
“Worry about yourself, lightweight.” You roll your eyes.
“And is this straight vodka?" He looks into your cup with disgust. "Are you mentally ill?"
“I couldn't find the red bull.” You shrug.
“So it's either that or straight vodka?”
“Yeah and? You have a problem with that?”
“Yeah I actually do. It's fucking insan-” He starts.
“Bakugou!” A voice interrupts behind him. “There you are!”
You two lock eyes for a brief second. Just when you were actually starting to enjoy yourself with annoying Katsuki, you remember that you were only here for one reason. Katsuki's jaw clenched as he turned over to lean back against the wall beside you.
“Oh. Y/N you’re here too.” They say in a deflated tone. “I was just wondering if you could give us a second to chat?” They bat their eyelashes.
“I'm not in the mood to chat.” He says, pulling you closer by the waist.
“We’re actually about to go meet up with the others. Catch him next time.” You smile sweetly, interlocking your fingers with his and dragging him towards the backyard.
To your surprise, your friends were actually all there surrounding the firepit.
Denki was the first to spot you. He gasps and jumps up from his seat.
"You're here!" He nearly trips over his own feet trying to get over to you. He pulls you in a big hug, sweeping you off your feet. "Oh my god Y/N I missed you so much I could cry right now."
He was clearly a drink or two over his limit. His cheeks were bright red and he was already starting to sweat through his shirt.
“I missed you too, Denks.” You let yourself get twirled around by him.
“Finally you're back, I’m tired of holding onto your nasty drink.” Kirishima says, passing a red solo cup to Katsuki once he sat down.
You tried to take the empty seat next to him, but he immediately grabbed your wrist to pull you to share his chair. Your eyes widen at his own, as if you could telepathically curse him out. You clench your jaw as you feel a hot flash across your face.
“It’s cold. Stay close.” He simply says.
You nervously chuckle. “There's a fire right there, babe.”
“Do it for me then.” He smirks.
You silently groan to yourself as you lean back into his chest in defeat. Luckily, the chair had enough width to allow you to not have to fully sit on his lap, moreso just a leg slung over his own.
“Try this.” He lifts the solo cup to your lips.
You peer down at the dark red liquid in his cup. The smell burnt your nose. You shot him a weary glance before you downed his concoction, having to pinch your nose right after to subdue the burn. The shock of spicy and tangy residue left your throat burning with every inhale.
"What the fuck is that?" You choke out, continuing to pinch your nose.
"Fireball, lemon juice, and OJ." He smiled mischievously. "Thoughts?"
"The nerve you have to comment on my drink after sipping on this bullshit all night? It tastes like piss.”
He shrugs, wearing a lazy smile as he grips the softness of your inner thigh, with his other arm wrapped around your shoulder, fiddling with a lock of your hair.
You were internally screaming. Usually, there would be a hand holding or an arm around the waist or shoulder, but he was never this touchy whenever you had to act like a couple in front of your friends or even in front of the people trying to get at him.
You look around the firepit to see that all of your friends were in loud conversation with one another- laughing, arguing, and definitely not paying you two any attention.
“What are you doing?” You say low enough that only he could hear. “You're like, all up in my shit."
“5 o’clock, babe.” He simply says.
You slightly turn your head to your right to see the person from earlier, trying to not-so-obviously stare at you both.
“Tryna give them a show or something? You roll your eyes.
“Only if you'd let me.” He whispers.
You felt a chill crawl up your spine. God he's being gross. But you liked it. When you first made your little arrangement, you swore to yourself to not to catch any type of feelings for him, but the more time you spent charading around as a couple, the deeper you fell into this infatuation despite how hard you fought against it or played it off as a part of the bit.
“Don’t kill me, okay?” You whisper, meeting his eyes and forcing a smile.
You turned your head to fullyface his own and leaned in. Both of you were caught by surprise- his eyes widening right before you made contact. You two had never crossed this line before, let alone talked about it. It was only ever the unspoken rule of “don't catch feelings” and “no couple shit when we’re alone.”
His lips were soft and swollen as if he spent the last hour biting down on them. Once your lips crashed into his, it felt like your stomach was turning inside out, and a fire lit within.
It's fine, it's for show. It’s fine, you agreed to this. It’s fine, it’s not real.
You were fucked. You hated him, but you liked him. Maybe it was more than like. Maybe like isn't even the right word at all, but all you knew was that you needed to stop and take a second to reevaluate what you were doing with Katsuki.
In reality, the kiss lasted no more than 10 seconds, but it felt like you had fallen into the fire pit and laid in it for hours. Your body was on fire.
Once you broke away, you two stared at each other blankly, blinking away the realization of what had just happened. You didn't know whether to laugh and slap him on the shoulder, or start crying.
“I-I'm gonna go get another drink!” You suddenly exclaim, getting up and leaving him in his chair.
I'm so FUCKED.
