#i'd be over the moon if proven wrong
rmorde · 8 months
Ok. I'm still mad about it.
Look. The ATLA Live Action writers were proud about removing "lots of iffy" things in the original AND giving the Fire Nation more scenes. Ozai being fan service-y is very suspicious too. Add on top of that how they screwed up Sokka's character...
Here's my take on what is going to happen:
One of the beauties in ATLA's writing was how they were able to humanize the Fire Nation. They are the evil bad guys but not all of them. They are victims too - people who suffered under tyranny and deserved saving too... WHICH CAN ONLY BE DONE BY SHOWING "IFFY" THINGS IN CONTRAST!
ATLA successfully showed that the villainous side (Fire Nation) are worth sympathy and empathy WITHOUT PROMOTING IMPERIALISM AND COLONIALISM.
HOWEVER, current evidence already seem to point that won't happen in the Live Action:
They are willing to destroy a main character's story arc and are proud of it because it's "iffy".
If sexism is "iffy", imperialism and colonialism would be under that category which meant the writer happily removed them or toned them down.
These would definitely give them the perfect excuse to give the FN more screen time to likely "subvert expectations" and show how they aren't really that bad. They're just misunderstood antiheroes and not villains. Considering the fan service-y Ozai scenes seen so far, it feels like they are angling for this shitty take. They're giving him tough but caring DILF vibes* (No fuck that because that's Hakoda's thing.)
In conclusion: Due to writers' cowardice and incompetency, ATLA Live Action will likely accidentally justify the Fire Nation's imperialism and colonialism. They will unintentionally promote it as "Not actually that bad and totally a good thing."
Villains totally can have caring DILF vibes. People can love them too.
The problem tho is the live action writers are cowards in writing actual villainous or questionable stuff aka "iffy" stuff. They're likely going to sand down Ozai's abusive streak and cruelty. Hence why the DILF vibes made me annoyed.
In the original, he is an evil asshole who is hot enough to be a DILF. But there is no mistaking that he is an irredeemable monster who destroyed his own family for selfish goals.
I don't think the live-action writers have the stomach to make such "iffy" characterization. They'll make Ozai a misunderstood "antivillain/antihero" DILF with Zuko Woobie-ness. He'd have no evil bad guy vibes. Just DILF... which so not what his character is in the original.
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sterkeyra · 6 months
Voltages 3 New Titles for 2024
The japanese Version of Love 365 announced 3 new titles for this year. The first one will already release at the end of April.
You can watch the trailer here: https://youtu.be/Q8sn1uNZe-Q
My childhood friend - My second first love (Late April)
The title boy is called Kuroe Kento (黒江健斗). MC seems to be engaged at the start of the story however her fiance betrays her and it seems like she is seeking comfort in Kuroes arms. Her childhood friend has grown into a fine man.
The premise feels similar to My Last First Kiss, Love Brings You Home or maybe even Kings of Paradise.
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Head over Heels Marriage - I'm too obsessed with my wife to let her go (June)
The title man's name is Mikoshiba Kazuma (御子柴和真). MC starts of happily married with her man, living their best life in his suite. However, things feels too perfect, is really truly everything okay?
I gotta say this title seems to be the most mysterious. The guy could be shady, or maybe does not have as much money as he deems or he is just overly smitten by his wife and does not give her much room to breath and pampers her rotten
From the premise it looks a bit like Oops I Said Yes or maybe even the untranslated Honey Moon title.
I could also imagine it to be a more wholesome or realistic Kissed by the Baddest Bidder without the auctions? Anyways the guy reminds me a bit of a mix of Kunihiro and Kazuomi (at least on the cover)
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Kiss Me Until Daybreak (August)
The last of the three protagonists is called Iriyama Tsubaki (入山椿). MC is hopelessly in love with the man but he is not interested in a relationship. Luckily friends with benefits is rather popular these days so she might just be able to convince him in that way.
This title seems to be a bit more angsty and emotional compared to the others. It gives me Irresistible Mistakes and Hiroki from My Last First Kiss vibes. Und
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Anyways this is whats to come in the near future.
My opinions under the cut
In my opinion the titles give a more mature vibe and feel a bit like soft versions of the adult site Otona / Koi100 More. (The More stories that we are currently getting are from the for example, though they have their exclusive titles too).
I have to admit none of the titles really caught my eyes right away and they feel more like Oneshots similar to Perfect Boyfriend or A World With(Out) You. They somehow lack the... glow? of other Voltage titles, but I'd gladly get proven wrong 😄 Currently i cannot see them having multiple seasons or even multiple characters? Plotwise i'm most curious about the Marriage title, artwose Kiss Until Daybreak even though I'm not that much of a fan of friends with benefits. The sprite of childhood friend looks good to me!
I feel like Voltage might be stalling for time until they can continue with Kings of Paradise or Tokyo Love Hustle.
I felt like instead of just relationship / romance focus I would have loved another supernatural or action series (which is why i really hope they'll continue TLH) because they feel similar to other titles. Voltage has proven that they are great with the supernatural themes with Court of Darkness or Even if Tempest, so i'm definitely excited about their new Switch titles. I just wish they gave a gem to Love 365 too haha.
Anyways let's wait and see.
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tgrailwar-zero · 6 months
(holding the scraps of Chaotic Heroic Act 3, contemplatively)
Egh... hey, ah, Empress Nero... if we, uh...
... if we found a... really grim portent...
... when would be a good time to ruin the mood?
Asking cuz I think we found Act 3, and it's rather...
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There was a short moment of silence as NERO read, and then as it was passed around to the others to read. Eventually, it found its way back to Nero.
CONSTANTINE placed a hand on her shoulder, with a worried look.
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CONSTANTINE: "…Antecessor Nero…"
NERO shook her head, folding it up and casually sticking it within her bosom for storage. MUSASHI whistled. CONSTANTINE frowned.
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CONSTANTINE: "Antecessor Nero."
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NERO: "Do not worry for me. I am well. An Emperor knows better than to cry around her peers. I will say this- I won't forgive that Titan. I will not be satisfied until I am victorious..."
