#i'll have to do a replay of this thing bc now I know what i'm doing (I'm like 3 days into year two) but idk my fuckups add to his charms
bragganhyl · 5 months
ngl I'm starting to feel like I'm more attached to Berci the cringefail farmer than I ever did when he was my Tav whoops
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
ahhh i love chubby!reader and spencer!! what if she overheard someone talking about her weight in a negative way and when she runs into spencer he instantly goes into his own kind of awkward comfort mode bc he secretly has THE biggest crush on you and any other time he would be VERY proud that he managed to get you to hug him but now you’re crying and oh no he doesn’t want you to be sad especially not over the way you look!!
It’s gross. To hear people make comments about your body behind your back in the way you do.
It’s all snide, backhanded comments disguised as compliments. Your stomach rolls because none of your team is near enough to hear them and you don’t feel like making a scene.
Your mind changes when you hear, ‘And it’s so obvious she likes him but what would he do with a girl like her? He’s less than half her size. She doesn't deserve someone like him.’
Your blood boils and you flick away imaginary dust and lint from your clothes before making yourself known.
“You might not like the way I look but you’re much more unattractive than you find me because that’s just vile. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It's none of your business but Spencer and I are dating.”
The local officers blanch and you walk off ignoring their stunned silence and stutters for an apology.
Your hands shake as you sit next to your team and you’re silly for thinking Spencer wouldn’t notice it. Spencer noticed when you had dusted the ends of your hair a week ago.
"Are you okay?" he asks, voice so low it's barely a murmur. Spencer's eyes remain trained on you as you nibble on your lip trying to decide what to do.
"I've been better," you say and Hotch saves you from more questions by instructing, "Y/N I need you to speak to the local police and get every name they have for people who came in."
No one else notices the way your back stiffens as you stand. Spencer does, "I'll go with her, and we'll call Garcia."
Spencer takes you to a secluded hallway and tips your chin up, "What happened, sweetheart?" it's cruel for him to whip that out at work, but it has the same effect it does when you're at home curled in his lap while reading.
"The locals were saying things about me- which is fine, I'm not everybody's cup of tea. But they were extra mean and rude about it." you debate whether to say the rest, but it comes out before you come to a real decision. "They said they don't know why I think I deserve your attention and they said you're too small to be with someone like me."
Spencer gasps like you've burnt him. He feels heat searing his chest as he replays your words. He doesn't know exactly how to comfort you without his words being hard and rough.
"But I stood up for myself," that eases some of the pressure in his chest. "I told them they should be ashamed of themselves and that I wasn't just some girl pining after you and we were together."
Spencer presses his forehead into yours. "I'm glad you stood up for yourself, but you shouldn't have to defend yourself at work or in general. You're amazing and stunning and you're more than anything I could've dreamt up for myself."
His words are soft, sweet and it melts the remaining worry in your bones that even though Spencer loves you, he had regrets.
"They're fucking assholes," he deadpans quietly and you laugh. "But we have a job to do so we'll be civil for the rest of the time we're here but the second we're done, we're messing with them."
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viharbinger · 2 years
Hi okay I have a really really cute ask So in the 3.2 trailer, it’s shows Haypasia lying down and Scara watching over her. If you don’t know, he’s doing this because she is his only follower, so he’s taking care of her/looking after her (bc she’s his ONLY follower) What I’m asking is if it’s literally just that concept, but Haypasia is replaced by us, aka, the reader. So it’s basically just Scaramouche watching over us whilst we’re lying down and then we wake up and see him and it’s all just generally cute stuffIt can be seen as platonic or romantic, I’d personally prefer romantic
pairings: scaramouche x gn!reader
warnings: hurt/comfort? Reader is a heavy sleeper lol — I wrote half of this when 3.2 archon quest was not out yet so therefore I'm writing everything blindly so this is either gonna be completely inaccurate or I just predicted the future B-)
a/n: LMFAO I find it funny af that scaramouche's only follower/worshiper is his PARTNER HAHAHA imagine having no fans 🤭
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Way before the Balladeer even became a God, you, his life partner stayed by his side the whole way. You hadn't ever renounced him after all he's done and been through but instead comforted him through it all.
You both lived in an isolated home somewhere in Inazuma's Narukami island, alone yet a long way from the city. Living like that has its advantages of course, mainly to protect yourselves against whatever meddling business the 6th fatui harbinger had gotten himself in.
Now that he's finally gotten the Raiden Shogun's electro gnosis from a certain shrine maiden, he's on foot again to archons-knows-where. And he tells you the news when you're both sitting on the porch of your tiny and cozy home.
"You're leaving already when you just got back?" Maybe it was the Gods playing favourites but the sun kissing your skin and the wind blowing against your hair certainly made you glow.
The sun was shining over the horizon, and the birds were barely awake. You were in your comfortable pyjamas and he on the other hand, was adorning his beautiful silk navy blue and white kimono that morning, rather than his usual fatui harbinger attire. Your eyes are struggling to keep open as you woke up a mere 10 minutes before.
Scaramouche brings himself closer to you as he sets his baggage down, the one that he needed to bring along as he was going to go out on yet another journey alone. He cups your hands together and brings it to his lips to give it a gentle kiss.
"It's just some unfinished business I need to take care of. I'll come back for good. I promise." He whispered, brushing the stray hair that was over your eyes. He kept his palm on your left cheek whilst rubbing his thumb under your eye gently. His touch was delicate, like as if handling you too much could break you like porcelain glass. He was almost too afraid to leave you.
Several weeks passed.
You barely heard a word from him, but you have heard such news of an eccentric wanderer roaming around the lands of Sumeru. It wasn't much to go by but alas, at least you're aware he's living and breathing.
Now after achieving the power of the gods, his mission was almost complete. The power allowed him to do all things necessary. He was about to make his next move when his ears perked up in alert; as if someone was calling for him.
He doesn't mistake it's your voice. The voice he's been trying to replay in his head for weeks. He's afraid that if he doesn't, he'll forget how you sound like, how your voice could make him feel like a bed of roses.
You were repeating his name, like you were begging him for something. His usually hardened gaze softened in guilt at the thought of you in despair of his absence. He wishes he could just teleport straight to you right then and there, but even gods have their limits.
