#i'll miss fig she's cool
the-anime-man · 4 months
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A view of the City of London from Bank junction and the Royal Exchange. Photographer: Tom Skipp/Bloomberg
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Welcome back!!! :) We all missed you
Could you please write one in which MC is an animagus and the characters react to them transforming?
Thank you so much and take it easy 😁
A/N: since no animal was specified, we're going with the classic kitty cat :3
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MC finally did it! After months of prep, and some good luck, they completed the animagus ritual....only to become a silver tabby. Not as epic as they would have hoped, but still cool. They needed to show their friends IMMEDIATELY.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "Well aren't you adorable." He chuckles as he kneels down to pet MC. "I'm not surprised you became an animagus. I'm just disappointed you didn't ask me to become one with you." He picks up MC and carries them off. "Now I have a perfectly valid excuse to call you Kitten."
OMINIS GAUNT: "You know, I don't find it funny when you tell me you want to SHOW me something. My wand has its limits." He huffs and waits for MC to do whatever they were so eager to do. His eyebrows rise in shock. One moment he detects a person, the next, a small animal. "What in Merlin's name? You're an animagus??" He hears MC meow and rub against his leg, just like the castle cats. He smiles a little and reaches down to pet MC. "Whatever will we do with you?"
ANNE SALLOW: "Oh, not fair! I was going to go through with the ritual myself but the blasted mandrake leaf wouldn't stay put. Even so..." She picks up MC and cradles then in her arms. "Since you're here. You can be my lap warmer while I study transfiguration."
IMELDA REYES: "You're as mad as I thought. You risked your life to become an animagus, only to become a cat? I'd get my money back if I were you." She watches MC flop over and make some air biscuits with the biggest eyes. "...I see your point."
NATSAI ONAI: She has stars in her eyes and immediately changes in her gazelle form. She and MC dance around each other happily and run down the corridors to cause some havoc. It was entirely worth the detention.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Brilliant!" He watches in awe as MC transforms and starts purring against him. He picks them up and puts them on his shoulder. "Let's go raid Professor Sharp's storage room. He'll never suspect a cat." He now has a new mantra: Gain kitty, do crime.
LEANDER PREWETT: He looks around to see if anyone saw what MC just did. He leans down and harshly whispers to them. "You do realize that ritual is against the rules here right!? It's so dangerous! You could have died! Let alone the fact that you aren't registered. You could get in serious trouble if you're caught." MC flattens their ears and growls, he puts his hands up defensively. "I won't tell, but be more careful. I'm serious."
AMIT THAKKAR: "By the stars, that's incredible! Was the ritual as hard as it sounds? How many times did you attempt it? Was it difficult to actually keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for 30 days? These are questions I must know that answers to." MC just meows at him. "Oh...right."
EVERETT CLOPTON: "Whoa! That's amazing! Could you always do that?" He kneels down to scratch MC under the chin. "Hey, I need a favor." He grins devilishly and points at a distant group of students. "See the tall one? I need you to scratch the hell out of his legs. No questions. I'll pay."
POPPY SWEETING: She nearly screams from how cute MC's cat form is. She immediately scoops up MC and cuddles them close to her chest. "Please, for the love of Merlin and all magic, let me put little hats on you. My grandma knits all sorts of little hats and sweaters for her cats and I just KNOW they would look adorable on you." MC is locked in her arms. There is no escape.
ELAZAR FIG: "Extraordinary!" He was sitting at his desk when MC came in to show him their new trick. MC jumped onto his desk as a cat and slowly blinks at him. He reaches forward and gently pets their head. "I've always known you were capable of strong magic, and I'm glad you trust me enough to show me this, but do be cautious. Being an unregistered animagus is a big deal to some in the Ministry. Tread carefully. For now, you're welcome to nap on my desk."
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rrat-king · 3 months
And what if I tell you my Fight, Flight, Fawn theory for the Appleboys reuniting with Kristen. What then? Going by your age gaps of 2, 4, 8 because they're canon adjacent and the idea of the Applebees having a playpen when three out of four kids were 14, 12 and 10 is too funny. Assuming a reunion between Kris and the younger two happens post her birthday so it's 17, 13 and 9 respectively. Buckys is analysing his actual response we saw from 14 year old him. When I say leave in reference to Kristen, know that I know it wasn't her choice (Mac and Donna when I fucking get you)
Bucky got the Fawn response. I'll be real, when I began theorising that an Applebees brother would feature I thought "Oh god here comes the angst. There will be resentment, Mac and Donna have undoubtedly been talking shit for two years. But we see him and he's happy. He missed her. He hugs her. He wants to hang out. And yeah that probably stems from the fact you'll naturally miss your sibling and the fact he probably had to take the oldest sibling mantle. But he barely even commented on her life and friends (aside from the half baked comment about her living in sin and side eyeing Fig). I was expecting more problematic behaviours to be honest. The theory is he entered full people pleasing mode, desperately tampering down any complicated feelings because he NEEDS to make himself a good brother that Kristen will want to stay for this time (of course not realising Kristen will stay the best she can no matter if he kicks and screams)
Bricker got Fight. Was like 10 when Kris left, and I say this with love, in the absolute throes of puberty. I don't know what it is but this kid just gives me angry vibes, maybe it's the middle child. Very Nico DiAngelo "He looked too young to be so angry". When you're a kid, especially in that horrific period of 10-13 you go to the easy solution which is being mad, and you go to the easy target which is the one who "started" this huge upheaval (read Kristen). To a lesser extent, Bucky, for trying to play big brother (Bricker doesn't even realise this but the anger mostly came from a subconscious desire to preserve Kristen's place in the family for if she comes back).
(Bonus: Once they have a very good conversation and Bricker is reassured Kristen never did stop thinking about and loving him he will cry three years worth of pent up tears and beg her not to leave again)
Cork got Flight. He was only 6 when she left, its been 3 years of experiences (little man went from first grade to third in that time its a Lot). Kristen has physically changed a lot since they last saw each other. All this to say, he takes a minute to recognise this older person who's eyes are all wet at the sight of him. Some part of his brain blocked out memories of her because the way she was just gone one day was so scary to his little brain. When it does register who she is, Cork becomes completely unlike himself and gets shy. He makes Bucky stand close by because all he knows is that 1. This is a heathen who rebuked Helio's light 2. This is Krissy, back after what felt like forever and 3. She's so cool looking and why would someone this cool ever want to talk to him.
(Bonus: She played it off but Kristen's heart did break seeing Cork, the little boy she raised, take a minute to work out who she is, when she never forgot him. Not to quote Taylor but very "And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe")
god yeah kristen having partially raised cork only for him not to know who she is anymore/barely recognize her haunts me so much. bucky as a people pleaser is such a good read especially as he is forced into kristen's role as head of the siblings I just. yeah. also angry bricker is so important to me. he got left behind! he's not ok with that and he's gonna be angry. god I just. applebees kids make me crazy this is such a good read.
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halevren · 8 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 3
Had a rough week so far, I am looking forward to this episode ♡
NAT 20
please bring ayda back this episode (begging) (I know it won't happen. but I'm desperate)
I am experiencing so much gender envy from literally everyone at the table.
The art team really pulled out all the stops for this season. The dome backdrop is so good
"Of course you and Adaine, of course, are... Nerds."
"Not ideal for the bad kids" oh no.
Lone Wolf Bloodrush player. That's oc material fr
"I like getting friends cast on me so I willingly fail" fig becomes more and more relatable every episode
LYDIA!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
It just says "Hey Adaine" on the inside 😭😭
how many binders do the Thistlesprings have
"Can I Run From You?"
Just Breathe
I love the casual conversation they have
"I'll walk you to Bard class" fig probably won't be staying 😭
I hope Fig's luck issue gets resolved soon 😭
omg mazey x fabian?!!?!?!????!?!?!!?!
Jawbone is so filled with dad lore
Kristen class president is something I need
21 passive investigation is insane
"What are you, like 4 different dogs?"
Passive Aggressive Kristen is so good.
Ghost steaks 🔥
"You're looking at a party boy" oh fabian....
I think Kristen working to be class president will convince her to. Go to school and work on getting better at it
Gilear 😢 I miss my pathetic wet cat of a man
fig writer's block so relatable
Stressed Riz
I miss Ayda
Porter is kinda.... ♡
Why is everyone so attractive why must I be attracted to all the adults. im supposed to have a type
"I'm going into a worry, yeah"
Fig taking Fabian to the wizard class instead of bard class is so real
TERPSICHORE SKULLCLEAVER!!!!!! she looks like she bakes incredible cookies. I can't dance but I want to be in her class
Dance bard class is so cool
From Jock to Arsty kid, I love Fabian's character development so much
"I'm going to do a lot less partying" a full lie from Fabian
I need more Riz and Jawbone one on ones
oh no the Applebees fam are here oh no...
Ripped Kristen approaching her parents.....
oh no. oh no. oh no.
Not good what is going on with Cassandra
why is sorcery so expensive
oh god Wanda Childa....
"what smell would be enticing to emo kids" 😭😭😭
"Did you just come from a room full of cigarettes and peach schnapps" "you mean breakfast?"
