#i'd say he supports you unconditionally but--
tenacquity · 2 years
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(not so) subtly hoards all the emotionally damaged muses and just
quietly stands near
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emiko-matsui · 5 months
Okay, I just need to get something out of the way when it comes to the Kipperlilly conversation nobody's brought up yet, which I think is insane. Almost all of The Bad Kids would be more powerful if they didn't have their tragedy porn tragic backstories.
First of all, this doesn't apply to Fig and Gorgug because if Fig wasn't Gorthalax's child she would be a lot like Kipperlilly and not the ruler of hell. I wouldn't say Gorgug has a tragic backstory, he's got a pretty normal growing up experience with ups and downs.
Let's start with her #1 nemesis, Riz Gukgak. She's so jealous that his dad was murdered and that gives him an advantage in the adventuring life. To be crude, no, it doesn't. What would give Riz an advantage in the adventuring life would be living with someone who has a direct contact to all the government's inner workings and conspiracies. Now that would be an advantage. That gives you connections and clues that no one else can get. This is not what happened. What happened was eating cereal with water for breakfast, what happened was not getting an opportunity at college, what happened was a 9 year old who stopped sleeping, what happened was not your secret agent dad giving you an advantage in the school conspiracy because he's dead. Otherwise he fucking would've.
And now Kipperlilly's new #1 nemesis, Kristen Applebees. She was ostracised from her religion for her sexuality, she achieved sainthood, and raised a dead god back to life. None of this would've happened if she hadn't been raised in The Harvestmen. No, it wouldn't, but what would have happened if Kristen had been straight? Disgusting thought, yes, I know, but let's talk about it. A Kristen who never left Helio behind would have so many more fucking advantages than the one with Cassandra has. If she had followed her birthright she would be the only chosen one of one of the world's most powerful gods. Sol is the biggest god in Spyre and Helio is his son. Helio does not have a chosen one anymore because Kristen left. It's not a title that's just given out, it could only have been Kristen. You know what's an advantage? Being the chosen one of one of the world's most powerful gods, being a god's spoken favourite, and deified by all of that god's followers. Now that would be an unfair advantage. You know what's not an advantage? Being homeless at 14 and being at the mercy of your ex-girlfriend's uncle for housing, dying and having absolutely no one there for you so you're only option to survive is to trust your own abilities enough to raise yourself from the dead, and failing school because of biased teachers.
And what of Adaine Abernant? The Elven Oracle? Her tragedy porn tragic backstory is surviving an abusive home. Now I just have to imagine that Adaine would have it a lot easier than most students, an incredible amount of unfair advantages, if her old money parents paid for every wizard whim she wanted, kept her diplomatic immunity so she could do literally anything she wanted without consequences, and gave her a direct contact into the heart of the Fallinell government. Now that is what I would call an insane amount of unfair advantage. I would be furious at this rich kid who's never had to work for anything myself. This is not even close to the case. She's barely passing classes because she can't afford the material you're required, she goes to the guidance counsellor for panic attacks, and she's being hunted by her home government. I'd say that's about every single thing in her life working against her having it easy.
Fabian Aramais Seacaster. He's complicated since he is very privileged already. He gets 5000 gold a month just for existing. He's the captain of the Owlbears because he killed the previous one. He lives alone in a mansion. Yeah, that's pretty privileged. His parents are also so severely fucked up that if they hadn't been filthy rich they would've been absolutely horrible for him. If he had parents who unconditionally supported him and stayed with him through everything, then we could talk about perhaps the most powerful person in Elmville. In Solace possibly. The most feared pirate in history who single-handedly dismantled a monarchy and fights against armies on his own is at your beck and call, does whatever you ask him to, and loves you more than anything. The greatest swordswoman in the world, that bested the most feared pirate in the world, the daughter of one of the most influential elven families and immortal will do anything you ask her, loves you to bits, and would cheat any rules for you. To have that would just be insane. You can argue that Fabian already has unfair advantages because of his social status and inheritance. This is true, but this is also true within his own adventuring party. Now his parents aren't helping him with anything and are determined that he reach his legendary status on his own. Otherwise talk about a fucking advantage.
All this to say is that if Kipperlilly got all of The Bad Kids tragedy porn like she wanted she wouldn't have been better, but she would've made them better. There is an adventuring party out there in the multiverse that has a secret agent at their disposal, the only chosen one of a Sol religion, Bill Seacaster and Hallariel Lomenelda unprompted in their corner, and a seer with unending resources and diplomatic immunity. These would've been people you start a platform about adventuring not being fair for everyone because of. The people you went against was a homeless kid, a kid with an anxiety disorder, a trust fund kid, and someone with PTSD.
I've seen your posts about Kipperlilly being wrong for her validation, but right in the fact that The Bad Kids have been given larger plots and mysteries because of their families and circumstances and I don’t want to fucking see another one. When you make that I want you to think about the adventuring party they would've been without their backstories. The insanely powerful and privileged adventuring party that almost happened. Their life got made worse, not easier because their life could have been so fucking easy. Kipperlilly can take all the tragedy porn she wants and then maybe realise that that's not what makes the adventurer. That the reason she's mad at The Bad Kids is the only reason she can even tangentially compete with them.
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When the Corroded Coffin makes it, Eddie leans into the success completely. He can't really help it, he never thought he'd make it anywhere, wouldn't even have a moderately comfortable life and now he's here, people love him, want him, think he's worth their time. It's intoxicating and he feels like if he slows down for just a second, he'll lose it all.
Steve is supportive, of course he is. It's everything Eddie's ever wanted, success in the world and the most amazing person at home, loving him unconditionally. But Eddie grows more and more frantic about his work, tours, everything. He loves Steve so much, he talks about him in awards ceremonies, in interviews and credits him as his forever muse that he maybe forgets a little that random people who he'll never meet hear more about his love for his boyfriend than Steve himself.
Maybe if he took a moment to think, Eddie would have remembered that Steve was left alone for most of his teenage years, that the love he had was real but distant. That this love always stopped him from asking for more, asking for time spent together, for actions, not words. But he didn't.
After many dinners wrapped in cellophane and tossed in the fridge, postponed dates, hurried goodbye kisses and whispered promises over the phone that never come true, it happens. Steve doesn't blame him, doesn't scream or snap, but Eddie would have preferred if he did. He just calmly tells him that he loves him, will always love Eddie and he can't imagine there being anyone else, but he finally realized that while he's happy for Eddie, he can't live through someone else's dream. He needs, wants more than another empty house and waiting, so much waiting. He kisses Eddie goodbye and whispers, "I'm so happy you managed to break your cycle, Eddie. The crime, poverty...I'm so proud of you. But now I need to break my own."
As Steve fully settles in his own apartment almost a year later, heart aching but finally not paralyzed, he turns on the radio and hears a familiar voice, like the sweetest pain. He sings a new song, one that Steve doesn't know.
I painted your room at midnight
So I'd know yesterday was over
I put all your books on the top shelf
Even the one with the four leaf clover
Man, I'm getting older
I took all your pictures off the wall
And wrapped them in a newspaper blanket
I haven't slept in what seems like a century
And now I can barely breathe
Just like a crow chasing the butterfly
Dandelions lost in the summer sky
When you and I were getting high as outer space
I never thought you'd slip away
I guess I was just a little too late
Your words still serenade me
Your lullabies won't let me sleep
I've never heard such a haunting melody
Oh, it's killing me
You know I can barely breathe
Just like a crow chasing the butterfly
Dandelions lost in the summer sky
When you and I were getting high as outer space
I never thought you'd slip away
I guess I was just a little too late
The last soft tones finish and Steve takes a deep breath, shaky and uncertain. He loves his new life, loves what he's doing, studying to save lives, and yet...
