#i’m sorry if none of this makes sense
curiouslyeasy · 1 year
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i’ve been waiting for this update for SO LONG!!! it completely crushes the idea that Charlie is just this sad little boy and Nick is perfect and strong. and yeah, they both kinda are. BUT Charlie isn’t fragile. He struggles so much, but because of those struggles, he is strong. NICK is seen as the savior in the relationship, the only one that Charlie needs to “feel better.” and even though he played a big part in Charlie’s recovery, NICK IS STILL A HUMAN. Nick is allowed to be fragile!!!
everyone goes through life differently. just because their struggles are different, doesn’t mean one struggles more than the other. life sucks guys. everyone struggles. and everyone’s struggle feels life ruining. we see that with Nick in Vol 2 when he’s figuring out his sexuality.
this is what i love about Heartstopper. there isn’t a “savior” character. they help EACH OTHER. they are there for one another no matter what. there is always space made when one is struggling, but they don’t get bogged down by one another’s struggles. i know in a lot of relationships, one person struggles a LOT and the other person has to set aside their struggles for their partner. i love that Nick and Charlie always hold space for one another. they are the kings of healthy communication haha.
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bloos-bloo · 3 months
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Remember that mushroom goddess I drew a while back? Yeah- this is her. She’s a moth now :D
MAEVE- MY BABY GIRLLL- I’m sorry if this looks so plain :’D I cannot get myself to draw my own shit lmaoo- BUT my bishop of is finally done!
Maeve is kinda from the idea of the mushroom that controls Sozo being a deity. She’s basically the reason why her followers and potential followers have such dark desires and urges. She uses her crown to empathize and use their urges to aid her. A follower wants to be able to forget their past? She gets rid of it and replaces it with something else. Which is how Sozo (at least in my AU) finds the mushroom. Maeve led him to it, promising his pains away with the shrooms.
Now, the mark on her forehead. A heart, all her followers were stamped with her mark once they joined her cult or were helped by her. (It’s an ego thing with her) My version of Sozo has this mark, and that mark isn’t past down genetically. It could only be given by Maeve.
Those who know my sozura fanchild, Aster. She also bears the heart. Unfortunately, I can’t say why cause of spoils for future fics I have planned. But I’ll leave this crappy doodle I did :D
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heyclickadee · 1 year
Ahsoka spoilers under the cut:
1. I go back and forth on whether or not Anakin is really Anakin. On the one hand, it could be interesting for it to be some kind of force entity—like the Son from the Mortis trinity or some other thing we don’t know about—that takes Ahsoka through some kind of rigamarole to get what it wants. On the other hand, I kind of want Anakin.
I know there was some concept art for one of the sequel films for Anakin’s force ghost, and the idea behind the concept was that he would shift from Anakin to Vader and back depending on the moment. And whatever the intent behind that, it could be interesting if they took that idea and sort of ran with it in the sense that Anakin did spend almost half his life in the mask, and even though he’s not that person any more, all those years he spent as Vader are still a part of him, and that’s why we got the Vader theme at the end of episode four.
The main thing that keeps me from thinking that it’s definitely Anakin is that we’ve never been given any indication that the World Between Worlds is accessible to the dead. That doesn’t mean it’s not—just that we haven’t seen it yet. We’ve seen the daughter/Morai just kind of show up there, but no force ghosts. Then again, the daughter did die that one time, though I’m not sure how the rules apply to force entities like that, or if there are any rules. So maybe the WBW is accessible to the dead. Then again, I do kind of have a pet theory that Anakin did end up doing the thing that the Father wanted him to do in the first place and took the Father’s place at some point after he died, so there might be a force-entity…ness…to Anakin now. Then again, the force is weird, and who knows if there is that much difference between a force ghost and a force entity besides time, since the priestesses in the Yoda were just different aspects of a person who died a long, long time ago. Tl;dr: I do think there’s a good chance that what Ahsoka’s seeing in the WBW is a force entity of some kind, I’m not sure that means it’s not Anakin, but it also might not be, and I generally have no idea what’s going to happen next.