With that statement, it seemed as if the air changed from quiet contemplation to tactical plotting incredibly quickly.
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NERO: "Let us see… a Rider, a Caster, a Saber, a Foreigner, and an Avenger… and of course, whatever you are, my Ensemble. Perhaps you're the key, as you were the gestalt necro-weapon born from the Moon, and presumably one of the Titan's thralls. I'd hope so, as I do not believe we have the firepower ourselves."
She began, with a stately tone.
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KUKULKAN: "Nothing's changed then! We protect the Masters with everything we have!"
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MUSASHI: "So, the goal is simple. Gain the permission to leave from the Lair Servants, and then reach the Moon, and then win."
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AVENGER: "They'll will need to pass Saber first. With that being the case, would that not mean that Saber's alliance is with the former 'Interlopers', rather than the current? Making him an enemy of the Solar Cell, and a prospective pawn of the White Titan?"
The Avenger's voice rumbled and echoed throughout the camp, causing the campfire itself to shudder as his shadowed form grew slightly more tangible.
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CONSTANTINE: "…Right. That White Program… and what was happening to those Valkyrie..."
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MUSASHI: "That, in addition to Saber and Caster going at each other's throats… if I didn't know any better, I'd think there's a storm on the horizon…"
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AVENGER: "The War is over, so attention must be shifting elsewhere."
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MUSASHI: "Yeah, I got that from my source too. Let's scratch everything- forget red versus blue, we're dealing with four potential factions."
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KUKULKAN: "Right. First, the Lair Servants- Servants that have been summoned to the Solar Cell. We'll say that their 'Master' is the 'Heavenly Divinity' that everyone keeps going on about, though who knows how their contract works. Let's call them the 'Keepers of the Solar Cell', for simplicity. Or the Sun Buddies, maybe? That's cute, yes?"
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NERO: "Of course, there are Servants like you, Lady Musashi. Rogue entities that have the capacity to join our cause."
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KUKULKAN: "Saber has the Origins of… what was it? Berserker, Rider, Foreigner, and… Caster? And Lancer is a Lair Servant now, so that means… potentially Assassin and Archer, yes? Those are the only ones left?"
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AVENGER: "In the case that they're alive and can be reasoned with anyhow…"
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NERO: "Or their Spirit Origins haven't been altered, or used to summon a new Servant. We can't assume that trick can only belong to the Masters."
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CONSTANTINE: "Then, there are the now rogue Servants from the War. Chances are that most of them are gone, faded away without any sort of Mana Regeneration or Independent Action skill, unless they're being very careful about the souls they're stealing for mana- enough so that they don't get slaughtered by the local Lair Servant. Let's… assume that means at the very minimum, the Red Archer remains… and pray that I'm proven wrong."
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KUKULKAN: "…And finally, Saber. Visiting his city, I don't think mana resources is a problem, yes? And he has claimed two major territories. The Hamlet alone had very good leylines thanks to Doctor Asclepius… if he was smart, he'd turn that place into a battery, yes? It's not as if there are people there to oppose any terraforming."
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CONSTANTINE: "To clarify- four factions. The Keepers of the Solar Cell--"
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MUSASHI: "--Sun Buddies. I like what Kuku said."
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CONSTANTINE: "…Keepers of the Solar Cell, then King Charlemagne's Army, Rogue Servants drifting around from the prior wars, and us."
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NERO: "Lots to think about… ugh, my migraine is coming back. I'm going to retire to my chambers. Go team, and all that."
With that, she clutched her head and stumbled off to her own tent.
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MUSASHI: "...Sheesh... she knows she doesn't have to try and keep it together for us, right?"
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CONSTANTINE: "Pride is important to an Emperor. Still... she has a point. This is a lot to take in. Resting our eyes and our minds for at least a little while is probably the best course."
With that, you watched as the camp grew more and more silent as each Servant vanished off to their respective quarters, leaving you alone in the night air for a moment.
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shuttershocky · 2 years
What would be so bad about cloverworks doing it? They're capable of doing some pretty great work when they put their minds to it - hell, babylonia looks amazing!
And like, c'mon. Are you really saying you aren't interested in the idea of a fate anime made by the same team that created Bocchi the Rock? It might not necessarily be the same team, but that was cloverworks too!
The Babylonia team's vision of what FGO is and what I would want out of a Shimousa adaption is fundamentally different, even if I don't think the Babylonia team was even wrong with their safe direction and all the fanservice.
Yes FGO is primarily concerned with with easily marketable big bombastic superheroics and selling sexy fanservice, and yes this really is where Fate as a franchise has been heading in the last decade so the Babylonia anime leering over Mash all the time is not actually out of line with what FGO already does, but that's never been what I liked about it. It's certainly not what I liked about Shimousa.
The studio is clearly competent and know how to focus on adapting the spirit of a work rather than simple translation between mediums to be able to adapt a 4koma like Bocchi into the very good anime it (apparently, I haven't watched it yet) is now, I just don't like what they chose to do with Babylonia.
I loved the first couple chapters of the Shimousa manga that I've read because it took the dark fantasy + horror tone of the original story and then went so fucking hard.
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There's raw grit and terror and desperation leaping from the pages that the original VN format could only tell instead of show. It's less interested in selling Musashi as a mascot for merch and fanservice than it is in telling you exactly how much she's terrified for her life.
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The Shimousa manga sacrificed mass marketability because they saw the game version has duels take place atop a field of skulls underneath a blood moon and said they absolutely had to go harder than that
Just look at how they did Raikou, Ms Big Boobah McGacha herself. She's absolutely still got her massive chest and there's even a shot dedicated to showing her figure, but that's not nearly as important as portraying just how much bigger she is as a monster
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Basically, I thought Babylonia was both too safe and overly fanservicey for the sort of tone and aesthetic I want for a Shimousa adaption. Even the changes they did make for the anime like having Guda talk to Tiamat felt more like they realized they were missing a chance to sell yet another waifu and slipped that in, or just baffling to me like King Hassan eating the lahmu to look badass and intimidating when he's like... Grand Assassin.