By nightfall, Scaramouche was still adjusting to his powers. He wanted to try and do anything within his power to attempt to even be closer to you. That is, until he found himself in a dream-like state.
He felt he could move freely, almost as if he were a ghost. He prompted himself to take this to his advantage and visit you in your sleep. And there you were, cuddled up on your bed.
The home that was once cozy and sweet felt uncomfortable. The room you were in was unkept and the bed was undone, some pillows are on the floor and the blanket was dishevelled. He notices of course, that you were sleeping on his side of the bed instead of yours. And the tears that were continuously flowing from your eyes were hard not to notice.
He called out your name. You couldn't hear him. He was right next to you, within arms reach, yet you couldn't hear or even see him.
The puppet wasted no time in at least trying to comfort you. He kneeled down besides you and pushed the hair sticking to your face from the tears. He cupped your cheek, wiping the falling tears with his gloved thumb. He was like a guardian angel.
You were far too deep asleep to notice a thing, but he didn't want to wake you. All though it was very dark out, the dark eyebags were clear as day to prove to him that you needed the rest.
He leaned down to press a kiss to your temple, he whispers sweet nothings and an "I'll be back soon." It's not like you could've heard him but you definitely felt the breath of air onto your ear like as if someone was whispering a secret to you.
By the time you woke up you were met not with your partner, but his scent was in the air. Like it was when he was still around in the house. He visited you.
Just days later, you heard a rushed knock on your front door. It was dawn again and your hair was a mess. You walked to your door barefoot, mumbling incoherent words that could be insults as you were woken up from your beauty sleep.
When you opened it, it was your partner. He was there, in the flesh. His breathing was haggard, yet he smiles anyway. His hat was held on his hands like he took it off when running so much.
Your eyes tricked with tears, and hugged him tightly. "You were there, right? That night!" You wailed and your head was on his chest. "Yes, and I'm sorry for not coming sooner." He rested his chin to your head and brushed your messy hair gently, careful enough not to tug on it.
You finally came to your senses and picked your head up from his chest. You backed up from him and pushed him in anger. But not in a way that could definitely hurt him or make him fall. "Just who do you think you are, waltzing back home like as if you didn't disappear after weeks and didn't even bother to send a letter!" You cried, yet he remained his composure from calling you stupid things. He knows what you've been through during his absence and just wants to be with you.
He cups your cheeks and rubbed the tears off with his thumb, as he's done many times before. His eyes wore a gentle glow and the sweet smile on his face was blinding. It's not often you see a man so in love.
"I'm done with everything. I took care of it, I promise I'll be here for as long as I live." He tells you, with genuine and charm in his tone. He leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead. And another on your cheek. And then another on your temple. And again and again in every other place and you couldn't stop yourself from cry laughing.
You stopped giggling when he makes sure to stop and leave a kiss on your lips. A long, tasteful and blissful kiss. You could still feel the warmth on your lips even after he pulled away. He ends it by just leaning his forehead to yours till the only thing you could hear from each other was your breathing. Even when he's away for so long, he'll always count on you to wait for him.
I hope u like this dear requester because I don't think I'm that good in writing actual fanfics LOL I'm only good at headcannons
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
~𝓐𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 w/a Darling Who Praises Him~
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Note: Some of the word coloring is black to match Anakin's theme. I suggest turning on a lighter theme if you use a darker one. Note 2: NO THIS ISN'T SMUT I have to keep my blog (mostly) safe for the kiddos. But, like, it might be a bit suggestive in some places? idk have fun
Anakin's Playlist:
𝓐𝓷𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷 𝓢𝓴𝔂𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓮𝓻
~Oh Maker. This is all he's ever wanted.
~He isn't used to getting so shy and flustered. Usually, he likes to make you all flustered. This is new for him.
~Being a slave, he didn't have much love from anybody other than his Mother, so having somebody to motivate him and love him so much makes him almost want to cry.
~Tell him often that you love him, but tell him in different ways, so it doesn't get repetitive. Creative compliments and praise surprise him.
~You always get the cutest smile from him 🥺
~Or just having a hand on his back, holding onto his arm, ect. Feeling a gentle loving hand on him makes him so happy.
~Knowing that you're just as in love with him as he is with you?
~Yeah he's emotional
~One of his favorite things is when you cup his cheeks between your warm hands and just stare into his eyes while talking to him.
~You totally have him all mushy now
~Little lingering kisses on his soft lips while you tell him that he did a good job in training and stuff shfjkdjfjdjf
~Hearing it from BOTH you and Obi-Wan build his confidence up. He's like
~they said i did a good job
~i must be a badass
~Careful though bc he might get annoying and egotistical at some point. He's a smug bastard 🙄
~Like I've stated before in my Anakin fanfiction thingies, hand kisses make him W E A K
~He likes when you kiss his knuckles and wrists
~STOMACH KISSES okay. okay so stfu darlings hold on it's a bit suggestive here
~He's so strong and it's obvious but he's also so SOFT you can squeeze his thighs 🤩
~You know you've gotten to him when you can see him trying to control his breathing. wtf are you doing he's supposed to be doing this to YOU
~You make him feel so special 🥺 He loves to know that you love him so much, and having such praise from someone so special gives him such a warm feeling in his chest. He's used to pampering you, so having you do the same for him leads him to understand your love for him. And really, that's all he wants. For you to love him.
~He takes everything to heart, and replays it in his mind all the time.
