#i'll be back sooooon
alotofteez · 2 years
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Sphallolalia | Character Moodboard: Park Seonghwa
“I was kidding, but nice to see your animosity towards him is alive and well.” ~ “Good… He was a piece of shit to you.” ~ “You’re about to feel my hand to the back of your head if you don’t stop.” ~ “You know I can make it cleaner than before the dinner.”
Please do not repost.
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rhynehoward · 2 months
been feeling so shit the last week or so y'alllll
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kateis-cakeis · 1 year
Finally finished my first Merlin fic since being back in the fandom. Now I have to read it over, I guess, maybe, I feel obliged to edit :P
But, to anyone who cares, here's a sneak peek:
“So killing animals helps?” Merlin asked, and Arthur turned to him, noting his quirked eyebrow.
“It does, in a way.”
“Why? Why do you care about the lives of sorcerers?”
Arthur closed his eyes. He had to maintain his composure, he couldn’t let Merlin know, he couldn’t let him in. But when he made eye contact once more, with Merlin’s bold blue eyes staring so keenly… Something inside just snapped. His lips quivered, his eyes welled, and he stared on back, willing for Merlin to let it be.
“Okay, you care.” Merlin tilted his head. “That’s what matters?”
This fic is about Arthur having magic. Uther knows, and forces Arthur to watch executions. It's Season 2 era, starting just before S2 Ep3. So of course, Morgana's magic becomes a focal point for Arthur :)
It is of course a merthur fic too ;)
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deus-ex-mona · 10 months
The Sisters' Secret Seaside Trip: Chapter 3
thank you, midori, for your hard work
previous part (chapter 2)
next part (chapter 4)
(tw for dieting)
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A few days after Sena had commenced her diet—
Sena: (Hmm… I’ve slimmed down a little, but… I don’t feel so good these days…)
Director: Alright, let’s start shooting the next scene!
Sena: I look forward to working with you!
Sena: (But we’re shooting the climax of the drama, so I’ve got to give it my all!)
Sena: (Um… My first line was…)
Sena: (...Huh?)
Actress: Hey, Director! Narumi collapsed!
Director: Sena?! Are you okay?!
Manager: Sena!
Sena: (Everyone’s worried about me… I have to stand up as quickly as I can, but…)
Sena: (I-I can’t get up…)
Following Sena’s collapse, the filming for the drama was halted. As if on instinct, Sena gave Midori a call—
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Midori: Sena!
Sena: Ah… Midori.
Midori: …I’m glad you’re okay…
Midori: I was so worried when you suddenly told me that you’d “collapsed in the middle of filming”...
Sena: I’m so sorry… for calling you out at this time of day.
Midori: I’m fine with it, but you’ve got work tomorrow, don’tcha? You don’t look so good, so you should get some rest instead…
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Sena: No.
Midori: …Sena?
Sena: No, my work for tomorrow was rescheduled for another day.
Sena: I even caused today’s filming to get called off. I’m supposed to be a professional, and yet…!
Midori: Don’t say that…
Sena: I’m pretty sure it’s because I’ve been dieting too much.
Sena: To think that I can’t even manage my diet, despite being a model…
Midori: …
Midori: …Yannow… I don’t really get what your job’s all about…
Midori: But I think everyone makes mistakes, no matter who they are.
Sena: …
Midori: What happened today has already passed. All that matters now is how you’re gonna make up for it later.
Midori: So… you don’t hafta blame yourself unnecessarily anymore. Just rest well for now.
Sena: Midori…
Midori: You’re giving it your all, Sena. I know it for a fact, cuz I said so.
Midori: I mean, you received that offer to model for the swimsuit special cuz of your hard work, right?
Sena: …Yeah…
Midori: So, wouldn’t you say that you’re fine just the way you are right now?
Midori: I, too, love you… exactly the way you are now, Sena.
Sena: …!
