#i'd have two nickels but it really sucks it happened twice
tua-five · 1 month
Season 3 Episode 10
There's a couple references to all seasons here
The last episode of season 3. Tomorrow is the day.
Ben flicking the tail 😭
This is so sad. I'm not ready. I'm so scared. Just thinking that Luther and Klaus died... I mean, I know everything is fine at the end of the episode, but right now... they're like, dead dead.
It's crazy how Klaus doesn't like pineapple on pizza. Him out of all the siblings, should.
"Nah, it's like the old man said. Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times ain't gonna happen 'cause I'm not a gibbering idiot." Fair enough.
"Hey, buddy 🤗"
"You 👿"
Speaking of the bouncy house. When Klaus lands, he says, "This is someone's idea of heaven?"
There's a couple of things with that. First of all, yes. Second of all, the fact that it is, means it's most likely a kid. And it's really sad to think that a kid died. There's a whole birthday party behind them... so that just makes me curious.
Also, him saying this means that that is how it works. When you die, you go to a place that you imagine to be heaven.
Reginald does have a point. Ben says that he made it happen. Being in Hotel Oblivion. But seriously. He did nothing to contribute to that fact.
Love how Five came out of the room, and it changed to number 5.
Reginald is genuinely surprised when Klaus comes. Just thought I'd point it out.
"You're going to ruin everything!"
"Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I'd have a dollar."
Well, you know. Maybe this time, it's better to ruin everything.
They're all like, which idiot sibling rang the bell, when really it was the idiotic manipulative Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
Diego panicking and asking what floor is so real, though.
"Revenge looks good on her."
"Would you shut up and help us kill this thing?"
And then Ben just sits there. Watching.
And again, Five with the axe 😭
Love that for him.
Oh, yay. Ben finally contributing. I think part of it is because part of him is still umbrella Ben. And scared of his powers.
That or he's just a wimp.
And I love the Lila-Viktor duo. "This feels oddly familiar."
"At least this time we're not aiming at each other."
Very true. Now kill it.
Great. Now Five has lost his arm.
And Luther... 🥺😢
And the life being sucked out of them... (for some of them again if we go back to season 1).
The most impressive thing about reginald isn't that he is an alien. It's that his monocle stayed on when he fell over and died.
Ray being here, in this timeline, isn't right. He said it himself in season 2. He didn't want to come with to 2019. He had to stay for the movement. And now he's here. That's got to mess things up. The huterrfly effect. I don't care if it's a whole new timeline and it's reset. It isn't supposed to be like this.
"Obsidian Memorial Park. Graciously donated by Sir Reginald Hargreeves this 1st day of October 1989."
That date seems to always pop up. We all connect it to the Hargreeves's birthday. But it was never about them, was it? No. It's always been about Reginald. And Abigail. I'd say it's the day she died, but that isn't true. Reginald came to Dalas after she died way before 1989. So something else happened.
"Well, what are we supposed to do?"
"Live our lives." Yeah. And that's what you do. For six years, five months, and two days. Because you guys will never get peace.
What I don't like is Five looks so distraught. Confused. Yet there are no words when he looks at Viktor. Then turns and leaves.
And they all live their lives separately. Trying to figure out how to be normal again. For some, just trying to figure out how to be normal, how to live, for the first time. While Allison and Reginald get the life they wanted.
And Ben goes away on train. After being rude and grouchy, he smiles.
Here's a few gifs, but I'll actually create separate posts of just todays gifs.
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td-rarepairs · 11 months
List anon is back, and I am gonna now give a part 2 to that list explaination I gave a few weeks ago, and this time with way less Ezekiel:
Scott x Harold:
If I had a nickel for every farm boy I shipped with Harold, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Ella x Sammy:
The ship's name is the best thing in the world to me, and it's the 'bullied by the worst character' duo! Yes, I'm also giving a take here too, I won't mind getting sued.
Scott x Manitoba Smith:
It's growing on me, and I love it already. Also that all-stars scene before the infamous scene of Mal appearing definitely gave Scott some kind of awakening that he denied.