2. It’s going to be really funny if Thrawn either has no idea what’s going on, or he does, and he’s not at all interested in the imperial remnants machinations and is just using them to get back to his people.
3. “When the stakes are this high? I have to,” wasn’t a yes. Ahsoka trying to convince herself and Sabine that they have to give up on Ezra, Sabine not going along with it and risking everything to go get her adopted brother anyway, and Ahsoka, who’s jaded and tired and had to give up on her adopted brother and is now very unexpectedly getting to see him again? That’s all going to murder me. Between this and whatever is happening in bad batch season three, the family relationships in Star Wars will put me in the ground.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 6 months
AU where after Glamrock Bonnie’s decommission/after he goes missing, Glamrock Freddy and the rest of the remaining animatronics end up being reprogrammed—or, basically, having their memories messed with.
The only change to the rest of the animatronics is that they don’t remember anything about Glamrock Bonnie. They’d know about Bonnie Bowl and small things like that—but have no idea that they all had a Bonnie.
As for Glamrock Bonnie himself, they end up having something wrong with the memories, too. Although it’s not because he was reprogrammed or anything—it’s because of the damage/the state they are in.
And with them, whether it’s a “Cassie finds them during Ruin and helps, then leaves with him” type of situation, or something different (like Gregory staying and finding him), Glam. Bon would eventually see Glam. Fred again.
Though, there’s that problem: Reprogramming for Glam Fred to literally not know who the bunny is, and Glam Bon having all of that damage.
But, despite that, both of them feel like there’s something—even just the tiniest bit—familiar about the other.
Long story short: Glam. Bon goes, the others are reprogrammed and forget them—Glam Bon’s damage causes him to forget. The two reunite, but have no idea who the other is.
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rearviewghost · 15 days
one thing that really fascinates me about alex is his devotion to art – and more specifically, how he chooses to get some inspiration from scientific works of what he aims to implement in his art. every time one gets to examine some of his lyrics, or even how he explains these lyrics in an interview, they can be greeted by some bits of actual scientific information. an example is how he named his taquería on the moon with the term “information-action ratio”, coined by the critic neil postman, and referenced it in the song four out of five, something that might also indicate an interesting articulation with postman's concept. the line “cute new places keep on popping up”, for example, can express his well-known sardonic discontent regarding the flood of information being generated and transmitted over and over and, as much as it seems visually appealing and does give the idea of benefiting from advanced technologies, it doesn't really add anything substantial to the receiver's critical thinking – and worse, it distances the information receiver from the sender in a communication channel, according to postman.
what i'm saying with this interpretation is, it's known that alex is enamoured with the idea of gathering a bunch of references and condensing them into a mixture of metaphors in his writing, but it's so thrilling how, at times, we can find some bits of science inside of it – and it's even more exciting, just like playing a puzzle game, to find these references and analyse them by doing a similar research to what he did to create his works.
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coffiicorgii · 1 year
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… He’s right behind me isn’t he?
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doehoney · 4 months
Nothing in television bothers me more than how the criminal minds writers handled Reid’s opioid addiction in the sense that they just didn’t handle it at all
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Rose Ch2 Culprit Theory!!
(Spoilers for Ch2 Ep12! (and literally every episode before that too)
(i know it probably isn’t her, but i wanted to post my theory regardless! Also, this is unfinished, I just wanted to post it before Ep13 comes out- I’m so sorry to anyone who reads through my stupid little rambles-)
(reminder that all of this is silly stuff my brain thought of while i was sleep deprived after ep12 so- none of this is probably relevant-)
I was looking at DRDT culprit theories for Ch2 and randomly though what if it's Rose-? 'Cause after they found the body, Rose was right outside the room, in the hallway- She was the one who found evidence that nobody else would have found, since it was hidden in the trash can, and more than that, it was evidence that specifically framed someone else. She mentions not wanting to see the body, so she's unable to help with the crime scene, unlike in ch1, where she helps by using her photographic memory to draw a picture of the crime scene before it got disturbed.
