#i’m on like unit 4 of the duolingo course
cressida-cowper · 2 years
opinions so far: viserys sucks, daemon sucks, otto sucks, aemma & rhaenys deserved better, rhaenyra & alicent 🥰🥰, ser criston is ok to look at and i’m glad i can actually understand some of the high valyrian :D
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ghostpunkrock · 1 year
my friends and I are going to Mexico this fall and one of them has a minor in Spanish but I’d still like to know a little bit before we go so I took the Duolingo Spanish practice test and it placed me all the way up in unit 3 which is very funny to me cuz I haven’t taken a Spanish class since seventh grade
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nayelixz · 6 months
A Mediocre Date?
After the marriage between Yugo and Amalia, of course they’d want to spend all their time together, though this desire is almost unattainable, due to the amount of work and pick up needed after the Necromes had attacked the World of Twelve. But tonight, Yugo has set up something that he hopes that’ll relieve Amalia from her stress.
“Oh Sadida, Yugo! You cannot believe how tired I am! I’m almost drained from helping out almost half of the kingdom.”
“Well I hope you’re not too drained, because I have a surprise for you!”
Amalia raises her head off the bed, wondering what surprise her husband has in store.
“But first! You gotta close your eyes.”
“Are you being serious? If I close my eyes I’m falling asleep.”
“Come on Ami, just close your eyes. It’ll be worth it.”
“Alright, but you better lead me there quick or bonne nuit!” (little french joke there… IM ONLY IN UNIT 4 ON DUOLINGO BEFORE YOU SAY ITS NOT FUNNY 😭)
“Oh, It won’t take long, we’ll be there before you can say tofu.”
In the blink of an eye, they were there.
“Alright you can open them in.. 3… 2… 1… okay, now!”
As the princess opened her eyes she saw the most beautiful sight she’s ever seen, even more beautiful than the sunsets she watches everyday. They were nearby a waterfall hidden within the Sadida forest and flowers that were shaped into a heart shape, white, yellow, and pink flowers as fireflies filled the air. It was quiet, and quiet was perfect.
“Wow.. Yugo this is.. very childish but surprisingly romantic.”
“Thank- Wait, how is this childish?!”
“Well the flowers in a heart shape? Not saying it isn’t cute because trust me it’s adorable, but it reminds me of something a teen would do!”
The eliatrope looked slightly upset, he didn’t know that this wouldn’t be enough.
“But, this, it’s beautiful. The waterfall, the fireflies, and the flowers, they’re all beautiful.”
While saying this, Amalia pecks Yugo on the cheek. Making his frown fade away, and turn into a soft smile.
“That’s not all, I got more for tongiht.”
“Really? What is it?”
As soon as Amalia said that, the eliatrope has grabbed her by her waist and pulled her in, to where their bodies are touching, as Yugo leans in and kisses her on the lips. The passionate kiss between the two lasts almost forever, until Amalia pulls away, gasping for air. Seeing the is makes Yugo chuckle, even though he has no place to laugh, his wings are stimming like crazy.
“You need air?”
“Well if I knew that this kiss would last that long I would’ve made sure to take a moment to gather myself! Plus, you can’t be talking, I know you’re way much more happier about this than me.”
“How do you know?”
She points at his hat, his wings still going crazy as ever, making him a little embarrassed himself.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to hide the fact that you loved it.”
“Would I be wrong to say I did?”
“No, I think the only reason you liked it that much is because it’s me!”
He rolled his eyes playfully, of course he’d enjoy it that much, it’s his wife! He hasn’t been apart of any other relationships since. Amalia is his first.
“Yeah, come with me..”
Yugo had grabbed the princess’s hand and had created a portal to the INSIDE OF THE WATERFALL?
Before she could finish her sentence, they were there, BOTH soaked in water, but behind the waterfall looked like a secret hangout, there was two porch swings, one covered in green and white flowers, white cushioning with a beautiful white fluffy pillow, and the other one with black cushioning, with a blue pillow, it seemed less decorated than the other swing, but it still seemed comfortable. There was flowers on the top sides of the roof of the cave-like rock shelter and a little wooden coffee table with the little wooden figures of the gang, Dally, Eva, Yugo Amalia, and of course, Ruel.
“YUGO! Come on! I told you I wasn’t ready to enter the waterfall!”
“Oops.. sorry”
The princess started pouting, after a hardworking day, she didn’t want to get SOAKED by a waterfall. She just wanted to lay down and relax. But then she looked around and saw the hangout area, once again, not over the top but, peaceful.
“Sorry, I- Amalia…”
“Yugo, I know, you tried and thank you for that, but what is this supposed to be?”
“I just wanted to show you this hangout I made for the two of us, just us two, and nobody else.”
“Nobody else?”
Hearing this, the princess got a little bit shy.. *He wanted to be alone with me?*
“Now whenever we are doing all that paperwork, we can do it together in the same area, where it’s quiet, and where nobody can find us.”
“Oh Yugo… I really don’t deserve you. You’re an amazing guy and you’re just too good for me!”
“Well I can say the same for you to Amalia.”
“You’re such a dork! A very caring dork..”
The two settled down in the blue and black swing, with Yugo laying in Amalia’s lap as she rubbed his head.
“I love you Amalia.”
“I love you to Yugo.”
((this is my first time writing a kinda fanfic, but yeah i hoped you enjoyed it!))
