#i'll go do a lot of nothing after this week of drawing a little bit every day
reccyls · 14 days
Your Hand, My Lady - The Mature Butler Pledges Loyalty (Victor story)
My translation of Victor's butler event story
As a result of the Evil King's Game, my exclusive butler for the day is...
Victor: Oh dear, how could this be! Turns out there isn't a number 6 after all, so the order gets turned back onto the king!
...the person who started this round of the game in the first place, Victor.
Victor: But one must put their heart and soul into what they have agreed to do, so do allow me to be your butler.
Kate: S-sure. I'm looking forward to it.
(Victor as my butler... I wonder what that's going to be like?)
Kate: Mm....
Daylight streaming into my room pulled me from my sleep. As I sat up, I noticed Victor drawing open the curtains.
Victor: Ah... Apologies, Lady Kate. Did I wake you?
Kate: It's fine...
(Oh, right. Victor's going to be acting as my butler for the entire day today.)
Victor: Heh. Are you still sleepy?
He spoke quietly, almost in a whisper, mindful of how I was only barely awake. His voice was sweeter and gentler than usual.
Victor: You have no duties to attend to today, so if you wanted to sleep in, that would be no trouble. It is still half past 5 in the morning.
Kate: Half past five...? Then, I'll sleep a little more.
Victor: Of course. Sleep well, and I will let you know when breakfast is prepared.
As I curled up in bed once more, Victor silently approached and adjusted my blanket. With a warm, ticklish feeling in my chest at Victor's care, I enjoyed my extra bit of sleep that morning.
After I had my fill of sleep, Victor woke me and I got dressed for the day. I also enjoyed a delicious breakfast.
Kate: Today's breakfast was really good!
Victor: That is good to hear. I'll be sure to pass your words on to the chef. Victor: ...My lady, how about some fresh fruits for dessert? Say 'aah'.
As Victor spoke, he held a fork with a piece of apple up to me.
(Is he really going to feed me...?) (Is this a normal thing for butlers to do?)
Hesitantly, I ate the offered fruit.
Kate: Mm, this is good too! Kate: ...But, um, it is a bit embarrassing to do this.
The gap between me and Victor felt smaller than normal today. It wasn't just regular kindness I could feel in the depths of his words and his expressions. He gave off the impression that he truly and deeply cherished me.
Victor: Please do forgive me. Victor: I was enjoying myself too much and I have ended up making you uncomfortable. Victor: Could you find it in your heart to forgive such an incompetent butler...?
Kate: You don't have to apologize! You're not incompetent at all! Kate: Please just keep doing what you think you should. If I'm actually uncomfortable with something, I'll let you know.
Victor: Thank you very much. My lady is truly kind.
(I basically spent the entire day with Victor. It was a lot of fun.)
...The truth is, this past week, I'd seen some pretty horrible things during my missions with Crown. I wanted to go on those missions so I could get used to that kind of tragedy, but all I ended up doing was make myself more and more depressed...
(...And that's when Victor proposed the Evil King's Game, and he ended up as my butler for the day.) (Thanks to being able to spend time with him, I feel a lot better.)
But just like nothing sad lasts forever, neither do the good times. Every hour that passed was one hour less that I would be able to spend with Victor.
Victor: Ah yes. Before dinner, may I braid your hair, my lady? Victor: During breakfast and lunch, your hair seemed to bother you.
Kate: Oh, thank you. If you don't mind?
Victor: Of course not, leave it to me. I'll be sure to style your hair to be both practical and beautiful.
Victor sat me down in front of the mirror. Parting my hair with a comb, his large hands began to braid my hair.
Kate: ...You really know a lot about women's fashion, Victor.
Throughout the day, Victor was careful to ensure that my clothes wouldn't end up dirty, and helped to suggest complementary accessories when I was unsure which ones to pick. And the hands working through my hair were obviously very familiar with the act of braiding.
Victor: I am your butler, but I do usually work as the queen's aide.
Kate: Oh, right...
Since he worked closely with the queen, it made sense that Victor would have picked up a deep understanding of women's fashion. I was embarrassed that such a simple thought never even crossed my mind. And not only that, but I became aware of a muddled feeling not unlike fog spreading through my chest.
(I had thought that I was the only one who would be able to see Victor as a butler.) (I just didn't consider that I wasn't the only person to know this side of Victor.)
Victor has a lot of friends and acquaintances beyond just Crown, and I've never seen the face he wears in front of them. For some reason, today, that obvious fact was like a dagger to my heart.
(Is there a side of Victor that only I know...?) (...Ah. That's right.)
Kate: Victor, can I ask you for something?
Victor: Of course, my lady. Whatever you need, I am at your disposal.
Kate: This isn't something that happens every day, so I wanted to see you wearing a butler's uniform.
Victor: A butler's uniform?
Kate: Yeah... Have you ever worn one before?
Victor: No, never... And if this is what my one and only lady wishes of me, then I do not mind wearing one.
Kate: I'd love to see it!
And so, Victor went to go put on a butler's outfit.
(Maybe that was kind of heavy-handed of me, but I'm really excited.)
As I stood in the hallway waiting for Victor to be done changing, William approached.
William: Kate, have you seen Victor around?
Kate: He's in his room right now. Changing his clothes, to a butler's uniform.
William: A butler's uniform...? Ah right, he is our little robin's butler for the day, isn't he. William: Sorry for this, but may I borrow your butler?
Kate: Huh...?
William: Her Majesty has summoned Victor for an emergency.
(Victor is my butler for the day... but the queen's orders take priority.)
Kate: Okay. It's Her Majesty's orders, after all.
William: ...You seem displeased.
I flushed, embarrassed at being seen through by William, who had let out a chuckle.
(Feeling lonely because Her Majesty has stolen Victor from me... I'm acting like such a spoiled brat.)
Just then, I spotted Victor, who had now finished changing, approaching. But I knew that if I looked him in the eye, I would end up asking him not to leave, so I made sure to look away from him. As I held back, William had walked over to meet Victor halfway, and the two of them began to speak. It was most likely about the queen's summons.
(Victor is going to leave.) (But... if I could leave a little of myself in his heart...)
Kate: ...Victor. Do you have a little time?
Propelled by a sense of possessiveness I didn't even realize I had, I called out to Victor.
Victor: ...William, can you go on ahead?
Seeing something in my expression or body language, Victor sent William off first.
Kate: Just a second, Victor.
I took one of my ribbons, and tied it around a lock of his hair.
Kate: ...Today, you're not just the queen's aide, but also my butler. Kate: Even if you're far away... please remember that. Kate: ...This is my order, as your lady.
As I told him my wish for him to keep me in his heart...
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Victor took my hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it.
Kate: ...
Victor: ...Of course. Today, I am your loyal butler. Victor: And so would you tell me the reason for the fog that clouds your thoughts?
Kate: I... I-
I didn't know whether to reveal the truth of what I wanted, but every second I dawdled was another second spent obstructing the queen's orders. Gathering my resolve, I opened my mouth to speak.
Kate: ...I'm jealous of the queen, of how much time she has with you. Kate: If I could... I want to order you to stay here.
(Every moment I spend with Victor is precious.) (I wish we could be together forever... I've ended up thinking that way.)
But the reality of the situation is, I'm in no position to make that demand. The queen's orders are absolute. And so because I cannot always be by his side in reality, I wanted to make a place for myself in his heart.
Victor: ......
I turned away from my thoughts, back towards Victor, who had fallen silent.
Kate: I'm sorry. I don't want to burden you, so just--
Hurriedly, I tried to pull my hand back, but Victor raised it to his lips once more.
Kate: ....!?
(Th-that... that wasn't just a kiss, was that his tongue!?)
Seeing my flustered expression, Victor cracked a teasing smile.
Victor: Just because I am your butler does not mean that you can let your guard down, my lady. Victor: The more you say such sweet things, the more I wish to mark your body with my kisses...
Victor's words were full of uncharacteristic seductiveness, and my heart began to pound loudly.
Victor: Do you remember what I told you earlier, when you had dressed up as a maid? Victor: I said to make sure you only give your heart and your body to a partner you are happy to choose.
Kate: ...I remember.
Victor: And so... may I think of myself as that partner, my lady?
Kate: You...
If I gave the wrong answer or if I evaded, I got the feeling that Victor would slip far away from me. Determined to tell him the full, complete truth, I opened my mouth.
Kate: .....Yes. You may.
Victor: I see.
Victor let go of my hand.
Victor: I'm sorry, I must go now. Until next time.
With that, he quickly walked away.
(I... That was way too forward, wasn't it...!) (When he comes back, I need to apologize for making things weird...)
But Victor did not return before the end of the day.
(I wanted to wait for Victor, but at this rate I'll end up staying up the whole night... I should go to sleep now.)
With that thought, I extinguished the lamp and got into bed. Remembering all of Victor's smiles from the past day, I began to slip into slumber. And just then-- My bedroom door quietly swung open, and a scent that brought to mind a quiet deep night approached. When I opened my eyes, there was a figure kneeling over me in bed.
Kate: Who's there...?
Victor: ...It's me. Victor.
Kate: Oh, you're back from the palace...? It's late... you worked hard today...
I was on the cusp of nodding off, barely able to keep my eyes open as I welcomed Victor back.
Kate: And... why are you in my room?
Victor: ...Don't you know?
Kate: Is it about work...?
Victor: Hmm... Something a bit more personal than work.
Kate: Personal? Is there some kind of night banquet that you want to invite me to?
Victor: That sounds lovely, but no. The truth is...
Victor brought his lips to my ear.
Victor: ...I've come to steal your heart.
(Steal my heart?)
Kate: Hehe... There's no point.
Victor: Why not?
Kate: Because you already stole it a long time ago...
I haven't been able to stop thinking about Victor after he left for the palace. If that didn't mean that he had already stolen my heart, then what did?
Kate: Why do you want my heart anyway, Victor?
Victor: Why, you ask? Victor: Because it's so beautiful, I couldn't help but want it.
(I'm pretty sure his eyes are more beautiful than my heart...)
His face was hovering above mine. In the darkness of the room, his eyes seemed to glimmer with light. As I kept staring, those gorgeous eyes drew closer and closer... His long, beautiful hair fell across my face.
Victor: ...
I felt the touch of something delicate across my neck, my shoulders. When I realized that it was Victor's lips pressing across my skin, I felt no desire to push him away.
Kate: Haha, that tickles...
It made me think of all the times that Roger's corgi, Ale, would play with me. I giggled.
Victor: That's all? It just tickles?
(Huh...? Victor's voice sounds a little unhappy about something?)
As I was wondering what it could be about, Victor's lips moved from my shoulder to my ear.
Kate: ...Ah...
The heat of his tongue traced the shell of my ear. I trembled at the unfamiliar sensation.
Victor: Kate.
He whispered my name into my ear like he was trying to express a secret love that should never be.
(He's looking only at me...) (I don't know why, but that makes me really, really happy......)
With that strange joy held in my heart, my eyes slid shut, and I finally drifted off.
William: ...I saw you paying a visit to Kate's room last night.
After finishing a discussion about work, William wasted no time in starting to gossip.
Victor: Are you accusing me of something?
William: Heh. Does it look that way?
Victor: No. You look like you're just having a laugh.
William: Not quite. I'm not poking fun, I am quite happy. William: After all, were you not doing what your heart wanted?
Victor: I'm sorry to disappoint you, but no. Victor: I only went to her room to warn her not to give her heart away so freely. And...
William: And?
Victor: Kate doesn't remember it at all. If she does, she probably thinks it was just a dream.
William: What a shame.
At William's words, a vague smile drifted to Victor's lips.
William: So why did you rig that game in the first place? William: Surely you must have known there was no number 6 stick in the first place.
Victor: Nothing gets past you, Will. Victor: Lately, Kate wasn't coping well with the missions she had joined. I just wanted to be able to do something for her.
William: That's it? No other reason?
Victor: ....No. Victor: Even if I did have feelings for her... there is nothing I can offer her. Victor: Because "Victor" belongs to "Victoria".
Notes: In the last exchange with William, Victor uses 俺 (ore) instead of 僕 (boku) as he normally does. Also, his last sentence is written as "Because I belong to Her Majesty", but what he says out loud is what I have written down.
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desceros · 10 months
rise donnie mating season head canons?