I wanda'd in
watching Kristen deal with school and stuff and deal with Cassandra makes me slightly uncomfortable. not in a bad way but in a way that I relate to it a bit too much and it's a bit too real. i too had extreme trouble with school and I also have issues with pushing important people away when trying to focus on myself and it ruins a lot of my relations. I relate to Kristen too much in the worst ways and that hits closer to home than I like. I love Kristen but man. Too close
"Things can be bad, and things can be good, but they all can be true."
I worry about Kristen going to Cassandra's realm. I am going into a worry. I have bad feeling.
the sound design is so good
"I can't rely on you." OUCH.
she already found somebody????
KALINA!?!?!?! !!??!?!?!!!???!??!!??!!???!!???!?? HUHHHHH?!!??!!
IT'S LEAVING IT OFF WITH THAT?????? WHAT THE FUCK???????? WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????? WHAT?????
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 7 "Stress Tested"
Timestamp: 1:54:32
Video Length: 3min. & 53sec.
Fabian tanks it with Ivy! 😭✋
Brennan: "Anyone else rolling for Mystery?"
Lou: "Oh, I would like to do a half Mystery, half Relationship roll."
Brennan: "Okay."
Lou: "I would like to reach out to Ivy."
Brennan: "Okay."
Siobhan: "Cool."
Lou: "To hang out at school."
Brennan: "Okay. This is a DC 20,"
Lou: "I think I'm at 25."
Brennan: "Oh, you're at 25? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is a DC 25 Persuasion check."
Lou: "Okay" *rolls dice* "Oh, I missed, but that's not gonna do it."
Brennan: "Okay."
Lou: "I'll take stress."
Brennan: *gasps* "Oooohh baby." (He's so evil! 😭✋)
Lou: "This is the only way I can help solve the mystery. All right?" *rolls dice* "That's not gonna do it."
Ally: "Wait, no!"
Siobhan: "Don't you get advantage?"
Ally: "You get advantage on all your rolls because of that really good Charisma."
Brennan: "No, no, I think you used your advantage on- on-"
Lou: "Bard to hang out with Mazey."
Brennan: "To hang out with Mazey. Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Lou: "I'll take one more stress."
Brennan: "It's your last one you can take for this check."
Lou: *rolls dice* "Nah."
Brennan: "You go up to Ivy at school. How does Fabian approach Ivy?"
Fabian: "Hey. What's going on?"
Ivy: "What's that?"
Fabian: "What's going on?"
Ivy: "I don't know, you tell me."
Fabian: "You know, I just... I thought we started something the other night and it would be cool to get to know you better. You know, me and my friends have kinda been hitting the bricks metaphorically. You know, we're kind of on the outs, especially me and Fig, you know? We're having a lot of rubbers meeting the road, if you know what I'm saying. So, you know, I don't know, I'm just trying to broaden my horizons, socially."
Ivy: "I would say, it seems like you are trying to broaden your horizons. Yeah?"
Fabian: "It seems that way. Yeah. Is it the vibes I'm putting off?"
Ivy: "Well, I hear that you get a lot of those other little dancer friends of yours to hang out and stretch and feel your feelings together all in the room."
Fabian: "Yeah. It's, uh, it's like, uh... it's like, uh... It's like another way of like... I mean, it's a form of battle within oneself. It's honestly incredibly beautiful and important. But, you know, I'm always, you know. *stabbing motions* "I stay, you know? So I was just-"
Ivy: "You stay what? Stabbing?"
Fabian: "Stab. Yes. You and me finish each other's sentences. Crazy."
Ivy: "Nice. Well, best of luck with how important that work is. Yeah. It's nice you got a little partner, right? Student president. If it gets cold, you can wear her like a sweater, I guess."
Fabian: "Uh..."
Emily: "omg."
Fabian: "Uh, cold. That- Now that- Now I might need it now 'cause I'm feeling the chill."
Ivy: "Yeah."
Fabian: "So you don't wanna? You wouldn't wanna?"
Ivy: "Do what?"
Fabian: "I don't know."
Ivy: "Come roll around on the ground?"
Fabian: "I was thinking of something more structured like sparring, but you know, actually-"
Ivy: "You seem a little flustered for Maximum Legend."
Fabian: "Yeah, I think I'm supposed to be somewhere right now. I got a phone call."
Ivy: "Oh, yeah?"
Ally: "I got a phone call as a teenager?!" 😭✋
Siobhan: "I gotta be somewhere. I got a phone call." 😭💀
Fabian: "I have a scheduled phone call with my bank."
Brennan: "She says,"
Ivy: "Well, you better get to that."
Brennan: "She leans in and pulls down on your earlobe a little bit and says,"
Ivy: "You missed your shot, Playboy"
Brennan: "and leans back."
(Zac's reaction at that line was mine too fr! 😭✋)
Ally: "He has a scheduled call with his bank, though. I don't understand how that's a missed shot."
Brennan: "You see...Yeah, Alston Hughes is just like, 'Fabian, we need to talk, your money.' Oh, you also do get 10,000 gold pieces." 😂💀
Lou: "Oh, yeah. Great."
Siobhan: "Jesus Christ."
Ally: "So sick."
Brennan: "Incredible."
(I love everyone just cringing so bad at this entire extremely awkward conversation!!! 😭😭✋✋ It literally had me in tears!!! 😭✋)
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fourseasonsfigs · 11 months
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Halloween Wenzhou
Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope you're enjoying a fun-filled, festive day! Our two favorites are here to roam the modern jianghu in search of...treats!
Following up yesterday's Halloween Junzhe, we have the other Halloween set released by this fig maker. I think it's pretty hilarious that she selected a Grim Reaper costume for Zhou Zishu - pretty spot on, if you ask me! Wen Kexing is originally from the Healer Valley, so that also makes sense.
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These two arrived at my house intact, which is great, since these are pretty solid figs...A-Xu is anyway, with all his robes!
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Each of them came with accessories - A-Xu has his grim reaper scythe together with a magnetic mask. And his pumpkin treat bucket!
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Lao Wen came with his syringe, which came in two parts. Easy enough to pop the plunger in and position it in his hands.
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I didn't have to glue it into his hands or anything, it fit just fine!
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Here's a close-up of A-Xu and his accessories - the other pumpkin was from yesterday's Halloween Junzhe set, but somehow I mixed it in with this one!
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Here you can see the indent for the magnet on the mask. You can also see the pumpkin has two different faces, depending on which way you rotate it.
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A close-up of his mask on his face. The magnetic option is really cool - it just clicks on very easily - not too hard that I'd worry it would scratch up the face, but plenty secure. I left it off though, since his face is too cute to cover up.
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Lao Wen wasn't as stable as I wanted him to be, so I glued him onto a fig stand. I wasn't taking any chances with him falling over!
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I don't mind him being off a stand - it's ok if he's a bit shorter than Lao Wen, that's canon anyway!
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As you can imagine, A-Xu's long tail on his costume stabilizes him perfectly.
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Lao Wen's white hair goes perfectly with his color scheme!
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The scythe, after some initial nervousness on my part in snapping it into his hand (I don't even like that word, snap, in association with fig's hands!), fit just fine.
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A-Xu takes up a lot of real estate on my shelf due to his wide profile, but this is such a fun set I don't mind at all!
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OH NO, I just noticed that I did NOT in fact manage to snap A-Xu's scythe into his hand without damage! His poor finger is partially severed. I did not even notice it until seeing the closeup picture. Yikes.
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Here is this zoomed way in. Oh my gosh, this is terrible. Are my eyes that bad I didn't notice? (yes). Yikes, I'll need to put a thin line of glue on it and push it together. This is a Halloween fright indeed!
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Ok, do you see how his finger looks totally normal here?!?! Am I crazy? This is un-retouched, I swear. This is a strange and spooky Halloween night after all!
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No wonder Lao Wen looks so distressed!
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Here we have A-Xu's cute little bare feet, and a nice view of the long train of the costume.
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I didn't do a great job of this bottoms-up pic, sheesh. More like a sideways pic!
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The top-down pics are a little better.
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That's quite a lot of fake blood splatter on Lao Wen's outfit! His hair looks pristine though.
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Very sadly, I was missing a box card - just one for Lao Wen here.
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Lastly, here's a group Junzhe and Wenzhou pic! All four Halloween figs that this seller released. Adorable!
Happy Halloween all - hope your day is as sweet as these boys!