You quickly snake your way through the large crowd that had filtered their way to the backyard. You stop by the kitchen to pour yourself a heaping cup of whatever liquor bottle was closest to you, down a large gulp, and take the rest with you to the bathroom.
Your head was starting to feel a bit hazy from the mix of second hand smoke as well as your drinks from earlier starting to settle in your stomach. Did you even eat anything before drinking like this? You weren't really expecting to have anything more than one drink, but after your kiss with Katsuki, you suddenly feel the need to forget it all.
You were sitting up against the bathtub, wallowing in your complicated mass of feelings, and now fully intoxicated. You let your head rest on top of your knees while you replayed every single interaction you've had with him tonight.
Your phone started buzzing on the floor next to you. You opened the screen, eyes squinting to adjust to the brightness.
Of course it was Katsuki.
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You sat and stared at your feet for a few minutes until you heard pounding on the door. Judging from the force of it, it was either a fucking SWAT team or Katsuki.
You grab a hold of the side of the bathtub to hoist yourself up, stumbling a bit while doing so and unlocked the door. Of course behind it was the latter.
He lets himself in and shuts the door behind him, leaning back on it.
You were wildly embarrassed for a multitude of things. You were on the verge of messy drunk, your face was stupidly hot and flushed, you kissed your fake boyfriend and ran away, you're swallowing down your feelings, and now here he is to reprimand you for all of it.
"Water as per requested." He pops open the cap of a fresh water bottle and hands it over to you.
"Thanks." You mutter and drink the water in silence.
"So are you upset at me?" He finally asks.
"And why is that?" He cocks his head to the side.
You were drunk, no doubt about it, but this unserious playful tone in his voice that pissed you off was clear as day. Why were you the only one freaking out? Did he not care? It surely confirmed that he does not and never have felt the same as you and truly did think of your "relationship" as nothing more but a transaction.
You purse your lips and remained silent.
"Because... you kissed me?"
You nodded.
"So you're upset at ME... because YOU kissed ME..." He states once more.
You were on the verge of tears. He loved making you look stupid but this was tenfold now. Not that he was wrong, but you weren't in the mood for it.
"So what if I am?" You choke out, tears now brimming over.
Katsuki's eyes widened, clearly not expecting you to break down so easily after a couple of harmless questions. You steps towards you and grabs your shoulders, not quite sure what to do or how to react.
"Hey hey hey, what the fuck? Why are you crying all of the sudden? Seriously, Y/N it's not a big deal."
"It is." You whine. "It is and you don't even care!"
He finally pulls you into him, letting you sob into his shoulder. His hand caressing your back in comfort.
"You idiot." He says after a moment of silence. "You're such an emotional drunk. This is why I told you not to get messy." He scolds. "I do care. But I won't if you don't want me to."
"I do want you to care. I want you to like me. Not just like me, but like-like me." You confess.
You feel him stiffen under you. Clearly your drunken state had forced you to say the wrong thing, but you didn't care.
"But do you like-like me?" He asked back, pulling you back to look at your tear stained face. "Drink some more water and sober up a bit before you answer okay?" He brings the water up to your face.
"I don't want anymore water!" You push his hand away. "I like-like you and I hate being your fake girlfriend and lying to everyone and myself about it!"
His smile grew, but he shook his head. "Okay angel face, let's talk about it then." He moves his thumb up to your cheek to wipe away stray tears.
"You're so wasted, you may not even remember this for tomorrow. But I think you're the coolest person on this fucking block, okay? And I like being around you even though you annoy the shit out of me sometimes. So stop crying and feeling bad. We're fine."
"But we're not! I don't want you to be my fake boyfriend anymore. I think you're cool too and you make me laugh and feel stupid in the heart and I fucking hate you for that, so that's why we shouldn't do any of this anymore."
He doesn't reply, but instead looks down at your sad face, lip still quivering, makeup smudged around your eyes. His hand continued to cup you cheek, forcing you to look back up at him.
Katsuki leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead, letting it linger for a second longer.
"That's okay. We can do something about that when you're sober. If you even remember any of this, anyways. Let's get you home."
He grabs your hand and swiftly leads you out of the bathroom. You wonder what you had just done, whether it was going to blow up in your face (if you even remember the next day) or work itself out? Would it even matter?
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snowsinterlude · 9 months
playing dangerous.
c.w: gun play, peacekeeper coriolanus, fingering, rough sex, throatfucking, slapping, degrading, breeding, hate fucking, unproctected sex
based on this ask ! hope you like it anon, sorry if i got anything wrong. mwah
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you could say a lot of things about coriolanus snow. you could say he was mentally unstable, that he was a whiny bitch who would throw a tantrum at any small thing that made him angry.
however, you couldn't say he was a bad fuck. not when he had your face pressed down and a gun pointed at your sopping cunt. you couldn't say he was ugly either, not with that white peacekeeper uniform hugging his body so well.
