#i'll need four business days to recover
brainrotcharacters · 1 month
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Cold as ice
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a/n I honestly hope you all will cry the way I cried writing this because now I genuinely need four to five business days to recover. Because never have I actually needed to take a minute to sob in the middle of writing.
summary: what happens when Ellie stumbles upon a memorial that turns out to have both your and Joel's kids names on it. When the past pain is brought back to the daylight even the coldest of hearts finally break.
warning: pain and suffering first and foremost, tissues ain't included. Blood, wounds, shooting, killing, multiple death, loosing your kids.
Ellie had slipped out of the shower. She hated being separated from you and Joel. So the fact that you walked away from her, leaving her with Maria, didn't sit well with her whatsoever. You had hugged her tightly before leaving, promising to be back as soon as possible and that you three would eat dinner together as you always did.
She had gotten extremely close to you. Yet there was something in Joel's eyes when he watched you hug Ellie that told her that there was more than you two let her know. She was aware that you two had been together long before the outbreak; she assumed you were married from the bent ring that was on your finger. But besides that, she knew nothing. Well, that you could handle Joel's shit the best of anyone Ellie had met.
She had seen and heard Joel mumbling in his sleep. Watched you rub his back with a sad expression on your face. And the same went for you, just when your nightmare hit - they hit you hard. Ellie had been woken up by your screams in the middle of the night. Joel's calm voice tries to make you calm down. She had only once turned to look at all of this unfolding; most of the time she just pretended that she was fast asleep. "Don't let them, Joel", you cried, "Don't", "I'm so sorry", Joel would sway you from side to side. His own eyes glossed over with tears. "Should have let me die instead. I should have died," you choked out, clenching the shirt Joel was wearing. His face looked stone cold as you clawed at him, sobbing.
Ellie never brought those nights up. If she teased Joel for speaking in his sleep, she had never said anything about your nightmares out loud. After nights like that, she would shimmy closer to you. Making sure she would be holding onto your hand more often or just hugging you every moment she could. Ellie couldn't help the feeling inside her that told her that you needed her.
Ellie hurried down the stairs, zipping the pink jacket she despised solely because of its outrageously girly color. Maria had left the note that she was just across the street, and as much as Ellie enjoyed being alone. She needed to kill time before you two came back. Plus, being away from you made her rather uneasy. She knocked on the door a couple of times. Yet no one answered. After more failed attempts, Ellie just let herself in. "Maria," she called out, stepping into the hallway. The house looked nice and was well lived in. Ellie had never seen anything like it. Even the smell seemed homely. She stepped into the living room, where the fire was crackling in the fireplace. Her eyes fell onto the three names written down with white chalk, surrounded by candles. Kevin, Sarah, and Malakai. Ellie couldn't help but frown.
"Ah, good, here you are. Try it on," Maria said, making Ellie jump as she turned away from the bored and took the coat from her hands. "Well, it's super fucking purple," "Eggplant, fits well?", Maria questioned, and Ellie nodded her head. "Who's been cutting your hair?", Ellie gave the woman a crooked look. "Am… world-class salons," she sassed back, making Maria let out somewhat of a chuckle. "I'll go get my sizers," Ellie argued immediately, but Maria stood firm, "Just the ends I promised."
The sound itself made Ellie cringe as she held onto the side of the chair for dear life. She hated this. Hated getting her hair cut. "I saw you looking at the memorial Tommy made", Ellie swallowed hard once Maria spoke up once again. She hoped this wouldn't be brought up, but then again, she was snooping. "I'm sorry about your kids," Ellie choked out, thankful that she didn't have to look her in the eye. Maria's movements stopped. "It's okay and kid. Just Kevin. Sarah and Malakai were Joel's and Y/N's kids", and a cold shiver ran down Ellie's back. Kids. You two had kids and lost both of them. "I'm sorry, shouldn't have said anything", "It's okay, it… It explains Joel's behavior and why Y/N…", but her voice died down. Maria didn't need to know about your nightmares.
"Look, I won't ask you what you are doing with them, especially Joel…" "Good," Ellie bit back. "You need to understand my concerns", Maria walked right in front of her, but Ellie only glared her way, "Be concerned about your husband, who did the same shit, if not worse". Maria let out a surprised sigh, "You have one hell of a mouth," and Ellie quickly stood up, shrugging off the towel that was over her shoulders, "And you are one hell of a sister-in-law if all you can do is throw shit at Joel." The adrenaline rushed through Ellie the moment the words slipped past her lips. She didn't regret them, but at the same time, she knew she shouldn't have. It was, however, too late. So she quickly stormed out of the house.
Her breathing picked up as she ran. Quickly slamming the doors behind herself. "Ellie?", your voice rang through the place, and she almost sank to the floor with relief. Like a lost animal, she darted towards the kitchen, meeting you midway as you stepped out into the hallway. Throwing her arms around your torso as she pressed herself closer to you. You couldn't help but frown as your hands ran through her hair. Confused as to what had happened, "Love, you are worrying me. What's going on?" You tried to loosen Ellie's grip on you, but she just clenched your shirt tighter.
Ellie almost felt like she suddenly couldn't face you. She shouldn't have found out like that. So she quickly stepped back and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. The worry inside you grew even more as you watched her. "Sweet girl, should I go get Joel?", you asked, but Ellie quickly shook her head, only now realizing that this involved him as much as it involved you. "Okay, well, you know you can tell me anything. I can't help if I don't know what happened," you said, softly reaching for Ellie's hand. Just this didn't feel like anything. This felt like the biggest thing ever.
"I'm sorry," Ellie rasped out, "I wasn't… I didn't want to… but they had a memorial," Ellie cried out, and suddenly it all started to make sense. You moved to wrap her up in your arms once again, "No one is blaming you; you were bound to find out eventually." You ran your hands through Ellie's hair once again. With a sigh, you clenched the necklace that hung over your chest. "You want to know the story of me and Joel?", you asked, making Ellie look up at you with mixed emotions. You nodded your head, "Well, let's make tea and sit down somewhere more comfortable." You knew that this was going to be one painful set of memories to unlock. But she deserved it. She was part of the family now.
And what a journey it had been. You met Joel in a supermarket. Where he was frantically looking for baby formula. The baby he was supporting with one hand screamed bloody murder. "Hello," you said cautiously, not wanting to startle him any further. His helpless, tired eyes snapped your way. You could tell that he most definitely hadn't slept in more than a couple of days. If not his eyes telling you that, then his overgrown and unkempt beard did. This male was a mess. "Do you mind if I", you pointed to the bundled-up baby, "You're in distress, and they feel it. Babies are sensitive to emotions", Joel's shoulders sagged; it looked like your words had finally defeated him.
"Just stand here. If you even think about doing something to hurt her…," you looked at him with a knowing smile. Trusting your blood and soul with a stranger was no joke. Especially being a newly baked parent. Plus, fathers were already way more protective. Especially of their girls. You pressed your hand to the heart, "I'll stand right here, just want to help". Joel nodded his head. Dropping down the box of formula he was holding as he moved towards you, lowering the bundle into your hands.
Even with her face all red and screaming her little lungs out, she was so pretty. You gently rocked her in your arms, "It's okay, gorgeous girl. Why are you crying, love bug?", you cooed at her. Fingers carefully ran down her cheek as you wiped away her big tears. "Shhh, sweet girl, you've got your daddy all worried. We don't want that, do we?" The cries slowly died down, and her big, still-damp eyes stared right at you.
Joel felt like someone had sent this as a cruel joke. His wife, the mother of his child, should be doing this, not some stranger in the middle of the supermarket. "Grab the mixture on the second shelf, more to your right", your voice made Joel snap his head in your direction once again. "I assumed you were looking for a formula. So that one should do her good. Won't upset her stomach if she's also breastfed", Joel clenched his jaw at your words. No, Sarah was not. Her mother had vanished. She didn't even know what a mother was or what it would feel like to have one.
You sensed the tension. Slowly stepping closer to the male, one hand resting on his shoulder. "Don't take this as an insult because I'm sure you are an amazing father. But do you want me to pop by and help out while you rest a little?" You had an odd feeling that the mother wasn't in the picture. That he was all alone. And the baby wasn't older than a month or a bit more. If this man was juggling that alone. Well, that must have been hard.
You hummed to yourself as you fixed up a light dinner from whatever you managed to find in Joel's fridge. Considering the empty cardboard boxes all over the place, it's been a hot minute since he had a proper meal himself. Once he drove you back to his, you quickly ushered him upstairs. Telling him to take a bath and catch some sleep. You knew that he would have fought you on it. If only he wasn't running on the last bits of energy. And you weren't snooping, but while you were cleaning up the kitchen, you found an open letter. A letter you assumed was from Joel's wife. She had left them two without anything, not even a proper explanation. You knew it wasn't your place to judge; motherhood was tough. Not all women were built to be mothers. You had written down instructions for Joel. How do fix a bottle. What different formulas do get, and how to switch them up if Sarah got an upset stomach per se. You wanted him to know that he wasn't alone. Even if you two had known each other for less than a day.
Joel stepped down the stairs hours later. Beard trimmed, eyes less puffy. He found you on the sofa reading a book to Sarah. One of her tiny fists was wrapped around your finger as your soft voice filled the room, "Why are you smiling? Am I that funny?", you cooed at her, making Sarah let out a happy grumble, "Ah, we even lost the pacifier with all the smiling, huh," you pinched her cheek carefully.
Joel was lost for words, to say the least. This was how he saw his family. This was what he hoped he would come down to with his wife. A sob that had held up for weeks, now finally escaped his lips, making you turn his way in an instant. You carefully set Sarah down before approaching him. Opening up your arms in case he needed a hug but keeping a distance in case this was overstepping his boundaries. Yet Joel did fall into your arms. He mumbled out all of his worries and questions that had been bothering him. He had no clue what he was doing. How nothing made sense to him now.
That night, and the many that followed, completely transformed you two. You had practically moved into the Millers' house. You lived not that far away, but the apartment was small, and since the job, you had only managed to cover the rent costs; you were barely getting by as it was. Joel needed someone to look after Sarah while he worked, so having you in the house solved that issue for him. But with each passing week and more, you three fell into somewhat of a routine, and you couldn't help but notice how right this all felt. You always wanted to be a young mom anyway. Sure, the baby wasn't yours, but that meant nothing to you. You cherished Sarah as if she was your blood and flesh. Joel loved that Sarah would grow up having you in her life. A true mother figure and did not doubt that as soon as his daughter learned how to talk, she would without a doubt refer to you as a mother.
Now, almost 12 years later, you still found yourself smiling every time you thought back at the time you and Joel came together, clawing through the struggles as one. "Morning", Sarah ran down the stairs, quickly coming to kiss your cheek as she moved to grab plates for everyone. "Morning, darling, is your father awake?", "Banged on the door loudly, but he's getting old wouldn't be surprised if he didn't hear", you let out a chuckle at her words. She often teased Joel about getting old. Especially now that his first gray hair had sprouted.
"Is Momo up?", Sarah asked, missing the sight of her brother in the kitchen. You turned to the living room, "Tommy is watching cartoons with him." Malakai was a surprise baby, to say the least. You and Joel weren't trying to get pregnant, but at the same time, you weren't always all that safe when it came to sex. When you feel pregnant, you generally couldn't help but have the fear of Joel walking out on you. Yes, you two had gotten engaged not that long ago, but the conversation of having kids together was never a thing.
Yet Joel didn't do anything but cry once you told him. He wrapped you up in his arms as you two swayed in the kitchen at two in the morning, where you had waited for him to return from his shift. "Tell me again; I still can't believe it," he muttered into your ear for what felt like a thousand times, "I am pregnant with your baby." Joel shook his head still, "Baby Miller..", he let out a breathy laugh. Hands coming to hold his head. With you? A baby with you? The most amazing woman on this earth. He surely didn't deserve it, but he was more than grateful for it.
"I know we might get tight on money. I do want to work till I get too big..", you blurred out, letting your biggest worries out. Joel quickly cupped your face, "Don't you worry your cute head about that. I will take more shifts, and we will be fine", yet you still frowned at him. You didn't want him to work any more than he already did. It felt wrong to let him carry the income burden on his own. "I can still work", "I will only agree to that if you are feeling one thousand percent sure that you can do that. I would much more prefer you stayed at home." You did figure it all out, as you always did. Sarah was over the moon to get a sibling, and now more than ever, this felt like a family.
Joel hurried down the stairs just as Sarah came back with Malakai in her arms. Your husband quickly leaned in to kiss you as he grabbed a cup of coffee. "Birth-a", Malakai clapped. Sarah leaned in to whisper something into his ear once again. "Daddy Old," he said happily, making you let out a laugh, especially when that proud smirk painted Sarah's face. Joel shook his head, "I'll send Cooky Monster after you two. Come here and hug me, you crazy bunch." Watching your kids wrapped up in Joel's strong arms always made you feel some type of way. He was the best father a child could ask for.
"No pancakes?", Sarah grumbled as she looked at the scrambled eggs in front of her, "Frown at your father, he forgot to buy it". It was a tradition to have pancakes on birthday mornings. One that all four of you took very seriously. But with the job load only getting bigger, you couldn't blame Joel for forgetting to get it. "Will we at least get the cake?", "I'll buy one on my way home, I promise," Joel said, scuffing down the egg. Sleeping in meant more rushing, especially when he still needed to drop Sarah off at school.
"Good cause it would be a shit birthday if we didn't at least get that", she said in frustration, "Language young lady", you nudged her shoulder. "Your shirt is insane out, handsome", you pointed your fork Joel's way as he dropped the empty plate in the sink. "No, it is not," he argued, looking down, "Dad, you are seriously getting old," Joel grumbled while taking off his shirt. You moved to feed Malikai, trying to hide your smile.
"You and I, tonight after the kids are asleep. I have special plans with you", Joel cupped your face, leaning in to kiss you a couple of times. "Gross!", Sarah shouted from the hallway, making you two laugh. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Miller", you packed his lips one more time. God, was letting go of this man hard. "I know what I am still capable of," Joel teased back, making you raise your eyebrows, " I'll be the judge of that tonight, sir."
You three had already eaten dinner. Malakai had been sleeping on your chest for quite some time. Sarah dozed off slightly as you waited for Joel to come home. He was late. That, of course, upset Sarah. You wished it was different. That she would see more of him. You hoped that now that you had landed a pretty good job deal, you could balance it out. That Joel could be home more often, and the kids wouldn't have to miss him that much.
The sound of the keys jingling made you stir as you noticed Joel walking into the living room. He was tired, as always. Sarah stirred from beside you. "You're so late," she mumbled, leaning more into you as you ran a hand through her hair. "I know, baby girl; I'm so sorry." Joel kneeled in front of her, carefully tickling her side in hopes to make the grumpy go away. "Did you at least get the cake?", Joel cursed under his breath. All the way home, he knew he had forgotten something, but it only hit him now. "Are you for real, dad?", "I promise I'll get the biggest cake I can get for you all tomorrow."
Sarah looked up at him, letting out a sigh as she reached to wrap her hands around her father's neck. Joel pressed her close to his chest, holding her just a tad harder than most evenings. "I got you something but it's upstairs", she said rubbing her sleepy eyes. Once she had disappeared from the room, you turned to Joel. "I'm so sorry for messing it up," he muttered, sitting down next to you. "Jokes on you, you messed your birthday up." You leaned closer to him. Malakai grumbled in his sleep, his eyes opening for a moment. The sight of his father finally being home made him reach for Joel. He instantly scooped the boy up, pressing a loving kiss to the top of his curly hair as he rocked him a couple of times. Malakai eased into sleep immediately. And you weren't too surprised about it—the warmth Joel carried was enough to make anyone fall asleep within seconds.
"Open up," Sarah said as she handed Joel a box. He shook it a couple of times, trying to inspect it without seeing it. "I know it was laying in your drawer for some time now", "Where did you get the money for it?", Joel looked at the old watch that he had to give up on years ago. "Drugs," Sarah said casually, making you let out a laugh that Joel joined soon after. "I think you got mugged, though it's not ticking." Joel pushed the watch to his ear, and Sarah's face paled as she moved to grab it out of her father's hands. The sound of ticking filled her ears, making her roll her eyes and say, "Not funny, dad."
You moved to wrap your arms around her, dragging her onto the bed with you. She would be sandwiched between you and Joel. "How about a movie, and then I'll tuck my two gremlins into bed", Sarah playfully hit Joel's chest, "Mom, will fall asleep within minutes", she turned to watch you already almost dozing off. "I won't say I won't, but I'm giving you ten minutes, and you will be out as well", you hugged her closer, eyes falling onto Joel who looked down on you two fondly.
"If I knew what was going to happen that night… I would", your voice died down, "I don't even know what I would have changed, but I wish I could go back, you know? To try to do something differently", Ellie looked at you. If you had let yourself smile a little at the thought of the happy memories she knew that now was the time when the real shit was going to go down. Ellie inched closer to you. Leaving her cup on the table as she took a hold of your hand once again.
"I have four civilians by the river," the male said sharply into the radio. "Joel," you whispered, pressing Momo closer to your chest as your breathing picked up. Joel wished he could reach for you and hold you close as well, but he knew that now that was impossible. "We'll be okay, love. All of us will be okay," Joel whispered, his eyes not leaving the soldier in front of him. "Uncle Tommy," Sarah whispered, looking between you and Joel. "We'll get you two and mommy somewhere safe, and I'll go back to look for him," Joel said as calmly as he could, pressing Sarah even closer to him.
The soldier lifted the gun, making you shake your head. "We're not sick", Joel managed to say before the shots rang out. Everything that happened after that was a blur and a slow-motion movie at the same time. The fall off the curb. The cries from Malakai rang out even louder than the bullets. You fell right beside Joel, your hands clinging to the boy and pressing him closer to you. The light from the gun made you close your eyes once again. "I'm sorry", you heard the soldier rasp out, "No, please", Joel exhaled, moving as quickly as he could to shield your body with his own as yet another shot fired. Joel's hand pressed down onto you tightly, not even letting go when the sound around him died down.