If you want only.
pfffft do i wanna think about rise donnie during mating season.... absurd....[tries to hide my sweaty palms]
so i go back and forth on how much turtle-brain gets activated, but regardless, donnie is a biter. (i mean. i think he's always a biter.) like, sink his teeth in to the point where it hurts, sometimes draws blood biting. and he's quite aggressive about putting you where he wants you, so if you move even a little bit, he's sinking his teeth and nails in to keep you in place.
i tend to think of it lasting about a week most times. it hits him a little slow, like he can feel it coming up on him a week or so before it's going to hit. before he had you to help him through it, it was a miserable experience. the whole time he's horny, nothing is scratching the itch properly, he just wants to get back to work. then you come into the picture, and oh, oh it's fucking incredible; there are a few little hiccups here and there i'll talk about later, but in general, he ends up really looking forward to it because afterwards he feels completely rejuvenated, like it's a new year and he's ready to go
sometimes... on my naughtier days........ i like to imagine that he's not really capable of hearing a safe word during the thick of things. and that really scares him a lot. the first couple of times, it scared you, too, just a little; but after a few seasons where you realized that hey, you're fully on board with everything he's got to offer, you talked about it and you're good to go. donnie's.... never really good to go, but he trusts you enough to know your limits.
the first time you have sex during mating season, it's still pretty normal. it's heating up in him, he's still got his brain in his skull, he's just uncomfortably horny. he tries to make it sweet bc he knows the absolute railing you're in for, and no matter how many years you go through it together or how many times you promise that you love it, he's always a little moody about how much he hurts you, and he likes to make up for it.
i headcanon donnie to be the king of giving head (helloooo sensory bliss), but i think this comes and goes during his heat. like, sometimes he gets his head between your legs and he is just fuckin down there for hours. you're going to cry. good chance you'll pass out. it's gonna be so much that you're not going to be able to handle it. and sometimes he's too busy stuffing you full to do anything but pin you to the bed.
most of the time, during his heat, he's got you face-down and fucking you from behind. it's how turtles do it, and that's what his little brain likes. though one time, very memorably, he missed his heat sneaking up on him and you started in a pool. somehow you managed not to drown, but the tumbling underwater with your boyfriend's dick what felt like up to your throat was a pretty great experience.
donnie is always noisy in bed. during his heat this continues, but he talks a lot more about breeding you. you ask him, once, afterwards if he has a kink and wants to explore it outside of his season; and he says no, not really, but something about the hormones in his brain just scream that he's gotta fertilize your eggs.
i picture donnie as a switch, but i think during his mating season that's out of the picture. he's fucking you, period. you're not going to be on top. you're not going to eat him out. he's going to be putting his dick inside of you, and that's where his come is gonna go. no eating it, no painting it anywhere, just inside.
after he puts his dick away for the last time and gets his brain back between his ears, the first thing he does is check and see how badly he's fucked you up. he bandages any wounds you haven't already tended to yourself, gives you a full body massage to work out the kinks of where he bent you in all kinds of funny positions, and then the two of you have a ritual where you take a bath together. it's really tender and sweet, and you scrub each other down and talk about what happened, what you liked, what you didn't like. then, while he goes off to get some food for the both of you (because he doesn't want you to leave his room where his brothers can smell you), you change the sheets on the bed, and after a quick snack the two of you collapse and pass out for like. twelve hours
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howlingday · 15 days
jaune is spiderman au) in which jaune is everyone's favorite webslinger, going by the name Huntsman (after the huntsman spider) downside he lacks the tech other spidermen have, upside he's already got tons of superstength and durability before he unlocks his aura! however his story is a little different than most spidermen, since everyone around him is a bad ass his grandpa (who's this story's uncle ben) doesn't die. instead when a white fang operative tries to rob him grandpa arc draws a revolver shoots his enemy dead and holsters without breaking stride. people at the scene describe him saying to himself "it's a hell of a thing killing a man" while walking away. take us through the life of a spiderman that the universe doesn't hate
A universe that DOESN'T hate Spider-Man? Oof... Tall order there, friend. But, sure, I'll see what I can do. Before we begin, might I regale you with my research? If not, skip to the read more. When I was playing Shattered Dimension for the PlayStation, there was a bumper in the loading screen explaining that there was a Parker of York Spider-Man who was a knight cursed with the blessings of a spider. I thought to look into this for inspiration, but I came up with bupkis on that. Instead, I found three different inspirations that used the name of Spider Knight. The first is Spyder-Knight from Disney's Ultimate Spider-Man. Not really anything too interesting. Just a knight in Spider-Man armor. Then there's the Prince of Arachne, who was a Peter Parker who worked for the noble Osborn family. He left after Princess Gwendolyn died in his place when Norman Osborn tried to kill him with a chandelier. Peter became knight and served as the Prince of the kingdom, sadly leaving a heartbroken Mary Jane to weep for his return. Then there's the SpiderKnight, who is a fusion of Spider-Man and Moon Knight, which is Peter Parker with D.I.D., including him, the witty voice of The Spider, the serious voice of The Knight, the confident voice of The CEO, and the techy voice of The Science. And then there's SpideyMoon, which... is a thing, apparently? A CANON THING, TOO! Like, apparently, they dated, but it's never brought up again after one mention in one panel? Actually, now that I think about it, I think that was just a joke Spider-Man made. But, yeah, that's what I found. Anyway, here's your Huntsman Spider AU~!
Chapter 1 - Somethin' Sensational~!
There is an old saying, often told to those who begin questioning their lot in life...
"There are those who are born great. There are those who achieve greatness. And there are those who have greatness thrust upon them."
For one such young man, named Jaune Arc, he wasn't quite sure where he fit into these categories. One could argue he was born great as his ancestors were all heroes and imbued upon him the genetics of a great warrior. However, it could also be argued that greatness was thrust upon him when he awoke one morning with unusual abilities that allowed him to sense danger and climb up walls.
The third category, however, Jaune was certain he wouldn't fit into. His chances of "achieving greatness" were slim to none. Even if he'd somehow managed to stumble his way into Beacon Academy, a school for Huntsmen and Huntresses from all over Remnant, he still a poor fit as both a leader and a hero.
That said, he still did what he could to help out anyone he could. Like his grandfather taught him. "If you can do it, then just do it." His work schedule as a midnight superhero was a bit of a mess, but it's not like he could just stand by and do nothing. Especially not when his world was tearing itself apart.
"I'm screwed..." Jaune groaned into his textbook.
"Is that so?" Ren, his roommate, asked as he read from his own book.
"Doctor Oobleck is going to eat me alive tomorrow. I've been so busy dealing with the Torchwick gang that I wasn't paying attention to anything he's said this past week."
"You could always ask for a remedial class." Ren turned the page.
"And when would I have time for that? When you've already graduated while I'm still trying to figure out what color underwear Gura Belladonna wore when the White Fang disbanded?"
"Ghira Belladonna." Ren corrected. "And you don't have to worry about the underwear color. Just the cloak color. Which was..."
"I'm screwed, aren't I?"
As Jaune slammed his face into his book again, he scroll suddenly buzzed. It was an emergency alert from the school...
"All students are required to remain away from Vale downtown due to a robbery in progress."
"Ren?" Jaune shut his textbook and ran to the closet. He snagged his backpack, complete with his superhero suit, and ran for the window.
"I'll tell any girls asking about you that you just missed them." Not looking up from his own studying. Jaune's leaving had become something of a routine at this point.
"Yeah, right." Jaune opened the window. "Like any girl would ever ask about me." Leaping out, he ran up the wall to the roof. Easier to change from there.
"3... 2..." A knock came from the door. Ren stood and opened it, finding his best friend and her roommate standing with their own textbooks. "Hello, girls."
"Hi, Ren~!" Nora cheerfully greeted.
"Hello, Ren," Pyrrha also greeted, albeit more demurely, "is Jaune here?"
"You just missed him." Ren said with a smirk.
"There's trouble downtown."
"Do you think it's the White Fang?"
"Could be."
"This used to be such a nice city."
"If only the police would do their jobs."
Jaune made his way from the school to downtown as fast as his legs could carry him. It was times like these, which happened every time there was a crime to be stopped, that he wished he'd brought his bike with him to Beacon. At the time, he didn't think he'd leave the academy very often, and even now he argued that it would only make it more obvious who this masked vigilante stepping in to stop crimes that huntsmen were either too busy, or too corrupt, to stop was.
Thankfully, he'd developed a routine by now and figured out the fastest way to downtown was by train. He didn't have a ticket, so he'd have to hitch a ride. Last time he tried to jump on it while the train was still in the station, the conductor's refused to move until he jumped off. For some reason, people didn't trust masked vigilantes when they said, "I'm trying to stop a crime from happening!"
Jaune was now downtown-bound with his eyes on The Gilded Crown, the biggest bank in Vale. Keeping low to the roof he quietly prayed that whoever was tough enough to make such an attempt was also nice enough to give up without a fight. Sadly, they were more the former and less the latter.
The train began to slow and Jaune leapt off the train and made a running start for the building closest to the station; the Vale CCTV News station where Lisa Lavender gave her unbiased view on him. And when Jaune says unbiased, he means that he doesn't like what she says but replies, "to be fair to her", to each of her arguments. After all, The Huntsman Spider is, was, and, for the foreseeable future, will always be a vigilante, not a huntsman or a police officer who work by codes, regulations, rules, laws, and everything else that stops a person from doing the right thing.
An extensive and drawn-out hop, skip, and a jump later, Jaune was watching the scene play out. Police, huntsmen, and huntresses were engaged in a firefight with bank robbers wearing black fedoras, black suits, red ties and red glasses. The Torchwick Gang. Jaune was weighing his options when he spotted someone breaking into the side of the building, through a top floor window.
"Hm," Jaune hummed, "either this vigilante thing is catching on, or there's something else going on here." Looking down to the brave boys and girls in blue and green, he decided they had enough on their plate without him 'getting in their way', as they like to say. "Think it's time I give them a break."
"So, Ren~?" Nora leaned in, cooing with a sweetness in her voice. "Any idea when Jaune will be back~?"
"I don't think he'll be back until late." Ren answered, not looking up from his textbook.
"Seriously?" Nora gave a long sigh and fell back onto his bed. "Isn't he failing history?"
"He's been studying. I'm sure he'll be fine on tomorrow's exam."
"Well, that may be so," Nora jumped from her back to her knees, "but there's a lot more important things to worry about than studying!" She glanced over to Pyrrha. "Like maybe getting closer to your friends~?" She waggled her brows.
"Nora..." Pyrrha gave a small pout. It was true she held an affection for Jaune, but it wasn't something she needed to focus on. She was attending Beacon to become a huntress, not to find a boyfriend. Getting a date for the weekend wasn't important right now, even if it's something she really wanted.
"Jaune and I are plenty close, Nora." Ren replied, not looking up from his book.
The two girls shared a look.
The inside of the bank was dark. Torchwick's gang must have shut off the power to make this heist a little easier for them. Jaune looked down from the rafters above as the black-cloaked goons of Vale's most dangerous criminal continued to unload bullet after bullet against the "protectors of the innocent".
Jaune understood it was a hard job to be a police officer and a huntsman. That's what his grandpa used to do, after all. However, according to the man himself, things have gotten way to lax and hard in the wrong places. When he threatened to go to the council, couple of dirty cops pinned Jaune's grandpa with a crime he didn't commit. No charges were pressed, but he was stripped of his badge and had his good name muddied.
From what Jaune had seen, this wasn't the case for all of the police, but still too many to just blindly trust all of them with everything. So he decided to let things play out down below while chasing the shadowy figure moving ahead of him. He kept his distance, following the obvious trail they left. Open doors and open windows practically screamed-
"This way!' Jaune looked down and watched as the goons started running deeper into the bank. Huntsmen and police wouldn't be too far behind. Jaune had to work fast.
Jaune's head throbbed, and his back slammed against the wall by a doorway on instinct. Bullets sprayed from the other side, meaning stealth was no longer an option. Holding up his arms, keeping his target in view, he charged forward as bullets ricocheted off his armor plating. When he got close enough, he ducked low and pushed himself forward into the figure.
That didn't work, though, and he what he jumped into fell away like solid smoke. His head throbbed and he rolled away as soon as he hit the ground, narrowly avoiding the swipe of a blade. As his rolling came to a stop, he watched the figure flee around a corner, beginning the chase again. He was about to indulge when he heard shouting from the other direction.
Following this noise, he found another large room, though this one wasn't riddled with bullets like before. Instead, there a group of hostages, all tied up and gagged, with the largest of them being yanked to his feet by Torchwick's thugs. Jaune could play cat and mouse with his lead, but not when there was somebody in trouble. Jumping down from the second floor, he landed on the balls of his feet and hopped forward. The gang members gave shouts as they aimed their weapons at him. He ran to the side, keeping clear of the hostages, and chased after the running gang members.
They dragged the large hostage down the corridor leading to the back exit. Jaune barreled through and knocked aside any criminal that got in his way. When they got up to try and chase down their assailant, they were captured by the pursuing huntsmen. Jaune made it to the back alley where the hostage was being shoved into a long car. Jaune made for a running jump and landed just as the car was peeling out.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jaune shouted as the car swerved around, trying to shake him off. For better or worse, Jaune wasn't flying off with his hands sticking to the roof of the car. His head throbbed and he rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding a blade stabbing through the roof. His head throbbed again, instigating him to roll aside once more. By the time the third stab came, he rolled himself into position over the window. Giving a little hop, he smashed through the window, and everything started to slow down around Jaune.
The guy with the blade, shocked at the sudden intrusion, fumbled with his weapon before trying to stab Jaune with it. The thrust was avoided as Jaune slid into the vehicle with both hands now removed from the roof. Curling into himself, Jaune punched one goon while grabbing hold of the blade from the not sharp side. He then kicked the blade goon as Jaune tugged on the blade. One goon pulled his gun on Jaune, but the hostage jumped into him, giving Jaune the chance to avoid being shot and knocking the goon out.
"You okay?" Jaune asked, untying the hostage. "You usually hear about these kinds of things happening on trains."
"Aside from the glass in my suit," the man grumbled, scowling at Jaune as he removed the gag from his mouth, "I'll live." He took the gun and made his way to the front, where he tapped on the glass. The window opened and he shoved the gun through. "Pull over!"
"Whoa, whoa! Careful!" Jaune shouted. "No need to get violent!"
"Really?" The man asked sarcastically. "After kicking the hell out three asses, shoving a gun into a fourth is where you draw the line?" The car slowed to a stop.
"Wouldn't you?" Jaune asked, trying to ease the tension.
Without looking at his savior, the man replied. "You sound just like him." His arm twitched. "And you. Try anything funny and you'll wish you killed me back there."
Jaune, not sensing any danger, exited the limo with the large man. The man took the lead and brought Jaune into an alley where he could escape. Before he left, Jaune and the man had a talk.
"Look, kid, I get that your heart's in the right place," the man said, "but a lot of people got hurt today. If you want to help people, be a huntsman, or a cop. Don't make things worse by putting on a mask and being a hero."
"I have to, though." Jaune said. "If something bad happens and I could have stopped it, then it's no different than if I did the bad thing." Jaune's voice was a bit shaky, since this was a much larger man he was speaking to, but it was the honest truth.
"You really are just like Ghira." The man chuckled.
"You know Ghira Bellafauna?"
"Belladonna, and yeah. I used to work for him before..." Sirens wailing in the distance started getting louder. "You better go kid."
"Sure." Jaune jumped onto the wall and was about to climb up. "Oh, uh, one more question, if you don't mind..."
"Well done, Mr. Arc!" Doctor Oobleck called as he handed Jaune his test. "...is what I would say if your score were just a little higher. You may have passed the exam, but I expect much better from you in the future. Keep studying and you just might get an actual 'Well done'."
"Er, thanks, Doctor Oobleck." Jaune said, sheepishly taking the exam into his hands.
"Guess you were studying without us, huh, Jaune?" Nora remarked.
"Well, something like that." Jaune chuckled. "Ren and I have been really hitting the books this past week."
"Yeah, well, some things are a lot more important than studying, you know." Nora rolled her eyes.
"Nora..." Pyrrha grumbled.
As Jaune ignored Nora, he felt like someone was staring at him. He looked around, his eyes passing over the classroom until he caught someone looking right at him a few desks away. The girl looked away, keeping her eyes glued to her exam paper. He recognized her, but more as a friend of a friend than an actual friend. Blake, wasn't it?
