#i'm a changed man. i love the united states now. no other country in the world ever had handmade sweaters according to the post
andromachos · 1 year
man i need money. for 5 dollars i'll make the post you want
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💟 thedeepweb ⇆ thedeepweb Follow
man i need money. for 5 dollars i'll make the post you want
💟 thedeepweb
i want to thank my generous donator, my Crazyass Investor Angel ;) if you will ;) for giving my 5 dollars. here's the post 💖
I am SICK of people treating America 🇺🇸 as if it has no cultural positives ever. i love you national parks :) i love you funky cars :) i love you [inclusion of soul food so i dont sound like a nationalist] :) i love you handmade sweaters :) i love you 95k miles of coastline :) i love you being chosen by god :) i love you bodegas and kioscs :) i love you burger 🤤 so many unique things! i love 'murica, beautiful country beautiful people, god bless this nation, lets make it great again 🦅
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sugar-grigri · 1 year
It's all about the number 2 
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Asa and Yoru, Nayuta and Denji, two Chainsaw Man, two camps of worshippers versus detractors, two protagonists, a second part, the two identities of Denji, a high-school student and a hero himself, both demon and human: Chainsaw - Man. 
But before we balance all that, let's take a closer look at this chapter.
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First of all, I'd like to say how rich chapter 140 is. I see a lot of people criticizing Fujimoto's writing as someone who simply sets up absurd situations when absolutely nothing is left to chance. We're reading a manga by a film buff, so get your head around Chekov's rifle. 
I'd like to remind you that Chainsaw Man is set in Japanese society. 
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Ejecting a sect from a building, or even belonging to a cult that has nothing to do with a dominant, ancestral religion, is more common than in the West. 
I've seen plenty of people wondering who could be at the head of the church for making people believe such a stupid story as a violet-ray weapon that would make adults stupid.
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When it's the other way around, the church is exploiting the fact that high-school students are just thinking too much. And if there's one thing that saves Denji, it's that he thinks less. 
Let's put things in context: this is the '90s, and even if the idea of nuclear weapons has been erased by Pochita, meaning that the Cold War has surely taken a different form in Chainsaw Man, Fujimoto has never denied geopolitical tensions. 
Whether it's the mention of the USSR with Reze, Makima's instrumentalization of Japan, the history of weapons, the fact that the American government sought to eliminate Makima or that countries share the remains of the weapon demon...
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Countries are in tension. The church exploits this atmosphere of anxiety among teenagers who are beginning to form opinions that dissent from their parents. 
Adolescence means coming into conflict with your parents' ideas, so come up with a story about how a gun makes them stupid. It's simply targeted manipulation that exploits the vulnerabilities of individuals in the midst of an identity crisis. 
Becoming a teenager also means freeing oneself from a certain carefree attitude and better understanding of the world around us, hence the mention of Americans on the same level as adults. 
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I'd like to point out that this is not just a collection of absurdities. But for that, a bit of history... I hope I'm not teaching anyone that Japanese society has been turned upside down by the United States.
Without going into too much detail, during the 19th century, Japan went through the Meiji era. The Meiji government pursued a policy of modernization with the ultimate aim of bringing Japan up to the level of the Western powers. 
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To compete with Western powers such as the United States, the government relied on centralized power to control citizens as much as possible... and this involved reforming the matrimonial system. With the popularization of "love marriage", the Meiji government changed tactics: the polygamous system was replaced by exclusive "love marriage". 
The church used the same method of control as the Meiji government: reforming the matrimonial system by overturning institutions. From now on, it's no longer sex after marriage, but before it.
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It's this kind of talk that just digs into the cracks that allows them to be brainwashed. But talk has never worked with Denji, who thinks concretely with what he can grasp. A date with a pretty girl, steak, sex, feeling the buttocks when he does the chair. What one would point to as perversity is what saves Denji. He thinks through his senses, his literal needs, not the abstract. 
We can't say that Miri, who thinks he's free when he's being instrumentalized, repeating that it's the Americans' fault again, or asking Chainsaw Man if he's sure he hasn't picked up any ultraviolet weapons... that he’s stupid. Because weapons have lost their memory, they have no loved ones, no stories to refer to. 
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Miri convinces himself he's free, filling the void of his own forgotten history with false stories. The lack of education, of pillars, of history is what had tortured Denji, who was so easily manipulated. I'd go so far as to say that Reze is the most striking example of this. 
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It's impossible to determine Barem's psychology, but he still demonstrates a third reaction to manipulation: while Denji evolves, Miri locks himself in denial : Barem manipulates in return. Revenge, reproductive mechanism, any number of reasons could explain why Barem exploits one of Denji's weaknesses: Asa. 
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Now you're thinking, yes, that's all very well, you talk a lot... but what's that got to do with the number two?
The scale is the very image of dichotomy, of a relationship between two forces, two weights, two entities. And what does it have to do with manipulation? Several things.
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First of all, manipulation also means taking on ideas that are not our own. It means no longer questioning them, confronting them with dissident ideas that would contradict them, or balancing them. 
To balance is also to confront two options in a dilemma. Something that's come up several times, first initiated by Yoshida, then taken up in his own way by Barem: embrace his identity as Chainsaw Man or continue his normal life as Denji?
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The manipulation since the start of Part 2 has been to split up Chainsaw Man. To have separated what constitutes his essence: human and demonic. To have split his nature, which has always been that of two beings in one. 
And what if I told you that the answer lies in chapter 2 (yes, man). Here, Makima clearly explains to Denji that Pochita is not dead but continues to live with him, that he has two smells.
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Fami's project is openly to separate Chainsaw Man, to cut its essence in two: the reunion of two beings. 
That's why this chapter talks about marriage, which refers to the reunion of two individuals. 
Barem would have us believe that these two choices are antinomic, that they are contradictory and cannot be fulfilled together. Only Denji can have both choices, he had already answered that. His sign of strength is two fingers. Two is Denji's strength. Becoming two is what literally allowed him to be reborn. 
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Of course, Denji doesn't want to marry; he's already one with one being through a contract: Pochita. 
Pochita had merged with him so that he could live a normal life. It was never a normal life, but the life Denji wanted to live. Chainsaw Man is literally the means, a better life, the end. 
The secret to surviving the manipulation then lies literally in Denji's heart. 
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kingshimura4872 · 1 year
Shorts with Shimura
A/N: Howdy howdy chitlins. How are we doing this fine Evening/Morning/Night? I hope all of you are drinking plenty of water and eating an adequate amount of food for the party in your tummy. (It'sareferencesomeonepleaselaugh)
So, funny story ^^;....I haven't really gotten the motivation to work on a part three/four (I'm so deadass rn, I don't even remember lmao)
I do have a load of other one shots to share with the world bc my cringe has to go somewhere lol.
So without further ado, feed my children.
Oh and smth else, for those of you that reblogged some of my things, either ask me first, give credit, or just don't please <3
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x GN? Reader (They kinda get called both him and her, idk)
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: American Stereotyping and slander (I hate it here so I might as well take out my anger on a made of character), Barris being a creep, somewhat quick mention of being touched in an unwanted sexual or insinuating way, brief descriptions of stripping clothing at the end (It's not smut don't even try), different languages (Just Japanese and I had to use google translate instead of my yandex translator bc it would only give me kanji and fsr I REALLY didn't want kanji idk), petplay if you squint rlly hard?, Some dark themes so just don't let it get up ur ass if I ruin your mood lmao
Think that's it, if I missed anything, shoot me a comment or dm and I'll do my best to fix it asap.
“And what makes me think you’d pose a threat? I don’t think you’re in the right place to be making demands.” 
Shigaraki sat unphased. His blood red eyes bored into the skull of a new pompous problem. The bastard, while annoying as all hell, was a somewhat important asset to his current objective. He’d already become the leader of the Paranormal Liberation Front, but now he wanted to move international. So here stood his next step. The leader of a quite well known villain organization from the United States in North America. He knew that if he could get this man on his side, he’d have no problem getting the two other countries that sat on the continent as well. But for the love of God, were these Americans so full of it. He’d barely gotten a proper word in comparison to the other male, who’d been talking almost the entire time. Americans sure knew how to run their mouths like they owned the world. 
   “Well, I am the one that invited you here. And right under the authorities' noses at that. No one knows you’re here and we could so easily change that fact if you wish to keep rubbing your nose in what you have no business knowing.” The scarred individual finally sighed, standing up from his chair. This empty ‘office’ room was quite stuffy, most likely from the pure stench this American was exuding. Americans should learn to properly bathe themselves before getting on such a high horse. He thought to himself, walking around the chair and leaning an elbow on the back of it. 
   “I personally have a trained hitman at my beck and call, ready to do whatever I order it to. Where’s your protection, Mr. American?” A smug grin spread across his face as the American man became very easily irate.
   “I have plenty of protection, guns cocked and ready to blaze if you so much as let a hair fall out of place!” He spat, actual saliva flying around and landing on various surfaces. Shigaraki tsked at the man for getting so angered at a simple pointer, almost as if he was scolding a child. 
   “This is tiresome back and forth with you, Mr. Barris. We can either talk out our reasoning for being here in the first place like adults, or I can order my soldiers to kill you before any of them have time to take the safety off their weapons.” Shigaraki scoffed, getting increasingly impatient. Both men quickly changed their tune, Shigaraki sitting back down and the American pulling out a file from his briefcase.
   “What do you want in this exchange, Mr. Shigaraki?” The American spoke first, crossing his arms.
   “I simply want everything you and your group’s services can offer. I’m not a fan of only leading Japan anymore. I wish to move elsewhere and if you and I can work out a deal, I’ll have less of a headache getting others to agree. You do have quite the influence afterall.”
This seemed to mull over well with the man as a smug expression was now plastered all over his sweaty face. 
   “I do indeed, don’t I?” Shigaraki nodded stiffly. He despised stroking people’s egos. It annoyed him to no end, but ever since taking full control of himself and killing All For One himself, he had to pick up the slack his master had originally done. This included finding powerful allies and working towards a stronger army. He bit his tongue in order to not spew something idiotic that would work poorly for him as the American once again began talking about himself and his underground empire. He had a main goal for this new alliance. He understood that Americans were good at three things. Being full of themselves all the time, strong weapons, and drugs. The yakuza group Overhaul had built was good, but it relied on the quirk of an incredibly young girl and once that girl had been taken, he knew they were doomed to fall no matter how that end came. He found the quirk erasing drugs quite interesting and knew if anyone could capitalize on that, it was him. Money was no longer an object and he was willing to throw whatever the stupid American wanted to get his hands on that kind of technology. He wanted it. And when he wanted something, he got it. Every. Single. Time.
   “We’re willing to do just about anything to work around your wants. Name your price, Mr. Barris.” 
   “Straight to the point I see. Your English may be good, but Japanese people are always the same. Never a fan of small talk. What happened to civil liberties? You should get to know me first before tossing money on the table.” Barris laughed out, his posture visibly relaxing. Good. 
   “I apologize.” Shigaraki forced a chuckle. “I simply want to get it out in the air so we can get out of each other’s hair as fast as possible. We’re both very busy men, you know.”
   “Ain’t that the damn truth.” Barris laughed again, slapping his knee in the process. Shigaraki stifled a laugh. They really DO do that.
   “Anyways. Small pleasantries aside. What is it that you’d like to gain from this exchange?”
   “Hm.” Barris looked down at the folder in front of him, opening it and pulling out a few papers. “Well, you did have a good idea with offering money. But we also want numbers of another calibur.”
   “And that’d be?”
   “We want some of those ‘nomus’ y’all have. And people who are good at making more. We’ve seen what those beasts can do, and I think it’d be fun to have a couple of our own. We can use it for testing and such. Along with this.” He slid a small piece of cardstock with something written on it. It was amusing to Shigaraki. It was like those crappy American movies to the T. Sliding the price they wanted over with a piece of paper during an exchange. It was almost humoring. He picked up the cardstock, looking at the price. It was outrageous for what he was getting in return, but he did need this deal.
