#i'll post the outtakes tomorrow
hils79 · 6 months
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Favourite moments in every Ateez MV 26/?
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goldenpinof · 9 months
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Ranking All the Dan and Phil Apartments (5 April 2023) or "why do we keep mentioning swinging in these videos?"
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kalira · 10 months
Pinning (Over the Line and Back Again)
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M; 9.2k Kei & Sho, Son, Toshi, Yi-Che
A thoughtless act brings a shattering disruption in the delicate process of two packs becoming one, and may put a permanent hold on any new bonds - and perhaps to more than that.
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satureja13 · 2 months
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Ji Ho, Jack and Jeb's Therapy Game started to merge after they met in Bacalao Bay. And they are not quite sure how to deal with that. Should Jeb and Jack log in with Ji Ho or should they wait to not interfere with Ji Ho's therapy? They decided to wait and just watch what happens since NPC Jeb knows where to find the Captain and real Jeb doesn't and to give NPC Jack time to regain access to his memories.
They took the ferry southbound to the islands where - NPC Jeb is sure - they would find the Captain. The poor Princess did not take the passage well - just like Ji Ho. She sits on the deck next to NPC Jeb and prays to the gods that this will be over soon... NPC Jack, however, seems to enjoy the ride ^^' He started to talk again - because nothing can shut this big snout of him, not even death. But he still can't remember anything from the night he died.
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When they reached the landing stage on the main island, the first thing NPC Jack noticed was the fish shack. (To his defence: there wasn't much more to see anyway ^^) NPC Jack: "Gods I'm hungry!"
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They didn't even notice the beautiful sunset. NPC Jack because -> hungry, Jihovere because -> sick and NPC Jeb because he's worried for the poor girl.
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As soon as the fish monger gave NPC Jack his plate, he started to wolf down his lobster roll right at the stand. Jeb was startled. Jihovere, still a bit weak on her legs: "Can we sit down at least?" (Yes, Tiny Can did a very good job with their NPC versions! hahaha)
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NPC Jack: "Hm?"
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Jihovere and her new friends had studied the map they found in the Vicegerent's office thoroughly. Jihovere: "Are you sure your Captain will be able to steer us through the shoals and cliffs to the remote cave where the Vicegerent and the Demon entrench?" NPC Jeb: "Oh, he will. I've never met a bolder and more daring ('and daunting' he added, but just in his thoughts) man like him." (I don't know if greasy popcorn shrimps are the right food choice when you're nauseous, Jihovere...)
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It was late when they left the harbor. Tomorrow morning they will start their search for the fearless and skilled Captain.
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They went over to their lodging nearby the monger arranged for them. (TMI: This is one of adult Ji Ho's houses.)
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Jihovere still doesn't feel much better (owing to the shrimps, I bet!) so they just chatted for a while and went to bed soon.
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NPC Jack fell in love with NPC Jeb! So this is the counter episode to the mini episode when Jeb fell in love with Jack shortly after Vlad's death ö.Ö' Which lead to Sai and Jeb's first break up...
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After NPC Jeb regained his composure: "I'd rather have you, Jihovere!" NPC Jack: "What? Ewww." (Argh! They try to make me sway! Because they know: for me, Jeb is the perfect partner for each of them! For Ji Ho / for Jack) But their hearts want what their hearts want...