Midori: Well… You’re perfectly stylish as you are now, Sena, but that’s not all there is to you…
Midori: Like you’ve got that smile of yours that’s able to charm everyone, and your silky smooth hair, and you’re dependable yet sweet…
Midori: Wait, no, I’m the only one who should know that part ‘bout you, so let’s leave it at that.
Midori: In any case! You’ve got tons of charm points that other models simply do not have!
Midori: In other words, there’s no need for you to force yourself to diet!
Sena: …Hehe.
Midori: …What’re you laughing at?
Sena: Thanks, Midori. I really do feel recharged whenever I see you...
Midori: Ah? Yeah, I feel the same way too.
Sena: Alright! I’ll continue to give it my all tomorrow!
Midori: Geez, didn’t I tell you that there’s no need to push yourself so hard…?
Sena: I’m done with dieting! I’m fine just the way I am… right?
Midori: …!
Midori: Yeah, that’s the spirit.
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madamescarlette · 2 years
I don't remember who I was / before you painted my nights / a color I've searched for since
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roguerogerss · 1 year
Show You How Much I Love You
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Pairing: Michael Gray x Reader
W/C: 3.5k
Warnings: SMUT!!, the second half is just sex, bit of a praise kink, talk of injuries and blood (not related to the smut!)
Description: After Michael gets shot, you’ve been visiting him in the hospital every day. He has a realisation on his last day there, and when you get home, he shows you how much he’s missed you.
(took a lil break from writing tommy all the time - he will be back! promise! - and did a lil spin for michael. i’ve been OBSESSED with both of them recently. so proud of the smut in this bc it’s literally only my second full on smut!!! let me know what u think babes! b back with tommy shtuff sooooon)
You hated the hospital. The building always smelled of antiseptic, slightly bitter, but with the added scent of artificial fragrance contained in soaps and cleaning products. And what was worse, the smell would linger on your clothes and in your hair, even hours after you'd left, and you'd have to bathe after every time you visited, to avoid going to bed smelling like death.
"Morning, Miss L/N." The nurses had gotten to know you over the last five weeks, and they'd always greet you when you came to visit. As much as you hated the hospital, and it's smell, the nurses made your visits very slightly more bareable.
"Good morning, Margaret." You sighed, smoothing your hair down and fixing the fur collar of your coat. "How is he, today?"
"He's had some great news today, ma'am. I think you'll be delighted." Margaret smoothed a hand over your back and then hurried off, the nurses were always on the run. You wondered what news your boyfriend could possibly have gotten that would've delighted you, considering all you'd had the past five weeks was more death, upset, and terrible news.
You climbed the stairs, still fussing over your hair, and your coat, and pulling out a small, pocket mirror to fix your lipstick in. You always ended up going to the hospital dressed like a model, because Michael had told you the first time that seeing you all dressed up had been the only thing he was looking forward to.
You plucked a cigarette from your pocket, and balanced it between your lips as you reached his room, "Miss L/N! No smoking, please! It's not allowed.", You waved the nurse off.
You took a slow drag from your cigarette, filling your lungs, and then pushed the door to Michael's room open. You beamed when you saw him, standing by his bed, something he hadn't done for the entirety of his time in recovery.
He held his arms out when he saw your smile, smiling himself, as though he was presenting a gift to you. "Well?"
"Oh my God, Michael!" You ran for him, giggling as you did, and you were met with a grunt when you dived into his arms. Michael stumbled backwards slightly as he wrapped his arms around you, before regaining his balance. His chest stung in all the places he'd been shot, but he didn't care too much. You looked so happy, something you hadn't been since finding out about the mafia, and he wasn't going to take that away from you.
"Jesus." He laughed at your excitement, "I'm still sore, sweetheart."
"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just...You look so much better."
"I feel better. They've been doing physical therapy the past few days, getting me up on my feet, finally got up on my own today."
"Margaret told me you'd had good news, was it this?"
"This, and," He reached behind him and produced a piece of paper from the bedside cabinet. The words "Discharge Notice" were printed in black at the top of the page. "This."
You gasped, "You're getting out? Today?"