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 478
Scene Count: 31
Rating: Bootiful!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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raincandy-u · 7 months
what is your dream figure/doll(<- they are assuming you like monster high dolls or something similar) and which is the favorite of the ones you own?
god this wound up being longer than i assumed it would so
i have a huge wishlist when it comes to figures and dolls bc im actually a pretty avid collector of both!
when it comes to figs two that come to mind are miyuki and aoi from totono, the figs themselves arent anything impressive but the aftermarket price is sooo insane for them that i fear i'll never get to own them!
i'll also throw a special mention to this original character figure which i've been entranced by for quite a while now and just never preordered her.
on the doll side of things as typical as it is the sweet screams monster high dolls are what come to my mind immediately! i actually did not collect mh back in the day because i was in my "im too old for kid things" phase (even though i bought ever after high dolls so make it make sense...) so there are a lot of g1 dolls i have sadly missed out on!
i have also wanted a doll of roxxi from bratz since i was a child. i had the bratz babyz version of her (which sadly i no longer own) but never a proper version of her
my faves of the ones that i own is suuch a hard question >__<);;
i guess i'd throw my favorite figure to my stars bless you sakura figure, as i'd never owned or bought such an expensive and giant figure before and i am just super impressed with her every single time i see her. ccs has a lot of huge detailed figures and i'd one day love to own all of them q __q)7
another shoutout to this one labrys figure that i own! my fiance got her for me and im a sucker for a figure with a cool base and this one is just really cool
i also just recentlyish purchased a grail figure that i wanted for years which was the gloomy bear x super sonico figure. she usually goes for a lot but i was able to snag her for a decentish price!
with dolls a lot of my fave dolls that i own are ones that my fiance got me as well ^__^);; he got me a doll of sulfus from angel’s friends, ruby from trollz, and my two favorite g1 monster high characters toralei and porter (both signature dolls) all of which are just huge faves of mine!
i think if i had to throw just one name out there though it would be my kuromi pullip doll! shes another expensive buy that i made but i really love her a lot
and as a little bonus, my biggest grail magical girl item for awhile was the melody key from onegai my melody, which once again my fiance finally found for me after YEARS of searching (funnily enough they are practically everywhere now) since i own that now its changed to the kuromi phone! which ive only ever seen one listing for which was like 600 dollars, so no thanks there lmao
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adainesfroggieboggy · 8 months
i made a fantasy high fic masterlist!
Behind the Bookshelves - Fig and Adaine don't want their friends to know they're dating. They hide wherever they can, and today's hiding spot is behind Adaine's bookshelves.
Here's to Never Growing Up - "I’m supposed to be done trying to fight off big, scary things trying to kill me. I did that, I did it four times. I can’t- It’s supposed to be over...this time, there’s no big villain or monster or whatever. It’s just…me."
stars around my scars - No one talked about this part of adventuring. The way it lived on your body forever. It was unnerving, the way her body looked so worn, and she was only twenty. OR: Fig looks at her scars in the mirror, and Adaine reminds her to love them.
Pictures on Her Walls - Adaine doesn’t have pictures from her early childhood, but the ones from her teen years make up for that (or: Adaine’s bedroom is plastered with memories.)
To the Ends of the Earth - Kristen Applebees is well-adjusted. According to her therapist, she’s doing amazingly, all things considered. It doesn’t feel like that. She thinks about her family a lot, has many days when she can’t help but cry remembering her brothers, and misses her old life even though she knows it was awful.
Adaine’s First Christmas - (a light lil bit of Adaine/Fig that can be skipped and ignored) Adaine has never celebrated Christmas. Her family wants to show her how.
Relapse (read the trigger warnings on ao3) - Adaine isn’t quite sure what about today set her off; the intense day of work on her thesis, the jock yelling obscenities in the cafeteria, or Jawbone’s gentle reminder that she needed to finish her chores for the day. None of it should have pushed her into a cold, calm moment in the bathtub, pulling a cool silver razor blade from her jacket. The magic of the city inside of her coat of useful things obeys, surely unaware of her intended use for the item.
Get Our Kisses In - (Adaine/Fig) A collection of aberfaeth kisses, two girls in love while their friends support and bother them.
Someone You’ve Never Met - (The Bad Kids & The Bad Kids, Fig/Adaine) Most people have a Mark, a birthmark-like spot where their Soulmate first touches them. Adaine’s parents’ Marks were handprints wrapped around their hands. Their First Touch was a handshake, considered honorable in Elven culture. Aelwyn’s Mark was the same. Adaine didn’t have one. She had five.
Detect Poison and Disease - (The Bad Kids & The Bad Kids) Adaine definitely isn't sick. She's completely fine. She can make it through the end of the school day, and she'll still ace her test. The rest of the Bad Kids disagree.
We Can Run, We Can Hide (title from Robot Rebellion) - (The Bad Kids & The Bad Kids, Adaine/Fig) The Bad Kids Compound is the home of the last seven survivors of the zombie apocalypse. They've created a heavily guarded haven and they haven't seen a living person outside for months. Everyone else is gone. The compound is home. On a mission to gather supplies, they find Adaine Abernant. The Bad Kids Compound houses eight teenagers, fighting against the world of the undead.
Forget Something? - (Adaine/Fig) Adaine is late for class. Fig reminds her she's forgotten something.
Shared Sweaters and Fuzzy Socks - The Bad Kids and their families have family movie nights every Saturday, and Adaine gets cold every time. Fig lends her some warmer clothes.
Pretty in Pink - Fig's new sweater isn't her style.
(i cannot promise i will remember to update this as i post, but i'll try my best!)
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Charatcter Descriptions and Summary 2.13
As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out! I'll try to add warnings later. Also, we have 8 episodes left including this one, so the last one should be number 20.
Dusk Moss
Hallucinogenic moss with very few alchemical properties that puts the user into a state of lucid dreaming where they are also concious of waking world (basically fantasy marijuana)
Is a flammable powder that cannot be unlit once lit
Crumpkin said his brother swears by it and that everyone should try it at least once.
It will even you out if you take a little bit and a quarter of teaspon will send one of them on a trip all day (so what about the size and race of the person?)
Can buy in a massive block from Tinkerer's Hall where a dose of the powder can be shaved off the block to use
Mystery Rune
The rune was abjurative magic: metamagic school (instead of protection, wards, and shields) which shapes the nature of magic itself. Specifically, the rune involved curses and a way to mask powerful curses and spells. One can take a tremendous amount of spellcraft (or the ability to cast multiple spells), put it into a curse, and have the curse ride under other curses. In other words, if connected to an object, the object would have been "cursed" to be a vessel for a wealth of other spellcasting (flash drive), but hidden under another curse (advanced encryption and a virus).
The larger and more permeable the curse, the more able it is to ride under another curse.
The curse on top (dummy curse) works best the more widespread, static (can't be easily ended or doesn't have random frequent spell effects), ambient, and passive it is like using a magical landscapes or creatures instead of a spell made by a spellcaster.
PCs With Datemates
Took a picture on her crystal of the unknown goddess mural (originally wondered if it was a tequila advertisement)
Kissed Tracker and the tree she was hiding behind
Wanted rosé with the cold fratatas, but thought it was weird that he put both kale and spinach in them (as did Tracker)
Looked through the medical papers Adaine and Riz found and figured out how to cure the Kalina infection (greater restoration due to studying records or a tinsure that requires dusk moss, the alchemical supplies Gorgug got from the tinkerers, some things Adaine can pull from her jacket, and one or two things they'd only be able to find beyond the wall)
Her and the group decided on the tincture method despite the risk of curing behind the wall as she can only cast greater restoration once per day (only one 5th level spell slot and 5 infected: Tracker, Sandra Lynn, Ragh, Riz, and herself), but the option of using greater restoration on herself and Riz while leaving the others behind or inside Van was discussed (side note: could she team up with any of the locals bards/clerics/druids/artificers/celestial warlocks who know greater restoration and teach them the specifics of the altered spell while they wait on the others to get back?)
Suggested they pretend they all died after they take the tincture in order to give them an advantage due to Kalina thinking the party was cut in half (all but Adaine agreed)
Owns little handcuffs with her and Tracker's initials on them
"I don't know why I'm saying this, but Go Ball."
Assumed that the team in hell were just stuck in a waiting room, possibly drinking pina coladas
Investigated where Aelwen, Adaine's mom, and Killian entered the briar wall. It was much more tangled, far from Arborly, up a cliff with difficult rocky terrain between them and the temple. It was a place where they wouldn't be looked for, but it would take them longer to get there.
Said the thing with Vraz made her werewolf issue with the Shrine of Thorns the second weirdest thing that's happened
Started transforming after glancing at the uncovered mural image of the unknown goddess, growling as half her head transformed as she fought changing before rolling off and hiding behind a tree (per Kristen's suggestion)
Couldn't go to hell because she couldn't enter the shrine
Got springs put in his shoes by the gnomes which gave them thick rubbery soles (Spring Coiled Sneakers of Bounding) and also asked for shock thing from tinkerers which would have a spare the dying effect (unknown if he got it)
Wears size 19 canvas shoes
Looked through a big log book with the alchemic ingredients in tinkerer's shorthand before buying the same alchemical ingredients that Killian bought (magnesium, antimony, and mercury which are used in magical candles) for 350 gold. Killian also bought two huge blocks of dusk moss incense (600 gold for both which he split cost wise with Fabian), but he was nervous about buying it (dusk moss details above).
Explained cell towers to the tinkerers
Considered jumping into space to either get to or place a satellite
Found a picture of his parents launching their satellite into space (Wilma and Digby giving double thumbs up, the van tipped on it's nose with it's back doors open to launch the satellite from the back of it, a lot of papers and a mobile desk in van's glovebox) and found space tech-esk routing info for the satellite in Van which allowed him to make a satellite phone
Originally left his crystal and the info with the tinkerers (original timeframe 1-2 days), but came back to help which speed up the process
Was curious why Gilear wasn't infected by Shadow Cat like Sandra Lynn and was later sorry he brought it up
When they found out they couldn't enlarge/reduce Van, he considered making a massive vest with massive pockets he could wear that everyone could jump in before they used enlarge/reduced on him, but the idea was scrapped
Suggested that if they played dead after taking the tincture to not warn Gilear so he wouldn't be acting when they "died".
