#i’m here jumping around the corner still enjoying the chef pack
servegrilledcheese · 11 months
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spice market’s local vegetarian chef
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Camping double date with Miphlink and the Yiga Husbands??
This is a TERRIBLE idea. Why? Because Kohga loves to live like a king, so camping is something he HATES. Unfortunately, Sooga got to pick the double date idea, and he LOVES camping. So, let's go!
 "We could've gone sunbathing on a beach. Could've even gone to the shores of Zora's domain. But no. You just. Had to pick the FUCKING woods!"
Sooga chuckled as he checked the sturdiness of the tent. Mipha and Link often went on double dates with them(to show their support), and the four of them took turns on where to go. It was Sooga's turn, and he picked a camping date. Not JUST a camping date, but a camping date up on Satori fucking mountain. It meant they had to fucking HIKE. And Kohga was hating EVERY moment of it. It must’ve been obvious, given the fact that Mipha was staying with him as Link and Sooga lead the pack. Sooga was grinning as he walked backwards, clearly not trying to sound giddy.
“Master Kohga, this is a nice change of pace, is it not? The smell of trees, the plentiful resources? It’s lovely. I mean, not as lovely as you, but still lovely.”
“You’re using flirts to keep me from going home.”
“Is it working?”
“...kinda. But don’t push it.”
Sooga nodded. Him and Link were having just a ball during this little trek, and it was JUST because of that, that Kohga wasn’t making him pick him up. Mipha chuckled, lightly nudging Kohga.
“Do be patient. Love is full of that. I’m sure he appreciates being out here.”
“He better, I’m taking all his future turns.”
The climb was slow, exhausting, and Kohga was SO goddamn happy when Sooga and Link started to unpack their things, ready to set up camp. It was near the top of the cliff, and a number of trees decorated the rocky land. Kohga sat down on a log, groaning. Kohga wasn’t in bad shape, but hiking was just AWFUL compared to working out at home. Dirt, animals, all of it just sucked to him. He’d MUCH rather be working out at home (Kohga could name other ways he could work a sweat with Sooga).
“Why THIS spot? There’s BARELY any stable ground, and these trees barely leave us rooms for the tent.”
Sooga nodded as he finally undid all of his prep work.
“It’s true, but this spot is special, I swear. Now, if you’ll excuse us. Link, you first?”
Link nodded, and started to clear the trees and bushes. Not all of them, but enough to give them actual stable land to pitch tents in. Kohga watched as Link and Sooga chopped the trees, tossing them in the corner for firewood. Mipha chuckled as she sat next to Kohga.
“Hey. At least we can watch the boys do a little bit of labor.”
Kohga gave her a bit of a side eye. Mipha was really starting to know him.
“I mean, true, I do like watching cute guys do hard work. Think Sooga’s showing off for me?”
They both shared a bit of a giggle, and immediately Kohga felt just a bit better. Even if a fuck ton of bugs kept hovering around. They both finally finished, pitched their tents (one for each couple, for privacy of course), and Sooga immediately started to make a fire. He was pretty good at it, getting it ready and roaring just when Kohga was starting to lose patience. Sooga patted the dirt from his hands, and walked over, grabbing Kohga’s hand and kissing the back of it.
“I left some food for you in the pack, but I’m going to catch something more...lively. I will come back in a moment.”
He turned to Link, who was already starting to unpack the food bags. 
“Link, keep an eye in my stead. Precious cargo here.”
Sooga walked off to god knows where, and Mipha smiled her precious little smile.
“He loves you very much. I can tell.”
“Yeah yeah. Makin’ me trek all the way up here, all sweaty and shit. He loved me, he would’ve picked an ACTUALLY good trip.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Mipha, I love ya, but stop being right about things.”
Link even seemed to smile about that, bringing a bunch of bananas over to Kohga. At LEAST he packed him something good to eat. Link helped a bit too, going to a nearby tree to pluck some fresh durian fruit. Link gave them both fruit as he tended to the fire, and Kohga SAW that swoon on Mipha’s adorable face.
“Hey, I saw that.”
“Saw what?”
“You swooning over your man, you little minx!”
Mipha stammered, but as Link looked over, shooting her a wink, she knew she had been had, hiding her face in her hand, and trying to hide at Kohga’s side. Kohga laughed, shaking his head.
“You two! Got it SO bad! It’s precious! You two really deserve to be together.”
Mipha peered past her hands, to make sure Link wasn’t looking anymore, before looking back up at Kohga.
“Well thank you. Father appears to think so, as does Sidon. Can I uhm...tell you a secret?”
“Shoot little red.”
Mipha covered the side of her mouth with her palm, keeping her voice low.
“I made Zora armor for Link. I’m planning on giving it to him this week.”
That was Zora lingo for ‘marriage’ essentially, and Kohga nearly jumped off his seat, hands thrown about wildly.
The sound of his scream made Link miss his shot, about to shoot a bird for dinner. Upon missing, he turned to scowl rather heavily at Kohga, who muttered an apology. When he turned away, Kohga finally found his heart back in his chest, rather than his throat.
“You’re gonna get MARRIED?”
“I’m planning on it, yes!”
“Mipha, lil’ red, I love you to bits, but you’re SO young! How could you want to get married NOW?”
Mipha turned to look at Link, gently cocking her head in a loving, adoring fashion.
"I'm certain I'll never find another for me. I adore him with all my heart. I want to marry him. Very, very much. Do you...not think it's a good idea?"
"No no! I mean, great that you wanna settle. It's great. I fully support you both. I just...the idea of getting married is weird to me, I guess. But I mean, so long as I get to be the best man."
"That's my brother."
"Okay fair. What about flower girl?"
"Ring bearer?"
"That's Midnight."
Kohga threw his arms in the air, in total disbelief. 
"Who's Midnight?!"
"Link's horse."
"...That's actually super cute."
"Isn't it? If it helps any, you can help me pick my wedding outfit."
They both shook hands, satisfied with the deal. Kohga held onto her hand for a moment, clearing his throat.
"But uh...don't tell Sooga, yeah? He's wedding crazy, and if he hears you're gonna get hitched, he's NOT gonna let me hear the end of it."
"End of what?"
They both turned to see Sooga, carrying an entire honeyvore bear over his shoulder. Kohga should've been surprised by his man carrying a whole ass bear like a sack of flour, but he really wasn't.
"Nothing. See you got dinner."
"I did. I was going for a mountain goat, but this one didn't seem to know how to behave. I trust Link has been taking care of you in my stead?"
"Totally. Cut us up some fruit like a good boy and everything."
Kohga pinched Link's cheek as he came over, eager to show his arms full of freshly killed pigeons. Sooga chuckled, rustling Link's hair.
"Quite the provider you have here, Mipha. Should you two marry, I can assure you'd never go hungry."
Kohga tried not to groan. Marriage ALWAYS came up with his ass. It seemed to make Link a bit nervous too, as his face turned dark, and he went back to tending the fire. Mipha giggled into her palm.
"Thank you, Sooga. That's sweet of you to say. But I'm not looking on proposing here and now, so."
Sooga shrugged as he started to cut through the animal's hide, getting it ready for the flames.
"The future is fickle. Who truly knows?"
There was a smirk in his tone, even Mipha seemed to catch onto it. Kohga rolled his eyes. The idea of marriage was so ridiculous to him. Being tied down to one person forever? Fucking ONE piece of ass forever? Not his thing. But hey, he wasn’t Mipha. He scooted over next to Sooga as soon as he put the meats over the fire.
“Sooga, how much longer till it’s ready, you think?”
Sooga chuckled. His Master LOVED to eat, and while he was no chef, he could cook some good, fresh meat over a campfire. He cut a piece of the meat, showing Kohga just how raw it was.
“It’ll take a good minute, Master. Unless you’d like it raw, then I can serve you a piece now.”
Kohga stuck his nose up at it, and Sooga, for some reason, found his face so charming.
“Who wants to eat raw ass-”
Link snatched the piece from his hand, stuffing it in his mouth. Kohga sighed.
“Right. Link. The guy that will actually eat ANYTHING. You remember the time he just, ate some fucking rocks?”
“I recall, yes. Yet, he makes a VERY good fish pie.”
“Hey. Bad enough we HIKED here, don’t you even bring UP fish.”
Sooga gave a light shake of his head, even as Kohga smacked at his tit. He was lucky he was fine, else Kohga wouldn’t put up with his nonsense. They spent a good moment in idle chit chat (how restoration to kingdoms were, recent training practices, new dishes, the usual stuff you’d talk about with folks you more or less considered family), before Sooga handed Kohga a healthy plate of food. Fried wild greens, and spiced meat skewers (Kohga ALWAYS had Sooga bring goron spices whenever they went out. Kohga put it on EVERYTHING, especially meat). Kohga helped himself, digging into his meal hungrily. Sooga was a shit cook in a modern kitchen, but when it came to spicing and cooking meat out in the wild, Sooga was damn good enough. Juicy insides, and a nice, crispy outside. Him and Link didn’t talk as much, in favor of eating ravenously and enjoying their meals.
“Sooga, you don’t like goron spice?”
“Not especially. I always give my portion to Kohga, who loves it. But I prefer mine lightly salted. And I'm not the only one, it seems."
A raven seemed to trot over to them, eyeing Sooga curiously. It welcomed the slices of meat Sooga tossed its way, and Sooga noticed Kohga’s look of interest.
"Birds always did seem to like me, for whatever reason. Watch."
Sooga brought his hand down, and almost immediately, the bird jumped into his hand, eyeing everyone curiously. Kohga leaned over and lightly poked its head, making it squawk.
"Huh. That's why Revali thinks you're hot."
Sooga shook his head, as if something smelled. 
"I wish you hadn't told me that. Makes me wish birds hated me."
"What if it was Teba?"
Sooga took a moment in hesitation, before lightly nodding.
“I like Teba.”
“EVERYONE likes Teba, can’t say I blame you here.”
Sooga gave the crow another scrap of meat, before motioning for it to leave, which it did, but not before looking back at Sooga once more. Mipha handed her plate to Link (who always ate whatever she couldn’t finish), before softly nodding.
“That’s honestly quite charming. I’m personally really good with fish, though it might be a Zora thing.”
Then the most odd thing happened. Link put his plate down (with food STILL on it), and nearly leapt towards Mipha, clearly excited. She seemed surprised for a moment, before chuckling.
“Oh, you want me to show them, don’t you?”
Link nodded again, wildly. Mipha held onto her head fin, and the spots on her skin seemed to glow, which seemed to glow brightly as the sun soon seemed to die down. 
“Woah. Since when could you do that?”
“Always. It’s made to attract fish, bugs...Hylians.”
Link was just enthralled in her spots, fingers carefully brushing against her skin. She sat there, as flattered and flustered as a young princess could be, while Link just sat there, adoring her like something out of a story book. Sooga looked down at Kohga, who was enthralled with them both. With the moon gracing the sky, now was just as good of a time as any.
“Master Kohga, I think these two need a moment of privacy. Could I...show you something?”
Kohga nodded, quietly helping them sneak away. This somehow ended with Sooga leading Kohga god knows where, covering his mask with his hands.
“Sooga, why can’t I just close my eyes?”
“You peek.”
“I won’t this time! Maybe!”
“Relax, Master Kohga. We’re almost there. Now, be silent.”
Kohga stopped talking, and just trusted Sooga to guide him. He was about to take another step, when Sooga stopped him in his tracks. His voice was in a hushed, low tone.
“Open your eyes.”
Kohga did just that, and couldn’t believe his eyes. Blupees. Blupees , surrounding a lake, littered in cherry tree petals. They all sat there, hopping about, grooming their long, orange feelers. They hadn’t been noticed yet, and it was incredible. Some sipped at the lake water, some seemed to hop amongst the piles of petals. Kohga kept his voice low, in disbelief.
“You...knew they’d be here.”
“I did. This trip was the perfect opportunity to show you something as beautiful as you are. I take it you’ve never seen them up close?”
“No. Only in books. They’re...so different in person.”
Kohga took a step forward, making a branch snap. They thought it had been the end of it, when one of the blupees turned to look at him. But then, it chose not to run. Rather, it hopped right to Kohga, standing on its rear legs and eyeing him curiously. Kohga glanced at Sooga, before looking back towards the creature.
“Thought they were skittish?”
“They’re supposed to be. Unless they consider you not a threat.”
“W-hey! I’m plenty threatening! Go on, get!”
Kohga knelt down and pointed at it, only for it to bump against his hand, and snuggle into it like a stray cat. Kohga grumbled in a mixture of confusion and amazement, before another blupee walked over. Then another. Then another. They all scattered about him, clearly fascinated and eager to rub their little faces against him. It made Kohga fall on his ass, trying not to step on them. Sooga knelt down to him, ever ready to be of assistance. Though, it seemed the only thing his master was in danger of, was getting a permanent scowl. He chuckled.
“I don’t think they find you too threatening. Foolish creatures, honestly.”
“I should be making these bunnies shake in their boots dammit.”
Kohga raised a hand in accusation, before a blupees seemed to fall right into it, desperate for a good petting. Sooga took a small step forward, careful not to spook them, before he clunked his mask against Kohga’s.
“You...never cease to amaze me, Master Kohga. You’re incredible. These creatures thrive on purity. I can only imagine how much of it is in your heart.”
Kohga scoffed, playfully pushing his face away with his hand.
“It’s nothing like that, these things are just dumb. But… this is sweet. YOU’RE sweet. And as much as I hated the hiking, the bugs...this was nice. I don’t ever think I’m going to forget this, Sooga.”
“So I did good for my turn?”
“Good enough to try again, yes. God you’re so dumb and pretty.”
Sooga chuckled. He parted his mask, as well as his master’s, and was about to lean in for a kiss, when suddenly a shadow peered over them. Both of them jumped a bit, scaring a few of the blupees. Kohga stood aghast at the creature, while Sooga looked stiff.
“Is that...the Lord of the Mountain?”
“Yes. Aka, one that brings curses upon the land it walks.”
Sooga brought out his weapon, and aimed it right between its faces. The creature stared at him, before slowly walking past Sooga, and stopping right in front of Kohga. It slowly brought its head down, right into Kohga’s lap. It looked at him with it’s intense, bright eyes. Kohga looked unsure of what to do, before he slowly, carefully, brought his hand right next to his face. Kohga motioned wildly with his free hand, totally in disbelief.
“I’m petting it! I’m THIS cool! Can you SEE this?!”
The Lord seemed comforted by his hand, eyes lidded as Kohga’s hands nestled and scratched at it’s fur. It was brief, but it was enough to leave a lasting impression in Sooga’s mind. The creature pulled away after a moment, before dipping its face into the water, taking a sip. Then it took a step towards Sooga, and promptly spat water at his face. With a snort, and a stomp of it’s hoof, it turned, and started to graze within the water. Sooga turned to look at Kohga, who was trying VERY hard not to laugh.
“Pffft! It spat water at you! Holy CRAP, he does NOT like you!”
Kohga lost it at that point, pointing at Sooga and just losing himself in laughter. He only stopped once Sooga knelt down, and held his hand in his own.
“I’m. So in love with you, you couldn’t even fathom it-”
“This shit again.”
“Say the word and I’d be your husband IMMEDIATELY.”
Kohga groaned, using his other hand to smack his forehead. It wasn’t entirely Sooga’s fault that he was so lovesick though.
Not when the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen, got to pet the Lord of the Mountain.
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ezrasarm · 4 years
I'm kinda new here, but I wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your writing. Thanks for bringing all of his characters to life! 💕 If you're still looking for blurbs/HC rqsts, I'd love to know how all The Boys would react if they came upon reader while she's playing some fun music and dancing like no one is watching. Would he start dancing? Could he be coaxed into dancing? Would he roll his eyes and leave the room? P.S. This is my first ever ask. It's probably silly. 😬
Warnings: Fluff!!! the boys being too sweet to handle and a lack of proofreading because I was excited... I think that just about covers it 😂
A/n: Not silly at all and thank you for reading and welcome to our little corner of this hell site!!! I had a great time writing these and I hope they were sort of what you had in mind! I’m a nerd and wound up linking the songs that came to mind as I wrote each of them but of course you’re welcome to interpret them as any song you would like! I may or may not have taken some liberties with the request because I didn’t want to get repetitive so I hope you’ll forgive me 😬
[ masterlist ]
Hate Street Dialogue - Rodriguez
Javier had just had a very long and exhausting day at work. His patience had been running thin since his meeting that morning and now it was 7:30 and he finally got to do the one thing he had been wanting to do all day. Go home. He was in the hallway when he heard the music, it wasn’t uncommon for you to blast it if you were the designated chef that night. With a headache coming on he really thought he wasn’t in the mood for all that energy tonight. All he wanted was some food in his stomach, maybe a drink in his hand and to curl up on the couch with you and make fun of whichever soap opera had decided to possess your TV screen that night. What he hadn’t been expecting was to wonder into the kitchen to see you absolutely gunning it on what you had now designated as the dance floor. With your back to him and the music so loud it wasn’t until you spun around on your heels to pick something up from the island that you saw him and just about jumped out of your skin. At this point he had a smile from ear to ear and he realized what he had been yearning for all day wasn’t to go home, it was you. You would look at him, a little bashful about him catching you in the act before he would pull you into a toothy kiss and tell you how much he needed that today.
I Know What I Am - Band Of Skulls (how do you choose a song for Din???)
Things get boring when you’re stuck on the Crest alone for hours on end. So yeah, maybe you came across an old transmitter that just so happened to have a data card packed with music on it on your last supply run, and maybe you snuck it onto the Crest, and maybe you listen to it whenever Din’s off doing bounty hunter things so you can keep your mind busy while you tinker around the ship and try to keep the kid entertained. Maybe, every once in a while you just get carried away and start dancing along in a very uncoordinated fashion, but who cares? Because you like it and it makes you feel good and no one is there to judge you except maybe the baby, who just so happens to think you have some sick moves. This had become your routine for quite some time now. Din would leave, you’d put some tunes on and just let loose for a bit. It kept the kid happy and let him have some fun and who were you to refuse him that? You had gotten used to predicting when the mandalorian would come back so you would shut it off and get back to work like nothing happened... except this time. He must have come back early or you had gotten carried away and lost track of time, either way, one second you were alone dancing to your hearts content and the next there was a mandalorian standing in the doorway and you had stopped in your tracks. 
“What are you doing?” He would ask with a slight tilt to his helmet as you let your gaze wander the cabin, settling on anything but him. What you couldn’t see was the entertained smile toying at his lips behind the mask.
“...nothing.” You shrugged, leaning over to turn the music off and feeling your heart drop in your chest at the way the child’s ears drooped.
“You don’t have to stop.” Din said and for a moment you thought you had misheard him.
“I said you don’t have to stop on my account.” He shrugged, pushing the button on the transmitter as he passed to climb up the ladder and into the cockpit. Well that, you were not expecting.
We’re Only People - Father John Misty
Ezra had noticed your glum mood today. He could understand that spending your days digging for gems you weren’t exactly sure you would find wasn’t always the most exciting existence but, once settled into your usual places for the evening he caught sight of the slight tapping of your toe as you listened to music through your headphones and an idea popped into his mind. 
“Care to share?” He asked, gesturing to the music playing device in your hand and unplugging the headphones. For a moment you were confused but when you caught sight of the look in his eye you knew he was up to something and it made you curious to find out what. 
He extended his hand towards you, a slight bow to you in a silent question before you took it and let him guide you up, leading you into a spin before pulling you close and giving you a toothy grin. It was a little awkward in the cramped tent, with only a few feet of space to accommodate your movements you found yourself being forced closer together but you weren’t one to complain when you had an excuse to press yourself as close to him as possible. You could already feel your worries from the day washing away as he dragged you through a few elaborate dips and swings just to get a giggle out of you. 
“Thank you,” You whispered to him quietly, pressing a kiss to his cheek and pulling him into a hug as the song came to an end, your bodies still swaying to the rhythm despite the fact that the music was long gone as you took one another in.
Easy Rider - Eddie Berman
Frankie woke to the muffled sound of music playing from the kitchen. Sunlight was streaming in through the window and casting the room in a bright warm glow as he padded out of the bedroom. His hair sticking up in every which direction and his eyes still bleary from sleep when they fell on the sight of you, an energetic bounce to your step, hips swaying and head rocking to the music when you caught sight of him. The smile on your face widened when you bounded over to him. “How are you so awake this early?” He asked, an entertained grin tugging at his lips when you kept swinging your limbs around in no particularly coordinated fashion.
“Dance with me and maybe you’ll find out.” You beam up at him, giving his hips a slight jostle.
“Too early,” He groaned back facetiously as you dragged him into the kitchen and hopped around on the spot.
“C’mon, no coffee until you dance with me!” You exclaim and he shakes his head despite the smile betraying him.
“Shouldn’t it be the other way around?” He asked and you purse your lips, feigning contemplation of his proposal before that devious smile flashes across your features and you give him a quick shake of your head. Eventually he breaks down when you grab his hands and drag him into a twist. You were right, it did wake him up faster than his usual slow mornings with a coffee and the news.
Your Moon - Rosie Carney 
It was more of a gentle sway at this point, your playlist had gotten shuffled around and instead of the usual upbeat and energetic music you would normally listen to when you were cleaning, you had fallen into a gentler rhythm as you swayed around, dusting the living room. You let out a slight squeak when a strong pair of arms wrapped around your middle and a solid chest pressed against your back. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to spook you.” Marcus would mumble against your shoulder before placing a trail of kisses up your neck, jaw, cheek and to the corner of your mouth. “Watcha listening to?” He would hum against your temple, loosening his grip only to allow you twist around in his embrace and sling your arms over his shoulders before handing him an earbud, the thin cord connecting you to one another as he fell into the same subtle sway that had over taken you. 
His forehead would drop to press against yours as your fingers played with the overgrown hairs at the nape of his neck and his nose would brush against your own slightly when he nuzzles into your touch. Theres a tired, blissed out smile on his face as his eyes fall shut, his grip on your waist tugging you a little closer, the world seeming to fade from around you when he presses a kiss to your lips and murmurs a quiet “I like this song.”
[ masterlist ]
Permanent Taglist: @agirllovespancakes @chaoticspaceidiot @engineeredfiction @pedropascalito @dreamgirl-67 @wickedfrsgrl @hillarymurray4 @din-damn-djarin @yespolkadotkitty @wille-zarr @oloreaa @this-cat-is-dea @marydjarin @roxypeanut @opheliaelysia @cryptkeepersoul @prxtty-boah @aliciaxglasgow @elena-myth @theocatkov @bioticgoddess @edencherries
Pedro Boys Taglist: @theravenreads @mrschiltoncat @seasonschange-butpeopledont @deafspaceperson
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Alrught so Modern soulmate AU bending is still a thing because I want it to be, sit down.
Soulmate AU: lock and key.
Everyone is born with either a lock or a key somewhere on them. The most common placements are the neck or the wrist. Some can be on their thigh, ankle, or even their waist.
