#i'll happily talk about it
teleportzz · 1 year
"bluntly honest" autism but in the sense that i absolutely cannot refrain from complimenting strangers if i like their earrings or their shirt or i think they have a friendly-sounding laugh or i think their art is beautiful or i think the fic they wrote portrays the characters so well. "bluntly honest" doesn't have to mean "mean". i love to tell people things that are kind and also true.
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narsh-poptarts · 11 months
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This is Wesley Bernavelli (he/him) !!!! he's a Hex cowboy witch B))))) think anathema device or perhaps shrink and forcible from coraline, that brand of witchy
he's perhaps.... a little weird...
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efverse · 3 months
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not pictured the nerd they have this much weird tension over happily walking over w a tray of food for all of them
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sulky-cabbage · 3 months
AU: Where Sukuna Wins
Part 2
Part 1 here
This au makes me go crazy I had to make a part 2
Especially after reading your tags @fortunatelyenchantingtaco
I couldn't write this post until now cuz I was kinda busy but OH MY GOD
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Yessssss you get it
I'm having trouble imagining what would Sukuna be thinking after all those centuries though...
Would he realize that he's in love and that he got it bad?
Or would he deny it and make excuses?
(both options are sooo good but I prefer the latter, since he's a curse and all that... he's constantly cursing himself; this man is doomed, he can't have nice things. his worst enemy is himself)
I also wonder what would the people make of this. Like, why is Sukuna protecting babies with blue eyes when doing so would surely lead to his demise??? They must find that strange. They must believe he is suicidal or that he is looking for a worthy opponent (they are not that far off), or that he is incredibly arrogant and believes he can defy fate and crush their hopes by killing their symbol of hope.
And yes, imagine Satoru hearing all of that... his perception of Sukuna will undoubtedly be influenced by hearing all of that while growing up.
And I wonder what Uraume has to say about this... They must think that Sukuna lost his mind due to boredom, they gotta be a little worried...
God, oh god Imagine the day of Satoru's rebirth. (Make it nighttime for a more dramatic effect.)
As Sukuna gets ready for bed, he senses the shift in the universe, and then Uraume sees Sukuna bolt out of the window and sprint frantically in the direction of the closest village. He burns it to the ground while laughing maniacally. (end of ep 1 style)
(Bonus points if he shouts some dramatic, unintentionally romantic shit with the fire burning all around him, as we hear the screams of the villagers)
He was feeling ECSTATIC.
It's like he's the one being reborn
He hasn't felt this way in centuries...
His last memory of experiencing anything remotely similar was from a few centuries ago when he was ravishing a village and he heard a villager shout at him about a powerful person with blue eyes that shall be born soon to free humanity from his curse.
That had surprised him...
After all, Gojo Satoru had been forgotten for hundreds of years. All those who knew him were already dead. It was only he who was preserving Satoru's memory.
You can only imagine his astonishment upon hearing a random peasant bring up gojo Satoru after hundreds of years.
He abruptly stopped what he was doing, approached the man, and inquired as to how exactly he had learned about this. The man, who was obviously terrified, informed him that he wasn't meant to tell. Sukuna answered that if he tells him, he will spare his life and the lives of his family; if not, he will kill him and the rest of the villagers.
The man informed him that it is a prophecy that the elder shamans at Jujutsu High had predicted. He said that it was meant to be kept a secret because they were worried about what Sukuna would do if he found out, but somehow this information got leaked (probably because people are desperate and needed some solace), and now this villager blew everything out of frustration and anger.
Sukuna was in a VERY pleasant mood after that so he just left him alive and left the village alone.
He may or may not have gone to Shinjuku after that
The prophecy became even more widespread, he began to hear about it more frequently, and it lifted his mood every. single. time.
He gets even more excited as the decades pass by, Now that there are mentions of Gojo Satoru around him (even if he isn't mentioned by name), he feels as if Gojo Satoru is actually alive.
Gojo Satoru isn't just a memory anymore.
He's a prophecy
He's a threat
He poses a danger
He's a promise
He's an assurance.
From the cosmos itself.
A universe-given gift to him.
This promise is what makes his days worthwhile. He now has something to anticipate.
So yeah back to present time..
Sukuna just felt the shift in the universe and just finished destroying some village, including blue-eyed babies, he doesn't need to spare them anymore..lol
And now...
he's at a loss about what to do.
Should he go and find the whereabouts of Gojo Satoru to train him? (calm down, Sukuna, he's still a baby omg) Or Should he leave it to fate and wait for Gojo Satoru to come for his head?
And How long would that take?