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Hi Gabe! Hope you're well! This one was inspired by this art
There's a statue in the middle of the woods near the village Morpheus lives in. No one knows from where it came nor for how long it has been there, but everyone knows one thing: sometimes, if you ask and you're lucky enough, it can grant you a wish.
Some people believe the statue grants the wishes based on how worthy you are, some believe it's based on how worthy the wish itself is. Some believe it's pure luck, and some believe it's all a load of bullshit, complete coincidence. Morpheus doesn't know what to believe.
He has seen the statue a few times before, when he was still young - it's a plump man, with thick arms, thighs and chest, a belly that rests confortably on his lap, wavy hair that reaches strong shoulders and frames a face that is so beautiful and serene it has made more than one person cry. The man is sat on a boulder and a single piece of cloth wraps his body in gentle folds, and his position makes it seem like he's offering his hands and a conforting smile to whoever is kneeling before him.
He didn't see the statue for years after he left the village in pursue of a life with Nada - that is, before Nada decided she wanted nothing to do with him. Nor did he see it after Alianora, or Killala, or Thessaly. Even Calliope, the one he believed was his soulmate from the moment they locked eyes, had broken their courting.
Too clingy, they said. Always hovering, always wishing to be close, always offering food and disrupting whatever they were doing, until he himself got lost in his drawings and paintings and they couldn't get a hold of him for days, sometimes weeks. Drawings and paintings in which he poured his love for them, only for them to leave before it was finished - and then Morpheus would throw the canvases and sheets of paper in the fire.
The day after Calliope left, Morpheus came back to the village. He haunted his home for days, and then the grounds when he started feeling too empty. He started going farther and farther from the estate each night, until he happened upon the clearing and the statue. And Morpheus let himself believe, just for a single moment.
He kneled before the statue, placed his hands above the man's, looked into his eyes, and wished for someone who would let him love them, and love him back just as fiercelly.
The next day, Morpheus woke up to a man resting on the settee and smiling at him, a single piece of cloth wraping his golden, furry body in gentle folds.
(is this anything? idk lol Have a good day!)
Hmnnnggg yeH this is something. Still haven't played bg3 btw but I still get very excited when I see Gale art. Esp if he gets to have some tummy.
I absolutely love this. First the idea of Dream kneeling in supplication before the statue and just wishing for someone to love! Someone who will stay! Someone who will understand. He feels a little bit silly but it's actually rather comforting, and he stays a long time with his cheek pressed against the statue's thigh. If nothing else, he's released some pent up emotions.
But the next day his life changes forever. The statue is sitting in his house - except it isn't a statue anymore. Its a real, flesh and blood man. With dimpled cheeks and gentle eyes. Dream can't do anything except stare in complete loss and confusion.
"So sorry to barge in." The man says. "But you did make a wish, didn't you? I heard, and I thought... well, I'm sure I could love you in the way that you're looking for."
Dream sits down heavily, with his mouth still hanging open. He doesn't know what he's supposed to say! This man is too beautiful to be true, he's sure that he must be dreaming. How on earth could a statue come alive, and why would he choose to grant Dream’s wish???
"I'll make some tea. I know it's a lot to take in." The man says kindly. "I'm Hob. In case you were wondering."
And he walks off to put Dream’s kettle on the stove, carelessly allowing his fabric covering to shift over his body as it pleases. Dream gulps, staring at Hob’s soft swaying arse cheeks. If this is a dream, then he never wants to wake up!
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AITA for trying to block evade?
This happened several years ago, so I'll put the ages that we were at the time.
I [17F at the time], had an extremely close friend [17F] of 3+ years, and I still haven't found any kind of friendship that came close to the level of trust / openness that was there. So some of this backstory ranges from 14yrs to 17yrs.
My home was abusive, and she and her mom helped me figure out what was rational vs irrational, normal vs not normal, and pointing out local resources to get help - which was absolutely amazing and I could not thank them enough.
She invited me to her house pretty regularly, a couple times a week. We'd have hours of skype calls. She got me roped into Undertale & the fandom. Well, not that we really interacted with the fandom at large. We only publically posted some of the art and barely got noticed haha. Between the two of us, we had something like 26 AUs and had a lot of rp with multiverse shenanigans - like over 1200+ pages of google docs rp, because that's where we did like 90% of it. After we hit like 100-200 pages, we'd make a new doc so it wouldn't take so long to load. And we had like, at least like 9 docs I think. I was mostly in it for her, because it was really fun to just make up stories together. I could've done it with any fandom she threw at me, undertale is just the one that was popular at the time.
At one point, I think when we were around 16, I asked her if she wanted to start dating. She said something along the lines of maybe in the future, but not right now - she wanted to focus on school. Even though she declined at the time, she did say she appreciated me asking and that it meant a lot to her. And there were 0 hard feelings about the answer, we just kept on going the way we were going.
She got hit with a really bad level of depression, and stopped coming to school. After 2-3 days, I started calling her every day around lunch time just to check in on her and see how she was doing. See if there was anything I could do to help - bring some snacks, catch her up on classwork for the couple classes we shared, stuff like that. This was for couple months. More than just a mental health day, and the only reason she gave was Depression.
After a week or two of the daily calls, there was probably an aspect of toxic positivity on my end. Like "You gotta Do Something to avoid being trapped in your misery, even if it's just baby steps like sitting outside on the porch or going on a walk down the block" Not maliciously, but more out of not knowing how to handle a situation like this & genuinely wanting to help her because of all the help she's offered me in the past & fueled a little bit by fear because Depresssion is the excuse that my abusive parents used to justify their shitty behavior & neglect. Not because I was afraid of what she'd do to me, but more what she'd do to herself. That's one of the only things I could think where I went wrong, which I completely acknowledge and understand now.
She was still inviting me to her house, and we were still doing our normal thing there. Drawing and writing stories together.
After 4-5 weeks [? estimate, time is an illusion] of her not showing up to school, I can't remember if I asked if it was helpful or if she suggested that I stop calling every day. Calling every day was making her feel worse.
I did end up calling the next day or two at lunch - crossing the boundary was not my intent. We had planned to hang out on the weekend again, lunch is just when I remembered & had time to call to ask if she still wanted to hang out or if she wanted some space. I think she said yes to hanging out, didn't mention anything about crossing the boundary. Same with the next day - there was something I needed to ask clarification on, it wasn't a check in, nothing was mentioned of the boundary. I can't remember what it was now. This is another one of the places where I think I went wrong, which I acknowledge & understand.
I did stop the check ins like requested though. After those two off days, I did stop calling her every day at lunch.
She finished out the school year having shown up to class maybe 3ish times, I think.
Again, we were still hanging out regularly. There was no indication that I was doing anything wrong, there was no indication that anything I was doing was wrong. She was still the one inviting me to hang out at least half the time.
There were some problems that I was noticing that I just wanted to have a casual chat about and figure out, but she kept pushing it off as a "I don't have the energy right now, we can talk about it later" and we'd go back to the fun things. I don't really remember what those problems were.
In the summer, I went to a different state to visit my older sister that I hadn't seen in years. I talked to her about it, I was excited for it. We were still chatting regularly during my trip over skype or discord.
And then, during my trip that I was so excited about, she drops this bombshell. She sends me several massive messages detailing out a bullet point list of everything I've done wrong, that she's explicitly breaking off the friendship, and blocks me. 95% of things on that list either flat weren't true, or gross misunderstandings of what happened.
It was genuinely horrible things too.
For example, one of the things on the list was "Suicide baiting" or "Suicide guilt tripping" or something along those lines, which had happened several months if not a year before this. -I've only ever communicated feeling acutely suicidal to her 1 time. -Long before that, she made me promise that if I ever felt suicidal that I was supposed to immediately talk to her about it, for her own peace of mind so she wouldn't worry about me. -I reached a point of feeling acutely suicidal due to abuse at home & general existential dread, that happened to be during a time we had an issue.
I purposefully waited until after the issue was resolved, like 2 weeks, before telling her. I did that specifically so it would not be taken as a guilt trip or a form of coercion while still holding as true as I could to my promise. She made me promise to tell her, it was something very important to her. I made very clear to say "this is something I experienced a couple weeks ago due to unrelated things, it is resolved now, I got help through xyz means and genuinely feel better. You made me promise to tell you so I am telling you, I didn't want to say anything while we were having a problem for xyz reason." I just wanted to talk, and clear up the misunderstandings. I wanted to have a good conversation about figuring out where the communication went wrong, try and figure out how she came to these conclusions, and how that differs from my point of view. Do something to work it out, and just talk about it, and try and salvage this 3+ year friendship.
After I realized I was blocked, I was going through so so many emotions all at once. The whiplash of going from 5 to 100, Upset that I wasn't given any sort of chance to explain, the 5 stages of grief, being thrown away like the gum off your shoe, worrying about her and if this was the stage of isolation for depression, holding out the hope that we could still just talk and work things out, angry that she kept pushing off and refusing to have any sort of serious talk before this, doubting if anything she had said on 'normal vs not normal' - particularly communication styles, thoughts that maybe she was abusive and manipulative all along, maybe I was continuing the cycle of abuse, trauma flashbacks, anxieties that I had since squashed as 'irrational', fear that this was a sign that she was about to fucking kill herself and maybe the whole list was a lie so I wouldn't try and reach out and stop her, doubting my own reality and maybe the entire list she sent me was true and she was justified in her actions.
Simultaneously trying to process intense feelings and realities if it was true and I'm really secretly a horrible monster, if it wasn't true and she was about to die, and old traumas getting dug out of the grave.
God I was such an emotional wreck and did not know how to process or understand anything that was happening.
This is where the AITA comes in -
I was pushing through back to back panic attacks trying to contact her and figure out what was going on. I didn't want her to die, if that's what was happening. I didn't want to be discarded and thrown away like a piece of trash, if that's what was happening. I didn't want to have 0 chance of learning & growing as a person even if this friendship wasn't salvageable due to my monstrous nature, if that's what was happening.
So I block evaded like fckn crazy. Gmail, pet game sites, discord, skype, deviantart, whatever online platform that we shared that had messaging enabled. I called her phone several times. On the 3-4th call, her mom picked up and told me that none of the above was true. That she wasn't about to die, that I wasn't being thrown away like trash, and that I wasn't a monster. She didn't agree with her daughters actions and thought it unfair to me, but ultimately it was my friend's choice. All simultaneously which just did not compute.
If the list she sent me was true, I was a shitty horrible person. If it wasn't, and she isn't about to die, then not be able to just have a calm sit-down conversation at some point about it and clear it up - if I wasn't worth even attempting to make that effort then I was being thrown away like trash. I kept trying for days afterwards to talk to her - just, anything at all. Nothing got through, she never responded to anything.
And... that was that.
I didn't have a chance to talk to her again. I didn't have a chance to clear up misunderstandings, or understand what I did actually wrong and where, or any sort of closure.
Sometimes if I'm remembering it and feeling paranoid, I'll check and see if she's alive by looking at her online profiles for any activity. Like, maybe once a year tops now. According to the petgame sites, she's still alive at least. I'm assuming she got new social media. Literally it's just a "is she alive, do I have to worry about causing her suicide" check, I don't stalk or look into anything further than that.
Anyway, AITA for how extensively & desperately I was block evading?
What are these acronyms?
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tswhiisftteedr · 9 months
Sleepover with a Queen! ☆ One Shot (Part 2 of ‘Hair Prank!’)
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☆Dorm Leader!Vil Schoenheit x Choatic!Pomfiore Student!Female!Reader:
It has been 3 weeks since the kiss Vil’s room, the both of you had grown closer in that time, so he had proposed a sleepover to spend some more quality time together. And let’s just say you grew way closer by the end of the night…
Warnings: Mention of groin but in a non-sexual context, suggestive tones but nothing happens. Kissing, 1 or 2 swear words. Not proofread.
Ask: yahoo~ could I request the second chapter of the oneshot with vil? reader and he are having sleepover in his room? fluff and a lot silly reader's behaviour! pillow fight is an essential thing! she brings energy drinks and a lot of junk food🤭
Note: I didn’t think I would get asked for a part 2 honestly, but I’m very grateful for the detailed setting that I could draw inspiration from! This one shot is a bit more on the sentimental side. Also handrail is just when you slide/grind your skateboard downa stair rail.
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
☆ More under the cut. ☆
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Tonight's the night of the sleepover, you could not wait to see what Vil has in plan for the both of you. It seems that the two of you have formed a strange relationship, yet it feels oddly nice. As you walk through the halls to reach your first period class, you can't help thinking about how you would spend the night in the same room you and Vil had shared a passion kiss 3 weeks ago. You have no idea just how much he has prepared for tonight.
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You arrive with the junk food and energy drinks, and you see that Vil is still waiting for you.
His expression is one of anticipation, it seems like he's been looking forward to this as much as you did. He leans against the doorframe, playing with a strand of his hair as he gazes at you. Once he is faced to face with you, he smiles warmly, his tone taking on a flirty and playful tone. "Ah, there you are! How kind of you to bring the essentials. No party is complete without food and drinks, right?" He tells you.
“Yeah I couldn’t agree more! I also brought more ‘healthy’ option for energy drinks, so not to mess up your ‘super star’ diet too much.” You tease.
"Well, I wouldn't put it past you to try and sabotage my diet. I'm glad that you took the time to consider my health in the choices you made for our little party. Although, I must say that I'm more than happy to indulge myself in a few unhealthy snacks here and there, so don't worry about having to force your healthy options upon me." He comments sweetly.
“Than I’m glad, I won’t be the only one snacking away at the treats I brought after all!
Anyways you got anything particular for us to do tonight, you did say to leave all the planning to you?” You question excitedly.
"Hmmm, I did indeed say that I would take charge of the activities for this evening. And let me tell you, I have come up with quite the itinerary for us. We're going to have so much fun tonight that I have a feeling we may not even make it to bed by the end of the night." He says, with that suave voice of his, almost bewitching you. You honestly consider if ‘he did put a spell on me or is it just my imagination?’
Getting back on track with your playful persona, “Oh but isn’t that going to ruin your beauty sleep my Queen?” you ask mischievously to the beautiful man standing right before your eyes.
Vil stares at you with a smirk and raises an eyebrow. His expression is teasing and playful, his tone is full of humor. "Don't worry, I have no problem with missing a bit of my beauty sleep for one night, if it’s to have some fun with you. Besides, I'm more than confident that I'll look just as lovely in the morning. So, don't you concern your adorable self about it anymore."