The Shimousa manga certainly has lighthearted moments and it's also not above selling Musashi as a marketable mascot when there's time for it, but I just think it handles its storytelling the best out of... Any Type-Moon adaptation really (perhaps second only to Kara No Kyoukai Paradox Spiral) and when it's time to go hard it goes so much harder than I would have ever expected.
TL;DR - I just think the manga set the bar so high and Babylonia did not convince me that Cloverworks would be a good fit to clear it.
I'd like to be proven wrong, but I'm not getting my hopes up, if we even DO get an anime for Shimousa.
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sweetstarart · 1 year
Ahoy neighbors!! Here's how Howdy's day went (sorry I'm so late!!)
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Eddie and I are thick as theives! He's the only person who gets up at the same time as me (other than Sally). While we scrubbed the decks, I told him about my current interest. Ghosts. I got to tell him about auras and possession and he actually sounded interested! I'm so glad that I joined this crew, my home town just didn't view things the way they should've. Wally is up early too, is he opening his necklace? Wait a second, that's an apparitious pendant! Those things are only used to seal incredibly dangerous ghosts...
This can't be good.
I can't believe our ship is possessed! On any other occasion, I'd be over the moon about this but that whole pendant thing has me worried. Especially since Barn's suddenly come down with something. I spoke to him and he says he's really dizzy and can't sleep. I asked him when he started feeling these symptoms and he said it's when he was about to tell the ghost to leave. That can't be a coincidence. I had a theory, but I decided to investigate a bit more before jumping to conclusions. After gathering some information my suspicions were proven to be correct, Barnaby was under the weather due to a failed possession. Luckily, I have just the thing for that! While we were talking, a thought crossed my mind, if the spirit was in the pendant, then their power should be stripped to the point where they can only possess objects. The fact they even attempted to latch onto a sentiment host is strange...
What could they be after? Maybe I should've asked Barnaby before I put him to sleep, he mainly babbles and barks when he's tired. Its really sweet, but I don't have time to think about that now. I've gotta get to the bottom of this.
I've spent the entire day buried in my books and I've come up with a theory. There's not much supporting it but its the best I've got for now. What if the ghost (who I've overheard Wally is named Home) is trying to control us? Think about it, everyone on this crew listens to the captain. If Home manages to get their hands on that vessel without us realizing, they could make us do whatever they want. That might be why they possessed our ship, they'd be able to watch us and hear us no matter what. They'd learn exactly what to do to manipulate everyone on deck.
I hope I'm wrong. That'd be seriously messed up. I gotta tell Barnaby about this at some point. I have an idea though! Possession takes a lot of energy, meaning as long as Home remains the boat, they'll have to sleep. When they go to sleep, that's when we'll discuss our plan.
Wait a second, are the mates trying to start a band? God i wish I brought my fiddle with me!
Home went back into their pendant! Nows my time to strike. I knocked on the door, thank the stars he's awake. I told him about my theory, he told me that if they really were stripped of their power, there would be no possibility of them hurting us. But we both know that ghosts can get stronger though different means. For Barn, its food. For Home? We aren't sure.
We have to get more information on them, I said I'd spend tonight skimming through all my books to get as much info as possible, he told me not to. He says he's been asleep all day, so he'll make up for it by doing the work for me. I hate to admit it, but I actually am really tired right now.
I have an idea, I'll sleep in here tonight, that way he can wake me up whenever he needs help/ a break. He better not let me sleep through this. If we don't figure out what Home wants, they could doom us all. Also, he's been working much too hard lately and I can tell its stressing him out.
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popchoc · 2 years
FANFIC: (I Saw The Crescent) You Saw The Whole Of The Moon
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters: Mika Yasuda & Taryn Helm
Summary: There was a hint. There was a longing stare. There was a question about a hole in the roof. There was an eager answer, saying yes! And then there was a whole lot of nothing... for us, the audience. So here we go: the missing Mika & Taryn scene from 19x09... at least until proven wrong! 😎
Climbing the attic stairs, they reach the top floor of the fire-damaged house that Mika may now call home.
"Sorry," she calls over her shoulder, "there's no light up here. Still need to fix that."
"You can?" Taryn asks from right behind her, a tinge of awe and excitement in her voice.
"Sure." Though she has no clue, Mika shrugs nonchalantly. After all, she's learning to fix bodies, and brains... how hard can it be to fix the light? Turning around, she takes Taryn's hand in her own. "Come, it's over here."
The attic is completely empty, as Meredith and her family took all their belongings with them, which helps to reach the other side without stumbling despite the darkness around them. And once there, they can actually see a little, with the hole in the roof serving as an unintentional skylight.
"Oh wow," Taryn exclaims, "That's... way bigger than I expected. Is it safe?"
Mika shrugs again.
"According to the firefighters, it is. I might call them again though, for another check. They're not the worst looking people to invite." The second the words are out, she wants to kick herself - seriously, who starts about hot people in a moment like this?! - but thankfully Taryn simply agrees with her.
"Amen to that," she grins. "So why isn't it covered?"
For a moment Mika just stares at her, stunned by the question that seems the best she's ever heard - though that might be the booze messing with her brain. But then she bursts out laughing. "I have absolutely no idea!" she snorts. Looking up, she squints her eyes thoughtfully. "It should, shouldn't it?"
Taryn rubs her chin, examining the situation like a pro, then slowly nods. "I'd think so. Knowing the Seattle weather and all... It would also explain that thing over there." She points at a piece of tarpaulin lying lost on the floor.
"Oooh yeah, I remember now," Mika chuckles, "We took it down."
"You took it—" Taryn turns to her in astonishment. "Why would you take it down?!?"
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Buff Batmom reaction when she found out Joker killed Jason
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Buff Batmom as Black Death going on a bloodthirsty killing rampage killing criminals even innocent civilians. Just so she can murder Joker.
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Buff Batmom beating the shit outta Joker for murdering her little boy
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Jesus, Bruce, Alfred, and Dick. I can’t imagine what their reaction would be seeing Batmom revert back to old habits and start killing again after Jason death.