"Hey, this is based on nothing, but I feel like Gilear is dead."
Believed that hell wasn't as bad as people said it was, just unfamiliar and like 5 degrees hotter
Ran into the briars after the portal closed
Likes a hot hot tub because warm ones just makes him wonder what's cooking in there
Was up all night sweating with his hoodie off (first time in a long time) working on his phone before finishing up the crystal pack (made his phone into a satellite phone). He felt pretty good about making it work.
Got a slew of unread messages once he turned his phone on (few old ones from Zelda, some from his parents checking in, and tour stuff)
Called Zelda with a video call, putting his hoodie back on as it rang and rang (most of the call is in Zelda section)
Told Zelda he loved her for the first time (after she said it first). Said he wished he was there, but hadn't figured that technology out yet and admitted that he might not have service once they went into the forest ("I'm here to communicate")
The gnomes erupted into cheers over the crystal working, but he was equally exciting over Zelda saying she loved him. They popped some gnome wine (pink fizzy champagne that smelled like cloying sweet strawberries) and shared it with him in celebration
Got a bunch of DMs from the other seven maidens saying "Way to go big guy"
Was at Ostentata's house at night for a party (everybody was telling the story of when Gorgug jumped the fire elemental there and when he backyard wrestle smashed the beer pong table while time was stopped) when Gorgug called
Told her adventuring party he was calling before she went outside, but they followed
Answered her phone while still wearing her earbuds and assumed he was back, but was told he figured out how to make his phone work. He did it because he felt like it was important to be able to talk to her, the world, and her (not because it was part of the quest). She asked if they had cell towers, but Gorgug said that he had been working on artificer stuff and used his parents' satellite.
Started crying over Gorgug doing a whole bunch of new science to make his phone able to call back, apologized to him over getting upset, and said she missed him and he was the best
Was embarrassed by the other maidens eavesdropping (they called out "Good lookin out Gorgug! Stand up thing to do! You did it!"). Gorgug went on speaker and said "Well hello guys!" before she shooed them off to talk to her boyfriend
Made sure that Gorgug's friends weren't in danger over him working on his project, but was reassured that he was having down time and it would also help them in the long run
Told Gorgug that she loved him for the first time and freaked out (insulting herself) before he said that he loved her too. This was followed by her saying "oooh I just wanna... I just wish you were here."
Said the Red Waste was super hard, but they were done and thought they would get a good grade on it
Called Gorgug cool (and was called cool by him). Said what he did meant a lot to her. The call ended with one last quick I love you from Gorgug.
Subpoenaed to be a witness for Gortholax before a tribunal due to him being negligent for his infernal domain (after his 9th and final request for appearence lapsed). The print of her subpoena got so fine that it was mostly illegable without a magnifying glass. It was also in infernal (which she can read)
Asked Vraz if she could leave the door to hell open with them following later (left open, but was yelled at)
Considered disguising herself as Gortholax and offered to disguise herself as a famous lawyer from billboards to help Gilear
Wanted to know more about law so she could defend Gortholax domain and yelled "THE CHOSEN ONE!" when she discovered that Gilear knew the law
Wanted to start a grass roots campaign about the demons working with the nightmare king (as devils hate them both)
Asked her mom why Gilear wasn't infected and discovered her parents had slept together many times, but not in the last 3 years
Got upset with Riz over his opinion on devils (quote in dialogue link)
Had to be the first through the portal to hell, but straddled the flaming doorway with Riz on her back to try to keep it open
Tied a rope around Hangman so she could wakeboard while smoking a clove, library card behind her right ear
Thought Gortholax's home was tasteful and knew the door code.
Blamed herself for the quality of Gilear's life (quote in dialogue link)
To Vraz "What going on with you? Do you need a hug?"
Lit a cigarette in court, told them that Gortholax was trapped in a gem, put her feet up, and said Kalina the Shadow Cat used a proxy to trap Gortholax with the assistance of demons (but was able to hide the fact that she was the proxy from Vraz)
Asked for help getting into the forest of the Nightmare King, but got yelled at because calling a recess does not mean the trial is over
Cut her arm and offered the tribunal her blood as proof she was Gortholax's daughter, but the blood sizzled when it hit the ground and either summoned or created an imp which served as proof
Told Adaine what the rune was (details below)
Still working on plane shift
Got upset over Fig getting sucked into hell, insisting that they had to go rescue her "Well, we should do whatever we can to make it happen as fast as possible because I'm going to get another kiss, whatever happens"
Said Fig's lips are the softest things she's ever felt (grossing out Adaine) and "If I don't smell Fig's hair again, I'm going to incenerate"
Asked Adaine for advice as the Oracle, wanting to know how many potential futures there were were Fig wouldn't want to kiss her or be around her anymore and if they could be avoided. She was also worried that Fig might have kissed her, but not felt attracted to her.
"If we kissed a bunch of times over the course of an hour, does that mean we are girlfriends or wives?" (potentially but ask to clarify)
Was worried that she would look sad, weird, or not normal from a social standpoint for asking Fig to clarify if they were girlfriends (to which Adaine said she was not and was in face very very cool).
Worried about her mind being foreign to other people and despite not being the same as Adaine, felt better after talking to someone who understands not being like everyone else.
Told Adaine "You're a very special person to me and your friendship means the world to me. I hope we study magic together for a long long time" and that she loved her.
Has notes on how her brain works and built an entire friendship section in the library because she was so lonely.
Went to the Synod to be alone because she lived "on a dirty pirate island"
Other PCs And People In The Party
Released an aura in the crime scene and might have put on gloves
Found the non detection runes her mother had placed (to keep elves off the trail) and the remains of two rituals, one to kill Killian and one to put the Devil's Heart (with Gortholax) inside Killian. The rituals happened 24 hours appart, meaning they left the night the teens arrived or her mom knew to kill Killian before Aelwen arrived.
While looking for something in the room (something nice her mom might have said about her), she found a blank piece of parchment on a small desk and revealed a message using "the pencil trick" ("Aelwen is with me. You are betrayed. You have no other choice darling. Come with us.") which she believed was probably for her dad. Later got the original copy (wrote out for a sending spell) by using mend on ashes she found in a trashcan
Suggested a cold fratata picnic
Pulled beautifully printed pamplets out of her jacket for Fig's grass roots campaign, but they had a typo so she tossed them
Told the group to give a thumbs up to someone who had the message spell (currently only Fig and Adaine) if they had something to say to keep it from Kalina
Was caught by briars and ejected from the hell potral, keeping her from entering, but decided that heaven and hell were just reflections of each other so she wasn't worried
On dusk moss, said "I've heard it's good for anxiety." and suggested that they all got high while waiting on their friends to return from hell (but was unable to convince the others)
Discovered that the unknown goddess' spellbook had a distinguishing mark on it, an occult rune that was in a lot of stuff at Compass Points (which Ayda would have studied) and on the coin given to Kalvaxus (more info under mystery rune)
Liked a hot tub that started off very warm at first and then got more comfortable
Messaged Ayda late at night for help "Avast ye scurvy devil. How is plane shift going? Also, need info on rune. It looks like [x]" (answered back "I'm not a scurvy devil. Let's use the synonym. Right jacket pocket.")
Found a key made of glowing blue crystalline energy in her pocket as the keyhole on a nearby door started glowing slightly blue.
Was given a scroll with a first level spell by Ayda that granted her access to the Synod of Spyre which is a meeting place for wizards
Told Ayda "I think your great",  made her laugh by telling her that curses were "ten a penny", and told her that she enjoyed talking to her about their magic as Ayda is someone who gets it and is not mean to her
Asked Ayda to tell her everything (about the kiss), but then realized that she didn't want or need to know everything. She did say (about Ayda and Fig) "I support this. I am happy about it. I am amazed. Oooo she's secretive!" and that while on a macro level, some people will kiss without caring, Fig wouldn't because she cared about everybody (she did kiss those two older guys though?)
Admittedly that being oracle only let her help out a little every day and occasionally she got a terrifying vision, but she doesn't know when the event will occur or what will cause it
To Ayda, "If you like a person and they like you and the relationship is good, it shouldn't matter how other people feel about it? I think."
"I want to be alone and also surrounded by my friends at all times."