“Alright whatever you say ‘dear’.” You say accentuating your last word to tease, as you pass by him, stepping into his room.
Vil's face full of amusement when he hears you emphasize the word "dear", he seems to enjoy it too much to say otherwise. He chuckles softly and follows you into his bedroom, the cheerful smile still plastered on his face.
He shuts the door behind himself, the sound of locks clicking fills the air. He seats on his big lavish bed, tapping against the cover gently signalling for you to take a seat beside him. His hands clasps in-front him to bring attention and a look of excitement on his face. "Well, in the first activity I have planned for us tonight, how about a little game... a classic really, Truth or dare?"
“Truth or dare, only at two people? Never done that before, but why not!” You did question it at first but you quickly came around the idea with your second sentence.
"Perfect! You go first. I'll be the one asking the questions. Would you prefer a truth or a dare?" Vil inquires from you.
“Then truth it is, I don’t want to be the first dare.” You tell him.
"Alright, truth. Let's start with something simple, just to warm up. What's the stupidest thing you have ever done in your life?" He asks, ready for a handful of a story from someone as chaotic and careless as you.
“Oh damn, um, probably was when I handrail 15 steps, even though I knew my board was in bad shape, like the type that is going to break soon. That did not end well, more precisely my board broke in half about three quarters down the rail.” You inform him, a bit bashful at telling about one of your mistake yourself instead of him figuring it out on his own.
Vil laughs quietly at your answer, a smirk forming on his lips. His tone is playful and teasing. “That's quite idiotic indeed. I'm sure that hurt like hell. Did you get injured?"
“Oh talk to me about it, the pain I got when my groin hit that stair rail could not be compair to any of scrapes I got my limbs that day.” You admit,
Vil's eyes widen slightly, though he still has the same tone of humor. His expression is surprised, but he can't help laughing a bit. "Goodness, that is really horrible. I assume you learned your lesson though, huh? Or are you still so reckless when skateboarding?"
“Well I sure as hell won’t go ever handrail with an almost broken board anymore. Never again.” You say a bit strongly the pain resurface from your memories, ‘Yeah never that again’.
Vil smirks when you say that, it seems like that little mishap that caused you so much pain was enough to teach you a lesson. He nods in approval, that was good to hear.
"Good to know you can grow up a little and learned your lesson. Now it's time for you to ask the next question."
“Okay then, truth or dare my grace?” You ask, almost getting used to calling him revering words, instead of just doing so to tease.
"Hmm... I choose dare darling" Vil answers, following your lead.
Vil's tone is calm and firm, as if he has his mind set on being able to handle whatever kind of dare you would dish at him. He leans against his bed frame, taking one of the sugary snacks you had brought along, his gaze is locked with yours as he munch on the treat. His mouth is curved into a devilish little grin as he watched pounder for a good challenge.
“Then.. I dare you to do your make up and post on your magicam story, but, you have to leave it unblended.” You dare him.
Vil's face is initially filled with a look of disbelief. He couldn't believe that you had the guts to ask him to do something like that, but he also had to hide his amusement. Vil's tone is still calm, but it's also laced with humor. "What? You want me to make myself look like a fool on social media, just for your own entertainment? What kind of a dare is that?"
“Well are you to scared to do it~” you playfully egg him on.
Vil's mouth curls up in a smug little grin, he seems amused to be called out. His tone is flirty, his expression mocking. "Is that so? You may believe that I'm too scared, but I'll gladly do this dare of yours and take my revenge on you later. I wonder if I'll get more embarrassing comments or compliments though..."
“Okay then, get on with it pretty boy!” you tell him.
Vil's grin only grows bigger as he moves over to where his desk is. He grabs his makeup set and starts pulling out the necessary materials. His tone is playful and mocking, though he still seems a tad bit hesitant. "Fine, if it means that I'm going to get back at you later for making me do this, I'm all for it. Just keep in mind that you're the one who asked for this in the first place. So no complaints."
“Don’t worry, I won’t~” you reply.
Vil snickers, he's getting excited to see the reaction of everyone when they see the outcome. But he wants to give you a good show. Vil goes over to the mirror to start applying his makeup, he doesn't even try very hard to make this look good. He does the bare minimum to apply the foundation, eyeshadow, blush, lip-stick and mascara. Though the end result is still sloppy and the blending is not present per your request, it is horrendous, Vil still has a playful grin on his face.
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A couple minutes after posting…
Vil's fame has given the result he had expected from this dare, and now multiple people are commenting on his social media. The comments are filled with mockery and insults for Vil's sloppily done makeup. While Vil isn't offended by the insults, he can't help but find them humorous and is almost tempted to respond with some snarky retorts to make his audience laugh even more.
“Damn people are mean, didn’t expect to be that bad.” you say as you look at his phone over his shoulder.
Vil chuckles, he's glad to see that you're concerned for him, but he's not taking any of the insults seriously. One thing he's learned about fame and popularity is that there will always be people who want to tear you down or criticize your every move. Vil's tone remains flirty and smug, he still has a playful and teasing look on his face. "Relax, I'm not bothered by their comments. I'm used to it. Besides... I kind of invited it. I did look pretty foolish after all."
“Yeah but I still don’t like it, anyways your turn to ask me something. I pick truth by the way.” You tell him, grimacing at some of the nastier comments.
Vil nods his head in understanding, it's nice to see that you care so much. He smiles warmly at you and decides to ask you a question. His tone is still very flirty, the playfulness hasn't left his voice yet. "Okay, truth. I had a feeling I knew what you were going to pick already, and looks like I was correct. So, hat is your biggest weakness?"
“Your pretty face~” you tell the man beside you, but you quickly reflect and speak out a more profond answer. “Just kidding, honestly I would have to say the fact that I get into trouble too easily, sure it’s fun at first but sometimes I can really hurt others with my antics, I really don’t like it.” You tell Vil with a tone full of sincerity.
Vil grins mischievously, he can't help but find your first answer humorous as well. But when you deliver your second comment, Vil's expression softens slightly as he's surprised by your honesty. He nods his head in acknowledgment and smiles warmly. His tone is still playful as he chuckles, though now it's mixed with a little bit of flirtation. "Ahh, I see, I suppose that could be quite troublesome in some situations. So, you must get into trouble on a normal basis then?"
“I’m not the smartest, but I’m not dumb enough to admit something you don’t already know about dorm leader.” you tell him, like ‘hey I’m not on the same academic level as the housewardens, but I’m not stupid enough to tell you things so you can punish me.’
Vil giggles at your response, it seems like you're not the type to admit your past shenanigans that easily. Of course, he is your dorm leader and he has probably seen some of your antics. Vil's tone shifts slightly where it now has a flirtacious quality to it in addition to the friendly teasing. "That's fair enough. But I have to say, despite your mischief, you are still quite a charming person. So I'm sure you can just charm your way out of any trouble that you get yourself into, right?"
“Oh shush, the sugar from the snacks are making you delirious. Anywho truth or dare?” You play off his compliment, trying not to think about too hard.
Vil's eyebrows raise in amusement as he laughs a bit at your response. The flirtatious tone still lingers in his voice. "Oh, so you think it must be the sugar from the snacks? Hmm, guess we'll find out how correct your assessment of the situation is. You’ll be the one asking now. And I choose truth again."
You wanted to keep things playful, truly. But ever since the kissed that took place in this very same room… you couldn’t help but see Vil in a new light, feeling a bit insecure about his opinion of you.
“Do you actually like spending time with me? Like are you just doing it for the sake of our friendship, to keep things between us amical so I don’t cause you more trouble?” You ask softly, avoiding eye contact after such a vulnerable question.
Vil's gaze narrows slightly upon hearing your question, he's not sure how you want him to answer. But after a moment of hesitation, Vil shakes his head. There's no way he would let you doubt his intentions. "Of course I enjoy spending time with you. I think you're quite an amusing person, and I always look forward to having conversations about anything and everything with you. I believe that our friendship is quite genuine, and of course I'd never want you to just cause me more trouble. So relax... there's no need to doubt me."
“Oh alright, thanks… anyways I pick truth again.” You tell him, hopping the fact you were flustered at the sweet and honest reply, didn’t show in your voice.
After a moment of thought, the corners of his mouth curl up in a playful grin. “Hmm, truth, huh? What a predictable outcome," He teases.
“Alright then, my sweet y/n are you interested in me, as in ‘is the kiss from last time a one time thing or did it mean more to you?” He asks you leaning forward, barely closing the distance.
Obviously you deny as a first instinct, fight or flight type of thing.
Vil chuckles again, he finds this rather amusing. Your attempts to hide your feelings are quite easy to see through. The truth is clear, you are obviously attracted to him, at least to some extent. Vil stares at you for a moment, letting the tension build before letting out a teasing groan and leaning back against the bed frame once more. There’s no need for you to say that you’re attracted to him bluntly, when you are so obvious about it. A slight grin plays on his lips as he teases you further. "Oh come on, you know you are into me.."
“Your so vain my Queen, but.. I mean our kiss, it’s not something I would mind doing again” you begin,
“Is that so?” The actor inquires.
“Yeah, um- so truth or dare?” You ask, trying to change the subject.
“Are you truly attracted to me, or was the kissed we share last time just a thing of the moment?” You ask, basically reworking his his question, like you would do with a thesis statement when writing a conclusion.
“Wasn’t that my question?”
“Well we never agree not to repeat questions,” you point out.
“Alright then. To answer your question, yes I am truly attracted to the chaotic, annoying, and wonderful person sitting in front of me.” He admits to you, with a now sweet smile plastered on his face.
Did Vil start crushing on you about the same time you started crushing on him, yes. Was he going to tell if you didn’t ask him even though he asked you, also yes. If you want an answer out of a Queen like Vil Schoenheit, you had to work for it. Or at least be brave enough to ask in your case.
“Oh, that’s good to hear.” You say shortly.
“Is that all?” he teases.
“Yes, Truth or dare?” You were persistent on not underlining the fact you liked him too much.
“And I thought we were getting sentimental in here, boo hoo, crossing you out Y/N.” He said with a crossing motion from his right hand following it. “Anyways dare.”
“Well since we’ll since you’re into me, and gracious am I.” ‘fuck, I’m starting to sound like Crowley.’ “ I therefore dare you to kiss me.. please.”
Vil looks at you, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. He leans in closer, his voice low and seductive. "Well, since you asked so nicely, how could I refuse?" He closes the distance between you, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss.
This kiss felt different from your first shared one, this one felt romantic not just a way to blow some steam.
Once you part lips, you stay slightly dazed, that is until you feel one of Vil’s silk cover pillows hit you square in the face.
The room soon fills with the sound of a pillow hitting the wall as the two of you engage in a playful and energetic pillow fight. Some of the horrible make-up Vil was wearing stained the pillow covers of the ones that actually managed to hit him. Laughter in the air as you both enjoy the silly and lighthearted moment together. And creating memories that will last a lifetime.
As the pillow fight comes to an end, you find yourself lying on Vil's bed together, catching your breath and enjoying the moment.
“What next?” You ask.
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The night continued, you had moved on to the next activity which was a couple rounds of ‘Last one’ which was this world’s version of uno and a game that was similar to monopoly.
Than you moved on to movies, Vil had picked out quite a couple that you both enjoyed. But you had insisted on watching one more movie, one he starred in, due to the lack of his appearance in the previous ones.
And honestly, you knew he was famous, but damn, his acting was wonderful, you almost cried at the simple romcom which in he was the male lead.
After watching it, you were both too tired to keep going. So after finishing your skincare routines, with the mandatory silly face selfies with the moisturizing masks on, you layed done on Vil’s Alaskan King bed.
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“Do to think you would be interested in going out with me?” you ask, turning to your side to fully look at him.
His gaze meets yours, and there's a spark of something way past friendship in his eyes. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.
"Actually, I've been wanting to ask you the same thing. I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together, and I can't help but feel a strong connection between us. So, yes, I would love to go out with you." His voice is filled with sincerity and a hint of nervousness, waiting for your response.
“Well I can assure you I feel the same.” You tell him now looking up at the ceiling.
He then grabs your face softly and placed a peck on your lips. “That’s marvellous.”
Then you both giggle…
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Come the next day,
You had woken up later then Vil, he was probably already at breakfast. Meanwhile the disturbance that brought back from dreamland to the real world was still persisting.
So you stood up from your spot on the large bed, and a grab of your phone only to see the flooding of teasing text from your friends on magicam, multiple had linked a singular post. Of course you clicked on it, and lo and behold. It was a picture of you, with lipstick very much so overly lined, in addition both of your eyelids were covered in a mush of purple and black eyeshadow.
You opened your camera app for a second, only to see that the distasteful make up was still on.
You quickly checked who was the poster behind that atrocity, and as expected it was Vil. Mister Vil Schoenheit had posted a picture of you in a horrendous state to his magicam, one followed by over a million of people.
‘But hey, at least the caption was sweet.’ At the bottom of the photo you could see ‘My girlfriend’ written, followed by a couple of heart emojis.
Well he did say he would get his revenge…
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Thanks @bananaseq for requesting!
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Reblogs help!!! (Request Are Open)
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eris-snow · 21 days
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠
Tags: Izuku x gn!reader, angst, lots of angst, I was feeling angsty, implied bakudeku?, I want what they have.
Y/n sacrifices the memory of themself to save Izuku's life. Consequences, consequences
"Izuku?" You say. No one hears you, no one knows you. Then again, you've known that already.
Even still, you can't help but try.
It's the beginning of fall, the summer breeze fading away as leaves turn from green to pretty shades of red. The window is clear when you look inside. The house is empty, though, and you assume that he must be out for patrol.
Walking down the streets of Japan dulls your senses, bit by bit. It used to be the other way around when you were still around, your senses roared and your guard was high, but here, there is no need for that. Why was it necessary, when you're nothing but a ghost in this world?
Some people call it a blessing, you call it a curse. Fantastical, magical, even. But so, so cruel.
You love it, but you despise it.
You long for it, but you're repulsed by it.
But you've never once regretted what you've had to do.
Eyes searching, your footsteps echo with purpose. Just a touch of green, even a hair. You could find him in a crowd, your eyes draw to him like bees to a hive.
You just have to look.