"Yes." He nodded, and you clasped a hand over your mouth, ready to squeal with excitement. Michael interrupted, grasping your wrist between his fingers, "But, love, I'd have to stay with you, so it's only if you'll have me. If it'll be too much of a bother, I can stay here-"
"Michael, don't be daft." You moved your hand from your mouth, to press each palm to Michael's cheeks. "Of course I'll have you. It'd be my pleasure."
He sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close, so that your noses were touching. "Are you sure? It's not going to be pretty for the first couple of weeks. Changing bandages, cleaning bullet holes-"
"Michael." You interrupted him quickly, thumb swiping over a small, stitched scar on his cheek. "Of course I'm sure. I mean, it was only a matter of time before we moved in together, anyway, wasn't it? I suppose, it's not under the circumstances we'd like it to have been, but I want to do it."
A comfortable silence fell on the room, Michael was simply smiling, green eyes exploring yours. You ran your fingers over the new scars on his face, and found yourself frowning when you reached a particularly deep one, straight through his eyebrow. He breathed out, "I love you, so much."
You'd never heard anyone say anything with such passion, but Michael had never meant something more in his life. Tommy always spoke about feeling like you'd been pardoned by God when you should've died, and everything else being extra, borrowed time. He didn't think he could live another day without helping you to feel exactly how much you meant to him.
"I love you too, Michael." He was hardly listening to you, just thinking about things he needed to say to you.
"More than anything, you know that, don't you?" He continued. You looked at him, eyes full of concern.
"What's going on?" You were convinced there was something really wrong that he wasn't telling you about.
"Nothing's going on, my love." Michael smoothed your hair down comfortingly, chewing on the side of his lip while he thought about what to say next. "I nearly died, Y/N. I should've died, John did, and he didn't get to tell Esmé that he loved her again. I need you to know what you mean to me. Need you to know how much I love you."
He let his forehead fall against yours, sighed, and squeezed his eyes shut. Tears were threatening to fall, and he knew you'd get upset if you saw him cry. But you'd already sensed he was unsettled, and you pressed your lips to his cheek, and then to his nose, and then to his lips, he loved how loving you were.
"I'm going to show you how much I love you, how much you mean to me. As soon as I can, I'll help you around the house, I'll do everything I can for you." He clasped his hands together at the back of your neck, holding you far enough away that he could really look at you, breaths slightly shaky. "And when I'm better, really better, I mean, I want to marry you."
Your eyes widened, you supposed you might've looked scared to anyone who didn't know you too well. "Michael-"
"I'm serious. If I asked you, right now, to be my wife-"
You shook your head, a grin making it's way onto your face now. "Michael-"
"Will you marry me?" He sounded so serious. You'd spoken about getting married before, and you'd both meant what you'd said, but you hadn't expected he'd ask you so soon. You'd been together just over a year, but you were both still young, and nearly four months of your relationship had just been casual nights together.
"Are you proposing to me?" You were really smiling now. As much as you were young, and as much as you hadn't quite expected this, you were excited. Of course you wanted to marry Michael.
"If that's what you want this to be." He was smiling down at you, grasping both of your hands in his own. He’d have gotten down on one knee if he could’ve, and he felt a slight pang of guilt knowing this wasn’t quite the proposal you’d probably hoped for.
But you didn’t care. Growing up, you’d wanted a big wedding, with a big proposal beforehand, but having someone who you loved as much as you loved Michael, he could’ve proposed to you at a funeral and you’d have said yes. “Well, if that's what's happening, then yes."
"You'll marry me?" The surprise in his voice was completely unmasked. He’d had no idea you’d actually say yes.
"Yes. Yes, Michael, I'll marry you." You felt yourself doing a little jump up and down out of excitement.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course I'm serious!"
Michael arms were around your waist, now, picking you up from the ground and kissing you, completely ignoring the burn in his chest. Your lips always felt made for eachother when he kissed you, and this time was no different, if not even better. You hadn’t been kissing him half as much as you normally would, what with everything going on, and it almost felt desperate, needy.
