#i’m sure this kidnapping is legal
Kidnapping in progress
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I’m Not That Kind Of Talent — Chapter 73
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allieinarden · 3 months
Bart and Burns should’ve interacted more.
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luludeluluramblings · 12 days
Smalltown!Neglected! Meta!Reader x Yandere!Batfam
Part Seven
Part One ☁️ Part Two ☁️ Part Three ☁️ Part Four ☁️ Part Five ☁️ Part Six ☁️
A/N: I’m not sure if I’m satisfied with this. But, I doubt I’ll ever be satisfied with this. I want Reader to come off as more Bruce like with the emotional suppression and planning. And, this was my actual first and third attempt at dialogue. I’m gonna need some practice. But, I tried.
A/N: Up next we get some yandere!Bats vs. yandere!Smalltown action. (Holy frick is that gonna be hard to write.) I’m also going to start work on the Dick Obsession now. Gotta fight the temptation to write the Vigilante!Smalltown!Reader story while this is still in the works.
Warning: Yandere Themes.
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As the coming months passed by, Reader could feel Gotham starting to wear on them. Or, they at the least Wayne manor starting to wear on them. They haven’t been given permission to leave the manor since the kidnapping. Not even to drive their truck for some unhealthy, but soul healing fast food. Of course, that doesn’t stop the other residents of the house from leaving whenever they wish. 
They see the Bat Burger wrappers in the trash the morning after another soundless night in the manor. God, how they’d love to try it one day. 
But, as time moves on something draws closer. An important date. Reader’s legal eighteenth birthday. They’re excited, by all means. But, there’s something significantly more important coming sooner. 
Reader’s Younger Brother’s Birthday was just a week before Reader’s. There had been many fond memories made while growing up with the week between the two different dates being filled with fun and excitement. (And love.) 
With such an important date coming up, and with Momma and Daddy no longer being here, Reader had plans to make it a fun week. 
They just have to convince Bruce to let them go back to Smalltown. Just for the week. They’re all too busy to spend time with Reader anyway, besides this is important to them. They’ve stayed in the manor like asked. They’re grades are good. They do their chores. They don’t ask for much. It should be perfectly reasonable to request to let them visit back home. 
But, just in case, Reader approaches Dick next time he's in the manor and is smothering them in affection before he goes to disappear into the library. 
“Can you help me convince Bruce to let me go, please, Dick?”
It’s a simple request. And, it makes Dick’s heart melt a bit. Reader’s the only one in the family to easily give into his affection and to have them finally ask him for help in such a sweet polite voice was heart melting.
Wholeheartedly, he agrees and he is rewarded. With Reader bouncing into his arms with an impressive amount of enthusiasm that he hasn’t had a chance to see previously. Probably due to always being so busy. Maybe he should make more time for Reader if they shower him with such genuine gratitude and affection like this. 
The thought lingers in his head as he makes his way towards the Batcave. A spring in his step despite the glares he receives as he makes his way down the stairs. 
The manor cameras had caught the entire thing, leaving the occupants in the cave to get a front row seat to Reader being sweet on Dick. 
He can’t stop the tiny smug smile from forming on his lips as Barbara gives him a disapproving ~~jealous~~ look. Or, the look of straight bitterness on Damian’s face. The mild satisfaction from Duke’s face being as blank as Cassandra’s. Stephanie’s forlorn expression. The way that Jason looks like he wants to shoot him with the gun he’s cleaning that makes him want to laugh with glee.. 
Tim doesn’t even look at him. Too annoyed with Dick as he sits at the Batcomputer furiously clicking and typing away on something. 
Bruce had been out at the moment for League Business. But, the entire family now has a competition forming. Whoever could convince Bruce for Reader would win. The prize being the winner possibly getting showered in Reader’s affection. And, the hope of visiting Reader’s hometown with them. The very idea of it makes some of them shudder with some particular emotions. 
The bombardment of pleading and puppy-dog eyes began almost as soon as Bruce stepped back into the cave. It was nearly comical how everyone petitioned Reader’s case. 
Hell, Bruce was nearly convinced they should all make the trip when Tim threw his bid in.
Pulling up all the research on Smalltown and how apparently harmless it was. He even managed to remotely bug Childhood Friend’s Brother’s phone just to double check. 
That’s when things spiral. 
Right at that very moment, a call comes through to the phone. It seems harmless at first. The guy talking to his boss. The two had immediately talked about Reader returning to town. As if the two knew without a doubt that they were coming back.
That sparked suspicions, but it's not what ignited the fire.
The fire came when the two started talking about Reader's time in Gotham. The whole kidnapping incident. Childhood Crush admitted that Reader tried to down play the incident to Nana. After which his boss ask a horrifying question.
"Do you and Grand Daddy need some help killing this guy? It might be a bit harder than the last one y'all killed."
The last one.
Immediately the phrase makes questions arise. But, once again things get worse.
"Nah, we'll let him live. He's from Gotham. He'll probably never come out this way. And, if he does them we'll drag him out where we drowned the last sorry son of a bitch. He was just in it for the money."
"That's right. The other guy just wanted to kill Reader to keep 'em for himself. Still..."
It was difficult to give the rest of the conversation their full attention after that.
It was like the blood had crystalized in their veins. Both cold fury and hot rage filling them till it seemed to shred their minds apart.
There was no way in heaven or hell or high water that they were possibly going to let Reader go back to that vile little town filled with monsters. As if Gotham wasn't filled with abominations of it's own designs.
Without a moment to delay Bruce Batman jumps into action, barking orders for Tim, Barbara, and Cassandra to start digging up everything imaginable on Smalltown. Every resident, every social media post or mention, every single person that has ever lived there, visited, and gone missing. "Find me the name of the bastard that nearly took my child to the grave. I want the memory of them wiped of the face of the earth as their bones rot in it."
The other's are ordered to cover his patrol and redouble their efforts to capture the remaining Gotham Rouges by any and all means necessary The Court of Owls is low priority until more is uncovered about Smalltown and what the hell happened.
Reader's usual pacing around the unoccupied halls of the manor conversing on the phone is interrupted by Bruce Batman stalking towards with a violence simmering under the surface of an obsidian mask. Easy to shatter and sharp to the touch. Before a words is even spoken the phone the lifeline is ripped from their hands and shattered under a pair of designer loafers.
You could only stagger back as you watched his foot trample over the well used phone. You hadn't even chance to hang up the conversation you were having, when Bruce had come barreling down the extravagant hall way you roamed so often you 'd already practically memorized the brush strokes on each painting and the pattern of the wood grain on the walls. Not even the chance to put a hold on the plans you were making before it all came to an abrupt halt without your blessing.
For a moment your just baffled. Looking at the shattered phone screen with pieces of glass and plastic on the ground before looking up at the shattered facade your father Bruce wore.
His face was deathly still. Not even a twitch. It gave him an inhuman like visage that set off the same warning bells that Jason Red Hood had made you hear.
So that's where he got it from.
You can't help put think, trying to form the words to question his actions and confront him. It isn't long before he gives you the excuse explanation for his unwarranted action himself.
"You're not going." Is all he says. His voice was cold enough to burn.
It doesn't take a genius to know what he's talking about.
"If this is about me getting Dick to help convince you-"
"Dick agrees. Everyone agrees. You are not going." The interruption is rude, but the words sting. They thought that everyone else would be on board with it. Even the members of the family that didn't care for their presence should have been on board with it.
"I'm not asking for a vote. I was asking for your permission and yours alone." Another attempt.
"I am saying no. I am your father and you will listen to me about this." The totality found in his icy voice makes them finally feel that helpless. Like nothing they say will improve this situation. That continuing to smile will not solve a damn thing.
"What did I do?" The resentment that has locked up tightly inside beings to swirl. Ire churning into gales. The long withheld temper becoming a tempest. "What the hell did I do to make you treat me like this?"
"This has nothing to do with you. This is my decision on the matter. You need-" The sound of a notification going off interrupts his words, but they don't stop the ringing in you're ears. Even after Bruce abruptly dismisses himself, muttering about getting you a new phone, before moving towards the library. Again.
For once, you don't bother cleaning up the shattered pieces on the floor. Leaving them on the ornate carpet in the lavish and deserted hall. You have planning to do. Restraint is gone. Holding back is over. It's time to take things into your own hands. They want to ignore you, fine. You'll leave and you'll fucking live without them.
Consequently, incoming weather reports start showing some unusual patterns on the news that week. Meteorologist say there's a massive possibility of a potential hurricane brewing off the coast. Everyone is on edge. (Gotham is already a disaster as is. No one wants another one on top of it.)
Reader's not to worried. They grew up with Hurricane parties. Besides the manor has it's own power grid says Alfred. Gotham's power grid is a bit more vulnerable, but luckily the Hospitals and Arkham are on different power grids. Everything should be alright. (Everything should also go according to plan.)
The next time Dick comes by, Reader is a bit short with him. Giving him a disgruntled look that breaks his heart a little and makes it melt. Try as he might he gets nothing other than their annoyance. Even when he finally admits it was Tim's fault they had been denied the chance to go home. It does make them pout even more, how cute. Even when he gifts them a newer phone. Their not stupid, the damn thing is probably bugged to high heaven. And, it's missing all their old contacts since Bruce slammed the SD card under his big bat toe.
Their clearly in a foul mood and everyone is being subjugated to the silent treatment. As their birthday, and their younger brother's birthday, draws closer and closer, a dark cloud seems to hang over them and Gotham.
In a moment born from guilt and ignorance, Bruce buys them a car as an early birthday present. A grandiose little luxury model. With all the bells and whistles. It's even in their favorite color. Not that anyone in the family asked what it was. (Tim might have had something to do with it. After all he did get them banned from traveling. Not that he feels guilty. No way in hell was he letting you go. Especially without him or the others.)
"It seems kinda wasteful." You can't help saying it. To tired of putting on that pleasant people pleaser mask for once.
"I know it's a bit extravagant, but since everyone has their own car I thought you should have your own too." Bruce had such an eager smile on his face. Like the whole incident with the crushing your hopes and your phone never happened.
To bad you haven't forgotten nor forgiven.
"Still a waste. I'm not going to get to drive it anywhere." Vinegar coating your tongue as you look at the sleek design.
You can here everyone around you stop cooing and praising the gift. There's no need to further elaborate your point. He gets it. The family gets it. The very earth you stand on gets it. You're not leaving this house. There's no need for the tank of gas to be filled. Or the damn thing to be charged since its some fucking electric hybrid, and probably filled to the brim with all sorts of nasty little tracking bugs.
You could have left it at that. But why not sink that needle deeper into his chest. Not a knife. Never a knife. You want your words to sting and stick. No taking the cut and letting it heal overtime. Let it be tattooed on the skin.
"Besides I already have Daddy's old truck. I don't need this." Don't those words hit like a strike to the soul. Bruce grows visibly still at them. That practiced mask going up and hiding the tells from all of them. Except Cassandra. There's no hiding things from her. They're all laid bare in front of her and she can tell everyone has somethings to say. While you have something to scream.
"You could at the very least be grateful for Father's gift" Damian spoke. He had been so well behaved to far. Keeping quite and watching with attentive green eyes. He could tell this wasn't going to go in the family's favor. He didn't necessarily blamed you for being disgruntled. But, would it kill you to give them a smile. They missed those. Hell, he missed those.
Something in you crackled, but you managed to hold you're tongue. The side-eye you gave him, however spoke enough volumes for you instead.
Astonishingly, it was Duke that set off the electric charge.
"I mean, it is a really nice car. You sure you don't want to take it for a spin?" You can here his attempt at trying to defuse the static in the are, but as fond of him as you are compared to the others, it just sets you off.
"Oh, and where to exactly?" You can't help but snort. "Down the driveway and back?"
"You're acting like a brat." Jason throwing in his two cents. Of course he would say that. And, he's rewarded with a voltaic look from you eyes and a snarl from your lips.
"I. Don't. Care." The words echo in the massive car garage. Bouncing of the walls and the other sleek fancy model cars in it. Your apathy and anger is reward with quiet.
It doesn't last long.
"Let's all just calm down." Dick steps between them, trying to play reconciler. All it serves to do is make you feel more isolated. The way he steps between you cuts you off from the rest of the group and makes it seem like he's singling you out.
"I am calm!" The words coming from your clenched jaw.
"They're the one acting like a spoiled little-"
"Jason, enough." Bruce finally steps in. That stoic look still on his face. Internally, he knows he miscalculated. He made a mistake, and it's humbling to know he can still make them at his age and with all his experience. Still, he wears the mask. He's too busy recalculating and coming up with another plan. Perhaps he was putting to much focus on the wrong thing. That didn't stop him from glaring at that classless truck in his garage.
"Of fucking course Daddy's princess gets away with acting like a brat." Jason doesn't stop though, looking directly at you. Always looking at you. Everyone is always looking at you. But never speaking these days.
"Fuck you." You whisper. Caution and hesitance thrown into the stirring winds.
"Uh-oh, looks like the princess finally snapped." That sickly green look appearing in his eyes. God, does he love this. He knew they had some fucking bite in them. Some spice. Something that made them even more delicious. That just enhanced their sweetness tenfold.
"Jason. Knock it off." Barbara murmurs after Cassandra places a hand on her shoulder. Signaling the direction this could easily head in.
"No, I don't think I will." He sneers, making an attempt to step around Dick and get in your face. It's Tim and Stephanie that try to stop him this time. Both muttering to him and trying to get him to calm down.
You can clearly see it. Their family dynamic. Clear as day. It's right in front of you for you to watch unfold while you stand on the outside looking in. Only getting stray remnants of it when they deem you worth it. You're always worth it though, silly little sugarplum. They’re just terrible at showing it, you poor poor thing. That'll change soon, don't worry. Actually, you should worry.
There's no need to stick around any longer. No fucking need at all. Your feet echoing as you leave the room filled with strangers family and cars. You're leaving. You're going home. And you're going home tonight.
That night, the news is blaring over Gotham. A sudden hurricane off the coast is set to hit by nightfall. People are being asked to evacuate, already there is panic in the streets.
As much as they don't want to leave things unresolved, the family has no choice, but to respond. Making sure evacuations go smoothly. Keeping the mobs at bay in the stores. Checking that the Arkham inmates are both secure and safe.
It gets worse when the reports further come in. There was lightning spotted off the coast. A lightning storm predicted to hit before the hurricane. That would double the difficulties everyone in Gotham was dealing with.
Most everyone, but Reader.
With the family busy they had plenty of time to pack a few belongings and necessities for a long drive. Glowing eyes taking inventory as the electricity crackled under their skin and the distant skies. Brewing excitement in their chest as the skies filled with dark clouds. Some might think it ominous. But, for Reader it was freedom.
In Gotham that ominous feeling continued. It was as if Gotham itself knew what chaos was about to unfold. Chaos that it would have reveled in if not for the impending feeling of loss found not only in the empty streets, but in Wayne Manor.
As the wind started to wail, nightfall seemed to come earlier with how dark the clouds made the sky. Rain poured in sheets. Most of the Bats took cover, but when the lightning began to strike is when things really when to hell.
By luck or something else, the Gotham power grid was hit. Shutting down over half the city in the first moments of the storm. The downpour hadn't even soaked the concrete when it struck.
The darkness washed over the city and the family knew it was going to be a long long night.
Barbara, in Oracle mode in the Batcave, was focused on keeping everyone updated on new alerts and any looting. She didn't have a chance to glance at the manor cameras and see Reader walking through the halls with a bag on their shoulders before. Multiple strikes of lightning reverberated through the manor. They could be heard echoing all the way down in the cave.
And, they caused the power to go out.
It was only out for twenty minuets. Twenty long minuets of Barbara and Alfred trying to fix the power and get everyone back in contact with each other.
A lot can happen in twenty minutes. Like a garage door opening and closing manually. Like someone driving down the long driveway out of the security gate without being noticed. Like someone could escape without notice in those twenty minutes.
@starsdotalk @sleepyghoster @maicenitas @box-of-kinderjoy @yandereheros @skwunkler @cl0esblogg @delias-stuff @rosecentury @lilyalone @addie-r-u-ok @space1crow @imaginarydreams @dhanyasri @rosalietodd013 @rissareader @rando2509 @h0rr0r-10ver-69 @interobanginyourmom @heyitsaloy @myanyan-me @animegoddess15 @resident-cryptid @schaarfyx
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 3 months
Blood, Not Family
Sam and Dean & little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: set during 3x12, the boys get arrested and you’re left to fend for yourself with your abusive maternal family
Warnings: abusive family (no actual abuse shown), angst with a happy ending, the episode depiction isn’t exact because I don’t have it memorized
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Everything was going wrong.
You and your brothers had been taken in by Agent Henrickson and the rest of the FBI, and you hadn’t seen Sam or Dean for hours. You were in an interrogation room, your brothers probably locked away in a holding cell, and there was nothing to do but wait. That is, until Henrickson himself came to talk to you.
“You’re not being charged with anything,” he informed you begrudgingly. “But I still have a few questions for you.”
You remained silent, unwilling to be cooperative.
“Your brothers—I’ve looked into it, and it seems like you were with your mother and half brother for several years before they kidnapped you.”
“They didn’t kidnap me,” you snapped, your desire to remain silent overrun by your need to defend your brothers.
“They have no legal right to you,” Henrickson countered.
“Just because they didn’t go through the stupid legal channels doesn’t mean that they had to kidnap me. Maybe that’s what it means to cops and fancy lawyers, but not to me—they saved me, they didn’t kidnap me.”
“Saved you?” Henrickson considered your words for a moment before moving on. “And dragging you around everywhere? You’re a kid, still in school, you must not have wanted to go. They forced you, didn’t they? Huh? Roughed you around when you didn’t want to go.”
“No!” You insisted. “Not Sam and Dean. They’ve never hurt me, they’d never do that.”
“We’re talking about murderers here,” Henrickson argued. “A few hits or punches to their little sister doesn’t seem out of character.”
“They. Are not. Killers. And they’d never hurt me,” you said through gritted teeth.
“Fine,” Henrickson sighed, convinced that he wouldn’t get anything else from you. “Well, your family will be here any minute to pick you up. Your brothers are going away, well…forever.”
“Wait.” Your head shot up, all the breath leaving your body at once. “Wait, wait, you can’t—“
Henrickson was gone before you could even protest.
“Oh, sweetheart!” The sound was so sweet it made your stomach churn. A face that you’d hoped beyond hope that you’d never see again was suddenly right there, opening the door and smirking at you for all the world to see as she marched towards you, arms outstretched.
“Don’t call me that!” You growled, backing away and cringing as the nickname that Dean so often called you was uttered by this horrible, horrible woman.
“They’re here to pick you up.” Henrickson entered behind your mother, and it took him only a moment to sense the tension in the room. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m not going home with her, I’m not! You can’t make me go with her!” You cried, turning your pleading towards Henrickson.
“Oh, listen to the poor thing, she’s still in shock,” your mother cooed. “Those horrible boys must’ve hurt her terribly to scare her so.”
“They didn’t do anything to me!” You insisted. “You did! They saved me!”
“Saved you? Oh poor poor girl, she’s got Stockholm syndrome.” Your mother tried again to reach out for you, but this time it was Henrickson who stepped in.
“I…I think you should wait in the lobby,” Henrickson said, stepping between you and your mother. “I have just a few more questions for her.”
“Well…well alright then,” your mother said hesitantly. “But please hurry. We’ve been waiting to get her back for so long.”
“Of course.” Henrickson ushered her out the door before turning to you.
“You can’t make me go with her, you just can’t!” You wouldn’t—couldn’t—calm down until you were sure that Henrickson would get rid of your mother.
“Ok, just calm down,” Henrickson sighed. “She…she hurt you, didn’t she.” It wasn’t a question, not really.
“Please don’t make me go back there,” you begged.
“I…I can try to stall so that I can think of what to do. She has legal custody, so it’s going to be hard, but I’ll try,” Henrickson said finally. “For now, come with me.”
You held your breath as Henrickson led you out of the room, unsure where he was taking you as he led you down the hall. Your breath came easy when he led you through one last door, and behind it lay a row of cells, your big brothers in the farthest one.
The boys’ faces lit up when they saw you, safe and sound. Henrickson unlocked their cell and let you in before turning and walking out the door to confront your mother.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean’s greeting as he pulled you into a hug was much more welcome than your mother’s had been. “You ok?”
“She’s here,” you whimpered. “He brought her here to take me, Dean.”
“What?” Dean’s arms tightened around you as he looked over your shoulder at Sam. You’d told them all about your mother and step brother, and he knew who you were talking about without you having to say her name.
“That’s not gonna happen,” Sam promised. “We…we’re gonna figure something out, ok?”
“He said you’re going to jail.” You pulled away from Dean and looked up at him. “He said you both are going away forever.”
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you,” Dean promised, avoiding your comment about jail.
“You…you are going to jail,” you said, reading between the lines. You knew your brother well enough to know exactly what wasn’t saying. “No, no! I can’t let that happen!”
“None of us have a choice,” Sam cut in. “We just have to make sure that you don’t end up with your mom.”
“I’m not the only one that matters here!” You argued.
“You are to me,” Dean deadpanned. “There’s…” Dean swallowed, and you knew he was trying to keep up his tough exterior. “There’s not much hope for Sammy and me, kid. But I’m not gonna let that douche take you, I’m just not.”
The flickering lights interrupted your protests. You looked up at them before turning to your brothers.
“That can’t be good.”
“Alright,” Sam said. “The plan is ready.”
Those flickering lights had turned out to be demons, and with a lot of convincing, the boys had gotten Henrickson on their side for the fight.
“This is ridiculous.” You cringed at the sound of your mother’s voice, finding yourself leaning closer to Sam almost subconsciously. “Demons? This is crazy! Those kidnappers should be locked up, and I should be leaving with my daughter!”
“Hey, if you wanna leave, you’re welcome to!” Dean thundered. “You wouldn’t make it ten feet before getting taken out by those demons, and that’s fine by me! But Y/N stays here. You haven’t earned the right to call yourself her family.”
“I’m her mother! And who are you? You’re barely even related to her!” Your mother argued.
“Blood isn’t the only thing that matters,” Sam growled. “And even if it did, she’s our sister—John is our father, too.”
“One absent father between the three of you can hardly compete with me, her mother,” she argued. “Besides, she has a big brother; one who isn’t a criminal.”
Your hand found Sam’s sleeve, and you gripped it tightly for comfort as your mother’s son—your step brother—smirked and stepped up next to your mother.
“He’s not my big brother!” You insisted. “He’s just your douchebag son that you let treat me like a punching bag!” You felt Sam’s hand find yours before he squeezed it, trying to help you calm down.
“Oh, so imaginative,” your mother huffed, rolling her eyes. “Honestly, I don’t know where you get such ideas, your big brother hardly hurt you.”
“Hey!” Dean snapped. “You don’t get to talk to her, and you don’t get to call her a liar. You—“
“Dean.” Agent Henrickson interrupted. “Sam—it’s time, it’s now or never.”
“Well then it’s never,” your mother sniffed. “I don’t know what kind of trick these boys are pulling—“
“Those dead agents of mine aren’t a trick!” Henrickson roared. “Now I need you to stay out of the way and shut up so I can do my job!”
Your mother looked like she wanted to fight, but Dean set the plan in motion before she got the chance.
“It’s over,” you breathed. “We did it!” You launched yourself into Dean’s arms, and he chuckled as he ruffled your hair.
“We sure did, kid.” Dean pulled away from you as he faced Agent Henrickson. “So…”
“So Sam and Dean Winchester died in a helicopter explosion, along with two of my agents,” Henrickson interrupted. “Rest in peace, boys. And I better never see you again.”
You grinned widely as Sam and Dean both nodded appreciatively.
“Yes sir,” they said in near unison.
“Wait,” your mother spoke up. “What does this mean for me? They-they can’t take my daughter!”
“I’d like to see you stop us,” Dean scoffed, wrapping an arm around you protectively as he led you towards the door.
“Agent Henrickson!” Your mother squealed. “Stop them!”
“Stop who?” Henrickson asked innocently. “Sam and Dean Winchester are dead; it seems to me that your daughter is choosing to walk away from you on her own.”
“Yeah, right,” your step brother scoffed, stepping up to block your way.
Sam stepped in front of him, his frame towering over that of your step brother’s, and his chest heaving with angry breaths.
“You really want to do this, punk?” Sam challenged. “Not so hard when it isn’t a kid half your size, is it?”
Your step brother gritted his teeth as he stepped out of Sam’s way.
You turned for one last glance at your mother and step brother before Dean could lead you out the door.
“You may be related to me, but you were never my family,” you said. “And you will never see my face again.”
And with your brothers’ hands grasped in yours, you turned away from your relatives, and left with your family.
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee
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hana-no-seiiki · 6 months
Ohh I got soooo many ideas, like CV reader got kidnapped by black mask (I think it's red hood nemesis, am not that deep in DC comics but I know the basics) so he could have a deal or take information out of red hood using CV reader. And when Jason found out about it he was pissed but when he got there the bad guys already down because CV reader took them down.
P.s I don't mind if you use this as a reference to make a headcanon or story on contrary i would love to read it, but it's up to you!!
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🎧ྀི » [ what a catastrophy ! ] «
0:00 ─〇───── 0:00
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
tw/cw: yandere, jason being horny/implied noncon, cat villain! reader being an absolute menace and a whore as always.
pairings: yan! batfam x cat villain/vigilante! reader
note: this happens after conflict between jason and other members of batfam are resolved and at that point cat villain! is more solidly on the cat vigilante! side
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“How long is this going to take exactly? I’m about to take an involuntary cat nap with how utterly slow you all are being.”
The Court of Owls were a group of people you’ve absolutely despised on every era you’ve had under your cat mask. Whether it was your wild years as Cat Woman’s protégé or when you were basically assimilated as the Batfam’s shared s/o. You could never bring yourself to like absurdly rich people that well. Much less rich people who do bad things.
For legal and safety reasons, you have to say that the Batfamily are an exception.
You don’t know how on Earth they managed to get their hands on equipment that prevented your powers from working, but it was proving to be quite the annoying conundrum.
“I’m sorry but I’m feline a little too underwhelmed by this whole kidnapping thing. Why don’t we hurry things up a little?”
“Where the hell did you take them?!”
Jason slammed Black Mask unto the wall, using the backside of his arm and pressing it against the man’s chest.
The latter’s men took a defensive, alert stance. Ready to pounce on command.
But Black Mask only gestured them to stand down.
“You have to understand, the fact that I even thought of informing you of my deal is a huge risk. I could lose my biggest benefactors.” He replied, calm and polite. In contrast to the harsh kick he deals to his assailant, making Jason back off. “I’m doing you all a favor. I’m doing [Cat Villain Name] a favor.”
“They’re currently on a private island to the south. I can’t give you the exact coordinates but here’s the general location.” He tossed a flashdrive, one swiftly caught and skimmed through by Tim.
“Why are you helping us?” Damian’s mind was already calculating the best way to get rid of everyone in this room. The grip on his katana tightening by the second. He had full faith that you were capable of taking care of yourself, but it did not help with the fear of disappearance whatsoever.
He was sure that the sight of you getting hurt would lead to him going on a rampage.
“Maybe the fact that even with my help, you kids being too late would open their mind and make them come back to our side. They’d finally learn that you’re only as good for them as Batman was to —“ Damian couldn’t stop himself anymore, knocking the man unconscious as the rest of the crew took down his goons with ease. Their worry over your current condition giving them a surprising amount of efficiency as a team.
“It’ll take several hours to even get to those islands much less even find which one . . .” Tim bit his lip. He wasn’t concerned at all. He knows you inside and out. In fact, he already knew where you were exactly. All of this info gathering was just his plan to delay things so that your patience would run out and he’d get front row seats to the carnage you’d inevitably cause. After all, there was something he can always predict when it came to you.
Your unending thirst for fun and chaos.
It took about a week for them to find you. Just about enough time for you to get antsy about not seeing your beloved pets and home.
And plenty of time for you to have your fun, pretending to be hurt, crying out in feigned agony, before you finally took down your prey.
“Red Hood! Come back! We can’t just barge in—“ Dick called out to Jason.
But all Jason could think of was the way you screamed in terror. The footage of your ‘torture’ was something he had nightmares about.
“Kitty! Are you—“ He kicked the door off its hinges, guns ready to fire.
But his sights only landed on a singular breathing being in the middle of a room. Covered in the blood of your victims. Grooming yourself clean.
Each lick sending shivers down his spine.
He sighed in relief. “You really have to stop playing with your food, Kitty.”
His lips envelopes yours as the world disappears from your vision.
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୨ ©️ ୧⸝⸝﹕hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2024﹐⊂☁️⊃ ‹𝟹
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juletheghoul · 2 months
if you are still taking requests for the general can we PLEASE see what would happen if reader were ever in danger or threatened or kidnapped? to see marcus’ reaction and him do whatever it takes to get them back?? and his reaction to when he does?? 😭😭 i’m shaking askingthis omg,,
You're so right for this nonny, you're practically in my head. I was working on a chapter of the General, and it's basically this so here we go!
Warnings; 18+ no minors, vague but big-legal age gap, piv sex, dirty talk, violence, attack on the villa - you are hurt and Marcus gets serious, hurt/comfort, creampie, master / slave dynamic (power imbalance), Marcus calls reader Girl, reader calls Marcus Dominus, let me know if I missed any!
Unbeta’d, any mistakes are my own!
Pairing: Marcus Acaciusx F!Reader
word count: 2.8k
reblogs are appreciated
Prev chapter Masterlist series masterlist
Your fingers cramped, his tunic had been more damaged than you’d initially thought and what you’d imagined would only take a few minutes, had taken the better part of an hour. With his tunic mended, you used the small knife to cut the thread and blessedly stretched, wincing at the ache in your back from being hunched over. An odd feeling weighed down the pit of your stomach and it was hard to place until you realized how eerily quiet the house was. Not just the familiar quiet of night, but an all-encompassing hush that seemed to cover everything like a blanket. 
No crickets chirping, no night birds singing, even the breeze seemed to have stopped. An icy finger followed the line of your spine and when his dogs began barking loudly, it almost made you jump out of your skin. 
You ignored the unease in your stomach and reassured yourself, the hour had grown late, and all of the chores had been completed. All that was left to do was fill the water basin in his private chamber, as well as yours. The dogs still barked as you made your way through the peristyle, irritated that despite being well trained, they did not relent. It was unlike them to ignore a command from your dominus and with a frown you belatedly notice one of the house's guards lying prone. 
You gasped, rushing over to him to help him, hoping it was only the heat that had gotten to him. You turned him, struggling to reach his face when your hands felt something wet, and with a barely contained scream, you saw that he had been attacked, and had not survived. The realization hit you like a knife to the belly, there was someone in the house, someone intent on sending your Dominus to the underworld. 
Ice crawling through your veins and with your heart in your throat, you ran towards his chambers to warn him.
The halls were dark and quiet as you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, praying to Diana to bless you with swiftness, to Mars to bless Marcus’ sword, and to humbly beg Pluto to stay away. 
Diana did not listen, and a shadow caught you unawares in the dark hall outside his chamber, cutting off the scream before it left your mouth. Your vision blurred as the faceless hulk behind you all but lifted you by the throat, making you squirm in his grip until he pressed the sharp tip of his blade to your back. 
“Silence!” He hissed into your ear, pain radiating from your neck, and where his knife cut shallowly into the skin of your back. You tried to scream, to kick and struggle out of his grip but it was iron, and when he slammed you back against the wall the world turned on its head. You choked on the coughs stuck in your throat, vaguely making out the angry words he hissed in your face. 
“Where is he? Where does he keep the valuables?” The fight was going out of you, your eyes, felt like they were going to pop out of your head, and your hands had surely been weighed down with something. Warmth ran down your back. 
Your vision blurred and a sinking realization hit you. 
I am going to die here.
Everything faded for a moment before you fell, hard, onto the ground. Breathing in felt like swallowing fire, your body was so heavy, and you couldn’t be sure how much time passed before you took in the scene. The man that had attacked you was on the floor before you, his eyes open, but never to see anything again. 
“Are you hurt?” His voice is like a balm and it’s with frantic hands that you clutch at him where he’s crouched in front of you. 
“Dominus-”  Your voice comes out like gravel, your throat burning so much so, tears fill your eyes and he shakes his head, shushing you softly. 
“Quiet girl, do not speak if it pains you, simply nod, are you hurt anywhere but here?” His hand is wet with blood, but it touches your neck soft as silk. You nod your head as he helps you to stand, holding you close to his warmth, his eyes scan over all of you, frowning when he sees the blood seeping through the back of your tunic, and flowing down towards your ankle. 
