#i’ve enjoyed all the pieces i’ve read of yours so i’m sooo honoured to have been able to make a piece for one of your fics 🥹🥹
hestiashand · 7 months
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a commission for @chadsuke of naruto and kagome of a scene from their fanfic which can be found here!
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My Dearest Riley...
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Pairing: Liam x Riley, Liam x MC
Summary: Sooo...I just watched the saddest movie and now we have this...I’m Sorry...IM SO SORRY
Word Count: 1,307
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments.
Four years had gone by since Liam passed away, to Riley, sometimes it felt like just yesterday that Riley said goodbye to her husband, other times it felt like a million years ago that she last seen him.
Riley and Liam prepared for the day he went, they knew it was coming, but no kind of preparations could have prepared Riley for the loss she would feel when he went. Liam was 89 when he passed, he had lived a long and happy life with his wife and their 6 children. Liam passed the throne to their eldest daughter Delilah when he was 80 meaning he and Riley got to spend the last 9 years of his life as just man and wife as well as mother and father. Riley was now 92, she spent the past 4 years of her life surrounded by her children, her grandchildren, and even some great grandchildren.
Riley took a deep breath as she pulled on her coat ready to go to the royal mausoleum. Today was Liam's birthday, Riley made sure to go down and speak to him every opportunity she got, which lately seemed pretty often. Their son Alexander waited outside the bedroom for her so that he could walk her down. Once Riley opened the door, she hooked her arm through her sons then they made their way outside. Once they reached the Mausoleum, Alexander stopped at the door, letting his mother go in on her own. Riley thanked him then made her way inside, stopping as she reached him. she took a seat on the bench her children had put in so that she would stop sitting on the floor whilst she visited him. Many of times they received phone calls that she could not get back up.
“Good morning, my love” she smiled
“Happy birthday…today you would have been 93, 93 can you believe that? I miss waking you up on your birthday…blueberry pancakes and tea on a tray, we would both sit in bed, just enjoying being together…just you and me”… “Me and My King” she whispered “we’re having a ball tonight, in honour of your birthday, and I know you can’t be there in person but you’ll be in all of our hearts, like you always are.”
“I love you, Liam”
Riley spent the next hour, just telling her husband about the past few days, how their family were doing, and how much everyone missed him.
When Riley returned to the palace, she headed for her quarters. She made her way into the large walk in closet, her clothes on one side, all of Liam's on the other. Her children and tried to talk her into sorting Liam's things but she refused, it was all she had left of him. Riley ran her hands along the shoulders of his blazers and shirts, she stopped when she found the tux, he wore the day they married. She lifted the jacket from the hanger, and wrapped it around her shoulders, she smiled taking in the slight whiff of cologne that still lingered. Riley would often take his cologne into the closet and re spritz his clothes to ensure they still smelled like him, she knew it wouldn’t help her move on…but that was just it…she didn’t want to…she wanted to keep her memories of him as fresh as she possibly could, and his scent helped her with that.
“feels like it was just yesterday” she turned to look in the mirror with a smile. She turned to the stereo in the corner and pressed play, their first dance song filling the room. she twirled as the tail of the jacket lifted into the air, as she turned she heard something in the pocket moving, she frowned unsure as to what it was, she reached into the breast pocket taking out an envelope and a folded piece of paper, she sat down on the chair beside the mirror. As soon as she unfolded the piece of paper she grinned, knowing exactly what she had in her hands.
“Riley, today we make our vows to each other, we make a promise to love each other for the rest of our lives. we promise to trust each other and stand by each other. Every one of those I will do happily. It is because of you, Riley, that I laugh, smile and dare to dream again. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you, being there for you every day in every way. I vow to be true and faithful until my last breath. I stand here today to join my life to yours before these people. I vow to be faithful, respectful, and to grow old with you. Time may pass, good and bad will happen, but no matter what, I pledge that this love is my only love. I pledge to remain by your side, in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, through the good times and the bad. I vow to love you without reservation, comfort you, encourage you, laugh with you and cry with you, to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be honest with you, and to cherish you as long as we are on this planet! I have completely and utterly fallen in love with you, everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You are my first thought in the morning, you are my last thought before I fall asleep, and your almost every thought in between. I love you Riley…Always”
“I love you, Liam…Always” she whispered as the stray tears fell down her face.
She folded the paper up placing a kiss against it then holding it to her heart. She placed it back into the pocket then looked at the envelope.
“My Dearest Riley,
My beautiful wife, if you are reading this then we are apart though we would love to be together. you may never find this…but if fate still works the way it has our whole lives then I am sure it will find a way to you. I love you Riley, I always have, I always will, you are my everything and I promise you no matter where I am, I will always be loving you. You have spent your life, making me into a better man, a better husband and a better father and I am eternally grateful for that and for you, and I never want you to forget how grateful I am to have been able to spend my life with the woman I love. We created the most amazing family, with you my darling I have no regrets. I know after I’m gone, it will be tough, and I know you’ll feel lonely, but you aren’t, I’m here watching over you, I promise you that, I’ll be watching over you all for as long as I can! Don’t waste the rest of your life being sad about me, I don’t want you to be upset, I want you to be happy, that’s all I could ever want for you my darling! So, promise me, that no matter what, you will do whatever it takes to stay happy.
I love you with all of my heart, and I can’t wait to see you again, one day you will come and join me my darling, but for now, you need to stay put and be with our family, you need to tell them of our story so that it is never forgotten, because our story lives on in them.
Make sure you pass my love on to our babies and their babies and even their babies.
I love you Riley, Always
Forever yours, Liam x”
Riley sniffled as she wiped her soaked cheeks.
“I love you too, Liam…Forever” she sniffled as she held her hand to her heart. 
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bouncyirwin · 5 years
Fic-writer Appreciation Post!