"Tomorrow, I'll go out, and I'll buy you a ring, alright? Tommy owes me money, I'll use that to buy you the biggest one I can find." You laughed at Michael's excitement. "But this is official. We're engaged, love."
"We're engaged." You repeated, tears in your eyes, and let Michael take your face in his hands and kiss you again. You couldn't quite believe what had just happened - truth be told, neither could Michael - and you certainly didn't ever expect it to happen in a hospital room, but you were excited nonetheless.
"Come on, I've got all of my things packed, let's go home."
As soon as you stepped through the door to your apartment, you were apologising to Michael for the "state of the place". You weren't entirely used to having him round, and so felt you had to explain the little messes that you'd often leave laying around.
"Sorry, it's a bit of a mess. I've not been home too often. And it's not as big as yours, I know-"
Michael stopped you before you rambled on about how the fireplace wasn't lit, and you hadn't washed your dishes from that morning, and how you'd left all of your makeup out on the bathroom vanity because you hadn't time to put it away.
"Stop it." He soothed you, pressing a finger to your lips and looking around at your ground floor flat. It certainly wasn't much, but he actually liked your house better than his own. It was smaller, and therefore cozier, and he found the looks he got from neighbours the morning after you'd slept together funny, knowing they'd heard you screaming his name the night before. "It's perfect."
You smiled, half-heartedly, and gestured to the living room doorway, "Here, you can lay down on the sofa, and I can make some lunch. What would you like? Oh, and when do I have to change your bandages, do you remember?" You swung open the kitchen cabinet, searching through the groceries you'd bought the day before. "I'm not sure what I could make. I can go to the store, I think it should still be open-"
"Love, stop." Michael stepped closer to you, hands settling on each of your shoulders. "Just take a minute, calm down, we've got time."
"I know. I know, I just-"
"Don't." He let a hand slip down your arm and into your own, "You've said yes to marrying me today, I'm very much happy dealing with your unwashed dishes, and you can make me lunch any time, now, okay? I'm here to stay."
"Come on, fiancé." Michael grinned at you. "Lay with me, please? Missed you."
You sighed, and turned to close the cabinet door behind you. You were quick to stress yourself out, and normally you'd argue that you couldn't just lay down and forget about the things you needed to do, but you'd missed him too. "Okay."
Michael led you down the hallway and into your bedroom, he'd been here before, but you'd spend most of your time together at his house or at the office, so it felt strange having him in your bedroom. He was one to make himself at home, and today was no different. As soon as he reached your bed, the shirt that he was wearing was unbuttoned and on the floor, and he was sprawled out on top of the sheets, gesturing for you to join him.
You tried to lay down next to him, but he had other plans, hands reaching out to grip your hips and pull you on top of him, one knee on either side of his torso. "Michael!" You giggled.
"Oh, come on. I haven't had any time alone with you in over a month." His hands started to make their way under your dress, and you almost let him, until you snapped back to reality and noticed the bandage wrapped around his body.
"I know." You wanted to, you really wanted to, but you found yourself smacking his hand away before he was able to get past your thigh. "But you're still recovering."
"I'm fit enough." He raised an eyebrow at you, and you were certainly considering it. He could definitely be very convincing, when he wanted to.
"Are you sure?" You stuck your bottom lip out, pouting at him.
"I'm sure, baby." His hands found their way to your waist, and he was looking up at you with what you could only describe as hunger in his eyes, jaw clenched. He made it so hard for you to say no. "Come on, let me prove it to you. Let me show you how much I love you.”
"I don't know, Michael-"
"Please, sweetheart." He interrupted you, "Missed your body. Been so desperate for you."
Hearing him say he was desperate for you had a knot growing in your stomach. You sighed, weighing up the options you had, but ultimately deciding that you'd both be unable to think about anything else if you didn't have sex.
"Okay. Alright, but if you feel like you need to stop, you stop. Okay?"