It's almost funny. They broke up a year ago, yet Eddie never left him behind. There was no pressure to get back together, no unwanted declarations of love, just...showing. Steve told Eddie that he needed actions, not words, and here he was, for a year, giving Steve the space he needed but always checking in, always making sure Steve was okay.
Eddie's words were his actions and Steve finally understands how to break his own cycle. Being alone doesn't mean he's lonely. Not when Eddie's thoughts never leave him.
Not when he remembers the four leaf clover he scribbled into his textbook.
When he says he always thinks of Steve when seeing dandelions, so bright and comforting, like home.
The nights they spent together, drunk on each other's presence.
And the melody Steve always hummed when he got out of shower.
He reaches for his phone, their careful messages blinking at him, making him wonder how this love can feel so distant yet so real.
I hope your classes are going well, Stevie.
Wayne says hi. He says he'll call you next Tuesday.
I hope you found what you were looking for.
I hope you're happy.
I'm thinking about you, always.
He types something cheesy and ridiculous, but he can't help himself. He just feels loved, seen.
What if I told you that you aren't too late, crow?
His phone dings back almost immediately and he smiles.
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emporium · 1 year
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Tumblr Frog Earrings
Edit: They brightened up a bit in the sun. What do you think about this color now? Charlotte was so excited she went into full production mode. Last night the fantastic Charlotte from The Goode Karma Co came to me with an idea for these earrings. She sent me the idea at 9pm and by 1am she already had the prototypes made. I think they look so cool and we were thinking of selling them as a set of four that you can mix and match. Is this something you'd like to see in the shop? There are well-founded concerns about companies taking advantage of Pride month to make money and I wasn't going to launch anything this month due to those concerns but I had an idea that I hope would belay those fears. Tumblr will donate 100% of the profits from these to the Trevor Project. I'll provide complete transparency with screenshots and such on how many we sells and the donations we make. Users have also expressed concerns that I'm a character created by a corporation or that I'm a master manipulator who is just trying to get a sale. I'd love for people to know that I'm just a regular person who is being himself on the only site he feels comfortable doing so. Since talk is cheap in addition to the donation tumblr will be making, I'm pledging to match every donation the company makes. By that I mean me, Nick (last name omitted, don't want to get swatted :) ), will take my own money and match any donations that Tumblr makes. I bet you're skeptical, people lie all the time on the internet. You're right to be skeptical but I'm serious and to prove it I made an advance donation of $500 (which was matched by Jimmy Choo, lululemon, and NASCAR as part of a Pride month promotion) as a down payment on my matching pledge (proof below with what I hope is enough personal information redacted).
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I want to make sure people know that tumblr is a safe place. It’s a place where you can go to be yourself, share your passions and take a breather from life. I support people being themselves, in whatever form that takes. You do you and let everyone else worry about themselves.
I’m an old straight white male. I have no idea of the struggles many of you go through, I won’t pretend I do. I may not know the right things to say or do but I do know that I support you, all of you unconditionally. I want you to educate me, I want you to rely on me, I want you to help me get rid of anyone who is making others here feel unsafe, unwanted or just simple bad about themselves. My asks are open (even anon), as well as my DMs.
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jangofettjamz · 9 months
The Birthday Boy
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Summary: You finally get to celebrate your birthday for the first time, and with the one you love.
Words: 1552
Today is my birthday. I've never really celebrated it; family never really bothered. Now that I'm older it just seemed more insignificant. No one to celebrate it with, and let's be honest and no one wants to celebrate it on their own.
Jenna was out working, I never told her when my birthday was because I didn't want to interrupt her filming schedule, she's already got enough on her plate she doesn't need to worry about getting me gifts for my birthday she has a career to grow.
I've turned 20 today; Jenna turning 21soon. 20 years feel a bit surreal not gonna lie, crazy to think it's been that long since I was born. I try not dwell on that to much, it'll just send me spiralling.
I do wish I had a good birthday though, the feeling of being celebrating. I know this may sound narcissistic, but I always wanted to be celebrated, have a day just about me. I wanted to feel like everyone could come together and show support for me even if it was just for one day, I never had that kind of love growing up so I'd like to know what that's like, though I doubt it'll happen.
My father never paid any attention to me growing up, saying I was too much of a hassle to put up with. You know you have a bad parent when they have to "put up" with you  instead of loving you unconditionally, but hey beggars can't be choosers, right?
Me thinking about how life could've been was making me depressed so I decided to go out for breakfast, I got dressed and got the keys to my car and went out get food.
On the way there I get an incoming call from Jenna, thought she would've been busy this morning so this was a pleasant surprise. I answered but kept my eyes on the road.
"Hello darling, how'd you sleep" she asked, she knows I don't sleep well when she's gone.
"Um... I slept okay, probably could've got more sleep though. I'm just going to that Italian place we went to a month ago for some breakfast. How's shooting going" I asked, she's currently filming for her new movie 'death of a unincorn' with Paul Rudd.
"Filming's going great, Paul's really cool and I can't wait for you to meet him, he's knows you're a marvel fan too." She giggles mischievously, that little minx.
"Jenna why'd you say that." I whine feeling embarrassed.
"Aw babe, don't be shy he thinks you're really cool." She says reassuringly.
"Yeah sure he does" I say sarcastically, making her laugh. "Do you know when you'll be home?" I miss her dearly, I need to see her soon.
She let's out a sigh, I brace myself for bad news. "Sorry, sweet boy. I won't be back for another week." I let out sad sigh and a whine, I missed her alot.
"Hey, hey, don't be upset baby boy, I'll be home before you know it and we'll have so much fun together. The week will go by quick I promise." She cooed, she always knew what to say to put me at ease.
"Alright sweetie I have to go, drive safe for me and I'll see you very soon." She blew a kiss through the phone "I love you, sweetheart"
"I love you too, Jenna." We end the call and I continue my journey.
I arrive at the restaurant, this is gonna drain my social battery for today so I hope I don't have to to anyone that much, I just wanna get my food, eat then leave.
I ate my food peacefully, the staff were wonderful, definitely going there again for breakfast. I leave the restaurant and do some birthday shopping for myself, figured I may aswell treat myself to something nice for my "big day"; I sound miserable.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I feel my phone vibrate, a few text messages from some of my friends and cast mates from scream 5 and 6. I read them and I was shocked, how did they know...
Hey Y/N/N, hope you're having a lovely birthday. Can't wait you see you soon.
Howdy stranger, happy birthday my love, you're 20! Hope you're doing well and I'll see you soon... very soon. 😈
Looks like someone has a birthday today... AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME! HOW DARE YOU! Besides that betrayal I miss you so much Y/N, happy birthday my sweet.
Hey man, looks who's 20 years old! Happy birthday bud, hope you have a good one.👍
Hey hey, it's the birthday boy! Happy birthday honey, you deserve the best birthday in the world. All the best from me and my husband.
Jack Quaid
Hey buddy, happy 20th birthday! I miss you alot pal, Karl and Antony send their birthday wishes too. Hope to see you soon, buddy.
I was shocked; flabbergasted even. How did they know, they couldn't have possibly...unless. I looked the last message, it was from Jenna, the mastermind behind this.