"don't worry," he whispered, biting your shoulder, "it only has one bullet." he smiled, chuckling at your clear despair, a total contrast to your soaked panties. "not as if you care, though"
"of course i do! fuck it, snow. you're the reason people call cops bastards!" you said, frowning at him as if your hips weren't bucking up on the gun. you didn't even knew if what he said was actually true.
"you should be grateful i'm not playing russian roulette on your pussy, darling." he said, thanking heaven's he handcuffed your hands before all that. "if you don't like it, i know just the right place to aim it. other than that perverted wet pussy of yours. are you a pervert? god, you're soaking wet" he said, grinding the gun in your cunt.
"aim it at your head, you sickfuck." you spat, not bothering looking at him.
"i don't know if you noticed but i have a gun pointed to your pussy, if you don't wanna get shot you should start being a good girl instead of a manic bitch." he said, slapping your ass and making your body jolt.
how the hell did it come to this?! you remembered that he had returned home after deployment and your parents made you go over to his house to give him some sweet dessert as a way to ❛thank him for his services.❜ fuck it. you hated him. if depended on you, he would have been killed by a rebel or something, but god, that's the best dick you've ever seen or felt, even if through grinding. you would never admit it to him though.
"on your knees, please." he said, a fake chivalry on his sadistic tone. and did you have any other options? of course not. so now you were on your knees, gulping down and watching him unbuckle his pants, his hand slapping your face lightly to make you wake up and stop looking so much at his eight inches shaft. "god, you're drooling so much just from looking. guess i won't have to aim a gun to your head for you to suck it." he said, and you stared at him with anger.
"you better kill me already cause i am not sucking that thing." you said.
well, all your defenses were throw away as he pointed the loaded gun to your head, smiling as you opened your mouth and engulfed him obediently, still looking at him with that angry stare in your eyes, that was soon replaced with tears as you took him. god, how could a dick taste so good?
"fuck, you're taking me so good, doll." he said, smiling as you drooled on his dick, getting it all wet from your saliva. "making such a mess, crying so much... you're so pretty when you're not running your mouth around so much." he said, grabbing your hair and making you curse mentally before he started to fuck your throat, his balls meeting your chin as you took him, giving in as you moaned against his cock.
too aggressive, you thought. but it was just as good as you imagined it to be. and he was getting just what he wanted to. he was fucking that attitude out of you, your throat taking him so well he only wondered how good it would feel to fuck your cunt. with that thought in mind, he pulled back of your mouth, and you thought you were really dumb from how you tried to get him to thrust into your mouth again. you wanted to taste him, and he couldn't help but chuckle at your despair.
"i didn't even had a proper taste of your cunt and you're already dumb? thought you were stronger." he said, getting you to stand up as you were still salivating. he cleaned your tear stained cheeks, the softest thing he would do to you today. so, ripping your panties and seeing your cunt, he thrusted two fingers in it, not mindinho if you were uncomfortable. your wetness made it very clear that you weren't anywhere close to discomfort or pain. and your moans did it too.
"fuck it, get away, coriolanus!" you pleaded, not wanting to be the one moaning his name that night. and he didn’t even bother listening to you, too occupied with thrusting his entire lenght inside of you. it felt horribly good, his hot cock sloppily fucking your pussy as he fucked you in missionary, holding your left thigh to hug his waist just so he could have a better access to you. so good. so hot. it felt perfect.
you felt dumb.
your eyes closed shut as you did your best to hold in your moans, letting out a few groans and grunts as he slapped your ass, getting a hold of your other thigh and fucking you with your back against the wall, your eyes looking into his. fuck. you prayed to god that he wouldn’t end up making you say something, but god didn't seem to want to help you.
"tell me, doll," he started, groaning against your lips. "who does this pussy belongs to?" he asked, and you did your best not to answer, but the way your hips were trying to buck against his seemed as an answer. "words, bunny. use your words."
"n-no. no- i won't- fuck!" you moaned, lips opened slightly as you couldn't help but let your moans out of your mouth. you just wanted to cum already. it was too brain-mushing for you to do something other than moan and squeeze his dick inside you.
"tell me, or i'm not gonna let you cum." he said, brushing the gun on your clit, the cold metal making you mewl and cry.
"i-it's yours, c-coryo. it's yours. i'm sorry! please let me cum!" you begged, crying. he smiled, kissing your cheek and tasting your salty tear drop.
"i don't recall letting you call me coryo, bunny." he said, his dick kissing your cervix as you felt it throbbing inside you.
"o-officer! fuck, i'm sorry!" you slurred, and finally he had what he wanted.
he finally fucked the attitude out of you. not only that but he also got his dick wet. it was perfect.
"good girl." and you came, shaking on his cock as he kept thrusting in you, running for his climax.
once he did came inside you, he didn’t allow you to clean yourself, made you walk and sleep with your pussy filled by his cum.
