#i’ve been out of the loop
senormary · 10 months
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what the hell is a sorry boy
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seancefemme · 2 months
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would you tell me if you want me, cause I can’t move until you show me
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magicwhiskers29 · 12 days
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The whole gang! The lines randomly start getting thinner partway through, but whoops. I had each of these on different canvases and didn’t check the others in between :p
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dragonbma · 2 months
“They must have flipped it. Your skills are latent.
Oh… The desolate dirt, the raw, scorched earth. It’s a trophy of your worth.”
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“This mess that you've made, it's a six-foot grave.
It's a home for your lonesome bones that remain.
We'll disappear, but you'll stay here to rot as The King of The Dark and Forgot…”
P.S. Can’t believe MC:SM season 2 is another year older. 🎂
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Yeah, I’ve said it before but I can’t shut up about how the cage looks like an upside down enchanting table.
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azuzula · 1 year
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Have a body feel the groove!
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fawn-tongues · 1 month
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Miraa and Loop this time. I promise I’ll come up with something that isn’t loop brainrot eventually
Closeups under the cut
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horatiocomehome · 4 months
Hi I was having Thoughts about my HC that Sif has heart problems, and how it’s unclear if Loop is actually like. human anymore.
So! have some post canon sif and loop conversation!
> Hey, Loop.
"Yeah, Stardust?"
(You feel their voice in your cheek where it rests on their chest, as the two of you lie in the shade.)
(You can hear them breathing, too.)
(But... you can't hear a heartbeat.)
> What even are you?
"OMG Stardust you can't just ask someone that!" Loop giggles.
> Sooo, you don't know.
"What you see is what you get! Your guess is as good as mine."
> I would've thought you would have some idea..."
(You grin.)
> After all, you look pretty bright!
“...But really, I don't know much. I just made my wish, and a star fell down to me. I felt like, for it to work, I had to eat it. So I did. When I woke up... I was the lovely Loop you see now!"
(Ate a star!)
(That doesn't tell you much, but you feel your heart beating faster. Their chest is still quiet.)
(Like so many times recently, memories seize you.)
(Memories of your heart going too fast and tripping over itself.)
(Memories of dying.)
(You breathe in, and out.)
(You brush your hand over the star on Loop's chest. It feels like when your hand falls asleep. It's warm.)
> Do you think you have a heart?
> Woah, I thought we were going steady! Why am I heartless all of a sudden?'" Loop jokes.
(You smile, a little.)
> You know what I mean.
"Well… I don't have any reason to think I don’t have one."
> You don't have a heartbeat though?
(Loop is quiet for a little. They're looking off into the distance.)
"Actually," they start, "I haven't really noticed my heart at all, since the loops."
"Just like you, it did me in a couple times back then!" Loop continues, a little too brightly. "I got used to paying attention to it, but I haven't had to, since!”
"...Guess it's a benefit of the job."
(So they really don't have a heart.)
(You roll over and bury your face in their chest.)
> Well then, I don't have to worry about you dying before me!
(You try to say it like a good thing, but you aren't fooling anyone.)
(You want to spend as much time as possible with them. With all of your family.)
"Stardust… you don't have to worry so much, you know. We’re safe now!"
> But what about MY heart?
> What about the times it killed me??
> What if that happens again?!
(Loop wraps their arms around you. You silently hug them back.)
"You know, even stars burn out eventually."
(As soon as they say it, you know it's true. Even though, if you'd tried to dredge that up earlier, you wouldn't have found anything.)
"And I'm a very small star! So let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay? I might beat you to it after all!"
> You say that like it'll make me feel better.
(Loop flicks the top of your head.)
"Listen, Stardust. Our heart gave out because we were putting so much stress on it. But we're not doing that anymore, right?"
> ...Right.
"So you should have lots more time to spend with all of us!"
"Besides," their voice is light again, "you shouldn't be thinking about death so much anyways! we've spent more than enough time dying already."
› But...
"Just live, Stardust. Stop worrying and live.”
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love a good timeloop-by-choice. you just can't leave until you get it perfectly....you could move on at any time, but you won't. trapped their of your own accord. never growing old and never getting it right
self-inflicted time loops my beloved <3
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dalkyeom · 10 months
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and you kiss me in a way that’s gonna screw me up forever!
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chimerahyperfix · 4 months
cw: gore and mentioned death for like 2 lines, nervous breakdown (or at least on the edge of one). Spoilers for ISAT.
readmore'd this one early because the cws are at the beginning (and this one's kinda chunky)
You'd been doing so well, this loop. You didn't crab anything up, you made the bomb and yet, and yet here you crabbing are, in the same bloodstained halls as always, kicking through puddles of gore like it's a normal Sunday, which you GUESS it is now!
Nothing you do matters. It doesn't matter it doesn't matter IT DOESNT! MATTER! And you just have to crabbing LIVE with it, forever, twenty four hours over and over, twenty four big metal bars of your hand-crafted cage.
So you just. Stop. Pull off to the side and sit up against a wall that isn't coated lightless with death and just.
You break down in tears.
It's still going. You're still going YOU'RE STILL GOING. One for all. Just you suffering, because everyone will be okay after you loop back, but not you! You'll carry this with you, forever! You don't want to be here anymore. You just... want it to stop.
It does?