   “Fine. Would you like it in full?”
   “Not necessary. Take your time with the payment, but I do request we get the entire amount within the next calendar year.”
   “Fair enough.”
The two stood up and shook hands. Barris wasn’t afraid of touching the villain, as he was wearing two fingered gloves. Something someone had to convince him to do during this endeavor. But he wouldn’t disclose that information to anyone. 
   “There is one more thing I’d like to ask of you. It’s more of a personal preference.” Barris dropped, smiling as he sunk his hands into his suit pockets.
   “And what would that be?”
   “I heard from a little bee that you’ve gotten one of mine under your command. I’d like to see them.”
Shigaraki’s eye twitched and he scowled a bit. “And who would this ‘little bee’ happen to be?”
   “No one you need to concern yourself with. I simply want to see if I know them personally. I wasn’t told who they were, but I was told they were American like myself, so I’d like to meet them.” Barris explained.
I’ll kill whoever told this scum about him. Shigaraki told himself as he sighed. He wasn’t really in the position to deny many requests from the man, as he could just as easily take back his agreement to the offer. 
   “Fine. But only for a moment. I like to keep him busy.” He hummed, taking a step back from the table. He brought two fingers to his mouth and whistled rather loudly, Barris tipping his head to the side in confusion. Was this American not human or something? In the blink of an eye, a new figure appeared at the villain’s side, cloaked in a black uniform and kitsune kabuki mask obscuring their face. Two blades clung to their back and strapped to each thigh was an OTs-33 Pernach, most likely already loaded and ready to fire at will. The blades in question were matching Tachi words, jet black and blood red stained leather woven in an intricate pattern on each handle and an antique tsuba created by Sunagawa Masayoshi sat snugly between the razor sharp blades and the handles. 
   “Sir.” You spoke, bowing to Shigaraki. He looked at you blankly.
   “Kneel” Was all he said. And you did without hesitation, kneeling on one knee and a hand lay flat on the cold tile flooring of the room. He reached a hand down, gently grasping your chin and lifting your gaze to meet his. He seemed pleased with himself.
Without question, you unclasped the straps that sat on the back of your head with a soft click, pulling your kabuki mask off and giving it to him. “Stand.” You did. Barris met your frame with another mask, this time only covering your nose and mouth, however your neck length hair came with fluffy bangs that covered your eyes well enough.
“Kochira wa Barisudesu. Anata ga tsurete kuru yō ni meiji rareta amerikahitodesu. Anata wa futari tomo amerikahitonanode, kare wa anata ni chokusetsu aitai to omotte imasu. Kare wa anata no koto o shitte iru kamo shirenai to omotte imasu.”
   (This is Barris. The American you were ordered to bring. He wishes to see you in person since you’re both American. Thinks he might know you.)
You nodded and glanced at the man.
   "Kare ga nani o hakidasoutomo, anata wa watashi no monodeari tsuzukeru deshou. Kare wa kimochi waruinode, dekirudakehayaku watashi no me kara kiete hoshīdesu. Kare o koko kara tsuredasu tame ni dekiru kagiri no koto o shite kudasai, shikashi oboete oite kudasai..” He grasped your chin again, pulling you a bit closer to him. “Anata wa watashi no monodesu.”
   (You will remain mine, no matter what he spews. He’s disgusting and I want him out of my sight as soon as possible. Do what you can to get him out of here, but remember…. You belong to me.)
You nodded again, and turned to the man.
   “Quite the mouthful he said.” Barris chuckled. “Makes me wonder what he’s saying about me.”
   “Permission to speak freely, sir?” You asked.
   “Granted.” Shigaraki replied.
   “I was only informed that it was you I was ordered with transporting here. I was wondering who was so important that it required my services.” You hummed, walking around the table.
   “Shigoto o kichinto yareba, go hōbi o ageru yo, kitsune.” Shigaraki added, walking around the other side of the table to leave the room.
When he shut the door behind him, Barris wasted no time, putting his hands on your body. You wanted to slither away from his grimey touch, but you knew this was the best way to get him where you both wanted him.
   “I heard you were one of mine, and I just had to see if I knew you personally, doll.” He remarked, one of his hands sliding down your side and resting just above your hip. You did your best to hide a grimace, hoping it didn’t show through the mask as you slowly snaked your hands up his arms.
   “I don’t think I worked for you, Mr. Barris. I would definitely remember working for a man such as yourself.” You sang, twirling yourself out of his grasp and slipping onto the table. You crossed a leg over the other and sat your hands on the edges of the table for support. You looked open, inviting, weak. And that was exactly what you were aiming for. Men like him loved weak people. They loved preying on anyone they perceived as having weak minds and melding them to bend at their will. You were all too familiar with his kind. It sickened you that he thought you’d break so easily. You devoted your life to one man and one man only. And no scum like this was going to make you so much as blink in the other direction. 
   “Is that so? And what kind of man do you take me for?” He grinned. You were stroking his ego more by the second. 
   “Powerful. Commanding. A man who knows what he wants and how to get it.” A man who wouldn’t know left from right if it was tattooed on his hands. You thought.
You shut the door to the unmarked black car as the window rolled down.
   “I do look forward to working with you, doll.” Barris smiled, taking your hand and kissing it slowly. You smiled sweetly to him under the mask, knowing he could see it. 
   “As do I, Mr. Barris. Nice to have another American around.”
He let out a hearty laugh, letting your hand go and glancing at Shigaraki who’d been standing a bit behind you.
   “I look forward to business, Mr. Shigaraki.” 
   “Mm. Likewise.” They both nodded to each other and shook hands before you waved lightly to the driver. The window rolled back up as the vehicle drove off. Your smile stayed only until the car turned a corner, to which you immediately grimaced openly. Shigaraki took you back inside to a different room - his private quarters in this particular building - and grabbed a few alcohol wipes for you. You quickly took one and rubbed it against both your hands, taking time to wipe every inch of the uniform he’d laid his grimy hands on.
   “I take it, your…talk with him, went well then?” The man asked, leaning against a small table near the corner of the room.
   “Ugh, he was putrid. I could practically TASTE how bad he smelled. Can’t believe I was born in the same place as him.” You keened. Your body shivered at the mere thought of him touching you again and you quickly rid yourself of your accessories. You placed them on one of the shelves the room had and huffed.
   “We should bathe you. Who knows what kind of germs he had.” Shigaraki jested, but you quickly took the invite, shedding your clothing one piece at a time. He was a bit surprised at your eagerness, but went with it nonetheless, guiding you to the bathroom and starting the water.
   “Ugh, I forgot how touchy Americans are. Here, you wouldn’t even think to touch a stranger so nonchalantly. 
He fixed the temperature, shedding his own garments and helping you with what you had left.
   “And to think, we have to work with him now, it disgusts me. He was so full of himself, I thought he might explode from how big his head was.” 
You continued to rant as you brainlessly followed your leader’s movements into the now full tub of hot water. The second you were seated on top of him, you were pulled back to the present.
   “Oh. You didn’t have to waste your time getting in with me.” You said in a quieter tone.
   “Eh. Two birds with one stone. I had to touch him too, not sure if whatever he has can spread from the contact area.” He joked. You couldn’t hold yourself back from a small laugh, covering your mouth as he pulled your back flat against his chest.
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nsomniacsdream · 1 year
I'm not as familiar with conservative movements outside of the United States, but every time I'm reminded that particular insanity is global, it always seems so simple, but im sure that's the media framing. Like- in the US, the conservative movement is deeply influenced by whatever the dominant Christian denomination is currently. (In America, we have a different *flavor* of Christianity to fit anyone you want to hate unreasonably) the core of the conservative ideology, the truth that you really have to internalize to "get" conservatives, is that the world is inherently evil, and nothing can really be made better without violating peoples free will. Free will is important, because God something something, and the world is run by the devil. So evil will always flourish, and trying to make things better in any way is a fools errand. Now, if you can't fix anything, then the best case scenario is to punish everyone who succumbs to the evil so you can virtue signal that you're one of the good ones when God comes back to destroy all of us. Once you understand that this is where the majority of conservative support comes from, the abject cruelty and ignorance of the conservative movement makes a lot more sense. Add a healthy dose of any and all *other-isms* and you pretty much have conservatism nailed.
It's hate that they call love, and logic that's based on a fairy tale they use to scare people into doing what they say. Any time you read a news story about "conservative congressman blah blah wants to pass the "no periods until you're married, you little whores" bill" and you're like wtf? What is wrong with his brain? It's because he's operating on a level of nihilism that normal people literally can't comprehend.
Whenever I read about stuff outside the states, it's so frequently boiled down to just racism or class warfare. Which I'm sure is true, but I want to understand what's wrong with you that you're willing to stand astride history; shouting "future generations will find my motivations so reprehensible that my descendants will change their names and then go into hiding". Like I said, conservatives in America are brain poisoned by religious indoctrination and "white man's burden", but why are they like that in non white countries?
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sage-nebula · 2 years
for the ask game, every other one stating with the first one ?
Blue: What song do you listen to when you're feeling down?
I don't put on any one specific song when I'm feeling down; I more just put on my Liked Songs playlist and just go from there. But the first song that came to mind when I read the question is the original Pokémon Theme Song (any version of it, but the one from the first movie is my favorite), so let's go with that. ♥ It always gets me pumped up.
English: How many languages can you speak?
Just English. :') Although I can speak a little Japanese (and can read hiragana and katakana), it's nothing impressive and I wouldn't say I'm even conversationally proficient.
Game: What was the last board game you played?
Wavelength! I played it with some friends on New Years Eve.
Injury: Have you ever walked into a glass door?
I don't think so.
Kiss: Who's your biggest celebrity crush?
Kristen Stewart, I think. But to be honest I don't think about celebrities that often. I still think it's probably her, though.
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars?
Pay off my student loans, pay off my mortgage, pay off my credit cards, put the rest into a savings account so it can accrue interest. In that order.
Oops: What is one thing you'd like to change/fix?
Like if I could just snap my fingers and change / fix anything? Hmm . . . the United States Supreme Court really needs term limits for its judges. For that matter, federal judges across the country should have term limits, rather than lifetime appointments by the current sitting president. So I would probably implement term limits for them, so that we'd no longer be as catastrophically fucked as we are right now. It wouldn't solve all our problems, but it would help.
Star-sign: When's your birthday?
April 30th!
Unite: Do you sponsor a cause?
Sadly I don't have the disposable income for that. I just try to be a decent person each day and hope that's enough.
Xylophone: Do you play an instrument?
I'm self-taught on the ocarina, but I'm not very good at it. I just play it for fun.
Zoo: What is your favourite animal?
Wolves. But I also love raptors, bears, foxes, all breeds of dogs, otters, all kinds of mustelids, spotted eagle rays . . . I love so many animals, man. Animals are so cool.
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Let's defeat capitalism with the power of love; explaining democracy with crayons. (Or, my book report that went off the fucking rails).
Originally, my summer reading novel was The Odyssey; but 50 pages in, I discovered that I had no patience for lengthy, gratuitous travel-logs. So naturally I opted for the next logical choice: Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath. The irony of my decision didn't strike me until I sat down to write this commentary. And sure, Odysseus and Tom Joad are both vagrants, on a quest for 'home,' but the similarities end there. Odysseus is lost at sea, and finds direction in the promise of 'home', Penelope is his true North. The concept of 'home' is, to him, resolute. Home is a physical place to be sought out, home is the woman he loves, home is Ithaca. Tom on the other hand is DRIVEN from his birthland, but carries his 'home' with him as he undertakes the perilous journey to California. He, like Odysseus, searches for a home-only to realize that home is NOT a concrete place, but (and it has to be said), the friends we made along the way. 'Home' is "fambly." 