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alesbianperson · 6 months
football player!ellie williams x fem!reader
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summary: At the football play you visited to support your best friend, something happens that you didn't expect.
warnings: smoking (weed); slightly implied loser Ellie at the end; swear words; girls kissing (what a surprise); my writing idk
authors note: so firstly I mean football as soccer and not american football, but its not important to the plot so it can be interpreted as either; secondly, sorry for being so inactive I actually needed fucking half a year just for this its actually embarressing, I'm really slow at writing I don't know why, but I'm trying to be more active. I also didnt proofread so sorry for grammar mistakes or something anyway I hope you enjoy this!!
ALSO BIG DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT SUPPORT NEIL DRUCKMANN AND THE FACT THAT HE SUPPORTS ISRAEL!! If you don't know whats going on in Palestine, please go educate yourself because its highly important.
Here are a few links, so nobody can say it's too complicated or annoying to search for information (besides its really fucking heartless, cruel and totally not human to say "I dont wanna put effort in researching" while people are literally suffering and dying because of a genocide):
General information/updates
Brands to boycott
How you can help Palestine
Palestine masterposts: 1 2
This evening was the final football game of the season. Everyone was so excited, and your best friend played in the school team, so of course, you came to this game to support her. You already arrived a bit late because you took a nap and didn't hear the alarm, so you quickly searched for your friends who were already sat and luckily saved you a seat. When they saw you coming in, they waved you over to them.
"What took you so long? The game has already started!" One of them said before switching their attention back to the field. "Sorry, I overslept." You explained yourself sitting down on your seat. "You didn't miss much, just a foul from the other team. They're so annoying and clearly playing anything but fair." Another one of your friends said, rolling her eyes while offering you a bag of chips. You declined and began searching for your best friend between all the other players, running on the field. Not even five seconds later, you found her. With the ball in front of her, she ran towards the goal. You joined the cheers of everyone from your school, sure that this was going to be such a great goal until:
A girl from the other team came out of nowhere, running towards her, tackling her to the ground. You gasped. "That was another foul!" One of your friends exclaimed, standing up to better see what the referee would say. But instead of also looking at the referee, your gaze still hasn't left the girl, responsible for the foul.
She looked pleased with herself. What an asshole! You thought to yourself, but couldn't deny that the way her eyes sparkled in the light and her auburn hair moved in the wind was mesmerising. Too distracted by her features, you realised a bit late that she was eyeing you too. A smirk on her lips, she winked at you before walking off the field, your eyes still on her.
"Too bad that bitch just got a yellow card. She deserved more, right?" Your friends, already discussing the decision of the referee, were turning to you since you were the only one who didn't comment on it. Heat rushed into your cheeks as you realised you hadn't listened the whole time, busy gushing over that girl. "Yeah.. definitely more." Was all you said to not keep the attention on you.
"Guys," you added after a short pause, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I'll be back."
"But hurry, they're already playing again."
You just slightly nodded before walking off to search for the bathrooms. To your luck, they weren't far away from your seats, so it didn't take too long to find them. As you closed the door behind you, a strong smell of weed filled your lungs. Holding a hand in front of your mouth, you coughed reflexively.
"Having trouble breathin', princess?"
You turned around to see the girl who fouled your best friend sitting on the sink, her legs slightly swinging forwards and back. She still wore her tricot but now had a grey, dirty, worn-out jacket over it. The half up half down bun she had was messed up, probably because of the constant running on the field, and between two of her fingers, she held an already half smoked joint.
Her smile rose as she noticed your gaze lingering on her again. "Y'want a photo? It'll last longer." She chuckled, finding this old ass joke very funny. You rolled your eyes at her words but couldn't help the smile, forming on your lips. "What are you doing here anyway, don't you have to play?" She blew out the smoke she held in her mouth before answering your question. "My coach replaced me. Said I needed a break before playing again." You just nodded because you didn't know how to keep the conversation going. For a few seconds, you both just looked at each other in silence. After taking another drag from the joint, she leaned forward, offering you to do the same.
"No, thanks. I don't smoke."
"Thought so." She chuckled. After a short pause, she added: "Not in a rude way, of course. Y'just don't look like you'd do drugs." Even though you knew it was childish and totally stupid, you now wanted to prove to her that you were indeed someone who could take drugs. So you took the joint out of her hand, carefully brought it to your lips, and inhaled.
You probably shouldn't have inhaled this deep because now you were coughing like someone poured tons of sand down your throat. It surely felt like it. When you calmed down a bit, you looked up again, handing the joint back to the girl on the sink, who was clearly amused. "What a brave girl." She said with a shit eating grin on her face. "Come here, I'll show you how it's done right."
She gestured between her spread legs. As you moved towards her, she leaned in, reducing the space between the two of you. "Open your mouth." She then proceeded to take a drag from the joint. As she moved closer, your breath hitched. Your eyes wandered from her gorgeous green ones down to her lips, and heat rose in your cheeks again. Without breaking eye contact, she blew the smoke she had in her mouth into yours. Reflexively, you closed it.
"Now hold it in."
And that's what you did. The smoke filled your lungs, this time a lot less painful than your first drag. After a few seconds, you exhaled slowly, a small smile of pride on your face.