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'I'll push the wood (stir it, stir it, stir it together) I'll blaze your fire Then, I'll satisfy your heart's desire (Stir it, stir it, stir it together) I'll stir it, yeah, every minute, yeah All you've got to do, baby, is keep it in, and
Stir it up Little darling, stir it up Come on baby, yeah I say stir it up Little darling, stir it up, oh yeah
Quench me, baby, while I'm thirsty Cool me down, mama, when I'm hot Your recipe is so tasty And you sure, baby, can stir your pot, so'
Stir it up - Bob Marley This songtext leaves nothing to the imagination ^^'
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning 🔱 Underwater Love 🔱 Latest
Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here
📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Here you will find a list of Fics WE have written for Helluva Boss. This guide will change and be added to as we write more fic. Note: that all of our fic is LOCKED. So you'll need an account to read them! CAUTION: Dead dove does NOT necessarily mean just sex or kink, but rather a companion tag asking readers to strongly consider the tags of the fic. We have placed dead dove as the topics of race/racism and poc experiences are strongly woven into secrets and may be triggering for readers
Secrets Series
A canon-adjacent au where Blitz and Stolas reunite in their early 20s. Stolas hires Blitz as a bodyguard for Octavia and proceeds to Install Blitz into the house as a live in Mistress/Lover. This contains: Three main Stories, one collection of Six Outtakes and an epilogue. Works INSPIRED by this series and WRITTEN by us: The Lies We Tell, The Secrets We Keep
Dear Fellow Traveler
Blitz joins Millie on her visit to her family's ranch during the Harvest Moon Festival and finds more than just corn and horses. (This is also the FIRST Helluva Fic written by either of us. )
All Your Yesterdays and All Your Tomorrows
The view outside of the car window was bright, too sunny and clear for how she was feeling. Octavia loved her mother. She watched the sprawling grounds of the Palace roll by. Every acre was brand new to her eyes, every copse of trees a stranger. This all belonged to the place she would have to call home for the rest of her life. All of Eternity, simply because she could not live under another Royal’s roof. It was the first time Octavia truly understood what it meant to be a Precautionary Heir. When it came down to it she was not her mother’s daughter. She was her father’s. Even if she’d never known or met him. (The AU where nobody is good) Chapters: 2/4
I Took a Sip of Something Poison (But I'll Hold On Tight)
Where a ritual Stolas and Blitz performed as children went terribly, horribly right—and now, with his impending arranged marriage at stake, Stolas is in a race against time to find the imp he married as a child to finish what they started before his father finds Blitz first. (Or: An indulgent Teenagers in Love meets Fuck or Die AU. With pancakes!) Chapters: 1/3
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queeniecook · 8 months
Unless I get my butt in gear tomorrow, there probably won't be a Grant Legacy post this week. Thursday - I take Dad grocery shopping. Friday is the funeral of my step-grandmother. Today I had to go grocery shopping and make a bunch of phone calls. Saturday I work. Sunday -SUPER BOOOOOWL - I'm on call at work. Think I'll throw out an outtakes post though...
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mackerelackin · 10 days
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Uploading today or tomorrow, whenever I get the post written up. Until then I'll just post more outtakes
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alesyira-ffn · 3 years
breaking the chapter for smaller posts definitely helped ease some of the strain. after posting that bit last night, I went on to nearly wrap the next section after it, and it's just about ready for posting (probably tomorrow). The bits after that are also coming together pretty well! I'm revising those to try and trim out the TMI. Some of the accompanying scenes I've written to help explain things to myself probably shouldn't be shown to readers because it reveals too much about what I'm planning. I posted a second outtake on AO3 that reveals some of what Angara was worrying about at the beginning of ch46 after Kagome was keyed to that training platform. It can't really be added to the main story because (and I've probably said this elsewhere) it contains elements from the original fic work that conflict a little with some details of the current story, but feel free to give it a skim if you're curious.
ALSO someone left three comments on AO3 and just absolutely made my day. :D
Later: the final two parts of this chapter are coming together really well! I'll be able to post both parts by this weekend, and each are at least 3.7k so they aren't exactly short skims :)
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zephersspace · 2 years
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Heeeey there spooky ones!!! ✨
As promised I came with a picture of my schedule... sort of 😂 I mean I do have an actual schedule but I finished it while my phone was charging and then I forgot to actually take the picture 😂😂😂😂
Also... drawings I've been doing! ✨
And a twt thing that shows just how obsessed my ass is with krbk and Katsuki 😂✨
As for my winter reads... I'll post them tomorrow bc I didn't took the photos either 😂 I suck, I know 🥸😂
Anyways today was a productive day I think... I actually DID ask for the English colocation exam which comes with an interview... yup, I did it before I could chicken out 😂
Too many emojis!
Good night!
Night night!
Love every single one of you, lots.
Yours truly, Zepher 🖤✨
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cinematicnomad · 2 years
now that the buck hair rankings are done, can you explain why you ranked the way you did?
can do my grey, anonymous, little friend!
#9 season 4a yikes do i hate the fluffy, combed out, big hair that buck has by the end of the winter finale. it gives me very...pauly d late-00s jersey shore vibes. the start of s4a isn't too bad but it really gains volume in the last few eps and i find s4 ep7 to be particularly egregious.
#8 season 3b complete opposite direction, s3b is a little too short and tightly gelled. even after frantically trying to save eddie by digging with his bare hands in the pouring rain, buck's curls barely show up.
#7 season 2a honestly, it's not that bad! from this point on my opinion on buck's hair is more "well it's not as good as other seasons" than actively thinking "this is Not Good". there's no real hint of curly haired buck in s2a and it's still a little too styled for my taste, but the length is good.