I HAD TO CUT IT SHORT AGAIN DUE TO STUPID SHOULDER INJURIES >:( So just like I said with the 049 headcanons, when my shoulders are healed, I'll be writing more of this. Because I had more I wanted to go into with this but I need to rest 🙄 UGHHH BODIES ARE SO ANNOYING
just kidding sweetheart you should love and be proud of your body it's always working for you and never against you
How on earth do I get off on these little rambles
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~Love, PinkBoots
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gold-rhine · 1 year
a little while ago you made a down with the cis bus post about scara killing teppei!! would u mind going a little deeper into how the inazuman archon quest was flawed? i think it'd be interesting :]
asdfghjk listen, that post wasn't actually a Critique, i just thought it's funny and if teppei has to die from scara's actions, we might as well both support trans wrongs and make it fun, i don't actually hate teppei or think he was the real archon quest problem haha
i would like to finish replaying inazuma questline before writing anything in depth, but things which are obvious already:
1.pacing is GARBAGE. it goes from slow to too quick to too slow to wayyy too quick to stopping in its tracks to force u on a date with ayaka on gunpoint, than again way too quick through rebellion parts. and like i'm not an ayaka hater and i know her fans love that quest, but it should've been just a separate story quest like all others. it has NOTHING to do with the story. At least Yoimiya's is connected, though I'd either separate it too or trim the fat on it a lot, but ayaka's is just what feels like several hours of meandering bullshit. i had to wait 10 minutes of real time to make cheese to make her pizza and it was just the start
2.because we had to waste hours going on dates, rebellion part moves at breakneck speed when it tries to do too many things at once: it wants to endear and make you care about common rebellion soldiers, it wants to make you feel like you're earned respect and command position of your team by them giving u trials, it wants to have a cool battle where kokomi is shown to be smart, and it wants to have fatui schemes with delusion effects shown developing gradually via teppei.
what ends up happening is that we do a lot of fetch quests, the battl is not properly set up so it ends up feeling small, and kokomi is shown kinda stupid instead of genius strategist.
3.more on kokomi. kokomi's only triumph is the win of that one battle, but its invalidated in hindsight bc she won by hiring mercenaries, but she hired them using money she blindly accepted, and they ended up being fatui's and it lead to the delusion crisis. like she didn't win bc of any great strategies, she won bc she was bankrolled and manipulated by fatui.
i think what they should have done is first of all, cut ayaka hostage situation, have the battle happen IMMEDIATELY as we arrive, have kokomi win by being brilliant and using her fish as spies or whatever, then combine the "endear and make you care about common rebellion soldiers" (rn happens before battle when u go with teppei around) and "make you feel like you're earned respect and command position of your team by them giving u trials" (now happens after trial when kokomi gives u swordfish team). teppei should just be a loser in swordfish team instead of wasting all that time at the start. then have a SECOND battle (it's a fucking war and we barely fight rn) and thats where fatui setup can happen. this way we establish kokomi as great strategist independent of fatui, make the bonding with rebellion more focused, have more cool action, and fatui schemes are still included.
4. raiden fans dont interact, biggest inazuma problem is raiden woobyfycation at the eleventh hour that immediately disregards both consequences of her actions and other character arcs, but also makes her seem as the dumbest jock in teyvat. instead of her having coherent vision, its just oh its her twin who was smart, raiden herself just didn't know that ppl have feelings, this is why she knowingly let fatui start civil war. but i think i'll talk about it later when i finish the whole inazum
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alitgblog · 6 months
volume vii thoughts
as per usual I have complaints about the missed opportunities of casa
first things first, the casa boys' sprites looked bad to me when I saw that post fusebox made but after playing for like a minute, I was like nah actually they're quite fine. However, prettiest sprites they're competing with are Jin, Claudia, Oakley, Tyler, and Bea so the competition is rough. Also idk something is throwing me off with Shawn and especially Kyle's face shapes.
I think last post I made I said Hari at least got more of a chance than Tyler, but scratch that actually, it feels like they got the same chance because suddenly we're in casa and hardly any mention of him, even though he and my MC have kissed a few times already and she hasn't really rejected him fully over Jin yet? Don't know if anyone's in the boat of going all in with Hari but I'm curious what the gameplay is like for them.
So Emel has randomly decided to be annoyed at Oakley again (I'll replay for you next time Oakley 🥺) and it's clearly because the routes are merged now, which is such a shame because I do think Emel and Oakley could've worked it out and become a fun couple to watch on the real show (probably a boring one though that the audience would dump until after the show ended that their real personalities come out on social media and the public like them individually or at least understand why they were together so long). And I know it's not the most in character thing but I so appreciate it not being a complete 180 for the sake of plot because I'm trying to imagine this with all the couples given what I know about them from my playthrough and Emel/Oakley always have problems because she's uptight and wants more dramatics in their romance and he's chill so any little thing he ends up doing sets her off, sure, I can buy that Emel is a little delusional. Then Luna/Jin would have problems because Luna is less extroverted than Jin, serious, and irritable (which honestly, relatable) and so Jin does things for a laugh and she doesn't get it. So maybe he didn't wink at Bea or did it as a joke because he's being cheeky and she takes it as flirting and starts an argument. And from my playthrough, Sophie and Jack always feel like they're looking for an argument so that checks out too. It's not perfect, but I can feasibly see how one could justify this plot point.
absolutely living for flirting with Claudia in casa
pet peeve subjective raunchy races is back 😠 at least a couple of them are better, like they did have oldest boy in there at least. everything else though, I don't care that much to listen to them argue about who's the most well traveled or stylish.
I love Bea's personality, she's so fun. And tbh, I'm kind of liking her and Liam together. He's forward and she's into it, and it seems like he can keep up with her for now so I'm happy with that couple and I hope it doesn't turn to shit (it probably will).
also pay to win when losers are gonna throw a part anyway ok sure 🙄 I think I've mentioned this before but like personally I think if they're gonna do gem scenes, there has to be a logical ways out of it rather than just MC being like "nah I don't feel like it" and then they lose?? at least for other gem scenes it's like "tell Sophie off 10 gems" or "stay silent" like sure that's fine I guess.
anyway the chats with the boys were actually all pretty fun and short. I, as per usual, have immediately gravitated towards the foodie/chef character but I'll admit I see what y'all are saying about Kyle. Tbh even Max isn't too bad but I'm cautious bc I'm getting Eddie vibes (it's the blond and the gossip lol). And I like Liam, he's like a less cartoonishly silly Hamish (so he reminds me of Felix).
I really like the free party wear dress and this is the second volume in a row MC has accidentally matched with a boy not her partner lol
Bea first mentioning she was bi but not flirting, I just thought maybe they were setting her up to partner with Claudia/Theo depending on who you couple up with/if you're on one of their routes. But then oh the tension at the party when she's staring at MC saying she wants to turn heads and Claudia getting nervous??? loving that.