"I will. Thank you, darling." You could feel him hardening through his trousers, and it had you biting down hard on your lips, having been waiting for this moment to come since he could sit up straight. He'd teased you while in the hospital, talked dirty, touched you every now and again, but it was hard to find a time when a nurse wasn't going to walk in and scold him for being too active, and Polly wasn't going to come in for a visit. "Now, come here."
He pushed himself up, back against the headboard, and dipped his head to connect your lips. It was fast, rough, a clash of teeth and tongue and lips, he'd missed you, and you were making it clear that you'd thought about him for the entire time he'd been in the hospital.
His hands roamed your back, pulling you closer so that you were chest to chest. He could feel his wounds burning when your torso collided with his, but the taste of your lips on his and the feeling of having you so close again quickly dissolved any discomfort he felt.
He was so needy for you, hips bucking upwards to meet yours, hands sliding down to grip your hips, you thought it was the hottest you'd ever seen him. "Fuck, Michael." You gasped out as his lips found your neck, head falling back.
He groaned at the sound of you moaning for him, he'd been waiting to touch you for so long. "Need you, pretty girl. We've got plenty of time for other things later, but I need to be inside you right now."
You didn't need to say another word, you simply nodded and helped him to unbuckle his belt while you hiked your dress up above your waist. His fingers grazed over your lingerie, and you mewled, the feeling almost too much. "Jesus, baby, you're so wet already. Haven't even done anything yet."
"Missed you so much, Michael." You breathed out, an answer to his statement, and simply a statement in itself.
"Missed you too, princess." You loved when he called you pet names.
You watched as he freed himself from his underwear, and his cock sprung up, hard and ready for you. "You're hard already." You mocked his words, and he laughed.
Neither of you wasted any time with foreplay, your panties were ripped off and on the floor with one flick of Michael's wrist, and he was lifting you off of him slightly, and guiding you back down onto his cock.
The feeling of him sliding into you again was euphoric for both of you. You hadn't had sex in more than a month, as opposed to usually being borderline sex addicts, and you knew you wouldn't last long.
You both let out pornographic moans as he bottomed out, Michael's face said it all. His mouth hung open, eyebrows knitted together, eyes wide, you were so tight, he could've came at the feeling of his cock stretching you out.
"Fuck, not gonna last long, honey." His forehead fell against yours and he screwed his eyes shut, just revelling in how good you felt around him. "Are you alright?" He asked, hand holding and stroking your waist lovingly. He was big, and you were so used to him before that you hardly needed any time to adjust, but with being away from eachother for so long, he was almost too much to handle.
"I'm okay. Give me a second. Feel so full." You were breathing heavily, shifting around. It wasn't uncomfortable as such, just a lot to take.
Michael ran his fingers through your hair, soothing you and pressing kisses to your forehead. "Taking me so well, baby. Just take your time."
"Fuck," You moaned, you loved when he was sweet to you in bed. You'd told him months ago that you thought it might've been your biggest turn on. "You can move."
Michael looked up at you, just for an extra check that you were truly alright, and, upon finding no sign that you weren't, bucked his hips up to meet yours. You almost screamed, he knew exactly what spots to hit, and he did every time without fail.
You bounced on him, his hands helping you, lifting you off of him and bringing you straight back down at new angles every time. "You feel so good, Mike."
"Fuck, good girl. That's a good girl." Michael let his forehead drop onto your collarbone, watching your tits bounce up and down. You were so beautiful, he often wondered how he'd gotten so lucky. "Tell me how good I'm making you feel."
"So, so good. Missed your cock so much. Love it so much." Your words were slightly slurred, eyes starting to droop. He loved watching you, how much of a mess you'd get, just from riding his cock.
His hands found your tits, massaging them and twisting your nipples, which always had you screaming for him, and today was no different. "Feel good?"
"Feels fucking amazing." He thrust into you at just the right angle, which had you gasping and digging your nails into his back, leaving little red half moons on his shoulder blades. "Oh, right there, Mike.”
