#i'll do asexual and aromantic separately from here i think
aretheyqueer · 3 months
Is she aroace?
disclaimer: this is a hc, not speculating on what the writers intentions were.
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allosexual = not on the asexual spectrum
alloromantic = not on the aromantic spectrum
She states that she doesn't see what's fun in dating.
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t1oui · 2 months
thinking about making a college au that may or may not be a texting fic and trying to make it as gay as possible bc fuck jkr so here are some headcanons (based off of what me from 2:15 am wrote in my notes)
james: they/them, nonbinary, panromantic asexual
sirius: he/him, bisexual (or gay, i haven't decided)
remus: he/they, trans, unlabeled
peter: he/him, trans, aromantic omnisexual
lily: she/her, intersex, demisexual lesbian
mary: she/her, bisexual
marlene: she/her, lesbian
regulus: he/him, trans, gay
dorcas: she/they, genderqueer, unlabeled
barty: he/they/it, boyflux, pansexual & hypersexual
evan: he/they, bigender, biromantic asexual
pandora: she/her, trans, pansexual
emmeline: she/her, grayromantic omnisexual
benjy: he/they, trans, bisexual
+ some other headcanons about them being queer together <3
sirius being VERY into labels and remus hating them with a passion and them learning to see each other's perspective
pandora and evan are mtf and ftnb (bigender) and they literally just switched names at like age 4. their parents didn't notice and only barty, reg, and dorcas know
remus helping evan feel less insecure about their top surgery scars :)
rem and dorcas bonding over being unlabeled
james helping dorcas figure out that she's genderqueer
emmeline and peter becoming friends after finding out that they're both arospec omnis
barty feeling really validated when people actually use it/its for it and the people who DO use all his pronouns being his favorite (no im not projecting lol what)
evan and james bond over being asexual (also lily)
benjy is the awkwardest bisexual to ever bi. i just think you should know. also he's adorable
pandora and lily date for about 2 seconds before they break up and pandora becomes lily's wingwoman in her quest to date mary
remus and benjy are both awkward asf so they go on one date and realize immediately they have negative chemistry and now they're best friends
pandora randomly adopts benjy and he just goes with it and carries her books around also they kiss
jegulus who have been dating this whole time (sirius somehow managed to realize they liked each other without noticing his crush on remus, truly something only he could do) and who are super subtle unless you're looking for clues that they're together
also bc this is a university au i'll say who's rooming with who: james & reg, sirius & peter, remus & benjy, mary & pandora, lily & marlene, dorcas & emmeline, evan & barty
(for the record james and reg sleep in separate beds because reg refuses to be woken up at "the asscrack of dawn" every day when james goes for their morning run)
remus, lily, and reg being besties
peter being in a qpr with evan & barty and having sex w barty (evan will literally sit on the bed next to them and read while they're going at it)
they start a queer club btw.
anyway that's all for now
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lorynna · 22 days
Please understand I am writing this from a position of genuine curiosity and not one of malice.
I saw your response to the anon talking about their aroace friend and you both agreed that asexuality is being “muddied” by people who identify as asexual since there’s so much variation between them.
I am honestly quite confused as to why you are dictating the definitions of lived experiences you don’t share. Why do you have to decide how people feel and perceive their feelings if those are completely separate people than you?
Is it truly your business to decide how labels should be applied if you aren’t the one using them? As an asexual, the way you discuss my identity dismisses me and other asexuals as people, because you make assumptions about what and how we should be feeling. It feels dehumanizing.
Again…I write this with no malice, I just don’t understand your position on this matter.
Hello anon.
My response to the other anonymous person submitting an ask involved both of us agreeing about the fact that those labels are hard to get taken seriously due to a lot of people either trying to weaken the definition of asexuality/aromanticism by widening it until cinderella's unique custom-designed shoe is a one-size-fits-all, (in other words:) it completely looses it's meaning and can be applied to the average person or a person who simply has a low sex drive and/or are following a trend, where it "seems cool and quirky" to pick out a label and make it your entire personality until you get tired of it and need to get something new.
Touching on your comment implying that I am calling this term (who in my opinion has become useless due to the above mentioned reasons) as me not rejecting the label therefore but because "there is so much variation between asexual/aromantic people". Which is just...sigh.
I don't think I have to point out that the reasons (again, listed above), that I have also stated in multiple of my takes about this subject, don't indicate any sort of valid variation but the broadening of a simple term until it is applicable to the average person who "sometimes does not feel like having sex" or "feels like not having a relationship for some time in their lives".
Now a counter question. Am I really dictating the definitions of lived experiences I don't share (like you claim) or am I simply talking about my opinion? What power do I have to truly dictate how someone can/has to label themselves? Suprise: I don't! People can continue to pick labels how they please and I can give my opinion accordingly, how I please.
I am challenging you to try and analyze if I am truly trying to be malicious towards actual asexuals/aromantics or if I am just fed up by everything getting used as a trendy label or people pretending to "be cool". I am challenging you to form an opinion on wether or not I am truly coming from a place of hate or rather constructive criticism. And I am challenging you to not see everything that defies your worldview as hate. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and sometimes they stink!
My favorite saying : You cannot define something, without actually excluding anyone from said definition. To defines means to limit and that's okay, that is essential. Otherwise words, labels, definitions, it all means nothing. To open the doors to everyone means to protect no one.
I would encourage you (if you are really interested in my take on the topic) to take a look into my pinned post, where I am talking about this more intrinsically. I'll link it here down below.
Also linking here now below the question of another anon that THIS anon is referring to.
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aspecpplarebeautiful · 6 months
Hi there! How are you doing? I have some questions, well, a rant *plus* some questions.
I feel... safer with allo allies than I do with aro/ace communities (online). Does that make me aphobic/bad? I don't go by labels because for me, they're not necessary. If I *were* to label myself based purely on definitions, I would be aroace, specifically, demiromantic asexual. I used to go by this a while back.