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study-with-aura · 7 months
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Tuesday, February 20, 2024
It's another day of a quick dinner while updating my studyblr before I get ready for ballet and head out for dance. I feel like there is a lot going on this week. A look at my upcoming week: robotics course tomorrow, impromptu Girl Scouts meeting on Thursday for World Thinking Day (it's a homeschool troop, so we can meet during regular school hours for special meetings), I have a history project due on Saturday along with another cookie booth, plus I'm really amping up with my piano studies now to prepare for my practical and theory exams in May. I'm going to try to fit another hour of practice somewhere if I can, even if it is only one or two extra hours a week.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Reviewed Pythagorean theorem + learned about the distance formula + practice + learned about the midpoint formula + practice + honors work
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed Unit 16-18 vocabulary + read chapter 24 of Emma by Jane Austen + copied poetry terms + read examples of figurative language from Robert Frost's poems + read "The Swing" and noted poetic devices used + read about types of sentence structures + quiz (9/10)
Spanish 2 - Answered questions in Spanish with answers in Spanish
Bible I - Read Joshua 11-12
World History - Read timeline for days 13-16 out of 37 days prior to the start of WWI
Biology with Lab - Read about global warming + read about impact of global warming + watched part of a video about some scientists saying CO2 caused by global warming is politics and it's really from the sun's radiation in order to see another side of the global warming argument
Foundations - Read the definition of punctuality + played 5 minute mystery + learned about begging the question, appeal to nature, and anecdotal fallacies
Piano - 60-minute piano lesson + practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - Completed High School Biology Unit 9: Lesson 7 (parts 1-4) + Completed High School Geometry Unit 6: Lesson 1
CLEP - Completed Module 10 reading "World War I" 12.1-12.2.2
Duolingo - Studied for 15 minutes (Spanish, French, Chinese) + completed daily quests
Reading - Read pages 93-136 of My Dear Henry: A Jekyll & Hyde Remix by Kalynn Bayron
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Deuteronomy 31)
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for an easy day of study despite a lot of copying work.
Quote of the Day:
Dreams are lovely but they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change.
-Shonda Rhimes
🎧A Night in Tunisia - Dizzy Gillespie
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Language Learning Log 2022 Week 8 (21.02 - 27.02)
Banner photo: The photo prints from my brother’s wedding (where I performed with my LED fans) arrived! I’m really happy with how they turned out :D
2x italki lessons
Wrote 6x journal entries
Read 3x articles
Listened to 1x Ekko podcast
Watched 2x Kveldsnytt broadcasts
Reviewed vocab with Anki
?? Maybe more, I’ve been terrible at keeping track this week
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I've been quite poor at keeping track of the specific things I've done this week. I've not been reading much because every time I go on NRK there's something about Ukraine. At first I didn't mind reading about it, but it started to affect my mental health pretty badly on Thursday (which is why I decided to log out of tumblr). I guess before then I didn't quite believe it would come to what it has. Of course, I'm perfectly safe here in the UK (for now, but then God knows what putain plans to do next - he has just announced that it was our foreign secretary’s comments that made him put his nuclear weapons on special alert 🙄), but like everyone else I'm absolutely horrified by the situation and terrified that WW3 is just around the corner.
I've been keeping up my Anki streak, although that's about it as far as studying goes. I've also been writing in my journal a lot. It's not much, and it hardly counts as Bergenstest prep, but it's something at least. I tried to listen to a podcast at one point, but I just couldn't focus.
I've also been doing lots of Duolingo. You may have noticed I added a mini grid for other languages. I still do Japanese Duolingo every day, but I've also been learning some more Ukrainian (not that that helps the situation in any way, but I figure if I can at least say hello to a Ukrainian refugee in their language and tell them I'm trying to learn, it might make give them a tiny reason to smile) and I do of course do a bit of Swedish from time to time to improve my comprehension.
I think this week I'll continue to avoid the news. I'll keep myself updated, but I'm not going to look for articles to read. Instead, I'll work with my textbooks and continue reading books for pleasure, or maybe try doing some more practice papers. As far as listening goes, I'll try watching some TV shows (but idk if I’ll be able to focus... we’ll see).
I did find that logging out of tumblr was actually good for me. Not just because I wasn't being bombarded with all the things that I *should* be doing and *shouldn't* be doing and "why aren't people doing X" and "fuck you if Y" and "what about people in Israel and Gaza" and "ugh how dare you have feelings when you're safe in a different country" (I mean seriously you'd think people on tumblr would unite a bit more about this shit but some of you just love any excuse to have a dig at others), but also because (obviously) I spent less time scrolling. It’s become so automatic that sometimes I don't even realise I've opened tumblr on my phone, but seeing that log in screen every time I tried to open the app made me realise how often I get distracted by it. Of course, there were times when I wanted to just sit and be on my phone, but I used that time to revise vocab or do some Duolingo instead.
So! From now on, I'm going to make an effort to restrict my tumblr time by logging out more often. I'm not going to ban myself from using it or set a specific time when I'm allowed to be on tumblr, but I'll set a timer for 20 minutes every time I go on, then log out and not allow myself to check again for another 4 hours. Maybe that way I'll actually have time to study languages, exercise and keep on top of the housework.
Have a good week everyone!
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aal-archaeology · 4 years
Summary of my first term of my Ph.D. at Stanford during a global pandemic and an extremely controversial election year (Anthropology, yr. 1, she/they, 25y/o) with some toggl data analysis
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Well this year was a doozy if I don’t say so myself. But we survived it, and its okay if that’s all you were able to do this year because that’s enough.  As an offical 18th grader, I feel like I can speak pretty well to the toxicity of the academic environment. There is always a pressure to be working all of the time, people compete with each other with how few hours of sleep they got, every conversation with fellow students is just listing off all of the different assignemnts you have to do by the end of the week. On top of all of this, this is 2020. So, I decided that this year I’m going to give myself some mental slack. 
I decided that this is the year that I’m not going to try to impress anyone. I’m just going to survive and do what I have to do to move onto the next term. I think I did a pretty good job at that for the first term, so I’ll share a bit about what I observed in myself and those in my cohort. Coming into term one having to choose classes, many of my peers were packing their schedules full of 5 Unit seminars. For those who don’t know, theoretically, a 5 Unit course is supposed to take about 5-6 hours of work outside of class hours. For Stanford Anthropology, most PhD students take as close as they can to 18 credits, and anything over that you have to pay extra for the courses. Taking more courses doesn’t really put you any further ahead in terms of completing your degree, and you’re expected to complete about 45 Units each year for the first two years of the program. 
I decided to take 2 seminars (typical), a language course, and a couple filler credits that we are given the option to use if we need 1-3 units to hit 18 total. I,  fortunately, tracked every hour spent outside of the classroom working on each course using toggl (i highly reccomend): 
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In a typical week, I spent about 5-6 hours/week outside of class on my Anthro seminars, and about 6-7 hours on Japanese. Japanese was a “for-fun” class so I would usually study more of that when I didn’t feel like reading dense archaeological theory. 