I don't know what it's like for the other boys but it seems like Shawn and Kyle are drama averse, which I think could be an interesting plot point for later coming back from casa of course, but I also don't know if I believe in fusebox's ability to incorporate that in the story. (once again, the day I write a fic and learn to code its all over for you fusebox)
I didn't pay for the Bea talking about Jin scene but I saw yall talk about Sienna and like I doubt it's going anywhere if it's behind a paywall? it's like the Brad and Christy stuff tbh like unless a bunch of dumped islanders are coming back at the end, I'm ignoring it.
anyway it truly is missing Jin hours again 😔
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ultradespairsara · 3 months
Omg I got you:
I said something like uh,.. why is the DANGANRONPA fandom so obsessed with nagito?? Is it the mental illness? Did y’all traumabond with that mfer or something? He’s not the most popular (which fair junko is just there.) but I think he has such a strong dedicated fanbase, (I need to know bc I want to be a great cult leader (/j)
sorry if the tone is different or I skipped something I wrote that a few hours ago and now it’s 5 am and I still haven’t slept lol <3 love ur art though <3
OKAY. I honestly ask myself this question everyday. I have to admit I'm biased because I find Nagito extremely attractive, but I am going to try to explain why I do so.
I'm absolutely obsessed with anti-villains. He's a perfect example of it. He also kinda fits the Byronic hero stereotype which is my favorite trope in the world: this tormented, highly intelligent, charismatic outsider with a dark past and self-destructive tendencies. His character is based on the contrast between many aspects of his life: his lucky-unlucky cicle, hope and despair, his sudden changes in personality and the way he treats people. I love how he seems so unpredictable and crazy yet has such consistent and strong ideals. It's also the contrast between his "bishounen", beautiful boy, pure and innocent appearance and how fucking nuts he actually is.
I think part of what makes him so attractive to people is how servicial he is and how he treats the others students as superior (the writers knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote him to be a servant in UDG). His self deprecating and masochistic tendencies are really hot, especially because HE'S SO DAMN INTELLIGENT AND BEAUTIFUL AND DOESNT EVEN REALIZE IT.
Setting his attractiveness aside. He's such an interesting character and a perfect villain for a sequel. In THH, Byakuya torments everyone for his own selfish desires. Nagito torments himself for everyone else's. He knows that in the situation they're in, people need a common enemy to stick together and he is willing to sacrifice himself to be that.
Personally I don't relate to him at all except for the fact that he's a control freak lmao (I don't understand how someone could ever relate to him and I am scared of his kinnies)
Even after saying all this, I feel like I can't quite put my finger around why I love him so much. He has and aura of mystery about him... You never know if he's a good or a bad person, if his actions are justified, and it drives me CRAZY. I love discovering new things about him and understanding him a little better everytime I replay the game.
In conclusion, I think it's that duality what makes him so charming to most people. I tried to keep this as short as I could and it's really messy but I'll probably write more about it, or make a video essay or something lol. Thanks for liking the art and asking the question !!! ❤️
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stargatebarbie · 4 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @spurious 😊
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yes! 7 years this November
02) What was your dream growing up? I wanted to be a psychologist for a long time but tbh glad I didn't end up doing that I am not suited to it
03) What talent do you wish you had? It'd be cool to have an idetic memory. Or even just like, a good one. My memory is shot lol
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? I could really use a proper coffee rn
05) Favorite vegetable? like good cherry tomatoes. the home grown kind. Or maybe potatoes
06) What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Dungeon Meshi! I'm really enjoying the anime and decided to pick up the manga, just finished the first volume
07) What zodiac sign are you? Cancer 🦀
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Yeah ears stretched a little, I think they're only 1cm & septum piercing. I haven't gotten around to getting any tattoos atp, shit's expensive, but I absolutely want them
09) Worst Habit? stealing all the cups and forks in the house
10) What is your favorite sport? not to be a stereotype but I don't really do sport. ig hockey?
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? naturally pessimistic but i really try to like. practice optimism
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. one time I was locked in a bathroom with a goat
13) Do you have any pets? Yes! A cat named Moon :)
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary for sure. I blame my mum she hung a clown puppet in my room as a baby
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? boy howdy would I love a breast reduction
16) What color eyes do you have? grey/blue
17) Ever been arrested? No but I have been detained for like. safety reasons oop
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle i suppose? I don't really drink a lot of soft drink though
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? probably fund my move out of state
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? home tbh. or the beach when it's not too crowded or cold
21) Do you believe in ghosts? No, to almost a cartoonish degree. I saw a ghost as a child & I still don't believe in them
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? any of my 8 million art/crafts/creative hobbies (currently mostly crochet, tatting, & drawing) & binge watching tv
23) Do you swear a lot? Ohhhh yeah. not only am I Australian, I'm from mining country
24) Biggest pet peeve? People being willfully inconsiderate of others in public spaces. trolley parked across the isle, tiktoks with no headphones on the bus, talking on the phone at the cash register, that sort of garbage
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? um. weird?
