#i'm a leaf on the wind
elderwisp · 10 days
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americankimchi · 6 months
hmmmm the problem i am once again confronted with. is that in star wars specifically i consider the romantic relationships to be the LEAST interesting part of the series as a whole. and in fact find myself actively losing interest in a dynamic once romance is brought into it. like shipping is fun and i do enjoy it from time to time! there are SO MANY of these blorbos to pair together!!! but the familial/friendships are where i find myself most captivated and compelled by......
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bozhenkamoya · 3 months
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and he just sat there and watched. like all the rest of them.
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keartzen · 4 months
Unfortunately for her, I don't think that Frostpaw is going to catch a break after all this is done. I think she's either going to be forced into medicine cat duties OR she's going to be a deputy/leader. Maybe not right away for the second one, but you never know.
My understanding of her destiny according to StarClan is that she wasn't supposed to be a medicine cat, and it felt like they had specific other plans for her. Of course, I could be reading into it, but it makes sense to me that StarClan anticipated Mistystar -> Reedstar -> Froststar.
But then, all of the Plot happened and that destiny got destroyed. I still think she's gonna have some kind of big responsibility, though. Especially considering her growth in this most recent book, with qualities like decisiveness and bravery being pointed out by the other viewpoint characters, and her building trust and rapport with the other Clans' leaders.
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compassmili · 17 days
I can tell someone else is up front and I'm like squints. Darts eyes around.
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 5 months
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
Hospital was a very sobering experience because holy fuck. I forgot how weird I was. I don't mean this in a 'haha I'm so special way' but like, oh okay, I am just like that and I don't need to be worried about people being mean to me on Tumblr because I am genuinely just like this all the time. That's fine
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
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В мене є шалена ідея
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rotisseries · 2 years
are you ever just like. minding your own business and then suddenly think "he loved them more. he loved them wrong and messy and bloody, but he loved them more." and then like. you have to just keep going on with your day??
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softshuji · 1 year
Hurting you?
Mhm, the stretch is going to hurt isn't it? Even with the prep sanzu is helping with. But I can take it! I'm a big girl, so you don't need to worry about that. I trust you with me.
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cicadagaze · 2 years
so far I'm actually liking Moth Flight this read through. we'll see if that stays, but for right now I am enjoying her!
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awlumii · 2 years
worked a register for the first time ever.. i feel so accomplished, but i'm shaking bc of how much i fucked up and stumbled over my words, lol
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asinglemagpie · 2 months
Guess which idiot is watching Serenity before bed?
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nerdy-novelist017 · 3 months
i'm so in love with your little bunny series and i'm so glad you're writing for benny! i was wondering if you could write something about reader being a yapper, always talking a lot about things with so much excite and benny finds this the most cutest thing ever, but one day someone says that she's annoying for that, which makes her feel very self conscious and she starts to think that benny might feel the same since he's a very much quiter person, and benny assures her that is not the case? just fluffy and comfort to warm my heart <3 thank you already!
Anon, this is literally the cutest request ever omg!!! Thank you for the request, I had so much fun writing this! I paired this as another one shot for my Benny x Bunny series, hope you enjoy!
Word Count- 2k+
Summary- See request above.
Sweet Talking (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader)
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You pressed a kiss to Benny’s cheek, whispering to him that you’d be right back as you stood and made your way around the bonfire. You pulled Benny’s jacket tighter around you to fend off the chilly evening air on your trek back to the house. The night was still young, the sun having just set an hour ago and these bikers would be up until the sunrise, all having caught their second wind from the race held earlier in the fields. The loudness of the bikes and the sheer excitement from the crowds was something you were still trying to get used to, but you found that you actually liked talking to these people. Once they included you in their conversations and picked topics that you could relate to as well, you found yourself talking a lot more than you ever have in your life. They laughed at your jokes, they called out to you when they saw you approaching, they really seemed to just adopt you into their club. You supposed, in the beginning, a majority of that was from Benny probably intimidating some members into being nice to you, but regardless of that, they still seemed to enjoy your company and your silly stories and random facts – especially the women of this club. 