Sokka has a key around both wrists
Suki has a key around her left wrist and a lock on her right
And Zuko has two locks on a single chain around his waist just above his hip bones.
Modern AU: looking for roommates.
Zuko put some 'looking for roommates' posters around town and gets a call from two people Sokka and Suki. He decides to meet up with them at his Uncle's tea shop (which I'm calling 'Dragon Insomniac' because I want it to be a 24hr teashop).
Now, onto the story:
"Zuko, you told them to meet up at 4 , its still 3" his Uncle said as he set down his nephew's cup of tea.
"I kno that Uncle, I just wanted to be ready for them" he fidgeted in his seat for a moment and readjusted the sleeves on his shirt out of habit.
"An extra hour of preparation before discussing roommates?" Iroh chuckled when Zuko nodded "alright, enjoy the tea, I'll show them to your table when they get here"
Zuko hummed a response as his Uncle walked off. Taking a drink of his tea he went over what he planned on saying to the duo when they managed to get to the shop.
Lost in thought he didnt even notice it had been a half an hour already, and only managed to resurface when he heard the little bell go off and two people walk in, a tall man with an undercut and his hair pulled back into a ponytail and a woman with shoulder length hair with the top half pulled back into a braid going down the back of her head. The man had a blue jacket on while the girl simply wore a green turtleneck sweater.
"Didn't expect us to come in at the same time, wonder which one he is" the man said while looking around
"Lets ask the man at the counter, I think he said his uncle owned the place" the woman pointed out
Ah, thats them. Interesting. Zuko let out a sigh and tried to swallow his sudden anxiety. He watched as his uncle directed the duo over to him and they both kind of stared at him for a second, turned to look st eachother and then back at him. Most people have that reaction due to his scar so he didnt find it unusual. He made a small wave and took a sip of his tea.
The two walked over and took their seats "Zuko?" The man asked as he sat down
"The one and only" he smirked a little "Suki and Sokka I presume?"
They nodded "yeah, so uhm, we actually know eachother from high-school" Suki motioned between her and Sokka
"Oh?" That was a little unexpected
"Yeah, I didnt know you meant this Suki when you told me her name, we haven't seen eachother in years!" Sokka chimed in
"Is the fact you two have a past together a deal breaker with being roommates?" Zuko rose his brow
"Oh not at all! It's a pleasant surprise to be honest" Suki chirped "we were two of the very few non-benders in the school"
"Oh? That's a relief to be honest. Last time I roomed with another bender they broke my gaming console" Zuko laughed
After they went over the agreements and signed some papers they all hopped into their cars and the duo followed Zuko to the apartment complex. Zuko gave them a mini tour and showed them his animals, that being a bearded dragon named Druk and two cats named Mushi and Lee
Before the end of the day Zuko handed them both keys to the apartment and sent them on their way to pack up, telling them he'd have their rooms ready by the next morning.
And he did, he had the rooms ready and organized with beds made (he totally went out and bought them both really nice bedsets in the colors they wore that day.) Laundry hampers, little bedside tables and a desk in both rooms, knowing through text conversations that Suki blogged and Sokka drew and carved.
Sokka was the first to arrive, having spent most of the night meticulously packing his items into boxes. "Wow, this is different than yesterday? Did you have this packed away?"
Zuko let out a snort "no, I went out and got the blankets and hampers after you two left, my Uncle had the rest of it in storage, I steamed the beds though so you don't have to worry about any dust or what have you."
Sokka raised a brow "you went all out huh?"
"Just being hospitable, I hope you like the bed set, I'll go start lunch, you down for burgers?"
"Hell yeah I'm down for burgers"
Zuko chuckled "alright, Ill get them started, when Suki gets here let me know."
Later on Suki arrived and she was just in time for lunch. Walking in and slipping off her shoes to set them on the small shoe rack Zuko set up, she sniffed the air "oooohhh whats that smell!"
"Zuko! Suki's here!" Sokka called
"Yeah! I could here that! Thank you though!" And with that said Zuko rounded the corner and made a little wave "Im making Burgers, do you want wheat buns, white buns or Brioche buns?"
"Brioche please, I like the apron" she giggled
He flushed "it was a gift from my uncle" the apron simply read 'look at these hot buns on the chef' and Zuko didnt want to get a new apron because he was afraid of hurting his Uncle's feelings
"He sure has a good sense of humor" she laughed
The rest of the day went smoothly and they all eventually went to bed around 11 that night. The next two weeks Zuko was busy working doubles at the teashop, Suki was busy working as a bouncer at Kyoshi Rise and Sokka was busy doing commissions and working at his dads flower shop, so it was kind of a blur.
The Saturday after the busy two weeks they all had off. Suki and Sokka were sleeping in while Zuko was taking the time to do some morning yoga, donning a pair of black yoga shorts and a red crop top as he did his stretches. The soul chain and locks hanging around his waist now visible to anyone who might see him. Though he was sure his roommates wouldn't be waking up any time soon.
Little did he know Sokka was leaned against the doorway to the kitchen watching his flexible roommate do yoga while sipping on a mug of coffee. "So thats where your soulmate thing is?"
"Ack!" Zuko lost his balance and collapsed on his mat "you twat! You could have waited until I was in a more stable stretch! Ow that really hurt" he rubbed his backside "and yeah, thats where my soul locks are"
"Locks? As in plural? I have two keys, Suki has a lock and key"
"Oh? Thats uh... interesting?"
"Whats interesting and what was that bang?" Suki yawned as she walked out of her bedroom
"Oh just the fact that we all happen to have two soulmates" Zuko said in a grumpy tone "and that bang was me falling because this jerk scared me while I was doing yo-"
"Woah, you're kinda hot" Suki blurted and turned red "sorry, ive just never seen you in a crop top. You're uh, well built" she cleared her throat awkwardly
Zuko froze and turned beet red "uh, thank you? I kick box and do yoga and that's about it" he then stood and stretched his arms above his head "anyways, do you guys want waffles for- agh! What are you doing?" He jumped back when Suki reached out to one of his locks
"Shush, one of your locks has a similar pattern my key I wanna try something" She brought her left wrist up to the lock "hey, what'd'y'know, it actually matches" she smiled but brought her hand back to her side "I guess I'm one of your soulmates huh?"
Zuko blinked at her and then looked to Sokka and then back to Suki "why didn't you unlock it then?"
She laughed "well if you have multiple soulmates you have to have both unlock at the same time, thats why me and Sokka lost touch after sch- Sokka come here real quick"
"Oh my gods" Zuko mumbled under his breath as Sokka came closer and brought his right hand up and smirked
"Would you look at that, weve been under the same rook for a total of two weeks and never noticed." The duo then looked at Zuko "would you be okay with us unlocking them?"
He nodded and watched them unlock his soul locks simultaneously and watched sokka unlock Suki's. His face was probably the same shade as his shirt when the chain sealed around his waist as a sort of tattoo instead of an actual chain.
"Well, this has been an interesting morning. But I have to restate my question, who wants waffles for breakfast?"
>should I continue this? I'm tempted, but im gonna end it here for now<
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silveraccent · 4 years
Rat Chef || Grace & Kaden
TIMING: Current. LOCATION: Grace’s apartment. PARTIES: @chasseurdeloup @silveraccent SUMMARY: Kaden visits Grace’s apartment with a pie. She offers soup in this trying time and they watch Ratatouille together. 
Grace glanced down at her phone, surprised to see a text message from Kaden announcing his arrival. Why he was at her apartment, now absent of sand, she couldn’t be sure. Maybe he was here to see Blanche and Ariana, too. Grace thought back to hers and Morgan’s conversation, an attempt at pushing the idea she wasn’t worth anybody’s time or effort far from her mind. She paused her movie and hopped off of her three-seater couch before approaching the door just as a knock sounded. She pulled the door open and smiled at Kaden before stepping aside. “Oh, it’s you.” Grace let out a laugh before motioning him inside. He had a bag in his arms, leaving Grace to look at it curiously. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but uh, what’s up?” Suddenly, the fear of there having been something bad that happened-- to him-- no, he looked… fine. Better than the last time she had seen him. She fought the urge to interrupt him and simply flexed her fingers. Grace turned towards the television as it unpaused itself, allowing Ratatouille to start playing. “Son of a--” Grace hurried towards the remote and punched her finger into the pause button once more. ‘
Kaden still hadn’t found ways to fill his free time with anything other than baking. There was a comforting routine and trance that came from combining butter and flour and sugar together to make pies and pastries. In the kitchen, he was able to quiet his mind, push away the thoughts and fears threatening to pull him under at any moment. Perfection also didn’t matter, not in the same way that it did when in the field or on the job. Or even when dealing with people, lately. If he messed up in the kitchen, he could try again. He could rearrange it and make it something new. And he never had to share his failures or apologize to anyone. It was the one thing he was sure didn’t make people’s lives worse. It might not actively help anyone and it was probably a waste of fucking time, but he found himself wasting his time there more and more. The one problem? The excess of baked goods he didn’t need or particularly want. As much as he didn’t like to admit it, sometimes the stupid jokes at the Station got to him, picked away at his thick skin when people jibed at him. And he didn’t need any comments of any kind about his baking. No assumptions, either. It was easier to give the pies to Morgan to redistribute. But not this one. This pie had a home. At least he hoped. Ariana and Blanche already got their delivery and there was one stop left. He wasn’t sure if she even wanted the stupid pie, but he stood at Grace’s door and knocked anyway. “Hey,” he said as she greeted him. “I, uh, I went on another round of baking.” Another round. Right. Like he’d ever taken a single breather since the scream at the morgue save for the full moon. “Figured you might appreciate this pie more than me so I thought--” His brow furrowed as he stepped inside and heard the television jump to life again. It looked familiar. A little like the thing Blanche sent him the other day. “I see you found something other than that gossip show to watch.”
“Another pie?” Grace asked over her shoulder. She looked at his hands, the glass pie plate now familiar. “I’ll take it.” She thought about Morgan, how she had been helping him, too. Grace was no longer in the self-depreciating headspace. Sure, there were moments, but for the most part her conversation with Morgan and seeing Regan had helped her. She was still struggling with the idea that if something happened again, in any capacity, there’d not be much she’d be able to do to help. That was the reality of the situation, however. No matter how badly she wanted to help, maybe she was meant to stay back, to stand idly by. It wasn’t her speed, but in a town like White Crest, maybe she had no other choice. So this time, she’d accept the pie with a smile. She’d tell Kaden thank you instead of telling him she didn’t need his pity. She wouldn’t cry, either. She looked towards the television and let out a laugh. “Yeah. I haven’t seen this movie since I was a kid, but with all the conversation surrounding it…” She worried her lower lip before looking back over to him. “Let me take that.” Grace took the pie to the kitchenette around the corner before she poked her head out. “I just made some soup, it’s for Ari, but if you want some…?” Grace asked as she leaned against the wall. “Or if you had somewhere to be, I can pack it up for you?” 
“Yeah, another pie. I mean, only if you want it. You don’t have to--” Kaden’s protests didn’t last long since she decided to take the stupid pie from him. He wondered if it was out of pity. He also wasn’t sure that it mattered one way or the other. He was ready to take off, leave her be and go back home when she called out from the kitchen. “Soup? I mean, I don’t want to impose.” Kaden rubbed the back of his neck. He hated admitting that he really didn't have anywhere else to be, pathetic as that was. It was here or a bar. Which was sadder? “But yeah if you want to share, I’d stay.” His eyes drifted back towards the screen. “So this is the movie people keep asking me about?” He didn’t mean to but he kept watching, trying to piece together what was going on. “Is there a reason why the rat talks?”
“Cool, take a seat.” Grace wasted no time in portioning out the soup into a bowl. Before his arrival, she had already had her fair share. She opened her instant pot and portioned out some of the beef as well, ladling it into the bowl. She set it down at the table, just adjacent in viewing from the television. She had spent many nights there, her sketchbook in front of her while The Office played in the background. “Yeah, I think so.” She grabbed a spoon and set it next to the bowl and walked towards the couch, sitting on the arm of it. Grace grabbed the remote and fidgeted with it for a moment. “Uh, no. They don’t ever explain that. But he’s sort of got this taste for gourmet foods that the rest of his colony doesn’t understand, and so he goes to this restaurant and ends up helping this clueless American chef there…” Grace let out a laugh. Since when did she know so much about kid’s movies? She looked over at Kaden with a smile. “If you want to watch it, I think it’d give you an edge to Blanche’s teasing. Then again, she might tease you for having watched it.” 
“There’s no avoiding Blanche’s teasing, I’ve learned that much.” Kaden took a seat hesitantly, not because he didn’t enjoy Grace’s company or hospitality, but he just wasn’t used to any of this. He tried to think of how often he was really invited over to people’s houses just a year ago. Sure, he crashed with other hunters but that wasn’t the same as it was here in White Crest. It was funny how a town so hellbent on trying to kill them was sometimes so much warmer than anywhere else. “Thanks,” he told her as she sat the bowl down. She didn’t pour her own so he assumed she already had some herself. He took a spoonful, let the flavors hit his tongue and savored the meal. “This soup is great,” he said, flashing her a smile. It was different than what he would have made, certainly, but it was wonderful all the same. He listened to more of the movie as he ate, trying not to slurp too loudly as he did. “So you’re telling me the talking rat is a chef?” His brow furrowed. He had to admit, the cooking technique they were showing was accurate enough. “But why not watch something about actual rats? Or actual cooking programs?” 
“She leaves me alone. For the most part.” Grace began to press the volume button up and down, not sure if Kaden was actually into staying-- was he being nice? He seemed unsure, too. Still, he was eating the soup, that was a good sign, right? Grace swallowed the anxiety and pressed play on the movie. It was a little louder than needed, so she instead turned on the subtitles and lowered the volume. “Really, you think so?” Grace’s attention flickered to the soup on the table, then to Kaden’s face. “I’m glad.” It was one of the only things that Grace had perfected from her grandmother’s recipes. They had made it so many times together, repurposing the broth for so much more, and Grace was happy to know that others liked it just as much as she had. It was a laborious process, not easy by any means, and it took hours to make, so the fact that Kaden was grateful, it made Grace feel at ease. “Yeah, sort of? He controls the American chef by pulling on his hair from underneath his hat.” Grace laughed, knowing how absurd it was. “It’s a fun movie, I don’t think it’s that deep. Sometimes you just… sort of need something not realistic, right? Something to take away from your day-to-day-life. I can’t think of anything further removed than a rat under a man’s hat guiding him on how to cook.” Grace shrugged lightly before twisting so that she sunk into the couch, ler legs over the arm that she had previously been sitting on. “The whole purpose is that the main chef at this place, he died, and so later on it’s under some issue? I think, and then a food critic’s entire opinion on the place will either destroy it or save it, and so Remmy becomes a hero, and by proxy the chef.” 
“I’m just one of her favorite targets so I’m not surprised.” Kaden realized it had been a little while since he’d properly checked on Blanche beyond just dropping off a pie and felt a tinge of guilt, just for a second. He sighed and took another spoonful of soup. He could do that later, but he needed to make sure he didn’t accidentally dump any of the shit weighing heavily on him onto her. Maybe it was best he kept a little distance right now. “I wouldn’t say I liked it if I didn’t mean it. Wouldn’t keep eating it, either,” he told her. “Onion soup is usually my go to soup. I could make you some sometime if you want. I usually end up with enough to feed an army.” He wondered if that sounded like he was trying to compete or something. Putain. “Only if you want, no pressure.” He shook his head a little as he savored more of the broth and picked away at some of the beef with his spoon. “I don’t know. In this town, sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that normal things still exist.” People talked about escapism, usually they meant fantasy and fiction. Things they thought weren’t real but were. He knew better and the last thing he wanted was reminders of just how fucked up everything really was. For him, escapism meant pretending like none of it existed. That there was no magic, no monsters, and hell, no mimes. “So you’re telling me they let a rat in the kitchen? And the rat is the chef. And is the hero?” His eyes narrowed a moment. “Why does no one call the health inspectors?” 
 “Onion soup?” Grace asked over her shoulder, an eyebrow arched. “Like French onion?” Grace allowed the grin to pull at the corners of her lips, “you get it? ‘Cause you’re French?” To be honest, she wouldn’t even be able to tell if French onion soup was actually French or not, or if it was something thrown in to make it seem fancier than it actually was. All she knew was it was hard to clean it from mugs-- her past waitress jobs had proved as such. “Sure, I’ll give it a go. You’re eating my soup, so it’s only fair that I try yours too.” Grace thought for a moment to ask Kaden if he would bring Regan some, too, but she thought better of it at the last moment. The fiasco on the television, a clatter of cooking utensils and hurried yelling sends Grace’s attention back to the scene. “You mean to tell me that a rat under a man’s hat isn’t normal?” She said loudly over the scene, laughter edging on her tone. “Well, no, not everyone-- nobody knows he’s there except for that redheaded guy.” Grace watched the scene unfold a bit longer before she finally responded to Kaden, “I mean, why would the kid who wants to prove himself report the very reason he’s succeeding? He lies pretty much the entire time, but he gains fake respect, up until everyone discovers what’s actually happening.” Grace tapped her finger against her jaw, watching as Remmy finally disappeared from view. “I think if I ever get a rat, I’ll name him Remmy.” 
“Well, yeah I am Fr--” Kaden blinked as she filled in the blank as a joke before he could finish. He smiled back, though, shaking his head a little. “Yes, very funny. Same soup though, I believe. I think that’s what it’s called over here. Beef broth, caramelized onions, toasted bread and gruyere on top.” Now he was worrying that she wasn’t a fan. Maybe he should offer other soup. He could make other soup, too. A small sigh of relief left him as she agreed to try his recipe. “Good. Hopefully you won’t be disappointed.” For whatever reason, he didn't want to let Grace down. Maybe it was because he got the feeling too many people had done that to her. Maybe it was because too many people had done that to him. Didn’t matter. She was going to get the best soup he could muster. Stupid as that maybe. He dabbed the corners of his mouth with a napkin and turned his attention back to the movie. “I mean in this town it could probably happen.” Which was half the problem. “I guess. But he’s going to probe himself with a rat under his hat?” It was silly and baffling. He still wasn’t quite sure he understood. But he couldn’t look away either way. “You know if you wanted a rat, we have a few you could adopt at the shelter. If you wanted. Rats make great pets. Really smart, trainable, too.” He saw the rat controlling the man with his hair and he shook his head a little again. “Not that trainable, though. For clarity.”
The volume on the television fluctuated, causing Grace to turn down the volume once more. Grace shrugged, “I’m not disappointed by a lot. I ate Easy Mac my entire first two months of living here, and in college, too.” She pulled the throw blanket from the other side of her love seat onto her lap and tucked it underneath her toes. When Kaden mentioned that something like the movie could happen in this town, Grace thought back to all of the things she had seen. No, not now. She couldn’t dive into the mysteries of White Crest, and certainly not worry about what it meant for her future, or anybody else’s future. Grace tucked the blanket underneath of her chin and tilted her head back to look at Kaden as he spoke. “Really?” She looked past him towards the tank she had gotten for Ruthie who, as always, stared her way. She had gotten used to it, and at this point, it seemed more like he was waiting for her to feed him rather than anything ominous. “I think that he could use a friend,” Grace pointed towards her fish. “It’s too bad though. About not being able to train a rat to cook. All I can seem to get right is this soup.” She propped her elbow up on the arm of the couch and pressed her fingers into her temples as she watched the food critic enter the restaurant. “Oh, this is where he’s taken back to his childhood by the way.” For whatever reason, this part of the film didn’t resonate with her-- there was nothing that could pull her away from where she was, making her succumb to an easier, prettier time. 
“A low bar. Well I’m alright with that. It’s funny how many people around here think my cooking or baking is something special or what have you. I thought it was basic at best.” Kaden shrugged. He still didn’t think he was all that talented. Good enough, sure, but that was that. “Guess this town keeps the bar pretty low for most things.” Then again, with a death rate as high as White Crest’s, you had to keep something low. He followed her line of sight to the fish. It was a goofy looking thing, lopsided eyes, but charming in its own right. “I mean, better choice than a cat, that’s for sure.” He took another sip of the soup, it was honestly hard not to continuously gulp it down, but he did want to appreciate it. “I don’t think a cat would make friends with Ruthie the way you’d hope for. And hey, it’s damn good soup. So that’s better than most people.” He thought to Blanche and her attempts at cooking and nearly shuddered. “If you want to learn more, I don’t mind teaching you. I mean, if you want. I know a few sauces. You can use it as a base for most things. No pressure, though.” At this rate, he figured he really ought to open up lessons. Invite the town. Maybe charge. He looked back to Grace who was focused once more on the movie. No, he couldn’t charge her. He sighed and ate more of the soup before turning his attention to the movie. The tall french man in the movie flashed back to when he was a child. There was no mistaking the dish was ratatouille. And sure, a good dish could make him remember times past. It was part of why he liked baking, It reminded him of those small pieces of childhood without pain. They were short and sparse but they were there. For a moment, the dumb rat movie made him feel something. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. Kaden cleared his throat and tried to push away any of the strange nostalgia swirling in him, threatening to push its way out. “So you’re telling me the rat made that food?” 
“I think it’s that you do it at all,” Grace admitted as she kept her eyes on the television. The fact that Kaden had taken it upon himself several times to drop something off, even though they had hardly known each other at the time. There was guilt and pity in the hospital, but that subsided quickly. Now all Grace got from him was that he cared, which, to her surprise was genuine. There was no way he’d be able to lie about that and not falter. She had gotten good at figuring out when people were lying, mostly because of their highs and lows, the way they’d feel nervous, then determined. Her Grandma had taught her, too, how to watch out for such a thing. “Do you not like cats?” Grace cast him a glance before she looked down at the patterns on her blanket. Momentarily, Grace forgot about the constant issues between both fish and their feline friends. She let out a laugh. “Yeah, I guess that’s true. Probably better for Ruthie’s heart rate to keep cats away from him.” Kaden’s offer had a smile pulling at the corners of her lips. The movie descended into a montage of the after effects of the food critic’s arrival. “That’d be cool, sure.” She wasn’t sure how often she’d put anything he’d teach her to use, but he seemed genuine in his offer and she didn’t want to disappoint him. Maybe she’d be able to pay him back somehow, maybe cook something elegant using what he taught her. For a moment, Grace caught the slightest feeling from Kaden-- what had that been? Alert, Grace stared at Kaden, unable to contain her expression from understanding what Kaden had just succumbed to. “You good over there?” She asked, quick to cover up her sudden interest. “Yes, the rat made it.” Grace let out a laugh at his attempt to change the subject, though he had no clue she knew what he was trying to change it from. Grace eyed him carefully before pausing the movie so that she could now focus on she and Kaden’s conversation. “He was a good chef, what did I tell you?” Grace grinned at Kaden before looking at his bowl. “If you want to take some home, you can.” 
