#i’m gonna be honest though i would really much rather u send me a message?
foxxfaggotry · 7 years
if you're not jewish it's really not cool to make circumcision jokes and it's pretty bad if the first thing that comes to your mind wrt jewish people is just circumcision
good to know, i was raised catholic, which also dictates that people are circumcised & if the fox was catholic i would have made the same joke. i think this is in response to that zootopia thing?? about nick wilde??? & circumcision is something that my friends and i frequently talk about though so it’s actually on my mind a lot, which i guess is kind of odd, but we have a lot of discussions about it. It is in my background and ex faith tradition too? Chill bruh
****to clarify though, i definitely am NOT catholic, the church is something i distance myself from, it’s cool if ur catholic & all but it has been nothing but negative & suffering & it just doesn’t work for me
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lifewithdavefarts · 3 years
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DaveFarts - Episode 1 “FartsApp” [Episode List] Since he’s a gassy nerd, Dave teases his friend Tim via WhatsApp by sending him a series of short videos of him farting.
Being gay with a fart fetish is really hard sometimes.
For me at least.
While the world is definitely getting more open-minded about homosexuality, I can’t really force it to accept this weird fetish (to be honest, all fetishes are kinda treated like taboos, regardless of the sexuality involved). I had to settle for YouTube videos or websites devoted to this whole fart-sniffing thing; not that I’m complaining: it was good to discover that so many people actually had this fetish.
Cue Dave. Well, sort of, actually. He doesn’t have a fart fetish and he’s not even gay. Dave has been my best friend since forever. Unlike me, however, he’s straight and is currently dating some (lucky) girl.
Around my age, he’s like a brother to me, and we’re actually well-known because of how much time we always spend with each other.
Dave is a great guy, a great friend, very open-minded and, dare to say it, actually quite hot.
Not surprisingly, being the brother I never had, he’s the first friend I came out to, the only one who knows about my homosexuality. Actually, it’s not like I told him… he found out on his own, in the worst possible way (for me).
During one of our nerdy game-nights, being “that one gassy friend”, Dave started to rip -as usual- tons of farts, fueled by some junk food, until he ripped one directly in my face (and boy it was amazing…). Everything went downhill from there… kinda. For some reason or another… he just accepted all at once not only my homosexuality, but also the fact that I found face-farting… hot. He just laughed about it and honestly gave me some encouraging words about my peculiar situation, proving that he’s indeed the best friend ever. Oh… and he also literally farted for me after that, in my face, letting me sniff and enjoy his amazing rips; he can also fart on command apparently: got a taste of his talent that same night.
That one, surreal night.
I still can’t believe it happened.
Felt like a confused dream. Like one of those nights where you drink too much so you don’t clearly remember what happened. But it was all true.
Dave, my best friend, was perfectly fine with me, my fetish, and all this weird stuff.
Yes: I know how lucky I am.
It’s been 4 months since he found out.
And, believe it or not, I’m getting face-farted so often that I’m almost forgetting how beautiful it feels.
Seriously: Dave simply accepted it like I’m living in someone’s crazy fetish dream and, when we’re alone, he just casually farts in my face (without me asking for it). Not always, but very often.
Surprisingly enough, despite the fact that my nose spends a lot of time brushing against his denim-covered butt, our friendship didn’t change at all though: we still hang out with the rest of our friends and generally spend a lot of time together.
Sometimes I’m so in disbelief about how easy-going he’s been with me, that I randomly ask him “You sure you’re OK with… this?” (I say, gesturing all of me), but he just smiles or rolls his eyes annoyed, tired of hearing the same question over and over again. What can I say? He’s perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality I guess, so he doesn’t have any problem with my fetish.
Sometimes though -sorry I say this- I kinda wish he did…
No, I’m definitely not complaining. That’s the best possible scenario for me, but sometimes he can get a bit too… inopportune. Dave is not really a prankster, but he loves teasing his friends, just for fun, including me.
I was in the middle of an important exam once, one of these pop-quiz thingies that make zero sense, and I felt my phone vibrate. I checked my FB private messages and all I saw was this YouTube link sent by Dave. Since I’m a fool apparently, I clicked on it, and one of those popular YouTube fart videos popped up and played, one with really loud farts. The first fart actually echoed in the room and other students glared at me: never felt so embarrassed (not including the night Dave found out about my fetish).
“Dude! Stop sending me this stuff!” I texted him. “I’m in the middle of an exam here!”
I scolded him for this, but the truth is that I couldn’t ask for a friend more open-minded than him.
The fact that he teases him with fart videos like he teases our heterosexual friends with those “shock” porn pics made me feel more… accepted.
But still… I was in the middle of an important exam so he had to stop.
And he obviously didn’t.
He sent me like 10 other links, just to annoy the sh%t out of me.
I mocked him by texting something like “Those videos are quite hard to find. Guess you’re gay too then!” but he would reply with “I had a great teacher!” and send me one of my awkward photos from Facebook.
Other times, since our friendship didn’t change a bit, he even made random references to my homosexuality or even my fart fetish when messaging me to make plans for the night (especially during the weekend). This mostly happens on WhatsApp:
Dave: “Dude, you have to come with us. Stop being a whiny little bi*ch and get up from that couch!”
Tim: “Sorry, man. I don’t think I’ll be joining you tonight…”
Dave: “You know what? If you don’t come with us… you’re gay!”
Dave: “Sorry, I mean… if you don’t come with us, you’re a fuc*ing heterosexual!
Dave: "U ride pussy, don’t you? Fuc*ing straight people!”
He was obviously being sarcastic, but I just loved how he adapted his… uhm… “humor” to my situation.
One time, however, things got a bit… hotter for me…
Dave: “Dude, come over. We have a lot to study���”
Tim: “Sorry, really can’t today. Aren’t you with Dana right now anyway?”
Dave: “I need somebody to focus with, not focus on. You know me and Dana always end up in bed after like 20 minutes.”
Dave: “It’s awesome but this stuff ain’t gonna study itself…”
Yep. Dave and his girlfriend Dana apparently had a very active sex life.
Glad he was getting laid. And Dana was pretty cool to be honest.
Tim: “Dave, sorry. Maybe tomorrow, k?”
Dave: “Dude! Come on! I’m farting like crazy today!”
Did… did he just try to “bribe” me using his farting abilities?
Dave: “Seriously. I just ripped one that was like 10 seconds long. What a waste of farts!”
Tim: “Dave… are you crazy?”
Took a couple of minutes to reply to that one, and then I got two messages at once.
Dave: “Oh yessss, Tim, crazy for youuuuuu!” he wrote, with a heart emoticon at the end (again, he’s a sassy bi*ch as usual).
I then saw that WhatsApp was loading a video sent by him, an actual video, not a link.
It was Dave, a smirk drawn on his face while staring at the camera. He was wearing a simple black shirt. The view soon moved and I saw his slightly sagging-butt in jeans sitting on a wooden chair, and then heard this big fart echoing in his living room (he was alone), rumbling loudly and hard on the wooden surface. He even turned the camera to his face while he was forcing the “classic”-sounding fart out, making funny facial expressions; indeed, the fart lasted almost 10 seconds, and I obviously loved that: biggest farts I’ve ever heard from him in awhile! It was like watching those funny fartvines on… well… Vine, but having my best friend as the funny/hot farter this time.
Dave: “Hope that convinced you…” he then texted.
I was kinda… “offended” by that last message.
I mean, yeah, I seriously wanted to be there, but I always love spending time with Dave, farts or not (that’s why we’ve been friends since… forever).
Tim: “Are you seriously using farts to buy my friendship? It’s not like I don’t want to study with you. I just can’t today!”
Was that too harsh? Should I have added a smiley face at the end?
Only thing I was sure of, is that I never thought that a sentence like that would even make sense someday.
And I was still bewildered by how Dave was so comfortable with the fact that I loved farts.
Tim: “You don’t need farts to convince me, Dave. More like… you’re making me suffer!” I joked, finally breaking the ice myself with a reference to my embarrassing fetish, proving that I indeed wanted to be there with him, enjoying those farts.
Another couple of minutes passed.
Was he making another…?
Dave: “I know you’re suffering, Tim. Don’t worry. That’s why I’m sending you this.”
Oh boy, another video. Should I play it? Was he aware that I was getting a boner from all of this?
I literally pitched a tent in my pants.
There… it’s Dave again, this time sitting on the couch. The video started with his face winking at the camera with a sly smile; the camera then moved between his legs and slowly panned towards his butt in loose jeans (he probably put his legs on the small table in front of his couch, to make his butt more visible). Now I had a rather unique (and hot -for me) view of both his butt (and part of his crotch) in jeans and his face. He grinned wildly and the fart began, ripped right in front of the phone. The sound and the views were perfect; Dave moved the camera towards his butt as the fart kept going strong, sounding like a deep trumpet; I could see the detailed blue fabric of his jeans as the funny sounds continued. What a lucky phone!
It lasted around 8 seconds and it was simply the hotness.
The video ended with Dave laughing at the camera and all went pitch black.
Tim: “You’re insane, Dave!” I joked again, enjoying how crazy he was about this. And for me I guess.
But I had to tell him.
Tim: “Dave, you do know that all of this gave me a… well…”
But as I was halfheartedly writing the second part of the message, Dave wrote more stuff.
Dave: “Then go beat your meat! I can’t do everything for you, Tim.”
Dave: “And please don’t act like this is some kind of big deal…
Dave: "Wow, Tim got a boner! How impressive!”
Dave: “Let’s all bow to Tim, the mighty guy whose penis can turn bigger!”
Dave: “Behold, the Great Tim! The guy who once had a boner and had to tell everyone!”
Further proof that Dave was being the best friend ever.
He was clearly being sarcastic; he was joking. That was his way of telling me “Nah bro, it’s all good”. And I was kinda surprised that he was so… chill about this stuff. I literally had a boner because of him and he just… didn’t care. As I said, he’s very open minded and perfectly comfortable with his own sexuality, so he didn’t have the irrational fear of “turning gay” when doing this stuff with and for me. I also appreciated that he trusted me with those funny, but otherwise embarrassing videos.
After one or two minutes, I’ve received one big audio file and I just knew what I was going to get when I clicked the triangular-shaped button to play them.
I heard Dave singing my name like he was some kind of serial killer trying to find me.
Dave: “Tim… come here…”
I then heard a series of muffled noises, as if the camera was being put under something, and it was clear what: I in fact then heard the loud, audio-glitching sound of one big fart that lasted around four seconds.
Dave: “He’s waiting for you…” he sung again in that creepy tone of voice.
Another fart, just as big as the first one.
He was on fire that day!
Now I was both laughing like an idiot and having the biggest boner.
Tim: “Dude, you’re on fire! But… to be honest, that was kinda gay…” I chuckled.
Dave: “Says the guy who gets a boner when he hears a fart. You fuc*ing hypocrite.”
He then sent yet another audio file, with him singing that meme-song “I’m gay, gay, gay, I love long big c*cks”, but slightly changing the lyrics. He even put a karaoke version of it on his computer while recording the audio file.
Dave: “You are gay, gay gay, you love long big farts. ‘cuz you’re supah-super gay, and you love big…”
Fittingly enough, a huge fart from my best friend took over the last part of the song. Loud as usual, sounding like a deep chainsaw. I could just imagine how beautiful that was. But the best part was probably the fact that he was definitely farting for me. I know, not your usual “hot sexy” scenario… more like a “sweet” one, in a very twisted way of course.
I wasn’t obviously offended by that “gay song”, since I knew that Dave was just being silly as usual and his mocking words were definitely not mean-spirited.
Tim: “Aren’t you supposed to be studying right now?” I asked.
Dave: “I don’t know, aren’t you supposed to be here right now?”
Tim: “Dude, seriously. Thank you! But I’m serious… I really can’t today.”
Dave: “Alright… alright… cya tonight faggot…” he wrote, with a heart-shaped emoticon at the end.
I just rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit, then drove my attention to my own books.
This was going to be a long afternoon. But after only one minute of silence, my phone vibrated wildly: it was Dave and he was calling me. Very unusual in that moment.
“Uhm… Dave? Hello?” I picked up.
I was greeted by a series of “Dude, sorry!” and I was really confused.
“Dave… what?”
It was just Dave being adorkable I guess.
“Dude, sorry about that 'faggot'… that was bit too much, sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
I laughed in disbelief. “Bro, it’s OK. I’m not offended. I know you didn’t want to insult me or anything…”
“No, Tim. That one word is not a joke and I shouldn’t have used it, sorry.”
I was just… wow. Dave went from “dominant friendly farter” to “adorable/awkward confused puppy” in mere seconds. Further proof that I was the luckiest guy alive (fetish or not): Dave cared so much for me that he even apologized for the “f-word”, which admittedly is a very bad word for a guy like me. But this time it was coming from Dave, my best friend, a guy who cares so much about me that he would even “censor” his language just to avoid unfortunate implications.
Ironically enough, the roles were switched, and he was the one saying a rapid-fire series of “sorry!” this time.
“Dave, quit with the apologizing. You’re the best.” I chuckled. “We’re bros, that’s what we do: we insult each other!”
“Alright… you sure? Not going to use that word ever again though.”
“Dave… it’s OK. You’re the best.”
“OK… OK. See you tonight. Take care.”
And he hang up.
He just wanted to make sure that he didn’t accidentally offend me by calling me a “fag”.
I would have been, if it wasn’t coming from Dave.
But then again, he also said that he was going to kick in the face whoever dared to insult me.
And he said that before he found out the truth about me: he’s always been quite protective.
“Oh come on!” I shouted, almost annoyed, merely five minutes later, when I heard the phone vibrate one more time.
It was Dave. Again.
He sent another video.
I tried to scoff at it but I was obviously loving all of this instead.
He was lying on the couch, the camera focusing on his butt in jeans. I could see both his face and butt, at the same time. It was like he filmed the video imagining my POV when he farted in my face, and I absolutely enjoyed that.
“Alright, Tim… Sorry for calling you a faggot.” he spoke in a “comically” serious voice. He truly was “sorry”, but it was clear that he was trying not to laugh. “I’m really, really sorry, believe me.”
Keeping a straight face, he ripped an incredibly loud, deep fart at the camera. He didn’t bat an eye, blink or smile. He eventually lost it towards the end of that 6-seconds long blast. He chuckled a bit and then turned “serious” again.
“That was a sad fart… we’re both sorry.”
He then closed his eyes and made a funny face, signing in relief as he ripped another long fart, the lucky camera slowly panning towards the seams and textures of the blue denim covering his powerful sagging butt. It lasted almost 10 seconds: truly a fart master. And those weren’t even on command!