Stepping through the back door, you were immediately greeted by the scent of cigarette smoke and booze, things you were also still trying to get used to. Several members were lounging on the couch, smoking and talking as you passed them on your way to the kitchen. You went to the fridge, opening it and lowering yourself to search for a cold pop for yourself. Voices filtered into your vicinity from the adjacent dining room. Just as you grab another beer for Benny, your ears perked up when you heard your name being said in passing and you froze behind the refrigerator door. 
“–She does have a sweet piece of ass on her though,” a male voice, sounding muffled most likely by a cigarette hanging from his lips. You smiled to yourself, biting your lip. You probably shouldn’t be listening to this, but curiosity rooted you to your spot as you tried peeking over the door to catch a look at who was speaking. 
“Jesus Christ, you can’t get her to shut up anymore.” another voice replied, much deeper and raspier than the first. “I miss when she would just stand there shaking like a leaf, all nervous and quiet.”
“Would it even be worth it to hit that? C’mon man, she’d gab your fucking ear off during it, totally kill the mood for me.”
Your smile slowly at their words, heart sinking. You should get up and leave, you told yourself. But you couldn’t force your legs to move.
“I’d put that mouth of hers to work on something else,” the first man said, chuckling darkly. You squeezed your eyes shut at the insinuation. 
“Don’t know how Benny–boy puts up with it. I’d have to gag her just to hear myself think–”
You stand abruptly, unable to listen to anymore of their hurtful words. Using a bit more force than you intended, you slammed the fridge door shut, the glass bottles rattling harshly inside from the force. Tears stung your eyes as you rushed back through the living room to the backdoor. You paused once you rounded the side of the house, sniffing in order to keep the tears at bay. They were just drunk assholes, you tried to tell yourself. Who cares what they think of you? 
But a few traitor tears escaped your lashes at the thought of Benny finding you annoying too. Benny– that quiet, easy-spoken man who you loved with everything in you. That quiet man who maybe didn’t like how you squealed with excitement when you saw someone you knew from across the room. That quiet man who maybe didn’t like when you giggled loudly at jokes told around the bonfire. That quiet man who was your exact opposite.
Benny could tell there was something wrong the second you came into view again, your figure illuminated by the orange flames of the bonfire as you moved to sit back down by him. Your hands were shoved in the pockets of his jacket, head tucked low. And beside him? It was rare that you didn’t sit on his lap anymore. 
You handed him a beer and he tried to catch your eyes because was that tears he saw coating your lashes? But you avoided his gaze, instead curling into his side and that’s how you stayed for the rest of the night, quiet as a mouse, until you eventually tugged on his sleeve and asked if you could go home. The ride home was also weird. You didn’t tap his shoulder and point to things that interested you like you normally did on the back of his bike. You stayed glued to his back, silent. 
Benny watched, brow furrowed, as you went about your nighttime routine in silence, the house you shared no longer filled with your usual chatter. He sat on the edge of the bed, wracking his brain with the possibilities of you being upset with him. (The silent treatment was often a go-to method of torture you used when Benny pissed you off) but he was at a loss. Something had to have happened when you left the bonfire. Anxiety spiked through him at the thought that maybe someone had done something to you, but no, you would have told him. He made you promise to always talk to him if someone at the club was bothering you. 
You changed into your nightgown and Benny’s heart squeezed at the sight of you avoiding his gaze once again as you turned and began brushing out your pin curls in the mirror. 
“Did you have a good time tonight?” he asked, unable to bare another second of your silence. 
“Mh-hm.” Came your short reply.
Benny swallowed. You were definitely upset. “You seem . . . quiet.”
That was definitely the wrong thing to say because you’re shoulders stiffened for a moment and he thought you might turn around and throw your brush at him. But instead, you responded in a small voice, “Just tired.”
He frowned. He’d seen you when you were tired, this was something else. He tried a different tactic. “Tell me about your day, Bunny.” 
You shrugged. “Not much happened.”
“Well, tell me about it. I wanna hear it.” He tried to catch your eyes as you put the brush down and stepped away from the vanity.
“Well, maybe I don’t wanna talk about it? I just want to go to bed, Benny.” you tried to move past him to go to your side of the bed but Benny reached out gently tugged on the hem of your nightgown, stopping you.
“Are you okay?” he asked softly, looking up at you. 
You nodded, but still refused to make eye-contact.