He begins to wonder if the prophecy got influenced by the people's desire for salvation. Perhaps the original prophecy was about someone who would be comparable to him and cause him problems in battle, and people simply took it and ran with it, believing it to mean he would be overthrown...
Surely, it is quite a rare enough occurrence for someone to match his strength, so much so that it warrants a prophecy.
After all, Gojo Satoru lost to him last time, Why should this time be any different?
(He will not get his hopes up)
In the end, Sukuna is and always will be the strongest. Satoru would need to receive training directly from Sukuna in order to have any chance of surpassing him.
So yes... he will train Gojo Satoru to make sure he becomes the strongest version of himself...
(yeah that's the only reason... And definitely not because he missed him and wanted to see him right now even if he was still a freaking baby)
(Sukuna bringing Satoru to his house is also very Pharoah-ish)
But there would be a little problem...
If Satoru lived with Sukuna he wouldn't experience loneliness nor would he know the depth of people's suffering.
Sooo yeah... I kind of want them to not meet that often, because I want Satoru to live amongst regular people, and feel the depth of their suffering (and witness the precise harm that Sukuna is causing to everyone), while also feeling lonely and different from regular people.
So maybe the night that Sukuna goes to snatch baby Satoru, he ends up making some kind of deal with the Gojo clan regarding Satoru...
he agrees to let Satoru live with them and and in return they will name him Satoru (omg) and teach him the clan's secret techniques to make him stronger, and send him to Sukuna from time to time after he becomes an adult to train with him and see if he's ready for the fated battle...
Imagine Uraume's reaction upon learning that "Sukuna-sama" is actually instructing the strongest human sorcerer how to murder him 😔
Now What if Sukuna handles Satoru a little more cautiously during training? And attempts to teach him ways to avoid the world cutting slash...
He vows to himself that he will not use the world cutting slash against Gojo Satoru, he has to find another way to defeat him.
If he killed him in the same manner, it would be boring (yeah, that's definitely the reason; it has nothing to do with the trauma of missing Satoru for centuries and being so bored that it could drive a man insane. Yup, nothing to do with it AT ALL... even if It has gotten so bad to the point of making him completely unable to kill Satoru again. He suspects his brain will NOT allow his body to move and do it. But all will be more clear during the real battle so he just doesn't give it much thought)
And Satoru...
oh dear..
Imagine living your life with everyone expecting you to defeat the king of curses that has been looming over Japan for centuries, and he's also expecting you to defeat him and is training you himself????? Like??? Helloooo???
And the insane elders of his clan are clearly only using him for power; everyone keeps calling him Satoru Satoru, they keep saying he's this Satoru guy, they EVEN NAMED HIM SATORU??? (he's Unaware that it was Sukuna's request).
And he would definitely deny being Satoru due to his rebellious nature T-T
But they keep telling him that when he grows older, he will unlock limitless, have purple, and so on...
So as he gets older and everything unfolds exactly as they predicted, he begins to doubt himself...
And if his "Satoru" identity is the only reason he has this much power; This elevates the question: "are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest" to a whole new level 😭😭
(It seems that he will experience an identity crisis in every universe, huh?)
Given that Satoru would be quite young and undoubtedly beneath Sukuna in skill, it would be only natural for him to look up to Sukuna, who would essentially be his teacher, teaching him how to kill him. Which would leave Satoru bewildered as hell.
And After training with him for years Satoru starts to sympathize with Sukuna and feel like he's the only one that understands him, (his savior complex begins to take hold)
and Satoru's like: uh oh am I falling for the king of curses??? I've been training all this time to kill him, I don't want to fail everyone... (This man will never be free)
So he's torn between saving humanity or saving this curse (by reaching to him and teaching him love and oh boy here we go again history is repeating itself)
So he tries to reach Sukuna in his own way, and Sukuna clocks him right away😭😭
(And he's like you really haven't changed... Albeit he seems pretty pleased about it)
And then he starts monologing about how worthless love is, etc. etc. (He doesn't sound as convinced as before🤭)
Bonus points if we have Uraume in the back staring at the camera like in the office.
So Satoru figures out that Sukuna is too far gone and can not be fixed, but he will continue trying to reach him anyway. (There will be some cracks in Sukuna's walls but he's stubborn as hell)
Nevertheless, he's made up his mind to kill him if necessary. However, he made the decision that he will die along with him. (the prophecy would come true after all; it's fate; there's no avoiding it; Sukuna will die.)
And he doesn't want to remain alone after Sukuna dies.
Now would Satoru inform Sukuna about this plan of his?
Probably not, I want them to have communication issues because it's more fun that way🤭
I'm at a loss for what words they would say to each other before they die...