I don't fit the stereotype of being aroace at all. I'll talk about the aromantic side. Unlike most arospecs i've seen online, I LOVE Valentine's day! I LOVE shipping! I LOVE consuming romance fiction. I LOVE romance et cetera et cetera and yet I don't experience it like allos do. I need a strong bond with someone in order to fall in love and it takes me really, really, long to do so. But once it happens, my love is not 'weak'. It makes me pass really well as allo because of this, but it makes a lot of people in the aro community mad because I'm 'stealing' a label to 'feel special'. I was always told I was not aroace, that I couldn't be aroace by definition. That I was alloromantic asexual pretending to be on the arospec. That I was too scared to be 'basic'.
On that topic, and I think this is unintentional, but... why is nobody batting an eye when an aro or an ace person shames an allo or calls them weird or basic? Because they're doing exactly what allo aphobes are doing to them. I had this conversation with a friend and he said, 'that doesn't happen, allo people don't get shamed especially by aspec people', yet, I keep seeing things like 'I fucking hate allos so much' and 'To all my aces, we're not like allos, we're better' or something along those lines.
Whenever I enter an aspec online space, I'm made to feel like an intruder because, as I said, my experiences are very similar to the allo experience EXCEPT for the fact that I don't feel romantic attraction unless a strong bond has been formed. I'm not saying the aroace community is bad in any way, don't get my wrong, I'm saying that there is a massive gatekeeping problem going around and so much bubbling hatred and separation, and I don't understand any of it. In a prefect world, I'd happily identify as aroace, but I feel ashamed to do so now.
The gatekeeping... the infighting, I don't want to hate the online community of which I'm supposed to belong but this... this isn't right. The allo allies don't do things like this. They don't make me feel insecure about myself. And yes, while I don't experience romance like an allo would, I feel safe around them. I need to ask, have you seen this too? Have you experienced this? Is this truly all in my head? What do you think?
I apologize for the vent or if I seem aphobic, I just really need answers and I'm tired of the constant hatred... How are you? Did you drink enough water? Did you sleep well today? Did you eat? Again, I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable with this!
Vents are totally welcome, Anon. Don't worry.
I'm really sorry you ran into gatekeeping, Anon. I feel like that's something that's really been on the rise especially over the last couple of years. It's a real issue and it causes a lot of harm. This should go without saying, but demiromantic people are aro, and have just as much right to be here as anyone else on the aro spectrum.
I do think at least part of the problem is social media in general and how things are set up these days. We don't have community spaces as much anymore, in particular we've lost moderated spaces where gatekeepers can be properly dealt with. And there's very little curation or organization. Things are chaotic and fragmented, and one person's experience and what kind of posts they say see may vary wildly from someone else's. There's also a competing needs issue, where one aro may need to vent about romance, another may need their romantic side validated and there's no way to organize so each can find the space they each need.
If finding aro spaces/blogs that are more accepting is important to you, Anon (and it's OK both if it is or isn't), my big advice would be seek out demiromantic blogs and posters specifically. There's some very good ones around and they'll be posting about aro things that are relevant to you, and even more importantly won't be gatekeeping demi identities.
For more aro-general blogs, there are ones out there that are also inclusive and anti-gatekeeping, but it may take a bit of work to find them. Be very liberal with your unfollow and block buttons. If someone is gatekeeping block on sight, but also if they're not posting the type of aro content that you need or want to see, you're allowed to organize things so you don't see their posts. Sometimes unfollowing is enough, but blocking also doesn't necessarily mean the other person has done anything wrong, it's just a tool to make sure you're not seeing a blog you don't want to see.
For the shaming allos question, I do think it's a complex topic. For me it depends on context. I definitely do not believe in any kind of ace/aro superiority, being ace and/or aro, or being allo are both neutral. Nobody's smarter or more moral or more pure or anything like that. But sometimes people say things as a vent in the moment and are reacting to a difficult situation they've been in. So for example someone may say 'allos suck' but it comes from a place where they've been very badly treated by allos for being ace or aro but they're referring more to the societal systems that are in place that privilege allo people and make life more difficult for ace/aro people, they don't actually believe being allo makes someone a bad person. (It can be hard to tell what's going on just from a post, again it's OK to unfollow and block, especially if it's just not what you personally need to see in the moment).
Personally I don't come across a lot of this type of stuff, but this is what I mean about things being fragmented, the blogs I follow just aren't posting about the infighting or gatekeeping and I don't happen to see it in the tags when I go in there. But I do hear about it second hand, and it seems like it's a problem on other social media sites I'm not on as well.
I'm sorry you've had a hard time, Anon. But I am glad you've found people you can be comfortable with and be yourself around. That's really important too. And thanks for the reminder that I really should drink more water today.
Hopefully at least some of this is helpful, but if you have more questions or want to discuss anything in more detail, feel free to send in another ask.
All the best!
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indigosabyss · 4 months
Sponsor A Pride Fic!
On a more serious note, I'm a closeted, broke aspec genderqueer guy in an extremely queerphobic household, and the discomfort is choking me.
I'm rewriting this post bc I got a bit venty in the last one, so let me cut to the chase. I need to get out. But I don't like begging for money, so I'm offering the one service I can provide: writing.
You can always commission me if you want something written, but in the spirit of pride month, below are twelve fic ideas from my list of plot bunnies with queer-centric themes.
If you like any of them, donate however much you want to my ko-fi including a message about which prompt you want me to do, and also if you want me to thank you by username. Any of my patrons can claim one for June's fill. I'll try my best to write all of the ones people request by the end of June, but some may bleed into July.
Once a prompt has been paid for, the text will turn purple. I might livestream writing some of this on twitch, but I also can't use queer terminology out loud in this house, so that may be impossible.
Thank you, if you decide to help.
yes i understand you can just take the fic idea and use it yourself, i don't particularly care if you do. prolly not going to make even twenty bucks off this exercise so ur free to do whatever with these pitches.