“I’ve lived by myself for most of my life, why wouldn’t I be able to take care of myself? Which means cooking. I don’t get why people are surprised.” He sighed. Kaden probably would have to chalk it up to cultural differences or some shit like that. He’d met too many people in town with no know how about cooking to be much else. “I like cats just fine. I was just saying I think the cat is going to like your fish a lot. And less as friends. More as food.” He looked at the poor fish. It didn’t need any more troubles, not looking like that. Swimming had to be hard while unbalanced as it was. The last thing it needed was a cat around to spook it. Or worse. “I’m fine, yeah,” he said, swishing his spoon through the soup. His brows furrowed as he thought about the question. Weird she should ask. He didn’t look off before or anything, did he? “Why wouldn’t I be?” There was no way she could know his thoughts, right? Putain, what if she could read his mind? Oh shit, he had to stop thinking about… things. Anything. How did one stop thinking about things? Putain. He didn’t know how to do that. He caught her eye as she mentioned the movie again. Alright, maybe he was overreacting. “It still seems like a silly movie. But sure. Whatever you say.” By now the soup was gone, the movie was over, and he should probably leave. “Oh. Uh, yeah. I would. But only if you have enough to spare. I don’t want to, uh, I don’t know, put you out I guess? Not sure that’s the word. But, I mean--” He paused, realized he wasn’t making any damn sense anymore and took a breath. “Yes. Let’s just go with yes.”
Grace shrugged, “I think around here, people usually cook to survive off of something, not to give it away or flaunt it.” At least, in her experience that had been the case. She only cooked her grandmother’s oxtail soup when she knew others were in need of it. Otherwise, her meals often consisted of boxed mac ‘n cheese. Not something she was afraid of admitting, but would often get looks sent her way if she did admit it. “That’s fair. I think a rat friend would be better for him.” The last thing she wanted to do was catch a cat with its paw in the tank, though she imagined if she put it up somewhere out of reach, it’d be fine for the most part. Could a fish die from shock? She filed the thought away to look into it later, just in case. Rats, for the most part, were harmless, or so Grace thought. There was a sudden surge of anxiety that rose from Kaden, making Grace’s lips twitch into a frown. Though he was trying to conceal it, it felt heavy in the room. Grace cleared her throat in an attempt to interrupt whatever Kaden was thinking, or feeling. “No, I was just making sure.” She shrugged again before getting off of the couch. Grace folded the blanket and set it to the side. “It’s a silly movie, but it’s a good movie-- they can coincide.” Grace moved towards the fridge when he expressed interest in soup to take home. The silver pot at the bottom of her fridge was still half full. “Don’t worry, it’s not like there isn’t enough-- I can’t eat all this on my own.” She began to ladle some into a to-go container after hefting the pot up onto the counter. On her tippy-toes, she looked over her shoulder. “I’ll send you a few recipes on how to repurpose the broth, too.” She turned back towards the pot, willing herself not to think too much of Kaden’s dip in emotions. 
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
Amoureux (c.s./d.s.) - Chapter Six
A/N Author’s notes are the hardest part of posting but this chapter is hecka sweet I want these vibes
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Balls and galas weren’t unusual for Royal Families meaning one was definitely due after two weeks of no parties. Since there was no formal need for celebration, Daniel and Anna were permitted to attend as well, the young girl eager to show off her new pastel pink ballgown and small pearl necklace to anyone who would look at her. The young princess was so charismatic that none of the guests minded her youthful rambling. 
Louisa stood on Christian’s arm as usual, offering simple responses when she was asked a question but kept herself quiet as she was always raised to. The couple they were sharing a conversation with was older and the woman kept staring almost distastefully at Louisa, making the young girl shift nervously under her narrowed eyes. Christian set a hand on hers that was set in the crook of his elbow to help settle her as he spoke to the man, unaware of the uncomfortable stance of his bride to be.
The woman was relentless, brown eyes raking down Louisa’s blue satin gown and her curled strawberry blonde hair as if she was nothing more than a commoner. She was just waiting for her to misstep to call out the future non-English Queen on how she wasn’t fit for the position. Louisa wished to be anywhere else but there at that moment.
Someone snuck up behind her, Daniel taking place on her left, sending the older woman a glare. The woman pursed her lips and turned back to her husband and Christian’s conversation, knowing better than to get on the bad side of any of the primary members of the British Royal Family. Louisa glanced over at Daniel as he stood close to her, his hands behind his back.
“Behind you.” he whispered casually, pretending to be interested in the conversation.
Louisa furrowed her eyebrows for a moment before sliding her left hand behind her and he passed her a small pastry, sticky from sitting in his palm so long but she bit back a smile and popped it quickly in her mouth.
“Want out of this?” Daniel asked softly.
“Desperately.” Louisa mumbled through a fake smile to the couple.
“Pardon me.” Daniel spoke loudly. “Dear brother, I hate to intrude but I was wondering if I could snag your lady here for only a moment.”
Christian had to work hard to smother his angry glare at his younger brother for interrupting his conversation, “I suppose.”
“Much obliged, dear brother.” Daniel took Louisa’s arm, tossing a, “Enjoy your night” to the guests as he pulled her away.
“I was ready to face my death in that same spot.” Louisa chuckled as he pulled her through the crowd.
“I could tell. Good thing you have me to save you from fatal boredom.” Daniel smirked at her.
He stopped suddenly, spotting his mother and her friends standing next to the dessert table. She caught her son’s surprised expression and glared warningly at him.
“Ok. Abort! Abort! New plan.” Daniel said quickly as he led Louisa in the opposite direction from his mother and they emerged out of the stuffy ballroom into the atrium.
Louisa kept her gloved hand in his arm as he led her farther down the hallway, the two pairs of shoes clicking quickly over the wood floors as the rest of the palace was in silence.
“Where are you taking me?” Louisa asked, her free hand holding the front of her dress up a little so she could walk more comfortably behind the long fabric.
“Mother is refusing to let me have any desserts…to not take them from guests…so we’re going to find some ourselves.” Daniel explained, pulling her into the dining room and closed the door behind them.
“Where on Earth are we gong to find desserts?” Louisa whispered, following him down the length of the dining room towards the back door.
“The kitchen, of course. I told you, I know all the secret places.” Daniel sent her a wink before pushing the door open to peek inside. He looked back to her and waved her inside.
They tiptoed quietly into the kitchen, the remaining chefs at the far end of the kitchen making extra finger food for the ball. Daniel and Louisa walked crouched behind the large islands of the palace kitchen, under rows of iron pots and wooden chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. Daniel grabbed her arm and pulled her down quickly to duck behind one of the counters, pressing his finger to her lips. Louisa held her hand to her mouth to smother her nervous and excited laughter, watching him slowly stand back up to peek over the edge before ducking back down again.
“The head chef hates when I’m in here.” Daniel whispered, a mischievous smile spreading over his face. “I swear he’s going to kill me if he catches us.”
“Daniel!” Louisa gaped.
“Don’t worry. He’s all talk. He knows Father would have him fired if he lays a finger on me.” Daniel peeked over the edge of the counter again before grabbing her arm and leading her around the counter when it was safe to do so. The extra desserts were already plated on dishes of gold and silver, lined up on one of the islands, ready to be brought into the ballroom when they were needed. Daniel slunk up behind it, eyes focused on the chefs now only a few metres away. He moved carefully, slowly lifting a plate from the counter and held it out to Louisa. She hesitated a moment but took it from him and he scanned the spread for what he wanted. He must have taken too long because suddenly there was a shout from across the room as they were spotted.
“Run!” Daniel shouted, snatching one more dish as he jumped around the corner of the counter and took off at a sprint. Louisa shrieked as she ran after him, her ballgown billowing in the wind as she tried to keep up with him.
“I warned you, Daniel! Your father won’t be pleased!” one of the men shouted after them, waving a spoon in the air as he tried to smack Daniel on his way past. The young boy dodged him easily, laughing as he reached the door.
“Thanks, Corbyn!” Daniel called over his shoulder as he rushed Louisa back into the hallway, and they ran off through the empty hallways of the palace.
She followed him upstairs, carefully trying not to spill any of the pastries from the platter she carried in her gloved hands. Daniel was filled with energy that she could hardly match, and he yanked her into a door off the second-floor hallway and slammed it behind them, their breathless laughter filling the wood paneled room. He shushed her quickly through a smile and pressed his ear to the door to make sure they weren’t being followed.
“Oh my gosh!” Daniel laughed breathlessly when they were safe.
“That was ridiculous!” Louisa giggled, setting the platter on the table in the round cornered sunroom of the library.
“Did you see his face!” Daniel snorted, eating a pastry as he set his platter down beside hers and fell into one of the chairs. “Oh my God, that was priceless.”
Louisa sat herself down across from him, watching as he loosened his tie and left it to drape around his neck and he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his dress shirt before reaching for another dessert.
“I couldn’t grab any truffles in my haste.” Daniel tisked at himself, kicking his feet up on the edge of the table as he ate another small pastry. “I just needed six extra seconds.”
“I think we pulled off an amazing heist.” Louisa chuckled, taking her own dessert to eat, her curls starting to fall uneven after their race across the palace and she tucked the loose strands behind her ear.
“Indeed.” Daniel nodded through a mouthful.
They sat in silence a moment, just snacking on their stolen treats together. Louisa glanced around the library, the tall walls were filled with packed bookcases and peaked windows, the fireplace in the center of the long room carved with beautiful engravings and stretched to the ceiling. The room was dark except for the moonlight coming in through the large paned windows and sent soft streaks over the table they were sat at.
“This is so much better than talking about boring politics with old men, you reckon?” Daniel smirked across the table, breaking their silence.
“Extremely.” Louisa agreed. “I do not even know who any of those people are.”
“Only the best of the British aristocracy. Almost as stuck up and pretentious as my family but not quite. They would kill to be us…to take us down with whatever information they can get their hands on…although they would never admit it outright.”
“Is that why that woman was eyeing me like she was?” Louisa asked.
“Probably. Waiting for you to scratch your cheek or something equally unladylike so she could go tattle to her tea guzzling friends about how our family is destroying the future of England.”
Louisa laughed loudly, holding her hand in front of her face in light embarrassment at her own outburst. Daniel laughed along with her.
The young French girl put on her best post British accent, “The youngest son is absolutely preposterous. We are so thankful we have his boring older brother to lead our country to another generation of literary genius.”
Daniel nearly fell off his chair with laughter, smacking his hand to his stomach for a moment before straightening up himself, a pastry still tucked between his thumb and forefinger as he joined into her antics, “What a disappointment it must be to have such a savage for a son. He is talentless and uneducated, and nothing compared to King Christian Seavey…all hail! God Save the King!”
“God Save the King!” Louisa held out another pastry and Daniel gently hit their desserts together in a mock toast and they ate them together.
A momentary silence fell as they snacked.
“You don’t feel guilty about poking fun at your future husband?” Daniel asked, wiping his hands on his black slacks, leaving powdery fingerprints in his wake.
Louisa shrugged through a smile, “We’re just having a laugh. What he does not know won’t hurt him.”
“Wish you were sent to marry me instead of that old man.” Daniel scoffed lightly, reaching for another dessert.
“The universe would probably implode if we were together. Too much freedom, the country wouldn’t know what to do with itself.” Louisa giggled.
“First, we would banish anyone named Christian.” Daniel held up one finger as he counted their imaginary goals. He glanced over at Louisa with a playful smile, the moonlight making his blue eyes sparkle from across the table.
“How terrible of you.” Louisa laughed, shaking her head.
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wicked-cupcake · 5 years
A Safeguarded Meal
Characters: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Cadence (oc)
Words: 2855
Summary: He’d only asked for her to cook in his stead, had offered a reward in turn. But he isn’t sure what to do with the kindness he gets in return.
Notes: I really like a lot of the text chats in the game and think they’re fun jumping off points for ficlets. And since this is the only one I’ve managed to finish, I figured it was high time to post some writing again.
Could you not be on dinner duty more?
Look at this amazing meal you’re missing because you chose to work!
Too bad you can’t enjoy this hot off the stove~
“Tch,” Lucifer muttered, putting his phone away as he walked toward the front doors of the house. There were more messages from his brothers, that he wasn’t going to bother reading since he had no doubt they all pertained to the dinner he’d missed. He’d had his phone muted, except for emergency contacts, while he worked, wanting to get through as much of it as he could, and he’d only turned them back on while on the way home.
He regretted it now that he’d been flooded with texts and images of the meal Cadence had made in his stead.
Some of them he knew were innocent enough, honest praise that they were glad that he’d picked Cadence to make the meal. But the majority of them he knew it was pokes at him not being able to enjoy it.
Pushing open the front door, he heard the little scurrying of feet as the little D’s scattered from the entrance way before it was nothing but silence. He stood there, one hand on the closed door, and listened. Normally he didn’t like it when the house was this quiet. It generally meant that his brothers weren’t here. Had some of them taken advantage of him coming home late to sneak out? He wouldn’t put it past Mammon and none of the others were going to bother trying to stop him. Cadence could have if she’d ordered him to and actually meant it, but so far as he could tell she was avoiding doing that.
What was the point of making pacts if she wasn’t going to try to command the demons she had at her disposal?
Lucifer shook his head. He’d figured out fast that trying to guess what was going on in Cadence’s head was a waste of his time. There was simply no way he would get it right. It was best if he just continued keeping tabs on her and tried to control the damage as much as he could.
His mouth twisted as his stomach cramped. He hadn’t bothered with food while he was working, using the work as a distraction from the hunger. There was no distracting himself now. Especially not with the reminder of the meal he had missed.
Nothing to do about it but eat. Hopefully Beel had been sated enough that he could find something in the kitchen to throw together for his own dinner. He was sure there would be food but whether or not it was going to be actually decent was still left to be seen.
Lucifer paused as he reached the kitchen. The door was open and he had a clear view in at the table. And the two people seated across from each other at it. Beel wasn’t a surprise. Even with dinner long over, he had come back for more. But what was Cadence doing here?
He watched for a moment, trying to figure it out. The pair of them weren’t talking, his brother eating and her reading a book in front of her. She had her chin propped in her hand as she lazily turned the pages. If all she wanted to do was read, why hadn’t she stayed in her room? The kitchen wasn’t exactly the best place for it.
He frowned as he stepped into the kitchen. “What are you two doing?”
Cadence looked up and Beel tossed him a glance. “Welcome back,” she said quietly.
His brother echoed the greeting, albeit with a little more mumbling as he was still eating.
“That wasn’t an answer,” Lucifer said dryly. “I can see what Beel’s doing but why are you here?”
Cadence hummed softly and he watched as she pushed a covered dish in his direction. “Guarding this.”
Lucifer’s frown deepened. “What is that?”
“Your dinner,” Beel said before she could. “Caden said we had to save you a plate since you weren’t there to have it with us. Mammon thought it was a dumb idea so I came in here to help her keep it safe.”
He blinked slowly, looking at the pair of them. They were guarding his dinner?
“I just figured, if you had to stay to keep working, you wouldn’t take time to eat,” Cadence said, lifting the cover off to reveal a plate of food identical to the one his brothers had sent. “I thought it would be nice for you to come home to a meal that you didn’t have to make.”
He’d only asked her to cover his dinner shift, had promised to make it up to her when she’d agreed so easily, but what was he supposed to do about this? As sharp as she could be, it was easy to forget that she did things simply to ‘be nice’. The concept of someone else doing something for his family without any thought of how they could benefit from it was still foreign enough to catch him off guard. But he’d never forget the puzzled look she’d given him the first time he’d asked what her price was.
“Price for what? Being nice? Lucifer, I know you’re demons but is it really that hard to understand that I don’t want anything back?”
Yes, it is, Cadence, he thought, moving into the room. He chose to ignore the smile that bloomed on her face as he shrugged out of his coat and settled on the stool beside hers. But he still saw it.
“It’s really good, Lucifer. You’re lucky Caden made so much of it because everyone had seconds,” Beel said, pushing off his chair to head toward the fridge. “She even got me to put a spell on the plate to keep it warm for you so it would taste the same as what we had. Do you want something to drink?”
What was the point of going to so much effort if she didn’t want something in return? She’d already made several pacts with his brothers, had gotten a dinner out of him for the abyssal way he’d treated her, and still she did this? He slanted a look at Cadence and saw that she’d returned to her book. “Does the chef have any recommendations?”
“It’s meant to go with a white wine,” she said without looking up.
“Did you serve that to the others as well?”
Cadence snorted. “No. I let them do what they wanted. I know better than to put alcohol on the table with them.”
Most likely because once they had a glass or two, some of them would try to get her to drink as well. Demonic alcohol and humans did not always mix well and he was glad that she was taking his warnings into account. “White wine then.”
She flashed him a faint smile but her focus was clearly on her book.
He didn’t look away from her immediately. He had been tired of looking at names when he’d finally chosen hers to be the second exchange student. With Solomon being the other, he’d figured a nice, normal human would be a good thing to have as a counterpoint. But Cadence had shown him that there was no normal where humans were concerned. 
Starting on his meal before it went cold, Lucifer nodded at Beel as he set the wine glass down in front of him and took his seat again. But his gaze was drawn to the book. It only took reading a few lines over her shoulder to realise that it was part of the curriculum. For next month. “Getting a head start?” he asked mildly.
She hummed. “Everything has a bad habit of going sideways in this place. I figured if I had the time to read, I might as well.”
“And this month’s?”
“Already done and synopsis written so I won’t forget.”
He got regular reports from the faculty on how the exchange students were faring with their classes and they’d all said the same thing about her. Cadence took her studies seriously, even if they were completely new to her because they were rooted in the Devildom, and was doing very well in all of her classes. She wasn’t afraid to ask questions no matter how simple they seemed and he’d seen her when she was studying in the music room. She was determined when it came to school and he….
Lucifer paused before the next bite. And he what? Was proud? He had no reason to be proud of her, she wasn’t family. Yes, he’d chosen her to be here but that didn’t mean anything. She was under his care so her successes would reflect well on him. But he knew himself well enough to know it wasn’t that and that he didn’t want to think about what it could be.
The silence in the kitchen wasn’t oppressive as it fell completely over them; in fact it was quite the opposite. Beel was always good company and Cadence’s quiet presence was oddly comforting. Other humans he’d been around had loud and annoying auras, so much poured into it because of how shortly they lived. Yet Cadence was a silent, blank spot beside him. Everyone had noticed it that first time they’d ‘lost’ her. She didn’t give off an aura that was easy to find and it made him wonder all over again just how ‘normal’ she was. Asmo claimed she had deeper magic than Solomon but she hadn’t done anything to give them that impression. There wasn’t anything that should have set her apart from any other human on the street and yet she had snared four of his brothers already. 
Sipping at his wine, he looked at her again. She was making notes on a small pad of paper beside her as she read, her handwriting crisp and clean even though he knew she was only going to rewrite them. Who was this little human that could move his brothers the way she had? Who was this little human that fascinated him-
Lucifer slammed that thought down before it fully formed. That was simply asking for trouble he did not want or need. She was only going to be here for a year. He wasn’t so foolish to think that there would be anymore than that and she was….
Cadence sighed suddenly and stretched. “I’m going to finish this in my room,” she said, packing up her things. “I hope you liked the meal, Lucifer.”
“It is well done, Cadence.” It was just as good as every meal she had prepared for them so far. Better somehow. “Give some thought to what I said.”
The corner of her mouth kicked up in her crooked half smile and she looked at Beel. “Thanks for helping me,” she said.
“Do you want to take some custard with you?”
She laughed and shook her head. “I learned my lesson with you and custard but thank you. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
Beel said his goodbyes and Lucifer nodded. But he froze in his seat as her hand slid along his arm as she passed him. One stroke, from shoulder to elbow, with just enough pressure for him to feel it. He barely moved but his gaze shifted, following her out the door. What was that? Why had she done that?
He’d seen her absently touch his brothers, small presses of her hand to them. He’d seen all of them light up every time she’d done it. But she’d never done it to him. He didn’t spend as much time with her and he kept his respectable distance. He didn’t give her much of an opportunity to get close. He hadn’t wanted the same kind of familiar intimacy that touch suggested. All that and more ran through his head when he saw her do it to anyone else but not him.
So why did he suddenly feel like he’d been missing out on something?
“Do you not like it?”
Lucifer looked to see Beel giving him a confused look. “I already said that it was good. I wasn’t lying. Cadence is a good cook.”
Beel shook his head, his mouth pulling down in a puzzled frown. “No not that.”
Lucifer returned his brother’s frown. “Then what?”
“Her touching you. You got this funny look on your face when she did it. Kind of like you ate something that didn’t taste the way you expected?”
Of course Beel would relate it back to food. But he hadn’t realised his brother had been watching or that he had made any type of face in response to her touch. How did he answer that though? He already had enough lies and secrets on his plate where his brothers were concerned; he didn’t want to add to it.
Beel sighed and went back to his meal. “She does it a lot,” he said around a bite. “Have you noticed? I think it’s because she’s warming up to us. Properly. She’s kinda like you.”
Lucifer snorted. “How is Cadence remotely like me?”
“She doesn’t really let people in. Or she does but it’s just on the surface. No one really knows a lot about her, she’s good at deflecting the conversation, and-” Beel paused, dark eyes flicked up to Lucifer before back down.
“And?” he prompted when his brother didn’t continue.
“People are scared of her because they don’t understand her,” he muttered.
“People are scared of me because of who I am, Beel, and they should be.”
“Also because they don’t understand you,” he insisted. “You’re not scary all the time.”
He wanted to ask how Cadence was even remotely scary when she was barely over five feet tall, but he’d heard the story of what had happened with the lack of coffee one morning. She had snapped as hard as Satan and put a certain kind of fear into his brothers that he admired.
“And she’s lonely.”
Lucifer paused in eating to look at his brother. Beel had said it so quietly, as if the words had slipped out unbidden. But was it because it applied to Cadence or that his brother thought it applied to him? “I’m not lonely. I have all of you and Lord Diavolo,” Lucifer assured his brother.
The look Beel gave him cut into him. “You don’t really let us in either, Lucifer. Not anymore.”
There was nothing he could say to that.
Beel gave him a smile and shrugged. “I think you two would get along really well if you spent more time together,” he said, finishing what was on his plate.
“We all live in the same house.”
“Yeah, but you don’t do things with her. You really should. She’s actually fun when she opens up and she’s really good at cooking. She made me these cookies the other day that had this frosting on them that tasted like candy. She won’t tell me how she did it but she promised to make more.”
Lucifer smiled faintly. Of course she was winning Beel over further with her cooking. But listening to Beel talk about her made him realise that he was right. He did barely spend any time with her. What time he had had mostly been spent either apologising or explaining things to her. Or threatening to end her life.
His mouth flattened before he smoothed his expression out. The whole point of this exchange program was to build bridges between the realms. How were they supposed to do that when he wasn’t building anything with the student living under the same roof as him? But what was there to do? The one time he’d taken her shopping he’d seen how much she’d balked at what he’d spent for her. “What is she even interested in?” he mused.
