#i'll visit our festival area today too i should think but i wanted to see the parade
sollucets · 3 months
i'm going to pride today :')
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dawnwriterimagines · 5 years
Three Heroes: Various!BNHA x Reader (Part 1)
This is a Todoroki x Bakugo x Reader x Midoriya fanfic, inspired by the My Hero Academia movie Two Heroes, the storyline will be adjusted due to the readers presence. The reader is All Might's Daughter. Read on and I hope you enjoy!
Warning(s): Blood, Violence, fluff, poly!relationship, swearing, etc.
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"Hey, Shouto?" You began as you stepped off the private jet, your boyfriend, Shouto Todoroki, assisting you down the steps with your hand in his. His head tilts as if to say he was listening as you step down from the steps of the jet, "What do you think we should do first? The expo hasn't begun, yet, so since you've been here before what do you wanna do first?" You smiled at him, excited to look around the moving city. Standing in your hero costune, you adjusted your sleeve, giving him a close eyed grin.
Shouto looked at you, thoughtfully, before he felt his face heat up, almost embarrassed. "I-I'm not sure..." he answered truthfully, your smile fades slightly, but it comes back sympathetically. Recalling him telling you how odd it was for someone to ask what he wanted for a change, it was still new to him.
You grabbed his hand anyway, giggling cutely. "Well, I guess we've just gotta go everywhere! Don't worry, remember, we're here to have fun. For once, we don't have to worry about anything else." You pulled him towards the exit as other planes came to the loading dock and people slowly began piling into the city. Shouto looks at you as he jogs beside you, his lips twitching up into a smile as you happily laughed beside him, your eye's sparkling as you witnessed the beauty of the city.
"A-actually..." he pauses as he stutters and you look over at him, he feels his face burning once more. It's still so weird, you make him feel all of these emotions and he's still learning how to deal with them. Especially since you encourage him, everyday, to express himself to the fullest when he's been taught all his life to do anything but that. He directs his gaze to the city, "I think I know somewhere you might like..." he suggests, remembering a place he had visited once before, fondly.
Your eye's widen at him before you laugh ecstatically, jumping up to float for a few seconds before landing and clapping your hands together. "Really? I wonder what it is, you're so thoughtful, I'm so happy you would think of me!" You pumped your fist in the air, "Come on, let's go!"
Shouto nodded, leading you to the identification inspection, you both passed through, seeing your pictures on the floating screens beside you both. With your luggage already being sent to the hotel by Endeavor's own assistants you and Shouto had all the time you needed to tour the city until the expo preview. You would have to be there for the formal party at the end of the day, your father being the Number one hero also had to be present.
That's right, you were (Y/n) Yagi, Daughter of All Might, the world's number one hero. You went to U.A. High School, the top hero school in Japan, and the hardest hero course to ever get into. You were proud to be part of your hero academia, you've met so many friends and you knew if it weren't for being a student there you wouldn't have met the boys who stole your heart.
You took Shouto's arm, pressing up against him, "So, where'd you wanna take me?" You asked him.
You both walked straight through the walkway, watching the projections that flickered across the sky and the tall buildings that towered over the area. People looked over at the both of you, noting your hero gear, Shouto could see the boys about his age staring at you alittle too long. You felt shouto pull away from you, slipping from your grip, you pouted before blushing heavily as he instead slipped his arm around your waist. Glaring at the boys as he passed them, he held his head higher as he smirked internally as they turned away, realizing you were taken.
"I was thinking, you'd like to see the hero support tech. They always have new items they feature every month, I remember you told me you were experimenting with designs for your thrusters. Maybe they could give you new ideas for--" he was cut off as you gave him a quick peck on the lips, he paused unable to finish as he stared at you, almost bewitched for the endless time today.
You laughed. "I'm so glad you think of me so often. You're usually not talking so much, I want you to do it much more often! And, oh...sorry, I didn't let you finish." You rubbed the back of your neck, chuckling nervously before he took your jaw in one hand. He tips your head up before kissing you lightly, you smile into it, before he pulls away and smiles, offering his hand once more.
"Let's head over there before it gets too crowded," he says, his heart warming as you blush and grin up at him, nodding happily.
An explosion cuts off the small lecture that a pro hero was giving after showing off her newest tech support, a metal chest plate, flexible alloy that could stretch and take an extensive amount of damage.
