#i'll update soonish i promise
Hi, sorry for the inconvenience, I just wanted to ask if you will continue your TriLance fanfictions?
I'm your fan.
Hello!!! And no worries, you haven't inconvenienced at all, I promise!!
And the answer is yes, I definitely will!!! I will not be abandoning any of my trislance fics anytime soon, I promise, and despite not updating any of them in awhile, I do think about them/plan out things for them quite often, lmao
But trislance holds a special place in my heart and therefore so do all of my fics for them, so I'll get those updated at some point, hopefully soonish-ly. Besides, @alwaysamor might murder1ze me if I stopped writing for trislance /jk
And thank you so much for being a fan of my fics!! I appreciate it sm!!!
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vecnokriv-nikolicel · 2 months
I promise that I'll be able to update TAMSAU soonish ☠️ I've just been discharged from hospital and I feel ROUGH as fuck + this chapter was a last minute idea to avoid a multiple year time skip lol
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itsmajel · 2 years
Hey there, Tumblr folks!
First things first, I'm sorry for being MIA for so long. But hey, I have a pretty good excuse, I'm having a baby in May! Yes, you read that right. Yours truly is going to be a mom. It's been a wild ride so far, but I'm so excited to meet my little bundle of joy.
Now, I know some of you might be wondering what happened to all the finished Buddie fanart that I promised to post last year. Well, fear not my friends, I have plenty of it saved up and ready to share with the world. From Buck and Christopher's adventure at a fair with a giant shark plushie, to baby Bee's adorable baby picture (she's the daughter I imagine Buck accidentally ending up with and raising with Eddie, by the way), and even a Buckley-Diaz family beach day (baby Bee included, of course), I've got it all.
And if that's not enough, I also have a super cool Buddie t-shirt design that I made. I can't wait for you all to see it!
But that's not all, folks. I'm also working on an online shop with my friend @thefriendlypigeon (yes, that's her real name of course), and we're hoping to have it up and running soon. So, if you're in the market for some sweet stickers or prints, stay tuned for updates.
So, there you have it. I promise to post all this amazing content soonish, but my energy levels are pretty low at the moment (thanks, pregnancy), so bear with me. In the meantime, feel free to ask me anything about my headcanons for baby Bee or just say hi.
I also wanted to let you all know that my inbox is always open for anything, especially Buddie related content. I love hearing from you guys and seeing what kind of creative ideas you come up with. So, don't be shy to drop in and say hi, or even send me a prompt. I can't promise I'll be able to draw them all (again pregnancy does have a way of sapping your energy, after all), but I always love to see what kind of ideas you come up with. Who knows, maybe your prompt will be the spark that inspires my next piece! It's time for some 2023 art I guess.
I've missed you all! Sending love and virtual hugs ❤️
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dracowars · 3 months
a little update
hi! uhm.. i don't even know how or where to start this after basically just disappearing without a word so i'll just start with: hey, i'm still here! i didn't want to leave, it just happened..
so much was and still is going in my life that i just didn't have the time to be active on here. unfortunately, that hasn't really changed and i feel incredibly sorry about that. this blog was my safe space for a long time, but life just got too overwhelming at some point and i couldn't enjoy anything anymore. either way, i couldn't be more grateful for everyone who is still reading my fics on a daily basis and leaving all the love on my blog in general - i love you all 🫶🏻
this post is supposed to update you on what will happen with this blog in the future and what has been going on in my life. the latter will be at the end so i don't force you to read it!
most importantly: this blog is very dear to my heart and i want to start writing again soon. i really missed the daily routine of writing a few words and i want to get back into it but i genuinely can't promise anything. there are still a few requests in my inbox but i don't even know if these people still want me to write their requests since it's been ages and they probably don't even remember. i don't really know what to do about that :( i also have a lot of unfinished drafts with my own ideas and it just got really overwhelming ngl
another reason i didn't enjoy writing as much anymore is also the liking/reblogging/commenting system of tumblr. as a writer, it simply sucks to 'only' get likes when we all know that reblogs are what pushes fics. as a reader, i usually don't reblog every single thing i read either or i just forget so i'm torn between those two sides and genuinely don't know what to do. i don't write and have never written to get the most likes/reblogs, i write because i want people to feel safe, to escape reality for at least a few minutes and because i enjoy it. but in the end, appreciation for what i write is also important in some way..