“Lots of things. Satan said he took her to an art showing at the museum and she loved it. She plays games with Levi. Her and Mammon are devouring every series Levi gives them. Asmo takes her shopping and we go looking for new places to eat. She really liked that horror movie night we had too.”
All things very keyed to his brothers or them as a group, but what of his interests would line up with hers? Rolling his wine glass between his hands, he thought about it before smiling. Opening night was coming soon. Perhaps he could interest her in another dinner and a show this time. She was always holed up in the music room to do her homework and had started actually playing music for them to hear so they knew she was in there. Perhaps….
“Are you going to finish your meal?”
Lucifer gave Beel a dry look. “I’m not going to waste the effort that went into keeping it safe.”
“Could always ask her to cook it again for you. Or something else. She said she’d make cheesy omelettes again on her next breakfast shift.”
She’d definitely won Beel over...and he wasn’t opposed to having more of her cooking.
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bangtanbetchfics · 5 years
Aperitivo (m) | jinkook capsule
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genre: smuttiest of smut, fluff, angst rating: explicit pairing: kim seokjin x female reader x jeon jungkook word count: 5.0k suggested listening: taste - red velvet | miniskirt - aoa | ice queen - baekhyun | melting point - gwsn | playlist warnings: explicit language, explicit/casual sex, masturbation, vouyerism, alcohol use summary: on the heels of a breakup, you fall hopelessly in lust with two pastry chefs on your vacation in venice. notes: this is smut with a plot, but i'm warning you now to get your life together before reading. put your seatbelts on, read safely and enjoy! *** collaboration info: come join us as we explore europe with BTS through fanfiction. our members chose an european location and a bts member/combo to adventure with, inspired by the group’s most recent extended time off. our fics range from fluff to smut, exploring our fantasies and ideations of what it would be like to travel with the boys. we invite you to go on this journey with us! fellow collaborators: smuttymess | som-siren | chaosbulldog navigation: part ii | kim taehyung on vacation - (eros) | masterlist
A · PER · I · TI · VO | A pre-meal drink specifically meant to whet your appetite.
The pulses of your breath escape your mouth as you run down the platform to catch your train. You’ve only got three minutes to reach your car before the doors shut, and of course you’re in second class — the very last car. 
The extreme burn in your chest overtakes you as you reach the doors of your car and slide them open. The train wiggles a bit before you find your seat. You attempt to sit and almost fall down, but you catch yourself.
The city you were once in starts to whisk away through the window, and you put your hand in your chin to look out at the view for a moment.
Your hands make their way into your purse, and you sift through it, pulling out your phone. A few buzzes radiate from it, and a rapid succession of text notifications pop up.
[14:18] [DELETE HIS NUMBER NOW]: bb pls, gimme one more chance
[14:19] [DELETE HIS NUMBER NOW]: pls pls pls i won’t do it again
[14:19] [DELETE HIS NUMBER NOW]: come ON
The desperation dripping through the texts causes you roll your eyes. A low growl develops in your throat before you click the contact. 
Your thumb hovers over the word [BLOCK] for a moment. 
Suddenly, you give in and press it. 
You were done with this. You weren’t quite sure when you became a magnet for men who liked to cheat, but you were done with second, third and fourth chances. When you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you while you were on vacation, you decided to call it quits.
Fuck him. 
He was never that good in bed anyway, and this vacation was a welcome reprieve from your recent breakup. 
As far as you were concerned, all men were now cancelled until further notice.
A sigh escapes your lips as you toss your phone back in your bag. As you lean your head against the window, your eyes flutter to a close and you drift off to sleep. 
The train glides over a sea of blue as you open your eyes, and it immediately feels like you’re floating across the sea. 
A smile curls up on your lips as you prepare to deboard. A wave of calm washes over you as you exit and the salty scent of the sea hits your nose.
Your eyes meet the expanse of the sun setting over the Venetian harbour, and you release a warm sigh.
As you get off one of the — as you now knew — vaporetto, you pull your array of luggage behind you. You never did know how to pack light. You grumble as you continue to drag your luggage over the small cobblestones covering the streets of — you look down at your map — Giudecca. 
You heard staying on the Venetian mainland in the middle of the summer was probably not the best idea, so you found a place to stay a bit off the beaten path.
Beads of sweat start to form on your head, and you let out a few breaths as you stop in front your destination.
The sweet aroma of pastries detracts your attention for a moment before you look down at your phone and conclude that this is indeed the location. 
A little jingle rings from the bell above your head as you enter the bakery, and it catches the attention of a tall man behind the register.
“One moment, I’ll be right with you!” 
The man shouts out as he looks over in your direction. He hands a small older woman cash, nodding and smiling to hurry her. 
“Yes Ms. Kim. Of course, Ms. Kim.”
As you look around, you find that the bakery is cozy and filled with subtle nods to both Korean and Italian culture. Pastel pink accents fill the place and give it a genial charm.
You get closer to a display case by the register to look at some of the treats: Sweet Red Bean Cream Cannolis, Fish-Shaped Pastries, Fresh Honey Doughnuts — the works. Every single pastry was beautiful, and you were in awe at how uniform every single one was.
The man then washes and dries his hands before jogging past you. He quickly flips the sign at the front door of the shop to “closed” and jogs back over to you. He then grabs the handle of your suitcase before extending a hand out to you.
“Hello, so sorry.” His voice comes out in a gentle, sing-song manner and it makes the corners of your lips lift.
Your eyes grow wide as you drink him in: Deep brown almond eyes, poreless skin, shiny plump lips and his satiny-pink hair was swooped into a middle part over one of his eyes. You wonder to yourself how a man this attractive found himself working in a bakery. 
You shake your head to snap yourself out of your daze.
Remember. Men are cancelled.
“I’m Jin. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Y/N. Y- You own this place?” The lump in your throat becomes apparent as you shake his hand in return. Jin lifts one of his dark brows at you before his lips curl into a smile. 
“Wow, were you just checking me out?” Jin’s eyes turn into little crescents as he laughs and he places a finger gun under his chin. He laughs even harder as your cheeks flush in embarrassment at him calling you out. He pats your shoulder to relieve you.
“Aigoo. I’m kidding...I’m kidding . And yes, I own this bakery. Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”
“Oh, you don’t have to-” Jin begins to lift one of your suitcases up a hidden set of stairs in the back of the bakery.
Chivalry wasn’t dead? Okay. Noted.
The room is small, clean and simple —- just as described. A small picture window looks out onto the Ventian harbour, adding charm to the room.
“Modest, but it works for you, right?” Jin looks to you and you give him a nod. 
“My assistant and I have rooms next door, and the shared bathroom is in the hall as well.” You nod again in affirmation, before your stomach makes the loudest and most ungodly sound from hunger. 
“Also, guests can get as many pastries as they want from downstairs for free.” Jin winks at you, and you let out a soft chuckle. 
As Jin leaves the room, you throw yourself back onto the plush sheets and sigh. 
You look over to the night table and you pluck a pink rose from its vase. You press it to your nose before you reach into your pocket and pull out a worn photo of you kissing a man.
Your eyes study it for a moment, but you quickly tear it and toss the remnants over you.
The summer sun settles on your features, and the warm rays tickle you awake. A small yawn slips from your mouth, and you sit up to stretch your arms. 
The toasty essence of bread travels up your nose as you look around the room.
“Oh.” A small plate of various breakfast pastries is on the night table next to your bed. You immediately grab the pastries, scarfing them down before taking sips of the hot tea next to it. 
“Gonna need more of those.”
As you approach the bakery, you pause for a moment as you see a new man at the counter.
You double back and peek around the corner, peering at him. Your eyes flick to the strong veins in his hands as he continues to write. A tattoo sleeve runs down the same arm from his short-sleeved chef's jacket.
“Can I help you?” The man asks without looking up from the paper he’s writing on. 
The fact that he notices your presence makes you jump, and you slowly walk into the bakery — guilty as charged.
“W-Who are you? Do you work here?”
“Who are you ?” He inquires, standing up to lean against the counter.
Your defenses fall at how his dark doe eyes take you in. His earrings — silver swords —- catch the morning light and accentuate the sparkle in his eyes. 
A few other piercings line his ears, and his dark hair hangs in his eyes. His muscles all still somehow protrude through the fabric of his chef’s uniform. 
“I’m Jungkook. You can call me JK, though. I’m Jin’s assistant chef.” 
Jungkook grins at you, and he watches closely as you lose yourself in his eyes. 
"What is it? Cat got your tongue?" He tucks a few long strands of his hair behind his ear before he extends his hand out to you. 
“Uhm, I’m Y/N. I’m staying above the bakery for a few nights.” You shake his hand in return, and you're sure he can detect the nerves radiating from your fingers.
“Oh, is that so?” 
Your pulse increases in pace as he studies your features. He looks down to pull one of the pastries you point your finger at, and he packages it nicely before your eyes. 
“That’ll be ten-fifty euros, Y/N.” 
"For two doughnuts ?" Your mouth drops open in shock, and Jungkook’s smile extends wide over his face. 
“But Jin sai-” Jin appears, and laughs before he moves behind the counter.
“Ah, I see you’ve met Jungkook,” Jin gives him a look, and he stands down. “He’s kidding.” 
Jungkook suppresses his smile a bit as he looks at you, before folding his arms. Jin hands you the bag, and you take it. 
“We’re about to open, but I’ll take you around the city this evening —- and then a baking class with us tomorrow, as promised in the listing.” 
You look outside, and a line of frantic women are waiting eagerly outside the door. You nod at Jin, and you exit, noticing as Jungkook’s eyes follow you. 
A heat burns your cheeks as you clutch the bag of treats to your chest.
Men are cancelled. Men are cancelled. Men are cancelled. Men are cancelled.
You repeat the mantra over and over in your head as you ascend the stairs back to your room, but that doesn’t alleviate the twinge you feel in between your legs.
“Ah-ah-” You quietly mewl as a wave of pleasure hits you, and you pull your right hand from your underwear. You run your fingers through your hair and run your tongue over your lips as your heart rate slows.
No, no. You definitely didn’t just fantasize about those two incredibly attractive pastry chefs fucking you. You most definitely didn’t. What the fuck was wrong with you?
Your eyes float to the picture window above your head, and you spring up as you take in the sunset. 
You pull a towel and a washcloth from the drawer beside you, and head toward the bathroom in the hall. 
The door is shut, and you quietly rap at it.
“Excuse me, I need to use the bathroom if you don’t mind.”
The soft trickles of the shower end, and after a moment —- the door whips open. 
The crisp scent of soap hits your nostrils before you notice Jungkook is towering over you, half-naked. A small towel over his lower body is the only thing covering him. It takes you a moment to draw your eyes away from his body, but you quickly bring yourself back to Earth.
“All yours, but my eyes are up here.” A few stray beads of water drip from the hair that clings to his face down the golden, muscular dips in his body. Your body is still frozen as you look at him.
“And hot tip: maybe you should be a little quieter next time?” Jungkook whispers in your ear, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. It takes you a second to realize what he means, and you watch him as he enters his room — the one directly next to yours. He shoots you a wink before shutting the door. 
As you scurry into the bathroom, you force the breath from your throat and cup your forehead in embarrassment.
Did he know? 
Jungkook absolutely knew what you just did in your room. 
“Are you ready?” Jin stands outside of the bakery, and lights up as soon as he sees you. 
The moonlight glimmers on the sea as the two of you approach the vaporetto, heading to San Marco.
“I’m taking you to St. Mark’s Square, and to one of the best Italian places in the city.”
You nod, following him into the boat.
“What brings you to Italy?” The two of you deboard the vaporetto and head toward the square. “I just needed a break from my real life to be honest.” 
“Oh?” Jin raises a brow as the two of you dodge the pigeons littering your path.
“Bad breakup,” You pause. “He was a cheater anyway.”
“Gave the rest of us men a bad name, huh?” Jin tries to lighten the mood and you nod. 
A man is nearby and selling single roses, and Jin swoops one into your hands — handing the man a euro coin.
“Well, hopefully I can get your mind off things.” Jin smiles at you, and it makes you smile in relief.
“We’ll take the gondola back over to Giudecca.” You shrink in embarrassment. 
“Isn’t that just for couples?” Jin shakes his head. 
“No, it’s a handy form of transportation, too.” He lets out a squeaky laugh and you giggle with him as he pulls you into the boat. "You're in Italy. You just have to do it."
As you’re halfway towards the bakery, the gondolier starts to break out into a serenade. 
Jin senses your embarrassment, and he suddenly breaks out into song with the man. 
"Jin stop!" You clutch your gut in laughter and after awhile Jin sits back down. 
You wipe the happy tears from your eyes and Jin smiles at you. 
Both of your smiles suddenly drop as you look at each other just a moment too long.
You weren’t sure what got into you: Jungkook’s subtle flirtations in the back of your mind, Jin’s smile and his lips, remnants of your breakup, the moonlight — it was all too much for you to hold in right at that moment. You put your fingers on Jin’s collar and press your lips to his. Jin takes the kiss in, and cups your chin in his hands.
The gondolier smiles to himself as he watches the two of you.
Jin leads you into his room, and presses you into the wall. The door shuts lightly and is left slightly ajar, but the two of you are too caught up in each other to notice.
Jin kisses you, pressing himself between your legs. You take in his scent — the essence of what smells like a sweet vanilla. His caresses on your hair are soft, and his skin glides over yours like silk. He reaches below to slide his fingers into your underwear and you let out a moan.
“Thin walls.” Jin whispers into your ear as he covers your mouth. You heave as his fingers torturously work inside you, and you clutch his wrist to try to slow his pace. You try to keep quiet as he asks, but it’s no use.
Jungkook jogs up the stairs and hears soft moans filling the hall, and he realizes Jin’s door is slightly open. 
Jungkook peeks at the scene between the two of you for a few moments before he feels the tug of fabric tightening around his bulge. The stifled and needy moans that fall from your lips only serve to turn him on further. 
Jungkook returns to his room and starts to massage his throbbing cock — but he imagines himself pleasuring you instead as he hears your moans through the wall.
You jolt from your sleep in the dead of the night as you feel your bed shake. It takes you a bit to orient yourself, but you hear the moans of two females through the walls. 
It sounded like Jungkook was fucking two females in the room next to you. 
He was. So hard that your bed was shaking.
Of course he was.
You roll your eyes and press a pillow over your head before you force yourself back to sleep.
The bustle of people outside in the morning wakes you, and you spring from your bed to head to the bathroom.
As you look around, you spot a lacy pair of underwear on the rack. You take a second before you snatch them and crumple them in your hand. 
You head to Jungkook’s door, banging at it with your fist.
“Is there a problem?” Jungkook looks down at you as he opens the door and hangs in its frame.
“I’m going to give you zero stars on this listing is the fucking problem.” You fling the underwear in his face. “All I heard last night was you fucking. I barely got any sleep.” 
“Oh, so you were listening, huh?” Mischief dances in Jungkook's eyes and he grins. You glare up at Jungkook, your expression still brimming with displeasure.
“You’re being so uptight. You know it’s 2019 and people fuck, right?” You scoff at him. 
“Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” He bites his lip before he runs his fingers through his hair.
The word swirls around your head and it makes the blood boil in your veins. Everyone in your life seemed to throw that phrase at you, and this moment was the crescendo to your breaking point. 
You were tired of hearing it.
In a split second, you grab Jungkook’s shirt to pull him down to your level.
“I’m not uptight.” An animalistic anger overtakes you as you crash your lips into his and then pull at them with your teeth. 
Jungkook moans into the kiss and you feel a deep hunger from him each time your lips meet.
The moans that escape your mouth start to sync with his as he guides you in the room and closer to his bed. Your hand slides underneath his shirt, and your fingers skate over the hard dips that line his abdomen and chest. 
“I think you wanted me to find them. Is that right?” Jungkook hums as he sits on the bed, pulling you down to his lap. 
“And why would I want to do that?” The kisses between you grow in heat as your mouths open wider and your tongues intertwine. 
“You imagined one of those girls was me, didn’t you?” You grit out in a whisper. Jungkook presses his fingers firm into the meaty flesh of your thighs as he pulls you tighter to his frame.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You snap your lips from his and look from the new glint on his mouth up to his eyes. He runs his hands up your shirt, eagerly anticipating your next move. 
"I want you inside of me." You feel him twitch below you before your teeth grab his ear. You steady your breaths and your eyes close as he enters you.
"Is that big enough for you?" You let out an involuntary moan as you feel him fill you, but you refocus your thoughts. 
“I hate you.” You nibble at his lips, and your fingertips squeeze the back of his neck for support.
You grind your hips into him —- slow at first —- but quickly picking up pace. You let out a whimper at how hard his cock is inside you as you start to lift your hips, slamming up and down on him.
"I'm gonna cum if you go that fast," There’s a strain to his moans as you move on top of him and it satisfies you. He throws his head back, trying to pace his breaths, but it fails.
"Ah, sh-" He whimpers as your slick walls squeeze him relentlessly. You moan in pleasure as you feel his warm load fill you. You steal one more kiss from his lips before you look at him.
“How’s that for uptight?” You pant, as you look at him below you — his face fucked out and glistening with sweat.
“Fuck you.” Jungkook breathes out as he watches you catch your breath.
"You loved it." He says as he smacks your ass.
You give him the middle finger, and he chuckles.
As you enter the bakery, Jungkook looks up from what he’s writing to look at you. 
You look refreshed from your shower, but Jungkook smirks at you — pleased that just moments ago he filled you to the brim with his cum. 
"Please don't look so satisfied." You glare at him and he hands you an apron. You try to snatch it, but he pulls it behind his back. 
Jungkook closes in on you and lets out a chuckle as he watches your cheeks grow red. He places a hard kiss on your lips before the two of you hear footfalls approach. 
"Behave." You point your finger at him before you immediately separate. He gives you another smirk as he hands you the apron.
“So sorry I'm late. I had to run some errands this morning. Are you ready, Y/N?” Jin slips behind the counter and looks at the two of you. 
You don’t make eye contact with either of them as you put on your apron. 
“Today we’ll be making a simple puff pastry.”
Jin starts to demonstrate the process and you watch him. You can't help but get swept up in how sexy he is while he's working, and Jungkook takes notice. 
Jungkook clears his throat and it catches the attention of both you and Jin.
"That's only one way of getting it done. You could also drop it into the mixer for a faster process."
"You're right. But we like to show off to our guests a little bit, right?" Jin winks at you and you can't help but giggle at his natural charm. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes in jealousy and Jin smiles to himself.
Jungkook and Jin continue to knead at their own pile of dough as they each sneak glances over at you. You continue at your pile of dough to distract yourself from the encounters you had with the two of them.
"Oh, mine is getting super sticky." You wail, and Jungkook jogs over to assist you. 
Jungkook stands behind you and tosses flour over the dough. 
"It’s okay, it's just too wet ." Jungkook says into your ear, and then puts his hands on top of yours to help you knead the dough. It sends a shiver down your spine, and you try to suppress the urge to bite your bottom lip.
Jungkook shoots Jin a satisfied look as he walks by, and Jin glowers at him. 
You realize at that moment that they both reached the same conclusion at the same time: they both fucked you.
The air between the three of you thickens as you all knead in silence — all of you attempting to sneak glances at each other. 
After a few moments, Jin clears his throat.
“We should all have aperitivo here tonight.” 
You and Jungkook nod, sensing Jin is up to something.
The three of you sit on the floor with your legs underneath a small coffee table that’s adorned with small candles. A decadent spread of meats, cheeses and wines is before you. 
There’s still a certain silence between all of you, Jin and Jungkook on either side of you.
“The class was nice,” You start, trying to clear the air. 
Jin reaches his hand out for the last cheese cube and Jungkook steals it. Jin hums and then glowers at him, before feeding you a slice of meat. 
“So, thank you,” You can still sense a certain electricity between the two. 
As you take a sip of prosecco, your eyes lock with Jin’s — his sensual expression drawing you in as he looks at you.
“Something you must know about me is that I don’t like sharing,” Jin begins and you place your glass down to focus your attention on him. “But...I wouldn’t mind doing so tonight.” 
Jin‘s voice hits your ears like honey. You feel your pulse pump in your throat before Jin starts to close in on your lips. He stops just before his lips meet yours to look at you, and you nod.
Jungkook observes the two of you and gets the hint before turning your chin to face him. 
You're taken by surprise as he looks down at your lips, and then up to your eyes a few times before he envelops your lips in his. 
The two continue the fight for your lips: Jungkook’s kisses were unrestrained and bold. Jin’s kisses were more drawn out — torturous and focused. You pant as the different sensations and sudden switches between the two men start to overwhelm your senses.
The two of them smooth their hands over your bare inner thighs under your skirt as they move to kiss your neck and shoulders. They peel off the straps of your bra as they watch you, and you gasp in desperation as they reveal your fully erect nipples. 
Jungkook and Jin move to lick your breasts, but they only lick just outside of your nipples. You whine as you comb your fingers through their hair, desperate for relief. Jungkook and Jin always just miss contact with your dampening folds below — and you can’t help but think they’re trying to punish you. 
Your try to squeeze your legs together to alleviate the ache, but the two part your legs, holding you firmly open. 
"Please." You whine out before Jungkook slips his palm over your underwear and then moves to press his fingers to rub circles into your throbbing clit. You sigh in relief as you turn your head to look at him.
Jin slinks away —- standing up to slowly unbutton his shirt as he watches the two of you.
Jungkook takes you over and unleashes the full fury of his lips and tongue on your mouth. His hands frantically roam the curves of your body as you let out achy moans. Your fingers pull at his hair as he squeezes one of your legs between his thighs — and you feel him start to grind his rock solid cock on your leg. 
Jungkook nibbles on your neck, his hot breaths moving to the depths of your ear. He starts to unbutton his shirt as he continues to kiss you.
All you can do is let out a cry of pleasure as Jin moves back in, capturing your breast in his mouth. You whine as you feel Jin pull your underwear to the side —- beginning to slide his slender fingers into your wet crevice. 
“Does that feel good?” Jungkook asks, placing small kisses on your lips as you try to nod through the pleasure.
Goosebumps veil your skin as Jungkook trails kisses down your body — his long hair tickling your skin until he reaches between your legs. 
You’re now fully able to concentrate on Jin’s plush lips, taking them into your own. You reach down and massage his bulge before he pulls his lips from yours after a moment to watch Jungkook.
Jungkook hooks his fingers into your underwear and starts to roll them down, inch-by-inch, as he places light kisses on your sensitive inner thighs. 
You bring a finger to your mouth to bite your nails as Jungkook’s eyes fuck into yours — relishing in how he’s torturing you. 
Jungkook finally slips your underwear off in one quick motion before he dives into you. You let out a guttural groan, but Jin captures it with his lips.
“How does my little kitten taste?” Jin asks you through kisses. Your brows furrow together after he suddenly releases your lips, and you watch him slink down between your legs.
Jin watches Jungkook lap at you for a minute. 
“Is she sweet?” Jungkook nods, and then pulls back. Jin licks a few stripes up you before the two take turns licking you, and you hook your arms over the back of the couch as you watch them.