Fics Sponsored (1/12)
[Dr. Stone] High school student council QPR SenGen based off Bloom Into You. I've written some of it here. (Gay, and aromantic feels. And alterous attraction discussion.)
[Naruto] A "Team Minato time travels to the era of the Rokudaime Hokage" fic except in this Kakashi's a trans guy whose egg cracked after Minato died. So there are some identity shenanigans. (Obvs trans themes.)
[Bloom Into You] The entire student council is aspec except for Doujima. (aromantics and asexuals from all ends of the spectrum)
[Crossover: Way of The HouseHusband x The Disastrous Life of Saiki K] Kuboyasu is taken under the wing of Tatsu (Kubokai features a heavy part of this, so the gay themes are undeniable.)
[Inside Job] Brett Hand is AroAce. That's it. That's the fic. Someone has to explain to him what attraction is. (aromantic. asexual.)
Since Marvel ones take up half the post, I'm separating them over here:
Kamala, Nakia, Bruno, and Zoe going to pride together each thinking they're the only queer ones in an otherwise straight-but-ally friend group. (Not romance. Mostly about community. Very queer.) [Spoken For By Patron]
Gwenpool and Kid Omega from Earth-616 get teleported into X-Men First Class (sapphic relationship between Gwen and Raven, Gwen realizing she's aroace and working through that journey, and a lot of gender feels)
Shipfic: Miles Morales, Sam Alexander, and Kamala Khan meet in Princeton researching multiverse stuff like Miles mentions in ITSV (polyamorous throuple, and also all three of them are bi.)
Carol Danvers character study fic, regarding parenthood and authority, and her relationship to both. (Danbeau. Lesbians.)
Samkamiles Bingo - additional list of prompts all centering around the Sam, Kamala, Miles ship. Pick any from that, or just have me do a random one.
Samkamiles Shipfic: Teenage Love Triangle In Space AU
Monica Rambeau-as-a-kid fic. Growing up with Carol and the shenanigans she got up to while her mother made S.W.O.R.D. and that kinda deal. (Lesbians. Bc Maria and Carol)
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Hi aroallo here who just saw your post about how aromatic and asexual need to be shown as separate things as well as together instead just together, and I wanted to say that I really appreciate it. I’m sending you this anonymously because the story I’m about to relay is very personal but it is relevant to that topic. I am romance repulsed and heterosexual, I found out about aroace people and figured that maybe that was me because I hated the idea of being in a romantic relationship but also I felt physically attracted to people. After a lot of misery and self torment I eventually found myself sitting in my bathroom crying with an x-acto blade prepared to castrate myself because I would rather do that so that I could “be aroace” than be in a romantic relationship. Thankfully I was too scared to do. I eventually found out you can be aro and not and am proud to be aroallo. I love all of my aroace brothers, sisters and non-conforming to the gender binary siblings and understand that many of y’all view your aromanticism and asexuality as intertwined but please for the sake of myself, aroallos and those who have yet to discover that they’re aroallo please remember to separate them every once in a awhile.
Hello anon, absolutely of course! Even as an aroace person myself I don't at all see my aroness being tied to my aceness, and I can only imagine how difficult it can be for people who aren't both. As much as I love how close the communities are due to shared experiences, aroallo people and alloace people are often left out and I think that's pretty fuckin stupid. I'm sex-repulsed ace, but I'm oriented aromantic (Grayro) and sometimes when I don't feel "aro enough" it's hard to feel connected to my aceness due to only being shown the two labels together.
In any case, thank you so much for sharing that. It was probably quite hard to recall and share that so I appreciate it a lot :)
Exactly as you said, I want to make everyone happy, and so I'll always try my best to separate my aro from my ace. Just wanna say that you're so fucking cool and you should keep being yourself and finding your community and being comfortable, fuck all the ops.
Love loses, peace bitches <2
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
I think part of the reason Morpheus is often headcanoned as asexual in this fandom is a combination of people projecting (which is totally valid) and that there's a significant portion of the fandom who hasn't read the comics and only has the show to go off of. In my opinion, in the show he does have strong ace vibes. Much less so in the comics, but it's a lot easier to headcanon a character as ace when your first introduction to them gives you strong ace vibes. So there's probably a good number of people who still headcanon him ace even after reading the comics.
Personally, I just headcanon him as queer. My reason being that if you have a being that is basically the subconsious of all humanity averaged together, the odds of that person being straight is probably low.
As for there being discourse on his sexuality in the fandom: if there is discourse, I've missed it. Though there very well could be discourse on a side of the fandom I'm not in.
This is an interesting viewpoint bearing in mind I have been discussing the exact opposite opinion in a separate post in which we theorised that the show has played up Morpheus' sexual allure...
Without wanting to overspeak here, as someone who is not asexual and therefore cannot speak for that community, I think it is part of a wider cultural thing within fandom that people who are queer and in particular asexual and/or aromantic, tend to relate and imprint rather heavily on characters who tend to be non-human. I think there is probably an interesting psychoanalytical reason for this but its probably a bit too deep of a topic for me to tackle on a Sunday evening.
Dream is just the latest in a whole batch of non-human characters that often get depicted as asexual in their fandoms. I'm thinking characters like Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens, Castiel from Supernatural, The Doctor from Doctor Who, Spock from Star Trek, to name a few.
I can therefore understand why fandom may view Dream this way, even though canonically it isn't technically the case. I don't think there is any harm in it persay, though I think fandoms need to be careful about constantly headcanoning non human characters as ace because what does that say about real asexual humans? Asexuality is a human characteristic at the end of the day, and I wonder if this is just the latest in the trend of queer people in general being made inhuman and "monstrous" which goes all the way back to old hollywood monster movies.