Ezekiel x Cody:
Yet another ship where I hate one of the characters in the ship, but I still love it, and now I ship Ezekiel with all the drama brother members. What happened to get me here?
Ezekiel x Lightning:
In Total Roblox Drama, I was Zeeke (Ezekiel), and I got called "Thunders (Lightnings) Toy Boy." I couldn't stop laughing at that for a while. But then I thought about it, for a bit, and now I ship something that no one else ships... NOT YET AT LEAST-
Gwen x Bridgette:
I just like this one, and I can't really remember why.
Chase x Zee/Chase x Ripper/Ripper x Zee:
Character I like x The two worst characters of the reboot, also, the first time I put multiple ships in one category!
Wayne x Caleb:
One of the same reasons I love Damiwayne: Wayne thinking he's just an ally, and then boom, the Bi thoughts arrive.
Ezekiel x Topher (Clone High):
First crossover ship! Also yes, it's because they're both of the worst characters, but in a positive way.
Topher (Total Drama Pahkitew Island) x Shawn:
I found art of it that I love on a tiktok account that I love, so now we have this in this list.
Izzy x Sierra:
IB4IB (Insane Bitch for Insane Bitch).
Alejandro x Cody:
Surprisingly, this is (to me at least) both Alejandro and Cody's Bi awakening.
Tyler x Harold:
Nerd who's a little good at sports x Jock who sucks at sports.
Sierra x Heather:
"Boyfriends are temporary, but girlfriends are forever" - Heather.
And once I can think of anymore, I'll share them! Thank you for listening to my list of these all. - List Anon
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artastic-friend · 1 year
🎧DJ Friends😎🎵✨
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If I had a nickel for every time I've been a fan of a mute DJ character who I also headcannon to be gay, I'd have 2 nickles. Which.. isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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They are so slay, you just gotta love them!
Anyway, some unrelated doodles.
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These two were inspired by a conversation with NTLS about an AU he made with a friend where DJ and Spamton worked at McDonald's together💀
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Also Rudy!!!💖 And Dr. Habit puppet
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I'm gonna try to post another drawing soon, one that's actually colored, but man I have been suffering with art burnout/block for a while guys 😭😭- I thought that after school ended it would go away, but it didn't..😔
I have been trying to do artfight again this year but I haven't even done a single attack yet bc of this- it really sucks... OTZ
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Varney the Vampire, Chapter 14: I Do Not Drink...Wine
[Previous chapter] [Next chapter]
A servant enters, bringing a tray of refreshments, but Henry is in no mood for snacking and Varney is...ahem...on a strict diet. Henry notices a scar on Varney's forehead, and remembers that the man in the portrait has the exact same scar. By this point Henry has had enough, and rises to leave. Varney asks him for an answer about the selling of Bannerworth Hall, and Henry replies that Varney can have it if he promises to never show his face to anyone in the family again. Varney is disappointed by this answer, as he was hoping to get to know Henry's sister, and Henry all but calls Varney a monster to his face.
Henry and Marchdale finally leave. Henry is so agitated that he wants to either kill Varney or die. Marchdale urges him to cool it on the thoughts of murder, reminding him that his sister, whom Henry had forgor, is also in danger of becoming a vampire, and only has Henry for support. Henry points out that she also has Charles; Marchdale scoffs at this, predicting that Charles will desert Flora due to her having been tainted by the vampire. Henry is offended on Charles' behalf but stops short of becoming angry with Marchdale.
The two of them briefly discuss methods of killing a vampire, but soon set such plans aside, focusing instead on the task at hand of lying to the rest of the family to spare them the awful news.
For a story with almost no cultural staying power outside of the Victorian era, Varney sure did grandfather a lot of vampire tropes.
"You take nothing yourself?" said Henry.
"I am under a strict regimen," replied Varney. "The simplest diet alone does for me, and I have accustomed myself to long abstinence."
"He will not eat or drink," muttered Henry, abstractedly.
The narrative goes out of its way to single out wine as one of the provided refreshments, by the way.
Speaking of weird Dracula coincidences, if I had a nickel for every time a literary vampire had a distinctive forehead scar that was used to identify him, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Varney continues to wind Henry up on purpose, this time with some creep remarks about his sister. I must assume the implication here is he wants to court her, presumably after the fashion of Lord Ruthven.
