#i’m staying loyal to lunie’s headcanon that port would have already been around during the suebi kingdom
sisididis · 9 months
I like to imagine that one of the first occasions when European nations could have learned about each other’s existence was during the Migration Period (mid-300s — mid-500s CE), when the Goths, Huns and other tribes invaded and settled on the former territories of the Western Roman Empire. 
Putting a time stamp on a nation’s 'birth' can be tricky, but, from what I've seen, most fans seem to agree that Ro was born sometime during the Romanization process of Dacia (106 - 271 CE), which preceded the initial stage of the Migration Period.
The existence of a small and seemingly unaging boy, living on the banks of the Danube, could have easily remained part of the local lore. Instead, the Visigoths, who had crossed the territory of present-day Romania, would have spread the rumour about this unusual sight as they pushed further into the Italian and Iberian Peninsulas. They would have also been among the first to realize that there are countless other kids like him, too.
What if that’s how most of them found out about each other before they had the means to travel and meet?
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