I personally don't pick up any ace vibes from Morpheus in the show. I'm not really sure what I would be looking for regarding "ace vibes" anyway because its just simply a lack of sexual attraction, and I think both episode 6 and episode 11 make it quite clear he experiences sexual attraction, at least in my opinion and interpretation. If its his inhuman element that makes him appear asexual I'll be honest I find that a bit problematic, and I would ask asexual fans to also look internally as to the reasons why they associate inhuman qualities as asexual qualities. Of course if there are qualities he is presenting that can be compared to a lived asexual experience which don't relate to his inhuman nature at all then that is different, and I would like to know more about that since it is an interpretation I do not see and would like to read about.
My viewpoint is that he is quite a sexual character even in the show, and I thought this before I threw myself into the comics and audiobook. Other than episode 1, in which the show does a wonderful job of not sexualising or objectifying him outside of maybe Alex's gay awakening, even though he is completely naked throughout, once he has his clothes back on the show leans into the sexual chemistry he has with every single cast member to the point that its basically an in-fandom joke that Dream is a bit of a slut (affectionate).
Even in the cast interviews, this "Dream is a slut" viewpoint was already known about and acknowledged (thank you Kirby and Mason) so its not exactly a secret that the show is playing up the sexual elements even if currently they remain in subtext. Personally I doubt they will remain in subtext for very long and I think future episodes will quite likely lean into Dream's sexual allure and bring it more into the forefront. I am very curious about how they will adapt Tales in the Sand for instance, which is the only time in the comics that Dream has sex within the panels rather than "off the page" and since that version of Dream won't be portrayed by Tom Sturridge, I do wonder if maybe the show will decide to give us more Dream sex scenes - there is certainly an opportunity to bring Calliopes praises to life in the "show don't tell" manner, and we have yet to discover what they are gonna do with the Thessaly situation, or whether the intense sexual chemistry he had with Johanna Constantine will come to fruition.
I also can't not bring up Dreamling fandom here, because if my experience in Dreamling fandom has taught me anything about the general fandom opinion of Dream, its that the show has clearly encouraged an interpretation of Dream where he wants to climb Hob Gadling like a tree. Fandom hasn't giffed that particular smoldering heated gaze from 1789 20million times for no reason. They giffed it 20million times because it is fucking HOT and sexual and arousing and is the first indication we have in the entire show that Dream himself experiences sexual arousal - because he sure as hell looks aroused in that scene.
As always YMMV and everyone is gonna have different opinions and interpretations and they are all valid in their own ways. I dunno if there is actual discourse I just saw a few comments and wondered if there was. If it helps I also headcanon him as queer, because I think heterosexual is a much smaller limited box to try to shove such a grand and unknowable concept into. I doubt a creature such as Dream would ever limit himself to only one specific type of being, even if that is all the comics were willing to show us of his sexual and romantic history.
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krystalin3 · 6 months
i had found I was asexual, potentially aromantic toostill sex positive and umm romantic positive? But genuinely indifferent. After a question from a friend asking -what would make u happy if u do sex- I've been trying to identify whatever I can, and it's been fun to look around.
My current exploration is chastity and orgasm denial. While I don't have a device, I've committed to not touching penis at all. But because of a history of feminization and sissification porn I did allow anal. And it's been a blast. It's been three weeks I think. (I'm not sure) And I've actually felt sexual libido now. Like, I've genuinely been horny and imagine lewd scenarios in ways I never did before.
I masturbated yesterday and reached satisfied insatisfaction. Because anal still doesn't get me the big O. Just a bunch of mini Os. And it's really frustrating to have such complicated sensations where I've done all i can to satisfy urges but yet, not enough. it's been fun to feel frustration.
I wonder now if maybe I just gotta get myself a pussy. If maybe all this asexual aromantic stuff is just a deep body response to knowing "this penis ain't it" since I first interacted with sex itself; late interaction cause I was too autistic to understand that the penis could feel pleasure inthe first place. Too neuradivergent to understand any sexual implications of anything.
But considering sex has always been oddly mechanical, like a game of pop it on a bigger scale. The idea of it being trans trauma seems silly again. I hear stories of people experimenting with sex so young, and I can't possibly believe it was my neurodivergence or internalized transphobia alone that stopped me from realizing my body is itself a sexual being.
"my body is a sexual being" the body... I always separate things. The body, the brain, the self. It feels so much more correct to keep them sepparate. My younger brother asked me why I sepparate myself like that since it's all fundamentally still myself.
Maybe it's a neurodivergence I haven't unlocked yet, maybe I gotta pay for it like dlc to unlock it, but it's too deep in the code for any psych to really see it or help me see it, of find it, or understand it.
Anyways. Chastity has been fun, can't wait to get myself a device, I'm looking at FUFU cause people like to use it to make your genitals look like a vulva, and it's like art. But I hate tucking so we'll see.
Maybe I'll start posting more spicy content in the future here. So many cute trans folk here.
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mary-is-writing · 11 months
It's ace week!! I saw @martiwikiwi sharing this event and to celebrate I'll be sharing my ace characters: Sam and Tetsuya!!
Before doing so I gotta tell you about what I discovered here. So these two are from different wips and they're the only acespec OCS I have as of now, but the more I started thinking about them the more I realized they share so many things: they're both ace, poc, have fire related powers, a somewhat chill attitude and wear red pieces like hoodies and jackets. They're basically the same character lmao 😅 And I swear I didn't do it on purpose! It just...happened!! So I decided to not just have their separate picrews but also put them in one together like twinsies.
First, we have Tetsuya!!
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I love this picrew. Just look at that grin. He's such a bastard (affectionate).
Tetsuya is one of two MC's from my wip Where Camellias Blossom, that I've talked a lot about before and that will be my project for Nanowrimo this year. He's a mage, and a renowned at that, that uses Fire magic as his main ability. He's asexual and heteroromantic, with another character from the main cast being his romantic interest. His necklace is actually a gift from her, in the picrew they just had a choker but in the story is a longer one. And he's kind of a jerk, too, but he gets better I promise.
Next, we have Sam!!