#6 season 1 so this is the only ranking that i really wavered on—i almost put s1 in #5 because i do PERSONALLY like this look a lot, but like i said last weekend this hair definitely feels like a s1 hair & makeup team trying to figure out the actual aesthetic of their cast. by the end of s1 it looks more like classic buck, but it definitely feels like they're working through some things
#5 season 2b i feel like season 2b is when everyone was like "oh shit, oliver has curls???" because they start making an appearance around maddie's kidnapping. that hint of his curls is really what bumped this up ahead of season 1 because to me it feels like this is when they started to really get a handle on buck's aesthetic.
#4 season 3a not gonna lie, for the longest time i've said s3a was my favorite buck look and i really thought it would be higher on this list. but while making the list i realized it's mainly because they really lean into buck's curls during his unemployed-blood-clot-tsunami arc. and they're BEAUTIFUL but it only lasts 3 eps and as soon as he's in fire marshall buck mode that hair is tightly controlled. honestly, without those first 3 eps, s3a would be Much Lower on this list.
#3 season 5a if you haven't noticed, this ranking has basically dovetailed into "how curly are they letting buck's hair be??" and while this is not PEAK curl, buck's hair is definitely softer and less carefully styled as previous seasons.
#2 season 5b so many curls! but it doesn't get top billing because the sides are so closely shaved down—it's almost giving me s2 hair vibes, but with some added length at the top and much, much less hair product. i'm hoping they'll continue to let his hair thrive in this softer look for s6.
honorable mention, lone star 2.03 i'm gonna be honest, i was very generous with this gifset bc at the start and end of the episode buck has some strong s4a hair moments going on with the blow out look. but the helmet and the humidity and the dirt and the grime in the middle of the ep really helps to bring out his curls and it looks so good on him that i had to gif it all.
#1 season 4b it's no surprise once you realize that i love his curls to understand why buck's s4b look gets top billing for me. this is like they took the curls from the first 3eps of s3a and were like "what if we just embraced it??" and it WORKS. i feel like this is what i thought s3a was in my memory, but the reality of s4b is So Much Better and i am even more obsessed with it after making this gif series.
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logicheartsoul · 3 years
I forget sometimes how much of a low energy activity giffing is for me... I got virtually 0 sleep last night and yet I managed to make 4 gifs (and technically 2 edits) and 1 of those I’m not sure to post coz it could work for an entire gifset I didn’t intend on making. (And yeah, I did also make a gifset too lol)
Meanwhile, writing is just hit or miss when I’m tired, I’m either all in the zone or it just doesn’t happen lol
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feuillytheflorist · 2 years
my tomgreg kind-out-there-au masterpost
(mostly just for me, but enjoy anyway) reference post for my completely out there tomgreg au's, that aren't just canon divergent, or future fics, but literally a result of me being unwell about tom and greg and putting them in Situations
hoist the colors high: series-gay pirates, ghosts, and tom and greg's feral little street child billy
dead air: fucked up radio station in washington, Childhood Trauma, thinly veiled night vale au (and it's outtakes)
if the lord don't forgive me: among us au... no further comments
something tragic about you: good omens au with demon greg who's always cold, and tom who is one bad day away from getting tossed outta heaven
strange and unusual: tom greg afterlife au i wrote when i was watching beetlejuice
tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow: immortal greg runs into tom for nearly two hundred years, tom never remembers him
running up that hill: (art history fan) tom gets tossed back into 1860, and has to save greg from his fate, all the while falling in love with him (and it's sequel)
i don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you): haunted lighthouse, angsty ghost tom, ghost hunter nearly gf's willa and comfry
be still, for there is strange music: literally just an au where greg is an avatar of the eye, and tom is an avatar of the hunt, bc i have magnus archives brain rot
colder in the summertime: jack the ripper, victorian brothels, and tom fighting his inner demons (feelings for greg)
and our work is never done: a (still unfinished sorry lol) cyberpunk au, set the music of hadestown
bad moon rising: unfinished monster boyfriends tom and greg
once and future: arthurian flavored tomgreg, trying to run away from your destiny, and swords
and all of them the same town, and all of them our town: semi-epistolary spooky liminal space desert town, feat lots of mondale content
we could be the way forward (and i know i'll pay for it): cowboys (ranchers) tom and greg have a torrid affair while working for farming mega corp waystar
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