Hi baby boy, guess who found out when your birthday is! You never told me when it was but I asked around and viola! Happy birthday sweet boy, I promise we'll see each other very very soon. I love you so much, sweetheart.❤
That little minx... this is why I love her so much, I can't begin to express how much I love her and this just solidifies that. I sent her a message back saying I love her and continue to the mall.
But as I walk to the shopping mall I see three woman who look very familiar, they're wearing party hats too. No... no way... it can't be...
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Jenna POV
The look on Y/N's face is priceless, he looked shocked, excited, and emotional at the same time. I think me, Jasmin and Devyn did good on surprising him.
"JENNA?!" He says with glassy eyes.
"C'mere sweetheart" I say and open my arms, he runs towards me and I wrap him in a tight hug.
"I missed you so much" he said while crying, he's such a cutie oh my god.
"Aww sweetie, I missed you too, so much honey. I've been tracking you on Life360 and we intercepted you here. Happy birthday my love, I know you don't like big crowds so I brought Devyn and Jasmin with me" they spoke up.
"Happy birthday, Y/N/N. It's so good to see you, I've missed you alot." Devyn says making him smile widely.
"It's been too long since we've seen you Y/N, how have you been?" Jasmin asks. He lifts his head from my neck and speaks.
"Better now that you guys are here, I haven't really been feeling the best since I've been on my own, I'm so glad you're here Jenna." I hold him and rub his back in comfort.
I want him to really enjoy his birthday today, I already have stuff waiting for him at home. I think he's gonna love it. "Let's go do some shopping and then we'll go home, I have a surprise for you." His eyes lit up and I kiss his cheeks.
- 2 hours later
Y/N drove behind me as we made our way back home. Jasmin and Devyn went home soon after we shopping. We park up to the driveway and he joins me at the front door.
"Close your eyes, birthday boy" I ask and he looks at me with caution.
"What are you planning now, Ortega?" He asks me; suspicion in his voice.
"Just close them silly" he obliged and I take his hand to guide him to his surprise. We reach the living room. "Okay, open your eyes sweetheart."
He opened them and is met with countless presents ranging from: action figures and Lego sets from their favourite franchise, new clothes, PC parts and much much more. I wanted to spoil him and make up for the 20 years of birthdays he missed out on. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.
"Jenna... is this all mine?" He asked, still not believing that he finally had a proper birthday.
"All yours, sweetness" I hug him as tight as I can, he cries into my shoulder out of, what I can only assume, happiness. "Don't cry honey, it's okay. That's all for you because I love you so so much, you deserve this my love, you deserve the world." I cooed softly.
"Thank you so much" he said through his cries.
"You're so welcome, my beautiful birthday boy." I say then kiss his forehead, cheeks and lips.
"Wait here, baby boy" I head into the kitchen and grab his cake. I light the candles and head back into the living room.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/N, happy birthday to you." I sing and he blows out his candles.
I cheer and set the cake on the table. He smiled so brightly, he finally got to have a real birthday to celebrate.
Happy birthday Y/N.
Not my birthday, but I thought it'd make a good story. I hope you enjoyed.
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princessmotif · 7 months
what iroh should have been, and how it would've impacted zuko and azula's arcs
in terms of canon atla, aside from my criticisms of the orientalism woven into the show's fabric, its pattern of telling not showing, the tumor-like presence of filler episodes that don't do enough as character studies or dynamic studies (mostly in book 3; in book 1 i'm more forgiving of these since atla was still finding its groove), and my issues with zuko's redemption arc not challenging his political beliefs in a meaningful way, the thing that i would consider its biggest failure writing-wise is the fact that iroh is not intentionally portrayed as a morally gray character.
the thing about iroh is that he is a longtime war criminal. they try to soft retcon some of that in book 3 by making his nickname "the dragon of the west" about him pretending to have hunted the dragons into extinction and by making him a part of the white lotus, but this to me is not only grievously boring but also a waste of his character.
i understand why the idea of iroh as little more than zuko's loving, wise, and kooky uncle makes people happy. it means zuko gets to have a father figure who loves him unconditionally and makes him feel safe. that's a lovely concept! but not a very interesting one in terms of the narrative, nor is it one congruent with iroh's initial characterization.
think of the absolute contempt and terror he struck into those earthbenders who tried to arrest him in book 1. think of the fact that he besieged ba sing se for 600 days straight well into his adulthood (his age is unclear, but i'd presume he's somewhere in his mid to late 50s throughout atla, so he would at youngest in his 40s when he lead the siege of ba sing se). think of the fact that iroh only changed his mind about his very active part in the war as a grown man once his son was killed. think of the fact that iroh spent 3 years with zuko in exile without ever once actively making a real effort to help zuko unlearn the fire nation propaganda he was indoctrinated with from birth or to truly help him understand that ozai abused him. think of the fact that the white lotus didn't really do much of anything throughout the war to end it.
what picture do these facts paint? is it really that of a reformed war criminal? no, not really.
iroh loves zuko unconditionally. he is patient and kind and loving with zuko. i don't think there's much, if any, room to argue with that. i am not denying that to zuko, iroh is a loving, wise, and kooky uncle.
however, i am saying that iroh is multifaceted. he is zuko's loving, wise, and kooky uncle, and he is also a war criminal who, despite the show telling us has reformed his ways, is not shown to have done so in any meaningful way. he does not do much to help zuko to unlearn imperialist propaganda, does not do much to discourage zuko from trying to capture the avatar, and does not do much at all to end the war.
this makes for an incredibly interesting and dynamic character! this is a character who believes that his personal kindness absolves him of his heinous political misdeeds. that is why he does not do anything meaningful to challenge imperialism where he sees it. that is why he is also a kind, loving man. he's hugely flawed, but he also has virtues that make you want him to overcome his flaws! there is so much room for him to develop whether it's negatively or positively, and there is so much that can be done with the relationships he has, especially his relationship with zuko! furthermore, this is the summation of what the canon material overall most strongly presents us with.
but it's not how the narrative wants us to view iroh, so it's not how the narrative treats him.
instead, we are told that iroh is a reformed war criminal (and later even the notion that he was in the wrong for his military service to the fire nation is soft retconned) who is now nothing but a loving and supportive uncle to zuko. he's unfailingly kind to both zuko and the gaang, ty lee lets slip that she actually rather likes him despite azula's contempt of him to show us that ty lee is an antivillain who will be redeemed (despite her political beliefs never being actually challenged in a meaningful way), and really the only people iroh is unkind to or who dislike him are azula and ozai to highlight to the audience that they are villains.
this makes for an incredibly static character who essentially only exists to love zuko and act as his moral tether despite the fact that iroh never actually challenges zuko's political beliefs. iroh does not need to grow or develop within the narrative atla tells us exists. he has already done his self-reflection and repented for his behavior. he is a figure of moral authority. while this makes him feel safe and good to viewers who accept what atla tells them without question, in addition to not aligning with what's actually shown, it also makes him insanely bland from a narrative perspective.
but what if atla intentionally portrayed him as morally gray? what if they leaned into his shortcomings?
here's the thing about if iroh is intentionally portrayed as morally gray: zuko's redemption arc improves drastically, and azula's is given a much better opportunity to begin.
hear me out. if iroh is morally gray, then he is not solely there to show zuko what real, unconditional love looks like so that zuko can replace his abusive father with a loving father figure, giving him the strength to do the right thing and join the gaang. i'm not saying iroh no longer serves this function in the narrative; i'm saying that now that iroh does this, and his failure to meaningfully repent for his war crimes and to challenge imperialism creates conflict with zuko. you see, if iroh is morally gray, then his failure to challenge zuko's political beliefs (i.e. imperialism is good) is something that zuko is forced to reckon with throughout his redemption arc.