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Samanta aka Sam is younger than Tetsuya and the MC from a different wip I haven't really talked about. And she's not having as much fun as Tetsuya at all, cause in her story everything starts with her being mistaken for a criminal, whoops. But it gets better, don't worry. Just, well, she's stressed a lot of the time, but that doesn't stop her from always being well grounded and using her common sense. She has fire powers, but she doesn't like them a lot, specially at the beginning. She's also aromantic and has a platonic soulmate that's definitely not half the reason she's always so stressed :D
And here they are together!!
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I put them here with more formal wear, thinking about what they'd wear to a party or something. You have no idea the struggles I went to find picrews with options for yellow eyes (uowo)
I think if they were to meet they'd get along, tho not necessarily become friends. I can imagine Tetsuya teaching Sam creative ways to use her fire powers since he's older by like 8-9 years and likes his magic a lot, so unlike her, he has no reservations to use and experiment with it. I can also picture Sam being the voice of reason that he needs every once in a while, and tho not exactly friends, they'd be good teammates.
Happy Ace Week!!! 🖤🩶🤍💜
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aceing-on-the-cake · 8 months
Not sure if this is something anyone would be interested in, but I was thinking of writing fanfiction collaboratively with someone, maybe where we just collaboratively write chapters together, maybe where we switch perspectives back and forth and each write a characters perspective, maybe where one of us mainly writes one fic and the other edits and then do that the opposite way on a separate fic.
I'm not really stuck on any of those options and if you have a different idea I'd be down to explore that, I just honestly I think want to try working with others, I think it'd be fun.
Anyways, if that sounds interesting to you here's some possible fandoms I'm in that I'd feel comfortable enough writing about as well as ships or basic plot ideas I'm ok with writing
(I'm aroace spec, I'm fully down to explore aromantic and ace identities in any of these fandoms and with any of the characters in it as well as explore plots that don't have to do with romance, sex, or shipping at all if that's what you're looking for)
Stranger Things
Platonic Stobin (in conjunction with Steddie or without Steddie at all)
Possible Tropes/Plots Could Explore
any of the characters recognizing their queerness
Vampire Eddie
Steve and his relationship with his parents (getting into his c-PTSD and having him heal from it, hurt/no comfort pre-series exploration of some of his trauma in general, hurt/comfort where his pre-series trauma is explored with lots of found family healing mixed in, up to you)
QPRs!!!! (like for literally any pairing, but especially Stobin, you let me explore aromanticism and asexuality and I will provide you with cake, frogs, and my undying devotion)
Steve and any exploration of his gender
Dean & Sam (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Sam & Castiel (platonic exploration of their relationship)
Dean & Jack (platonic exploration of their relationship as parent/kid)
Destiel + Drowley (not something I've done before or even really read much of but I saw one fanart and now I'm interested in possibly exploring it)
Possible Tropes/Plots We Could Explore
female winchesters (trans Sam, gender fuckery with angel or witch magic, baseline born that way au, transport to another universe into opposite gender body, literally could be anything I just really really like gender fuckery with these two)
Fix-it for destiel confession (I'm aware this has been done many times before, but with as many times as the show lead us on about these two I feel it can always be done again)
Pre-series Destiel
PLATONIC dean & sam & castiel where Cas goes to the past and fixes some trauma of the boys. I repeat, PLATONIC, I'm really really really really not into underage
Literally anything to do with Sam/Rowena, it's a really minor ship and I think honestly anything you wanted to do with that I'd be down
Platonic exploration of relationships (Sam and Dean actually talk for once in their goddamn lives, hurt/no comfort exploration of every reason Sam and Dean should just talk for once in their goddamn lives, Sam and Castiel becoming friends, hurt/no comfort of Sam being hurt by Castiel, Dean becoming a decent parent to Jack and apologizing, hurt/no comfort exploration of Dean not being a decent parent to Jack, etc)
anything to do with fucking over John Winchester. Fuck that man.
*any of these ships I should preface with I'm not really down to write anything underage, specifically sex. I'm not against that for any of these ships, but I'm only down to write that kind of content in an adult AU*
Bakudeku (qpr, married, dating, aromantic bakugou and bisexual deku, asexual bakugou and gay deku, I literally don't care, you put these two together I'll probably be down to write a version of them)
Momojirou and Kamijirou poly relationships
Honestly pretty much any poly ship you want
Possible Tropes/Plotlines to Explore
Anything to do with exploration of BakuDeku's realtionship (hurt/no comfort exploration of kids, hurt/comfort bakugou redemption arc, platonic BakuDeku qpr exploration, etc)
That's honestly it, I am still interested in this fandom but it's not one of my top ones so I don't got a lot of ideas for it. If you do and you still want to collaborate I'm definitely still down, I just don't really got much myself.