Jin pulls you over to his bed, resting your head in his now-naked lap. You grab his cock and start to suck at it as Jungkook enters you. You moan onto Jin, and he starts to caress your head as you work. 
Jungkook lets out strained groans as he takes in the scene between you and Jin as he pumps into you. 
The pleasure Jungkook provides you causes you take Jin deeper into your mouth, despite his large size. Jungkook’s pace gets sloppier and more frantic as he watches you, and you stop sucking Jin to look at Jungkook pounding into you. 
"You're so fucking tight. Shit." The eye contact between you two causes Jungkook to lose it, and he pulls out — exploding his load onto your abdomen.
Jungkook pants as Jin flips you onto your stomach —- lifting your hips into the air. 
Jin enters you from behind and you groan at his thickness as you take him in. Jungkook slides down next to you, watching as Jin snaps his hips into yours. You moan at each thrust, and Jungkook takes your lips into his. 
“You like that?” Jungkook asks between kisses, and you give him a frantic nod. 
“Fuck her. Harder.” Jungkook’s kisses grow firmer — and Seokjin’s thrusts deeper and more ruthless, and it sends you over the edge. You freeze from the intensity of the pleasure, and the pressure of your walls causes Jin to release inside of you.
All three of you pant as you collapse next to each other. 
You press your head into the bed as you catch your breath. It exposes your neck, and the two press kisses into the vulnerable skin.
“I don’t think I can ever leave this bed now.” You say as your fingers push through their hair, and you feel their lips curl up on your skin.
“Whatever do you mean?” Jin props his head up in his hand. “We haven’t even eaten dinner yet.” 
Jungkook looks to Jin and the both of them smile down at you.
You bite your lip and cover your eyes before you let out a buoyant laugh.
Maybe men weren’t quite so cancelled after all.
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notes: y'all alive after that? ;) fellow collaborators: smuttymess | som-siren | chaosbulldog navigation: kim taehyung on vacation - (eros) | masterlist
285 notes · View notes
mwdders · 5 years
You introduce Harry to Christmas and all the festive things you do throughout December.
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Pairing: Harry Hook x reader (Daughter of Elsa)
Word count: 3.8k
Christmas Theme
I just love christmas all year round
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You couldn’t wait to introduce Harry to Christmas, he’d been in auradon 2 months now but still didn’t understand the concept of things, such as Halloween and Bonfire night but with December right around the corner you were planning festive traditions more than you ever had, the first being decorating your dorms together.
“Harry!” You knock on his dorm door, arms full of boxes packed to the brim with decorations, you rocked back on your heels as you wait impatiently for him to open the door. “You best have a reason for waking me up before 9am.” A rough voice says before the door swings open and Harry stands there rubbing his eyes. “I do, trust me.” You push past him and he shuts the door. “What is it love?” He slumps back into his bed as you place the boxes on the floor. “It’s December tomorrow, so we’re going to do something Christmassy everyday of the month right up until the 25th.” He rolls his eyes, “I’ve told you lass, I don’t get all the Christmas stuff.” You begin to unpack the first box, full of tinsel, garlands and wreathes.
“That’s why I’m here, to teach you all about Christmas and show you all the traditions I used to do with my family.” Harry sighs, and you feel him get up, “If that’s what you want darlin’.” He stands behind you his arms wrapping around your shoulders pulling you into his chest. “It is.” You lean back and move your head, placing a light kiss on his jaw. “Let’s get started then.” Harry lets you go, standing at your side as he unpacks a box, that one containing snow globes, blankets, baubles and lights. “The one last has the tree in.” You point at the biggest box, “A tree? Lass they’ve got a tree in the courtyard, why do I have to have one in my room?” He raises an eyebrow at you, “Because, it makes you feel festive, I have one in my room.” Harry shakes his head as he grabs the box emptying its contents in the floor as he begins to assemble the small tree. “Let’s do this.”
“This looks.. wow.” Harry stands by the door looking at all the decorations you’d put up together. “It is, but not time for admiring our work.” You grab your coat and his, “We have places to be.” You pull his hand and drag him out the room, “Lass slow down.” He laughs as you run down the corridor pulling him along, you reach the door and push them open, and carry on running, the snow crunching beneath your feet. “Y/N!” Harry laughs as he gently pulls you to a holt, “Just, stop running.” He stands breathless as you giggle, “Sorry but, we have to get to the ice skating rink.” Harry’s face turns sour, “Ice skating? Me? Darling’ I’ll be like bambi on ice and be fallin’ on my face.” You smile widely at him, “Don’t worry, I’ll help you.” You turn and begin walking again before he can complain anymore.
“Come on.” You turn and yell, Harry rolling his eyes with a chuckle before he catches up to you, hand linking with yours, swaying them between the two of you.
“Y/N!” Anica yells as you run over to her, “Hi!” You hug your sister, “I see you bought Harry, teaching him all about Christmas?” You nod, “Anica, help me.” Harry jokes causing you to elbow him, “No can do Harry. This is a family tradition, so we have no option but to continue it.” Anica laughs as she smiles at you, “You’ll be fine.” You say to Harry as you walk over and get your skates on, as you tie your laces Harry bumps his shoulder with yours every now and then causing you to giggle, “Ready for this?” Harry just grabs your hand as a reply, pulling you onto the ice with him. “This isn’t so bad.” He says looking proud, that is until Anica goes speeding past him and he looses his balance, his arms flapping around trying to grasp air to stop him falling but fails as he falls on his bum. “Are you okay?” You skate over to him trying not to laugh as you crouch next to him.
“Don’t think I can move.” He says sarcastically, you put your hands on his shoulders helping him to sit up, “You poor baby.” You joke, he pouts at you, and you stand up, “Come on, try again.” He slowly rises to his feet and you wrap one arm around his waist as he does the same, “Ready?” He nods, and you slowly start to skate, he holds tightly to you but eventually gets a hang of it, “Anica! Look at me.” He yells, as he lets go of you, and skates by himself. “Get it Harry!” Anica chuckles, he does a lap with her, as you watch, “Come join us love.” You skate over and grab Harry’s hand, the three of you in a line as Anica grabs your other hand, “No one fall, if one goes, we all go.” You giggle, as you skate around the rink, this was always a Christmas tradition for you and Anica to do, the last day in November before December, you’d skate together sometimes your mother would join but as you got older it was something the two of you did together, “Harry!” Anica yells as he falls, you falling too and Anica landing on top of you, “What did I say?” You say with a muffled voice as your face is squished by Anica’s hat, Anica laughs before slowing getting up, pulling you up, you turn to see Harry starfishing on the ice. “Get up you silly pirate.” You lightly kick his foot smiling down at him, he looks at you before getting up and wrapping his arms around you, “No more skating for me.” You shake your head, “No, come on. Let’s go and make hot cocoa.” You say goodbye to your sister, after she turns down your invitation for cocoa saying she wanted to skate more.
“So cold.” Harry complains as he pulls his jacket closer to him and his hat further over his ears and forehead. “Well it’s a good job next on the list is cocoa.” You quickly walk through the school and to the kitchen, “Are you sure we can be in here love?” Harry asks apprehensively, “It’s fine, I have a deal with the chef.” You take your hat and gloves off, placing them on the counter, Harry doing the same.
“Vanilla or cinnamon?” You question wiggling your eyebrows, “Vanilla?” You smiles widely at Harry and get the cocoa out, “Vanilla is a good choice, it’s my favourite.” Harry stands next to you leaning on the countertop, his hip lightly touching yours, “Well I trust you my little princess so definitely Vanilla.” You get two cups out and turn the machine on, placing the cups under it, turning to get the whipped cream out the fridge while you wait for the drinks.
“What’s on your list after this then darlin’?” Harry places his head on your shoulder as you lean into him. “That’s it for today.” You kiss his forehead and he wraps an arm around your waist, holding you tight to him as you now stand between his legs. “Whipped cream?” You ask as you shake the can, Harry nods and you put whipped cream on both drinks but also a little on your finger, and as you turn around, you wipe it on Harry’s nose his eyes widening, “Ohh is that how it’s gonna be?” He asks as you giggle, “You’ve got a little something.” You jokingly point at his nose, “Oh really?” Harry moves his face so quickly you don’t get chance to move before he’s wiping his nose on your cheek.
“Harry!” You try to push away from him but his grip is too tight, “You’ve got a little something.” Harry points at the cream smeared across your cheek, “You don’t say.” You smile at him, grabbing a napkin wiping it off, a long with the last bits on his nose. “You missed a bit.” You frown, “I did? Where?” Harry points at your lips before he kisses you, you kiss him back smiling before you pull away, “You smooth boy.” You giggle before pecking his lips again, “Here.” You pass him his cup, “Drink before it gets cold.”
— —
“Baby! Wake up. Today’s a whole new day to be filled with Christmas activities.” You jump on Harry’s bed as you attempt to wake him up, “Y/N.” He groans, you carry on jumping and he grabs you ankles causing you to fall next to him. “Lass, you need to be nicer with these wake up calls.” Harry rolls over to face you, “Morning.” You say sweetly and he rolls his eyes. “What’ve you got planned for today then my little elf?” He sits up, putting his arm out as you rest your head on his chest, “Well, today we’re going to bake cookies, wrap presents and then I’ve planned a Christmas movie night.” You say, it had been a busy week with planning the Christmas activities that you’d not actually done an activity in a few days, it was now the 8th of December.
“Sounds amazing.” He kisses your head and you look up at him, “Get up, get ready. Let’s go.” You stand up and pull your coat on, “Meet me in the kitchen.” You wink at him as he groans before you exit his room and walk to the kitchen. “Is this everything you’ll need?” You smile as Uma questions you, “Yes, thank you Uma.” She smiles widely at you, “You’re welcome.” You stand next to her and place a hand on her shoulder, “You could join us you know? I know you don’t know much about Christmas either.” She shakes her head looking down at the countertop, “It’s okay, this is something for you and Harry, maybe another time.” You nod, “We’re going to the market tomorrow, come with us?” You ask as she makes her way to the door. “Definitely.” She smiles at you again before she’s gone.
You look down at the ingredients scattered all over the countertop and smile, “Well, what is all this?” You look up and see Harry in the door way, “This, is our Christmas activity for the morning.” You wave him over and he stands next to you, “We’re going to bake Christmas cookies.” You open out the recipe and begin to measure out the ingredients, “We can have these cookies at our movie night later, so let’s make them the best ever.” You turn to Harry, handing him the bowl of the cookie ingredients, “Mix until it makes a dough.” You instruct, “Yes ma’am.” He jokes, “How do you want to decorate them?” You ask him as you get the cookie cutters out, “I like the tree one.” He points at the cutter shaped like a tree, “I could decorate it just like the tree in my room.” You smile at your boyfriend, “Sounds perfect.” You take the bowl from his hands, placing a kiss on his cheek as you do and tip the dough out the bowl, rolling it out and handing Harry a cutter. “Give it a go sunshine.” He slowly but surely cuts out the cookies like Christmas trees while you do stockings, gingerbread men and reindeer. “Perfect, let’s put them in the oven.”
As they bake you practice decorating on a spare piece of baking sheet, showing Harry all different decoration techniques he could do, “That’s really good.” You point at the snowflake he did, as the timer goes off and you open the oven taking the cookies out. “They smell amazing.” He leans over you as he eyes the cookies, “They need to cool so practice just a little more.” You place the cookies one by one on the cooling rack, you pick up the tray and place it in the sink, as you turn back around Harry is shoving a cookie in his mouth, “Harry Hook!” You scold, “They are for later.” He shrugs, “But they smelt so good.” His voice is muffled by the cookie in his mouth as his cheeks puff out for being so full, “Fine, but don’t have anymore.” You giggle, and pull the cookies closer, “They’ll be cool now.” You take a reindeer and decorate it, putting it in a jumper and doing a pattern on the jumper. “Look what I did baby.” Harry holds up his cook proudly and you smile at him, “It’s amazing Harry.” You carry on the morning decorating the cookies before leaving them in the fridge and going back to your room to wrap gifts.
You show Harry all the gifts you’ve bought so far and who they are for, he compliments your gift buying skills saying everyone is going to love what you’ve bought them. You show him all the wrapping paper you have, and the bows and tell him to pick a present and wrapping how he wants to, and then chose and tag and write it, it was an afternoon full of laughing about getting cellotape stuck in places you can’t even manage and writing and rewriting name tags that many times you’d got cramp.
“Well that was a new experience.” Harry says as you place the last gifts under the tree in your room. “Definitely, but now you can wrap any gifts you buy.” He nods, “Yeah, thank you teaching me.” You smile, “You’re welcome. We need to go to movie night.” You giggle walking out the room, Harry rushing to follow you, “Wait up!” He runs down the corridor as you enter his room, the curtains shut, Christmas lights on, cushions and blankets scattered on the floor as your friends lie in the floor. “Hey guys!” You get a chorus of hello’s back as you sit in a space, Harry enters slowly after and sits next to you, “I wasn’t expecting everyone to be here.” He smiles widely at you, as the film starts, kissing your forehead, “Of course.”
“Which was your favourite?” You ask Harry as you walk back to your room, “Definitely The Grinch.” You roll your eyes at his response, “Why that one?” You unlock the door, “He was the best.” You watch as Harry removes his shirt and falls onto the bed, “Baby.” You stand in front of Harry, holding matching pyjamas, “Look what I got us.” Harry looks taken back, his mouth open slightly before he smiles, “This is cute. I like Christmas.” He changes in front of you, the pyjamas fitting well, “What do you think?” He does a twirl showing off the red pyjama bottoms, and the top with candy canes all over them, and you giggle, “Amazing.” You get changed into yours and lie in bed beside him.
“We’re going to the market tomorrow. I think Uma might come.” You kiss his forehead as you get comfy, “Sounds festive.” It doesn’t long before his snores fill the silence and you follow suit, allowing sleep to embrace you.
— —
“Look! They have a stall with personalised decorations.” Uma says as she walks over to the stall, you follow, holding tightly onto Harry’s hand, the market was very busy this year, with a lot more stalls, “We should get matching ones.” Uma holds up a decoration that is Santa stuck down the chimney, his feet in the air, snow on the roof and room for a name at the bottom, “They’re so cute.” You nod agreeing with Uma, “Hi, can we have three please? One with Uma, another with Harry and the final one with Y/N.” The stall tender nods and turns away, starting to get to work. “There’s so much to see.” Uma’s eyes light up, as she turns her head in every direction, “We’ll see it all, don’t worry.” Harry smiles at Uma, as the wind picks up, you pull your coat tight to you, “I hope it snows again, it’s cold enough to.” You say, as you look up at the dark sky. “I hope so too. I’ve never seen it snow.” You frown, “I always miss it, either inside or asleep when it snows. I want to catch snowflakes.” Uma says shyly, “Me too.” You nod, certain it will snow again.
“Here you are.” The tender passes you a little brown bag with the decorations in as you pay him, “Thank you.” Uma is already gone by the time you turn around to ask where she wants to go next, the top of her hat the only thing visible as she makes her way through the crowd, “It’s like we’re babysitting.” Harry says as you attempt to follow Uma, “Hey now, be nice, she’s just as fascinated by this as you.” He smiles warmly at you, “I know I know.” You catch up with her and she’s talking to a stall tender about stockings and the history behind them, she then moves on to a stall that has candy canes and eggnog, she buys fifteen candy canes, saying she’ll need more for later, “Uma why don’t we slow down and have some eggnog?” You suggest and she sighs but nods, “Three please.” The stall tender hands you three, “Drink up.” You drink yours in one, the liquid warming you, “I like that.” Harry says, “Me too.” Uma agreed before she’s gone again, “Babysitting.” You hit Harry as he laughs and you follow Uma again.
You must do three more laps of the market, Uma making sure she’d seen every stall before you go home, “What a day.” You place all your shopping bags on the floor as you try and open the dorms. “Thank you guys for allowing me to come, I had such an amazing time.” Uma says and you turn to her, “You’re welcome Uma, I’m glad-“ you stop talking as you see the flakes start to fall, “Uma!” You yell and she turns around, “It’s snowing.” Her eyes light up and she runs out onto the grass, “It’s really snowing!” She says again, a huge smile on her face, she laughs before falling into the snow, you turn to Harry and look at him, he returns the look before you both run into the snow, leaving your bags at the door.
You fall into the snow with a giggle and attempt snow angels, “So wave your arms and legs and you’ll make a snow angel.” You tell the two as you watch them, “This is amazing!” Uma yells as she kicks her legs, the snow falling heavier. You turn to Harry and watch him, he stops as he feels you staring, “I love you.” You say happily as snow falls on your cheeks and lands on the ends on your lashes, “I love you too.” You lean over and kiss him, before leaning back again and opening your mouth to catch snowflakes, copying Uma the happiest smiles on all your faces.
— —
You wake up as you feel a delicate kiss on your cheek, your eyes flutter and you turn to see Harry resting on your hip as he stares at you, “Merry Christmas my love.” He smiles when he realises you’re awake, “Merry Christmas Harry.” You lean down and kiss him, “Here’s to many more Christmases together.” He rests his head on your hip, a hand on your knee, “We’ll spend Christmas together, forever, trust me when I say that.” You giggle, looking down at him, “I hope so baby.” He kisses you knee, “I know so.”
The morning is slow as you enjoy each other’s company, you get ready at a slow pace, having no rush to be anywhere. “Lass, I have my gift for you.” You turn to Harry as he holds a gold present, with a green ribbon around it, “Baby look at that wrapping, I taught you well.” He laughs as you joke, “Here. Open it.” You open the present and then open the box, “Harry,” You gasp as a beautiful necklace lays before you, “It’s like a charm necklace, you can add whatever you want to it.” You delicately pick it up, admiring the charms already on it. “I put a snowflake on to represent your mum, a diamond just because they’re pretty and then a hook, obviously for me.” He says the last bit quietly and a single tear slips down your cheek. “Harry I love it, so much.” You place it back in the box and hug him tightly, kissing him as you pull away. “Here, I have something for you too.” You stand up, wiping away your tears as you do, Harry watches as you walk over to your tree, pulling out a red wrapped box, with a silver ribbon and a black name tag.
“Here, Merry Christmas.” You hand him the box and sit opposite him on the floor, he looks at you before opening it. “Lass.” He gasps as he pulls out the silver compass, “Is that?” He asks as he turns it over, you’d had it engraved with a hook on the back but also on the clock face you’d had a picture of a map, but not just any map, the map with directions to get the Neverland. “Wow,” He looks at the device as it spins, “I-I love it.” He places it back in the box and looks at you, “I love it, I love you, thank you so much.” He hugs you tightly and you pull back, “That’s not all.”
“I spoke to Ben and asked him, if in the summer, we could take a trip.” Harry nods slowly, “A trip to Neverland,” He gasps as his eyes widen, “Are you serious?” You nod again, and he sighs happily, running his hand through his hair, “You’re amazing.” Harry says and he shuffles a bit so he’s sat next to you more, “Honestly, thank you so much. I couldn’t have asked for a better Christmas, a better girlfriend, all of it.” You blush, “You’re welcome baby, you deserve it.” Harry grabs your cheeks and kisses you, “I can’t wait for our trip. There’s no one else I’d want to experience this with but you.” You giggle, “I’m excited to go. But for now, shall we go and eat dinner?” Harry’s eyes widen, “Yes, yes and yes. I’m ready for some turkey!” He stands up and walks to the door. “Turkey, turkey, turkey.” He chants as he walks down the corridor, you giggle as you follow, thinking about how grateful you are to have an amazing boyfriend and such an amazing Christmas.
— —
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
Alright, and for my final entry for the Shipwreckedfanzine (Read it here!), is my Taiqrow entry. Because you better believe I gave my boys some love.
(P.S. This showed up nowhere in the tags - I actually posted up a new Taiqrow fic yesterday as well - I would suggest checking out some of my newest works on Ao3!)
Rating: K
Pairing: Qrow/Taiyang
Word Count: 2.1k
Ao3 Link: Forget-Me-Not
Summary:  Tai’s not surprised to discover Qrow’s forgotten their anniversary… again.
Tai hummed a jolly little tune as he shook the can of whipped cream, doing his best to keep his hand steady as he pointed the nozzle down and drew a heart shape on top of the stack of pancakes. Once he’d completed the point, he set the can aside and picked up the bowl of strawberry sauce, filling the inside of the heart generously. Next came the chocolate chips – he was just placing the first few down when his twelve-year-old warned:
“Dad, Uncle Qrow’s coming!”
He nodded, trying not to hurry too much and ruin all his hard work. “Thank you, Yang.  Would you girls get him seated please?”
“I got it!” Ruby shouted a mite too shrilly for this time of the morning.
In the corner of his eye, he watched her grab the butter knife and napkin before going to stand at the threshold. She quickly laid the napkin out along her arm to mimic a towel only the poshest of restaurant waiters had and rose the knife under her nose, clearing her throat a few times. As her uncle made it to the door, she said as classily as possible, “Mr. Branwen, we’ve been expecting you.”
“Is that so?” Qrow’s voice was still a bit gravelly from sleep but it didn’t quite hide his confused amusement.
“Indeed. We have a special reserved spot just for you.” She twirled on her heels. “Follow me please!” She marched with purpose the three single steps it took to get to his chair, having to lower her fake mustache so she could pull it out for him.
He sat, eyeing the mug already there. “Wow, coffee’s already made? Now that’s some express service.”
“Sir, we only provide the best for our customers.” Ruby told him, knife mustache back in place. “Your meal is also on the way, made by our finest chef in the business.”
More like the only chef, Tai thought as he placed the finishing touches on the arrow he’d been designing. He surveyed his work with an appraising eye, before lifting the plate and carrying it over with care. “Your meal, sir.” He told him grandly, placing it down before him.
Qrow took one look at it, then his head shot up, eyes wide. “What occasion is it?”
He smiled as forgivingly as he could. “Anniversary.” Their third, in fact – which Qrow had systematically forgotten each year. Having grown up on the outskirts of nowhere, he’d always been terrible with dates. Before his husband could speak, the guilty look already telling him exactly what he was going to say, Tai placed two fingers on his lips. “No apologies. Just enjoy.”
He heaved a sigh through his nose, before kissing his fingertips and murmuring against them, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He replied, all too happy to trade his hand in for his lips – much to his daughters’ very verbal noises of disgust.
“Dad, please. I’d like to finish my breakfast.” Yang’s nose was wrinkled up like a little piglet’s.
Tai couldn’t help but pinch it as he walked on by. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”
She stuck her tongue out at him, before turning her attention to the other adult in the room, looking almost gleefully predatory. “Soooo, Uncle Qrow.”
“Yeah firecracker?” Qrow had his cutlery poised in the air, uncertain on where to start.
“If you want to make it up to dad, I know the perfect gift you can get him.”
As he placed the dirty mixing bowl in the sink, Tai snorted softly. Oh, this oughta be good.
“Yeah?” His husband arched a skeptic eyebrow. “What’s that?”