Your faces were still very close, and silence fell upon the both of you again. The tension thickend. Her emerald green eyes stared directly into yours, abruptly blinking down to your lips. "Can I kiss you?" Your voice was nothing more than a whisper, fading into thin air. A smirk grew once again on her lips before nodding and then proceeding to lean in and closing the gap between the two of you.
Once her lips were on yours, she cupped your cheek, her fingertips brushing slightly over it. You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Her lips were so soft. You couldn't really describe the feeling, but it felt good. Like you were on cloud nine. You quickly synced with the rhythm she set, leaning forward so that her back met the wall behind her.
Your hands wandered behind her neck, beginning to tug on her hair slightly. A soft groan escaped her lips at the sudden impact, which sounded like music to your ears.
A smile formed on your lips once she broke the kiss to catch her breath. "What're you smiling at?" She looked at you irritated, which just caused you to chuckle.
"I don't know. You're.. pretty."
Silence followed after that.
"Pretty enough to get your number?"
Ellie wanted to bash her head against the wall at her cringe comment. She thought she'd definitely crossed the line now. But you just began laughing, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to muffle the sound.
"Sorry. Don't get me wrong I-", you interrupted yourself by holding up your finger to signal her to wait and began searching for your phone in your purse. Fuck. You thought as you realised you left it in your jacket with your friends and hurriedly searched around for something to write on. Ellie just watched you amused, catching on to your plan. She snatched a pepertowel out of the spender and offered it to you. You just gave her an awkward smile, fishing a half empty kajal out of your purse and scribbled your phone number on it.
As you handed it to her, she took it with the same smirk she had in the beginning. "As sad as it is, I think I have to go back on the field. My coach probably misses me by now." She added hesitantly while sliding off the sink and walking towards the door. "Cool meeting you, though." The click of the closing door was the last thing you heard before you were completely alone in the bathroom.
With the paper towel still in her hand, Ellie made her way over to the rest of her team, almost jumping with joy and thanking every mighty power for letting her survive the whole conversation without completely losing her mind or embarrassing herself. She'd definitely save your number as soon as she could. Actually contacting you was a whole other story.
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missmisandrytabletalk · 2 months
I'm sure every woman in her lifetime must have wondered atleast for once about how most of these cuss words are associated with women and animals. I did too. Countless times actually. Even felt guilty about the times I blurted those words out loud in frustration. Contemplated but then spiraled back into uttering it involuntarily as a teen. It's like we are programmed by patriarchy to correlate women and animals with being useless, easy to tame and discipline. How we are made to refer women in a condescending tone as she is some sort of a male's property that got vandalised so now every other male deems her as a corrupted and vile woman. The ownership and control these moids boast about having over women and their bodies is disgusting. These moids need to keep the mothers and daughters out of their filthy mouths. And bitch which is literally a female dog I mean are we kidding? The dogs got more dignity than these degenerates. "You're such a cunt!" "Oh don't be a pussy!" Well bold of you to assume I'm not. The same degenerates of fucking mistakes who were pushed out of their mum's vagina still want to have a conversation about what's tougher??? the balls or the vags? The audacity to include divine and nurturing beings like mothers in your cuss words should be an abomination in itself.
Various studies show that males indulge in way more profanity than women. When they have no point to prove, they resort to profanity. When they want to demean someone, they resort to cussing. Male humour practically revolves around who will cuss out more slurs. They find out ways to mock women and make them feel like sex toys. The topic of discussion for males always remains the same. A dad who meets up with his childhood homies, a brother who invites his friends over to a sleepover, a son chatting with his college pals on the phone, a husband throwing a party for his male colleagues. They will unabashedly continue to uphold this status quo since it brews a sense of power in their heads. The idea of having power over women excites them.