“Let me see.” He lifts it, turning you in his grip and an angry sound fills his mouth. 
Your heart fills with something huge, something unknowable, unnamable. 
“Can you walk?” The strength in him rears its head, and he practically holds you up, you nod your head yes and he nods back once, pressing his bloody finger to his lip to keep you quiet before tucking you in behind him. He picks up his sword and slowly, you both make your way through his halls, hunting those who dared threaten him. He pokes his head around a corner and is confronted with a small group of his attendants, the older women, the toughest of them has a knife in her hand. 
“Hide yourselves, I will find you once the threat is removed. Go to the cellar and bar yourselves in.” He nods once and they obey, trusting him to protect those who are alive. You move to join them but his free hand holds you tight. “You stay with me, girl.”
You nod and hold onto his arm like an anchor. 
He finds them in his library, rifling through his things and for a moment your heart drops at the sight of them. There are four of them, and they turn in unison, dropping his parchments and smiling to see him alone, and worst of all, accompanied by an injured slave. 
Wordlessly they begin to circle and with your throat burning, you begin to pray once more. 
One of them advances too quickly and Marcus slices him from throat to groin without blinking. The blood splatters onto Marcus and then spreads from where the man falls on the floor and you feel as though you’re stuck in a nightmare. 
“I will give the rest of you the chance to keep your lives if you leave now.” 
“To what end? You’ve seen our faces, you will just come looking for us.” One of the braver ones spits it back in his face, looking to the others for support. They advance but he doesn’t let them close enough to hurt either of you. You see why he’s earned his reputation firsthand, and your brain rebels against itself. Part of you is terrified to see such violence outside the arena, in the place that is your home no less. Another part of you though, rejoices to see him fight for his house, for you. His sword moves swiftly, as fluid as water as he cuts his way through them with terrifying ease. 
He drips in their blood, unfeeling, unseeing, until there is one left on the ground, clutching at his wounds. 
“Mercy, I beg of you!” He holds his hands up, eyes shining with a fear you have never seen. 
“The time for mercy has passed.” He blocks your view, but you hear the sound of flesh parting, a sickening gurgling sound, and then silence. 
You stand there in the dark room, still as a statue until he blocks your vision again, his bloodied hands holding your face softly. He says nothing, only holds your gaze and you cannot help but press yourself close, gripping onto his arms if only to convince yourself that he is healthy and whole before you. 
Wordlessly, he leads you away from the gore of the room. He completes his circuit of the house, finding the guards that survived the attack as well as other attackers, none of them having survived their attempt. 
He thanks them for fulfilling their duty to protect and orders them to dispose of the gore corrupting his home. He orders them to find the others hidden away, to let them know the house is once again safe. Your hands tremble, but you cannot be sure if it’s from fear or from the way he has not let you go since this whole ordeal began. You look down as he speaks his commands, to see the way his hand sits on your hip, wrapped around you, pressing you close to his side. The blood on his hands has seeped into the fabric of your tunic, it is smeared all over your arms and your neck. You swallow and the pain is still there, and when you shift his hand tightens around you, pressing into the shallow cut and you wince. 
He feels the way you shy away from the pain, and promptly dismisses his guards, advising them that fresh water and linens are to be brought to him at once. 
“Come girl, let me tend to that.”
The shaking does not stop, neither does the feeling of ghostly fingers wrapping themselves around your neck. Neither does the pain. Your fingers itch to do something, but with your Dominus cleaning and bandaging your wound, you can do nothing but stand in front of him, and tremble like a leaf. 
He does his best to soothe, but his gentle touch and soft words can only do so much. There is anger in you, a sharp clawing desire to break something, to hurt those that hurt you, those that snuck into his house like rats to do naught but harm. If your throat didn’t hurt so much, you’d scream. His lips bring you back though, where they press to your back when he is done bandaging you up. 
You watch him, wild-eyed with the blood still pounding in your ears, and wonder how he can be so calm, cleansing the blood off his skin like he’s done it a thousand times. But hasn’t he? The reality of him becomes crystal clear, this was nothing to him. His eyes are focused on the task at hand, they move methodically, dipping into the water and scrubbing at his face, and his arms. He undresses to the skin and continues his ritual, only looking to you once he is satisfied with his state. 
“Come, girl, undress.” Your body falls into its usual rhythm, obedience. 
You strip, careful of the wound and your neck, and once nude, you walk over to him. Silently, he dips a new cloth and sets about his task. Your face is first, gently but thoroughly cleaned of every drop of blood. Your arms next, and then your neck. You wince, but stay still. Handprints that had seeped through and marked your hip, your back, all of them wiped away like they’d never been there. He crouches and follows the trail of your blood where it had slid down the swell of your ass, down the back of your leg towards your ankle. Not a drop is spared, and then he is done.
“Thank-” It's a harsh whisper that comes out of your mouth, and he doesn’t let you finish the sentiment.
“Do not speak, I would not have you in pain. Your throat must heal and the more you speak the longer it will take.” He pressed a soft kiss to your brow, but you held him close, cold all of a sudden as you stood there in his chamber, both of you bathed in moonlight and damp from the cloth. He lets you clutch to him, lets you press yourself into the cage of his arms, and wraps you up in them. He is the cure, you do not tremble when he holds you like this. 
An ache builds, the need for comfort, for warmth, for affection. For love, whispers a tiny little part of you, a part you ignore. 
You stand on the tips of your toes and press your lips to his, hoping he can sense what you need. 
“Are you not in pain?” His fingers curl around the long line of your neck, feather-soft, holding your gaze as you try to kiss him again. You nod, but try again anyway and he holds you still. You mouth the words, exaggerating the shapes of them in your mouth so he will understand. 
“I need you.”
He searches your eyes and is satisfied with what he finds, nodding once and then finally giving you his mouth, his tongue, and the loveliest of sounds from deep in his chest. 
You take charge and push him to sit on his bed, guiding him to lie on his back and he follows where you lead, arranges himself exactly how you want him, and lets you climb onto him. You straddle his waist, fitting his hardening cock between the lips of your sex. He bites his lip, eyes focused on the way you rock yourself along his length and despite giving you control of this encounter, his hands land heavy on your hips. His fingers dig in, sliding up to hold onto your breasts, both fingers pinching and stroking at the peaked tips of them in the way he knew you liked, the way he knew would turn your cunt into a fountain of arousal. 
“Use me, girl, do what you need, take your pleasure.” One hand stayed on your breast, the other went to his lips and he dipped his thumb into his mouth, wetting it before sliding it between where the head of his cock peeked out from between your legs and slipped it over your clit. A heavy sigh leaves your mouth, the pain in your throat mingling with the pleasure between your legs. 
You bend forward, pressing your mouth to his with an urgency that claws at your very being. The desperation isn’t just in you though, there’s something of the caged animal in Marcus, a tremble in his fingers when they dig into the meat of your hips that conveys an itch to take control. You need this now though, so with his tongue in your mouth, you lean forward and lift your hips enough to give your hand room to grasp the weeping head of him, and notch it at your soaked entrance. 
It’s almost too much, the way he fills you, the slick head of him almost too deep. His cock twitches and you cannot help but clench around him, your cunt flooding with waves and waves of arousal for him. His hands are charged like the air before a storm, roaming from your thighs, to your hips, up to thumb and strum at your nipples. Moans and whimpers slip out despite the pain in your throat. 
You roll your hips, the pressure against your clit radiates out and the pleasure builds. It makes you frantic, the slip of him inside made all the better with the way you soak his lap. You speed up, chasing the friction and the pleasure just there, despite the burn in your thighs and the sweat beading on your brow with the effort of your movements. 
“That’s it girl, fuck me-” Your stomach drops with the dark thrill of him letting you take, your nipples so sensitive under his thumbs, it’s almost painful. You want to go faster, but you’re losing steam, and you let out a sigh in frustration, pushing past the discomfort. 
“Come, let me give it to you.” His hands slip around your back, and he pulls you forward, so you lie onto his chest folded into his embrace. He wraps his arms around you, fully, holding your arms to your sides so you can do nothing but take, and then he gives. 
He plants his feet, and thrusts up hard, and fast enough to make your mouth fall open in a silent scream. 
“This is how you want it, hard, you want to feel this cock for days don’t you girl?” He grunts out the words, and despite the red, violent haze of his love, you cannot help but marvel at the strength in him. 
“Yes, please Dominus, don’t stop-” It comes out whispery, into the crook of his neck but he shudders all the same, and somehow, he fucks up into you harder. You turn to liquid in his arms, shuddering when the climax hits you hard as a punch to the gut. He lets out a guttural sound, but fucks you through it just the same, drawing out the orgasm until it takes him under. 
He comes hard, rope after rope of his release painting your insides. Hot and messy and it almost makes you purr like a cat.
He lets go, both of you breathing hard, and sticky with the sweat of exertion. 
“Give me a few minutes.” He breathes hard, while you press soft kisses, and kitten licks where the salt of him collects, “I will fuck you again, I am ravenous for you, girl.” His hands reach down, and grab at the meat of your ass and you smile. 
“Yes Dominus.” It doesn’t hurt as much as it did, and you’re sure that by morning, you’ll be right as rain. 
Tag list: @frannyzooey @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @sherala007 @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @maxwell--lord @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi  @stevie75 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @pedritoispunk @studythoreauly @missswriter @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @deadhumourist @felicisimor @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @localddreamers @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @recklessworry @heyitmelexie @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl @chemtrail-mix @breezythesimp @altarsw @artooies-scream @staygolddindjarin @softsweetedbeauty @littlemisspascal @yuiopiklmn @squidwell @just-blogging-around @bbyanarchist @girlofchaos @maddiedrmr @frasmotic @acourtofsnakes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @astoryisaloveaffair @harriedandharassed  @shirks-all-responsibilities @androah @alwaysachorusgirl @dindjarinsmut @captain-jebi @gallowsjoker @tusk89 @dadbodfanatic-x @naiomiwinchester @blazedprince @avidreader73 @mr-underhills-things @avengersfan25 @tastygoldentaters @nyotamalfoy @mymindfuckery @its-nebuleuse @missladym1981 @inept-the-magnificent @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @ladyofmidlo72 @greenvita @honey-on-your-tongue
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dira333 · 3 months
Sleepwalker - Tensei Iida x Reader
Words: 10k (sorry, my hand slipped)
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It’s warm, dark and there’s a faint smell of grapefruit and Mint, a combination that should not work as well as it does.
You groan, close your eyes again, and bury yourself in the blankets once more, not yet ready to start the day. What a weird dream you’ve ha-
There’s an arm. There’s an arm next to your arm!
Your heart stops and picks up with twice the speed as you slowly, carefully, pat around to feel what’s attached to said arm
A shoulder, naked. There’s a neck and a chest, muscular and sturdy. 
When your fingertips find what feels like a mouth you hear a grunt. The light flickers on and you blink, staring in silent shock at what is most likely the most attractive guy you’ve seen in weeks, if not longer.
His dark hair is sleep-mussed and his blue eyes squint back at you with an equal mix of confusion and shock.
“Who are you?” He asks just as you realize that you did not, in fact, go drinking last night. Which means-
“You’re a creep!” You bellow, jumping out of bed. You put a tank top and matching panties on last night and you’re glad you did because this way you’re at least wearing a little bit more than he is. 
“Wait, I’m not-”
“Did you do something to me?” You look down at yourself to check, but you don’t feel weird, just exhausted. He’s stuttering out something but you’re too busy freaking out.
“I should call the- the police, I- who are you anyway and-” your eyes flicker to the alarm clock next to his bed. Shit. You’re going to be late for work.
“If this happens again I’ll kill you in your sleep!” You threaten, focus on the pattern of your own bedding, and teleport away, using your Quirk. It’s not legal, but you’re in no way going to wait for a cab at this creep’s place.
This time you half expect it, which sounds weirder than it is. 
But as you wake up and smell that telltale aroma of grapefruit and Mint, you know exactly where you are.
You turn slowly to check the time. It’s around midnight.
You went to bed fully clothed, phone in your back pocket. The stranger seems to have had the same idea, the fabric of his shirt soft against your fingertips
He wakes up as you slip out of bed, waving your phone to start the flashlight app. So much for snooping around to get intel on him.
“Who are you?” He asks, which is totally the wrong question if you’re a creep who kidnaps people.
“I should ask you the same thing. And you should answer first since this is your place.”
“My name’s Iida. Iida Tensei, to be exact.” He rubs his face. “And I didn’t take you here. I went to bed like normal and woke up with you beside me.”
“Oh. Well, I mean. It hasn’t happened in a while, but it could-”
“Your Quirk?” He asks, making sense of your stuttering before you can. “It’s teleporting, right? Does it malfunction sometimes?”
“Well, it used to, as a kid.” You explain, shame flooding you, “I can only teleport to places I know because I have to see them in my mind. But I don’t know you, right?”
“Maybe I saved you?” He offers. You scrunch up your nose.
“I am- I was a hero. Ingenium? Maybe you heard of him?”
“Oh,” you nod slowly before shaking your head, “well, I’ve heard of heroes, because who hasn’t, but not of Ingenium, sorry. Never had to be saved either.”
You laugh, short and abrupt, but in all honesty. “Why? I don’t think getting saved is such a nice thing, right? It means you were in danger before.”
“Oh, but it’s an experience for sure. I mean… When I was a kid, I was-” He stops and you’re not sure why you do it, maybe it’s the softness of his features or the sound of his voice, but you urge him to speak.
“I got lost, once, as a kid. I still remember how helpless I felt and how a hero saved me, and took me back to my parents. I haven’t seen him around since, but I still remember his name. Gran Torino. I knew before… that I was going to be a hero, but that cemented it as something I really wanted to be.”
“Wow,” you breathe, a little awkward in the face of something like that. “I just became a mechanic because my Dad’s one too.”
He laughs, but he doesn’t invite you to speak and you realize that you’ve overstayed your welcome anyway. Not that there was ever any welcome to begin with. You stumbled in here on your own, bothering this nice, attractive man.
“I’m… I’m going to get going now,” you stutter, “and I promise it won’t happen again.”
He doesn’t move to get up. Maybe he only put on a shirt but not shorts?
You try not to think about it when you teleport away.
Nothing happens for over a week, long enough that you begin to think of it as an outlier, brought upon you by the return of your period.
Now that that’s over you only have to get checked out for future disasters.
But then you open your eyes to darkness and the smell of Grapefruit and Mint and you know, without a doubt, that you’re back.
“Iida-kun?” You ask, voice soft with shame.
You reach out your hand and touch his face, surprised to find a slight stubble. But it gets his attention and only a second later you blink against the light. 
It’s gone just a second later and as a blanket is thrown over your head you remember that you went to sleep wearing nothing tonight. In your defense, the AC was broken.
“I’m so so sorry,” you point out, voice shaking, “I don’t know… I thought it was my period.”
“It’s okay,” he huffs. You wonder if he’s blushing. 
“I’m leaving, okay,” you tell him, embarrassment flooding you. “Sorry.”
Half an hour later you find yourself pressed into his side once again, though this time better dressed. He’s not, however. 
You teleport away once again, this time without waking him.
But as you open your eyes to the morning sun filtering in through the half-open blinds, there’s an arm slung over your shoulders and a warm, naked chest pressed to your back.
You’re back. Again.
It’s Sunday and you don’t have to be gone right away, so that’s your excuse for letting your eyes wander through the room. 
His bedroom is clean and organized, with books and sports equipment in every corner.
And there are pictures, tons of them.
Right next to the alarm clock is a picture of a little boy. He looks just like Iida-kun and with a pang, you realize it must be his son. What lies on the other side of his bedroom door? How many children does he have?
This bed is barely wide enough to house two people, so you don’t think he’s married, but-
A pained groan interrupts your thoughts. 
Before you can react, though, Iida pulls you closer, his arms now crossed over your stomach.
He’s mumbling something, his voice laced with pain.
“No, don’t, please-” he begs, “help, someone- Help!”
That’s when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating. But you’re not teleporting anywhere, not that you could after doing it so much this night already. And you’re not the one who activated it.
For a second you’re floating, disappearing slowly into thin air. That’s not unusual, it happens mostly when the space you want to go is already occupied or too far away.
But when you materialize again, you’re back where you started, right in Iida’s arms.
That’s when it hits you.
You didn’t teleport to him. He teleported you.
But how? And how are you going to explain that to him?
If Iida is weirded out by the fact that you’re a) back in his arms again and b) not making any move to get away from him, he’s not showing it.
Instead he wipes a hand over his face and plants himself back into the pillows.
“I think I need a coffee,” he tells you after a minute.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say no to that either.”
“Would it be terribly rude to ask you to make it?” He lifts his head again to squint at you. “Or help me out of bed?”
“Help you out of bed? What are you, eighty?”
He smiles shyly. “No, I’m paraplegic.”
Blood rushes to your face as you realize what that means.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t know.” A hand rests warmly on your forearm. “But the choice is yours.”
You huff for a second, trying to reel in the shame before getting out of bed and walking around it. There’s the wheelchair you should have noticed earlier. 
“What do you do if you need to pee?” You ask as he leans heavily onto you before swinging himself into the chair.
“Hold it in,” he tells you with an embarrassed smile. “But I’m working on getting into it myself.”
Your nerves bubble in your throat as you approach the door only to release in a soft sigh when no little kid is waiting on the other side.
“Your… uh… son doesn’t live here?” You ask as you follow him into the kitchen, too aware of your messy bedhead and your sleepwear-clad form.
“My son?” Iida turns to squint at you. “I don’t have a son.”
“The picture on your nightstand. I noticed it.”
“Oh,” he laughs softly, “that’s my little brother. We’re fifteen years apart, but I should really get a new picture in there. But he looked so cute back then. Not that he’s not looking cute now, I-”
“I get it,” you nod, “I still have a picture of my cousin in my wallet from when she lost half of her teeth.”
“Quirk coming in?” He asks and you snort. “Yes, actually.”
“How am I calling you here?” Tensei asks. He offered you his first name over that first cup of coffee, called his mother to let her know he wouldn’t need help this morning while you fried eggs for breakfast.
“I don’t know,” you tell him honestly, “that never happened to me before.”
“But you knew it was possible?”
“Actually,” you breathe loudly through your nose, “I only realized that it had to be that because I was in the middle of teleporting this morning when I was already here only to land back where I was. It’s like reloading a page, you know? You just get back to where you were.”
“But we don’t know each other,” Tensei points out, “or do we? What school did you go to?”
You name it, all of them. Nothing seems to ring a bell. 
“When you…” you hesitate but he urges you to go on, “When you reloaded me, so to say, you were… you were calling for help.”
Tensei pales, his lips stretching into a straight line.
“You don’t have to tell me what that was about,” you add on quickly, “I just thought… maybe us teleporter Quirks are like a helpline? And I was just the closest one?”
“You think so?” He asks, voice strained.
You shrug. “What other possibility is there?”
But there is one. One you don’t even want to think about.
What if the Universe with its laughable humor, decided you were right for each other? 
No, that would be too crazy.
Just because you know why it happens doesn’t mean, however, that you know how to stop it. And as you start waking up in his bed more often than not, it seems only logical to go with it.
“Morning,” you mumble, knowing where you are without having to open your eyes. The telltale aroma of Grapefruit and Mint gives it away.
“Morning,” Tensei yawns, unmoving.
You can feel yourself slipping back into sleep, the warmth of him, the softness of the bed pulling you back in. Five more minutes won’t hurt.
“What did we say?” You ask groggily, face planted against Tensei’s chest. “You gotta wear a shirt to bed.”
“Sorry,” he rumbles but doesn’t move. “What time is it?”
“Too early.” You close your eyes again. He doesn’t move either.
“Shit, I’m late for work.” Your jump out of bed is thwarted by the blanket around your legs and you fall unceremoniously onto your face.
“I’ve got a spare toothbrush if you want it,” Tensei offers.
“I have no clothes.”
“Bring them next time,” he smiles, grabbing the hand you’re offering and pulling you up.
He blushes seconds later when he realizes how that sounded.
“I mean, only if you want.”
“Sure,” you agree easily because he really is good-looking, “if you make the coffee in the morning?”
“Brother, I wanted to check in before schoo-” 
You make the mistake of shooting up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
The guy in the door looks like Tensei’s Doppelganger, mouth wide open as he takes you in.
You wrap your arms around your torso, realizing a little late that your skimpy tank top might be a bit too revealing for a- how old is Tensei’s little brother again?
“Tenya,” Tensei starts blubbering that second, “You’re… I didn’t expect you this early- I’m…”
“This is my cue to leave,” you mutter, but stop when Tensei’s arm presses you back into the pillows.
“Stay,” he breathes out, eyes flickering over your face before he turns back.
“Sit,” he asks his brother, “we can explain.”
In all honesty, you don’t really know why you stay. 
It’s not like Tensei could do anything about you leaving, really. He has no idea where you live, doesn’t even have your number saved or something like that. And he still has no idea how to activate your Quirk on command…
But you stay, blanket pulled up to your chin to spare the youngest Iida’s innocence.
He’s fun to watch, little Tenya, taller than you without trying, yet turning smaller and smaller in his older brother’s presence.
It’s not hard to guess that Tensei’s his hero.
Tensei’s voice is calm and collected as he explains. You don’t even try to help him sort through this mess, instead letting your eyes wander over his features. He’s not wearing a shirt and his back, turned to you, is covered in scars, like a spider web of history. 
Your hand itches to smooth across it, letting the warmth of his skin seep into your fingertips. 
He’s got a few Moles too, sprinkled across his milky white shoulder blades like freckles over sun kissed cheeks. 
“Are you even listening?” Tensei turns his head and you blink a few times to focus.
“Sure,” you lie effortlessly, not missing how his lips quirk into a smile. 
His eyes are warm as they move over your face and you have to force yourself not to hide away. You’ve never seen a face this attractive turn so soft before, at least not when looking at you.
“I’m… I’m leaving then,” Tenya adds, voice a little strained. “I don’t want to be late.”
“Sure,” you nod, just as Tensei asks him not to rush. 
It’s weird. You want to leave and you want to stay longer, want to keep this bubble around the two of you, yet go out and scream from the rooftops that this man might feel things for you.
Work calls, though, and even though you stay as long as you can - helping him out of bed and into the shower, making coffee while he gets ready, thinking about kissing him while he sits on the other side of the table, talking about his plans for the day - you have to leave eventually. 
You hug him awkwardly, trying not to sink into his hold even though you want nothing more.
“See you next time,” you say with a wink, expecting to be back in the evening.
But Tensei does not call for you.
One week passes without finding yourself in his bed.
You have no means to contact him other than teleporting into his apartment and you don’t dare to do just that. What if he’s having guests over? 
What if- and the thought is making you nauseous - you end up teleporting into his bedroom only to find him making out with someone else?
Wait. The thought of someone else implies that he made out with you too. He didn’t and it’s not like you can blame him for that, right? 
Looking down at your hands, the skin oil-stained and chapped, you can’t help but feel unworthy of him. Former Heroes do not mingle with basic mechanics. 
You go out drinking the second week, trying to drown your sorrows in cheap beer and awful music.
“What about him?” Rumi, your best friend points toward a guy in the corner, red wings folded behind his back. He’s attractive, but there’s also something unsettling about him, the way he seems to be watching everyone without a care in the world.
“No,” you shake your head. You don’t feel like erasing the memory of Tensei’s touch - as platonic as it had been - from your skin by being with someone else. And even if you did, you wouldn’t pick someone who’s definitely way above your league.
“Oh, come on.” She takes a shot and winks. “I’m going to talk to him if you don’t.”
“Suit yourself,” you say when you notice someone else. 
His hair is jet black, reflecting the bright lights overhead that flicker over his heavily scarred skin. His eyes, a bright turquoise, move over the people with cold carelessness. Something drops in your stomach when his gaze crosses yours.
You grab Rumi’s arm. “We need to leave,” you tell her, and there must be something in your voice that cuts through her haze, because she nods, following you toward the door.
Shivers are running up and down your back as you wait for a Cab, chatting up a few girls who are waiting by the door, convincing them to join you and your friend.
“Oh shit,” Rumi says, moving to get out of the car, “I forgot my jacket inside.”
“I’m getting it,” you tell her, pushing her back, “I’ll see you there, okay?” 
She hesitates, but you’re already out of the car, closing the door with a click.
Inside, the mood has shifted, though not many seem to have noticed, too far gone already in their haste to get drunk. 
Sweat’s running down your back as you move through the crowd, looking for the flimsy black jacket. 
You smell it just as you reach it. Fire. Something’s burning. 
It’s hard to tell from back here and even getting up on a barstool barely helps. That is, until you turn, spotting the guy with the turquoise eyes behind the bar. His hands are filled with flames and his eyes burn the same.
He notices you at the same time, lips curling into a cruel smirk. Not far from him is the fire alarm and you lunge forward to pull it. Something collides with your shoulder, pain curling around it.
You scream just as the alarm goes off, cutting the music like one does a ribbon. The sprinklers go off immediately, but you’re already halfway gone, panic setting off your Quirk.
You have half a mind to think “Somewhere safe” before the room disappears before your eyes.
Grapefruit and Mint.
It cuts through your panic like sunlight through a rain cloud.
“Tensei?” You rasp, trying to make sense of it. “Tensei?!”
The light comes on and you find yourself sitting on the bedroom floor, hair damp, jacket clutched in your hands.
“Are you okay?” He asks, before sucking in a breath. “What happened to your shoulder?”
“I think- I think I just got attacked.”
“Let me see. Can you get up? What happened?”
You dissolve into tears under his gentle care.
Tensei thinks you should talk to the police.
You think everything else would be a better idea. 
“I’m not supposed to use my quirk,” you tell him, again and again, as he pours you a cup of chamomile tea in the morning. “What if they fine me? What if- what if they take it away?”
“They’re not going to take away your Quirk just because it activated by itself. You might get a slap on the hand for using it too much if they knew, but you’re not hurting anyone with it, are you?”
“Can you check the news?” You change the topic, unease swirling in your stomach. “See if there’s something about the bar?”
He dutifully picks up his phone, giving you a second to take him in.
His sight eases your mind. He looks just like he did two weeks ago like he always looks in the morning. Soft and warm and reassuring, like all you need to do is climb into his lap and forget the world.
You want to ask if he missed you, but you don’t dare to.
“Nothing,” he says, putting his phone down. “Would you- would you feel better if I accompanied you to the police?”
“How would we explain that we know each other?”
He blushes. “We could… we could say that we’re… friends?”
The unease in your stomach is getting harder to ignore. Or maybe you’re hungover as well.
“Why didn’t you call for me… uh, the last few weeks? Are you getting over your nightmares?”
Tensei huffs out a tired laugh. “I’m taking sleeping pills. I’m not a fan of them, but they seem to be working. I thought… maybe you left before I woke up or something.”
“No, I thought…” You swallow nervously, looking down at the table before shrugging as if you don’t feel as much as you do. “Maybe you found someone else you could teleport into your bedroom.”
You realize how it sounds just as you say it, but it’s too late to take it back.
His hand moves to cover yours, a warm weight that seems to settle your nerves with the smallest touch. “I’m barely managing to figure out how I got you, I’m not switching things up.”
For a while, you two sit in silence, unmoving. 
Eventually though, Tensei speaks again.
“If you let me, I’d like to accompany you to the police, okay?” 
You’ve only been to the police once before when a car you had been working on turned out to be stolen. Everything, from explaining how you noticed to how you got that client in the first place, had been a terrible, terrible experience.
But walking in with Tensei is like stepping into a different world..
One officer, a mutant with a cat face, comes up to you almost immediately, shaking Tensei’s hand with a smile.
“What brings you here, man? Long time no see.”
“I’m- my friend here,” Tensei points to you, “got attacked in a bar yesterday. Nothing in the news suggests that you know about it, so we wanted to inform you right away.”
“An attack?” Green eyes flicker to you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you mutter just as Tensei disagrees. “First-degree burn on her shoulder. I did the best I could last night when she came by, but I’m no doctor.”
“I’ll call someone to check in on you. Come in, come in. Do you want coffee? Donuts?”
It clicks by the third person who walks in. They all assume that you’re not just Tensei’s friend, but his girlfriend.
It’s in the way they smile at you, unassuming, chuckling when you name your profession.
“Fits like a glove, doesn’t it?” They say, preening when the words light up a feverish blush on 
Tensei’s cheeks.
He holds your hand when a nurse examines your shoulder and you wish that this was real, that you’ll step out of this building and continue just like this. 
But living in his world for a day, where police officers joke around with you and doors open that you didn’t even know existed, just highlights how far apart your lives truly are.
As it turns out, you seem to have met Dabi, a villain who’s rather new to the scene. You can tell, just by the looks exchanged and awkward silences filling the room, that he’s someone you don’t want to mess with.
“It would probably be better if you didn’t go home for a while,” Detective Tsukauchi announces. “If this is a bar you frequent regularly, it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure out where you live.”
“My friend-” You start just as Tensei says “You can stay with me.”
You tense, just as Detective Tsukauchi smiles and nods.
“An excellent idea. We can escort you home if you need to pack some things first.”
“Oh, no-” You shake your head and wave your hands at the same time. “Getting escorted by the police to my place would just open the door to more trouble. If you could… like… give me a proper written excuse so that I can use my quirk, I can do that in one trip.”
“I’m afraid that I-”
“Tsukauchi, Sir-” Tensei lays it on thick with the charm, “I think in a situation like this you could make an exception, right? Don’t you have Officer Moroi on your team as well? You could still consider it an official escort if she did the teleporting.”
And so, half an hour later, it’s decided.
Officer Moroi’s Quirk is almost the same as yours, although she needs exact coordinates and is able to teleport other people - and stuff - as well.
Saying goodbye to Tensei is an awkward affair. Detective Tsukauchi is going to take him back to his apartment while you pack your things.
You move in for a hug, a handshake too formal for what everyone assumes you are. Tensei moves as well, but you misjudge his intention as wanting to hug you as well. His lips end up on yours for the briefest moment before you pull back, his face as red as-
“Oh,” you cough awkwardly, turning around. “Detective, I… I just remembered. There was another guy at the bar, with wings, he was looking-”
Tsukauchi doesn’t even blink. “No worries. We’re aware of him.”
“You-” Tensei’s hand curls around yours, pulling your attention back to him.
“Stay safe, okay?” He asks, face still flushed. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll take the Couch,” you offer in the evening, your things awkwardly merged with his. Your clothes stuffed into his drawers, your toothbrush sitting in the same cup. 
Tensei made dinner, told you stories from his past, and checked your injury, warm hands seemingly everywhere at once.
“Are you sure?” He asks, rolling through the living room. “There’s more than enough space in my bed and we’re kinda used to sharing it, don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah, but that was then-” You trail off, not really sure where you’re going with this.
His features stay relaxed as he nods, moving toward his bedroom.
“Do you want some help-”
“I got it,” he sends you a smile you can’t help but question. “I told you I’m getting better at it.”
So you’ve got nothing to do but slip under the covers and stare at the ceiling, trying to blend out the thrumming of pain in your shoulder.
You can hear him breathing, even from this far away, and it calms and upsets you at the same time.
He’s here. But he’s so far away.
Quietly, he calls your name. 
You consider ignoring it for a second, pushing him a little further away. For your safety or his, you’re not sure.
Still, your voice slips out anyway.
“Are you scared?”
“Of what?” You ask, surprised.
“Being in a relationship.”
You swallow harshly. Has it been this obvious?
“I am, you know,” he admits, “and I was wondering… if you feel the same.”
You blink up at the ceiling, your mind racing ahead. Whatever you do now, it can make or break… whatever this is, between the two of you.
“You know,” you answer, slipping out of bed, “I have called myself a lot of things. I have been called a lot of things, too. But I don’t think I’ve ever believed that I was scared of something.”
You stop in the doorway to his room, your eyes getting used to the darkness. He’s facing you.
“So you’re not scared?” He asks, voice thick.
“Oh no, I’m scared shitless,” you admit, walking the short distance until your knees hit the bed frame, “but that has never stopped me from doing something. What about you? Doesn’t being a hero mean something similar?”
He’s warm as you slip under the covers, your whole body sucking up that familiar aroma of Grapefruit and Mint, your head almost falling into place against his shoulder.
“It’s a different kind of fear, I guess? You can train how to be a hero, from fighting Villains to rescue missions. You can’t train being in love.”
“Mhm, some people definitely try,” you joke, your hands unable to rest, moving across his chest until you can feel his heartbeat pick up beneath your fingertips.