Toggl was a really cool way to see where I was spending too much, or not enough, time on my classwork. If it was taking me more than 1.5 hours to get through a single article, I knew I was probably spending too much time on it and should move on to the next thing. My goal for the term was to stay true to the 5 Unit idea of 5-6 hours, and not over-work myself. 
Toggl was also useful in tracking my mental health throughout the term, as it is very obvious to see when I just was not physically capable of ingesting 400 pages of reading. For example, election week:
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Election week was really hard for me, and everyone else in the world honestly. I had various family things I was dealing with, typical existential dread, plus it was week 8-ish of the term when everything was already on fire in terms of workload. For one of my seminars (purple), we had to read a book for the following week which I was able to do the sundar after election day. However, for the days leading up to and surrounding the 4th, the only thing I could mentally handle was mindless Japanese vocab studying. One of my seminars really sufferend this week, and I straight up just didnt show up to the smaller Anth 310G class because I had only read the title of the pdf. Fortunately, I emailed my professor of my Theory class and was like “yo dude I cannot” and he replied that he understood and wouldnt call on me during that day of class. 
I didn’t do a whole lot of journalling at all this term, but for this week I just wrote “pain” on most days and then YAY BIDEN at the end of it. 
Weekly Schedule
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Above is what a typical week looked like, some were a lot lot lot more dense, others not so much, but this was pretty average. Not all things on the calendar are work related, some are extra lectures from visiting professors that sounded interesting, or “Free Boba & Snacks Pick Up” put on by my residence. Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday were my big work days last term, where I didn’t have a whole lot of classes so I would do most of my reading then. On Tues and Thurs I had one 3-hour seminar, and M-F I had a 50 min Japanese class. 
I woke up every day around 7am-ish, made a green tea, and sat at the computer to work, filter through emails, etc. On particularily open days I would go grocery shopping, go for bike rides/walks around campus, go buy food/boba. 
On class-heavy days, I wouldn’t leave my computer for 8-12 hours, which is extremely ridiculous but that’s the new norm in school in 2020. This kind of stunk because all of the socializing was also on the computer, so even if I wasn’t working I was doing screen related things. 
EVERY day I stopped working at 6pm. Rarely did I do readings past 6pm unless I was really slacking somewhere. From 6pm onwards I would do things like play Among Us or League of Legends with my discord friends, eat, watch movies with my partner, etc. And then most nights I would try to be in bed by 12am at the latest. 
Social Life
Despite the online nature of things this term, I was suprisingly able to meet a lot of great people on campus. We were all being tested at least once a week, which made in person gatherings with 1-4 people a little less scary, especially when half of the people lived together in one household. 
In the first week of school, some of the grad programs put on a “speed friending” zoom event, where I was able to connect with two people really well. We ended up doing a “slow-friending” zoom event afterwards and then created a FB group chat and added all of the people we had met into it. The group ended up being about 15 people, and we would message the group for park hangouts, going to get food, or going on walks on campus. We also had a huge get together in a park for Mid-Autumn Festival, where we sat in a socially distanced circle, chatted, and ate mooncakes. 
Most of my socializing came from my online friends, and amongus was a huge savior to my mental health this term wher emy group would play literally every night. I also made a really good friend off of Bumble BFF this term, who I’ve hung out with a good amount for plant shopping and board games. 
I’m very fortunate to be in a situation where I can get tested for COVID on a days notice, and very grateful that I could use that to stay a little sane.  My Biggest Accomplishment this term, was not school related. but instead I hit my 365 DAY STREAK on duolingo. This was celebrated with cake. This streak has lived through literal hell and for that I am very proud. 
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Overall reflection:
This term was super rough, there were a lot of days where I just napped through it and a lot of days where I couldn’t bring myself to do any work. However, I think the courseload that I took was very manageable and I’m going to continue to go light on myself in that regard. 
I really liked the boundaries that I set for myself this term, not working after 6pm and making time to do some fun things in the midst of chaos. I never felt like I was too far behind on work, or that I wasn’t doing enough, because I had a literal reminder in front of me that I had already put x amount of hours into something with toggl. 
Sometimes in class I would feel like I didn’t know how to productively contribute to conversation, but I think thats a skill that will get better over time and not being so great at it should especially be expected in the first term of a program.
Socially I met a lot of wonderful people who also made me feel more comfortable will myself. I started using She/They pronouns which feel really comforting to me. I made a lot of little origami cranes every time I was feeling sad. I drank a lot of boba. Watched a lot of She Ra. Played a lot of games. It all ended up being okay despite the weight of everything around me. 
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I’m proud of all of you for making it through this year, I know it was really difficult for a lot of people in more ways than it was for me, but we’re still here! Sometimes all you can do it make it to the next day and thats such a big accomplishment on its own.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions about time-management, toggl, phd stuff in general, archaeology, etc! Always happy to help out. :’) Thanks for reading! Lyss
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studyscrasic · 4 years
February in Review; Goals for March
Rolling in pretty late with this for the same reasons I didn’t manage as much learning as I wanted to last month -- among other things, I started back at my museum job again and have been super exhausted. But I think the chronicling is helpful for visualizing progress/goal-setting, so I thought I’d do one anyway.
In January:
I got 4 more German skills to gold on Duolingo and made progress in 7 others (more than I usually have open at a time, haha, but some of the lessons in question feel more like review than anything)
I got 2 Scottish Gaelic skills to gold, made progress in 6 others, and passed Checkpoint 4 (which used to be the end of the course, so hey!)
I also got 1 Irish skill to gold and 2 Norwegian ones, and made progress in 3 other Norwegian skills, although that was more incidental
I completed Beginner’s lesson 8 on LearnGaelic
I got up to Unit 1, Lesson 4 on IcelandicOnline
I created a Norwegian Anki deck to go with my other ones, since I’ve kind of been feeling it lately
I participated in the #langblrwotdchallenege for about a week, before I got a little too busy to juggle it with everything else
In March:
The biggest thing is honestly just that I want to get back on track. Almost all my progress is from the first 2 weeks or so of February, before I was back at work, and after that I did very little, which is more of a break than I want to be taking. Figuring out a balance is key.
