#i’m thinkin. lemme know in the replies if you guys would uh. even read this bad boy.
moonshynecybin · 6 months
I think there’s definitely a fic to be written where Marc only figures out his sexuality post arm injury and Valentino is a part of that and it’s a lot™️ (especially in terms of feelings)
Valentino being Marc’s first when he’s 20 and fearless : maybe a little rushed, impatient Marc, Valentino maybe not being the most careful ever
Valentino being Marc’s first when he’s 31 and definitely in a different life mindset : tender, careful, Valentino doing everything to prove to Marc that he can trust him, taking their time
reporting live from my notes app
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FR. i doooo think i’m gonna keep it more on the side of. like never fucking because they are both kind of emotionally unaware no homo kings. i don’t know much about that city stuff i just want vale to be my girlfriend :) marc in tha closet repressed style and is confusing heartbreak for hero worship and vale who HAS fucked men before but NEVER competition so marc isn’t an option (he needs him so bad.) so yes. they are both locked in horny frustrated sexual tension rivalry (marc age 20: vale is soooo amazing being with him feels like i’m on cocaine. which must be normal ! vale age 34: wow i like this guy he reminds me of me. time to go date ten women with his identical bone structure.) BUT neither of them ever like. actually realize they are in love with each other or that they got romantically divorced. twice. honestly avoiding that conclusion (that shit is SCARY.) probably made both divorces much worse! and then (FIC I SHANT GIVE AWAY) happens and they have to navigate like. discovering gay sex as a twink with chronic pain in your thirties…..
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chocolatepancakes · 3 years
I’m just thinkin bout it, I’m not gonna do it.
I did it
Selever x Fem Reader
CENSORED CUSSING. Time taken: Idek all I know is i don’t sleep anymore
There’s two endings. This post shows up until the turning point.
(Y/N) laid on her couch staring up at the ceiling. It was the middle of July and she was hot, bored, and sweaty. She sat up and reached for the remote, just to be caught off guard by a text notification. Selever. She opened the app.
[Selever] Hey Roachy!
[Selever] my friends and I are going to the mixer
[Selever] come with to even out the numbers
(Y/N) looked at her screen. A mixer huh? Cool beans. It's not like she had anything to do over the summer. She typed quickly as she replied.
[Y/N] cool lemme in
[Selever] lmao you're actually gonna come?
[Selever] okay, well, meet at 401 Dragon Rock Ave.
[Y/N] there's a bar there??
[Selever] lol who said we're going to a bar
[Selever] we gon be going to kareoke b####
[Y/N] OK
[Y/N] what time
[Selever] idk, around 8.
[Y/N] K see ya
[Selever] ciao
(Y/N) looked at the clock. 6pm. She had about two hours to get ready. She set a 50 minute timer and turned on the TV. She had time to burn.
So the time came. (Y/N) ran out her house with her purse in hand. She slid into her car and started it up. Streetlights passed as she turned left and right. A call rang. She picked it up. "Hello, who is it?" She asked.
"Hello, I called to talk about your car's extended warranty," Selever replied. Snickering could be heard. (Y/N) laughed. Why did he always start a call like that?
"Hi Sel," she said.
"Where you at right now?"
"I'm only like, a hundred meters from the place."
"Ha, sure you are."
"Oh hey! I see you! Okay, imma hang up!" She closed off the call and pulled her car into a parking slot. Selever stood waiting for her. He was wearing something pretty different from his normal attire. He had a magenta dress shirt on, and a black suit vest over it. A complimentary black tie and dark dress pants completed his look.
"Woah I didn't think you'd actually come," Selever smirked. "Getting desperate?" He asked.
"Ha, no. Just doing my job as the number-even-outter." (Y/N) replied, getting out of her car.
"Really? Cause you seem pretty dressed up for someone who's just evening out the numbers." He was right. (Y/N) had dressed up a bit for this occasion. She wore a blue one piece with a flower on the head of its belt. She wore a white cardigan, and two strands of her (H/C) hair, tied in braids, met at the back of her head. She wore knee high socks, and Mary Janes completed the outfit.
"Yes really, now let's go in! I wanna destroy everyone's eardrums!" (Y/N) grabbed his hand and entered the building. This one seemed to be slightly different from other bars. Like a Japanese kareoke place? There was a reception area, and you'd go into a room to sing. They ran past the reception and straight to the room at the end of the hall.
Selever opened up the door. "THE LAST LADY'S HERE!" He yelled. In the room were two other guys, and two other girls. Starting with the girls, there was one with blue hair, which was tied back in her pony tail. She had pink eyes and wore a grey turtleneck with a long skirt. The other girl had black hair, which covered her left eye. Red eyes. She wore a beanie, as well as a black shirt. She wore jeans, giving off a relaxed vibe. As for the two guys, a grey cat was among them. His hair? Fur? Was tied back in a ponytail. He wore a yellow hoodie over a suit, she assumed. He wore black pants and wore brown sneakers. Last one was a skull of... a goat? Moose? A demon? He wore a white dress shirt, and brown dress pants. His body and limbs seemed to be invisible, as his head and hand floated in the air.
(Y/N) cautiously entered the room. "Hello.... I'm (Y/N)." The girl with blue hair waved.
"Hi!! I'm Sky!" She held some cards in her hand. "Wanna play Uno with us?"
"Sure," (Y/N) said, sitting down. Selever also sat at the boys' side. A round passed. Then two. Then an an hour, as they ate and sang.
"Kay! Uhhh (Y/N!) It's your turn!" The cat man said, taking the input pad and handing it over to her.
"Sorry Kapi, I'm not too good at singing," she denied.
"You sure? You haven't sang all hour."