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Yeah but like. I suck at it lol
27) Favourite and least favourite food? fave: potato bake & least: sausages
28) Do you believe in God? Nope lifelong athiest
29) What makes you happy: hanging out with my cat, rotating the blorbos in the brain microwave, finishing a project (in theory), and uhhh I'm replaying totk with my gf right now that's pretty great
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: listening to a country & folk playlist, folsom prison blues just came on shuffle
31) Favourite place to spend time: uh yeah home
32) Favourite lyric: truly i hate to choose favourites there are so many um. okay
I'll be the jester as long as you are my queen Make a fool out of me I wanna be the source of your laughter
33) Recommend a film: I almost never watch movies uhhh. I recently forced my gf to watch the Birdcage with me bc she'd never seen it, it's so good
34) Recommend a book: Peter Darling by Austin Chant my beloved. Also I'm reading Several People Are Typing by Calvin Kasulke rn and I'm really enjoying it if you work in an office and have slack or similar then I highly recommend especially
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Stick Season by Noah Kahan is just SUCH a good album
36) Recommend a TV show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend - great for lovers of musical theatre and/or the mentally ill 😌
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I'm from Queensland and currently live in Tasmania. I've moved back and forth between QLD and TAS a few times, and plan on moving to Melbourne eventually
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? The aforementioned cat, I got him from a shelter & they got him from a dumpster <333
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? during a drinking game I once took a shot that included; soy sauce, fish sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vodka, a warhead (sour lolly), fanta, and probably some other stuff I'm not sure I was very drunk and 18 year olds should not be unsupervised with that much alcohol bc they'll invent the world's worst drinking games
40) How did you 'find' fandom? A friend of mine sat me down in front of her family computer in their bible library (not a joke, whole library of bibles & Christian religious texts) & said hey. have you heard there are people on the internet who write stories about these two guys from this one series kissing? and I was immediately hooked lol
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. work laptop (bc I am on the clock oops), personal PC, crochet project, calcifer plush, & my cat glaring at me from my computer tower bc I wouldn't let him sit on my keyboard
42) How do you style your hair? Well it was a mullet but it's super grown out now so it's more of a shag & I mostly just chuck it in a bun or something. I desperately want to shave it but it's so cold, idk maybe I'll just make a few beanies & buzz it anyway
If you want to join in please consider yourself tagged! 💖
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nikatyler · 24 days
Zeph 1.0
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Almost there…yes I closed the game so I could get the 69 hours played screenshot…almost got it! 😅
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I'm such a stupid 13yo at heart
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did i mention i love him
Oof besties I think it's Moonrise time
Moonrise time over because ya girl is going to work tomorrow and it's getting late 🥲 but I so didn't want to quit the game today ugh
Need to incorporate "let's not do anything hilarious" into my vocabulary because it's the biggest realest mood
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no way he approved lmao
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oh... OH
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forevermore? as in you and me forevermore? don't read the last page but i stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes omg a taylor swift reference!! 🤭🤭
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Zeph is looking so good in their new armor 😩
Oh I'm gonna be reloading this fight a million times huh
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Dude never thought I'd say this but Shadowheart carried this battle. I'm going to bed in game and irl because two intense battles back to back are too much for my anxiety 😭
This game is gonna wreck me isn't it
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So in the battle I had yesterday, Jaheira was killed, but I thought, well, it would be a shame to leave her stuff behind and she doesn't need it anymore, might as well take it…now I loaded the game again and notice she's there in just her underwear 😭 I'm sorry 😭😭
Yes I loot everyone and everything shamelessly, I learned from the best 🤭
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hole hehe
hole not hehe this is disgusting jfc
"I could fix him" "I could make him worse" well I personally hope that *he* will make *me* worse
We're not gonna talk about this party kill Nailed it! Took me three tries though 😂
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Big brain time
The f u c k?
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well i may have a few ideas how to use this one 🫢
Well. I think I'll be starting act 3 tomorrow? 😬
(I'm excited but also nervous. Oh man this is exactly why I've never played this kind of games before 😂)
I think I fucked up…I was going to do the crèche and the mountain pass stuff later but I can't anymore, I completely skipped it 😭 without too many spoilers, are there going to be bad consequences maybe?
I could pull up an older save but I've done so many other things already…I'm not sure if I want to replay them at the moment 🥲 Think I might just have to leave it for my second playthrough but it sucks that I completely skipped such a big part
And I know at some point it told me some things wouldn't be available if I continue but I didn't think it would be this 😭 I need clearer instructions y'all, I'm a dummy
This is ridiculous but I'm about to cry bc I missed such a huge part, I think I might go back to an older save and just redo everything idk 🥲 idk what to do 😭 overthinking this too much
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"magnificent bastard" is a wonderful gender tbh
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dude i'm not some fucking pokémon 💀
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oh god i love him 💀 is he wrong though?
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she's serving too much cnt to handle i'm afraid
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A fellow clown hater! 🤩
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ohhh i was looking forward to this line 😂
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omg Zeph really went "so aren't you worried about that old master of yours? yeah? anyway wanna smash tonight?"
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KJLFGKSJFGKLJL BRO??????? the fuck did i do to you
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hello ?????????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????? no genuinely i don't know what i did/did not do 💀 idgaf I'm handing his ass to Cazador
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me and Zeph both rn
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delivery not guaranteed? that's so Česká pošta coded
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bears in the closet you say? what was halsin doing in your closet? 🫢
not me actually accidentally making Zeph jump off of a very tall something
and right after the second short rest and the idiot took so much damage 💀
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Oh we're playing Among Us now, how fun!
I fear this will be another full night of playing...not a good idea considering we're going on a family trip tomorrow but eh whatever
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We did it again besties, let's hope I'll get my sleep schedule back on track before I return to work 😂
But it was definitely worth it, I had so much fun playing today. Aside from essentially being dumped but I'm gonna clown and hope all will be well (no spoilers pls)…I promise I will be normal and not actually irl cry about it 🫢😂
Gotta love that rejection hypersensitivity that kicks in no matter what 🤩 real person, fictional, who cares, it hurts 🤩 (no really I'm okay, I'm exaggerating, you know me)
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Next time I go "hehehe I won't sleep tonight, it's gaming time", stop me please. I'm not built for this
And daylight savings are kicking in today? fk me rip my sleep schedule
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hehe god i wish
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I'm getting overwhelmed with all the quests jfc 😭 can we just skip to the part where I romance the vampire again
I also (and this is me overthinking again) can't help but feel like I'm playing the game wrong and that I'm ruining everything as I go and we will not reach a nice ending 💀
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What the actual f u c k was that
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aces-and-angels · 9 months
getting to know you...