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itgirl-111 · 9 months
Awareness creates reality so I don't let random bitches tell me what is true and what is false. I don't let anything external of me tell me what is true and what is false. All I'm ever experiencing is myself so I don't let anything outside of me affect me. Everything is my awareness. Things wouldn't exist in my reality without my awareness in the first place so being the victim literally doesn't make sense when I'm awareness creating everything I want. Love, money, beauty, abundance, happiness, respect, I'm all of those things and those things wouldn't exist without me. Nothing could ever exist without my awareness, so I'm literally a god. I am a god of my reality therefore I have all the omnipotent power. I am the omnipotent power. I literally am god. I am the ones that get to choose I'm the one that gets to decide I'm the one who assigns meaning to everything I'm the one who gets to control my reality Im the one who decides how things and people show up for me. Because I am god. My power is literally so tremendous and infinite. IDC what it is, if I can see it in my mind, if it comes to my awareness, it exists and therefore I am free to have it, it's all mine. I never question my own power I never doubt my own power. I. Secure, I am Stable, I am relaxed in my own power knowing that I'm the god, I'm the limitless creator of my reality, a law of assumption prodigy, manifesting, void and shifting prodigy so I could never fucking doubt my own power. I am always in control no matter what. Actually, I have ALWAYS BEEN in control since day one. I have always been a master manifestor since day one. Being powerful, unshakeable it's in my veins, it's in my DNA to be a god and get everything that I want. It's in my DNA to always be in control. Manifesting isn't a 5 minute thing it's literally how life works it's how your brain works and has always been working since day one, so I've already been manifesting my whole life. It's easy to get what I want. Everything in my life is so so perfect. Everything everyone is me pushed out. People show up based on my assumptions about them. No one has free will, in my reality, treating me with love and respect is the only possibility that exists by default. Because why wouldn't they? Because I'm talented I'm top tier I'm amazing I'm lovely I'm a ball of sunshine. Shifting, void and manifestation is way too easy for me + it's so fun. No one and nothing can bring me down, no one and nothing can bring my confidence down, no one and nothing can decide for me but me, no one and nothing can limit me or make me doubt my own power in MY reality. Everything working out in my favour is the only possibile outcome that exists by default. I'm the validation, I'm the confirmation, the moment it comes into awareness it is already done. The 3d and my awareness is the same. Everything is same to manifest. I want it I got it. I am the person who always gets what she wants. I identify as the person who gets what she wants. I am a magnet for all I want.
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chaossturns · 3 months
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⋆⑅˚₊ — synopsis: you and the triplets were hanging out at your place, but while they were over there you kept staring at Matt. What will happen when he catches you?
⋆⑅˚₊ — pairing: dom!matt x poc!reader
⋆⑅˚₊ — warnings: fingering , pet names , p in v , backshots , spanking , praising, unprotected sex (wrap that shit before you a tap a bitch), kitchen sex , and no use of y/n
a/n: i've recently become such a slut for matt and i'm going crazy , but i actually love what i wrote.
⋆⑅˚₊ — word count: 1.5k
slightly proofread
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“There goes Jayson Tatum at the three point line, banking it into the hoop.” The commentator, Mike Breen had announced. Chris and Matt stand up, screaming in praise, thrilled that their hometown basketball team is currently winning. 
You look over and smile at the pair, slightly pulling the blanket that covered you and Nick up higher. Nick tipped the bag of chips a bit towards your direction, taking a handful of chips out of the bag. 
Matt and Chris are sat back down in their original spots, Matt sending a smirk in your direction as he lifts his hips up, trying to get comfortable. You sink back into the couch, heat beginning to creep onto your cheeks. 
“You good girl?” Nick questions, noticing your strange behavior. You nod your head yes, peeking over at Matt, looking at his face as it focuses on the game infront of him. Admiring him more, you observe everything he’s doing while watching the game. 
The way his face contorts into confusion when a bad call is declared, or how his jaw clenches whenever the opposing team scores, and when the veins in his hands become more prominent anytime he balls them into a fist. 
You subconsciously press your legs together, wetness starting to pool in between your thighs. Now centering your attention on his fingers, you take a look on how long and slender they are, wondering how they would feel inside you. Matt removes his gaze on the game, staring right into your face. 
Your eyes travel from his hands, to his crotch, to his lower abdomen, to his chest, and then his face. When you reach his face you regret everything you did, his staring becoming intimidating now that he’s caught you gawking at him. With your eyes widening, you regain as much focus you can on the game. 
It was now the fourth quarter, the sound of Nick’s quiet snores being heard. Chris was falling in and out of sleep, trying his hardest to stay awake and finish the game. Trash was lying between you and Nick, leading you to get up with your hands full of trash. You walk into the kitchen, the floor groaning aloud as you walk , and placing the trash in the can. 
You turn around being met with Matt’s hard chest, your hands pressed against it. 
“Oh, I’m sorry Matt. I didn’t know you were behind me.” You say, your soft brown eyes meeting his hard blue ones. Slowly backing away from him, his footsteps inching towards you with each step backwards you take. 
“You’re so gorgeous.” Matt says, your back now colliding with the kitchen island. You just stare back at him, your throat suddenly becoming dry. 
“Say thank you mama.” Matt adds, tilting his head to the side as he approaches you. 
“Um, t-thank you Matt.” You say, your breathing coming out shaky as nervousness scales over your body. 
“That’s my girl.” He replies, his veiny hand wrapping around your jaw, giving it a squeeze while doing so. You thought you would have been opposed to a man touching you like that, but it was something about Matt that made you enjoy this every bit. 
“Now tell me,” He starts, “what were you thinking about when you were staring at me?” he asks, making you feel so tiny compared to his frame. 
“I w-wasn't thinking about anything.” You say, your face engulfed with a rosy tint. 
“Don’t lie to me. Just tell me what’s going on in that head of yours.” Matt says, a smirk staying planted on his face. His right hand is now removed from your jaw and now dropping to your neck. 
“I was thinking about your fingers inside of me.” you say, it leaves your lips in a mere whisper. 