The world fades out, and not in the way it does when you die, no; it just... is suddenly dark. Thick and heavy like syrup around you. It's hard to move, to breathe. You find yourself struggling.
There are. Footsteps, coming in your direction. You can hear them clearly, like a pin dropping in a silent room. You struggle to your feet-- and it's a struggle, because you still can't breathe right and your legs shake like a newborn animal. It's a struggle to see anything around you through the veil of pure darkness that sparkles and floats around you.
And here you stand, in the sky itself, facing yourself.
More correctly, a mockery of yourself. It pulls itself forwards like you'd been doing all day, tilted and shaking and exhausted. Painted pure lightless and sparkling, like the blood painted on the King's armor. You glare daggers at it, because it is not you and if you believe it even could possibly be, even just a little, you will probably be giving it some kind of power.
It faces your direction, and it's lack of eyes and mouth sends shivers down your spine. It's not real, it's not real it's not real!!! It can't be!!! Why would this be real? You're frozen, you have to be because this is a crabbing DREAM it has to be you have to be frozen because if it's not then what the crab IS THIS, is your brain working against you? Are you imagining the frost crawling up your spine and the burning in your throat, if you try speaking you'll spit pure fire because you have Changed yourself with a capital C and Destroyed yourself with a capital D. It's a big angry mockery of yourself and you want it to go away you want everything to stop, stop, stop please--
It shifts. You move in response, nails digging into your palm. It takes a step forwards. The floor ripples like waves and they roll over your shoes, washing the blood from them. You back up some in return.
You open your mouth to say something or try and ward it off, but only a cough comes out. Blood runs down your chin.
It tilts its head (your head, YOUR head, it's freaking you right the crab out) and opens its OWN mouth, and--
It. Speaks.
The sound that comes out, it's the King's voice. It shocks you still, and your lungs stop pulling in air at the pure horror. The thought hits your brain, did the King make this thing?
No. No wait, now it's Euphrasie.
[Do you know what this is?] Now it's Mirabelle??? [Don't drink it? What do you mean it's toxic?!]
Okay. Stop. This is making your head hurt. Like your brain has been restarted, turned off and back on again. You've run directly into a brick wall and now you're just confused. It's... using other's voices. Mockeries. Pulling from random conversations that you've just barely remembered. Mirabelle poured one of your potions on a plant she tried to grow once and it killed it. You hadn't cared at the time, but now, now... you'll never leave your stuff out again. That very same potion killed you, and it could've killed HER.
You know damn well what you've worked with. The plants and chemicals, toxic in every way. You'd always liked to dance on the edge of safety, tempting death to come get you: maybe that's why you're here now, doomed to repeat the same day over and over. Death coming back to laugh at you and take your soul, over and over again.
Maybe this thing is Death, coming to mock you face to face. Wouldn't that be a crabbing laugh? The very concept of the end, pointing and laughing right in front of you, using the voices of the ones you love. What a crabbing joke.
[Claude,] it pulls from Euphie again. [Are you okay?]
No. Why would you be okay, at this point? It tilts its head, and you shake yours. Crab it. Why not. Your voice is failing, withering away in the furnace of your mouth.
[HOW HAVE YOU DONE IT?] It echoes the King's voice at a louder volume.
You know. You know, you know you know. You wished, and figured out something new, something different, and now you have eternity and you want it to stop.
[Are you enjoying yourself over there?] Ohhh, oh you need it to stop using her voice. Twisting your girlfriend's kindly voice into something wrong, using it against you. You throw a punch, and it surges back.
[What do you mean, you've done this before?] Why, why is it doing this to you. You want it to stop you want it to go away you want to. [Can you tell me what happened?]
You can't. You don't, you don't want to do this anymore. Make it stop. Make it stop.
It looks at you. At your clasped together hands.
Your voice sputters to life. Gurgles over blood. "I don't remember."
It opens its mouth.
[I wish...] Oh... that's...
[I wish we had more time!]
It reaches out, and grabs you by the lapel of your draping coat. Pulls you forwards. Your legs buckle under you, and it slightly holds you up. Looks down at you.
It has eyes behind the glasses now. Irises curled with spirals, the same crabbed up shade yours are.
That's... that's you.
The ice creeps up your back. Daggers and pins in your spine, between the bones.
You wished for more time, and...
It lets you go. You fall limp.
You can't move.
That's okay.
Let go.
(If you had held out for five more minutes, you could've been there, beside yourself, when your hopelessness ate you alive and turned you into a Sadness. Watched as they found you, how they screamed, and how they had to kill what was left of you. Lucky you!)
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mooshys · 4 months
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cemetrygatess · 10 months
Just rewatched Emissary I can’t help but think Dax did most of the leg work to find the wormhole. Big student does the research, boss gets the Nobel prize vibes tbh.
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my-hyperfixations · 1 year
This is my petition
If “Bernadette” by IAMX is the Fyolai song
And “Partners in Crime” by Set It Off is the Soukoku song
Then I raise to you all:
“Angel with a Shotgun” by The Cab as Suegiku’s song
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This is just where I want to be!
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shrimpscrawling · 5 months
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spinjitsuburst · 11 months
my poor brain working overtime to try and find a way to connect my completely unrelated hyperfixations. Nerdy Prudes Must Die doesn’t have shit to do with ninjago but man. Man I need to find a way to draw ninjago characters in The Summoning or I’m going to explode
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