"Oh god", Tommy's voice made Joel lift his head, turning his attention to where his younger brother was looking. And there was Sarah. Her breaths were shallow as she pressed down on her side, which was bleeding heavily. Joel felt as if his world stopped for a moment as he crowed towards her. "No… no," Joel breathed out, "You're okay, baby girl, you're okay." His eyes fell on the wound that was pouring out bright red blood. "Sarah", you called out, inching towards her, gasp leaving your mouth as you saw just how bad it was. Joel tried to move her up, but Sarah only screamed out in pain, "I know, baby, I know. I need to help you up."
Joel's eyes were on you as you sobbed by Sarah's side. Hands were now just as soaked as his with sticky blood. Joel looked at Tommy, who was holding Malakai, then back to Sarah, who was gulping down air. He couldn't let his baby die. Not here. Not now. Not his little girl. Not his butterfly. Joel pressed his palms to the shot wound harder, making Sarah roar in agony, "I know it hurts, but you will be okay". You brushed your hand over the side of her face, not trusting your words anymore.
"Tommy, help me!", Joel shouted, but once he turned his attention back to his brother, his breathing stopped. Your eyes followed Joel's gaze. Eyes grew wide at the sight of Tommy standing there with a gun pointed at his head. Malakai being dragged away by another soldier. You quickly rose to your feet. "Give me my boy!", you shouted. No longer sounding like yourself. More like a wild animal out for blood.
"That's a child. Are you going to kill a child?", you stepped closer, but only got met with the back of the gun hitting your back, making you fall back to the ground. "Please, please, I'll do anything," you croaked out, pulling yourself up as you watched the soldier stop in its tracks. The boy in his arms reached out to you as he cried. The soldier let go of Malakai, and for a split second, a rush of hope flowed through you. He was going to come back to you. Your baby boy was going to be okay.
You reached your hands towards him as he took wobbly steps towards you. "Come here, baby, come here, Momo," you called out, barely being able to see through the tears streaming down your cheeks. "Mama," he cried out, making you nod your head. And then the shot rang out. The sound that you knew was going to hunt you for the rest of your life. You saw the bullet pierce Malakai's head as his body sagged to the floor.
The scream that fell from you was far from human. The pain that pierced you was as outrageous. You quickly moved forward, ready to kill the man who had just killed both of your kids cold-heartedly. You didn't make it far as two hands quickly pulled you over to the side. Turning you away from the lifeless body of the toddler.
Joel knew he had to get to you before you joined the kids on the ground. He held onto you for dear life as you trashed in his hands, "I will fucking kill you, do you hear me? I will rip you to pieces, you fuck," you screamed, trying to get loose and out of Joel's embrace. "Let go of me, let me kill him," you spat, nails digging into Joel's arms as you tried to push them away. "I've got you; you need to breathe." His words made you stop. You looked him in the eyes for the first time that night. Another sob escaped your lips as you sank to the floor, hands ripping at the skin of your chest, "Kill me, let me die, I don't want to live", your words were broken in between harsh intakes of breath. Joel shook his head once again, wrapping his arms around you, "I need you, please, I need you".
The sound of the door closing made you jump. You had no clue when you finished telling the story. You don't remember zoning out. Ellie was still holding your hands, her own eyes puffy from crying. Joel stopped in his tracks. The sight of him was not something he imagined coming home to. Your face was pale. Streaks of tears are still visible on your cheeks. Ellie didn't look any better. "What happened?", Joel quickly closed the distance between you. "Did someone hurt you? Are you hurt?", he took a hold of your trembling hand before turning to Ellie. "I…", she started, but the world failed her. The panic inside Joel only grew.
"Ellie found out about Sarah and Momo," you whispered, closing your eyes in hopes to stop the tears from falling once again. To the sound of the names, Joel's jaw clenched as he sat down on the table that was behind him. "I'm so sorry. I just saw the memorial." Joel only shook his head. "I swear I didn't", "Ellie," Joel said firmly, making her stop.
He knew this day would come. He might be half deaf, but he wasn't blind. Joel knew that Ellie was up most nights when you would scream. And was quite surprised that she hadn't yet brought this up in any way. But then again, she wasn't a stupid girl; she knew her boundaries. You rose to your feet, and Joel was quick to steady you, yet you brushed his touch away. "I need some fresh air", "I'll come with you", Joel insisted, but you shook your head, "I want to be alone for a moment". He was going to fight that choice, but by now he had grown to understand that in moments like this, letting yourself feel it out alone, at least at the beginning, was the best option.
Ellie couldn't bring herself to look at Joel as she fidgeted with her fingers, "I didn't mean to…", "I thought I was going to lose her after it all", Joel's words took Ellie by surprise. She quickly turned her gaze toward him. Joel was staring blankly at the wall in front of him. "She did everything she could to die. I didn't sleep; I couldn't. Was too afraid that I would miss something, won't be able to stop her", he exhaled sharply, hands coming over his face for a second.
"You had the biggest impact on Y/N. I saw her smiling for the first time in twenty years when you came by", Joel shook his head. Ellie couldn't utter a single word as he continued to stare at him. "I never meant to hurt you," "You never did. I feel the safest with you. I love you both as my parents. You have been the closest thing to a family that I've ever had," Ellie blurted out quickly. Joel turned to her, his eyes glistening with tears. "I won't let anyone hurt you," Joel whispered, clenching his jaw. Ellie fell into his arms, wrapping herself around his torso. "I know because you've never let anyone down, and you're not about to start doing that now."
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writingforstraykids · 4 months
Always back to you - Chp.3🖤
Pairing: Minho x m!Reader (mention of OT8)
Word Count: 4332
Summary: Minho and you slowly find your way back together once he's released from the hospital. Minjun's birthday party brings you both closer than ever before ...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, single dad!min, angst, domestic shit
A/N: Thank you for all the love for the first part especially🤭 I'll have a very busy day tomorrow, so you'll get the next part today already instead🤭🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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You immediately take up the responsibility of caring for Minjun, ensuring that Minho has no worries as he recovers. You bring Minjun to your home and transform it into a safe haven for the little boy who is confused and missing his dad.
You set up a schedule that balances fun activities and quiet time, keeping Minjun engaged and content. Mornings are spent in the garden, where you teach him how to plant seeds and water flowers, explaining the nature of growth and the care plants need to thrive—a subtle lesson you hope he translates into understanding his father’s situation.
Minjun enthusiastically takes to gardening, his curious nature soaking up every detail you offer. He frequently asks questions, his large eyes wide with wonder as he watches little bugs crawling around and you tell him more about them. “Does Daddy need water and sun to get better, too?” he asks one day, his innocence tugging at your heartstrings.
You chuckle softly, ruffling his hair. “Something like that, buddy. Your dad needs rest and a little bit of sunshine to regain his strength.”
During these days, Minjun often speaks of his father, his young mind trying to wrap around why his dad had to stay in the hospital. You assure him that his dad is getting stronger every day, and soon, they’ll be back to playing in the park and reading bedtime stories.
In the afternoons, you work on light educational activities like drawing and reading. Minjun loves to draw; his papers are filled with pictures of his garden and the plants and lots of drawings of him and his dad together, often with a big sun shining overhead. You send these drawings to Minho, who calls every evening to say goodnight, his voice always a mix of gratitude and wistfulness.
Each call becomes a little bridge, reconnecting the threads of the small family. Minho’s voice grows stronger each day, and his words begin to carry hope instead of just fatigue. He shares updates about his recovery, about the small victories of a full night’s sleep or a walk around the hospital ward without feeling dizzy.
One evening, as you and Minjun are setting up a board game in the living room, your phone buzzes. It’s Minho, and he’s calling a bit earlier than usual.
“Y/n, hey. I… I’m coming home tomorrow,” Minho’s voice is tentative, almost shy.
“That’s great news, Minho! Minjun will be so happy,” you respond, watching Minjun’s face light up at the mention of his dad.
“Can we… can I come over when I get back? I want to see Minjun, and I… I owe you a proper thank you,” Minho adds, his tone earnest.
“That's okay,” you assure him, feeling a complex knot of emotions at his return but happy for Minjun’s sake.
The next day is bright and sunny, and Minjun is practically vibrating with excitement. “Is Daddy coming now? Or now?” he asks every few minutes, peering out the window.
“Soon, little bug. Let’s go to the garden. We can show him how much everything has grown since he’s been gone,” you suggest, leading him outside.
You're both kneeling in the garden, Minjun excitedly pointing out each new sprout and blossom, when you hear the gate click. Looking up, you see Minho, thinner and a bit pale but smiling as he watches his son.
“Daddy!” Minjun screams, sprinting towards him with a speed that surprises both of you. Minho drops to his knees just in time to catch him, embracing him tightly. His eyes close as he buries his face in Minjun’s soft curls. 
“I missed you so much, buddy,” Minho murmurs, his voice thick with emotion.
“Missed you more,” Minjun replies, his small hands cupping his face as he kisses his nose. 
You walk over slowly, giving them a moment, before Minho looks up at you, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “Y/nnie, thank you,” he says, standing up to face you. “It means a lot.”
“There’s no need to thank me, Minho. I’m just glad you’re okay,” you reply, your voice gentle.
“No, I need to say this,” Minho insists, taking a deep breath. “I was wrong, and I’m sorry for how I treated you. You’ve been nothing but kind, and I took that for granted. I hope I can make it up to both of you somehow.”
“One step after the other. For now, you should rest; we can talk properly later,” you suggest, offering a smile that Minho returns gratefully.
Minho reaches into his pocket, and you can hear him pulling out his keys. He stretches out his hand almost timidly, offering you your spare keys to his home. “You're always welcome. If not for me, then for him, please. I don't want him to suffer just because I fucked up.”
You hesitantly take them, able to tell he's trying to fix things. “I…I'll think about it. I need time, Min.”
“That's okay,” he assures you. “Your replacement is shit, by the way,” he says with a weak grin. 
You chuckle softly. “No, that's you being used to someone handling things for you more than for the others,” you remind him. You inhale deeply and awkwardly rub your neck. “I'll also think about that, okay?” 
“Okay,” he nods, unable to hide the hope in his orbs at the mere chance of you coming back. “I'm sorry.”
“I know,” you assure him. “Me too…Now, go rest, please. Call if you need something.”
“Bye, Y/nnie,” Minjun says, hugging you tightly as you get down on his level. “Love you.”
You swallow softly, a similar surprise lacing both Minho's and your features. “I love you too, buddy,” you answer honestly and squeeze him gently. “Now go home with your daddy, yeah?”
The quiet of the morning was filled only by the faint sounds of the city waking up beyond the walls of the small, cozy room where Minho found himself slowly coming to consciousness. As his senses sharpened, the first thing he became aware of was the warm, small body pressed against his side. Gently turning his head, he sees Minjun, his little baby, sleeping peacefully next to him, his chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of deep sleep. The sight fills Minho with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.
Carefully so as not to wake him, Minho wraps his arms around Minjun, pulling him close. The boy, still deep in his dreams, instinctively snuggles closer into his father's embrace. Even in sleep, Minjun seems to sense his father's need for closeness and comforts him with his mere presence.
Minho’s eyes trace the soft, youthful features of his son's face, noting the faint freckles that dust his nose and the gentle curl of his lips. Memories flood through Minho’s mind—the first time he held Minjun, the first steps he took, the first words he spoke.
Recovering from his incident, Minho was forced to confront his own vulnerabilities and the stark realization of how much he relied on the presence of his son. These mornings, waking up next to Minjun, were sacred. They were not just moments of physical rest but crucial for his emotional recovery as well. 
Minjun shifts in his sleep, a small sigh escaping him. His small hand grips Minho's shirt tightly as if, even in his dreams, he is determined to hold on. Minho’s heart aches with an overwhelming mix of joy and sorrow—joy for his son's presence and health and sorrow for the times he hadn’t been there as fully as he wanted.
“Daddy loves you, Minjun,” Minho whispers into his son's dark curls, his voice barely audible. A tear escapes the corner of his eye as he tightens his embrace, grateful beyond words for his return to health and the second chance it represented.
The sun begins to cast its first rays into the room, streaks of light that paint the walls with the colors of dawn. The light seems to coax the city to life gently, and as it does, it also seems to awaken Minjun. The little boy yawns and blinks open his eyes, surprised for a moment to find himself so close to his father.
“Daddy?” Minjun’s voice is sleepy and confused but also filled with an affection that comes from deep within.
“Good morning, buddy,” Minho says, his voice still thick with emotion. “Did you sleep well?”
Minjun nods, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. “Yes.”
Minho smiles. “That sounds good. Maybe we can go to the park later?”
“Yeah!” Minjun’s face lights up with excitement. “And I can be a hero!”
Minho laughs, the sound rich and full of genuine happiness. “Of course, my little superhero. But first, how about we make some pancakes for breakfast?”
Minjun’s agreement is instantaneous and enthusiastic. As they get up and make their way to the kitchen, Minho keeps his son close, his hand resting lightly on Minjun’s shoulder. Making breakfast together was a simple activity, yet it held so much meaning for Minho, just being home again. 
As Minho watches Minjun clumsily crack eggs and stir batter, he is filled with gratitude for his young son's resilience. He had managed to stay strong and loving throughout the difficulties they had faced.
“Daddy?” Minjun looks up at him, a slight frown on his face. “Are you okay? You look sad.”
Minho is taken aback, realizing that his emotional reflections must have shown on his face. He kneels down, bringing himself to eye level with Minjun, and smiles.
“I’m more than okay; I’m happy,” he assures his son, his hand gently cupping the boy’s cheek. “I’m just very thankful for you, Minjun. You’re my little hero, did you know that?”
Minjun giggles, the sound like music to Minho’s ears. “I’m your hero?”
“Yes, you are,” Minho assures him, hugging him tightly. “My biggest hero.”
Minjun hugs him back, his small arms strong and sure. “It’s okay, Daddy. I take care of you.”
The words, so earnest and sincere from such a young soul, fill Minho with an even deeper appreciation for his son and his eyes with tears. He realizes that while he was often the one taking care of Minjun, his son was also taking care of him in many ways, providing love, motivation, and a reason to recover fully and well.
One week later 
For Minjun's birthday, Minho decided on a cozy movie night—a welcome change from the usual buzz of birthday parties and perfectly suited for their small circle. The boys all love a good movie night, find children's movies hilarious, and, most importantly, they all love Minjun like their own. 
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a soft glow through the windows, they arrive one by one.
Chan and Felix arrive last with a special surprise for the birthday boy. “Jiho, mate, we brought someone with us,” Felix leans down to him conspiratorially. 
“Who?” he asks curiously, eyes growing wide. Chan steps aside and gently pulls you out of hiding. Minjun squeaks in delight, looking up at Minho excitedly. “Daddy, it's Y/nnie!” he says, jumping in place impatiently. 
Minho giggles and gently brushes back his curls. “Well, go say hi, dumpling.”
Minjun doesn't need a second invitation to fall into your arms. “Hey, little bug,” you say quietly. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you,” he beams happily before moving on to greet the next guest. “Uncle Channie, up!” he says, reaching out for him. 
Chan smirks, lifts him up and throws him into the air above his head a little, catching him safely again. Minho flinches heavily, reaching for Minjun in shock. Felix laughs at him, gently patting his back. “Channie, babe, don't give him a heart attack.” 
Chan laughs, putting a giggling Minjun back on his feet. “Sorry, Min,” he chuckles, and Minho snorts. 
“Alright, come on in, you know the way,” Minho laughs.
The living room was transformed into a fortress of comfort. Pillows and blankets were strewn across the floor, creating a plush sea of soft fabrics that invited everyone to kick off their shoes and sink in. The air was rich with the aroma of popcorn and sweet treats that lined the table alongside a stack of Minjun’s favorite animated movies.
Minho watches as Felix and Jeongin set up the projector, their antics punctuated by light-hearted banter that fills the room with laughter. Hyunjin and Seungmin are tasked with stringing fairy lights around the room, adding a magical ambiance that makes the space feel like a small cinema hall. Jisung and Changbin, meanwhile, busy themselves in the kitchen, popping more popcorn and arranging a variety of snacks on platters. Minho watches his family with a smile, each member contributing to the evening’s success, weaving their love for Minjun into every detail.
The movie starts, the lights dimmed to mimic a theater, and the first frames flicker across the makeshift screen. Minjun sits between Minho and you, a perfect sandwich of his favorite people, his face lit by the soft glow of the projector as he watches with wide-eyed wonder.
Throughout the evening, the adults' eyes often meet over Minjun's head, shared smiles of affection and slight amusement at his captivated reactions to the on-screen adventures. During a particularly exciting scene, Minjun would sometimes stand, pointing at the screen and explaining to you loudly the many details of the plot as he understood them.
"The hero's gonna save everyone. He's strong like daddy!" Minjun's voice is full of pride and excitement, making everyone chuckle, especially Minho, whose heart swells with love and a bit of awe at his son's interpretation.
The room is filled with the sounds of the movie, mixed with Minjun's occasional commentary and the boys' gentle laughs.
Halfway through the second movie, Minjun’s eyelids begin to droop, and he leans more heavily against you, his small hand gripping yours as he fights the pull of sleep. You look down at him, a soft smile playing on your lips, touched by the trust and affection Minjun shows you.
Minho notices this gentle exchange, and his heart is filled with gratitude for your presence in Minjun’s life, especially during the times when he couldn’t be there himself. He makes a mental note to himself to ensure you know how much your support meant to him, perhaps later when the movies are done and the excitement of the day has settled into the quiet of the night.
As the evening winds down and the credits roll on the last movie, Minho gently nudges Minjun awake to blow out the candles on his small birthday cake. With a sleepy grin, Minjun makes a wish and blows with all his might, the room erupting into applause.
"Happy birthday, Minjun!" everyone cheers, making him giggle happily and hide in Minho’s arms shyly. 
Minho soothingly kisses his hair and cuddles him close. Your heart warms seeing them, and glancing around the room, you can tell how much Minho and his little boy mean to everyone. Minho looks almost as tired as Minjun, but both are beaming with happiness. The boys fall back into their usual chatter, and you more or less subtly watch Minho next to you with Minjun still in his arms. They're having a quiet conversation, Minjun resting his head against Minho's and holding onto his hands. You feel the old, familiar warmth spreading through you as you watch them. Getting into that fight with Minho had made you feel awful. You missed your time with Minjun and you realized how used you've grown to Minho's presence in your life. 