I still want to use LearnGaelic more. Even when I was doing more practice, it was mostly on Duolingo, and I think they’re both good
Practice, practice, practice with my Anki decks. They’re great to have, but I won’t get much out of them without actually using them and having the vocabulary start to stick with repetition.
Looking for another langblr challenge/project might be a good idea. I have fun with them when I try to participate, even if I often can’t keep up the momentum. But even doing a week or prompt or two is more than nothing, and worth something in the long run!
Every month I say I’ll do it, but I want to stop chickening out and actually join a session of the Gaelic speaking practice group in one of the Discord servers I’m in. Speaking and listening are my weakest skills in all my languages, and the group seems nice and I should stop being scared!
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alpine-langblr · 4 years
2 weeks since my last update uuhhhh...
Turkish -- been reading a story on Wattpad it’s going well cause the writing style is very digestible, I’m getting used to the grammar/sentence patterns used in Turkish fiction, encountering a bunch of new words but not too many that they throw me off completely. Listened to some Turkish YouTube videos today, mostly gaming and stuff about the release of the PS5 (Enis Kirazoğlu, Atarikafa, etc). Found more Turkish music to listen to.
Russian & Polish -- I dabbled a bit in both yesterday trying to decide which one I’d like to learn before the other and I’m leaning towards Russian first, Polish maybe much later on. I’ve bought course books for both languages already and went through a unit of each language, then did some more Russian on Duolingo and some Russian listening.
this is all stuff from like the last 3-4 days cause my memory is blanking on what language stuff i did before that
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babbushka · 3 years
i am SO late to this bc like i just saw ur reblog but the fact that duolingo now has yiddish!!1!!1!! get excited! im not jewish (though i am russian so yay besties) but my girlfriend is and now i can finally learn yiddish to speak to her + her family ☺️ absolutely beautiful language!
love the writing mrs z, you honestly are the best in the business 🥰
Yiddish is indeed up on Duolingo finally!! (after 5 years of me emailing them and being like hey so.....if you can have star trek languages and game of thrones languages...why can’t we have Yiddish?) and I’m having so much fun with it and I hope you are too! 
I am so so so happy to hear that you’re starting the course! I am a firm believer that language and culture is something to be shared with as many people as possible! The more we can communicate, the more we can learn and love one another :) Too many languages have been lost to time, and for a moment there, Yiddish was in danger of dying out. But not anymore! 
For anyone thinking about trying it out but are afraid of the different alphabet, the first 4 units of the course are dedicated just to learning the letters & the sounds they make. I have started there and can attest that it is really beginner friendly! You can know absolutely nothing about Hebrew letters, and you can still take this course. Please please do give it a try! 
Sending you all my love my dear anon! :) 
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eintsein · 5 years
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monday, august 19
9:20 woke up and had toast and eggs for breakfast
10:00 - 11:00 read Destined for War, a book my dad recommended to me abt us-china relations. It’s quite fascinating so here’s a summary (courtesy of amazon) so you can decide if you’d like to read it (it’s free for prime members):
China and the United States are heading toward a war neither wants. The reason is Thucydides’s Trap: when a rising power threatens to displace a ruling one, violence is the likeliest result. Over the past five hundred years, these conditions have occurred sixteen times; war broke out in twelve. Today, as an unstoppable China approaches an immovable America, and both Xi Jinping and Donald Trump promise to make their countries “great again,” the seventeenth case looks grim. A trade conflict, cyberattack, Korean crisis, or accident at sea could easily spark a major war.
In Destined for War, eminent Harvard scholar Graham Allison masterfully blends history and current events to explain the timeless machinery of Thucydides’s Trap—and to explore the painful steps that might prevent disaster today.
11:00 - 12:30 worked on a blog post, finalized text, made title graphics
12:30 - 2:30 cooked salmon, spinach, and onions for lunch. also watched Hercules. for some reasoni think my decision to watch hercules was caused by the name thucydides from the book i read being stuck in my subconscious.
2:30 - 4:00 finished blog post graphics
4:00 - 4:30 read Destined for War
4:30 - 5:30 read and gave feedback on my sister’s college admissions essays
5:30 - 6:45 had lemon zested ginger fried rice for dinner while watching russian doll
6:45 - 7:00 showered
7:00 - 7:30 duolingo practice
7:30 - 8:30 edited some photos and organized some stuff on my phone while watching russian doll
8:30 - 10:30 course planning. took longer than i expected bc i lowkey started freaking out over the requirements for grad school lmao
10:30 - 11:30 read some articles and washed up. one interesting one i read was from harvard business review about living out your own career path instead of someone else’s. it introduced me to the idea of “consonance — the sense of frictionless belonging, of momentous stride, of core relevance. It is a guiding force that reveals how your work contributes to your overall life’s plan” and its components: calling, contribution, connection, and control.
11:30 - 12:00 bass practice - tried to play hysteria by muse again but only got to 85 bpm - it shd be 93 bpm. seems slow when u just look at the numbers but all the notes are semiquavers rip
12:00 - 12:30 wrote this post and i’m gonna watch one more episode of russian doll and then go to sleep
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ravenlesslangblr · 5 years
Acquiring Welsh with me. Pt.1
I get asked every now and then how I actually study and what I use (guess it’s pretty well-known by now how much I don’t enjoy Duolingo), so I offered to walk you through an acquisition of a language the way I do it. You chose that you’d like to see me (finally) learn Welsh properly, so let’s do that!
I haven’t figured out yet how exactly I’m going to do this, but let’s figure it out as we go! Current Welsh level:
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This page spewed out an intermediate course so I guess I’m somewhere on the cusp? I understand quite a lot, but I struggle when I’m supposed to create sentences myself.