"Mmm maybe one song." She took the pad and
scrolled through the songs. Bingo. She entered the code as a upbeat tune started playing. She held up the mic, slightly embarrassed she was singing this. Selever gave her a thumbs up and smiled. She took a breath and sang. The others watched her as she hit every note. When the song finished, she put down the mic and quickly returned to her seat. They clapped for a moment or two. "Woah. You're pretty good (Y/N)!" Sky said. "I'm really not," (Y/N) said. "Oh for f###'s sake, just accept it," Selever rebutted. "You're good and you know it." Kapi stretched. "Okay, I think we're all warmed up." Warmed up?! That was warming up?! For what?! (Y/N) confusedly looked around the room. "Tabi, where'd you put the spinner?" Kapi asked. "It should be with the chips." Seriously what were they bouta do?! Kapi took out a spinner. On each slice was each of their names. Tabi, Annie, Kapi, Sky, Selever, (Y/N), all of them. Kapi flicked the arrow. Landed on his name. "I GO FIRST!" He said, grabbing his phone. He fiddling with it, he got something to play on the screen. His own song. He took a deep breath and started to sing. Annie cheered him on. (Y/N) looked in shock. He was singing his own song. This probably means the others have their own too. Goddammit, no! She prayed for the wheel to never land on her, she didn't have one yet! Kapi's song finished, and the screen read, "Beathoven.mp4 - unknown". "Oh yeah! That felt great! Okay, who's next?" He spun the wheel again. "Uh... Annie! Ya gonna go?" Annie took out her phone. "Hell yeah I am." She took a swig of her drink and got up. After fiddling with her phone, a new song started playing. She bopped her head a few times, until she also started to sing. (Y/N) leaned over to Selever. "You know I don't have a song! What do I do?!" She whispered. Selever leaned back. "It's fine. I can cover you if it lands anyway. Just get one of your weeb songs to play if I can't." As Annie's song finished, she spun the wheel. Sky Same routine. She got up, fiddled around, and sang. (Y/N) paid no attention to it. She was only thinking about what would happen when her turn came. What does he mean he can cover her?! What does he mean play a weeb song?! Did he mean vocaloid? Before she knew it, Sky's turn was over. Kapi spun the spinner. Oh god damn it. "(Y/N)! It's your turn!" He slid the pad to her. She looked at it in fear. "Um- a-" she was cut off. Selever picked up the pad. "M'kay. I'm bored. My turn motherfruskas!" Nobody stopped him. Just sighed and shook their heads. He tapped his phone. A steady beat came out of the speakers. Selever smirked at (Y/N) as he began to sing. It was upbeat. Pretty steady, until 30 seconds in. A sudden tempo change. His song was upbeat. And somewhat fast. As the song finished he put the mic back down on the table. "You had a song?? Wh- why is it so chaotic?! HOW'D YOU EVEN HIT THAT?!" Sky questioned as she, and the others clapped. Selever leaned back with his hands behind his head. "It's was made to fit me, and me specifically. Of course it's chaotic." Kapi put away the wheel. "Okay, since there's only Tabi and (Y/N) left now, I'm gonna flip a coin. Tabs, heads or tails?" He flipped it into the air. "Tails." Tabi replied. Kapi caught, and shielded the coin from view. (Y/N) prayed it was tails. He revealed the coin to be... "Tails! 'Kay Tabi, you're up!" He handed the pad to the floating skull, as a new song started to play. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief. At least now she could think of which song to sing herself. I mean, Aishite was pretty good, but dark. PoPiPo sounded too idiotic. She could sing partners in crime.... if she had a partner. "So, be honest (Y/N)," Annie said, still keeping her eyes on Tabi. "You don't have a song, do you?" (Y/N) jumped. "I uh..." "It's fine. I didn't really expect someone like you to have one anyway." Someone like me? The hell does that mean?! (Y/N)'s pettiness rose up. She still didn't have a song, but she sure as hell knew which one she wanted to sing. Just as Tabi's song finished,
she snatched the pad and connected her phone. She looked up at the screen. Beeps played as she stood up, grabbed the mic, and waited for the first notes to come. She took a deep breath, turned to look at everyone and sang. "EVERSINCEIWASBORNFROMTHATDAYIHADKNOWNTHATIAMNOTHINGMORETHANASIMULATIONBUTI'LLKEEPLIVINGUNTILLDESTROYED, LIVINGFOREVERYESIAMAVOCALOID. IFFOREXAMPLESINGINGWASJUSTATOYTHATWOULDSINGBACKTHETUNESYOUGAVETOTHEMIDTHINKTHATWASALRIGHT, WHILEILOOKATTHESKY, BITETHISLEEK, WATCHTHESOUPPOURINGFROMMYEYES. BUTEVENSOI'LLDISAPPEARTHATIKNOWAPERSONALITYCHANGINGWITHEACHSONG, EVERYTHINGIWASBUILTONWASN'TSOSTRONG, ALLOFTHEPLACESIKNEWAREALREADYGONE, EVERYONETHATIKNEW, THEYDON'TREMEMBERME. HEARTORSOULIHAVENOTHINGLEFTINSIDEOFMEICANSEETHECENTEROFTHEVOID, YES I AM A VOCALOID!" She huffed as the intro stopped. The others looked at her wide eyed. She smiled. She may have regained a bit of confidence. As the vocals continued, she did too. Hitting every note perfectly as the song went on. At the end, she set down her mic. Selever clapped for her, and the others joined him. Tabi looked at the clock. Holy crap. 2 am. "Okay, I have to go, I have work," he said, getting up. "Actually, we should probably all go now. The time's almost up anyway," Sky pointed out. (Y/N) picked up her purse. They were right. She didn't have anything to do over the summer, but it was getting late. They all walked out to the parking lot, and said their goodbyes. Only Selever and (Y/N) was left now. "So, got anyone you put your eyes on?" Selever asked. (Y/N) sighed. "They were nice, but not really my type, ya know? Would go drink with tho 100%." She smiled. "Besides, I don't think any of the guys really liked me."
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small-teacup · 4 years
Okay, Inventing Privileges Revoked
Requested by: @jwillowwolf
Notes: The magical stuff in this fic is based off of The Ancient Magus Bride (anime and manga). If you've read/seen it, I put a lil reference to it somewhere in here >:)
POV: 3rd person
Ships: Analogical, Royality, and Demus/Dukeceit/Receit
CW: Swearing, yelling, eating, sympathetic Remus and Janus, fire, mention of failing classes, vines, being watched
Lemme know if I missed any :D
Word Count: 3041
“Twist this...and then you-” The inventor muttered to himself as he made a few adjustments and tweaks on his latest machine. It was supposed to harness the power of magic from other worlds, so that it could benefit this world. He knows they exist...he just knows. A few sparks flew at him as a knob was turned. “Don’t you dare start acting up on me. I spent a year and a half on you, I’m not letting you give up on me now,” he scolded the piece of machinery. He had an amusing habit of talking to objects. As if the invention had heard him, little gears started turning even though he hadn’t meant it for it to be turned on. Not yet. But it seemed like it was doing it out of spite. An unpleasant noise erupted from it before he quickly turned the knob back to its original position. “That’s enough out of yo-”
“Soooo..” Patton started, taking a bite out of a piece of garlic bread. “Any progress on your cool lil’ device you got in your room?” He asked, looking over at his roommate.
The voice scared Logan out of his wits, flinching as he pushed up his glasses. “I’M COMING!” He called back, standing up from his seat and tiredly walking out of his bedroom to the kitchen. He didn’t seem to realize the pink-ish glow emitting from the machine behind him.