this would mean that zuko is finally actually challenged in his political beliefs as opposed to simply accepting that people are afraid of him because he is a destructive firebender/the prince and thus representative of the harm they have endured throughout the war. furthermore, it means that zuko has to go against a father figure who has treated him well, so his redemption is no longer a matter rooted in kindness but in moral conviction. zuko doesn't have to lose his love for iroh to do this; in fact, that would be a very boring way to portray this. it is far more interesting if zuko has the internal conflict of both loving his uncle and condemning him politically as he struggles to do the right thing in spite of that love.
the idea of zuko managing to grow beyond iroh and do the right thing even though it is hard, even though it means not only going against ozai's malice but also iroh's complicty, is one that would round zuko's arc out better.
it's also one that would open up the gates for an azula redemption arc a lot more than what canon does (although canon azula is still redeemable).
if zuko outgrows iroh enough to challenge his inaction, then he has outgrown iroh enough to start to really see his flaws.
one of zuko's main flaws in canon is that he has a very black and white way of thinking. this is a hugely defining flaw for him. it's why he struggled to accept that ozai abused him, why he struggled to see that his pursuit of the avatar and thus the war as a whole was wrong, why he got physically ill when he was confronted with the fact that he was harming people, etc.
but if zuko starts to see that iroh's inaction as a flaw despite the fact that iroh loves him so sincerely and is so kind to most everyone, then he can start to break this black and white thinking. like ozai, iroh is no longer on a pedestal in zuko's mind. this would lead to the unearthing of more of iroh's flaws.
in conjunction with the fact that zuko has now seen proof of azula's pain (her psychotic break in the last agni kai), this means that zuko can start to place blame where it's due with people over her pain.
i am under no delusions about the state of zuko's relationship with azula in canon. i've expanded on my thoughts about the love between them here if you'd like to see them, but i can sum it up as so: while azula cares about zuko in her own deeply screwed up way, zuko doesn't really care about azula because he is shortsighted and struggles to empathize with her or even see a need to.
however, seeing proof that azula has been harmed too means that zuko would finally see a reason she is worthy of his empathy. the first, most obvious, and easiest to identify (for zuko) perpetrator is, of course, ozai. like with the war, ozai is clearly malicious. now that zuko has admitted and accepted that his father was abusive to him, it is much easier for him to admit that their father is responsible for azula's pain too. this much i believe is likely in canon as well.
the next person for zuko to look to, which can only happen if zuko has opened his eyes, is iroh. like with the war post 600 day siege, iroh was not malicious in his treatment of azula, but he was still complicit. iroh may not have abused azula, but he did neglect her entirely. he did not give her a chance to ever be anything but what ozai told her she should be. he did not show her love and compassion the way he did zuko. furthermore, he not only failed to encourage zuko to ever try doing so, he actively discouraged him from attempting to.
to be clear: i don't think zuko should be a mentor figure to azula during her redemption. like azula, he's just a kid. he's still growing and learning himself. he also doesn't really understand her at all, even if he has realized that she was hurt too. he doesn't understand how she was, and he's going to have to spend a lot of time reconciling the way their father's abuse colored his perception of her with how she actually is. furthermore, their relationship is complicated and full of pain for them both, so relying too heavily on it to help azula recover and redeem herself would end badly if we're being realistic.
but zuko seeing that azula was abused by their father and seeing that their uncle's failure to ever give her a chance to understand real love is crucial to him realizing that the asylum is not somewhere that gives her a real shot at recovery and redemption.
whether or not azula takes that shot when it's given to her is a more complicated story that would involve both zuko and azula having to reflect more wholly and honestly on ursa than i think either of them ever have before as well as some likely very painful conversations challenging the way she, like all other fire nation citizens, was indoctrinated, but do you see how interesting treating iroh as the morally gray character he is could be?
even if you don't want to see a redeemed azula (i personally do, but the possibility of her rejecting the idea of redemption is also quite fascinating and tragic in this context), zuko's arc and the commentary made about redemption and second chances overall are made so much more interesting and nuanced by this simple choice.
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mossyivy · 5 months
Leon definitely did this for all his wife’s pregnancies but I think for Scottie in particular, she’s a lot older, probably got really self conscious when she started to gain weight and look more pregnant. Particularly when she’s in her third trimester, and she’s got a baby bump. Her clothes don’t fit at all and she’s uncomfortable. Of course she’s done this before but it’s different now. He’d go out of his way to make her feel beautiful, to let her know she’s still gorgeous to him. She’s also extra sensitive right now, and he’d be so gentle with her, and make sure his girls knew to be careful with what they say and do
Leon in general is affectionate to his family, especially his wife. He's extra affectionate when she's pregnant but this time around it's like he's a whole different kind of supportive man.
Constantly checking in, even a few times throughout the day. I'd imagine she goes a little stir crazy during pregnancy cause she's not able to work (Terrasave would definitely not let a pregnant woman around virus strains cause God forbid anything happen!)
Whenever he can be, Leon's home. Constantly being on the edge of overbearing but knows his limits by now with her, this ain't their first rodeo together after all. But the last two times you could bounce back pretty easily. Now this is considered a late in life or as the doctor so lovingly called it a "geriatric pregnancy" since you'd be in your 40s by now.
You can't help but dwell on all the possible issues or how you'll be after. HOW YOU'LL LOOK AFTER!
Will Leon still find you appealing?
You're honest enough with each other to come forward and talk about problems big or small. You've literally held him through full on breakdowns before. He's cared for you when postpartum hit you after having Cecilia and you felt like less of a mother for not connecting with her right away like with Violet. You're each other's rocks. Of course he'd still love you and find you just as gorgeous as the moment he laid his eyes on you.
He tells you not to worry about clothes, they're just clothes. They can fit again eventually. But he knows how you find comfort in having him around somehow. So you two start sharing a wardrobe. Sweats, t-shirts, and his jackets. It's nice having him there even if it's not physically. Even just his cologne stuck to his jacket collar is nice against your sensitive pregnancy nose. And he gets the benefit of watching you walk around in his clothes. And smiling in the bask of your glow.
He'd sit down with the girls in one of their rooms while you were napping and give them the talk. Being completely honest about how mommy's sensitive and they all need to stay aware of everything while she's like this. Cecilia wouldn't get it right away, obviously, she's younger. But Violet would understand. She'd even get into the habit of checking in on her mom and micro managing her sister whenever something came up. Talking on the responsibilities of making sure she kept her entertained so Leon could spend time with you.
It really does take a village to raise a child and you're very lucky to have people who care. To have raised 2 great girls already and have a husband who loves you unconditionally.
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d-targaryenshoe · 1 year
Jackson Avery - Cherished In Secret
Word Count: 999
Summary: Having that one person to come home to in secret, still feels like home, right?
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There were moments where you didn't know how to act, how to just...be. At moments it could feel as if it was all so complicated, even frustrating when you failed at a single suture.
But to lighten everything, there were also moments of laughter, happiness, and joy. The joy you felt whenever you were around your friends, friends that always had your back.
Whenever and wherever.
Although your friends did not always know everything, some parts of your life that you'd rather keep to yourself, were the parts they didn't know about.