“Oh my…” I whispered, staring in awe at the amazing video.
“This one was on the house…” he chuckled, right before turning the phone to his butt one last time and ripping a short series of toots, grinning wildly, clearly forcing those smaller farts out just for me. And that was it.
My boner was definitely wet now as bits of that well-known white substance poured from the tip of of my “standing” dick, slightly dampening my boxers and pants. It was like a volcano going to explode. A volcano that, just like me, couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom and furiously beat my meat, almost strangling my rock-hard penis with a firm grip. I didn’t last much: I literally peed sperm, thinking of Dave’s farts. The best part is that I didn’t need to imagine anything: it was all real. I laughed in relief just as I felt my penis deflating like a balloon, after it vomited its white substance. It felt good, not “masturbation good”, like “life is good”. And it was.
My best friend, Dave, was this fantastic guy who, in his own, twisted way, was taking care of me, accepting me, making me comfortable with my fart fetish. A gassy, open-minded, mildly disgusting “bro” who only wanted to preserve our friendship.
And I couldn’t be happier.
End of Episode 1
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
Congrats!!! 🥳 This is heart-of-tempered-steel sending u a large bottle of champagne to commemorate ur milestone!🍾 I was wondering if the drabble event is still going on (bc it says “requests closed”? But if it is can I get a Fred Weasley x Tsundere!Female reader with angst 14 & 24 (both are under angst) with a side order of smut 10, please?
( @heart-of-tempered-steel ) i’m going to apologise now as i don’t really know what tsundere is, i’m sorry my love!! - but i hope you like this anyway!! and thank you so so much, you’re too sweet!! 🥰❤️❤️
theweasleysredhair’s 4.6k follower event!
14. “Why aren’t you with him/her?”
24. “Hmm. So you do have feelings.”
10. “I know you can be louder than that.”
Character: Fred Weasley
Word Count: 1024
Taglist: @dreamer821 @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @mytreec @hemmoporro @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @whizbangs-78 | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever made it
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“Where’s lover boy?”
You turned around at the familiar voice, rolling your eyes as you realised it was Fred, “Well it’s none of your business, but I decided I didn’t want to be here with him anymore. Not that I really wanted to be here with him in the first place but somebody didn’t ask me so I had to go with him.”
“That somebody you’re referring to must be a bloody fool,” Fred shook his head playfully, knowing full well he was the ‘somebody’ you were referring to. He moved to stand beside you, looking out at the crowd of people who were dancing to the live band.
“Oh, he is,” you replied, crossing your arms over your chest. You looked up at him, admiring the way his ginger hair fell effortlessly, and hating how dashing he looked in his suit.
You then remembered he’d asked someone else to the Yule Ball - namely, Angelina Johnson. You weren’t mad - okay, you were a little. But you felt the anger was warranted - because whilst you weren’t with Fred, you thought he’d have asked you to the ball, especially with all the flirting that had been going on between you. But you were wrong. He’d asked her.
Your eyes flittered across the room, trying to find the girl in question, however you weren’t successful. Taking another glance over at Fred, who seemed have his gaze on you, you asked, “Why aren’t you with her?”
“Who? Angelina?”
You nodded. “She’s with her friends... and Lee and George. I asked her to go as friends, not because I fancy her, in case you were worried. Or jealous,” he teased you, nudging you playfully.
“I wasn’t worried! And I’m not jealous,” you insisted with a frown, “I just didn’t understand why you’d ask her when you’d been flirting with me. Especially since I-“
You cut yourself off, realising what you were about to admit, and who to. Unfortunately, Fred wasn’t the kind of person to drop it, and turned to you fully, “You what?”
“I... it doesn’t matter.”
“No no, it does matter! Especially since you what? Especially since you... fancy me?” He asked, his lips curving into a grin.
“N-No!” You stammered. You felt your cheeks warm and you heart rate quicken. Damn him for having this kind of effect on you.
He raised an eyebrow questioningly at you. You sighed, ducking your head so you wouldn’t have to look him in the eye, “Well- maybe.”
“Hmm,” Fred hummed, tapping his finger on his chin, “So you do have feelings for me.”
“I said maybe.”
“Maybe usually means yes though,” he shot you a smug smile as he rolled up his jacket sleeves.
“Fine. Yes,” you sighed, heart racing and feeling like your head was underwater with the overwhelming feeling that he was about to reject you.
“Good,” was your only response. You waited for a moment to see if he would continue, and when he didn’t, you turned to him.
“Is that all you’re gonna say? I admit that yes, I do kinda sorta fancy you and you just say ‘good’?” You asked softly, feeling more vulnerable than you had in your life.
“Yeah pretty much,” he shrugged.
You stared at him for a moment, before shaking your head at him in disbelief. Just as you were about to storm away, he reached over and grabbed your hand, making you stop in your tracks.
He smirked at you, running the hand that wasn’t holding yours through his hair and looking way too good whilst he did it, “Don’t worry so much, love, I fancy you too.”
“You do?”
“Course I do,” he replied, pulling you a little closer by your intertwined hands. He moved so he was now holding onto your waist, your arms on his shoulders, similar to the way other couples were stood as they danced.
He smiled softly down at you, his eyes flickering over your features as you felt him squeeze your waist gently, “Can I kiss you?”
You glanced around, to make sure no professors were around, or any students that were too close, just to find you were now stood in a darkened corner of the hall whilst everyone else was preoccupied with the music and the punch.
“Be my guest,” you smiled back at him. With that, Fred leaned down and closed the small space between you, pressing his lips against yours in a kiss he wished he’d initiated sooner.
The kiss was almost desperate, with a touch of neediness as Fred tried his best to show you how he felt about you. His hands were everywhere, touching as much skin as they possibly could.
“Did I tell you that you look absolutely stunning tonight?” He murmured against your lips, the pads of his thumbs running over the material of your dress.
“Well you look rather handsome in that suit if I’m honest,” you replied with a small smile.
“I’ll be sure to wear it more often then,” he joked.
He then went back to kissing you, hands moving around your thighs to grip the back of them, just below your bum as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, making you sigh happily against his lips and dig your fingers into his hair. His hands trailed up over your hips to your waist, then further up towards your chest, where he cupped your breasts through the fabric of the dress. He pulled away from the kiss a little to smirk at the moan you let out at the contact, “Oh c’mon, I know you can be louder than that.”
“We’re literally stood like ten metres from where all our professors and fellow students are!” You hissed, eyes wide as you glanced over to the dancefloor. “And?” Fred asked, as if he couldn’t see a problem with what you’d just said, “What if I want them to hear us- to hear you?”
“Oh for Merlin’s sake- Just take me up to your dorm instead,” you shook your head at him with a breathy laugh, grabbing his hand as he nodded with a wide grin,
“With pleasure, love.”
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
what i think each og new direction member's social media presence would be like
basically i’ve been doing nothing all day and i’m way too addicted to social media and i started thinking about this so here we are. also i’m just gonna pretend social media was a big thing when they were at school (it obviously wasn’t but lets pretend this is set in like 2016 or smth)
rachel berry
lets be honest rachel would be so damn annoying on social media (not like that’s a surprise tho she’s annoying anyway)
she’d definitely use instagram the most
she’d post photos of her and finn holding hands and caption it like ‘My world, I love this boy 🔐❤️🌏✨’ and then deletes them all when they break up
EXCESSIVE use of emojis 
posts selfies and quote song lyrics in the caption
posts what she’s listening to on her stories (usually boradway) and feels very entitled because of it
posts singing videos 
santana and brit probably bully her in the comments of her posts lbr
honestly i can’t see her having any other forms of social media tbh, she just always uses instagram
auto caps stay ON at all times bc it’s ‘against the rules of basic grammar’
tries to talk in the nd groupchat but no one likes her or listens. like ‘What song should I do for a solo this week’ and then it starts a massive argument
finn hudson
one of those boys who just takes photos of The Scenery™ and no photos of him
maybe posts some photos of him and rachel when they’re together though
actually he probably does the same thing as rachel like ‘Can’t believe this girl is mine 😍💗’ and commenting ‘Love You ❤️’ on her posts but it just seems v high school
probably not very active but uses instagram the most
does a lot of those ask thingys on instagram like ‘send me an emoji and i’ll say what i think about you’ LMAO
i feel like he’s not very involved with it because he prefers video games more lol
uses ‘😂’ unironically
auto caps on and doesn’t even know having them off is a thing
noah puckerman
USES SNAPCHAT. nothing else. but he does have insta
has sent streaks to everyone he’s friends with on sc and will continue to until he’s like 25 
posts way too many mirror selfies with the flash on without his shirt off (ew) 
literally never talks in the nd groupchat
auto caps on - actually he probably Types Like This All The Time
has A Rule that if he’s talking to a girl he has to not reply for at least 2 hours but if it’s a guy then he has to reply asap (bros before hoes type vibe)
blaine anderson
i really don’t think he’d use it that much??? i feel like he’d get too overwhelmed ahdkjhdjs
he’s probably very involved with tumblr and is part of the star wars fandom/marvel fandom
his ao3 history is between him and his computer only
ppl wanna be his friend on tumblr because he’s just nice and kind 🥺
he’s probably quite popular on there - has a lot of followers
but he doesn’t really use any others - has an instagram but there’s no posts on there
maybe he tries to spread awareness on his insta stories???
hates snapchat with a passion 
uses :) :( <3 ;_; way too much (he’s on tumblr)
has auto caps off. like he’s a fanboy okay he’s on TUMBLR fgs. 
occasionally talks in the nd groupchat but is normally a bit intimidated by all the arguments it causes 
v open about his sexuality on his insta (has a 🌈in his bio🥺)
brittany pierce
she uses all of the main ones (insta and snapchat)
posts loads of photos of lord tubbington on there and adds loads of gifs on her stories
such!! a wholesome!!! insta page!!!!!
lots of mirror selfies with the flash on
bad spelling 😔
tries to do those story bingo things but gives up when she gets confused
also has another insta account to build her fondue for 2 channel 
auto caps OFF
uses all the pretty emojis way too much like ‘went to the park 🏞 it was so ✨💗 fun!!! 🌸🌈☀️ we had a good time 😍’
is the QUEEN of the nd groupchat along with santana. tbh her and santana would just use it as their place to talk about everything rather than private messages
santanna lopez
her whole instagram is just selfies
uses snapchat quite a lot but when she gets older she stops completely and deletes it ‘snapchat is for straight ppl’
cyberbullies rachel ajhfdsjhd
does ops on her story and is just brutally honest to everyone who asks 
auto caps stay on but sometimes she forces her keyboard to type all lowercase
NEVER uses emojis. not even :( or :) she just never uses them ever
has a tiktok addiction for when she gets sad about britt (especially s2 when britt isn’t with her)
kurt hummel
uses instagram to show off his outfits 
especially when he gets older and lives in ny!! 
there’d be such cute lil videos of him and blaine on his story like taking videos of his ootd and then blaine photobombing and then he zooms in on him and laughs ok i’ve thought about this too much
compliments all his besties on their photos like ‘So gorgeous 😍’
auto caps stay religiously ON but uses a lot of abbreviations like ‘btw and ily’ etc
in the early days of him and blaine being together, he’d be quite private about it but around the time just before he leaves for ny they get more public
only uses emojis for reactionary purposes eg. to compliment friends
posts photos of anything. honestly i want to see his insta it’d be so cute
has a private instagram for his close friends where he shitposts his whole life like ‘Dad’s taking us to get mcdonalds!!!!’ with blaine
sam evans
posts shirtless pics and all the girls thirst over him ajdhksjdk
uses insta more than snapchat but always sends streaks (maybe when he’s younger tho like around season 4 i don’t think he would be anymore)
also v wholesome though??? like i think he’d post pics of what flowers he got his mum for mothers day 
posts pics of mercedes on his story when they’re together 🥺
posts his favourite songs on his story
auto caps ON bc he doesn’t know having them off is a thing lol
uses 😂 unironically
mercedes jones
doesn’t post much on any social media platforms but is always liking everyone elses posts and complimenting her friends
posts more on her story than anything else
when she gets more confident in herself tho, she posts more (especially when she moves to new york)
occasional photos of sam when they’re dating with a lil love heart emoji on her story
lots of emojis but she uses them when necessary
auto caps on!!!
tina cohen-chang
THE SAME AS RACHEL WITH MIKE but like 10 times less annoying and people actually care
literally the cutest couple on instagram with the new directions group
uses the nd groupchat quite regularly bc people actually LISTEN to her there
has a cute lil gc with sam and blaine with some weird ass name
switches to auto caps off after she goes through her goth phase 
uses :) and :( and also a few pretty emojis eg. 💗☀️✨🌟💐🍬 to make her captions looks pretty
v quick replier
quinn fabray
this bitch has too many emotions for social media ok?