She cleared her throat and straightened up her shoulders like a businesswoman about to give a rousing proposal. “Well, I heard, and this is just you know from the people in the know, you know? But I heard the Battle Expansion pack for Grimm Raider’s 2 hit the shelves this week.”
“Uh-huh.” Qrow was trying to keep a straight face. “And Tai would want that?”
“Yes!” Ruby jumped in with certainty. “Because what better gift for a dad than the joy on his children’s faces?”
In perfect sync, both girls placed their fingers on the ends of their mouths and pulled them upwards into big smiles.
Tai was full-blown laughing now. Little weasels!
“Been planning that one awhile now, haven’t you?” Qrow said, not fooled in the slightest.
Yang gasped in mock-offense, placing her hand to her chest. “Uncle are you accusing me of taking advantage of your forgetfulness for my own gain? Can you believe this Ruby?”
“But, didn’t we plan it?” She stage-whispered.
“Sssh, he’s not supposed to know that!”
Before this clown show could go on any further, Tai decided to interject, “Alright, alright, that’s enough you two.” He dropped the rest of the dishes in to be soaked before rounding back to the table. “You know what would bring me great joy today? You two finishing your breakfast and getting ready for school.” He reached out to messily ruffle their hair, enjoying their cries of annoyance and futile swats. “And anyways, you uncle gives me the greatest gift every day.”
“What’s that?” Ruby asked.
Tai met rusty red eyes across the table. “His love.”
Qrow flushed a rosy pink, looking away with a smile. It was adorable, the way simple little things like that could still make him so bashful.
Yang looked between them. “Well, you could have that and the battle expansion pack.”
“Nice try.”
The rest of breakfast went without preamble, Tai shooing the girls off to get ready while he took care of the dishes. It really could have been just like any other morning. The fact it wasn’t supposed to be lingered like a thorn in the back of his head that he did his best to ignore.
Another plate was placed on the counter, and he reached for it without thought, only to have his hand caught by a paler one. Fingers threaded through his own as Qrow’s arm came around his waist, his body melding against his side.
“Dinner? My treat?” He offered, gentle like the mouse that tried to pull the thorn from the lion’s paw.
Tai pressed their foreheads together, murmuring, “I’d like that.”
Signal’s campus was pretty barren so early in the morning. While the faculty members were slowly making their way to their classrooms to get ready for the day, the halls wouldn’t be filled with the bustle and yells of the students for another half hour or so. Qrow had come to appreciate the quiet and calm, because he knew once the bell rang, it would be eight solid hours of chaos.
As they headed through the front doors, Yang sped ahead, waving as she did. “I’m heading to the training gym! Bye!”
“Ah, Yang-” Tai started to object, but she was already cutting around the corner. “Annnd there she goes.” His attention turned downward when his other daughter yanked at his wrist. “Yes Ruby?”
“Can I go to the library today?” She asked hopefully.
“You don’t want to help your old man set up?”
Qrow casually stuffed his hands in his pockets. “Ah, let her go. Kiddo’s got a big brain that needs feeding, ain’t that right?” He winked her way, making her giggle.
“Alright, go on then.” Tai nudged her forward. “And stay in the kids’ section, okay?”
“I will!” Ruby promised before scurrying off.
They headed in the opposite direction, towards their classrooms. Qrow side-eyed the man he’d had the pleasure of calling his husband for three years now. “So, where do you want to go tonight?”
“You even have to ask?” Tai teased.
“Well, maybe you were feeling creative for once.” He jabbed back, dodging away when the other tried to push him.
“Don’t make it sound like you don’t love Sarubia’s.”
Of course he did. While they’d both settled readily in Patch’s more remote, country-like society, and there was much Qrow especially hadn’t minded leaving behind, there were still occasions in which they missed Anima. So, Sarubia’s more eastern inspired menu was like a little taste of home for both of them.
“Guess I can’t argue.” He shrugged, their pace slowing as they approached Tai’s classroom. His heart rate started to pick up. “You know, it’s funny.  I was thinking about Anima just the other day.”
“Oh?” Tai’s keys jangled as he tried to unlock the door.
He rocked on his heels. “Yeah. I was thinking how nice it would be to bring a piece of it back home.”
“Heh, like what?” The door opened and Tai flipped on the lights. He took one step inside.
Then froze.
He swallowed down his nerves. “Perhaps, maybe, some Firelight Sunflowers?”
In the space between Tai’s body and where his arm was extended, hand not having left the doorknob yet, Qrow was proud to see the three sunflower saplings hadn’t wilted entirely overnight. Despite their droopiness, they were still thriving enough to see the curling, yellow petal tips that transitioned into a vibrant display of red that took up the majority of the bloom and gave them their name.
“Oh, Qrow.” Tai breathed. “You…” He trailed off, too overcome to find the words.
A relieved sigh left him as the tension Qrow’d felt the entire morning leading up to this moment flowed off of himself all at once. Between the knowledge that pretending to forget yet again could go horrendously wrong and the uncertainty whether the gift was even meaningful enough to warrant it, he’d barely been able to hold it together. Saying nothing of the weeks he’d spent nurturing the plants in secrecy or the bribery he had to give his nieces to ensure they’d be alone this morning.
Yet, any doubts he may have had were washed away by his husband’s response. The way Tai said his name was with such love, that Qrow felt it in his own heart and it burst back out of him in soft words: “Happy anniversary, sunshine.”
He finally moved, turning to face him. “I-I can’t believe - How did you find them?”
“That last mission I went on took me through lower Anima. I uh, may have detoured a bit.”
It hadn’t been any small challenge to find the specific species. They were an extremely rare variety which only grew in the southern meadows of Anima. He’d never actually seen them before, as the tribe never migrated that far down, but he knew they could be found only miles away from a little, obscure settlement known as Shén-Guāng. The community there was founded on extremely strict and religious practices, whose citizens’ bowed to the teachings of the God of Light and gripped so tightly onto every inch of its populace’s way of life, that even just hearing about it left Qrow feeling stir crazy.
The only reason he even knew of the little town at all was because when Tai was feeling particularly nostalgic, he’d sometimes share outlandish tales about his childhood. The one he never quite forgot was the story he’d told him during their second year at Beacon.
(“For my last test, Master Jinsei put a blindfold around my eyes. His semblance was the ability to tie an undoable knot – so there was no getting it off. He told me to use all the skills I had learned to go out and bring back a Firelight Sunflower.”
“A flower? You’re kidding right?”
“Don’t make it sound so easy. It was December. They weren’t even in bloom yet.”
“Oh, come off it. Now you really are making things up.”
“I’m not! The lesson isn’t just to find a flower blind. It’s about staying aware of your surroundings. Listening to the wildlife that will tell you of predators and Grimm. Having patience and fortitude through the winter. Most people give up a few days in.”
“So why didn’t you?”
“Because only those who pass that test are allowed to leave the village. You know, they say sunflowers mean all sorts of things. Like happiness or loyalty. But to me, I’ve always seen them as a symbol of freedom. So, when I finally brought one back, that’s what I felt I held in my hand.”
“… Yeah. Okay. I get that. Still, why put yourself through all that? Why not just go out on your own?”
“Hah! Maybe I would have, if I knew someone like you back then.”
“Well, you know me now. Was it worth it?”
Tai’s smile-)
-was bright and warm, and left Qrow’s knees feeling weak. His hand was calloused from training and work in the garden, yet the touch remained tender as it cupped his cheek. As they lent in towards one another, Tai whispered against his lips, “I love you.”
“Me too.” He whispered back.
Their eyes slipped shut as they kissed, and as an arm encircled his waist, Qrow rose his own to wind around Tai’s shoulders, one hand leafing through the short blond hairs along the back of his head. For a moment, that’s all they were: A soft and gentle caress of lips contrasting the strength in the way they held each other, neither ever intending to let go.
Even when they pulled back, they didn’t fully loosen their grip. Tai dropped a smaller, affectionate peck on the tip of his nose. “Thank you.”
“Glad you like them.” He peered over his husband’s shoulder, seeing a petal falling onto the desk. “Though, sorry they look kinda pathetic. Don’t exactly have your green thumb.”
With unshakeable certainty, he replied, “No. They’re perfect. Like you.”
“Uh.” Qrow spared the dying flowers a judgmental eye. “You know, you’re not usually this bad at compliments.”
“Ut-! Haha, sorry, sorry. Not what I meant!” He could feel the rumble of Tai’s laughter where their chests still touched. “It’s just, do you know what love and flowers have in common?”
“…Lovers’ Day?”
Tai shook his head. “They both regrow.” He reached up, cupping his hand around the one Qrow had rested on his collar, brushing a thumb over his wedding ring. “And though it takes a lot of work, with the right nurturing and care, eventually something strong and beautiful will blossom.”
Shock left his eyes widening and his jaw slackening.
When he’d chosen to plant three of the sunflowers, it was only because it was the same number of years as their anniversary. Now though, the other third he was in Tai’s life danced briefly through his head. On his worst days, the ones where he felt his most insecure, it was a fact that tormented him like a plague left to fester in his mind and was only treatable with a heavy dose of reassurance and comfort from his husband. But today, Tai’s words acted like a vaccine, abolishing the thoughts before they even could be.
Instead, Qrow was content and so light, he swore he could fly without wings. But more than that, he felt like he was falling in love all over again.
He buried his face into Tai’s neck, hiding the smile that he just knew was ridiculously large and goofy. “You know what? You’re right. But I’ll do you one better. We’re perfect.”
Tai’s fingers threaded through his own. “Yeah. We really are.”
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jiminisjamin · 5 years
~ Dairily Beloved Part One ~
 Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
AU: Snow White
Rating: Fluff + Bits of Crack
Warnings for Chapter: Minor language.
Title: Whistle While You Work
Word Count: 2,127
  Y/n smiles as she follows her friend into Wicked Sweets, the newly popular bakery that had been springing up everywhere in the news. Every critic, blogger, youtuber, new reporter and young girl was talking about this bakery. The reason varies from person to person- their desserts were supposedly to die for- but the man who makes them seems to hit every spotlight, no matter who is talking about it. Although most praised him for his talents, there were other reasons people claimed to love him. “Wicked Sweets has enough options to satisfy any sweet tooth- along with some nice eye candy to give you wicked thoughts.” That particular line had been said by one of her close friends- and the reason she was here in the first place. She wanted to see the baker- Kim Seokjin- while y/n was here for support, and maybe to try a dessert if she found something she liked.
Somehow, even with the spotlight following him, there were no pictures of what Kim Seokjin looked like. No social media, no pictures from news reporters- he was only rumored to be attractive by the girls that had been lucky enough to see him. That made a lot of people even more curious: was he really attractive, or was it all rumors to hype up the place even more and prolong it’s time in the spotlight?
When y/n steps up to the counter her eyes raise and meet a kind, chocolatey brown gaze. The man smiles down at her, his eyes crinkling slightly. “Hi,” his voice is smooth and he tilts his head, his bubblegum pink hair shifting and covering his eyes a bit. “Do you know what you want?” Her friend exhales- rather loudly- as she slaps y/n’s back.
“I’m gonna find us a seat,” she mutters, “you, uh, you order something for me, anything really it all looks…really…really sweet,” she turns, her face bright red as she scurries off to a corner seat, burying her face in her phone.
“Oh…” Y/n’s cheeks tinge pink now as she turns back and meets the man’s intense gaze as his lips tilt up in amusement.
“She seems nice,” he hums, propping his elbow on the counter and resting his chin in the palm of his hand, tilting his head as his eyes sparkle. “Do you have any idea what you want? Ever been here before?” Y/n shakes her head, frowning as she cranes her neck and leans back to look at the display case.
“No, I’m just here because my friend- well, my friend heard about this place. There’s apparently a really attractive baker here? I don’t know, she wanted to talk to him or something.” Y/n frowns, her eyes landing on her friend who is slumped down in a booth across the room. “I don’t know why she ran off like that. Maybe she saw him in the kitchen?” The man smiles and his head tilts the opposite direction.
“Ah,” he murmurs, standing up straight as his smile shifts slightly, his eyes dropping to the floor and raking up y/n’s body quickly. “Mh… I’ve heard about him,” he hums, tilting his head again as he walks along the display case on the other side, motioning her to walk to the end. “Since there’s no line, I’ll help you decide.” He murmurs. “You just happened to hit the one hour we aren’t busy.” He blinks a few times and lets out a soft sigh. “It’s been packed since that article came out.”
“Which one?” Y/n asks, “there’s like, fifty.” The man’s eyes widen slightly.
“No?” He whispers, covering his face. “That’s insane, I…” He sighs, his hands dropping back to his side.
“You must be upset at the baker,” she murmurs, “it must be really hard to work with all the customers.” The man tilts his head, giving her an amused smile before he nods.
“It’s a lot of work.” He pauses, licking his lips in thought before shrugging and pointing down. “If you have any questions…”
“Oh, right! Sorry,” y/n blushes slightly and looks down. “Uh…what’s your best seller?”
“Some people like our apple-cinnamon cupcakes…uh, there’s apple pie? Chocolate cake, more cupcakes…people don’t really care what they order, they just all try to see m-” Y/n tilts her head and he coughs slightly, hitting his chest with a closed fist grabbing his shirt collar, lifting it to cover his mouth as tears prick to corner of his eyes. They crinkle again and she can barely see his face shift, his expression brightening slightly as he suppresses a laugh and drops his shirt. “My co-worker,” he murmurs. “They all just want to see him.”
“Hm,” she frowns. “Honestly, if I were here, I mean- you’re pretty cute,” she shrugs, blushing slightly, “I haven’t seen this baker- Kim Seok- Kim, Kim…” She frowns slightly. “Kim Seok-something, whatever his name is, but I mean, he can’t be more attractive than you.” The man cocks an eyebrow and leans over the glass case.
“How’s that?” He whispers, his gaze dropping to linger on her mouth as she speaks.
“I- uh, I mean, you’re…you’re pretty much…the most attractive man I’ve seen,” she laughs, waving her hand as she steps away. “You know what? Just, just pick something for the two of us. Here’s my card, just uh, just run it. I’m trusting you not to do anything shady,” she points her finger at him and narrows her eyes, sputtering when he cocks his eyebrow again and his tongue darts out and swipes across his bottom lip.
“Oh?” Y/n stumbles backwards, an awkward laugh falling past her lips.
“Yeah, just, anything, two things- one for me, one for her. Uh, thank you…bye.” Y/n turns on her heels and practically flies over to the corner her friend chose, sliding into the booth on the opposite side and pressing herself into the wall, covering her own face.
“Oh no,” her friend whispers, “what happened? Where’s our food? Where’s your card?” Y/n bites her lip and nods towards the register.
“I embarrassed myself in front of the cashier,” she whispers, “so I gave him my card and told him to pick for us.”
“You what?” Her friend scoffs, her jaw dropping open slightly. “Y/n, you know-” Her voice stops when the man stops at their table, setting down two plates and sliding into the booth next to y/n, tapping her shoulder and tilting his head.
“Miss,” he murmurs, holding the card between his thumb and forefinger and tapping it against her temple lightly. “I’m assuming you want your card back,” y/n’s shoulders shoot up as she nods, dropping her hands to her lap before raising one to take the card from him. Their eyes briefly meet and he tilts his head the other direction, his hand reaching toward her when she takes the card and grabbing a strand of her hair gently, pushing it back behind her ear. “You’re very pretty,” he murmurs, a soft smile gracing his features. Y/n grins.
“You’re sweet,” she replies, looking away as he chuckles, sliding away to give her room. “Name?” Y/n blurts out, her cheeks heating up more as he raises his eyebrows at her.
“Uh- um, I was wondering what your name was?” Y/n’s friend sputters slightly and he glances over at her, eyes wide.
“What’s yours?” He asks, his gaze moving away from them as he shifts nervously.
“Oh, well, I’m-” he’s interrupted by a loud clattering coming from the kitchen and a slew of curses and his eyes widen. “Oh, no, I’ll be right back, enjoy your dessert y/n,” he turns quickly and runs over to the kitchen, the swinging doors slamming shut behind him.
“He’s cute,” y/n murmurs, picking up her fork and stabbing at the cake as she blushes. “I wonder where they find these people,” she hums, “first, the chef- who I doubt is any better looking than him, and now…just the cashier?” She shakes her head, not noticing the incredulous look her friend gives her.
“Someone has a crush, you sure you don’t want to go back there and help him clean up? Spend some time with him,” she teases, winking as she motions over to the doors he’d disappeared behind.
Y/n frowns at this, shaking her head as she takes a bite of the pie. “You’re ridiculous,” she mumbles, staring at the kitchen doors and willing the pink-haired man to come back out and continue talking to her. “I wonder what even happened,” she whispers, leaning her chin in her hand as she chews slowly, setting her fork back down and sighing.
 By the time they finished their desserts, he still hadn’t come back out and y/n stomach was in knots. “Maybe I could…go knock?”
“Y/n, god, no. I was joking.” Her friend covers her face. “Don’t bother them, they’re probably working.”
“I…I just want to say bye, there’s nothing wrong with that.” Y/n mumbles, moving over towards the counter. “Hello?” She calls out, “uh, guy with pink hair?” She curses softly, “I never got your name?” Y/n’s friend stomps slightly behind her, covering her face as she groans. “Uh…” Embarrassment settles in the pit over her stomach and she clears her throat, turning around. “Right…well then.” She turns just as the doors open slightly and he peeks out.
“Wait! Y/n,” she turns, frowning when his face is barely visible from behind the door.
“What are you doing?” She mumbles, “why are you like…covered in powder?”
“It’s flour,” he corrects, “and I uh, I spilled some on accident.”
“Uh, I was cleaning up something else and tripped,” the words rush past his lips and he smiles. “I would come out but I don’t want to get flour everywhere. Would you mind…there’s a pen there, and some paper.” A blush creeps up the back of his neck and his smile turns shy as his voice grows softer, “would you leave your number for me?” Y/n’s heart jumps in her throat and she grabs the pen, quickly writing her name and number down.
“So, are you ever gonna give me your name, or…?” He licks his lips, his smile growing larger as he laughs.
“How about you make one for me, sugar?” Y/n rolls her eyes.
“Sure thing, flour boy.” He grins, shifting slightly as his hand grips the edge of the door.
“If I could come out I would,” he replies, eyeing the paper as if it was going to grow two legs and run away. Y/n smiles slightly, holding the paper and walking over, holding it out to him.
“Here,” he takes the paper from her hand and smiles.
“I’ll definitely be using this,” he murmurs, “hopefully it’s okay to text you as soon as I get off?” Y/n blushes again, only turning away when her friend coughs and clears her throat.
“Oh…yeah, that’s more than okay. I have to go now,” she takes a few steps from the door and turns back around, holding her hand up and waving. “It’s nice to meet you. Maybe if we talk enough you’ll give me your actual name.” He smiles.
“You could just keep making names for me, I think I like those better.” Y/n rolls her eyes but laughs, pausing at the door of the bakery. “Bye,” she says.
“Goodbye, y/n.”
 When the doors close behind her, he turns back around, walking back into the kitchen and mumbling to himself as he puts the paper in his pocket and continues mixing the batter, eyeing his friend in the corner.
“Are you just planning on never telling her your name?” He asks, tilting his head. “She’s gonna find out eventually. Whether she figures it out on her own, or she’s here while there’s other customers- she’ll find out. You can’t just keep your name from her forever, Jin.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” he replies, rolling his shoulders and adding a cup of sugar to the batter. “I’ll tell her later, Namjoon, I promise.” He smiles to himself, humming slightly as he tilts his head. “How did you even knock over the batter I was working on? I put it in the middle of the counter.”
“This isn’t about me!” Namjoon exclaims, “you can’t just change the topic like that.” Jin grins and shrugs.
“Sure, sure. Whatever you say, buddy.” Namjoon rolls his eyes and stands up, stretching slightly.
“I’m gonna go sweep or wipe down tables or something.”
“Okay, try not to break anything.” Jin sighs when the doors swing open, his lips weaving a soft melody as he continues adding to and mixing the batter, tilting his head as a face pops into his head and a name spills from his lips, his heart jumping slightly at the feel of the paper in his pocket.
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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I wasn’t quite asleep yet, and the swirling night wind smelled like smoke.
It was too warm on our back porch for my sleeping bag, so I was laying on a foamie with Muppet nuzzled into my bare chest while the shadows deepened around us. Paisley had been working on her desserts for hours now, stressed and playing Workaholics in the background, and through the open windows I could hear those fictional stoners up to their typical shenanigans. I was sunburnt and half-drunk, feeling satisfied with our summer life and ready for slumber. We’d been in Nelson for over a year now, and I was really starting to feel like this was becoming my real, true home. A refuge from the rest of the world. 
The back door banged open, and Muppet jumped to attention in alarm. Paisley was cradling her open laptop, and she thrust it in my direction.
“There’s like a huge forest fire on the other side of the big orange bridge, everyone’s posting about it on Facebook,” she said.
“Look, see? You can actually see it from here.”
I quickly clambered to my feet in my boxer shorts, a little unsteady, and squinted off into the distance. There was a diagonal stripe flickering beyond the right flank of Elephant Mountain, a mix of deep oranges and blood reds, and it seemed to be growing downhill towards the lake. The flames gave off an ominous Mordor-style glow. Pink smoke billowed above the black landscape. Right away I realized it must’ve started during the windstorm we’d reported on days earlier, which featured multiple lightning strikes. Things were getting apocalyptic around here lately. 
I took the laptop and examined the pictures that had been posted on social media, trying to will myself toward sobriety. People were in panic mode, talking about evacuation, sending out updates about road closures and successfully retrieved family members. I took a deep breath through my nostrils.
“We gotta head out there, like right now. I’ve gotta call Greg,” I said, handing back the laptop and searching for my pants.
“Are you coming?”
Paisley loved to come on assignments. Sometimes she took pictures, other times she actually suggested who I should interview or what I should pay attention to during a community event. Comp tickets were always flying at me, so I took her to free movies and free plays and free fundraisers. She worked her way into my columns as a character, and though she pretended to be embarrassed by the attention that earned her at work, I liked to think she enjoyed having this public persona. She was that Paisley, the girl from the newspaper, the Kootenay Goon’s girlfriend. She’d made a name for herself with her dessert company and her burlesque performances, and I figured one day she would end up being a YouTube chef or something like that. At the very least she would release a cook book, or start a blog. Supporting her ambitions was my favourite thing, and I liked puttering off to pick up ingredients for her on lazy Saturdays, knowing I was helping her achieve a dream. 
We stopped at the 7-11 in town before driving out to the fire, where we picked up Red Bull and Doritos. I needed something to wake me up. I wasn’t sure if the highway would be blocked off, if we’d even be able to make it all the way to the blaze, but I was determined to get as close as possible. We drove with the windows down, talking about Tolkien. We’d seen each of the three Hobbit movies together in succession, as an annual tradition, and we’d been increasingly disappointed. That being said, we still considered ourselves aspiring hobbits and spoke longingly of a future world that was a little more like the Shire. The Kootenays didn’t seem too far off that, actually, as it seemed to be full of fairy hideaways and pastoral communes. If we could make things work long term here, we figured, we could become increasingly hermit-like as the years progressed. 