I feel like Bruce could feel it coming. That it was going to happen.
He'd seen her break down when she found out what happened to her little boy, how she was an emotional mess for the days following. Dick had come home, and Bruce just watched as his wife sees her oldest who looks so much like Jason, and just immediately crumples again, and Dick just lets her cling to him and sob, knowing that she's partly doing it to try and pretend he's Jason, at least for a second. The funeral comes, and it was then, as they lowered the casket into the ground and Bruce turns to check on her, that he sees the little glint in her eye. Like a spark. He knew she was ready to kill again. For her boy.
She didn't do anything at first. She becomes mostly quiet, doing simple tasks at work and at home, not really conversing with anyone. Everyone can tell something's off, Alfred is worried she's having a nervous break, Dick's worried about his mom's mental state and tries to spend as much time as possible with her, but Bruce knows what she's doing. She's plotting. She's going through what she wants to do in her head, step by step. Fantasizing.
Then she snaps. She's seemingly aware of her husband's own awareness and goes off at the perfect time where when he realising that she's gone, it's already too late. Dick is the first to notice his mom isn't at home, and he tries calling her first, and after a short text back assuring him she's fine and that she loves him to the moon and back but being off still, he informs Alfred who informs Bruce, and he immediately tells Alfred to keep Dick distracted at home, not to let him listen to any news reports or the radio, and to instead convince Dick that Bruce had contact with her and she's gone to get her emotions out (technically not wrong) and he's going to go comfort her, and to prepare a nice meal for her for when they get back to show she's loved. At this point Alfred, knowing batmom's past realises what's happening and agrees.
By the time Bruce finds his wife, she's slaughtered her way through his little hide out, and she's done with Joker. He isn't dead, proven by his heavy breathing and very faint laughter when he was able to gain consiousness for a few seconds every few minutes, but you can't see his green and purple suit or hair in the dim lighting because it's all been dyed red from his blood. Black Death sits against the furthest wall. He ignores the mad man, walking over to her and just kneeling in front of her. In the faint light he can see the tears rolling from the eye sockets of her mask.
"It doesn't feel good. It doesn't make me feel better... he took my baby. He took away one of the things I never thought I'd have... what if someone takes Dickie bird? I can't... I can't lose my... my boys... my baby Jay..." She sobs quietly, and Bruce doesn't say anything. He just wraps his arms around her, muffling her sobs and carefully helping her up and leading her out.
He gets her out of the costume and into civilian clothing he brought with him, as well as for himself before taking her home. She's still a mess the entire time, but when they get home and Dick rushes to his mom's side, saying how he was worried sick about her, telling her how he and Alfred made her favourite, and demanding she take a few weeks off work to properly mourn and relax with her family, she just nods, before looking over at Bruce.
"Thank you." She manages to get out. To this day, he's not sure exactly what she was thanking him for. For forgiving her for her past actions, or this 'slip up'? For giving her this domestic life, or as close as she's able to get? For not telling Dick about the real monsterous side of his beloved mother? For loving her unconditionally and being a true saint of a husband? He wasn't sure, and he didn't care. For him, she didn't need to thank him for anything.
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thewickedkat · 2 years
okay so
(dear gods where to begin)
i am very excited to see how the fallout from ep 51 plays out--party split! the Tempest rocked! the Champion orbed! teleportation to...someplace and Uthodurn-adjacent!--and i am very curious to see if Imogen still has her Ruidus-infused powers. the vibe i got from all the Ruidusborn glowing and emanating red light was that, somehow, their moon powers were being siphoned and used to make the corridor (or umbilicus, if you prefer) to Ruidus itself. i could be wrong! i'd be excited to be proven so!
i also got the distinct impression that when Ludinus shoved his arm into the Key, he was using either his own life force to power it (due to the sabotage), or maybe he too has residuum crystals inserted into his skin, the way Caleb used to.
we have no way of knowing, yet, what the white flash actually meant or what it indicated--success? failure? Ludinus being sucked in wholly by the Key? or my favourite crack theory of Percy taking his shot? we also don't know if the subsequent teleportation was intentional or a side effect of something going wrong, nor do we know if anyone else was 'ported anywhere else (for all we know, Keyleth got yeeted to goddam Rumblecusp or something).
if ol' Ludicrous is still alive (and let's face it, he is; that man has been around since Molaesmyr at the very least, and he's probably harder to kill than a nuclear-infused cockroach on steroids), i would really like to know what he was hoping for with all this. to free Predathos, duh, of course, yes, but...what then? did he expect Predathos to descend from the heavens and greet him 'you have done well, my true and faithful servant--now, where is my deity buffet?' did he expect to be endowed with Predathos' power and become the Grand High Priesty-Poo? i know he most likely has plans for world domination or whatever, but come on.
and also! how, exactly, is Predathos supposed to eat the gods once freed? if Predathos couldn't get past the Divine mesh surrounding Ruidus, and doing so took a metric fuckton of effort from mere mortals, then how is Predathos supposed to make it past the Divine Gate that keeps the Prime Deities separate from the Material Plane? would shifting the leylines have something to do with it? would there be a window of opportunity while the Apogee Solstice is going on (which would mean a ticking clock all over again)?
these are the questions that have been rotating in my head since thursday night. god i can't wait to see what happens next. even if it's eps with guests to explore backstories, or a sort of interval time before the Hells get back to their regularly-scheduled Yakety Sax adventures.
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Lost in France S1 E7 (1998)
BBC comedy series about a family following the english football team around France during the world cup
So Michael Sheen was in the whole series, but I could unfortunately only find one episode of this, which is a shame, it did get a few chuckles out of me.
Plot: In this episode the group stop at the side of a country road to take a break from driving. Funny stuff happens.
This was barely 8 minutes long so theres not much to talk about...
Michael plays Owen, a friend of the traveling familiy, who probably joined this roadtrip just because he has a crush on one of the daughters or sm. He knows jackshit about footbal which, knowing of Michael Sheens irl relationship with football, is fucking hilarious.
Anyway Owen wants to learn about football to impress his crush, so he consoles the son of the family, who teaches him rules, strategy and how to play ofc.