just watches tiktok to cheer herself up but it makes her more sad
has an instagram but never posts on there
if you wanna message her just text because she’ll never reply otherwise
disappears off the face of the earth during her skank phase. deletes her instagram and everything
auto caps on but it doesn’t even matter because she never even needs to use her keyboard 
(we’re talking s3 tho. in like s1 she’d have been into it to keep up her persona lol. her insta would’ve defo had over 1k followers)
mike chang
uses insta more than sc and posts photos of him and tina on his story 
fast replier - loyal king
fully ignores the nd groupchat because he avoids drama 😌✨
non caps because it ‘looks friendlier and not like you’re shouting’
will help you with your homework if you have any questions 
like ‘hey have you done this english homework?? i can’t find any good quotes that’ll help with the question’ and he’ll reply fast with a whole list bc he’s an academic KING
would love to post some dancing videos but gets too scared :(
artie abrams
has no social media and is rlly annoying bc its so hard to contact him
auto caps on. i mean like how would u know having them off was a thing if you don’t have any socials
fully punctuates every text
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Survey #370
“breakdowns, obscenities, it’s all i wanna be”
Do you have any bad habits you aren’t working on changing? If so, do you ever think you’ll try to break them? Downloading music, for one. I really should just start using Spotify... but my iPod has over 1k songs on it and I just seriously don't want to got through all the trouble. When was the last time someone surprised you with their reaction or behaviors? Hm. I dunno. What kinds of videos do you like to watch on YouTube, if any? I watch SO many different kinds. It used to be pretty strictly let's plays, but I've definitely expanded my watching interests. Now I'm really into watching educational reptile and tarantula husbandry and keeping channels, I watch one woman who is like my weight loss idol (Jordan Shrinks, she is amazing), there's a few vloggers, I enjoy some World of Warcraft channels, and then there's a couple urban exploration guys I like. I also occasionally watch some beauty YouTubers just for their personalities and the art of it. Have you ever reached out to a crisis center for mental health support? If so, how was the experience? Yes, but they were so busy that I didn't connect with anyone before I finally gave up and ODed. When was the last time you did something you were afraid to do, and how was the outcome? Ummmm I don't really know. What is one positive thing you believe about yourself? I care a lot about other people. What is something you have been through that has made you stronger? The breakup. It brought me to the lowest of lows, where every day was a struggle to survive. It taught me I can endure through almost anything, even if it doesn't feel like I can. Other than money, what is something you wish you had more of in your life? Happiness, contentment, being in love, motivation, energy, activities, travel... There's genuinely a lot. IIs there anything that you tend to ignore for the sake of your sanity? I'm very bad at ignoring things. If something is bothering me, it's going to put up a beastly fight to be at the forefront of my mind. What is something you wish was different about your family? I wish we were closer and better off monetarily. What keeps you going lately? The hope for a happy, satisfactory future. Have you ever been in an unconventional relationship (long distance, polyamorous, same gender, age gap, etc)? if so, what challenges did this relationship present, and were they worth overcoming? I've been in a long-distance relationship with another girl. I think the hardest part was that there was not being able to physically be there for each other when one of us was really struggling, and sometimes communication was an issue, not being able to read body language when we voice chatted or hear the tone in which we "spoke" when texting, though I'm pretty sure that's an issue with any online relations. I also feel it's difficult to really build and experience your chemistry with one another when you're not physically with the other person. I still think all these challenges were worth overcoming, though. I in no way regret the relationship and got only good things out of it. What is the most unhealthy relationship (whether friendship or romantic) you’ve ever had? What made it so unhealthy? Do you still talk to each other? I'm kinda torn between Jason and Colleen, but I think my bond with Jason was ultimately more unhealthy because it went beyond love: he was an obsession. Having him with me was the only thing that brought me joy, and I lit-er-a-lly could not imagine my future without him. Like that concept just didn't exist; it was entirely impossible in my head. On his end, he failed to communicate what he was going through emotionally, which only contributed to the damage. I never knew he was struggling because of me. Without realizing it, I put so much pressure on him to make me happy, so to answer the last question, no, we don't, by his decision - and I don't blame him. Have you ever been abusive in any way? Were you able to change or make amends, or, in general, what do you think people should do to make amends in that situation? A neverending battle I have with myself is if how I treated Jason after the breakup was qualifiable as emotional abuse, specifically with messaging him things like "thanks for sending me to the ER" and shit. My therapist reassures me that it wasn't abusive because I wasn't being deliberately manipulative, but rather genuinely hurt and convinced I had been wronged and wanted him to know and acknowledge it. She agrees that it was wrong, which I entirely agree with, but sometimes, I'm still convinced I was abusive. I fucking hate answering this question, so hurrying up: I don't know if he's forgiven me. As for how others could reconcile, that's not for me to say. I know sometimes the answer is to NOT make amends and completely stay away from their abuser. It's not my right to tell others how to cope with their abuse. Have you ever forgiven someone for being abusive or allowed someone toxic back into your life? Did this person change for the better or not? My former best friend Colleen was toxic as all fuck hell, and I let her back in way too many times. No, she never changed. I honesty doubt she ever will, given her pride. When was the last time you did something “meant” for children? Do you think it’s okay for adults to do these things (ie. watch cartoons, have stuffed animals, dress in cute clothing, etc), or do you think there’s an age beyond which it becomes unacceptable - and if so, why? Hmmm... I know this was semi-recent, but whatever it was is evading me at the moment. I personally have zero issue with adults engaging in activities like that; let people do what they enjoy if they're not harming anyone, especially things as innocent as dressing how they think is cute, etc. I would far rather people "act like children" (not emotionally, you know what I mean) than run around the streets selling drugs and shit. What was the last thing to “trigger” you (as in, in a true mental health sense, I’m being serious here) and how did you cope with it? What kinds of things do you tend to find triggering? What do you do either avoid or face your triggers? When I was riding to the sleep study section of the health plaza, where the hospital is, my anxiety spiked quite a bit, recalling all of my ER stays for being suicidal. It didn't help that the psych hospital I visited most is also in that whole jumble of buildings. I dealt with it by reminding myself I was in that area for a very different reason, and Mom reassured me that where I would be staying was more like a small hotel room than a hospital bed, which was true, so that helped. Regarding the next question, I'm not gonna lie to ya, I have a stupid amount of PTSD triggers: certain music, shows, fandoms, places, smells, even tastes of certain foods. I tend to stay away from my major triggers, but I'll *sometimes* fight the tiny ones, because I want that sense of ownership of myself back. If you’re diagnosed with anything, do you feel that it accurately represents what you’re experiencing? Yes. What are some minor physical discomforts that really bug you (eyelash in your eye, a wedgie, rumpled socks, etc)? I'm VERY sensitive to feeling anything in my nose, and it leads to me needing to blow it a lot. I also can't stand having holes in my socks, but since I wear flip flops essentially everywhere, I don't experience this much. Are you ever afraid to admit to liking something because you’re afraid other people will judge you for it? What is the worst that’s ever happened as a result of you liking something different from the crowd? What about the best thing that’s come as a result of a unique interest? Y E P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing really bad has happened because of admitting my interests, other than hearing things along the lines of "I don't get it." It's very odd, just how horribly receptive I am to judgment about things I like when I don't recall a time where I was ridiculed for anything. But anyway, the best thing to happen from sharing interests for me is making a new friend that likes the same thing, and I will IMMEDIATELY be closer to you than most people I associate with once you've helped me past that vulnerable spot of mine. Have you ever remained good friends with an ex? Yeah. Do you have a negative view of mentally ill people, or are you mentally ill yourself? Do you ever call others crazy, insane, etc? Do you ever call yourself those things? I'm mentally ill and empathize heavily with those who suffer themselves. I absolutely do not have a negative look on mental health sufferers; we don't choose to be victims. I'm definitely not a big fan of abusing terms like "insane," because I've fucking been there, and it's not a term to take lightly. I've thrown 'em around before, but I try to avoid it. I don't call myself any of those things nowadays, but in the deepest trench of my depression and PTSD, I honest to God think I fit the definition of "insane." Does it bother you to have people comment on what you’re eating, or do you not care? What are some comments that would bother you, if any? Do you ever comment on what other people are eating or make assumptions about their intakes? YES. JUST DON'T FUCKING COMMENT. I get EXTREMELY self-conscious when my mom does this sometimes when I occasionally need a small snack to hold me out overnight, and I absolutely never will say something to someone else. It's just rude, imo. Well, I guess if someone was really destroying their health and I was close to them, I would out of concern and be very gentle, but when regarding most people? I'm keeping my thoughts to my damn self. Do you like Redbull? I've never tried it and don't want to. I'm not an energy drink fan. Who is the last person you spent money on? My mom. I remember I bought us fast food when we were out once. What are you looking forward to in the next 4 days? G U Y S!!!!!!!!! I GET MY TATTOO TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!! :'''') Also on the same day, I start my TMS therapy, which I have high hopes for. Have you ever gone a whole day without eating? No. Do you sometimes use your music player to help you fall asleep? No, but I did that for years back in middle school. Have you ever had a crush on someone “too young” for you? No. Do you shave your legs more than once a week? Haaaaaaaaa. If you could cuddle with anyone right now, who would you pick? I really wish I could cuddle my late pup Teddy again. :/ I was thinking about that recently. Are you tanned? God no. I never am. Do you try to wear dresses whenever you can? No. I wish I was in a shape where I was comfortable wearing spring dresses again... I had this floral skull one in high school that I adored. Are you wearing something that belongs to someone else? No. Have you ever been called a bitch? Yes. Did you like the person you last kissed when you kissed them? I loved her. Who did you have a meaningful conversation with last? Sara. Do you have feelings for someone? Yeah, but they're like... on a leash, you could say. I don't let 'em run free and wild, and I know that even if nothing comes of those feelings again, it's fine. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? I think Jason will be this answer for a very long time, if not forever, given the trauma and all. I have to remind myself frequently that I love his memory, not him, because I don't even know him anymore. It's been YEARS since we spoke. Just like I've changed incredibly, I'm sure he has, too. If you saw life in black & white, would that be okay with you? I mean, it would suck, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. When you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, what kinds of things are you likely to do? How often do you find you have trouble sleeping? I do exactly what you shouldn't do and get back on the laptop. I'd say I most often get on WoW and refresh the auctions I have up because that tends to tire me out because I do that shit manually to avoid any addon mishaps, and I have a looooot to put up as a gold farmer. What was the last lengthy packet you filled out? Something to see if I qualified for a sleep study. Are you a patient person? What is one way you have a lot of patience? What about not very much patience at all? I am NOT patient, at least regarding more trivial things, like sitting in waiting rooms. I do have patience though with other people with more serious things, like getting someone to open up to me. At what time during the day do you tend to feel your best? What about the worst? When I first wake up. It's a "fresh start" and it's nice to feel rested. Plus, I open a fresh can of cold soda as my "coffee" for lack of better word, haha. I'm in my worst mood probably late afternoon/early evening, by which time I am incredibly bored and just dulled down. What was the last thing you did that you wish you could take back or do differently? The last thing... I dunno. How frequently do you stay overnight somewhere that isn’t your own home? What things do you miss about home when you’re away? Do you tend to get homesick easily? Pretty much never. I do miss my room and its privacy when I'm away from home, but I wouldn't say I get homesick all that easily, so long as I have WiFi, haha. Do you tend to eat more in the beginning of the day or at night? Do you have a tendency to snack when you’re bored? If so, what kinds of snacks do you normally go for? Not necessarily the beginning of the day, but definitely more than at night. I am BAD about snacking when I'm extremely bored, but at the very least I'm conscious enough to try and find something semi-healthy, like granola bars, fruits, a scoop of peanut butter, but I also sometimes just eat like... a slice of bread or a tortilla. Horrible choice. I'm a carb fiend and I hate it. If you have any dietary restrictions, do you ever miss foods you can’t have? If not, what’s something you haven’t had for a long time that you wish you could eat again? I thankfully don't have any. I've been craving cheesecake like a madman lately. :< The spicy shrimp fritas from Olive Garden, too. Is there something you still can’t do even though you’re an adult or might be expected to do this thing? I don't have my license, and my driver's permit is even expired. I'm terrified of driving. I also don't have a job, and I can't cook. When was the last time you congratulated someone? Were you happy for them, indifferent, jealous? Uhhh I think someone on Facebook had a baby. Of course I was happy for them. What was the last milestone you reached in your life (graduating, buying a car, starting a family, etc)? What milestone are you going for next, if any? Um... I haven't reached a true milestone in years. Hell, I don't think since I started recovery from the breakup. Do you enjoy getting comments or messages? How likely are you to leave comments or messages for other people? Yeah, it makes me feel cared about. It really depends on the platform on how much I leave other people comments, and I'm extremely shy about messaging, but I'll do it sometimes. When are you most likely to scream (either out of fright, anger, or whatever)? Do you scream or yell often? When was the last time someone screamed at you (or in your presence)? Frustration, for sure. I've screamed into a pillow more than once. I definitely don't yell or especially scream often. I'm sure the last person to yell at me was Mom, but I don't remember about what. What would you say is your STRONGEST emotion? Maybe not the most frequent, but the most intense? And what emotion do you feel most weakly, even if you might feel it more often? I'd saaaay... maybe love. When I love something/someone, I love HARD. I think I experience joy the weakest; it's very muted for me. And lastly, what are you listening to? Is this a band you listen to a lot "The Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot. I wouldn't say I listen to them a lot, but I have been more than usual lately.
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
🌷jungkook having a crush on you🌷
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- jk and you vibed so fast that you became close friends very quickly (the chaotic duo that tested hyung line's last nerves when you were in your mischievous mood)
-you sorta became an honorary member of the maknae line and after you pulled a prank on jin that included a chocolate cake, marmite and liquorice and ended up with jin's face shrivelling so bad that it may have caused him his first wrinkles
(his revenge was to serve you kimchi bokkeumbap with kimchi that had gone bad, which resulted in the worst heartburn you ever had ("an eye for a eye, y/n" - you, drinking your 3rd mint tea that night: "fair enough"), you redeemed yourself by buying him hyaluronic acid lotion and his favourite strawberry cheesecake, jk just laughed his ass off to the misery jin and you went through and blackmailed jin with marmite whenever they bickered ("it will hit u when u least expect it, hyung" - "I can't believed I raised lucifer himself"))
-anyway, jk and you are always very playful together, and you laugh so much when you're with him bc of his antics
-he doesn't mind being extra goofy to make you laugh, it lifts his spirits as well
-hates to see you sad/upset, namjoon and jk once spoke about you, after namjoon asked him about your guys' friendship and for the first time in ages he was sure jungkook had deeper feelings for someone, as he said: "I don't mind making a fool out of myself, if it brings a smile on y/n's face. hyung, I know this is going to sound weird but sometimes I feel like it is my purpose to show y/n everything good and funny, this is something I wanna keep doing for a long time." (tbh namjoon teared up)
-your guys' fav pastimes were watching cartoons/animes and you had a fiery competition going on in any kind of jump and run games, especially for sonic (you once beat jk after a 4 hour session and he threw a dramatic fit until you made him hot chocolate and he finally calmed down)
-would show you tons of pics and vids of gureum and filmed every minute of your first encounter
-your personal photographer tbh, you two could go chill in a parking lot and he would still do the most aesthetic shots
-despite all the funny moments you two also had serious conversations together. moments like that were rare and mostly after 2am when you two shared secrets with each other you didn't dare to speak about at daytime, like your views on love where jungkook first thought of how much he wants to be your "loved one"
-has a folder with his favourite pics of you or places that remind him of you somehow, but he'd never tell you that
- tries to impress you quiet often, like the time you went for karaoke
your pick: new face
his pick: vision of love
you: ????????? bitch ?????? do i look like i can sing a mariah song????
jk: well....... i can..... 👀
you: i'll see you at the whistle notes
jk: i've made a huge mistake
-you're usually the first person to listen to his covers and he looooves seeing your reaction to it (but he's usually pretty nervous about it too)
- cannot concentrate for shit when you're watching him during dance practice, so hobi told you, in a nice way, to stay away from dance practice for the sake of bts and jk apologised like 12 times to everyone, he got better at focusing over time and you watched him once in a while... but he'd get v shy when he had to do hip thrusts and stuff, you'd just laugh it off but in reality you were just trying to hide you how much he actually affects you, especially during a choreo like that
-the boys teased him quite a lot about you and he'd get all whiny and say it's not like he had a crush on you or something
vmin: *laughing*
sope: *shaking their heads*
jin: oh reallyyy~~
namjoon: so you're ok with the fact y/n is on a date rn?
jungkook: WHAT
- so namjoon took out his phone and showed jk that you updated your story with some food pic where you could see a man's hand in the background, who was also tagged in the pic
namjoon: see? that guy also tagged y/n here in his pic
jk: .....