“What’s wrong?” he questioned. “Did someone do something to you tonight?”
You shook your head quickly and relief swept through him. “No, no. Nothing like that.”
His hands slid up to your hips and he pulled you closer to him. “Talk to me, Bunny. Please. I don’t understand what’s wrong.”
You swallowed, chin wobbling slightly. “Nothing happened . . . I just–I overheard some guys talkin’ is all.”
He remained silent and you continued hesitantly. “When I went to get a drink . . . they didn’t know I was there. And–and I should have left as soon as I heard them talking but . . .”
“What were they saying?”
You clenched your jaw and gave him a distressed look. 
He squeezed your hips encouragingly. “What were they saying?”
“It doesn’t matter–”
“It does to me,” he was quick to say. 
“They . . . they were talkin’ about how I talk . . . a lot. They said it was annoying. They were saying crude things about using my mouth for . . . other things.” you said slowly, voice wavering and you looked down in embarrassment.
Benny nodded and breathed out of his nose, counting to ten in his head to cool his suddenly white hot anger which bloomed in his chest. He had worked so hard to get you to feel comfortable around the club, to get you to come out of your shell and now someone had something to say about his girl—his sweet shy girl—talking? “Who was it?”
“Oh, Benny–” You pulled back from him. “Don’t go saying anything to them!”
“Why not?” He planned to do much more than talk to them.
“Because!” you cried, your voice going an octave higher. “That would make it worse! Besides, they’re–they’re right anyway.”
“Right about what?” he asked, bewildered at how they could possibly know you like he did.
“Well, I do talk a lot. A–and I know it can be annoying for someone who’s a lot more quiet.” 
“Annoying?” He laughed at the inaccuracy of that statement and you must have thought he was laughing at you because you took a big step back from him, out of his reach.
“I just don’t want to embarrass you,” you murmured, looking down at the carpet below you. 
Benny’s stomach fluttered apprehensively. There had been only a few times in his life where he wished he was better at talking, at communicating his feelings. He wanted to console you, to reassure you, that you could never be annoying or embarrassing to him. He wanted to tell you just how much you gave him purpose and helped him in his life. How you were his life. This was one of those times. 
He rose from the bed and approached you passively, trying to gather his thoughts. “I like when you talk. When we spend the day apart, I look forward to hearing about your day and what you did and what you saw while I was gone. And when we’re riding and you point to the little things like the flowers on the sidewalk or the sunsets, I like that. I really like that. And when you tell stories, you get so immersed and you start talking with your hands, I like that too. You’re so friendly to everyone, no matter what they look like or how well you know them and that’s one of my favorite things about you. You talkin’ could never embarrass me, Bunny, because it’s one of the reasons I love you.”
Tears welled up in your doe-eyes and he swallowed nervously. “Why are you crying?”
Suddenly, you were pressed so tightly to his chest, face burying into his shirt, hands holding onto him with such grip that Benny stumbled. He recovered quickly, wrapping his arms around your small frame.
“Oh, Benny,” you choked up. “You’re so sweet!” 
He wasn’t so sure about that, maybe only when it came to you. He sure as hell wasn’t going to be so sweet to those guys that spoke about you like that. He’d take a trip tomorrow to visit them personally, but for tonight, he belonged to you. He’d discovered that about himself from your relationship, from you. Even though he wanted to do things right when he wanted to, he couldn’t always. That’s what love was, putting others’ needs before your own. And tonight, you needed him, so he would be here.
His hands found your jaw and he tilted your head back to press a kiss to your forehead. “Will you come lay with me and tell me about your day?”
You nod, sniffing and Benny nearly melted at the smile you gave him. That was the smile he’d come to recognize as the one you had reserved for only him. Soft, sweet and totally perfect in every way. He pulled you gently back to bed and relished as you curled up against him. His heart was filled with warmth as he listened to you chatter on about your day and your friends and your thoughts, anything that came to mind. He’d ask questions every once in a while to keep you going, but he mostly stayed quiet, because to him, you were so captivating and cute. You both talked throughout the night, you slowly getting lower and lower into his side until finally falling asleep, your conversation temporarily paused until the morning.