But whenever all of you had finished your jobs for the day, there was one thing left to do, and that was all of you getting ready to leave the hospital and enter Joe's for having a few drinks and say whatever happened that day
Or talk about what happened when all of you weren't together or were too busy living your own lives besides being a medical intern. At times it could feel like coming home, while all of you were just sitting and laughing around a table.
"Taryn, Never have I ever thrown up on another person?" Levi watched his friend's face change into disgust.
"Levi, please-" Nico started.
"Are you serious?" You stared at your male friend with an amazed expression.
"What? You all wanted to play this game, so?" He watched Taryn searching for an answer to his question.
"Yeah, once, twice actually, Y/n was the first person to go through the horror event, and then...Casey was the second." Taryn sighed, watching all of you stare at her. "I'm not proud of it, okay? I still feel bad for it."
"Nico, you're next!" You sarcastically smiled at your friend, the friend you could hate at times, but still, he was your friend, unconditionally. "Never have I ever played strip poker."
The table ooh'd at your sudden wave of confidence. Noticing Nico's flustered face as he heard your question that was directed straight at him.
"Yeah, I did." He answered, shrugging his shoulders, doing his best to keep on a strong expression on his face.
"And?" Taryn took a sip of her beer, waiting for her friend to start explaining any further details.
"I won?" Nico shrugged his shoulder, noticing not one of you believed anything of what he said. "I lost, okay? I lost, ended up in my underwear, and a walk of shame, can we move on?"
"We sure can, but we're not done talking about this," Taryn spoke, pointing at Levi with her beer bottle. "Never have I ever worked with someone I couldn't stand."
Levi pretended to be in deep thought, thinking about an answer to the question that he'd just been asked. "No offense, but I work with all of you, that's already frustrating at times."
"Wow, way to go, Levi." You shook your head at your friend's answer, yet you loved the way all of you could say these sorts of things and yet still laugh and support each other unconditionally. "You're lucky I love you."
"Well, you're also lucky because the next question is directed at you." Nico smiled, fiddling with a card on the table. "Never have I ever kept a crush secret from people in this room."
And this is where he got you good, he got you good at a point and a fact where you had to find a way out. A way out, to not put everything you had built up in secret on the line.
To put it on the line for a stupid game of 'Never Have I Ever' with your friends. It was not the case that you didn't want to tell them, it was just nice to have something for yourself, something you didn't feel like sharing.
"I have never." You lied, looking all of your friends in the eyes, trying your best to make them believe you, which wasn't one of the hardest things to do. "I'd never be able to keep such a thing for myself, so no."
It seemed as if everyone was doubting you, but after a few seconds, they started smiling and nodding their heads, noticing your serious behavior, and suggesting you were speaking the truth.
Suddenly your phone started vibrating, and that was enough for you to know it was time to finish the night with your friends and get safe in your other secret bubble.
"Dr. Wilson asked me to come in early tomorrow, so I think I'm gonna head home, take a shower and just go to sleep for the day." You said, putting on your coat, and placing some money on the table, to make the lying somehow okay.
"Oh...okay?" Taryn furrowed her eyebrows, sharing a confused glance with your other two friends.
"Sure...see you in a few hours then?" Nico asked, receiving a nod from you.
"Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow, y/n" Levi smiled.
"See you tomorrow then." You took your purse and walked out of Joe's, pulling your coat somehow tighter around your body, because the cold weather, wasn't just it.
Taking your phone out of your coat pocket, you scrolled through all your messages, searching for any new message he'd sent you meanwhile, but you didn't see anything.
"So, you lied again to them?" A voice spoke up behind you, startling you somehow out of your concentration.
"My god- well, yeah, yeah I did, why?" You frowned, staring up into Jackson's eyes, trying your best not to smile.
"You've been lying to them for 3 months now, why don't you just tell them?" Jackson asked, taking a hold of your hand.
"I like keeping us and you to myself, is that selfish?" You released his hand and placed both of your hands on each side of his face, softly smiling. "They'd freak out if they would know."
"I get it, I feel the same way." Jackson smiled and kissed your forehead, taking once again hold of your hand as you both started walking into the night.
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softxsuki · 7 months
Hi, I hope I sent this in time! This is for Valentines Day Letter event. I'd like to request a letter with Pro!Hero Todoroki with a quirkless Fem!reader. We're in an established relationship (we were highschool sweethearts and have been together ever since). Also, I'd like if he called me 'honey' in the letter.
Tone/Genre: Proposal and adoration
Location: We live together but, he's always out on hero duty so I rarely see him home. The letter was left on a page of my favorite book.
Other info: We're both 25. I'm a hopeless romantic and, he does everything he can to show his love and appreciation for me. Sometimes I overthink but, he's there to support me. I'm quirkless so, I work as a digital artist. While waiting for him to return home, I do my hobbies which are reading, writing.
Todoroki's Proposal Letter to His Girlfriend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Todoroki x Fem!Reader| Genre: Fluff | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 980 |
Warnings: kissing?
Note: Hey! Happy Valentine's Day, hope you enjoy your letter from Todoroki :)
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You were finally relaxed for the evening after coming home from work, your body practically melting into your favorite chair. Your boyfriend, Todoroki had paid someone to create a little reading nook for you, but perhaps it was more like your own mini library. There were shelves upon shelves of books you needed to read along with sprinkles of books you’ve already read and loved.
Your fingers find the book you had been making your way through and couldn’t wait to get lost within the words on the page for another evening while waiting for your boyfriend to return home from his hero duties. Though, as you flip to the page your bookmark was holding, you furrow your brows in confusion at the envelope tucked between the pages. 
You gently open it, closing your book and placing it to the side as you begin to read the letter to yourself;
Dear Y/N, 
If I’m correct about your daily habits, then it should be around 7pm when you’re finally reading this and I’m hopefully almost home to say this to you directly. But…in the slight chance that I’m not, you’ll probably never see this and I’ll have to come up with another plan.
Happy Valentine’s Day, honey. I can’t believe how long we’ve been together. Looking back on our high school days, I could never picture myself giving my heart to someone, trusting and loving them unconditionally, yet now I can’t imagine my life without you in it. 
You’ve remained by my side through all my family mess and helped me through so many difficult moments in my life. So thank you for loving me and accepting me for all my flaws. I’m terrible at saying these things to you directly. It’s hard for me to fully be vulnerable about my feelings and at times I don’t want to burden you with them even more than I already have.
However, lately I can’t help but want to be even closer to you. The reassurance that you’re here to stay, that you’ll be mine forever. I’ve been thinking about it a lot. We already live together, why not seal the deal?
I don’t want to ask you this important question in a letter when I’m not home to see how you’ll react, but please wait for me for a few more minutes. I’ll be there to ask you shortly. I love you.
Your heart was beating wildly in your chest at the words you read. Was he really about to come home and propose to you? Was that what he was hinting at? Your cheeks felt hot at the idea of him wanting to be your husband. 
Did you look okay? You had gotten comfortable in your pajamas for the night already. Would it be better if you changed into something nicer?
Yet you had no time to change or do anything as the familiar beep of the electronic lock in your home sounded, signaling Todoroki was already home. You scramble to your feet and rush to the front door to see him.
Todoroki, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, enters, closing the door behind him, before turning to face you, his eyes softening at the sight of you. You had read his letter, he knew you did.
“Welcome home,” you greet him, eyeing the flowers, your heart thumping in your chest.
He closes the distance between you, pressing a kiss to your lips and taking your hand with his free one.