"Shit, baby, are you close?" You were clenching around him so tightly, "Can feel it, you're close."
"I'm so close." You moaned, you were certain your upstairs neighbours would hear you, the walls and ceilings were thin, and Michael was making you yell out in pleasure.
"Me too. Almost there, sweetheart. Hang on for me." He increased his speed, making it even harder for you to hold on, and making your moans fall from your lips even louder than before.
"I don't think I can, Mike." Your legs were shaking like crazy, and you could feel his dick tensing inside of you. You needed to come so badly.
"I said hold on. You can hold it." His face was stern as he said it, dominant side coming out as he grabbed your hips and slammed you down onto him, bucking his hips at the same time. He was going to make this so good for you.
"Fuck, Michael, please." You threw your head back. You felt his cock twitch, and a loud moan come from him, he was going to come.
"Alright, baby, come. Come with me."
Your throat was hoarse from moaning as loudly as you were, but it didn't stop you from screaming his name as your walls tightened around him and you came undone. The feeling of his cum painting your insides never got old, always made you feel like you could go at least another few rounds.
"Oh my God." You panted, collapsing onto his chest as he lay back on the bed. You both lay there, breathing heavily, sweaty messes, for a few minutes. You didn't think you could move very far, your legs were shaking against him.
"Jesus, have I missed this." Michael kissed the top of your head through quick, harsh breaths.
"I've missed this so much." You agreed, heart pounding.
You lifted your head, just enough to see that there were a few speckles of blood seeping through the bandage that was wrapped around his torso. "You're bleeding, baby. Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." He nodded, and reached over to your bedside cabinet to grab the small alarm clock that sat there. It read two o’clock. Michael grinned at you.
"Time to change the bandages."
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suzukiblu · 3 days
/quietly peeks around the door/
Can there be more sugar baby au? I love them. Tim being panicked budding sugar daddy is cute.
I got kind of stuck on it for a while, unfortunately, and sorry, this is gonna sound ridic but it was just a little TOO popular so I got a little bit burned out on/overwhelmed by it. But I've been easing back into the fic and DO have quite a bit I owe y'all to write for it, so fingers crossed I'll be getting properly productive on it again soon. Was actually doing some work on it yesterday, in fact, just mostly in editing/corrections of the 9k-ish of unposted stuff I have. I've mostly been percolating some plot/pacing things that are coming up as opposed to, like, PROSING all that much right now, aside from in little bits and pieces.
But soon, friend. Sooooon. 🍬
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shewhowas39 · 16 days
i'll be back sooooon!!!! been busy with work stuff, but i plan to get to work on chapter 31 of Juniper & Starlight this weekend, so stay tuned!
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himawanai · 3 months
I know that your comment about NijiRyo girls not wanting you back was… well, a joke, but I wanna let you know that your art is a good chunk of the reason why I fell in love with the ship in the first place.
my god thank you so much... i always feel like an outsider to fanart/fanwork culture (somehow... if that makes sense) so whenever i hear that my work helped people enjoy something it tousles my braincells back to life. i'll draw them again sooooon i just gotta sort out my weird rs with drawing for btr rn 🫡 really genuinely appreciate it
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beaubyler · 4 months
X heard it first, thought I'd give a small life update since I've been MIA as of late:
I'm graduating college in a few weeks!! and I'm looking for work and trying very very hard not to fail my classes lol, which is why I've been kind of absent. I will most likely have more free time later in the summer to write. but I miss everyone here :(:( and my moots on X <3<3 I promise I'll be back to scream abt spicy byler sooooon
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s4v10rc0mp7ex · 8 days
hey guys, im gonna log off for a while. I'm going home to see my best friend in a month and i wanna work on being as mentally stable as i can by then so i actually enjoy myself and remember the trip lmao and rn tumblr isnt helping with that goal, no matter how much i try to gaslight myself into saying it does. I'll probably be back in like november lmao see yall sooooon <3
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eta--piscium · 23 days
Happy Birthday to the most wonderful person I have ever met! @schattensaenger
I still can't believe that I've been around you and was able to celebrate 3 of ur birthdays already!