either way, i'll try to figure this out soonish and hopefully post a new fic in the foreseeable future 🥺 i missed it so so much
so, what has been going on in my life since i stopped writing? well, i'm almost done with my studies (which is fun but also scary) and i literally have only been breathing and living for university. it was a lot. it still is a lot to be honest but at least i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! yayy
when i did have time to myself and allowed myself a break, i grabbed a book or watched a movie/show. i finally got to read some of the books i wanted to read for ages (a court of thorns and roses, king of scars, etc) and i reached my goal of reading 50 books last year and currently i'm at 18 books for 2024!
i also watched a few new shows and movies like dune 2, damsel, challengers or the hunger games and the one piece and atla live action, derry girls, and - what probably took in my whole life at this point - house of the dragon and game of thrones!!! i can't believe i finally watched game of thrones after all these years, it still feels surreal. and listen, i'm OBSESSED. i watched it with my best friend who has seen it 10+ times and we started with house of the dragon (can't wait for season two!!!) and then went on with game of thrones and OH MY GOD. it's just so so good, i love it so much and can't believe i missed out on it for all these years. i know it's unbelievable but i went into it with basically 0 knowledge and only minor spoilers i have seen over the years so the impact was incredible. the whole experience was absolutely amazing and i will definitely rewatch it! my favourite characters are jon (what a surprise), sansa and tyrion <3 oh, and i love alicent and criston in hotd, i'm 100% team green~ who would have thought that now i of course want to write something for jon snow and maybe even some other characters from got/hotd, we'll see!
also, i can't believe the european championship is starting on friday and what do you mean it's happening in my country??? i'm so excited, can't wait to watch all the matches!!
i think this is enough for the little update. i genuinely hope that i will be able to write & post something soon and that i can finally turn this blog into my safe space again 🫶🏻 ily
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mynameisnotsoda · 6 months
Haii im ngl ive been so busy doing chores and working and taking care of my siblings i havent had the energy to acknowledge tumblr mb guys
I think im gonna get back to asks a little later or tomorrow but no promises blehh and I'll update the playlist explination. At some point in time.
Ty for being patient and uhh im working on an analog horror series too so im busy with that LMAO more sodapoppy content soonish
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reina-petrova · 6 months
for anybody who might be following me here and waiting for any fic updates here or on ao3, I promise the next one is coming soonish, it's just life kinda blew up in my face for the last month ;___;
we pray to the fic gods i'll be able to come up with something half decent soon, in the mean time - ttyl lovelies ❤️🥀
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rebellionevoked · 1 year
ayyyy so i finally updated my oc masterlist!! if at any time you see a character on there or even on dash that you'd like to write/thread with pls just let me know. i'm down i promise.
i'll be diving back into replies soonish!
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writtenonreceipts · 2 years
A Memory Undone update is coming soonish!! And I know it's been a while since the last update, I'm sorry about that. But I promise I do have the rest mostly outlined, there may be a surprise chapter whittling her way in.
SO! While I finish edits and do some rewrites and to hopefully get y’all hyped-- send me a word and I'll share the sentence that the word appears in (if it does at all)!
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independentzaun · 1 year
Random mun is random I dunno
Me: I need to do more stuff with Silco. I do love him, and still want to write him! Also me: Gets more icons for Jinx ...look in my defense I did ask about Silco icons, but they didn't think they could do more icons from episodes 1-3 which is all I want more icons from currently for reasons.
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Anyways. Some random updates. Blog theme will be getting updated tomorrow. Will fix up my pinned post/promo as well. Going to have more icons for Jinx relatively soonish.
Also, Diablo 4 is in early access release (I am seriously considering spending the extra money to play it right now) and I'll be lowkey obsessing over that starting either tonight or this weekend. I will try not to fall behind on threads, and all however I make no promises at all. I should probably use my queue to be honest.
Otherwise... all of you are awesome, and I'm loving being here and writing with all of you. Silco, Sevika, and Jinx are all 100% on the table for RP and stories. Asks, and messages are always open. I'm doing as well as I ever am, and hope you all are doing good.
Drink some water, take your meds, take a breath and look at the sky.
It'll be okay.