Worked the crime scene in the Owl and Harp with Adaine (putting on gloves before starting)
Found that the rituals were specifically to get Kalina into Silvar by bypassing the need for permission from a devil authority by using petrismosis to move from an infected creature into a gem to commandeer the devil within it
Petrismosis: The body's ability to start having elements of the magical gem within it to start permiating orgainic membrane; the process of an organic body and gem to become one which includes osmosis of blood to gem (ragh mom constrantly fights against the being within her gem using her rage, blood, and soul)
Told Adaine "It's great to fin- be around someone who just focuses up. Me and you? Everybody else is super horny. Super emotional. But me and you? *slaps hands together* No emotions between the two of us." (she was looking for something nice from her mom)
Discovered that Adaine's mom had packed WAY more rations than they needed to get to the temple, some alchemical ingredients, and all primary work, leaving only hints behind as well as some research and medical diagrams (which Adaine and Riz took). The medical diagrams were extremely old velum grave robber level medical stuff written in a character based pictogram language (think hieroglyphs, almost like emoji) that was most likely centaur. One medical diagram was of a disected and dismembered centaur with dark, very scary looking cat symbols (refered to as the disease or infection) behind eyes, in ears, on tongue, deep in sinuses, and on spine. It also showed that the brain was carefully taken apart and looked at, but the infection was not present there.
He and Adaine deduced that Kalina could only look through one person at a time using their senses and couldn't get into their brains, but could cause paralysis. The only safe place would be the moon haven/Kristen's hallow, but Kalina might be able to ride one of the infected into the haven if she was actively trying to do it. They could however talk anywhere using telepathy (such as the message spell).
Was worried about going to hell while infected, but later said "I meantioned that I was concerened about going to hell and her possibly being able to see the trial, but hell is also bad so I don't really care if they end up fighting and killing each others. Let's just go to hell. Also, they're super far along already. They have Gortholax and they're in. So it's not like... yeah."
Might have internalized racism/goblinphobia and has bias towards devils (both from his reactions in this episode and his reaction to Gortholax in season 1)
Suspicious of devils and doesn't think they should be super cool with them (quote in dialogue link), later becoming upset over what Hangman said about goblins ("Oh like goblins have such a great reputation.") and the others reaction to his and The Hangman's statement.
Road into hell holding onto Fig's back.
Upon seeing Gilear knocked out, said "See I told you that hell was bad! I mean, this is awesome, but this is bad." Pointed out the irony of Gilear getting mad at him a long time ago for stealing the first aid kit that gave him the healing feat.
After Hangman said the evil souls were murderers, thieves, and liars, he started sweating and said "Liars huh?" (side note: Riz has actually done all three)
Grabbed Gilear's face and investigated him to figure out why he was so confident (he said no to an offer from Sandra Lynn). Hissed at Gilear and then apologized, saying they were in hell, it was weird, and the things said about goblins earlier made him feel kinda crazy
Hissed at Vraz repeatedly, even after she threatened him.
To Vraz "Well I'm Riz The Ball and I'm just gonna ROLL WITH THIS! We're here! We're here for your trial thing! *hiss*" Is held back by Gilear while Fig tried to push him forward towards Vraz (told her to stop it)
Hissed at Vraz again (when she was mean to Fig) saying Vraz calling somebody in the middle of a trial was weird before the pair got in another hissing/screaming match. Asked The Hangman to hold him back and got his foot run over.
Ownes 250 to 312 pairs of shoes (depending how many have been thrown away or given to childen), has size 5 feet (and is self conscious about it), said he had delicate feet and was lithe and dexterous, and his father had small feet and mother had normal sized feet
Said "god damn it" when he discovered Krumpkin wore the same size shoes as him, lied and said he had big toes and wore a 5.5 because he didn't to exchange shoes with a gnome, and quietly said "...let's go" when Gorgug asked if he wanted little bells on his shoes (side note: was he teased in the past?)
Completely confused by tinkerers logbook, so he deferred to Gorgug. Tried to help by rubbing his sheet on the gold coins they were buying supplies with, but nothing happened
Was nervous about buying or using dusk moss, saying he knew a guy who tried it while wearing a hat and now he always felt like he's wearing the hat. Told the rest of the group "We bought so many drugs." when they dot back.
Fabian's bardic "You feel the power of Fabian's support and care for you" (the explanation of his new stats is linked below)
When asked if he wanted to stay in the Tinkerer's Hall, he answered "Absolutely. With all these weird little men and women. No thank you. Ragh, let's go!"
Has a bunch of private stuff on his phone that he doesn't want anybody seeing
Tried to ride Hangman into hell, but caught by the briars and ejected as the portal closed
Told Hangman "You are literally the sweetest meanest thing ever."
Mutters "Go off The Ball, go off" while Riz was in a different dimension from him (yelling at Vraz in hell)
Said he didn't worry about his father as he was thriving, but he missed him. When told he could get word to him, originally assumed Bill would be busy, then agreed but asked Hangman not to be needy about it, then tried to pretend that he was cool either way and that he didn't need it and it wouldn't fill him with joy, then admitted that it would fill him with joy, and finally just asking "yes please do it"
Likes a warm hot tub due to it being better for his skin and he can stay in there longer
(Multiple quotes can be found in the dialogue link below)
His presence (a devil) closed the portal to hell, seperating him from Fabian. He could still talk to Fabian telepathically, but freaked out. When asked to turn it down, he replied "I can't turn it down, I'm sad!"
Said that the portal was created for the dark tribunal and afterwards the devils are required to deposite them from where they came from
Gave Gilear his mark by making his eyes glow dark red pinpricks and etching an infernal ruin of blood and fire on his forehead
Got pissed off over Gilear having to ride on him, but did it to stop his complaining. Meanwhile, Riz also road on him (with a "Huzzah!") and Fig tired a rope around him so she could wakeboard on her skateboard behind him
Approved of Riz hissing at Gilear
Said the souls falling into The Bottomless Pit were evil and of murderers, theives, and liars
Got the tribunal to allow them to stay at The Bottomless Pit (as Fig was both Gortholax's daughter and she had passage there) instead of prison
When he was told only Fig was going to go in the hot tub, he pouted and said "I want to go too!"
Offered to send word to Bill Seacaster for Fabian
Made fratatas (with both spinach and kale) immediately, but they all got very cold due to the teens being away for hours (were so cold that they thought he put them in the freezer)
He was not "the face" when he worked in Fallenel at the elven counsel (where he said he was a glorified paralegal), but was still an expert in international and interplaner law
When Fig told him that it was his moment and she needed him, he immediately replied with "Nope!". He eventually gave his word to help, but was confused about how they got into trouble in Arborly, discovering the trial was both in hell ("what? what? oh no.") and delivered by a really keyed up woman who was probably working through something ("I...what have you done?")
From Adaine's jacket, was given a barrister wig from Fig ("None of the cultures I've worked for use these wigs"), a gavel from Kristen, and a black robe from Adaine
Found that the subpoena had no clause concerning ther souls, but hell would send people to get Fig if she didn't go
Wears boat shoes and had a powerful aura of disease coming from his feet (again Gilear DOCTOR! or have a healer greater restore!)
His bald spot was hit by a bit of fire before a blast of fire hit him and knocked him out, setting his wig on fire. He was healed by Riz, but left with burns.
Was given the Mark of The Hangman, which was an infernal ruin of blood and fire etched on his forehead which caused a red force field to appear that protected him from the fire as long as he was with The Hangman
Noticed how Fig was acting (library card behind ear) and started asking her questions, but she dodged them until Riz confronted him about his confidence and got him to confess "I got confidence because Sandra Lynn asked to sleep with me and I said no!" Said that he and Sandra Lynn talking until morning and towards the end she made an offer, he said "No. Thank you", and everyone was still happy and fine afterwards
Told Riz he was very scary and intense sometimes, resulting in Riz hissing at him
Did not actually help during the trial due to fear.
(Has multiple quotes in dialogue link.)
Sandra Lynn
Covered for the teens messaging by talking about finding where Adaine's mom entered the forest as the teens nodded along
Had to explain to her daughter that her and Gilear slept together, but she could have gotten the Kalina disease anytime in the last 3 years and Gilear wouldn't have been infected ("I love you. It's weird. Sorry for all this weird info.")
On Kristen attempting to handcuff her "So help me god Kristen Applebees. I understand that I work for you, but so help... wow."
No longer with Jawbone, but ended on good terms
Was very kind to Gilear the first night in Arborly. She offered to sleep with him at one point and was turned down.
When she asked what the teens were messaging about (dusk moss), Kristen said Spring Break and suggested Sandra Lynn have a spa day with a hot tub soak and a massage with cucumbers on her eyes. Gorgug suggested cucumbers on her ears. Fabian said they should get the weird gnomes to pound her (dear god Fabian! XD) with Kristen saying "gnomes all over your body", Adaine adding that they would walk on her back, and Fabian adding that the little shoe bells would be meditative
Asked for a lost spring from the tinkerers
Wears a size 17.5 shoe (quote in dialogue link)
Was paranoid about buying dusk moss (ARE YOU A COP!?), but after Crumpkin's reaction, he grabbed Fabian and Gorgug's arms and said "I think drugs are legal here"
Took a solid chunk of dusk moss and was found staring at his hand ("My hand is just little animal on the end of your arm")
Came into the van later, shirtless and looking like he'd sweat ten gallons. Said "Everything in the world is connected", (on Adaine thinking of trying it) "Adaine, for real? I can never be anxious again because I don't even know if I can ever be fully in my body again.", and (response to Fabian saying it sounds scary) "No no. I'm part of the universe dude" before drinking a glass of water and going off to go to bed.