-the guys stopped teasing him the second they realized how upset jk actually was (he went completely silent, eyebrows furrowed), yoongi just stated the obvious: "our maknae is in love, huh", the boys smiled and jungkook nodded with a sad look on his face
-the next time you visited the guys jungkook was visibly flustered around you and would be just overwhelmed with the entire situation bc he wanted to know who that guy was, but he didn't know how to ask and neither did he want to intrude and what if you're taking it the wrong way and say that it's none of his business and suddenly he loses his best friend because of some stupid guy in a stupid picture and some stupid hypothetical date.... overthinking at its finest, as you can see...
-you didn't know why he became so awkward around you, the boys obviously knew but they couldn't say anything without risking jungkook completely losing his shit, but jungkook avoided you and left early when you were there and you were like "... why"...well the boys knew why but they couldn't say anything
-you tried talking to him but he tried to avoid you since he got so flustered around you that he'd stuttering, get embarrassed about it and then leave...
-you asked the boys about it, but they wouldn't say anything but tbh this was almost painful to watch for them bc they love their maknae but they knew this wasn't going anywhere.... so their eldest took the matter into his own hands and talked to you and asked you about the guy in your story.....
-shortly after that, the guys went to europe for vacation. jungkooks airport look was something for the goth look book once again, while the other guys looked bright and ready for their time off, and jin was like "oh here we go again" and once again jk helped out...
- the boys knew he kept himself busy the entire time after things got awkward with you, but they didn't exactly know what he was doing in his studio, only taehyung knew he was editing something
-so the boys were enjoying their time off and even got jungkook's mind off of you with some sightseeing and other leisure activities they had planned
-but at the end of the day, he thought of you and read your last messages over and over again. the last time you had texted was when you wished him a good time in europe and he thanked you. he sighed as he realized how your long texts with each other had turned into such short ones within 1 week
- yoongi: i cannot take this anymore, we need to do something about this
jin: i did. i invited y/n to join us.
the boys: ???
jin: all expenses on the company.
the boys: ?????????
-also, this was the first time you guys were separated, and it gave him the chance think about what he truly wants for you two, friendship or more.. he decided to confide in namjoon and jin about it and seek advice
namjoon: i'm sure y/n likes you too, and even if not, which I really doubt, at least you'll get it sorted out that way and carry on
jk: hyung, see that's the thing. if my feelings will not be reciprocated, i won't be able to continue a friendship... that's why I am so scared.
jin: y/n's coming here, tomorrow, jk, only for you, so i'm pretty sure your feelings will be reciprocated. just be honest about them.
jk: what do you mean y/n's gonna be here tomorrow?
jin: exactly that.
jk: with all due respect, hyung-nim, what the fuck
(-namjoon cackling in the background-)
-so jin explained how he asked you about joining them bc jk was so down and reassured jk that he didn't tell you anything about his feelings and that you solely come there bc you also had 2 weeks off and you wanted to spend time with him, even though jin had some convincing to do since you thought it might be awkward between jk and you
- jin: also, the supposed date on her story? that was just a night out among co-workers, so it was definitely not a date, I asked y/n about it
jk: ....... why didn't you tell me sooner? why are you telling me that a week later, when I'm in another country??
jin: remember the time you put actual fish oil in my bungeoppang?
jin: see, you did this and I'm still arranging you a romantic getaway, like the merciful god i am
jk: oh my god
jin: exactly
-jk texted you the same night and asked you where you are and said that jin told him everything. "maybe I should let the food war continue after all..", you thought and rolled your eyes. you sent jungkook a pic from the view you had from your hotel room, where you arrived a few hours prior, and he could clearly recognize that you were indeed there, as unbelievable as it was for him.
you: I can't believe jin ruined the surprise
jk: trust me, it still was a huge surprise for me
you: a good one, I hope?
jk: definitely... you know, i actually wanted to text you.
you: about the past week, i suppose?
jk: kinda. i'm going to send you something. it was done rather quickly, so have some mercy on me with that.. and please don't be mad at me
you: ok..? you're kind of worrying me here
jk: and y/n.. i won't say anything about it, it should speak for itself.. and please don't say anything about it until I see you tomorrow, ok?
you: alright..
jk: I'll see you at the café jin hyung told me about, depending on the answer you're gonna give me
you: I'll be there, no matter what
jk: ok, then, yellow shirt in case you're answer is positive, black shirt in any other case, how about that?
you: fine by me koo ☺️
jk: ok...... here goes nothing 🙇🏻‍♂️
-what he sent you was a gcf with your name as the title and what followed was a beautiful compilation of your favourite moments you and jungkook had shared, and some moments you weren't even aware of the fact that he was filming you..some scenes, for example: your guys' trip to lotte world, you giggling into the camera when turned the cam to both of you wearing bunny ears, you laughing your ass off while filming him dancing to cl's "hello bitches", you on the day you went to the planetarium together, the time you came over to his place with food after he was too exhausted to do anything after practice and you watched "spirited away" together, then you playing with gureum while he giggles behind the camera, you being bts' no 1 hype man during their concert preparations, some videos where you cheered for him during the days you two spent apart bc of award shows.... and at the end of the video there was a single picture of you two, where you smiled widely into the camera, while he looked at you with a shy smile on his face... and finally, you heard his voice saying the words which appeared on screen: "be my loved one".
- the next day, jungkook was waiting for you in the café opposite the church, where you would come to as well. he was nervous as hell and honestly he still wasn't sure if you're actually going to come there or if jin played a prank on him. he checked his texts again and again and just stared at the "read" sign beneath the text and the video he sent you and mentally slapped himself for telling you to keep your answer to yourself until you meet him in the café. he started overthinking again, to a point where he zoned out so much that he didn't even notice 6 guys with huge sunglasses and a suspicious lot of newspapers, sitting at another table what finally made him snap back into reality was the sound of someone pulling the chair at his table, which instantly made him turn around only to see you sitting down next to him, right at the moment when the bells started ringing. undoubtedly, the colour yellow has never made jungkook happier.
-at the dorms with the boys after you left your company dinner party early-
jimin: why'd you come back so early?
you: because SOMEONE almost broke my co-workers hand during a handshake
jk: it's called asserting dominance, y/n, don't you ever listen to david attenborough sunbaenim?
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yuthoe · 5 years
Buzz Buzz (PENTAGON: Ko Shinwon)
I’m back with a Shinwon fic for @shiiiiiiiiinwun, inspired by this tweet. I didn’t watch the vlive itself, but i saw some snippets through stan twitter. Honestly this one was just hard to write because i feel like Shinwon is the type of dude to text with tons of emoji and kaomoji, so a portion of my time writing this was spent on looking for copypastas and where to get ㅎㅁㅎ on the internet. This is kinda short, so bear with me for a second.
Also, if you guys have any opinions about my post here, feel free to send me your thoughts or if you want to request something off it.
Shinwon’s phone vibrates in the middle of the V Live he’s doing; it’s been a while since he’d last done one of these, and if he’s being completely honest, he’s missed it. Talking to the fans is such an amazing and humbling experience, and if it weren’t for such a busy schedule—what with their promotions for “Dr. Bebe” over the past month—and other gigs in-between, Shinwon would host livestreams more often. He sorely appreciates that there’s still people tuning into his brain-to-mouth ramblings, even though it’s pretty late in Korea, and add to that the number of international fans who are also watching just warms his heart.
His phone is lying face-down on the desk in front of him, and he checks the screen when it buzzes.
Hello, love. I’m gonna turn in now. I love you. ❤️
Shinwon suppresses a smile—unsuccessfully. He’s sitting close to the camera to read the comments flooding in the stream, so anyone who’s watching him closely can see every move he makes.
Still, it’s really hard to stifle a reaction when you tell him you love him. Even through text. Even if it’s just the cursory good night or good morning message. Warms his heart to the point that he can’t keep his feelings in.
Wow, he’s such a sap, he thinks, and shoots a quick text back.
Good niiiiight 💤 doing a vlive right now. will head to bed soon. love you 😘😘😘
Shinwon lowkey hopes he didn’t take a super long time typing out that reply that people notice he’s on his phone—cause that’s just kinda rude, if you think about it, plus no one knows he’s in a relationship, and he’d rather just keep it on the downlow at the moment. He decides to prop the phone against the monitor, so he can see any messages as they chime in.
And as if on cue, the screen lights up with a preview of your reply.
i know 😊 got you playing in the background as white noise. helps me sleep
Aaaaaand Shinwon is 100% sure he’s red as some of that good gochujang Wooseok keeps in the fridge; you know, the really red ones that look super scary and spicy. How can he concentrate on the live when you send stuff like that? Torture, it’s absolute torture, and he just knows you love playing with him like that. He taps out a flustered reply.
The reply pops out a second later, showing only a string of kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk and as much as you distracted him, he feels nothing but endearment. The constant jabs at each other are what made him like you, after all.
Half of Shinwon’s concentration is on the comments popping up on the stream and trying to reply to them as coherently as possible. The other half is anticipating another reply from you, which he’s trying not to let show.
Kino is the saving grace, it seems; he popped in during the latter half of the live and they played around with some filters and stuff. Shinwon is glad for the distraction, and the new segment because he was getting worried that the stream was getting boring. His phone doesn’t light up for the rest of the live, and doesn’t buzz as he prepares to head back to the dorm. You must have fallen asleep, then, and he briefly wonders if his antics with Kino woke you up a bit. He hopes it didn’t.
It’s only when he’s in bed and tucked into his comforter that he checks his phone again and sees that you’d left him four messages while he was playing around with Kino.
ok ok, i’m really gonna sleep now lol
good night, babe ❤️
good luck with the rest of ur vlive. hope i didn’t distract you too much
i’ll see you tomorrow 😘
Shinwon’s chest feels warm; he always seems to feel warm whenever something about you is involved. He kind of hates that he’s reduced to a puddle of gooey mush at the littlest things you do, but he can’t help it. It’s like his heart is deliberately wired to go on overdrive whenever he thinks of you, talks to you, hears about you. Like, gosh, it’s so bad for his heart.
But he goes to sleep that night with a dopey smile on his face anyway, and a wish that tomorrow would come sooner.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
original, percy jackson, pokemon, avatar, skyrim, fallout ;
I’m AJ! I lost a couple partners in the holiday craze, which is totally fine! Now I’m lookin’ for some RPs to head into the new year. If we had something lined up and things fell off the wagon, no sweat, just message me again and we can get the ball rolling again! :)
  For original settings: apocalyptic (zombie, disease, extinction event, whatever), supernatural (fantasy, urban, sci-fi, literally anything). For fandom universes: Percy Jackson, Pokemon, Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra, Skyrim, and Fallout.
  Gonna run through my basic info and then onto the particulars. 💕
  ⥽ About Me ; ⥼
  • Name/Age ; AJ! 22! Finally!
  • Timezone ; CST! I don’t mind time differences, this is just so you know my general schedule.
  • Length ;  Depends on whether it’s novella or multi-paragraph. If m.para, around 3-5 minimum I guess? Novella would obviously be much longer.
  • Reply rate ; Varies depending on whether we’re doing multi-paragraph or novella. I can respond anywhere from every day to every other day or a few times a week to weekly depending on the writing style of the RP and my schedule.
  • OOC ;  I like getting to know my partners and sharing enthusiasm over our ideas and characters. Nothing hits quite like mutual investment! I like making playlists/pinboards/sending you videos or songs or memes that remind me of our characters!
  • Contact ; Strictly email for OOC and roleplay unless we’re using GDocs for the RP itself. You can find me at [email protected].
  ⥽ On the lookout for ; ⥼
  • Doubling ; Not a deal-breaker!! I just prefer writing a cast of characters, so this is something that’s more of a bonus. Ideally we’ll double, but I’m down for writing just one character each. Let me know how ya feel about it!
  • Will only write MxM or FxF ; MxF’s not my cup of tea (I’m extremely picky with it, fellow gays u know how it is). If we’re writing a cast of characters then I’m fine with having an MxF side couple. And I STRICTLY write OCxOC! Canon characters won't be found anywhere near this stuff, folks!
  • 20+ ; Partner’s gotta be 20+ even if we don’t write anything explicitly adult! I’m outta my teens now and don’t have any interest in writing with them. Same goes for characters. It’s a 20+ zone for both partners and characters ‘round here, folks!
  ⥽ Yes! ; ⥼
  • Smut ;  I enjoy writing it, but it’s not a deal-breaker if you’d rather fade to black.  All characters will obviously be adults. I expect versatile characters in bed by default, that way we’ve got an even route for playing roles in bed. Admittedly this shifts a bit depending on the character I write but for the most part, yeah, I stick to verses.
  • Face claims ; Spent a huge chunk of my roleplaying years on tumblr (it was very over-the-top and flowery and weirdly formatted and grossly difficult to read, I know I know), so having a face for characters stuck with me. If you don’t have any of your own and want good resources to find a face, I’ve got some recommended sites I can throw at ya! Not a deal-breaker, though, and for certain fandoms (Pokemon, Avatar) I actually prefer not to use realistic face claims so we can just opt outta that when writing in these universes.
  • Depth & growth ; Not a fan of one-dimensional characters or characters who act the same from beginning to end! People change with experiences and the people around them, so this is to be expected. ESPECIALLY when doubling with a cast. I loooove complicated characters growing together.
  • Plotting & Worldbuilding ;  *For original settings/worlds! I’m not picky with this if we’re working with a canon setting, so if that’s what you’re looking for, we can skip this section. I run into loooads of folks who say they do this when they really don’t. We’re writing an entire world together, so there’s some degree of effort involved! I need specifics to use as a start-off point for the roleplay and a general outline for where the story’s going. RPs that are just random, spur of the moment with writing as we go on tend to burn out REALLY quickly for me. I know not a lot of people are into this, so I’m sorry about that.
  ⥽ No! ; ⥼
  • Single paragraphs ; I’m not too picky with a lot of length a lot of the time, I just don’t mesh well with people who don’t write more than that. Go ham. I like my responses meaty!
  • Limits ; Abuse, nonconsensual/sexual assault, pedophilia, incest (includes step-relations, adopted relations, and that figurative like if one character essentially raised another or they were raised as family), weird age gaps, BDSM, any kind of master/slave or dom/sub dynamics.