Resources I’m using:
Welsh in Three Months Other textbook, which I managed to acquire, but I don’t know its name - the file says Dosbarth Cymraeg Aberystwyth. But I prefer the first one, because they explain grammar
My notes from uni last year when i started Welsh
Saysomethinginwelsh.com Quizlet Plus I’ve downloaded some apps and I’m going to try them out.  I also try to draw almost everything back to Irish, especially grammar. I’m also doing therealpolyglot level up challenge in Welsh - http://therealpolyglot.com/post/174412685548/level-up-language-challenge
I’m on day 4 as of right now. What I want to learn until next time -  do at least 3 chapters from the book learn the 600 basic words get to unit 4 of saysomethinginwelsh get to day 10 of the level up challenge
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Episode 4 - "The show must go on" ~Kevin
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Mutiny: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630277130686742528/announcement
Mutiny Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281668546134016/announcement-mutiny-results
Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281797053415424/tribal-immunity-4
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Ellie mutinies to Heartless. Everyone is shocked as they saw her in a really good position on the tribe
Jessica mutinies to Heartless because she knows that she is next on the chopping block
Colin mutinies to Nobody to cause chaos. Ellie tells him to side with Kim, and he tells her and Dylan to protect Christina
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i'm sad colin left. but the show must go on 
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*All speculative prose (I do not know anything 🙃)* So I feel bad. I think Colin may have gone because Colin thought I was. The problem is he did not talk to me beforehand?!? Like Colin and were talking about it and then COVID and then the edit logic... And I was busy talking to people and the new tribe members. I hope I did not screw over Colin after hearing how it is over there. At least here *every* one is faking it. ...and he was gone. Not sure Colin will be happier there, but hope so. 
Ellie forms a bond with Emma and wants to work with her despite her messiness
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Pretty confident, I screwed over Colin. I apologize to Colin and to what I may have done to his game. I will feel guilty about this for a long time. Even if I am wrong, I still feel like I missed something with it being so crazy. Regrettably, Emma
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I can’t find an idol to save my life now lmao nor can I figure out how to stop failing a part of it 😭 We won the immunity challenge AGAIN! I’m really proud of the tribe for this one because it was such a pain in the ass 😂 There was also an opportunity to mutiny and Colin took it! The chaos pull was strong for him lol. I really almost went too, but I heard negative things about the guys on nobody tribe soooo that’s a no from me. Heartless Tribe gained two people, which gives me another shot at building bonds. This immunity challenge we’re doing now is really fun tbh. We have to complete units of Japanese on Duolingo! I think we can win this one. If we don’t, there are a lot of people to choose from 🖤
Emma gets really paranoid about all the people who are talking
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Fairly sure Dylan is holding the tribe in this challenge, but think Jessica will do a lot today. Weary of new people, of course, lol. They both are new to the tribe, and Ellie is super chill. We can talk about anything, so glad for her! Amy and I should have just done it. I do not think that this majority/minority wants to go tribal, and then the others do. So I am prepared for tribal. And I am staying silent to everyone else. The people playing in this are supposed to be my allies. I want this to be true. I wish I did not speculate as much as I do.
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Lord please keep me from losing my shit on Emma. She is legit the messiest person alive and I cannot wait to vote her out. She consistently sends the wrong people the wrong chats and then wildly tries to pretend the messages are meant for them. She’s always in everyone’s business about challenges and idols and freaking out if people don’t talk for a few minutes. I will say this. If it goes to tribal, this vote goes to Emma because I can’t deal with her stress anymore. 
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こんにちは !! Liking this new tribe. I wish Kim switched over. Things are going well I think. Need to talk to more people and find out the scoop of everything. Things seem calm? Probably because they haven’t voted anyone out. Hopefully we win the challenge because I’ve been learning Japanese all day and this girl is tired. 
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630371332666867712/duolingo-results
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WOOOOO WE WON. I have to admit it does feel good to win. And why yes raffy, I will enjoy my night off. 
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Yay Kevin! Yay our whole Heartless Tribe! Just, yay!
Christina and Kevin did amazing! Super proud of them because I know they both worked hard/love languages. This Immunity Challenge solidified (maybe) some stuff with Kevin and Christina being in this for the tribe. I am just going to try and be cautious. This will likely fail. 😆 Ellie's amazing addition. I think, overall, we are relieved. Party!!! 🥳😴😎🙃
Emma believes Amy is lying to her about something, calls out people in the tribe chat, and gets increasingly frustrated by people not answering her within 5 minutes.
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Seriously hope Dylan/Kevin sent Colin over as a "spy" (since they have played together). I do think if I was faster as processing things that I would have made two different decisions, regardless of Colin's intentions. 1. Would have messaged closest allies and said I was going for sure. 2. Would have messaged Hosts I was going.
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Friday was so crazy! I'm still in shock over Colin switching tribes, that was so unexpected. I really liked getting to know him. Also I don't really like the new People. Ellie seems sweet but she really is too sweet, it's almost ingenuine. Jessica just seems rude. I mean she waited until 2 days after switching to this tribe to talk to me. I had to talk to her. Like, who does that? Especially after mutineeing from a tribe. You should be on high alert. Jessica is a no bueno for now, but we'll see.
Ellie wants to work with Emma as they bonded over their similar chaos energy. She realizes that a lot of people are after Emma due to her messiness in general
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Missing kin hours :(( Still I really like my new tribe!! Everyone is nice and I don’t think I’d be the target, rn it seems like Emma has a target on her back which kinda sucks cause I like her a lot but it’s better than me!
Emma leaves even more alliance chats that she created on a whim.
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630458005478129664/tribal-council-3-nobody-tribe
Mutiny: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630277130686742528/announcement
Mutiny Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281668546134016/announcement-mutiny-results
Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630281797053415424/tribal-immunity-4
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Ellie mutinies to Heartless. Everyone is shocked as they saw her in a really good position on the tribe
Jessica mutinies to Heartless because she knows that she is next on the chopping block
Colin mutinies to Nobody to cause chaos. Ellie tells him to side with Kim, and he tells her and Dylan to protect Christina
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A mutiny. OF COURSE ITS A MUTINY! I'll absolutely say i wasn't expecting it but those were some bold decisions. Ellie i wasn't entirely surprised by HOWEVER Jessica mutinies and my heart skips a beat. It was ths game move she needed to make 100% because even if i potentially wanted to keep her , i wasn't going to a tiebreaker for her . Someone mutinied feom the heartless tribe and i wonder if they felt on the outs of they're just here to infiltrate. Who knows
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Not surprised at the outcome at tribal tonight. I really did like John and enjoyed chatting with him, but for the sake of safety in numbers, he had to go. What I’m surprised is that Ellie jumped ship! Not so much Jessica, but Ellie has a good thing going for us. We will see how things pan out now that we’re divided 4-8!