-Tag List-
@imusicaddict  @elizabeth916  @jaiuneamesolitaiire  @dudii4love @ironmooncat  @beebeechaos  @astrogrande  @pearlparty  @themorriganisamonster  @sillylittlethrowaway  @ughdontbeboring  @penwieldingdreamer  @charmingballoon  @eugene-emt-roe  @sunnbib @semperamans  @groovyangelkisses  @killerqueenfan @cynic-spirit  @pomtherine  @tranquilty  @m00npjm  @twisteduniverse5  @justsomewritingblog  @nhlfs  @thepassionatereader  @rebecca-hvnstn  @nethanybear @dreamlandcreations  @buckysteveloki-me  @simsiddy  @zablife  @sansaorgana  @autumnleaves1991-blog  @charmingballoon  @butler-trouble @lindszeppelin @jaiuneamesolitaiire  @wavyjassy @real-lana-del-rey  @cynic-spirit @pomtherine  @ilovehyperfixating  @xcallmetaniax  @lovenewfandoms  
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mytheoristavenue · 2 months
Premature Ejaculation with your Favs!
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Summary: You pity your incel classmate and pay his dorm a visit. Little do you know is all it takes is few French kisses to finish him off.
Warnings: college!au, modern!au, incel!character, virgin!character, misogyny, premature ejaculation, degredation, dom!reader, fem dom, sub!character, male sub
"O-Oh, fuck, please no, fuck-!" He hisses, shifting away from you, stiff as a board. "Oh my fucking god, shit, I'm so fucking sorry!"
All you can do is giggle at the wet spot on the front of his sweats and the humiliated crack in his voice. "Did you seriously jizz your pants?" You snort cruelly. "We were barely even making out!"
"D-Don't laugh! Fuck!" He scolds, covering himself as he awkwardly maneuvers off the bed. "Fuck's sake, cut me some slack, I've never done this before!"
"Awe, don't get all pissy!" You snicker, watching him waddle to the bathroom. "It's fine that you're a no pump chump, really! It's cute, actually!"
"I'm so glad you find this amusing," He grumbles, cleaning himself and dropping his sweats, walking out in just boxers and an old t-shirt. "'Cause I sure as hell don't." He ranted while tossing through a hamper to find a clean-ish pair of pants, having to do the sniff test on nearly everything.
"You really should clean your room, ya know? Maybe you'd actually get girls that way." You joke, lounging on his bed. "Girls don't like nasty rooms, dude."
He rolled his eyes, cheeks still pink. "Are you saying I don't get bitches?" He asked, stepping into a pair of pajama pants.
"More or less," You smirk at the irritated scowl he presented. "Also, don't call women bitches if you ever plan on changing that."
"All women are bitches," He says, turning back to you with a cocky grin. "And if I don't get any, why are you in my bed?"
"I felt bad for you, you're like a wet cat." You deadpan, hiding the fact that his last words dripped with more sex appeal than even he intended. "And I like messing with virgins."
"Shut up," He grumbled, the wind taken from his sails. "I don't need your pity, I could pull if I wanted to. Just got better shit to do."
"You mean like edging to hentai while all your friends go out to party?" You sneer, eyes flickering to his computer, pump bottle of lotion sitting beside the monitor so obviously.
"Oh my god, I hate you, is there a point to all this torment?" He finally asks, pacing the room, ready to throw you out.
You smile sweetly, catching his eye. You look so inviting as you lean back in his bed on your palms. "Hey, creep?" You coo and he gulps. He used to hate when you called him that, but now it melts him. He's already crawling over you nervously, shaking like a leaf.
"Y-Yeah?" He asks through quivering lips, hard on painfully obvious. You smirk at his short refractory period.
"Let's try again, yeah? I won't tell anyone you're a minute man if you try and hold out as long as you for me can this time m'kay?"
Mezo Shoji, Katsuki Bakugo, Shihai Kuroiro, Neito Monoma, Mashirao Ojiro, Kosei Tsuburaba, Togaru Kamakiri, Shoto Todoroki, Shota Aizawa, Toya Todoroki, Enji Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Sanemi Shinazegaua, Obanai Iguro, Giyuu Tomioka, Guytaro Shabana, Inosuke Hashibira, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and whoever else you like!