Minho's eyes find yours, and your breath hitches at the softness of his orbs. “Minjun's asking if you could read him a bedtime story?”
“Oh, of course,” you nod. 
“The bedroom’s upstairs, second door on the left. You can get comfortable there; he loves cuddling in bed before,” he assures you kindly and watches you leave with Minjun. 
Chan nudges him gently. “You two are alright again?”
“We're working on it,” he tells him, and Chan hums agreeingly. 
“We should wrap it up,” Chan chuckles, and Minho hums agreeingly. 
“Yongbokie and you can have the guestroom upstairs. You'd get home way too late,” he tells him. Chan and Felix live the furthest away, after all. “Jisung and Hyunjin can have the sofa,” he laughs, seeing them already deep asleep there. 
Seungmin, listening in, pouts softly. “I'm tired, I don't want to leave.”
Minho glances at him and Innie, resting their heads on Changbin’s shoulders. “I can only offer you to sleep here with all the pillows and stuff.”
“Sounds great,” Jeongin mumbles drowsily. 
“Mhm, then that's settled,” Chan chuckles, soothingly rubbing Felix's shoulder as the younger one slowly grows heavy against him. “Should we clean up tomorrow then?” 
“Yeah, I'll do it once everyone's gone,” Minho laughs. 
“Lix and I can help,” he assures him, earning a thankful smile. 
About ten minutes later, once Minho made sure everyone had what they needed he made his way to his own bedroom, Chan next to him. “I forgot Lix gets cold easily,” he chuckles and carefully pushes the door open. He stops in his tracks, seeing you comfortably sprawled out on his bed, Minjun on your chest, and a book loosely in your hand. You're both asleep, looking peaceful and content. “Shit, I forgot about Y/nnie,” he curses quietly. 
“You can't really move him anywhere else, look at Minjun,” Chan giggles. 
“And where am I supposed to sleep?” he asks quietly, grabbing a fluffy blanket for Chan and Felix. 
“There's plenty of room next to them,” he says. 
“Chan. I can't just get into bed with my assistant,” he argues. 
“Your so-called assistant is hugging your son and asleep in your bed. I think you're way past that, mate,” he laughs. “It's your bed; just keep your distance or whatever.” Minho anxiously chews on his lower lip, debating a hundred different possibilities in his head. “Or you join me and Lix?”
“No, you two touchy fuckers can have that bed for your own,” he giggles, shoving his chest. “Not interested in a threesome right now.”
“Right now?” Chan teases, and Minho playfully raises his fist at him. “What about-”
“Go sleep, you're talking nonsense,” he laughs and gently shoves him outside. “Idiot.”
Chan giggles and gently shoves him back inside. “I'll hit you if you don't sleep in your own bed tonight. You still need rest, idiot.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he groans. 
Minho stares down at the scene before him, the weight of Chan's words sinking in. He watches you and Minjun, both deep in the tranquil sleep of the innocent and the cared-for, their faces peaceful and free from the burdens that Minho carried on his shoulders.
Gathering all his bravery, Minho slowly approaches the bed, his movements hesitant but deliberate. As he reaches the edge, he pauses, taking a moment to truly look at you—someone who has become so much more than just an assistant. You have been his support system, his son's caregiver, and his unintentional savior in times of unspoken despair. How could he continue to maintain a mere professional boundary when everything about your relationship had transcended those limits?
Minho carefully settles on the far edge of the bed, maintaining a respectful distance. He lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The soft sounds of Minjun's and your breathing soothe his nerves. 
The room is silent, save for the soft ticking of the clock and the distant sounds of the city. Minho turns his head slightly, watching Minjun snuggle closer to you in his sleep. The sight is both beautiful and a stark reminder of the intimate moments he had missed during his recovery.
After a few moments, you shift in your sleep, perhaps sensing the added presence or the slight dip in the mattress as Minho lay down. Your eyes flutter open, and in the dim light, your gaze meets Minho’s. 
“Sorry,” you murmur, your voice sleepy yet filled with warmth. “I can leave.”
“Don't,” Minho says quickly and swallows hard. “He's comfortable here with you; there's no need to leave.”
“You're sure?” you ask, and he hums in response. “Well, you should get comfortable as well. There's no need to hover over the edge of the bed.”
Those words, softly spoken, are like a key turning in a lock for Minho. They break through his last hesitations, sweeping away the remnants of his doubts. He shifts closer, reducing the distance between him and you, and allows himself to relax fully. You turn on your side to face him, your eyes locking with his in the dim light.
“I’m sorry,” Minho whispers, the words thick with emotions. “For everything.”
Your hand finds his under the blankets, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’re past apologies, Minho. I fucked up because I took him without telling you. I didn't think and expected you to trust me; that wasn't fair. You overreacted…which is kind of understandable. I'm sorry for my part in this, and you're sorry for yours. We're okay.”
Minho feels a warmth spread through his chest. He nods, accepting your forgiveness, and turns his attention to Minjun, who murmurs something inaudible in his sleep and snuggles closer to both of you.
The early morning rays begin to seep through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Your eyes slowly flutter open as they meet your face. Stretching your tired body, you slowly realize that Minjun is gone already…and that Minho has gotten a lot closer overnight. You glance down and see his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to himself. His head is buried in your neck; you can feel his breath dancing across your skin. His hair feels soft against your skin and you wonder how it'd feel if you sank your hand into it. 
You freeze, unsure of what to do next. The warmth of his breath against your skin sends a mix of comfort and alarm coursing through you. This is Minho, you remind yourself, technically, he's still my boss. Yet, the intimacy of this accidental cuddling was something entirely new, a boundary neither of you had crossed before.
Minho stirs, his movements slow and sluggish as he approaches the edge of consciousness. You hold your breath, waiting for his reaction when he realizes the closeness you both shared through the night. His eyes open gently, adjusting to the soft morning light, and then widen slightly as he takes in the position you both are in.
There's a moment of silent understanding, a mutual acknowledgment of the unintentional closeness. Minho’s eyes flicker with a mix of surprise and something softer, a vulnerability you've seen only in fleeting moments. He pulls back slightly, his hand retreating from where it had found a place around your waist.
“I-I’m sorry,” Minho mutters, his voice a low rasp tinged with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to-.”
“It’s okay,” you interject quickly, your voice soft, attempting to brush off the awkwardness. “We were both asleep. Things happen.”
Minho nods, his cheeks tinged with a blush that he can't hide. He sits up, rubbing the back of his neck—anxious gestures that you’ve come to recognize as his way of coping with discomfort. 
Silence fills the room for a few heartbeats. Both of you glance away, then back at each other, unsure of how to navigate this new, uncharted territory in your relationship. Finally, Minho clears his throat, his eyes meeting yours with an earnestness that makes your heart skip a beat.
“I didn’t intend for that to happen,” he says, his voice steady but soft. “But I can’t say I regret waking up next to someone who means so much to Minjun… and to me.”
Your breath hitches slightly at his words, a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. “Minho, I-”
“You don’t have to say anything,” Minho interrupts gently. “I just want you to know that I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for us. For being here, for taking care of Minjun when I couldn’t, for being more than just an assistant, more than just a friend.”
The weight of his gratitude sits between you, heavy and warm. You nod, unsure of how to articulate the jumble of feelings his proximity and his words have stirred in you. 
“Thank you for trusting me, Minho,” you manage to say. 
Minho smiles a genuine smile that reaches his eyes, easing some of the tension. He glances at the clock, then back at you. “I guess we should get up. I promised Minjun pancakes, and I suspect he’ll be storming in soon if we don’t start cooking.”
You laugh, the sound light and freeing, breaking the last remnants of awkwardness. “Pancakes it is,” you agree, getting out of bed. You adjust your clothes, still feeling the warmth of where Minho’s arm was wrapped around you.
As you both head to the kitchen, the normalcy of the routine helps mend the morning’s awkward start. Minjun greets you both with a bright smile, oblivious to the tension from earlier, comfortably on Changbin’s lap. “Uncle Changnin is fun,” he announces, making everyone giggle at his slight mispronunciation. 
“Mhm, of course, I am,” Changbin smirks, shooting the others a glare. “Uncle Changnin is fun..unlike some others here.”
Minho laughs, rolling his eyes at him. “Who wants breakfast?”
Throughout the morning, there are shared glances and shy smiles between you and Minho, a silent acknowledgment of a bond that had deepened in the most unexpected way. As you watch Minho flip pancakes, his laughter mingling with Minjun’s excited chatter, you feel a contentment settle over you. This, you realize, is more than just a job; more than just a responsibility-it’s a part of your life that you cherish deeply.
Later, as you sit together eating the slightly deformed pancakes that Minjun insists are perfect, you catch Minho’s eye, and he gives you a small, grateful smile. You'd be okay. 
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You're my emergency contact.
König x reader.
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Everything started with a simple favor and it all ended with your emergency contact accidentally attending your call.
(Give a ♥️ if you enjoyed it)
Warning: perhaps it is a very long and not good story, mentions of violence, as always grammatical and spelling errors.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
You're König's neighbor, he's rarely at home so he asked you to keep an eye on his apartment, he gave you his number, just in case something happened.
- Danke, I Know I'm asking too much but I will give you my number, just... In case something happens, ja?
Your smile when he gives you his number In a piece of paper, he will never recover from that moment.
- For sure, it's not a problem, and thank you König I hope there's no need to use it for an emergency, I would prefer to use it in other circumstances.
-Ja, totally agree, well I have to go, thank you so much Schatz.
- Okay, have a nice trip König, see you!.
As soon as he left and you closed the door you started to jump with excitement, you finally had his number, you tried so hard for the last months to start a friendship with him and this is a big step for you.
But... What's next? You thought. After a few days you got an idea, you sent him a message.
«Hi König, I'm your neighbor, I forgot to give you my number, so here it is.»
An hour passed, two hours, four... Maybe it was a bad idea, then.
«Danke :D»
That's all? Well, at least he texted you back. You decided to not insist, maybe he was busy, another week passed, you really want to text him, why? Why do you want to be around him?
«captain's log: König's house is still safe, a package arrived at your door. :)»
You sent a selfie out of his door. A Risky move, you were getting nervous when you saw «seen» under the message.
«Hallo Schatz, danke for the notice, can you save the package at your house?, I'll pick it up when I arrive» «P.S. you look very pretty today ;)»
That was the beginning, for months you started to text each other. You send a lot of pictures about anything while he rarely sends you something, usually sunsets or just the sky. When he's at home you invite him to eat at your house or to drink a beer, you don't know yet but for König this is more than he expected, you and him are good together, jokes, loud laughs and a good conversation are always present when you're together, he's happy, he feels better with you, he feels affection for you.
- Well, this week I won't be at home for a few days, I hope you don't mind.
- What? Nein! Don't worry, I won't be at home either, I have some work, just a few days.
- ahh well maybe we will arrive home at the same time!
- ja! It would be a coincidence, a good one. Where will you go?
- Oh, my Mom's house, I'll visit her for a few days, my flight is this Wednesday, and I'll be back on Monday.
- Ah that's really nice, I hope you have a nice moment with her.
You're ready to take your flight, you were just waiting, when a group of armed men appeared.
- okay everybody, lay on the floor! We will not harm you if you obey!
Some people started to run, others screamed, the sound of shotguns...
The same man was shooting, while the rest of his companions were capturing people, you were on the floor, you took your phone and pressed the quick "emergency button" an old app your mother made you download just in case you needed, you knew it was useless because you and your mother lived far from each other, but after König gave you his number you added him on the emergency contacts list.
König was on his way to a mission when he Received a text. Your app sent a message with your location, an audio and a short video of what the camera phone could record, in those 15 seconds a man was yelling at you and others.
He opened it and saw that your location was the same as where he was going, he froze when he saw you were a hostage, the biggest fear, rage and desire to protect you grew inside him.
He and his team arrived, but they couldn't access the place easily, every door had a bomb, they didn't know if those were real or false but they couldn't take the risk, they started to plan and work.
You and the other hostages were on the floor, the group of men were kicking, yelling and hitting you, one of them was enjoying hurting you, taller than you and corpulent, you couldn't do much to protect yourself, he made you stand up pulling you by the hair, you yelped and asked him to stop.
- Sit this one in that chair, we're going to start the show.
You were sitting, you looked like a scared puppy, why you? What will they do to you? Why are they doing all this? What they want?. One of the men started to record everything, while another was talking and showing a photograph of a criminal.
- (...) Yeah, so we have hostages here, innocent people who are in serious danger, if you don't let this man free, we will start to torture and kill everybody in this place, we have bombs everywhere, don't be stupid and don't try to send cops or any kind of shitty government deal maker, those are our conditions.
Both men walked to you, while the guy who initially selected you to be tortured was ready to play his twisted game, he made you stand up from that chair.
- This pretty one is the first, we need an answer in 15 min or this one will be dead soon. Let's start...
You looked at all of them, scared, begging them to not do it, a knife cutting deep your thighs, a punch on your eye, your nose and mouth were bleeding, your ribs broken, you were crying, yelling because of the pain, one of them was ready to stab you when a big man dressed in black shoot at him, a clean headshot, you fell on the floor while all the men started to run, shoot and fight, you saw more people in black joining to the fight, you can't focus your view, you can't see clearly, you're fainting, you saw this big guy approaching, you can't see his face, he's wearing a black mask or something, he's talking to you but you can't hear him well.
- Schatz! Look at me, stay with us! Do you hear me?
Schatz? You remember that word, but... Where? Who? You're exhausted, your body aches, you're probably hallucinating.
«Hey! Prepare an ambulance!» you hear him yell at someone else then he carried you in his arms, this strange blurry guy in black saved you, you rested your head in his chest, you're feeling sleepy.
- Schatz, Mein Liebling, stay awake, I'm taking you to the ambulance, you will be fine, ja?
You didn't listen to him anymore, you closed your eyes, you just had flashbacks of the trip In the ambulance but that was all.
After two days you finally opened your eyes. There's a white lamp in the ceiling, the smell of medicine and sickness, a hospital? Were you alive?
You tried to sit but the pain in your ribs prevented you and a familiar voice filled the silence of the room.
- Hey, easy Schatz, you're fine, you're in the hospital.
There he was, König was in a chair close to you, he looked tired, and... Was he wearing black? What's going on?
- König? What... What's going on? What happened? Why are you here, what happened with your job?
He just let a small laugh out and handed you a glass of water.
- too many questions, drink some water first please, ja? You are in the hospital because you were hurt after the airport attack, I'm here because apparently I'm one of your emergency contacts... Schatz, Do you remember what happened in the airport?
You looked at him carefully, his voice, his clothes, and that word, «Schatz». Was he the one who saved you?
- I remember I was waiting to board the plane when those men appeared, then I... Well... You're my emergency contact, so I sent the emergency text, I remember those men hitting and hurting me and I remember the man who saved me, you probably will think I'm crazy but... That man looked pretty much like you... But he was covering his face with a mask or something.
He smiled nervously at you and hid his face with his hands.
- Was it you könig?
He looked at you once again and nodded in silence, the surprise in your face made him more nervous, he never told you about his job but you weren't expecting to find it out in this way.
- You never told me about your job...
You were playing with your hands and the glass, he was looking at his shoes, talking almost in a whisper.
- I can't talk about it... For your protection... And because it's better if you don't know how and who I am at work.
You don't want to make him feel as if you were angry or uncomfortable with it, you're just surprised, he looks too shy and kind to work in something like that.
- I understand... And I know it was really a coincidence and that you were just doing your job but... thanks for saving me.
He doesn't respond, he's still looking at his shoes. As if he was a little boy in trouble.
- König?
- Hmm?
- I won't ask you about your job, If you can't tell me about it, I'm fine with it... look at me Kö.
He finally looked at you, he looked sad or ashamed but you smiled at him and took his big hand on yours.
- Thank you for saving me. You're a good emergency contact.
You blinked your good eye at him, He smiled at you and kissed your hand.
- Just call and I'll be there Schatz.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 14 days
Freebie!! 💜💜💜
Erik was pleased to see you awake and carefully eating on day four. He could see from your face that your injuries still gave you pain, but- you were healing. At the very least recovering from dehydration and starvation.
And another part of him was pleased to see you relax when you realized it was him entering your room. You were deep in thought before, fretting. And he knew it wasn't about the soup. You were worried about your team and the kids. How they were faring with you gone- even if they knew now that you weren't dead and would be back... the amount of unrest and general rise in hate group activity was making it harder and harder to operate.
"I could hear you thinking from the hallway," Erik said dryly, "and I'm not even telepathic."
"No rest for the wicked, I suppose," you snort. "I'm trying to decide what to do with our storehouses. They'll need to be moved again but the where to, when, and how is the trick."
Erik cocked his head curiously, "Storehouses of what?"
"Blankets, clothes, food, water, camp stoves and fuel, tents... anything non-perishable we get donated or can get our hands on really. Shelters won't take mutant kids and the ones that wind up sleeping on the streets, well..." You trail off and shake your head. "People- hate groups have found and burnt them down before. So we have multiple. That way if one burns we don't have to start all the way over."
Erik nodded, "And you move them?"
"Periodically. Never on a schedule and never to the same place. But given what just happened, people will be watching. There's a target on my back and probably a price on my head."
Practical. You were very practical. Undoubtedly you were frightened but business first.
"My grandparents are gonna be so pissed."
That made him blink. "I beg your pardon?"
"They're gonna be pissed," you repeat. "First I got kidnapped and now this-"
"Do they not object to-"
You snort, "Grandma was a teacher and Grandpa is still a preacher to this day- they... they just believe everyone should be allowed to live freely as they are. As god made them."
Erik nodded, digesting that for a moment.
"And when we can't get enough mats and canned goods they tend to put the congregation to work making mats out of plastic bags and doing food drives for the needy."
He smiled a little and patted your hand as he took a seat, "I'll protect you."
"No one can save me from the guilt trip I'm gonna get," you whine.
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aritsukemo · 16 days
Sick Days Chronicle | Pinky Promise | Shinobu Kocho
Summary: Sick days are the worst, but at least you get the pleasure of having your partner take time out of their otherwise busy schedule to take care of you! <3
Warnings: Nothing serious. Shinobu refers to you as 'dear' more than a few times. Also horrible and probably inaccurate medical descriptions ahead!