He's there, of course. Always there, with his yellow scarf, and big green eyes. There with his pretty smile you'd fallen in love with and a heart of polished gold. He's so, so beautiful, scars and all.
You reach out, maybe if you call his name, he'll hear you.
"Izuku?" You try again.
His eyes don't waver, but he's not looking at you.
"Kacchan!" He says instead, as Katsuki swats him on the head. "Idiot, it's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight when we're on the job, shit nerd!" Katsuki snarls.
You retract your hand, as both boys breeze past you. Of course they would, you're just a spectator, after all.
"I was thinking of having Katsudon-"
"But Kacchan-"
You smile, a little sadly, but are still grateful he's safe.
He looks so happy.
"You've meddled far too much in this story." The villain whispers. "Give it up, outsider. You weren't meant to be here."
It's true. It isn't right, for you to be here. It's not your place.
"But I still wanted you." You say, voice cracking.
Your feet stumble, one after another, as you weave through the crowd, following them silently.
Stalker, your mind whispers, freak. Get a life.
It's all you've ever learnt how to do, because you never did, have a life. Just play doll fantasies and isekai aspirations.
They do end up getting katsudon for dinner, even if Katsuki's mad about it. You've always known he's had a soft spot for Izuku. You've always known the competition you were against.
In the end, what you had with Izuku wasn't substantial. No matter how much you wanted it. It's like wearing an odd pair of socks. Even if it fits, both of you didn't match.
"Ah, shit." You whisper, feeling your vision blur, as you wipe your tears away, shaking your head. A lump settles in your pharynx.
No, no, this is right. This is correct.
This was how it was meant to be.
The tears don't stop coming. "Kacchan, stop! I promise, I'll do my paperwork next week. You never let up on organisation, Kacchan. Remember that one time when we were still children? You had a space for each toy box, a drawer for each category of game..."
You look up, and they aren't there anymore. Panicking, you spent about five minutes trying to find them when you realise them already making their way out of the restaurant.
"Ah, son of a turkey leg, it's raining," Katsuki complains, as Izuku chuckles at his side.
"Turkey leg?" He teases, opening up his umbrella.
A sob bubbles up your throat. A curse, a fucking curse this is.
"He'll forget all about you, and that's okay, isn't it? It was only when you came here did everything start going wrong. Don't tell me you thought this dream could last forever. Come on, didn't you say you wanted to be a hero?"
"Izuku," You whisper, voice broken and cracked. He doesn't hear you.
They walk, and you follow. Into the plunging rain, or flames of the underworld, or on the bloody battlefield or fire or hail, you follow because that's all you've ever known how to do. You follow, even though it hurts.
"How's that injury holding up?" Katsuki asks, checking his partner over. Izuku shakes his head. "I'm alright. Was sure a scare, though. I thought I wouldn't make it."
Everything is in place, as it was always meant to be.
The rain beats down on you mercilessly, and you feel cold. So, so cold. "Shut up, nerd. Of course you did."
You know you did the right thing because it stings so badly.
But I want that too.
You sniffle, as you see them, under their stupid umbrella with their stupid faces and stupid heart eyes.
I want it so bad.
Your hand is outstretched, and you watch your hand sink through his hand, eyes glossing all over.
Why can't I have what you two have?
At the heart of it, you're just a greedy child throwing a tantrum because things didn't go your way. Impulsive, self-absorbed, Living out a fantasy that ruins a carefully crafted story with characters real enough to fall for. Even so, as you see them, happy, the memory of you wiped from this world as you're left to wander as a ghost, you cower at how out of place you were no matter how much you tried to make yourself right at home.
"Izuku..." You whisper, as they turn away. The rain is pouring, and your sweater is soaked.
"Why can't I have a happy ending too?"
I watched some of Season 7, and a lot of edits
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hispieceofcake · 5 months
🕸️My thoughts and feelings on Beetlejuice 🪲 (at least for a while)
I know a lot of people probably won't care but I really want to share my thoughts and talk about this character and that's what I'm going to do, There are a lot of thoughts and feelings accumulated inside my head and I need to get them out, it's a little mess but I think it will be fun to read.
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I've had this on my mind for a while, which has finally become one of my biggest, if not the biggest, hyperfocuses for now and I'm going to share a little bit of it now >:)
I really didn't think I would have the courage to post this because I'm not that confident in sharing my things but I CAN'T TAKE THIS GREEN DEMON GHOST MAN OFF MY MIND😫‼️
The beginning of this happened when I was already in another hyperfocus on the character Adam from the series Hazbin hotel on Amazon(I was already a fan since the pilot on YouTube), and then a slight curiosity hit me..."Who is his voice actor?"
So I went looking for who he was and I ended up being so interested in the actor, who is Alex Brightman (I love him a lot by the way and I can't wait to go see the musical and see him in person) and also in the characters he played and voiced, and in particular one of them won my heart.😔🩷
That's exactly what you're thinking, it was Beetlejuice.
For some reason he caught my attention and over time I ended up becoming quite fond of the character, even more so when I remembered that my parents watched the character's film when I was a child, which made me even more eager to research and look for any possible bit of information on the internet that I could find.
I actually achieved a lot and I'm going to share it <3
Firstly, the 1988 film, which was one of the first pieces of information I found about it, after all, it was in it that the character made his debut (apart from the story of its creator Tim Burton). And I know Beetlejuice is a pervert in this movie, but I try to ignore that and try to just look at the good side of him being a good character.
Secondly, and I think this is what caught my attention the most, is the cartoon of 1989 with the same name as the character called Beetlejuice where the character acted as the protagonist alongside Lidya (In this one there's nothing about him wanting to force her to marry him like in the movie, it's just a cartoon of them having a good friendship and being best friends).
And man, the way I was happy when found out that the cartoon had 4 seasons and about 68 episodes, I was almost like that kitten TikTok meme ✨ HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ✨
Like, wow, a source of potential Gifs, icons, dividers, photos, edits, there was so much I could do that I didn't even know where to start because of all the hustle and bustle and animation I had (And of course I spent the next few weeks pestering my friends about it during class with every little bit of information I found🤓👆).
At the moment I'm trying to look for a website that has all the episodes together or just some, but so far I've only been able to find them on old DVDs. When I can find a website I will gather all the links and post them, so that more people can watch.
And one of the best parts...I FOUND A WHOLE COLLECTION OF 🩷VALENTINES' DAY CARDS🩷 and I'll probably make another post later to post all of them or at least their links, they're all official. This made me even more excited because I love all that romantic and cute aesthetic of the Valentine's Day season, hearts, red and pink decorations, heart-shaped candy boxes, love letters, Decorated store windows, stuffed animals, I just love everything (even though I don't have a valentine, and I don't want to🙃).
To give you an idea of how focused I was on this little green-haired corpse demon ghost man, everywhere I have the opportunity I make doodles or drawings of him all over the places, walls, notebooks, tests, napkins, classroom board, and in my sketchbook, in which I'm making an entire page dedicated just to him and Lidya, which maybe later I'll post too. Even more so after I managed to find several official reference sheets from the studio that designed and animated the cartoon, so now the drawings will be much better.💋
There is so much information that I managed to find that I am having to organize my thoughts because unfortunately I am very agitated and anything takes my focus easily, but as soon as I can really focus on that, it feels like I'm somewhere else.
But now talking about the Broadway musical, (which as said before has my beloved Alex Brightman as the main actor), I've always liked the idea of musicals, and even more so when his story is about my favorite character, and speaking of musicals, I REALLY WAS OBSESSED WITH THE SONG "SAY MY NAME" 😫🩷
And oh boy, I spend almost all day singing it or with it resonating in my mind, whenever I read, write, draw or do anything to do with Beetlejuice, I put on my headphones and listen this song as if it were the greatest masterpiece made in history.
Leaving the character a little, and going to the actor...he is simply the SWEETEST AND CUTEST MAN I'VE EVER SEEN!!
After I discovered that he voiced the characters that I like most in the Hazbin Hotel fandom and played the character that I like so much, I developed a huge affection for him, not just for his work, but because he is so sweet, fun and funny that I can't help but love everything and everything I find about this man online.
Alex Brightman bringing the character Beetlejuice to life and voicing Adam, Fizzarolli and Sir Pentious
That's it for now ,folks, that's all I have stuck in my mind for now or at least what I can remember
I apologize if this isn't so good, I'm writing this while I'm at school at 7am after waking up at 5am while my body is sore after a presentation.
So, thank you for reading 💞
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romanestuffsposts · 1 year
I have a minor heart issue where I get episodes of a high heart rate and chest tightness. Can you possibly write one where their little has an episode like at home or maybe out with them running errands? 🥺💖
Hi there love! 💜
I really hope that you're fine! And I hope it's not too serious. You're so so strong let me tell you ❤️
I hope you like how i turned it, babe.
Enjoy <3
Warnings : episode of chest tighening, high heart rate, angst, comfort, pet names, working daddies, tiredness, daddies take care of you, cuddles, reassurance
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : you're about to prepare you a good lunch when something from earlier is suddenly coming back. Fortunately for you, your Daddies heard you and are here to make sure you're fine, as always.
A/N : I'm so sorry for the late post. I got a bit overwelmed about some things and I didn't had the strengh to keep working on my writing.
I had started writing some request but didn't finished them. But today, I had free times after school and the most important things, I didn't had any homeworks and I have a big week end of four days, starting tomorrow. So i'll have plenty times to rest and get my shit together.
Thank you for your understanding my love, you're all the best! Love you so much
I hope you had a good start to the week and will have wonderful days!
Big kisses,
Second A/N : i don’t know if how I wrote it in exact same way you have it- probably not but I hope that’s okay!
You're comfortably laying on the couch watching your favorite show. You're laying in here since the moment you woke up, you went to say good morning to your Daddies in their office right after you opened an eye.
They have a lot of work and they told you yesterday that they'll be working almost all day so, before jumping on the couch to do nothing you went to them a little good morning.
You could say they were very busy with work so you didn't stay for too long in their office. They kissed you good mornings and asked you if you had a good sleep but nothing more. You didn’t want to be a burden so you quickly excused yourself and left.
Now you're laying on the couch laughing your ass off as your show plays on the screen. But unfortunately for you, its the end of the show so now you don't know what to watch.
You grab the remote and put something else. You don't know what it is, you never heard the name of this movie nor heard about it but that's the first thing you found so you decide to let it there.
As you lie back on the couch, a loud siren suddenly yell from outside making you flinch hard. You feel your heartbeat going faster for a moment as you look at the window where the sound came from. The jump caused you to be on a sitting position now.
You feel your breathing going back to normal and the pain you felt in your chest due to the fear is going away by it's own. You slowly lie back down on the couch, taking some breath to be sure you're fully calm now.
You put your attention back on the screen and the incident is now completly forget as you're mind focus on the tv.
The movie isn’t that bad but you’re still happy when the screen goes black, announcing the end. You get up from the couch and make your way toward the kitchen to grab something to eat since it’s now lunch time. You hesitate at going in your daddies’s office to give them their lunch, maybe they’re hungry too, but you decide to not disturbed them. The last thing you want is to make them grumpy. They’re grown men after all, they can go eat by themselves when they’re feeling hungry.
You grab the bread and start making a little meal while thinking about what you’re gonna do after. Maybe watching another movie ? Or probably not, you already watch a lot of tv and you usually get a headache if you overdo screen time. But drawing sounds good.
You grab the knife and start cutting your piece of bread in two pieces when you feel something weird in your chest. It feels like what happened earlier in the day. The same weird thing you felt earlier in the day
You let go of the knife you were holding causing it to fall on the ground. Your daddies’s attention turn toward the baby monitor in their office who is relied to the one in the living room and kitchen. Since this area of the house is relied to each other
You start panicking and take a hold of the island counter, your chest start to tighten and you feel your chest getting heavier and heavier as if all the weight of the world were sitting and punching your chest.
What is happening ? You were fine two seconds before that. You turn to look at the stairs and decide to go upstairs. Maybe laying in your bed is the best idea, right now.
It’s probably because of the screen, you thought, but when you start to walk, you immediately feel the need to sit down. You can’t bear all the pain and all the uncomfortable feelings you feel inside of you. You let yourself go and drop on your knees in the middle of the kitchen floor.
Bucky’s attention is still glued to the baby monitor while Steve is getting back to work. He keeps telling Bucky to calm down and that you probably just dropped a spoon or a knife you were using but something tells him to stay focus on it a little bit longer and Bucky’s instinct never failed him so this time, just like any others, he listen to it
When he hears you whining and your breath starting to get heavier and shorter, he stands up and walks toward the little things beside their desks. Steve almost rolls his eyes because he didn’t heard what his husband had. He just thinks he’s overreacting because you’re alone downstairs and it doesn’t happen every times.
He suddenly hears you falling and he almost drops the thing in his hand as he lets go of everything and decides to make a quick run to you. He opens the door in one quick movement and it’s like in almost two steps, he’s beside you.
You didn’t know you made that much noise until you see your Daddy running down the stairs and to you. He grabs your face with his hands and tilts it toward his, you sees his lips moving but the only thing you can understand is the panic and the concern in your Daddy’s face.
‘’Little one ?’´ he asks looking into your wide eyes ‘’can you hear me ? Where does it hurt ?’’ He asks but the look on your face tells him that you didn’t heard anything.
He stands up and easily lifts you up, he pulls you closer to him and you wrap your legs around his waist. With one hand, he assures your safety in his arms while with the other, he looks through the kitchen for your medication.
He exhales loudly when he finally find it and analyse it. He sighs a second time but a lot less happy than the first time as he puts the medication on the counter. He rubs your back slowly, he can almost feel your heart beating faster and faster more the seconds pass. ‘’It’s okay, babygirl. You’ll be fine, everything is okay’’ before reassures you, not knowing if your attention is on him again or still away.
‘’I’ll rest you on the counter island a little bit and then you’ll come back in my arms. Are you okay with that ?’’ He gently asks, hid lips against your ear as a small whisper comes out. You whine and shake your head, holding him tighter than before with the little strength left in you.
‘okay, beautiful. We’ll wait a little bit more’’ just as he said that, a blond figure appears from the stairs. Steve looks up and frowns when he sees the scenes before him ‘’what happened ?’’ He asks but gets a silence answer from Bucky.
Your Daddy turns his attention back to you ‘’how do you feel about sitting down for a bit ? I’ll be right in front of you, you can hold my hand the whole time so you can be sure I wonky go anywhere’’ he quietly asks and waits for you to answer.