“Tensei?” You ask, basking in his warmth. “Have you been in a relationship before?”
“No,” he admits, one hand a soft pressure on your lower back. “I dated around a little after school, but I was so busy building up the business, spending time with Tenya, I just…”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. You think you’ve got all the time in the world and then you’re thirty, everyone else has already had kids and you wonder where you went wrong.”
“Would you-” He stops, but his heart races, you can feel it.
“Would you go on a date with me?”
“Usually,” you tease, because his voice quivered in a way that doesn’t fit his sturdy frame, “I don’t ‘sleep’ with guys before a first date. You kinda messed with my rules here.”
“Sorry,” he rasps, trying to play along.
“It’s fine,” you move a little, pressing your lips against his cheek. “You did wine and dine me today, after all.”
You could get used to this.
Tensei’s still asleep, mouth half-open, face mushed against the pillow. You can’t stop your curious hands from traveling, rubbing soft circles into his warm skin, following the spiderweb trails of his scars, pressing a teasing kiss to one of his moles.
He groans softly, hands twitching by his side.
“What time is it?”
“Time to relax,” you tease, pulling one of his arms around you. He snorts.
“I would, but I really have to pee.”
“Oh, what a shame,” you move to sit up, untangling him from the blanket. “But we can slip back into bed after if you want. Although I am craving breakfast.”
Tensei blinks up at you but doesn’t speak. You blame it on him not being a morning person and help him into the bathroom, before moving toward the kitchen, prepping a quick breakfast.
He’s already back in bed when you step into the bedroom. 
Sleeping with, or rather, next to Tensei, has taught you a few things about him so far. He runs hot, he likes to spoon, and he makes the softest little kitten snores when he’s sleeping on his back.
But living with him, just for a day or two, shows you so much more.
He pretends to be a morning person, but it takes a while for his brain to kick in. The smell of him, Grapefruit and Mint, comes partly from his Quirk, the engine jets in his arms being powered by Grapefruit juice, and partly from his absolute obsession with everything Mint scented. Bodywash, Shampoo, Deodorant, he even has Mint scented Candles sitting all over his apartment.
Tensei obviously works out a lot and hasn’t stopped after retiring from being a Pro Hero, the dumbbells in the corner showcasing not a single speck of dust, but he has no trouble lounging on the Couch with you, asking about the book you’re currently reading, or bothering you with the most insane questions about the show you offer to watch.
He’s a family man, too, and you suspect that there is only one reason you’re not absolutely plagued by visiting family members right now.
“Did you tell your parents not to show up?” You ask as you pull on your shoes. Tensei had asked to go out for a little stroll and since the weather was playing along, you had no choice but to agree.
“Uh, yeah, how did you know?”
“I’m a woman, I can tell.”
He sends you a look and you falter. “Okay, fine, there’s a Calendar by the door that has everyone’s name on it. Your parents would have come by today.”
“Oh that,” he nods, face clouding, “I’m trying to become more self-reliant. I know everyone’s just trying to help, but-”
“It’s stifling,” you finish his sentence and he nods, smiling a little.
“You get it?”
“Oh yeah, my Dad is the worst when it comes to this. It doesn’t help that we live in a district that has quite a high crime rate. I’m not dumb, but he’d like to see me somewhere safe.”
“As every parent would, probably. Where do you live?”
“Why, do you wanna know if you went on patrol there?”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t, I would have noticed you.”
There’s a teasing tone to it, letting you know that he’s flirting. He’s not bad at it and since you’ve been doing nothing but cuddling all day, you dare to lean down and kiss him.
If Rapunzel was a man, he would look like the guy following you.
He’s dressed as a civilian, his long, blonde hair tied into the prettiest messy bun you’ve ever seen. And the size of it…
Tensei recognized him yesterday at the park. Apparently the Police are really concerned with your safety, sending him over to keep an eye on you.
“He’s nice,” Tensei had declared. “You don’t have to worry about him. His Hero Name is Present Mic, you might know-”
“No,” you shook your head, “Never heard of him.”
“Any Hero that you do know?”
“Well, All Might, of course,” you smiled. “But my favorite Hero is Laundry Hero: Wash.”
Tensei laughs. “I could never have guessed that. Sounds like a story I would like to hear.”
Your phone alarm pulls you out of the memory and you turn it off, blinking yourself a little more awake in anticipation of your stop.
Tensei doesn’t live that far away, but you still need to take three different trains to get to work, now that you can’t just teleport into your apartment and walk the short distance from there.
Goldilocks, err, Rapunzel, follows you out, whistling a tune. You don’t know how he does it, but he manages to fit in with the crowd of blue-collar workers.
“So you got yourself a boyfriend?” Rumi, best friend and also best car-saleswoman you know, is eating her lunch across from you. “Without telling me?”
“It’s not like that,” you argue, well aware of the tall man dressed in jeans that must be Rapunzel’s replacement for the day. “It’s complicated, okay?”
“I know complicated, but that sounds like a whole ‘nother level,” she takes a sip of her diet soda and pins you down with a glare. “If you’re staying over at his place already it’s a big deal.”
“Yeah,” you fiddle with your utensils, “I know, he’s just… he’s so safe, you know?”
“Safe?” Rumi furrows her brows. “Explain.”
“Like, he’s so… funny. And warm. And caring. Last night we were fighting about who gets to cook Dinner, and- What?” You cut yourself off when you notice her wry smile.
“Oh, you’re so far gone, it’s hilarious.” She chuckles into her drink. “Bring him in some time, will you?”
“We’ll see,” you put your stuff away, “My dad would most definitely love him, for sure.”
Your phone rings at that moment and you pick up, heart hammering in your throat at the sight of Tensei’s name on the display.
“Hey,” you can hear the smile in his voice. “How’s your lunch break? I’m in the store right now and wanted to ask what you want for Dinner tonight.”
“I thought I was going to make Pizza?”
He laughs softly. “Fine, you can make Pizza tonight. Do you want ice cream for dessert?”
“Oh, yes, please. Mint-Chocolate Chip, if possible.”
“Mhm, no, not possible, that box is already reserved for me.”
“Well, you gotta learn how to share one day.”
Rumi’s grinning like a madman when you finally put your phone away.
“What?” You ask, fighting against the warmth bubbling in your chest, the smile that’s threatening to overtake your face.
“Nothing,” she giggles, “nothing at all.”
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” You ask as Tensei finishes changing the bandage on your shoulder. 
He huffs with amusement, the sound cut off by the closing of the door.
“Tenya?” Tensei asks, a tone in his voice that can only be worried. You turn.
Tenya’s face is bruised, dark blue hair full of grime. 
“Nii-chan?” His eyes flicker over to you, face closing off the hurt and exhaustion he’d shown seconds before.
“I should leave-” you start, realizing half way that you have nowhere to go. Tensei’s hands are still warm on your shoulder and even though he’s pulling away, his hold on you stays, his eyes flickering between you and his brother.
If he has to decide between the two of you, you’d rather have him pick Tenya.
“Are you hungry?” You ask, getting up. “I’ll make you something to eat, give you boys some privacy.”
Tensei’s apartment is bigger than yours by a mile but not huge.
You can hear them talking, the tone of their voices heavy.
At one point you think you can hear one of them crying, the sound squeezing your heart like one does a lemon. Should you check on them? What if it’s Tensei crying?
The food getting ready decides for you. No one likes burnt Pizza.
“Coming in,” you announce your arrival softly, feeling relieved and a little guilty when you realize Tenya had been the one crying.
“Hey, big guy,” you place the dish in front of him, “hope you like this. If you want, I can disappear again, the choice is yours.”
“I’m fine,” he wipes his eyes on his sleeve, leaving a smear of dirt across his nose before he puts his glasses back on. “You can- You can stay. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“It’s fine. Tensei was your brother first. And I’m warning you, if you let me stay, I’m going to ask you all sorts of questions.”
“What kind of questions?”
“Well, for starters, I definitely need to know your favorite flavor. Because your big brother here is obsessed with everything Mint flavored and I need to know if it runs in the family.”
“I do like Mint,” Tenya offers, cutting off a first slice of Pizza. 
You know very well that this is just a means of distraction, that talking about what’s bothering him would be a lot better, but still… you need to start somewhere, right?
Tensei’s hand squeezes yours under the table as Tenya rambles on about different flavors he cannot choose between.
“He asked if he could sleep over,” Tensei explains as soon as Tenya disappears into the bathroom. He sighs. “When I-” He stops, gestures to himself, the wheelchair. “When this happened, it hit him hard. I was in a coma for quite some time and he’s never been without me, really. We were always very close. I know that everything changed, but there’s something to him now… something that wasn’t there before. It’s like something turned dark inside him.”
“That does happen sometimes,” you agree. “When you realize too early on that life’s not fair. That people are more vulnerable than you thought they were.”
Tensei takes a shuddering breath and your hands rush to hold him, console him in any way you can.
“Do you want to share the bed with him?” You ask, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. You’re not usually this touchy with guys you’re interested in, but you usually don’t feel this safe around guys you’re interested in. You’re starting to act all weird and mushy around him and it’s a little unsettling sometimes.
Tensei laughs. “I don’t think we’d fit. But we could keep the door open.”
“I think it would be good for him if you could admit that you’re still having nightmares.” The words slip out before you’ve really thought about them, but you don’t want to take them back. “Not that you have to do it right away,” you ease the sting of them, “but it can help, sometimes, to know that the strongest people are also afraid of something.”
“Maybe,” he offers, and you leave it at that.
Toshi nudges your feet, walking by. You roll out from under the car to check what’s going on, surprised to see Tensei in all his glory.
He sits tall in his wheelchair and the shirt he’s wearing is one of your favorites, bringing out the blue in his eyes. 
“Hey,” you greet him, a little self-conscious about your dirty overalls. “What brings you here?”
“I had an appointment not far from here and thought I could check in on you. When’s your lunch break?”
You squint up at the clock in the corner. “Half an hour.”
“I can wait, if that’s okay with you. Is that alright? I can leave too, if you don’t want company.”
You don’t want company, but you want his company. 
“Stay, please,” you say, swallowing the weird feelings that are swirling in your chest. “You can share a cup of coffee with Rumi in the office, if you want. You know how to get there?”
He nods, smiling as he turns his wheelchair and rolls out of the garage.
You can feel all eyes on you, but you’ve never felt less like discussing your personal life with anyone, so you roll back under the car. There, at least, you can ponder why him showing up has made you this nervous.
Tensei knows you’re a mechanic. And he’s obviously not bothered by the fact that this isn’t some fancy-schmancy auto repairs shop. So if he doesn’t think bad of you, why do you do it?
Tensei’s laughing with Rumi and your Dad, of all people, when you walk into the office. You tried your best at cleaning up, but you still feel dirty in comparison to Tensei’s perfectly ironed clothes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, leaning into your father’s hug. His overalls look worse than yours. 
“Rumi called and asked me to come check out one car. She suspects some foul-play.”
“Ah.” You shoot her a glare, but she smirks, playing innocent.
“And how lucky I came in right away,” Dad adds, “so I could get to know this guy. Did you know that your mother got saved by his father once? I remember it clearly, it was this awful purse-snatcher guy and Ingenium saved the day. He really was a fine lad, you got to tell him I said hi,” your father slaps a heavy hand onto Tensei’s shoulder. You flinch at the ink-stains he leaves in the fabric.
“I will. Father remembers all of his saves, so I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear from you. But I think we should get going, if we want to make use of our time,” Tensei turns to you. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Leave where?” You furrow your brows. 
“There’s a park nearby and I thought we could get a stroll in, what do you think?”
“Eh,” you falter for a second, but Rumi’s less than subtle head movements tell you to go along. “I guess why not?”
“Do you always have to be out in nature?” You ask twenty minutes later when you’ve found a place that’s to Tensei’s liking, a tall tree creating enough shadow for the two of you to sit under.
He blinks. “I guess… I guess I like it a lot, does it bother you?”
“Not that much,” you admit, “It’s just a little surprising, I think. How was your day so far?”
Tensei’s face turns serious, your heart thundering at the sight.
“You know,” he starts, fiddling with a napkin, “I’m supposed to undergo surgery in a week or so.”
“Oh? What kind?” Surely, it’s nothing big, you tell yourself.
Tensei sighs, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly.
“It’s experimentative surgery. I have a twenty percent chance to walk again.”
“And the other eighty?”
He chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amused. “I try not to think about it.”
“And you’re supposed to do it? Or is this just an option you’re thinking about?”
His eyes flicker over your face. “It’s an option. My mother doesn’t want me to take it. Tenya’s all for it, although I haven’t really disclosed the risks to him.”
“Tenya wants you to be the person he knows you as. You’re his hero. No one wants to see their heroes fall.”
Tensei sighs, shoulders slumping. It hurts to see him that way. Before you can stop yourself, you’ve climbed onto his lap, dirt be damned.
“Hey,” you say, cradling his face in your hands. “Talk to me?”
“I just want everything to be how it used to be,” he admits. “I want Tenya to be happy again.”
Behind your ribcage, a flame of hurt starts licking at your heart. You push it aside, focus on what he’s saying.
“He’s becoming a hero, right?” You ask, “Doesn’t that mean… He’ll have to face these things eventually, will he not?”
“Yeah, but- but not like this. Not on his own. I’d be by his side, fighting alongside him.” 
Tensei’s hands dig into your hips now. Your heart stutters with his next words, sensing something beneath them that your mind isn’t ready to process yet.
“If I could turn back time, I would. Even if it meant being a coward that day. I just-” He breaks off, resting his head on your shoulder. You let him cry it out, your food long forgotten.
Tensei’s smiling again by the time he leaves, though you can still see the sadness lingering in his eyes. 
Your mind is fogged up as you work and you need twice your usual time for even the most basic tasks.
Rumi’s sending you looks, but you’re not ready to talk about it yet.
It’s on your way to the train station that someone pulls you aside.
You recognize those red wings instantly.
“Yo!” The guy smiles, but it’s not friendly, “Have you heard anything from Dabi?”
You blink, trying to move away, but his grip on your arm is firm.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, don’t play it like that.” He smirks. His eyes are a mesmerizing golden color, but they hold no warmth for you. “I know you had intel. What I don’t know is why you came back into the bar?”
“Intel?” You finally manage to rip your hand out of his grip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I told Tsukauchi about you and he knows you were there. I’m going to let him know you’re not unimportant as he thinks you are.”
You ready yourself to teleport, cursing the time it still takes - it’s not like you had much chance to practice - when he laughs. It transforms him, the cold, harsh lines bleeding from his face.
“Oh, so you really know nothing,” he says, voice easy as if he’s just talking about the weather. He waves at someone, who turns out be Rapunzel, hiding behind a nearby pillar.
“You were right, Mic, she really knows nothing.”
“Excuse me?” You ask, equally horrified and … You’re not sure how to name that other feeling, just that it leaves you feeling weak, like a terrible cold. 
“Ah, I’m glad.” Rapunzel- Present Mic, you remind yourself, grins at you, blonde mustache dancing above his lips. “Just taking care, you know. Can’t be careful enough these days.”
In less than a minute, both of them are gone and so is your train. 
All you want to do is teleport over to Tensei and let him make sense of this interaction. But using your Quirk out in the open is never advisable when you’re not a registered Hero, even in a place like this. 
So you find yourself a secluded space to wait for the next train - or teleport, depending on what’s shorter, your patience or the wait time - and sit down to think. 
Your mind’s still reeling from today’s revelation.
In about a week, Tensei will undergo experimentative surgery. He might be able to walk just fine after that, be who he used to be before it happened, whatever it is. 
You try to think of him, standing up. He’s going to be tall, for sure. Probably leaning in the doorway with that lazy smile he always wears when you get home.
But- if everything turns the way it was before, where will that leave you?
Because before, he didn’t have time for a relationship, nor did he want one. He was busy prepping his agency for when Tenya was ready to join him and there’s still a few years until that can happen. 
And even if he wanted to scale down his work hours, there’s a difference between dating an Ex-Hero and an active Hero. Not just in the risks he takes, but also in his public image.
Dating you, with your job and your origin, your ties to a part of Tokyo that’s less than stellar. You can’t help but think of yourself as a stain on his public imagine, much like the oil stains your father - and you - left on his outfit today.
Your train arrives, but you don’t get on. There’s still too much to think about.
“Where were you?” Tensei waits for you in the hallway, brows furrowed. “You didn’t pick up your phone.”
“Thinking,” you say, plant yourself in front of him without taking off your shoes. “We need to talk.”
“Do you want to sit down-��
“If you want things to be how they used to be,” you talk over him, needing to get this out, “I will no longer be here.”
Tensei stops, mouth half open.
“I’m not offering you a chance to turn back time. There might be people with a Quirk like that, but I don’t have it. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking today and I… I don’t want to hold you back. I understand why you want to get back on your feet and I’d never be in the way of that, but I don’t think we could be together if you returned to being a hero.”
“Why not?” His voice is too soft for a man this sturdy. 
You turn your eyes toward the floor.
“Because you are you and I am me and we do not fit together.”
“I think we did pretty well,” Tensei argues and you pull your shoulders up to your ears.
“Yeah, because at the moment you’re broken. I do fit well with broken things, not with those who look new and shiny.” You can’t stop your hand from reaching out, touching the oil stain that’s still on his shoulder.
“I leave stains, Tensei. And you’re a Hero in a white suit.”
“So that’s it?” He asks after a moment of silence. “You’re just going to leave?”
“Staying would just prolong the hurt, wouldn’t it?” You wring your hands. “You don’t even need me anymore. You sleep fine.”
“It’s not about sleeping,” his fingertips dig into the armrests of his wheelchair. “It’s about the time in between. I want to be awake with you.”
“I know,” you swallow the pain, “but that doesn’t make everything alright, does it? I’ll… I’ll get my things, okay? Apparently, I can go back to my place.”
Tensei watches you quietly as you grab your stuff.
A few times you can tell that he’s preparing to say something, but he doesn’t.
“Goodbye,” you tell him, heart heavy, longing for nothing more but to crawl into his arms and stay there, the whole world be damned. “I hope everything turns out alright for you.”
Rumi thinks you’re stupid.
You think you’re stupid.
You’re not sure what your Dad thinks, because you haven’t yet told him about the whole affair.
But from the looks he’s sending you over a plate of what you fondly call “Dad’s hodgepodge”, you’ll find out pretty soon.
“So,” he says, taking a sip of his drink. “That guy in the wheelchair.”
“What about him?”
“He’s your mate?”
You fight the flinch, but your face must betray you. Your father chuckles.
“You know, you come right after your mother.”
“I know.”
“Mhm, do you?” He cocks his head to the side to squint at you. “Because I don’t think you do. Did you know that your mother accidentally conjured me up one day?”
You freeze, food halfway to your mouth.
“Yeah,” he nods, a wistful smile on her face. “She was so done with dating, she sat down, thinking long and hard about what she wanted in a man, and then wished for it to appear, in one person, thank you very much. A few seconds later I sat in the middle of her room, plenty confused. Didn’t know my Quirk could be turned on me like that.”
You gape at him, mouth open. 
“That’s not what you told me! At all!”
“Well,” he takes another sip. “Didn’t want you to try and recreate it. You’ve always been a curious kid.”
“Ah,” he shakes his head at you. “Don’t talk back to me. Your mother would be disappointed.”
“Mom would be disappointed if I didn’t talk back,” you snap and he grins, bright like you know him.
You drop your head in your hands. 
“So what if he teleported me to him?” You ask, face hidden. “That doesn’t mean we will automatically work out.”
“No,” your father agrees, “but I don’t think we raised you to be a quitter. Or to be ashamed of where you came from. You used it as a motivation, became something we could be proud of. But I’ve noticed, lately, that you’ve lost your goal out of sight. Didn’t you want to get out of this part of town? Open a garage in one of the nicer districts and take me with you?”
“So you’re saying I should milk him for what he’s worth?”
Your Dad laughs.
“No. But I think you should at least try to see if you can work things out before you decide it will fail. And before you ask, Rumi didn’t tell me a thing. You’re just bad at hiding stuff.”
“Am not.”
“Am too. Eat your food.”
Tensei messages you every day. It’s not much, just a few details of what’s going on, but he’s persistent, even though you don’t respond.
Today’s text has you freezing though.
“Talked to Tenya. He’s as torn about going through with the surgery as I am, now that he knows the risks. Hope you’re doing well.”
The letters are dancing in front of your eyes. 
Tensei’s just as scared of things as you are. But while you were the one to take the first step, slip into bed with him when you could have run away, he’s the one keeping the conversation going.
You pick up your phone and start to type.
But isn’t that cowardly as well, you wonder, staring down at the words. You should tell him in person.
His apartment, however, is empty. 
At first, there’s no hint as to where he could be, until you reach the Calendar in the kitchen, tomorrow marked. Tensei, thorough in everything he does, has written the name of the Clinic next to the appointment.
Not that it’s of any use to you now, when visitation hours are most certainly over.
You pace his living room for a good minute before you realize, a little late, that you don’t have to deal with those anyway. All you have to do is focus on his face, the familiar smell of Grapefruit and Mint and-
Tensei groans, loudly. You’ve landed on top of him.
“Shit, sorry,” you climb off of him as quickly as you can, expecting the telltale smell of Hospital disinfectant and the crinkling of cheap linen.
Instead, your legs land on a mountain of plushies instead of the floor and when he turns on the light, you come face to face with a lifesized poster of a Hero named Gran Torino, the name all but plastered above his head.
“What are you doing here?” Tensei asks, voice groggy, “Am I dreaming?”
“Are you not in the hospital?” You ask back, trying to see more of this strange room. There’s sports equipment in the corner and pictures on the wall. 
Wait, is that Tensei with his front teeth missing? 
“I’m at my parent's place,” he whispers, turning the light off. “What are you doing here? Did I- Did I summon you again?”
“No, I wanted-” The darkness doesn’t make it easier to speak, instead you’re so much more aware of his body and his smell and the warmth he exudes. “I wanted to be there, with you. For the surgery or whatever you decide to do. I didn’t want to send you just a message, though, so I turned to your apartment but there was only a note on the calendar-” Tensei pulls you into his arms without a word.
“Are you going to leave again?” He asks after a while, voice muffled by how his face is pressed into your shoulder.
“Only if you send me away,” you promise, your hands finding the scars on his back, the spiderweb familiar, though not yet burned into your memory. One day they will be, you think, hoping that it’s true.
“Not sending you away,” he says, pulling you down. “And about the surgery-”
“You can do whatever you feel like doing,” you promise, “And I’ll do my best to support you.”
He laughs softly. “Even if means having breakfast with my parents tomorrow? Accompanying me to a different surgeon for a second opinion? Sitting with Tenya and my parents while I’m undergoing surgery that could kill me? Or pushing my wheelchair around until you need your own in case I decide against surgery?”
“Out of all those options, breakfast with your parents sounds the most daunting,” you confess, “but if they don’t bite my head off for sneaking into your room in the middle of the night to turn their innocent son into a Rebel, I can be swayed.”
“What about the rest?”
“You’re not the only one scared of relationships,” you admit. “But I’m not willing to let that fear stop me. You might have to remind me, though, sometimes. I don’t have the best memory.”
“Deal,” he says and you don’t need light to know he’s smiling. You can feel it, the curve of his lips, pressed against your own.
- x -
“Tensei?” Tenya calls from the front door.
“Taking a nap,” you call back, “I’m in the kitchen.”
It surprises you yet again, how Tenya’s still not done growing. He’s blinking in that tired way that tells you that school has been hell, but he still moves to hug you before he descends onto the Couch. 
Your apartment is closer to his school than his parent's house and even if it wasn’t, you’re pretty sure he’d still show up at least once a week.
In a few months, right after graduation, Tenya will start working as Ingenium, the newest member of their family to properly carry the name as a Pro Hero.
Tensei is insanely proud and so are you.
You take one look back at Tenya’s sleeping form when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating.
You have just enough time to drop the knife you’d been holding before you dematerialize, only to plop back into existence right next to your Husband.
Tensei’s smiling, eyes open.
“Hey there,” he greets you, pulling you close, smothering you in a cloud of Grapefruit and Mint. “Missed you.”
“I was just in the other room,” you pretend to be mad, but your hands are betraying your words, rubbing circles into his back. 
“Too far away,” he jokes. 
“One day you’ll get in trouble for misusing my Quirk,” you tell him, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“But not today,” Tensei quips back. He’s right.
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 16
part 1 | part 15 | ao3
cw: unsympathetic religious discussion, mentions of oral sex (istg if you’re under 18 i will send such a sternly worded letter to your legal guardian, go aWAY)
“So just, to recap…” Eddie says dully, digging a thumb into his brow bone like he’s got a headache coming on. He’s sitting on the floor with his back against a work bench — one knee drawn to his chest, the other stretched out long, nearly tripping Steve where he's pacing a hole into the concrete. He lets his head fall against the bench with a thunk, looks up at Steve and continues, “we just got abducted by two asthmatic freshmen—”
“Pretty sure Dustin's the only one with asthma.”
"Okay, and I’m pretty sure that doesn't fucking matter when we've just been kidnapped and forced to play the world’s shittiest version of Seven Minutes in Heaven!"
Eddie takes a shuddering breath, brings his voice back down an octave. "Sorry,” he says, then sighs morosely to himself. “Imprisoned by my own sheepies…”
What a goddamned drama queen.
“Sheepies?” Steve asks.
"Never mind,” Eddie huffs. “Just... I mean, Jesus Christ, is this really what's happening? This? This is really where my life's at right now?”
Steve’s been wondering that himself.
“It's an intervention!" Dustin screeches. "It's for your own good!” “I’m gonna intervene your head from your body!” “That doesn’t even make sense!” Steve gives the metal above him one final, fruitless shove, then sinks down on the steps and puts his head in his hands. Pinches the end of his nose. His voice is hoarse from yelling, his temples starting to throb. Eddie’s shaking beside him like a cat that fell in an ice bath. “Seriously,” he pleads, lowering his voice. “Let us out; this isn’t cool.” “We will, okay? We promise. Just talk to each other first. Please? Just fifteen minutes.” Aaand he's yelling again. "Fifteen— are you out of your mind??" He's about to say 'hell no,' or maybe 'go fuck yourself,' but then Dustin yelps, “U.S.S. Butterscotch!” 'U.S.S. Butterscotch.' It’s basically the Scoops Troop's 'Olly olly oxen free.' “Goddammit, dude, FINE!”
“....Yeah, that about sums it up." Steve runs a hand through his hair, sweeping his bangs back off his forehead.
Eddie gives him a worn-out stare. “Well, shit.”
“Yep.” He goes back to his pacing — back and forth, back and forth, like it's actually doing anything to calm him down. (It isn’t really. If anything it’s just making his lower back damp with sweat.)
On the floor, Eddie shivers and draws his other leg to his chest, chin resting on bony knees, arms wrapped around his legs. "Christ, it's freezing," he complains, rubbing a hand over his shins. "If we die of exposure before I get to exact my revenge on those little assholes I'm gonna be so pissed."
"Here—" Steve starts to shrug off his jacket to give it to Eddie, but then he remembers the pills he still has stashed in the left pocket and abruptly changes course. He turns to the storage shelves, scanning for anything that might be useful, and— "There we go."
He makes his way to a messy pile of old camping supplies, scoops up an armful of whatever he can find: sleeping bags, flashlights, a lantern, some old citronella candles. They won't do much for warmth, but they'll make the place a bit less Russian torture chamber, at least.
Eddie eyes him a little warily as he sets up a spot right beside him on the floor. He spreads one sleeping bag out for them to sit on like a picnic blanket; offers the other one to Eddie, who drapes it over his shoulders like a cloak, his long, dark curls spilling over the edge.
"You got a light?" he asks, arranging the candles and the lantern in a half-circle around them.
"Sure do,” Eddie says. His face lights up when he slips a hand inside his pocket. "Oh, hell yeah, baby! Look what else I got."
He pulls out a silver flask, flashing it at Steve, and Steve ignores the way the words 'hell yeah, baby' bounce around his skull like an echo through an empty cavern.
"A little insurance policy in case the dinner party was a bore." Eddie unscrews the lid; takes a wincing swig. "Would have taken boring over this, though. Think I might’ve gotten a little more excitement than I bargained for." "Yeah,” Steve laughs under his breath. "You think?"
Eddie passes him the flask, sets to lighting all the wicks while Steve takes a shot. The whiskey is cheap, and it stings on the way down, but it's nice. Warm. Liquid amber in his chest, glowing like the candlelight Eddie sparks to life.
Eddie settles down beside him. With the workbench at their backs and the warm tint to the room, it's almost cozy. Reminds him of backyard sleepovers with Tommy; a little fortress built for two.
“Do you think they’re still listening?” Eddie's eyes flit to the stairs.
“Probably." Steve takes another swig, gesturing to the shadows beyond their makeshift camp. "He probably got Suzie to help him bug this whole place."
"Ah, yes. The crazy hot, crazy smart summer camp girlfriend who totally exists."
"She does, actually,” Steve laughs, “if you can believe it."
"No shit?"
"I know, right? I mean, like..." He scratches the side of his nose. "She's Mormon and lives all the way out in Utah, so it's not exactly like... but, whatever. He's super into her, so—"
"Hold up. Dustin's dating a Mormon?" Eddie says it like he’s spitting sunflower hulls. "That's almost worse than her being fake."
“What, you got some kinda history with Mormons?”
“Oh, yeah," Eddie snorts derisively. "The Mormons and I go waaay back."
"Wait, for real?" Was Eddie in a cult? Because that would actually explain so much.
"Dude. No. Hell no. Those fuckers love to solicit the downtrodden, though. They show up at the park all the time.”
“Great,” Steve deadpans. Another wonderful amenity of the Forest Hills experience.
“Don’t worry. Wayne usually just crosses himself at them until they go away.” He makes the sign of the cross, his rings glinting in the light. “Catholic middle-aged men and LDS teens, now there’s some quality petty drama.”
“So you’re Catholic, then?” Steve asks.
“Jesus, Harrington. We’re supposed to be kissing and making up and you want to start a religious debate?”
No, he absolutely does not. He wants to make fun of Eddie, because, "That’s the second time you’ve mentioned kissing." Eddie’s cheeks go horribly pink; peach tint in the deep orange glow. “First you wanna suck my blood at dinner, now you’re talking about making out. What next?” Steve teases. “You gonna offer to suck my dick?”
He means it as a joke — a slightly rude one, sure; insinuating, but still. He expects Eddie to get it, to roll his eyes and play along. Ha ha, Harrington.
When he used to say shit like this to Tommy, Tommy would always just laugh and shove him off, tell him to go suck it yourself.
Only Eddie doesn’t laugh.
Eddie goes quiet. Runs his tongue over his teeth. He fixes Steve with one of those looks; the kind that make him feel like a burglar caught in a flood light’s beam. “Why?" he teases back. "Did you want me to or something?”
part 17
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lovelybucky1 · 1 year
Better Than Revenge
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Kinktober Day 7- Fear Play
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT- noncon, kidnapping, violence, drugging, mentions of sexual assault, revenge porn, non-consensual picture taking, stalking, forced breeding, blackmail, AFAB!reader, bondage, humiliation, pain play, degradation, vaginal fingering, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, 18+ minors DNI
kinktober masterlist
main masterlist
You enjoyed your time at college. You made many new friends, partied, joined clubs, and learned a little along the way. It was fun for a freshly eighteen-year-old, but by the time the end of your senior year came, you were ready to move on to adult life. Since then, you don’t think about college much in your daily life. Your college friends are now just your friends, and your better days are still to come, not behind you.
That’s not to say you never think fondly back on a memory or two here and there, but you’re so busy with your job at the DA’s office that you don’t have time to be hung up on the past. Others, you’ve found, do still live in the past.
Dr. Jonathan Crane, the chief psychiatrist at Arkham took notice of you when you first started working for the DA. Crane was not well-liked by your boss, seeing as he always managed a way to get the criminals you were trying to put behind bars an insanity plea. While he was a frustrating legal enemy, you never had anything to do with the man outside of the courtroom, or so you thought.
After a long day of court and debating with Crane, you were walking home from the office late when a metal pipe cracked over your head and you fell to the wet pavement, out cold. When you woke, you found yourself in a damp, cold warehouse with Dr. Crane looking on from a chair, dressed in a lab coat. Fear spikes in your stomach when you see the man in front of you. Being in your position, there’s only one explanation for why he would be here as well, though you can’t imagine why.
You are bound and gagged; your arms are wrenched in an uncomfortable position above your head and your wrists are tied to a chain from the ceiling. Your mouth is covered with duct tape, effectively suppressing any screams. Your toes just barely touch the floor, which puts a horrible strain on your arms, but there is no use fighting against the bonds.