ty @jerzwriter and @inlocusmads for the tag 🖤
Last song: Starman by David Bowie (on loop, ofc)
Favorite color(s): Yellow💛
Currently watching: nothing new- I recently finished Squid Games: The Challenge- which while entertaining- had me looking sideways at it the whole time given the nature/message of the original show lol. Other than that, mainly re-runs of some reliable favorites (rn that's the Queen's Gambit)
Last movie: in theaters- Killers of the Flower Moon; at home- The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Currently reading: A Psalm for the Wind-Built by Becky Chambers; haven't officially started it, but I have it downloaded and ready to go. In terms of Choices- in the middle of living the suburban thot fantasy with Dirty Little Secrets lol and finishing up a replay of Laws of Attraction. + yalls fanfic when I get around to it 🖤
Sweet/spicy/savory: All of the above
Last thing I Googled: Honestly- the weather lmaoo; less boring answer: 'how to write fight sequences' for a wip
Current obsessions: Crab rangoons- mainly bc I've been fixated on getting some for the longest time lol
Currently working on: my 100 Follower Special blurbs 😭 see... what had happened was I got stuck on one prompt, then got hit with writer's block, then The Sads™ kicked in- one month became two- etc. etc. and now we're here lol. I feel much more motivated now, I'm almost overwhelmed with ideas 😂 fingers crossed that feeling sticks
i'll tag: @cadybear420 @myautumnrose @alleykatart + anyone else who wants to do this (as always- no pressure gang)
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dreamtydraw · 2 months
hi there!! so I was recently looking for visual novels to occupy my time with, and I came across 21 questions, so I played it. and I loved it. so I played tulipe. and I liked that one a lot too. then I checked out your social media and I was really curious about the ✨️paranormal club lore✨️, so I just played all of them-
I didn't realize it when I was playing the game, but I've seen a lot of your our life art here on tumblr and I can't get over how pretty it is! even when it's just doodles that you do for fun, I still really like your style cause you make everyone look so nice. even if you're just drawing clem in a clown suit, we still love that
I don’t usually draw anymore because even though I used to like it, I feel like I lack all motivation to do it now, but seeing your art is really giving me inspiration to pick up a paper and a pencil and start drawing again :D
I personally share your love for visual novels, and I enjoy replaying yours because they're honestly so nice. I guess I just like seeing the way the story progresses and how relatable the characters feel, especially as a non-binary person who struggles to see themselves represented in games. plus I just like the voice acting in 21 questions
if I'm honest, even if it wasn't my usual genre of romance, night shift was a good play as well, especially for your first game! I can feel the inspiration from horror games and I love those types of things sm. I get why you'd wanna go back and redo it someday, but I think especially in terms of the plot and characters, it had a captivating plot and it was well written... françoise betrayed us tho rip
also this isn't about the games but from what I've seen, it honestly feels like you're a really nice person who happens to be really talented and so you deserve really nice things. even if you haven't been getting them until now, I hope you do start because you deserve it!! I like reading your visual novel rambles bc I agree with a lot of stuff, just me nodding my head in agreement like I wouldn't look crazy if anyone saw me. and it feels nice to see that people still talk about fictif stories to this day cause god they've been collecting dust 😭 I miss those days where I'd be so excited whenever an update was announced... guess I'll never get my rime route now :(
lastly, I just wanna say that I love clem sm. they're literally so cool but still so adorable and I wanna give them all the love and affection. I want us to bake together and then paint each other's nails 💅
and this question has been keeping me awake at night so I just have to ask, I know that at the end of the game he said we'd keep in contact like aurore and her partner, but would they let mc just. follow them to London while he does his thing? there's no point in being in France without your blond french, and I've always wanted to move to an english speaking place anyways... clem can put me in their suitcase, I'll be good 🫶
thank you for listening to my silly rambles, I hope you're having a good day and if not, I really hope it gets better! remember to take care of yourself and take breaks whenever you need them, you're only human so you aren't always gonna be perfect, but at least you know you always try your best even if things don't go the way you want them to <3
Anon whoever you are I love you and I really wish you a wonderful day I started sobbing a bit too hard and now my eyes kinda hurt a bit but your message makes me feel a lot of things and I’m really grateful for such kindness. I’m fucking crying on my poor plushies cause I don’t have tissue, they are all wet and miserable 😭😭😭😭 Words trully can’t explain how much this message means to me, like, this is the kind of message that i’ll keep in my phone gallery to look at when i feel sad and it’s just so sweet and it rassure all the bad things I think about myself so I’m very emotional. It’s 2 am and I had a very long day so I physically and emotionally don’t handle it well but i promise it’s / pos i’m just blabling incoherent thoughts just to say thank you so much and I’m glad you enjoy what I create and I’m glad you draw again and I hope you find joy in making stuff you like + you get soft and cold pillow at night and warm meals in winter anon.
Now i am so sad to spread bad news BUT…. The canon ending of 21 questions is the platonic ending. 21q happens in 2019, Clem move to London in 2021 and ( spoiler alert ) will be spotted in Apple bag which takes place in 2022. Clem’s character and story haven’t entirely been revealed in his game for reasons that I’ll hopefully share in a futur but it’s for the same reasons that realistically… the relationship in 21q is destined to end with distance.
BUT that not the end if you imagine a future with Clem. If your intention is to romance them then there is an open window for the timeline where he’s a bit older. When exactly ? I won’t spoil but all I have to say is that this relationship can work on long term ! It’s just a good person, wrong moment situation and once you know everything about him, then his romance options become more real :}
Mystic talk sorry, like i said i just had an emotional breakdown and it’s late so i will shut my mouth and go to sleep ! Once again thank you so much for your kind words an hopefully you’ll like what I plan to release in the future. Tons of love ❤️
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dawnstarranger · 3 months
woe, all the even numbered weird asks be upon ye
This is only fair xD
lighter or matches? Matches
which cryptyd being do you believe in? All of them but especially Moth Man
why did you do that? I was left unsupervised
how many water bottles are in your room right now? Just one but its a plastic one that I keep reusing because I'm too lazy to wash my metal one
would you slaughter the rich? Give me a time and place and I'll bring the sharp implements
what kind of day is it? A good one so far!
do you love the smell of earth after it rains Yes!
can you drive? Yes, and I usually enjoy it as long as I'm not driving in a bigger city
what hair products do you use? Shampoo and conditioner and lots of bleach and hair dye
do you say soda or pop? I'm honestly about 50/50 on this one
what type of person are you? A fucking nerd tbh
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? Listening to music and getting drunk. Unless that's not your thing. We don't have to drink, but if you hate music we can't be friends
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times? I think about the first time my partner said he loves me a lot :3
is there dishes in your room? Nope. Maybe the occasional mug, but that's it
do you have a favorite towel? Yes, I have my towel I bought when I moved into a dorm that's soft and nice and then there are the towels stolen from the in-laws house that are not soft and nice lmao
is there a song you know every word to by heart? Literally so many but the one that comes to mind is Labor by Paris Paloma bc I was lucky enough to experience it live recently and will never forget what that was like <3
how many times have you changed your url? If you count the entirety of my time on here, maybe like 4-5 times? This iteration has never had a url change
a soap bar that smells good? I buy a lilac soap from the ren faire that smells amazing
did you have any snacks today? Is a bottle of Guinness a snack
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? I waste way too much time on instagram
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? My lawyer advises me against answering this one :3
favorite holiday film? Beetlejuice and The Adams Family are p good if you count them as halloween-esque
when did you first try an alcohol beverage? lmao I'm told I used to steal sips of homemade beer when I was a very small toddler
can i tag you in random stuff? Yeah!! Go for it, I love being tagged in stuff or getting random asks <3
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acaciapines · 5 months
susie DOES have complicated family issues in canon! it mightve been a while since you replayed chapter one but it's heavily implied that susie has neglectful parents and that the king of spades acts just like them.