Cue a whole scene of Owen fuckin up so bad it’s impressive. I have to say it looks very fake, but in a good way. It's dumb and I love it. This is the kinda stuff you go to acting school for.
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Me in PE for twelve years
In the end scene Owen presents a few tricks, recites a memorized line to impress the girl and then continues by shooting the ball through a window of the van.
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Oh...my god. Stealin that one.
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Very impressive indeed
That’s it really.
After searching for any possible information on this show I came to the conclusion that this might be lost media unfortunately. At least for the public. Maybe the BBC has this in it's vaults somewhere, but as far as I know there was no VHS or DVD release of this and I can't find it anywhere online either. I'd love to be proven wrong tho. If someone somewhere has this and wants to share it, I’d be over the moon. This one is an absolute gem.
There really isn’t much else to it, but if you’re curious, it’s 8 Minutes, go watch it.
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He's ready to play some football, allright.
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wewebaggit · 1 year
the fact that ST treats queer characters/relationships as some sort of a 'gotcha' plot twist made me turn off from the whole thing tbh. Especially when we have been and are getting new queer shows and content nowadays where queer characters just can be queer without the writers stretching the whole thing and leaving it all to the last season (last minute too if we are being honest), it is just reach to expect a satisfying outcome and many people are overestimating byler's potential effect.
ST is not a queer show as people here like to believe. It's barely about the outsiders. It's taken on a different form since S3 n the writing has pretty much been typical sell out fan service shit. Byler is just a box to tick. It's not revolutionary. It's not even well written. Mike's sexuality is still plausible deniability. It's just that Byler endgame makes more sense. But that does not mean the journey was beautiful. It was anything but. It's all very one note. Will's a pretty carpet for Mike to walk all over. N then Byler Tumblr acts like he's the one that's hurting the most and that people expecting Will to grow a spine are horrific n being unfair to a 14 year old. Look at your own selves. There's NOTHING romantic abt Will harbouring a forever love for Mike even if it's not reciprocated. There's nothing in the narrative that makes such devotion satisfactory. Also people painting Mike as someone who's never focussed on anyone bt Will in S1 or S2 are so wrong n were even proven wrong in S3 n S4. There's NOTHING in canon that shows how depressed Mike was in S4 n all the stuff being used as proof does not stand any serious scrutiny.
The way they'll make Byler happen now (because they're fucking cowards) is show that El's over Mike n Mike's conveniently figured out he wants to be gay in practice too. Ain't that REVOLUTIONARY. I put my thoughts of what they could/should do with Byler going forward in one of my posts, but having seen the show I'm not holding my breath. But I'd love to be surprised. I'll be honest. S3 made me give up on the show. I got back cuz Will was gonna be certified gay n lmao S4 was also a shitshow bt better than S3. They didn't set up enough stuff in S4 wasting precious screentime on childish plotlines. El's arc was pathetic to the moon n back. Have never seen a blander or more boring main character in ages. The writing for so many characters could have been so much more even without sacrificing the supernatural (superhero) plotline. But they wanted to do comedy. It went as well El's presentation. Byler being underwhelming is actually consistent with every other storyline on the show. So at least they aren't treating the gays differently. 🤷‍♀️
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missvieee · 1 year
Everything changed when I met him.
My parents fought frequently when I was a child, to the point where they occasionally forced us to pick between them. So it was ingrained in my head as a child to ensure that I was never going to fall in love because I didn't want to experience the sorrow that my parents had. Everyone were constantly telling me that my age was too young to be thinking about such things and that I will fall in love one day. furthermore, guess what? It has happened.
I keep in mind in the midst of 2019, I was paying close attention to what the minister was talking about because it was the day of my baptism, however, I became bored and got started to look around, until I spotted someone so attractive and charming at the exact identical time in the koro, and much to my surprise, he had been staring at me too! I'd never felt this way before, so it was unexpected to me. Then I became shy, turned away, and paid attention to what the minister was saying again.
hadn't seen him in over a year. I assumed it was just a crush at first sight, but I was mistaken. I saw him again following the day I saw him in October of 2020. He became taller and more attractive, and of course, many girls developed crushes on him. On the same day, I discover he is also the son of our new minister , who has recently moved into our church.
Days passed, we have didn’t become friends eventually. I am an introverted one and he get along with anyone. I also kind of hate his attitude because I always do prejudice which is not good. But thanks to my brother, we became friends.
We were inseparable when we immediately became acquainted. People around us would always mention we looked nice together or question if we were in a relationship. But, of course, I got butterflies in my stomach; after all, I've always had a crush on him. We basically ignored everything they said about us because we both knew we were only friends until the day before I took an oath to join the choir.
On March 7, 2021, I was advised to go to the church and fill out the form for my request to join the choir. Because he is also an assistant, he was the one who helped me fill out those forms. After I signed the documents, he asked if I wanted to go stargazing because he knows I enjoy looking at the moon full of stars, so l replied sure. We went to the rear of the church, where it was quiet and cold. I was taking in the scenery until he spoke. He was staring at me, and it made my heart race so quickly that I didn't
know what to do! He took my hands in his and told me he likes me. Of course, was startled; who would have believed that a lovely man like him would appreciate someone like me? It felt weird for him to confess amid the moonlight. We became closer after the confession, and we dated for 5 months before becoming officially dating.
I used to believe that love was a waste of time and that it was unreal since I was a child, but I was proven wrong. I was mistaken in believing that love is merely a game. I understood that love is something you can't live without; it's also something you can't define. Yes, it hurts at times, having never-ending arguments with your partner; but it has come to the point where it will ultimately go away and provide you tranquility; someone you can call your own and home. Love hurts, but it also heals, brings calm, and happiness. I know I’m still young but I'd never been happy until I met him; he's my home.
Submitted to: Ma’am Meden Fadriquila
Submitted by: Joyvie O. Rodriguez
Personal Essay
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eyesanddragons · 2 years
Moonwatcher opinion bingo, perhaps?