I’ve been tagged in two of these so far so I feel like it’s only fair to do one myself... I hesitated for a bit because I’m paranoid my brain will accidentally forget someone (it is 3:30 am after all oops) but 🤞🏼I’ll try my best to include everyone.
I’ll start with how I personally got into fan fiction.
I became a fanfic writer at 13, but before that I used to write my own stuff, both in my native langauge and starting at 12, in English. It was, weirdly, Jack Reacher the movie that made me want to pick up a pen and change a pre-existing story. I don’t remember why that movie precisely except I had a revelation of sorts: ... what if I wrote my own ending/sequel? I could do whatever I want! The possibilities seemed endless.
At that time I had no idea it was even called fanfiction, or that other people wrote it. But it was fun and I was going to do it.
Fast forward seven years, I’d waded through the One Direction fandom, 5SOS, Detective Conan and eventually Naruto (amongst others of course). What started as something fun became something of an anchor during difficult times in my life, an escape when everything else failed.
I love fan fiction with all my heart, if only for the kind of security it gave me when I was lost or anxious. It was something familiar, comforting and absolutely magical.
And it wouldn’t be there if you guys didn’t pick up a pen and started writing too. Some of you have become my friends through tumblr and discord, and have become more than just a username online. You have my eternal gratitude, for sharing your work, and to those of you who have been there for me when I needed them. Some of you are people I admire from afar, too shy to really start a conversation but you’ve inspired me and changed my writing and I thank you for that.
Thank you @xoxoendoh for never failing to bring a smile to my face everytime you share a piece of your work, or scream in my pms about a fic idea that’s eating you up. You’re a brilliant writer and an even better person ❤️
Thank you @alienwritesstuff for never failing to absolutely transport me to another world with your brilliant storytelling and world building. Every fic feels like a portal to a differenf universe, and it absolutely sucks me in from page one. You have a gift, thank you for sharing it.
Thank you @ohayohimawari for making me discover KakaMei, and through it your wonderful writing style. Every word is packed with meaning and intention, artfully chosen and weaved into sentences that sound poetic from the first letter to the last. You’re absolutely amazing and I love ya.
Thank you @nikkigrand for writing two of my absolute favorite stories of all time: Discoveries in Oil, and Adaline. You’re one of the few people who have made me cry over a fic, and that takes real talent. You’re a hidden gem, and I’m so glad I found you.
Thank you @kakawaifu for writing Identity Crises, one if the most beautiful kakasaku build ups. You’re an amazing writer and the way you escalate the plot keeps me at the edge of my seat. Can’t wait to finish reading this awesome fic
Thank you @fineillsignup for your quality fics, and the amazing world building you do. I enjoy reading anything by you, even just regular meta posts. Your mind blows me away. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
Thank you @tipsyraconteur for the AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING fics you write. I adore you and your work, and honestly you are sooo under appreciated. Looking forward to reading your future stuff~
Thank you @mummapaintstheblues firstly, for never ever ever failing to be absolutely supportive and amazing, you really make the world a better place. And secondly, for the work you’re doing that I’m just discovering but I’m excited to get involved in your fics! Stay on the look out for comments 👀
Thank you @mrssakurahatake also for never failing to be your wonderful supportive self, you make me excited to share my work and I love you for that. Thank you for deciding to start writing your own fics, can’t wait to see how far you go!
Thank you @moderndayportia for writing high quality smut and sharing it with us *bows* we mortals kneel before your greatness! I love your work, you’re brilliant, keep blessing us, what’s more to say?
Thank you @itslulu42 for being your cute wonderful self and sharing your cute wonderful stories 💓
Thank you thank you thank you @the-copy-mistress for writing for our fandom, and being absolutely brilliant ily 💓
Thank you @the-real-kakashisgf for writing one of my favorite kakasaku fics of all times, there are little talents like yours 💖 and thank you for being so wonderful and supportive and for beta-ing my fics 💓
Thank you @denilmo for your wonderful work, your heartwarming kindness and all the fun times we had brainstorming ideas, I love you and miss you and absolutely appreciate you. Hope to hear from you soon ❤️
Special shout out to @birkastan2018 for making writing and reading fics a more enjoyable experience, for your endless heartwarming support that makes me cry sometimes and for being so damn wonderful 💓
Thank you @dimigex and @raendown for the rare pair content you provide you absolute beauties 💓
Thank you @thekatthatbarks for being a wonderul friend, a cutie and an amazing writer. Youe fluff melts my heart and I love you 💖
Thank you @sayurinomoe for the amazing honour of being one of the few people you share your writings with, I’m truly blessed and you’re absolutely talented. I hope the world sees your work one day because I know they’ll love it. Thank you for all the wonderful plotting session, your scientific expertise and the amazing laughs and headcanons. You’re my best friend ❤️
Thank you @actuallydeglace for making me fall in love with KimiSaku through your wonderful story Marrow (and I’m currently reading your DeiIno story which is shaping up to be amazing), and for writing Uneasy Coexistence, you’re a wondeful writer, I adore your work and I appreciate you very very much.
Thank you @itsthechocopuff for writing my favorite fic of all time, your story building blows me away and I’m so very glad you decided to share your wonderful work with the world.
Thank you @wolf08 for allowing me to enjoy ss again, I never thought I would but your exceptional writing and storytelling gripped me from the first page. Thank you thank you thank you for writing A Twist in Time it remains one of my favorite fics ever.
And finally, special thank you to @kakashis-kunoichi for your amazing support and encouragement, you make writing fanfiction more enjoyable ❤️
Gods I hope I’m not forgetting anyone. If I am, I’m truly sorry you’re wonderful and my sleep brain is laggy! This post turned out really long oops... I love you all, keep sharing your stunning work 💗
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