“It’s not...exactly doing what I want it to do. But that’s alright, I can still fix it,” Logan replied, scooping some spaghetti into his mouth.
“Ooohh..okay! Virgil, how were your classes today?”
The boy in question sat across from Patton, hunched over and eating slowly with one hand, the other one shoved in his jacket pocket. “Failed ‘nother exam. I’m thinkin’ of giving up at this point…” He mumbled, poking a meatball.
“Noooo! Don’t say that! You still got a lot to look forward to!”
“I agree with Patton,” Logan said, looking over at Virgil. “You’re trying your best and that’s what matters. It’s just one mistake, it’s not that big of a deal. You’ll be ok.”
“But what if I won’t be? Ughh..my grades are going down so so low… Sometimes I just don’t wanna be here. Not away from you guys, of course, but..just- somewhere where I don’t have to stress myself every night and break down almost once every week.”
“Like Logie said, you’ll be okay! Here, how about this, you take a well-deserved break and me or Logan can do your work for you?”
“That wouldn’t work because he wouldn’t be learning the things he needs to in order to pass. The least we can do right now is try to keep his mind off of work for a short time. But he has to get back to doing his assignments after.”
“Um..,” Virgil muttered quietly, as not to interrupt either of the boys. “I guess my little ‘break’ starts now…? If so, then uh..can I see Logan’s machine thing?”
Logan and Patton looked at each other, the more optimistic of the two grinning. “Yeah! I’d like to see it too!”
The inventor sighed, shaking his head lightly. “Fine, but do not touch it.”
His roommates cheered as a small smile made its way onto Logan’s face.
After dinner, they were grouped in Logan’s room, staring at the little device.
“So...how does it work?” Virgil asked, tilting his head slightly. Logan gently took the device and held it in his hands so the others could see. “Well, you’re supposed to turn this knob,” he explained, turning said knob. The machine sputtered to life, however it seemed...off. “But it doesn’t seem to be working correctly at the moment.”
Patton stared at the tiny device in amazement, Virgil doing the same until he got a notification from his phone. He pulled it out, pure frustration showing on his face.
“UGHHH- I don’t even wanna be IN THIS WORLD anymore!” He groaned, shoving his phone into his pocket.
Suddenly, child-like laughter filled the air.
“Wh...What was that?” Patton asked, fearful.
“I’m..not sure,” Logan responded, looking around. Vines grew from the ground and latched to their legs as three small portals appeared beneath them. They were pulled down into those portals before they could even scream.
Logan woke up to the sight of trees, the moonlight shining through them, and the feeling of dirt beneath him. He shot up and looked around frantically before his eyes landed upon two figures curled up next to one of the trees. On closer examination, he realized those were his roommates. Patton seemed to have calmed Virgil down from a panic attack.
“Are you two okay…?” He asked, going over and sitting with them. At the sound of Logan’s voice, Virgil suddenly latched onto him. “God- I thought you died! I’m so sorry..This is my fault, I’m so so sorry..,” the boy muttered, his grip tightening.
“I...believe it’s my fault. It was my invention, I shouldn’t have shown it to you two when it wasn’t even working properly.”
“Guys-” Patton said, trying to warn them.
“No but if I hadn’t got so angry-”
“I don’t think it had to do with your anger.”
“But what if it did? We weren’t pulled in until I got that stupid notif.”
“There’s nothing in the device that would make it respond to human emotions-”
“WHAT?!” The two shouted in unison, seeing Patton looking up.
“There’s people..w-watching..,” he whispered.
Virgil and Logan looked up as well. Two pairs of eyes stared back at them, one pair green and the other pair red. Shadows hid their bodies from view, if they even had bodies. The two entities laughed, sounding exactly like the laugh they’d heard before being sucked into this alternate world. Patton scooted over to his roommates hurriedly and stayed very close to them. The entities above seemed to look at each other before the one with green eyes suddenly disappeared with a gust of wind. Red eyes looked back down at them, suddenly dropping from the tree and landing with a flourish. In the light, it seemed that the entity was a boy, about the same age as the three humans in front of him. Little flames burned from the tips of his hair that he didn’t seem bothered with. Speaking of, his hair was tied in a ponytail that hung over his shoulder. He wore a white shirt with gold lining at the top, its sleeves going down to his elbows and hanging loosely. A red sash was tied around his waist. Black cloth was tucked into it from the back, making it sway behind him whenever he moved. He wore simple brown shorts that seemed to have been torn from what used to be a complete pair of trousers. Gold ribbons wrapped his legs in a criss-cross pattern, tying into knots at his ankles. His ears were pointed, making him look like an elf. His eyes always seemed to have a fire burning in them.
He grinned at the terrified humans and held his hand out to them, but it seemed more directed at Patton.
“Greetings, humans! You may call me Princey. You’re not supposed to be here!” He sang.
Patton was the first to speak up, albeit in a shaky tone, “N-Nice to meet you, Princey. I’m P-”
“Ah ah ah! Nicknames only. Real names have power in our world, and you wouldn’t want to fall prey to anything...unpleasant, now would you?” The fae interrupted. He narrowed his eyes, but his grin stayed.
“And how’re we supposed to know that you’re not one of the ‘unpleasant’ kind?” Virgil asked harshly, suspicious of this seemingly magical stranger.
The faerie’s eye twitched as he pulled back his hand, “You certainly seem to be one of them, so you tell me.”
“You did not-”
“If the shoe fits, rusty human.”
“Alright alright, umm...maybe we shouldn’t fight?” Patton suggested, looking between the two.
“Yes, we don’t need to cause more problems to add to the ones we already have,” Logan agreed, pulling Virgil closer. The smaller boy huffed and muttered an “okay.”
“So we’re all in agreement that we’d rather not fight right now! Perfect! Now, let’s start this over. What would each of you like to be called?”
“Can I be called Pat..? Is part of our names allowed?”
“I...suppose. You have a very sweet-sounding nickname. And you two?” He gestured to Logan and Virgil.
The inventor sighed, “Call me L, please.”
“Alright, very simple,” Princey commented, looking over at the last boy to share his nickname. “..You know, I might just call you Rusty.”
“Don’t call me that-”
“Too late, Rusty.”
“I have a question,” Logan stated, looking up at the fae.
“Why did you call him a ‘rusty human’?”
“Ah! It’s something only Neighbors, such as I, would get. Each human that comes through the forest has a distinct smell. For example, Pat smells like roses.” He sighed dreamily. “My favorite flower… As for Rusty over there, he smells like...well- rust. It’s utterly disgusting to us.”
“..Is ‘Neighbors’ the name of your species?”