You think about it and slowly nod your head. He smiles and kisses your temple. He walks toward the counter and wait until it touch your ass, letting you know that it’s the time to let go ‘’I’ll help you sit down. Firstly I’ll unwrap your legs and when I’m sure that you’re ready, I’ll unwrap your arms’’ he tells you so you’re ready and knows what will happen.
You whine but nod your head. He lifts your butt and rests it on the counter, he slides his hands along your legs who are around him and gently unlocks your feet. He brings your legs against the counter before letting go of your toes. He then slides his hands on your arms until it reach your hands behind his neck. He squeezes your hands before unlocking them too. He kisses each one of them and rests them against your laps. Just like he promised, he keeps a hand in yours and turns around to find Steve already walking to him with a glass of water.
Even if Steve weren’t here since the beginning of what happened, he still knows what to do for you and what to do for helping Bucky.
‘’Thank you, Stevie’’ Bucky says, grabbing the glass before turning around to look at you ‘’did you took these this morning ?’’ He asks showing you the medications. You look at it and shake your head. Every effort is hard to make, even one simple movement such as moving your head or your body away from your Daddy
Your Papa stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, he gently rests his chin on your shoulder, his hands gently stroking your belly just like you love it. It’s something who calm you and make you sleepy and your Daddies know that. They help you getting on a deep sleep at night by doing that when you can’t sleep. But this time, it’s to calm your little heart and to show you that he’s here with you and for you.
Your Daddies look at each other after you shook your head and sigh once again ‘’you know what is it for ?’’ Your Papa asks, turning his gaze to you and to the pills on front of you. You shake your head again. Why does they keep asking you question ? You just want to rest.
‘’Baby, look at me’’ your Daddy’s voice get your attention back to him ‘’those ugly things’’ he says showing you the pills with a grimace ‘’are for your own good, baby’’ he says tilting his head. ‘’it’s for your little heart, and we need you to take it because you are our heart and we need you to be okay because we love you. You need your heart to be in a good shape just as much as we need you to be inn a good shape. Do you understand us ?"
You nod your head telling him you understood even though you didn't really understood. Your Daddy looks at your Papa behind you and they both arch an eyebrow "are you sure you really understood, sweetie ?" your Papa asks, his breath lightly tickling your neck. You nod your head again. You're too tired to tell them you didn't understood and having to wait for them to expalin all over again. You don't have the strengh, right now.
Your Daddy chuckles, he knows what you're doing and decides to let it aside today because it's not the time. You're not focus enough to remember what they're saying even if it's important.
"Just take one now. You have to take it every morning after you woke up" he says giving you the pill and the glass of water. You cring and shake your head. It's bad enough that you have to take it every morning but he want to give one to you now ? In the early afternoon ? It's not morning.
"baby it's really important. Take it." he orders putting the pill in your mouth. You grimace and whine looking one last time at your Daddy for mercy, but the look on his face clearly say that every wars you're ready to take against him is a losing battle. Sighing you allow him to bring the cup of water to your mouth and to take a big sip.
You don't swallow it right away because it's not a small pill so you're scared but with the praises and the words of your Daddies are helping you a lot. It help so much that you finally swallow the pill causing your Daddies to yell their proudness at you. "You did it! we're so proud of you, beautiful" your Daddy says with stars in his eyes
"You're so strong! How did you do ? You'll have to teach me because i'm not as strong as you for taking pills" Your Papa says with a shocked face before winking at you.
You blush and look down at your laps, fidgeting with your fingers. They chuckle and you feel your Papa removing his arms from around you making you whine. It felt so good, his arms around you, the warm of his body against yours, the comfort and reassurance he can give you without actually speaking.
Those feelings are quickly replaced by your Papa's arms again as he lifts you up from the counter after he walked around it to stand in front of you. He leaves the kitchen with your Daddy on his heels and starts to walks up the stairs.
You look at your Daddy who shifts his gaze to you when he feels your eyes on him. He smiles brightly at you and brings his hand to your foot. He hold your toes all the way to their bedroom for a good nap time. You giggle at him because h can't stop making funny face to you to high up the mood.
Your Daddy lets go of you when you reach the bed and your Papa gently rests you down in it. Since you were still in your pyjama, you can immediately slide under the cover and wait for the warmth of your Daddies.
While one of your Daddies went to use the bathroom, the other went to turn off the light of the bedroom and light up the night light before crowling in bed beside you. You immediately snuggle closer to him and sigh in contentement when your favorites feelings come back with his arms around you. You close your eyes and wait for your Daddy to come back from the bathroom to snuggle with you too
You need it but you know that they need it too. They had a lot of work the last few days and really deserve to rest.
You smile when two others arms come around you and you don't need anything more to feel ready to fall asleep and rest.
Now that your heart isn't hurting anymore feel good, a whole lot better. It was scary, really scary but it helped you a lot that your Daddies were there for you, they didn't let you alone, they didn't let you down. They accompanied you to the end and always will.
That's something you're positive about. It took a long time to find someone who'll carry you up to the sky and above the cliuds in everything you want to do, even if it seems like a dumb thing, you needed someone like that. And you found it, you not only found someone, you found two people, two gorgious men who'll do anything to see you fly on your own.
"good nap, baby girl" your Daddy kisses the bak of your neck "you handled things so good, just like a big girl. Don't ever forget how proud we are"
"we love you, always and forever"
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maniculum · 7 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Taerfleg
Another obvious one this week, but it seems people are having fun with it. Nothing else for me to add right here, I think, so I'll get right into it. If you're confused by what this is, go check out https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting.
And if you want to see the entry people are working from this week, it's here:
Art below in rough chronological order:
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) started with the concept of a sea urchin, but decided a face might make it more charismatic. It is a very cute face; I like its vibes a lot. Turning a sea urchin into what appears to be at least a semi-terrestrial creature brings up some interesting etymological stuff also, but we'll get into that at the end of the post. Those tube-like appendages there are an interpretation of the business about "ventilation ducts" in the post -- Silverhart acknowledges that it probably refers to the Taerfleg's nest/burrow/whatever, but that they decided to go this direction instead. The linked post explains that these are breathing tubes the Taerfleg can use when it's submerged in mud, which makes me think of this beast as a frog that's also kind of a stealth caltrop of sorts. Watch your step on those muddy banks.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) expresses that she doesn't have enough time this week to do something elaborate, but has sketched out this very good spiky bug. I like it a lot, actually -- it kind of looks like what you'd get if the Koopas from the Mario games were based on pill bugs instead of turtles. This one's got spines, so you can't jump on it. Probably rolls up into a very dangerous ball. Also, you know, everyone appreciates a good isopod. The design of the head is nice also -- there's something to the widely-spaced eyes and those two long appendages. (Feelers? Mandibles? Either way it's got a good outline I think.)
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) has given us an interior view of the Taerfleg's burrow -- over on the right we can see a ventilation duct that's been blocked with some kind of plant matter. Their Taerfleg is a spiny lizard, with long limbs to help them remove the grapes from their spines after collecting them. Notable is the attention to detail -- the grape currently on the Taerfleg's back is a bit squashed from being rolled on. I think the lizard looks really cool -- that tail in particular is very well shaped -- and as often happens, I'm blown away by the amount of detailing CheapSweets is doing with a fountain pen. Also please note the babies over there on the left. For a detailed description of the design process, I highly recommend clicking the linked post.
(Also thank you for providing alt text.)
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) has again come through with a beautiful medievally-styled piece. These Taerfleg are spiders -- Coolest-capybara notes that "spiders with plant-based diets" and "spiders with spiny carapaces" are both real things, so a type of spider that fits both of those categories isn't out of the realm of possibility. When they're collecting grapes, they wrap them in little spider-silk harnesses, which is neat. I really like the web shown here: we've got a funnel structure, which is what the "ventilation" bit is talking about, and I think the decision to draw it with that kind of knotwork motif is really cool.
(Also thank you for providing alt text.)
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@pomrania (link to post here) has taken this in what I can only describe as a delightfully whimsical direction: the spiky armor is artificial. Does the little rodent build these things itself? One must assume. This also explains the ventilation ducts -- they're openings in the little armored vehicle it rolls around in. We can see one covered by a curtain on the left there. It... doesn't look pleased that its armor has been opened. Poor little critter.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) has decided to maintain the balance of their bestiaryposting here: last week it was obviously an ant, so they drew a mammal; this week it's obviously a [redacted], so they drew an insect. I think what I like most about this design (besides the fact that it's cute) is that the Taerfleg appears to be doing the dung-beetle rolling thing with that grape. From past experience reading Strixcattus's worldbuilding, I'm guessing that the "attach grapes to its spines" thing is a myth in-universe, and this is its more normal way of gathering grapes. Speaking of which, as usual, it's worth clicking that linked post and seeing the full, more naturalistic interpretation of the Taerfleg that Strixcattus has written.
All right, to the Aberdeen Bestiary:
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Yes, so we all know these are hedgehogs, but were you expecting to get this whole scene? I bet not. Check out that very good Stylized Plant. If I were to get a Stylized Plant tattooed on myself (which I'm starting to consider, as this whole thing we're doing has shown me how much I'm delighted by them), this one would be high on my list.
The tiny hedgehogs are very cute, though I think the illustrator didn't keep track of how much space they had in the image, because the scale seems off -- the... grapes? on the hedgehogs' backs are maybe half the size of the ones on the plant. It's like the bottom of the image was compressed.
The thing with the hedgehog using its spines to carry food is all over medieval texts and marginalia, by the way. This was apparently widely believed; I'm pretty sure it is not in fact the case, but Pliny the Elder was certain it was, so you know. Who's to say.
Now, let's talk ✨etymology✨.
So the entry lists the beast as having two names: ericius and echinus. (From my cursory look into it, this is a case of Latin borrowing from Greek: ericius is the Latin for "hedgehog", whereas echinus is the Latinization of the Greek word.) The translation dutifully translates them both, into two different English terms.
The first is of course "hedgehog" -- but that's a fairly recent word, actually. The earliest attestation is at the tail end of the medieval period.
The second is the actual etymological descendant of ericius. Latin ericius became Old French herichon, and after the Normans conquered England that made its way into the English language as hurcheon, which then over the centuries became... urchin.
This is what I meant about Silverhart taking a sea urchin and making it terrestrial being an interesting etymological move. The reason they're called "sea urchins" is because there was already a "land urchin": the hedgehog. They're one of those critters that was named after looking kind of like something on land, and it stuck. Most aquatic organisms whose names start with "sea" are a case of this. (Why do people sometimes say "sea anemone" instead of just "anemone"? Because "anemone" is also a type of flower; the creatures are named after the resemblance.)
It's one of those weird flukes that happens sometimes -- English decided to call the land animal something completely different (I think some dialects still use "urchin", but it isn't common) and the connection became less obvious. In a number of other languages, it's preserved; e.g. in Spanish, "hedgehog" is erizo -- also from ericius -- and "sea urchin" is erizo de mar. Boom, done, the etymology couldn't be more clear.
Incidentally, a weird side note: the Aberdeen Bestiary predates the first attestation of either hedgehog (1450) or urchin (1290). So the creators of this manuscript wouldn't have called them by either of the names we've just discussed, but a secret third option. Before the French loanword became standard, hedgehogs were called ile or igil in English -- cognate with German Igel. (Incidentally, in German a sea urchin is apparently Seeigel, so they also know what it's named after.)
Anyway, it's getting late. Enjoy the lovely art and the unnecessary infodump.
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osiris-iii-bc · 11 months
The thing that should not be [Terzomega One Shot]
I finally made it with a Terzo/Ghoul. What’s your opinion on POV fics? I used to write a lot of it in my past fandoms but here I see rarely this kind of fics. Thank you @van-goghs-smoking-skull for your help 🌹
Genre: slash, explicit, oral sex, sex, Terzo POV, young Terzo, sub Terzo, dom Omega, first time with Omega/a Ghoul.
Pairing: Terzo x Ghoul (Omega)
Rating: Nc17 (explicit but not properly smut)
Words: 2.943
Summary: Terzo is the 20 year old last heir of Papa Nihil and he’s definitely not having fun at his father’s birthday party. Luckily, a big Ghoul is around to save the night…
>>> Wattpad | AO3 | or down here 👇🏻
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The first time we met, the big Ghoul and I, was in the hallways of the Ministry, shortly after the new summoning, but there was nothing more than a few distracted glances. I had seen him walking along with the other Ghouls, standing out for his size; their black robes covered every inch of their bodies, including their faces, making them look like nothing more than disturbing moving shadows.
The last time was a few days ago, and besides the looks, there was also the insolence of a mouth that was too big and too dirty to keep a few of their thoughts to themselves. 
It had been a coincidence that I happened to be passing by just in time to hear my name, followed by a somewhat ungentlemanly "I'm surprised none of us has fucked him yet."
The reply was even less gentle, “Just give me some time and my cock will end up deep in that throat.”
It must have been a group of Ghouls, judging by the voices, but from the cloister colonnade, I couldn't see them. A few more steps, and they were all there, gathered, chatting among themselves, some smoking with the cigarette passing under their masks. It was hard to tell who had spoken, but one of them, the tallest and most recognizable of the group, had stared at me a bit too interested while still laughing at what was said, even though it was impossible to imagine his expression under the mask.
I had noted that tone, knowing it would come in handy sooner or later.
Birthday parties are all dramatically the same and all equally boring, especially when it's your father's birthday. Or at least, I'm just in a phase of chronic dissatisfaction, as Copia would say.
Suddenly, a nearby, deep and familiar voice draws me to a small sofa that I only see from the back.
"...and so you're going on tour."
There is a girl with him, but I can't understand what they're talking about. I only catch a few phrases about music, and as I drink, I move a little closer. Just out of curiosity.
"Yes, in a few weeks." I hear him say, almost disinterested. 
"And is there a chance you'll take me in your suitcase?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't think you'd fit."
I almost want to laugh and clench the straw between my lips. I'd like to see the girl's face, but I only see her leave, probably after trying to hide her disappointment with all the self-control that a rejected woman can muster.
"You really know how to disappoint a woman." I say out of honesty, because I would have expected anything from him except for him to turn down someone like her.
He shrugs, not even surprised to see me there.
"If I listened to all those who flirt with me, I'd probably have little monsters scattered all over the world, which has probably already happened."