“Huh sweetheart?” Matt asks, his face leaning into yours, a small distance left between your lips. 
“I said I was thinking about your fingers inside me.” you repeat, now coming out louder than before. Matt hums, his lips closing the gap, placing his lips against yours. Removing his hand from your neck, he goes down to your thighs, grasping onto them as he raises you upon the counter. 
Matt groans into the kiss, pushing your back against the counter. You hiss out due to the coldness, goosebumps forming along your body. He leaves your lips, his being red and puffy. He leaves a series of wet, sloppy kisses down your neck. 
His fingers teasing the waistband of your gray leggings, tugging them down a bit. 
“Matt, I need you so bad.” you whine, collecting your thighs together. Matt now pulls your pants down, your underwear following immediately after. You feel his fingers graze against your body, taking his time to reach the place you need him most. 
He reaches your heat, starting to toy with your clit, his lips now kissing along your collarbone. You sigh out, finally getting what you had wanted. Matt plunges his fingers into you, melting underneath his touch fully. You let out uneven breaths, arching your back off the chilling counter. 
“M-Matt,” you say, moans stuck in your throat, trying to swallow them away. His long, lengthy fingers abuse your insides, stretching you out in the best way possible. A low moan leaves your lips, Matt making it difficult for you to refrain from letting out your sounds of pleasure. 
“Look at you,” Matt begins, “taking my fingers so well sweetheart.” he finishes, your face twisted up in satisfaction. The pace of his fingers speed up, his fingers now entering your pussy knuckles deep. You feel the coolness of his ring hitting the outside of your core, moaning loudly as he continues his intense movements. 
“Shh, we wouldn’t want my brothers to know your acting a mess over my fingers,” He says, planting an opened mouth kiss to your swollen lips. You shake your head, not being able to find the words. 
“Words, I need your words baby.” He says, slowing his fingers down, waiting on your answer. 
“Mm, no Matt.” You say, needing him to continue. He speeds up, becoming all worked up from this. Matt knew he needed to be inside you, wanting to feel how you felt wrapped around his dick. He removes his fingers from you, leaving you feeling empty. 
“Turn around for me ma.” He says, now having your front half pressed against the freezing surface, you standing on your tiptoes. Matt presses kisses along your spine, a smack echoing through the kitchen as he slapped your ass. He pulls away from your body making you look back with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth, watching as Matt strips from his sweats and boxers.  
His hard member leaking with precum, feasting your eyes on him as he comes closer to your dripping cunt. 
“You gonna be a good girl for me? Huh sweetheart?” He asks, his dick now entering you at a slow pace. 
“O-oh fuck yes Matt.” You moan out, the sound of groans being heard from behind you as Matt dives deeper into your wetness. He now rolls his hips into you, overtaken by how well you fit around him. 
“Fuck, you’re so big.” You whine out, arching your back as Matt drills into you harder and faster. Matt grasps onto your wrists, collecting them at the small of your back. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, dropping your head onto the counter. 
“Please, don’t stop Matt.” you say into the island, one of his hands now gripping onto your shoulder as he thrusts into you. 
“Didn’t plan on it.” Matt grunts, the sound of his pelvis meeting your ass filling your ears. This had you going overboard, knowing your best friend's brother was mercifully pounding into you as they were asleep, not too far from you. 
A knot in your stomach begins to form, now clenching around Matt’s aching length. 
“You feel so good, mmph shit.” you say, pushing back into him as you match his rhythm. Matt releases your wrists, now gripping your hips as you reach your climax. 
“Yeah,” He says, “how good sweetheart?” he asks, a groan leaving his throat directly after. His dick now hits your g-spot over and over again, making your need to cum more prominent. 
“S-so good.” you say, a loud moan running out of your lips. Matt smacks your ass, grabbing your neck from behind as he continues his tortuous ramming. 
“Shh baby be quiet.” He whispers into your ear, his breath fanning against it. You nod your head, your legs trembling as you need to cum. 
“I’m gonna cum Matt.” your hands gripping onto the counter as you conquer this overwhelming pleasure. 
“Go ahead, I’ll be right behind you.” He says, throwing his head back as his strokes become slow. A pornographic moan leaves your mouth, trying your hardest to not let anything else escape your lips. 
You feel Matt cum inside you, the warmth surging all over your body. Matt stays inside you, loud breaths being heard from both of you. The sound of the couch is known, looking up to see Nick toss from one side to the other. 
You look back at Matt, a dazed smile dancing against your lips. He pulls out, your tight cunt orgasm.  having his cum dripping out of you. 
Maybe you’ll just have to look at Matt more often. 
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tags: @selenascorner @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @luverboychris @sturnsslut @bigbeefybitch @rileysturniolo @summerssover @l0ver-i @thenickgirl @mattssluttygf
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mayiluv · 1 month
Jealousy meter☆(Hashiras ft. Kamaboko squad)
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Kyojuro Rengoku
█░░░░░░░░░ 10%
He isn't jealous at all ! He trust you! But he doesn't trust others just as much.