A/N: My first day at my first job was great despite me making so many mistakes! 😅 While I get used to my new schedule, please take this continuation of my sick day chronicles that I was finally able to finish!
Day One: Yuichiro Tokito | Day Two: Shinobu Kocho | Day Three: Muichiro Tokito | Day Four: Tanjiro Kamado | Day Five: Aoi Kanzaki
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"Take this twice a day for the next week and you'll feel much better," Shinobu, your doctor—who you were lucky enough to also call your girlfriend—instructed. Her gentle voice echoing in your head as you slowly digested and picked apart every little word that left her pink, glossed lips because who knows when the next time any words from her will be directed specifically at you.
You watch her every little movement. From the way she backs away to the way her polished hands kick up her butterfly-patterned haori just a little so that when she sits back on the stool, she doesn't sit on it to the way she involuntarily tugs at it, straightening it out as her hands slowly slide down the varying colors until they reach her thighs and the way she lays her hands diagonally on each thigh. You take note of how perfectly positioned they are and how they aren't slanted inwards to the point that it'd look uncomfortable, but aren't slanted too outwards to where it'd look like they're falling off the sides of her thighs.
As always, Shinobu has even the small things like how she sits perfected—or maybe you were just imagining it so that you'd have an excuse to suck in every little thing about her appearance. Maybe that's proof of just how starved you were of her..
And maybe, this is more proof of it, "Can you help me out?" You lift the cup just a little for emphasis on what you meant, being careful of the leaf-colored liquid sloshing around inside the cup.
She blinks and you can tell she's caught off guard by your question by the way her lips making a small 'o' before she quickly recovers and asks, "Of course, but may I ask why you couldn't yourself?"
"My arms feel weak," You threw out as she stood to her feet again, the two strands that frame her face swaying as she does so. She steps closer and leans in. Her cool, smooth hands encasing yours for a moment before they swiftly move to the cup and retreat with it. She then moved the cup to your lips and ever so slowly tilted it just as you tilted your head back a little.
"Is that so? They weren't bothering you before now. I hope this isn't the case, but are you coming down with more symptoms?" She asks, her tone honey sweet, but dipped in just enough sour worry that it makes the question come off less like a neutral fret or more like warm concern.
She waits patiently as she always does with everything and watches as you slowly drink down the bitter medicine. Being mindful to keep it at a low slant so that you can take in comfortable amounts at a time. It's only when you finish that she hastily rips the cup away from your lips.
"No other symptoms, just feel a little weak.." You reassure. It wasn't entirely false. Whatever you caught has made you feel more tired than usual whenever you did something. That exhaustion just wasn't very prominent in your arms, but she didn't need to know that.
You watch her tilt her head to the side. Not much, but enough for her self-made bangs to tilt—the one on the right bending just a tad when it meets her chin.
"Hm, it may just be fatigue, but I'll keep it in mind regardless. Let me now immediately if the feeling worsens, alright?" And then your heart tightens when you hear the slight fuzzy noise of her socks sliding against the smooth flooring—a small, but clear indication that she's about to turn around. An even clearer indication that she's about to leave.
"In case it is just fatigue, I think you should rest—" "Wait!" She pauses, half of her body turned towards the door including her head. That said, at your rather desperate call, she immediately turns, allowing you to catch the sight of her slim, pointy eyelashes falling from initially being raised up from surprise for the second time today.
"What's wrong? Do you feel any pain? Sudden dizziness?" She asks. Her tone strangled with sudden urgency that you've only heard a few times in the past. It reminds you of those small times of peace you two would share and that suffocating feeling of undeserved annoyance that would cage your heart whenever Aoi or one of the triplets would run in shouting about a patient in dire need of her attention. It also reminds of that empty feeling that would occur afterwards when that irritation dissipates as you watch Shinobu immediately leave your side while using that same semi-stern tone drenched all over the questions she shot out in hurry as she tries to access the severity of the situation.
It reminds you of her position. Of her title as the best medically-specialized demon slayer in all of the Demon Slayer Corps. A painful reminder that follows the realization of how important her time is to everyone and how you just wasted it by spewing lies for the sake of spending even a few more seconds of time with her.
In the end, you sigh at the realization that's finally plagued your mind; you were being very immature right now—something you know Shinobu despises with all her being and would certainly scold you or worse for if she found out the truth.
"Nevermind, it's nothing," You say, your tone sounding more defeated than you would've liked it to.
"Go on," One of your supposedly weak arm raises without trouble, your hand flicking up as you wave her off, "I'm sure you have many patients who need your attention.."
"Dear," You freeze. Your throat seems to as well because the air inside of it catches, unable to escape it's gummy confines. It causes your face to tingle, or at least, that's what you'd like to think. It's too embarrassing to admit that your face is growing warm because she referred to you by a common pet name—that she refers to everyone in—in a softer tone of voice..
She calls you again, "Dear," and you feel her cool touch all over as she cups her smooth hands over your rough ones. You hesitate, still deciding whether to pull away or stay and revel in her touch when she decides for you by tightening her grip—not having the strength enough to hurt you, but her grip is still firm, preventing you from easily pulling away. Not that the thought even crossed your mind to begin with.
"Are you alright?" She asks, "While I do believe part of it has to do with you falling under the weather, I've noticed you've been acting odd. Is there something you want to tell me?"
Gods, the way she's looking at you right now. Like a mermaid witnessing humans for the first time as they dance under the moonlight together. Like a goddess walking hand in hand along the heavans and looking up at their beloved Aphrodite herself. Her look was one so genuine and delicate that something as small as a frown from you could tranquish it; a scarce, fleeting expression that's completely foreign in comparison to the usual masks she tends to wear.
..And she's willing to let a shameless liar like yourself see it. Not one of the other Hashira, not Aoi or the triplets, not even Kanao. It was an expression made only for you. It was proof that even with so little time spent with each other, her love for you remains unwavering.
And here you were, lying to such a face because of such a silly reason..
"I.. I'm..alright," You tell her, your eyes darting to look everywhere but her face, "..My arm is too.." You sigh. Are you really doing this?
"I..lied to you when I said my arms were hurting.." Your eyes scrunch and close, waiting for the inevitable scolding or harsh words that you may, understandably, receive for wasting her time, but it never comes. Instead, you hear a light hum from her before she answers you as calm as ever, "Well, I obviously knew that."
Your eyes shoot open, the shock giving you the courage to look at her face at last, "Huh?" Again, one would think she would follow up with at least a light scolding, but it seems the time apart has caused you to forget just who Shinobu Kocho is; a woman who, even when fuming to the point steam comes out of her ears, would never take it out on someone—especially not a patient.
"It was obvious that you were lying. The type of muscle fatigue you describe tends to show itself in the early stages of an illness," She explains, "Plus, your body and face gave you away whenever you slightly moved your arms. Just now too. When you moved them, you showed zero struggle or signs of discomfort."
"I- I see.." Time really does make the mind grow weary for you to think that you could fool her, especially about something in her field of expertise. Even so, you can't find yourself saying that you'd never pull something like this again if a situation like this one ever called for it. That said, you end up changing the sentence that formed in your hand immeidately after it formed in your head, saying something entire different instead..
"I'm sorry for trying to trick you," Your eyes trail down to your hands which were still safely encased in hers—a grip feeling akin to icebergs, and yet, you don't pull away. Not when a touch like this one comes as often as a demon who's repulsed by human flesh.
"I'm not mad, I simply want to know your reason for lying in the first place." She further reassures.
"I.." Your tongue stills in your mouth, embarrassment creeping up your skin in the form of your blood again as it burns your cheeks and causes them to tingle and—although you're praying it wasn't noticeable—change colors.
"I just wanted to spend time with you..that's all.." You couldn't look up at her at first, but maybe you should've because it would've probably explained the expression you're seeing now; pink lips twisted up just enough to be noticed, but not enough for it to seem like her usual grins. Her eyebrows had fallen, making her eyes seem as soft as the furry creatures she despises so much. And what takes the cake is the cherry blossom blush painting her expression. Blush. She's blushing. You've never seen her blush before, but gods do you wish that you had sooner! She looks nothing short of ethereal. Like an oil painting..or a white dove spirit.
"Dear.." She calls in a hushed tone, the sudden raspiness overcoming that petname—that has quickly become your favorite word to hear her refer to you as—before a small, courteous laughter is breathed out from her lips and she shakes her head, taking note of her dual-colored bangs swaying side-to-side once again.
Then suddenly, she pulls her hands away from yours, releasing you from the spell she had casted on you. It saddened you. If you had the choice, you'd stay hypnotized by her sugary words, her honey-syrup laughter, and be enveloped by her icicle fingers for all of eternity..
"Whether you believe me or not, I also missed you greatly but I've been so busy that even my free time is spent in the presence of everyone in need of my help.." She holds out her hand to you again, but this time, just her dainty pinky finger sticks out as she says, "So, how about this; when you get better, come find me and we can go somewhere far away or hide away somewhere here for a little while. Just the two of us. Pinky Promise."
Your eyes linger on her pinky, eyes widening for nth time today. For someone known for her maturity, this was..surprisingly childish of her to do. At the same time, the scene before you felt so right. Like watching a queen put on her crown that was stolen from her or watching a demon slayer move to the next step of their training after spending months practicing..
And so, without a sense of regret or shame or embarrassment, you brought your hand up, stuck out your pinky, and allowed her to wrap her smaller, slimmer, one around yours—smiling as you return the favor and curl your pinky around hers.
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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itmeansiris · 6 days
The Solar System Legacy Challenge: In Memory of Jorden Gen 1 pt.52
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The morning after the funeral Spirit walks around the house checking on everyone. Its early, not long after sunrise, but she was accustomed to being up in the morning to tend to the garden and fix breakfast and coffee before Jorden awoke. But on this morning she paced the halls checking cramped bedrooms to make sure everyone was sleeping comfortably. She's opens the door to find Zohreh awake and smiling, while the triplets sleep soundly. She sits on the edge of the toddler bed closes to his portable crib.
Spirit: Good morning Sunlight.
The name she bestowed on Zohreh for becoming a bright spot in her daughters life when everything seemed so bleak and stark in comparison at the time. He was also the only one of four kids to have Kason's blonde hair color.
Spirit: It seems only you and I know there is a day to be lived. No worries your grandma enjoys getting to monopolize your attention.
While she continues chatting Zohreh waves to Spirit and blows her a kiss. 2 milestones.
Spirit: Oh my aren't we full of life! That's just what your mommy needs from you my Sunlight. You're growing up so fast, and your birthday is in less than a week.
Spirit felt pure bliss at being the first to witness Zohreh's new milestones.
Out front Kason wakes up and grabs a cup of coffee. He hadn't slept much (checking on M and the kids through the night) and the couch hadn't been the most comfortable place to sleep. He doesn't hear her approach and Spirit scares him purposely. Kason jumps, startled by Spirits silent approach. She doubles over laughing. He takes a seat trying to recover.
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Spirit: Thought I'd scare some life into you. Everyone around here seems so lifeless. Only one of us died. We do not need to act as if we are all gone.
Kason smiles happy to see Spirit her normal self.
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Kason: How about you take a seat and I start on some breakfast. Oh care for a cup of Joe I started a pot its still hot.
Spirit: I'll pass on the coffee but breakfast sounds wonderful we do have a house to feed. How about French Toast.
Kason: I think I can make that happen.
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Kason sets to task getting French toast made for the whole family, chatting animatedly with Spirit.
Spirit: I'll go check on Zohreh, he was up last time I checked. He's in good spirits today. He even laughed and blew his old grandma a kiss this morning.
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In the hallway on the way to check on the kids Spirit runs into Mercury.
Spirit: Good morning Little Planet.
M: Good morning mom.
Spirit: Sunlight?
Mercury breaks into a grin following her mother into the kitchen.
M: He waved to me for the first time. He's been having a lot of first lately.
Spirit: Kisses, smiles, waves I think he's a feeler that one.
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M: Good morning my love.
Kason: Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling this morning. Spirit requested French Toast for breakfast.
Spirit eardrops on the exchange having chose French Toast for one reason. Kason flips the last of the French Toast onto a plate.
M: French Toast sounds great. Look mom its even better than daddy's.
Kason softly exhales and Spirit smiles
Spirit: Anything was better than your fathers French Toast.
The rest of the family joins them.
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That evening Beckett joins M in the yard. She'd been looking at the stars.
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Beckett: Find anything interesting?
M: Wanna take a look?
He declines
Beckett: That was always you and dads thing I was never any good with a telescope. But I don't mind keeping you company.
M: You weren't any good cause you never used yours. You were too busy knocking it over with your soccer ball or your bike.
She teased. Beckett stretched out on the blanket
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Beckett: Actually that was yours. Besides I used it right once...to look into the neighbors windows
M: Beckett! Oh my watcher! Did you really?
Beckett: Trust me all I got was a close up on parts of Mr.Linh that should never be seen by a child.
He stutter recalling the image
M: Which one?  Chánh or Arturo?
He rolls his eyes as she comes over to join him
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Beckett: Really M does it matter? Besides I was trying to get a look at Ms.Cahyaputri daughter.
M: Ha, you were at the wrong window! Wait...is that why your telescope went missing in the middle of the night? And you told dad someone stole it.
Beckett: I thought he would kill me, it was so expensive and he really did try his best to teach me. But after what I saw I could never go near that thing again.
M: He didn't even ground you. He just went out and bought a chess table.
Beckett: Which I was much better at I might add. He must have known. No one in the neighborhood would have stolen the telescope and I made no secret how much I disliked the cursed thing.
M: Classic dad...I'm not sure I ever saw him mad.
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Beckett: Nah. Dad didn't know how to be angry, everything just bounced off him. I used to think he was bottling up his anger until one day I realized he just embraced his carefree nature. It must have been nice not letting anything get you down...
He drops his head to his knees and buries his face. His next words raw with emotion.
Beckett: I miss him M....I know mom says to celebrate his life but it hurts...
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Mercury was only a year older than Beckett and because they were so close in age and he was bigger than she was by the time they were 15 he always behaved and secretly told people he was her "Big Brother"
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She pulled her little brother close
M: I know Bek. It's okay, I know how much it hurts.
She gets up and gets the jar of marbles below the stairs. She can see the remains of the last chalk circle her father had likely drawn.
M: How about a game?
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peachymilkandcream · 11 months
Evelyn x Movie! William Afton Smutshot
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(A/N: This has been hiding in my brain ever since I saw the movie, and I wasn't going to write this but one I get it out I figured the space this man is renting in my head will be vacant. He is such dilf energy and gives me Break Me Slowly Levi vibes. Obviously, this is totally not canon in any way shape or form, Evelyn is just my go to OC and persona so I just decided to use her. I just had to give into my demons. To repent for my sins of this I'll try and get a Break Me Slowly chapter up today. [Also I'm not totally fluent on all the lore so bear with me])
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
The restaurant was failing, the rumours surrounding those missing children had damaged his business almost beyond repair. While it was his own fault, William was too proud to admit it. Nothing was ever because of him, he was only responsible for the good that happened in the lives of him and his children.
His anger and frustration needed to be taken out on someone, and while he wanted it to be on Henry or another unsuspecting child, he needed to pace himself. If he did too much and got too greedy all that would get him is a prison stay and he'd never see his wife or kids again. After all the work he did to have all those things, he wasn't about to lose it.
William marched into the house, happy to see his wife Evelyn with their daughter Elizabeth on her hip. Four kids hadn't changed her body, and unlike him grey hadn't threatened to streak her hair. She looked just as beautiful as the day he married her, all those years ago when he had convinced her to marry him since he had gotten her pregnant.
Her whole life had become nothing but living under his thumb as a dutiful wife who lived to take care of the children he gave her and all of his needs. Slowly, he approached her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Without an ounce of emotion or barely and reaction she continues making whatever she was doing for dinner.
"Hello William."
"Evelyn." His hands snake up to her chest, squeezing slightly. When she brushes his hands away he just returns to grip them harder. "Don't you try it."
"William the children are here..."
"And they can see a loving married couple. I don't see a problem here. Think of it as a teachable moment."
"Please William, stop-"
He does, for a moment, taken aback by her sudden distaste to him. It wasn't something he was used to, and didn't like in the slightest. He straightens himself out and stares her down.
"Kids go to your room." His voice is stern and full of authority.
The two children quickly leave their seat and hurry to their room, the oldest, Micheal staying for a moment to collect Elizabeth from his mother. With them out of the way William turns back to Evelyn who stands there shaking with fear.
He does nothing for a few moments before his hand flies out and connects with her cheek, sending her reeling and holding the red spot starting to show. Before she can recover he grabs her roughly by the shoulders and pushes her over the counter, standing in between her legs.
"You think you have a right to just, order me around? I don't know where this sudden display of an attitude has come from but I can tell you I won't have it in my house!" He lifts the skirt of her dress up and over her hips, exposing her to him.
Evelyn sobs and holds onto the counter, begging him to stop because he's scaring her, as if pitiful pleas had ever stopped him from getting his way. Without a second thought he pushed all the way in her, causing her to moan in between a sob, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the counter to get away from him.
He held her firmly in place before moving inside her, knowing full well that there would be bruises on her hips for the next little while from the force he was exerting. It was her own damn fault though, if she quit fighting him all the time and remained his naive and pliable wife she wouldn't have this problem. He was only a little controlling, making her parrot whatever he tells her and making sure she believes his every word without question, that shouldn't be too much to ask.
"You brought this on yourself, you created this mess and now you have to deal with it. So stop that crying before I give you something to really cry about."
She bites her lip so hard it bleeds to keep the sobs at bay, while tears still poured down her cheeks at least now she was quiet. He could focus on the pleasure without her whining distracting him. Part of him wanted to give her another child to take care of so she could be even more tied down to him. However he knew that was foolish considering his current financial state, he wasn't too driven to do something stupid. For now that idea would have to wait.
Even with this in mind, he still pushed all the way in and came inside her. Once couldn't hurt, and her walking around full of him was enough to throw caution to the wind. If something happened they would make do and deal with it, plus the look on her face when she felt the hot liquid inside her made it all worth it.