You and Shouto both turn towards the explosion, curious of the smoke rising from the area, you recall passing by an arena that a few people had challenged to overcome a few robotic, villain simulators. You link eyes with Shouto's before you both decide to head off in that direction, "Hey, do you think Katsuki and Izuku have arrived yet?" You wondered aloud, placing a finger on your chin, your head tilting up, curiously.
Shouto raised a brow. "Midoriya's here?"
Your eye's widened, remembering that you hadn't told him. "Oh yeah, Dad's taking Izuku as his guest. He was invited and had a plus one, just like you." That's right, you had wanted Izuku to come to the Expo, especially since he's always wanted to come to the floating city. You had taken Shouto's offer to travel since he was going alone and he had invited you beforehand anyway, you recalled Bakugo throwing a fit after you told him. "I guess since he and katsuki left earlier, they're already here." You said.
Shouto nodded before you both found yourself in front of the arena, the smoke around the area decreasing slowly. It wasn't someone you recognized, you almost hoped it would've been Katsuki, but you knew he'd show up sooner or later.
"Do you wanna try?" You asked him, turning towards Shouto.
He looked at you, alittle surprised, arm's crossed. "Hm...I wouldn't want to leave you here alone."
You grinned at him, "I'll be fine, don't worry. I'll be up here cheering you on, like in the sports festival!" You beamed. His gaze softened as you said that, remembering hearing your voice over the thundering crowds, encouraging him to keep going. "Besides, I won't be far behind you, I'll try out too!"
He nodded, smiling faintly. "Ok. I guess I'll go after this one...huh?"
You followed his confused gaze onto the arena as you saw a familiar red head, a smile quickly blooming on your face, "Kirishima!"
Izuku groaned, laying his head on his arm, slumped against the chair as he sat at the cafe table, relieved as the girls of his class didn't both to ask him any questions as to why he was here. Melissa, who was nice enough to show him around, distracted them with questions and answers.
He wondered what you were doing now, you had given up going with your father to the Expo, just for him. He couldn't believe he was here, having seen so many amazing sights and met the famous David Shield. He couldn't thank you enough, he had felt so guilty when you told him that you'd given him your ticket of invitation, calling the expo and everything to inform them of the change. He felt tears coming to his eye's, raising a fist in admiration for his love, he was so blessed to have you.
A glass was placed in front of him, suddenly, a small item, shaped in the yellow silhouette of All might's head floating in the colorful liquid. "Thanks for waiting!"
That voice! Izuku thought as he sat up, before his eye's widened in surprise.
The golden hair of his friend and the dark lightning stripe of hair stood out to the green haired student, "Kaminari!" Holding a serving platter to his chest, Kaminari grinned widely at his peer.
"Is that...Mineta?" He heard Ochaco gasp.
"What are you two doing here?" Jirou wondered aloud.
"Well, they needed extra staff for the expo and we applied to work, right?" Kaminari answered.
Mineta smirked, his hands on his hips. "We get to explore the Expo on our breaks, and we make the money!" He said victorious. Then, he made eye contact with the girls of his class, "Plus, we get to make passionate encounters with some of the cute--oh my god, I think I'm in love!" Mineta gasped out as he finished, his eyes landing on Melissa, who stared in confusion.
Izuku tensed up as Mineta and Kaminari immediately crushed him together, urging him to cough up any details about the American girl he was currently associated with. "Hey, midoriya, who's the high voltage hotty over there?" Kaminari creepily whispered.
"Come on! Give us details! It's bad enough that you've stolen (y/n) from us! Especially since she's here and she didn't even let me catch catch a feel in that sexy outfit of hers!" Mineta drooled at the thought.
"I thought you were working! This is what you do? You're supposed to be working hard!" Iida sprints over, lecturing the two perverted young peers.
Izuku glared at the grape head before his eye's widened as he listened to him carefully, "Wait a minute! Did you say (y/n) was here?" He immediately stood from his seat, ready to bolt to meet up with you, he couldn't wait to see you.
Mineta was still drooling, his hands groping the air as if he was imagining it was you, making Izuku twitch in irritation. Kaminari answers instead, "Oh, yeah, her and Shouto passed by almost an hour ago. They're heading over--" there was an explosion before he could finish. Everyone turns to the noise in shock.
"What was that?!"
After running over to the arena, he sees two large screens over a rocky mountain, smoke rising and debris having fallen to the ground. He recognized this as a villains course, his eyes widening as he recognized the person on the screen. "A stunning 33 seconds!" The announcer exclaimed, exuberantly.