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readythefanons · 1 year
desk dispatch (early May 2023)
writing desk updates from your pal reddy
desk status: under control (patches of the desk's surface are visible, and the stacks do not exceed 3 inches in height = manageable but in the middle of some things)
General notes from April:
I used April's camp NaNo (NaNoWriMo=national novel writing month, which is in November. Camp NaNo is for self-set goals and is held in April and July) to work on an outline! I outlined the Petra/Sylvain fic, and I wrote about 10k >_> the outline is mostly there, but there are a few sections in the middle that could use some more attention
I finally succeeded in winning the "write every day" achievement for (camp) NaNo!!!!!
I posted "Place" in April which is an Adopted!Hilda AU. If you're reading this post, you probably saw at least one of the eleventybillion promos I scheduled for the fic. (five. It was five.) I started that fic in 2020, so it feels great to post it
What's in the can: NOTHING. I have nothing lined up to post. But...
The Leonie fan anthology (AKA Sunflower: A Leonie Fanzine) is shipping/has shipped! I have a fic in that one, and I hope that soonish I'll be able to post that fic to AO3 :) That piece is titled "not a circle, but a spiral"
I am poking the Leonie/Lorenz SciFi AU again. In a fit of productivity, I re-outlined the thing and I hope to poke the draft itself soon.
I wrote and edited 3k of thoughts on pronouns and personhood in the book Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie. When I finally hit post on that, you'll see it on my book blog @reddy-reads but I might also bump it over here because why not. embarrassment is for other people. (disclaimer: not every blog on tumblr with "reddy" in the name is connected to me, i promise)
Miscellaneous thoughts: outlining
I might... love... outlining? To be determined. But it felt so good to work on the Petra/Sylvain outline, and it felt good to work on the SciFi AU outline. So IF these fics actually get written, then I might never go back to my no-outline ways.
What I liked about it: it was so satisfying to think about all the parts of the story and how they were supposed to fit together. It was useful to be able to plan out which characters would show up when and where. It was useful (but often felt bad) to realize that certain scene ideas I had weren't working (usually because there wasn't enough concept there). It was SO much easier to go "wait this isn't working" after only writing a few sentences instead of pages and pages. It was much easier to go "oh I need to introduce X earlier" in an outline than after writing (and posting!!!) whole chapters. It feels good to have a plan about where the story goes and how it reaches the ending.
Outlining (it's new to me): My other multichapter fics ("all things considered could be worse" in Netflix!Daredevil fandom, and of course the "Pull It Together" duology) were written without an outline! I knew generally what I wanted to happen and how the ending should feel, but I didn't know how I was going to get from A to Z.
(Actually... those fics BOTH started as oneshot responses to prompts on kinkmemes... and... the Petra/Sylvain fic was inspired by a post on a kinkmeme, and it was originally conceived as a oneshot. So, uh, credit for finally recognizing a pattern!)
Why I'm finally trying outlining: I've become increasingly aware that I have limited time and energy. I wish I didn't. I wish I felt limitless, but the last few year-or-so has just taught me that I only have so much bandwidth. (Which is a good lesson, even/especially if it's not really welcome.) So since I'm admitting that I have limited time and energy, why shouldn't I help myself spend more time doing what I enjoy (writing!) and less time doing what I dislike (not writing because I'm stuck). So that's part of why I have this fresh interest in outlining.
The other thing about outlining is that--well Leonie and Lorenz's stories were fundamentally pretty simple. The Matt & Foggy (Daredevil again) story was even simpler because it was a slice of life. It was hard to get truly lost there. The Petra/Sylvain story needs to fit together a little more precisely, and that means prewriting. AKA writing the whole thing, then editing and posting. I'm not looking forward to giving up my post-as-you-go ways, but maybe I'll end up loving it.
The last part of the "why suddenly outline and prewrite" puzzle is a little... uh... it's a little sensitive. I have ideas about Petra and Brigid that I want to express, but the themes involved (colonialism/imperialism) are delicate. I want to give myself the option of really thinking it through & maybe even getting an extra set of eyes on it before putting it out on the whole internet to see.
So that's why I haven't been posting as much. I'm cooking up something big, I hope people will like it.
Final goodies
Fic rec: Ruu has written a Leonie/Lorenz fic called "Of Conduct, Of Manners." The Jane Austen influence wafts off the page. It updates regularly, and the whole thing is already written :D :D :D
Writing podcasts: I like the writing podcast "Writing Excuses" and "Fiction Writing Made Easy with Savannah Gilbo."