"How very unkind. I understand you have a charming sister, young, beautiful, and accomplished. Shall I confess, now, that I had hopes of making myself agreeable to her?"
"You make yourself agreeable to her? The sight of you would blast her for ever, and drive her to madness."
"Am I so hideous?"
"No, but—you are—"
"What am I?"
You can almost see him struggling to hold back a grin. Poor Henry is making this so easy for him.
By the time they leave, Henry is spiraling. The visit with Varney, having confirmed all his worst fears, has nearly broken him.
"He is a vampyre. There are such things. I cannot doubt now. Oh, God, I wish now that your lightnings would blast me, as here I stand, for over into annihilation, for I am going mad to be compelled to feel that such horrors can really have existence."
"Nay, talk not to me. What can I do? Shall I kill him? Is it not a sacred duty to destroy such a thing?"
Henry, as I said last chapter, doesn't really have the Jonathan Harker murderous determination in him, but he's certainly trying to work it up here. Marchdale, however, talks him down.
"I must destroy him."
"And wherefore?"
"Can you ask? Is he not a vampyre?"
"Yes; but reflect, Henry, for a moment upon the length to which you might carry out so dangerous an argument. It is said that vampyres are made by vampyres sucking the blood of those who, but for that circumstance, would have died and gone to decay in the tomb along with ordinary mortals; but that being so attacked during life by a vampyre, they themselves, after death, become such."
"Well—well, what is that to me?"
"Have you forgotten Flora?"
A cry of despair came from poor Henry's lips, and in a moment he seemed completely, mentally and physically, prostrated.
"God of Heaven!" he moaned, "I had forgotten her!"
"I thought you had."
Also on display here is Henry's almost comical lack of object permanence. You forgot her? Your entire sister? Henry.
Once again, Dracula presents a fascinating contrast. In Dracula, the threat of Mina turning is presented as a motivator to the characters to kill Dracula; here, the same threat to Flora serves the opposite. Van Helsing is adamant that killing the vampirized Lucy is an act of mercy; Marchdale here seems to imply the reverse is true.
From here, the conversation takes an odd turn.
"My dear friend, Henry Bannerworth, although I am not an old man, yet I am so much older than you that I have seen a great deal of the world, and am, perhaps, far better able to come to accurate judgments with regard to individuals."
"No doubt—no doubt; but yet—"
"Nay, hear me out. Such judgments, founded upon experience, when uttered have all the character of prophecy about them. I, therefore, now prophecy to you that Charles Holland will yet be so stung with horror at the circumstance of a vampyre visiting Flora, that he will never make her his wife."
This after Charles has already sworn, multiple times, that he will not leave Flora's side no matter what horrors she faces. Marchdale really seems to have it out for Charles.
"It has often been my misfortune through life," said Mr. Marchdale, sadly, "to give the greatest offence where I feel the truest friendship, because it is in such quarters that I am always tempted to speak too freely."
"Nay, no offence," said Henry. "I am distracted, and scarcely know what I say. Marchdale, I know you are my sincere friend—but, as I tell you, I am nearly mad."
It continues to sadden me how easily Henry falls for Marchdale's passive-aggressive behavior. He's being so manipulative, Henry! Don't listen to him!
After this, Marchdale counsels that Henry not tell the rest of the family his conviction that Varney is the vampire. Once again, lying to your loved ones is painted as Good Actually.
Henry resolves to kill Varney if he ever shows his face around them, and he and Marchdale bring up staking and fire as two methods of killing a vampire. Contrary to modern pop culture, where a wooden stake is a sort of vampire-killing magic bullet, the rationale for a stake killing a vampire is that it pins them to the earth, preventing them from rising - an explanation which, as I understand it, is much closer to original vampire folklore.
Next: A couple of new characters are introduced
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alegacyofmonsters · 1 year
Legacies 1x04 Rewatch:
Just seeing all the comic book decor in MG's room makes me so sad that we never got to see him and Landon geek out together
The amount of (lame) TVD cameos in S1 was wild considering they did not keep that energy up
If I had a nickel for every time the Salvatore School made a fake exchange program with Mystic Falls High over a murder, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice
"Who are you and what did you do with Hope Mikaelson?" Just you wait ...