Happy Birthday again my love, I wish you to be healthy because health is wealth. Hahaha I sound so old. Damn.
But seriously, I wish you good health, I wish that you live a very loooooooooooong life so we can spend so much more time together! I also wish you great success in ur career! I know you can achieve anything and everything you put your mind to! I've seen you conquer your fears! If you can conquer your fear, you can conquer anything!!! You're my gorgeous tough waifu! I was gonna wish for you to achieve ur dreams but I know damn well that you can achieve them with or without my wish! I wish that all your wishes come true!
Also I wish you stop scolding murry and give her the chair! It's her chair! I also wish u instigate more grumpiness from bunny and make her chase murry bec it's funny hahaha. Stay as you are, my love. You're perfect the way you are.❤️
I'm forever thankful that I met you, you're the best girlfriend, friend and best friend anyone can ever ask for!
Thank you for existing and making everyone's life a lot brighter and happier! Thank you for coming into my life and helping me learn to start loving life and myself again. Thank you for spamming my blog back then, I still find it adorable until now. I can never forget our first ever conversation. How I was like "testing if the theory works" hahaha that was so cute. From us being shy, to us whining and to u being petty when I jokingly called u "bro" and then the entire night u just kept calling me bro and was like "bless u bro" "Goodnight bro" "welcome bro" even after I apologized and was dying of laughter and asked u to not be pissy, u were like "I'll try my best bro" hahahaha I love you mako.
Anyways! I wish you good fortune! (So I can be cutesy and ask u if u can get me food. Hahahah jk jk) I wish you have the most amazing 26th bday ever! I wish that you get to travel more, spend more time with ur friends and ofc, travel with me sooooon hehehehe.
Ps. I hope you liked my little surprise of flowers and cupcakes for ur birthday. 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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vintageshits · 1 year
wake up, babe, new raskolnikov inspired playlist by this dumbass vintageshits just dropped 🔥
while we discuss wether or not rodya loves sofia semyonovna (jk, i don't discuss, I just shitpost), my mind gets lost in delusions. delusions where I date rodya, and I fix him, ofc. why? because I ordered a copy of "the idiot" to keep going with my dostoevsky year (from this september until September 2024 i'm planning to read nothing but dostoevsky...good luck, mental health), but it won't arrive until october 25th, so right now i'm stucked with my rodya/crime and punishment brainrot, so yeah...i made this playlist as a result of it.
Maybe I could save you from your sins So, kiss the sky and whisper to Jesus My, my, my, you found this, you need this Take a deep breath, baby, let me in
You lose your way, just take my hand You're lost at sea, then I'll command your boat to me again Don't look too far, right where you are, that's where I am I'm your man
from mariner's apartment complex by lana del rey
One word from you and I would Jump off of this Ledge I'm on Baby
Tell me "don't" So I can Crawl back in
from first love/late spring by mitski
Time away Tearing me apart I wear it on my heart, I do Can't sleep I'm wasted wasted Can't stand still I'm shaking over you
Time away I really need my fix Cause you got me so sick I know That I'm burning for you
from day go by by karen o
anywayyyy, besties
i hope you like this playlist, i will keep adding songs these days <3333
I still have some pendant posts from some tags you tagged me in (sound repetitive), I will answer them sooooon, I'm just a bit...let's say it, in my raskolnikov era, I'm literally like this right now...