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Oh Moonwatcher...I have Feelings about Moon, a character that is somehow deeper yet also not as deep as they seem and I find that disappointing cause Moon's potential as a character was just dashed over and I will never be over it. I will never be Moon's possible characterization.
Okay so, Moon for Arc 2 - her book, is like one of those love interests who's personalities change suddenly for ship tease, her opinions about things change so suddenly it's genuine whiplash, it's so hard to get a genuine grip on Who She Is, as a character, because Who She Is, is being superseded by the LOVE TRIANGLE, and that sucks because Moon under all that nonsense is a genuinely interesting cast member.
Something I consider Defining about Moon is that she considers Thought over Action, a persons thoughts say more about them than there actions, Moon instead of looking at someone's actions or the environment around them, will go to there thoughts, that's how she found Icicle, Sora's issues, Winter's loyalty and family issues (A THING I WILL GET TO BECAUSE THAT IS ACTUALLY A REALLY IMPORTANT SCENE) she comments on if a dragon's mind has darkness or if it's surrounded with flames yadadadada.
For Moon it's Thought > Action, see Darkstalker as an example of that, Moon has a hard time accepting Darkstalker as a genocidal murderdragon because his intentions, his reasons, his Thought are so good, Moon knows, or thinks, Darkstalker wants to do the best, and that's sort of true but we know that isn't Darkstalker's true reason.
Qibli and Moon have a discussion about this on page 115-116 of Escaping Peril, in it Moon says that Winter won't come back because she's seen inside his head, he's too loyal to his family (A sentence I feel weird about because Winter's homelife SUCKS and I feel like if you spent a second in Winter's mind you'd understand that but I digress) Qibli says "You know Moon sometimes you focus too much on a person's thoughts that you miss what there actually doing, and what they do tells you more about how their like," and Moon is like "That make's no sense." but we know cause of Darkstalker that Qibli will be proven right, Darkstalker's actions say more about him than his thoughts. Same With Winter, but also Qibli, Qibli's actions say more about him than his thoughts, because Qibli's conflict is with his personal identity, so Qibli has emotional stake in this conversation and I'd like to believe this conversation started this insecurity about if Moon would actually love him.
This conversation is weird cause Moon was the one who even suggested the grace period so going back on it is kinda weird but I think this conversation is consistent with what Moon has been doing this entire Arc.
And I wish there was more of this, cause aside from how she interacts with Darkstalker, stuff that doesn't even get addressed, except for that one time Winter calls her out for defending the genocidal murder dragon and get's told he's wrong for doing that which would be genuinely interesting characterization for both Moon and Qibli EXCEPT THERE CONSINDERED RIGHT-
And then Moon ends the arc not with a bang but with a whimper, and I'm upset cause we could have gotten such an interesting moral discussion about Thought vs Action, tying into the pre-existing themes of Control, and Moon could of been the perfect character in that kind of conflict cause she can both see the future and read minds, thus embodying lack of control and the importance of thought, you can even see this in her personality, she's shy and timid and doesn't take initiative because she's worried about how everyone else will think of her, and her having no control over her life mirrors how she has no control over her powers, and then she could of been a DARKSTALKER MIRROR because Darkstalker steals people's agency and judges based on there inherent morality.
Imagine me punching a wall for a moment, because that is what I'm going to do after this is posted. Moon deserved so much better than becoming a bad love interest.
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
I mentioned way back that Luz would probably be in the Oracle track if she actually had the time to try out and see what she liked the most, and I stand by that statement. Even if they are meant to be easy to use for beginngers, she still managed to use a crystal ball with no training or instruction whatsoever, and I'm sure the ghost summoning appeals to her inner anime fan
Also the oracle track student is named Celine, from Selene goddess of the moon
Hmmm, true. Now that I have the context of what's been revealed about the oracle track in this episode, I do see your point! The oracle track definitely has more range in what it can teach students than I thought it did initially. Plus, it has the Drama factor that I feel isn't an inherent element of most other tracks, and that's definitely something Luz would enjoy.
With the wand from last episode and the crystal balls in this one, I'm noticing that there are actually a lot of magical tools that can be used by people without any innate magical ability, since both responded to Luz without her actually having to do anything other than observe someone else using them first. And taking this into consideration... I'm starting to think that a case can be made for the idea that being allowed to explore different tracks would help Luz way more than it would any other student.
Most students can theoretically learn everything that a given track has to offer them (though in practice, if they're not happy where they are they won't actually learn much, as seen with Willow), but there are probably certain things in each track that Luz can and can't do because she doesn't have her own magic. If she continues to be restricted to a single track, maybe she'd enjoy it more if it were a track that appealed to her personally, but I think that she'd eventually run into an obstacle that she couldn't overcome regardless of which track it was, simply because she doesn't have the ability to do magic in the same way as other witches.
(I think the potions track is technically the least likely to produce such an obstacle, but I've been proven wrong about the limitations of tracks before, so I might very well be wrong here as well.)
I'd say this is another point against Principal Bump's insistence that no student studies multiple tracks. Luz isn't like any other student who's ever attended a magic school before. It's a little bit unfair to apply the same rules to her that every other student can follow but she quite probably can't, even if I understand why he's doing it. He needs to keep up appearances, so Luz needs to conform, and no accommodations can be made for her unique needs as a student. It's understandable, but it still isn't right.
Okay, tangent over. Thanks for the info on the oracle track student's name! Celine... it feels appropriate.
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mashup-writing · 3 years
I don't know you yet; Kim Minji (Dreamcatcher)
Summary: Minji's never met her before, but somehow she finds herself feeling like she should be able to place who this girl she's come across is.
Requested? ☒
"I'll always find you again and again."
Genre: Immortal!Jiu, Immortal!AU, Soulmates!AU
Warnings: None
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"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"
Minji looks up from her laptop, pausing her work to meet the stranger's gaze. With a shake of her head, she says that it's unoccupied. The stranger sits down infront of her, adjusting her seat for a moment before settling on a comfortable position.
"Thank you, Miss?"