He pulls out with a soft sigh, zipping up his pants. "Don't just stand there, go clean yourself up. I'll be in the basement."
William leaves her there shaking and processing what had just happened while he retreats to the basement to find a new way to save his business and reputation. Even if it means cutting a few people down along the way.
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nopanamaman · 2 years
Ferry you said about the PAFL comic a month ago: "Don't worry, I'll keep you updated on how it's generally progressing." Sorry if it's gonna sound a bit rude but... Where are the updates? Telling us that you're busy and you're not making the comic also would be an update.
I just don't think the updates I have are gonna sound particularly interesting lol
I had my laptop hacked again two days ago (which suspiciously happens every 4 months despite system reinstalls and taking all the precautions I could think of), so right now I'm in the process of recovering all the files and materials I need to continue the comic + drawing comms. Reinstalled BIOS this time, so if this doesn't help, nothing will. We'll see in four months I guess
As far as the general progress is concerned, I'm currently lining the first batch of pages that needed to be reworked, since they were initially drawn in the chibi style. The overall document is 80 pages long as of now. Hope this suffices.
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echantedtoon · 11 months
Demon Bride Ch60 The Truth And Holy Matrimony
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(WARNINGS!!!:Douma, Karaku, and Enmu ARE their own warnings. Possibly some innuendos. Mentioning of death. Mentioning of Douma being poisoned.
Let's Just say Y/n is wearing a dress similar to the one above to make it easier to picture what she's wearing. Pic found on Pinterest.)
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There was truly something about a wedding ceremony that was able to make even the coldest of demons truly melt... Douma's words.  Not his own. 
"*sigh* There is truly something about a wedding ceremony that's able to make even my cold heart skip a beat.~ Hmph! It's such a tragedy that I'm banned from attending-"
"You're still recovering from being poisoned you idiot!! And you would embarrass the poor bride!"
He stayed where he stood eyes closed and patiently waiting for Y/n to return from the room a few ladies in waiting were dressing her up for the wedding she was invited to. However he (annoyingly) was not the only one waiting for her. These two were eager to see her off, and even they weren't the only ones. Two others had shown up in the meantime-
Daki and Gyutaro had arrived upon being released from their old assignments for Douma and instantly headed here in order to get a look at the now cured Upper Moon Two. Well Gyutaro stood by and just looked embarrassed as his sniffling sister just hugged Douma and sobbed her eyes out.
"I thought you were gonna dddddiiieeee!!! Ahahaaaaa!!!"
Douma patted her head to comfort her. "Oh my poor, Daki. I'm perfectly fine. I'll be even more fine once I get another kiss from my fiance!"
Gyutaro groaned rolling his eyes. He would have to agree with his reaction considering others decided to arrive now.
"Hey!! What's up with all the upper moons getting together? You having fun without us?"
"Nah! They're just discussing who's the better looking brother. Which is me by the way -"
"*sigh* So sad to barge in like this but we've caught the third demon who's been killing the human women. We delivered him to Hairou but we thought it'd be best to report our capture to you directly, Lord Kokushibo."
Ah. The four brothers have arriv-
"What's this? Hmm. Did someone get killed? Oh my. Do I get to witness his execution?~"
"What are YOU doing here, Enmu?!," Akaza demanded. 
The much smaller demon chuckled. "I came to deliver my begonia some more medicine for her youngling, she mentioned that she needed more in her letter to me."
"I'll take it since I'll be responsible for him for a while."
"Oh. Is Akaza taking over the castle again?"
"Give him the medicine....and be silent all of you." He finally opened his eyes to all of them at last. "After today..all of you return to your normal work ..Aside from Akaza whom shall take my place... until I arrive back."
Enmu hummed in interest. "Oh? Where might you be off to at this this time?"
"That is none of..your business. You are to just...follow orders and do your job."
Enmu cooed in interest but didn't push him on the issue. Wise choice. With a sigh he settled back against the wall where he stood and tried to calculate the fastest route they could take to get there and get back ... He'd tried to get this done in less than a month's time but there wasn't any guarantee that it would be as quick as he would hope. A slide of a door opening quickly caught his attention as he turned his head towards the opening of the Dwell...And quickly all six eyes widened. A few heads turned as two handmaidens stepped out of the house.
"Right this way, My Lady." "Careful. Don't trip now."
A few more heads turned, and all fell silent. Eyes went wide. You stepped out of the Dwell carefully and with the assistance of the two ladies. The flowing kimono sat snug against you and flowed down to the floor. The beautiful light pink graduating to a pretty cherry red at the hem and the end of the long sleeves. A beautiful pattern of cherry blossoms and bright green leaves adorned your dress. Your face was decorated expertly in makeup that didn't take away from your natural face but enhanced your features.  Hair pulled up into a styled hairstyle and pinned there with a beautiful hairpin.  You thanked the girls before looking up, and pausing at ALL the stares pointed at you. It made you feel sheepish and your hands clasped together in shyness. 
"Um...H-Hi." You shuffled a little bit nervously. "So..how do I look?"
There was an instant reaction as Douma, who was the closest to you, fell to his knees and held out his arms to you like you were a goddess. "MARRY ME!~"
"WOULD YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!?" And was instantly yanked back by the collar by Akaza whom growled at him angrily. Douma only smiled at him. "Dam pervert."
Behind him there was an overwhelming reaction-
CHIRP!!  Urogi's face went red as he gave out a flustered sparrow squawk and his feathers puffed up. Next to him, Sekido just ..stared. He couldn't take his red eyes off of you, but his grip on his staff increased. Aizetsu's face went red, red, RED in blush- Karaku yelped as Aizetsu leaned to the side in an almost faint and he caught him, but still Karaku might faint too with how much he was blushing. Akaza even was almost as pink as his hair stealing glances at you between holding back Douma whom was still proclaiming his love for you as desperate as a starving man begging for food. Behind them Daki lit up smiling and gushing about.
"I knew my makeup lessons paid off!!" Her hand grabbed her brother's arm and shook him. "Isn't she beautiful, Brother?! Don't just stand there! Compliment her!"
Gyutaro just flusteredly stared. "hmmm...P-...P-Pretty...." Was all he managed to stutter out slack jawed.
Enmu was the only one standing there seeming to be able to speak normally as he giggled like a child getting a new toy and blushed but was still able to think. "Begonia.~ Hold me in your arms.~"
He held out his arms and attempted to approach you but Akaza also pulled him back. "YOU TWO PERVERTS KEEP YOUR HANDS TO YOURSELF!!"
You giggled at the sight before you all. But fell silent as someone much taller suddenly stepped in front of you and you blinked seeing a purple and black coat. Purple eyes looked up at Kokushibo and stopped at the half lidded stares staring down at you. You both remained silent..Until a strong hand reached up to your face. A single stray strand of hair was pushed aside, a palm resting on your cheek.
"....You are...truly radiant."  His hand ran along under your chin and his rumbled with a few deep chuckles as your face flushed a red. Taking a step back, he offered you his arm. "Come... Nakime will take us." You still heavily red cheeked, sheepishly grabbed onto his arm and he began to pull you along. Serious demeanor returning as he faced the others now. "Obey Akaza as if he were me... until I return. Do your own duties...and Akaza...think with a rational mind... without fighting first." He then looked at Akaza straight in the eyes. "Execute the murderers."
With a strum of a biwa instrument you both disappeared into thin air leaving the gathering of demons behind.  You blinked as a moment later you found yourself in a familiar scenery..and your eyes widened as you took in what you saw. You both were in the middle of the woods in front of a beautiful giant mansion. A VERY familiar mansion.
"The Tsuzumi Mansion!" You lit up and turned to Kokushibo who tilted his head to you. "This is where Kyogai is!" He nodded and you excitedly tugged on him. "C'mon! I haven't seen everyone in forever!!'
He obliged walking in a faster pace compared to your movements. Your movements were hindered a bit from the fancy dress but that didn't stop you from moving excitedly to the door not caring if you dragged the more powerful demon behind you. You didn't even bother to knock instead just throwing the sliding door open shocking everyone on the other side. Many women servants stopped and stared... before one yelled out almost in horror.
Almost immediately everyone bowed nearly dropping everything in their arms you didn't care. You just continued to walk on through the mansion swiveling your head around looking for someone you wanted to see. There wasn't any signs of Kyogai or Kaigaku anywhere however you rounded a corner just as two people exited a room up the hallway. A lady in a pure white wedding kimono and next to her was a man in similar ceremony robes. Behind them was a very tall figure and all three stopped as you squealed happily and turned to you.
"ERI!!" You yelled out happily throwing out your arms and quickly approached the obviously dressed Bride. 
The bride turned revealing her four arms and four eyes on her prettily decorated face. All four widened at you before she also threw out her hands. "Y/N!!" She met you first running towards you and soon you were engulfed in a tight hug. "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN MONTHS!! OH MY GODS!! I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU WHEN YOU WERE KIDNAPPED!!!" She then forced you out of the hug holding you out for her four eyes to scan you over. "Are you Alright?! You're not hurt are you?!"
You chuckled at her. "No. I'm perfectly fine. But enough about me. Look at you!" You gestured to her. "You look so beautiful!"
"Me? Look at you! Your dress is beautiful. It's like you're the one getting married and I'm the guest."
You chuckled before looking behind her as a man approached and blinked. "Komoki. Is that you?" You vaguely remembered Eri's merdemon fiance but he was walking around on two legs and dressed as handsomely as Eri was beautiful. "Wow. I almost didn't recognize you. You look so handsome!"
Komoki chuckled bashfully before holding up a hand. "It's the legs isn't it? I'm so happy you could make it for the ceremony. Are you here alone?"
You shook your head and looked at Kokushibo whom approached you. "I brought along a guest since you mentioned that I could bring someone."
Both looked behind you. Both froze and went pale. "L-LORD KOKUSHIBO?!"
"Don't bow.." his deep voice stopped the other two demons in the middle of bowing. "We can not stay long....we are only here for the ceremony... and then we are leaving...right after.."
"So soon?" A new but raspy voice spoke up and it was then that you finally noticed the third figure behind the couple.
"Kyogai!" You lit up seeing the taller blue and red eyed demon. Practically running around Eri just to make him freeze up as you hugged him tightly and smiled. "I haven't seen you since that meeting! I missed you so much!!" You looked back up to him. "Are you alright? Did you get the ink stones I sent you!?"
"Uuuuhh..." He stared at the sight of you in a beautiful dress and so pretty looking-
"It is...rude to stare, Lower Moon Six."
"Huh?! OH! Y-YES!! *ahem*" Kyogai cleared his throat and straightening up quickly but with a deep red face. "W-Welcome both of you. Yes. I-I am fine. The repairs to my home are finished as you can see. You also look ... v-v-very beautiful."
You chuckled at him. "Thank you. I hope we're not late."
"N-Not at all. We were just about to begin. The ceremony is taking place in the garden now that it's repaired. Please. Come join us." He jumped into a deeper red as you grabbed his arm. 
"Please do! I'm so excited to see it all!"
You were lead to the garden area by a very red Kyogai followed by the confused couple and Kokushibo silently following behind. He decided not to be offended by your excitement at seeing others as they were still fairly courting you and he'd have plenty of time to have you to himself. You all were brought to the garden and it was just as beautiful as you remembered, only there was a few more people there who were dressed up as guests for the ceremony, however they all froze as Kokushibo walked in right behind you all. But he had enough sense to just grab you and take you to the shaded area of the garden to just sit down and hopefully avoid anymore stares and allow Kyogai to direct the attention of the wedding back onto Eri and Komoki. The ceremony lasted for almost two hours as you all just silently watched and listened. Smiling all the while watching Eri try not to cry. She was such a beautiful bride. You were so happy for her. However when the ceremony ended and you were clapping...you were confused when a lady handed Eri a bouquet of flowers and one of her four hands motioned at the crowd. 
"All single men and women stand up! I've always wanted to try this!," she gushed happily at Komoki one arm holding onto him.
You confused leaned towards Kokushibo as a flurry of excited women and a few men gathered in front of the door you came in through to get in the garden. "What's going on?"
"It's a western... wedding custom. The bride ..turns her back on the unmarried guests...and throws her flowers...They say whomever catches the...flowers will be the ones whom marry next."
"How do you know this?"
"Lord Muzan's wife...had the same custom at their own wedding...I was the one whom accidentally...caught her flowers."
You snickered at the thought of Kokushibo catching a  bouquet of flowers but stopped when Eri turned around and got ready to throw the flowers. Seeing as you weren't technically single, you opted to just watch and see who the lucky person was. ERI readied herself as her arms reached forward just as the door slid open. Quickly her arms shot backwards and released. The crowd cheered and a few fell over in their reaching and scramble to catch it as it soared just above their reach and towards the open door. 
A figure in black stepped out. "What the hell is with a the no-"
With an exact smack to the middle of his face, the figure was sent stumbling backwards and with a thud collapsed back into the mansion with a sputtering of curses. Everyone watching as he took off. Wait...you knew that cursing voice.
"Kaigaku!" You quickly stood up and hurried for the doorway. Stopping and looking inside. "Are you alright?!"
There was a few seconds of him just cursing and leaning up. A pretty bouquet of white roses  fell from his chest to his lap as he sat up but stopped when he saw you standing there looking over him. Blue eyes widened as he looked you slowly up and down. And stared at your face- THUD, THUD, THUD, THUD-  You both looked down...and you giggled seeing that his tail was wagging thudding against the floor-
"What the-?!" He growled and grabbed his tail picking it back up off the floo- Smack, smack, smack- His tail still wagged hitting his face s few times before he growled louder and gripped it with both hands. You giggled harder and he snapped back to you. "Oh shut up! I won't be laughed at by my woman!!"
There was a sudden uproar of cheers behind you and both of you looked behind you at a happily clapping crowd smiling at you both. You turned an embarrassed red and Kaigaku rose a brow. 
"What the hell happened while I was gone this time?"
"I'll... explain it to you later."
You did. After Kokushibo materialized out of nowhere scaring Kaigaku and giving your good byes to Eri and Komoki, and letting you bid good bye to Kyogai and promising to return soon. The both of you were then accompanied by Kaigaku whom INSISTED he'd walk with you to the forest's border he guarded where you explained to him the marriage custom Eri had tried out. He expectedly changed a deep red color as well. Sputtering a few words that sounded like 'be quiet' when you giggled at his obviously flustered face.
"K-Knock it off! W-What are you doing heading towards the border anyways?", he questioned raising a brow at you.
"I'm leaving for a little while." His brows shot up in shock. "I need to take of a few things back home and then I'm returning."
"Kaigaku.." Kokushibo stopped walking and he instantly stopped as his sensai turned his head to him. "You have your orders...to stay here at your post and guard...the border....I will be accompanying her myself to her.... village and back...Do you doubt my abilities?"
"Then you will not question it....You may accompany us as far as the border...but that is as far as you travel with us ... Understood?"
He scowled off but nodded...but looked up at you when you grabbed his hand. "It's going to be ok. I promise I'll come back and I never break my promises." You then pulled his along with you. "Come on. Walk with me."
He said nothing as you three walked along the giant trees giving Kokushibo comforting shade to be able to walk in until you all reached an end to the treeline. You recognized this place immediately and turned to Kokushibo.
"This is where I first entered." His head tilted as you pointed down the hill to your left. "I came up from the mountain in that direction."
"Then that is where we will start."
You then looked at him. "How though? You can't walk in the sun. We'll have to wait until nightfall then-"
He silenced you as you looked up at him and noticed he wore one of those giant weaved hats you sometimes saw travelers wear. It casted a long shade over his entire head and neck. His long sleeves covering his hands. But what surprised you the most was his face ..It was no longer a face of a demon.
A human looking Kokushibo was staring down at you with two calm half lidded eyes and smiling at you. "I will...be fine. It only burns exposed skin so as long as I am careful...I will have nothing to fear. Let us go now." 
You turned to Kaigaku whom remained silent and gave his hand another squeeze, before you let him go and followed Kokushibo out into the sun light and down towards the way you first came. Kaigaku stood there between two trees watching you both walk across the field of tall grass and down on the long abandoned pathway.Even as you two turned into nothing but two specks again the horizon. His hands clenched up into fists and for the second time ever in Kaigaku's life...he shed tears.
The first day of travel had begun. You were surprised when Kokushibo didn't let you change into a less fancy dress but you supposed he really did just want this to be over with although you were grateful that the dress didn't have a hem that trailed behind you. You had to hang onto his arm to keep up. By first nightfall you started to grow worried.
"It's getting late. We should stop and camp for the ni- EEP!?"
Your face went red as you were literally picked up by the man and held to his chest as he continued to walk but this time much faster and with longer strides when you were walking with him. "We will get there...faster ifI carry you through the night...Rest."
Your face went redder as he walked with you in his arms... before hiding your face in your sleeves and hearing him chuckle. It was like Akaza all over again. You fell asleep and woke up the next day to Kokushibo nearing a town. Upon noticing you were awake, he placed you down and both of you continued on your way. You recognized this town as the last one you encountered before you first stumbled into the forest. Kokushibo stopped and bargained with a nearby farmer for food before you also continued on your way. The next few days were the same as you both got closer and closer to where you came from. After a few more days, you passed by the second town you encountered on your way through, and bargained with a few more people with more supplies before again continuing your decent down the mountain. The more you recognized, the more anxious and nervous you felt. Eventually coming to a most familiar sight indeed. A stream running across the land and you stared at it long enough to get Kokushibo to stop.
"This is the stream I would've waited at." You continued to stare at the clear pretty running water as is softly continued along on its journey.
He stared at you before at the stream again. "For your future husband?" You nodded. "I see..." You squealed again as he lifted you up and crossed across the small stream in two steps. "It is a good thing...I have then."
"K-Kokushibo!! P-P-Put me down before we get to my village!!"