Especially when Sukuna realizes that Satoru is gonna die with him💔
My mind simply goes blank...
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kizki-art · 3 months
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Lil redraw of the drawing on the above (I think i drew it in... 2021? 2020?? I'm not good with keeping track with time LOL) of my beloved ocs!!
I love them all very dearly. My precious babies mwa mwa
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whistlingstarlight · 6 months
Fuck, Killer Frequency is such a cool game. The whole thing is almost entirely just audio, you never see the people you're helping or the situations they're in, it's such a unique concept. The only other person you see is the silhouette of your producer through the window, it's very unsettling being situated in an empty radio station. The voice actors are incredibly talented, absolutely crucial when like 70% of the game is audio. Very fun puzzles and compelling characters, it's such an underrated gem.
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quaranmine · 3 months
unintended consequence of introducing my mom to reddit in 2019 is that 5 years later she is 10x more of a redditor than anyone i know now, and also has zero concept of the general reputation of reddit among normal people. everybody stares blankly when this woman in her 60s starts talking about this post she saw on reddit. she brings it up CONSTANTLY. like nearly every conversation. i'm like mom please. these people only know reddit as the incel site, if they know what it is at all
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mango-dolphin · 1 year
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(NOTE: gregor is using "sir" in a military way and not a gender way)
finally remembered to post these rodyas & gregors. was meant to be a primarily rodion sketch dump but i had an infestation
i accidentally made gregor SO much shorter than i intended. i hc g corp gregor to be in his late 20s (and younger than his other IDs) but he wasn't supposed to be THAT small. but it's really funny so i'm keeping him like that
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ren-lui · 2 months
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suddencolds · 2 months
#very random (not snz) haha but#does anyone else feel like their social battery fluctuates like. 0 to 100 with no middle ground or is this perhaps something wrong with me#i will go for weeks without having the social energy to talk to people i love and treasure 😭#maybe it's a lack of dopamine in general idk... would not be thrilled to add another mental illness to the list#but then i'll have a night where i am super talkative and happily reply to half the people i've been talking to#or times when i send off all my responses and sit at my laptop like when are my friends going to reply 🙂 i can't wait to talk to them 🙂#i apologize if you have personally been on the receiving end of my extreme inconsistency 😭#i have been thinking about it recently and i think that's in part the reason why i also gravitate towards long form conversations;#it feels mentally easier for me to deliver a meaningful response once in a blue moon than like sustain that level of#conversational depth on a more consistent basis? because i am inconsistent#but sometimes in the long wait between responses (which i have arguably played a large role in establishing) i feel unexpectedly social and#then feel strangely lonely 😭 (🤡)... truly i feel like i am lowkey a badly adjusted adult#this is not a catastrophizing post (though i did catastrophize slightly more over it in past weeks); just passive musings atp#i go through similar flows with artistic motivation but the highs and lows are not synced with my social energy at all#i think i am someone who likes to analyze my habits just as a whole because i really enjoy optimizing for things 😭 so this tendency in#particular really perplexes me#delete later perhaps because i know this is truly a yap post. (i apologize)#i met with a friend earlier irl and this might be the remnants of the social energy from seeing her or it might be a function of#the drink i had (strawberry matcha 🥰) if you have read this far i apologize personally
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anarchotolkienist · 11 months
What is happening in Gaza is not the fucking Holocaust, and doing so is either impossibly stupid and thoughtless or conscious anti-Semitism. Portraying the Holocaust as being not that far removed from normal warfare, except in its intensity - i.e. what Israel is doing in Gaza at the moment - is textbook Holocaust denial. It is the line of all 'sophisticated' denialists. I would argue that the ignorance and thoughtlesness with which leftists make and share posts, tweets, banners, and etc that makes that point which I think is more common than active anti-Semitism is more damning of our movement - Leftists would know this if they cared at all about anti-Semitism, but they don't at all, in any way. Utterly uninterested in confronting the question.
Yes, the violence is extreme, and the numbers of civilan casualties is incredibly high, much higher than in other wars, but still it exists within expected for a ground offensive through a very densly populated area. It is not categorically different from the innumerable horrors which civilians in war zones have always been exposed to, just magnified because of the occupation. Obviously the Israeli occupation must end, obviously the invasion must stop, obviously Israel must be replaced with some sort of political solution that will allow for some degree of peace and justice in Palestine, whatever form that might be. But the case is not made any better by doing violence to historical memory, by engaging in Holocaust denial, by preparing the field for Nazism, which is what we are doing at the moment.
A not insignificant number of leftist are more than ready to join the Institute for Historical Review - indeed, quite a few have, historically.