Crumpkin Springbill
Head Tinkerer of the Tinkerer's Hall of Arborly
Confused as to why anybody would be mad about people buying or using dusk moss
Told Gorgug that it would take a long time and a lot of materals to build a cell tower
Size 5 shoes (but likes a little toe room) with curled toes so he can puts little bells on them (sounds like the general style of shoes for the gnomes there as well)
Said hello to Zelda enthusiastically over a video call
Polly Pullypad and Osmand Wobbletrouble
Accidentally flew into where they stacked all the old pots and pans (Polly)
Brought Gorgug his altered shoes back and bowed to Gorgug
Asked to examine Gorgug's crystal in exchange for the spring shoes (Osmand)
Suggested they try to skip building a cell tower and connect directly to a satellite
(Unnamed Twins)
Shallower cone hats with tufts of fur on the ends of springs
Took gorgug shoes off his feet
Vraz the Mean
Sarcastic erinyes with a +13 insight and a beautiful but uncannoy vally porcelain face with a beauty mark
When Fig and Kristen asked if she could leave the door open so they could follow "Are you guys having a fun time? BECAUSE YOU SEEM PRETTY FUCKING GLIB! Keep your sass to yourself!", but still left the door open
Got hissed at by Riz a lot (multiple quotes in dialogue)
Said she is having a bad time between her title (Vraz The Mean), species (Erinyes), running hell, and her title (Arch Secretary)
Called the tribunal into order (with her two co-jurors in a room with a small 3 seat judges bench), stating that it concerned the issue of Gortholax's infernal negligence
Tried to call her boss Blozo, but he couldn't come due to traffic
Found that being trapped in a gem counted as extenuating circumstances and he would not be punished, but they needed a new regnant for the Bottomless Pit so they called a recess while they consulted the bylaws.
Yelled at Fig for asking for help after the recess saying (in a durr voice) " *points at temple* Do you know what words mean!? Do you know what words mean!? *jacking off motion* Huh?"
Was going to imprison "the mortals", but was convinced by Hangman to put them under house arrest at The Bottomless Pit
Kystrona (Ky-stron-ah) The Chained
Vaguely humanoid figure that is just like
A person with chains coiled where arms would be as well as the torso and head, making a massive mound of chains
Moved with a lot of strain (including trying to shrug) and voice is muffled from all the chains
Lorzug (lore-zug) The Impaled
Bone thin naked person with incredibly pale skin and translucent vains all over
Impaled through the stomach about 10 feet up a jet black iron spike as they kick and scream
Only responded with screams
Retch Rot
Tiny blood red imp with a scorpion tail summoned by Fig's blood (calls her mistress)
Might look like a red Boggy with really long legs for his size (Ally wondered if he looked like "a really famous mouse", including suspenders, but I personally give Emily's description more weight as she is in fact in hell as Fig)
Valet to Fig while in the Bottomless Pit
Wanted to show them to their quarters and the many doors of The Bottomless Pit (but had to make it clear that the doors were just rooms in the pit and not portals)
Other Stuff From 2.13
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[To be added]
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jq37 · 6 years
I'll be the one that bites the bullet. Fantasy High episode 11--thoughts?
**spoilers for cool kids, cold case**
Hoo boy. 
That could be my entire write up honestly because, geez ya'll. 
Let's break it down. 
Sidenote, I just got mildly into Overwatch so every time I say that and I say it a fair amount, I hear Lucio in my head. 
Anyway, like I said in an earlier post, I'm now pretty sure that the bloodrush fight didn't go the way Brennan expected. Like either he didn't expect them to win or that they would win but not kill Daybreak because there was so much exposition and change and repositioning in this episode. It was a lot like the first session with all the setup. It's like he needed to get them on a new trajectory so he took an episode to time jump and change the status quo before--BAM. But we're getting to that.
In another show or even another episode of this show, the opening convo with Ragh might have been the wildest part of the ep. There’s just so much to unpack there.
Fig making him kowtow to Gorgug and everyone being like dude, stop making it weird. 
Before she did that, Emily paused and you could just see every other person looking like “What insane thing is gonna come out of her mouth now?”
Kristen getting the scoop on his super gay dreams. 
Adaine trying to get him to got to therapy (and also to realize that he's gay). 
The group whole ass making him cry for possibly the first time?
Fabian trying to shut everything down.
“You’re cumming from your eyes.”
 Kristen, please stop. I’m begging you. 
As I suspected, the group reached the point of yeah, we NEED to call Riz's mom this ep. Like, they *had* to call her. You can only realistically take shenanigans so far before it becomes straight unrealistic to not just call a responsible adult. 
And, speaking of, yay! We got to see a little of everyone’s parents just like I wanted/predicted. 
We actually got a lot of stuff from my wishlist. There’s so much time jumping and stuff in this episode I don’t even know where to start. 
This is probably the wrong place to start but I remember wondering what their Christmas equivalent was because they can’t have Christmas because of the Christ thing so when they were like Solstice I was like, oh duh. It’s literally right there. How could I miss it.
OK I guess 
Christmas Solstice party at Gorgug’s house! I knew his house would end up being the hang house.  
Sklonda handled the situation pretty close to how I thought she would. I really think Brennan was forced into a, “This adult is too responsible to not wipe out my next ten plot points over the course of a week,” corner and that’s why he had to pivot. More on that later.
Fabian just refusing to eat any of the fast food she got them.
I totally forgot Adaine has diplomatic immunity. Which actually means she’s the ideal Bad Kid to do anything shady they need done, even though that’s not really her style.
Unlike, other people
We’re getting there
I’m glad Brennan drew the line at Kristen’s parents actively being in a cult. He was like, OK no. They’re willfully ignorant but they’re not PART OF THE CULT.
I also think it’s interesting that they didn’t actually kick her out? Like they sorta kinda did but not really because it seems like she’s couch surfing of her own volition a little and staying home sometimes too? I wonder how her brothers are doing.
Both of Fig’s dads just work at her school now. I wonder is they commiserate about her w/ Goldenhoard.
I can’t believe Brennan is letting her just ruin the life of this random, full-adult dwarf doctor. Like, imagine if any adult in her life found out about that.
Brennan says bud a lot. Almost as much as he says rad.
Gorgug choosing playing the drums as his proficiency, but not well. Just, like, a simple drum beat. Bro. Why.
Adaine’s makeover!
I knew we were gonna get to see that. Or at least I really hoped we would.
And it was in boutique setting similar to what I imagined. A little surprised that she went straight for the jeans and t-shirt thing but dope. I want fan-art. 
Also, if I hadn’t already been convinced, that scene would have convinced me that Fabian got everyone the gifts (before it was confirmed later).
“You’d look nice as a sailor.” Is that like a pirate thing, bro?
Real talk, does Fabian for-real, for-real have a crush on Adaine low key?He’s complimented her looks more than once, which he hasn’t done with the other girls. They’re at a similar social class which might be a factor. And he clearly has a thing for blond elves.
I am Concerned about Adaine’s jean jacket, regardless of how dope it is.
Someone needs to talk to Fig about the rat thing. Possibly also Emily. 
42069 LANE (or whatever it was). I hate that I love Brennan for that.
“The worst thing about you is that you’re rich.”
But aww, Fabian. I’m glad it ended up being him (and shoutout to the anon who pointed that out to me). This is exactly the character growth I wanted from him.
When Gorthalax said that tryouts had already happened, I was legit upset for Fabian for a sec. Also, how did I know Gorgug was gonna somehow end up on the bloodrush team?
Guys I feel like there’s still a million more things to talk about.
Adaine finding out about Riz’s dad. God I hope there’s a heart to heart soon but she won’t just drop that info unless she has a really good reason.
GILEAR. I can’t believe that was him on a NAT 20. God, he has zero game. Also, imagine Fig and Riz as siblings. Lord.
The return of Tracker. I was concerned that she was in college but she’s like a Sophomore so Kristen is good to go as soon as she stops being a total disaster so actually that’s probably a moot point. 
Sidenote, kinda surprised that she’s a cleric. I thought she was off religion totally but I guess she just switched. But I feel like it’s hard to be totally non-religious in a world where gods 100% for sure exist?
Adaine going, “Mrs. Gukgak. Actually Captain Gukgak,” to her racist-ass dad gave me life. 
OK so re: the whole conversation about perditional contradoxy and treaties and war and such. How much of that was in the plan and how much of that was last minute retooling by Brennan? Because, I’m going to be honest. If it wasn’t for that comment by Siobhan, I would never have guessed that we were off the rails. But, with that in mind, this feels like the work of a GM who needs to keep the game going because things ended up moving too quickly.
It does answer the question of where the story is going now that the Harvestmen seem to be taken care of. I was a little surprised when Brennan was like, “Yeah Riz’s mom gets them all arrested,” because I’d assumed that the bad guy was going to be just the higher guy on the totem pole. 
OK, I’m sure I’m missing some things because this was a JAM PACKED ep so, if I missed something you wanted my thoughts on, please tell me and I’ll be super happy to write more words but let’s get into that scene. 
Before we start, I’m so pumped about all of this development but I hate how often I’m going to have to type the word Eolwyn because my fingers refuse to accept that that’s how that’s spelled.