The blatant use of TVD scenes for the exterior shots of MFHS and they couldn't even match the green filter of Legacies
Lizdon best friendism!!!
"Try not to deliberately alienate the entire student body." "I tried to be her friend when I was five and when I was nine and when I was thirteen." "I'm sorry we couldn't see why you were hurting back then." SCREAMING.
"Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?" "Batwoman doesn't have a Robin." "Metaphor." FOR LESBIANISM.
"I'm working on offensive spells." Maybe we should've known she was blood thirsty from the start
Rosie and Finsie both have a breakfast scene BUT NOT JANDON OR POSIE. WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?
No because how did Josie have Raf so wrapped around her finger and still manage to come up with a fake sob story about Lizzie winning him
Baby Handon, my beloveds
Hope 🤝 Lizzie 🤝 Accusing MG of failing at compulsion
Lizzie being so grossed out by MG's unrelenting advances and him STILL not getting the message. Oh I hate what this rewatch is doing to my best boy.
"Dana is dead." Oh no ... what are we gonna do ...
"I expect you to be with Hope when I do" hits so much harder knowing about 4x06
"You are a horrible liar." "I suck at lying." Okay Lizzie I see you
We were robbed of Cheerleader!Hope, even in an AU
I still need someone to edit "They're a gift from Cheryl" into a Hope Mikaelson x Cheryl Blossom edit
"Relax, Eeyore." Hope, your Lizzie is popping out.
"I don't even like any of you" but we all know who she's best friends with in the Human AU
Jed truly was terrible in the beginning. Like who is that? I don't know him. Bully!Jed isn't real unless you believe in him.
"I'm a feminist." You're a liar is what you are actually.
I really do miss S3 actual feminist MG. Bring him back to me already.
The casual Dana E.D. jokes were ... certainly a choice for a 2019 show ...
The Kaleb x Landon dynamic deserved more
"Years of practice with Lizzie" and we never once get to see it. Like??
"You're dead if you don't submit." I'm sorry but like has a werewolf student ever actually been murdered for not joining the pack? I feel like we would've heard about that.
"It's Sasha." Was Sasha even at the flag football game? How do they know her?
"My money's on your boyfriend." "He's not my boyfriend." She just wanted to hear you say it, sweetie.
"Whatever spun this is gonna come back and eat us." We couldn't be that lucky. Imagine how much better the series would have been.
I still ship Connor x Josie. I don't care.
Landon rushing in to save Josie. Oh Jandon serves whether you want to admit it or not.
The S1 Core 6 did not get enough scenes together
"I'm a twin. I don't do anything solo." You just spent the entire episode without Lizzie because being a hero is too much pressure??? You spent the whole last episode apart from her too???? It's only the fourth episode?????
It's almost laughable how much Josie lies. Like every other word out of her mouth is straight up false and she knows it.
Still think Jed x Rafael should have had a thing.
I miss this Handon angst. THIS. THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF. Not the circular conflict they got stuck in later.
"Being a hero is not more important than being safe." This is your suicidal daughter, my dude. She does not care about being safe.
"She thinks she's too good to give you the time of day." Actually it's
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"Don't disrespect her like that. We got enough monsters out here as it is. We cannot become one of them." MG YOU DIDN'T DIE THE HERO. YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO BECOME THE VILLAIN. GOD DAMN IT.
Wait a minute. Josie was stuck in a spider web, almost dying, and Landon saved the day instead of Penelope Park making an appearance? Penelope would have never.