“You’re my Samwise Gamgee and I’m the little Frodo, and we’re on our way to Mount Doom,’” Paisley said.
“You sure I’m not Gollum? Or maybe I want to be Boromir, since he’s my favourite character. I could even be a dwarf, maybe.”
“No, you’re Sam. You even kind of look like him, but with a beard.”
“You think I look like Sean Astin?”
“Yeah, you’re burly like him. And kind like him. And innocent.”
“I’m not fucking innocent.”
She shrugged, then leaned out her window to get a better look at where we were heading. As we rounded corners the fire came into and then back out of view. It was nearly midnight and there was no traffic, no noise, no spectacle. Just a looming threat. I couldn’t believe we hadn’t seen emergency vehicles yet, or heard choppers. Was the whole firefighter apparatus working like it was supposed to? Were people going to be losing their houses here? I clenched the steering wheel and wondered how much mayhem I could expect to encounter. That’s when I started seeing cars lined up along the side of the road, with people crowding the dark shoulder in packs. There were houses to both my left and right, and I found a place to park that had a sight-line of the burning slope. I left Paisley the keys so she could wait with the car, and she stood taking videos with her phone for social media as I hiked across the street. My main goal was to get some quotes from a resident, someone who was being menaced directly. I decided to walk up the driveway of the first property I saw, where I found a woman uncoiling a hose by a row of vehicles. 
“Excuse me, sorry to bother you. I’m a reporter with the Nelson Star, do you live here? Can we talk?”
She was an older woman, and seemed shy. She waved her arm in the direction of the backyard and told me to head back there to find her husband Bob. I took out my phone and used it as a flashlight to work my way around the side of the house, wondering for a moment about the safety of what I was doing. When I rounded the corner to the backyard I saw multiple sprinklers methodically spraying all along the perimeter of the lawn. In the middle of the grass was Bob, calmly gazing up at the conflagration. It was like he was watching a drive-in movie, one the universe had arranged just for him. There was an empty chair next to him, and once I introduced myself he invited me to sit down.
“I don’t know how they contact you in situations like this. I think they resort to going door to door,” he said. “But I haven’t heard anything yet.”
He said there was a plan for if things went truly awry, but he was hopeful the fire wouldn’t be able to make it all the way down the hill. There was a lot of wind, he said, and the firefighters were on their way. They must be. He went through all of this in a monotone, never glancing over, just staring up the hill with a muted look of dread in his eyes. The sprinklers continue to hiss and spray, creating a contrasting soundtrack to the flames’ crackling, which somehow sounded a bit like boiling water.
“Aren’t you scared right now? Like this thing could wipe out your house, your possessions? The wrong wind and it’s game over, right?”
He snorted, smiled. “That’s one of the most important things you have to learn in life, Will. There’s some things you can control, and there’s some things you just can’t no matter how hard you try.”
“That’s pretty Zen.”
He smiled, turned to me. “What, you think it’ll make a good quote?” The Kootenay Goon
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I want to be the one you write your love songs about - Part 12
Fluff series
New to the series? Part 1  
Missed the last chapter? Part 11
Comeback flashed by. It was hands down the quickest 3 months of your life. You got to experience places and activities you never thought you would in your life.  
It goes without saying, it wasn't the easiest 3 months of your life however. ARMY detectives found out your name, where you lived and also that you worked for BigHit. They found it hilarious however that you were the person behind BigHit's twitter account and you were the ones feeding them on a daily basis. They appreciated that.
At first, it was hard. You could see a fan walk up to you and didn't know whether they were going to hug you and hurl abuse in your face. 99% of the time, everyone was lovely and thanked you for making Yoongi happy. That 1%, it stayed with you a lot. It was the first time you had ever been smacked in the face but thankfully, Taehyung was there and set the 'fan' straight. When Yoongi found out, all hell broke loose and he even announced his disdain at one of the events. There hadn't been anymore slapping incidents, thank God.
But along with new fan experiences, you had the paparazzi to deal with. Good lord. Now they were a challenge. They somehow knew BTS every move and therefore, yours and Yoongi's. You are grateful for the paparazzi though as you get some amazing photos, both in a hilarious and romantic sense. As soon as you got home, you got one of them put onto a canvas. Yoongi and yourself had your arms intertwined and Yoongi was wiping some ice cream from the corner of your mouth with his thumb and the remainder of his hand resting on your jaw and he was looking at you with so much affection.
"Do you love her?" One of the paparazzi members shouted. "Yes, with all of my heart!" He answered back, beaming. That was another amazing memory that you would never forget.
You and the other members grew closer. You beat Jungkook in bowling and you will never let him live it down. It wasn't just any bowling, it was roller disco bowling. Considering he was supposed to be the golden maknae, he was shocking at rollerblading. Taehyung and yourself went to a museum when the others didn't want too. You didn't want to either but he had really supported yours and Yoongi's relationship and you wanted to show him you were grateful. You actually enjoyed it and dragged Yoongi to go with you the next day. Jin wanted to snap your hand off every time you came in with coffee and cake, it was just like back home but this time, your cake was homemade in your hotel apartment and he lived for it. "You're a better chef than me" he would always say. You even baked all of the cakes and patisseries with him for the comeback afterparty.. Even though you specifically said no alcohol in the desserts, Jin didn't care. Your and Jimin's relationship had always been very strong but getting to know him for who he truly was made you value him even more. He was a lot more nervous and timid than you ever thought and you felt like his big sister and would help him as much as possible. Namjoon and Hoseok liked to tease yours and Yoongi's relationship so you decided to get even.. What happens in Asia, stays in Asia.
The memories with you and Yoongi were the most special though. You finally got to listen to the songs he wrote about you. Ones that were full of heart ache, unreciprocated love, the fear of losing you, falling in love with his best friend but also joyous ones of falling love with his best friend, finding out that his love was reciprocated all along and overall being in love. You laughed, smiled, cried, wanted to hold him, wanted to shake him and wanted to kiss him all at the same time whilst listening to the album when it was released.
Every member had their eyes darting you as you were listening to their songs, wanting to know everything that you thought about it. But it was always Yoongi's songs and the lyrics that he had wrote that gave you a sparkle in your eye and everyone picked up on it.  
You and Yoongi also had some rather 'special' adventures of your own. You had no idea whether it was because you weren't in Korea or the fact you were with him constantly but you had sex.. A lot. In many different places. You had sex in the dressing rooms, concert hall seats, back of taxis, other member's beds.. Many times.  
But even if that hadn't happened, you would have been grateful to have been with him and the experience truly meant something to you.  
*Present day*
"I'm so glad we're going on our first holiday Yoongi" you smiled, packing your bags with lots of summer clothes. "Sun, sea, se--" Yoongi paused. "Excuse me? What was that?" Taehyung laughed, popping his head around the door. "Sentimental times..." Yoongi gulped, feeling embarrassed.
"Y/N, I want to give you something" Taehyung said, putting his hands out as if he needed an invitation to come into the bedroom. "Come in you idiot" you giggled, walking over and grabbing his hand that was out infront. "What do you want to give me?" You asked confused, still packing your suitcase and throwing Yoongi his socks and underwear that he was adamant was going in your case.
"Um, I have all of my recording equipment in my case.. I need the other essentials in yours" he stated, throwing them back to you. "Taehyung, tell him. He's adament that he's taking all of the recording equipment for if he gets an idea. He said he wont use it during the day and only during the night if he gets an idea but you know what he's like!" You moaned, shaking your head.  
Taehyung looked at Yoongi as if he was stupid. "Yoongi, you're going on holiday for 2 weeks with Y/N.. The actual love of your life and then you're back for a week and then the process for our next comeback starts.. Seriously, spend some time with her" he demanded, trying to pull Yoongi's mic out of the suitcase. "I'll only take my keyboard and laptop, deal?" He questioned, looking in your direction. You laughed and huffed at the same time. "Deal".
"Sorry Taehyung" you gasped, realising he was waiting for you to finish your flirting with Yoongi. "This is for you" he said, giving you a black bag with pale grey tissue paper inside.
"What's this?" You asked confused, staring at the outside of the bag and not noticing any logo. "Just open it" he laughed. "Wait Taehyung.. you better not have bought me anything" you eyes rolled, knowing how much he liked to treat you. "Honestly, it was nothing Y/N. I asked Yoongi if he thought it would be okay with you and he said yes so if anything blame him" Taehyung rolled off.  
You had no idea what it could be. "I'm scared to look. What's it for?" You asked, being a baby. "Just open it!" Yoongi demanded, throwing a pair of his socks at you.  
You gasped as you peaked inside after taking out the grey paper. "WHY IS THERE A GUCCI BOX IN THIS BAG KIM TAEHYUNG?!" You screamed, feeling your heart beat. "ARE- ARE THESE THE SANDALS*?!" You asked, referring to the Gucci sliders you said you liked when you, Yoongi and Taehyung were shopping together in Tokyo.
He didn't respond. You pulled out the box and immediately dropped it when you saw it was the sliders you picked out. "KIM TAEHYUNG" you shouted, not knowing whether you were more mad or happy. You jumped on top of him giving him a huge hug.
"I am right here you know, get off my girlfriend, excuse me, TAE, seriously, Y/N, TAE!" Yoongi kept shouting as you and Taehyung were hugging on the bed and Tae pretending to kiss you and be all close. "Yoongi, chill man" he said in English, causing an eruption of laughter in the room.  
"I guess um, I'll leave you both too it?" Taehyung said, getting up and walking to the door. "Wait!" You let out, running over to him. "Why did you do this?" You asked, face blushing as you couldn't believe he had done this for you. "For this exact reaction now. Yoongi buys you things a lot, even if you tell him not too. You're like my little sister and I wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for us. This is only a small token to show how grateful I am. I'm expecting this reaction another 5 times.." He trailed off.  
Another 5 times? "THEY BETTER NOT HAVE!" You shouted, as Taehyung ran away squealing like a child. "Yoongi, have they all bought me presents?" You asked, tears filling your eyes. "Don't cry Y/N" he laughed. "They wanted to show how much they appreciate you and the thank you for everything you have done during comeback season. I would have said no if you were upset-" you cut him off. "I'm not upset Yoongi. They're like my brothers. I don't want them to feel as though they need to buy me presents". "It's not that Y/N, they truly love you like I do.. Well hopefully not in the way I do" he smiled, kissing your forehead as you sat on the bed.  
A few minutes had passed and your suitcase and hand luggage were finally ready, as was Yoongi's. "I'm ready!" You beamed, excited for your holiday. "You're not.." Yoongi stated, looking at you. "I'm only going to the airport Yoongi" you blunty mumbled, slightly miffed at the fact he was picking up on your grey sweats and oversized tshirt to travel in.
He laughed. "No, you know I love that look on you" he said matter of factly, knowing exactly what you thought he was making a dig at. "Thank you" he smiled, pulling something from inside of his wardrobe and giving it to you.  
Your eyes started to fill once more. "Who is this from?" You asked. "It's from me" he stated, eyes glistening. This time, it was in a royal blue bag. "This was Jimin's idea by the way, he thought it would be funny for you to have no idea what was inside" Yoongi explained. "Well that little bugger is going to get it when we get back" you stated, causing Yoongi to laugh.
Once more, you gasped. "Yoongi, what the hell?! I never asked for this**" you breathed heavily, pulling out a Gucci bag from the duster jacket. "I thought you could use it as your bag for the Maldives? Y/N, without your influence, we would never have had this success with our music Y/N. Not only that. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know you don't care about presents but I want to treat you." He rhymed off as if it was rehearsed.
You kissed him passionately. "I'm not kissing you because of this by the way.. It was what you said" you stated, cutting the kiss half way through. Before you knew it, the kissing turned into more than anticipated
Yoongi's phone lit up multiple times.
Namjoon: Seriously, your car is here. Hurry up and just finish already
Jimin: They may be small, but I still have ear hyung
Jungkook: Note to self: Buy your girlfriend a bag.
Taehyung: She better not be wearing the shoes
Hoseok: I'm not even home and I know what you're doing. Tell Jin to stop giving me running commentary on your sex life please.
Seokjin: And I thought she was only good at making mini patisseries..
*: https://www.gucci.com/uk/en_gb/pr/women/womens-shoes/womens-sandals/fringe-leather-horsebit-slide-p-517017C9D009110?position=4&listName=PGEU4Cols&categoryPath=Women/Womens-Shoes/Womens-Slides-Thongs
**: https://www.gucci.com/uk/en_gb/pr/men/mens-bags/mens-suitcases-duffle-bags/soft-gg-supreme-duffle-bag-with-web-p-480500K9RLT8855?position=25&listName=PGEU4Cols&categoryPath=Women/Womens-Lifestyle-Bags-Luggage
Part 13
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daniellesmithtv · 7 years
How to do Spring Break on a Budget
Spring Break is right around the corner for most of us. My children are off next week, and while our oldest gets to jet set to Costa Rica on a cultural exchange program with his school, the rest of us will be hunkering down here at home enjoying one another’s company (and by that, you know that I obviously mean we will be trying not to drive each other crazy).
I’ve got a few things up my sleeve to keep the week from dragging by, and to keep my children from falling into an electronic based stupor. These little ideas have worked in the past to keep their imaginations engaged, while also giving them a focused activity that they can do together.
We’re trying to save money so that we can enjoy a fun family vacation this summer, so most of my planned activities are cost effective. There are a few things built into the budget like a morning at the movies (We’re all chomping at the bit to see A Wrinkle in Time as it’s one of our favorite books), and and perhaps a morning at a trampoline facility to let them jump out the wiggles.
Otherwise, the plan is to stay home and relax – something most kids find to be a sort of punishment, while us grown ups see it as life’s great blessing.
So if you, like me, are looking for ways to entertain your children on their week off but don’t want to break the bank doing so, here are a few ideas to get you started:
How to do Spring Break on a Budget
1.) Build a Fort
Now if you have older children, this may not be quite as exciting as it is for the younger ones, although I will say my fourteen year old still finds great pleasure in crawling under a pile of blankets with his siblings.
If you work together as a family, you could contract a massive fort – you could make a whole fort city that stretches from the kitchen to the family room and have different rooms for different activities.
Is it a mess?
Yes, it really is.
But it will take them hours to construct, hours to enjoy, and it will create memories they will hold onto forever.
2.) Create a Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are great fun because they require your children to think outside the box. When they’re younger, you can paste pictures throughout the house and make them look for the matching pictures. At the end of the hunt have a little treat ready.
When they’re older, you can push them to think a little harder. Perhaps you include riddles that make them search around the perimeter of the house for the treasure. If they’re old enough to walk around the block, you could send them packing and see if they can find all your clues.
There are resources online for how to put together the perfect scavenger hunt to get you started. The point is, this gets your kids moving and thinking in a way that’s fun, and you’ll get a kick out of watching them try to solve the clues.
3.) Go on a Nature Walk
Head to a local park and go on a long nature walk as a family. Look for different species of birds to identify, or gather up leaves and flowers and press them into a nature book together. Make sure you take pictures to put in your nature book as well!
4.) Have a Family Bake-Off
You can create your own version of Cupcake Wars right there in your own kitchen. Or you can have a cookie bake-off, or an Iron Chef competition. If you have older children, let them do all the baking themselves and see what they come up with.
If your kids are younger, set a tray of cupcake or cookies in front of them and let them decorate them. Come up with fun prizes for the best tasting, the best looking, and the most creative. (Word to the wise, make sure you have a prize for every kid. If your kids are anything like mine, then picking one winner will result in great weeping and gnashing of teeth).
5.) Have a Movie Day
What’s more fun than closing the blinds and watching a movie in the middle of the morning? Pick out a movie everyone has been dying to see and pop up some popcorn, and all of you lounge on the floor in the middle of the day and enjoy the show together.
These are only a few ideas. I’m sure you all have many more ideas, so let us know in the comments! How do you enjoy Spring Break on a budget?
The post How to do Spring Break on a Budget appeared first on Pretty Extraordinary.
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monsterfanfic · 7 years
Chapter 03: The Weekend
"You should really come with me. Monday, classes are cancelled for the random security testing that the Dean is requiring. Besides my parents would love if you came. Shelly is already excited; she talked about you the whole while we were out shopping."  Eva nodded as Kelly spoke. The words going through one ear and out the other. Regardless of what her friend said Eva wouldn't bombard them with her presence for such a personal family event. She loves Mr. and Mrs. Griffin but this wasn't the time for "pops up". 
Besides, this weekend Eva had plans.
She hoped for them, anyways.  "No.....you guys go and enjoy yourself. I'll be fine here." "Doing what? Studying for a test that's weeks away? Sounds so exciting."  "Hey! I need this 4.0 to continue if I plan to finish at NYU. And trust me, I do."  "One weekend won't kill it, Eva." 
Looking up from her biology notes, a laugh erupted from her lips as she watched Kelly sit on the overly packed traveling bag. Their parents stayed in The Hamptons. A little over 2 hours away from their dorms. If she needed anything, she could simply plan a trip back. Or better yet wear something from her closet back home. "I'll help." Hoping down off the bed, Eva went to Kelly, allowing her friend to sit still as she tried her hardest to zip the bag completely shut. Eva knew when Kelly came back that bag of clothes would be half-empty, and the rest would be replaced with newly brought ones.  "Thanks, love." Getting off, Kelly started with packing her hygiene bag, Eva went back to her bed.  The room fell into an tensed silence. Eva could tell Kelly wanted to ask more questions. Beg for her company because regardless if Eva believes it or not, Kelly could use her company even in the mist of her family being there. She and Shelly were five years apart, leaving room for a mild difference in maturity for the sisters. Besides them catching up, Shelly and Kelly wouldn’t see much of each other, because she too had convinced friends to tag along. Giving Kelly the advantage of having someone in her corner also. In fifteen minutes Eva's mind was fired and Kelly was done with her packing. She had about twenty minutes before the car taking her home would be downstairs.
"Eva are you sure?"  "I'm positive." Eva laughed, responding again.  "You know,"  Her words were cut short. The sounds of Eva's ringtone cutting her off. She shot Kelly an apologetical look before picking up the device, seeing Nicole's motherly name flash across the screen.  "Momma. Hey."  "Eva! Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" "I'm good. How are you? How's the shop going?"  Kelly rose an eyebrow before snickering and flipping the TV on while Eva leaned back against the wall behind her.  Nicole went into a full sprint on her locally owned flower shop right on the outskirts of Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta was the one place Eva and Nicole seemed to get stable at and honestly the only reason that happened was because it was time for Eva's high school experience, and Eva begged her mom to understand that college was important to her. Eva couldn't see how she'll land herself in a commendable college without the proper years of high school.  Now that Eva's gone though, she fears that phone call when Nicole says she's moving on. Again. Eva knows her mother. It's going to happen soon.  "You should really come home this weekend Eva. Just so I can see you and see how you're really doing. Everything is moving so fast and I'm missing out on it all."  "Mom,"  "No, Eva. I'm serious. I want to see you. Maybe tonight you can get an early flight here and be back for class Monday."  "I already made plans. Kelly's parents invited me to their anniversary celebrations. I don't wanna be rude and just not show up."  The look Kelly shot Eva could've made her laugh and cringe all at the same time if it wasn’t for her mother's tearful emotions and voice. She hasn't lie to her mother in years and even then, it wasn't to this extent.  "I know, I know. But I'll see you soon. Thanksgiving break is coming up sooner than we think," Kelly laughed at Eva’s words of reassurance. It was only approaching the end September, Thanksgiving would be over a month from now.  Nicole brought it though. That's all Eva cared about. After a while, the conversation went back to normal and Eva relaxed again. Her and Nicole falling back into an easy conversation. This was the moment that Eva enjoyed. When Nicole wasn't over protective and emotional, when they were......normal. For so long Eva wanted and wished-for normality in her life. And right now, she has that feeling. It won't last long, but it's something.  "Mom, I hate to end this, but the car is downstairs." "Okay, Eva. Please call me when you get there and be safe. Tell her and her parents I said hello." "I will. I promise. Love you, Ma." "Okay. Love you too, Baby."  Then the call ended. Eva hadn't look up from her phone before pillows came flying at her. One after another until Kelly was out of options and then she was on her.  "I'm going to kill you! How dare you, bitch?"  "Girl," Eva laughed, pushing Kelly back before jumping down off her bed. "Both of you will be okay. I don't want to fly home and I don't want to hurt her feelings. So, I lied. I'm sure you've lied on me to Mrs. Patricia." "Actually," Kelly started to say, but stopped herself. They both knew the truth.  "Right." "Shut up, heffa."
Turn off your phone or don’t turn it off. Eva wasn’t sure to do. She knew turning this device off meant she would be railroaded with missed phone calls and re-run of all the same voicemails, but tonight was one night that she didn’t want to share her time with him.
Was that weird?
Eva had just meant the man, she knew nothing more than his first and last name, the type of vehicle he owed, some bedrooms and parts of his home, and that he was a “freelancer”. And while that seems to be the gist of everything. There was much to fill in. Like what’s his personality? So far, she’s figured him out as unpredictable. Whenever he’s in his head Tonio is cold, closed off. When she says his name, he brings himself out of that funk.
Nonetheless, he invited her out to dinner. Eva didn’t know if he was serious by saying she would be paying him back, but it was worth the time. The time wouldn’t be wasted. Not in her mind.
Fifteen minutes.
Eva pressed down on the on/off button until she saw the words Samsung Note 5 appear on the black screen. She dropped it in Kelly’s adorable Loewe Designer Pink Elephant Mini Bag. The pretty pink bag matched her pink bomber jacket which she paired with a pair of black ripped jeans and a simple matching cotton Fashion Nova black blouse. The last choice to be made was which shoes and the only options she was giving herself was thigh high boots or either combat boots.
Five minutes were left and quickly she flopped down on the bed, pulling up each of the four-inch heel boots up.
By the time Eva finished, time was up and she was working on being three minutes behind. Pulling on the jacket, she locked the door behind her, dropping her keys down in the bag. Outside, Tonio stood against the hood of his truck, once again, his eyes pierced to her the second she stepped out the door. Dramatically he looked down at the watch on his wrist, then back to her.
“Once again, Eva. 5 minutes.”
“I was on the phone with my mother at the time.”
Tonio rose an eyebrow, approaching her, his facial expression letting her know she that either he wasn’t buying it or she was a horrible liar.
“I’ll give you that.” He opened his arms for hug and Eva happily-complied, a smile playing on her lips as she wrapped her arms around his muscular frame. He smelled of his signature cologne, one Eva hadn’t figured out, but whatever it was, she hoped he didn’t stop wearing it. Not long as they’re together.
They let each other go for him to open the truck’s passenger door and then off to the driver side for himself. Eva tried to settle the butterflies in her stomach as he pulled out of the three parks and back into the rode of Manhattan.