But WHAT IF the reason she doesn't want to go in is because she doesn't want to end up accidentally revealing herself as the killer- Like- First off the BDA thing, where 3 people who hadn't seen the murder needed to set it off- This isn't actual evidence, really, but i thought i could mention it- uh- Anyways! Another way she might reveal herself as the killer is being too- useful- Like, how Min volunteered to help Teruko investigate in Ch1, but it was actually just to make sure Teruko didn't figure out it was her. So- Rose could've made a fair assumption that Teruko or someone else could be suspicious- And so she used the excuse of not wanting to see the body as a way to get out of it.
The reason she might want to escape is because of her family- Who she put into debt and also got them out of it- So she obviously cares about them, ergo, motive for murder. (maybe she was reminded of this when Teruko told her the secret she got-? idk lol)
Plus, she mentions the grippy tape in the gym, and how she used it to be able to do a pullup- So she could've used it to get a better grip on the spinny thing during the murder. (I know it’s probably just a way for the tape to be introduced before the murder) She could've taken it from the gym whenever, and since she's the one who mentioned it was missing- Could be to get rid of suspicion. although she wasn't there when the tape disappeared from the gym, you can't rule out that she might have an accomplice- Or she could be the accomplice, either or-
Also, I've seen a lot of culprit Eden with accomplice Levi, but what about culprit *Rose* with accomplice Levi- Just a thought I had.
Rose culprit with Levi accomplice theorists wya
Another thing is the fact that she hides her face when talking to Teruko in the hallway after Arei's body is found- which means we can't see her expression. And since her voice is usually monotone, even when talking about stuff she cares for, we can't get any clues about her emotions from that either-
She's also the first one to mention that the evidence from the murder is probably hidden on the second floor, since it would be difficult to make elevator trips without people noticing it- This isn't *too* suspicious, but also, it could be. Because sometimes Danganronpa is so fucking sneaky and hides stuff in obvious places-
None of this is really concrete evidence it's her, even though she *does* try and push everyone back to assuming the murder happened at night, rather than in the morning like Teruko proved it did, during episode 12- And in Ch2 in general, Rose has been- kind of derailing the trial a bit. Not too noticeably, but a few things-
1- She *did* agree with Ace somewhat when he brought up Nico being the killer. Which is understandable, considering that they *did* lie and steal from her- But it could also be evidence of her trying to blame someone else for it without being overly suspicious.
2- She spends some time in Ch2 Ep9 trying to convince people that Arei committed suicide and not murder. Maybe a normal assumption, but given that they're in a murder trial, talking about a murder, and Veronika had already mentioned that Arei wouldn't have been able to snap her neck by jumping from the swingset- Plus the rule that if it *was* suicide, MonoTV wouldn't hold a trial. And since Rose has a photographic memory, she should've remembered that, right? She even mentions this- in the trial- She then brings up the possibility of assisted suicide, instead of continuing with the murder assumption like everybody else- Rose could've helped Arei kill herself, but this isn't a theory about that, it's about her being a murderer so-
Also, she hasn't fallen asleep once in T2 yet. Which is- strange considering she did in T1. And plus the fact that she possibly uses sleeping as a form of escapism. Maybe because she needs to contribute more to this trial for it to work, but it's still suspicious- I might just be reading too much into it idk- Maybe the reason she isn't sleeping this trial because she doesn't have anything to specifically try and escape right now. Unlike T1, Rose supposedly didn't see Arei's body, so she wouldn't be trying to forget it by sleeping through the trial.. But that's also not really evidence, mostly just guesses-
(Another thing- When the fish in the playground are brought up, she seems like she's going to say something- But then J interrupts and Rose just stops talking. Probably doesn't mean anything but I'm putting every Rose trial scene in here- )
She also doesn't have a reaction to the note being brought up, but she joins in after Teruko asks to see the note for the second time. She mentions how she and Whit figured Teruko wouldn't mind as much if Eden was the one who had the note- probably so Teruko could easily check if Eden was lying.