“Sort of…? Neighbors is what you call faeries, however that term is dull to some. If we’re talking about the subspecies of fae, I’m a fire sprite.”
Virgil snickered, covering his mouth to hide his smile.
“What’s so funny about that? I’ll have you know that you should respect us magical beings, lest you be cursed or spirited away!”
“I’m gonna call you Soda,” The boy replied behind his hand.
“Ooooh! Because he’s a sprite!” Patton said, pointing finger guns at Virgil. “Ayyyyyy!”
“Ayyyyyyy.” The other pointed finger guns right back at him.
Princey and Logan just sighed, one being confused and the other used to his roommates' antics.
The fae clapped his hands. “Okay okay. To get you all out of potential danger, you’re going to have to come with me. I’ll take you to my abode. Be warned, my brother and his boyfriend live there as well.” He shot a look at Virgil, “I’m not going to kill any of you. It wouldn’t benefit anyone.”
They looked at each other and seemed to be in silent agreement as they stood. Princey started guiding them through the trees and the bushes, careful to avoid anything that could kill these new humans.
“So...Why are you helping us? Not that I don’t appreciate it, I just...wanna know, y’know?” Patton asked as they walked.
“...It’s lonely here. The other fae are very..gossipy. You do something dumb and suddenly it spreads around like wildfire. So I usually stay away from fae that I don’t already know, as I wouldn’t want any...betrayals or damages to my pride. I trust that you humans are not the same...?”
“I don’t think so.. Right?” The boy looked over at his two friends, who seemed to be having a silent conversation with one another. He sighed and gave up on the question, feeling a bit left out. Princey seemed to notice, gesturing for Patton to walk with him at the front, to which the boy hesitantly but happily did.
After a bit of walking, they came across a little cottage in a clearing. Smoke billowed out of the chimney as they approached it.
“Well,” the fire sprite sighed. “Here we are! It’s not much...but it works.”
“...I thought it’d look more like a giant mushroom or something,” Virgil commented, a bit suspicious about how normal the house looked.
“Why would we live in a fucking mushroom? A MUSHROOM THAT SIZE DOESN’T EVEN EXIST- Where are you getting these ideas?!”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, faerie boy?” The emo replied, waiting for Princey to open the door or something. Was there even a lock on the front door?
As if on cue, the door swung open to reveal another faerie, similar to Princey. This one, however, wore reversed colors. A black shirt with silver lining and a green sash instead of a red one. He had a silver streak in his hair, dangling over his eyes. His hair was braided, draped over his shoulder as well. The most peculiar thing, though, was the fake mustache he wore and the green wings protruding from his back, speckled with black.
“Wretched brother! And...other people!” The new faerie greeted, moving aside so they could get in.
“Greetings to you too...Duke,” Princey muttered, leading the small group inside.
“That’s his name? Duke? What, is he a dog?” Virgil asked, semi-sarcastically.
“Based on his behavior, he might as well be,” The fire sprite grumbled, flopping on a nearby chair and sighing. “And no, that’s not his name. Remember what I said about those, Rusty?”
“Yeah yeah, they ‘hold power’ or whatever. But why do you guys need to disguise your names when you’re the one who’s able to use them against us? You’re not at risk.”
“Actually, we are. I’d also rather you not call my beloved a dog,” A new voice said, the source of it being a figure that had just walked in from the kitchen. The humans looked at him, a bit startled. It didn’t seem like this one was the same as the brothers. He wore a wide-brimmed black hat with a yellow ribbon tied around it. The shadows created by the hat covered one half of his face. The half that was visible seemed normal. He had dark brown eyes that made him seem wise and intimidating. A black and gold capelet laid on his shoulders, linked together with a gold chain. He wore yellow lace gloves with black ribbons wrapped around his wrist. He was even wearing thigh-high stiletto boots.
“mY BOYFRIEND!!” Duke screeched as he half-ran and half-flew to the new faerie. He latched onto him in a tight hug, his wings flapping slightly in happiness.
“Could I inquire what nickname you,” Logan started, gesturing to the mysterious fae, “would like to go by? And what type of faeries are you two?”
“Hm...Call me Deceit, if you will. Duke’s an Ariel and I’m a Leannan Sidhe.”
“Ariel?? Like the mermaid??” Patton wondered aloud, sitting next to Princey on another chair. It was obvious the two wanted to be close to each other with the way they were glancing at each other.
“I...don’t know what a ‘mermaid’ is, but I’m assuming that has nothing to do with the faerie world, so no. An Ariel is a type of sprite, a wind denizen, or in simpler terms, they can control the wind. They’re known to be mischievous, despite their job of purification,” Deceit explained, fondly playing with his boyfriend’s hair.
“And a Leannan Sidhe…?” Logan asked, sitting on the couch with a notebook and pen in hand. Where did he even get that…
“A subspecies of a fae you humans would refer to as a ‘vampire’. Young men let us feed on their blood in exchange for talent. It could also be exchanged for...other things.”
“Oh. Is the amount of blood a lot…? Because it would kill the human if you took too much.”
“It’s just enough that the human wouldn’t die on the spot. However, those we feed on don’t usually lead very long lives. Enjoy what you have and die or yearn for more and die greedy.”
“Greedy?” Virgil repeated, sitting next to Logan and clasping his hands together. If he was being honest, he actually considered offering his blood to the vampire, despite how shady that’d be.
“What you sought for certainly didn't come from you, did it?”
“That’s what I thought.”
Awkward silence fell over the room. Duke fluttered his wings happily as he cuddled closer to Deceit. It created a little gust of wind that unfortunately threatened the life of Princey’s flames, to the fire sprite’s annoyance.
“Do any of you know why we’re here..?” Patton asked quietly, shuffling a bit closer to the fae next to him.
“I do! I do!!” The wind denizen chirped, speeding away from his boyfriend and stopping in front of the human. “So when the nerd over there made the weird machine, we were able to find connections to your world! But we didn’t know what to do with it, so we left it alone. But theeeeennnn, Rusty said a few magic words, and some of the faeries in our world took advantage of it, so that’s why you guys are here!”
“What magic words???” Virgil called from the other side of the room.
Duke cleared his throat and did a half-hearted attempt at imitating Virgil, “i dON’T evEn WAnnA be iN thiS woRlD ANyMOREEeEe blAHhhhh.”
“Okay, I said everything BUT that last part.”
“I know, it’s just that you’re overly angsty.”
“Let’s calm down for a moment,” Patton said softly, giving a tiny and nervous smile. “What part of that was magical?”