  As for the goods, I’ve laid ‘em all out for you here! Keep in mind that while all of these are fun on their own, I’m definitely the type of writer who’s into mixing and matching. Sci-fi apocalypse? Fantasy apocalypse? Fantasy supernatural stuff? Sci-fi fantasy? Sci-fi supernatural stuff? Supernatural apocalypse? Period settings? Literally whatever you could think of, I’ll give it a whirl. The particulars down below are just to get the ball rolling and catch some interest, some asterisks for current cravings but I’m soooooo honest when I say that I’d love to write anything down below and won’t shoot you down if you come at me with stuff. Hit me up with whatever you’d like!
    APOCALYPSE: My bread and butter! Bro. I’m all about the tense, harrowing, and especially gut-punching when it comes to how close people become to survive together in quiet moments of a world they used to know. I’m a big fan of zombies, so that’s my loose preference. I loved Black Summer on Netflix – the earlier episodes, at least, as well as The Last of Us. That’s the kind of vibe I favor with zombies/zombie-like creatures. But, ofc, an apocalypse can be anything! I love writing different takes on the genre since there’s so much to cover. Extinction event, pandemic, impact event, monsters/beasts, man-made, whatever. The more creative the apocalyptic setting, the better, so I’d love to bounce some ideas back and forth. Not too into a nuclear apocalypse setting, since that overlaps a lot with Fallout down below. I’ve also had some ideas of a futuristic/sci-fi apocalypse that I’d love to tell you all about if you’re interested!
  FANTASY***: High fantasy, low fantasy, medieval fantasy, urban fantasy, whatever. Love dragons, love magic, love weird fantasy flora, definitely love the classic prince/princess x knight or commoner schtick. You want prophecies? I’m game. You want elves? I’m game. You want steampunk? I’m game. You want none of that and wanna do something else? I’m game, baby. The possibilities are endless. I’ve had two particular ideas floatin’ around in my noggin lately: an apocalyptic-fantasy that takes place in a medieval fantasy realm wherein an ancient curse/plague erupts across the land with horrifying zombie-esque symptoms (obv with more fantasy elements than just that) that involves a quest to try and awaken a god or two OR some magic journey to the heart of it all and out and end to it, and a modern fantasy involving a run-down summer camp secluded deep in the woods. Two new counselors (our characters) start working there over the summer and things slowly unravel from there, either with faerie stuff involving replacing campers/staff (definitely aiming for the freaky horror faeries as opposed to like, beautiful or only slightly unnerving faeries) or the camp being run by a secret cult that sacrifices campers/staff.
  SUPERNATURAL/PARANORMAL***: Vampires and werewolves and demons, oh my! Can’t go wrong with horror, especially can’t go wrong with comedy-horror. I’m more of the type to prefer humans and supernatural beings together in a ragtag duo type of way as opposed to two supernatural beings, but anything’s cool in my book. Medieval/fantasy setting for a dark fairytale vibe, urban/modern supernatural beings slinking in the shadows outside of the human eye, supernatural sci-fi stuff, mysteries and danger lurking around every corner? Seriously, it’s a great genre! Any and everything is fantastic. I’ve got a loose concept of demons/the Underworld I’d like to get into revolving around a human accidentally summoning a demon or making a really poor deal with a demon and the eventual threat of the opposite effect (humans who work with angels/angels who clean up demonic stuff) since I’m struggling with the worldbuilding of it, so applying all that to a roleplay to give it a whirl sounds like a great way to work out the kinks. Plus, c’mon. Paranormal romance. End of the world. Flipping the script on angels and demons with the demons being “good” and the angels being “bad” but really there’s more nuance to that since they’re two sides of the same coin. What’s not to love there? I’m a sucker for human/demon relationships and/or human/angel relationships, what can I say!
  PERCY JACKSON*****: I haven’t ever roleplaying this verse before, so this is completely new grounds for me. I’ve seen some fun takes on it, though! Scoured older ads but haven’t reached out to anyone because the posting time’s pretty old, but a couple ideas I’ve skimmed through sound fun. HP got a period take on it, so why not put that spin on PJ with a period setting rather than in modern times? Or just a regular modern setting. Y’know, keep it classy, keep it sexy, keep it fun! I’m definitely interested in life outside of camp since they’d all be adults. Life’s supposed to suck for demigods, so let’s get into that. I’ve only read the first series but I’m game to read more or look over the Wikipedia if it suits your fancy! I’m REALLY looking for a PJ RP, seriously, message me.
  POKEMON: Man, I just… miss Pokemon, dude, what else can I say? :( I miss fun adventures and goofy scenarios and taking a more serious or realistic route with threats. I’ve got a couple of ideas from heists to evil Elite Four members to Poke-Jurassic Park, but I’d love to hear anything you’ve got in mind!
  AVATAR*****: Alright, not gonna beat around the bush, I had a killer post-Korra RP setting like a year ago that died off early on and now I’m kinda itching to put it back into action! Basically this whole thing just revolves around our own Avatar and world/conflicts. Something before Aang could be fun too? Or a couple Avatars past Korra? There’s so many routes we could take this! And so many things we could bring in! I had an Avatar marathon with my brother this weekend and I just miss this universe. I’ve never actually managed to RP it before, so I wanna remedy that!
  FALLOUT***: Played 3, watched various playthroughs of New Vegas, 4, and working on 1+2! I’m a recent fan and I’ve fallen head over heels for it! I’ve got ten prepped OCs for this universe so feel free to take your pic once we get into contact! :D I think it could be fun if we make our own setting for this, but I’m so down for piggybacking off canon settings. I love the Mojave in particular, but everything’s cool in my book. I’ve also got a couple plot ideas, so I can tell you all about ‘em when we get into things!
  SKYRIM***: Well I’m a new Fallout fan so it should come to NO surprise that I’m new to Skyrim too. I recently got into it after someone recommended it to me and I’m having a blast playing the game on the Switch! I don’t have any particular ideas but I’d love to dip into the water here and see what comes of it. I’ve got a couple character ideas already so if I manage to rope anyone into this universe I’ll be one happy camper.
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akvtsuki-ari · 6 years
Tumblr media
Warning: Phone Sex!, Daddy kink, and generally some nsfw shit in there b warned
Length: 2.7k 
Authors Note: u guys writing this was so fucking hard omg i kept getting embarassed and like shy asf bc Luke would b a hot ass dom like just fuck me up 
For Luke Alvez, it was supposed to be a regular day at the office
It was not a regular day the office And most of the blame called on his wonderfully thoughtful and kind girlfriend, who he would give anything to fight right now, and he means anything. Because while Luke was out all the way in Houston, Texas in the summer heat chasing an unsub who had been in hiding or at least dormant for the last few years, a case which he'd need his full attention and understanding to solve, his beloved girlfriend, you, were back home. Alone in your bedroom and in the mood to what seemed to be ruin your boyfriends life. It was a little dramatic but who could blame him? A week or two ago, Luke had made and insensitive joke about how innocent you were, said something about your sex drive being like that of a 50's housewife, it didn't really hurt your feelings but it did get you thinking. Luke really believed that you were conservative, a plain, soft vanilla angel. It was laughable to you because, well - you weren't, at all. It wasn't to Luke's knowledge (though it was to Prentiss's, but we'll get to that) that you were what most would call, a sexual deviant . You weren't the sleep around type though there's nothing wrong with that, but with your partners you were known for being... adventurous. Emily had consulted you on a case a few years ago, specifically on BDSM practices and introduced you to Luke because she figured it'd be a good match and behold, it was. Luke wasn't aware of all that, all he knew was that you two consulted in a case together. Luke's cocky enough to probably fight in his head that you were good in bed because you were trying your best for him. You're his adorable girl, he's protective of. Part of you believes that he he ignored the obvious signs that you weren't as clean as he thought, but Luke was Luke after all. It's more than likely he didn't think much of it. And saw you just as he cute girlfriend who he had sex with. You hadn't really let that side of you slip since you wanted to see how long before Luke figured it out himself . But all of that died suddenly when Luke made that comment, you figured Now was as good a time as any. Because you wanted to play games and Luke wasn't prepared at all You knew Luke would be out a few days, so you took the time and liberty to give him a day, mostly so you could shop before you made a game plan. Luke was like most guys, liked visuals, he made it rather easy. The second day of his trip, and the first day of your plans, you wore a pretty pink set. It had lace and lots of it, a baby pink two piece with a garter belt and thigh choker with a heart. You took mostly mirror pictures, different pretty poses and arches, a couple things to censor etc. you were happy with the way they turned out, and without much hesitation, you pressed send. Sending Luke an array of images of you, you know, looking like that. Like - Luke didn't even know what to call it. You had the courtesy of warning Luke, he was expecting one picture, maybe two of you in his shirt and nothing else. Something he could handle.
When Luke opened his phone he opened it with a smile on his face, hoping to just catch an attractive picture of you and continue his day with his partial boner and let it go away as he worked on the case - and if it was a little worse than that, he'd clench his muscles for a minute, a trick he learned in high school. What Luke did get, was a picture of you that - made him rock fucking solid. He didn't know what else to say, or to do for that matter. He was in a state of completely clouded and hazy thoughts because all he could think of was you in the mirror on your knees, legs pointed to each side, tongue in cheek showing off your everything with a soft and innocent smile on your face. Hair done, makeup to match. All dolled up for him. Luke Alvez was not strong enough for this. No, no no he was not.
He spent the whole day avoiding his phone, and you knew why completely. It made you giggle sure, but you didn't care too much about it. Luke would spend his whole day, clouded with all the things he wants to do to you in that goddamn outfits because god - When Luke called you at the end of the day, he started figuring out that you had an agenda. "Are we gonna talk about those pictures you sent me?," he asked laughing. You twirled your hair and smiled as you laid in the floor on the other side of the line.
"Mm and what's their to talk about, Alvez?," you say in a mocking tone. Luke lets out s chuckle, almost a dry one. "What isn't there to to talk about? I mean, those pictures -" Luke started but you stopped him "Did you like them?," you asked shyly, an air of innocence in your voice. Luke did the little laugh he did, the one where he finally catches onto to something. "Yeah, Yeah I really did Y/N, made my day a little harder," he remarked sarcastically. "I would've taken care it," you remark softly. Luke's breaths hitched in the phone and you can tell he's holding something back, making you pout. "I'm sure you would've," he replies, and the conversations leads away and ends. Day One of your plan was a definite partial success but it would follow with a day two. Though Luke had a better idea of what could ensue, you would ensure that today would be just as painful. Today's look would be a purple babydoll and matching thong, you'd pose yourself in a chair, spreading your legs but covering up with your hand. Dolled up once again, laid up in your bed. Pictures were easy, but you wanted to see how far you could go. "I keep thinking about all the things you've been doing to me in my dreams m, I'm gonna ruin all the new things I wore for you," you send him wth the pictures. The wording was teasing you knew it'd get Luke's head running about what you could've been thinking about , and that was enough for you.
Luke was once again in the spot he was yesterday when you sent the photos. But the text took everything to a place he didn't expect to get to. Thinking of what you could be thinking if, made Luke's mind wander in as many directions as it could. Another day and another phone call would await. "Your messages were a little clearer today," Luke mentioned in your phone call, his tone apprehensive "I said what I said," you reply back. Luke chuckles "And what'd you say?," he challengers. You  bite back a smile. "If I'm remembering right it was something  along the lines of how ruined my new things are gonna be if I keep dreaming of the stuff you could be doing?," you reply. Luke shakes his head, scoffing. "And what exactly were you thinking of, Y/N?," he adds emphasis in his voice. "I don't think you'd be able to think of that case too much if I told you," you say. "I wanna know anyways," his voice is deeper, lower in tone. You can't help but swallow at the change but you don't let up, you play along. "You called me vanilla didn't you?" You start.
"Yea I did, you gonna prove me wrong?" His response is smooth, he's trying to provoke you this much is almost certain. "I intend to, Daddy," you reply softly. radio silence. You wait, on Luke's reaction. After what feels like forever there's a response "Say it again," his voice is breathy, you can feel yourself start to heat up at the attention. "You want me to be a good girl for you daddy?," you're surprised that you haven't slipped over your own tongue, your body not having betrayed you quite yet. "Yea I do, so tell me what you've been thinking of all day," he replies, his breath hitched. You swallow desperately hoping this is going the direction you think it is, "I got all dressed up for you but you're not here to ruin my makeup and take it all off me, so what's really the point you know?," you start, Luke's breathing is uneven, "We could've taken those pictures together if you were, with your hands wrapped around my throat, while I sat in your lap. You'd like that wouldn't you, Daddy?" Your face is absolutely hot at this point,
"Keep talking," he all he replies. On the other side of the line and unseen to you, Luke's hands wrapped around his cock, eyes shut and head laid back peacefully, struggling to keep the phone steady. "I sent you those pictures so you'd think about me and look st me when you were gone you know," you begin, pressing your thighs together "Cause I kept thinking about how much prettier I'd look with your cock down my throat," you finish. Luke takes in a sharp inhale and you smile. "And to be honest, it makes me feel good when I make you feel good sir," you say "I just wanna be a good girl for you and have you in me," you're vice is not far from a whisper, your finger lying in your waistband "what are you wearing princess," his voice is struggling to be all the west there. "Been wearing the purple all day, doing chores and stuff in it," you reply. This was true "Has anyone else seen you in it?," he asks. "No, sir" your reply is simple. "Good, cause the way you look princess, Daddy better be the only who sees you," his voice is breathy, and you can hear that he's been stroking himself based on it. You whimper.
"Can I touch myself for you?," you ask.
"Make yourself feel good for me baby," he responds. Without hesitation, you do, rubbing two fingers softly against your clit, you whine at the contact.
"Princess those pictures made my head spin, all I could think about was you sitting on my dick in a meeting, you know how bad it's gonna be for you when I get back home?," Luke asks honestly, fingers wrapped around his shaft tightly, his hips rutting against his hand in attempts to release more tension and not cum. Meanwhile you commit the same sin on the other line, delicately massaging your clit with two fingers and letting out a whimper "Aah, you think - I don't realize that? I want it, I want you to ruin me, and I know you want to too," you challenge. Luke's voice is throaty when he speaks, but his chuckle is light. "You want me to throw you over my lap and spank you princess? You like getting put in your place like that?" He asks jokingly, though it's clear there that the idea of it intrigues him, but it isn't a question as much as it is him getting himself off to the thought of it, you whine. "Please, I want you to fuck me so bad and leave your handprints all over me, it's all - all I can think about," you say, panting into the phone. "With how much this has been building up, you better expect more than that babygirl, you know how hard it is to have you not be here when all I can thinking about is - fuck," he laughs breathlessly, the sound of his voice nothing less than music in your ears. His laugh is light, but it bothers you, laced with dominance and control. "I'm sorry - ah," you whimper into the phone call, and you were sorry, but he didn't provoke you to say it, but the part of you that needed to cum wanted to apologize because if all the teasing earned you no cumming it wasn't worth it. "What for?," he asks, you swallow thickly. "For messing with you, and sending you stuff I knew would bother you," you pant out, honestly desperate to cum at this point. No such luck, Luke laughed on the other side of the line "Ah, so does that mean when I come home you're gonna take all of me as good as you can and as hard as I want it to make it up to me?," he teases, you moan at the sheer idea and nod, quickly realizing you had to try and manage a verbal response. You moan not coherent enough for words to answer his question "And you're gonna be a good girl for your daddy from now on? And you're gonna ask me for permission to cum since by now that must be what you want, am I right baby?," Luke questions you, stroking himself off faster hoping that you cave and beg him soon. To his luck, this takes place quickly "Yes, please just let me cum, please," you plead with him. Luke smiles and laughs breathlessly, breathing into the phone.