Rose doesn't talk for a while after that, but almost at the end of episode 10 she mentions that she doesn't have an alibi. Of course, this doesn't mean much, considering what happened in episode 12 where they find out that they got the whole time of the murder wrong- Which leaves almost nobody with an alibi. But I had to mention it so-
After that, she doesn't speak up again until Ace is mentioned as a suspect, and then she only mentions that Ace being on the second floor is suspicious. Which, again, normal assumption, but just let me have this- And after that, she brings up David's 'secret' of family depression not being on the board- Which starts David's whole Nagito arc that apparently lasted 2 hours-
Okay! Now on to episodes 11 + 12! Rose doesn't show up at the beginning part but she does show up when the others are talking about David's real secret. She mentions that no actual good came out of David pushing them to share their secrets- And then after that her only line immediately after David's reveal was just her talking about her memory again- And then after David and Hu's whole.. conversation, Rose mentions how David is 'Definitely the killer.' Which is, well, what everybody else assumed, too- I just think it's interesting how Rose only shows up in this trial when somebody else is being blamed.
After David's whole 'I killed Arei, blah blah blah' moment, Rose speaks up and says they should just vote now. Levi agrees, and he actually almost tells MonoTV to start the voting time. She's really pushing for just whoever seems the most suspicious at the moment- I mean, plenty of characters have done it, but it's still really interesting to me. Mostly because if Teruko hadn't stopped them, everyone would literally be dead. David's plan would've worked-
Okay! Now Ep12-
Rose doesn’t show up for a lot of it- again- But her first appearance in this ep was when Teruko realised her mistake. All she does is say that it was kind of a big mistake and that’s it. Nothing else about it from Rose. She doesn’t speak up during Arturo’s rant either. Rose is shown when Charles asks if anyone has any counterpoints against Arei being killed at 7:30AM, but she doesn’t say anything.
And then they go back to alibis, and like before, Rose still doesn’t have one. She never has one, because she’s always asleep- But that’s not evidence, really, because nobody (besides 3 people) even have an alibi for this-
She doesn’t show up during David’s monologue either, but then nobody really shows up during that besides J, David, Hu, and Teruko, so-
She comments on how scary Hu is after she interrupts David, but Rose still hasn’t contributed much in this ep- Although it was more focused on David and Xander, so that makes sense. When they talk about alibis again, Rose still doesn’t have one. Which isn’t surprising. After that, but before Levi derails the trial, Rose speaks up and mentions not having any clues and not knowing where to go from here-
But that’s all for this theory so far! uh.. I’ll probably finish it at some point- but i wanted to get it out before ep13 so- I’m so sorry to anyone who reads through this absolute rambling bullshit-
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stardust-sunset · 19 days
revisiting the whole train revenge thing (summary-paul gets darry to confess that his parents death was a train accident and darry is terrified to cross the train tracks because of this so after they had broken up (because darry realized he was aroace-either that or he just couldn’t be with paul anymore) paul got so mad because he realized darry never actually loved him (in his eyes at least) so as some sick form of vengeance he waits at the trían tracks with flashlights and one of those train whistles and just scares the shit out of darry and soda and pony and causes dart to swerve and flip his car into a ditch) but i think that would lead to darry realizing a lot of things about paul.