He often worries whenever he sees someone making you uncomfortable. If the person make it obvious that they are hitting on you, he won't hesitate to hold your hand and get in front of the person to proudly claim you (and to make you feel better).
"Sorry but they're taken!"
Agatsuma Zenitsu
He is possessive from time to time.
Like he do trusts Tanjiro and most hashiras (surprisingly) but he tends to get pretty jealous at strangers. Whenever he sees you talking to one with a little too much closeness, he run to get next to you and to kiss you. It's like you two are fighting now.
"Sorry [Name] I just wanted to make sure that they got the hint."
"Zenitsu that's my cousin-"
Sanemi Shinazugawa
████████░░ 80%
Man he's jealous...
He would clearly tell anyone that he judges too close to you to fuck off. He doesn't wants to share you. Even if you tell him there is nothing to worry about. He accept when it's the hashiras except Giyuu. I guess he got something against him.
"Get lost, she's already mine fuckface."
Genya Shinazugawa
█████░░░░░ 50%
That's a 50/50. It actually depends.
He's actually more insecure about himself and that's what makes him doubt your love for him. When he sees you with someone else he usually goes full on koala mode and stay gripped to your arm.
"When are we going?"
Kanroji Mitsuri
██░░░░░░░░ 20%
She's not jealous. She's scared.
She's scared you'll find someone better and when she sees you with someone else a part of her always feel like she's not enough. You can easily see when she's feeling down, and you just have to remind her with a hug and she'll feel better.
"Sorry! I'm just scared you'll leave me"
Obanai Iguro
███████░░░ 70%
He pretty jealous
Most of the time he'll send Kaburamaru around your neck and people get the hint. But if they don't then...he'll go give them the hint himself. And by that I mean he would roast the shit outta them.
"Back off. Nobody would want to date your dirty goofy no bitches no purpose no friends no standards person."
Tanjiro Kamado
█░░░░░░░░░ 10%
He's never jealous.
If you think Kyojuro is kind then he's another level. He's like a ball of sunshine, he would talk happily not knowing that someone was hitting on you. But he does feels a little insecure when je sees you with someone else. He won't say it but he would cling onto you a little bit more.
"Do you love me?"
Himejima Gyomei
░░░░░░░░░░ 0%
He trusts you 100% and being a man of religion he has no doubt in your love. He does tho wonder if he could satisfy you enough since he's blind. He's just as capable as any men but he gets insecure from time to time due to his past.
"I promise I will try my best to protect you [name]"
Hashibira Inosuke
█████████░ 90%
He is easily jealous.
No matter who he sees with you he'll be growling at them. But he doesn't quite seems to understand love at all so he wouldn't be possessive but he still do get jealous and will NOT be ashamed of yelling at anyone.
"How dare you talk to the great Inosuke Hashibira's partner !"
Kocho Shinobu
█████░░░░░ 50%
She isn't JEALOUS, she's just overprotective.
She's more scared for your health than jealous. She's scared that you get too gullible and will fall for traps and/or get hurts by them. Poor her will try to prevent you from everyone and remind you of stranger danger.
"I do trust you [Name], but I think you're a little too innocent for your own good."
Tsuyuri Kanao
████░░░░░░ 40%
She's not really jealous.
She isn't jealous but she doesn't like seeing people hit on you. There was once you knew she was jealous because she looked at the person talking to you and she was STARING. The person got afraid and quickly apologized and left. She'll deny any accusation.
"I did not do that."
Tokito Muichiro
██████░░░░ 60%
He's easily bothered.
He would see you with someone he judges too close and full on hug your side and fix the person with that one glare. As if to brat about his partner and how lucky he is compared to the guy, he may even bite on your neck while the person's here. As soon as you're gone he would stay and probably roast that person.
"You look like you're a grand grandfather/mother if she/he didn't pass away."
Uzui Tengen
█░░░░░░░░░ 10%
He's chill
He got three wives already so he got used to this feeling. Now he actually feel proud when someone's hitting on you and will full on start talking about how amazing you are and how he's lucky to have you.
"Yes they're flashy ! I totally get why you like them, such a shame they're already taken by me."
Tomioka Giyu
███░░░░░░░ 30%
He can get jealous from time to time.
He doesn't talk a lot, and even less express his emotions. So it's a pain trying to figure out what's going on inside his head. However when he's jealous, he doesn't really tell you he just act like nothing's happening because he judges it negative to tell you about it. If you manage to find out then, congratulations you made a new step in your relationship!
"Oh.... I didn't know, sorry [Name]"
Kamado Nezuko
██░░░░░░░░ 20%
She's protective
Whenever she sees someone making you uncomfortable she'll come by your side to hug you and glare at the person when you're not looking. If the person doesn't get the hint she'll probably start growling at them. But overall, she's adorable and let anyone talk to you.
"Mmhp mhp mmph!" (I love you !)
Talk to me!
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