Those familial bonds; and beyond that, human connection, PEOPLE unified together as one honest-to-god democratic body are STRONGER than the system they have created (Steinbeck seems to write, with Rousseouian sincerity).
So I am sorry to report that...the title of this paper is a misnomer. While I, too, have often daydreamed about "defeating late stage Capitalism with the power of love," I've also pulled my head out of my ass long enough to realize that "the power of love" is not a viable weapon. Or, not the only weapon, at least. Through Steinbeck's eyes, the system rests on the backs of the people, and is held-up by "The Man" (school of rock)-the wealthy few, who lord over the penniless masses.
To be clear, this is not a revolutionary take. I think most people feel dissatisfied with late-stage capitalism. Steinbeck has faith in the inevitability of human progress, "This you may say of man-when theories change and crash, when schools, philosophies, when dark narrow alleys of thought grow and disintegrate, man reaches, stumbles forward...if the stumbling forward ache were not alive, the bombs would not fall, the throats would not be curt...fear the time when Manself will not suffer and die for a concept, for this one quality is the foundation of Manself..." (Steinbeck 150-151). But I am a young person living in America, and lately, human progress doesn't feel inexorable.
I mean, speaking candidly, what the hell am I supposed to do? The planet's burning down, the country's on the brink of civil war. Retirement is as much a pipe dream as buying a house. Everywhere I look, people are dying, and I can't do a godamned thing about it. Except, hold up a picket sign once and a while. I had to SEE Trump's blood on live TV to believe that he had a heart. And now that I have, I understand: these systems we've built aren't working anymore, but WE built them. We have every right to deconstruct them if they aren't serving us. When push comes to shove-we all bleed the same, we all die the same, and THAT is democracy. Death is democracy, and we are united under her. These institutions only exist because we allow them to. The state may be the beating heart of America, but we ARE the state. We are the blood in the arteries; pumping the oxygen, feeding the macine. 
I'm doing my best to come off as optimistic. In actuality, I'm jaded. I want the future I was promised by the country that prides itself on justice. Where was that justice for Sonya Massey? Where was that justice for Nex Benedict? I want to stand by my unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of the human spirit, but we keep HURTING each other.
The media has misinterpreted anarchy (to its detriment). Anarchy has become synonymous with rebellion, 'burning it down,' but really, Anarchy falls closer to pure libertarianism on the axis of leftist extremism. See, in the absence of a government, Anarchists are forced to rely on the kindness of their neighbors. In the words of Andreas Wittel, "Anarchism is a process whereby authority and domination is being replaced with non-hierarchical, horizontal structures, with voluntary associations between human beings. It is a form of social organisation with a set of key principles, such as self-organisation, voluntary association, freedom, autonomy, solidarity, direct democracy, egalitarianism and mutual aid" (The Conversation). So, you stay on your lawn, I stay on my lawn-we respect each other, and we work together when we need to, because selfishness serves no one. This idea is so basic, it was more or less taught on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. Share your crayons, don't hit your friends-THAT is anarchy-kindergarten law. The issue is, we have to abolish the system to get there. Which, is where the "burning it down" thing comes in to play. 
Bobby and Sam are coloring, Bobby takes the entire box of crayons, leaving none for Sam. Sam asks if he could have a few back; Bobby spits on him and takes his paper. The teacher sees this interaction and chooses not to intervene, because Bobby is the principal's son. Now, Bobby and Sam could split the crayons equally, but that would mean Sam WILLINGLY giving a handful up. How do we resolve this conflict? Well, we get a new teacher, who stands for ALL of their students. A teacher who recognizes the injustice in one child hoarding all the art supplies.
I bring this up to evidence my point-as it stands, something's got to give. We aren't afraid of anarchy, we're afraid of the road to systemic change-ANY systemic change. Because to make substantial progress, we have to organize and...for lack of a better phrase, 'burn it down.' 
But hey, it's not about the journey, it's about the destination. Or, maybe it's the other way around. Just ask Tom Joad.
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steal-this-idea · 3 months
Listening to opinions regarding the immunity decision by SCOTUS, I found myself flashed back to a conversation I had in college (back in the '90s) after reading predictions about when whites would become a plurality in this country rather than the majority
I wondered aloud whether we would discover if people believed the United States (and what it represents) was an idea or if the United States was white (i.e. for white people; to be ruled (only) by white people)
While I have always been taught that America was an idea and its people without ethnic/racial heritage (basically put, you're an American because you live here and because you believe it). I recall a story my father once related to me about a man of Russian descent now living in the United States permanently. He told my father the thing he loved most about the United States was how nobody questions that he's an American. He said if he had chosen to live in France, he would always be seen as a Russian living in France and never French but that here in America, I am not a Russian living in America, I am American.
I know I'm not putting it elegantly but that's what America is to me: an idea and we citizens are its stewards
The Republican party clearly does not see America that way and I worry when (please vote against the GOP, don't make this an "if") they lose, instead of introspecting and opening their hearts to an inclusive conservative vision, they will instead double down (again) on whiteness and their perverted vision of Christianity and resort to terrorism to take by force and fear what could not be taken from the ballot
And it pisses me off, realizing this as late I had, to find out conservatives - now almost entirely represented by the Republican party instead of split between the two (remember when conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans existed alongside the current polarization?) throughout our history only supported the Constitution when it (and state laws) enabled them (the Southern dominance of the antebellum period brought about by the 3/5ths Compromise leading to threats of civil war during the nullification crisis when they weren't getting their way and the actual civil war when an abolitionist won the Presidency; the effective overturning of the 14th Amendment when Congress allowed former traitors to return to governance less than a decade after the Civil War had ended (!) which would prematurely end Reconstruction and enable the terrorism of the Ku Klux Klan that followed to bring out the Jim Crow era which would go largely unanswered for a century; the modern bullshit to mask their racism, that their religious freedom and freedom of speech were being curtailed as segregation and other bigotries became outlawed leading to decades of conservative propaganda to undermine faith in public institutions & expertise, packing it with othering and encouraging the cruelties toward those outgroups it implies and ideological court packing to bring us to where we are today)
I can only hope the demography of this country has changed enough that, not only will they lose this election (and lose big ...though I suspect it will be embarrassing close) but that this second attempted coup will be the last as they will never again have the numbers to pull it off
My fantasy for the time being is that enough people have moved to Texas since 2020 to have the state go to the Democratic Party henceforth thus rendering all these "battleground states" moot for a generation.
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troynovant · 4 months
forgive me for just using this as a diary right now but I'm just feeling really emotional -- that's putting it a bit neutral, I feel bad.
I'm moving -- not across the world or across the country or even across the state, but to a town literally bordering Providence, where I currently live. It's literally only an 11 minute drive to where I am now but I don't have a car and it just feels like I'll be so far away from all my friends and favorite cafes and bars, even though it's objectively not really true -- the bus goes right here, I can get an uber, or even just take the hour-long walk. But I won't feel ensconced in all of my friends the way that I currently do, and I guess if I'm being honest I'm a bit nervous about the area. I literally had a dream that I was living in some sort of Dickensian boarding house, with a too-small door that was too small for the frame, so everyone could see in, which is absolutely absurd of me. I keep thinking that I should have just moved into another place here, with roommates, just dumping all of my stuff into a storage unit and staying within the student bubble, even though it also makes me a bit queasy to think about Brown now that I'm being offloaded for essentially the third time.
The other thing of course, is my strange relationship to my current apartment. I haven't really been happy here for a while -- I've had two housemates, practically strangers, and the shared spaces of the apartment have felt practically like a no-man's land. I've been longing to live on my own, to have my own space (to be able to walk around naked, to be able to invite people back here, to have guests over) but last time I did that I went a bit stir-crazy. But then, that was 6 years ago (my god) and I had the same misgivings then about leaving the east side of Providence and things were fine (admittedly, federal hill is different from Pawtucket -- though I'm telling myself that I'll only be a few blocks into Pawtucket. )
Six years -- I really was a different person when I moved into this place. I mean, visibly physically different too, unfortunately. My life was completely consumed by Jan, then, and of course that's the other thing. I don't think about him as much any more, or at least I didn't until I began the move and kept finding signs of him everywhere, little and big reminders of his presence. I love you so much, Jan, I really do, though I know things would never be the same even if --- well, hah.
I guess I'm also now just thinking about my relationship to objects. I've always loved things. I've always taken a pleasure in shopping, in collecting, in, well, hoarding. For the first time in my life I've really come to feel strangled by my possessions. I mean, I basically moved just to find a place to store my things, though I feel so silly about that now; on some level I feel that I should have just shoved my things in a storage unit and left for the summer, but instead I'm stuck because of furniture, because of objects. I think this might genuinely change my relationship to material things a bit. I don't think I can take the same pleasure in them now that I know how they're holding me captive. I can't make the same mistake again, but then I always make the same mistakes.
I still can't really see what my future is going to look like, the big ambient anxiety undergirding everything else I do. But then, that's another story, and I've gone on long enough, venting to nobody (who would possibly read this far.)
I feel like praying. I hope that I get whatever I was looking for when I started typing this out.
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prettyboychik · 8 months
Rapper & country singer Jelly Roll’s speech in front of Congress (Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee hearing) about the FEND Off Fentanyl Act. I don’t have a ton of thoughts about the act itself because I know very little about the topic, but I think he brought a really interesting perspective to the table as a former drug dealer. I particularly like how he humanized addicts, called out the way drug addicts are stigmatized and have their lives devalued, and stressed the importance of putting human life over partisanship and ideology.
Transcript below. [Note: I got the words from the Youtube transcript and edited to add words they missed and give punctuation, let me know if I missed anything]
Mr. Brown (Chairman): We’ll start with Mr. DeFord. Welcome, for your first Committee hearing I assume.
Jelly Roll: Forgive me, I'm a little nervous. I'm used to having a rock and roll band behind me when I have a microphone in front of me. During the time that I've been given to share my testimony here, I think it's important to note, before I start, that in these five minutes I'll be speaking, somebody in the United States will die of a drug overdose, and there is almost a 72% chance that during those five minutes, it will be fentanyl-related.
Having started that way, Chairman Brown, Ranking Member Scott, and esteemed committee members, thank you for having me. I know this is a bit of a curveball, but I like a little baseball myself. My name is Jason DeFord, but to most, I am known as Jelly Roll. It is important to establish earlier that I am a musician and that I have no political alliance. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. In fact, because of my past, my right to vote has been restricted. Thus far, I have never paid attention to a political race in my life. Ironically, I think that makes me the perfect person to speak about this because fentanyl transcends partisanship and ideology, gentlemen and women, this is a totally different problem.
I was speaking outside to the media, and I gave them a statistic that said 190 people a day overdose and die every single day in the United States of America. That is about a 737 plane. That is about what a 737 aircraft can carry. Could you imagine the national media attention it would get if they were reporting that a plane was crashing every single day and killing 190 people? But because it's 190 drug addicts, we don't feel that way. Because America has been known to bully and shame drug addicts instead of dealing and trying to understand what the actual root of the problem is with that.
But the sad news is that narrative is changing too because the statistics say that, in all likelihood, almost every person in this room has lost a friend, family member, or colleague to the disease known as addiction. I've attended more funerals than I care to share with y'all. This committee, I could sit here and cry for days about the caskets I've carried of people I loved dearly, deeply, in my soul—good people, not just drug addicts—uncles, friends, cousins, normal people. Some people that just got in a car wreck and started taking a pain pill to manage it. One thing led to the other, and how fast it spirals out of control, I don't think people truly, truly understand. So many people.