Good Omens
*want to preface this with I haven't watched the second season and refuse to until the next one comes out because I don't want to spiral into a depression over these gay men. Doesn't mean I won't write from a point after the second season or that I don't know what's happened in general, but I haven't watched it personally myself*
*that's it pretty much lol, that's all I'm down to really focus on*
Possible Tropes/Plotline Ideas
AUs in general (coffee shop/bakery, tattoo artist and florist (look, florist crowley and tattoo artist aziraphale would slap, fight me), human AU, etc)
Hurt/no comfort crowley pining after aziraphale and vice versa
Hurt/comfort crowley to an aziraphale inevitably betrayed by heaven
Percy Jackson
*should be noted, I never read the books when I was younger so my main understanding of the fandom comes from mutuals and watching the new show. I'm perfectly willing to look up generalized plotlines or even read ahead in the books themselves (I can usually read a book in 1-2 days), but like while I enjoy this fandom, and I'd like to explore this fandom, if you're a long time fan full up front, you probably know more about this fandom than me*
*I'm just gonna put it up front, I again, don't do underage, and all I know of these characters so far is them as children. I don't mind exploring romances for these characters, but I'm not comfortable writing or posting underage sex in regards to these characters*
Percy & Grover (platonic exploration of friendship)
Grover & Annabeth (platonic exploration of friendship)
Nico/Will (don't know much about this one, because again, haven't read the books, but it fits the tropes I think are cute for relationships and I'm willing again to read up on the books themselves or read plot synopsis to catch up)
Possible Tropes/Plotlines
literally anything to do with religious trauma, I'm aware that the kid's trauma comes from Greek gods, but like religious trauma hits for me no matter the form, so I'm absolutely willing to explore this
exploration of Annabeth's relationship with her mother from her perspective and not Percy's
AUs (normal kids au, different pantheon of gods au, grown up college kids au, etc)
Some Things I Think I Do Decent As a Writer
Internal thoughts
Emotional Expression
Some Things I'm Not Good At As a Writer
sex scenes (not against writing them but I am the kind of ace that sucks at writing smut, so if you're good at it, awesome, would welcome the help)
Heavy action (I can write a little bit of action but long, drawn out fight scenes? Knowing where everyone is and keeping track of all that? My worst nightmare)
Setting Descriptions (I have aphantasia (can't visualize things in my head) so to me all stories exist in a black vacuum with just the characters in it and only relevant objects, so if you're better at creating descriptions of things around the characters and settings, then yeah we might work well together)
Fluff, I can write it, but I'm not great at coming up with fluff. I'm much much more a hurt/comfort guy
A Couple Of My Hard No's
I don't write noncon or underage unless it's specifically addressing a character's trauma or abuse, and even then I prefer less show more tell. If you want to explore a character's trauma dealing with experiencing and healing from either of those, I'm ok with that, but I won't ever write it in a positive manner.
Permanent main character death unless already such in canon (I can write hurt/no comfort but at the end of the day they're my blorbos and I just need them to live)
Permanent amnesia trope (same deal as above, I need my blorbos to be happy or at the very least to have them at least remember each other even if they're in pain)
I think that sums it up. These are relatively generalized guidelines, my main goal here is honestly to work with someone else creating a collaborative work together. If you've got a different plotline or even a different ship than the ones listed feel free to hit me up anyways and we can talk it over and there's a good chance I'll be on board.
Feel free to message me here in direct messages or send me a friend request at my discord username: cassemiah.
Reblogs are greatly appreciated so this leaves the sphere of my mutuals!
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underagoldenmoon · 2 years
Under a Golden Moon, chapter three – Dreams and Doom (part 2)
Part 1
Cats like her.
As if she's broken, or at the very least not normal enough to fit in with regular cats. She guesses she isn't, but it still hurts her that cats like her are seen as completely separate from cats who are…what's the word…straight? She thinks. Cats who only feel attraction to the other binary gender. She's…a lesbian, she believes the word is? She finds comfort in the label, simply for the knowledge that there are others like her. The strangest thing is, straight cats lump all cats who aren't straight together as if they're all the same. And then the cats who aren't straight try to say that cats who are asexual or aromantic are basically just straight. She doesn't understand the fighting. Even within Hazel's Guard, where not being straight is acceptable. There's still an us-versus-them mentality, that she wants no part of. 
She allows herself to wake fully, though she remains wrapped in the comfort of her nest. She's not used to waking like this - calmly - although to be fair this isn't how it was when she was alive. Back then, she didn't have to remember what had happened. Because it hadn't happened yet. Kind of obvious, she knows. But oh well. 
Badger is waiting outside. 
      "Anything you want to do today?" 
      "I…" Is this the right decision? "I want to look in the mirror pools."
      "You know why you aren't meant to go there…"
      "Yes. Because it'll 'just cause me more pain'. Well, not even knowing if Starry is alive is causing me enough pain as it is! Please! It's been a year!"
Badger is silent. 
      "Please! I've followed every rule since I came here! I deserve this, at least. I can't believe -"
      "I'll talk to The Sunlight. But I can't guarantee that he'll let you. They're trying to protect you."
       "That's what the cat who killed me said! That he was trying to protect me! From myself! I'm sick of cats claiming to be protecting me, then hurting me!"
      "But The Sunlight -"
      "Please. Just…" Hazel lets out a sob. "Please try."
Badger nods. 
      "I will."
She walks away, in the direction of the mirror pools, as Hazel watches in anticipation. 
I hope it works…for my own sake. Because all I have left is dreams. Dreams and doom. And I don't know if I'll have the strength to keep going if I don't find out if Starry's still alive. Because if she is, that'll take away the dreams. Or at least make them better. And if she isn't…maybe I can talk to her again. Reassure myself that she doesn't hate me. 
Wait! The Archives! I can use those to find out if she's still alive…
Hazel smiles slightly, before heading towards the Archives. 
Next - previous - first
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transrevolutions · 3 years
Out of curiosity, do you have any other characters that you personally headcannon as asexual?
Quite a few, actually!
(I uh. discuss sex in this ask. Obviously. Nothing graphic though.)
~Enjolras (Les Miserables)- asexuality basically canon, shown in text to have no interest in sexual relationships, I see him as aroace. Grantaire is bi and definitely romantically into him, but their relationship is queerplatonic in my modern AU.
~Annabeth Chase (PJO)- aroace as well, Percy's dynamic with Rachel works better romantically and the scene with Luke in TLO has massive "I'm just figuring out I don't feel romantic attraction" vibes. Contradicted in canon but who cares.
~Katniss Everdeen (THG)- demisexual, has some textual support. She's really not into Peeta at all until they are already very close and have been through a lot, and it's implied she wasn't interested in anyone up until that point.
~Tris Prior (Divergent)- implied greysexual in canon, sometimes sex repulsed. It definitely fluctuates, and there is a point in canon where they have sex and enjoy it. I think it comes and goes for them. (I also hc them as non-binary! This isn't canon though lol)
~Four (Divergent)- demisexual. In the same boat as Tris here, though not canon. Sex is weird for Abnegation kids, I think. (Someday I'll make a separate post for my feelings about Abnegation.) He'd probably try to push through it to be Dauntless Enough™ but wouldn't really get anything out of it until he's in a steady relationship.