“Great to be home, I missed you,” a small smile appears on his usually stoic face as he hands you the flowers in his hands, “Got theses for you, honey. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
You clutch the flowers in your arms tightly, thanking him. Then he gets down on one knee, one hand still firmly holding yours as he removes a box from his pocket and opens it to display a unique, yet beautiful ring inside it.
“I’m sure you read the letter I left for you and it’s true. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. Not only as my partner, but as my other half. I love you Y/N, more than I thought I’d ever love someone. Would you please marry me?”
It was a little awkward as he fumbled over his words, not used to saying these things out loud, but it was perfect in your eyes.
With teary eyes, you nod your head. You wanted this, you wanted to be his wife and have him as your husband. Making a vow to remain together till death do you part.
“Of course I’ll marry you,” you cry out, watching him as he placed the beautiful ring that fit your taste perfectly, on your ring finger.
He props himself back on his feet so he’s eye level with you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pressing a kiss to your cheek as one of his hands holds the hand with your ring on it, one of his fingers running over the gem.
“Should we just get married now in town?” He asks, almost impatient to call you his wife.
You laugh gently at his subtle excitement beyond his stoic expression that once again took over his features.
“There’s no rush. Let’s enjoy the engaged life for a bit. You’re at the peak of your career right now, we have forever to get married,” you smile, calming him down before he carries you to the marriage registrar’s office.
Reluctantly, he nods at your request. He was excited to marry you, but more than willing to follow your wishes and give you an extravagant wedding ceremony if that’s what you desired. Your life together as an engaged couple was just beginning, and you were beyond excited for what the future held for the both of you.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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universallypersona · 3 months
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He definitely had nightmares from Black Sheep leaving V.I.L.E more than thrice (he always says it's no longer clouding his mind as he grows older but really, it's the biggest lie he ever told)
Would so be the type to make a dad joke in awkward situations without even realising it
Even if Black Sheep left, he always tries to mend the relationship of the friend group (Tigress, El Topo, and Le Chèvre) as they grow older since of course even they were upset with the event
Is flirty but absolutely SUCKS sometimes (I like to think he was stood up on a blind date with another V.I.L.E Operative because he made a mistake on planning the date while being on a mission)
Since El Topo and Le Chèvre were dating, I'd like to heavily imply that he's pretty chill with having different sexualities like how he'd be a supportive dad when you're asking out your crush
He feels SO PANSEXUAL to me ngl. He's the type to love you unconditionally and would never forget your anniversary unless a very stressful mission came up BUTT he always has a plan B to make up for it <33
He is definitely cheesy, As in he would throw you a surprise party on your birthday to take you out on a romantic date with eating dinner on the rooftop of a building with the best view of a nearby ocean while he gives you an expensive jewelry OR something from your wishlist (may or may not have stolen it from someone but that isn't the point)
I may have him in my kinlist but that is not the point (live, laugh, love Graham/Crackle Calloway)
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raayllum · 11 months
Do you truly believe that Callum is the only best thing that's happened to Rayla?
I don't think Callum is the only good thing in Rayla's life, but I do absolutely agree with her sentiment that he's the best thing she's ever had / that's ever happened to her. This is for a few reasons (mostly only talking about arc 1 as that's the time she's referring to, but I'm also gonna be touching on S4/S5):
In Bloodmoon Huntress, the long time headcanon of post-s1-s3 fans that Rayla was a relatively friendless / lonely child was confirmed. This makes Callum and Ezran her first real friends, and while she's more likely to lean on Ezran for support (in arc 1 at least) initially than Callum is, Callum is still more so her peer (due to being similar ages) and is her first and main Best Friend. For that alone, I'd buy her statement.
Then there's the other ways Callum has changed her life. He is:
The person who inspired her to actively work towards breaking the cycle past the point of 1) believing it was right for Zym to return home and 2) to make up for her parents' perceived/failures mistakes, as seen most prominently in 2x07. This is something she is willing to die for, and while Rayla is (unfortunately) willing to die for many things, this is the cause she believes in and feels centred in: "Every fibre in my body is telling me that [leaving her] is wrong [...] It doesn't just feel like the right thing to do, it feels like the right thing for me to do. It's where I'm meant to be." ("Look at yourself, Rayla. Who are you? What do you stand for? Once you know that, you'll end up where you were always meant to be.") Someone giving you a much more positive worldview that aligns with your values and sense of rightness is certainly a big deal (and a positive one, particularly for someone who's struggled with hesitating over what feels right for so much of her life.
Callum is the first person in Rayla's life to love her wholly unconditionally. While Rayla is deeply loved by all four of her parents, and I've gone on record saying that Tiadrin and Lain didn't do anything wrong, arc 1 sees Rayla brush up against the lingering cultural hangups and choices that make her family's love for her feel if not outright be somewhat conditional. She is shunned by her village (condition 1), while Ethari says goodbye to her and embraces her he still turned his back on her (condition 2), Runaan was heavily disappointed in her betrayal of him/the mission and left her (condition 3), and her parents put their duty over her / being her parents (condition 4). Callum says fuck all that shit. He refuses to leave even when she's pushing him away. He loves and admires her for the exact things she's been punished or shamed for ("You have true courage and a big heart" -> "Even when her own people might misunderstand and turn against her"). He says she doesn't deserve to be Ghosted, she doesn't deserve to be unjustly turned away for a mistake she didn't even make, he says and shows that it's okay for her to be scared and that she can (and should) rely on him.
This is even more intrinsically tethered given Chasing Shadows and the canon fact that Callum and his love for her 1) kept her from throwing what little remained of her life away entirely and 2) literally kept her from forsaking her name/identity/everything else that makes her Rayla and 3) gave her the courage to try and come home to somewhere she'd be safe and loved, even if she knew/felt she didn't deserve to. There's an underlying belief in Chasing Shadows we see carry through into S4 where Rayla truly believes Callum can do and overcome just about anything, and if he can do the impossible, then maybe so can she:
She backed away, close to the pit’s edge. The crowd shouted and screamed at her ears, their spittle landing on her neck. It rattled her. The human kicked dirt at her, and Rayla scraped at her eyes, angry—infuriated, even. Humans were frustrating. Humans were clever. Humans could do anything, they could be anything, they could take their own fates and change them—
It is for all these reasons that Rayla clearly considers him to be her family and the love of her life. She gives him the pendant (from Ethari to Runaan, then Ethari to her, and then her to Callum) as a symbol of both familial and romantic love. He seems to be the first person she's had serious feelings for and certainly the first person she's fallen in love with.
She was originally going to confess first (2x09) back when she clearly didn't have any thought or inclination he'd ever love her back, either. Then he did, and it elevated an already very steady and safe relationship to one that was good natured, even more incredibly supportive, and wholly unconditional.
And given how he supports and loves her in S4 and S5, I am even more inclined to think she's Right <3
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
Please read "the s-classes i raised" for insane women. :D
Yesss!! That's the only other work in the male oriented OP gamer genre I've read! :D
Fully agree that the insane women are great. I love the hip teen who can snap you like a twig, cool girlboss guild leader who can snap you like a twig, and terrible yet entertaining person who can snap you like a twig. We have such a good diversity of women that I'd even forgive a love interest at this point.