Equally, I think it's important for me to tell y'all that I'm not here to defend the use of illegal drugs, and I also understand the paradox of my history as a drug dealer standing in front of this committee. But equally, I think that's what makes me perfect to talk about this. I was a part of the problem. I am here now, standing as a man that wants to be a part of the solution. I brought my community down. I hurt people. I was the uneducated man in the kitchen playing chemist with drugs I knew absolutely nothing about, just like these drug dealers are doing right now when they're mixing every drug on the market with fentanyl, and they're killing the people we love. I'll be honest with y'all; my desire is only to get older and only do better and be better. I believed when I sold drugs genuinely that selling drugs was a victimless crime. I truly believe that, y’all. My father always told me what doesn't get you in the wash will get you in the rinse.
Now I have a 15-year-old daughter whose mother is a drug addict. Every day, I get to look in the eyes of a victim in my household of the effects of drugs. Every single day. And every single day, I have to wonder if me and my wife, if today will be the day that I have to tell my daughter that her mother became a part of the national statistic. History repeats itself, gentlemen. Even in the 1990s, crack cocaine had long made its way into my middle-lower-class neighborhood, and at that moment, even as a teenager, you could have never convinced me in that moment that there would be a far bigger problem on the horizon in the form of a pharmaceutical drug. And then I watched opioids and OxyContin burst onto the scene. I'm here to tell y'all that fentanyl is going to make the Sackler family look like saints. And I want to let y'all sit with that for a second. It is time for us to be proactive and not reactive. We were reactive with crack; we were reactive with opioids, and y'all are taking the first step at somebody in the Senate finally being proactive.
I truly believe in my heart that this bill, that this bill will stop the supply and can help stop the supply of fentanyl. But, in part of being proactive, gentlemen and women, and ladies, I have to be frank and tell y'all that if we don't talk to the other side of Capitol Hill and stop the demand, we are going to spin our tires in the mud. Y'all are taking the first step, but I encourage you to take it outside of this room and take it to your colleagues and your constituents, and you give them the most that you can.
I know I've got a few seconds here, and Senator Brown said I may or may not go over. [A small chuckle from someone off-camera]. All I want to say is that I not only encourage y'all to do this, I encourage y'all to take it a step further. At every concert I perform, I witness the heartbreaking impact of fentanyl. I see fans grappling with this tragedy in the form of music that they seek solace and hope that their experiences won't befall others. They crave reassurance. These are the people I'm here to speak for, y'all. These people crave reassurance that their elected officials actually care more about human life than they do about ideology and partisanship.
I stand here as a regular member of society. I am a stupid songwriter, y'all, but I have firsthand witnessed this in a way most people have not. I encourage y'all to not only pass this bill, but I encourage you to bring it up where it matters—at the kitchen table. Thank you for your time.
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Something essential has changed within me. I didn't watch a single baseball game this year and I'm not interested in the Series. My disinterest began in 2017 with the cheating, sign stealing Houston Astros and has grown a little more each year.
Baseball remains America's past time; Latin America that is. In places like the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela, and many others, baseball has a deep and passionate following. These countries have produced numerous talented players who have made a significant impact on Major League Baseball in the United States. Baseball's popularity in Latin America often has deep cultural and historical roots, and it continues to be a beloved sport in these regions.
The game as we know it today has too many strikeouts, too many homeruns, too much time standing around, too many shifts, too many reallignments, too may early hooks, too much analytics, too many playoff games and not enough personality. Once upon a time, I could name all of the managers in both leagues. I don't think that I can name five current managers. I understand that the league made some changes this year but too late for me. I guess I'm officially an old man. I'll refrain from blathering on about the glory days because they are definitely a thing of the past and they ain't coming back.
Football? Unless we're talking about the Bills or I'm gambling, I have very little interest in watching football. Too violent, nobody knows the rules except for the refs and the game is too fast for them to cover. Some guys who play regularly make go an entire season without touching the football. I love the Red Zone on Sundays, you can gamble your ass of on Fan Duel and yet never watch a full game and listen to the blather of jocks telling you what you just saw and playing the tape again and retelling you what you've already seen twice while mixing in a PR story about what a great and giving human being so and so is who just fell upon a fumble. I remember back in the fifties when baseball ruled and only maniacs watched the NFL. Now, everybody walks around with a hat, an attitude and an overdose of ESPN (which I also haven't watched in years)
Golf? Fuggedaboudid. No Tiger. No Jack. No Arnie. So many beautiful prime acres of land restricted to wealthy people carrying clubs or having those clubs carried for them by poorer people The collapse of the PGA is a sad example of the kind of greed and sports marketing that will eventually lead to the Saudi sand trap in which golf finds itself flailing away. The weekly tournaments are unwatchable. The major events have become easily skippable. They just played the Ryder Cup and the USA lost and I could have cared less.
Boxing? Way too many weight divisions. Way too many champions. Two many Paul brothers. Boxing used to be a contender not any more. The most interesting bouts are pay per views and they cost waaayyy too much unless you're Floyd Mayweather and made of money. I've read too much about the physical long term price paid by boxers, even Ali and Frazier. Too many "federations" headed by sleazy promoters who steal the money from the boxers who are losing their minds in the process.
Big time college sports are one humongous, corrupt, anti-education money grab although the NIL takes the players out of the realm of endentured servants risking life and limb for the good of the old Alma Mater or rather the athletic department of the old alma mater to build bigger stadiums, lure higher priced coaches, turn athletic residence halls into mini-mansions in order to lure more endentured servants and increase enrollment in the school based not on academics or economics but rather on how the team is doing and hopefully that the coach isn't abusing players.
So what's left? It's down to the NBA. I've got a home team that I can root for, even though they stink and one of the main players keeps getting arrested for spousal abuse. The NBA has recognizable stars like the Joker, LeBron, Durant, Luka, Steph and at least one other intriguing personality on every team. Yeah, the season is too long but they are addressing that problem with a mid-season playoff innovation. The games are readily available on teevee. Charles and Shaq do a tremendous job of promoting the league. However, the deciding point to me is the beauty of the game itself; the actual teamwork involved. Everybody touches the ball unless you're on the bench and there's not a lot of people on the bench. The game is 48 minutes long…perfect time. Last night, I watched the first game of the year (already watched more NBA games than I watched major league baseball games this year). The first game featured the finalists from last season. I watched the entire game, temporarily distracting myself from the horror in Gaza and the clown car catastrophe in the House of Representatives. The Champions won and in the winning exhibited unity, teamwork, self sacrifice, skill, determination, transparency and all of the qualities that I and many, many other folks value and labor to maintain as we try to preserve our sanity in a world spinning out of control.
Oh yeah. There's still soccer. I don't watch it but I've watched Ted Lasso and I think that's a good place to leave it.
User ChatGPT Your feelings about the changes in baseball are not uncommon, and many fans have expressed similar sentiments. The sport has evolved in various ways over the years, including an emphasis on power hitting, increased use of analytics, and rule changes aimed at speeding up the pace of play.
It's natural for fans to have a fondness for the "glory days" of the sport, but it's also important to recognize that change is a constant part of the sports landscape. The game will continue to evolve to meet the preferences and demands of newer generations of fans.
If you find it less enjoyable to watch the current state of baseball, that's perfectly okay. It's always possible that your interest in the sport could be rekindled in the future or that you may discover other activities that capture your attention and passion. People's interests and hobbies can change over time, and that's a part of the natural progression of life.
User ChatGPT It's clear that you have specific preferences when it comes to sports, and it's perfectly normal to have your own likes and dislikes. Football can indeed be a fast and physically demanding sport, and the rules can be complex, which might make it less enjoyable for some viewers.
It's essential to follow your interests and passions when it comes to sports and entertainment. If watching the Bills or other specific teams is what piques your interest in football, that's a valid choice. People have different tastes when it comes to sports and entertainment, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Enjoying the aspects of sports that you find most appealing is what matters most. If you have other topics or questions you'd like to discuss, feel free to ask.
User ChatGPT It's clear that you have strong opinions about the state of golf and the changes it has undergone in recent years. Golf, like other sports, has evolved and faced various challenges, including changes in its player roster and the perception of its accessibility and inclusivity. The sport has indeed seen the dominance of players like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, and Arnold Palmer, and their absence can change the dynamics of the game.
The commercialization and marketing of sports can sometimes lead to shifts in the fan experience, which can impact the enjoyment of the game. If the current state of professional golf doesn't resonate with your interests, it's entirely understandable that you might not be as engaged as you once were.
Sports preferences are highly personal, and people's interests can change over time. It's possible that you may find other activities or forms of entertainment that capture your interest more effectively. The sports landscape is vast, and there are many options to explore. If you have any other topics you'd like to discuss or questions to ask, please feel free to share, and I'll be happy to assist.
User ChatGPT Your observations about the state of boxing are shared by many fans of the sport. Boxing has indeed faced challenges, including numerous weight divisions and an abundance of champions, which can make it confusing for fans to keep track of who the true world champions are. Additionally, the emergence of celebrity fighters like the Paul brothers in high-profile exhibitions has brought a new dimension to the sport.
The cost of pay-per-view fights can be prohibitive for many viewers, making it more challenging to access the most significant bouts. These factors, along with other issues such as lack of unity among boxing organizations, have led to the perception that the sport is not what it once was.
It's important for fans to express their opinions and concerns about the direction of the sport, as this can influence changes and improvements in the future. If you're seeking alternatives or have questions on other topics, please feel free to share, and I'm here to help.
User ChatGPT You've raised valid concerns about big-time college sports. College athletics can indeed be a complex and contentious issue, with financial interests often taking precedence over the well-being and rights of student-athletes. The introduction of Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) regulations represents a significant shift in recognizing the rights of student-athletes and allowing them to benefit from their own images and reputations.
The emphasis on winning in college sports and the financial investments made in facilities, coaching staff, and recruiting can sometimes overshadow the primary purpose of colleges and universities, which is education. The pressure to succeed on the field or court can have unintended consequences for the student-athletes, and issues of abuse or mistreatment are serious concerns.
Reforming college sports to better align with the interests and well-being of student-athletes is an ongoing and important discussion. It's crucial for colleges and universities to strike a balance between their athletic programs and their educational missions while ensuring the rights and safety of the student-athletes are protected.
Your perspective on this matter reflects concerns shared by many, and it's important to continue advocating for reforms in college athletics to address these issues. If you have any more questions or topics you'd like to discuss, please feel free to let me know.
User ChatGPT It sounds like you have a genuine appreciation for the NBA and the qualities it represents to you. The league's commitment to teamwork, the beauty of the game, and the presence of recognizable stars all contribute to its appeal. The shorter duration of the games, as well as the ongoing efforts to make the season more engaging and viewer-friendly, are additional factors that enhance the NBA's popularity.
Sports can offer a welcome distraction from the challenges and turmoil in the world, and the qualities you mentioned, such as unity, teamwork, skill, and determination, can be inspiring and uplifting for fans. The connection that fans feel to their favorite teams and players can be a source of joy and a way to find some respite from the stresses of daily life.
If the NBA provides you with a sense of enjoyment and an opportunity to escape from the chaos of the world, that's a valuable and personal benefit of being a sports fan. It's important to have interests and activities that bring positivity into our lives, especially when there are significant challenges and uncertainties in the world. Enjoying the NBA and its games is a way to do just that.
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back-and-totheleft · 2 years
"The United States does not care about Ukraine"
When Oliver Stone presented his autobiography in 2020, he admitted that if he hadn't directed a conventional film since 2012 it was because "he wasn't inspired" and he didn't feel "the necessary fire" inside him . Maybe that's why his latest documentary is a return to the subject he touched on three decades ago in JFK: the assassination of John Kennedy. JFK Revisited, which Stone presented this Monday at the BCN Film Fest, resumes the investigation based on the analysis of official documents declassified in recent years and once again dismantles the Warren Commission report. It is a more thorough compilation than the 1991 film, even too much, and with little news of interest about the case beyond documenting that there were two other conspiracies to assassinate the president weeks before the mass murder. The conclusions, of course, are the same: the magic bullet theory is ridiculous, the FBI and CIA conspired to cover up the assassination, and the history of the United States would have been much better had they not removed Kennedy.