Media podcasts: I still adore "Be the Serpent." It's on hiatus but they have an extensive back catalogue. I got so many great media recommendations from them.
Writing essays: I enjoyed Diane Duane's blog post about her outlining style and approach. I used her "grocery shopping list" and it really helped me build my outline's backbone.
Writing essay 2: A discord pal shared this post with me, which helped me get past an outlining block. The bit about "stop writing scenes you don't want to write" was the magic ingredient for me.
Meal Idea: Vegetarian sushi bowl. Make some rice, season it into sushi rice. Add all the yummy veggies you want. Eat and enjoy. (I made the sushi rice, but then I mixed some riced cauliflower into it for extra bonus veggies. For topping I did avocado w a sprinkle of soy sauce, finely cut carrot, Japanese pickles [cucumber and ginger], and edamame. I also had nori to wrap it as I ate because I loooove seaweed.)
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thelightsabcr · 2 years
// A small update!
As long as I sit completely still and doesn't move too much, I'm fine, but as soon as I move my head pounds like the seven hells.
I'll try to get to some asks soonish, but I cannot promise anything just yet.
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bazzys-omori-box · 3 months
New Blog!!!!! pt 2
In celebration of the new Omori manga releasing today, I've finally made the other blog I promised on my main and Murder Drones blogs- one for my Omori stuff!!!! My Omori hyperfixation predated my Murder Drones hyperfixation by quite a bit, and continues to go strong thanks to my favorite little guy, Stranger. My other blogs are @caramelizedout (the main I encourage you to ignore) and @bazzys-md-corner (my Murder Drones I encourage you to maybe glance at if you want)
Like I did on the previous blog, this post will contain general information about what you should expect me to post!! Just a warning though, it will be mostly Stranger lmao
This will be run largely the same way as my Murder Drones blog. Warnings before posts, warnings in the tags, rather sparse posts, and reblogs of exclusively Omori stuff. But unlike my Murder Drones blog, (as of right now) I don't have any Omori ocs, so all of my posts will be either drawings of canon characters or analysis'.
As Omori doesn't have any recurring content aside from the new manga that updates every month, all of my analysis posts will probably be focused on a specific character, or maybe a ship I like, or an area I like, whatever I think of.
There are also quite a few Omori AUs I absolutely love, such as all of Otomerson's AUs (who is on Instagram and AO3!!), the Faraway Stranger AU by @.gardensnakie (who I'll probably reblog often), and the Red Hands AU cowritten by @.thespaceyace (who I did promise fanart, so expect something soonish!!). All of these will probably have fanart posted on here, except for maybe Oto's, which will likely just be put on my Instagram (CaramelizedCat).
But that's it!!! I'll have a proper art post up soon, but my current focus is a 2 page murder drones oc comic at the moment, so it might be a bit.
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claire-de-macarune · 5 years
I really liked your hustlers fic! 10/10
*gasssssppp* thank you 😢
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 3 years
Small update on round and round.
It might take be alittle...
I took a break over Christmas and I wanna get back to writing it now, but at the moment I'm struggling alittle with words, so it might take me abit.
I should have some other writing coming soonish though!
I promise I'll finish this as soon as! Thank you all for your patience.
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nix-writes-mcyt · 2 years
I'll have my next fic up tomorrow and I'll also update my masterlist soon as well
Again, sorry things have been slow bc irl stuff is rough right now (you can find out or even help here, no pressure of course I know many can't help for a number of reasons, I understand)
Thank you for the support, stuff will be getting back on the road soonish I promise
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nottheweirdest · 3 years
Update! My work life is going to be incredibly insane over the next two months, but ESPECIALLY the next 2 weeks.
Sadly, I won't be able to write as much and Clean Slate and Free Fallin' will be delayed a bit.
I am still doing sonadowtober since it doesn't require nearly the same amount of effort, so I'll be around! 😁 I'll keep working on those other two projects but can't promise a date on either. I can only say soonish and that I will update when they go to be beta read!
I do plan on finishing Clean Slate by the end of the year. So, a delay today may mean faster updates in the future 😉!
Thank you so much for always being so kind and supportive toward me. I appreciate you all more than you know! 💗☺️
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