I raise an eyebrow, feeling my head a bit heavy for the few drinks I had. For now, it's still a nice feeling, but I've never been able to stop in time to leave it that way. Somehow, it's as if I need to create a balance just for the sake of destroying it with my own hands.
"I understand."
"Do you?"
I shrug, while I feel him watching my lips tighten around the straw.
I hear Sister Imperator calling me, and we both turn to her. "I think I have to go."
"You'll stay here, later?" That isn't really a question. It's an invitation, if not an order, and I quickly decide that I really like his orders tonight. "I'll make up for that incident in the cloister."
"See you later, then." I tell him as I boldly clench the straw of a now-empty cocktail between my teeth and move toward who I have always called mother.
After a night spent watching the others participate in the party, drinking and staring at the tips of my shoes as if in a catechism lesson, even the prospect of starting a conversation with Primo about his passion for succulents would seem interesting to me. Fortunately, my first brother doesn't have enough time to waste on me, so Copia approaches me, a cigarette between his lips and the rest of the pack still in his hand.
"Want something to drink?" he yells in my ear, as if the loud music gives him the right to think I've gone deaf.
"Do I look like someone who needs a drink?"
He nods convincingly. "Absolutely!"
"Then I'll go get it myself, at least it'll get me moving a bit. It's a real pain in the ass here."
"I haven’t seen you having fun lately!" He rolls his eyes before muttering something to himself, probably about what a creepy presence I am in his life. I hope that with alcohol around there's some action at least.
There isn't, or at least I don't get to know about it, as someone far more interesting than a drink blocks my way.
"Are you having fun?" 
The first time we saw each other, I must have had a really strange expression. It must have been at least five years ago and it was the first time I ever saw a real demon so close, but he hasn't changed at all, and I'm almost curious to know how he sees me now. Not that I expect him to understand concepts like age and physical change.
"Yes, yes."
"Shall we find a quieter spot, what do you think?"
I don't have the clarity to say no, and with a bit of luck, maybe I won't even remember it later.
I've seen him drink continuously during the party, but he seems as clear-headed as if what he's been drinking was fresh water. Either he holds his liquor well, or he knows how to mask it. Or maybe he's not a twenty-year-old jerk who collapses like an idiot after the third glass and makes a spectacle of his worst self.
I nod with a head that's a bit too heavy, then gesture for him to lead the way, only to stop him soon after.
"Wait a moment." I tell him, and I move away, looking for Copia.
When I find him, I only whisper, "Don't look for me… I'll be back in a while." making sure no one else overhears. He looks at me as if to say 'don't mess things up' - the way I have noticed everybody has started to look at me lately, as if they were ready to bet on me causing new trouble every step I take - and then reluctantly nods. I bite my lip, and the Ghoul takes his time to scrutinize me from head to toe as I approach him again.
When I don't want to feel utterly miserable, I seek refuge in Copia's reassurance. I revert to feeling at least ten years younger, shedding the darkness that has accumulated in recent years, especially when the hassle of being the last Papa's heir began to manifest. You need to start building your reputation very early, and I'm not exactly inclined to miss the fun of my youth for something that will likely happen in twenty or thirty years from now.
In all probability, later tonight or tomorrow I'll rest my head on Copia's shoulder, having him telling me that I'm a dickhead but that's ok, that the way to equanimity is a long and hard one, and I'll believe him.
The Ghoul raises a champagne bottle toward me, then hands me a glass as we sit on the secluded couches.
"To make it up to you." he explains, filling my glass like a seasoned gentleman. There's nothing to make up for, I'd tell him if I had the necessary courage, if you want, I can blow you right here.
We spend some time with a few words and many glasses that empty too easily, my stomach flaring up unsure if for the alcohol or who knows what else.
As I drink, I dare to throw a few interested glances at him, running my eyes up and down his frame, catching any relevant detail, even if it's hard to find them in a figure so covered up like his. The rings on his fingers, the shape of his shoulders, how he tilts his head when laughing… Anything can help me understand why him. And he does the same.
He talks about what he does, the music he likes to play, and worlds I've never seen.
Maybe I'll take you there. It always seems like he's about to say. Maybe we'll just stay there. Or maybe it's just me who wants to hear it from him.
I listen to him, barely hearing his deep voice, muffled by the mask he wears, and the party becomes just a confused cloud of lights and distant voices.
The mask is a testament to his past, his condition as a demon bent to the laws of a world not his own. Esoteric symbols stand out on his uniform; I focus on one of them, Omega. I decide on the spot to call him that from now on, aware that in the absence of an identity, everyone must have given him a different name.
How important it is for us humans to name everything. Perhaps that's our problem.
Omega, a guest who can't stay in his place and also the only one who manages to distract me.
We find ourselves drinking straight from the bottle, and I understand less than half of the things he tells me, but it seems to be okay with him. However, I can feel his hands lightly touching me while talking, so discreet that it surprises me. His are distracted caresses barely hinted at, words that say without saying, and I, who speak that language, immediately think of making it clear to him.
"Let's go to the bathroom?"
And I don't know if it's me or him who says it, but the fact is I get up, and he follows me.
Once inside, I let out a deep sigh that actually has nothing of the malice it seems. My ears already relax due to the newfound silence.
"I have to say you saved me from a boring night."
"You too."
I look at him through the mirror, and he does the same, at a comfortable distance from me.
"Really? Wasn't there anything more valuable than my company?"
He shrugs, then approaches, casting a glance at the door.
"It depends on how the evening might end..." he says with a very calm tone, getting closer until he's right behind me, but he doesn't touch me.
I almost want to laugh, but I let it stay just a little smile and I leave him there to enter one of the cabins and wait.
It doesn't take long before he follows me. He tries to enter, but he holds himself against the doorframe and dares to stretch only his head.
"Is there room for me too?"
I look away, tilting my head and shrugging, leaving it up to him to find out. And he does.
Perhaps my Ghoul doesn't like to give empty words, so he strokes my neck in a way I already know, and there's no need to even apply pressure for me to slowly slide down the wall to end up on my knees in front of him, putting into practice what he has fantasized about with his friends.
Too bad that this time there are no witnesses to prove how true to his word he is.
When he takes it out, I reluctantly admit that what they say about the Ghouls is indeed true. Me, a mere human, must accept and accommodate Mother Nature's wishes.
While I admire him, an involuntary "damn" escapes me, to which he responds with an avoidable "seems so.", but I decide to smile anyway. And then I begin.
I partly watch him and partly keep my eyes closed, relishing the weary satisfaction that comes from having the power to grip a man - human or not, as they apparently work the same - just by slipping into his underwear.
At some point, he stops me, and I understand that he wants to get serious; I stand up, and he immediately seizes my hips with those huge, hot hands. I've always thought of myself as not being a good catch for a woman, let alone a man, from this perspective... I have slender hands and long fingers, which I happen to know many appreciate, but they are minuscule in comparison to his; he probably doesn't even feel my touch.
From the way he's gripping me, it really seems like my entire body can fit completely between his hands.
He turns me around with expertise, and I let him.
I have too many thoughts in my head to properly think about how to move for him. Thoughts that I really shouldn't have in a situation like this, but I also know that this thing won't empty me at all; rather, it will fill my head even more than it already is.
As I gasp against the icy wall, I feel his face in my hair and his breath on my neck, escaping the mask he still has on.
"I like it like this."
Me too, sometimes.
I want to think about what a better person I could be, but instead, I let myself get screwed in a restroom by a Ghoul without saying a word, looking at the white tiles faintly mirroring my panting face while I moan and bite on the sleeve of my habit that still covers me, but not enough to grant me a decency I never really had. He has already said enough about me, and I remained silent even then. Maybe I deserved it. Sure I do.
When he thrusts, I feel it perfectly, almost too much. I feel it so much that I open my eyes wide and gasp, scratch the wall, and stiffen in a way that must amuse him. He grins in my hair and doesn't stop. Thank you.
At this point, I don't even know if this is actually his way to make amends, or if he has forgotten it along with the tenth glass he downed and changed his plans in the meantime.
In the following minutes, there are no words, and I'm grateful for that. I don't understand where one can find the strength to talk in a moment like this, when all you feel is your skin burning with flames that are only yours, and every breath seems like it's never enough.
Then it's just a warm breath on the skin, and what seems like a caress on my hips that now belong to him. At least for a while. Then I can't help but bend over in a way he doesn't seem to appreciate, or maybe he only takes it as a chance to pull my hair and tilt my head back, almost resting it on his shoulder, before pressing my chest back against the wall.
That's how I come, with one hand around my throat and the other resting on my hip, feeling my legs tremble and losing their strength as his thrusts get faster and stronger; I slide my tongue on my lip, hungrily savoring what's left of his flavor and all I can think of is how proud Asmodeus must be of me, while I ignore all the Clergy’s advice by letting those last drops of pleasure shake me and the voice dies in my throat in that last groan, while everything seems to turn white for a couple of seconds.
He holds me, saying nothing, with his huge hand holding himself on the wall, near my head, and the other firmly on my chest, pressing my back against him, and I can't say if that's a caring gesture or he just doesn't want me to fall on his feet.
I take my pack of Marlboros from my pants, which I've just put on, covered by my cassock, with hands still trembling a bit.
"Wanna smoke?" I ask, offering him one while I already have one between my lips.
"Nah." he mutters, as he gets dressed as well, as far as pulling up the zipper of his pants can mean "getting dressed."
I lean against the wall while he takes his time to straighten every fold in his Ghoul uniform, and I have strange thoughts.
"I was thinking about where we shouldn't be."
"Oh, yeah?" he asks, not at all impressed.
"What we shouldn't have done..."
Encounters between humans and hellish creatures are not forbidden, but highly discouraged. Nobody can say what the true intentions of an entity born and raised in Hell may be, and it's always dangerous to form that kind of bond with subordinates, especially ones who don't feel feelings in the same way as humans. It is something to play with carefully.
"I only think about what we shouldn't be and we'll never be, so don't get ahead of yourself."
I shrug, also unimpressed. The cigarette is still unlit, and I don't think I'll smoke it.
"So disappointing is really your specialty." I joke, approaching him in this bathroom that now seems too big. I offer it to him, and he looks at it a bit strangely. "But keep this one." I tell him, and I like to think he's smiling under the mask. The fact is that he accepts it.
You keep it, so next time, I'll come back to get it. 
And we'll smoke it together.
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inkabelledesigns · 1 month
This trend of drawing Hatsune Miku from a variety of cultures has me thinking about many things. Like old doll collabs where people rendered her different outfits in doll custom form. But it also has me wondering how I can participate. Like, I've never drawn Miku before, but I'd like to try to. But I'm very insistent on staying anonymous, so I can't really draw her where I'm from if I want to post it. But I almost wonder if maybe, my way of doing this could be pulling from a time instead of a place.
What did fashion look like back when I was at the height of my Vocaloid phase? Gosh, when was that? I was a middle schooler back then. My own fashion was not great, but I had fun. XD I had an extensive phase of wearing colorful bandannas in my hair then (the pink cupcake one got so much use). I remember going to my very first convention with a Miku shirt on. One of my best friends introduced me to a form of larping, there was dancing to anime music, very sweet vendors, it was an interesting day. I wonder if that might be fun, drawing Miku tied to memories I have of where I was when I was into her and all her friends. This same friend and I look nothing alike, but for school spirit week, we dressed up for twin day together, like twice. One year I made us custom Vocaloid shirts with my newly acquired Photoshop and iron on transfer skills. X'''D They were so cheesy, but I remember being so excited. They were Rin and Len Kagamine themed, because they're twins and Len was my favorite. And I put the 02 from their arms onto the sleeves of each shirt. Theirs was positioned the same as Rin's, and mine was on the same side as Len's. It meant a lot at the time. It's just the sort of fun, slightly cringy thing you expect a middle schooler to do after learning you can customize stuff like that. XD I miss when I made my own shirts like that a little bit.
Vocaloid music fueled a lot of my love for art at the same time I drew Sonic fan art. I listened to it a lot as I drew. Okay, so like, I was supposed to meet with the school social worker once a week as part of my 504 plan, but she often ditched me, so most weeks I just had a private study hall in that office. Well, my global history teacher popped in at some point, and I was just sitting there doodling after having finished my homework. And I don't know why he said this, maybe I had pigtails in that day, or maybe I was smiling a lot, but he seemed very content as he said I looked like the girl on my shirt, which was that same Miku shirt. And I smiled and thanked him, but I never really got what he saw. I'm the furthest thing from a svelte hologram idol with teal eyes and long hair (hell, I had a really short bob for most of that time, it was my goal to look like Xion from Kingdom Hearts). But I guess, looking back on it, maybe I looked happy like Miku does. And what a nice compliment to get, for someone to think you look happy while creating. I was very happy. I think I was drawing my DJ character at the time, Drizzle Drop. I don't think I've ever posted her online. Maybe I ought to. XD She had a lot of blue in her palette, kinda like Miku, but not the same shade.
I dunno what I'll do with any of this, if I even have the energy to draw Miku, but it sure does make me smile to think about the time I enjoyed a lot of Vocaloid. Maybe I ought to turn the old playlist back on today.
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foxes-that-run · 5 months
I noticed you mentioned 17 a few times for haylor. Do you know what harrys 17black tattoo was ?
Harry got the 17Black tattoo around 14 August 2012. The Tattoo Artist, Kevin Paul, has spoken about it three times. In the video below that it was after he lost a lot of money gambling in Australia. Which did happen, they were in Australia April 2012 (2 months after turning 18 - Australia's legal gambling age). It was the same trip as the NZ girl kiss.... so a time. Niall said:
Like most of the stupid things we do, it seemed like it was a good idea at the time. We thought it was funny. We just thought, 'We're 18, this is the first time we've been able to spend a bit of money in weeks because we've been on the road. In all honesty, I didn't have a clue what was happening. I won £100, which seemed reasonable, then I stopped. I'll have to say, 'No comment' about the others. Let's just say it got a bit ugly and a lot of money was lost. A lot.  When management found out, we got a serious dressing-down.
If the number 17 is connected to 7 as Harry's number... Maybe, GQ theorised it was related to the James Bond betting method in Diamonds are Forever. I have watched that scene today and don't understand gambling well enough to know. To them Kevin Paul said:
I was tattooing Ed Sheeran and he said that his mate Harry wanted to get one. At that point, I thought it was just a normal friend, so he gave him my number in order to sort it out. I went around to one of Harry’s houses on a Sunday morning and, actually, he had completely different ideas to what we’d originally discussed.�� So why 17 Black? “Basically, Harry lost money gambling – I think it was in Australia – and he lost it on 17 black. This was in the early days, the first few years of One Direction.