It is genuinely a very cute work. A good palate cleanser for everything else. Definitely a reaction to Solo Leveling, since it is the exact opposite of Solo Leveling in every conceivable way while still having identical worldbuilding. The first chapter surprised me when it depicted just a warm and sincere and meaningful "I love you!" between two men, and that energy is maintained. It's actioney but sweet. The MC does not start out as Your Literal Mother and then transform into a badass who can beat anybody up - he says as Your Literal Mother, becomes very good at being Your Literal Mother, brainwashes you a bit?, and as a result in the moments when somebody kidnaps his cat and he does go apeshit, it's very satisfying. Very much more proof that a good supporting cast is everything.
It is funny to read this sweet and pretty straight-forward character-wise work and then immediately open up orv to read a chapter straight of kdj going absolutely insane and manipulating the Greek pantheon to steal a godhood. And you're like ah. orv is...really another level. Of insane. It is not normal behavior. I'm putting it next to Animorphs as a work that is genuinely uncrossover-able.
Obviously, I have a better version in my head. I would have tweaked a few things. I especially liked the idea of making Big Bro and Lil Bro estranged because of more than just...super shitty communication. Have them actually estranged because they have bad habits, they can be ugly to each other, they can get on each other's nerves. Have the gap be created naturally and have the fame and demon contract prevent a bridge from ever being built again. Genuine sibling shit. Give Big Bro MC actual regrets for how he treated him.
I would have the Yandere thing be new. Because in the new universe his brother is lowkey brainwashed into loving him simply and unconditionally and prettily - no more messiness, no more rough edges hurting each other. MC is no longer a person and is instead an abstract idea of perfection. And it's pretty easy to cut off the vague ideal of a brother's arm or dehumanize him. And it would involve MC realizing that he would have rather had the messiness and hurt and sharp edges than the perfection.
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coffeeandmagicaltales · 4 months
Spare some lore about Selina and Sting Sharp and their parents? It’s been a stupid 2 days at work and I think they’re so cute 😭. That sketch you did of them all made me so happy!
If not no worries! Just wanted to drop in and say your OCs always pique my interest!
OHHH I feel so honored <3 I'd love to answer <3
Spoiler free (I still haven't finished writing my fics)
Sharp Sisters
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Lets's start from the oldest- "Sting".
She's about 6 in the drawing. Adventurous, curious, pretty mischievous, and very brave... Also getting into trouble a lot. A LOT.
Both of her parents work at Hogwarts, so she spent her childhood in the castle (when possible), sleeping in her parents' chamber or at her Muggle and magical grandparents' house.
She got sorted into Hufflepuff and immediately fell in love with Quidditch, becoming the youngest beater on the team. That's where her nickname came from - dressed in Hufflepuff black and yellow colors, flying recklessly and incredibly fast, giving hard blows to opponents, she looked like a dangerous little bee.
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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She spends lots of time in detentions at Hogwarts due to the crazy ideas she comes up with (that make her parents roll their eyes and just say "ugh, again"; they've become so done with it, they just don't care anymore, and the only thing they ask is: "Is she bleeding? No? Oh, well, just take as many points from her as possible."). She's a free spirit who doesn't like being closed in between walls and loves to explore the world on her own, unlike her younger sister, who prefers to study in the library.
Her relationship with her sister is very profound, and even though they are like fire and water and sometimes disagree, they love each other unconditionally. Sting spends lots of time with Selina and gives her support. She deeply worries about her little sister's timid nature and gets into fights each time someone calls little Sharp "a weirdo".
Her relationship with her parents is pretty complicated. It was really wonderful until her 6th year at Hogwarts when she decided to become an Auror despite her... well... certain health issues. Aesop argued with her many times, trying to convince her to find a less dangerous job, but she already set her mind and was too stubborn. It is said that Sting was the only person Aesop ever raised his voice at, too scared of her being injured just like him, or even worse. But, as a rebellious 17-year-old, she did what she wanted to do, ignoring her father's plead. Her mother, Morana, was more optimistic about her life choices (Sting was a Sharp for Merlin's sake!) and convinced Aesop to train her as best as he and her could, preparing Sting for the worst.
She became an Auror, one of the best in history, duh! If you were a criminal and somebody had spilled the tea that Sting Sharp is investigating your case, well, better head to Nepal and intend to live as a goat... But! She didn't like this job at all. Ministry's orders, things against her moral compass she was told to do frustrated her, and after a few years, she quit. Waiting for Aesop's retirement, she took many part-time jobs, also helped her godmother Poppy to catch poachers, and when her dad was finally retired, they both opened a private detective office, also working with Morana and Selina.
Lesbian, she married a long-time girlfriend of hers, had no kids.
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The youngest Sharp- Selene (sometimes written as Selina, more Slavic version of that name, as she is half British half Slovakian)
This little grumpy pumpkin, about 1 in the drawing, was literally born at Hogwarts and spent her time close to her parents. Sometimes with daddy: sitting on his desk, incredibly interested in classes, lulled to sleep by his lectures, or playing with vials (unbreakable) filled with glitter and colorful water. Sometimes with mummy: sleeping in a scarf wrapped around her body during her lectures. Sometimes with her many teacher aunts and uncles, who loved to take her to their classes (especially Ronen and Garlick).
Her interest in potions was obvious from the beginning, but soon Aesop discovered that, in her case, there was a thin line between genius and obsession, and she preferred to experiment rather than play with her peers. Only her older sister seemed to understand her and accept that Selina is a bit different than other kids her age: always gloomy and avoiding anyone's company. She stood out from the crowd also thanks to her dad's tall genes, his grumpy and dreamy nature and, well, his look in general, along with dark eyes and hair, crooked teeth, big nose. She was never considered "pretty", often being compared to her father. Other kids giving her unpleasant comments like "I wouldn't date old Sharp's lookalike".
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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Other kids hated the fact that she's two teachers' daughter (and other teachers are her aunts and uncles) and bullied her a lot, calling her "a weirdo" or "a teacher's favorite" (Sting, ironically, never had that problem). Her parents and sister tried their best to make amends with anyone who dared to hurt Selina, but she felt sad and lonely anyway. She was often found hidden somewhere behind dad's cauldrons in his class, crying. Her situation was breaking Sharps' hearts, and they came up with an idea to sign her up for an internship at Parry Pippin's shop during her 3rd year. That was a jackpot; Selina made friends with adult potioneers, no longer feeling alone, and her talents began to thrive. After Pippin's death, she, not his children, became the shop's owner and one of the best healers in Europe, working occasionally at St. Mungo's or giving lectures at Hogwarts when Aesop was not feeling well.
Her relationship with her sister is stronger than diamond. She supports the sometimes annoyingly talkative and loud Sting and is always ready to help her. Their hearts were both broken when Selina got sorted into Slytherin, away from the older Sharp.
She's a daddy's daughter, and, no matter how much she loves her mum, it's Aesop she runs to first and clings to his jacket. She preferred to spend time with him as he was quieter and calmer than Morana, who loved wild adventures, that, on the other hand, Sting preferred more. Morana sometimes felt guilty that she couldn't approach her youngest daughter as well as Aesop, but she found out that they both enjoy slow hikes and exploring the calm Tatra Mountains in Slovakia. Selina anticipated those even few weeks long lonely trips with her mother.
She met her husband in Pippin's shop (Selina and Aesop both found a cure for his quite rare sickness), Garreth Weasley's son, who later took Sharp's surname. They had a beautiful red-headed son - Aesop Sharp Junior.