"JFK was the last truly popular president, I'm sure he would have won the 1964 election," defends Stone. "Since his death, no one has had the ability to change things or the courage to challenge the CIA, which controls foreign policy." 
For the director of Platoon, Kennedy was "a warrior of peace" who warned about the danger of having "a pax Americana imposed by force of arms, which is exactly what we have now." Kennedy's goal, says Stone, was not to encourage American imperialism: “He was Irish and his family had fought against the English, he knew the history of Ireland from top to bottom. He had good relations with Nasser's Egypt and the Middle East and wanted to invest in South America, not the military. Kennedy had been in the military and therefore knew how the influence and the military budget had grown and the danger that this entailed." The filmmaker, in fact, puts NATO as an example of a "completely superfluous" organization. And he adds: "If you think that being part of NATO provides security to Spain, you are crazy."
A "reasonable and rational" man
Stone insists that his main interest is not politics ("I make movies, I'm a director, the thing is, politics is good material for drama," he says), but just go through the list of politicians that he has portrayed from fiction or documentary throughout his career: Nixon, Castro, George W. Bush, Hugo Chávez. The last was Vladimir Putin, whom he interviewed in 2017 in a documentary series that offers a friendly and positive profile of the Russian president. He hasn't spoken to him in three years, but he says he doesn't think he's changed "or lost his mind." "He is a reasonable and rational man who thinks before he speaks, like a chess player. Putin is a good son of Russia who works in the interest of his people. He comes from the lower class and grew up a patriot, not a KGB agent. 
The director also does not hesitate to comment on Marine Le Pen the day after the far-right's best results in a French election. "They love to say that he is from the extreme right, but I don't know if he is," he says. "Some of the things he says are common sense, like questioning the role of NATO in the European Union. Before, the old Europe did not stand firm and always marched under the orders of the United States." For Stone, Le Pen is just "shaking things up" and he doesn't think it's bad. "Doing this is extreme right-wing, they say. But I'm on the left and I'm in favor of immigrants. So these labels no longer work."
"The United States does not care about Ukraine"
In line with his support for Putin, Oliver Stone produced the documentary Ukraine on Fire in 2019 , which analyzes the country's history from a point of view that coincides with the pro-Russian narrative and attributes the 2014 revolution to the interference of the United States. Russia's invasion of Ukraine, he says, has not changed his mind about the conflict between the two countries. "In Ukraine there is a long history of anti-Russian sentiment and discrimination against the ethnic Russian population," he says. "This has been the basis of the country's policy since the 2014 coup that forced out President Yanukovych with the support of the United States, which has spent a lot of money in Ukraine to destabilize Russia. The United States does not care about Ukraine or the death of Ukrainians."
Stone, in fact, gets fired up at mentioning the war crimes allegations against Russia's actions in Ukraine. "It's typical Western propaganda," he assures. "What is the point of talking about war crimes? It's a war, that's what happens in wars. But saying it's Russia's policy is the stupidest thing I've ever heard." The director recalls the accusations against Saddam Hussein ("We turned him into a monster comparable to Hitler") and points to China as the next target of the United States. "For a while we were fine with them, but now they are our enemies and we accuse them of genocide, like in Russia, but things are not that simple. Our strategy is to point at others and shout loudly 'War crimes!', but in this way, we are perverting the purpose of the Nuremberg trials." Interestingly, the only question Stone has refused to answer during the meeting with the press was about Will Smith's slap to Chris Rock at the Oscars. "I always have problems if I say things without thinking them through," he explained.
-Xavi Serra interviews Oliver Stone for ARA, Apr 25 2022 [x] Translated from Catalan
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Mission: steal the bride [A. C] part 1
Adrian Chase x fem!reader
Word count: 4.1k
Summary: You and Adrian are the best of friends since you moved from the UK to the US. After the death of your grandfather, you find out about an event that changes everything and you find yourself involved in an arranged marriage. Vigilante needs to get the team together before it's too late. The mission? Steal the bride.
A/N: OK, I know perfectly well that I have had good ideas for fics and I only leave them halfway, so I decided to write this one almost completely and then post it. Currently, I only have a couple of chapters left, but I will do my best to finish them soon. Tell me if you liked this one, I promise it'll be good! (or so I hope, lol)
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You sighed, feeling your head throbbing and the suitcase in your hand as heavy as a ton. You had traveled for 7 hours, lost a few more at the airport, and had to drive back to Evergreen, making that day a complete mess. You just wanted to get home and sleep for a week. Shit, you wanted to lay in bed and never wake up.
You had grown up in a small town in the United Kingdom, in a huge house, surrounded by all kinds of things and the most capricious people that could exist in the world. Your parents weren't that stupid, but as far as the rest of the family was concerned, they were just evil.
So it was no surprise that as soon as you came of age you decided you wanted to flee the continent. Literally. So, you ended up in the United States to study at university. To be honest, it was a totally different life than what you were used to: warmer weather, they were a little more careless with their manners, junk food could be found on every corner… Hell, they had a president. Still, you weren’t discouraged and thought that the United States was a good opportunity to start a good life. You had to change many things and despite all the years that had already passed you still had a hint of the British accent that identified you as a foreigner, but that didn’t matter to you at all. You were away from your family and especially from your damn grandfather. As much as everyone denied it, that man was the one who kept all the parasites. Including your parents and, in your time, yourself. That is why a part of you had wanted so much to leave your home, to be able to say that you were taking care of yourself and that old man did not have the right to manipulate your life only for the money he gave you. It was hard to find a job that could pay for college, your apartment, and your personal expenses, but somehow (usually by cutting back on meals or taking a shower once every other day) you managed to do it and get by on your own.
But not everything was so bad. Currently you had a good job working for the government (blessed democracy) and you had many friends. It was practically your life, in a few years you had forgotten everything you had lived in that cold and cloudy country so that everything was replaced with your wonderful life in the picturesque town of Evergreen.
Well until now.
♪ I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world. Life in plastic, it's fantastic ♪
It was your phone and you almost groaned at the thought of having to answer a call. You were sure it would be your parents, asking for the thousandth time what they already knew perfectly well. Or did you think maybe it would be one of your aunts, or a cousin, or nephews, or…
"Adrian!" you spoke, you barely swiped your finger across the screen to answer "Fuck, I'm so happy you called me"
"I could notice it" you heard from the other side. Hearing his voice was so reassuring and made you momentarily forget about all your problems. "Are you back yet?" he asked and you hummed back “How was your whole trip? Did you go out for tea with your close friend the queen or some very British shit like that?” he scoffed.
That was one of the things that made you absolutely love America: Adrian Chase.
You met him during the first months you arrived in the country when you applied for a job in an Italian restaurant that only accepted you because they were desperate enough. But you would be eternally grateful that you worked as a busgirl because during that period you met the sweetest and kindest guy you could ever meet.
It didn't take long for you to hit it off (although everyone insisted that Adrian was a freak) and you were surprised to see how gracious he was when you explained that you had moved out of the country to start from scratch. He helped you find a better job and became your first new friend. So when you stopped working at Fennel Fields you continued to see each other and it took a few months for him to become your best friend.
You had friends before, many, but none like him. In England, everyone seemed to want to flatter you, as if your family's money (not even your family's, your grandfather's) was a reason for people to kiss your feet.
But Adrian didn't know anything about that. For him, you were just a worker just as miserable as he was, who he could make fun of and with whom he could laugh. And even when he found out, nothing changed between you. He was a good friend, a very weird and sometimes stupid one, but at the end of the day, he was a true friend.
You didn't need to pretend anything with him, you didn't need to be a perfect lady or maintain your manners, you could just be yourself without hindrance.
And after knowing him for so many years you knew that you could tell him everything, that you could trust him completely, and that you could even kill for him and him for you. Not figuratively, you knew that at least he was willing to literally kill for you. Because come on, did he think you wouldn't find out at some point that the guy going out to take justice into his own hand was him?
“Drinking tea with the queen would have been more fun than being with my fucking family,” you muttered, continuing his joke.
“Y/N, you went to a funeral”
"And that's not why everyone has to be so boring" you snorted. Hearing him talk about the funeral your thoughts returned to the present and again you felt a knot forming in your entire stomach “We need to talk, by the way. I want to know what stupid things you did while I was gone.”
“I'm actually calling you from jail. I know you just got back, but I need you to use your millions to pay for a few things."
Your millions. The words made you want to throw up.
“Don't be a fool” you replied. You could feel his smile from the other end of the phone "Listen, right now I'm dying of sleep and exhaustion, but tomorrow after your work we can go out somewhere?"
"Of course," he answered. Suddenly you heard what seemed to be a gasp and the sound that knives make when they fly through the air.
"Are you busy at work?"
“Something like that” he laughed. Again, another couple of noises, as if someone had wanted to attack him “I just wanted to make sure you were alive and safe, is it okay if I hang up? I have a situation here”
"Okay" you murmured, although you really wanted to keep hearing his voice "Send me a message later"
"Yeah," he answered in a gasp. Sure enough, things had gotten complicated, but you knew you didn't have to worry, as he still had time to talk on his phone “Tomorrow you tell me all the disgusting, dirty details. I hope you brought me a souvenir” you heard him a joke, again between gasps and shouts that were not his “See you, love!” he said goodbye, without giving you time to answer something before his sudden compliment. Maybe he just missed you and hence his impulse to call you that.
You sighed again and lay down on the bed, feeling the tears already gathering at the edge of your eyes. It didn't take long for you to fall asleep.
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The next day you were showered, unpacked, and as rested as your horrible problems would allow. You wished you had never gone to that funeral, you thought what would have happened if you had simply ignored your parents' call to tell you that that man you saw with his frown and arrogant expression had finally passed away.
You wanted to continue to be happy in Evergreen as you had been for so many years, but from that moment on you knew that was an impossible hope.
"What's kickin', little chicken?" you suddenly hear. You were so immersed that you didn't notice when someone had sat down on the bench next to you. It was him.
"Vi!" you said happily, as you wrapped him in a hug. Actually, he allowed you to call him that because no one could imagine that it was his alter ego and he also loved hearing that nickname between your lips "Oh, I missed you so much" you whispered against his shirt, which apparently was still his uniform. You loved how he looked in this because Adrian didn't usually wear formal clothes and he also reminded you of the day you met him. How could you keep a job for so many years, anyway? You never thought about it.
"Of course you did, I'm very missable" he murmured and you burst out laughing.
“How was your day, pretty boy?" you exclaimed, daring to call him affectionately, while you were thinking how you would start telling him all the shit you were into. You didn't want to do it, you would have liked to just go ahead and pretend that nothing was wrong. But you had to.
Adrian had never been shy about speaking, so he began to tell you a lot about what life had been like for him during your stay in England. You liked to listen to him talk while he made those weird movements with his hands to explain things, which you had always found absolutely cute.
As much as you tried not to, at some point, you stopped listening to him and your mind began to be consumed by the need to tell him that. You needed to see his reaction, to know if the stupid idea that had crossed your mind when you were in England was a possible working plan.
“Adrian, I'm getting married” you blurted, out of nowhere, stopping abruptly.
Apparently, before you said that he had asked you a question, but you knew that maybe he wasn't expecting that answer. You thought he would do anything, maybe yell at you, look confused, get angry, cry… but instead, he just laughed out loud. His laugh always comforted you, but it didn't seem like the time.
"I saw that movie the other day, it's good"
Movie? What the hell was he talking about?
"What?" you asked in a whisper, but he kept his smile.
“Yes, that one about Spiderman” he explained, but you still didn't understand “I asked you: Do you wanna get some chow mein? And you answered I'm getting married like Mary Jane and Peter do” he continued. You hadn't even realized that was his earlier question, but you definitely didn't want to mimic a movie. But he didn't seem to fully understand.