oh yeah i know! her bio-parents are for sure still around lol, i've just not solidified my ideas for them yet. the way i'm thinking about writing her as of now (with the caveat that none of this is set in stone yet lol and in the very likely event that chapters 3 + 4 drop while im writing this i might change things up even more) is that she has at least one living biological parent...probably her father bc of spade king lol. but she was removed from his custody and placed into the foster system until he cleans up his act, but like, its implied he probably wont do that and would rather just Not deal with his daughter. (she was 100% neglected but i'll need to do a lot more researching and thinking before i fully have an idea as to what this life looked like)
so susie bounces around foster homes (for a time goes to the same middle school as kris! tho idk if this is before or after she's placed in foster care lol, even with her dad im sure they also tended to move around a lot, and i think its real fun if the one part of her life where things were good was with her dad, and so she hates that she was removed right when things were okay and she actually had a friend), and ends up in hometown as alphys's foster kid. i was thinking about the reasons WHY alyphs is fostering maybe having something to do with the amagamates, like, whatever that was in this universe leading alphys to wanting to get into fostering? but again. not solidified.
basically i think it would be a really interesting relationship....susie Does Not Ever see alphys as a mom lol, and for a long time they actually are very much Not public about this in school for. i think obvious reasons. its only revealed because noelle finds out from toriel (not on purpose toriel probably just accidentally said something and noelle put the pieces together) which im sure leads to drama between the two of them + ralsei, but!! the entire idea here is that a lot of this story deals with parental relationships, and what it means to like, be a parent. pretty much all the major parental players here didnt really 100% choose to have a kid, and they all react to that in very different ways.
so like, for susie's dad, it would be not only did he not choose to be a parent, he like, fully did not even bother to step up in even a small way. he just Sucked. but he's still susie's dad and i dont think she likes people pitying her, so she doesnt really like alphys and would rather get out of foster care and back to her dad even if he Sucks. but then contrasted against him we do have alphys who tries, and probably even dess but this is Not a post about dess i wont get into dess here.
but!! these are all very messy and half-formed ideas right now. for all i talk about this au i literally will not even start writing it for A While so a lot of my ideas are in that nebulous 'anything could change' stage.
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luca-donovan · 7 months
agere questions I have as a new cg:)
hii this is just bc I can't find all that much info online for "what to dos" ectt and I'm just wondering if anyone can answer these from experience
I'm a cg to my friend who isn't sure of his little age but I think 3-7 based on way of speaking ? These are mostly questions to help him out
What do you do if you're half age regressed and half upset
How to help with trauma triggers making your age regression negative
What should i say if the little had a bad dream about a person who caused a lot of trauma for them (it's often trauma from a time after the age regression age) and is asking if they're real /it happened
What can help avoid bad dreams if they're common in age regression (eg: activities or things I can say to prevent him having nightmares )
I don't quite know how to ask this one so I'll explain the scenario, he's had an experience where he was age regressed going to sleep and had a bad dream replaying trauma and woke up in a half ptsd trigger episode and half still regressed, what can you do to help in this scenario
What positive triggers do you recommend/have /your little has as my friend hasn't been age regressing for long and isn't sure what things he currently has : extra letters on words (eg sleepyyy , okayyyy) and " :0 "& " :D " I think that's all for now tysm for reading lovelyy
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
All I know is Lewie better not bring another girl back to the main villa or if he does I hope seeing us again corrects him, bcs all the bullshit that man has put me through in the end better be worth it 😭 And I'll just genuinely be devastated because Lewie is the loml and the only one I feel like my mc has a real connection with🧍🏻‍♀️
On another note I really hope FB doesn't ruin Andy, and that he isn't like a two-faced jerk or something bcs he seems so genuine and sweet and in my replay I'll probably switch to him (if he stays consistent). That's also why I'll be upset as well if Lewie switches, cause like Andy is the only one so far who has turned my head a very slight inch and if I give Andy up (again if he stays consistent) someone who I could have had a connection with, for Lewie who switches or wants to try another girl out I'm gonna call him out on his BS.
Another thing I want to talk about was Lewies public declaration, how did you feel about it? I personally felt like it looked kind of forced? Like he was maybe putting on a show and saying stuff to say it instead of it coming from the heart. Idk though, it could have been genuine but the other seasons have traumatized me frfr so ion know what to think ☠️
Sorry for the long rant btw 😭 As a Lewie girlie I'm just rlly nervous of how things are going to play out. Cause after the whole Chloe situation and what he was saying whether he was just "playing it up for the boys" my trust in him kind of went down after that :(
As a fellow Lewie girlie who is using Andy to protect my feelings, you are safe here.
The more I think about it the more I want to replay this week and be more loyal. Originally I was like “fuck Lewie, he’s gonna cheat so he can eat Shit (please take me back)”. But idk if I’m ready to break his heart like that if it turns out he was loyal to me ☹️ Andy is the only one I’d consider bringing back rn, he’s just lovely
I think his declaration was sweet, he’s a little bit cringe but that’s why we love him, right? He’s so unfailingly sincere in his feelings, and he has been from day one. No wonder he’s only ever been in LTRs, as if you wouldn’t immediately lock him down if you were in the outside. I think this is your S5 trauma talking.
Every time I do a post like this I end up convincing myself to trust him more and now I feel bad for cheating 😭 I’m gonna go back and replay and be loyal. Let my heart get broken idc anymore I can’t do it to him.