He did with a small smile and you continued to stare red faced as you all continued past the stream and down, down, down the mountain...until you saw it. From high above on the mountain you saw the same familiar sight of your village. After all these months, it still looked the same. Kokushibo must've sensed your reluctance  because hr grabbed you by the hand but continued to pull you along with him down the rest of the way. Your stomach dropped and your nerves flared but still you forced yourself to walk onwards.  You both approached the town. You both got to the entrance of the town. And you both walked in. Almost immediately you were getting stares from people whom stopped and stared at you both walking through, no doubt due to your strange fancy dress and Kokushibo's impressive presence. Eventually he stopped in the middle of the town and you finally had the guts to look around. The sounds of farm animals and people going about their daily lives were familiar to you but the stares you were getting was wide eyed awe or surprise or curiosity. Eventually Kokushibo looked at you.
"Where... should we start? Your supposed...parents and grandmothers graves?"
You snapped out of it and you looked up at him before you shook your head. "Uh..N-No. Their graves mean they're dead, and the dead can't help us."
"Your old home then?"
You again shook your head. "It was crumbling to the ground and I had nothing there. If there was something I would've already seen it after so many years."
"Then perhaps...your village elders know something ...you do not?"
You paused.. before looking up at him wide eyed. "Elder Kagaya! He's been here for longer than I have, and he's pretty wise. Even if he doesn't know anything about where I came from, he might know something that might help me." You quickly looked around before tugged on him towards the right. "Come! His home is this way!"
He allowed you to tug him in the direction you pointed out and you quickly tugged him along. House after house and people after people you passed earning a few looks but you still pulled him along until you pointed out one big building to him that was just slightly bigger than the others.
"That's his home! We should be able to see him there." He usually stayed there with his children and wife anyways. 
He didn't say anything but allowed you to pull him up to the building and knock on the door hard. The knocking reverberated off the inside and there was silence for a long moment until footsteps approached and the door slid open to reveal a child. Not just any child, one of the Elders children. You didn't know which one as they all looked alike other than their one brother but she stared up at you both with a smile.
"Do you have a meeting?", she asked you.
"No. But it's very important for me to see him anyways. Please tell him that Y/n is here to see him." The girls eyes widened in surprise.. before the door quickly closed and footsteps hurried away from you both. "We'll have to wait a moment." 
"I don't suppose... you'll tell me if you're alright?...You seemed anxious the moment we got close."
You sighed before reaching a hand up to rub your head. "Let's just say that I might've left with a bad taste in everyone's mouth when I ran away. I did some bad things."
He didn't get a chance to respond when the door quickly opened again and the girl was back. "Please follow me. He'll see you now."
You both looked at each other..but followed the girl inside one by one. She lead you down a hallway and then to a room at the end of the hallway to the right. She glanced over you both again before just opening the door and bowing.
"They're here, Father."
"Ah. Excellent. Please allow them to come in," a calm man's voice said. You looked at Kokushibo again... before looking forward and walked forward. Slowly coming to the doorway and stopping there. Inside was a very familiar looking blind man looking your way with a calm smile. "Y/n. It is so good to hear from you again. I thought we had seen the last of you." He gestured for you to come over. "Please come in. You and your friend."
You slowly did so. Walking in and noticing that he was with two more of his children who also stared at you. You slowly sat down across from him with Kokushibo following behind calmly. You felt guilty and ashamed under his blind stare although he still smiled at you.
"I admit this is quite a surprise. We haven't seen you in nearly a year. What brings you back to us?"
...You inhaled and exhaled slowly before steeling your gaze. "Firstly I'd like to apologize to you and everyone else for the mess I made when I left. I'm sorry I caused such a fuss, but I don't regret doing it because I how my life turned out. So.." you bowed your head. "I apologize for that."
He didn't change his look but tilted his gaze at you. "Hm. I doubt you came all the way back after so long just to apologize. Tell me, who is the person next to you?"
"Her husband." 
You jumped as Kokushibo suddenly spoke with such a blunt and deep tone. It almost sounded threatening. "N-No. He's my fiance!"
"Not much.. difference."
You shot him a look but Kagaya only chuckled. "My, my. An unexpected surprise but a welcome one. I was not expecting such a thing to transpire. "
"Was it not your intention...for her to marry in the first place? Perhaps your people should...take better consideration of your women...in the future."
"Hm. I will take your words to heart. Now what do I owe you two the pleasure?"
Be blunt. Straight to the point. "When I left here, I found out some things about where Im from." Your fists gripped your hands. "I was never actually related to anyone who lived in this village. My grandmother was never really my grandmother..And my parents were none of the ones that passed away. So I ask you...Where did I come from and where is the family Tamayo?''
There was silence as the girls looked at one another. Kokushibo and you silently looked at the Elder. And Kagaya hummed after a moment and frowned.
"Ah...I knew this time would come. I was hoping to discuss it sometime with you during your wedding ceremony, but it seems like I was wrong."
"YOU KNEW THIS ENTIRE TIME?!" You gawked at him in shock as he sighed.
"Forgive me for not telling you sooner. I wanted too..but your guardian did not deem it a good time. ...But I suppose you deserve the truth." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "A little over twenty years ago there was a woman whom traveled through here with a man she claimed was her partner. She went by the name Tamayo yes." You lit up and looked at Kokushibo whom only calmly stared back at him. "She came to treat the sickened ones in our village but unfortunately it was too late for a few. The children of your Grandmother being two of them. For whatever reason unknown to me Ms. Tamayo wouldn't accept any money for her deeds. Instead she requested that we raise her child in exchange for her services...She never disclosed the reasons why, only that she wanted a safer environment for you and that we never tell you until you were old enough to understand. Your grandmother was the only one whom agreed to take you in at the time and so it was done. She left a few days after we buried the dead."
You still stared at him half in shock...but he didn't speak again. Eventually you pushed him for more. "And?! There has to be more to that?! Didn't she ever send you a letter or anything?!''
He shook his head no slowly. "No. Nothing. She left rather quickly. The last that I heard she had passed away in the town of Asakusa a little more than Twenty years ago. I'm so sorry."
You continued to stare at him..but he said no more so you deflated. Even Enmu mentioned she had passed away.. maybe she actually did and this was fruitless. "...Thanks..One other thing. What happened to Sanemi? I didn't see him when I came in." He usually was the one guarding the Elders home.
He slowly smiled with a chuckle. " I'm afraid Mr. Sanemi no longer resides here. He and his new wife are living with her family. Ms. Kanae didn't want to leave her home."
You lit up. So Kanae was married to Sanemi after all. At least you're plan had something good come from it. 
"I see..." You bowed again to him and stood up. "Thank you for clearing so much of this up for me. I won't be staying here, and we're leaving now. But do me one favor. Please tell Mitsuri I'm very sorry for everything."
He only nodded with that smile. "I will. I wish both of you luck wherever fate takes you. Hinata will see you out."
The same girl stood up as did Kokushibo whom turned and followed you out of the door and out of the building entirely until you both were standing outside once again in silence. Listening to the sounds of people just walking around going about their lives and the farm animals before he turned to you.
"Have you... gotten the answers that satisfy you?"
You still stared taking everything in before inhaling. "I need to go to Asakusa." You looked back to Kokushibo. "I need to know what happened. And if she is really dead...then I would at least like to visit her grave at least once."
He didn't say anything at first before looking forward and began walking making you blink. "Asakusa is many a days journey....from here. I wish...to get this entire thing done...under a month's time... Come. We will..leave immediately...and return soon."
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sunnyie-eve · 5 months
23 | Useless
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
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"Go back to school." Derek says as Boyd. Isaac and Julia show up at his place.
"Well actually we can't. Boyd, Julia , and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac tells him as Derek then says with brain damage.
"Well, I have a migraine, Julia is throwing up, and Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." Isaac points at them so Boyd explain his plan to Derek.
"So why is Julia here if this plan can kill her if something goes wrong?" Derek asks as Boyd lets the water run.
"We did think that." Boyd says looking over at her sitting on the table looking at what Stiles texted her about Deaton.
"I'll be fine if I stay out of the water. And the third person taken was Deaton so Scott and Stiles are trying to find him before it's too late." She lets them know.
"You should go help them." Derek tells her.
"How am I supposed to help? I just predict and know when death happens." She tells him as Stiles texts Julia saying they needed her help finding Deaton since she can seek out supernatural things.
Julia: Just get Lydia to try to do it. It will give her some practice into what we are. I'm busy helping the others.
Stiles: Fine, you're such a pain!
Once the room had enough water Boyd threw the line into it, "Is this gonna kill them?" Isaac asks looking at the water.
"I hope so."
"You feel anything?" Derek looks over at Julia.
"You mean death wise?" She asks him, "Not so sure yet." She closes her eyes to pass the time. "Hey, isn't the light on that supposed to be on?" Julia point out after some time.
"Yeah." Derek says not happy.
"What does it mean if it's not." Isaac asks him. "Derek, what do we do now?" Isaac takes Julia's hand into his.
"We fight." He makes his eyes red and the boys get behind him while Julia stays off to the side as the alphas show up.
She wondered what she would have to do to get him alone so Aiden and Ethan enter holding Jennifer. Kali says that the fight will be between her and Derek with no interference or the twins will tear Jennifer apart. Derek sends Isaac and Boyd away.
"I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek says leaping at her.
Julia texts Cora letting her know the plan didn't work since they cut the power and now Derek was fighting Kali alone.
"Now." Isaac picks Julia up running through the water before the electricity came back on.
Once they get to Ms. Blake he goes to protect her while Julia watches as Boyd is thrown into the fray by the surging current. Kali and Derek both go down from the shock.
"BOYD!" Julia screams his name getting the bad feeling as Kali is the first to recover and orders the twins to grab Derek and hold him with his hands cupped while Kali lifts Boyd up and drops him onto Derek's claws.
Since Julia screamed his name so loudly, Stiles and the others could hear her from where they were, "That means only one thing." He sighs as Cora and him take off running so Lydia follows.
Cora runs past Julia, who was just standing there because she knew she couldn't do anything and wish she felt it earlier. Stiles rubs her back before going over to Derek. When Lydia gets to the doorway she looks at her sister just standing there before turning to leave.
It's been a few days since Boyd was killed and Derek went MIA and Julia and Stiles learned more about Derek's past from Peter when they were younger. Julia still felt that she could have stopped Body from dying so she's been awful quite around most people.
At the moment she was at school alone at night because she had a the instinct that she was finally used to. There she found Tara lying on top of the school name.
Not much longer the other four show up because Lydia called them saying she's experiencing the same thing as the pool. None of them saw Julia or the dead body until Scott walks a few feet away from the group, "Guys, Julia found the dead body."
"What?" Stiles rushes over to see her standing there just looking at Tara. "Julia!" He calls out for her so she turns to face them.
"It's Tara, Stiles." She walks over to join them.
"What?" He looks behind her.
"I just called it in so your dad will be here soon with the others."
Later in the day at school during class, Julia didn't pay attention since she was drawing in her notebook. She was so zoned into what she was doing she didn't pay attention to Stiles and Scott talking.
After class the three of them go look for Ethan while Lydia distracts Aidan. "Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill one of your friends. How do you know I won't kill anyone." Ethan says looking at Stiles.
"Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I'm going to do. I'm gonna break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane and roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking-," Julia stops Stiles from going on.
"We get it." She pats his chest.
Ethan tells them the story him and Aidan. That they had been Omegas within a pack. They were badly abused by their Alpha and their pack mates who Ethan claims were all brutal killers. Stiles wanted to know why the twins didn't just become Voltron Wolf and fight back, but Ethan explains that they didn't know how to do that back then. He explains that they owe fealty to Deucalion because he helped them develop their innate ability to merge their forms. That they were then able to kill their oppressors one by one, saving their Alpha for last. Ethan explains to Scott that all of the Alpha Pack's original emissaries, with the exception of Deucalion's, are dead.
Ethan suddenly seized by a sharp pain in his chest saying he is feeling the damage that Aiden is having. They all run to the locker room and Scott and Ethan stop Aiden from killing Cora.
Cora tells them she had to do something since they weren't expect finding the bodies before leaving. Stiles and Julia look at each other before following Cora to make sure she gets home okay. On the way taking Cora home, Allison calls Stiles saying he had to tell his dad literally everything.
At Stiles' house he paces his room back and forth with his dad in the room with him, Cora, and Julia trying to figure out how to explain everything to him. He comes up with using the chess board to show how he's never seen the whole board before.
"Scott and Derek are werewolves? And Kate argent was a werewolf?" Noah asks.
"Hunter." Julia corrects him.
"That's- Purple's Hunter." Stiles adds.
"Along with Allison and her father." Cora adds.
"Yeah, and-and my father Deaton. The veterinarian is a Kanima?" Noah says so Stiles is explains what Deaton is.
"So who's the Kanima?" Noah asks confused.
"No, Jackson's a werewolf." Noah points out.
"Jackson was the Kanima first and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he's in London." Julia explains to him.
"Who's the Da-rack?"
"It's Da-rock." Stiles corrects him.
"We do t know yet." Cora tells Noah.
"We don't know yet." Stiles and Julia say pointing at Cora at the same time.
"Bug he was killed by werewolves?"
"Slashed up and left for dead." Stiles answers.
"We think." Julia adds causing Noah to sigh.
"Why was Jackson the Kanima?"
"Cause sometimes the shape that you take reflects the person that you are." Stiles explains.
"And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take?" Noah looks at his son.
"That would be more of the expression on your face right now." Julia points knowingly this wasn't working.
"Yeah." Noah gets up.
"Dad-dad, would you- I can prove it, okay? Look, she's one of them. A werewolf." Stiles tries to get his dad to listen to him but it doesn't work since Cora passes out.
"Call an ambulance." Noah tells Stiles so he does so while Julia stays with Noah and Cora.
Cora ends up getting a hospital room while Stiles and Julia wait and get a call from Scott saying that these sacrifices are teachers. Even still at the hospital Stiles tries to get his dad to listen to him but Noah still doesn't believe it. Stiles and Julia leave the hospital to get to the school to try to stop the third teacher from getting killed.
"Hey, where is my sister?" Julia notices as soon as they get to Scott.
"What?" Scott looks around.
"Where did she go?" Julia panics rushing outside yelling for Lydia, "Scott can you sense her?" Julia looks around.
"She's not answering her texts." Stiles looks at his phone.
Julia panics looking around before letting out a shriek causing Scott to cover his ears and Stiles. "Julia..." Stiles looks at her as she starts to rush off so he follows her then Scott does the same knowing where she was going.
Scott has of course runs past her and as she and Stiles gets to the door Jennifer blocks the door so they can't get in. And by the time they do Jennifer disappeared with Noah.
"Lydia!" Julia rushes over to help her get free.
"So we really are Banshee..." Lydia just stares at her.
"Yes, we are."
Julia takes Lydia to Allison so she can go help the guys tell Derek about Jennifer. When she gets there she plays dumb but Scott uses mistletoe to prove it. Jennifer tells Derek she was the only person who could save Cora.
They all head to the hospital but Stiles and Julia still had a bad feeling about things going on because of how Jennifer had a look in her eyes.
"What's that?" Scott sees Stiles with a bat.
"Well, you got claws. I got a bat."
"What about me?" Julia asks.
"Just stay behind us." Stiles tells her.
As they all get out of the elevator Peter is thrown through doors saying they had a big problem and it was the twins. Both werewolves go at Ethan and Aidan and Julia spots Cora on the ground, "She's our job." She rushes over to Stiles gets Peter to help them.
"Stiles! What are you doing?" Julia sees him to go stand by the door. He uses the bat on the twins but it breaks, "Now get your ass over here." She tells him as they run off.
They all hold up in a room and the guys talk to Ms. Blake as she shows up. As they talk, Scott moms comes through the sound system saying Deucalion wanted Jennifer in ten minutes.
While Derek takes Cora to the ambulance with Stiles, Julia, and Jenifer, Scott and Peter hold off the twins. Hearing Kail, Stiles shuts the ambulance doors while Derek and Jennifer run off.
"We're sitting ducks here without anything to protect us." Julia says with her eyes closed.
"They aren't after us at least."
"Stiles, She's not breathing." Julia notices Cora making him panic before performing mouth-to-mouth until she begins breathing on her own again.
Once she was stable, he says the next time he put his lips to her mouth she better be awake making Julia laugh at him, "Shut up." He glares at her.
"It's funny. And the situation we're in, I need a laugh." She sighs then sees him fidgeting with his hands so she takes one into hers, "We're gonna find you dad..." She says so he looks at her, "Alive. I know we will." She gives him a little smile, "I can't say I know for sure but I have a very strong feeling we will." She squeezes his hand then wipes his tears away with her free hand.
Stiles just stares at her with a million of thoughts running through his head before pulling her into a hug without saying a word. But he didn't need to say anything because Julia knew what he wanted to say just by how tightly he was hugging her.
They stop suddenly hugging when they heard growing outside the ambulance. Carefully looking they see the twins as one still so they lean back to stay out of view. Not much later they hear footsteps getting closer but it was just Scott with Peter. Stiles explains the two problems they have before Scott leaves them again.
"God I wish I was safe with Lydia right now."
"Honestly, yeah. I wish you were with her somewhere safe but no you choose to join Scott and I." Stiles agrees with her.
"I wanted to help so my bad." Julia rolls her eyes causing the two to quickly start to bicker while Peter watches them closely.
Scott texted Stiles saying that Isaac was going to pick them up to get Cora out of here. When they hear the car Julia opens the door jumping out first while Peter puts Cora in the car. "You get the front." Peter says running to get in the back on the other side.
"Stiles, come on." Julia says as he was looking at something.
"Stiles!" Isaac yells at him as he runs off so Julia takes runs to see what he put together and gets it herself running after him as Isaac yells for her too.
She catches up with Stiles so they rush after Scott to see him with Deucalion and he leaves they to go with him. Julia takes Stiles' hand into hers and he holds it tightly as they stand there alone till they go back to wake Derek up.
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infinitelycynical · 3 months
i really liked your aizamatsu headcanons they were so cute,,,, what are your headcanons about them post kira??
i'm glad you enjoyed, and i am so willing to talk about them post-kira!
i'll split this into two parts, them the first couple of years post-kira, and then the far future post-kira.