“Anything for you, baby, lemme hear you cum for daddy,” he whispers into the phone. You do just that, breathing heavily as you bring yourself to the edge, cumming quickly.
You let out a string of curses followed by a loud moan,
“Thank you daddy, thank you so much, thank you for letting me be a good girl” you pant out quickly.
Luke loses it right about then, stroking himself off faster and faster as he listens to you over the phone, loudly he lets out groan before pushing himself to climax
“Ah, fuck - oh my god,” Luke says under his voice. He shoots into his hand and rutts his hips riding out his climax before steadying his breathing. He smiles wide as he hears you giggle over the phone, clearly very pleased with yourself
“Remind me to never crack any dumb jokes like that again, yeah?,” he says sarcastically. You laugh at his tone of voice and smile, as Luke gets up to clean himself up and get a towel.
“Sir yes, sir,” you say still laughing. Luke shakes his head, and begins to end off the call.
Meanwhile, and very unbeknownst to Luke, stands the majority of his female team, ear to the door. Garcia, Prentiss, J.J. and Tara all collectively a little tipsy with their mouths open wide. Hearing the conversation return to normality, they all move themselves from the door.
Prentiss is embarassed, and Garcia is… angry? Tara’s expression reads pleased with herself and J.J. is entirely confused.
“I um - well, that was, uh -,” Tara starts, trying to make conversation
“Didn’t take Y/N for that sort of a person..,” J.J. says surprised, and a little dazed. Prentiss was quiet as to not draw any attention to yourself.
“Garcia, I thought you said they were fighting,” Emily adds quietly. Garcia is red in the face, knowing that Luke’s cocky ass wouldn’t even be embarassed if she brought it up.
“Well, I was TRYING to be a good friend to NEWBIE, but I guess he can’t even keep himself from doing whatever the hell he always does that makes him a jackass,” Garcia rants angrily.
Tara laughs, taking a sip of the drink currently in her hand
“I knew he had a daddy kink,” she says quietly, clearly proud of herself for guessing.
“It’s kinda obvious,” J.J. adds, eyes darting to the floor.
“Agreed,” Prentiss says
All of them jump back as Luke opens the door, a sleepy almost cute look in his eye as he smiles at them.
“Woah, ladies, what are you all doing here?,” He questions quietly.
“Run,” Prentiss says. And indeed they all dash towards their rooms, totally not ready to look Luke in the eye. Luke is confused as he watches them, but shrugs, in a good mood.
“Huh,” he says as he locks the door behind him, ready to get some sleepy, and terribly ready to see you back home.
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studiobeebo · 6 years
Happy Birthday (Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader)
uhhhhhhh i would die for shinsou and he deserves the best birthday in the entire world js
Sleepless nights had become more common than nights when he could sleep for Shinsou Hitoshi.
Sometimes this was a good thing as he would have time to stay up and work on homework or just relax, maybe if he was really restless go out for a short walk, but there were also times where those restless nights weren’t so fun. There were times when all he wanted was to sleep, to wash away all the crap that had built up to amount for one horrible day and start fresh the next day, but when he couldn’t sleep, it felt like all those thoughts and feelings carried on with him to the following day.
It was a pretty bad cycle, in his opinion, and he wanted nothing more but to put a stop to it somehow, but lately there hadn’t been much that could help. He was often left tossing and turning in an annoyed attempt to get comfortable or getting up twenty times to get a glass of water or just stretch his legs, but nothing could put him to sleep so he was left to stare at the screen of his phone, which was probably way too bright to be healthy for his eyes, but his phone was his only solace. Or rather, you were his only solace.
Sometimes he felt guilty texting you at early hours of the morning, knowing you were probably just as sleepy as he was, so he’d sit there with a message typed out but end up just staring at it for a few minutes before deleting it. He didn’t want to wake you up just for him, after all, that would be selfish. Besides, the last thing he wanted to do was something that would turn you away from him.
His feelings for you weren’t really...intentional, but then again, no crush ever was. It started out small, and to be honest he was kind of suspicious in regards to how friendly you were to him, introducing yourself within the first few days of his time at UA and going on to say ‘Good morning!’ or a similar small greeting the following days. Once he realized you weren’t just talking to him out of pity, surely hearing the little rumors here or there regarding his quirk, he started to return the favor, starting with small talk and moving on to a point where the two of you would eat lunch together almost every day. It was nice to have someone to talk to after all, especially since you didn’t seem to mind his sarcastic and sometimes cynical sense of speaking and would often add your own witty quips that got even him to smile. Before he knew it, seeing you everyday became a motivator in his life, especially after you spoke so encouragingly to him about following his dreams to become a hero. ‘Puppy love’, you could call it, as it could surely be seen as childish to feel such strong feelings towards someone after only a few months, but hey, you can’t help what your heart longs for.
The quiet ‘buzz’ caused by the vibration coming from his phone brought him out of his stupor, and for a moment he was a bit annoyed since he knew he was slowly falling asleep, no doubt thinking of you, but seeing that the message was actually from you soothed that irritation, and when he actually read the message, he felt like an idiot for how warm his cheeks became and he had to bite his cheek to keep himself from smiling just as stupidly as he read it over a second time.
‘i’m guessing ur awake anyways so hopefully i’m the first to say happy birthday Hitoshi!!!!’
The following burst of different birthday themed emojis was cute, in his opinion, and the last few hearts revitalized the itch he’d been suppressing to just ask you out already and get it over with. His thumbs danced over the keyboard awkwardly as he tried to think of what to say, knowing a simple ‘thanks’ would be too little but ‘hey, would you date me if I asked?’ would be way too much, at least for him. Before he had the chance to actually say something in response, however, the little typing bubble popped up on his screen before he received another message from you.
‘also I haven’t been able to get you a gift yet, but I promise it won’t be too late!’
The idea that you even felt the need to get him a gift was ridiculous. After all, with you around, what more could he ask for? A moment passed and he began typing out a response of his own, a smile still on his face as he pressed send.
‘here I thought we were friends, guess I’m just gonna have a lonely sad birthday’
The quickness of your text back made him feel a sense of pride or maybe just happiness to have your attention on him, but when he actually read your message, his smile dropped only to be replaced by a look of shock.
‘hey who said it had to be lonely??? we should go get something to eat after school tomorrow! I’ll pay of course birthday boy’
If the mention of going out to eat with you alone wasn’t enough to make his heart jump out of his chest, the little kissy face emoji surely was and he could not believe how much a tiny stupid little digital drawing could make his heart race. There’s no way that would be considered a date, right? It was just a gift, after all, but in any other circumstances…
‘obvi we don’t have to though’
A message, and then moments later, yet another one.
‘sorry if that’s like weird or something’
Were you...nervous? ‘No way’, he told himself, thinking there was no possible way someone like you could feel nervous around someone like him. He felt nervous every time he opened his mouth around just because of how he felt though, so maybe there was some hope that you felt similarly. Still, even with his heart and mind racing he couldn’t just leave you without an answer, so he typed out a response before hesitantly hitting send, thanking whatever gods that were out there that you hadn’t asked this in person because his voice surely would have been shaking if he had to respond to your request vocally, but thankfully if he worded things right you wouldn’t be able to tell just how anxious he was.
‘not weird at all, that sounds good actually’
If only he knew that the anxious breath he took in was matched to a relieved one you let out upon receiving such a message, thanking the heavens that you hadn’t just ruined the chance you had been building up to get to for weeks upon recognizing you “slight” crush on your purple haired hero as your thumbs typed quickly with excitement.
‘awesome sounds like a plan!!!!! i should probably be gettin to sleep tho, u should too nerd!’
That was enough to bring a soft smile to his face again, the endearing ‘insult’ never failing to make him happy as he texted you his ‘good night’ message before placing his phone down on his bedside table. After sitting up for a moment he laid back down, one arm draped over his eyes as he smiled to himself like the love struck loser he was. Oh, what a ‘happy’ birthday it was, and it had only just begun.
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door -- Ch. 12
me last night, after reading that ao3 was gonna be down in the morning: huh, that’s not a problem!!
me now, after trying to upload this chapter to ao3 during the Known About Down Time: what the F U C K
tagging: @tylerblacks @joonhobi @rivela @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk @kidvoodoo @smolsammichu @simulated-heat @douglas-leon-michael @1dluver13xx (lemme kno if you wanna be added to my taglist!!)
Prev.: Ch. 1 ♡ Ch. 2 ♡ Ch. 3 ♡ Ch. 4 ♡ Ch. 5 ♡ Ch. 6 ♡ Ch. 7 ♡ Ch. 8 ♡ Ch. 9 ♡ Ch. 10 ♡ Ch. 11 ♡
Neville had initially thought that Wade getting together with Austin would be a good thing for him -- and it definitely was. Wade was notably happier as of late, and in general his life seemed to be improving, especially now that he had a partner by his side. (Of course, having a job for the first time in so long was definitely contributing to his mood, but it was clear that Austin had a more profound effect on him). Neville hadn’t seen Wade in such high spirits since they were both in college. It made him feel good seeing his best friend putting himself out there again.
There was one downside to the whole thing, though, as Neville learned one Friday afternoon -- Wade being in a relationship meant that his availability to babysit was greatly reduced.
“Since when did the two of you have plans for today?” Neville asked, feeling only a little panicked as he watched Wade put his jacket on.
“Uh, since two weeks ago?” Wade replied, as if it were obvious. “I’ve been telling you about today’s date for days.”
“I thought you said it was next week. Didn’t you?”
“No. No I did not. Have you been paying attention? Come on, Nev, keep up.”
“I-- Hm.” Neville wanted to argue back, but he knew that Wade was right -- he’d been mentioning the date here and there for some time now. Hell, he’d even brought it up during dinner the night before (though Neville was tired from a long day of work, so he hadn’t really been paying much attention to what he was saying). It made no sense for him to be fretting this much over something he already knew all about.
But of course, he was. Not only because it was more or less in his nature to be worrying all the time, but because Wade and Austin’s day out only made things even more complicated for him.
The problem was that Neville also had something planned for that day -- he was supposed to go into the office and help out with a meeting (meaning that he would most likely be standing around in the corner the whole time bored out of his mind, which was about par for the course any time he was asked to lend the bigwigs a hand). Neville wanted to back out, and in a way he could since he had a legitimate excuse (Fridays were his work-from-home days, after all) but he knew it wouldn’t look good. The last thing he wanted was to be on the receiving end of a lecture. Like it or not, he had to go.
This meant that he would need someone to watch the girls, who were still at school (and also needed to be picked up, now that that he thought about it), but without Wade he didn’t have anybody. He hadn’t thought to call a sitter at any point since his friend was always available, but today was different. He truly was in a tough spot.
“Can’t you just leave them by themselves?” Wade asked, leaning back against the wall. “I mean, Jen’s the big one-oh. I dunno if you knew that or not.”
“She’s only been going on about it for close to four months now.”
“I think she’s old enough to take care of herself and Daze for a few hours.”
“She is, but…” Neville hesitated. “I don’t know, I don’t feel very comfortable doing that just yet. I’d rather wait until she’s a bit older to start leaving her in charge.”
“Aww, come on. I remember that my parents let me stay home alone when I was her age, and look at how I turned out!”
“Yes, because you’re a stellar role model.”
“Damn straight. And, since I’m so great, your children’ll end up just as amazing as me if they follow in my footsteps. I repeat, Jen’s capable of holding down the fort for a little while.”
“Wade, no offense, but if I raise my kids to be like you then we’re going to be in a world of trouble.” Neville crossed his arms. “If I’m being honest, I’m not sure I’ll ever be fully ready to accept that she’s actually old enough for certain things. It just feels… weird admitting that.”
“Aww, she’s always gonna be your li’l girl, huh?” Wade teased. “Just wait until she starts dating.”
“Oh, Christ, don’t even bring that up… I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.” Neville shook his head. “To get back on topic -- I’d rather not leave them here by themselves. And besides, how are they gonna get home from school? Neither of them have money for the bus, and it’s too far to walk.”
“Good point.” Wade scratched the back of his head. “God, I feel bad about leaving them… I mean, I can see if Austin is willing to reschedule.”
“No, no, don’t do that. You’ve been looking forward to today. I don’t wanna ruin your fun.” As inconvenient as it was, Neville hated interfering in plans that had been in the works for weeks. He wasn’t that much of a killjoy.
Wade pursed his lips before suddenly snapping his fingers. “Wait, why don’t you ask Mustafa to take care of them?”
“Yeah! He’s done it before, hasn’t he?”
“He has.”
“And didn’t you say something about him being off today because of a school event?”
“Yeah, he told me he’d be able to leave early.” Mustafa had been reminding him (see: gloating) about this fact for almost the entire week.
“So why not see if he can watch ‘em?”
“Well…” Neville had to admit that it was a good idea. Mustafa had made a promise to Neville that he would always help him when it came to Jen and Daisy, be it babysitting or otherwise. Since then he’d proven that he meant what he said -- on mornings when Neville had to leave earlier than usual, Mustafa would take the time to drop them off at school, and he would even drive them to friends’ houses every now and again. Neville was lucky to have him.
But… “I’m not so sure about that, to be honest,” he said.
“Why not?”
“I’ve already asked him to help me a few times this week. I’d feel weird asking him to do me another favor. Don’t want him getting fed up or thinkin’ that I’m taking advantage of him. And it’s his day off, too. He’s not gonna be in any mood to leave the house.”
“You really think he’d get mad at you over this? That doesn’t sound like the Mustafa you’re constantly raving about. I think he would have told you by now if you were getting to be too much.”
“That’s true…”
“And this is something that you really need help with, too. You need a last minute babysitter, and he’s available. He said he’d lend you a hand when you needed it -- and, well, you need it. Simple as that. All you’re doing is taking him up on his offer. Nothing wrong with that.”