“All of it! When humans say something, whether they mean it or not, some specific types of fae listen closely so they can cause maaaajor terror and disorder. Like this one time, some girl was angry at her lil’ brother so she went, ‘I wish you were never my brotherrrr!’ or something dramatic like that, and then the next day, the boy was gone! And nooooobody remembered him except her. She got really scared, but lucky for her, a couple of mages came by and helped her.”
“Yeah! They’re either like...human-like faes or sleigh-beggies.”
“Sleigh-beggies??? I honestly don’t think that’s the actual name-”
“Doesn’t matter what you think! That’s what it’s called. Sleigh-beggies are just humans who’ve been gifted with the sight to see otherworldly things. It may sound cool, but trust me, you don’t wanna know how many things are crawling over all of you right now.”
At that, both Patton and Virgil screeched, trying to get rid of the creatures they couldn’t even see. Logan sighed and shook his head.
“How do we get back?” He asked, looking over at Deceit as it seemed like he was the best person to ask.
“Well…” The fae started.
“You’re just going to have to stay and find out.”
(This post wasn't proofread-)
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door -- Ch. 12
me last night, after reading that ao3 was gonna be down in the morning: huh, that’s not a problem!!
me now, after trying to upload this chapter to ao3 during the Known About Down Time: what the F U C K
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammichu @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael @1dluver13xx (lemme kno if you wanna be added to my taglist!!)
Prev.: Ch. 1 ♡ Ch. 2 ♡ Ch. 3 ♡ Ch. 4 ♡ Ch. 5 ♡ Ch. 6 ♡ Ch. 7 ♡ Ch. 8 ♡ Ch. 9 ♡ Ch. 10 ♡ Ch. 11 ♡
Neville had initially thought that Wade getting together with Austin would be a good thing for him -- and it definitely was. Wade was notably happier as of late, and in general his life seemed to be improving, especially now that he had a partner by his side. (Of course, having a job for the first time in so long was definitely contributing to his mood, but it was clear that Austin had a more profound effect on him). Neville hadn’t seen Wade in such high spirits since they were both in college. It made him feel good seeing his best friend putting himself out there again.
There was one downside to the whole thing, though, as Neville learned one Friday afternoon -- Wade being in a relationship meant that his availability to babysit was greatly reduced.
“Since when did the two of you have plans for today?” Neville asked, feeling only a little panicked as he watched Wade put his jacket on.
“Uh, since two weeks ago?” Wade replied, as if it were obvious. “I’ve been telling you about today’s date for days.”
“I thought you said it was next week. Didn’t you?”
“No. No I did not. Have you been paying attention? Come on, Nev, keep up.”
“I-- Hm.” Neville wanted to argue back, but he knew that Wade was right -- he’d been mentioning the date here and there for some time now. Hell, he’d even brought it up during dinner the night before (though Neville was tired from a long day of work, so he hadn’t really been paying much attention to what he was saying). It made no sense for him to be fretting this much over something he already knew all about.
But of course, he was. Not only because it was more or less in his nature to be worrying all the time, but because Wade and Austin’s day out only made things even more complicated for him.
The problem was that Neville also had something planned for that day -- he was supposed to go into the office and help out with a meeting (meaning that he would most likely be standing around in the corner the whole time bored out of his mind, which was about par for the course any time he was asked to lend the bigwigs a hand). Neville wanted to back out, and in a way he could since he had a legitimate excuse (Fridays were his work-from-home days, after all) but he knew it wouldn’t look good. The last thing he wanted was to be on the receiving end of a lecture. Like it or not, he had to go.
This meant that he would need someone to watch the girls, who were still at school (and also needed to be picked up, now that that he thought about it), but without Wade he didn’t have anybody. He hadn’t thought to call a sitter at any point since his friend was always available, but today was different. He truly was in a tough spot.
“Can’t you just leave them by themselves?” Wade asked, leaning back against the wall. “I mean, Jen’s the big one-oh. I dunno if you knew that or not.”
“She’s only been going on about it for close to four months now.”
“I think she’s old enough to take care of herself and Daze for a few hours.”
“She is, but…” Neville hesitated. “I don’t know, I don’t feel very comfortable doing that just yet. I’d rather wait until she’s a bit older to start leaving her in charge.”
“Aww, come on. I remember that my parents let me stay home alone when I was her age, and look at how I turned out!”
“Yes, because you’re a stellar role model.”
“Damn straight. And, since I’m so great, your children’ll end up just as amazing as me if they follow in my footsteps. I repeat, Jen’s capable of holding down the fort for a little while.”
“Wade, no offense, but if I raise my kids to be like you then we’re going to be in a world of trouble.” Neville crossed his arms. “If I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’ll ever be fully ready to accept that she’s actually old enough for certain things. It just feels… weird admitting that.”
“Aww, she’s always gonna be your li’l girl, huh?” Wade teased. “Just wait until she starts dating.”
“Oh, Christ, don’t even bring that up… I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.” Neville shook his head. “To get back on topic -- I’d rather not leave them here by themselves. And besides, how are they gonna get home from school? Neither of them have money for the bus, and it’s too far to walk.”
“Good point.” Wade scratched the back of his head. “God, I feel bad about leaving them… I mean, I can see if Austin is willing to reschedule.”
“No, no, don’t do that. You’ve been looking forward to today. I don’t wanna ruin your fun.” As inconvenient as it was, Neville hated interfering in plans that had been in the works for weeks. He wasn’t that much of a killjoy.
Wade pursed his lips before suddenly snapping his fingers. “Wait, why don’t you ask Mustafa to take care of them?”
“Yeah! He’s done it before, hasn’t he?”
“He has.”
“And didn’t you say something about him being off today because of a school event?”
“Yeah, he told me he’d be able to leave early.” Mustafa had been reminding him (see: gloating) about this fact for almost the entire week.
“So why not see if he can watch ‘em?”
“Well…” Neville had to admit that it was a good idea. Mustafa had made a promise to Neville that he would always help him when it came to Jen and Daisy, be it babysitting or otherwise. Since then he’d proven that he meant what he said -- on mornings when Neville had to leave earlier than usual, Mustafa would take the time to drop them off at school, and he would even drive them to friends’ houses every now and again. Neville was lucky to have him.
But… “I’m not so sure about that, to be honest,” he said.
“Why not?”
“I’ve already asked him to help me a few times this week. I’d feel weird asking him to do me another favor. Don’t want him getting fed up or thinkin’ that I’m taking advantage of him. And it’s his day off, too. He’s not gonna be in any mood to leave the house.”
“You really think he’d get mad at you over this? That doesn’t sound like the Mustafa you’re constantly raving about. I think he would have told you by now if you were getting to be too much.”
“That’s true…”
“And this is something that you really need help with, too. You need a last minute babysitter, and he’s available. He said he’d lend you a hand when you needed it -- and, well, you need it. Simple as that. All you’re doing is taking him up on his offer. Nothing wrong with that.”