TW for severe depression, mental health issues, mentions of suicide (no one attempts or commits)
out of the four task force members still alive, matsuda was the most impacted. he becomes very depressed post-kira: struggling to get out of bed, to eat or drink, basic hygiene, not to mention the nightmares. before the post-kira era, matsuda had been doing the emotional labour of the relationship because he was more emotionally inclined and less impacted by toxic masculinity in that way (tough conversations, expressing discomfort, etc).
post-kira, however, aizawa had to take on this role because matsuda wasn't in a position to. he has to be the comforter and the motivator and the optimist, which is a very tough position for him.
with soichiro dead and the case basically isolating them from outside interaction, they only really have each other. they become a lot closer than before, it's them vs. the world
at light's funeral, matsuda hid his head in aizawa's shoulder through the entire ceremony because he couldn't bring himself to look at the coffin.
biiiit NSFW but before post-kira era, these two had an active sex life, like the romantic chemistry was slow but the sexual chemistry was off the charts. that all stops post-kira. it never entirely recovers as they get older
aizawa starts buying flowers for the apartment and baskets of fruit, listening to the songs that used to be matsuda's favourites (even though he hates them personally); he thinks he's doing this to brighten the place up a little, doesn't realise he's actually mourning his boyfriend
whenever ide or mogi ask aizawa "are you okay?" aizawa forms a habit of replying something like "it's a good day, touta went for a walk with me" or "it's a bad day, touta hasn't left his bed" rather than talking about himself. kind of neglected his emotional needs for a while there. both enter therapy to say the least.
matsuda voices aloud suicidal thoughts to aizawa one day, and scares him so badly that he willingly goes into therapy a week later so aizawa is never that upset again.
at this time, ide and mogi both know they're dating but no one else does. light knew from the time aizawa was at the hospital after the explosion, but soichiro didn't (he died before he ever found out). the chief never being told is one of matsuda's biggest regrets.
aizawa calls matsuda "sunshine", before post-kira it was a reference to matsuda's sunny personality but post-kira it's like holding onto hope that things will be okay at some point, a link to a brighter past.
aizawa cooks the meals, drags matsuda out of bed, gets him back into contact with the yagamis, everything. having someone else to take care of distracts him from his own frustrations and own troubles, so he throws himself into it with gusto
when matsuda wakes from a nightmare, aizawa has to hold his hands to remind him that he isn't holding a gun.
on his bad days, matsuda begs aizawa to leave him because he thinks he deserves it, aizawa refuses vehemently.
2011 onwards (it gets happier from here I promise):
for a while, they do both couple's counselling and individual. the couple's counselling is mostly to get help with making their relationship more balanced, because the relationship labor so to speak went from being overwhelmingly matsuda to overwhelmingly aizawa and that's not healthy at all
they get a dog! it's one of those quiet, big, cuddly dogs and both of them adore her.
regarding yumi: as part of the divorce arrangement, aizawa got phone calls with her but didn't really get to visit (busy life and how divorce works in japan, partial custody not a thing). they're really really close and have an honest relationship with each other. yumi meets matsuda over the phone in 2013 maybe (yumi is around 15 at this time) and they hit it off very quickly. aizawa does not elaborate on how long they had been dating for (five years) until much, much later.
aizawa's family (parents, sisters, etc) adore matsuda from the first meeting. it takes matsuda's family a while to warm up to aizawa.
if matsuda is having a sad day, aizawa buys him some sunflowers to cheer him up. he's a actions sort of guy.
both love chocolate and chocolate chip cookies (even though aizawa is not a sweet tooth), so they have plenty of it in stock
matsuda hacks into aizawa's phone to change his ringtones to songs that would annoy him frequently, aizawa never changes his password for whatever reason
lots of forehead kisses, in fact, just a lot of kisses. after the shitstorm of 2010, aizawa has learned not to take his boyfriend's affectionate nature for granted.
these are all the ones i could come up with for now, because i had some then completely forgot them the moment i wrote this post, but i am a limitless bucket of headcanons at this point. thank you so much for the ask!
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
Day Fourteen Day Fifteen Day Sixteen
im SOOOOO SORRY that I left you guys hanging those two days! *cries* the first one I genuinely forget, and the second I was too busy to do it- and I think that this is not the first time this might happen, since the farm (oh yeah, if you're not one of my regular followers, you should know I'm a farmhand lol) is picking up steam, during my down time Im trying to do more physical rest for my body to recover. which means unfortuantely, Ive been spending less time on here in general, and that my longer posts that take more time to write have had to pause for a while.
so, I'm sorry to say but this is the last day i'll be able to do this for a while, but maybe forever. I've had so much fun with it and loved to see everybody's different answers, and how we've all connected!! but for at least a few days/weeks, I need a bit of a break lol. if anyone wants to pick up this game again, with the same list of people I've given already or different ones, you are more than welcome to! and I'm not leaving Tumblr, I'm just not going to do this particular ask game anymore.
our final question: what is something that you you want in your life, and what can you do to achieve it? what steps do you need to take to earn the life you see yourself living?
thank all of you so much! I hope to return again maybe sometime! I wish you all the best :)
Awww no worries gracie! take care of yourself first. Def appreciate all the work it must've taken to come up with good questions. I'll be sure to haunt your inbox soon with hopefully some equally thought-provoking (or not) questions.
ok, actual question: our final question: what is something that you you want in your life, and what can you do to achieve it? what steps do you need to take to earn the life you see yourself living?
To be honest, this question has haunted me for the past...well since before high school. (has it really been almost 10 years since I was a baby highschool freshman?). To be also perfectly honest, my depression and anxiety were so bad I was never convinced I would make it as far as I did... which allowed me to put off answering the question for a long while until the Hour of College Applications approached.
Well, against all previous conceptions of my future, I am still alive and about to graduate in December (literally how) and set to walk across the beautiful stage in May to get my undergrad diploma with some kind of academic honors (I forget the Latin for it). Definitely not the highest GPA, but I am relatively proud of myself considering the effort and, for lack of a better phrase, blood, sweat, and tears that have gone into this. So, steps that need to happen in order to graduate
Pass classes (Preferably with A's but I'm also in a position where hopefully my self-esteem won't die with a B or 2).
Write and Finish my thesis (shaking crying throwing up I don't have enough capacity for this even if it's only 15 pages in Spanish)
Study and hopefully pass a GRE (graduate school readiness exam I think? 'cuz I'm told it's a good idea for master's school applications I can not stress enough how much I hate standardized tests and am so anxious about this that I haven't even opened my books yet, I've just been throwing myself into thesis research instead; I 'know not all schools require this but I'm going into something that's not my major, so I feel some kind of need to prove myself).
Apply to graduate schools for counseling!
Only four things... it shouldn't be so bad.... one would think... (can I please just skip to the part where this is over why do people call college the best years of my life).
The other thing I want to work on is just being a better person and in particular a better friend. My goal is therapy, particularly pediatric therapy because it's such a neglected area where I'm from and also in general I think because there tends to be stereotypes of "oh children can't have mental health problems." but doing that means I want to develop more compassion, friendliness, and patience and gentleness and actual listening skills while being assertive...yk an environment that nurtures personal and other's growth. Which is really hard. Progress has been made but still more to go.
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnilingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I decided to drop the last five chapters to this story at once cuz I'll be EXTREMELY busy with my summer job & I'm also working on a new fic. Thank you all so, so, soooo much for the love on this story! I had so much fun writing it. I'll be writing some brand new shit soon! Stay safe! -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
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“I’m so glad to see you back after being away for so long, Shouta. We were all so worried!” 
Aizawa side-eyes his friend as he slurps down his spicy ramen. “Nemuri, it’s only been two weeks,” he mumbles. Not to mention it was Nezu’s idea that I take off as long as the doctor wanted despite the fact that I had non-life-threatening injuries.”
Even as he says this his ribcage burns as if telling him to go fuck himself for that statement. However, the medicine the doctor gave him to take has eased the pain, taking the burning from wild forest fire to campfire. 
It has been two weeks since Aizawa was put in the hospital. After days of X-rays, examinations, eating semi-good hospital food, and snuggling with Eri in his hospital bed because she refused to leave, he was finally released.
The doctor gave him ointment medicine to apply to his scalp and pill medicine for his ribcage. “Also, make sure you change your bandages every three days,” he said while Aizawa signed his release forms. “It’s important that your skin is clean. And make sure you stay away from any rigorous activity for at least another week. And also…” 
The doctor ended up giving Aizawa a list of 'what to dos' and 'what not to dos'. He made sure to give Principal Nezu, the police chief, and the HPSC the rundown of the doctor’s orders.
The HPSC was less than happy about him not being able to kick ass for the next week, but he could care less about that. For all he cared, they could try to make another Eraserhead if they wanted him so bad.
But they can be happy that he decided to still participate in patrols; just not in person. He’d be sitting with the police department and other pro heroes to discuss potential threats and how to handle them. He would give anything to handle them himself, but he’d rather save his energy for recovering. After all, his little girl needs him healthy. 
“How’s Eri doing?” Nemuri asks as Mic sits down with some iced tea. “Is she taking this well?”
Aizawa nods, dabbing at his mouth with a napkin. “We’ve talked and I explained to her what happened, but she’s taking it well. She’s adapting well to the little apartment Nezu offered to house us in since our dorm is now a crime scene.” 
Today, a Monday, is his first day back to work. He was released last Friday evening and argued with literally everybody (the doctor, the nurses, Mic) before he drove himself and Eri to their new temporary apartment. It is a nice little place near a park and littered with dogs, much to Eri’s liking, and only ten minutes away from UA by car.
While Aizawa was recovering in the hospital, Nezu had every item moved into the apartment–furniture; appliances, clothes, etc. “You don’t have to worry about thing!” he cheerfully told Aizawa when he visited him in the hospital. “Just worry about recovering.” 
Though the apartment is much bigger than his dorm, Aizawa can't help but feel out of place. And angry. He felt nothing but rage when he visited his dorm early this morning before work and saw the door taped in yellow police tape.
“Idiot wanna-be villain,” he huffs into his lunch. “Fuckin’ up my life.” 
“Hey.” Mic’s voice is stern but his eyes are soft. “None of that. The most important thing is that you’re still here with us.” He takes off his glasses to clean them, revealing the dark circles under his eyes.
Aizawa immediately feels immense guilt for complaining. He can’t imagine how much he’s worried Mic. He’s been at the hospital with Aizawa almost every day, tending to him and watching over Eri while Aizawa slept. 
“Oh, and before I get…” Mic stands up to retrieve something from his jacket pocket. He then hands it to Aizawa who scowls down at the neatly-folded card.
He opens it, finding “Welcome Back, Sensei!” written in big, bold letters and surrounded by hearts drawn with red markers. His eyes move over the card, reading each signature written inside the card of different names.
“From your Class A1 kids,” Mic chuckles as Nemuri coos. “They went around and had faculty sign too.” 
Aizawa doesn’t respond, too overcome with emotion at each name he finds. Most of them are from many of his visitors. Besides Nezu and Mic, over the past two weeks, he has also been visited by Nemuri, a few of his fellow pro heroes, the police chief, and half of his classroom kids. He had to tell Mina to get out because she kept crying. He doesn't doubt that this was her and the A1 girls’ idea. 
He smirks, still searching through each name for one in particular…but when he doesn’t find it, his smile fades. Of all people, he finds the janitor’s name but not yours! The disappointment that blooms inside of him is overwhelming and pushes the card away.
“What?” Mic asks, panicking. “What’s wrong? Did Bakugou scribble Midoriya’s name out? I told him not to do that!” 
Aizawa shakes his head. “No, it’s just…“Y/N’s name isn’t in here.”
Mic’s eyes widen as big as saucers while Nemuri doesn’t look all that shocked. “It’s not?!” he practically shouts. He snatches the card up and proceeds to search for your signature. 
Aizawa tries to push the disappointment he feels away but it’s not going anywhere. You have been on his mind for two weeks, ever since that strange night with Toyama.
You’ve barely called or texted him. You’ve never come to visit him, not even when you sent him flowers. They were delivered to him one random Saturday morning, so beautiful and pink. There was a card attached to them that read, “Feel better and I’m sorry - Y/N.” 
He wasn't too sure what you were apologizing for. Perhaps you still felt guilty for what happened with Toyoma?
Even more confusing, he still isn’t sure how you got into his dorm that night before Mic and the others. Part of him still wants to believe that it was just a hallucination, but if Mic said he saw you, there is no denying you were there.
But how? And why haven’t you visited him? Why haven’t you spoken to him at all? Maybe you’re too afraid or feel guilty? Should he make the first move? Would you even want him to? He’s thought about doing it so many times in the quiet of the night when he misses you. 
He just doesn’t understand: ‘What went wrong?’ he laments in thought. 
Aizawa grips his spoon, nearly bending it. He doesn’t want to feel played or abandoned by you, but dammit, it is so hard not to. How could you spend so many months making him believe you felt the same romantic feelings he does about you, and then just drop him?
“Something on your mind, Shouta?” Nemuri asks, startling him out of his thoughts. Her gaze is soft and tender as she stares at him from across the table. “Don’t shut us out, darling. We’re your friends. Have you and Y/N been okay lately?” 
Mic looks up from the card, his attention now on Aizawa. The pro sighs, realizing there’s no way out of his. “I wouldn’t know,” he wryly replies. “She hasn’t really spoken to me since my dorm was turned into a fuckin’ war zone. She sent flowers to the hospital room, but she never visited or called. I’m startin’ to think I just dreamed that whole week prior where we were okay and…” 
Talking. Flirting. Making good love. Dating. 
He looks away from his friends, not wanting to see the pity in their eyes or have them see the hurt in his. “It was stupid,” he sighs despite his heart breaking in two. “I knew this wouldn’t work between us. I probably scared her off because now she understands what I do as a hero and the risks of it.”
Quietly, he takes a sip of his ramen to give his hands something to do instead of shaking or possibly punching a hole in the wall. 
He becomes acutely aware that the break room has suddenly gotten too quiet. He looks up to find Nemuri and Mic giving him a shared look that makes him feel like an alien. He puts his spoon down.
“Okay, unless I really do look awful with these bruises, you’d better stop lookin’ at me like that,” he grumbles. 
But they don’t stop. They continue to give him those weird looks that make him want to burst out of his skin. Like something is wrong.
“What?” he demands. 
They each share a look that is less than comforting to Aizawa before turning back to face him. “We need to tell you something,” Mic replies, and those words send shivers down Aizawa’s spine. 
Shouta: Hey. Meet me outside on campus, under the cherry blossom trees near your side  *Read 9:23 PM 
Aizawa stands by them now, feeling less than mystified or overcome with adoration for the gorgeous, pink, blooming trees that sway in the early June breeze.
He remembers how you looked under them–just as beautiful as the trees, pink petals in your hair and on your ears. He thought the world of you then. 
Now that he knows the truth, he isn’t too sure. He isn't even sure if he wants to believe all of it. He just can’t believe you would lie to his face for months.
And not just himself but Eri too–a little girl! One who is so trusting of others. He began to trust you with her feelings and her heart after seeing how you treated her. You were always so kind and generous; so sweet and open.
‘It just can’t be,’ he thinks as he watches the trees sway. ‘She wouldn’t lie to me like this. She couldn’t…’ 
That was all he could think when Nemuri and Mic broke the news to him on their lunch break. They served it to him flat out to him, telling him everything about you that wasn’t about you being Night Claw.
The first thing he did was burst into laughter. It was too ridiculous! You? Pretending to be the cat he adopted for Eri? It just wasn't realistic in his eyes.
“No,” he chuckled incredulously. “No, you two are just tryin’ to cheer me up. That was a good one though.” 
He went back to slurping on his ramen but paused when Nemuri and Mic continued to give him those solemn stares. His stomach dropped when he realized they were dead-ass serious.
“No,” he said again, grit in his tone. “You’re bullshittin’ me. Tell me you’re bullshittin’ me.” 
Nemuri slowly shook her head. “I’m afraid not,” she sighed sadly. “She told us herself what she was doing just last week. It’s been happening since March apparently.” 
March? Aizawa nearly blew a gasket. You’ve been doing this since early spring and they knew about it? “So you’ve known this for over a week and never thought to tell me?” he growled, irked. “Even when you knew I was seein’ her?” 
Mic put a hand on Nemuri’s shoulder, silently telling her to let him handle it. “It wasn’t our place to tell you, Shouta. Believe me, we both wanted to, but we figured we’d let Y/N give you an explanation, especially since you were dating her at the time she told us.”
He took off his glasses, revealing his worried, green orbs. “Plus, you were so happy with her and I didn’t want to see you go back to your old, brooding, lonely self! Yes, it was wrong, but we love you, Sho, and we love Eri, too. Your happiness is all we care about.” 
Nemuri nodded, agreeing. “We’re only telling you this now because we love you so much and we know how guilty Y/N feels about this. That’s why she isn’t talking.” 
Aizawa stared down at his ramen, his appetite suddenly gone. He felt dizzy like the world is spinning. The disappointment and betrayal he felt in his body increased with every passing second he thought of you and started putting the pieces together one by one.
Now he understands why you were in his dorm already before Mic and the others that night when Toyoma attacked him. You had been in there all night, snuggling with him; playing with him; purring against him as he aimlessly vented about his problems. 
He’s told you so much about his feelings for you without even realizing it. He’s peeled back every layer to himself in those quiet nights with you on his lap, thinking you were just a cat who couldn’t understand the English language.
He was wrong. He was so, so stupidly wrong.
“But…but I don’t understand,” he weakly said, staring down at his hands. “Why would she do this? Why didn’t she tell me?” 
Nemuri put a dainty, manicured hand on his arm. “From what she told us, she saw how happy she made you and Eri when she was pretending to be your pet, so she felt obligated to continue it. I don’t think she ever meant to hurt you, Shouta.” 
Anger suddenly rose within Aizawa. Anger at being lied to again, and having his daughter be a part of it. “Well, she has,” he responded, enraged. “She has hurt me.”
Nemuri nodded, soothingly stroking his arm. “And you have every reason to be hurt,” she softly said. “But you also need to hear her out. She’s not a bad person, Shouta.” 
Aizawa scoffs to himself now. Not a bad person? He’s having trouble believing that. As he went through the rest of work and finally went to his dorm to figure this shit out, he felt even more like you aren’t at all what he thought you were. Your secrets prove it.