Colin goes to work socializing with a new group. It’s going to be tough since those 3 are tight. He needs to crack a wall somewhere
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630371332666867712/duolingo-results
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I honestly feel responsible again for losing the challange!!! A 2??!?!?! Here I thought we were gonna average something much lower. But honestly, I didn't have much time to work on it as I spent the majority of the day at work. I think at this point our allience will vote together and unfortunately Colin will be the casualty. He shouldn't have mutinied...
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Look i get that is part of this whole process but DAMN . Why does my tribe have to attend all the tribals. It's kind of demoralising tbh . 
Colin wanted to target Jordan, but has switched to Daniel. Kim wants to flip, but doesn't want it to tie. Jordan wants to flip on Kim since they have two rewards. The spice is going to be flavorful
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OKAY so I need to walk you guys through my decision to mutiny. because on surface level it seems really dumb. I'm here to explain to you why its ALSO dumb on the deeper level. i'm a messy ass bitch. I have played DOZENS of these games and I've never taken a mutiny before, so honestly this was mostly about new horizons and trying new things! BUT ALSO. Ellie mutinied. and I NEED to be able to play my game without Ellie. I had good connections on my og tribe with Christina, Kevin, Dylan, and Amy. I hope that distance will make the heart grow fonder and they will realize how much they actually wanna work with me when I'm not there!! I gave them sufficient warning and tried to smooth things over so it wouldn't be awkward when we are reunited. My ultimate plan is to just survive until merge and then make a powerhouse trio of me, Christina, and Dylan. Dylan and I can be strategic masterminds, while Christina and I can also help maneuver us socially. After coming onto the Nobody tribe, I'm honestly not impressed. Kim seems okay but a lil dry, Jordan is barely around and also a lil dry, and Daniel is actually really fun to talk to, but doesn't seem invested game wise. I think i need to get Jordan out by painting him as a challenge threat. I think I'll try to make an alliance of Kim and Daniel. I really just need them to protect me. Losing this challenge SUCKS. I kinda wish Christina and Dylan had thrown for me. but I didn't expect them to and I'm not surprised they didn't. I think my name is absolutely on the chopping block because everyone else seems comfortable, but I fully intend to put in WORK to make sure I stay. if I can make it past this, this will be a huge talking point on my resume for FTC. I'm starting early. Wish me luck!! xoxo. 
Everyone is targeting each other and it’s about to be a big ol mess
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I know it should be a no brain-er to who's going home tomorrow but i honestly do see the value of keeping Colin . We've bonded and i honestly do think he can be an ally for me moving into a merge. But it would require someone else to pull off because i don't want to piss off either Daniel or Jordan or potentially both if i vote against them
Colin attempts to talk with people about the vote, but no one responds back to him. Things are looking bleak as Kim as voted early for Colin. “I was talking to Kim this morning and basically all he said was he didn't think jordan and daniel would vote for each other. I hope Kim will at least let me do firemaking”
Colin shifts gears and tries to get Jordan to flip on Kim. However, Jordan is too scared to talk to Daniel about it, fearing it might ruin their relationship. So, he seemingly backs out on it. Colin grows increasingly frustrated with the fake back and forth. He doesn’t view Daniel as playing his own game as Daniel seems to do whatever Jordan wants him to do
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Lost one of my core members to a mutiny, now lost the challenge. Our tribe has 4 members, two of which I believe to be close allies, one being the new member who mutinied from the other tribe, and of course myself. Kim, one of my allies, has been winning rewards throughout the game which scare me a bit. I’ve been getting along with our new member pretty well and it’s made me consider trying to find a way to vote out Kim so we can keep Colin around and just get rid of those rewards. I don’t think Dan would trust me anymore if I threw out an idea like this though so I don’t know if there’s a way to make it happen. However, I think I’m still leaning towards voting out the new member and at least trying to stay three strong. We will see if I feel the same tomorow.
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im so sad. why did i take the mutiny. I'm really about to get voted out bc no one is even TALKING to ME all three of my new tribemates have expressed interest in keeping me and said that we had vibed really well. but now here I am, 4 hours before tribal, with absolutely nothing. No one talking to me. No names thrown out. They're going with the easy vote. I don't understand why. I can protect them going into merge!! they're going to be at such a numbers disadvantage, and I can be a bridge to the OG heartless tribe if I make it. But they don't wanna give me that chance. I'm so frustrated. 
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I’ve really been trying to find a way to keep Colin but I just don’t think it’s gonna be worth it for me to risk my current friendships. I’m too nervous to even consider mentioning the option to either of them for fear they will just blow me off entirely after that. I do think I would have more fun if I kept Colin around, but it may be short lived. A blindside would be super spicy right now but we will see...
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630458005478129664/tribal-council-3-nobody-tribe
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orchidfire--lang · 4 years
September Update & October Goals
~Some HUGE things (for me) that I did in September~
-I attended a virtual meeting with a language exchange group, entirely in German! Speaking terrifies me in language learning, but this meeting showed me that I’m much more conversationally fluent than I thought I was. I still have a LONG way to go, but this was huge for me!
-I also made it halfway through my B1 course, finishing a lesson every other day
-I also wrote a journal entry this month, which I didn’t set out to do, but am glad I did!
-As I promised to myself, I attended language exchange groups (almost) every week, which again is a big deal for me
-I exposed myself to the language everyday
-I had a goal to write at least 1-2 journal entries in Spanish this month... unfortunately, I ended up writing 0
-I set out a looot of goals for French in September and honestly... I didn’t achieve most of them
-I still need to work on listening to faster-spoken dialogue
-I didn’t complete a story on Parlez-vous FRENCH? per week, as I set out to do (listening + answering questions)
-I did attend maybe one or two meet ups during this month, but didn’t attend them consistently
-I’m currently in an ASL-English Interpretation degree program, and half of my classes are Deaf-run and conducted in ASL
-I attended one meet up this month and consumed ASL content regularly in my free time
-But again, most of my exposure and output of ASL was through my program
~My Goals for October~
Focus: German, Spanish, Portuguese
- Attend at least one meet up this month (attendance already confirmed!)