~Newt (TMR) is asexual, and this one is just because I said so. He simply has the vibes. He's gay in canon, but you can be gay and asexual so it all works out.
~Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars). Massive aroace. No canonical love interest (we don't count the thing in TCW) and little patience for romance-based bullshit. Amazingly oblivious to Anakin's growingly obvious romantic involvement with Padme (who he also works closely with). This is relevant because I, an aroace, am often completely unaware of my friends' love lives until they tell me very specifically. Multiple times, sometimes.
~Sejanus Plinth (THG/TBOSAS) is a bit complicated. I see him as asexual but demiromantic, and in an AU where he survives, I don't think he'd be into romance. From TBOSAS I feel like there's subtext that he has romantic-ish feelings for Snow, but uh. Obviously those do Not go anywhere because Snow betrays him and joins the fascist government he hates and he dies in canon anyways. I think if he lived, though, he wouldn't want to deal with being fucked over like that again. A trauma thing, probably.
~Bean (Ender's Game) in a world where he wasn't shat on from birth would be here as an asexual, possibly aromantic. Canonically, as a youngish teen, he has extreme asychronicity (headcanon but pretty canon-supported) and he's got a tendency to latch onto older/authority figures. As a kid, he latches onto Ender, not necessarily in a romantic way (and certainly not a sexual one, he's like. nine years old.) but in a weird parasocial way nonetheless. Later, when he's older, he latches onto Petra, almost obsessively. This might just be weird writing on the author's part because the author of the books has weird views about women, but I choose to interpret it not as Bean being a creep but as Bean coping with trauma in the only way he knows how. In canon, Bean and Petra have kids. In an AU where a) Bean wasn't traumatized his entire childhood and b) Bean didn't have a terminal disease, I don't think he'd be into Petra either way. Maybe he'd get together romantically or queerplatonically with Suriyawong, maybe not.
This got very long. Hope this was what you were looking for!
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nix-rising · 4 years
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, intro post
Love y'all btw
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Do not tag us to boost any sort of awareness/one note a day posts, you are damaging our health
Please don't talk too much about drinking alcohol, especially if one of us has recently made any sort of post about feeling shit
Again, same goes for anything to do with scratching or picking at your skin
If you want to ask about any of those feel free to, we might explain depends who you are and how we're feeling
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I'll be posting the most on this account, almost certainly the only one having conversations on here
She/they, this might change
A minor, fuck off
I'm asexual aromantic, definitely might change as well
Everyone is very pretty though, and I have a lot of platonic gay love don't question me on that I will just scream I am gay
I fanchild a shit ton
So much fanchild
I write sometimes? @attempt-to-create-your-world
I am in the process of discovering stuff still
I think that's it
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I have varying names
Names so far - Avery, Cara, Erin, Rain, Sam, Willow, Blue
I'll highlight the ones I'm using in red
Pronouns - any pronouns
I'm currently the person most likely posting on here
Ok, it's now basically split between me and Nix, but that might change, cause I made an account
Made purely because I like the pfp
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Probably won't post on here unless one of the others asks for it, cause they've got a separate account that we can make sure is safe
Any pronouns but he/him
Likes cows
Loves cows
And ice cream
Adores cows so much
The love for cows cannot be overstated
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Who the fuck knows if Mo will post
Probably too busy dealing with shit because everyone else refuses to
Do not refer with gender
Mo has turned up twice and both times were emergencies, so if Mo is here be careful
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Strong strong accent, typ ins weird dinnae ask
Dinnae like werds, but ah casionally talk if som'thins appenin
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If something isn't being tagged and you want it tagged, say something, it'll be tagged
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uselessfrick · 5 years
I'm pretty sure there's a homophobe in my 1st period class.
So yesterday me (I'll be "B") and my friend, we'll call her "A" were talking about the LGBTQ+(my friend is apart of it, and im an ace{i mentioned that separately because depending on who you ask, im more of an ally than part of the community, but that's ok I can be an ally}) community, and I asked a question that I was always curious about. Here's the conversation (also my friend is not the homophobe, he'll come in later in the story/rant):
B: so I have a question, but I've always been afraid to seem offensive.
A: it's ok, what's your question?
B: you know how there are some extremists from religion that don't like homosexual or trans people? I was gonna ask if someone born in a female body, but he is a man, and someone born in a male's body but there a woman, if they were in a relationship do you think that the extremist would like they're relationship?
A: well, I think they would probably agree with the relationship, but still target them because of their genders.
(Here is where "C" comes in {i have it that way because this was a conversation between A and B and he needed to C his way out of it.)
C: So you're saying that all people who practice religion are extremists?
A: No, and we clearly said "some people from religions"
B: Seriously, if you were going to eavesdrop and bud into our conversation then you should've at least evesdropped right.
C goes back to his computer work but it doesn't end there.
(Sometime later in the conversation, we were talking about the flags and why most of the time asexual/aromantic flags are not represented in videos where they explain what each means)
A: no, I get what you mean but sometimes people will demand to have it replace another flag, like bisexual, even though that's kind of ridiculous.
B: yeah. There are always going to be some people like that tho, in every group. Like how some people think that if a bi person tends to lean towards one side that they automatically aren't bi, or if they don't like someone then all the sudden the person is saying "oh that just means that they don't like my gender" even though it's not.
A: I know right, I mean im a lesbian
C looks up in disgust: oH i DoNt AgReE wItH tHaT.
A: what do you mean you don't agree, it was a fact, you can't just disagree with someone's sexuality just because you don't like it.
C: oh i take an ethics class so i know everything (then he goes on to incoherent mumbling)
The bell rings
C: by the way i'Ll cAlL pEoPlE bY tHeY'rE bIoLoGiCaL gEnDeRs (and get this) BECAUSE THERES ONLY TWO
B: what about a person born with both genitalia, huh?
C:thats no-
B: no, it's very possible what do you call them since "there's only two genders"
A: yeah, seriously what do you call them?