“Adrian” you repeated. Your eyes were looking into his, hoping that the seriousness of your words would make him react “I'm getting married. Really”
He fell silent. He was looking for something in your face that would reveal that what you just said was a joke or was the beginning of a funny story. But there was nothing but seriousness in your eyes, and he could swear there was even a little fear.
"What are you talking about?" he asked, still smiling a little. Perhaps there was a logical explanation or perhaps the British had another meaning for that expression. But when he saw you about to cry, he felt like crying too.
"God, this is so fucked up and I don't know how to explain it," you sobbed. He was afraid you would burst into tears in the middle of the park so he gently held you and led you to a nearby cafe. The truth was he didn't care about the place, he just looked for the most private table he found so you could explain to him why you were about to cry and why you said you were going to get married. As far as he knew you didn't have a partner (he would have been the first to know) unless you had fallen head over heels in love with someone in a week.
"Okay," he exclaimed once you were seated. You were still holding his arm as if you needed it to keep you grounded. “Are you getting married because you're pregnant? Some idiot wants to force you?” he asked in your direction. You almost squeak, “Well, if you're not then explain to me where you're getting married so suddenly came from. Were you secretly dating someone? Or are you just saying that at some point in your life you want to get married? Because if that's the case, I don't understand what's wrong with it, a lot of people get married…”
"I say it like marrying someone specific and soon" you interrupted him. The conversation would have been easier if you had perhaps started talking about more general things before giving him the big blow, but now there was no going back. He watched you for a while, looking for what to say or do, because according to what he had learned from him when someone told you they were getting married you had to congratulate them, but now it didn't seem right.
“You don't look happy” was all he said. Of course you weren't happy.
You took a deep breath to calm your urge to cry and then exhaled, repeating this process about three times. Adrian waited patiently and then listened to you speak.
“My grandfather was a miserable son of a bitch, let's start there. And he was also responsible for financially supporting a bunch of ticks that take advantage of the fortune inherited from him for millennia. So he was grumpy and rude to everyone, but still, the family used his money to survive” you started to tell him. The boy was looking at you intently and you could feel his hand on yours as if he was giving you encouragement. “A few years ago, my family in England found out that the old man had a heart condition and that it would only be a matter of time before he died. Once he died it was logical that his inheritance would be distributed among his children and for this reason, my uncles and aunts began to compulsively buy things that they were sure they would pay for once the money was in their hands” you told him. Up to this point, everything was fine, he couldn't notice any problem “Time passed and he finally died. My parents called me for the funeral and I went, as you could tell, but in addition to the funeral, we would also do the reading of the will” you began to tremble a little and Adrian noticed it, so he moved you a little closer to him “And It turns out that the inheritance was in the hands of only one person: me” you whispered and waited a bit to continue with your story “He left all his money and properties to the only granddaughter who doesn’t live in England, the only one who didn’t steal his money to live and that he had made his own life. At first glance, this may seem like a blessing, I mean, millions of money that came right to me without doing anything at all: it seems like the greatest act of love of all. But that man hated me more than any member of the family, so he left a condition for me to receive the inheritance” again, you waited a moment “I have to get married. Get married seriously, for at least 5 years and it has to be legal. If I don't comply with that, all the money will be distributed among God knows how many organizations and their children will be evicted from the properties that still belonged to him” a bitter laugh left you, tears had already run down your cheek “He knew that of all his granddaughters I was the one who least wanted to get married and probably wouldn't. He knew that my parents are still in one of the properties in his name and he also knows that they have enormous debts, as do most of my family. The idiot found a way to fuck all of us over even when he was dead and now, I have to fulfill that condition to put my parents and the whole family out of misery or they will hate me for the rest of my stupid life” you expected Adrian to say something, anything, but he kept quiet to let you finish “And no one in the family wasted any time. They arranged a nice marriage with a guy I've known since childhood named Gordon Thomas that will apparently make the family fortune even bigger. That's how I'm screwed and, in a month, I'll be walking down the aisle to damn myself for eternity. Or at least for the next 5 years.”
You looked at him, with glassy eyes, waiting for him to respond to your crazy story. But he just kept looking at you, for longer than you wanted, as if his brain was struggling to assimilate all the information you just gave him.
“You are getting married,” he said out loud. He needed to say it to believe it as if he had to taste it in his mouth to take it in.
"Is that all you have to say?" you asked when you noticed her silence. A part of you wanted so badly to notice some negative reaction in him. You wanted me to tell you anything to stop you and you would, it just took him to say it.
But over the years Adrian had learned to hide some feelings very well, while he allowed himself to show you others.
"It's not so bad," he exclaimed. Really? He thought it wasn't bad? "He is a good man? I mean… has he been nice to you?” he questioned him curiously. Shit, Adrian was really asking you that and you felt like you would melt right there.
He was so sweet and kind and tender and completely perfect for you and you wished he would utter a negative at the thought of you marrying, but instead he was trying to find an advantage in your now-fiancé.
“Even if he is a good man, do you think I should marry him?” you insisted. You wanted him to give you his opinion, maybe you were making a mistake and he could have a more neutral version of the facts.
He considered it for a few moments, again, and you moved your leg impatiently.
"It's your decision" he clarified "If you really care enough about your family to make this sacrifice... then do it"
"I don't give a damn about my family" you clarified "I'd let them rot in shit without thinking twice"
"And why don’t you do it?" he asked.
“My parents. I can't do that to them. To my father, especially”
Adrian didn't know what else to say. You looked down at the floor and suddenly felt the need to lean against his chest so he could wrap you in a hug. You were two adults sitting in a coffee shop without having ordered anything, lamenting about a wedding that was just around the corner.
“Your problems are so funny” you heard him say “You're worried because you have to marry an English man who's probably handsome to get millions in cash and property… by God, I can't imagine anyone in the world suffering more than you”
And with this, you burst out laughing. Laughing seriously, out loud, while you hid your face in the fabric of his shirt.
“I hate you so much” you murmured, while you felt his head leaning against yours. You continued in silence for a while, holding each other, until a girl interrupted the moment to take your order. Adrian ordered a couple of coffees and some waffles to share, while you wiped dry tears with the back of your hand. "I really sound like a moron complaining about this, don't I?" you asked and he couldn't help but smile.
“No” he replied, but it was obvious that he thought otherwise. The atmosphere was less tense at that time and you were able to breathe easily after days.
"God, I'm getting married in a fucking month" you exclaimed. You no longer sound worried or scared but resigned that it was an imminent event. Your hands covered your face and Adrian patted you on the back, in a strange, slow way.
“We can still find some way out of this”
Your heart raced when you heard we.
"Do you know anyone else who wants to marry me?" you asked and finally looked up. You expected him to give you some intelligent answer or a tiny part of you even wanted him to propose something to you, even if it was just a joke. But instead, you received only silence and a watchful eye on you "Exactly" you snorted, with a bitter smile. All your hopes died the moment he fell silent and the simple thought of asking Adrian for something had been buried deep in your chest. You were resigned, you were going to marry Gordon.
You were silent for a while longer until your coffee arrived and it didn't take long for the food to arrive too. You used your fork to absentmindedly pick at the fruit on top of the waffles, waiting for Adrian to dare to say something else.
"Then it is something definite: you are going to get married" he repeated as if it were something incredible to believe. You clicked your tongue and nodded, not looking at him.
"I'm leaving next week" you exclaimed and Adrian paled completely "I'm just here for some clothes and money, but my family wants me to be in England to plan everything"
“And I want you to come with me” you added. He frowned for a second and then seemed to understand what you just said.
“I mean… I would like you to travel with me. You don't have to pay anything” you clarified, a little nervous because it almost seemed like you gave him an order “And you don't have to come if you don't want to, I know you have to work at Fennel Fields and you also have your, huh, night job, but…”
"Yes" he interrupted you "I want to go with you" he murmured, afraid that you would regret it. He would probably have to ask one of his few friends to cover all his shifts while he was away and the city would probably be left unprotected by his absence and if there was an emergency with the 11th Street kids… fuck it, it didn't matter.
You were his best friend, he was going to support you.
"Really?" you asked, with that sparkle in your eyes that Adrian loved to see.
“Of course I am. I'm not going to miss out on an all-expenses-paid trip.” he teased with a smile, while you nudged him lightly with your shoulder.
“I'm serious. You don't have to if you don't want to, but you can't imagine how terrified I am to be alone there, I feel like the whole world will swallow me. Besides… you're practically like family” you explained and that made his heart race a little. Of course he felt the same way, but he was still taken aback by your saying such things to him “And if we get bored, we can sneak away and I'll show you the best places in town” you added, making him smile.
Again, silence for a long time. Your eyes were on him, trying to figure out what were the thoughts that were going through his head at that moment.
“Y/N I think right now we have to go and get drunk until you throw up so you can forget about this shit,” he suggested, looking at you with those green eyes behind his glasses. You smiled and the man could see the weariness behind your grin, wishing he could do something to help you.
"It's the best idea you've ever had"
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I come to kill you
Warnings: Weapon mentions, Doom Patrol freeform, first meet, attraction at first sight, semi slow burn
Word count: 1.0 K
Pairing: Rita Farr x Spy Fem!Reader
Prompt: Reader needs to escape from the biggest intelligence agencies on the planet, asking her friend Niles for help. Rita is, a little, in love with the woman who tried to kill her
Requests: OPEN
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Narrates Rita 
"Larry, Jane and I are going to stop him, Cliff, Rita, you help the civilians" without giving us time to protest, Victor took the other two and left Cliff and me alone. 
"Well, since my movements are a bit limited, you'll be the one to help the others." 
"Uh, thanks for leaving me alone, Cliff." 
Despite these excuses, Cliff helped some children to take refuge in nearby places, while I helped some ladies. Victor, Larry and Jane were trying to fight off an attempted sea monster?, until some shots were heard. 
Although Victor had firearms, that shot sounded different, but I tried to reassure the women, ignoring my own fear. 
After a while, I heard a scream outside, so I walked out of the little place, to meet Larry, Victor, and Cliff. 
"What's wrong? Where's Jane?" I asked for. 
Just when Larry was going to answer me we heard a knock, and we saw how Jane's body crawled to our feet, so we turned our heads to see the shadow that began to advance towards us. 
A short-complexioned woman with her hair tied back in a bun and wearing a gray suit was slowly approaching. 
"Who the hell is she?" 
Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have enough consciousness to know what happened. 
The woman, from one moment to another, took out a gun, and with a quick movement, she reached my side, grabbed my neck and pinned me against her chest.
Her left hand rested on my neck, squeezing it firmly, but without hurting me, but her right hand held the gun, while she placed it right on my temple.
“Take me to Niles Caulder ” she speak, in a voice soft enough to have a lethal weapon against me.
"Hey, calm down" Larry tried to help, but only made the gun point from my head to his, but, still, the woman did not let go of me
"Fine, fine" Victor stood in front of her, and tried to appear harmless "just let go of our friend, and we'll take you there"
“Do you think I was born yesterday, ignorant child? She'll be fine, as long as I'm guided to him."
"Please listen to her" I finally spoke, trying to reassure myself, and them too.
"You have already heard the beautiful lady, or take me to the boss, or you will have to pick up the lifeless body of your friend… you decide"
The guys were completely silent, as they began to walk, straight to the mansion, this was the moment where he was grateful not to be so far from home.
We all walked in silence, until a small movement from the woman hurt my arm, causing me to complain.
"I'm sorry" she whisper, trying to give a little caress in the area
"Niles, someone is looking for you!"
The man came out of the kitchen, staring at the woman who was subduing me with a smile on his face as he shook his head.
“Oh, woman, you never change. What's your name now? Clara? Grace? Sophia? Or Ava ?”
“Cut the nonsense, Niles”
With great care, the woman released me, and suddenly sat down in front of the man, with a big smile.