- Write at least 1-2 journal entries this month
- Finish 4 more units of online DW B1 course
- Attend meet ups on a weekly basis
- Work with an iTalki tutor at least once this month (already confirmed for a future lesson!)
- Write at least 1-2 journal entries this month
- Write at least 1-2 journal entries this month
- 20 minutes of Duolingo review every morning
- 20 minutes of a podcast daily
- Record a video of self speaking once in the month
I’m not setting any goals for ASL, Italian, or French this month, and likely for November too. ASL because I’m already set thanks to my academic program, and Italian because it’s not my priority right now and I already have a plan to come back to it in December. As for French, I’m very lost on what my goals even are for this language, and honestly it’s also not a priority right now. I am also setting it to December, re-evaluating my goals (when I have the time, of course), brushing it up, and (hopefully) becoming more advanced!
I am resisting the STRONG urge to starting Russian, which I have already been dabbling in here and there. I want to start it in December or January, but then may instead push it to Spring 2021... we’ll see. Once I achieve my goals in December with French and Italian, I MAY very likely start learning Russian officially... I’m so excited! :D
0 notes
study-with-aura · 8 months
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Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Welcome to whirling Wednesday! I say that because it seems to whirl right by. It can feel like spinning for hours on end and then suddenly the spinning stops and everything is a blur until refocusing. Unless, of course one spots, then the dizziness is held to a fix. Always remember to spot. My spot today was looking towards my phone call with my brother tonight. In this sense, I consider spotting to be something to look forward to at the end of the packed day. It keeps me focused instead of spinning in many different directions and losing track or motivation.
I need to sleep.
Tasks Completed:
Geometry - Learned how to find areas of triangles and quadrilaterals + practice finding areas of parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids on KA + practice finding perimeters and areas of rhombuses and kites
Lit and Comp II - Reviewed units 4-6 vocabulary + read chapters 1-2 of Emma by Jane Austen + read about content issues in discussion notes + worked on my biography writing assignment
Spanish 2 - Reviewed vocabulary + read my speech out loud to my dad
Bible I - Read Deuteronomy 13-14
World History - Added to my timeline + took three quizzes on the American Revolution (not for a grade) + looked over key terms for the new unit + read the introduction to the Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, and Imperialism in the 19th Century + watched 15 minutes of episode 1 of Victorian Farm on YT (I saved the playlist and I might watch the rest of it when I have time. It looks good)
Biology with Lab - Completed cats genetics lab + reviewed vocabulary notes
Foundations - Read the definition of obedience + completed Lumosity daily brain workout + watched a video on using openers in public speaking + watched a video on the presentations by Steve Jobs + wrote the opener and closers for my speech
Piano - Practiced for one hour
Khan Academy - None today (It was already assigned)
CLEP - Completed Module 6 reading "Age of Revolutions" 10.1-10.3.4 + watched the Module 6 introduction video 6.0
Duolingo - Completed at least one lesson each in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Reading - Read pages 8-43 of They're Watching You by Chelsea Ichaso
Chores - None today
Activities of the Day:
Extracurricular robotics course
What I’m Grateful for Today:
I am grateful for my mom who agreed to help me with ideas for my literary analysis paper. (Sometimes there are perks to having a mom who is a university professor that teaches English and French literature.)
Quote of the Day:
You can’t get to know yourself if you can’t sit with yourself for a while.
-We Deserve Monuments, Jas Hammonds
🎧Six Idylles Op. 24 No. 5 - Agathe Backer-Grøndahl
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Language Learning Log 2021 - Week 16
45-minute lesson
Read 4x articles
Read 2x chapters Harry Potter og Føniksordenen
Watched 3x Norsklærer Karense videos
Watched 1x Nytt På Nytt episode
Wrote 316 words of fiction
Mysteriet om Nils ch 40 + read ch 41
Chatted with Amanda
Kanji drills
Read a short story
Listened to music
Duolingo: Family 2 skill
JFZ ch 10 exercises + ch 11 video
There have been ups and downs this week. I started strong by doing a full chapter of Mysteriet om Nils instead of just the reading as I’d planned. But once again I didn’t do as much reading as I wanted, and I did basically no writing. I did have a nice chat with @hopehav though! I feel like talking is getting easier, even if my grammar and pronunciation are still all over the place.
Last week’s goals
Mysteriet om Nils ch 40 reading ✅
Read 4x chapters Harry Potter og Føniksordenen [2/4] ❌
Watch 3x Norsklærer Karense videos + take notes [3/3] ✅
Watch 2x TV shows or news broadcasts [1/2] ❌
Write 1000 words of fiction [316/1000] ❌
This week’s goals
Read 100 pages of Harry Potter og Føniksordenen
Write 1000 words of fiction
Watch 2x Norsklærer Karense videos + take notes
I continued learning new kanji doing drills with my colourful pens on my whiteboard. I love it! This week I learned more family vocab (孫, 親戚 and 兄弟), verbs (走る and 座る) and 一緒. I wanted to learn 15 new kanji this month and made a list of 25 potential kanji. I’ve actually got through most of that list already.
I also read another short story. This one was only a page and a half, so it didn’t take very long to read. I was really happy to see a couple of kanji I’d recently learned crop up too! It’s motivated me to keep working on my vocabulary. I do need to work on my grammar too, so I’ve been thinking of getting a new textbook (JFZ does not cut it for me unfortunately). Until then, I’ll try to watch some youtube videos and find explanations online.