“This is also true.”
“I have a tendency to tell the truth a lot.”
Neville felt around in his pockets for his phone, pulling it out. “I guess I’ll try texting him and see what he says.”
“Trust me, he’ll say yes.”
 Me: Hey, what are you up to?
 A few minutes passed, and Neville still hadn’t received a response. “Why’s it taking him so long to reply?” He huffed under his breath, checking the time. He still had about a half hour until he had to go, so it wasn’t like he was in any rush, but he would prefer not to be left hanging until the last minute.
“Neville, it’s been three minutes at most.” Wade rolled his eyes. “God, you really need to chill.”
“You know damn well that word isn’t in my vocabulary.” As Neville finished saying this, his phone went off.
 Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: Well I WAS napping.
Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: Key word: was.
Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: >:(
Me: Oops. Sorry about that, love.
Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: It’s fine, I’m only teasing you. ;) So, what’s up?
Me: Are you by any chance able to watch the girls for me today? I gotta go into work for this dumb meeting, and Wade has a date, so I’ve got no one to pick them up from school or keep an eye on them afterwards.
 Neville didn’t receive a reply to his last message, and he chewed his lower lip. Over ten minutes had already passed -- maybe he really was bugging him.
“Has he said anything yet?” Wade asked, looking over Neville’s shoulder at their conversation. Neville shook his head, and he decided to send off another text.
 Me: I’m really sorry to ask you for another favor. It’s okay if you don’t
 That was as far as Neville got before both he and Wade heard a knock on the door. Raising an eyebrow, Neville went and opened it, finding Mustafa standing on his front porch. “What are you--”
“I absolutely can do that.” Mustafa interrupted him before he could inquire any further. He was panting, like he’d rushed over. Neville was about to tease him for being in such a hurry only to get right next door, but he was too preoccupied thinking about something else -- Mustafa had agreed to help him.
“Oh, thank God,” Neville breathed a sigh of relief, throwing his arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. “Thanks so much, Moose.”
“Hold on a minute,” Wade said. “I don’t mean to interrupt this tender moment, but I’ve got a few questions?”
Pulling back, Mustafa asked, “What?”
“First of all, why are you so out of breath? Did you really have to run all the way over here when you could’ve just responded to the text?”
“And doesn’t it make more sense to come over here after you’ve already picked the kids up? What are you doing here now?” Wade rubbed his temples. “My head hurts.”
“Well, Wade,” Mustafa started. “If you must know, I came early because I needed to do this.” After saying that, Mustafa leaned in and planted a kiss on Neville’s lips, which Neville eagerly responded to. Neville could hear the unmistakable sound of Wade smacking his forehead coming from behind him, followed by a sigh.
After pulling apart, Mustafa said, “It’s been way too long since I had a chance to do that.” He gave Neville a little pat on the cheek. “I’ll catch you later.”
After parting ways, Neville shut the door, facing Wade again. “What’s with you?” He asked.
“Neville, I want you to be honest with me for a second. You realize that you and Mustafa have totally become that couple, right?”
“God, six months ago I didn’t think that was the kinda shit I’d be exposed to. If only I could go back in time…”
“You’re so full of it. We have not!”
They have.
Unsurprisingly, the meeting was about as boring as Neville expected it to be.
He hadn’t been paying attention at all to what was being said -- something something budget, something something sales. They hyped up this meeting as being this huge deal, with Neville’s attendance being absolutely mandatory, but it was clear that this was out of his realm of expertise. If anything, he was there to be a warm body in a swivel chair -- one that had been left empty because one of the executives had mysteriously ‘called out sick’ on one of the nicest spring days of the year. Yep, this place sucks.
At one point he had been able to go to the bathroom, where he saw that he had a text from Mustafa -- it was a selfie of him in the car, both Jen and Daisy smiling happily in the backseat behind him. A cute image such as this was the only thing that had been able to make him smile in the last few hours, and he didn’t waste any time in saving it and setting it as his phone background. His happiness was short lived, however, once he remembered that he couldn’t stay in there forever. After shoving his phone away, Neville dragged himself back to the conference room, fully prepared to daydream away the next few hours.
He couldn’t get out of there fast enough once the day was over, hurrying through the parking lot over to his car. He was so grateful that it was finally the weekend and that he didn’t have to return until the following week -- hopefully with no more pointless meetings taking away his work-from-home day. It was the only day when he actually enjoyed working, primarily due to being on his own couch and away from obnoxious co-workers.
And of course, being dragged out to the office for the fifth day that week also means that Neville would be stuck in rush hour traffic for the fifth time. Interestingly enough, he recognized the van in front of him -- it was the same one he’d seen months ago with the stick figure family on the back. He noticed that there was a little baby figure at the end of it. Congrats, I guess. Happy as he may be for these complete strangers, that didn’t make him think that the stickers were any less tacky.
He found himself taking a closer look at the surrounding area, taking quick glances at some of the shops he was (very slowly) passing. None of them were particularly interesting, though one in the distance caught his eye. It was one of those 24 hour convenience stores. Neville passed by many of them during his trips to and from work, and he never paid much attention to them. Every one of them looked the same, in his opinion.
He felt differently about this one, however. It was a Friday evening, and everyone would be home for the next few days because of it being the weekend. Certainly there wouldn’t be anything wrong with stopping inside of this store and getting some candy for the kids, would there? The school week being over plus Neville’s abysmal work day coming to an end deserved to be celebrated. While there was a part of him that felt like he’d regret doing so, what with his paternal instincts telling him that the two of them would definitely spoil their appetites, he also felt that he would regret it if he didn’t. He loved seeing his children happy, and candy was an easy way to get them in a good mood.
...Why the fuck not? With a shrug, Neville switched on his turn signal, prepping to turn into the store’s lot.
“Here’s to hoping that Moose isn’t pissed at me for coming home late…” Neville muttered under his breath as he pulled into the driveway of his house. Mustafa had been under the impression that he would watch them until after the meeting, and needless to say it was well past that time -- Neville had spent just a little bit too long inside of the convenience store debating which candy would cause the least amounts of fighting. (If it was a #1 favorite for both girls, there would be a brawl over the last piece. Neville was all too familiar with ridiculous arguments over food.)
Neville grabbed the plastic bag with the candy from the passenger’s seat and climbed out of the car, hurrying up to the front step and stepping inside. Immediately he was greeted with the sound of Jen complaining about something, and he let out a little sigh, making a mental note to apologize to Mustafa for her behavior.