"Kirishima?" Izuku questioned, surprised to see another peer.
"I'm guessing he's from UA as well?" Melissa questioned.
"Yeah, he's in the same class as us!" He answered.
Soon, the announcer spoke once more as Kirishima climbed down the mountain, "Please welcome our next challenger!" She announced.
Izuku immediately paled as he noticed the ashy blonde walking up to the attack course, "K-kacchan?!"
Bakugo gets ready, squatting down as his palms light up and the announcer raises her voice, "Ready...go!" Katsuki is blasting off the ground before anyone can register, his quirk immediately exploding off his fingers and targeting every robot in the vicinity, blasting him upwards to meet another simulated villain.
"Die!" He commands as he let's off another explosion.
Finishing off the last bot, he lands perfect in a squat, smirking in victory as he straightens to hear the results. "Amazing! Our first place winner with 15 seconds!" She hasn't even turned around yet when he starts walking off towards the audience stands.
"Hey! Isn't that Midoriya?" Izuku pales as Kirishima calls him out, eliciting Bakugo's attention.
Izuku chuckles nervously before he screams in shock as Bakugo blasts himself upwards, grabbing onto the metal railing stopping him from barreling straight into the boy. "Dammit! What're you doing here?!" Obviously pissed to see him.
Afterwards, after kirishima brings up trying out the course, Bakugo angrily allows Izuku to try a pathetic attempt to beat his high score. Gulping, Izuku passes him by, as the boy grits his teeth, holding himself back from strangling the boy. That's at least before he remembers something before Izuku can jump over the railing, "Oi! Deku!"
Tensing up, he turns around, "Y-yes?"
He frown's at him before calming slightly. "Where's (y/n)? I heard she went with icy hot, I guess she gave you her invite, typical." He grunts bitterly, angrily. Izuku could see the mention of you brightened his mood noticeably, despite his bitter attitude of seeing him at the Expo, of all places.
"I-i haven't seen her. Kaminari told me that he saw her pass by around here, I came over looking for her. I thought she might be with you."
Bakugo huffed, looking away from him. "Fuck...still with that bastard." He internally groaned, eager for your attention.
Seeing that he was finished talking to him, Izuku went down to the course to start. He waited for the announcers words before bursting into the air, similar to Bakugo, he took the robots on with no problem, limiting his power usage to prevent any damage to his limbs. Finishing with a surprising, 16 seconds, he happily smiled as he heard his score. Going up to his friends, Iida and Ochaco praised him immediately, "wow!" She praised him, as Iida told him of his great performance.
Bakugo grumbled, roaring angrily. "Shut up! I'll blast your score to ash!"
Suddenly, there's a rush of cold and the sound of ice spreading, quickly before the announcer is squealing at the rush of power. "Ah! This is insane! 14 seconds!"
Everyone went over to the railing again, surprised to see that half the mountain was encased in ice and Todoroki was at the bottom, straightening from using his quirk to destroy the bots with ease. "Hey, Todoroki!" Izuku grinned at the sight of his friend, before he began looking around, knowing you couldn't be far behind.
However, from behind everyone, Bakugo blasts into the air, angrily soaring towards Todoroki, who stares at the boy blankly. "Outta the way, icy hot bastard!" He yells before landing in front of the dual quirk boy.
"Bakugo." He says simply.
"You can't just appear outta no where and try to show me up!"
"And I see the others are here too," he looks at the stands, nodding as he makes eye contact with Izuku.
"Don't you ignore me! What're you doing in the island anyway!" Bakugo growls.
"My father was invited. I'm here in his place," he states, calmly.
The announcer waves a hand towards Bakugo, "Um, the next person is waiting," she says before squeaking in fright as Bakugo blows up at her.
"Shut up! I'm going next!" Bakugo turns and yells.
"Aw, and here I was thinking I'd get a shot..." Your voice instantly reaches the explosive boy, turning towards you he relaxes almost instantly as he sees you walking over to him, smiling happily. "Katsu, I'm glad to see you," you say, stopping in front of him.
Katsuki can hardly get the words out of his mouth for a moment, you had always been the only person who could leave him speechless, without even trying. That costume wasn't helping either. "(Y/n)...hey," he breathes, his normally stiff shoulders now limp and his back straightening as he fully turns to you. He realizes his unorthodox attitude before leaning forwards quickly to bump foreheads with you gently, "This bastard didn't bore you to death, did he?"