okay i know a lot of you aren’t gonna like this hc but i feel like paul wasn’t…the nicest? i headcanon that his mom bad dad had a very very messy divorce and he had to be in the middle of it because it was him and his older brother but his older brother was in college by the time this went down so paul was alone…and afterward i feel like he was either in the hands of his dad, who’s a lot like steve’s dad in the terms of he tries to buy paul’s love and just spoils him to no end (i just mean in the way that steve’s dad pays steve as a form of apologizing, that’s a lot like what paul’s dad does) and his mom who just never says no. and i feel like he’s a lot like bob how he just wanted someone to finally tell him “no” but his dad always bailed him out, or his mom would coddle him, whatever it was it kinda taught paul that nobody would say no to him. and i feel like as a result he was kind of a douchebag? like by the time junior year hit. i feel like having daddy around stabilized him and daddy was a good influence but paul wasn’t the best influence in darry. i feel like he managed to convince darry to do some really bad things like vandalism and jumping people (WAIT MAYBE HE JUMPED ONE OF THE GREASERS OR WVEN A MEMBER OF THE GANG AND THATS WHY THEY WERE SO MAD HE “almost went Soc” ON THEM) but one time darry went to jail for this stuff and his mom wouldn’t speak to him and THAT was when he started reevaluating his friendship.
maybe paul also tried to turn daddy on soda and pony but daddy just wouldn’t budge until paul started making up some really bad things by saying soda and pony didn’t approve of their relationship and daddy started just drifting away from his brothers and cracking his relationship with his brothers and after his parents death he went to paul’s place because he just didn’t feel like he could be around people who “don’t support them” and such, hence why he spilled everything to paul which leads back to the train thing.
also i think that the madras jacket that paul got darry was a form of trying to get him to stay. it’s all paul knows. he knows his dad bought his way to his heart and he could wrap his girlfriend around his finger with his money so he tried doing the same thing with darry because it’s just all he knows
their relationship needs to be explored. in still torn between paul having a one sided crush on darry (forbidden love is awesome sauce and maybe paul tried to trap darry into a relationship because darry was the only thing paul wanted but couldn’t have) or them being in a relationship because darry thinks he’s gay because he never felt anything for his girlfriends but then he realizes he’s aroace (i’m leaning towards the former, idk what do yall think)
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it does something incomprehensible to my little writer’s soul whenever alex articulates a phenomenon of the writing process i’ve always picked up on and then goes on to describe it in exactly the same way
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sailforvalinor · 1 year
Idk if this is controversial, but studying for a English/writing degree at university shouldn’t make you NOT want to engage with writing or literature. Just a thought.
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rubixcuby · 8 months
I wish I was the one they sent to Ach-To
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fic describing the interaction between the Luke and the reader when they first arrive on the island. All I’ve seen is like, cut to after they’ve settled in.
I want to scale the faces of those jagged cliffs, my feet slipping over rocks as waves crash onto the shore below, urging me onwards to find him.
I want to stumble upon the cloaked figure meditating at the cliff’s edge.
I want that “Luke..?” as an air of recognition graces my expression, my eyes wandering his weathered face, rugged features framed by a scruffy beard and a mop of matted greying locks, until my gaze falls on those piercing blue eyes, devoid of any kindness or warmth they once held.