Last week’s goals
Read a short story ✅
Improve Family 2 skill to level 2 [4/6] ❌
Watch JFZ ch 11 grammar videos ✅
Kanji drills on at least 3 days [3/3] ✅
This week’s goals
Duolingo: improve Family 2 skill to level 2
Kanji drills on at least 3 days
JFZ ch 11 exercises
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My dad came over to visit this week and the stress of it basically drained me, so I had a few days of not really doing much at all. Actually, I’ve spent a lot of time napping - I went back to bed twice on Saturday! So all in all, not my most productive week. But I did have a fantastic training session yesterday where I worked hard on a lot of tricks I’ve not attempted for a while because I’ve been too scared to train them (because I’ve lost strength and didn’t want to be faced with just how much strength that really was). As predicted, I have a lot of work to do before I’m back to where I was, but I’m so determined now!
This week I reeeeeally need to get on with my instructor courses this week! Now that we’re open for private lessons again I need to be booking in classes, but I can’t until I’ve finished my course as otherwise my insurance is invalid. So that’s my main goal this week!
I’m not expecting to get much done in terms of languages/exercise this week - my boyfriend has the week off so I want to spend time with him. Plus my dad is coming over again on Thursday, so Wednesday I’ll be tidying/baking/buying food/stressing out and Thursday I doubt I’ll get much done at all. So I’m setting minimal goals this week. Hopefully I’ll still achieve some!
Last week’s goals
Stretch on at least 3 days [1/3] ❌
Allow biceps to heal up ✅
Finish aerial hoop instructor course unit 6 ❌
Strength and conditioning course units 4-6 ❌
This week’s goals
Train aerial hoop and/or pole on at least 2 days
Stretch on at least 2 days
Finish aerial hoop instructor course unit 6
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I think Duolingo owls it's cute
 Since October of last year as the outburst started I didn’t have classes so I started searching for something useful to do during the university paro, so I download Duolingo and started learning Japanese as a hobby, it was really fun going through the levels, there were a lot of things that I already know just by watching anime for approximately 15 years of my life. It was just a hobby until the manga that I was reading at that time didn’t get a new upload in like 4 months. I investigate and find out that there were like 3 more volumes that haven’t been upload to my illegal source of manga. So I decided to learn Japanese in a more serious way because I really wanted to know what happens in the new volumes, and it was sad that I couldn’t read it just because of the language wall.
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 So I started watching videos of how to self-study Japanese, it was a new world actually, learning English It wasn’t that hard because I dare to say that mostly all of us have an early approach to the language in school, but not for Japanese. As I started to learn, the volumes that I wanted to read were upload, so my main reason to learn was ended, but I did continue to study the language till today, but why? I mean, I don’t plan to live in Japan, I don’t plan to work in Japan, I don’t plan to study there (I would love to, but it’s not a possibility right now), of course, I would like to visit the country but, I don’t think it’s necessary to actually learn the language to visit another country more than the words or phrases that can help with a basic need, like getting food, a place to stay, ask for the bathroom, ask “how much is this?’’, saying “thank you”, “hello”, and stuff like that. So why I was still so interested in the language? I started with Duolingo 10 months ago, and now I study for more than 4 different books, learning apps, online lessons, and other resources.
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 I am impressed with how much you can learn from a book compared to years watching anime (I know this can sound a bit silly haha), but thanks to all the years watching anime I’ve been able to understand things easily. I don’t really think that we can learn a language just by seen cartoons, but It can help with things like pronunciation, listening, and the local slang.
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 When I started to understand a hole statement without subtitles it was an amazing feeling and at the same time a bit sad because not all the subtitles can translate accurately what the character or the dialogue wants to transmit. I think this happens mostly in English than in Spanish, but you can find bad translations everywhere. I would like to say an example when you hear the word “sayonara” that it’s world known as a “goodbye” word it’s actually more than that, it’s has a deeper meaning as like “I’m going for a long long time’’, “Goodbye forever”, “I’m going to a faraway place”, so when I heard that word in a scene and the subtitle just says “goodbye” it’s kind of disappointing, but how can you add these meanings to the translation? I think it’s a good question. Of course, we have examples in Spanish too, like in the “duelo a muerte con cuchillos” (Yu Yu Hakusho) when the protagonist’s opponent says “duelo a muerte con cuchillos”, in the Japanese version they say “knife-edge death match’’ (ナイフエッジデスマッチ) that are words taking from the English, so of course, assuming that Japanese people didn’t know English they didn’t know what those words mean (they just probably recognize “knife”), so If you watch the scene in Japanese from a Japanese perspective I assume It has way more sense that the Latin version of it, actually, even the Spanish (from Spain, lol) version, has a more accurate translation (I laugh a lot when this meme came out). 
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 So, I really think that we can learn a lot about a culture just by learning their language, learning Japanese it’s been useful to learn about my favorite musicians by a primary source, and finding new ones, learn more about food (this is my favorite part); find and understand news about anime and manga, know more illustrators and about their career, being able to read more stuff from official sources and from the social media like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. This content does not always have English subtitles or an official translation, so it’s less probable that has a Spanish translation, but you never know, I’ve found some mangas with Spanish translations but not for English ones, and others in Russian, even in Korean, and even when google translator it’s an amazing tool it’s not always accurate. 
 So even when English it’s really helpful to communicate with people around the world and for getting information, and of course an amazing tool, to know the Japanese language when you like or love Japanese animation, manga, or the culture in general, it’s just a whole new experience (at least for me), with this I’m not saying that everyone who likes anime should learn the language but it really adds another feeling to it. So, I think to learn Japanese because you like manga and anime it’s a really valid reason to learn. I don’t believe it’s strictly necessary to learn for formal issues, like getting a job, or for our curriculums to look cool (I do think these are valid reasons too, though). I think learning a new language it’s a political decision too, cause no one asks us if we wanted to learn English, we just knew that we have to because United Stated it’s like the owner of the word, I mean, of course, English it’s an easier language to learn, but not for everyone, and not everyone like it, and sadly almost every Japanese learning material it's in english. So, wanted to learn something different for the things that were imposed on us it’s amazing! and not just about Japanese but any language that you may be interested in! Once again, thank you for reading this, and sorry for the low-quality memes.  
PD: I think it’s imperative to mention the fansub groups, they made an incredible job, I'm really grateful to the ones who take their time to make amazing subs for all of us even for free! I loved it when they add these cultural notes to explain the context of a certain situation, I really miss that in platforms like Netflix or Crunchyroll.
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  Natalia Olivares H. 
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