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myosotisa · 8 months
‖ tags: smut, monsterfucking, size kink, unprotected p in v or p in a (p in hole, if you will), praise kink, knotting, creampie, multiple orgasms, gender neutral reader referred to as 'baby' and 'honey', overstim if you squint
‖ word count: 880
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“Honey, I'm – fffuck, I'm gonna –”
You grip his biceps tighter, cross your ankles, dig your heels into his lower back to keep him as close as possible. Shaking like a leaf, panting like an animal from your 2nd orgasm on his thick cock, you don't hesitate to beg. “Please, I want it. Want your cum, w-want your knot, please!”
He moans; a two toned sound of his voice pitching up in pleasure and the rumble of the growl on his chest. You can tell the moment he gives in to the release by the way his head starts to nod in agreement and the grip of his fingers presses in.
“Gonna give you what you want, baby, always gonna give you what you want,” he murmurs, almost mindlessly as the snapping of his hips into yours stutters and loses form. A few more moans and whines fall from his throat as his eyes squeeze shut – his cock kicking up inside you once, twice, and then you feel it.
The moment his nails dig into your skin, he swaps from thrusting in and out of your wet heat to a dirty roll of his hips against yours. The heavy knot at the base of his cock prods and presses against your entrance, the angle of his hips shifting and searching to try and get it inside you as his long groan turns to a whine.
Sometimes he's not able to knot you successfully, your body just not made to take the intrusion – but you want it so, so bad. Want him to plug you up with his cock and cum more than anything.
Maybe it's your determination, or maybe it's dumb luck, but his knot notches at a point that seems to make his animal instincts hone in. He rolls his hips into yours at the same angle again and again and again before it smoothly slips inside you.
You let out a hiss of pleasured pain at the sudden stretch at the same time of his sigh of relief, his expression switching from focused to blissed out as the last spurts of his warm come stay successfully locked inside.
After a single moment to recover, he's lowering himself on his forearms, draping his body over yours. “Did so good for me, honey, so perfect.” He breathes out hot air across the sweat rapidly starting to cool on your skin, making goosebumps appear that he presses open mouth kisses to.
“Thank you,” you sigh, happily dazed and comforted with the feeling of his skin against yours while you wind your fingers into the hair at the base of his neck. He shudders when you scratch your nails against the sensitive skin there, a shaky sigh leaving his own throat as he tilts down to nudge his nose against your throat.
“Careful,” he says with a breathless laugh, “keep doing shit like that and the knot will never go down.”
And maybe you're still cockdrunk, still lost in your desire when you purposely do it again, timing his shudder with a clench of your inner muscles around him. He makes a sound between a gasp and a whine, instinctively rolling his hips and shifting the knot swollen inside you.
“H–honey…” He warns pitifully, shifting his head back up to look you in the eye. When he sees the glazed over, smirking expression on your face, you feel his cock kick up again in interest.
“Maybe I don't want it to go down,” your voice is pitched low as you roll your hips up into his again, making both of you gasp as his cock shifts slightly and hits a different spot. “Maybe I want you to fuck me on your knot until you come again, over and over–” Your own filthy imagination makes you clench around him again with a gasp, your nails digging in to the nape of his neck.
He leans back, dragging you with him as he tucks his hairy thighs under yours and sits back on his heels with you still locked tightly in his lap. His hips mindlessly roll, his eyes locked on where you're connected as he watches the knot keep him from leaving your warm, wet hole while he rocks into you over and over.
You whimper, hands gripping his forearms now as you watch him watching you, your mouth hung open to take in air. You're so, so full – like you can feel it in your lungs.
His glance moves up to your face, his cock throbbing once more at the pleasure and want he sees there. “You’re,” he pauses to let out a shaky laugh, in disbelief and adoration. “Baby, you're insatiable.”
“Mhmm,” you hum, triggering him to pull your hips back against his harder, both of you moaning around the small shifts of his knot inside you. “Wanna stay here forever…”
“Fffuck,” he stutters, head tipping back as his face contorts into something that looks like agony. “It's really– We’re really going to be stuck here if you keep talking like that.”
He still doesn't seem to grasp how serious you are, how much you crave him. You purposely tighten around him, a pretty moan tumbling out of his swollen, pink lips before his wide eyes snap to you.
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