"If you threaten my kids, Sheriff, I'll be the one coming for you." No, maybe I get it. Maybe I do still get the attraction.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
thungo thursday: how the hell did we get here so fast
'dad never even came to pick me up' SAME AYA LMAOO
they really did make the right choice for bram's va. i don't remember his name but all i know is that he's a seasoned anime va, but it like REALLY fits him fr
i'll never get over how much i love this intro you guys like it's so chaotic and colourful and dark and granrodeo is so good and this song especially is so epic and kishow supremacy
OH MY GOD watching chuuya struggle to breathe is like stressing me out so much that i need to pause and take deep breaths of my own lmao
also i'm so jealous of him being able to cup sigma's cheek while I cannot
dazai and sigma are so weird to me as a ship because most of the ships i like are '[character that is just like me] + [character who i would have a crush on if i knew them]' but i kin both dazai and sigma so it's like watching the two opposite sides of me frolick around and it's so chaotic
sigma, literally drowning: 😰😰😰😰😰 dazai, also drowning: •-•
if i had a nickel for every time dazai stood on sigma's back/shoulders while they were breaking out of prison i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
(yes i know i use that meme format a lot NO I WON'T STOP)
WET CAT SIGMA (and no i didn't replay the sounds of him gasping for air, why on earth would you think that)
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we have both now <3333333333 thumbs up dazai best dazai
imagine someone asks atsushi how he knew to do things or how he had the mind to move forward and he replies 'the voices' but like he's deadly serious and it actually was the voices
wait dazai literally did that to sigma in prison didn't he shfkjhdhgjkhsk
wait so in the manga sigma can read russian, but in the anime he can't? is bones actively bimbo-ifying characters??? how are we letting this slide
akutagawa doing some goku type shit is the funniest thing ever bro actually said 'SHIAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH'
bones you don't need to remind us all about how much you fucked up akutagawa's death scene ok. his dub va literally predicted that his death would be done poorly and he was RIGHT ABOUT IT
(who would win. gonta and monokuma vs dazai and akutagawa)
if dazai's got a broken leg and losing blood very quickly then why is he grunting and moaning like that huh what's that all about
fyodor: because of dazai you realised something about yourself sigma...[describes me, dia, in disturbingly accurate detail]
i'm sorry but the gay agenda has warped me into viewing a man putting a gun to the head of a man on his knees not as a serious and threatening crime but as foreplay. this is what the gays are doing to today's youth. way cup america
brams life must suck. imagine life exactly the same except you can't frolick in the sun, smell roses, wear silver jewellery, finger gun yourself in the mirror or eat garlic bread. also the 'lacking a body and personal autonomy' thing but who needs those amirite
i don't even feel bad for laughing when fyodor started having his mental breakdown like bro what is that face. is this what nikolai sees every night??? man no wonder he went insane
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tfw they fisheye atsushi from afar while he's being stabbed in his vitals
i hope they have a stash of strepsils for atsushi's va in the recording studio
yknow that episode when teruko aged tachihara down to a child and he looked rounder and stuff? thats fyodor right now
no but actually imagine being pulled so hard that your leg and arm come off OUCHIES what is it with people and taking atsushi's body parts and like stroking them or whatever. if it were me, the only body part of atsushi's i'd be stroking is his di
fyodor you're a great character but i can't help but notice that you just stabbed my husband and then kicked him in the face. unfortunately you have no choice but for me to ruthlessly kill you dead
so much is happening rn i feel bad for the anime onlys who have to process all this shit within one episode whereas we got several chapters to soak it into our skull sponges
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yeah, me too sigma. me too
maybe its just cus like 'bitch' is a funny word especially. they can call each other 'ass' and 'bastard' and 'dick' all they want but nothing tops a good 'bitch!!'
hold on bones no. NO. you can't do that. dazai was shot once in the head by chuuya, then he smiles and laments before the scene ends and it's left ambiguous if he dies or not. YOU CAN'T JUST HAVE CHUUYA USING HIS CORPSE AS TARGET PRACTICE
asagiri: i wonder how i should design one order flowey from undertale: asagiri: amazing. brilliant. this will be perfect
well, fuck. im terrified for next week!!
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What if Peter introduced Lucian to the human luxury that is stickers
(Any AU!)
If I had a nickel for every time I did a thing with Peter and stickers, I'd have two nickels. That's not a lot, but it's amazing that it's happened twice, haha.
This is for the urban explorer au, even if nothing is mentioned for it. I just thought it was the most fitting au since Peter spends a lot of time around technology in it.