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rogue-nebula · 10 months
Finally have reliable internet access in here. Hopefully this posts ok and the stuff I set up keeps working
Yo. Name’s Quasar. He/him, Sinnoh-born, living in Galar. Yes I’m a former Team Galactic Commander. I say Commander even though it was never actually official. I was set to be promoted (picked out my name with Cyrus and everything) but it never officially happened because A. I realized that Cyrus was lying and that his aims were VASTLY diffferent from what I thought they were and B. the incident happened (see below). By the time I got that under control I discovered that the insurgency against Cyrus I was running had actually succeeded in its aims (well with a backup plan but a success is a success). Following a very close near-death experience, and seeing irrefutable evidence that Cyrus really is gone, I finally felt safe making my resignation from Team Galactic official (I had been meaning to for a while but I was worried Cyrus would come after me). Should also mention I’m a hybrid of some Psychic-type, but I’m not sure which.
Ok. What exactly was the incident? Well, shortly after I moved to Ballonlea from Snowpoint, the night before my official promotion ceremony (which I was going to try to expose Cyrus during), my house turned into a dimensional nexus. I’m not sure how this happened, all I know is that my current place of residence, despite seeming ordinary outside, is now (as far as I can tell) infinitely large inside and connects to a variety of dimensions, places, and times, from the benign to the hostile. My Pokemon and I live in the Living Room of the house, which seems to function as a sort of entry hub, and the rooms immediately adjacent to it. I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate the nexus, and while I’ve made progress with things close to the Living Room (enough to keep surviving and leave home when I need/want to, at least for the moment), I doubt I’ll completely figure it out. I’ll post the highlights of what I come across here if I’m feeling it
Update: I haven't touched this in a while, but I really need to. After one certain incident the original Living Room I was living out of is lost. Instead I now live in a strange indoor street I call Incursionist Alley. I'll do a longer post about it later but for now just know that it's a Room appearing as an indoor street with houses for me and all of my fellow Incusionists on it
My pokemon in a separate post bc this is getting a bit long
Also I have a glowing green thing in my chest called the Convetezynce Core, here's about that
Feel free to ask me anything you like, I'm usually up for it
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Well well, little astronaut lost, cozy little place you've got here. And what's this? Visitors? Well then, allow me to introduce myself: Baron Twyst Von Jokerwyld at your service. But what's in a name? That's for me to know. Our lost astronaut has quite the journey ahead of him, and I have my role to play in that. I'll also be posting on here, when the fancy strikes me. Ask as much as you want, I'll see what I feel like answering!
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//OOC under the cut!
OOC: Hiyo! Call me Cyber. I use they/them, I’m over 18, and this is my first time RPing in a long time so please be nice
I’m still learning so if I mess up don’t hate me
Events and plotlines are 100% OK and encouraged. I might even have my own later
Pelipper Mail and Malice are both on and interaction is encouraged
I don’t know what a “Magic Anon” is so for the moment I guess they’re allowed?
Sentient pokemon are welcome here
The usual tag warnings and DNI apply for a PokeRP blog (unreality, no TERFs, no NSFW), also for this blog specifically there’s a blanket warning for liminal spaces
Tag guide
Also yes I use Gacha Club. Cringe never existed. If that's a problem for a different reason I'm sorry
Facts about Quasar and the Dimensional Nexus (OOC version (this’ll focus on things not covered in the IC version)):
Edit: After replaying Diamond I had ideas to better refine Quazar as a character, so I'm adding these in with my explanations behind them. When I saw the Galactic Grunts and their antics I had the thought: what if some of them were being stupid on purpose? Form there it gradually came to me: A hidden splinter faction within Team Galactic that opposes Cyrus and his plans and works from within to sabotage them and cut Cyrus's power, with the end goal of removing Cyrus and leading Team Galactic to a better cause. The "incompetent" Grunts that "accidentally" help you with things like the Valley Windworks, the keys, etc, under this idea, would actually be double agents acting this way with the hopes that you'll succeed. Am I making things deeper than they actually are? Who knows. But it was fun to think about. They just needed a leader, one who had gone missing before the plot of the game and so was never seen during gameplay, and I realized that with a few tweaks Quazar would fit the bill perfectly without needing to change too much or remove his Dimensional Nexus hook (this latter one played into my hands to explain his earlier looks as him not 100% believing Cyrus was gone and playing safe in case he was still around)
The Dimensional Nexus OOC was inspired by Meow Wolf House of Eternal Return and Liminal Spaces. It has nothing to do with the Backrooms
It is (in this character’s canon) the term Quazar uses to refer to the places between dimensions. It takes the form of an infinite maze of liminal spaces, with doors connecting the spaces to each other and to various dimensions.
The rooms of the Nexus can change their location and do so randomly.
Quasar only understands a very small part of the nexus, which are the areas close to his house’s living room, the only part of the house to stay tethered to the pokemon world. Thus he lives in the living room and the realms nearby it, and while he has on occasion gone deeper in, he considers doing so risky and would prefer not to without substantial preparation first
Quasar is indeed Former Team Galactic, and was actually going to be promoted to commander. Despite this he was also trying to hinder Cyrus's plans behind his back, and training a few grunts to do so as well. He never had any intention of carrying out Team Galactic’s objectives, beyond those which were beneficial to people (and in fact is working on his own to try and undo the damage they caused)
Quazar is a Psychic-type hybrid of some kind, haven’t exactly figured out what. This means he has a few unusual abilities, chief among them being limited astral projection and limited (and highly sporadic) precognition. None of these are reliable enough to get him out of situations most of the time… yet
Either spelling of Quazar/Quasar is fine
Quazar is very much not ok. He’s dealing with a lot, mainly hyper-anxiety and attachment issues (which his precognition tends to make worse). He tries his best to keep it under wraps though. Also this does not mean you should avoid putting him in situations. Putting him in situations is encouraged
On the note above Quazar will not under any circumstances use strong language due to personal reasons (nor will I due to past trauma)*
*You are ok to use strong language around him and me I just won't use any myself
The Baron is a supremely powerful and capricious entity who makes it a point to be mysterious and whimsical. As such they aren't fully good or evil. (Should also mention this character does reoccur throughout my other blogs so if you see them around that might be why)
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