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azsazz · 3 months
hello ms.kiers,, it is I! i hope you don’t mind me reappearing again, you can’t really expect someone who loves your work so much they write a review on each part of an entire series you wrote to just disappear into thin air once you answer their ask hehehe😈 i plan to be a common sight here! whether or not you take in nonnies like me, i will be visiting ! i just wanted to say i love love love your latest post, brrr-eak down? thats a really clever name!! i was hooked from the first paragraph, i really like azriel’s brief appearance here—the way he’s like so defensive over ice skater!reader is quite the sight. your writing is as wonderful as ever<3 on the topic of my most recent ask and your reply to it… you mention you plan to make the batbabies ocs? does that mean we can request for them as soon as you give us the greenlight to? 👀 and also! also!!! were daddy! azriel requests swooped into the fray? anything we should look out for that you deem particularly exciting, really. i want to hear about requests youre excited to start, and works you’re excited to post!! amazing job with brr-eak down, kiers!!!! amazing!!
– 💐
welcome back to the madhouse bestie 💙
thank you!! the hockey ones are always so much fun to write!
SOOOOO...i have some ideas with the bbys as OCs...if you've read Torrential (Knox x reader), this was part of an idea i had for my own fantasy book some day. Malos is also one of the characters in this idea that i have but i'm v intimidated by thinking about the ups and downs of a fantasy book, so we'll see how long it takes for that to come out.
as for requesting for the bat babies, it's always surprised me that people want to read more about them in the sense of x reader fics and i get a little nervous because this is technically an acotar blog and they aren't acotar characters, so i'm not sure how people would receive them haha. Torrential was amazing tho so much fun to write
i have like 300 reqs in my inbox 😭 and it makes me so sad that i can't bust out 3 fics a week like i used to 😭 there are def some dad az ones in there tho...
as for what's coming next...i'm not 100% sure. I started the next part of the vampire!az series and i was debating making a poll to see if hockey az fics should be made into an actual story like Midnight Muse, but i also don't want to put that kind of pressure on myself.
ugh there's literally so many good ideas that you've all shared with me in my inbox and i'd really just quit my job and write them if i could 😪 hopefully i'll be able to be a full time writer tho that would be sick
and i really want to try and finish the kinktober i started last year but we all know my promises really dont mean much when it comes to writing 😅
anyway i love the interaction welcome again, talk sooooon 💙💙
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nevermindtheweights · 3 months
I'll be back to writing stuff sooooon ish
just eating lunch and then i'll finish up in my room
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macawritesupdates · 4 months
Ah thank goodness you did get the comment I was so worried I would have to type all that again I had just typed it all out right in the ask so this time I'm typing out my comment on a Google doc and I'll copy and paste it so if something goes wrong again I'll have a copy.
Man you work so fast I still haven't finished commenting on lessons and you've already got another prompt chapter and a chapter of the modern a/b/o fic 😅 how am I going to keep up lol. Actually this is probably good for me because I'm not taking any summer classes but I have two writing intensive classes coming up in the fall so commenting on your fics over the summer might help keep me from getting rusty. It's enrichment for me this summer I'm taking Sukuna studies, hah. Ok so back to lessons I didn't even get to how Sukuna planned a surprise honeymoon for them in my last comment that's so cute but he's also being a complete bastard about it by sowing chaos the man is setting up all these little dominoes to fall while he's gone like a rube Goldberg machine of pure spite. I'm looking forward to seeing him go head to head with Kenjaku honestly if we could just get those two to focus all their energy on fucking with each other instead of ending or reshaping the world out of boredom everyone would be better off. Aww the wedding night was very cute Sukuna teasing that breeding kink was hot and then he got honest when Yuuji was all tired out damn buddy I'm counting that as progress to be honest it's baby steps to emotional maturity idk if he'll get there in this lifetime but clearly being together with his husband is good for him. Yuuji was sooo cute too love him being all cuddly and happy to be Sukuna's husband 💕 💖 ☺️. Anyway, delightful chapter. Thanks for writing and sharing with us!!
It appears as if I work fast as I often work on several pieces of writing at once, so sometimes a few of them may finish at the same time XD but I try to post regularly just to keep the dear readers well fed!
And yes...Sukuna is setting a lot of little dominoes to fall sooooon! I always felt like he was a character that even if you took away his ability to slice and dice would find ways to come out on top. He's a man with a mind that is always making schemes!
Glad you enjoyed the chapter! <3
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