When Crane notices you regain consciousness, he stands from his chair and approaches you. He gets close to your face and looks into your slightly hazy and unfocused eyes, his own piercing ones making you tremble under his gaze.
“Don’t struggle, you’ll hurt yourself,” he says, voice eerily soothing for a kidnapper. “You know, it’s dangerous for a girl like you to walk alone at night. This city’s a dangerous place, you never know what kind of creeps could be lurking in the shadows.”
He grins a sick, vile grin that makes your skin crawl. Crane reaches out and tips your chin up with his cold pointer finger. He moves your face from side to side, examining you, checking for any damage he might have done. His thumb traces the duct tape over your mouth, finding the seam of your lips and touching you like a doll.
“I’m surprised you’ve kept your looks with how you used to party,” he says casually. You furrow your brows in confusion but you’re unable to question him. “Though I’m sure your liver isn’t what it used to be.”
Before you can ponder his words, Crane walks behind you and you can hear the sound of metal tools clattering together. When he reappears, he is holding a pair of sheers and wears a sadistic smirk. He roughly grabs the hem of your blouse and cuts it up the middle, exposing your bra. He then cuts the fabric of the sleeves so the garment falls to the floor, leaving you topless.
You want to fight back to get this sick creep off of you, but you figure it’s best not to provoke the man with scissors against your skin. Instead, you’re subjected to his eyes ogling you.
“What a thing to wear to work,” he says, amused. “I’m sure this can’t be comfortable. Were you wearing it for an occasion?” he asks, fingers tracing the delicate lace of the band. “Surely not a date. I know you don’t have a boyfriend, and I don’t think you’re the type of girl to put out on the first date.”
You wonder how he could know you don’t have a boyfriend when the realization hits you. He knew what path you took on your way home, he knew what time you’d be leaving the office, and he knew details of your private life that you haven’t shared with anyone but your friends. He’s been stalking you.
“Maybe you had other plans for lunch with your boss this afternoon. Dent is quite the looker, and I’ve seen the way he looks at you. What his poor wife doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right?” he asks with a smirk. “You really haven't changed.” You’re not sure what he means by that, but you’re not sure what any of this means.
Crane then moves the sheers to the hem of your skirt and makes a small cut. Instead of cutting all the way up like he did with your blouse, he drops the scissors, grasps the skirt, and starts to slowly tear it. The sound of the fabric ripping is deafening in the near-silent warehouse, and fear threatens to rise in your throat as he creeps up your thigh. His eyes watch the exposed skin intently as he undresses you, clearly gaining some kind of pleasure from this. When he reaches the top, he lets the skirt fall at your feet and now has an unobstructed view of your matching underwear set.
“Oh,” he chuckles, “what a surprise. I guess you did have big plans.”
He slips his finger underneath the elastic band of your panties and snaps them back against your hip, making you jump. Your skin breaks out in goosebumps from the cold air and you squirm as you try in vain to hide yourself.
“You don’t mind if I look under these, do you?” he asks, tugging on your panties again.
Up to this point, you haven’t protested, figuring it was better to cooperate, but you can’t let him violate you like this. You let out a muffled “no” and violently shake your head as you try to move away from his touch. Crane only laughs and moves closer to you. You kick him in the knee and he curses, but it doesn’t do much to deter him.
“You can’t fight me off. All you’re doing is making this worse for yourself,” he hisses. You try to scream, but with the duct tape sealing your lips, it’s no use. “Do you have something to say?”
You plead with your eyes and he reaches up to grasp the edge of the duct tape, but he takes it as an opportunity to be more cruel. He rips the tape from your lips, surely taking skin with it.
“Help!” you scream, “Somebody help me!”
Instead of ordering you to be quiet or suppressing your screams, Crane just laughs.
“Scream all you want, no one’s going to hear you. Not like anyone would care if the world was down one useless bimbo anyway.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you doing this to me?” you shout, your throat feeling raw from the strain.
Anger flashes in Crane’s eyes and his jaw clenches. You continue to thrash and scream, and despite what he said about no one caring, he tightly grabs your waist and steps on your foot to keep you from moving. His face is now only inches from yours and you get the idea to spit into his face. It won’t do much, but it’s the only thing you can do to deter him.
Crane hisses and lets go of your waist to wipe the spit out of his eyes, and when he looks back at you, his eyes are glassy and his dark eyelashes are clumped together.
“You fucking bitch,” he bites. “You’re lucky I haven’t hurt you yet.”
The vague threat does frighten you, but you have many questions that you demand answers to.
“Why the fuck are you doing this to me, Crane?” you ask again.
He laughs bitterly. “Of course you don’t know. You probably have no clue what you’ve done to me. The hell you put me through.”
He leans his weight on the foot crushing yours and when you wince, he grabs your jaw tightly, squishing your cheeks together and forcing your mouth open.
“I don’t know,” you say as best you can.
“You don’t remember college?” he asks. “Your sorority sisters and their fucking jock boyfriends tormenting me. How for years you made my life a living hell just for existing outside of your perfect little bubble.”
His face is twisted into a snarl now as he recounts the memories that drove him to his actions tonight. “I thought the bullying would be over when I got to college but it was so much worse. My door would get vandalized every fucking day with insults and crude images. You and your group of whores spread all kinds of rumors that I was crazy. You said I was a psychopath, a pervert, a sadistic killer who got off on seeing women in fear. Everyone believed it. Everyone.”
As he explained his story, your memory was jogged. You remember a short, skinny guy from college who wore thick-framed glasses and carried a satchel to class. He was awkward, made uncomfortable eye contact, and often made himself the target of ridicule. He had a vast knowledge of science and medicine and was very interested in the mind’s reaction to fear. You never knew his name, only ever referring to him as “Peeping Tom”, which was kind in comparison to some of your friends’ nicknames for him.
“I was an outcast for four fucking years. I couldn’t transfer, I couldn’t afford any other school. Not like you could ever understand that. I accepted that I was a social pariah, but then you went and ruined my fucking life even more,” he hisses.
You didn’t notice the knife in his hand until the point was against your chest, too lost in his rage-filled eyes. You now remember more of what he’s saying and you want to apologize and assure him that you’ve changed, but he seems past the point of reason.
“October 2nd, 1997. I was in my room studying for an exam when you showed up at my door. You were clearly drunk and you came onto me. You promised me all kinds of things and pushed me onto my bed and sat on my lap. You kissed me and took off my shirt, then put your hand down my pants and took my dick out. That’s when your hoard of sluts and every guy you’ve ever fucked barged into my room and took pictures. They spread them to everyone, and it was all because of you.” he hissed. “I was labeled the creep, the predator, the pathetic virgin who thought he could make it with a sorority girl and it was all your fault.”
The man in front of you was shaking with anger, his voice trembling slightly as he recounted the memory. The blade trembled in his hand and dug slightly into your skin, but the pain from the knife was overpowered by the icy feeling of fear.
“Jonathan,” you say meekly, “That was almost a decade ago. I-I’m so sorry I did that to you, I don’t even remember it. I promise I’ve changed.”
“You don’t remember it, that’s exactly why I have to do this. You’re never going to forget again.”
You whimper in fear as he brings the knife up to your neck. The blade bites at your skin, catching when you take a breath.
“Please don’t kill me,” you whisper with your eyes squeezed shut.
“Oh, I’m not going to kill you. That’d be such a waste of a warm hole.”
His words are disgusting and degrading. They make you want to shiver out of your own skin and run as far away from him as possible. Luckily, he removes the knife from your neck and takes a small step back.
Crane reaches into his pants pocket and takes out a small digital camera. Your eyes widen when you see it, immediately catching on to what he plans to do to you. He powers the camera on and points it at you, smiling when he sees your pixilated form on the display. He clicks the shutter and a light flashes.
He lowers the camera from his face to reveal a wicked smirk. "It doesn't feel too good, does it?" he asks. "Well it's about to get a lot worse for you."
He kicks your bare ankle with his foot, making you wince as your legs spread. He laughs cruelly and does the same to the other foot. Your legs are open uncomfortably, giving him easy access to what you're desperate to hide from him.
His fingers, long and cold, push through your folds and into your cunt without warning or preparation. He fingers you despite being dry to start, but you slowly get wetter in response to the intrusion.
"Still such a slut even after all this time," he says. "I'm not surprised you're so loose."
He fingers you roughly, seemingly unsure of how to do it, or maybe he just cares that little for your comfort. His nails catch on the ridges inside of you and the poking of his fingers scissoring make you wince. Thankfully he got his fill of that quickly, and pulled out his wet fingers.
He brings them to his nose to sniff, then wipes your wetness off on his pants. "Smells like whore," he says.
Without any further words, Crane reaches down and grabs you by your ankle and pulls it off the floor. You yelp as you lose your balance and your bonds tug on your shoulders. Crane then hooks your foot on a strap that also comes from the ceiling. He then does the same to your other leg.
Now you're suspended in the air, cunt on display for him and helpless. Crane takes out the camera again and takes more pictures of you spread out.
"I have waited so long for this."
Crane wears a sick, wicked grin that does not falter as stands between your spread legs. His hands work his fly open and quickly he frees his cock. It's already hard and the flushed tip is leaking, just from the torture he's inflicting onto you.
"I knew after that night that you would be my first," he says as he rubs his head through your folds. "Weather you wanted to be or not."
Your breath catches in your throat when he pushes into you bare. He goes slow, likely for his own sake so he doesn’t cum too soon, but whatever mercy he shows you doesn’t provide any comfort.
Once he’s fully seated inside of you, he begins to rut. Erratic, inexperienced thrusts to chase his own pleasure inside of being conscientious of yours. His eyes are half lidded and laser-focused on your breasts.
“Fuck,” he hisses.
With each thrust, the makeshift sex swing he has you in rocks, making the chains that hold you creak. You worry that you’re going to fall, but you suppose that would be better than a knife in your gut.
Crane’s cock bumps against your cervix which makes you whimper from the discomfort, but he thinks it’s out of pleasure.
“You like that? You like taking my cock like a fucking fleshlight? Didn’t think you’d be so easy, but I guess all it took back then was a spot on the football team to get into your pants.”
Crane is indeed using you like a fleshlight. He alternates between thrusting into you and holding onto the chains to move you over his cock. It’s humiliating, painful, awful, but he’s no longer threatening you with a knife.
He pulls out the camera again and points the lens at your pussy where it’s stretched around him. Then he backs up the camera a bit to capture your full form, contorted by the chains.
“W-what are you gonna do with those?” you ask with your broken voice.
“Exactly what you did to me,” he growls.
“No! No, please, you can’t do that.”
He grabs the chains and slams you down onto him, sending him impossibly deeper.
“You ruined my life. Now it’s your turn.”
“My career will be over! Please, I’ll do anything, just don’t send those to anyone!”
You’re begging shamelessly, sobbing and snotty, but none of this seems to turn him off. In fact, he seems to enjoy it more.
“I’m sure Dent would be interested to see what you get up to after hours. Of course, your reputation would be ruined once the rest of the city sees your messy cunt.”
All you can do is cry and shake your head.
“I know you’re good friends with Bruce Wayne. Maybe I’ll tell everyone that he did this to you and ruin you both. Wouldn’t that be sweet,” he says.
His voice is raspy and low; he’s clearly very affected by the pleasure of using you and you doubt he can hold on for much longer.
“I-I’ll do anything, Dr. Crane. Please,” you say between sobs.
“Hmm,” he hums.
Crane grabs your breast roughly and squeezes, digging his nails into your soft skin. You hiss and your face screws up with pain. He then slaps it repeatedly until you show signs of more discomfort.
“Please,” you beg again.
“It might be nice to have a friend at the DA’s office,” he says with a smirk. “Especially one that would bid in my favor, lest some dirty pictures get out.”
Blackmail? Jesus, he’s fucking sick. Though you suppose the threat of releasing them is better than him actually doing it.
“Yes, yes, I’ll do it. I’ll help you out, just please don’t send them,” you say frantically.
He fucks you even more erratically now, like he can’t decide if he should edge or finish himself off.
“Are you scared?” he asks, voice frighteningly low. You nod in response. “You’re scared of me, the loser you tormented in college? Don’t you regret that?”
He’s speaking so quiet and slowly like he’s trying to hypnotize you. You nod along with what he’s saying, figuring it’s better just to agree.
“You’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Every time you look at our bastard child, you’ll see my face and regret what you did to me.”
That catches your attention. Our child?
“You thought I kidnapped you just to cum in my hand? I’m gonna fill you up until you’re leaking with my fucking cum. Oh, and you know that little pill you take every day? I switched that out weeks ago. This little womb is as fertile as ever, and you’re going to give me a baby.”
Your stomach flips and you immediately feel nauseous. He tampered with your birth control? That means he was in your house. He could have put cameras up, bugged the place. You have no idea what he’s truly capable of.
Tears being to stream down your cheeks again. You feel so violated, so helpless. He doesn’t wipe away your tears or even tell you to stop crying. He just watches as he fucks you.
“I’m gonna cum,” he growls. “And you’re gonna take it all.”
He leans forward to press his forehead to yours, forcing you to look deep into his eyes as he fills you with his cum. The wet, hot feeling of it flooding your insides makes you feel sick, and he continues to fuck himself through his orgasm which makes the cum froth and leak down your holes.
He stays seated inside you, keeping you plugged so the sperm has time to take. Crane is breathing heavily but he doesn’t once look away from you.
"Good girl," he mutters. "Good pussy."
You sag in relief when he finally pulls out. Your cunt aches from his rough treatment, and not in the fun way. Your arms and legs hurt from the bonds, but that appears to be a pain you won't soon be free from.
Crane walks back over to the chair he was sitting in when you first woke up and takes a seat. "I'll keep you here for a couple days so you can't go off and take one of those pesky morning after pills," he says casually.
"Y-you can't. They'll notice when I don't show up for work," you try to reason with him.
"Oh, don't worry about that. I called on your behalf and told them you had a family emergency. Something about grandma and her heart," he says. "I've taken care of everything."
You don't doubt that he has, and that scares you. He rests his ankle on the opposite knee and looks at the pictures he took on the camera.
"Now all you have to do is stay out of my way in court, and no one will ever see these," he grins, letting the camera dangle from his wrist by the strap.
You nod in understanding. "Good girl."
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abbyromanoff · 11 months
Can I please request intersex Maria Hill x shield agent!reader. Reader is like EXTREMELY pretty like goddess level pretty and practically everybody’s in love with/attracted to her. And she met Maria at one of Tony’s parties? Thanks in advance
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PAIRINGS: kidnapper!Maria Hill x Barton!reader
WARNINGS: dark fic, Maria has a dick, kidnapping, R sleeping with Wanda and Nat, flirting, jealousy, pretty rushed ending tbh, smut, thigh fucking, belly bulges, daddy (M), breeding kink, virginity loss, parties, kinda fem!R but no pronouns are used, drugging, needles, age gap (legal), restraints, gags, cumming on R, petnames, Maria honestly can’t last long at all, think that’s all :)
Your foot tapped gently with the beat of the music, your drink in hand as you took occasional sips. You hummed at the taste, oblivious to the watching eyes surrounding you, Maria being one of them.
All throughout the night you’ve had people coming up to you, trying to find any excuse to talk to you or look at you up close. To them, it was like a fallen angel had walked through the doors and greeted them with your presence, you were that angel. Maria couldn’t help but agree with them, but it didn’t mean she liked it. She thought, no, she knew you belonged to her, she just wished you knew it too.
“Everyone, I’d like to introduce you to my oldest, Y/N,” Clint spoke with a grin, allowing the spotlight to land on you as you shyly waved. Maria’s breath was practically shot out of her, her heart thumping quicker than ever.
“It’s lovely to meet you, dear.” Wanda shook your hand and gave you a small grin as she looked you up and down. Nat did the same as Wanda, pressing a kiss to the back of your palm before smirking. She sent the witch a knowing look and returned to her seat, patting the spot between the two, signaling for you to sit.
“And how come I’ve never met this one, huh, Clint?” He rolled his eyes at her antics, well aware of the thoughts hidden beneath layers of their head.
“They just moved back home after college, they’re a psych major.” They all nodded as your father boasted about you, Maria remained silent. She was eyeing you, but you didn’t look much into it. You feared she was doing so because she didn’t like you or was trying to profile you, but that was proven to be wrong the moment her voice came to surface.
“I’m Maria,” The sweetness shocked you, but you appreciated her willingness to let another into the bubble the team seemed to form.
“Hey, Maria, it’s nice to meet you.” You calmly retorted, giggling as you felt Nat’s fingers brushing over your soft skin. Your inner thigh was just barely showing under your dress, and they both used that to their advantage, most had throughout the night.
“You ticklish, dove?” You bit your lip to stop yourself, and Maria internally groaned at the sight. She wanted to tear that lip from beneath your teeth and bite it as she let her tongue explore your mouth.
“Just a little bit.” She chuckled, images flashing through her mind of you beneath her, biting that lip as you came around her fingers.
“Would you like a drink, Y/N?” The agent's voice boomed, bringing you out of your trance as you forced yourself to look around, noticing your father was no longer nearby. You didn’t expect him to watch you the whole night, but you didn’t expect him to leave and strike up conversations with others so quickly.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” You mumbled, your nerves rising under her gaze. She gave a short nod before walking towards the bar, her eyes occasionally glancing your way.
“So, what do you say about coming with us? If you’d like to dance, we’d love to join you.” Wanda suggested, brushing her shoulder against yours with a knowing grin. Her hot breath fanned against you, leaving goosebumps to trail your skin.
“Oh, a-alright.” You didn’t expect so much attention, but you were happy they seemed to enjoy you.
“Good choice, dove. It’s alright if I call you that, right?” The blush on your face was all the answer she needed, but she still awaited your worded response.
“Yeah, I think it’s kind of cute, actually.” The two led you to the floor, Nat placing her hand on your bottom while Wanda’s grazed up against your lower back. She stood behind you, letting her body grind against yours while Nat stayed in your view. She smirked as your lips parted when feeling Wanda’s breasts pressing into you.
“Can we kiss you, dove?” You didn’t get to speak as Nat instantly pressed her lip into yours, Wanda’s landing on the soul of your neck as a moan threatened to leave you. Your hips involuntarily went with the witch's movements, resulting in a deep groan from the redhead.
“Fuck, such a good girl.” You gave in to their shared compliments, basking in the warmth they offered you. You forgot about the offered drink from earlier, causing Maria to scowl with displeasure when seeing where you stood. She didn’t understand why she felt so predatory over you, she just met you, after all, but there was something about you she had never seen before. Not only did your beauty outshine the room, but your heart was filled with a pureness she’d never expect someone your age to have. You were a college graduate, most students would be fucking their brains up with alcohol and drugs while they slept with anyone who offered themselves, but you were different.
“Why don’t we ditch this party, yeah? I can think of a few things we could do instead.” You gulped, suddenly aware of the proximity you lacked between the two.
“Oh, I- I don’t know.”
“C’mon, dove, it’s not like we’d ever hurt you. If you want to stay here like this then that’s more than fine, but we’d love to make you feel as good as you deserve.” Wanda snaked her hand over your front, placing it undeniably close to your breasts. You gasped, licking over your lips before sharing glances between the two.
“I’ve never, you know.” Her eyes widened slightly, but it was enough to cause your brain to spiral. You hoped she didn’t think wrongly of you now, especially not when you got so far with the two. You weren’t a kid anymore, you hoped she didn’t see you as such now.
“Mm, that’s alright, we’re not here to judge you, dove.” It was made clear they still wanted to continue, and you took that as the okay to move forward.
“Please take me upstairs, I want you both so bad.”
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You woke up with a small headache as the sun blared through the windows, reminding you where you were. The two women were still sleeping next to you, their peaceful snores making you grin. You didn’t know what to do going forward, you just lost your virginity to two strangers at a party. Sure, they knew your father, but that only made it worse.
“Fuck,” You groaned out, trying your best not to wake both Wanda and Nat as you scooted out of the comfortable bed. You wished you could go back to bed, but you weren’t sure if they even wanted to see you in the morning. You gathered your small pile of clothes on the floor and loosely tossed them on before exiting quietly.
“Good morning, Y/N.” You jumped, turning to the voice and spotting a tired Maria with a cup of coffee in her hand.
“Jesus, you scared the fuck out of me!” You chuckled. “What, uhm, what are you doing up so early?” You leaned against the wall, brushing the strands of hair out of your face and remaining in a neutral stance.
“I could ask you the same, couldn’t I?” Her calmness sent shivers down your spine, but you didn’t know why.
“I think we both know the answer to that,” You noticed her jaw clench and her nostrils flare slightly, making you fear that you spoke wrong.
“Would you like some coffee? I think you’ll be needing the energy after last night.” Your cheeks brightened, a snort coming from your end as you followed her into the kitchen. The place was so large, you didn’t know how anyone got around.
“I suggest you change your clothes.”
“Oh, I didn’t bring a spare, I kind of expected to be going home after last night.” You wondered if your dad went back home without you or stayed, but you were kind of hoping he headed back so you wouldn’t be stuck with his questions on the ride home.
“You can pick some from my room, I don’t mind.” You felt bad for accepting the offer, until you realized it was that or walking around in high heels and a dress the rest of the day. You found her room with the help of a small direction from her and Jarvis, rummaging through her dresser the moment you found it. You took a minute to glance around her room, the soft yet blank aroma causing your curiosity to grow. You had the clothes in hand, but you wanted to see more. Maria gave off such a tough, cold exterior, you wanted to know what was behind that.
Her bedsheets were perfectly set, not a wrinkle in sight. Her pillows were perfectly aligned and her bedside tables were close to empty, only sporting a lamp on one and a book on the other. There wasn’t even an alarm clock, how did she wake up so early? Maybe it was nightmares, but there was no way she could remain so relaxed and calm if she experienced such on a daily.
You felt the urge to go to the bathroom settling in and assumed she wouldn’t mind you using hers, seeing as she was allowing you to borrow her clothes. What you didn’t expect to see was a knife in the sink, hints of red still covering it. You gasped, only to feel a body behind yours and a hand coming to your mouth.
“You shouldn’t have gone in here, pretty girl.” You tried screaming beneath the coverage but only managed to release a weak whimper as your eyes started growing heavier. You looked down, noticing a needle drawing out of your waist before you fell limp in her hold, unable to fight her off like your thoughts screamed at you to do.
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“Perfect, you’re awake.” Came the same voice from earlier, leading you to look around and take in the surroundings. You laid on a bed, it wasn’t as comfy as Nat and Wanda’s but it wasn’t as bad as the one you spent your college years on. Your mouth was still covered by a gag, your legs and hands tied as you tried to wiggle away from her. She stood in your sight now, her shirt gone as her abs shined under the dim lighting. Her left side was patched up, and you were able to get a closer look as she climbed on top of you. Her hands came to your chin, bringing your eyes in line with hers while she smirked.
“I’m going to remove this now, but if you scream, cry, yell, anything, I won’t hesitate to cut your fucking tongue out, got it?” She all but growled, causing tears to rim your eyelids. You nodded nonetheless, taking multiple deep breaths when she did as promised.
“How’d you get that?” You asked after moments of silence, your voice so silent it was practically a whisper.
“Don’t worry about it, alright? All I want you to do is sit there and look perfect for me, you don’t need to think.” You complied, your eyes fluttering as her camera’s flash shocked you. She let the polaroids dry before taking a few more, smiling as she admired each one. She licked her lips, cupping her semi-hard cock with a groan.
“Fuck, you have no idea how badly I need you.” She unbuttoned her pants slowly while stalking towards you, lowering her undergarments before stroking her length, chuckling darkly as you shuttered, your thighs instinctively clenching.
“Don’t move a single fucking muscle, I want to see how wet and needy you get for me.” You bit your lip, a desperate attempt to calm your nerves that rose.
“Are- are you going to put that in me?” You eyed her crotch, taking in every vein that pulsed.
“Mhm, and you’re going to take every last inch, Princess.” Your legs were lifted into the air, the rope forcing them to stay bound together as she put them over her shoulder. A slap came to your ass, causing your body to jolt as you cried out.
“God, I love it when you cry.” A moan found its way past her lips when her length came in contact with your plush thighs, her tip sneaking past the skin as you spotted the pre-cum drooling onto your waist.
“Fuck, please, Daddy!” You regretted the words the moment they left your lips, but your desire seemed to overpower you. She stilled, and you could hear every breath she panted.
“My beautiful baby, my angel…no one else gets to see you like this, yeah? Only me? Mhm, good. Let’s see what other pretty sounds you can make, Princess.” She looked back on the night before, the sight of Nat kissing your sweet lips while Wanda marked your neck only fueling her anger. Seeing them lead you to their room made her want to do things she could never repeat, but now that she had you in her hold, you were safe from everything and everyone else, she convinced herself. It wasn’t your fault you were so lustful, anyone who saw you instantly fell to their knees, begging to even hear your voice. But no one got to see you the way she did, and she’d make sure the two Avengers never got to see you again.
“I’m so close, can’t wait to paint your body with my fucking cum.” Spurts of hot liquid shot onto you, Maria’s head being thrown back while you took in the sight. She had never cum so quickly, whatever you were doing to her was something she couldn’t control, and she wasn’t displeased.
You felt the restraints around your legs loosen before they fell onto the bed, Maria instantly grasping onto them and putting one on either side of her body. She rubbed her cock against your folds, lips parting as your hips thrusted with each movement. Your clit throbbed in delight before she allowed her length to tease the bud, relishing in your sounds of pleasure that were meant only for her.
“Eyes on me,” She demanded when seeing your eyes fall shut, a gulp of fear traveling through your throat. “No, I don’t care if you’re scared, you’ll keep those eyes on me, got that? I want to see the very second I break you, my sweet doll.” She stroked your cheek, her gaze stuck on your cunt that slowly accepted her tip.
“Ah- it’s so much, Daddy! I- I don’t think I can take all- all of it.” You sniffled, hands struggling against the restraints as you tried to play with your pleading nipples that hardened in the cold.
“I want to see how much you can take, impress me, Princess.” You mewled out pleas. “I don’t care if it hurts, you’re here to please me, I could care less if you get off or not.” She pressed her palm against the bulge on your stomach, your sounds bringing shots of heat to her body. She could feel her coil's tightness returning, bringing a small gasp from her end.
“Oh- fuck! I- I’m close again, baby, I’m gonna cum inside you so fucking much!” Her thrusts became animalistic, her grunts causing your brain to fog. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your mind going hazy as drool threatened to dribble onto your chin. She was now completely inside of you, causing clapping sounds to elicit throughout the room with each moving of her hips.
“You wanna carry Daddy’s babies, sweetheart? Yeah, you want me to knock you up?” You nodded, unable to comprehend the words she spoke.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck- I’m cumming! Mhm, take all of it! Going to get this greedy little cunt filled to the brim with my fucking cum.” Her lips found your neck in a hurry, desperate to replace your previous marks with ones of her own. You felt spurts of her seed shooting into you, her thrusts becoming slower and sloppier the longer she stalled inside of you. Your warm walls were clenching onto her, gripping for dear life in ways no one has. No one has brought as deep of pleasure as you have, proving her point as to you being the best target she could equip.
“I’m never letting you go, baby, you’re mine now.” But the truth was, you didn’t mind.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
Ko-fi thank-you WIP excerpt behind the cut, as promised, friends; 7k of kidnapping your soulmate for fun and profit. (and non-chrono link for anyone on the app.)
Tana Moon follows Leech over to the group, looking a little wary herself. Tim sizes her up in his peripheral vision, pretending not to notice her approach. He’s “just” found out who his soulmate is, so he can sell the illusion of only paying attention to Superboy right now. It’s not an unusual reaction. 
It’s a pretty typical one, actually. The fact that Superboy decided to immediately show him off to everyone he knows is actually the less usual option, in fact. Not unheard of either, of course, but still. A lot of newly-discovered soulmates tend to just forget about the outside world for a few hours. Or days, even. A few missing person cases that Tim’s been involved in solving turned out to be cases of “I met my soulmate and we just eloped/ran away/went on a road trip/holed up in a hotel room without telling anyone”. 
Tim had thought it was ridiculous at the time, if obviously preferable to ending up with either a dead body or a traumatized victim, but Tim is currently in the process of planning an ethically-necessary kidnapping less than twenty-four hours after first cracking into Superboy’s file, so he supposes soulmates just bring out most people’s less pragmatic sides. 
Though he personally thinks carefully-planned ethical kidnappings are an improvement on spontaneous weekends in Vegas, pragmatically-speaking. But whatever. 
“He showed you?” Tana Moon says, glancing Tim over suspiciously. Superboy’s face reddens this time and he tugs at the slash in his own suit. 
“He, uh, saw mine first,” he says. “Kinda got into it with a dude downtown and Tim here was in the area, and like, he recognized it, obviously.”
“It’s fairly noticeable as a mark,” Tim supplies helpfully, figuring he should be being supportive of his soulmate here, and also be shutting Rex Leech up as efficiently as possible. “And Superboy came over to check on me after the fight, so it was hard to miss.” 
“Sure it was,” Leech says, his face souring. “So then you won’t mind showin’ yours to–” 
“Shut up, Dad!” Roxy hisses, kicking him viciously hard in the ankle. Leech yelps in pain. Roxy is immediately his favorite, Tim decides. By far Roxy is his favorite. The dog’s kind of cute and Dubbilex seems decent, but definitely Roxy is his favorite. 
Her dad definitely fucking sucks, though. 
And as for Tana Moon . . . 
“You’re a tourist?” Tana says, just barely frowning down at Tim. She’s taller than him. She’s also taller than Superboy, because she’s a grown-ass woman and why, exactly, is a reporter even here right now? How is that necessary or reasonable? 
. . . admittedly she’s also taller than Leech and he’s a middle-aged man, but that’s not the point here. If Tim has to “no comment” this situation and figure out how to get either his parents or Bruce to kill a story, he absolutely will. He isn’t even slightly gonna hesitate there. He is gonna the opposite of hesitate, in fact. 
“Yes,” he lies, which might not endear him to Moon, given she’s a native, but is better than confessing to having premeditated designs on kidnapping a teen idol superhero. Especially to a reporter. 
Even if it is legally salvage. 
“I’m just in town for the day,” he continues. “I needed to get away for a little while, you know how it is.” 
“Sure,” Moon says, narrowing her eyes at him. “Who doesn’t.” 
“He’s from Gotham. And he helped the civilians get out of the area while I was fighting that guy downtown!” Superboy says eagerly, which is . . . odd, actually, and throws Tim off a bit. That seems like a weird thing for Superboy to be eager about, considering. Like . . . just very weird. 
“Well, that’s a Gotham thing, probably,” Tim says, putting on a sheepish Civilian Smile (#7). “We’re used to rogue attacks with area of effect concerns involved, so we get pretty good at clearing a street.” 
“You did awesome,” Superboy says, grinning excitedly at him. That is . . . still weird, yeah. Tim really doesn’t get it. 
Well, maybe Superboy’s just relieved to have a soulmate who knows how to stay out of the line of fire and what to do in a crisis, given how often crisises probably come up in his life. That would make sense, considering. 
“It was nothing, just a little light crowd control,” Tim tries, assuming that’s what a normal civilian would say. Probably, right? Almost definitely. “Nobody even needed any urgent medical attention. And you used your TTK really strategically and contained the guy too, that was much more impressive to pull off in a mess like that.” 
Yeah, that was normal civilian talk, he thinks, pleased with himself for managing it. 
Superboy turns pink, then grins again. Dubbilex . . . tilts his head. 
Normal. Normal. Normal civilian. That’s what Tim is. A civilian! Who’s normal! Very, very normal! 
He smiles Normal Civilian Smile #4 and pats Krypto’s head again. Krypto makes an enthusiastic attempt at licking his fingers off. 
“‘Light crowd control’,” Moon echoes. That’s what Tim said, yeah, so he’s not sure why she’s repeating it. Well–reporter, again, so It’s probably a trap. 
It’s almost definitely a trap, actually. 
Really definitely it’s a trap. 
“Sorry to just show up like this, hope I’m not interrupting anything,” he says to Roxy and Dubbilex with a smile, politely pretending not to be ignoring Moon. He is definitely ignoring Moon, though. Again: reporter. She may not be a Lois Lane or even a Vicki Vale, but he’s still not giving her any information he can avoid giving her. And he’ll just ignore Leech while he’s at it, too. 
“I invited you, man!” Superboy says with a laugh, shaking his head. “We’re gonna hit the beach for a while, go hang out. Just swung by to grab Tim a swimsuit I can lend him.” 