Dude, the pacing, switching between Adaine and home and the rest of the gang at the party. Like, I knew what the reveal had to be as soon as she walked in but I was still like, “Oh my God. Oh my GOD.”
Sidenote: It was very convenient for Brennan that Adaine never actually read those books because it was an easy and non-cheating way to dole out exposition now, later in the game.
What were the mechanics of Adaine not being invited to that party? Did Eolwyn specifically get her not invited? Did she actually get invited but couldn’t go because of the dinner at home? Did all her friends still decide to go, knowing she wasn’t invited? Was she OK with that? How exactly did that go down?
BUSTING into that party
Magicking up a bunch of LOVE SLAVE PUPPETS
SNORTING magic coke
Playing Spin the Bottle DEATH ROULETTE 
DAMN BRENNAN, I did NOT Expect you to go THAT hard.
Assuming they all live, I can’t WAIT for the, “YOU KISSED MY SISTER????” conversation. 
Which means they’ve either never met Eolwyn or only in passing and not enough to remember her. 
Shoutout to Riz for being the only person to give Adaine a heads up. 
Her eyes glow blue when she does certain types of magic so I’m just picturing her walking into that room, eyes blazing blue, ready to F up her sister (even BEFORE she finds out what’s going on).
I don’t remember if she called Eolwyn a c**t in this ep or the promo for next but I was like, “Oh damn.” Like you got her to escalate her cursing that much that quickly? Damn.
Also, I love that when she’s really upset, Adaine skips the magic and just starts hitting people. 
OK, so remember in the first ep when Eolwyn tried to have Adaine steal that book? The book that I’m pretty sure is the one they mentioned as having wards on it to keep monster stuff from happening at school? So, here’s what I want to know. Has Eolwyn always been a part of this? Because, clearly, it looks like she is right now. But it’s possible the original intent was that she wanted to get Adaine to do it as a prank, not knowing it was important and then, Brennan checked his notes while salvaging the plot and decided to work it in.  
Also, unlikely, but imagine if Eolwyn somehow induced Adaine’s panic attack during her entrance exam to Hudol specifically so she would fail, have to go to Augefort, and steal the book for her. Wouldn’t that be wild?
Idek what else to say about that last ten minutes or so that isn’t just incoherent, Ally-esque screeching.
I have to say, battle eps are never my faves but I’m looking forward to this one more than any other one so far. 
Man, I can’t believe I thought Eolwyn asking for that textbook might turn into a sister bonding moment. Lol @ past me.
Anyway, kick her ass Adaine!
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zombiiesque · 3 years
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Nocturne Alchemy Osirian Purnima Perfumes Part One
Originally 3/22/2019
Hey, y'all! It's a gorgeous spring day here in Florida, and I happened to catch a preview from Nocturne Alchemy on their Facebook business page - new Osirian Purnimas are coming! Eeee. I love these - incense is my jam, and to be able to smell like incense? Well, I must be in heaven. There are currently a total of 16 in the line, and of these, I have 11. That's quite a lot, so I'm going to break this up into two parts.
All of the Osirian Purnimas (OPs, for short) have the same base, so from the website: "Each Osirian Purnima includes the original OP recipe in addition to the notes above for each individual perfume. The Osirian Purnima blend uses the most beautiful and exotic of ingredients, including the tuned recipe of Bastet’s Zamsara: An exotic Blue Incense blended into the dark sensuality of aged Kashmir in Mahogany wood and a drop of Santalum Black, Black Frankincense, Black Hessonite, Bastet's Amber and aged Eternal Ankh Vanilla Absolute. This was then blended into Purnima Incense: Blue Coriander, Italian Bergamot, Ambrette Musk, NA Incense Accord, Egyptian Cedar Chips, Palo Santo Chips and genus of three beautiful Frankincense Olibanum Resin: B. Carteri, B. Thurifera and B. Serrata. Solid Myrrh wood is then stirred in and taken out, leaving a trace element of sweet wood within the blend. Intoxicating blend of Labdanum Extract, Benzoin Syrup and Oakmoss stir in the incense ephemeral element to the blend. Five Sandalwood perfume oils swirl throughout the Osirian."
The labels are gorgeous. They're done by Trista Musco, an artist from New Orleans. If you click on my photo up top, you can have a closer look. Little, beautiful works of art, representing each God or Goddess. All the names are from the Egyptian pantheon.
A caveat: The components of this series are delicate due to the very nature of the oil compositions with their finite incense notes of absolute, essential and steam distilled nature. Travel really disturbs them. The impulse is to open them and at least sniff them, if not try them immediately, but they're going to be very off. Whenever I get a new OP, I won't even open it for a week. It's entirely up to you, of course, but I would hate for someone to get the wrong impression and miss out on something special. When they first came out, this was the one request Seth had for us, to please give it a few days, so as to have a proper first introduction. I have also found that giving these a full month aging really changes them. I was a little underwhelmed at first by OP Pakhet, my first choice of the series, and I didn't understand what I was missing. Everyone had rave reviews. So I stuck it away in a dark box, and went back to it about a month after I got it. The change was mind blowing - it was an incredible scent, far from underwhelming! /soapbox
Enough jabbering, let's get to it!
OP BASTET: The personification of Isis, daughter of RA and Goddess of Love. Bastet’s Amber is the underworld helm of this incense perfumed with soft wisps of amber smoke, NAVA ICONIC Rose Oudh brings a smoke and NAVA floral throughout this OP. This, of all the ones I have tried, surprised me. Rose can be a little funky on me, it's not very appealing, but there's a deep, lush, sweetness to this rose, and it's incredible balanced against the incense and smoky oudh. This smells like a dream on me. I think this is probably the first time I realized that I could indeed wear rose, if it is done like this! I had a chance to sniff Iconic once, and it is pretty divine. But it's not something I'll ever own, so I'm happy to have this option. It has a very gothic feel to it. One thing I want to contrast it to is Polychrome, which I recently wore my sample of - Polychrome is more dry feeling than OP Bastet. I think the sandalwood blend, which is gorgeous, is what gives me that impression. This feels more resinous, almost sticky, and with the rose that's a really neat juxtaposition.
OP HATHOR: Her name means the House of Horus. She is the Goddess of beauty, music, dance, motherhood and love. NAVA Leviathan Oudh ICON brings warm amber and soft billows of desert wood to this OP. Hathor is one of my favorites, I find myself reaching for Her often. Let's be honest here, there isn't one of these I've tried that I don't love, but for some reason, She's just so easy to wear, and is comforting. You could wear this with jeans and a hoodie, and pull it off. Of course, it also would go with a little black dress. Hah! There's an easy appeal, is probably what I'm trying to say. And it inspires confidence when you wear it. It's rich, golden resin, smoky wood, bright amber, against the base of OP incense. It's just so beautiful.
OP ISIS: Goddess of magic, healing, birth and rebirth. – With White Amber Resin and Sky Amber as the base of this perfume, the Goddess of magic brings notes of amber and incense with the notes of Eternal Egypt blending into this Goddess Incense. Isis is absolutely gorgeous. Bright, fresh amber. Complex incense at the base. The closest thing I've ever smelled to Leviathan, one of the original Icon series that I've lusted after for years. This makes me think of bright blue days, a little coolness in the air. Of course I would love this, considering how much I love the ambers of Eternal Egypt. This is such a happy scent to me, I cannot wear it and be in a bad mood. If you love NA's amber, this is an absolute must have, in my opinion.
OP PAKHET: Huntress and Goddess that took over in the Middle Kingdom when Bastet became the domesticated cat and Sekhmet became the Lion – NAVA Samar Oudh ICON purrs with resins, smoky wood and elementals of our entire SL Vanilla offerings throughout this perfume. This is the first OP I chose, I had such a hard time deciding what I had to get right away, so I went with an obvious winner. As mentioned above, I liked it, but after I aged it, it absolutely blew me away. Although this is billed as having all of the vanillas, I don't think it's vanilla heavy. I find it very well balanced between the woods, resins, incense and vanillas. It's sultry, yet somehow a snuggly scent.
OP TAWARET: Goddess of maternity, protection and fertility. Black Fig and Frankincense Tears are the bounty of OP Tawaret. There's almost a spiciness to fig notes at times. This fig is dark and delicious, not the green variety. I feel like that fits well with the incense, and the frankincense is just a perfect accompanying note. I was in love with this right away, I've always had a weakness for their figs. It was pretty amazing fresh, if you like fig, and it's only gotten deeper and more delightful with age. This one is pretty straightforward, of all of the OPs I've tried, but that's not to diminish the beauty of it, I think. All of the OPs have definitely have complexity! It's got a lush, sexy feel to it, somewhat akin to Fig Noir Ombre, but they're not dupes - they just have a similar vibe.