And when Nemuri came to him later that afternoon with chocolate for Eri and a message for him, he knew he had the chance to confront you face to face.
“She texted me,” she explained, leaning against the doorway. “She’s heading out tonight at 8 PM. If you call her, you can wait for her to come back to campus then.”
And so, after gaining the courage, he texted you to meet him outside the faculty building on your dorm side. You had texted him back an “ok” which made his heart leap in anticipation. He now had the chance to see you for himself. To get some answers from you. He deserves this and so does Eri. 
As he leans against the brick wall of the building, he turns towards the street and instantly spots the little black cat he’s grown to love tottering up the bricked walking path. His stomach instantly drops. ‘Please don’t be true,’ he pleads. ‘Please, please, don’t be true.’ 
As the little cat gets closer, he presses himself against the wall and holds his breath, keeping quiet. The cat suddenly stops and stands perfectly still for a moment before a blinding light overtakes their little body.
When he suddenly sees you materialize out of the light in your human form, he can hardly believe his eyes. He especially can’t believe that you’re in your Night Claw outfit, heeled boots and all. Which means it is true. You’ve been lying to him. 
Aizawa moves away from the wall to reveal himself to you. When your big, brown eyes meet his they go wide with shock and fear like a deer caught in headlights. He also figures you just about pissed yourself seeing him waiting for you in the darkness.
“I knew it,” he says, disappointment in his voice. “I didn’t wanna believe it, but I knew deep down something was off.” 
You continue to gape at him, looking small despite your bold outfit. You open your mouth to perhaps protest or beg for forgiveness, but Aizawa puts a hand up to stop you.
“And before you say anything, Nemuri and Mic told me everything,” he growls. “So don’t try to get yourself out of this or fight me like you did when I found out you were Night Claw.” 
You slowly take off your helmet, revealing your beautiful face beat with makeup, your plump lips coated in red lipstick. “S-Shouta,” you softly stutter. “Please, let me explain–” 
“Explain what?” he sharply asks, startling you. “Why you’ve been lying to Eri and me for almost three months with this shit? Why you’ve been pretending this whole time? How you managed to make me fall for you even when you were lying right to my face?” 
You stare up at him with wide, frightened eyes. Though he feels horrible for speaking to you so harshly, he knows that you deserve it.
Now he knows why you didn’t visit him at the hospital. You were scared that you would be found out. Is that what you do? Do you run away from responsibility and the truth every time things get too hot for you?
“I let you into my home,” he continues, ice dripping from his voice. “I shared so many private things with you. Secrets I wouldn’t even tell Mic!” You fiddle with your helmet, staring at the ground in shame. “I-I know,” you weakly say. 
He gapes at you, angered and feeling utterly betrayed. “Oh, you know?” he scoffs. “So, what, that’s just alright with you?” You shake your head, your eyes becoming glassy and wet. “No, I–“ 
“When were you planning on tellin’ me this?” he hisses, squinting accusingly at you. Or did you just wanna see how far you could get before you outed me as a fool?” 
That seems to be the breaking point for you because you toss your helmet aside, not caring if it breaks. “Shouta, I never wanted to hurt you!” you blurt, emotion straining your words. He is taken aback by your outburst; especially the tears that begin to drip down your pretty face.
“I swear that I was going to tell you and I’ve tried so many times, but when you finally started talking to me, I was so afraid of losing the relationship we had.” 
Your bottom lip wobbles and your face contorts as you begin to fully cry standing in front of him. “And then when we kissed that night…I wanted to tell you then, but I didn’t want to lose you. Or Eri.”
Your body begins to visibly shake as you hang your head in shame. “I saw how happy I was making you both and I just wanted to be a part of that,” you sob. “I just wanted to be closer to you. I didn’t want to hurt or deceive either of you, I swear!” 
You begin to sniffle and sob, your body trembling. Aizawa gapes at you, not sure how to react to this. He’s never seen you cry before. “I-I’m s-so, so s-sorry," you stutter through your anguished sobs. “I’m so sorry, Shouta!” 
His arms ache to hold you; comfort you. He wants to tell you everything will be okay and that he forgives you. He could never hate you.
“Kitty,” he murmurs longingly, reaching out to touch you. He is fortunately stopped when his phone rings. Irked, he begrudgingly pulls it out and finds a text from the police chief. 
“Fuck,” he hisses. “That’s the police chief. I’m needed downtown to discuss a villain attack.” 
Now he really regrets still participating in patrols for the police department, especially when you stand there, looking so small and vulnerable with your mascara running. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he softly says. “We can talk about this later.”
Before you can even protest or agree, he leaves you standing in the middle of the UA campus, not once turning back around. 
Slowly, you pick up your helmet and begin to walk back to your dorm but the sound of footsteps stops you.
You whirl around, hoping to find Aizawa, but you find Nemuri standing there in her silk nightgown and slippers. She doesn’t look angry or disappointed; just sad. “Honey,” she empathetically says. 
That’s all she has to say to make you crumble and run to her where she wraps you up in her arms and her vanilla-scented body mist.
You sob against her chest as you cling to her, feeling like she is the only thing you have left that hasn’t gone to shit now. 
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daydream-cement · 2 years
The Cedars Have Eyes Ch. 4
Characters: Larissa Weems x OC (Fern Rogers)
Synopsis: We explore the crypt and we now know more than ever.
Authors Note: This is a different level of intensity than I've written before. I loved it.
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"Okay, so here is what we know about Mary Goodweather." Rowan pointed to the chalk board. Written there was Mary's name, the word telepath, and the years she had been alive, meaning you truly knew nothing new.
"So we have nothing?" You were seated cross-legged on top of a two-person desk in Rowan's classroom. Larissa was seated at the same desk, but she was slouched in a chair, long legs stretched in front of her and arms folded across her chest.
"We have nothing." Rowan perched herself on her desk, hoping someone could come up with some type of answer.
"None of the older alumni could remember a crypt with the ashes of dead outcasts." Larissa chimed in, "But one did mention that we should look around Crackstone's crypt. Maybe we could find something there."
"Well we need to figure it out soon. Students will be back in four days and they don't need to find us sneaking around." You glance back at Larissa and then up to Rowan. The vampire was too busy biting at the inside of her cheek and staring off into space to notice you look at her.
"Maybe... We let Fern go back-"
"No." Larissa rejected Rowan's idea outright with no hesitation.
"Come on. We can do it inside. No vines this time." You join Rowan's team, actually wanting to return to the crypt to gather more names and see what was behind the door. You had tried talking to Larissa about this earlier but there was no budging so you had decided to drop it. With Rowan's support, you tempted receiving Larissa's wrath again.
"We can take every precaution, Larissa, but the only way to figure out why this is happening to Fern is to send her back." Rowan supported you, and Larissa was starting to realize she was outnumbered.
"Fern..." Larissa's tone let you know that this was a warning.
"I'll be fast! I can go in and-"
"FERN!" Larissa wasn't hearing it.
"Larissa, I want your support, but I will do it without you if I need to." You knew Larissa wouldn't want to fight about this in front of Rowan, but it needed to be said.
Larissa sucked her top lip between her teeth, thinking for a moment, "Fine. But I reserve the right to wake you up if I feel like something is going to happen to you."
"Okay. Fine. Yes"
After moving all the tables in the astronomy tower, Fern laid on the floor. They chose the tower for the proximity from the ground, hoping that it would prevent anything from taking Fern. Larissa had even retried garden shears from the greenhouse to keep vines away if they came near Fern.
"Ready?" Larissa rested on her knees by you, her hand grasping at yours. You could sense her nervousness, "No more cuts on your hands either."
"Yes, yes. I promise, I promise."
"I love you."
"I love you too, honey."
"Can we get a move on you two?" Rowan tapped her foot, standing nearby and obviously not enjoying this mush-fest. Larissa's face went red with embarrassment, she pressed a quick kiss to your forehead and moved back to sit nearby.
You begin to focus in. It was a little harder this time. You tried remembering the sensation. Vines around your ankles, up your legs, around your torso, down your arms. Finally, you fell through. The process passing through the soil was much faster this time. The pain of falling was just the same, but you forced yourself to recover quicker.
You pull yourself to your feet, scrambling towards the door. You stop by the different urns, pulling a pocketknife from your pocket. You weren't sure if it would actually make the journey with you. You were really getting the hang of this transferring-consciousness-between-physical-forms thing.
With the pocketknife, you wedge it between the various urns and their plaques, prying them off and stuffing them into your pockets. You collected about ten when you decided to move on towards the vault door. But your blood ran cold when you heard voices, you felt the anxiety course through your chest and out to your toes and fingertips.
"Shhh... She's here." You could see the shadows moving around as the lighting changed through the crack in the door.
Larissa and Rowan were dealing with their own battles in the astronomy tower. They had only considered the roots that could come up through the ground. Vines had begun pouring in through the tower windows, shattering the windows. They were headed straight towards Fern.
Larissa tried her best to wield the sheers, but it seemed like the vines were like a hydra, cut one and two would take its place. Rowan had taken a family heirloom sword that she kept mounted on the wall and was trying to chop at the vines with it, but soon the vines grabbed her ankles causing her to fall.
Not only were they trying to protect Fern, but now they were having to protect themselves.
I have to wake up. I have to wake up. You couldn't get yourself to leave the crypt. You needed Larissa or Rowan's help on the other side. Finally, you forced a foot forward then two. You needed to read the name on the door. That would be the ultimate clue..
"Finally, she is coming to visit us... We need her for the next phase..."
Your heart was pounding in your ears. The adrenaline running through you about made you sick. Remember. The door. What does the door say?
You glance up, trying to make out the words. Your stomach flipped. You had seen that name before: Crackstone.
"Rowan, wake Fern up!" Larissa was dealing with the vines trying to grab at her, too far away from Fern to help.
"I'm a little busy!" Rowan cried as the vines grabbed at her hands to prevent her from cutting at them any longer.
Larissa knew they didn't have much time. She took one step back towards Fern and a vine twisted around her foot, tripping her in the process. Now she was frantic, she kicked at the vine, leaving her shoe behind.
Larissa's hand grabbed at Fern's shoulder, "Honey, it's time to wake up now! Wake up!"
The vault door was slowly beginning to open when the room began shaking. Thank god, Larissa and Rowan were coming to your rescue. You were taking steps backward, not wanting the people in the room to get you. Were they even going to hurt you?
"She is getting away!"
The two figures took a step towards you, but the shaking of the room and your vision altered their faces. You couldn't make it out.
The vines began to slink away when you woke up. Once you finally were conscious enough to register the world around you, Larissa and Rowan were on the ground, piles of vine cuttings around them.
"What in the hell happened here?"
After a few hours sorting through the new urn names and exploring what the underground vault could be, you all finally agreed to call it a night. You were having trouble sleeping. The nightmares for you were progressing now that you went deeper into the crypt.
In the dreams, you would wake up feeling incredibly empty inside, like all emotion had been ripped from your body. You couldn't move. You were in a box. A casket to be more specific. Your eyes were open, but those who viewed your body didn't seem to notice.
There was Rowan. She had sunglasses on, but you could see her tear stained cheeks. Then came Larissa. Her eyes seemed void of there usual sparkle, red from the crying. She wasn't actively crying, however. She just seemed numb.
A voice came from the back, "Oh, she was just too late. There was nothing to be done..."
Larissa leaned down in towards you, "You better keep your promise. You better come back to me."
And she closed the casket. You couldn't move. You couldn't scream. You were going to be buried alive.
You had awoken with a start. Your heart beating wildly. That was one of the worst nightmares yet.
You needed to clear your head. Even though it was dark outside, you wandered deeper and deeper into the woods. Once you were about a half mile away, you stopped in a small clearing and stood still for a moment.
Then you screamed,
and screamed,
and screamed.
You needed to feel alive. Feel the screams leave your lungs. Feel the burn on your vocal cords.
Then you turned around and began your walk back to your bed.
Link to Chapter 5
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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Chapter 11- Bad First Impression? |Ghiaccio x Reader|
Warning: strong language, dark themes. MA.
Ghiaccios POV
Seven years ago, when Ghiaccio was still considered a young man, he was engaged to the love of his life, his high school sweetheart. She was studying to be a nurse and him a doctor, and she was four months pregnant with his child. When walking to her car late one night, a man raped and murdered her, taking not only the love of his life away but also his unborn child. Since that day, he'd grown even colder than he was before, doing whatever he could to forget that day. To forget them.
The reason why he joined the mafia was to seek out revenge for their deaths, and he indeed got his revenge. Risotto helped him get revenge, and since that day, he's lost himself in this job, giving up fully on love because he could not go through that again. He snapped when they died, he doesn't even remember the man he was before then. He only knows what he became after.
With you, he didn't want to get too close because he wouldn't be able to recover if he actually fell for you and lost you. Then again, a small part of him really wanted to get to know you and attempt to see where things would even go if he tried. With seven assassins protecting you, you would be safe. He just.. he really missed what was taken from him.
His conflicted thoughts were interrupted by you entering the dining room, standing across from him, the dining room table keeping a considerable distance between the two of you. "Ghiaccio," you mutteted softly, the way you said his name, causing his heart to actually skip a beat. Oh no.. this was trouble. His heart shouldn't react like that.
"What?" He looked up from his laptop, his eyes on your face. "Do you need something?"
You looked away from him, quickly turning away. "No." You quickly left, the backdoor gently closing.
He sighed, shaking his head before looking back down at his computer. His eyes glanced down at the time, immediately causing him to stand up. He raced out the back door, seeing you leaning next to the door. It was pitch black, the dim alleyway having only one working street light. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
You dropped the grinder in your hands, your weed falling all over the ground, grinder making a loud thud sound as you slightly jumped. He seemed to have scared you, your head immediately dropping to stare at the weed spilled all over the concrete ground. "I'm smoking! Fuck, goddammit! You scared me!" You yelled, that being the loudest he's heard you speak, you usually kept your voice pretty low. "It's okay about the weed, I have more. But you really scared me."
He shook his head, grabbing you by your waist, dragging you back into the hideout, slamming the backdoor shut and locking it. "It's midnight! You wanna smoke!? Smoke in your room, not in the dark alleyway!"
You frowned, "my grinder." You began to unlock the door, causing him to place his hand over yours. "Ghiaccio, my grinder."
"Fuck the goddamn grinder! I'll buy you another one!" He snapped at you, taking your hand off the doorknob. "You have no business being outside at night!"
You let a low laugh escape your lips, your eyebrows raising at him. "And who the fuck are you supposed to be? I don't have to listen to your insane commands."
"Don't test me," he warned, his voice suddenly dropping to a low whisper as he unlocked and opened the door, leaning down to pick up the two grinder pieces. He snatched them off the ground, and the two metal pieces made a loud clink sound as they clicked together in his hand. "I'm your boyfriend. Am I not?"
"Technically, all seven of you are, so yeah," you said, taking the grinder from his hand. "Thanks for picking it up. What are you up to? It's late." Your sudden mood change caught him by surprise. He expected you to stay angry with him.
"I was just finishing up some work on the computer," he replied, placing his hands in his pockets.
"Where are you sleeping tonight?" You questioned, sliding the grinder in your pocket. "You're my boyfriend? Hm."
Ghiaccio raised his eyebrows at you, stepping back a little. "Where should I sleep? Where do you want me to fucking sleep?" If you wanted him too, he could have sex with you. Melone recently gave him a condom and he had it in his wallet, waiting and ready for you. He hadn't performed sexually in seven years.. it made him kind of nervous to think about it. Would he be as good as the other men? Could he make you cum? Fuck! He didn't know!
You frowned at him. "Well, I guess you can sleep at your own house, and I'll sleep here by myself."
"Are you seriously trying to kick me out of the base!?" He exclaimed, staring at you in disbelief. He didn't understand why you seemed to hate him so much.
"No, I'm just being an asshole," you replied. "I clearly want you to stay. Stay out of my way." You went to walk past him, only for him to grab your arm. "I meant in like, a sense of not bossing me around."
He sighed, quickly letting go of your arm. He wanted to be mad at you, but he still had a theory that Risotto forced you to join. What he was told made him feel uneasy, how Risotto took you saving his life and twisted it into keeping you forever. It was sick. You helped him only for him to take you and claim you. It was obvious that you were mentally ill and deeply into the crime world. Risotto took advantage of all of that, but their was a pro that being you were safer here with them than out their. Especially with Melone around, Melone would do anything to keep you safe, Ghiaccio had never seen him act like this towards anyone.
"I guess you and I could share a bed tonight," he told you. "I will be going to bed after I take a shower."
You nodded your head, "I'll keep my door open for you." You walked away again. This time, he let you walk away instead of grabbing you.
He turned around, watching as you walked away, his eyes drifting down to stare at your ass. He nodded to himself before he walked into the bathroom, closing the door. He felt nervous. He actually felt fuckibg nervous to sleep next to you. Did you expect sex? Cuddling? He was definitely going to take a long shower to think.
Ghiaccio quickly got into bed with you, wearing his plaid pajama pants and a black t shirt, what he usually wears to bed. He got under the covers, sitting up as he looked over at you, noticing you on your laptop. "What are you doing?" Was he allowed to ask you that? Fuck, of course he was! Why was he questioning himself?
"Replying to all of Melones emails," you replied, "he said that Pesci tripped and fell down the stairs today while trying to chase someone. He's fine."
"He always fucking does that," he replied, taking his glasses off and sitting them on the nightstand. "He has terrible balance."
You closed the laptop, sitting it on the nightstand next to your side of the bed. "It's okay if you snore. Don't be shy." You turned your lap off, laying down on your back. "You can snore if you want."
"I do not fucking snore Y/N," he snapped at you, laying down, keeping a few inches of distance between the two of you. He wondered.. should he be doing something here? Immediately, he rose up slightly, placing a kiss on your forehead. "Goodnight."
You looked up at him, your hand raising to touch his cheek, "Goodnight Ghiaccio. Sleep well."
As he laid back down, you turned to your side, your back facing him. He stared at your frame for a moment, wondering if he should make a move. No.. he wasn't quite ready yet. It's been seven years since.. no. No. He closed his eyes and went to sleep, pushing the memories of seven years ago back into the back of his mind, but as he slept at night his dreams haunted him, just as they always did.
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