“You came to Hawaii to ‘get away’ and didn’t pack a swimsuit?” Moon says skeptically. 
“Yup,” Tim replies with the most placidly innocent expression he’s ever worn in his life. Nothing. He is giving her nothing. Let all her reporter instincts strike against mirrored glass and high-security privacy windows and come to naught. 
Moon stares at him in silence, clearly waiting for him to fill it. Tim doesn’t fall for the incredibly obvious bait and just keeps the placidly innocent expression on. 
She frowns. 
“C’mon, man,” Superboy says cheerfully, apparently–and fortunately–oblivious to their stand-off. He grabs Tim’s arm and drags him towards the front porch. Tim seriously doubts its structural stability, from the look of it, but tactile telekinesis is hard to argue with. 
The steps manage not to collapse–possibly also because of tactile telekinesis, Tim can’t help suspecting–and Superboy pulls him straight into the house, which is . . . not particularly well taken care of, no surprise. The furniture looks like it all came from a thrift store, and not a nice thrift store. 
Admittedly Tim’s upbringing might be showing here, but also the corners need swept and there’s random boxes of assorted Superboy merch everywhere, most of which looks like cheap junk, and a huge stack of mail and four empty pizza boxes on the coffee table and overflowing trash cans with random junk scattered around, and it’s just . . . it doesn’t look taken care of, no. Which is something Tim would expect from a teenager or two, and maybe Dubbilex doesn’t know how chore wheels work or whatever, but fucking Rex Leech should at least be capable of getting out the broom once a week. 
Assuming there is one, anyway. Tim isn’t particularly optimistic on that one, honestly. 
Superboy’s room is even messier than the living room, covered in dirty clothes and abandoned comics and crumpled-up papers, but Tim’s bedroom looks like a bomb went off in it so he’s not gonna judge. Anyway, that’s Superboy’s personal space, not a common area. He can keep it however he likes, Tim figures. 
Somebody should really sweep that living room, though. And throw out those old pizza boxes, too. 
Tim isn’t judging, just–well, no, he is very much judging, actually. Specifically what he’s judging is Rex Leech, noted asshole sleazeball manager with predatory business tactics. 
Fuck that guy, seriously. 
“You want trunks or a speedo?” Superboy asks as he lets go of his arm to fly over to the cluttered dresser. Tim turns seventeen different shades of red and nearly disassociates. 
“Trunks,” he says quickly. “Please.” 
“Gotcha, man,” Superboy says easily, and then all the dresser drawers yank out at once and dump out crumpled piles of . . . mostly swimsuits and super-suits, it looks like, yeah. Like, basically nothing else but swimsuits and super-suits and a couple of cheesy-looking Hawaiian shirts. 
Well, that might be one lonely, lonely pair of cutoffs sticking out from underneath the swimsuits. But otherwise, that’s pretty much it, yeah. 
Fuck, that’s depressing, Tim thinks. 
Superboy comes back over with an armful of swimsuits, just about all of which have the S-shield either printed or stitched on them. Tim wonders why the guy even has this many swimsuits, especially considering he barely has any other clothes at all. At least not as far as he can see, anyway. 
He also wonders if he’s gonna die if he wears Superboy’s clothes. Is that a thing that might happen? Because it really might happen, yeah. 
Also wearing something with an S-shield on it feels like just a little too much to handle right now, so Tim’s hoping for a basic black option to be buried somewhere in that pile. Given Superboy’s apparent fashion sense, it seems unlikely, but hope springs eternal. 
“Take a look, see what’s good,” Superboy says, dumping the entire armful of swimsuits on Tim. Tim’s just grateful he remembered to stick to just the trunks, at this point. 
“So you spend a lot of time on the beach, huh?” he says wryly. 
“C’mon, man, it’s Hawaii,” Superboy says with a sheepish grin. “And I mean, I look good in anything but wet leather is just not a comfortable fit, you know?” 
“I guess it wouldn’t be, no,” Tim says, giving him Civilian Smile #4 again. Superboy’s ears redden a little again, and then he leans back and zips back across the room to shove all his drawers back shut. Tim lays out the pile of swimsuits on the bed, since it’s right there anyway, and then immediately feels embarrassed to be this close to Superboy’s bed. Which is stupid, even if they aren’t platonics. They’ve just met; it’s not like anything’s gonna happen. 
. . . even if Superboy is a notorious flirt and totally shameless and–
Tim is just not gonna pursue that line of thought right now, he decides. Just for his own sanity and all. 
He accidentally knocks some paper off the bed as he’s laying out the suits to get a look at them, and reflexively leans down to pick it up. The room’s a mess, yeah, but it’s Superboy’s mess. It’s still rude to just drop shit wherever. 
The paper isn’t as crumpled as some of the others, and Tim sees a glimpse of color as he picks it up. His inner detective reflexively wonders what it is, and . . .
Tim uncrumples the paper a little, and blinks down at it in surprise. It’s a little kid’s drawing, it looks like. A sunny beach rendered in bright colored pencil and simple, awkward shapes all painstakingly but clumsily colored in and–
Superboy’s suddenly right back next to him snatching the paper from him and immediately hiding it behind his back, looking absolutely mortified. Tim’s confused, for a moment. What’s he embarrassed about? It’s obviously not anything he’d have drawn himself. It’s probably just something a fan or a neighbor’s kid gave him, or . . . 
Tim pauses. Then he recontextualizes just how much of the crumpled-up paper is lying around Superboy’s room and wonders, very briefly, if a bunch of STEM majors with delusions of grandeur would’ve bothered programming their custom-designed “Superman” with anything resembling art skills. 
So . . . maybe that is something Superboy drew himself. If Cadmus didn’t program him with the muscle memory or knowledge of how to draw . . . well, then he probably would draw like a little kid, wouldn’t he.
And given Superboy’s cocky, braggart personality and defensive ego and how all that paper is all crumpled up as if in frustration . . .
“Gift from a fan?” Tim “assumes” with Smiling Civilian Face #4, pretending to be oblivious. 
“Uh–yeah!” Superboy blurts quickly as he jumps on the provided excuse, though he keeps the paper behind his back. “Yeah, just–you know, just some kid gave it to me at a signing, whatever. Uh, bathroom’s through there, if you wanna get changed. Or like, whatever.” 
“Thanks,” Tim says, and resists the itching urge to peek at a few more of those crumpled-up papers. It’s just a lot of paper, especially if Superboy’s upset with the results.
He wonders why the guy draws so much, if he’s that frustrated and embarrassed by it. Maybe it’s a rebellion thing, since it’s something Cadmus didn’t want him to know how to do. Tim would definitely understand that logic, if he were in Superboy’s situation. Or maybe he’s just bothered not to know how and trying to teach himself to make up for the perceived failing. 
Or maybe he just likes it, Tim supposes. That’s an option too. 
Probably a less likely one, though, given that it’s Superboy. Not to be an asshole or anything, just it’s a lot easier picturing the guy assuming he should be able to do something and getting fixated on trying to pull it off than just, like . . . liking to draw. Also, judging by all that balled-up paper, it doesn’t seem like there’s much there for him to “like”, either.
Tim takes the plainest set of trunks with a drawstring waist, which are black and dark blue but still have an S-shield iron-on patch sewn onto their waistband, for whatever reason, and ducks into the bathroom with them. He realizes belatedly that said S-shield is probably going to rest right up against his soulmark, then feels like an idiot for feeling flustered by that idea and just sets his bag against the wall and starts getting undressed. 
He’s definitely wearing one of the spare shirts in his go-bag for this, he decides as he stuffs his clothes into his bag. Just–definitely, yeah. 
The trunks fit once he cinches the drawstring enough, but the S-shield definitely does rest right against his soulmark. Tim has never actually considered the sight of the S-shield to be, like . . . relevant or interesting outside of work, but he’s realizing that he sure does feel differently about it now that he knows his soulmate’s one of the people wearing it. 
Which is a little ironic, really, considering Superboy wears the S-shield as a branding thing or whatever and lets Leech slap it on whatever cheap shitty merch he can think of. Like, he’s probably the least respectful S-wearer there is. 
Tim pulls on a plain clean T-shirt and a short-sleeve button-down to go over it, figuring that’s beach-friendly enough. He should’ve packed sunglasses, probably, but he was a little distracted by his kidnapping plans and didn’t think to. 
Seriously. He didn’t think to bring sunglasses to Hawaii. 
This whole situation definitely has him off his game, yeah. 
Soulmate thing, he guesses.
Tim eyes himself in the bathroom mirror, mentally decides he’s being an idiot to worry about how he looks right now, and then grabs his bag and heads back out into the bedroom. Superboy’s changed into low-waisted S-shield-themed trunks of his own and flip-flops and nothing else, which does in fact give Tim an embarrassingly good and embarrassingly distracting view of their soulmark. It’s not quite distracting enough for him to miss the fact that the amount of crumpled papers strewn around the room has noticeably decreased, though. And there’s definitely more of them sticking out from under the bed and dresser and in the back of the closet than there previously were. 
Which is kinda cute, honestly, but Tim should probably not say that. Like, ever. 
“Thanks for waiting,” he says, smiling Normal Civilian Smile #4 at Superboy as he hitches his bag up a little higher on his shoulder. “And for the loan.” 
Superboy stares blankly at him for half a second, then seems to startle a little and puffs himself up. 
“Uh–sure, yeah!” he says quickly. “No problem, man. Anytime.” 
“‘Anytime’ seems pretty open, as an offer,” Tim jokes, because normal civilians make that kind of joke, and Superboy turns red. 
“Oh, uh–you know what I mean!” he sputters awkwardly, holding his hands up, which seems kind of a lot as a reaction, and then somehow manages to nearly knock over his dresser without even touching it. Well–that'd be the TTK, Tim guesses. 
It wasn't even that much of a joke. Like, lame suburban dad joke territory, that's all. 
“I do, yeah,” he says with a wry smile. Superboy finds a way to turn even redder and shoves his dresser back into a corner. That also seems like kind of a lot as a reaction, but Tim doesn't comment. Just seems, well . . . awkward? Unnecessary? “Are we good to go, then?” 
“Um, yeah, yeah,” Superboy says, clearing his throat and then zipping out into the hall. Tim wonders if he always flies indoors this much. “All good, dude! Let's head out.” 
“Sure,” Tim says, keeping the smile on. Superboy is still red, but floats along down the hall. Tim follows. Okay. They’re almost definitely not platonic, but Superboy clearly isn’t any more sure what to do with that than Tim is, so . . . small favors, he guesses. Like–that they’re at least roughly on the same page there, he means. 
Unless he’s just reading into things because of weird personal biases he didn’t even know he had, and Superboy is completely straight and just kind of socially awkward around civilians, and Tim’s just being socially pressured by the background radiation of living in a society that over-values romantic soulmates in comparison to platonic ones and sometimes disavows platonic soulmates altogether. 
He supposes technically they could be familial, rare as that is. It’s not like he really knows how he’d feel about having a brother. Dick’s the closest thing to one he’s ever had, and that’s just . . . not actually the same thing, obviously, even if sometimes he wishes . . . 
Anyway. It doesn’t matter. He’s pretty sure having a brother wouldn’t in any way involve this level of embarrassment and unexpected hormones and just general sexuality-questioning over every little thing. Like, that seems very much not like what having a brother would be like. 
So–maybe he isn’t straight, or maybe Superboy’s not actually a boy, or maybe both of those things are true, or maybe he’s just really, really bad at having a soulmate.
Entirely possible, under the circumstances. Tim’s not really all that good at getting close to people. If he got a little confused about how to handle having a soulmate, well . . . that wouldn’t really be a surprise, would it. 
Or maybe he just doesn’t want to have to figure out how to come out to his dad or Dana or the goddamn Batman. 
One or the other, probably.
. . . statistically speaking, the likelier explanation probably is not wanting to come out to the goddamn Batman. 
“Wanna fly someplace or just chill on the beach out front?” Superboy asks as he floats backwards into the living room. Krypto runs up and jumps on Tim excitedly, his tail wagging so hard his whole little body’s wagging with it. He’s a weird-looking little mutt, but he’s really friendly, apparently. “Krypto, oh my god, get off him.” 
“I don't mind,” Tim says, leaning down to give Krypto a polite little pat on the head. Krypto barks happily and wags his tail so hard he knocks himself over. 
Yeah, weird dog in general, Tim thinks. But again, really friendly. 
“We can go wherever,” he says. “You're the local, you know the best places to get a little time alone to hang out, right?” 
“‘Alone’?” Superboy repeats, his ears reddening again as he somehow manages to trip in mid-air and hits his head on the doorframe. Tim can probably safely write off the idea of “platonic” at this point, but is still a little bit wary of his personal bias interfering. Though . . . “Uh–yeah! Totally! Yeah! We can do that!” 
Yeah, Superboy really isn’t selling the “platonic” idea here either. 
Does Tim have a boyfriend now? Is this how boyfriends happen? 
. . . well, or a girlfriend, maybe. He still hasn’t ruled out the “maybe Superboy’s just trans” option. That seems like a thing that might confuse his sexuality a little, if nothing else. 
This is definitely not anything like any previous girlfriend-getting he’s experienced, though. Like, not even a little bit. He’s not complaining, exactly, because admittedly it’s actually a little bit easier going into a new relationship with a plan and a cover established, even if the plan is admittedly still in flux and the relationship’s “romantic" vs "platonic” status is still unclear. It’s still something he can approach like a case, which is much more straightforward than just floundering around trying to figure out how normal people work. 
And Superboy’s about as far from a “normal person” as it gets, so really, this is a pretty ideal set-up on Tim’s end. 
Hopefully Superboy feels similarly, though he also, like . . . is lacking some pretty important information there, so . . . yeah, that might be an issue. Bruce would definitely not have appreciated Robin telling Superboy he was his soulmate, though, and who knows how Superboy would’ve even taken that. Going in as a civilian is going pretty smoothly, though, so Tim’s pretty sure it was the right choice. 
Hopefully it was, anyway. 
“Cool,” Tim says, keeping up the placid harmless civilian face and thoughts and Totally-Not-A-Vigilante vibes. Superboy does a very bad job of pretending he didn’t just bump into the doorframe and ducks back outside, putting on a cocky grin of his own as he does. It occurs to Tim, briefly, that maybe Superboy has his own catalog of performative expressions. None of his friends really seem to, but Superboy is in the community too, so . . . well, it’d make sense, right? 
Also he does sell his likeness via a sleazy manager’s sleazy business deals, so yeah. It does kind of make sense. 
Huh. That’s . . . a thought, he guesses. 
Not a thought he’d really had yet. 
Just . . . something they might have in common, Tim guesses. 
Though so is being in the community to begin with, obviously. And they're physiologically about the same age and have similar coloring, though Superboy is–well, not actually mixed with East Asian, because Krypton did not have an actual place called “Asia”, but he does have subtle hints of that look, same as Superman. Easy to mistake for just being white, but recognizable if you know what you're looking for. Superboy would be at least half-white given Westfield's DNA, Tim guesses, but . . . 
Yeah, no, he doesn't even know how to begin to figure out the nuances of racial identity on a dead planet he knows next to nothing about, much less any potential experience parallels there might be for a second-generation half-alien immigrant with effectively zero access to their own culture, but maybe he could–
Right, okay, he needs to focus here. There's some fascinating stuff there that he can theorize about and investigate later, once he's kidnapped Superboy properly. The kidnapping is the current priority, though. Like, it is very much the current priority. 
Tim follows Superboy back out onto the porch. Everyone else is still out there, which is fine in regards to Roxy and Dubbilex and not fine in regards to Leech and . . . well, jury's out on Moon, maybe. 
Also the dog. He doesn't really know about the dog. Though said dog does run after him and jump up for attention wagging his scruffy little tail hard enough to wag his whole little body, which is sort of cute. 
Or as cute as a wet dishrag can get, anyway. 
Tim’s trying not to judge Krypto for that, since obviously he didn't ask to be born as the living embodiment of a wet dishrag, and anyway he's a really friendly dog, so judging by appearances seems like a dick move. Even if Tim kind of wants to iron him, to be honest. Steam-clean, maybe. 
At least take him to a decent groomer, if nothing else. 
“Down, you little shit, Jesus!” Kon says, scowling down at Krypto and trying to shoo him away. Krypto growls at him, which seems weird, then goes back to fawning all over Tim. Tim leans down and pats his head, figuring it might calm him down. 
“It’s okay,” he says. “He is cute.” 
“Whatever,” Superboy grumbles, folding his arms and inexplicably glowering at his dog. 
“You gonna go swim, or just hang out?” Roxy asks curiously as she comes over to them again. 
“Oh, we’re–” Superboy starts, but Moon cuts him off. 
“Want some company?” Moon inquires, pleasant and suspicious all at once. Superboy looks–conflicted, momentarily, and then awkward. 
“Um, well–Tim’s only in town for today, so . . . next time?” he hedges. Tim resists the urge to eye Moon. Can I just spontaneously insert myself in your first day with your brand-new soulmate? is incredibly rude, as a suggestion. And incredibly fucking disrespectful to boot. Like, what entitled-ass kind of thing is that to ask, exactly? 
How old is she again? Twenty? Twenty-one? He should look that up later. Well–no, she’d graduated college and started her career by the time Superman had died, which was a good eight or nine months ago now, so unless she skipped a grade or two in there, she’s gotta be closer to twenty-four, if not twenty-five or twenty-six. 
That’s . . . a thought, considering there is definitely news footage of Superboy kissing her in Metropolis. Like, Tim very definitely saw news footage of Superboy kissing her in Metropolis. And she was very definitely kissing him too.
In retrospect, that seems like something someone should’ve, like . . . done something about? Or at least addressed? And is definitely further proof of how fucking useless and slimy Rex Leech is. Sure, let the five-minute-old clone make out with a twentysomething reporter and hang out with her at home; all publicity is good publicity, so it’s fine, right? Sure. Why wouldn’t it be? 
Tim is going to absolutely decimate that bastard’s credit the first chance he gets. Leech probably already has terrible credit, mind, but he’ll make it worse. He’ll find a way. 
. . . though he’ll wait until he’s sure Roxy is eighteen and financially independent, he doesn’t actually know if she is or not. Roxy seems nice, she doesn’t deserve that particular fallout. 
“It’d be nice to get to know each other later, I’m sure,” Tim says before Moon can say anything, smiling Gala Smile #1 at her, which is a targeted psychological attack and not actually very moral to be trotting out this quick, probably. 
He has no regrets, for the record. Absolutely none. 
Moon narrows her eyes suspiciously. Tim blithely strokes Krypto’s ears, Gala Smile #1 flawless and unphased. 
“I’m sure,” she “agrees” frostily. Superboy remains apparently oblivious to the tension and grins brightly at both of them. 
“Cool!” he says. Oh, sweet summer child who has clearly never socialized with sharks, Tim thinks resignedly, petting Krypto again. Has Leech taught him literally nothing about conversational warfare, for fuck’s sake? At least living with your sleaze of a manager should be good for that, dammit! 
Then again, Leech is probably not actually competent enough to teach Superboy anything actually useful, so maybe that’s for the best. 
If nothing else, Superman could’ve taught him a bit of “bless your heart”, but apparently that’s not a thing either. 
Tim has a brief moment of dread that maybe underneath his personal list of performative expressions, Superboy might just be a straightforward and honest person, which is a concerning thought. He doesn’t even know how to talk to a straightforward and honest person at this point, after this long as Batman’s emotional support sidekick. How do you form a lasting relationship with someone who isn’t habitually using at least three layers of double-talk and constantly locked in on all your microexpressions, anyway? 
That’s going to be a weird experience, yeah. 
“Ready to go?” Superboy asks Tim, grinning brighter at him. Tim feels momentarily overwhelmed and just sort of . . . has to collect himself about that, a little. 
Or a lot.
“Lead the way,” he says, smiling at him. He’s flustered enough to forget to use an appropriately-planned smile, which is embarrassing, but Superboy just grins even brighter–which should not be physically possible, but apparently is–and reaches out to scoop him up into his arms and into the air again as Krypto lets out an offended bark. It’s totally overkill and not even slightly necessary. 
Tim isn’t complaining, just–well–
It’s really flustering. 
“Air Superboy up, up, and away!” Superboy says cheerfully as they float up over the others’ heads. His face is way too close to Tim’s face. 
Tim is gonna need a bit longer to collect himself this time, he’s pretty sure. 
“Do I get an in-flight meal?” he asks, raising an eyebrow. Superboy laughs, which is even worse than his grin, and then takes off across the beachfront with him. It’s another bridal carry, which is quietly mortifying but could be worse, probably. Maybe. 
Superboy flies them straight across the beach and then straight out over the water, skimming them along just above the waves. Tim makes a briefly startled noise, reflexively tightening his grip on the strap of his bag. 
“This isn’t waterproof,” he says just as reflexively, and Superboy laughs again. 
“I’m not gonna drop you, dude,” he says. Tim actually more assumed Superboy was intending to either dive-bomb them both into the water or just dump him in on purpose, because that seems like Superboy’s sense of humor, but maybe that was an unfair assumption. 
He really is not prepared for how it feels to be held in close against Superboy’s bare chest and arms like this, even if he’s still wearing a shirt himself. The idea of possibly doing that while they’re both wet seems a lot worse. 
Yeah. Definitely worse. 
Tim should’ve worn long sleeves. And maybe a wetsuit. And maybe a few layers on top of that. 
“I’m gonna hold you to that,” he says, barely resisting the urge to loop his arms around Superboy’s neck as the other hangs a right and swoops them back around towards shore. Flying over the water like this is a pretty cool experience, admittedly, now that he’s not worried about Superboy dumping him in the water. 
Well. Less worried, anyway. 
Camera next time, Tim promises himself, glancing back over Superboy’s shoulder towards the shining horizon. The sun reflects off the waves bright and beautiful, and the sky is a smooth and perfect blue dotted with sparse but billowing clouds, and everything smells like salt and sea and leather, which is probably Superboy, even without the jacket on anymore. 
Definitely camera next time.
“Definitely holding you to that, actually,” he says, and Superboy laughs again and brings them down in the surf just past the tideline with a splash. Neither the splash or the water goes high enough to soak Tim's bag, so he figures it could've been worse. 
Assuming Superboy isn't planning to toss him or anything before he can put his bag down somewhere safe, anyway. 
They both settle down into the surf and onto their feet, and Tim becomes very aware of how close together they’re standing and also how very, very shirtless Superboy is, and in fact the only thing between their soulmarks is the very thin layer of cotton of Tim’s own shirt, and if he leaned in just a little bit . . . 
Jesus, Tim thinks faintly, and forces himself to take a step back before he can make it weird. 
He smiles Generically Pleasant Civilian Smile #2 just to make sure he doesn’t look like a creep or anything, and Superboy grins excitedly at him. Tim allows himself all of two seconds to be overwhelmed by that gorgeous expression and their physical closeness and the reflection of the light in Superboy’s eyes, as bright and perfectly blue as both the sky and water, and then reasserts standard operating procedures and keeps Generically Pleasant Civilian Smile #2 locked in place on his face. 
“The water’s really warm,” he observes, glancing down at it. “Is that normal?” 
It’s probably not an impending supervillain thing, he tells himself. 
Maybe global warming or something, though.
“I mean, feels normal to me?” Superboy says with a shrug. Tim considers mentioning the average ocean temperature, comparatively speaking, or at least the average temperature of the water off the docks in Gotham. Admittedly, Gotham waters barely count as “water”, legally speaking, but that’s not the point. 
“It’s pretty out here,” he says instead, and Superboy grins at him and leans in. He’s pretty sure it’s more an instinctive thing than a deliberate one, just from the way Superboy does it, but that doesn’t exactly make it less flattering. 
Or flustering. 
“I mean, it’s Hawaii, man!” Superboy says, grinning wider before kicking at the surf. “‘Course it’s gonna be pretty!” 
Actually you specifically are possibly the prettiest damn thing that I have ever seen, Tim thinks, but isn’t stupid enough to actually let out of his mouth. Superboy, unfortunately, continues to be all warm and grinning and lit up by the island sun. Tim did not come prepared enough for this. 
“I don’t know, I’m pretty sure I’d be the guy who came to Hawaii and got a monsoon,” Tim says wryly, and Superboy laughs brightly. 
Tim really did not come prepared enough for this. Like, not at all. Not even slightly. 
“Guess you’d just have to come back, then,” Superboy says, grinning wider again and kicking at the surf again as he floats back up out of it. It’s–weird, a little, looking up at him like this. 
Well, not weird, just . . . yeah. 
Something like that. 
“Guess so,” Tim agrees, feeling embarrassingly flustered. Superboy’s friends can probably still see them from the porch, distant though it is, but part of him is still just considering very weird and dumb ideas like maybe tugging Superboy back down to earth and into the surf and just . . . confirming the little sexuality crisis he’s been having since breaking into the other’s file and seeing their soulmark in it, maybe. 
Just, you know, ruling things out. Making deductions. Going through the process of elimination. 
Kissing him, maybe. 
He could very, very much kiss Superboy right now. They’re on a gorgeous beach in the surf and under the sun and Superboy is floating in front of him and grinning as happy and excited as could be and Tim’s stomach is fluttering in a stupid and also-embarrassing way, and . . . 
He could kiss him. That’s all. 
“I mean, it’s a nice place to visit, right?” Superboy says casually, linking his hands together behind his back. 
“The tourism industry seems to think so,” Tim says wryly, and wonders what the “normal civilian who didn’t come here specifically looking for his soulmate to kidnap/salvage him to begin with” thing to say is here. He has absolutely no idea, because he actually has absolutely no idea how normal civilians react to superheroes. Robin is . . . not exactly an urban myth, necessarily, but definitely not a publicly-recognized superhero. He’s a vigilante that’s just barely allowed to operate outside the law, and not one with any kind of publicity or celebrity involved. 
eSuperboy, on the other hand, is not only a superhero, but a professional superhero. He’s selling his likeness and doing events and has signed a stupid predatory contract with a sleaze of a manager that technically shouldn’t even be legal, given Superboy isn’t even considered a legal person by the government. Apparently no one has ever realized that, though, or at least no one’s ever let Superboy realize that. 
Tim really doesn’t love that that’s a thing, to put it mildly. 
Actually, he just fucking hates it. 
Superboy laughs, and looks very, very pretty doing it. Tim continues to wonder what a normal civilian would do here, and for lack of a better idea falls back on small talk. 
God, his best plan right now is small talk. What is his life, even? 
No wonder he’s gonna have to take six months to kidnap Superboy, ugh.
“So, uh–this seems like a weird question to be bringing up this late in the conversation, but what’s your name?” he asks, because it’s occurred to him that he actually has no idea what Superboy goes by when he’s off-duty. He knows he doesn’t have a secret identity, of course, but there’s no way his friends just call him “Superboy”. Well–maybe his slimy asshole manager does, but otherwise. “I mean, if that’s okay to ask. Marks or not, I understand if you don’t feel like we’re there yet, given the whole superhero thing and all.” 
Robin knows Superboy doesn’t have a secret identity, after all, but Tim Drake is a normal civilian and shouldn’t act like he knows too much about any superhero in general, so–
“Naw, it’s fine, I don’t even have one,” Superboy says, for some reason just beaming at him, which is . . . weird, Tim thinks, but nowhere near as weird as that answer is. 
“You don’t . . . have one?” he repeats slowly, and Superboy shrugs easily. “Like–not at all?” 
“Yeah, everybody pretty much just calls me 'Kid' or 'SB', when it's not Superboy,” Superboy says. “Oh, and Knockout calls me 'Pup' when she's around but like, that's really just a 'her' thing. So, you know, you can call me whatever.” 
Tim stares blankly at him for a long, long moment, speed-runs all five stages of grief, and also discovers a couple of new and unexpected ones. 
Alright. Well, he officially regrets literally nothing about this impending kidnapping. 
“Oh, okay,” he says. “Um–sorry, I guess I just assumed you’d have a more . . . civilian-ish name too, I guess?” 
“I’m a clone, man,” Superboy says, looking amused. “The only other name I’ve got is ‘Experiment Thirteen’, which is definitely not something I answer to."
Tim discovers a few more stages of grief that hit with all the subtlety of a spiked baseball bat and makes himself nod as much like a normal person as he can. 
“Yeah, I don’t think I’d go for that one if I were you either,” he says. “Kind of a mouthful, if nothing else.” 
Superboy laughs, then grins at him again. He is actually doing so, so much of that, Tim’s realizing. Tim was really not prepared for how much of that he’s been doing, in fact. He just did not come prepared for any of that at all. He’s got some nebulous kidnapping plans, but everything else here–from the supervillain attack to Superboy’s ripped suit and exposed soulmark–has been a crime of opportunity. 
He probably should’ve done more research. Actually, he definitely should’ve done more research. He kind of just panicked and bought a ticket and flew right over, and just because Dick didn’t stop him doesn’t mean it was a good idea. He just–he should’ve done more research. Planned more. Not shown up without something concrete. 
Admittedly Superboy doesn’t hate him yet or anything, but this was just . . . yeah, this was not his brightest idea at all. Not even slightly. 
Why didn’t he do more research? 
“You really can just call me whatever you wanna, don’t worry about it,” Superboy says with an easy shrug as he settles back down into the surf, which, unfortunately, puts him back into kissing range and is therefore incredibly distracting. 
Dammit, Tim thinks, trying to beat his stupid teenage hormones into order. 
“Whatever I wanna?” he repeats. 
“Except for Experiment Thirteen,” Superboy says with another grin. Tim politely pretends not to notice the slight tightening of the corners of his mouth as he says the word “experiment”. 
“Uh, okay,” he says, clearing his throat. He guesses Superboy doesn’t really care what his name is, then, but being told to just call him whatever he wants to is . . . well, a weird feeling, maybe. “What do you do when you just want to be a civilian for a while, though?” 
“I don’t,” Superboy says. 
“. . . don’t . . . what?” Tim asks slowly, not sure if he should be dreading the answer or not, but–
“Be a civilian,” Superboy says. 
Tim’s running out of new stages of grief, he’s pretty sure. 
“Ah,” he says. 
Superboy–for a second, Tim thinks he looks self-conscious, but then he’s grinning again before he can be sure, and . . . 
“Why would I?” Superboy says, puffing up proudly. “I’m Superboy, man! Nothing else I’d rather be.” 
Given how limited Superboy’s options for anything “else” he could be probably are . . . well, Tim’s not sure what to think of that statement. 
He doesn’t think it’s anything good, though. 
Yeah, no, he thinks as he looks at Superboy’s too-bright grin and thinks about how he just said "nothing" and not "no one". Definitely not anything good. 
Who wouldn’t pick being “Superboy” over being “Experiment Thirteen”, after all? 
And what else would Superboy even know how to pick, if he thought those were his only options?
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blughxreader · 5 months
do you think there'd be a limit on how many darlings you could claim? and if yes, would the limit change depending if some of the claimed darlings were platonic?
I’m not sure! I think it would depend on the society’s perception of Yan-Darling relationship. Is it like marriage, pure and good? Or the powerful utilizing their earned rights?
It would also depend on tax incentives. Yans with Darlings probably get a tax cut because they have a legal dependent. However a wealthy Yandere would want a huge harem of Darlings because its a huge tax cut. The government would NOT want this.
I’m inclined to think that, in most instances, Yanderes are limited to one romantic Darling and several platonic Darlings, depending on finances, the Yandere’s personality, and their relationship with the Darling(s) already kidnapped (determined by several interviews with the Purge Office).
The Purge is allowed so that society runs better. Its not for Yanderes to amass a harem. However there’s probably wiggle room if a Yandere can spend enough money to get in front of a judge.
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yansouleater · 2 months
Thank you @ozzgin for giving me permission to post this, please go and check their account I LOVE their writing especially the yandere school posts
Anyway yandere universe that normalized their society to a point where the only colleges people can attend to are yandere or darling universe where byou learn how to be the perfect capturer or victim
Yandere universe that now has a day where all crime is legal, where yanderes can kidnap their darlings and legally keep
Yanderes the make their darlings custom made bracelets unremovable identification wrist bands once they capture them on purge day it makes sure that any darlings that get lost try to escape will be identified and properly returned to yandere
Darlings and yanderes are identified by birth, every newborn is given a brain scan and is marked as a yandere if they have an yan cortex or a darling if they have a dare cortex (I have no idea what I’m taking about lol)
Please go to @ozzgin account and check them out, really their writing is amazing😊
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oftenwantedafton · 3 months
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ransom | steve raglan x female reader
rating | explicit
part 1/?
words | 4.1k
cw | alternate universe, kidnapping, captivity, restraints, minor violence, eventual smut, no explicit content this chapter
summary | Kidnapping and holding a prisoner hostage for ransom isn’t a new situation for Steve Raglan. He’s been with the organization for years. He’s experienced, skilled, good at what he does.