Shouto glares at the blonde, "Bakugo--" you place a hand on his chest, stopping him.
"Shouto was actually great company. We watched my favorite movie on the plane. He even gave me a tour, when we landed, I never knew this place was so big! It was so much fun!" You boasted, making Shouto's heart swell with pride while Bakugo was secretly hoping for a different answer as he huffed.
You looked away from Bakugo, both boys turning to see Izuku running towards you, happily, bounding with each step in excitement.
An immediate look of pure joy overcomes your features and your blasting forwards, purple energy bursting from your feet and leaving a dust cloud in its wake, you're ramming into him before he reaches you. However, after so many hugs like this before, Izuku is ready and catches you perfectly, laughing along with you as he spins on his heel with you in his arms. "Zuku!" You squeal, grinning widely as pepper his face with kisses.
As Izuku finally puts you down, you were surprised to see him on his knees almost instantly, burying his head into your stomach, his hands wrapped around your legs. "Thank you so much for bringing me!" He cries, his eyes welled with tears as he looked up at you, a watery smile on his face. "I'm so blessed!"
You grinned down at him, leaning down, your loose hair draping forward around you, "I knew you'd like to come and I wouldn't want you to miss it. Besides this trip wouldn't be complete with out you, babe," you giggled as he blushed at the nickname, although he should be used to it. You pressed your lips against his forehead and pulled away as he stood stood to his feet, standing taller than you.
"Well, I really appreciate it. So, I, uh, I wanted to give you this!" He pulls out a small box from his suits pocket, he hands it to you, blushing heavily but giving you a wide grin. "I hope you like it!"
You smile softly before opening it, you're eyes widening before softening as you take the brooch in your hand, it was big enough to fit in your palm. It was a ruby brooch, it was beautiful and you knew that Izuku bought it from his heart, you were moved that he'd get something so heartfelt for you, knowing you loved the color. You leaned towards him, "Thank you, Zuku. You're wonderful," you whispered before giving him a kiss in the middle of the field.
He melts into the kiss, his knees almost buckling before you pull away, giggling as you clutch the brooch lovingly.
"Uh...um, hey, so is anyone going next?" The announcer wonders aloud, questioning the four of you. You nearly forgot you were in the middle of the arena, reuniting with your boyfriends definetly took your attention away.
You stepped forwards, "Oh, yeah, I guess I am!"
The announcer sighed in relief before giving you you a thumbs up, "Alright, the villains attack course has reset!" You walked up to the starting target, where the announcer stood a few meters ahead of you.
You turned to the boys with a close eyed smile, "Wish me luck!"
"Good luck!" Izuku. "You got this." Shouto. "Just don't go hurtin' yourself, would you?" Of course, Katsuki.
You giggled before turning to the announcer and crouching down, urging your power to spread. You felt the energy running through your suits chest orb before it split to run through your arm's and down to your legs. Light purple energy slowly becoming apparent around your body, a rope of gold energy swelling out of your skin. "Ready..." you felt time slow, letting out a breath as you felt your skin heat up, before you felt a smirk blossom on your face as your eye's narrowed and changed color. A ring of purple energy swirling in your orbs. "Go!"
She didn't even see you move, the announcer only felt felt a burst of energy run through her and right out before the air pressure blows her back. You're soaring above her before she can utter a word, your booted heel making contact with the first bot before you burst upwards causing it to shatter from the thrust. The force causes you to flip in mid-air and you bring your charged fist forwards, a ball of energy apparent around your fist. It hits the second bot as you release it and you turn quickly, bringing both hands up to take the third bots metal face in your hands and blowing it back. The impact causes it to make contact with the fourth, both exploding on impact.
"Wow..." Ochaco mutters as she watches you from the stands, before glancing down at the three boys standing at the side of the arena. They all watched in pride, even Bakugo, although although he was more reluctant to show it.
"(Y/n)'s doing great!" Jirou smiled, praising her friend.
"So amazing! She's learned so much from her internship, I bet!" Momo gasped, grinning at her friend.
You landed in a crouch, straightening with a smile, "That was fun!"
"Wow! Our new challenger just scored our highest: 12 seconds!"
You laughed, clapping happily, "Yay!"
"(Y/n)'s so amazing..." Ochaco exclaimed in awe.
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