Something about the way her smile meets her eyes has Minji's body torn between smiling back at the girl or furrowing her eyebrows in Dejá vu. Her hand subconsciously traces the tattoo she's had on the inside of her forearm ever since she was born all those centuries ago, she tries not to think too much about it and opts instead to look into the girl's eyes with a small smile on her lips as she takes the hand offered to her. "Minji, Kim Minji. A pleasure to meet you stranger-whose-name-I-do-not-know."
The small and quiet but genuine laugh has her mind scrambling around once more, she feels like she's heard this laugh before, but she's never met you and she certainly doesn't forget people easily. Her senses fill with memories of you and her eyes start to sting immediately. But with the stranger infront of her she knows she can't stay with you for long, so she lets you tell her you love her with pain in your voice, and she forces herself to come back to the present and to leave you in the past.
Remembering you is easy, it's forgetting that you're gone that's difficult.
"I guess I'll refer to myself as Stranger then-" The modern girl shrugs her shoulders in a playful way, while the older of the two raises an eyebrow in amusement. "I'm a senior student from the university just a block over. Correct me if I'm wrong in assuming, but you look like a student too, which course are you taking if you don't mind me asking?" Minji's eyes widen with admiration at the stranger's words, she actually wanted to apply for that university just to get a degree in arts because she's been into it these past fifty years. But she figured that since she just got her degree in entrepreneurship seven years ago, she can wait for a bit and gather her strength before heading back into the hell that is university.
"That's impressive! From what I've heard, it's not an easy school at all." She turns her laptop off, opting for a conversation with the stranger that just effortlessly holds her attention. "To disprove your assumption though, I'm not a student anymore. I work for a small but well off company here in the city. Pretty lucky to be allowed to do so outside of an office too! I'd go crazy if I had to sit in the same place, for a majority of the week." She adds a mock shudder to add to the effect, and the girl seated across her agrees with a gentle smile on her lips.i
They talk like they've known each other for lifetimes, the conversation flowing and ebbing like waves between the moon's and the Earth's gravities on a calm and quiet night.
Minji learns that the stranger is taking astronomy, and the stranger learns that Minji likes helping out at animal shelters. The stranger says that Minji's eyes look like that of a wizened adventurer's, and Minji says that the stranger's presence is like a light to a moth.
Time slips their attention like sand slips through the space between the fingers of a hand. They talk for what felt like a couple of minutes for them, but then again time flies when you're having fun.
A statement proven true when the stranger's phone alarm rings and she sighs in disappointment. She tells Minji that class will be starting in fifteen minutes and she has to go if she hopes to make it back in time, the older of the two understands. She smiles at the girl, offering her number because the stranger now feels like a newly made friend. The stranger accepts and tells her friend that she's in the same place, same time everyday except for the weekends.
Minji says that she'll be sure to be there as often as she can, and once again the stranger's smile reaches her eyes, and once again Minji's mind scrambles to find out why that smile feels as familiar as the back of her hand. She stands up when the stranger does, this time being the one to offer her hand in a handshake, the girl accepts and with a strong, firm shke, she makes her way from infront of Minji, to the exit of the shop located far behind her.
Brown eyes follow the figure of a strange new friend and as the stranger walks away, her eyes finally take notice of how the shop seems to have a very slow day, and as her friend's hand comes up to push the door open, Minji calls out.
The stranger turns around.
"Why'd you sit with me?" she asks as she gestures to all of the empty tables and chairs of the shop.
The stranger blinks at her owlishly, once, then twice, before a smile pulls at her lips once more. "I felt like I knew you, even when I didn't. So I just went for it." She shrugs her shoulders in a nonchalant manner, bids Minji a casual goodbye and makes her way out the door.
Minji feels like she's been punched in the gut, and slowly she sinks back down in her seat, one hand subconsciously moving to her forearm where the tattoo lies on her skin beneath the sleeve of her shirt while her mind struggles to decide if whether that was just a coincidence or if once again she's being presented another chance by the universe.
She's scared, all the other times she's found you, heard you utter the words tattooed on her skin over and over and over again in the course of a hundred lifetimes, over and over again she sees how the universe is kind, but the people are cruel- and she's left with memories of how the love between the two of you had never ended happily.
Minji's eyes look to the screen on her phone, and her eyes sting with tears again, but this time she doesn't bother to try and hold it back. As she sees the name that's been newly added to her contacts list- Suddenly the familiarity in your eyes and your habits all make sense. She's never met you in person in this life before, but she's met your soul in countless other forms you've taken.
The soul whose face changes every single life, but whose love stays as strong and as devoted every single time.
You've found your way to each other once again, and Minji can't help but to hope.
Perhaps now that the people are changing, things will turn out happily for the both of you this time around.
A/N: I'm a sucker for this trope goddamn it!
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
I was wondering, what do you think about the theory that Sacrifice is from Cinder's perspective? Because it honestly makes sense for both Raven and Cinder - though it being a V2 song is making me lean towards Cinder. I figured I'd ask because as of now, you're my go-to for all Cinder knowledge. IMO the lyrics fit what we've seen of her pretty well.
Slightly related side note, I feel like there's a way to adapt that into a wonderful knightfall fic, but for the life of me I can't figure our how.
P.S.² - Now that I think about it further, don't you think the song could also match Jaune's outburst against Oz? After he found it they were being lied to?
Have a nice night!
Hold on wait what lol this is why watching the show for so long and having discordant fandom exposure can fuck you up: I always thought this was a Cinder song. Whose song is this supposed to be?????????
(I can see how you'd read it as a Raven song. Raven does a lot of work opposite Cinder).
I'm not big on the RWBY music front though I do think a lot of foreshadowing is in the songs (crackpot theory that V7 opening also applies to Cinder, what, why are you booing me? I'm right), for instance I was fairly certain Summer's fate was worse than death based on Red Like Roses Part II (... why did they feature a conversation specifically framed like that), and it's nice to be proven correct years later. Of course, a lot of fandom said that was wrong, but if she's alive it's because it's very very very very bad and death is as precious as life.
