#i’ve also got a band concert on thursday which is spooky bc it’s our last concert with our current band director
redskysailor · 2 years
hiii ^_^! how did ur clarinet performance go yesterday ??!
hi elliot! it went fairly well, not our best take but we got through it :] it was with the clarinet ensemble so it wasn’t NEARLY as scary as playing by myself, but it was good to get some experience performance in the music hall before my jury next week (solo assessment in front of all the music faculty).
my nice clarinet is in the shop (hopefully getting it back today) so i had to play on my plastic clarinet that i probably haven’t touched since high school, so it went pretty darn well considering that. she’s missing a LOT of pads, so my key clicks are suuuper loud, and the tuning is her mid range is a bit wonky… she needs a good cleaning too lol. getting all that fixed would probably cost more than the repairs on the one that’s already in the shop rn, so i don’t think i’ll be getting her fixed anytime soon… but it was interesting to put in perspective how much better my new clarinet is. the old one (plastic) is also a LOT lighter than my new (wooden) clarinet, so that probably explains why i’ve been having so much trouble with wrist pain this year that i never had with my old clarinet (more weight + much more frequent practice = ow)
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