“This isn’t fair!” As he approached the living room and took a peek inside, he saw that her and Mustafa were playing video games -- Mario Kart. A very excited Daisy sitting next to him and watching intently, bouncing up and down in her seat. Neville saw that they were on the final lap, and he also saw that Mustafa had just sped ahead of her. I’d be mad too if fucking Toad just zoomed past me. Amused, he leaned against the doorframe, not bothering to announce his presence as he watched the rest of the race.
And then, one appropriately timed banana peel later, Mustafa crossed the finish line.
“Daddy, you won!!” Daisy yelled excitedly, Jen dramatically falling on the floor as a result of her brutal defeat.
Neville was confused, seeing as he hadn’t done anything to deserve such praise, and he was about to speak up to ask what she meant when he realized.
She’d been talking to Mustafa.
She leaped up and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly as her way of congratulating him. There was a look in his eyes that Neville recognized as as combination of shock and happiness.
And, if he had to wager a guess, the happiness wasn’t because of him winning.
“Uh, hello?” Neville finally spoke up, clearing his throat. “Don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh, hi daddy!” Daisy let go of Mustafa and ran over to give Neville a hug, Jen opting to raise her hand in acknowledgement while still very much on the floor. “Jen lost!”
“I can see that,” he chuckled. “You good down there, kid?”
At Jen’s grunt, Mustafa said, “She told me on the ride home about how she was the champ at Mario Kart. I had to see that for myself to believe it.”
“Fluke!!” Jen yelled, muffled by the carpet. She suddenly climbed to her feet, making to storm out of the room. “He cheated!”
The three of them watched her go, with Daisy following along after her singing a little tune about how her sister lost. “Hey, be nice, Daze,” Neville commented. He sighed when he heard the door their room slam shut, looking to Mustafa again. “I’m… sorry about that. She gets being a sore loser from me, I suppose.”
“You? A sore loser?” Mustafa stood up, crossing the room and kissing Neville’s cheek. “I find that very difficult to believe.”
Mustafa started to tell Neville about the day they had had, but he was too busy thinking about Daisy’s little comment to pay much attention. Mustafa didn’t seem to mind what she said on the surface, but what did he really think? The two of them had only been together for around six months or so -- Neville hadn’t even thought to ask him how he felt with regards to that subject. He assumed that Mustafa was okay with potentially being their father, seeing as he was dating Neville and was fine with watching them, but did he ever see himself raising them?
That was the question that Neville was sure would bother him for weeks.
“Hey,” Mustafa said, snapping Neville from his thoughts. “So I was thinking -- I wanna make dinner for you guys tonight.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that…” Neville tried to protest, but Mustafa waved his hand.
“I want to. You had a rough day and don’t seem to be in any mood to cook, and I wanna treat you guys.”
“How do you know I’m not in the mood?”
Mustafa pursed his lips, raising an eyebrow. “Neville, I know you. You are clearly not in any mood to do any work in the kitchen.”
“...Maybe you’re right.” When he admitted this, Mustafa laughed, kissing him. “Alright, go ahead. Surprise me with what you make.”
“You can go fetch Ms. Grumpy Pants from upstairs, and I’ll get started.” Just as Mustafa began to walk towards the kitchen, he stopped, looking to Neville again. “And maybe once we’re done we can play another round of Mario Kart. If I can beat one of your kids, surely I can beat you too, hm?”
“We’ll see about that.” With that, Neville watched him walk away, the question that he asked himself earlier predictably haunting him.
After all this time, did he really find someone who he wanted to raise his children with?
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
And Still, You’re Next To Me - Chapter 4/4
Once Bucky stopped freaking out about his relapse, he noticed the only one freaking out was him. No shrieks of horror from the civilians, no glares from the Avengers…Wanda was even smiling at him for fuck’s sake! He knew the Soldier wouldn’t listen to that agent, no matter how many trigger words he had in store for them. Murder’s just not in his nature anymore. He knew, but still freaked about it because in all honesty, he expected Clint to riddle him with arrows the second he snapped into the Soldier.
And then there was Tony, who witnessed the Soldier in his new element many times by now and wasn’t fazed by him coming to the surface at all.
So it took a failed HYDRA attack for Bucky to realize a lot of…interesting things. Concerning Tony. He can’t sleep through the entire night after the attack, mulling over the revelation and devising his next move.
The Avengers beat him to it during breakfast.
Steve approaches him first, apologizing for not supporting him more in the past few months.
Being half-way through his sandwich, he doesn’t really know what to say, completely caught off guard by his absolutely devastated looking best friend so he just nods and waves him off.
“S’not a big deal.”
“Yes it is!” he widens his eyes and keeps apologizing for the remainder of his meal until Bucky finally persuades him it’s fine and forgiven.
Because it is. Since Tony subtly inserted himself in between him and the Avengers’ bullshit – quite literally like a knight in the shining armor – Bucky decided not to dwell too much on it anymore. Of course it hurt. And it was so unfair on so many levels. But with Tony in charge of damage control, the Avengers were slowly coming around and he also shifted his demeanor onto the positive side as a result.
Natasha whips around the corner at one point, giving him a challenging look. “I was a real bitch to you. Wanna spar after lunch and kick my ass for it?”
“Uh…,” he frowns and her look intensifies a hundred fold which is just damn scary. “Yeah, sure.
“Cool,” she nods in approval and disappears again.
One by one, the other members approach him to say sorry – each in their own specific way. Except for Wanda, who is probably not in the apologizing stage quite yet, but at least she’s not all up in his business anymore.
And then there’s Clint, who mandrops on him from the vent in the hallway leading to the elevator some time later.
“Yo, Barnes!”
He’s lucky Bucky doesn’t scare easily these days. No need to let him know that he caught him completely by surprise though. God forbid he’d grow an ego. “Lemme guess. You wanna say sorry by…challenging me to a cook off. Oh wait, no. That was Vision. So, what are we gon’ do?”
Clint’s the surprised one now. He takes a step back and squints. “Guess I’m the last one, huh? Well, I was thinking I’d take you on a tour de Compound, show you all the secret paths and hideaways so we could do some serious spy off later…while profusely apologizing.”
“Sounds like a plan,” he grins at the archer and takes a step forward, but Clint blocks his way.
“Great! So in the spirit of apologizing, you might wanna know that Tony is in the workshop…as usual.”
“O…kay? Why are you - ”
“He’s in the lockdown mode…meaning that he won’t be coming up anytime soon and nobody’s making it past the doors inside either. Unless you know the supersecret password of course,” he smirks. “Which I can tell you.”
“Because you were heading there anyway? And because he only ever goes into lockdown mode if he’s either in the middle of a scientific breakthrough, or in the middle of a personal crises. My money’s on the second one this time. So you might wanna go…lift his spirits.”