“This is also true.”
“I have a tendency to tell the truth a lot.”
Neville felt around in his pockets for his phone, pulling it out. “I guess I’ll try texting him and see what he says.”
“Trust me, he’ll say yes.”
 Me: Hey, what are you up to?
 A few minutes passed, and Neville still hadn’t received a response. “Why’s it taking him so long to reply?” He huffed under his breath, checking the time. He still had about a half hour until he had to go, so it wasn’t like he was in any rush, but he would prefer not to be left hanging until the last minute.
“Neville, it’s been three minutes at most.” Wade rolled his eyes. “God, you really need to chill.”
“You know damn well that word isn’t in my vocabulary.” As Neville finished saying this, his phone went off.
 Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: Well I WAS napping.
Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: Key word: was.
Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: >:(
Me: Oops. Sorry about that, love.
Guy Who Likes Getting His Hair Pulled: It’s fine, I’m only teasing you. ;) So, what’s up?
Me: Are you by any chance able to watch the girls for me today? I gotta go into work for this dumb meeting, and Wade has a date, so I’ve got no one to pick them up from school or keep an eye on them afterwards.
 Neville didn’t receive a reply to his last message, and he chewed his lower lip. Over ten minutes had already passed -- maybe he really was bugging him.
“Has he said anything yet?” Wade asked, looking over Neville’s shoulder at their conversation. Neville shook his head, and he decided to send off another text.
 Me: I’m really sorry to ask you for another favor. It’s okay if you don’t
 That was as far as Neville got before both he and Wade heard a knock on the door. Raising an eyebrow, Neville went and opened it, finding Mustafa standing on his front porch. “What are you--”
“I absolutely can do that.” Mustafa interrupted him before he could inquire any further. He was panting, like he’d rushed over. Neville was about to tease him for being in such a hurry only to get right next door, but he was too preoccupied thinking about something else -- Mustafa had agreed to help him.
“Oh, thank God,” Neville breathed a sigh of relief, throwing his arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug. “Thanks so much, Moose.”
“Hold on a minute,” Wade said. “I don’t mean to interrupt this tender moment, but I’ve got a few questions?”
Pulling back, Mustafa asked, “What?”
“First of all, why are you so out of breath? Did you really have to run all the way over here when you could’ve just responded to the text?”
“And doesn’t it make more sense to come over here after you’ve already picked the kids up? What are you doing here now?” Wade rubbed his temples. “My head hurts.”
“Well, Wade,” Mustafa started. “If you must know, I came early because I needed to do this.” After saying that, Mustafa leaned in and planted a kiss on Neville’s lips, which Neville eagerly responded to. Neville could hear the unmistakable sound of Wade smacking his forehead coming from behind him, followed by a sigh.
After pulling apart, Mustafa said, “It’s been way too long since I had a chance to do that.” He gave Neville a little pat on the cheek. “I’ll catch you later.”
After parting ways, Neville shut the door, facing Wade again. “What’s with you?” He asked.
“Neville, I want you to be honest with me for a second. You realize that you and Mustafa have totally become that couple, right?”
“God, six months ago I didn’t think that was the kinda shit I’d be exposed to. If only I could go back in time…”
“You’re so full of it. We have not!”
They have.
Unsurprisingly, the meeting was about as boring as Neville expected it to be.
He hadn’t been paying attention at all to what was being said -- something something budget, something something sales. They hyped up this meeting as being this huge deal, with Neville’s attendance being absolutely mandatory, but it was clear that this was out of his realm of expertise. If anything, he was there to be a warm body in a swivel chair -- one that had been left empty because one of the executives had mysteriously ‘called out sick’ on one of the nicest spring days of the year. Yep, this place sucks.
At one point he had been able to go to the bathroom, where he saw that he had a text from Mustafa -- it was a selfie of him in the car, both Jen and Daisy smiling happily in the backseat behind him. A cute image such as this was the only thing that had been able to make him smile in the last few hours, and he didn’t waste any time in saving it and setting it as his phone background. His happiness was short lived, however, once he remembered that he couldn’t stay in there forever. After shoving his phone away, Neville dragged himself back to the conference room, fully prepared to daydream away the next few hours.
He couldn’t get out of there fast enough once the day was over, hurrying through the parking lot over to his car. He was so grateful that it was finally the weekend and that he didn’t have to return until the following week -- hopefully with no more pointless meetings taking away his work-from-home day. It was the only day when he actually enjoyed working, primarily due to being on his own couch and away from obnoxious co-workers.
And of course, being dragged out to the office for the fifth day that week also means that Neville would be stuck in rush hour traffic for the fifth time. Interestingly enough, he recognized the van in front of him -- it was the same one he’d seen months ago with the stick figure family on the back. He noticed that there was a little baby figure at the end of it. Congrats, I guess. Happy as he may be for these complete strangers, that didn’t make him think that the stickers were any less tacky.
He found himself taking a closer look at the surrounding area, taking quick glances at some of the shops he was (very slowly) passing. None of them were particularly interesting, though one in the distance caught his eye. It was one of those 24 hour convenience stores. Neville passed by many of them during his trips to and from work, and he never paid much attention to them. Every one of them looked the same, in his opinion.
He felt differently about this one, however. It was a Friday evening, and everyone would be home for the next few days because of it being the weekend. Certainly there wouldn’t be anything wrong with stopping inside of this store and getting some candy for the kids, would there? The school week being over plus Neville’s abysmal work day coming to an end deserved to be celebrated. While there was a part of him that felt like he’d regret doing so, what with his paternal instincts telling him that the two of them would definitely spoil their appetites, he also felt that he would regret it if he didn’t. He loved seeing his children happy, and candy was an easy way to get them in a good mood.
...Why the fuck not? With a shrug, Neville switched on his turn signal, prepping to turn into the store’s lot.
“Here’s to hoping that Moose isn’t pissed at me for coming home late…” Neville muttered under his breath as he pulled into the driveway of his house. Mustafa had been under the impression that he would watch them until after the meeting, and needless to say it was well past that time -- Neville had spent just a little bit too long inside of the convenience store debating which candy would cause the least amounts of fighting. (If it was a #1 favorite for both girls, there would be a brawl over the last piece. Neville was all too familiar with ridiculous arguments over food.)
Neville grabbed the plastic bag with the candy from the passenger’s seat and climbed out of the car, hurrying up to the front step and stepping inside. Immediately he was greeted with the sound of Jen complaining about something, and he let out a little sigh, making a mental note to apologize to Mustafa for her behavior.
“This isn’t fair!” As he approached the living room and took a peek inside, he saw that her and Mustafa were playing video games -- Mario Kart. A very excited Daisy sitting next to him and watching intently, bouncing up and down in her seat. Neville saw that they were on the final lap, and he also saw that Mustafa had just sped ahead of her. I’d be mad too if fucking Toad just zoomed past me. Amused, he leaned against the doorframe, not bothering to announce his presence as he watched the rest of the race.
And then, one appropriately timed banana peel later, Mustafa crossed the finish line.
“Daddy, you won!!” Daisy yelled excitedly, Jen dramatically falling on the floor as a result of her brutal defeat.
Neville was confused, seeing as he hadn’t done anything to deserve such praise, and he was about to speak up to ask what she meant when he realized.
She’d been talking to Mustafa.
She leaped up and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly as her way of congratulating him. There was a look in his eyes that Neville recognized as as combination of shock and happiness.
And, if he had to wager a guess, the happiness wasn’t because of him winning.
“Uh, hello?” Neville finally spoke up, clearing his throat. “Don’t mean to interrupt.”
“Oh, hi daddy!” Daisy let go of Mustafa and ran over to give Neville a hug, Jen opting to raise her hand in acknowledgement while still very much on the floor. “Jen lost!”
“I can see that,” he chuckled. “You good down there, kid?”
At Jen’s grunt, Mustafa said, “She told me on the ride home about how she was the champ at Mario Kart. I had to see that for myself to believe it.”
“Fluke!!” Jen yelled, muffled by the carpet. She suddenly climbed to her feet, making to storm out of the room. “He cheated!”
The three of them watched her go, with Daisy following along after her singing a little tune about how her sister lost. “Hey, be nice, Daze,” Neville commented. He sighed when he heard the door their room slam shut, looking to Mustafa again. “I’m… sorry about that. She gets being a sore loser from me, I suppose.”
“You? A sore loser?” Mustafa stood up, crossing the room and kissing Neville’s cheek. “I find that very difficult to believe.”
Mustafa started to tell Neville about the day they had had, but he was too busy thinking about Daisy’s little comment to pay much attention. Mustafa didn’t seem to mind what she said on the surface, but what did he really think? The two of them had only been together for around six months or so -- Neville hadn’t even thought to ask him how he felt with regards to that subject. He assumed that Mustafa was okay with potentially being their father, seeing as he was dating Neville and was fine with watching them, but did he ever see himself raising them?
That was the question that Neville was sure would bother him for weeks.
“Hey,” Mustafa said, snapping Neville from his thoughts. “So I was thinking -- I wanna make dinner for you guys tonight.”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that…” Neville tried to protest, but Mustafa waved his hand.
“I want to. You had a rough day and don’t seem to be in any mood to cook, and I wanna treat you guys.”
“How do you know I’m not in the mood?”
Mustafa pursed his lips, raising an eyebrow. “Neville, I know you. You are clearly not in any mood to do any work in the kitchen.”
“...Maybe you’re right.” When he admitted this, Mustafa laughed, kissing him. “Alright, go ahead. Surprise me with what you make.”
“You can go fetch Ms. Grumpy Pants from upstairs, and I’ll get started.” Just as Mustafa began to walk towards the kitchen, he stopped, looking to Neville again. “And maybe once we’re done we can play another round of Mario Kart. If I can beat one of your kids, surely I can beat you too, hm?”
“We’ll see about that.” With that, Neville watched him walk away, the question that he asked himself earlier predictably haunting him.
After all this time, did he really find someone who he wanted to raise his children with?
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kunishirou · 6 years
Fandom: Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe/Iron Man/Captain America/The Avengers) Rating: Teen for cursing words Ship: Steve Rogers x Tony Stark Word count: 3k Other Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - No Power, Alternate Universe - Modern, Meet Cute Author’s Note: self-indulging fic since I’m still recovering from Infinity War, non-betaed so all mistakes are mine
Steve was okay with rejection.
Living most of his school and college life as a small, scrawny boy, people wouldn’t even look at him the second time and he was fully aware that he didn’t stand a chance for romance. A man with a skinny body like him wasn’t exactly...boyfriend material, no matter how much Bucky told him that people didn’t deserve him if they couldn’t see beyond his physical body. “If they couldn’t see your big heart and great personality, then they miss out so much, Steve,” he cheered him up one day after a ruined date. Then again, Bucky was his best friend, of course he would be biased.
And the slow growth spurt finally did a thing to Steve. He didn’t grow that extremely big or something, but he put on some weight and couldn’t exactly small or scrawny anymore. After working out together with Bucky (since his best friend insisted), people started to notice him and tried talking to him. As time went by, he was aware how people wanted to know him now because of his proper look now. To be honest, it was hurting him more than it already had, because he was sure that people began to notice because of his look now. He got a few more best friends like Bucky he could count on, sure, but not people who wanted to be a serious relationship with him.
So far, he didn’t have any luck finding someone who was interested not in his body, but to who he truly was. Until now.
Despite Bucky’s warning a few times, meeting Morgan on a dating site (he was desperate, alright?) was one of the best things ever happened to him. Steve deliberately didn’t put any of his pics on the sites, to see if Morgan was interested in his personality alone, not his body. And after a few chats and calls, maybe some pics trading as well, he decided that Morgan liked him alright, just the way he was. And he was happy, he really was.
Until, they decided to meet for the first time on a date, and he got a message from Natalie.
[ txt: Natalie R. ] is this the morgan guy you’re talking about? [ txt: Natalie R. ] you’re not gonna like it, but [ Natalie R. sent you a photo ] [ txt: S. Rogers ] what the fuck Nat? [ txt: Natalie R. ] Morgan. I’ve checked him to make sure he’s legit a person. Yes, he’s real, but he’s a douchebag as well. A playboy or sort, already got himself a few victims. Here’s a few links to Facebook you can look up to see what he’s doing. He doesn’t even bother to lock them up from public access or made it a secret. [ txt: S. Rogers ] wtf Nat why are you doing this?? I didn’t need you to spy on him like this! [ txt: S. Rogers ] you saying this guy, who wanted to go on a date with me the first time, is actually two-timing me with someone’s else right now? Is he actually lying to me? [ txt: S. Rogers ] talk about bad timing, Nat. can’t you wait until my date is over? [ txt: Natalie R. ] and let him play with your heart and break it into pieces afterward? I don’t think so
She got a point, though.
But he reassured himself that this was a misunderstanding and checked the Facebook, out of curiosity. Yet Natalie was right. A few minutes ago, Morgan posted some pictures of himself alongside a woman he never knew. After giving a few scroll, despite his brain telling him to stop torturing himself like this, Steve kept going, to the picture where they kissed like a lover, with some hashtags on the caption like #dating #girlfriend #bestgirl and a few sort of those varians. He would be lying if this didn’t already break his heart almost instantly.
[ txt: Natalie R. ] I’m sorry, Steve. I know I’m being a jerk right now. But I can’t let that guy ruined my best friend like that. [ txt: S. Rogers ] doesn’t matter. He already late for our date anyway and he looked happy enough with his girlfriend. Good for him. [ txt: Natalie R. ] how long have u been waiting now? [ txt: S. Rogers ] 3 hours at supposed to be our meeting point, I think. He didn’t read my messages or pick up the calls I made anyway. I’m gonna cancel the reservation now and go back home and moping, maybe [ txt: Natalie R. ] damn it. I will kill him for you if you wish for it, Rogers [ txt: Natalie R. ] I’m so sorry. Should I call Bucky to pick you up? I’ll call Sam to come over tonight too [ txt: S. Rogers ] no, don’t. I just want to be alone tonight [ txt: Natalie R. ] tomorrow, then. And no buts. We’ll come tomorrow to get you [ txt: S. Rogers ] ok [ txt: Natalie R. ] I’m sorry Steve, I knew you’ve been looking forward to this [ txt: S. Rogers ] it’s ok. I’ll live
There were a few more messages from his friends, but Steve didn’t bother to read them. He did send another message to Morgan, ‘lose this number’, before blocking him for good. He put his phone into silent mode and put it back into his pocket, groaning as he rested his eyes on top of his fists. Biting his lower lip so hard to prevent himself from becoming a sobbing mess in public because currently, he was in the little park near the main streets, waiting for someone who would never come.