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saturnaftertaste · 1 year
something very interesting to me about miguel o’hara as a character is that like all of his actions, like the rest of the spiders, are based in good intentions. like there’s a lot of capital V villains out there who are working towards the Greater Good but as a smokescreen for their own Evil Desires For Power. but the thing about miguel is that he genuinely, one THOUSAND percent, believes he is trying to save every universe. the thing about trying to understand why a universe is collapsing based on empirical evidence is really fucking hard because you can’t keep collapsing universes to check out which factor triggered it this time. he wanted a family so he tried to have one, but it DESTROYED AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE. of course he believes that because he didn’t stick to his canon events he disintegrated his daughter out of existence (— even though this doesn’t fully make sense, because why would his own canon events have an impact on a different universe? — unless he simultaneously took over as spider-man on his alt-family’s earth and which fucked up the spider-timeline on that earth? but it isn’t mentioned…i’m getting off-topic—let’s rewind) what he is trying to do is make sure NOTHING goes wrong ANYWHERE — so like with pavitr’s universe when miles prevented the canon event with gayatri — when it started collapsing, he took that as evidence to mean the canon event shit fucked it up, and not spot. OF COURSE he’s chasing miles and yelling at him and scaring the shit out of him. miguel is genuinely terrified that the entire multiverse will actually collapse if miles (who, by the way, i AGREE WITH) saves his dad. he’s fucking crazy, but the feral behaviour comes not from some fucked up psyche or deep-seated villainous tendencies. dude is actually terrified that everything and everyone he knows will suffer and disintegrate into actual nothingness and he’s doing the only thing he can to prevent it. if he wrong? YES. but he’s genuinely trying his best like this a man who tried to be happy and was told that The Universe Does Not Agree. so if he as the holder of the spider-mantle has to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of the world he was to protect it’s not difficult to see why the canon-event theory makes more sense to him than anything else. if any of the other spiders try to be selfish, like he was, their universes will be gone. in a way i think he truly believes he’s doing all the other spiders a favor — maybe they have to watch someone they love die, but they don’t have watch ALL the someones they live die. and we know this man has nothing else to live for so if you came up to him and said hey actually there was nothing you could’ve done to prevent the total annihilation of the universe where you were happy other than by never being happy in the first place, ofc he’s gonna go crazy. if miles is right about having both cakes — and he is, gwen realised that canon events can be avoided safely — that means that miguel could never have done anything other than NOT go to the universe that collapsed. he had to stay in his lane and NOT universe jump. miguel’s story is lose-lose and if miles is right, then he just has to accept that
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siilvan · 1 year
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kinda popping off with the spec-ops jargon in the next chapter of bloodsport (enjoy this small progress update <3)
edit: this chapter is probably going to be around 6-7k. it’s been like 2 weeks since the last update, so consider it an apology :)
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banana-pancake5 · 6 months
*Looks at all of my mutuals*
How? How am I your mutual? You are literally such a cool person and are so talented how am I your mutual?
Anyway Ty everyone who follows me I’m shocked there’s as many of you that there are
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transk0vsky · 23 days
daniil dankovsky (obvious one) and capella for the character bingo!!!
The funniest fucking thing is another anon asked for Daniil right before this ask 😭 I’m supposed to be making breakfast but no instead it’s rambling time watch me forgot to make breakfast because I get to fixated on this.
Explaining a few of the ones I picked under the bingo chart (I formatted this poorly but oh well ya win some ya lose some!)
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Bastard: I’m using this affectionately as he’s a bit of a bastard but like so are half the characters in the game! But he’s a little bit of a bastard and ya know what that’s okay!
The fandom is so mean to them: this one feels self explanatory because if I have to see one more person only portray him as a grumpy asshole who hates everyone I’m going to commit a crime, because he cares! He cares! He has a heart! truly I feel like people have taken the limited view we get of him in the second game and ran with it (which we aren’t even seeing him through his eyes outside of the dlc it’s through artemy’s eyes in the main game…. we do not get to understand him from his own perspective we only witness him and his actions through another’s which often through someone else’s eyes you can become the worst version of yourself.) it frustrates me especially with how he’s characterized in both classic and marbles nest he comes off as someone who’s more so exhausted and frustrated instead of being cruel and apathetic towards everyone around him.
Everyone else is wrong about him: see above 
Capella I don’t have as many thoughts about her 😭 I promise I like her though! But out of the mistresses I think more about Maria but that’s not important right now!!
That’s a solid design right there: that’s only for the classic design I don’t like the second games design for her :/ I like her short hair and hair color in the second games design but that’s where my nice opinions end (truly I think like half the second games designs suck and if anyone wants me to talk about which designs make me roll my eyes I will! That’s a promise!!)
Had I found patho when I was a weird little teenage girl I’m sure she would have been one of my favorite characters as she reminds me of a younger version of myself honestly, wish I had more thoughts about her and I feel really bad that I don’t sorry :(
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