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I hope you enjoed this little spoiler free backstory of my characters <3
It was hard to find a NPC mix of Morana&Aesop but this one is the best option:
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Sad dark eyes, dark brown hair, high cheek bones, bushy arched brows, big nose, upper lip shape- Aesop
Tanned skin tone, 10K freckles, round face- Morana
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marinsawakening · 6 months
In that last post I primarily talked about Riju and Zelda's parallels because I think those are the most obvious and important, but Riju, Zelda, and Link also do a great job rounding out the 'weight of duty' theme as a trio in BOTW.
In Zelda, we see someone cracking under the weight of duty due to the excessive pressure she receives from others. She fails to awaken the powers until at the very end, when one of the very few people we see who actually supports her unconditionally is doomed to death unless she doesn't. Again, we never receive an explicitly stated reason why Zelda couldn't awaken her powers until then, but the implication to me is fairly obviously that the pressure she was under was backfiring. Either which way, putting pressure on Zelda did not make her awaken her powers faster. Ultimately, while Zelda did manage to seal Calamity Ganon to buy time, there was already a lot of damage and death done. Zelda's character shows how you can buckle under the weight of duty due to excessive pressure, and how this can be fatal.
In Riju, we see someone who is largely supported by those around her in her duty. As discussed in the last post, there are issues, but the Gerudo show an overwhelming love for Riju as a person and care a lot about her. While she still deals with insecurity, Riju is an incredibly successful chief and is stated to take some leisure time to play with her sand seal and to rest under normal circumstances. Riju's character shows how that the weight of duty may be heavy, but that it can be managed by proper support, and that people perform better when they are not under excessive amounts of stress.
Rounding out the trio of parallels is Link, who gets significantly less character, but whom I'd argue still contributes to the overarching theme. Pre-Calamity Link is stated to be under a lot of stress, as exemplified in Zelda's diary entries, most notably in the fact that he doesn't talk for fear of disappointing people. Post-Calamity Link, on the other hand, is an open world game protagonist, and as such spends a lot of time messing around and having fun. While technically not a "canonical" part of his character, because the way you play the game is obviously up to you, I'd say this contrast between misery due to constraint and pressure and happiness due to freedom is deliberate. Notably, too, is that Link fails in his duty in the past. He goes down in battle and is unable not just to defend Zelda further, but to fight Calamity Ganon. A hundred years later, however, waking up with a blank slate due to amnesia in a wide world of wonders to explore, free from any direct external pressure, Link succeeds in his quest. Link shows a character who failed when faced with undue pressure, but succeeded when freed from this.
Altogether they show three sides to the topic, rounding out a theme and ultimately concluding that the weight of duty is always heavy, but that people fare better when you don't put undue pressure on them.
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thoughtaddictand · 6 months
I stand with Noah Schnapp
Unsuspecting people still ask why Noah Schnapp has fallen into disgrace so much. And that's when the shit storm usually starts. I think you've all seen dealt with enough Pro-Palestinian Hamas terrorist apologetic to know what I mean.....
But I have to say that I stand with Noah unconditionally. I appreciate that he stands with Israel, and he does so essentially for the same reasons as I do.
Him and I essentially belong to two minority groups groups that almost universally support Israel.
A) He's Jewish, and Jews almost universally believe in the Jewish state. Because they know you were create as a safe haven for all Jews, should the neccesity for one ever arise. Non-Israeli Jews like myself and Noah might be safe in our western countries *CURRENTLY *, but history has taught us that this can change from one moment of to the next. And it's an assurance of knowing we'll always have somewhere to to go.
B) He's gay, and gays overwhelmingly support Israel. Because why wouldn't we support a country where our existence is legal, in its conflict against an Islamists regime where it is not.....
Truth be told, I'd be shocked if he DIDN'T support you.. >.>
Besides, he's being "cancelled" for doing things that aren't bad at all
1) He made an Instagram post about being scared. Maybe not that unreasonably considering the uptick in antisemetism since the beginning of the war.
2) He liked an "offensive" video which was mocking college campus activists. Israelis deal with "tough situations" (and I think the current war definitely counts as tough) through humor. I'd argue that after the war and the October 7 attacks, people need to shut the fuck up and let you deal with things the way you see fit.
3) He was caught on camera holding "Zionism is sexy" stickers..... And that's it. He wasn't seeing distributing them, he wasn't seeing hanging them up.... He was just recorded holding them. How can you make such a mountain out of a molehill?
Sad sad sad....
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rindousbbg · 4 months
Hi hi <33
Here for a matchup, if you don't mind <33
I'm female(she/her) and would like to be matched with a guy from Tokyo revengers.
Many people describe me as quiet, kind, helpful, independent and smart, I'm definitely introverted and an INFJ. I'd consider myself ambitious as well since I've got a big academic dream I'm working towards. A passion I've got is helping others, although I like to do it "anonymously"/in a group and not alone or face to face in person.
In my free time I love playing the guitar, reading, listening to music and going on walks. I'm quite shy and not really talkative when you first meet me, although that changes when I'm comfortable around someone, then I can talk a lot haha but I'm also quite a good listener. <3 I also have negative traits such as being selfish but also insecure sometimes. (Insecure more often than sometimes lol)
In a soulmate I'd look for someone understanding who unconditionally loves me besides my bad sides <3 I don't mind someone with a good sense of humour or intellect. If I had to pick some "ideal traits" for him to have it'd be quiet, intelligent, caring and protective but I'm very adaptable and will love someone if we really understand, support and love each other, regardless of their appearance or whether their personality is like the one i described as ideal. <3
Some things I don't like is when he's controlling and manipulative obviously. I despite people/guys who try to make their gf/wife/other women a typical "house wife" for cleaning, cooking and raising children. I'm a pretty independent person and would like my partner to accept that and give me freedom to do some things my way and not insisting on me having to rely/depend on him.
A physical thing I cannot stand under any circumstances is smoking. I HATE the scent of it as it's closely connected to a traumatic event in my life that left quite a deep scar on my mental health, so every time I'm around a smoker I feel nauseous and immensely triggered, that'd be a deal-breaker. I'm not too good with children either so if my match up would value children a lot it'd be quite difficult.
My love languages are spending quality time together as well as words of affirmation. (I give quality time and receive WoA the most but I'm chill with it being turned/other love langs) I'm not too big on physical touch and gift giving, as i feel somehow guilty when someone buys something i want for me </3
I think that's everything, I hope it wasn't too much haha
Thank you in advance already, ik I'll already love my match up if it's made by you haha 🫶
Here's your matchup!
You got...
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Ken Ryuguji.
• Draken would admire how independent you are. Being kind to others and being helpful. Not that he would mind if you weren't as helpful.
• Draken would understand why you want to help others by being anonymous. He won't pressure you for that.
• Although when you first met, you were so shy and reserved later opened up to him and made him feel happy that you are comfortable around him.
• Darken won't blame you for being selfish and insecure. Let's be honest we all are humans after all. Even he would tell you to choose yourself over anyone.
• Daraken is mature and would understand your problems quite well even without you saying anything about it.
• He isn't the brightest person in the room but still tries to light your mood up by cracking some silly jokes that took years for you to understand. (He's trying)
• He would support you no matter what. He's very understanding and supportive. But he would still stop you if you were doing something wrong.
• Will always be there for you when you need and protective. But not overly protective, he knows when to protect you tho.
• He won't force you to do things you won't like. Either you say it yourself or nothing will be happening.
• He won't pressure you to have children unless you want one. Although he would like the thought of it in the end you are the one who's giving birth so depends on you.
• He's not someone who's good with words but you can count on him to spend quality time with you. Although he's great at giving some good advice if you needed.
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hope you like it! Thanks for requesting!
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