On with the fic!
"What on Earth are you doing now, Peter?"
Peter looked up from where he was struggling with peeling the back off of a new sticker he had ordered for his laptop, one he seemed to have ordered while drunk or something. "Sticker." He said simply.
"I'm sorry?"
"It's a sticker, Lucian." Peter held it up, wiggling the sticker around a bit before holding it out to Lucian. "I'm gonna put it on my laptop with some of the other cool ones I've got."
Lucian took it, looking it over. "It's a wolf."
"A wolf hollowing at a full moon. And it's... reflective."
"Yep. Which makes it awesome, gimme." Lucian handed it over and Peter went back to struggling with removing the back. "Got a couple of other awesome ones on my laptop, you can look at 'em if you want."
He looked out of the corner of his eye as Lucian turned Peter's laptop around to look at the back of it. It was covered in more stickers, some from his show, one from a club he liked going to that gave him good discounts since he sponsored them. There were some monster ones on there, mostly old school looking ones, like from old movie posters. And some fruit stickers, but he stuck those to every surface he was close to.
"I don't understand." Lucian frowned. "What is the point, is it to mark it as yours?"
"Kinda, mostly it's because they're awesome. What, do lycans not do that? Above that shit?"
The other man scoffed. "No, not really, I just... I mean, I've seen them, just didn't know what they really were for. Usually just see them slapped on walls and lamp posts, we had no need for these."
Peter paused. "Ah. Yeah, I mean... yeah, makes sense. Can you help me with these? My nails suck balls, can't seem to peel the back off."
Lucian took the sticker back, removed the backing, and tried to hold it out, frowning as he saw that it was sticking to his finger. Peter snorted, taking it back, then slapped it on the back of his laptop, covering over some of the other stickers on there, but that's alright. "There we go!"
"I still don't understand what the appeal is for."
"It just makes it cool and more personalized."
"I thought your background being a picture of yourself made your laptop more personal."
"I mean, it kinda- oh, shut the fuck, Lucian."
The wolf sticker is real, it's on the laptop I'm typing on right now, next to a cool sticker I have of Bigfoot. It is very reflective and makes rainbows appear when the sun hits it right.
The fruit sticker thing is what my sister does, and it drives me crazy.
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Since you were talking about games, I know you're also a Dai Gyakuten Saiban/Great Ace Attorney fan (so am I! I followed you originally because you're into both it and BSD hehe), and I'm curious to know your thoughts on it! 💖 Who are your favorite characters/relationships/cases/parts? (My fave character is Benedict/Graydon. Yes I have a tendency to become obsessed with minor characters no one else cares about, oops) Did you play it with the Chronicles version (I assume so, like most people did) or are you an og who followed along with the fan translation like I did? One of the best/funniest parts of getting into that duology was coming across Souseki and being like "if I had a nickel for every time I've encountered a piece of media that had an anime version of real-life author Natsume Souseki, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice" lmao 😭
Since they're two of my favorite media, sometimes I try to imagine how a BSD/DGS crossover would work, and which characters would get along, though granted the only things they really have in common are detective work/mysteries, an old-fashioned aesthetic, and some similar themes lol... I just really love both of them a lot 🥹💖 Ryuunosuke and Atsushi being the exasperated straight men to the genius comedy duo that is Sholmes and Dazai? lmao (also Iris and Kyouka and their bunnies 🥹)
I need to play Hatoful Boyfriend. I've played lots of visual novels but that one is still on my to-play list (I don't know how seriously I'll be able to take it with bird sprites instead of actual human facial expressions, even though I fully trust that it is as good as its reputation says it is, but I'll just have to see for myself lmao)
Hsjfdnvskdf ok so I don't know what keeps happening to me with TGAA because I love it so much but I can't seem to write proper meta on it so. I just keep reiterating how much I like it lol. I got into it a bit later - I knew it existed almost since it came out in Japan but since I hadn't played original Ace Attorney, I avoided it for a long time. Then I saw a playthrough of the fan translation Case 1 and was hooked. By that point, I knew there was going to be a full English release so I waited for that because I wanted so badly to play it through! It's such a good game.