Hmm... what else... oh I think Fear applies to Cinder, it's the volume we get more Cinder characterisation (and Oz's speech covering Cinder, 'will you forgive them? Will you understand why they did the things that they needed to do?' doing a lot of heavylifting here). Plus when I think of 'in the darkness' I am immediately thinking of her.
I think Ironwood and Cinder contrast one another in that one is a 'loss of self' and refusing to confront vulnerability and giving into fear/ego. Whereas Cinder's rise is realising who she really is (which is related to her being the epic and most awesomest Fall Maiden) and accepting vulnerability/overcoming ego. So Fear is an Ironwood song (V7 broadly) and by the same virtue I think is a Cinder song.
This is now not the song you were talking about so let's circle back to Sacrifice which is a song from V2. I think that yes it does make sense for a Cinder song because I always assumed it was a Cinder song, and because I held that she had a personal investment in burning down the Huntsman academies (lol me wuz right, I was also correct that the reason she was excited about Raven wanting to kill her good for nothing brother is because Cinder similarly killed terrible/horrible/shit 'family').
But you're not taking me
plz don't take her I want her to live. Cinder's perpetual survival against the odds is very cool and I think also fits the song, though more in retrospect.
oh btw
Truth will rise Revealed by mirrored eyes
Ruby 'Rose' and Cinder 'Fall' lol. Rose as in the verb, like the moon rises. They did that. Hope you like it. Also I’m pretty sure the reason I assumed the song was a Cinder song is because of ‘fall’. The song has fall and rise in it.
'Mirrored eyes' is easily Ruby, silver used to be used to make mirrors, which... well that's more Cinder/Ruby twinning lol, that's all over the story, although I do wonder if Ruby's going to lose an eye like Cinder, but yeah, my ongoing theory is that Cinder and Ruby will be totally powerful together and their strength inversely reflects each other (full Maiden power realised at the same time as silver eyes awakened) so I would also gander that anything in this song referring to Ruby's rise is also Cinder's. The truth probably relates to V6:E3 Salem/Ozma backstory, most likely, but I also take the meaning quite broadly.
It's not a coincidence either that Cinder's at her highest point at the end of V8, and Jaune and Ruby are respectively at their lowest. Ruby has her Wolf stuff coming on in the next few volumes too, when I think Cinder's probably going to have her arm purified (Ruby must realise her silver eyes through a trial by fire). There is some inverse relation between pain and growth, pain and joy, across these two characters, where I think they’ll eventually ‘balance’ together at the end.
Oh and the irony in this song which refers to 'freedom' is that Cinder's not free under Salem. It's the same as the others on the side of Good, they're not really free to make Choice without Knowledge until V6:E3 (which is painful! Jaune is angry!). Cinder on the side of Evil is Choice without Knowledge as well. (This is also a front where I think the song, from V2, reflects V3: Pyrrha doesn’t have full knowledge of what she’s walking into, and she’s a sacrifice - Cinder and Pyrrha foil each other obviously to extremes on this front).
To cap the post off: I'm very flattered you asked for my opinion lol. I don't profess to have a complete RWBY musical knowledge, I mostly do this by feeling/intuition and I haven't read any fandom musical interpretations, but thank you. Thank you as well for liking my Cinder opinions lol! I'm pretty self-conscious about it.
Also I don't listen to the RWBY OST a lot in its entirety, just putting a footnote here. I heard Sacrifice recently and also back when it came out on the V2 soundtrack and had always assumed it was a Cinder song. If somebody comments it's definitely not a Cinder song, please blame teenage me for the assumption; it's her fault, not mine. (Okay it is mine, but this is MY fantasyland and I'm living in it).
Slightly related side note, I feel like there's a way to adapt that into a wonderful knightfall fic, but for the life of me I can't figure our how.
You mentioned this in the ask as well, I think it works for a Knightfall fic premise because both Jaune and Cinder are critical of Oz and Salem. Neither of them are in it for their respective headmaster and master. It's a very interesting idea. I think it also works from the respect of the Indecisive King parallel, where the King has a very difficult decision ahead of him and he doesn't know what to do. The widow offers him different advice, and a different answer (theme of Sacrifice is that they are not going to be sacrificed like the others). So Jaune helping Cinder with a difficult choice placed upon them by higher powers than them is a very compelling premise which already fits into their intertextuality/fairytale.
Hope you have a good one too. It's only afternoon for me now! (o:
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astickofbutter · 3 years
You seem like a smart person so please help me out here please (and tell me if I'm wrong) BUT I'M LITERALLY LOSING MY DAMN MIND BECUASE OF THIS THING. TURNS OUT THAT SOME "SCIENTISTS" THINK THE MOON IS RUSTING--
Okay, so lets go back 5 years into 5th grade science class. Firstly, for something to rust, it needs to go through the "oxidation process". And in order for something to oxidize, it needs what?! Yes, it needs oxygen. Oh and what's the one thing we all know space doesn't have??? Yes, correct again. Space doesn't have any fricking oxygen, dude. So how tf is the moon rusting
I don't mind giving this "rusting moon" theory a chance, but I just can't seem to put my finger on how the moon could possible Get it's hands on water- and not to mention oxygen on it's surface. Could it be from the Earth maybe? I'd like to know someone else's thoughts on how this could have possibly came about (but don't feel pressured to answer-). Have a good day, Tati ;-;...
I don't feel pressured at all! If anything this interests me. :D
And well I looked it up, and apparently it is. Cuz the moon has been proven that iron on is on its surface. And that they've found water on it as well, abet frozen but it's still water in it's pure sense.
But the main reason they think why is because of the oxygen we've brought over from earth onto the moon. Which has mixed with the water molecules and the iron creating hematite. Which is just a fancier word for rust.
So yes it is, and scientists say we're to blame. And honestly, I think we are too. I mean how else would the moon be rusting if the only contact with oxygen it might've had was with us bringing it up there for us to be able to go up there in the first place?
And it's not exactly a bad thing. But it definitely shouldn't have happened either. The thing is, how do you feel about the idea of a red moon? It'd certainly be a little creepy tbh.
But thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is really interesting, and I hope I helped. And have a good day as well Tory! ^ ^
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