“So, what do you have a taste for?” Tonio looked over his shoulder before switching lanes and moving the G Wagon truck with ease through the crowds of people.
“I don’t really care.”
Tonio looked at Eva, leaning back in his seat as he took lead in the passing lane, driving in some familiar direction, obviously not needing to ask that question in Eva’s mind.
“You sound uncertain.”
“I am, I suppose,” Eva laughed at herself, shaking her head in disbelief. “It’s just that if I wasn’t here I’ll be eating Ramen noodles, so anything is an upgrade from that.”
“Why noodles?”
“Because that’s all we keep in the dorm. Well that and some esnacks. Besides, they only cost like a dollar or something for a 5 pack. I could eat those for the rest of my life if push comes to shove.”
Tonio cuts his eyes to her, slowing down for on-coming truck.
“Have you ever had them before?”
“Maybe as a young child. And I don’t plan on being reminded. So, please give me an idea of somewhere to eat.”
“I don’t care…anywhere you go will be fine.”
Nodding, Eva saw a hint of a smile trace his lips before, he made a turned and she saw they were heading into the city.
“That’s better.”
Tonio had his truck valet parked as he grabbed Eva’s hand to enter a small, yet obviously popular place. Eva had never been before, she’s heard of it. Mozzri’s.
There was no line, but this kind of restaurant called for invitations and reservations; no walk ins. Like them. It was Italian styled and served, Eva remembered the name from other students talking around in classes and campus.
"Do you have a reservation?" The question came from the hostess standing at the front door, looking down at a black book filled of names of reservations. "No." "Oh, I'm sorry. We're completely booked for the rest of the week."  "Look, how about you go tell your head chef East sends his regards."  Eva looked up at Tonio, raising an eyebrow, but he ignored her expression. She tugged on the hand which squeezes her, but still nothing. It took the waiter nothing short of two minutes to come back with and grab two menus.  "Sorry for the misunderstanding. It looks as if we have a table open for you two after all. Follow me." "I figured." Eva's body followed behind the host first, Tonio's hand pressed firmly to the lower part of her back as they moved around ones already sitting. Hopefully no one heard that exchange. Even Eva didn't understand what had just happened. The lone word or better yet name; East got them a seat without an blink of an eye.  The name was the one Martin referred to him as.  The one he has tattooed across his hand along with an RIP tattoo to an fellow friend or family member.  The name that he kept himself from telling her, yet knows that Eva knew of it because she was there. Eva could only figure out that the name obviously was taken serious. Something she didn't know how to response to just yet.  "Do you guys know what you want to drink?"  "Yes, a bottle of Brignac Brut Rose."  Eva took this as her queue to occupy herself with reading the menu, drinking the water or something naturally distracting. The young man waited for a second his eyes on her as if he was hesitating on asking, but eventually walked away to retrieve the drink of choice.  Eva couldn't hold back anymore and East seemed to be counting down for the moment.  "How?"  "How what, Eva?"  "How? This place is so difficult to get a reservation, let alone walk in and have a table like that. So, how?"  "I called in a favor to an old friend, he knew I would be here eventually."  "But you asked me,"  "Yeah, I did. I'm good at reading people. You included, Eva. So, while I figured I would ask and see if you had a particular taste. I knew if you didn't, we had a choice. This was that choice, sweetheart." Somewhere there was an switch because an waiter brought out the bottle of champagne, where Eva realized it was the famous Ace of Spades champagne. She knew from rappers and Kelly's experiences that the champagne would be the buck of their bill. Tonio took over the untwisting the second he placed the bottle down, filling Eva's glass to the rim first.  "Are you ready to order?"  "Yes, well," Tonio said, his eyes were on Eva. He was allowing her the chance to choose the dinner. She rose a perfectly arched eyebrow at him, an sense of an attitude spreading across her face causing him to laughed.
"The chef's tasting plates." He finished with. Putting the cap back on firmly. "His or Hers?"  "Neither."  Then they were alone again. "And that?"  "What, Eva?"  "His or her’s plates?"  "I rather the chefs not know which one is mine." "Why not?"  "Could be poisoned."  Eva laughed, the words being the last thing she expected to come from his lips. Why would someone try to harm him? She hadn't seen nothing harmful come from his end. Besides his attitude. "Tonio......" "I told you."  "You're pretty paranoid huh?" "Merely curious about what could happen. Don't trust anyone. You haven't learned that for yourself?"  "Don't you want me to trust you, East?" Eva asked, testing the waters then. He shook his head, taking the glass to his lips. Not an inch of amusement or carelessness crossing his facial features. "Don't call me that, Eva," Yep…….. "And no, sweetheart. I never asked for your trust. Just to have dinner with me."  Dinner is a four-course meal. Consisting of steak, shrimp, and roasted potatoes for the entree, salads, bread sticks, and then chocolate and strawberry deserts. Tonio has made sure to keep their flute glasses full of the champagne. The conversations have smoothly transitioned without much problem. Surprisingly they stayed on the topic of Kelly, Eva guessed the fact that Tonio brought up trust, opening the door for her friend’s credibility to be questioned. briefly Professor Martin; Eva tempted to question what he could want with her professor. But refrained from it.  "You have a big family back in Atlanta?" Tonio asked, leaning back in his seat as fingers twirled the spoon.  He hasn't touched much of his food, hadn't even drunk much of his drink. He's filling hers every chance instead.  "No," Eva laughed at the thought. Family? Big? Yeah, if big is her and her mother. "It's always been just me and my mother." "What happened to your father?"  "He was killed when I was a new born. I had an older brother named Nick but he went missing one summer and hasn't been much word of anything since. My mother believes he’s still around. I……don’t know, at this point, honestly. Maybe so. My mother is paranoid of everything because of it."  Tonio eyes stunk to her, nodding once she finished her statement. Eva didn't know if she was laying too much on him. It was only there first dinner together and she was already telling the man her life issues.  "What about you? Do you have silbings? A big family?"  "Yeah, I have a big family, most of us aren't blood related though."  Eva frowned, before nodding as understanding took over. She hears the saying a lot especially back home.  Not all family is blood related.  "Your check." The waiter sat down the black check book, Eva's nosiness taking over some as she took a look. A surprised gasp escaping from her lips as she took in the amount. Antonio laughed, pulling out a few big bills before closing them inside with the check.  "I could've eaten a like a year off that amount."  "Probably three if you stuck to your noodles, sweetheart."  "Why is it so expensive, seriously? I can cook. I'm great, matter of fact. I could've," Eva stopped herself shortly afterwards. His words from earlier about not trusting other people lingering in her head as well as the fact she barely knew this man. Why would she be cooking for him?  "Well, it was tasty, right? Even your chocolate strawberry desert? You seem to like chocolates. So, again, did you enjoy it?" "Yeah......"  "Good," He refilled her glass, draining the bottle of its peachy smooth alcohol. "We all deserve to indulge sometimes, Eva. Even you."  "Yeah? Well thank you. Again." She picked her glass, taking it to her lip as her hazel brown eyes settled on him. "You really showed out with the champagne though, Tonio. If I didn't know any better I'll think you was trying to get me drunk."  "Now why I do that?" "I don't know. I don't know much about you to be honest."  "All you have to do is ask. I'm the only one who can give you the real answers." Eva laughed at his words, sitting down her glass.  "How old are you?"  "29, you?"  "I'm 20, but I'm supposed to be asking you questions. You know me pretty well, Tonio."  "I don't know everything. You didn't tell me what you were studying in school." "Nursing, I'm going for my RN license. Are you from East Harlem?"  "Yes..." He narrowed his eyes to her, wondering silently where the question came from. "Drink up, Eva."  "Yep, you trying to get me drunk."   "No, you're alert, sweetheart. You know everything going on."  "I do......" Eva knows lust when she sees it. And right now, it's written all over Tonio’s face. "I'm young, Tonio. Not naive."  "I know, Eva,” His long finger trailing the edge of his glass.
“Is that invitation?”
Tender kisses align Eva's neck and upper shoulders. Her thighs tighten around his hips feeling the hardness of his stomach and toned body against hers.  It shouldn't have gone this far. She knew it. East probably knew it. But the second they were through his front door, that electric charge was there and it spread down to her middle, making her body loosen and her vagina wet in excitement.
Soon her clothes and ability to think about what was going on were out the way. "Antonio," It was the first time she had ever used his first name. Her soft hands trailing down his naked back, outlining the many tattoos of his body. He was so structured and divine. It almost scared her.  "Less thinking, baby. More feeling."  Then his body slipped out of her grasp and his head was in between her legs.  His tongue separating her lower lips, licking at her most intimate spot. Her nails rubbed at the scalp of his head, as her bottom lip found it place in between her teeth. Those tattooed hands of his roamed her body. From her waist to her hips. Pinning her down to the bed just to release her to find her harden nipples.  His tongue hadn't stop its exploring on her lower half. In and out. Up and down. Side to side. That's the only movement she could functionally keep track of. Tonio's low mumbles of pleasure hadn't gone ignored. Eva couldn't form words for him, but her moans were loud enough to fill that void; if there was even one. Placing a hand behind herself, Eva sat her upper half up, her eyes strictly on him as he started to suck on her clit. His soft lips placed tender kisses on her, his hands rubbing softly down her body until he was pinning one of her thighs down again. While the other hand found her pussy. Tonio smoothly slid two fingers inside her. Eva's eyes rolling back at the sensations spreading through her body. She's been sexually pleased before by a boyfriend from her high school and once from a college boy in one of her freshmen English courses.  But this? This was definitely different. Definitely more about her and her pleasure than his.  Tonio's fingers curled deep inside her, Eva's body flopping back onto the bed. His mouth found her clit, his tongue matching the speed of his fingers. Eva could feel the cream leaking out of her for him by now. Her hands toyed with her own nipples, needing to give them some kind of attention. "Tonio." Her breathless voice catching his attention. She didn't notice that Tone had left from in between her thighs. His fingers and thumb keeping her on the edge.  "You cumming, Eva." His matter-of-fact tone causing her to moan aloud in response.  She was.  "Cum for me. Show me how much you like this, Eva."  His words sent her body off. Her vagina squeezing around his fingers as her back arched off the cool silk sheets. Tonio placed kisses down her physique, sucking on each of her nipples before trailing his way down to her sweet nectar again.  Tonio grabbed a hold of her hands, his arms holding her stomach and hips as he begins his teasing again. He hadn't had his full just yet of her sweetness. Eva squirm underneath him, her moans louder until they were almost screams of pleasure as he feasted on her once again.  "Toni---fuck....please."  His mouth stayed in the same spot until she started to squirt. Eva, not ever experiencing such an intimate act before, wanted to curl up into a ball the second it happened, but his body forced her to only accept him and all he caused. Her body slightly jump from the after works of his job.  "I really want to fuck the shit out of you, Eva," Tonio said, flicking a finger across her swollen clit. "But I'll wait. Sleep, baby."
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xo-exo · 7 years
The Man Who Must Leave
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Title: The Man Who Must Leave
Member: Do Kyungsoo
Genre: Angst/ Fluff
A/N: The title as well as the story was inspired by 80′s Korean blues& rock, So I put two of the songs that I listened to while writing into the story. Enjoy!
It had been raining all day and puddles were glistening in the pale light of the street lamps when you stepped outside. You sighed, rolled your shoulders and tilted your neck to each side. Ouch. You really really deserved that 5 minute break you had allowed yourself.Who knew carrying plates and taking orders could be that exhausting? But hey, student loans didn’t pay themselves. And so you spent your days either drenched to the elbows in dishwater, your hair damp from the heat in the kitchen, or hurrying through the crowded restaurant while fighting to keep a polite smile on your face. You turned around when you heard a noise behind you, but the street was empty aside from a few waste containers.
Maybe just a cat or something, you tried to calm yourself while you took a step backwards,  eyes fixed on the shadows between the street lamps.
“Hello? Is there anybody?”, you called, immediately feeling stupid. It was probably just the rain- after all, why should there be another person in this narrow alleyway, close to 2am on a Tuesday night? Seoul wasn’t exactly a place where you had to be afraid of pickpockets or any sorts of criminals, really. Especially not within  the wealthy district of Gangnam with its shopping malls and offices.
Despite that you still felt a little paranoid, inwardly cursing because you had let the kitchen door fall shut in your back and you always needed to unlock the stupid thing to get in again
You pulled the keys from the pocket of your jeans without looking away from the alleyway. But you didn’t hear anything else, and so you closed your eyes for a moment and exhaled in relief, laughing a little at your own flurry.
When you opened your eyes again there was a hooded black figure just a few meters away from you.
You jumped back a little and screamed, the keys slipping from your fingers. The person in front of you suddenly raised his head, and you were faced with a pair of round black eyes, filled with surprise.
He pushed back the hood of his black jumper and removed his earphones, an apologetic smile on his face, while you couldn’t help but stare at him.
Your heart was still jumping, tumbling along with a mixture of ebbing fear and embarrassment.
Right. You should have known. Jina, the restaurant owner, had told you after all, just as you had signed your contract. “Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you. Some of our customers have a key for the backdoor.”
And while you were still looking for a polite way to ask: “So does this mean you’re doing something illegal, or..?” she had already continued: “As you might now, some of the big entertainment agencies are in this area, and a few of the artists started coming here while they were still trainees, and they still like to come by at the oddest hours once in a while. To avoid the commotion and to have a quiet meal they usually just sneak in through the kitchen.”
And so you were standing here, in a dark alleyway at two in the morning, across from Do Kyungsoo, who was shaking the rain from his hair, before running a hand through it to push it out of his face.
Did he walk here? By foot it would be at least 15 minutes from the SM office building, you estimated.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you”, he said, his voice even and soft.
You felt your cheeks heat in embarrassment when he kept looking at you, that warm smile still on his lips. You couldn’t help but stare back, a little mesmerized by the way the light ghosted over his face as he leaned down to pick up the keys.
“It’s fine. I’m just…” You didn’t know how to say the words ‘a little paranoid whenever it’s dark’ in Korean - so you just opted for a shrug (and maybe blushing a little bit deeper).
“Thank you”, you said when he handed you the keys, his hand feeling cold and wet from the rain. You hastily turned around to open the door, inwardly praising yourself for keeping it together. But honestly, it would have felt awkward to screech his name or ask for an autograph or anything, because he seemed so utterly normal. Well, apart from his startlingly good looks and that velvet-like voice of course, you thought as he followed you inside and shrugged his wet jacket off.
“Hyung!” He went over to greet Chanwook, the chef, whom he seemed to know quite well, judging from their familiar banter and laughing.
Meanwhile you went over to pour Kyungsoo a cup of tea, which he took from you with a quiet ‘thanks’ before dropping onto the chair by the small table in the corner of the kitchen.
During the day the room was filled with several people, shouting, damp hot air and the smell of food, but right now it was just you and Chanwook and Kyungsoo, since the last guests had already left half an hour ago. Now there was just an occasional call for some take-out chicken or ramen coming in, which meant that you could leave as soon as you had finished off doing the dishes.
So, nothing unusual. Except, that there was one of the most famous young idol singers and actors sitting at your elbow, clutching the cup of hot tea between his two hands while talking to your coworker.
Right. This wasn’t weird. At all.
So you pushed up your sleeves, engrossing yourself again in your work. You had always liked this part of your work best- the warm, soapy water on your hands, seeing the mountain of dirty pots and dishes shrink, and the old music from the radio in the shelf, hardly audible over the cracking of the static, the splashing of the water and the blustering of the fume hoods above the stoves.
“What’s your name?”, he suddenly asked. And even though these days you mostly answered with the Korean name you had picked for yourself, now you didn’t.
He repeated your name after you almost perfectly, his faint Korean accent bouncing of every syllable beautifully. Or maybe it was just his voice in general. He could have probably read a grocery list and you’d have loved it.
After a short moment of silence Kyungsoo turned towards Chanwook and the two started talking again.
Despite yourself you listened to their conversation- how was Jina doing? Had Chanwook watched that one movie he had recommended last time? How had practice been going? (You tried really hard NOT to listen at that point, but luckily Kyungsoo soon moved on from that question, so that you didn’t have to worry about hearing anything you weren’t supposed to hear.)
Then the back door opened again, and Jinho, the delivery boy entered. He greeted Kyungsoo with a smile, obviously not the least bit surprised to find the A-list celebrity lounging in his usual break-time-let’s-annoy-the-coworkers-seat. So while Chanwook and Jinho were busy packing the next round of take-out the conversation dropped.
“Again, sorry for startling you earlier on. I really didn’t mean to”, Kyungsoo said, smiling up at you sheepishly.
You couldn’t help but smile back, because honestly he could have probably hit you with a car and you would have forgiven him if he looked at you like that.
“It’s okay. I was just tired and a little out of it, you really didn’t do anything wrong.”
Silence fell again, just broken by the old song on the radio, then Kyungsoo got up and the next moment he appeared at your side, grabbing one of the dishcloths.
“What are you doing?”, you asked with a frown.
“You said you’re tired. I’m helping you to get home earlier”, he replied nonchalantly and started to dry off one of the pots.
“That’s not really”-”I love this song”, he interrupted you. “Do you know it?”
You stopped for a moment to listen, then you shook your head, while he started to first hum, then to sing along below his breath.
You didn’t want to interrupt him, so you had to quietly accept the fact that he was now helping you with the dishes.
The song was coming to an end and you were done with washing everything off, so you started to empty the sink and swipe the counter.
“I actually wanted to say hi to you a few days ago, but you were pretty busy serving tables that day.”
“You wanted to say hi?”, you repeated, more than just a little surprised as you wiped your hands dry on your jeans, mostly because you hadn’t even noticed him then. “Why?”
“To avoid running into you here at some odd hour and scaring you to death”, he smiled.
“Oh. Right. That would have been nice”, you replied in the same easy sarcastic way he had just used.
“I’m actually surprised you let me in without asking any further questions”. he said.
“Jina warned me that some celebrities might drop by, and that you have a key for the backdoor.”
“So you know who I am?”, he inquired.
“I do”, you replied, feeling yourself blush again, because well- you had walked right into that one, hadn’t you?
“Does that mean you are a fan?”, he continued, and when you looked up he was pressing his lips together, like he was trying not to laugh.
“I’m… just…don’t you want to see if Chanwook is done with your food yet?”, you asked, a little exasperated.
At that very moment Jinho, the delivery boy, popped up between you “Delivery!”, he said, and placed a take-out box and chopsticks on the counter, and you allowed yourself to relax a little, gld about the distraction. You had probably turned bright re, so it was really time for a change of topic. But apparently you were the only one to think so.
“Oh and she is definitely a fan. She has a picture of you in her wallet”, Jinho suddenly said, resting his head on your shoulder.
You turned around to hit him, but he had already ducked out of your reach.
When you turned around, Kyungsoo wasn’t even trying to hide his grin.
“Is that true?”, he asked and dropped onto the chair again.”Yeah”, you admitted a little reluctantly. “I mean, it’s a photocard, and you get them randomly..”
“But you kept it”, he said quietly, and when you looked at him there was nothing teasing in his face, just a genuine expression of delight.
“I did”, you agreed quietly.
“And you keep it in your wallet.”
“..I do.”
There was silence for a few moments, just broken by some Blues-song on the radio, while you finished cleaning up the dishes. Meanwhile Chanwook had brought over two more boxes of takeout food and a little stool, and when you were done you grabbed your box and jumped onto the counter, since your usual place was occupied. For a few minutes you ate in companionable silence (well, as silent as it can be when Koreans eat- honestly, you would never get used to those table manners). Then Kyungsoo asked you a few questions -why had you come to Seoul? How did you like it? And when did you usually work? Did you miss your family? That led to Chanwook telling you about his girlfriend and complaining about her parents- but at least their dog was cute.  Which led to Chanwook asking about Kyungsoo’s dogs, and him showing you some pictures on his phone.
You were a little reluctant to look at them, since pushing your nose into Kyungsoo’s phone seemed both a little obnoxious and like it would hurt his privacy somehow.
“Don’t you like dogs?”, Kyungsoo asked as you got up to throw the empty boxes away.
“I do. I love them. It’s just… That’s your phone. And your dogs. And this feels like cheating.”
“Cheating?”, Kyungsoo repeated, obviously a little surprised and amused.
“Ahh.. I don’t know how to… listen, I have some.. weird things on my phone. Doesn’t everybody? Eh, probably not… but.You know, that’s kind of personal? So I wouldn’t want to invade your privacy. Also, it seems unfair that I get to see those and other fans don’t.”
“You think the fans would like to see pictures of my dogs?” He sounded genuinely surprised.
You smiled. “You could upload a picture of your socks every single morning and fans would still love it.”
Kyungsoo stayed silent for a few second while you fought to suppress a yawn.
“You do think a lot, don’t you?”, he asked then, a light frown on his face.
“Your shift has been over like 20 minutes ago. You really should go home”, Chanwook interrupted before you could answer.
“What time is it?”, Kyungsoo asked, his frown deepening.
“Just short of 2am, why?”
Kyungsoo swore in perfect English, saying pretty much exactly what you had been thinking right now.
You grabbed your jacket and your bag, while he stood by the door, jacket in hand, and saying his goodbyes to Chanwook. “See you tomorrow”, you hastily called out, only realizing that it was still pouring when the first cold drops fell onto your face.
You started to run down the alleyway, Kyungsoo by your side.Where the road crossed with the main street you stopped directly under a lantern.
“Bus to catch?”, you asked him, motioning over to the bus stop at the corner.
“Airplane. And packing my stuff.”
“Oh. Better get going then.”
Your hair was already starting to stick to your face in wet strands and you shivered as some cool drops ran down your back.
“I’ll see you around?”, he asked, pushing the hood of his jacket back a little so that you could see his calm dark eyes. He seemed completely calm and emotionless, so you were surely just imagining that hopeful tone in his voice. Right? Right. But he was looking at you, still, waiting for an answer while the rain kept falling. Well, it wasn’t a question, really. Of course you would like to meet him again. Not just because he was famous- no, he was funny and handsome and- okay, get it together, girl. You smiled at him.
“I hope so.”
He nodded and turned around, and so did you, running the last 50 meters or so to the bus stop.
“Look, Sehun updated his instagram”, your friend said the next day when you met her for an early lunch at the library.
“What did he post?”
“Uhm… a pair of socks?”
“What?”, you laughed and looked up from your book.
“And some dogs. Aren’t those Kyungsoo’s? What is that even supposed to mean?”
You had a very definite idea what it was supposed to mean and you felt your cheeks heat up a little.
“Oh, he commented something below it: ‘I posted it. Now leave me alone and let me sleep, hyung’.”
Your friend chuckled. “I really want to know what this is, don’t you?”
You clicked your pen a few times. “...yah, let me see those dogs again.”
It’s nice to finally write something again :) my old master list (but I guess I’ll restructure it or delete some stuff), here you can request stuff . 
Oh, and I think liv, aka @heonseoks wanted me to tag this when I post it! ^-^
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