Oh, Graydon was interesting. That case was really fun, if it weren't for the fact that I figured out the key evidence really early and I kept trying to present it too soon aojsbsidhb. Graydon as a character was great because he's exactly as he appears but then there's just that bit more that fleshes him out and made him the slightest bit more sympathetic while not detracting from his actions. He was cool. (I actually had an idea for an after trial fic with him and the Skulkins but I don't think I'll ever get around to writing it :/)
Oh yeah I flipped out when I saw Natsume - my whole brain stopped (this was before my BSD obsession btw so this was very strange to me lol) and I shrieked out "NATSUME SOSEKI???" and my mom from the other room was just "???". yeah. And then he showed up again in BSD and I just said "...hi Natsume".
My favourites are the Mikotobas! Both Susato and Yuujin! They're such sweet people aghhhhh they deserve the world. But I really love all the main cast tbh. Ryuunosuke is such a dork but there's real personality to him, Sholmes is the perfect adaptation of that character, Gina should get all the puppies and friends she wants, and though I have some mixed feelings on him, I hope van Zieks gets a fucking break at some point (or just keep friendly tormenting him. I think it's good for him actually. unlearn your prejudices and relearn how to smile, you edgy vampire man.). Kazuma's arc was excellent and I wish so badly we could've gotten a true reunion scene with less of the baggage... actually, thinking about Kazuma for too long makes me ill. You essentially watch him break in the middle of court and it sucks. It sucks man.
And Iris was a standout character to me because her archetype could've so easily been bland or annoying but instead she's a realistic kid who happens to be a genius and she's kind and gets sad and angry and has depth and I would give her a big hug.
In terms of case specific characters, I liked Haori/Rei a lot, just because her dynamic with Susato was so silly and she's a cool gifted forensics student! She's awesome! I want to see her again!
However, my favourite was Olive. OLIVE. I adore her and I adore the twist with her. God she's so passive aggressive. Like damn. Have I mentioned that I adore her character? If Olive has only 1 fan then I am that fan. I wished we had gotten to consult with her again, even though that wouldn't have made much sense... just because she was interesting to me and I would've liked to have seen her character more fleshed out.
I'd really love to see a lot of these characters again. I've seen some people talking about Kazuma Asougi Investigations but tbh I'd really like to see Susato Mikotoba Investigations with Haori and Yuujin helping out! It'd be neat to see more Meiji Japan and Susato continue to grow as a character in her own right, since she started that journey in Chronicles. Oh well. I know that's a pipe dream but still.
Omg omg so Iris and Kyouka was such a sweet mental image that I had to doodle it!
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I bet Kyouka would really find Iris's inventions fascinating and love to listen to how they work and stuff! I think they'd get along tbh. The idea of Sholmes and Dazai ever interacting terrifies me. Keep them away from each other. Please.
As for Hatoful, I am biased but I'd say it is well worth a playthrough. Given you like both DGS and BSD, I'd say you'll probably like it. My mom (who has also played it) and I were chatting about it recently and thinking that weirdly enough, BSD gives us a lot of the same vibes... like it's nowhere near identical, but that kind of desperate darkness where the characters are not who they appear to be at first and everyone has a different motive for doing what they do, but it's also not taking itself too seriously and it's still kinda silly... yeah. Same feel. It's better to go in with no expectations but I'm thinking of making a post later about why people should play that game... it's still one of my favourites of all time.
About the stock bird images: I know it's weird. I know it's weird that they're birds. But the best part of this game - to me, anyways - is that for as much as it is a gag, the story leans into it so heavily that you will quickly realize the main plot only makes logical sense if the main cast are birds and the player the only human. Like, it literally would not make sense otherwise. Please play it. It's wacky, it's zany, the characters have a good amount of depth, it's mildly traumatizing, it's one of the best things I've played and I feel it's become an inscrutable part of my identity. I am still obsessed with it many years later. That almost never happens to me. It's that good.
Agh this was long. I hope it wasn't overwhelming haha. Actually I'm curious: did you like Olive too? And/or what do you like about Graydon? :D
(Also if you ever decide to start Hatoful, please let me know your thoughts!!!)