There is another quote from Kevin Paul, from when it was first seen, (the gambling quote is much later) here, via Sugarscape in 2012:
“They’re really personal to him – the reasons he had them done and stuff, so he doesn’t really want to announce what they are. I’m doing him a half sleeve which he doesn’t mind people knowing about. We’re doing that now, so over the next week or two I’m gonna draw that up, send him the pictures over and then I’ll go back down and start it up. One was something from his childhood, and another one was something really important in his life. There’s nothing on his collarbone, it’s at the top of the arm to begin the sleeve. I tattooed Ed Sheeran as well – who did a little locket on Harry’s hand, like a little padlock thing. They didn’t really have to stop because of the pain, it was all pretty small things really so didn’t take too long.”
17Black may either be the personal or family thing.
In the interview above he refers to tattoo on a sofa which refers to this photo of him getting the never going to dance again tattoo. The article has other propels gross infected tattoos mixed with photos of Harry’s
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gangles-toybox · 3 months
Idk if I'll draw it but random Youtuber/Influencer AU for TADC go brr. Putting a break because SHIT MAN this is longggg lol
Pomni- General internet goer and one of those Youtubers that made "day in the life" type vlogs showcasing how much fucking pressure she's under, has a pretty loyal and caring audience for her despite herself, ~100,000 subscribers or so and she *tries* to respond to every comment.
Caine- Not so much an Influencer persay but more so of creator of the popular social media apps and tries to be #hipwiththekids...it does not work very well he's posting Pokémon Go and Harlem shake memes in 2024..bless his heart
Bubble- Caine's social media manager! He's a little better with being hip with the kids, up to date with memes n stuff but he also gets attention in...less than convential ways. Think of what was happening with the Norm of the North Twitter account, just weird..weird shit.
Sun & Moon- They act as a duo of sorts on Tik Tok and they make skits and #unhinged humor that is probably liked by majority of everybody. Nobody can tell if they're dating or just friends, since Sun will say the most unhinged shit and Moon will just sigh dreamily at it while reciting a poem or shit. Moon has to stop Sun from responding to hate comments and going off on them and finding their address n shit.
Gloink Queen & Gloinks: The Gloink Queen is one of those Facebook moms who takes pictures of their children(her Gloinks) every time they do anything, even when they're crying, because she thinks it's "cute". She gets fairly popular at first and even gets to sell merchandise however as her audience grows, so does her criticism but Facebook doesn't do anything about it and she continues to exploit her children for views and attention.
Princess Loolilalu- Tiktok influencer that shows the daily life of a royal. She's fairly unpopular but she was the hot topic for a week because people thought she was flexing and she had to explain she wasn't trying to, she was just trying to show the daily life since some people in her kingdom had inquired about it. She gets very low engagement but she admires every comment she gets. She starts to shift towards more crafty stuff after honestly getting a bit bored filming every second of her life and that grows her audience a little bit.
Gummigoo - Tiktok Influencer that make illegal life hack videos and him just working on a farm(I assume he does cuz he gives off cowboy vibes) and he's unintentionally thirst trapping through those videos, which gives him a pretty large, dedicated and possibly a little too obsessed, audience.
Zooble- Youtuber that talks about the most depraved shit that people do in humanity, think like iceberg videos about shitty people online or the dark corners of Reddit and 4chan. Also probably has a second channel where they play *nothing* but Plants vs. Zombies 2 because idk it's funny and they need to do something else to not get entirely depressed
Kinger- He is a Youtuber, techinally, though he doesn't know how to operate a camera very well. Most of his videos are just snippets from his life, cooking some food, badly singing his favorite songs, and sharing a little too much of his life online. Still, he's regarded as Youtube's grandpa.
Kaufmo- A YouTube "prankster" that would do the worst fucking things imaginable(not illegal but..close to it) and one day he did..something..and he got killed for it as a result, it was all caught on camera. He was criticized a lot for doing what shit he was doing and when he died, it was covered but nobody was suprised.
Ragatha- If Kinger is the grandpa of YouTube, then Ragatha is the grandma because she posts a lot of crochet and stitching how tos while also sprinkling in her personality and some of her other interests, like making a crochet Undertale plushie or something.
Gangle- She's a very famous twitch streamer who is...I don't even know really how to describe it but she's very like "uwu" abt everything as her streamer personality yknow? And..I mean..it works, she gets enough donations in a 1 hour stream to pay her rent for 2 months so..as for her content, it depends, sometimes it's horror games and other times it's just chilling with chat.
Jax- Jax is...also...a streamer. He does snuff streams where he gets donations to torture people and stuff. It's illegal but he makes as much money, if not more, than Gangle.
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rosanna-writer · 1 year
Our Song - A Gwynriel Songfic
Just a short songfic based on Taylor Swift's "Our Song" for Day Two of Gwyn Appreciation Week - Song Association
Originally I didn't have anything planned for today but the song came on at work, and I thought it would be fun to write something a little meta :)
The full fic is below the cut!
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
On yet another night that Gwyn and Azriel couldn't sleep, she found herself in his arms in the skies above Velaris. It happened less frequently now, but there were still nights like this, and they'd taken to flying once they'd given both up on attempting to sleep. The cool night air sometimes did them more good than trying and failing to rest.
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart
There was nowhere Gwyn would rather be than curled up against Azriel's chest with the city spread out beneath them. Even when they placed bets about how much free fall she could take before she screamed or if Az would beat his fastest time from one end of the city to the other, this felt like the safest place in the world.
I look around, turn the radio down
He says, "Baby, is something wrong?"
Tonight, though, they just made lazy loops around the city in companionable to silence. Gwyn might be able to draw Azriel out better than anyone else, but she didn't always need to.
After a while, Az glanced down at her and said, "Everything alright?"
I say, "Nothing, I was just thinkin' how we don't have a song"
And he says
It was, and Gwyn knew he'd know if it wasn't, but it was in his nature to confirm everything, not to make assumptions. Azriel didn't leave things to chance.
"Completely fine," she said, giving him a smile. "I was just thinking that for all the singing we do, it's a bit strange we don't have a song, isn't it?"
Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
"It's probably for the best. Anything distinctive is predictable and easy to track."
Gwyn rolled her eyes and wondered if there was anything in the world he couldn't relate back to espionage. "Azriel. Not everything in life is about being sneaky."
When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know
"Not everything. But quite a lot."
His voice was deadpan, but Gwyn could read Azriel well enough to spot the barest hint of a smile on his face. He knew what he was doing, being pedantic just to rile her up a bit.
And Gwyn wouldn't give him the satisfaction of rising to the bait.
Instead, she just changed the subject and said, "Now that I think about it though, I wonder if you could use music to pass coded messages."
Azriel hummed thoughtfully, and Gwyn could feel it rumble in his chest. "A bit difficult to communicate much detail when there's only seven notes in a scale to work with, though."
If he wanted pedantic tonight, he'd get pedantic. Gwyn smiled.
"Actually there are twelve in a chromatic scale."
"That's still less than half the letters in the alphabet. My point still stands."
Our song is the way you laugh
The first date, "Man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have"
That was enough to consider it a draw. They lapsed back into comfortable silence and watched the city fly by underneath them.
Eventually Gwyn—completely incapable of letting anything go as always—said, "We really should have a song, though. And for the record, telling me having a song is predictable might be the least romantic thing you've ever said to me."
"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll outdo myself soon."
Gwyn laughed at that, then rested her head on the space between Azriel's head and shoulder. It fit perfectly, as if she was made to be there.
"There aren't a lot of things that are more important than being sneaky, but that laugh is one of them, you know," Azriel added softly.
Gwyn didn't have a sarcastic response for that, just kissed him.
And when I got home, 'fore I said, "Amen"
Asking God if he could play it again
They didn't stay out much longer than that. The flight had done its job, tiring Azriel out enough to catch a few hours of sleep. Gwyn wasn't quite so lucky, but sleepless nights weren't as bad when she spent them curled up against his side, one wing covering her like an extra blanket. While she listened to him breathe, she hummed to herself quietly and got lost in thought about music theory and cryptology.
I was walkin' up the front porch steps after everything that day
Had gone all wrong and been trampled on
The next day, Gwyn was not nearly as content. After only a couple hours of sleep, training the next morning was miserable. She couldn't bring herself to skip it. Instead, she gritted her teeth and forced herself to keep going, even though she lost three sparring matches in a row and failed to block countless hits she should have dodged.
No one asked what was wrong—the bags under her eyes were answer enough.
And lost and thrown away
Got to the hallway, well on my way to my lovin' bed
It had been a horribly long day, and Gwyn had pushed herself to get through all of it. Azriel considered telling her to rest, but he knew Gwyn—she'd only dig her heels in more if he did.
So instead, he made sure to be home first, ready to take care of Gwyn when the exhaustion finally overtook her and she collapsed into bed.
I almost didn't notice all the roses
And the note that said
And just as he predicted, she took one look at the carefully tabbed and annotated book he'd left on the nightstand for her and decided she'd open it when she'd gotten some sleep. The vase of roses next to it made her smile though.
Azriel was patient. He could wait until Gwyn had rested up enough to find the note he'd left explaining that he'd annotated the songbook for her because there was no obvious choice of which song should be theirs.
He'd rather just give them all to her.
I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song
After flipping through the entire book together, Gwyn and Azriel agreed there wasn't a single song that felt quite right. Gwyn was beyond caring—it was the best gift she'd ever received.
But still, the next day, she'd returned to the library and gotten her hands on every book about music theory and codebreaking that she could find. She was on a mission.
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
Gwyn and Azriel had a few more weeks of peace before insomnia struck again. Gwyn had her nose stuck in the library books she was still making her way through when Azriel said he couldn't sleep either. He suggested flying again, and she never turned that down.
Gwyn sang softly to herself as they flew. She almost didn't realize she was doing it until Azriel joined in.
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song
Something about the sound of their voices together unknotted the problem. When they got back home, she didn't come to bed, just cracked open the notebook full of staff paper and grabbed a pen.
Azriel might have thought that music was an impractical means of encoding information, but Gwyn was sure that with a few tweaks, her system would work.
And there was no song that was sweeter than "I told you so."
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asgardian--angels · 6 months
I love your blog title. I love that when DJenks made his announcement this month, I went into the tags all morose and accepting defeat, and I saw you there still ready to fight, not giving up, ready for a marathon. Truly, that means SO much to me. A little bit of hope is a powerful thing to have, and we need people who are determined to keep that flame burning bright. So happy to have you in this fandom. You really do make a difference. 💕
Aw, thank you! I really appreciate it. And yeah, I'd almost forgotten about my blog title, which I've had for over a decade, and how hope really does embody me and everything I do.
The streaming landscape is in upheaval, things are changing by the week - even since our turbo-cancellation was announced, two other shows (cancelled for much longer) were saved. Like others have been saying, we were all mentally prepared for a marathon and realistically I don't think anyone can just call everything off after just two months when so many shows have to fight for years before getting a movie deal. I respect David - he told us that news so that we'd know that there's nothing more we can accomplish right now by shouting at streamers, and that we did make a difference. There WERE interested parties, we proved we were lucrative. But that does not mean the fight is over, it just means we need to change tactics and pivot to keeping the fandom active and vocal in the long-term, and bide our time until shifts in the industry open new doors for revisiting OFMD (like David Zaslav leaving, or Max going under, or another merger). That might be six months, or it might be six years. What I am certain of is that there's so much love and passion for this show from the cast and crew that everyone would be down to get the gang back together for a season 3 years down the road.
Basically, I have no doubts the fandom will persist - this fandom is composed of very enthusiastic and artistically talented people who have an unending well of inspiration to draw from. What I do think needs to be done though, that I'm seeing wane a bit on Twitter, is to ensure we direct that noise; most people have stopped using OFMD hashtags, which means our posts won't get noticed. Something that has been great is just how vehemently the fandom has gone after Max on pretty much every single promotional post they've made in the past few weeks - check any of them out, and you'll see 95-100% of the comments are OFMD fans using #DontStreamonMax and #FireDavidZaslav , plus the great new tagline 'Sell The Show, Let Us Go'. That is something that I feel is critical we keep up, as I think one of the most powerful means of influence we have right now is to hold this industry responsible for the cancellation of queer content and just quality content overall. That's one direction we can really put our might towards - toppling the WBD empire faster. Other things we can shout for are a physical release, 'The Jenkins Cut' of s2ep8, deleted scenes/bloopers, merchandise, etc. Max is being absolutely idiotic right now in a way that shoots themselves in the foot, because they're holding onto this IP that could have been their lifeline for keeping subscribers and stock prices up, and not only did they cancel it but they're not even maximizing on the rights they refuse to sell by promoting it or making merch of it, anything that could continue to bring in revenue for what they KNOW without a doubt is one of the best performing shows they've ever had on their platform. Them trying to forget OFMD exists is the nail in their own coffin, because it's the only reason a whole lot of people ever did business with Max in the first place.
So, the long and short of it is, I'll never stop having hope for the return of our show! David said we got the attention of this industry, and we've proven our worth. It's just a really unstable landscape right now, so we need to be patient. It's annoying to see these streamers invest in less successful and more expensive shows, but I think they're all panicking to stay afloat even though they're not making decisions that could help them there. The dust needs to settle. If we can show that there's still a loud and passionate fanbase in a year, in three years, then they will revisit us. We need to keep calling out WBD and Max, we need to keep using hashtags to be heard, and just try to settle into a rhythm that we can maintain long-term. We still have a bunch of BTS to see from Samba, and we will have WJW with David at some point. I think it's important that we DON'T request any season 3 info from him, because that's what jeopardizes the possibility of that storyline then ever getting made. I'm seeing some people on Twitter start to burn out or fall into a state of sad acceptance and if you need to do that for your health, that's fine. But I don't want that mindset to spread throughout the fandom. Our outlook, our words, do have the power to become reality - if we sit back and wave the white flag, then that seriously hurts our chances of ever getting the show back. But if we can carry on like it's just a season hiatus, continuing to demand the question 'ok so WHEN *taps watch*' then our insistence can help make season 3 a reality.
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