“Guys, she is Y/N, Y/N Y/L…”
“Oh no, the last name is confidential”
"Well, this is Y/N, an old friend and a CIA agent."
“Former agent of the CIA, MI6 and the extinct KGB”
"Wait… your friend, is she like a James Bond?" asked Larry excited
"Arguably yes, but don't believe everything you read, being an agent isn't as pretty as it's made out to be"
"And what are you doing here, dear?" Niles asked as he took her hand.
“I am expelled from more than 10 countries, France, Germany and Russia are following me, I cannot return to England, returning would mean the discovery of more than 100 agents… and, in fact, the United States is also looking for me, but, I know that, if you give me a space in your little… home, you would help me not to be tortured by the CIA itself”
“Sure, you know you will always be welcome in this house”
"Niles, are you going to let a killer stay in our own house? She tried to murder Rita
"Yeah" the woman stretched out, interrupting Victor "speaking of which, darling, excuse me , but, desperate situations call for desperate measures"
"Do you think that with a simple apology we can be in peace?" Victor spoke again
"Kid, I'm the one with more than 10 nations on my shoulders, with millions of people who put a price on my head, and do you think it's very comfortable for me to sleep with a bunch of strangers?"
"Kid? Do you know who I am?"
“No, but obviously you are a kid, since if you were an adult, you would understand that this is just a normal day for an agent”
“Ohh, excuse me, I forgot we had James Bond at home”
"Don't worry"
I interrupted the absurd fight between the guest and Victor , making them both turn around, the woman with an unreadable face, while the dark-haired man had a grimace of disbelief
"She is clearly in dire need of a place to hide, because if I were her, this place would be my last option. And if what she seek is my forgiveness, I understand that too, I don't know what I would have been capable of, just to avoid someone looking at me after… that day”
Victor only managed to shake his head, as he walked away from Y/N's personal space
“Well, I appreciate your apology, miss; but, even so, if any of you feel some discomfort and/or anguish about my residence, I could give you a couple of weapons, for protection”
“I feel uncomfortable”
"No Jane, you just want the gun"
" Shut up Cliff"
“Well, since, everyone agrees to your stay. It's better if I show you your room." Niles started to move, to go to the rooms.
"I follow you captain "
Both disappeared from our sight, while Jane, Cliff and Victor left the room, leaving me and Larry alone.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
“Yeah, if Niles trusts her, I think we also we should do it”
"Of course, it's not like the whole trip here you haven't taken your eyes off her"
"I'm leaving." Larry got up , jogging to his room.
I hope you enjoy it
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Together Forever Chap. 12
Bucky and Y/n had yet to set a date to get married, but remained happily engaged. Even though it had been years, Y/n still could not believe she was engaged to her Buck Buck, the boy that had stolen her heart all those years ago. She thought about the past often, who all they had lost throughout the years and she thought about what their future may hold.
It was rare to see Y/n or Bucky without a smile gracing their features, both of them were ready to start a family together. Many nights were spent together now under cotton sheets and lips touching every part of skin they could find on each other. Bucky wanted to see Y/n's stomach grow with their child, he wanted a son to play baseball with and a daughter to dance with. It seemed like they had their life pretty much all planned out, that is until December 7th 1941 when they woke up that morning Bucky holding Y/n in his arms, Steve burst in their bedroom door out of breath "You have to see this" he said and dread filled both of their hearts as the news told about the bombing of pearl harbor. All over New York people were terrified, everyone knew what this now meant for The United States, they would be going to war.
Steve immediately put on his clothes and headed for the army recruitment center, ready to go to war for his country. He hated shining peoples shoes, he wanted to be of service, he knew men were going to go to war and he wanted to be one of them. Steve was turned away as soon as they saw him, they all but laughed in his face.
A week after the tragedy of Pearl Harbor Y/n had just finished working when she saw the grim look on Bucky's face when she opened the door. Y/n fell to her knees letting out a anguished sob, Bucky immediately rushed over to her cradling her in his arms. Her tears soaked his shirt as she clung onto him hoping more than anything that Bucky didn't have to go to war.
They hadn't even married, they had no children yet, she wanted a life with him and it seemed like life did not want them to have a happy life together. "Doll look at me please" Bucky said wiping her tears away. Y/n looked up at Bucky with unshed tears in her eyes and her lip trembling when he pressed a kiss to her forehead, then to the tip of her nose, and finally to her lips. Bucky tried to reassure her with the kiss, but he was worried himself he didn't want to go to war, he didn't want to be away from Y/n or his sister or mother or Steve.
When they broke away for air Bucky had tears of his own in his eyes "Doll listen to me I'm going to come back to you. We still have to get married and have kids. I love you and that's never going to change no matter how far apart we are" he said before pulling her to him and wrapping his arms around her tightly, afraid that she would disappear if he let her go.
Two Weeks later Steve's new weekly habit was going into the Army recruitment center to try and get into the military. When they would call him up "Rogers, Steven" he would walk up to the doctor ready to answer the same questions that they always asked every other time he attempted to join. "What did your father die of"? they would ask and while Steve didn't really remember much about him he did remember what his mom would always tell him and Y/n. "a bomb, he was in the 107th division and I was hoping I could be assigned-" was as far as Steve could get before he would get cut off "How did your mom die"? the man asked without even glancing up "She was a nurse in the TB ward, she couldn't shake it" Steve would say.
It didn't take long for the doctors that looked at Steve's file to get to his medical issues, that took up half the page. Each one had the same reaction as they quickly scanned the page, "Sorry son" they would say and glance up at Steve who was ready to fight for the opportunity to join the war. "Just give me a chance" he would say "that's all I need is one chance" he would quickly follow with when he would see the doctor shake their head "There's got to be something you can do" Steve would all but beg of the doctor. "I am, I'm saving your life" they would say and quickly stamp 4F on his paper.
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Bucky no longer had to go to work but instead had to show up at the local Army boot camp to find out what rank he would be and what he would classify as. He would often come back to the apartment completely exhausted from training from sun up to sun down. Y/n hated now more than ever how Bucky seemed to do good in almost everything.
Y/n had been just getting off of work when she saw Bucky standing outside of their apartment in his military uniform. She couldn't help but to think that he looked so handsome in it, his hat was slightly tilted to the side making her remember when they were kids and he did the same thing. She wished now that they could go back to those times, she knew war changed a man and she was scared that she would lose the only man that she has ever loved.
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Y/n shook her head of those thoughts as she walked up to him with a sad smile on her face "Hey handsome" she greeted him and stood on her toes to kiss him. "Y/n wow you look beautiful" was all Bucky said as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. She could tell something was on his mind as she noticed he kept looking away from her "What is it Bucky"? she asked opening the door to the apartment for them. "I got my orders" he said softly and glanced up at her when she had not said anything after a few minutes. Tears were in her eyes as they looked at one another "Sergeant James Barnes, the 107th" he continued as he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Doll I....I... I'm sorry but I'm suppose to leave tomorrow. I'm going to England first thing in the morning" he said rocking Y/n back and forth in his arms.
After a few minutes of them standing together Y/n pulled back, tears still in her eyes but she forced a sad smile as she looked up at him. "Then tonight will be a good night, we can go to the World Fair again, I heard tonight there may even be a flying car" she said making Bucky smile at her before kissing her "Sounds good to me doll" he said and looked around the apartment "Where's Steve? He can come with us too" Bucky added while still looking for his best friend. "Probably back at the recruitment center" Y/n said before shaking her head "and probably getting in trouble" she quickly added. "I'll go find him so we can all go together" Bucky said before leaving to find Steve.
Steve had indeed went to the recruitment center again and had been turned down again. He had decided to go see a movie, thinking that it may cheer him up a little before he made his way back home. While he was in the theater ads were playing to get people to sign up for the war, a man a few rows in front of him kept yelling "Who cares" and "Play the movie already" making Steve angry, "Show some respect" he had said but the guy didn't hear him. The man yelled again and Steve caught a woman a few seats beside him crying as the ads on the theater screen showed men in military uniforms fighting "Why don't you shut up!" Steve said a little more louder than before, the guy stood up and turned around before grabbing Steve and pulling him outside.
Steve fell over as the guy punched him in the face, he struggled as he tried to stand back up. The guy punched him again in the face and when Steve fell down this time he knocked over a trash can, Steve grabbed the lid and when he stood back up on shaky legs he used the lid as a shield. The guy quickly grabbed the shield out of Steve's hands and threw it to the side as he punched him again in the face, Steve could feel his eyes starting to swell shut but he wasn't going to give up. "You just don't know when to give up do ya"? the guy said with a thick New York accent. "I can do this all day" Steve huffed out as he struggled to breath but tried to punch the guy back. He caught Steve's fist easily and grinned wildly at him before punching him again, this time Steve fell face first on the hard pavement.
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Bucky had walked to the recruitment center first looking for Steve and when he didn't see him there he walked down the street glancing down alley ways. As he walked past the movie theater he heard loud banging and then he could hear fighting as he walked a little faster to see what was going on. Rage filled him as he saw Steve get punched and fall face first on the ground "Hey pick on someone your own size" he said grabbing the guy before he could hurt Steve even more. The guy tried to punch Bucky but he dodged it, leaning back slightly to avoid the hit. Bucky hit him, making the guy stumble away and before he could turn back around Bucky kicked him.
He watched the guy run off before he turned back to help Steve who was trying to stand up. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched" Bucky said as Steve stood up and immediately held his head "I had him on the ropes" he said making Bucky smile but it quickly dropped when he saw enlistment papers on the ground. "How many times is this Steve"? he asked as he looked at the papers "Seriously Jersey? You know it's illegal to lie on your enlistment forms" Bucky said watching as Steve looked a little embarrassed at what Bucky had said.
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Steve finally looked up at Bucky and had taken notice of his friend's military uniform "You got your orders?" he asked slightly confused. Bucky gave a sad smile as he walked up to his friend with a napkin to help with his nose bleed "The 107th, Sergeant James Barnes" he said "You would have known that if you would have been home instead of lying on your enlistment forms" Bucky added. Steve shook his head "I should be going" he said and Bucky looked at him sadly, he knew that was all Steve wanted. "Come on Steve, it's my last night, I'll be shipped off to England tomorrow morning and Y/n has us tickets to the World Fair" he said wrapping his arm around Steve's shoulders as they walked "We need to get you cleaned up pal" he added as he noticed blood on Steve's shirt.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
i wonder if guillermo himself is confused by his motivations this season. we’ve seen him question his life choices before - but each time, he’s only left for a short period of time, no more than a few weeks. maybe realising he’ll be apart from nandor for a much longer period of time (and staying in England for a reason we’re not yet privy to??) he told himself that he was over it - over those desires - until he believed it. after all, it would be painful to sustain that level of desire and codependency when it truly seems impossible for it to come to fruition, in a way it didn’t quite in the 12 years that came before. and we know guillermo doesn’t have the healthiest of coping mechanisms. might as well double down on the denial, just in a new way… but i also feel like it’s creeping back in now he’s back in the house. the best man stuff and baby colin, while believable, also seem like convenient excuses to stick around when he’s trying to justify it to his England self rather than his s3 self. i think the reason that “character development” happened off screen is because they’re going to dismantle it pretty quickly while (i hope) still keeping some of the changed dynamics between the vampire household. would it feel worse for that development to have happened over the course of the season only to be completely undermined in the last few episodes? idk but i’m very interested in the character undevelopment lmao. ultimately i love this season’s guillermo just as much as previous ones, but i understand the frustration also. i’m just desperate to know more about his time in England and while i understand why the writers seem to be keeping it quiet for now, i hope they don’t wait too many more episodes to reveal it. anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk, sorry about this ridiculously long ramble, and keep doing what you’re doing - your content is great 💜
Honestly, I'm also hoping for character undevelopment for the petty reason that I don't want Guillermo to get healthier and less codependent and more normal. I want our boy to be fucked up! I love it when he's crazy. lmao
My thought process is similar to yours, tbh. If I'm operating under the assumption that the writers are honoring Guillermo's character (which I must do to keep sane lmao) then I think that his time in the UK would have been very difficult for him. He was just offered the thing he wanted more than anything else in the world just to have it snatched away from him, then he was trapped in a box for at least a week. He gets out only to be left with Nadja, the one member of the household that doesn't respect or like him much at all.