What he doesn’t know is how to handle the feelings he’s developing for this latest captive. When the ransom demands are finally met and it’s time to release you, he’s not sure he’s ready to let you go.
ao3 link
You haven’t spoken in forty eight hours.
The other men in the organization might have found this favorable, considering what you’d left them with: verbal abuse layered upon the physical marks at your protest in being captured. Bites and scratches mar this kidnapper’s own arms, sustained before he’d secured you properly, your wrists now bound behind you back and your ankles fastened to one of the motel room chairs while he washes in the bathroom, scrubbing at the injuries with the little bar of soap provided. It had been a long week thus far, watching and waiting for the opportunity to take you, issuing the ransom demands and dragging you across state lines, literally kicking and screaming.
Your eyes speak volumes as you glare at the man emerging from the bathroom, the obvious hatred melting into satisfaction at the sight of the marks you’ve left on him before he unrolls his sleeves and refastens the cuffs. Futile, maybe, but pleasurable to view nonetheless. You’ve escaped with little damage yourself, the bruises and abrasions more from your own struggles than anything deliberately inflicted. It wouldn’t serve much purpose to damage the organization’s solitary but extremely valuable bargaining chip, the only daughter of the man indebted to them, not even legally old enough to drink alcohol yet. A young member of the opposite sex that some might judge fairer, weaker.
He doesn’t believe you’re weak; not really. There’s a fire in your stare that he feels sear his skin. You want him dead, but you want to see him suffer first. You’re angry at being kidnapped; angrier still that the demands haven’t been met yet. The indignity. The outrage. When you’ve realized you’re getting nowhere screaming threats at your attackers, when the hours pass and it seems more and more likely that for now, at least, no help is coming, you’ve chosen this vow of silence instead. So you continue to glower resentfully at the tall, middle aged man that’s taken you, that sinks onto the edge of the bed and switches the television on, glancing over the evening news before jabbing his thumb against the power switch once more.
He rises, gathering the car keys, sunglasses, jacket, baseball cap, and wallet from the top of the dresser, one hand reaching behind his back to readjust the weapon tucked there after the disguising accessories have been set in place. He’d had the gun digging into your ribs earlier when you continued to fuss about getting in the car with him, an implied threat that had finally forced your cooperation. The vehicle itself is a cheap, used thing that he’ll likely exchange for another before long, paid for in cash. All expenses for this venture are paid for with cash, so there is no trail. He’s been around long enough to know where security cameras are placed in stores, the proper way to angle his face to reveal nothing. He has a history of changing his name and appearance to keep himself from being discovered. He doesn’t dawdle or linger in any one particular location when he’s actively working a situation like this. He’s made good time with you already, in spite of the initial struggles, and he intends to continue on that trend.
The bearded man glances at your bound figure. “I’m going out to get dinner. I’ll be back shortly. Behave,” he adds, though he knows you’re not going to be able to escape. As expected, you don’t respond verbally, merely scowling. You seem to have learned your lesson about the futility of the struggle to break free, your body sitting still now. He imagines your limbs must be sore. There isn’t any give in those bonds, and that’s entirely intentional. He’s not taking any chances.
When he returns with a brown paper bag containing a pair of styrofoam cartons filled with Chinese food and a six pack of beer, he can hear your stomach growling. You haven’t eaten in two days either, refusing anything put before you. He can see your lips chapping already, envisioning how parched the interior of your mouth must be. There are bottles of spring water in the fridge, one of which he retrieves now.
He settles into the chair across from yours at the small kitchen table with a sigh, lifting the cover of the first container and surveying the contents. Dive fast food restaurants are often generous with their portions, he’s noticed, and this one had been no exception. Fried chicken and crab rangoon and skewers of beef teriyaki layer over a heaping mound of pork fried rice. He doesn’t miss your eyes flicker to that meal, the quick dart of your tongue between your lips to try to moisten them as he frees the plastic utensils the restaurant has supplied from their wrappers. He takes a bite of the grilled meat and a spoonful of rice, chewing thoughtfully, meeting your gaze. The anger and resentment is back, but now it’s mixed with a hollow want. He takes a swallow of beer to finish washing the mouthful of food down, setting the bottle back near the ring of condensation it’s already left on the table. He’s willing to bet that surface is particle board and not real wood.
“Do you want to eat?”
He sees the tremble in your lips. You clearly do want to, but not under these circumstances. Pride has halted you from speaking thus far, but as strong as it is, he can see you wavering now. Another grumble issues from your belly, and a slight tinge of color blossoms in your cheeks. You nod, a few short, shallow movements, and he stands, dragging his chair closer to yours.
“You should drink something first. Slow sips. Your stomach isn’t going to appreciate this at first.” He cracks the top of the water bottle off and holds it up to your lips, tilting it slightly. It takes a bit of practice to coordinate, trying to keep it from spilling down your chin, but a few successful swallows are accomplished, hard gulps that are loud. You cough a little, likely having ingested some of the liquid down the wrong pipe. He sets the bottle down, waiting, and you nod, indicating you’re alright.
“I can feed myself.” Your voice sounds rusted from disuse. You’re forced to clear your throat midway, as if trying to get accustomed to speech again.
The captor leans back in his chair a little. “You could, if you’d been a little more cooperative than this. You’re going to have to earn that privilege.” He cracks open the second container that mirrors the contents of his own dinner and opens another set of plastic utensils. He doesn’t bother asking what you prefer, digging into the rice and lifting it toward your mouth. He sees you hesitate, still displeased with this arrangement, but you surrender, lips parting to accept the sustenance. He hasn’t fed anyone in years, his children long grown and gone, but it reminds him of that same task. You’re doing your best to scowl, to shoot daggers at him, but there’s a satisfied little moan that accompanies that first bite.
He thumbs the television remote to get some background noise, eyeing his wristwatch to be certain of how long before the next check-in phone call is due. He manages to get a steady rhythm going, alternating between feeding himself and his captive.
“They didn’t give you any sauce?”
The first words you’ve spoken since your claim that you can feed yourself. He looks at you, bemused, before reaching into the paper bag to extract a couple of packets of soy sauce, a small container of hot mustard, and a larger tub of sweet and sour sauce. Your eyes light up at this last one, and he cracks the lid, dipping one edge of battered chicken into the container before offering it to you. Some of the sauce drips down, and he wipes your chin with a napkin. You look embarassed now, but not overly, eyes closing rapturously over the sensation in your mouth.
His lips twitch and you don’t miss the amused gesture, your features hardening again. “You have no idea what it’s like.”
“Really? I have no idea? You’ve missed a couple of days’ worth of meals. I’ve gone longer than that.” He finishes the first bottle of beer and cracks a second.
“Sure you have.” You roll your eyes. “How long are we going to be staying in this dump, anyway?”
“That depends. Your father hasn’t shown any inclination towards wanting to repay his debts and retrieve you. Maybe we’ve done him a favor.” He shakes his head. “We won’t be staying more than a couple of days. Then we’ll keep moving.”
You frown, shifting in your seat. “This is total bullshit. This has nothing to do with me.”
“Not directly, but your father owes us, and he’s going to pay. One way or the other.” There’s a touch of something menacing in his tone.
“Killing me isn’t going to make him change his mind. You’re not going to do shit to me. You can’t afford it.” Your chin lifts defiantly.
“You trying to provoke me, sweetheart?” His tone is calm, almost casual, but there’s nothing friendly in those pale blue eyes.
His cell phone interrupts your reply. He digs it out of the pocket of his slacks, flipping it open and pressing the button to answer. “Steve. Yeah, we’ve made it. No issues. Probably another night. Nothing on the news. Right. Keep in touch.” The phone snaps shut and he sets it on the table. “You were saying?”
“Whatever. Are you going to share the fortune cookies, Steve?” The alias he’s currently using is said with a heavy dose of distaste. Maybe you think that having a name to address him by makes you some sort of equals. Diminishing his authority. You couldn’t be more wrong.
“Sure. Which one do you want?”
“Left side.”
“Fair enough. Let’s see what they say.” He tugs open the plastic wrapper of the right one and cracks the cookie open, looking over the slip of paper, one eyebrow twitching. Then he repeats the process for yours, lifting a sliver of the broken dessert to your lips. “Watch the teeth.” You accept the offering, teeth scraping his fingers but not really bearing down. He unfurls the scrap of paper tucked into the other fold and lays it out on the table in front of you.
A new romance is in your future.
“Yeah, right,” you scoff. “What did yours say?”
He slides his own closer to yours.
What you seek is almost within your grasp.
You make another noise of disgust as he begins clearing the table, storing the leftovers in the refrigerator.
“I need to take a bath.”
“You can take a shower, but I’m going to be in the room.”
“As if. Pervert.”
“It’s too much of a risk to leave you unattended. You haven’t yet exhibited any behavior to make me trust you. Quite the opposite, in fact. So make your choice.”
“What am I going to do, attack you with a spare toothbrush? Hang myself with the shower curtain? Be serious. No deal.”
“Fine.” He shrugs, folding his arms across his chest. “Are you ready for bed, then?”
You groan in frustration, tipping your head back. “Okay, fine. But the shower curtain stays closed.”
“Of course. Let me get things ready.” A flicker or recognition when you see him lift the duffel bag filled with your spare clothes, a bag with toiletries and makeup, though the latter had been grabbed in error by the other men more than anything else. His own bag is still in the bathroom, where he’d set it earlier. He brings your things into the bathroom, then returns, dumping his own bag beside the bed. “Let’s get you upright, shall we? I don’t think I need to remind you, but I’ll say it again, just in case: behave.” He begins loosening your bonds, crouching to free your ankles first and then working on releasing your wrists. He lets you massage your sore, cramped joints only briefly before one hand clamps around an upper arm and he guides you into the bathroom.
Once inside, he closes the door and leans his back against it. You slip off your shoes and step into the shower, the curtain dragged aside with a rattle of metal hooks. Clothes begin appearing, pushed out through a small gap between the wall of the fiberglass tub and the curtain, then dropping to the linoleum floor. There’s a narrow window set high on the opposite wall that’s sealed shut, looking as if it’s been that way for some time. A spiderweb is tucked into one corner, and a layer of grime cakes the glass. In spite of its size, placement, and poor condition, it’s one of the reasons he didn’t want you in here unsupervised, in case you managed to make use of that potential escape route.
Steve’s eyes shift around the room, breezing over the shower. The gun he still has tucked inside his shirt is digging into his spine, but it’s a familiar, reassuring feeling rather than being uncomfortable. He wonders how long it will take for your father to finally cave, paying what he owes and purchasing your freedom; if his willpower will be sapped, his spirit surrendering just as easily as yours has begun to in the space of a few hours alone with him.
The water feels heavenly on your skin, but you can’t fully enjoy the sensation, because that man is just outside the curtain.
Your scrub hastily, grateful he’d at least supplied you with your favorite shampoo and body wash from the bag with your possessions. It’s a strange feeling, to be full and satiated after being empty for a couple of days. You don’t think you could have stood it much longer. Greasy takeout probably wasn’t the best choice for your first meal after fasting, but for now, you feel good—as good as you can, under the circumstances.
As soon as you shut the faucets off, a bathtowel is thrust into the slight gap where the curtain ends, and you grab it wordlessly, hurriedly drying off. The one set of pajamas that’s been packed soon follows. You lay the towel on the bottom of the tub and begin dressing, sliding into a short sleeved tshirt with little pink hearts and matching pajama bottoms, along with a pair of plain cotton panties. At last you’re decent, ready to face your captor. You drag the curtain aside and head for the sink, swiping at the fogged mirror before dragging a comb through your wet hair, then grabbing deodorant and applying it to your underarms, careful to keep the hem of your shirt down to avoid revealing anything. You brush your teeth last, your eyes meeting your captor’s, reflecting in the silvered surface in front of you.
“Yes.” You’re already dreading the feel of your restraints being replaced. There is no give with this man’s applications. He’s clearly expert at what he does.
“Let’s get you to bed, then.”
“My clothes…” You gesture towards the pile on the floor.
“I’ll take care of it. Let’s go.” He jerks on the door handle and a waft of cooler air spreads over you. You hadn’t realized quite how stuffy the small room had gotten until now.
“Dude, seriously? You’re going to play with my used panties? I knew you were a pervert.”
He sighs heavily, looking irritated. “I’m just going to shove everything in a bag. I’m not going to…play with them,” he says, mouth twisting over the word disdainfully.
“Whatever.” You follow him back into the bedroom. “So how is this supposed to work out, exactly? With only one bed?” Now that you’ve broken your self imposed vow of silence, you find yourself wanting to ramble, releasing all of the pent up questions and comments you’d been concealing.
“What do you mean? You sleep on one side. I sleep on the other. And don’t call me a pervert again,” he adds. Your jaw snaps shut. You had, in fact, been about to hurl that very insult at him.
“They must have had a room with a double,” you grumble in disbelief.
“They didn’t, in fact. Popular location off the highway. Busy time of year.” He shrugs. You think about what he says. So many people around, but not one of them can help you.
You watch as he draws back the coverlet bearing an awful, tacky floral pattern, revealing a pilled fleece blanket and topsheet. It looks clean, if worn, so you suppose you’re grateful for that. At least, you’re hoping it’s clean. How many other people had stopped at this seedy looking motel, perhaps engaging in some duplicitous activities?
Steve tucks his fingers between the blinds, spreading the slats and taking one last survey of the outside. Apparently satisfied, he turns his attention back to you. “Alright. Enough break time. Back into the restraints.”
“You don’t have to. At least leave my legs free. It’s so uncomfortable.” You try to soften your tone, make it more appealing.
“Nice try. In case you couldn’t tell by the gray, I’ve been around a bit. Don’t struggle and it’ll go easier.” You sigh in resignation and let him guide your wrists together, this time binding them in front of you, watching as he neatly loops the thin corded rope around, making some complicated knots too quickly for you to follow the pattern of. You sit on the edge of the mattress and he kneels down, repeating the process for your ankles.
“What if I have to pee during the night?”
“Hold it.”
“Seriously? What if I have to go number two?” You hiss, sounding scandalized.
“Honestly, how old are you?” He sounds equally as appalled. “I’ll take you to the bathroom, obviously. Don’t look for more trouble,” he reprimands, lifting your lower extremities and placing them on the bed. He flips the sheet and blanket over you. “Comfy?”
He huffs but doesn’t reply, moving to retrieve some things from his bag before heading back into the bathroom. You can hear the faucet run, think maybe he’s brushing his teeth. When he emerges he’s wearing an undershirt and boxers, and you look away quickly. He’s long and lean, with perhaps the slightest bit of extra weight sitting around the middle. Attractive face, if you had to admit it, which you thankfully don’t. His voice is pleasant, too; rough and smooth, stern and mellow, a series of contrasts depending on his mood. Certainly preferable overall to the first set of goons that had taken you, that had finally delivered you into his custody.
You realize he’s carrying something. A couple of things, actually. One is his cell phone. The other…
You’d felt that item shoved against your side once already; caught a glimpse of the same weapon as he’d gotten ready to leave to go get dinner, the slight bulge of it nearly concealed at his spine before he’d slipped back into his jacket. You don’t doubt the gun is loaded; you don’t doubt it’s been used before, either. You don’t think he’s going to harm you, no matter how threatening he appears at times, but you’re not absolutely certain. You shiver at the possibility of being wrong.
The lights are extinguished and the television is switched off. The mattress creaks as he sits beside your supine form. You hear the light tap of the phone being set on the nightstand, but not the heavier weight of the gun. Perhaps tucked somewhere closer. Beneath his pillow, maybe. Close in reach. You might even be able to maneuver and get it, if you were daring enough.
You’re not. You feel the sheet and blanket shift as he settles back, drawing them over his body. You’re still trying to find a comfortable position, head digging into the pillow that’s too thin, the stuffing long since worn down. You squirm a bit further, adjusting your shoulders and hips.
“Stop moving.”
You pause. “It’s uncomfortable.”
“Not my problem. And you’re lucky I didn’t keep you tied to the chair all night. Now go to sleep.”
“It’s too hot. The blanket…”
“For fuck’s sake,” he growls. You can feel the heat of his breath on your cheek as he shifts, dragging the covers down to what he estimates might be your waist level.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. G’night.” His voice is half muffled when he sinks back against the pillow. He feels closer than he was initially, his body radiating warmth. You swallow thickly, wishing you’d asked for a little more water. But you don’t dare request anything else. Not now. You force your eyes shut, reciting a silent prayer that your father comes to his senses and supplies the kidnappers with the requested ransom soon. Surely he has the money. Or he’s gathering it together. You don’t know how much they’ve asked for, but still. Help has to come. Sooner or later.
Otherwise, you’re going to have to find your own means of salvation.
Steve awakens during the night, still drowsy, his fingers sliding to reassure himself of the placement of the weapon. Secure. He means to check the time on the digital alarm clock beside the bed, but he’s comfortably positioned as he is. He’d done a lot of driving the last couple of days. It was exhausting.
He shuts his eyes, trying to reenter slumber, gradually realizing that part of the reason he’s so comfortable is because his other hand is occupied. Draped over something soft.
He can tell you’re asleep, the rhythm of your breathing slow and even. You’re completely unaware of what’s happened. His body has shifted onto one side, facing you, nudging closer sometime while he and his bed partner had been sound asleep. Earlier, you’d been emitting a faint body odor, your days spent without access to a shower taking their toll. Now you’re pleasantly fragrant, the scent soft and feminine. Like the body he’s so casually hugging. It’s been a long time since he’s shared a bed with a woman.
But you’re not just any woman. You’re his captive. The thought makes him start to release you, dragging his hand back across your form. Unexpectedly you stir, the swelling curve of one breast bumping against his hand, your head tipping closer, off of the border of your pillow and verging onto the cusp of his own.
Heat flares instantly in his groin and he quickly finishes the job he’d started, retracting his arm, being very careful not to fondle your somnolent form any further while easing onto his back. A little sleepy murmur of protest issues from you in response, your face now tucking against his shoulder, and then you’re still again.
Steve’s heart is thudding like mad. He hadn’t anticipated this; not his response to this forced intimacy, nor yours. It’s just that we’re both tired. Don’t know what we’re doing. It’s the middle of the night. Should be sleeping. Probably more long days ahead.
But he’s wide awake now, and that claim of lethargic innocence doesn’t hold up quite so well. Because even though he’s moved, trying to avoid more of that inadvertent inappropriate contact, he’s suddenly craving it. It would be so easy to let his arm fall back over you. You’re right there. Practically cuddling against his side.
His jaw begins to ache from how tightly his teeth are clenched. This is ridiculous. He has better self control than this. He isn’t driven by such carnal needs. He’s always been respectful towards you, in the brief time you’ve been traveling together. No temptation earlier in the bathroom, even with the knowledge of your nude form just behind the curtain. He isn’t a pervert, even though you seem convinced otherwise. He wouldn’t take advantage of someone, especially not someone in your situation.
But now? Well, now was different. Because now he knows how it feels to hold you, and he likes it. Prefers it to the binding and forceful handling he’s been forced to adopt. Maybe he wouldn’t mind more scratches and bites from you, if they were of a different nature.
None of this is helping the state of his arousal. He shuts his eyes and begins planning out the route he’ll take next, a silent itinerary of roads forming one after the other as he tries to distract himself. His shoulder feels wet now. He thinks you might be drooling. He should just wake you up and turn over. He’ll ask if there’s a different room available tomorrow. Maybe another visitor will have moved on by then.
Maybe by then he’ll have come to his senses.
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hhighkey · 3 months
Taken, part 2 // Uvogin, one shot - part of hhighkey's phantom troupe universe series
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Rating: mature Story Contains: stockholm syndrome, love??, implied past kidnapping, implied references to depression, suicidal thoughts, unnamed chronic illness, medical inaccuracies, marriage, rough sex, size kink, lots of come im so sorry, manipulation, female reader Note: about 17k words, ao3 link: xxx, link to part 1
The union could never be legal, technically Uvogin didn’t exist, but that didn’t matter. Not to you when he confidently proposed with the biggest grin months after getting you back from Bates, going on a ramble about the thought of you being someone else’s wife terrified him. To him, it furthered his ownership of you, and was another way to show his utmost commitment and love. Not that kidnapping you four years ago was a total display of it or anything… That it took someone else trying to marry you for him to think of it. 
Never sure what to categorize as the happiest day of your life, for now that day took the cake. How even on one knee he was taller than you, a gorgeous ring in hand (you could thank Chrollo for that as you found out later). The idea of being someone’s wife when you were little had been like a dream, you’d always gawk at wedding stores and the dresses on display. It was more of a fantasy to look the prettiest surrounded by even prettier decor, not necessarily about the concept of ‘in life and death.’ After so long with Uvogin you understood that marriage wasn’t about a gorgeous wedding but about the vows and status it brought. Because your relationship with Uvogin was the epitome of together until death. And with each day getting harder to get out of bed, blood painting your tissues after coughing, you realize that death is on the horizon.
However, for the last few weeks Uvogin was doing his best to avoid a certain group. The term ‘bachelorette party’ became a forbidden term to me murmured around him, it’d be a night where he’d have no control. However, three people weren’t letting him off easy as you found amusement in him trapped.
“Fuck no.” Uvogin grunted, eyes tensely looking over the three female Troupe members, “She doesn't leave my sight when I’m not workin’.” 
“It’s a thing Uvo.” Machi said, “You’re not supposed to see the bride a few days leading up to the wedding, especially the night before and day of.”
“Okay so you can have her tomorrow then.” He waves them off, going to grab your arm, but Machi cuts him off stepping in front of you.
“No, you can survive two days without her.” 
“Whaddya wanna do babe?” He focused on you, pretending not to hear the pink haired woman. 
Your mouth falls open as you glance between Uvo and Machi. Your chest flutters with discomfort being in the middle of a strange face-off, where you particularly didn’t want to see Uvogin perturbed with you if you agreed with the girls. “Um..” 
“The four of us are going to do something tonight.” Pakunoda steps in, her voice level like she were talking to an overly large toddler not getting its way. 
“Like what?” 
“None of your business.” She stared at the larger man down. 
“Well Y/N’s my business so, anything she does is my business.” 
“It’s bad enough we can’t force Phinks and Feitan to let us have their girls, but let the poor bride-to-be have a bachelorette party where nothing can possibly happen. Then she’ll be your wife in two days and you can dictate the rest of her life, how about that?” Machi huffs, annoyed, “Go bother Nobu if you get bored but we’re taking her.”
“Yeah, no you ain’t.” He went to push past her, but she shot a hand up pressing on his chest. 
“What do you want to do, Y/N?” Machi asked. 
“I- Uvo I would really like to spend time with them.” With a slowly ticking clock on your life due to the state of your health, you think you should say what you want. For a second you remember, like a little flicker at the back of your brain, times spent with friends shopping, movies, gossiping about boys. Makes your heart yearn for that type of connection again. Clarity seemed to leak into the depth of your mind the sicker you got. 
He frowned at you and time seemed to stop until he nodded, “Alright.”
“That was easy, thought we’d have to steal her in the middle of the night.” Shizuku said absentmindedly, which earned her a few glares. 
Uvo fretted over you before he let you go, fingers prodding along your delicate skin as if you were the most precious treasure, as if you’d break from one touch alone. 
“Behave.” His words come across as a warning but you hear the depth to it, the worry rather than a threat. 
“I always do.” You tease, moving to hug his thick, muscular torso. A small part of you wants him to scoop you up and lock you away with him, your heart beginning to panic at the idea of separating from him. Yet your mind told you to stay strong no matter how badly you wanted to melt right into him. 
Uvogin made a few more tiny threats towards the girls before he finally left, telling you he’d be at the Base. For a moment your chest twisted in pain knowing he’d be hours away, not working. You could survive being without him due to his job, but not knowing he was free.
So you stood in your townhome with Machi, Paku and Shizuku watching you. Sure, you considered them your friends at this point, slowly considered most members of the Troupe your friends. Yet you knew their loyalty to you was really loyalty to Uvogin, the help protecting you, keeping you healthy, keeping you happy- was all for him. While you’re sure they care for you as a person enough to make small talk, you’re Uvogin’s property through and through. But this moment as you debated what to do, made you want to feel hopeful. The three of them didn’t need to do this. It made no sense for them to fight with Uvo for days to let them host something. 
How Machi’s fingers dug into your bicep as you involuntarily took steps forward, 
You didn’t know how to be without him. Your body was slowly dying, and not the dramatic bullshit of aging. So perhaps it was quickly dying. The ever exhausting fog you lived in where all you had was Uvogin to care for you. His warmth disappearing from the room settled a chill and awareness. 
Machi has her normal blank expression, but she seems pleased when you nod, “So, what are we doing tonight?”
The looks exchanged made you wary. 
The devilish upturn of Machi’s lips makes you wonder if you should go run back to Uvo. But the part of you, stuck oh so deep down, that couldn’t rebel for years was overjoyed as it wretched its way out. 
“We are going out.”
“You know, what normal girls do, dress up and get drunk, flirt with men.” 
You cringe at the last part, discomfort swirling in your gut. Normality. Normal girls. You play the words over and over, hearing her words echo as a harsh reminder. But also self reflection as these three weren’t normal either. Farther from it and yourself. Perhaps you nodded, agreeing to the location they wanted, because you’d missed out on so much. Though the sour taste in your mouth lingers as you all get ready as if it were any other night- that everyone in the Troupe was all aware of the fact Uvo kidnapped you. No one told him that he should reconsider, that it’d be selfish. But did you even want that? Would you have wanted Machi or Nobu to tell him to let you go? Because the thought makes your stomach flutter with wrenching nerves you don’t want to think about, as society’s version of normal wasn’t yours. And like that, you snapped back to the image staring back at you in the mirror, the girl chronically ill yet irrevocably in love with someone they shouldn’t be.
You look- strange. Yet you’re taken aback by the beautiful girl Paku had turned you into, makeup breathing life back into your sullen state. A flash of somebody else, a younger version of you reflected, prior to knowing what you’d become and with who. It’s nostalgic almost, thinking about the minimal times you’d gone to a bar with a coworker or an old school friend, how you debated over what to wear or how to do your hair. With Uvo it was simple- he didn’t care what was on your body, or if you had makeup, he controlled everything you could and couldn’t do and it simplified everything. 
The dress fit you like a glove, pushing cleavage up and you wanted to retreat into yourself.
The night sky preys down on you. Buildings feeling like they were closing in, the openness of the town, the fresh air felt like a jail. The fact you were in the open with options was suffocating, but you walked with your arm linked with Paku’s trying to save face. Trying to push down your insecurities and thoughts of Uvo getting angry with you. He’d never have let you wear this, never had let Machi push a shot of vodka down your throat prior to leaving. Thrilling. Yet terrifying. The best way to sum up what coursed through your veins while wanting to turn around at the same time. 
The lack of alcohol the last five or so years was clear, the shot made your cheeks tinged pink and a dazed smile on your lips. You tried hard now to sway as you walked and luckily the cool breeze against you the last few minutes helped to bring you back down. The taste of it was exhilarating- dancing on the edge of inebriation and the thoughts that came with it!
“I- Can’t.” You take a step back, “Too many people- I can’t.”
“Hey- Y/N.” 
You stare at the ground as you stumble back to some steps, letting the cold pavement press against you. Stuck inside yourself as your world spun you began to ramble, 
“I- Only people I’ve been around are the Troupe. No more than 12, never more. A-And Bates kept people away from me. No- No, too many. Feels suffocating, like I can’t breathe.” You look at them with terror written across your face, “Why are you all doing this for me? Because you know I’ll die? Or because you feel bad for me? Y-You know he kidnapped me, I’m not allowed to use phones or see my old friends, my family thinks I’m dead. Yet…” 
Machi crouches down to get eye level with you, “You deserve a night of freedom and fun you should have had. You’ve given all of us more kindness than we deserve all these years. And Uvo has never been happier in all the time we’ve known him. We want to repay it back before you die as his wife.” 
“We’ll take any backlash that comes of this, with your state Uvo wouldn’t dare to upset you.” Paku said, correctly inferring the nagging at the back of your mind that this would make him furious.
“You could get away with a lot more than you realize because he’s terrified of you dying, remember that.” Machi’s intensity bores into you in a way that makes you sit straight up. Either from the fact her nen could kill you in an instant or she was trying to instill you with a backbone. 
“How much longer do you have, Y/N?” Shizuku asked. 
“I… Don’t know.” You push your fingers against your temple, trying to stifle the weight of everything on your shoulders. The sting of the vodka still in the back of your throat, your eyes focused on the heels you wore. 
“A year at most, probably eight months.” Machi replied.
“Why- Why would Uvo be scared to upset me? Hasn’t stopped him before.” You flinch at the reminder of your impending doom, no matter how much you were coming to terms with it; It was Uvogin’s karma.
“With my non-professional medical guess, who's been there since the start, is that there’s so much medicine can do if you’re giving up. Uvo doesn’t want you to want to die, selfishly wants you to hang on for as long as possible even if you’re in pain.”
Oh. It felt like you hit a wall. A harsh wave of soberness and the realization of where you were, “I wondered, why it took him so long to think of marrying me? Did Bates love me more to go through those lengths? What did I do to deserve all this?”
No one spoke. It would have been hypocritical for them to, they were just as big of monsters as Uvo. That they didn’t need you looking at the situation from an outsider’s viewpoint anymore, a discomfort settled within their guts. 
“Can we- still go to that bar?” You ask, breaking the silence you caused. 
As much as you spilled to them unprompted, knowing your words wouldn’t spur them emotionally to do anything, you were always smart not to let anyone in on the doubt you felt. On the anxiousness since Bates, on the second guessing if your emotions for Uvo were real. You knew everyone would take it wrong, that you’d been indoctrinated or rebelling. 
Because hadn’t Uvo washed away every insecurity that made you doubt your love? All this hushed proclamations whilst his cock was buried in your guts. The small touches and the fact you no longer had to lift a finger. His ever permanent seeming presence. Right? Ringing struck up in your ears forcing you to shake it off, Right. Right. No question about it as you stared at the ring on your left finger. You were excited to be his wife, to further cement your love. You had to be. 
“Of course,” Paku said, “Let’s go. You can hold onto us as much as you need.” 
Everything was a blur after they helped you up from the step, urging you to forget about your woes. The line wasn’t a long wait before you’re stepping into what felt like an alternate dimension. Thick sweat-infused-air with the smell of alcohol, bodies shoved like sardines, and strobe lights beamed around. 
Music. Music! Oh it made you sway in utter glee as the bass reverberated in the depth of your soul. You felt like a fish out of water with your fingers intertwined with Paku’s, looking around the room like an awe struck child seeing the world for the first time. 
A glass was shoved in your hand and you indulged, then again, and again. Uncaring for the strength of the liquor or the overly sweet syrups, the taste of freedom was absolutely addicting. How you’d missed alcohol in all this time, you’d beg Uvo to let you drink again. Soon your vision blurred along with your doubts. 
It was tiring always worrying. Always wondering. Being on edge. Doubting. It made you suffocate and being able to let go was pure relief. Giggle and laugh with the three Troupe members like any other friend group would. Even if they weren’t as into or as relaxed as you, watching your every move, you didn’t mind. They were doing this for you.
Any man that approached you was shooed off with a threatening glance from Machi. You were encapsulated in a perfect bubble as you bounced around sucking down another tequila infused drink. Not caring that you didn’t know any of the lyrics because this was music you’d never heard before. When was the last time you’d listened to music? You stop as you warm, bodies pressing to you, and you realize you don’t know. 
You tug your dress further down your thighs, attempting to cover more. You falter in your steps and arms are on your waist in an instant. 
“Ready?” Shizuku stares through her glasses at you.
You nod. Was it late? How long had you been inside the club dancing to your heart's content as your mind went to mush. 
The air outside was frigid compared to your body’s temperature, to the red flush along your skin and sweat beading at your hairline. Hair a frizzy mess. Mascara smeared under your eyes with the glitter from atop your lids. You hadn’t smiled so big in so long, to the point your cheeks ached as you tried to skip along the paved sidewalks, giggling like a madwoman. Pakunoda never let you get far though, listened and responded to your entertainingly slurred words and statements. And how you slowly began to wear down, to slow in your steps as you wrapped an arm around her. Contentment resonated from you. 