Oh. Who knew Birdbrain - as Tony so loves to call him - was this insightful? He actually thought Hawkeye doesn’t even like Tony very much, and yet…
“Dinner would…lift his spirits. Or a movie night. He likes movies. Especially bad sci-fi ones, those entertain him to no end.”
“Uh, a’right? Why would I - ”
“Because I’m not blind? And only half-deaf, so make a move, Snowflake, before he either drowns in self-doubt, again, or someone else will. Make a move. If you know what I mean.”
Maybe too insightful, for Bucky’s liking. “Okay, fine, give me the damn password, Birdbrain.”
Clint’s shit-eating grin as he tells him the password is probably going to stick for days, that’s how strong it is. But Bucky can wipe if off for him later when he totally owns him in the spy off.
He’s got a date to plan and a man to dig out of a workshop first.
(read-more ahead!)
“This doesn’t look right, DUM-E,” Tony inspects the bot’s handy work. How hard can it be to sort the tools in alphabetical order?! In DUM-E’s case real damn hard apparently, otherwise the welding stuff wouldn’t be put first and the hammer wouldn’t be all the way over there with the screwdrivers. “Wh…why is U and Butterfingers in here too?!”
DUM-E, the little shit that he is, just beeps happily and considers his work done, rolling away from the scene. 
“We’ll be talking about that later young man! You can’t think of your brothers as t - ” he yells after him, but cuts himself off as soon as he spots one very much present Bucky Barnes sitting on the table opposite of the workbench. “Tools. And we’ll be going over your alphabet! You little…should have left you in the Tower,” he mumbles when the only reply he gets is another happy beep that seems to be aimed at Bucky anyway. “How did you get in here?” he looks between the definitely password protected entrance and the…grinning supersoldier. Nope, he’s beaming. He’s been smiling more lately but this is…a suspicious increase by a ton.
He looks happy. And hell if that sight doesn’t do weird things to Tony’s brain.
“Through the door,” he answers, grin widening.
Tony glares at him, folding his hands. “It’s password protected!”
“Yeah,” he nods, still smiling. “One, two, three, four, five is a real good password.”
Son of a…okay, the password is the worst but he didn’t expect the tech illiterates here to crack it and anyone with any tech knowledge would never guess his password to be this shitty.
“Clint gave it to me. I bet he’s spied it off from the AC vent over there.”
“Son of a bitch!” he grumbles out loud this time. Usually, he would go inspect the vent…and rig it with deadly explosives, and then have Fry change the password to something more formidable this time around, but he can’t tear his eyes off of the man in front of him. “What’s with the…,” he waves a hand at the whole of him, realizing he doesn’t know how to describe what he’s seeing. It’s a bit weird to ask ‘oh hey, why are you looking so damn happy?!’. And what the hell is he wearing?! A beige shirt?! Since when does he own colors other than black?! And those jeans he totally got from whoever Steve stole his pair of the all too fitting ones years ago. What’s with supersoldiers never wearing their actual clothing size?!
He’s dressed to kill. Not the assassin kinda killing.
“All the…what?” he smirks and that’s it.
That’s the end of Tony, right there. “The uh…you’re…smiling. Like…a lot,” he stutters out, willing his thoughts to behave.
“Had a good day. A really good day,” he adds.
“Uh huh,” he hums an octave lower than should be legal and continues to just stare at Tony. “Had five club sandwiches for breakfast along with seven heartfelt apologies from the team and then Wanda took me shoppin’. And didn’t kill me on the way there or back so yeah, that’s my definition of a really good day.”
Tony’s brain takes a minute to stop conjuring dirty thoughts and then processes what he’s just said. “Wait…apologies? They apologized? The team?” he shakes his head, holding a finger up. “No no no, never mind that, but Wanda took you shopping?!” he blurts out and Bucky nods. “Wanda…are we talking about the same Wanda? Are you sure? You’re not hallucinating or anything?” he asks but the man only gives him more nods and wider damn smirks. “Am I hallucinating? Or drunk?”
“Your haven’t drunk anything, boss,” FRIDAY reassures him. “Including water, by the way. And I can confirm that Sergeant Barnes did actually go shopping with Ms. Maximoff. Without any incidents.”
So if he’s not drunk or losing his mind…that means the Avengers really did apologize to Bucky and Wanda took him shopping…what?!
He decides solving the mystery behind those actions is not the priority right now and focuses on the result instead. The happy, grinning result standing just over there and looking at Tony like he’s the Sun and Bucky’s the Winter and he can’t get enough of the warmth.
Yep, his brain is so done for. 
He relaxes his tense posture and slowly cracks a smile of his own. “Wow…was about time they got their heads out of their asses. You better not be letting them off too easily, especially the SHIELD twins.”
“Nah,” he shakes his head. “I’m happy with the way it turned out…no vengeful thoughts in mind. Yet,” he shrugs. “Besides, I’m gonna be too busy anyway.”
“Busy?” he tilts his head to the side, eyebrows raised. Busy doing what, looking like a new deadly sin?
“Yeah. Busy inviting a guy to dinner to thank him…for a lotta things.”
“Oh?” Oh…okay, sure. A thank-you dinner. Awesome. Very…friendly. And appropriate. And is it too late to fly into a black hole in the sky and disappear forever? He hopes not.
“And when the thank you’s part is done, I’m thinkin’ we forget the food and just…make out. Hoping the Soldier won’t go berserk because of the spaghetti he’s made are going cold in the background,” he says with a flare of confidence Tony didn’t think he possessed.
“Oh really? S’what you’re thinking?” he asks, trying to look and sound uninterested but failing miserably. He can’t stop the excitement and he can’t stop the smile.
“Unless I got this all wrong…me and the whole team, by the way…then yeah. That’s what I’m thinkin’.”
Tony’s brain snaps back into action and with one swift motion to the side of the workbench, he shuts down the project he’s been pretending to work on through the night. “Why don’t we forget the thank you part and just make out on the way up to the kitchen and eat? Wouldn’t wanna make the Soldier angry, would we?”
“That’s a great idea,” he chuckles, leaning away from the table.
Tony walks up to him with a smirk and winks. “Been full of great ideas lately.”
“Yeah, you have,” Bucky’s grin eases into a gentle smile and it’s the final thing that wipes all the fears and doubts away from Tony’s mind.
They move in for the kiss and Tony has to quickly forget about the damn Birdbrain, who he’s gonna have to thank for all this later. And then promptly kill him for spying on people from the vents.
But for now, he’ll enjoy the moment, the kiss, the dinner and the man whose smile is definitely gonna be the death of him.
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