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ferronickel · 5 months
@stainedglassthreads asked about my inspirations when it comes to comics creation, which I am always excited to talk about! (You have unwittingly activated my trap card, so be prepared for a long ramble!)
My comics are primarily a product of the 2014 Image boom and the 2000s webcomic scene....
...and the main sources of my comics craft knowledge are the works of writer Kieron Gillen, artist Jamie McKelvie, and colorist Matt Wilson. They're an incredible team and everything they've done together is worth checking out, but I'm going to talk about two of their comics here. Young Avengers (2012) is a good place to start. Tons of formalism and interesting panel layouts. It's the first place I looked for inspiration when I was planning the design for Looking Glasses. Definitely worth checking out if you like cape comics, but also worth it if you don't, it's pretty stand alone. (Plus it introduces a lot of ideas and characters that Marvel is currently pillaging for the MCU, so it's always nice to see those ideas in their original context before my employers ruin it)
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I can't talk about comics without bringing up The Wicked + The Divine (2014, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matt Wilson, lettering by Clayton Cowles). It's an incredible comic and a formalist masterpiece. 12 young people are reincarnated as gods, they have two years to live, and also they're pop stars. Issues frequently challenge the way you read comics, or break into completely other mediums (One issue was written almost entirely by real world magazine writers interviewing the in-universe characters). You can see my influences here pretty clearly: the interstitials, the style shifting, my recent (incredibly blatant) reference to Lucifer's transformation. Also the fashion, Jamie McKelvie is a fantastic designer! This comic is a must read for anyone interested in the medium of comics, especially Kieron's writers notes (all available here on tumblr at @ kierongillen), where he breaks each issue down panel by panel. The writer's notes are essentially a free masterclass in comics craft. (and when you've read that, check out the zine I organized with @gen-is-gone and 37 other artists here on tumblr at @iconic-zine) I cannot overstate that this comic is the reason I make comics.
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I feel like I can't not mention DIE (2018, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Stephanie Hans, lettering by Clayton Cowles). Six kids disappeared into their d&d world and returned two years later, now they're adults and their past is coming back to haunt them. It's a fascinating exploration of portal fantasies, and has definitely influenced how I approach the dark world/darkners. (also, if you read DIE and want a good breakdown of the historical stuff, be sure to check out the podcast DIE-Compressed)
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Honorable mentions: The visual stylings of Caspar Wijngaard in Home Sick Pilots (2021, Watters, Wijngaard, Bidikar, Muller) The colors of colorist Jordie Bellaire, in this case Injection (2015, Ellis, Shalvey, Bellaire) The work of Emily Carroll Everything from Pretty Deadly (2015, Deconnick, Rios, Bellaire, Cowles) A lot of stuff from Sex Criminals (2014, Fraction, Zdarsky), it's an incredible comic that goes way beyond it's (fairly nsfw) concept. There's a ton of formalist stuff here, and it tackles all sorts of concepts with a level of depth you wouldn't expect from such a silly setup.
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In terms of webcomics influence, I am, unfortunately, a bit of a Homestuck. There's a lot to be said about this comic and I'm trying to keep my word count down here, so let's just say that it's arguably one of the most influential webcomics, and while many of it's ideas aren't necessarily unique or are derivative of other works it is singular in it's scope and presence. I find it mainly affects my own work in the way I think about the website design. (Plus, you know, Toby Fox)
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Other notable webcomics that have influenced my work:
The works of Evan Dahm Barbarous Stand Still Stay Silent Lackadaisy (and a bunch more, but this has gone on long enough)
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 months
my cat and i have finally figured out an agreement so i get to sleep with him in my room at night- (i must first watch him eat 2 different times) and it just took quite a while to get to this point at nighttime (he'll happily do so in the daytime)- but i can happily say that shadow and i are gonna have the best nap tonight!! (he is currently getting ready for sleep and i'm about to join him)
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 7 months
When you post an AU idea for Comic Nimona about her being free from the monster which represents pain and trauma in that story and a bunch of people who only watched the movie (where there is no monster and her powers/differences represent trans identity) start harassing you and calling you transphobic and media illiterate when they're actually illiterate because they either didn't READ the comic or somehow didn't realize that Nimona's powers are symbolically different in the comic despite multiple panels indicating otherwise
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orchideae · 8 months
When I want to make my header a bit more elaborate (a shot of Liyuen scenery at night, ideally) with a focus on Yanshang as well possibly, but the only night-timed glimpse of it that I get, is this:
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Dearest, dearest, Zhongli. I love you so very much, but why are you in my shot. YOU'RE IN EVERY SHOT!!
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