They’re on edge first, you not noticing the sudden change in atmosphere. That the aura around you all dropped, anger seething through it. Three forms stood past the turn. One particularly large. 
Uvogin. Flanked by Nobu and Phinks, who looked more annoyed than anything. Yet it wasn’t them that brought concern, because Uvo looked halfway ready to destroy the local buildings. 
“The fuck are you all doin’? Thinking you can take my soon to be wife out to get drunk, take ‘er somewhere I don’t fucking know.” He’s rigid, a murderous aura surrounding him. Muscles flexing as his jaw locked. Oh Uvogin was a big and terrifying man yet you looked at him like the dark, bustling city was naught. 
“Uvo!” You squeal, delighted, your core flush with warmth as you don’t notice his anger. Your thoughts are screaming for him, chanting his name like a prayer because there he is! He’s suddenly in your sights, though you aren’t sure why there’s two of him, but all you want is to squeeze him, take him for yourself. The way his thighs squeezed against the fabric of his shorts you narrowed in on, thinking about running your hands against them, prodding into the skin. Massaging and kissing and moving to his thick co- your core goes warm, such liquid goodness that you can’t fathom being away from him any longer, your daydream making you go numb.
You push off Paku and skip over to Uvo, practically throwing yourself into him. Which he caught you with ease even without prior notice. You nuzzled into his warmth, feeling his calloused fingers run along your arms. You don’t feel how he tugged down your dress as it’d ridden up, or as he checked for any marks. And you certainly didn’t feel the genuine panic, terror past jealousy of you drunk around others. The fear of you out without him. Finding someone else more interesting upon realizing how much he’d taken from you. Living a life that didn’t include him. And if you wanted said life back over what you two built on the cracked foundations only help up on your (possibly) messed up sense of reality. 
“Hi baby.” Uvo said in a fairly choked back tone; his attempt to seem relaxed towards you while he was really seething. In his mind he had to blame his fellow Spiders, that this was on them, not you. 
“Want you.” You whined softly, eyes filled with heated want that bore into him. Your palms flat on his chest feeling his erratic heart beat like it was your lifeline, “Missed you.”
You don’t remember much, not as you swayed in his grasp, vision splitting your environment from doubles to triples. The hazed joy settled into a comfortable exhaustion as your eyelids drooped, uncaring for the voices that argued around you. It doesn’t matter that it’s getting heated, not to you, this night has been better than the stars above. Topped off with Uvogin at the end. As your head falls limp, knees buckling, your last drunken thought is on the wedding. 
Feeling your body beginning to go limp as you mewled into him, Uvo picks you up cradling you into him. Your touch grounded him. Your excitement to see him might have been what stopped a possible massacre powered by his anger and fists alone. You’d missed him terribly even when you had the whole world at your fingers, and he loved that. Filled him with a sense of pride. 
“We’re going.” Uvogin nodded to Nobu and Phinks.
“Good fucking thing I didn’t let my girl come. Will have to tell Feitan ‘bout this.” Phinks grumbled under his breath.
“We’re heading back to Base.” Nobunaga tells the girls, “Come if you want, will be a tight squeeze.”
The group began their departure, silence amongst a still bustling town. Tension thick enough to cut with a knife, trepidation building within a few of the Spiders. Strange looks from some, especially at the large man carrying a girl who looked like she had a rough night out. 
Soon buildings died out. Lights limited. Roads turning to dirt, fences showcasing expansive private overgrown property. Countryside came into view with a car waiting, as Phinks pulled out the keys. For a second they all share uncomfortable glances unsure how they’ll all fit, but one person in particular had a dark cloud above her.  
“Uvogin.” Machi said dangerously low, fists clenched and Shizuku ready to grab her if needed. “How long have you had her now, four years, or is it five? She’s not going anywhere she’s in love with you, as much as she’s able. She doesn’t know how to think without you telling her what to think about, nonetheless run away anywhere. Where would she go? She relies on you for everything and more, you are her life. And she’s happy about it I guess, babbled about you all night. She doesn’t have long and you know it, don’t let her go it’ll do more harm than good but… let her say goodbyes. Proper ones to those you took her from.”  
“No.” He responded without pause, “You’ve gone soft, Machi I’m surprised. I ain’t letting her out my sight from here on out, I’ll let Chrollo know I need a fucking sabbatical or something. You’ll be lucky if I let any of you see her again.” 
“She’d be upset about that.”
“You say that now.” She knew he was bluffing, and of course he was. 
He squeezed your sleeping frame before settling into the passenger seat of the car, keeping you tight to him. He stared at your angelic form feeling his heart squeeze, “Don’t do something like this again. And one day maybe you might understand a sliver of what I feel for her and why I do what I do.”
Uvogin couldn’t fathom missing another one of your breaths. Not a single one. Because from here on out he’d claim them all as his. 
This was how it was meant to be- your wedding day- you realize as you stare at your reflection. You remember the attempted one with Bates felt like walking to your doom, while this time around with Uvo? It felt like you were walking through a floralled field surrounded by a thick lavender odor, heading towards the rest of your life. It felt right. 
A white gown flows along your emaciated body that has a faint golden sheen from the joy swirling within you. Excitement coursed in your veins as you finished final touches for your hair and makeup, relying on Paku heavily for assistance. 
It’s Fall, the orange and red leaves falling delicately around you as you carefully walk along a gravel path with grass laying flat from overuse. The cooling air filled with a cinnamon spice odor so acutely that of the lengthening nights as Hallow’s Eve was around the corner. Feeling wrapped in the comfort of your favorite season, a molten liquid spread as you inched closer and closer to the altar. Arm looped in Paku’s, a smile lives etched on your face as tears prick at your eyes, swirling sentient settling within. After much convincing, Uvogin agreed to an outdoor wedding at sunset, not being able to say no to you. The Trope had done an immaculate job at setting up a cozy venue
It was a whirlwind. Walking down the aisle to Uvogin. How he looked at you with misty eyes and utter happiness, looking devilishly handsome in a tailored suit, something you never imagined seeing him in. He towered over you with a powerful aura that made you feel safe. Nothing else existed when in Uvogin’s orbit. How his hands held yours, staring so intently like you were the entire world. That you were all that existed on this plane, that all he wanted was to whisk you away as soon as vows were shared. 
You were always his, but to Uvogin this tied you to him forever. Emotionally linked your cute self to him in a way that meant everything to you, while to him the title of marriage did little to change his feelings. It made your heart swell and your face beam with love, making this worth it in his eyes.  
And it was worth it to see you walking down the aisle to him. His pupils dilated, shoulders dropping, mouth quirked up at the sight of you in a white gown. An angel. His heart soared and he stood a tad straighter beaming with pride. 
Closer. Closer to him. Time seemed to slow as you both became so consciously aware of the other, of how your hearts raced in rhythm combining. Circulating souls, winding and meshing, flowing together like pieces of twine twisting and twisting. Paku handed you off to him and he’s lit with a burning need as your smaller hands slot into his perfectly. A necessity so pure, like a starving man who’d kill for his survival, burn the world to the ground to have you. 
Nothing else mattered besides you; not Chrollo who began the ceremony, not the eyes and pleasant words of the other Spiders and their partners (who stared hopeful at their lovers). 
Only your tears of merriment as you peered up at him like he was your savior, mattered. He was your salvation. The sweet words that left your lips as you cried through your vows with breathy laughs, built him up more and more. Uvogin’s vows were strong, filled with his promises of protection and love, his thinly-veiled apologies for the past and the excitement to continue as husband and wife. 
A faint cinnamon smell wafted on the breeze, heavy earthy-spice amongst the falling leaves. The sun is setting beyond the horizon. Dimming violet skies flourished as the ceremony ended- you in Uvogin’s arms as vows sealed with a kiss. A symphony of harmonious noises blurred out your surroundings, a deafening buzzing that should have made your stomach churn and your instincts blare red. Instead it’s elation that spurred your tunnel vision as you kiss your husband passionately uncaring for anything else. 
Maybe you were too far gone from the clarity you’d had, from the questions of Uvo’s real feelings you once picked apart. All of it drowned and stamped out. Glowing delight crammed into every vein and bone, to your most miniscule of nerves. Plugged up so thick with the taste of Uvogin that you’re almost drunk off his scent alone, off the way his eyes raked along your body. The thought of him looking and touching anywhere else made you want to die. Like he was the oxygen you breathed. A fresh intake of air seeping with amber and intoxicating caramel, the taste of a maple tree’s smoky bark going up your nostrils to the tip of your head. 
Dizzied by his musk. Dizzies as your mind buzzed like a million honey bees flew about in crazed circles. Unable to wipe the grin off your face as Uvogin picks you up Bridal style to carry you off. Marital bliss is already consuming the two of you whole, Uvogin’s aura a violent red as his chest swelled with possession. 
Every inch of Uvogin; from his flexing muscles to his grueling height where his toes tingle with want. He was wounded so tight. Chords pulling and pulling, fraying as they did, and any moment they’d snap. He’d snap. Flustering begins to control him and you can see it in his eyes. The fire. The lust. All of it.
Uvogin wastes no time getting to his corridor of the Base, since everyone wanted the loud man in his own area to reprieve them of his usual antics. 
And he wasted no time placing you on the bed with a thump, your giggles music to his ears. Pure joy shimmered across your features and it had been far too long since he’d seen it. Uvo relishes in it as he helps you out of the wedding gown (tries to help while you beg for him not to rip it). Because for the rest of the night he has plans that will keep you a mess on his cock as you cry and scream for more, drunk off overstimulation, none of your innocent happiness to be found. Only your reliance on him. Your need for him. 
You’re on your back faster than you can blink, Uvogin pulling you to the edge of the bed. On his knees between your thighs you watch him with insatiable lust clouding your eyes, your senses, sending little volts of electricity up your spine as his rough fingers traced the skin of your inner thighs. How he kneaded and stoked, your mewls and constant jerking making a devious look fall over him. 
“I ain’t gonna be nice, gonna fuck my pretty little wife til’ she can’t take it. Then I’m gonna keep going.” His breaths fans along your clothed cunt, your liquids beginning to soak through the white fabric. 
You nod, feeling the numb tingle of anticipation wash over your body. Your mind as if it hung out to dry, lust dulling your senses. 
The sudden onslaught of his tongue has you seeing stars. He knows exactly how to tease your entrance to make you squirm and gasp, knows how you like how he oscillates his long tongue inside you to pull out an orgasm. Stroking your inner thighs so playfully and feather like, 
“Uvo- pl-please!” You beg, fingers yanking at his scalp. You need him like you need oxygen to breathe. Your senses are so dull, the air smelling thick of your juices and sex, a tangy musk that is sweet because it’s because of your love for him that you feel this way.
“Need somethin’?” The vibrations of his deep voice sent shivers up your spine, your mind spinning in lust as with a flick of his tongue, the way it then drags along your folds brings you back to your high. 
Sobbing for him as you snap, squirt dribbles and he laps it up, sucking your engorged clit to make you shake. To make you tremble and jerk and try to push his face away as slurping noises fill the room. 
“Ne-ed you!” You sob, “In me!” Your head is spinning and all you can think about is having his cock stretching you out. 
He relinquishes with a final kiss above your clit, pulling to strip himself of his clothes.
Uvogin is more than aware of the size difference between you two, you’re so small beneath him, just so cute laying in awe at his naked hulking body as his hand goes to stroke his godly length. You’re so tiny, so breakable and while he is always as careful as a man like him can muster, right now all he wants to do fragment you into a thousand little pieces. 
“You’re so damn tiny, wife.” Blood rushes to his cock, hardening it even more as the tip leaks precum swollen and red. The way his hand engulfs parts of your leg as he gropes makes him burn and he knows he can’t hold back much longer. 
“You want this fat cock in your tight cunt? You wanna be nice and full, all stretched out? Gonna take all I give you?” 
“God yes, Uvo.” You keen, “Please, fill me.”
“Who do ya belong to, wife?” His eyes darken as he lines his cockhead up to your dripping entrance. 
You squirm and moan lewdly, unable to focus as pleasure grinds at your core, “Y-You Uvo! My husband, I’m yours- your wife- yours.” You babble as his swollen tip continues to tease you. 
“Cunt is mine.” He thrusts in fully, a silent scream escapes you as your eyes roll back. Uvogin’s cock pulses and he groans in pleasure, muscled legs trembling as his nerves are shot full of an addictive high from your body, “Tits are mine.” He engulfs one of your breasts in his hand, thumb rubbing over a pebbled nipple. “Whole damn body is mine. Your fucking mind is mine, I own you.” His thrusts turn erratic, slapping skin reverberates in the room as your little pussy takes his ginormous size and violent force behind each fuck against your cervix.
Already a mess, you’re easy to move, easy to morph as Uvo adjusts you on the bed. Angle was just right, your ankles held down at your head and his hips just so to drive into you so deep you won’t be able to walk. Your orgasm blossoms as squirt juts from your hole as Uvogin’s long cock spreads you too wide and too deep, the pain electric and overwhelming but your hips shake. 
“You’re so pretty baby, so damn good takin’ me like this.” He grunts, throwing his head back as he continues to fuck into you, his balls slapping against your ass. “I love ya, love how you squeeze me. You want my cum this bad? I’ll give it to you, get you nice and full from it. Take me deeper now, you can do it, yeah?” 
His vulgar words are disoriented in your ears but they make you feel obscene, make you smile sordidly with tears in your eyes, and nod like your life depended on it. 
You’re lost in his wicked aura. Your wedding night lived up to all you would have hoped for it, as your dress lay discarded and you were folded in different positions as your husband drove the both of you to pleasured highs again and again. Heavy spurts of come coated your insides, too much so that it trickled out and painted your thighs, painted the sheets. Again and again he plugged you with his cock and filled you with heavy grunts, letting you feel the hot come shooting out from him for far too long, far too much that you could almost taste it in your throat. He hit every sensitive spot you loved that made you feel mushy and braindead, just a reliant little thing on him. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. You could barely hold your head up or moan how much you loved him and his cock. Your eyelids grew heavier, while your body shook from the continued rapture. 
Uvogin kissed you so lovingly, so much so that it hid his true malicious intents you couldn’t understand in your fucked out state, “I got you baby, gonna let me use you?”
You nod. Smile like a drunken idiot, and go lax. You feel every thrust, every pulse and curve of his cock, each slap against your ass, each kiss, lick, grope along every open inch of skin. You knew this was heaven. Heaven as he pushed you to your chest, hiking back your ass and slamming in. Your poor cunt quivered, gaping wide from his girth as his come leaked out, lower tummy inflated and Uvogin watched you with a glint in his eyes, and he couldn’t keep his emotions in. He let out a monstrous roar, one the brute was known for, and he let you take every inch of him uncaring if you broke or said it was too much. But you took it. You always did. Even if your gummy walls tried to force him out, tried to tighten up too much but he’d always push past the defenses to claim you and feel your clamping cunt as it came, as it squirted. And god as he’d toy with your aching clit he’d see you spasm even in your passed out state.
His fingers gripped your hips, they’d leave bruises he’d stare at proudly tomorrow. And he knows more marks will follow, he needs to mark you, to show anyone who you belonged to on all open parts of your skin. Your eyelids were finally permanently closed at this point, once done-up hair a mess, makeup all smeared. Tiny mewls all that escaped your parted lips. Yet your pussy still squeezed him like a vice, milking him for all it was worth begging for more, “Still so fucking needy for me aren’t ya? Don’t worry I’ll fill you all night till I got nothing left, you know your husband will always take care of you.”
Uvogin could never help himself when it came to you from the second he laid eyes upon you. His feelings are too intense and overpowering of his superb fortitude, years of destruction and rigidness in his work. And it took awhile the first few months before he took you because he adored who you were, and did not want you to become a shallow version of yourself. But he always knew it was his job to protect you as your friend turned captor, turned partner, turned husband. 
What type of man was he if he couldn’t keep his love safe? He’d spent years diligently watching over you, even going as far as to check your body for harm. Make sure you ate well, slept enough, and had a good amount of things to keep you mentally entertained. He knew you like the back of his hand and it was why he struggled from the start when you couldn’t get healthy. But with his mind set on it, it would happen, he was sure. 
Uvogin wasn’t always suited for tough conversations when it came to you, overall happy with everything. Never complaining about not being able to contact anyone outside the Troupe or go outside without him or an escort. You stopped going stir crazy after accepting your feelings for home were true all those years ago, loving his clingy touches and loud humor. 
But as the weeks went on after the wedding, your state got worse. And so did his helplessness, the gut feeling that he was still not doing enough. His optimism wore on himself as much as it did you. 
Everything about you makes his heart race at such a speed he wonders if one day you’ll give him a heart attack. Simply based on his overly obsessive actions and thoughts, his every waking being is all for you. 
“Uvo, stop it.” You swat at his large hand that held a protein bar, “I’ll just throw it up. Don’t wanna.”
So maybe it was all coming to head after almost two years. Exasperation with the situation that turned into taking it out on the other. More or less you wanted a break from the pity, the treating you like a little porcelain doll by your lover. 
“You gotta eat, babe. Can’t survive off that baby food shit.” He sighed referencing the nasty apple sauces, ground up food into weird shakes that made him gag. 
“Better than nothing.” You murmur, staring aimlessly at the blankets you sat under.
Uvogin ran a hand through his hair, feeling disgruntled by your frail form not even looking at him. He moved towards the bathroom, dropping the bar in the trash. He wants to scoop you up, pin your chest to the mattress to fuck into you to hear you chant his name. 
He doesn’t mean to snap at you. But god he can’t fucking stand to watch what you’re doing, because he’s not stupid. He missed his girl, her smiles and snark, how she’d be equally all over him as he was towards her. His best friend and lover wrapped up in one. While he wasn’t cruel, swore if you were in pain then so was he, but he was tired of this push and pull. 
“You’re giving up.” His words come out harsher than he intended, but the bitterness bubbling up his throat spurred them on.
You wipe at your eyes because of the sudden tear that fell down your cheek. His words feel like a painful stab to the gut. 
“I can’t- I won’t watch you die, Y/N. Not even thinking about what this is doing to me. I can’t be without you.”
Anger filled you but you couldn’t breathe, dry heaving through your sudden sobs that hit you like an avalanche, “Doing to you? I’m the one dying, Uvogin. I’m the one in pain every day and every breath.”
He flinched at the usage of his full name. 
“Let me die, please it hurts so bad and I have fought. Fought for you, for us but I’m so tired. You need to let me go so you can move on with your life rather than be stuck as my caretaker.” Desperation laces your words, all you want is for him to hold you in his arms. Not for him to stand by the door with a faraway look. The sorrow on his features and the regret swirling in his eyes. You know he’s hurting, but this is destroying you.
“Is that what you think?” His fists clench, muscles going taut as they strain against his shirt, “That you’re a burden? That I’m better off without you? I take care of you because I love you, not out of some stupid fucking caretaker duty I’m obligated to.” 
“But aren’t you? You are the one who kidnapped me, you have to care for me or throw me to the curb if I’m not fulfilling my duties.” You spat, and you don’t regret the words as they slap him in the face making it twist in a dark glare. 
His brows pinched together, lips purse as he exhaled jadedly. The fierce mocking chuckle spewing out made your blood run cold, “We going there?”
“Maybe we should. We never have properly, always joking about it because it worked out for us. I downplayed what you did because you always respected me, kept me as me. Didn’t force me to fuck you, or be with you. And we always had amazing rapport even before that.” The aggravation of talking to him like he was a non-receptive 8ft plus wall made you want to rip your hair out. Not a flash of any emotions on his face leaving you to reel and second guess. 
“What’s the point of this babe? Gonna start throwin’ shit at me again? Begging me to let you go?”
“No!” You sit up straight, rolling your shoulders back feeling frustration and the sudden want to rip your hair out, “I love you. Only way I’ll ever want to leave is if you no longer feel the same, or if you hurt me. But jesus Uvogin, put yourself in my shoes even with your limited fucking ability to empathise. Because sometimes I wonder if you love me the way I love you, or if I have fucking stockholm syndrome!”
“What do you want me to say?” 
“The truth, how you really feel.” You press, almost as if you wanted him to snap. You’re tired of half truths, of him dumbing everything down like you’re a child.
“The truth?” His eyes narrowed as his chest thumped, felt like his insides were turning inside out in absolute agony, “Truth is I feel fuckin’ useless and you no longer care about living. You are leaving me, you’ll be dead. And now I’m hearin’ you think your feelings are fake? What a fucking time this is.”
“How am I supposed to not die, Uvogin? Tell me. I sleep all day, take handfuls of pills, IV for fluids. My body is rejecting it all and you don’t care that I’m in pain, you care more about having me around so you can get off.”
An explosion of red aura escapes him with a growl, his fist coming down on the closest piece of furniture. You gasp, heavy sobs returning as you recoil in ear. Realizing what he’d done, he tried to approach you, but you cried for him to stay away. Fear. Dizzied confusion written on you and Uvogin doesn’t know how to take it away. Not even the first few months after taking you, had you looked at him like that. And it made him want to die. 
“Y/N, M’sorry. Fuck. You’re my life, I love you. You aren’t some fucktoy to me, you’re the reason I breathe. And I’m so scared of the day I gotta live without you. It’s no excuse, but please. Would never hurt you, you’ve gotta know that right?”
You stare at him. Blank. Fingers gripping the blankets you used as a shield until your  knuckles turned white. Wet streaks falling down your face, off your jaw staining the fabric. 
“By begging me to stay alive… You are hurting me.” You whisper, but he can hear. 
“Fine,” He growls needing to leave your presence before he lashed out more, “Then you got my fucking permission to die, wife. I’m done.” 
He spares you no other glance as the door slammed behind him. You’re left trying to pick up the pieces, pick apart his words. Unable to hold back the flood of sorrow that seeped out, hysterical, airy cries as you heave. Pathetically quivering as you hugged yourself, slowly rocking back and forth atop the bed as it sets in. You think he means he’s done, he doesn’t want you, this is him washing his hands of you and your fate. 
You call for him, his name falling onto nothing, sniveling and blubbering like a mess. The air suffocates you, thick as it wrung you out. Dull skin prickling like a thousand needles inserting within you. Searing pain behind your brows and temples as it felt like your head was being crushed as your eyes went puffy and red.
Stuck in limbo staring at the wall. For months you’d been living under pitying glances, careful words, and locked up in an ivory tower of protection against the world. Even yourself. 
Your actions not your own as you move like a woman possessed, a ghost haunting the halls of its resting place. How you dressed for the colder weather outside the Base, discarding the disaster of splintered wood Uvogin left during his outburst. You moved with whimsical intent and glazed over eyes. In a trance as you padded along the eerily quiet halls then the main room, not a Spider in sight. Not that they could have stopped you, or even noticed as Uvogin’s screaming caused them to scatter. Pity as they had no choice but to listen as his deep voice echoed through every cranny spewing hurtful words.
Nobody stopped you as you opened the door to the outside. As you stand in the doorway contemplating stepping out, you realize it’s the first time you’ve been able to go somewhere without permission, with your own autonomy. With that you leave, crossing an invisible boundary that leaves you feeling lighter.
You walk, slow, stumbling as your lungs struggle to adapt. 
Unable to get far, you collapse unto a patch of grass, overlooking an expansive patch of trees overgrown with weeds and vines. 
On replay in your mind is the fight you’d just had with Uvogin, how his words sliced you deep. How he struggled with your pain, and how you spent too much time keeping your thoughts from him to ease his own. A selfish feat. But they were fearful, self deprecating thoughts that plagued you day in and out. The heaviness of accepting an eventual death that could be at any turn. The realization of your complacency and how the doubt Bates’s kidnapping of you set a spiraling turn of events. That you doubted your love feeling anxiety over his touch or telling him those three words- and how it made you selfish. More than ever. That you now saw Uvogin’s actions in the evil, manipulative light they were, and you did not care. Not anymore. His charismatic, strong nature over you was irrevocably his property, his wife, and this would have happened kidnapping or not. 
The cold, you feel yourself becoming one with it as your shallow breaths exhale fog around you. Your body feels numb as your pulse slows at an alarming pace. It’s comforting, serenely quiet before a high pitched noise sounds in your ears. The scenery is beautiful, you admire it as your eyelids droop, this was a good place to pass. To rest. The sky so blue, the sun high and bright, alluding to a perfect Summer day yet you shiver from the almost freezing temperature. 
You hear footsteps approaching and you hope it’s Uvo, that he’d get on his knees and beg for your forgiveness, that he’d make it up to you. But it’s not and you almost laugh, maybe he really did mean he was done with you. 
“Chrollo?” You jolted back to reality at the sight of the Phantom Troupe leader, at first having thought the figure was imaginary. In all these years you never conversed much, Uvogin having said the passing of his wife permanently altered him. 
“Y/N, dear.” His tone is gentle. He approaches and you see the heavy coat and blanket he carries.
“Don’t.” You stammer, “I’ve made my choice, I ask you to respect it. Just make sure he’s okay once I die. I used to think he deserved it after everything, after taking me but- god,” You let out an insane sounding laugh, “I don’t want to leave him, but I can’t live like this. Coughing up my lungs, blood, always tired, unable to eat. My body is giving out on me.”
“When I lost her, I thought my life was ending.” Chrollo laments, closing in on you to wrap you in the warm fabric. He takes a seat beside you, “It did. I’m forever stuck, unable to move on. And truly? I am okay with it. But there isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do for any members of the Troupe so they never have to experience the magnitude of losing your wife.”
“I understand but-”
“I want you to tell me what it is you truly want. If you could have one wish.”
You respond instantly, not needing to think of your answer, “To be healthy and live the rest of my life with Uvo.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I believe you.” Chrollo sighed, “I wanted to respect your wishes but I had a feeling you were accepting the path of a martyr as all roads appeared exhausted. I found someone, a skilled doctor from another continent who has treated and helped patients with symptoms similar to or more extreme than yours. He likes the challenges of strange chronic illnesses.”
You straighten, an invisible weight feeling like it’d been lifted off of you. Your mind is short circuiting however, as if you’d been unplugged. You’d had to come to terms with your impending doom after a multitude of medical avenues were taken at no expense. But Chrollo’s outreach must have been intense, it must have taken ages to discover if you’re only now hearing of it. 
Hope rushed into you. A re-ignited fire burning bright within, making the idea of living another day plausible. Something you wanted. 
“Does Uvo know? Where is he? He left me I… Thought he was done. That he didn’t want me-”
“I sent Feitan to find him, I wanted to talk to you first. The doctor is already on his way. I did not want to waste time if you agreed. And if you truly wanted to rest for eternity, I’d have sent him back.”
“How.. But the Troupe- please don’t kill him after.”
“No, it would be a waste. He is miniscule as a threat to us, I actually thought him to be dead all these years. I knew him briefly in Meteor City, he would come to treat the children.”
“Ah.” Knowing the doctor wouldn’t die for helping you released you from any possible qualms you’d have had, “Chrollo?”
“I appreciate it, and I apologize for making you come out here.”
“Do not. Uvogin should be the one apologizing to you.” Chrollo stands with ease, then helps you stand, “I wouldn’t let him off easy, while we all deal with things in our own way, he’d have always regret walking out on you if it were the final time. We should never take time with our loved ones for granted. I am only glad I could find a possible solution for you.”
You’re swelling with appreciation, genuine happiness that you don’t think you’ve felt since the wedding. And before that? Prior to your initial pneumonia diagnosis almost 18 months ago. And definitely prior to Bates. With the burst of joy through your veins you want to throw your arms around Chrollo and thank him profusely some more, but that’s not something you’re physically capable of. Your legs can hardly hold you upwards as you two walk, him having to keep a firm grasp on your waist and arm in case. Slowly the path turned into the walkway for the Troupe’s base, the walking time taking practically double what it should have. But that’s okay, you’re too filled with ambition dreaming about having a normal functioning body once more even if Uvogin still wants to be done with you. 
Your teeth chatter, tips of your extremities a bright red from the chill. Unable to stop shaking even from the sudden heat inside. 
Chrollo helped you into your bed in Uvogin’s room, telling you he’ll have Machi swing by. The warmth of the room and the mound of blankets covering you, it’s suddenly easier to sleep than ever. For now you let yourself dream about good health, about treatments working, but still worry scraped the back of your mind when it came to your husband. Burning deep in your gut at the thought of your vows meaning nothing. As you begin to drift off–  
You hear a deep voice yelling laced with panic. Uvogin sounded ready to rage, to throw furniture across the room, you could picture the anger radiating from him through his tone. Because his words are hazy to you, and even as the door bursts open you’re unable to look. The feeling of large hands combing along your cool skin was the last thing you felt before falling into darkness. 
Uvogin shudders in relief as he watches your chest rise then fall. Your wind stained cheeks still pink as his thumb dragged along your face. He’s coming down from an intense adrenaline fueled high, his heart hammering in his chest ready to burst. How angry he’d been as Nobunaga followed hot on his trail attempting to put reason into him. And how Feitan appeared out of thin air with a look mixed with pity and contempt, saying Chrollo needed him for an emergency. How his stomach dropped filled with nauseating butterflies as his mind jumped to you, that him storming out left you vulnerable. That you fucking died somehow, as he’d let you think he was done. His selfishness towards his lack of control wracked him with guilt as he raced back to the Base. 
But instead Chrollo awaited him with a stern lecture even as he tried to push back yelling for you, body screaming for you to be against him. Yet Chrollo sat there amused over his idea to let Uvogin’s thoughts run rampant to a worse case scenario, sickeningly wanting him to feel the sorrow, the agony of losing you to get it through his thick head this wasn’t all about him. Then the leader informed him of the doctor on his way, giving one final effort to help you. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
Uvogin repeated as he pressed wet kisses to your skin, inhaling your scent like it was his own personal drug. His addiction to your frame in his as the bed creaked when he joined you under the blankets. 
How tiny you are compared to his monstrous form, precious and fragile as you subconsciously nuzzled into his warmth even in a half conscious slumber. He can feel all the cold that rattled you melt from your body due to his own heat, how you no longer shuddered as you fell further limp with relaxation. Little mewls escaping your lips. The jerk reaction of your leg twitching as you murmured something under your breath. Not quite actual words but always made his lips quirk. 
“Uvo?” You exhale with a smacking of your lips, a whimper as you attempt to shift. Arms and legs trembling as you stretch out waking from your quick douse of sleep, “You’re back?” 
Your delicate lashes flutter as you languidly look about. 
“Do… You still want me?” 
Oh his heart shattered from your frail words as you rubbed at your eyes, eyes glittering from the wetness in your lash line. Your bottom lip trembling that all Uvogin can do to show you his devotion is press a chaste kiss to you. 
“Always.” He grunted before deepening his lips against yours with force, slipping his tongue inside your mouth to taste and to claim. 
You gripped his bicep, head spinning from the suddenness of his stealing your breath. Now suffocating in his warmth, his scent, and his touch as you lose yourself in the pleasure running down your spine. Emotions all over. Anger at him for leaving, for yelling. Relief he’d come back. His hands roam underneath your clothes to lay ownership over your body, a heavy groan vibrating into you as he tugged you closer. If it were even possible. He’d tie you to him if he could, keep you glued to him, be inside you to be molded as one. 
As you become more aware, your feelings of betrayal towards him coming back, you push on his pectorals. And when he doesn’t budge you push again harder, words laced with venom shooting from your mouth. 
“I want you off me.”
He looked like a kicked puppy, surprised as he pulled away. Someone so big with his bulking muscles looked like he wanted to shrivel up before he regained his senses, then attempted to entrap you in his arms.
“You don’t get to crawl into bed and kiss me after what you said. Would you have come back? Would you be this happy if Chrollo didn’t tell you about the doctor?”
“Baby.” He murmured miffed as you squirmed from his grasp, “I-”
“He found me outside, I was so cold and lost, going to just die there.” Uvogin’s face twists to something unreadable and devastating, but you continue, “He asked me what I wanted. If I would accept help from one last doctor, it would be okay if I said no. Uvo I’ve had to come to terms with all of this on my own, you’ve always been so convinced it would be okay. But don’t you understand we were out of options? We have limited time, all I wanted was to rest, to enjoy whatever I had left with you. Yet you storm off. I know it’s been taxing for you but I have tried so hard to stay alive.”
You don’t want to cry, you don’t want him to see you suffer more. You get up from the bed, seeing how his arm twinged as he held himself back from grabbing you, Uvogin was smart enough to understand times you needed autonomy to stick it in your head that you had a semblance of control.
“And I am going to do whatever it is this doctor wants to try, but if it doesn’t work you need to accept that I’m letting fate have its turn with me.” 