C stays silent, finally.
B: see? You don't even know, because there's not only two, there's a whole spectrum and just because you can't comprehend it doesn't mean it dosen't exist!
C walks away.
A: seriously what was with that guy.
B: i know!
We continue to walk to our next class and are still mad by 4th period.
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beardbot · 5 years
As pride month comes to an end, I wanted to post a thing. Please forgive the large amount of text in the thing! Also I tried to throw in a picture!!
So, I usually don't talk about sexuality or relationships. This is partially because I'm just reserved (and fine, a bit prudish too), partially because I've only recently figured out myself, and partially because I feel like I don't need these spaces as much as other people, and it's selfish to claim them.
On that last point, my own identities are more quietly invisible, and less under direct attack, than others. Asexuality is dismissed and erased, but people believing it isn't a real thing is not as damaging as actual physical harm or denial of human rights. It's "weird" but it's not seen as violating anyone's religion or "family values" or lifestyle, or whatever else is used to justify violence and bigotry against others. (Unless you count men who are offended you don't want to be Graced with the Royal Penis after getting an unsolicited dick pic.) Bi- and pansexuality are more dramatically erased, and with additional risks, but at least I'm placed under the umbrella of "has a serious boyfriend." Either way, I've either been pushed out of communities or simply felt like I didn't need them. The latter 90% of the time.
Regardless, here I am going on about it anyway! Placing my flag on pride month. My identity, what I joke about being my "alphabet soup version," is panromantic demisexual. If that sounds confusing to you, don't worry, I get it. I grew up in Florida 😂 seriously though, I didn't settle on this until graduate school. Once I even did figure it out, I didn't label it until later. Most of the time, my identity is bisexual when I don't want to argue about asexuality, and asexual when I don't want to argue about bisexuality. But I want to just be more open about it.
Panromantic demisexual. Panromantic meaning romantically attracted to anyone across sex and gender (not just men, or women, or exclusively men and women). Basically "bisexual" but with romantic attraction, and without a strict binary of men and women. Demisexual meaning only sexually attracted after being emotionally involved first, for me usually romantically attracted. Basically "not into one-night stands" you could say. I guess first you need to accept that romantic and sexual attraction are two separate things, which I was not even conscious of for the longest time. Shout out to terrible sex education! 👌
I grew up confused when lumping these two things together - having crushes and wanting to date people, but simultaneously being repulsed by the idea of sexual intimacy with them (or anyone), at least for a long time. Thinking I was broken, or indecisive, or unstable. But alas! Two separate things.
The easiest example is being sexually attracted to someone, but not romantically (you don't want to date them, have emotional intimacy, etc.) "Hit it and quit it" 😂 so then, why is it so difficult the other way around? It sounds so bizarre to other people, the idea that you can be romantically attracted to someone, but not sexually. That you maybe want to hold hands and cuddle and go on cute dates with someone, but that's not a ticket to ride on (no pun intended) the Train to Bang Town. But maybe you can think of examples yourself. Maybe you had a *very* close friend, whom you spent all of your time with, whom you shared all of your secrets with, who was the first person you thought of when anything important happened to you, but NO HOMO I'M NOT GAY LIKE THAT we're just close friends. Maybe you have crushes on men and women but you only want to sleep with women. All normal! TWO SEPARATE THINGS! They can be aligned but still two separate things.
I first identified as asexual. Nope, I'm just not into anyone in that way. Even celebrity crushes, I wanted to do things like walk through parks, hang out and eat ice cream, read them poems (emo kids unite?), a number things, but none of them sexual in nature. Later on, I would date boys, but either dump them or be dumped pretty early on ("prudes" unite). Something was "off," different. I felt different. Different from what I saw in TV and movies, heard in music, in conversations of other people my age. Still, I vividly remember the day I realized what people ACTUALLY mean when they say someone is "hot." (I was too old and too naive to not know, but my brain just didn't think that way.) Not just aesthetically pleasing. The older I got, the more I felt like an alien. Probably sounded like one. "Ah, yes, his face is indeed aesthetically pleasing." ... "Take me to your leader!"
You could call me a "late bloomer," but it's not even just that. Late introspector? Late learner? Yes, I eventually did go "farther" with partners, and have lovely relationships with people who are patient and put up with me. But I still wouldn't call myself "bloomed." I'm still different from most other people. And I'm proud to not be labeling myself with things that don't reflect me.
Going back to my own development. So, I settled on "ace" and anonymously joined forums and such. It felt right... but only for a time. Eventually I felt a little different from that too. I talked with people who were aromantic, and people who were sex-repulsed. Wait a minute, is that me too? No, I dont quite feel that way. Well, what the f-
Flash forward, I finally settled on "demisexual." Okay, I'm kinda asexual, but also kinda in my sexy feelings for someone after bonding and feeling emotionally safe with them. I want to be more than friends. Maybe try out some other things, but only with you. Today I feel like demisexual is the best fit. Maybe "gray" too but I think emotional closeness is the key for me.
But wait, do I like girls too? Or do I even care what sex or gender they are? Yes, I've had intense crushes on many girls. If you want to stick with socialized norms, I liked feminine girls, and masculine girls. Eventually I liked one woman, who later identified as a man, after having his own journey through gender and sexuality (which I think is especially hard in bible-belt Jacksonville). I still thought he was cute and smart and funny.
No, I don't really care about sex or gender - I just care that you like dogs and 90s music and video games like me. Neat!
I dont really know how to end this. I'll just say, I do consider myself a member of the LGBTQIA community, in which my B stands for bisexual (but actually panromantic) and my A stands for asexual (but actually the asexuality spectrum). I'm overjoyed to see more openness and acceptance in my lifetime, and I hope that continues for kids growing up now, who may be "confused" or "indecisive" - and maybe they will not have to wait until after college to figure it out. Nuance is important in something this complex and... well, nuanced.
Thank you to anyone who read this until the bitter end!
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