He doesn't know it's only going to be for a year. As far as he knows, this might be forever. He might be stuck in this foreign country away from his family forever. He might be stuck guarding a vampire doing vampire grunt work forever. He might never see Nandor again. I thought it was fascinating that in the show and in interviews, they don't seem to count that year as being part of Guillermo's tenure as Nandor's familiar. They say 12 years as a familiar in the show, just like they did before he left. In interviews, Harvey says 11 years a familiar, 1 a bodyguard, but that's still a total of 12.
So it's a year that he's really just in limbo. I can see him starting to think, y'know, what am I doing with my life?
And then if he finds a guy that's actually interested in him who's not gallivanting all over the United States with some family from Wisconsin, you know... Maybe that's not a bad thing, to try and move on.
(I still have reservations about Freddie because... like, this is WWDITS and normal people aren't exactly in large supply. But that's a worry for another day.)
And he thinks he's done it, maybe. He really does think he's over Nandor and the others and the household and everything. But now he's back and he's slowly falling right back into his old habits. And it's harder to tell himself that nothing has changed and these people don't care about him because they obviously do. Nandor has clearly changed during his time abroad, and he's being really quite kind to Guillermo, for him. He's supporting his anger. He's acting as an intermediary between him and the others. He's praising him. He's listening to him. He's letting Guillermo in, which I think is very weird for them both.
I think it was kind of an odd choice, setting up this idea that Guillermo met a guy abroad who changed him so much, but then they're not even going to show him to us until the end of the season. They're giving Guillermo so much time away from him, and it does seem like Guillermo is already backsliding. He's already finding reasons to stay. He's definitely still got that anger to him, but he seems to be putting it aside in favor of love.
Like he still has plenty of reason to want to stake Laszlo right here and now, but he's learning to work together with him for the sake of Baby Colin. (Seeing both of them dancing at Colin's performance was cute.) And he was upset at Nandor for not waiting for him, I think, but now the two of them are straight-up plotting together and it's very cute.
I feel like I'd love for Guillermo to work through some of his anger with the vampires rather than some character we've never seen before. He deserves to have them acknowledge him and his power and how much they've hurt him over the years. Nandor's already starting that journey, I think, though I think he's still struggling with the idea that he was one of the ones who hurt Guillermo the most...
idk. I do go back and forth with Guillermo a lot and it's been consuming me this past week. lmao. I have my own hopes for him, obviously, but it's hard to know where they're going with this or why. It's so strange that they decided to give both Guillermo and Nandor love interests that span an entire season while like... almost never showing them. I assume we'll learn more about them both eventually, but for now they're such non-entities and the relationships don't feel organic at all. I'm trying to reserve some faith in the writers but like. Yeah, it's all definitely weird and kind of confusing.
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spanishskulduggery · 3 years
Hi! I'm very curious about something regarding the Spanish language. I'm currently studying A2 Spanish but I had this question and my teacher did not seem too willing to discuss it. Here it goes:
I know that Spanish has, something my Spanish teacher says, linguistic gender. I was wondering how do the people who don't align themselves with the gender binary (masculine and feminine) speak/write in it? I have read this article about Spanish speaking people from US adding "x" Or "@" and people from Argentina using "e" to make the words gender neutral.
Thank you so much for responding, whenever you get to it. Also love your blog. ❤
Short answer, in general speaking terms people are tending towards the -e now because the other two are very hard to actually speak, and because Spanish-speakers feel the -e is more authentic
What you're most likely to see in Spanish is masculine plural as the default, or in written things you might see todos y todas or like un/una alumno/a "a student", or like se busca empleado/a "employees wanted" / "looking for an employee"
If it's something official or academic you typically include both [todas y todas] or you go masculine plural [todos] unless it's specifically feminine plural
Related, linguistic gender applies to all things, not just people. Why is la mesa "table" feminine, but el libro "book" masculine? Just linguistic gender. I can tell you that most loanwords (that aren't people) in Spanish are masculine, and that there are certain words that come from Greek are masculine, and that -ista words are unisex most of the time... And I can tell you there are some words like testigo or modelo that are unisex and don't change for gender. Aside from that, speaking about nouns and grammatical gender... those particular things are harder to parse for regular people, but if you go into the field of linguistics you can explore that more deeply. Some of it is source language (i.e. "it came from Latin this way") or things like that. And in general when talking about nouns it's unimportant and not considered sexist, that's just how it is.
There is such a thing where it gets a little too far the other way and people will say "history? what about herstory" which is a nice thought but the etymology has nothing to do with gender there
When it comes to people - and when it comes to gendered attitudes - that's where it gets more confusing and more complicated.
I believe there was an experiment where people had French and Spanish speakers [I believe it was Spanish] try to identify how a "fork" would sound. French people gave it a more feminine voice because "fork" is feminine in French, while Spanish speakers gave it a more masculine voice because it's masculine in Spanish.
Whether we like it or not, certain gendered things do influence our thoughts and feelings and reactions. A similar thing in English exists where the old joke was something like "There was a car accident; a boy is rushed to the ER and the surgeon but the father was killed. When they got to the ER the doctor said 'I can't operate on him, he's my son!'" and it's like "well who could the doctor be?" ...and the doctor is his mother. We associate "doctor" as masculine and "nurse" as feminine.
There's a gender bias in our language thought patterns, even though the language changes. And that does exist in Spanish too, to different extents.
There are certain cultural and gendered stereotypes or connotations attached to certain words, many tend to be more despective or pejorative when it's women.
For example - and I know this has changed in many places or it isn't as prevalent - el jinete "horseman/rider", while the female form is la amazona "horsewoman/rider". Because la jinete or la jineta was sometimes "promiscuous woman".
There were also debates about things like la presidente vs. la presidenta or what the female version of juez should be, whether it should be la juez or la jueza
Most languages with gendered language have varying degrees of this, and all languages I'm aware of have gendered stereotypes related to professions or cultural attitudes in some way, and not just for women, and not all in the same way with some of them being very culturally based
The longer answer involves a bit of history, and I'll be honest, some of it is contested or considered a little controversial in Spanish-speaking countries particularly in the conservative parts (which honestly should come as no surprise)
The first symbol that I know of that came about was the X
First piece of contested history: As far as I know, it was the trans/queer and drag communities in Latin America who started the trend of X. When there were signs or bulletins that had the gendered endings - specifically masculine plural as the default plural - people would write a big X through the O. This was a way of being inclusive and also a very smash the patriarchy move.
Some people attribute this to women's rights activists which may also be true, but a good portion of the things I read from people say it was the trans/queer/drag communities in Latin America doing this.
I've also read it originated in Brazil with Portuguese; still Latin America, but not a Spanish-speaking country.
Where it's most contested is that some people will say that this trend started in the Hispanic communities of the United States. And - not without reason - people are upset that this is perceived as a very gringo movement.
That's why Latinx is considered a very American-Hispanic experience
The arroba (@) is relatively new. I remember seeing it in the 2000s. I don't know if it existed earlier for gender inclusivity.
People used it because it looks like a combination of O and A, so it was meant to be cut down on saying things like todos y todas or niños y niñas in informal written speech
I remember quite a few (informal) emails starting like hola tod@s or muy buenas a tod@s or things like that
I think of it more as convenience especially in the information age where you never knew who you were talking to and it's easier than including both words, especially when masculine plural might be clumsy or insensitive
Still, it's practically impossible to use the @ in spoken Spanish, so it's better for writing casually. You also likely won't be allowed to use the @ in anything academic, but in chatrooms, blogs, or forums it's an option
I love the E ending. And the gender neutral form in singular is elle... so it's él "he", ella "she", and elle "they (singular)"
The -e ending is I think became more common within the past 10 years though it might have existed longer than that. These sorts of changes tend to come from the queer or trans communities and tend to be more insular before becoming more of an outside thing that then the general population finds out about
It came about because there are some adjectives in Spanish that end in -e that are unisex. It's not an A, it's not an O, but it's something grammatically neutral for Spanish
It's not as awkward as X, and E exists very firmly in Spanish so it's not perceived as some outside (typically gringo) influence
The good news is, it's pretty widespread on the internet. Not so much in person (yet), but especially in Spain and Argentina at least from what I've seen, particularly in the queer communities and online culture.
The only issues with it are that for non-native speakers, you have to get used to any spelling changes. Like amigo and amiga, but to use the E ending you have to add a U... so it's amigue.
That's because there are certain words where you have to do spelling changes to preserve the sound; gue has a hard G sound like -go does [like guerra]... but ge has the equivalent of an English H sound [gelatina for example]. Another one is cómico/a "funny" which would go to cómique. Again, because co has a hard C/K sound, while ce is a soft sound more like an S or in some contexts TH/Z sound; like centro is a soft sound, while cola is a hard sound
Unless you make it to the preterite forms where you come across like pagué, alcancé, practiqué with those types of endings... or subjunctive forms, pague, alcance, practique ... Basically you'd have to be exposed to those spelling rules or you'd be really confused if you were a total beginner.
It all makes sense when you speak it, but spelling might be harder before you learn those rules
The other drawback is that the E endings are sometimes not applicable. Like in damas y caballeros "ladies and gentlemen" there's not really a gender neutral variation on that, it's all binary there. And while la caballero "female knight" does exist, you'd never see a male variation on dama; the closest I've ever seen is calling a guy a damisela en apuros "damsel in distress" in some contexts where the man needs rescuing, and it's feminine una/la damisela, and it's very tongue-in-cheek
There are also some contexts like jefe vs jefa where I guess you would say jefe for "boss" if you were going the neutral route, but it's a bit weird because it's also the masculine option.
I can't speak for how people might feel about those if they're non-binary or agender because every so often you kind of get forced into the binary whether you like it or not
I totally support the E, I just recognize there are some limitations there and it's quirks of the Spanish language itself
Important Note: Just to reiterate, E endings are the ones most Spanish-speakers prefer because it's easiest to speak and doesn't have the American connotation that X does in some circles
Where it gets very "Facebook comment section" is that you'll see many Latin Americans traditionalists and conservatives claim that "this is just the gringos colonizing our language" and "grammatical gender doesn't matter in Spanish". They'll say that the "gender movement" is an American feminist movement and that it's a gringo thing and doesn't reflect actual Latin Americans or Spanish-speakers
Which on the one hand, yes, English does have a lot of undue influence on other languages because of colonization, and American influence and meddling in Latin American politics is a big important issue
But as far as I'm aware of the X (and especially the E) were created by Latin Americans
The other issue I personally have is that any time this conversation comes up, someone will say something like somos latinOs and claim that masculine plural is gender neutral
To that I say, first of all, "masculine plural" is inherently gendered. Additionally, there is a gender neutral in Spanish but it's lo or ello and it's only used with "it" so it sounds very unfriendly to use on an actual person... and in plural it looks like masculine plural and everything applies like masculine plural
Second, the reason masculine plural is default is because of machismo. It's more important that we don't possibly misgender a man, so it has to be masculine plural. It's changed in some places, but growing up when I was learning Spanish, if it was 99 women and 1 man you still had to put masculine plural
I'm not opposed to there being a default, and I understand why it's easier to use masculine plural, but some people get very upset at the idea of inclusive language
In general, my biggest issues with these comments come when people act like non-binary/queer/trans people don't exist in Spanish-speaking countries, like English invented them somehow. So it's nice to see linguistic self-determination and seeing native speakers using the E endings.
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