It felt like an eternity as you and Uvogin stared into the depths of the others eyes, watching every movement the large man could make. The apprehension in his body language as the gears turned in his head put you on edge. For he was stubborn. 
Alright. He says it like it’s a defeat but offers a faint smile to follow it up. You sigh from the comfort it brought you, physically allowing your shoulders to relax from where you stood. The bed served as a thick barrier between you physically, but the expanse there mentally was like a cavern. 
“Uvo.” You sniffled, lips quivering as the necessity for him brought you to tears. But you couldn’t, wouldn’t as you remembered his words from earlier.
“C’mere baby.” 
He says nothing though you have ideas what he’s debating doing. 
“I can’t. Not after what you said. How willing you were to tell me to die, then walk away.”
From words spoken out of quick anger, Uvogin watched as the relationship cultivated between you two seemingly came crashing down. A thread wound so tight, pulling and pulling for months, finally snapped. And he knows he needs to patch it back up as quickly as possible, get you back into his orbit. 
He groans into his hands, pushing against his cheeks running his fingers against his skin down to his jaw, eyes moist. An incredulous look flashed across his face as his mouth opened then closed, then opened back up to speak but with no words to follow. 
A standstill, you wipe at your tears, “I think we need some time apart.”
“No. Absolutely not, you’re out your fuckin’ mind if you think I’m leaving your side.” From confusion to immediate discontent, his chest overflowing with annoyance at your stupidity thinking he’d give you space.
“But you did. Earlier.”
Uvogin had nothing to retort back for once as his brows pinched together. His thick fingers flexed as he focused on containing his growing temper he felt towards himself, the divide he put between you two. 
“And I fucked up. Got no excuse for my behavior besides I was pissed, I know I’m big and breaking shit around you isn’t the answer. Walking away won’t fix it but I had to leave before I did anything I’d regret. Couldn’t scare you further or risk hurting you. The thought of me being the reason you’re ever hurt makes me fucking ill, I’d rather break every bone in my body. I love you, and I’ll prove it to you every single day over and over if I gotta. But I’m not giving you space.”
It’s the most genuine apology that’s ever left his lips, has you warm inside and brain flitting to accept immediately. You see and hear the regret, it pulls at your heart making your stomach flutter with butterflies. He knew exactly what you needed to hear but this time around he said nothing he didn’t mean in an attempt to sway you back into his arms. He was a truthful, passionate man overall, only straying when absolutely necessary in keeping you happy with him. And he sees you perk up. Knows he’s got you.
“I’ll hold you to that.” It’s hard to hide the twinkle in your eyes, the involuntary upturn of your lips, or your reddened face because of him. How you know you’re giving in to him too easily and that you should make him work for it more. Get on his knees and beg, maybe do a few things while down there too. 
Because against better judgment you’re across the room and straddling the expanse of his large hips. Your lips desperately pressing into his uncaring for the way your lungs throbbed within you, not until you’re pulling back. A coughing fit comes over you, heavy and mucus filled, from the depths of you making you shudder. Uvogin holds you, petting your back as you hack against his chest. Burning. You felt so hot it was almost unbearable as the intake of any air was torturous for your frail body. 
He sighed into your hair, listening to your erratic pulse, “My sweetest girl. I got you. No matter what happens with this doctor, I’m here.” 
And you believe him, whether or not out of necessity. It doesn’t really matter anymore. 
You fall into a strange cycle with him the following days. Uvogin becomes your ever present, ever hovering gigantic shadow that moved precisely when you did. His intense gaze feels like a permanent fixture upon you, watching, assessing every move you made. From the food you consumed so that it was up to his standards of health, to taking over shaving your legs, to not letting a single person touch you besides himself… It brings you back to the first year you spent with him before the relationship blossomed, to how robotically he controlled your life. 
Pieces of you wanted to brush him off, punish him as exasperation boiled within you. Unable to push his hands away without a glare. His gigantic form pressing against you constantly.
But this was different, you had to believe so. He was scared to lose you. Bad enough you wandered outside with him knowing because he stormed off, almost leaving you to freeze to death. So day in and day out you're met with an onslaught of kisses and tender touches along with his over-protective barrage. In your soul you feel it though, the light at the end of the tunnel slowly approaching. Just what that light was- you weren’t certain.
Two weeks later on the dot does Chrollo arrive with the mysterious doctor in tow. You’re nervous sitting atop the table in the small infirmary in the Troupe’s basement. You remember the medicinal scent from the one other time you’d been down here and it makes you squirm, palms sweating as you fiddle with Uvogin’s fingers. . 
Uvogin had pulled a chair to be beside you, a large hand engulfing one of your own as the doctor carefully looked you over, taking vitals, and a few vials of blood. You’d pouted at the sight of the needles, begging Uvo for some help which only brought a wicked grin to his face. You knew he liked how hard you’d squeezed him as blood was drawn, making a face at the nauseous feeling it brought. He’s trying so hard to keep your spirits up and you daresay it’s working?
Things had been strange, more tense in some ways, Uvogin seemingly walking on eggshells around you. Scared to upset you. Overly doting if that were even possible for the clingy man who would choose to spend time with you over Troupe business. (Which took you far too long to realize how serious he was the first time he told you that.)
“I’m going to run these tests I need real quick. I need to be able to count out a few possibilities to confirm what I think our path is. My nen will speed up the process so sit tight.” The doctor, who was a short man with an overgrown beard, said offering a kind smile. 
“Thank you.” You take a sharp breath in and glance at Uvo. The door clicked close, leaving the two of you to sit in heavy silence.
You watched him slowly kiss your knuckles one at a time, expelling the unruly feelings of obsessive jealousy coursing through him. His overly possessive nature regardless of your health, hated the doctor’s hands on you. Was grounding himself as his lips dragged along your skin, “Feeling okay?” 
“Nervous. Hated describing everything I’ve dealt with, though I know he needed to hear it.” You sighed. The insurmountable effort to get out of bed each day was wearing you down, at this point you’re surprised you’re able to at all. Mornings begin with faint cries and whimpers as Uvo helps you up. Then you stay placated in the same spots, droning away at whatever is shoved in front of you. And night time was when your bones could relax and mind could have its reprieve from the constant synapses shooting aching pain through you. 
You didn’t speak much as butterflies spurred from Uvogin’s invasive touching, continuing to claim parts of you as his own as you wait. But there was a twisting past the sparks he made you feel, one dreadful and sickening. A wandering mind down alleyways of deceit telling yourself there’d be no magical cure or good news; that you’d spend your remaining time wasting away in suffering. 
Eventually the door creaked open and the doctor strode in, head stuck in a clipboard, “Alright.”
You’re sitting straight, electricity shooting through your spine. Uvo tenses next to you, his grip on your thigh tightening ever so slightly.
The diagnosis was in the air of what you’d expected. Pneumonia from the time before Bates kidnapped you never properly healed. It expanded into more. Your respiratory tract was giving up and the rest  of your body did too. It wouldn’t be long before you’d begin coughing up blood per the doctor, the statement shaking you to your core.
“I see antibiotics have not done much, which are always the first line of defense. Which I believe a more aggressive track should be taken.” 
“And what is that?” Uvogin asked in a low voice, fringing on threatening. 
“I would like to put you into a medical nen induced coma.” 
“Uvo.” You grab his wrist as a silent plea, “He’d know better than us on treatment.” 
Your insistence has Uvogin backing down, as in his body physically relaxing. His muscles twitch in the arm you grasp. 
“I have seen and treated 3 cases of hemoptysis or pneumonia successfully this way. And have studied cases of past colleagues too. We are in the unique situation where my nen would be the driving factor rather than what a normal hospital would use. Your body would be given complete rest, no need to fight each day to walk or eat, or even rest. It would give your white blood cells the ability to fight this intense infection. This has turned a lung infection into something chronic, this is the only route that makes sense to take.”
“How long will the coma be for?” You race to articulate your swarming thoughts. They’re all jumbled due to your lack of medical understanding and the fear seeping in. But between you and Uvo, you need to be calm so he is. Because when it came to you, any sense went out the window. 
“Two weeks. But I would be able to tell from test results if you’d need longer. Then afterwards for 3 months there’d be a strict regimen of pills.”
You take a deep breath in, “And if this doesn’t work?”
The doctor gives you a solemn look, which you understand, “Then we’d want to make you comfortable.” 
It was a scary thought. Going to sleep and not waking up one day. One that you’d rather prefer than a malicious death, like torture at the hands of Feitan. While you feel confidence in this doctor, in that you’d wake up from the nen coma, it’s what comes after that makes bile churn in your gut. 
The doctor wants to put you into the coma pronto. 
Uvogin wants to argue, you see the fire in his eyes, the desperation on his face. The silent anger vibrates in him as he wants to scoop you, his wife, up and leave. His silent pent up feelings of failing you coming to the surface. 
He holds your hand as your body goes limp. The pink glow of the doctor’s nen cocooning you inside, not allowing Uvogin to touch you. He hates it. 
The days go painfully slow. 
An hour felt like twenty. 
The first week felt like a year. 
Uvogin was more combative than normal, aggressive with his words when he used them. Abnormally quiet but everyone knew to steer clear of him. Leaving your side was an absolute no-go for the large man, needing to watch every delicate breath to prove to himself you’re still breathing. 
If someone like Uvogin was truly capable of true self reflection- he probably would have during this time. Sure, his mind occasionally filled him with doubt, if his life choices were some fateful cause of your doom. Much like his thoughts had when Bates had you, at least this time he had his eyes on you. 
When the second week finally came to an end and the doctor confirmed it was safe for you to be woken up, that your vitals showed drastic improvement, Uvogin was elated. 
How endearing it was as you whined, eyes fluttering as you struggled to wake. Limbs heavy as you reach in the air through blurry vision, attempting to claw at your face. How you mewled for him relishing in his suffocating touch, fueling his protective instincts more than ever. 
You properly wake to lips against your own, stealing your breath before moving to your jaw. Through heavy eyelids you can make out the side of Uvo’s head, then threading a hand through his wild locks. You can feel his burning lips kissing, the nipping down your neck as he sucks the delicate skin between his teeth to leave marks. A fast sigh of pain leaves your lips as a jolt inside you grounds you to your surroundings. 
“Uvo?” You croak, voice betraying you as it doesn’t sound like your own. Throat dry and hoarse, it hurts to speak so you don’t. 
He doesn’t respond to you right away, Uvogin groping and squeezing at your skin. Swirling heat envelopes your weary limbs, sweat pooling along your hairline as your core goes flush with molten liquid. Sleep still dragged on your eyelids. You could barely move your own legs from the exhaustion and traces of medical nen pricking along you.  
Your legs move, Uvogin spreading your thighs wide. The bed creaks as his weight presses on it. His body exudes searing heat. Burning you as you squirm and mewl about the heavy fog weighing down on you. Chest heavy, heart hammering so much that you hear the blood pounding in your ears as you swallow in anticipation. 
The feeling of your nightgown hiking makes you gasp. Your panties peeled off your form felt like jabs of knives down your numbly tingling skin. 
Uvogin’s thick cockhead prods at your folds, “Fuckin’ hell your soaked. Thinkin’ of me in your dreams?” He chuckled cruelly. 
You whimper as a moistness between your legs fill you with shame, his words only prodding it further. 
Mind lit in static fire, blue and orange with smoke paralyzing your brain as your hips jerk to meet his involuntarily. Body blistering from head to toe, confusing lust settled in you as you feel a pained stretch through your smoky mind. 
“Fuck you’re tight.” Uvogin grunted as he sank his cock further. 
He’s splitting you apart. You cry out, a ghastly moan as your walls spasm around the large length forcing its way in. Dazed and overwhelmed. Impossibly full before you could properly register you were even alive. That you’d been in a coma for two weeks. That now, your poor cunt was shoved full of cock and your stomach expanded as Uvogin grunted with each vicious inch he pushed further in. Fingers seized at his biceps nails drawing blood, toes curled as your legs trembled with feathery pleasure whilst all you felt was unnatural. 
You’re being pushed and pulled every which way, caught in a dangerous undercurrent that shows no reprieve to let you swim upwards. Extraordinary pleasure blossoms within you, petal by petal unfolding and its bright colors glimmering in ecstasy. Ecstasy that choked you up to where you couldn’t breathe as tears brimmed at your eyes, desperately trying to gain senses.
Uvogin began to fuck into you slow, uncaring for the lack of prep, primarily driven by his insatiable want for you. Driven by the fear over your health and his lack of control. That shoving his cock into you to feel your poor gummy walls squeeze the life out of him, settled his churning emotions. That the incessant burn of anxiety in his chest was being snuffed out, and all because the electric pleasure of being one with you brought him. 
“Uvo!” You cry so sweetly for him, all hoarse and face filled with confusion. He was your lifeline in the storm. A storm he brought upon you. One that lifted you and dropped you as his cock hit your most sensitive spots, nestling up against your cervix only to pull out and thrust in again. 
Your lust filled whimpers only grow as Uvogin manhandled your thighs further apart, resting them on his biceps as he towered over you. His thick muscles corded with each push to the hilt of his hips flush to yours. Smacking of skin filled the dry air, your pain still twisting with rapture as his name repeats off your tongue. 
He leans to capture your lips, an inhuman-like groan from the back of his throat tickles your ears. It was one of desperation, higher pitched and letting you see him with shields down. His gigantic body practically trembles upon you as he picks the pace up, pistoning his hard cock over and over, and over. Mind blurring. Squirt dripples from your abused hole as you reach your high through a giant wave of pleasure. 
“Missed you.” Is all he moans. Again. And again.
Your arms move around his neck, legs attempting to wrap around his expansive waist. You can’t imagine him being any further, needing him closer, even closer than the part of him inside you. Because as you blink furiously, registering in your post orgasm haze, about the medical nen coma. That you don’t know the state of your health or the day of the month it is, instead all you can feel is your husband’s cock burying deeper into your guts like he’d never get to again. Overstimulated and too full, Uvogin roared as he came feeling your perfect velvet walls so tight, his vision whiting out. The way the bulge in your lower tummy inflated, the way he re-hardened in seconds to empty you to slam back in. A silent scream all that escapes you.
Fucking through each other’s highs there was nothing you could have ever wanted more than him like this. Maybe you would have wanted him to wake you properly to meet with the doctor to know whether or not you’d live or die. But you’d take this heated moment as you lose your mind as he fucks your sensitive nerves and toys with your clit, murmuring loving yet intense proclamations into your ears. 
Blissed-out face. Uvogin’s eyes burning into yours. Sweat falling from your foreheads. Cries of love. Heavy breaths. Electricity swarms you two, bodies lit in flames of passion and his possession over your body, mind and soul. As he comes again, letting your tiny cunt greedily take his warm seed, your chest sores and a pathetic smile tugs at your lips. You’re babbling incoherent words. Letting him grope you and kiss, and nip and play with your most sensitive areas even as you cried for a reprieve. His come leaked from your folds, an intense river of the warm seed trickling down to the bed, leaving you oh so empty from it and the aftermath of losing his cock. You cried for him to go back inside, that you needed to feel close to him to be one with him. Your hips bucked and jerked as tears fell, pitiful pouts before he laughed.
He sucks and licks along your cunt, slurping your juices and his own seed. Playing with your sensitive and enlarged clit as tingles shoot along your core, twisting so good in your belly. Sweet salvation as you sigh in joy and blurry vision from the pleasure his mouth gave you, collapsing further into the pillows and opening your legs further to welcome him. Fingers threading into his hair to keep his head in the very spot you needed. 
A whimper bubbles from you as he kisses up your aching slit, before leisurely dragging along your sensitive bud that feels just right. Furiously working you to another climax as he suckled your clit, a finger stroking inwards of your thigh. He pads along your sopping entrance and you shudder, watching as two fingers sink into your cunt. Two of his large fingers, which one alone bigger than most cocks. Stretching you out so good as he pumped and curled to your liking, stimulating all the spots that he knew made you go dumb. Uvogin thinks he wants to watch you lose yourself to him but he knows this is a fine line he’s on already, taking advantage of you in such a vulnerable state. But he can’t help himself! You’re just so cute and he’d been so scared the last two weeks. He needed to have his cock deep in your little pussy, the one he’d been so good not to fuck whilst you were in your coma. He wonders if you’d let him fill you again as he jerked his hips against the mattress as his cock began to harden again. 
You’re grinding against him, he smirks before latching back onto your clit and listens to every vibrato of each moan. Of each cry and beg as your slick rushes from your tight cunt, ecstasy blossoming inside you once more as he coaxes orgasm after orgasm from you, him allowing your roadmap of pleasure to lead back to the thick tip of his cock prodding at your slit once more. You smile, so stupidly with a wet face and flushed skin, hardened nipples and asking for him to fill you up again. 
And he does.
Until you're leaking of him. Barely conscious and not able to even moan in pleasure. Until you're trembling and neither your arms or legs can support you anymore. Till he’s shooting blanks and still nudging himself back into you even as you drift off.
Uvogin ruts into your barely there form, pulling you to the edge of the bed so he can have a better view. His come dried and caked onto your skin. Hair a mess. Face swelled red and dried with streaked tears. He grunts as his feet garner support from the ground so he can pound back into you without worrying about the mattress holding him. He doesn’t care that you aren’t crying his name or begging for more. All he sees and cares about how you still squirt little streaks of juices from your hole and across his abdomen. How your body is so obsessed with his touch that he can still make you orgasm even as you lull in and out of sleep. Your clit is so engorged, pink and sensitive but he can’t stop playing with it, rolling it between his calloused fingers as you squirm. Or sucking on it so harshly you passed out earlier, only awoken by him tapping your cheek, pulling the back of your head up so you could watch his cock morph your insides to him as you barely understood what was going on before spasming and blanking out again. Staring into your blank eyes, mouth open in an O-shape, he tells you how much he loves you, and that everything is going to be okay. And of course you believe him, he’s your husband after all, the only man you’d let use you like a fuckdoll in your sickly state to the point your tummy inflated from his thick spurts of come.
Tomorrow, you tell yourself, you’ll come back to the reality of your situation. Tomorrow. For now you’ll bask in your husband as an escape.
It’s the next day, your legs and core are so sore, when you meet with the doctor. It felt like the pink blush was permanently painted along your cheeks as he checked over your vitals. Uvogin watched you smug, one hand tracing circles along the low of your back. The memories of yesterday are prevalent in the air, the thought of it makes you go flush. Uvogin knows the effects he has on you even in such a serious moment that you almost want to smack him for it.
This was it. The moment of truth. 
You're fluttering with anxious nerves, stomach churning and you’re eyeing the garbage can for the chance you puke. Thundering in your ears as your heart hammers and blood rushes. It’s like your surroundings were null as you carefully watch the doctor’s every move, listen to his every breath and word to analyze what they mean. Looking for any sign in his body language that you’re fucked, that it failed and you’re officially out of options. 
But it doesn’t come. He smiled warmly between you and Uvogin. 
“As I expected, my nen coma was a success.” 
As he expected? Had he seemed so certain two weeks ago? You didn’t think so, but apparently he believed off of past patients that you’d recover?
He continues, “Your body was able to replenish itself not having to strain itself the last two weeks. You’re out of the danger zones to where traditional medicine will be able to bring you back to around 90% of your strength. While it’ll never be completely perfect, permanent damage has been done, you’ll no longer be in chronic pain day in or day out, or worrying about coughing up blood. You can go up stairs without stopping and go for walks without needing someone’s assistance. You’ll have energy, an appetite, no longer with permanent symptoms of pneumonia, and excitement towards the future once more.” 
You immediately look to Uvogin, who for once looks pleasantly surprised. His eyes glitter as he meets your gaze, and he smiles. It’s genuine, not forced like everything had been at one point to keep your spirits high. Immediately, you fling your arms around him, tears prick at your lash line. Hugging him as tight as you can knowing you couldn’t hurt him, while his boisterous laugh is like music to your ears. 
The doctor sends Uvogin out of the room to fetch food, saying he’ll go over your medications now. 
For a second you stutter, your whole body short circuiting as you don’t want Uvo to leave. But his encouraging nod your way before he closes the door helps you relax. 
You quickly discover why the doctor wanted time alone with you.
“It’s fairly simple, these two bottles of faint coral-pink pills are for the next two months. They’re high dosages which is why they’re rather large pills, do your best to get them down. Take them with food as well.” 
The doctor grabs two other bottles, your stomach drops as you feel a change in the air. 
“Now, I’ll keep it simple. I can’t tell if you’re happy, what kind of doctor would I be if I helped you recover just to keep you with a dangerous band of criminals?” He laments, “The pale yellow pills are for the final month, they’ll cement the work of my nen and the pink pills. You should not regress for the rest of your life, they’re strong and will kill off any remaining infections or diseases. You’ll be lethargic so I recommend taking them at night.”
“What about the blue ones?” You ask, stomach feeling like it was in the pits of hell the way it violently churned within you. 
“They’ll undo mine and the pill’s work and will allow you to pass peacefully. Take them for a final way out.”
“You- How could…” 
“I’ll write down directions, yellow pills if you feel like the pink ones worked. Blue is needed if more aggressive medications are needed after the two months. At your discretion, who would argue?”
For a split second you wonder if this was a test. But you just smile at him, “I really appreciate your help. It’ll be nice to breathe normally again.”
“It’s my pleasure.”
It took all your strength to not focus too intently on the blue pills as the doctor explained to Uvogin what they meant. He was completely bought in by the ‘deceiving’ explanations, no inkling present that one of the bottles could kill you.
You don’t want to think about it, not too much. You want to think about having autonomy once more. To breathe without hacking, to walk without needing help, to eat without getting sick. 
Month one- you take the bottle of pink pills. Each day, you aren’t sure if you’re truly feeling better or if it’s a placebo. A week of getting out of bed without tears or an aching body, is when you realize recovery was possible. You begin to enjoy full meals with Uvo, seeing the delight on his face when you bake for the first time in over a year. You two laugh at the mess, how half the pastries were burnt but it’s progress as you salvage the edible parts to feed the other. Your deep, nasty cough still surfaced each day. Less and less mucus each time. You’d sleep through the nights, once again becoming the one to wake up first like a waiting puppy for its owner, how expectantly you stared down at him nudging him to wake. How for the first time you were able to initiate sex with no worries of getting sick or him hurting you, as you took his swollen lengthy cock into your mouth. Him standing over you as he lets you explore him with your tongue. He’s so heavy and you giggle, warm and needy as you suck and kiss, lick along his thick veins to the point he can’t handle your teasing. You cry as he fucks your face but they’re good tears, and he watches as you swallow and then open your mouth to show him. Uvogin never leaves your side but for once you feel joy towards it, not frustration. 
Month two- you still take the pink pills and the improvement is astronomical. You giggle like a maniac as you skip about the fluttering grass outside the Troupe’s Base. Uvo watches you spin about before falling to the ground in exhaustion, he smiles as you bask in the sun. You’re breathing heavily but no coughing fits come. You’re bright red and clearly tired but you can still get up to keep going. He’s relaxing under a tree and you’re running around like your life depended on it, he thinks you’re just so damn cute. This is the month you return to more hobbies, become more talkative and want to watch more shows or finally give him back snarky remarks. Uvogin almost dies from the elation, the lightness of his chest at how life returned to you, how you were you. Not the husk of a person stolen away because of disease, you’re happy. Right? 
It’s now month three- you stare between the two bottles. ‘Take the blue pills for a way out.’ The doctor's words reverberate, you’d ignored them for the first two months not wanting to worry about it. Not wanting to get in your head before making a decision. 
You sit in the main room of the Troupe’s Base, Chrollo had called a last minute meeting the night before so Uvogin had to cart you out of bed, ruining a rather good dream. You’re staring at the medications on the counter, then eyes flickering to the clock. Today was the first day you needed to make your choice, the one you’d avoided for so long. 
Sickness numbed your mind at times, while at others allowed you to see things for what they really were. You think. You’d been ready to die, to be released from chronic neverending pain, but now having life back changed your mind. Little things you’d always taken more granted were now things you would never want to lose again. Maybe you’d lost yourself a long time ago, maybe you were always a horrible person to love Uvogin, but as you recount all these years with him you don’t want to lose him. Or the way he loved you. The doubt you’d had towards him after Bates was finally washing away, you walled all the incessant ringing you’d have in your ears off. No more were you susceptible to the common sense you had at the start of your captivity to always hang onto the truth about him. You walled it all off, brick by brick in your head. 
Maybe a part of you wants him to suffer. Wondering how he’d react when you suddenly fell sick again and passed, would he be ruined? Would he move on? You figured he’d do something dumb, find a way to get himself killed more likely. So you walled those feelings off too. 
“Hi.” You smile as Uvo walks out from one of the halls. You mewl into his large hand as he cups the side of your head before moving so you could lean back into him. He’s so large over you that when you lean back on the side of your chair that you only reach up to his thighs. 
You crane your neck to look up, “Everything okay?”
“Yep. Nothin’ for you to worry about.” He looks at the bottles on the table, “So, what ones you thinking? Can you mix them depending on how you feel each day?”
“Uh, don’t know about that, doubt it? I’ve been trying to recount everything to make a decision. Because I mean… I can’t complain, I feel good.” 
“Right.” Uvogin held a hand for you to take, then he grabbed your waist to help you up, “Up to you then, babe.”
The feeling of his thumb circling against your clothed side and the suddenness of standing makes your head spin. In a moment of striking clarity you reach to grab one of the bottles, certain in your choice.
“Mhmm.” You grin up at him, squeezing his hand as you lace your fingers with his. 
The bottle of yellow pills rattles in your hand as you two make your way to his room. The blue pills sit forgotten, almost screaming out for you to change your mind, to think things through again. That you needed to at least leave cracks in the wall you created to protect yourself, just in case. But you didn’t. You coated it in shiny protective layers of something in your mind, causing your chest to surge in feelings of love and all things gooey and over the top. Just stars left shining in your eyes as you look at him. 
The month of taking the yellow pills passed, they made you lethargic like the doctor said they would, causing you to get mass amounts of sleep. But he was right, they made you feel good as new. 
You sit cross legged in the townhome, leafing through pages of your book as Uvogin shuffles around in the kitchen. He’d insisted that he’d make dinner tonight, which you told him takeout would be just as satisfactory (and probably better anyways). 
After multiple interventions on your part you two finally sit connected at the hip as your weekly show plays, food in hand. When Uvo finishes he tucks an arm around your waist pulling you closer, pressing a kiss to your hair. A heaviness in your chest suddenly becomes apparent, each time you swallow the food seeming dry and tasteless. 
He sensed the tension in your small body immediately, but didn’t say anything as he knew you were still adjusting. While physically you could handle a lot from long walks or eating actual food, mentally you were still catching up with the changes. 
“What’s up?”
“Can I tell you something?” You ask meekly. Your fingers feel sweaty, you have to set the food down on the coffee table immediately. A storm rages within you. One side telling you to spill, the other telling you to let this be a secret you die with.
“The- You remember the blue pills I could have taken instead of the yellow ones?” More screaming within you to stop. Like hands were physically trying to drag your voice back down, that this would only anger him. 
“I do.” 
You can’t bring yourself to look at him, focusing on your hands in your lap. You’re more aware of his hulking presence holding you to him than before. You’re more aware of his steady heartbeat and breaths as you wait for them to speed up, to show his anger.
“You can’t get mad.”
“Mad ‘bout what? You end up taking any?” 
Your heart is hammering in your ribs, like it’d burst out ripping you and all your biggest fears into the open. It’s giving you away, you know it. The room felt like it was closing in, suffocating you until you took a deep breath in. No lies. You were given a new chance at life and you would not keep this from him. Couldn’t. It was best it came from you rather than someone else somehow down the road. 
“They would have actually killed me.” 
He’s not reacting how you thought he would. He starts to fucking laugh and you’re staring at him like a deer in headlights. It makes feelings of annoyance bubble in your chest, anger as your nose flares and your pupils dilate. 
“Why… Are you laughing? It’s not funny.”
“Course it’s not, babe, but I already knew.” He shrugged. 
“Shalnark. Guess he got curious what was in them after you said you wouldn’t be taking them. I said he could have ‘em to do whatever that tech freak does.” 
“I don’t understand.”
“Came to me and told me they would have regressed your pneumonia and caused you to pass in your sleep eventually. So I assumed you were aware of that, the doctor probably lied to me, and you made the choice to live. Of course I had to wonder what if you didn’t know and it was all luck you didn’t take them, now I know it wasn’t.”
“That’s why you didn’t say anything?”
“Yep, figured if you didn’t know you’d have flipped shit.”
“Why are you acting so calm? You’re freaking me out.”
Uvogin forced you to look up at him. He pulled you in for a quick kiss, “Because you chose me. You had all that time to think about it so you must have known for certain you wanted to be with me.” He grinned deviously, “Course I’m a little irked but, I do deserve some shit still for kidnapping you. I’d say it all worked out though, huh?” 
You playfully smacked his chest, unable to hide your grin, “You know I looked at the blue pills as a way out if the medical coma and pink pills didn’t work. That if I was back in pain, I couldn’t believe it almost, I was ready to suffer again. Not once did I want to use them because I wanted to be away from you. Sure I wondered if you deserved to suffer for the shit you do, but I love you. I wanted help from that doctor because I want more time with you, I could have said no to Chrollo three months ago. So I knew what my choice was from the start. You’re all I wanted those months with Bates, I had time to think, unravel my feelings yet you’re it for me Uvo. Guess you’ll get your karma in another way.”
“So fucking cute, wife.” His lips crushed onto yours again, his tongue shoving inside claiming you. He pulled you to straddle his lap before he pulled away to rest his forehead against yours, “You had me believing in that stupid karma shit, you know that? Glad you’re finally passed me being a mass murderer and all that.”
“Don’t say it like that!” You groan, shame prickling the back of your neck making you go warm. The wall is still strong in your mind, keeping you happy, keeping you from fully feeling that shame that should have made you go comatose. Instead it allowed you to kiss him with all your might, tugging at the shirt he wore. A kiss turned to desperate chaos as teeth gnashed and lips fought for dominance, saliva shared and dripping as lewd moans began to fill the air. Carnal touches. Salacious grunts. Swirling hot sex filled air controlled you two as clothes thrown discarded and forgotten, unneeded. 
You’d made your decision. How much of it was really your own, was left up for discussion. You’d never know how much of this you really wanted, or if you’d fallen in love out of necessity for survival. Or if Uvogin really was who you were meant to be with. But all you knew as Uvogin forced his swollen cock passed your tight unprepped walls, you’d never want anything more than this man as you cried. You who practically passed out as he breached your aching cunt and to the hilt of your cervix, outlining your tummy and pushing to stretch you even more as he yelled out for you. This man who loved you furiously and would destroy the whole world for you if you asked. And that- wasn’t that the grandest declaration of one’s feelings you could receive? 
authors note on an alternate ending— i view it as if reader were to die than this would head towards canon where uvogin dies by kurapika’s hand and he’s all content because he gets to see you again :))
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ametrictonofaudacity · 8 months
Hi! First time asker on your blog, I was wondering if it’s too late to get a platonic letter from someone in the batfam, particularly Bruce? I was wondering if it could be a yandere purge letter, if you know that that is? Basically a letter sent from a yandere to their person of interest 24 hours before the yandere purge, in which they’re legally allowed to kidnap their darling. I was wondering if you could write one for Bruce, explaining to his darling that he sees her as his child, and can’t wait to have them in their family, and he is sorry for the fear they’re going to experience during this process. Thank you so much for your blog, you’re awesome!
I’m familiar with the AU! Also I’m so glad you like my works!
Warning: manipulation, infantilization, (planned) kidnapping, Bruce being both delusional and VERY aware of what he’s doing.
Yandere Letter
I’m sure that when you got your letter today, you started to panic. I don’t blame you, but I want to assure you, I only mean the best for you, and have no intention of hurting you. Ever.
I don’t know if you remember when we first met. I do. You ran into me in the elevator on Wayne Enterprises. Apologized profusely, and we talked. You were brilliant. Insightful, and kind, and every word out of your mouth reminded me so much of my own children that it ached. All I could think about was how lucky your parents were, to have raised such a kind person, to have someone like you as their kid.
I’ll admit that I got curious. That I dug into your past, when it was, by most definitions, a violation of your privacy.
And (Y/N).
I know what you went through. I know how much you needed support, needed a parent, and didn’t have one. How you needed help, and no one came.
I’m going to make sure you aren’t alone like that again. And while I am sorry that you’re going to be so scared at first, I promise, we will do everything in our power to make sure you are happy and healthy. Me, and your siblings, only want the best for you, only want to give you all the things you should have been given in the first place.
I’ll be seeing you soon, (Y/N).
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