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renapomissing · 3 months
Comic Sonic Super Study 9
Here we have the Princess Sally miniseries.
One of the first things to happen in this series is that Sally throws a homemade grenade, so there go those explosives I was wondering about in the previous Super Study. I guess we're just not going to explain that. If it's homemade grenade, I'm wondering if they're just manufacturing bombs from start to finish in Knothole, or if they have to import anything. Probably the first option.
Speaking of Knothole, I understand this is a bit of a tangent (it's an extreme tangent), but they mention the entrance being a stump. Is that the only entrance? Does this make Knothole a subterranean kingdom? Have I already asked this before? I'm not gonna go back and check. Get ready for a lot of that, because we got a lot of comics to get through, and I only have so much memory.
It really is too bad that I'm coming in reading this book with the benefit of hindsight, because I already know for a fact I've never heard of any of these trainee Freedom Fighters that Sally is training, so it's very clear nothing comes of this. Huh. This kinda stuff's why I don't read X-Men, come to think of it.
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Orb-bots? Y'all got Cube-bots, too?
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Oh, bro, that's not... that's not normal.
It kinda sucks that I already know the gist of the twist behind Geoffry. Woulda been nice to experience it the right way, but then again, I probably should have read it a while ago.
Princess Sally #2
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Friggin' slick.
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... Yeah, I'm not touchin' that one.
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She... maced... the robot...? How does that work? Frankly, I have some thoughts on the subject of subduing he robots with a slingshot, but I was willing to suspend my disbelief, until... until that.
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In the story where Sonic had supposedly died, I wasn't too pleased with the idea that Sonic is viewed as the lynchpin to the Freedom Fighters, so on one hand, I'm glad that Robotnik is placing such importance on Sally that he feels roboticizing her (in conjunction with whatever he intends for his robot duplicate) will be enough to cause the rebellion to fall. On the other hand, this is yet another instance of these guys not being in contact with one another, because these are very different interpretations of Robotnik, supposedly occupying the same space as the same character. Regardless, the book is coming together pretty solid, so let's see if they stick the landing.
Princess Sally 3
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A robot Sonic? A Metal Sonic, if you will.
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Huh. This is a novelty. I never see people physically assault Robotnik/Eggman. Come to think of it, if she lifted that kick up higher, and she stabilized herself on a flat foot (which I'm not sure why she didn't, unless the kick knocked her off-balance), that would have been a text-book Sweet Chin Music. Yeah, I know it's just a superkick, but bro. Sweet Chin Music.
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This is the first time I'm seeing these medals, and I'm getting a strong feeling it's going to be the last.
Anyway, Geoffrey kisses Sally at the end, without any build-up in the slightest, and she seems to be into it, and I felt that was unearned on the book's part. I feel it could have been executed a lot better. Though, I also just think that maneuvering the heads of Sonic characters in position to kiss is just hard, and I don't think it'll ever yield a result that satisfies me.
Regardless, If I had a nickel for every plot I've seen that revolved around a duplicate Sally sent by Robotnik, while he planned to roboticize the real one, and ended up accidentally running the roboticization program on the robot duplicate, which was placed without his knowledge, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Come to think of it, we even have the part where the duplicate makes it to the other Freedom Fighters, and one of them is suspicious of her, and she goes on an operation. Did Kanterovich and Penders just refit the second episode of SatAM to fit their book?
Lastly, robot Sally rode a hang glider. This means that Robot Sally has to weigh somewhere around the same as regular Sally, because she didn't sink it.
I'd say I liked the series fine. If it weren't a miniseries, maybe it would have had more time to really get me into it, but as it stands, while I appreciate that it happened, it's not that I'm clamoring for more.
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wisteryuu · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time an ex broke up with me after roughly four years and then was dating someone else within months, I'd have two nickels. Which really fucking sucks and is weird that it's happened twice.
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idk if i should classify this as funny or sad but if i had a nickel for every time there was a disney showrunner who made two really great cartoons set in the same universe and now they're making a third cartoon except it sucks i'd have two nickels. something something weird that it happened twice.
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