OP THOTH: Scribe of the Gods and the God of Wisdom - Ancient Kyphi and exotic Guaiacwood make up this God of knowledge. My second OP. I chose this to ride along with Pakhet, because I've always had a soft spot for Thoth. When I first got this, I have to tell you, it took a while to settle on the skin. Like, a good ten or fifteen minutes. I almost wanted to scrub it, it was so jangly. I didn't know what was going on. But once it settled, holy BATS it was exquisite. I think of all of the OPs, this one seems to fly furthest under the radar, but those who love it, really, really love it, and I'm no exception. I've had this for a few years now, and I'm happy to report that initial weirdness goes away with age. It's quite sexy, and a little dark. The kyphi is intoxicating - it's not your typical wine, this was made according to an ancient Egyptian recipe, I read. The guaiacwood provides a nice balance to the richness of the wine, and the OP base comes in further into wear, a while after drydown. It's a beautiful combination, rich, a little sweet, but tempered by the incense and wood.
I forgot something, and I feel like it's important to add this in. So, the OPs are all quite potent - especially aged. They last a wonderfully long time on me, and they are not in any way skin scents - a little does go a long way. I would start out with a light hand, and if you want more, you can always add to it! Also, I wanted to mention that I wear these year 'round. You might think, looking at the notes, that they're too heavy for spring or summer, and in my experience, they actually do great in the humidity down here in Florida. So give them a try, you might find yourself really enjoying them in warmer weather!
That's it for the first part. I've got five more coming up for part two, I'll try to have it done by the end of the weekend for y'all! Do you have any OPs yet? Which are your favorites, if so? I'm excited to see what the new ones will be, that's going to have me drooling.
Edit: If you want to jump right to part two, here is the link!
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halevren · 8 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 2
I'm so excited for this episode guys what if we see ayda finally 🥹🥹🥹
I was watching Candela Obscura Needle And Thread earlier today and it's so beautiful to see Brennan have such a large range. From dirty traumatized soldier to GM is lovely. Miss the accent tho
"Yeah that's cool and casual" ringed mage hand is awesome
it only took 5 1/2 years to learn the game (it would probably take me longer)
Panicked his way into a rage I love grogug
"Would you be interested in healing us?" Asking the cleric that is unbelievably funny
healing the van. did Kristen do repairs inside for the healing ward? I like the idea of mechanic Kristen for funsies
"I can name 10 monsters right now" just like how he can name 10 birds
Adaine going down twice sucks, my girl 😭😭😭
if they don't catch adaine I'll cry
"My girlfriend says hello" HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII AYDA 😭😭😭
thinking about ayda kept her concentration 🔥
Duggan intervention need
bad roll murph back with a 2
The Beans Are Due
Chaos at the table over beans
another 2 roll..... murph..........
oh no. Fabian is getting out of the car again... last time this happened he got hurt and ended up under the car
"There's nothing I can do it's the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" Brennan my friend you are the rules
absolutely tossed the dice by ally
"I'm always rooting for you" fabians gonna die
oh thank god bad roller murph back. 22 damage
2/3 turns under the van is insane. And he just needed a TWO BOTH TIMES
Fabian isn't having a great junior year
My face hurts from giggling
Lou is so low spirits after the second time under the van. Understandable
i need some Fabian fanart where he just has rug burn on both sides of his face
Fabian not getting his kisses in and got ran over twice embarrassing
what if this is a total party wipe after the night yorb attack and Riz is just. alone. in the wheel well
did ally just get a one on concentration
murph giggling over Ally's saves being empty is so cute
this isn't good
we might need divine intervention Kristen......
oh no. oh no. Fabian is down. oh no. adaine down oh no fig is down oh no oh no
oh no.
fifteen or higher murph. you got this murph. come on murph come on
"The car flipping would be very bad" murph....
i hope that van survives
second dice thrown people being sued
Gorgug you've got this I love you
nat 20 come on
oh no. 8
"Just don't roll a one" oh no I'm going to throw up
fig you god this
Gorgug. You are the greatest wizard of this age
I can't stop giggling this is so good
2 hours left do you guys think we will see ayda I miss her
adaine please don't Perma die
Holy shit Moggy.... That was brutal...
Push up to get up I like this new Kristen
"Is Kristen mad at me?" Cassanda.... Honey.....
Photosynthesis is back, baby!!!
"I stab him a few times just to try and feel something" oh fabian....
"Riz, we're tired" oh gorgug...
ripping ass fr
I think this is the most I've seen Murph laugh and literally cry
I love this season already I think it's my favorite already
"I think it's meaningful in your friendship with Fabian"
So tactical, so late. I really do need that on a shirt
"What do I add to 'crush with motorcycle' "
Fabian is so unlucky with love. No kisses for him
Balthazar is all around us.
"That little... Handle?"
"Just because I don't trust you" I wouldn't trust Brennan either after what happened 😭
cottage cheese a la mode
omg is the fortune cruise thing for Gilear part of the Fig deal omg
oh Fabian is absolutely going to have parties. MORE CRAB PARTIES!!!!!!!! CRAB KING
For a couple months or a year 😭😭
Fabian having to roll to remember where the fridge and glasses are is so goddamn funny
omg I have the same hair cut as sklonda
ohhhhh Riz....... He just wants everyone to stay together.... oh honey....
aguefort academy extracurriculars.... please can we have bowler Riz. Just for me. No other reason. FOR ME.
"You do everything for other people, and I want to make sure you don't get your hear broken." sklonda.....
MORDRED MANOR... WILL WE SEE AYDA?!?!?!??!?!??!!!!!?!?
where ayda. where ayda. where ayda aguefort
"You're both dangerously close to being expelled" JAWBONEEEE
"It's a very bard thing" I will use that excuse for everything
I really relate to Kristen because I also had trouble finishing things in school
A sick year 🔥🔥🔥
oh my fucking god Arthur is having daddy daughter bonding time does this mean we won't see ayda oh my god oh my god
"with the help of my beloved Paramour, Figueroth Faeth" UGLY CRYING RN
"Our fucking romance is so fucking epic" I love them. I want to experience a love like they have
Balthazar (parody of "how bizarre")
tracker wants to get in touch....trackerbees...
aelwyn put a protection around adaine 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 UGLY CRYING
her stomach gurgles painfully????!?!?!?!!?
"Do you if acid reflux can be a curse?" Yes. It is a curse (I am a person who had bad acid reflux and have to take medicine for it daily or else I will hate my existence)
Oh my god. Oh my god. Is Fig changing into Gilear? Oh my god did she and Gilear change lucks? Oh my god
"No. It's better this way." "How?" 😭😭
Buff Kristen is the after effect of the trackerbees breakup. Baby's first lesbian breakup fr
wait Porter is kinda hot
thanks for listening. if you read all of this I love you and will give you a nice strong hug
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fourseasonsfigs · 8 months
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Longines Han
I missed this fig when it was first sold, but had been keeping my eye out for it for a long time. As far as I can tell, this fig maker only sold this one figure. I'd been waiting for her to sell any remainders (holding out hope that she had some), but when I saw this little guy on Xianyu I had to grab him!
This inspiration for this fig is this picture from Zhehan's appearance on January 4, 2018 for the opening ceremony of the 8th Longines Beijing International Equestrian Masters.
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You may recognize this outfit, as it is a much beloved outfit by the fans!
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Zhehan looks tall, sleek, and elegant in his riding wear.
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I think everyone that follows me knows that I am Team Long Hair for Zhehan, but I admit that he looks amazing no matter how long or short his hair is!
Here's a video of this event. The videographer on this has pretty singular focus, it's true!
The seller I bought this figure from just sold it as is, already stuck to a stand, without the box or any of the cards or anything with it. That's not my favorite, but this fig doesn't come up very often, so I took what I could get. Can't afford to be too picky!
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Luckily, he arrived safe and sound. I had the warehouse wrap him in some bubble wrap packaging, and it turned out he was only attached to his standee stand with fig stickers, so it was easy to pull him off. One soapy bath later, all the travel had been washed off of him and he was fresh and clean!
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Longines, if you did not know, is a luxury Swiss watch brand. I did not know that (I had mixed it up with Longchamps, the French purse brand). But, this is why he's modeling the watch!
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I love his long boots - the fig proportions are so small that even tall boots look tiny (and adorable)!
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The fig maker made sure that fig Zhehan filled out his riding breeches just as well as the real Zhehan.
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This fig maker is a Junzhe fan, so we have a cute looking Samoyed on the back of Zhehan's jacket!
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The short buzz cut is so pebbly looking here! It makes me giggle, it's very cute. It's a smart way to render it - you get all the texture but none of the difficulties (and breakage concerns) of spikes.
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As you can see, this fig stands perfectly. The boots may help, but they're not particularly large or anything. It's just a well modeled fig.
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Speaking of good modeling, the pose is beautifully done!
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The fig maker also did a great job on the shape of the eyes, not to mention the hearts in them. This is really a great fig all the way around.
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This is a particularly cute angle of his smiling mouth!
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I'm glad to have finally gotten this fig. I wish the fig maker had made more, since she did such a nice job on this one!
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One last shot of our short-haired cutie.
And that's all - again, sorry for no box cards or any special bonuses, but happy to have him at all. Actually, I do have a bonus, of a different kind! I'll leave you with this extra picture - of Zhehan for Longines in this gorgeous suit. I love it - he's still looking so tall and slim and elegant, just with a gorgeous velvet blazer and some very cool matching shoes.
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Material: Resin
Fig Count: 516
Scene Count: 36
Rating: Dashing!
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