He wasn’t going to cry this time, dammit. He knew he was out of luck with relationship and romance after all this time. Mainly because of his look before, no one even bothered to look at him when he was still scrawny. And now? People didn’t even care to get to know him at all and only after his body. And when he thought he finally could get a chance to be happy, somehow it would be ruined itself in the end before Steve ever tasted it first. For some reasons, the universe decided to give him all the assholes for his simple wish of love interest.
He didn’t want to blame his friends about this because they already warned it beforehand, but….
Steve worked so hard on this date, alright? He booked the restaurant with a front payment that cost a lot more than his few weeks overtime salary, he bought some new proper clothes to look as clean as possible, he even bothered to style his hair with Bucky’s gel that he still thought it stunk so bad. Heck, he even brought some flowers, no matter how cheesy and stupid it sounded like. He worked so hard to make the best impression, and Morgan didn’t even get a chance to see it. At all.
He was upset. He was allowed to be so upset about this.
Steve let out a shaky breath, a few tears already rolled out from his eyes and he angrily wiped them with his sleeves, but there were still coming and he hated himself for being so weak about this. He should be able to handle this kind of thing, he had been used to rejection or any other variations his whole life. But he was absolutely upset right now and he allowed himself to not care. Public attention would be damned.
He was so getting those Ben & Jerry’s big tubes once he calmed down.
* * *
That man was still there by the time the late board meeting finally finished and he blinked. Confused.
Tony had been looking—no, I’m not spying him, Jesus Christ, Pep—at the man who sat on the bench on that little park near his building. Since the meeting was on the second floor and the windows faced the said park, it was so easy to spot the blond from this room immediately.
It wasn’t his habit to observe people, to be precise, but he couldn’t help but look at the big blond down there. The man looked so nice and gorgeous with those suit, with hair neatly combed and styled, and there was a flowers bouquet sat next to the man. All the hints seemed obvious enough to him now.
Ah, waiting for a date, he thought. And whoever this man’s date was, they must be so lucky to have him.
Tony? Well, he didn’t have time or room for romance and shit, to be honest. His company needed him that much, that he didn’t bother looking for a loving partner, despite he was almost in his 40 sometime next year. He tried, a few times before, though sadly it didn’t come out as he expected.
Apparently, when you were working in the Stark Enterprise as the CEO, people would be (1) expecting you to be like what’s the media had told them about, or (2) looking many ways to get juicy gossips or his money. Been there, done that, and Tony had enough with people not looking the real him, but always licking his ego and maybe his feet sometimes to get his money and got the power they wanted inside the Stark Enterprise. And Tony wanted none of those bullshits in his beloved company he worked so hard for years.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t lonely, though. Hell, he actually craved for a committed relationship. Seeing how nervous yet genuinely happy that blond was, even though it was hard to tell since Tony was high up inside the building and his eyes weren’t as good as they were now, became a reminder that Tony probably needed that sort of thing as well.
Dating, God...he never thought about that for years now. Too busy working himself for the sake of the company. Even Rhodey said to him that he should get laid sometimes, to lighten up his boring life. But he couldn’t, not after what people usually saw him as a sort of celebrity who needed to be praised all the time in order to be on Tony’s good side.  No, he didn’t need that kind of relationship, at all.
“Mr. Stark, are you listening to me?”
“YES. Yes, I am, still listening alright. You may continue,” Tony sighed, didn’t realize that he was staring from behind the windows that long. The directors gave him the look, but decided to let it go and continued where they left. Right, meeting. Tony should focus more on this one rather than being a creep and staring at the cute blond at the park. Whoever he was, Tony wished him to have a good date, maybe a stable relationship too eventually.
Apparently, the man was still there after the meeting was over. And Tony was utterly confused. It had been, like...what? A little 2 or 3 hours since the last time he saw the blond, shouldn’t he be with his date and went somewhere else instead of sitting on that same bench? He furrowed his brows, looking from the windows to see what exactly happened properly, now that the meeting was over and people already left the room.
It was still hard to make it from here, and it was getting dark to see the blond properly. But all Tony could make it was the man seemed furiously typed with his phone for a few minutes, before he finally made some sort of motions and gestures that Tony translated mentally as...things didn’t go smoothly for him.
Hell, Tony was sure the man was actually crying right now, with those wiping motion with his sleeves. And it would be a lie that it didn’t make Tony felt bad for him.
The blond was probably looking forward to this whatever date he planned. And maybe the date stood him up? How dare. The man was fine, absolutely gorgeous to Tony’s book. Anyone who stood him up should be ashamed of their doing. Tony might just know him for a few minutes, an hour top since the last time he was being a creep and observed the man, but he was pretty sure that this blond was doing his best for the first impression. Even the flowers, man, it was so cute and didn’t think anyone would still do that these days.
So Tony didn’t understand why this man was getting stood up in the first place, and he felt sorry for him. So much that he thought of doing something so stupid just to make the man felt better. Or smile, that would be a lot better.
Sorry, Pepper, for giving you yet many paperwork and PR later on, he thought, and made a dash to outside of the building, going to the park to meet the man face to face.
* * *
He wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting on the bench, while quietly sobbing like a little kid. But his eyes were getting hurt as he wiped them again roughly. Maybe he should’ve gone with the handkerchief to wipe them, and now his suit was partially wrinkled and his sleeves were wet because of his doing. Steve winced at the mess he made, but again, he could care less about that. It still didn’t make him feel any better, though, but at least he wasn’t crying anymore now.
Sighing loudly, wiping down his cheeks for good measure, Steve looked at the pathetic little flowers bouquet he brought with him and let out yet another sigh. They were all beautiful and would be such a waste if he threw them into the trash can. His late Ma would scold him for it, but it was too painful to look at the flowers now.
He picked them up and was going to throw them into the nearby trash, but stopped when a man approached him.
“Hey, darling. I’m so sorry I’m late!” the man said, looking a bit exhausted due to...what? Running? Something else? But that didn’t really matter, because Steve was too confused to begin with.
“I’m sorry, what—”
“Ooooh, you brought me flowers? Aww, you really shouldn’t have, thank you, sweetheart,” the man actually took the bouquet from Steve and carried it lovingly. Still, on the brink of confusion, Steve narrowed his eyes and the man just winked at him, mouthing something like ‘play along’.
Well, then, two could play the game.
“How could I not? You deserve all the beautiful things in the world, honey.”
The man looked like he wanted to laugh but suppressed it well. Instead, he was grinning at Steve. “Well, aren’t you such a keeper. Very smooth, darling, I already like you even more now.”
And honest to God, he just saw and met this man right now, but he sure could make Steve blushed so hard. “What can I say? I’m pretty likable,” he said sheepishly, trying to keep up with the game, and the man simply laughed.
“Aww, sure. You’re pretty, I’ll give you that. Now, come along, we already late for our dinner together,” the man said, casually taking Steve’s arm and led him away from the park and too many people around there. Just when they entered a quiet street, Steve finally spoke again.
“So, I knew that you’re not supposed to be my date for tonight. But who are you exactly and why are you doing this? Is this some kind of prank?“
The man flinched and released Steve’s arm, but kept walking on his side slowly. “No, of course not. It was just—would you be angry if I said that I couldn’t bear to see you sad like that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Right, maybe I should start from the beginning,” the man turned around to face Steve now. “Hi. My name is Tony, and apparently, I can see you from the meeting room inside my building a couple of hours ago and I got curious. Judging from your clothes and the flowers, I assumed you were supposed to be going on a date with someone, but that certain someone was somehow...did not appear in the end. And you looked so sad about that, and people looked at you funny when you were crying—hey, no, that’s okay. I didn’t mean to judge you. I, too, will cry if I were you, you know. We have our moments. But anyway, I can’t handle to see you looking so sad like that, and maybe I sort of didn’t want to make you looked embarrassing, so I guess why the heck not doing anything to cheer you up?”
Steve raised his eyebrow, “You mean, you saw me when I was waiting for my douchebag date from wherever you were before and decided to jump in and play the non-existence date for me so I wouldn’t be so embarrassed and looked sorry about my failed date?”
“...when you said it that way, somehow it sounded like a stupid idea. That wasn’t my intention—”
Called him exhausted both physically or mentally, but Steve shouldn’t be laughing this hard. What was even his life anymore? A guy somehow took a pity on him and actually played as his very late date to make him feel better about him? That was absurd. Steve knew he should feel offended by this situation, but he didn’t. And the man—Tony—sounded genuinely worried about him too, despite they just met a few minutes before.
“Okay, wow. You freaked me out now, darling. You sure you okay there?”
“No, no I’m not,” he said between his laughter, tears began to form again but at least this wasn’t because he was sad. Again, he wiped his eyes and huffed, regaining his compose. “God, this is really weird. I was planning to just come home after buying a big tub of ice cream, eating the whole thing while watching bad movies at home, but this—this was actually something that I didn’t expect at all.”
“A good kind of weird, I hope? If not, I’m really sorry for overstepping the boundaries. I know we’ve just met and we didn’t know each other, but uh...you can tell me to scram if you—”
“Tony,” Steve spoke, effectively shutting the man up and he simply smiled. “Hi, my name is Steve. And I know this is such a weird situation you apparently initiated—no, don’t try to deny it—but thank you for your...I don't know, help, I guess? I was so upset about it but now I don’t because of you. And you said something about dinner?”
Tony blinked, stayed quiet for a while before smiling widely.
“Yes, I did. How’s cheeseburgers sounded to you, Steve darling? I could eat some cheeseburgers right now. And, you know, maybe getting to know to each other, all that jazz? How’s that?”
Steve laughed, feeling more at ease as he talked to Tony.
“Sure, why not? Lead the way, honey.”
And here’s hoping this could be a start of something more beautiful for both of them.
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survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 5 - they finally swapped us - Austin
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I’m taking more of a leadership role on this tribe, trying to make more calls with the challenge. On a smaller tribe it is less risky to do that, and also more risky to go to tribal if people find a reason to target you its easy to get numbers. Dylan especially is a worry for me, in the past he has turned on me for absolutely no reason, so idk how much I can trust him. Dan seems ok, he gave us good intel about the other tribe. Still makes sense to vote him out if we go to tribal though lets not make enemies out of the og tribe just to save one guy.
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Tribe swap. Honestly I’m not freakin out abt it bc I’ve got Stephen & Austin who’ve both been pretty good in challenges so. Hopefully I can Michelle my way to the merge Even seems chill he’s just got a russel hantz profile picture which is a lil susp Although I’ll admit I’m a lil sad this is a cooperative challenge bc I really don’t work well cooperatively. Especially when these people are choosing words like CAT and WASHINGTON DC have y’all never played scattergories the object is to get the most random ass answers. We can’t put Unagi that’s way too common, we gotta put UNI, which means sea urchin & is a delicacy. If someone else puts uni I would literally cry I’d be such a clown Xiomara? BITXH have y’all seen Jane the Virgin? Hell no!! We putting Serena spelled with an X. She’s a character in a short story I wrote it’s a real name look it up. Sorry to rant I just can’t believe one of these boys chose Cat. Cat. R u joking
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So after 4 straight wins from my tribe they finally swapped us. Dylan, me, eric,and stephen from my og tribe long with dan from the other tribe. I like it and think we are gonna do well together.  Dan told me sunshine said I was trustworthy which I appreciated.  I dont wanna lose any challenges but if we do I feel maybe i should try and save dan? Idk i wanna be a lil more risky then i usually play in other games. Just gotta see what happens but idc to flip for my own game to do better.  
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LOCK & MANCALA. LOCK & MANCALA mancala is like the most famous board game WHY did we choose that I said to go with Master Trainer: Pokémon why was that not CHOSEN I hope we lose so I can get voted out & be remembered as this seasons biggest bitch
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My tummy is saying Fuck rn. I don't know how this tie breaker is gonna go
So what I am thinking it is going to be like is between Keegan and Coco but like Coco is my number 1 out here rn. Glo says she will protect me and Im trying to see what chips is feeling but I feel even when he says things Im like is this legit? Keegan wants to try working with me. I have to weigh my options but if I vote people from OG Musquodoboit tribe I upset everyone else there, if I vote Keegan, Who knows where on the totem pole I can be with the OG tribe.
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It has been brought to my attention that the person I’ve been referring to as ‘even’ is actually dan. ukmmmmmmmmmmm okcay also MICHELLE let’s keep this Queen energy to the merge 😈😈
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I think I’m cursed. This will be the fifth tribal council in a row I’m attending. Like how does this even happen? And of course I had to be dumb enough to step up and do the tie breaker which sent us to tribal. At first glance this could very well be the end of my game. Getting swap fucked is becoming a personality trait of mine at this point. However, Heather and I have been messaging and she said she’s going to talk to Chips and see about making a move to keep me in the game. I’m not sure who we’d vote out between Coco and Gloria but honestly I don’t care as long as I stay in the game.
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Hosts, Admins and VL. I made a chart that went like 6 layers deep in before it would deadend and I’m like “oh okay it must be at the 6 layer mark”. Nope I got down to 8 layers (T1 was the first) and I feel like it’s either claimed or it’s down that path. In other news, my two biggest obstacles is the OG other tribe -_- me forgetting the other tribe’s name. The second obstacle is Kyle. Kyle thinks he runs the joint and I just play a “Sheeple” game when in reality I’m trying to make small moves to further myself in the game. Kyle and Livingston are close and Kyle, myself and Darcy are tight. Sunshine is the odd one out and a easy boot.
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Update since recording, I think Chips is leaning more towards keeping Keegan oof im a swing vote then oof
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Maybe I’m just getting massively played right now but I currently have an alliance chat with Heather and Chips and we’re deciding on voting Coco or Glo. And I have Coco asking me if I’d vote for Glo. Maybe I’m being bamboozled but this is actually looking a little bit promising for me staying in the game right now. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much. The last time that did I got annihilated.
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Did I just suggest a Chips blindside? I- don't know. I am AHHHH. I am in a bad position next round that's FOR SURE
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So unfortunately we are going to tribal. At first I thought Keegan would be an easy vote BUT Chips started playing dirty. He made a chat with Heather&Keegan and tried to form "majority" with them. They were discussing whether to eliminate me or Glo. I'm not having it. Heather and I came up with the plan to blindside Chips because he probably wouldn't see it coming. I kept telling Chips I was SO worried,SO nervous because none is talking to me but it's just all an act. Hopefully we can get rid of either Chips or Keegan tonight and even flush an idol if they use it on Keegan.
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So ummm, Operation Chips Gone is under way. I am HELLA nervous! Idk if this is gonna work but I feel HELLA bad.
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ok Chips has turned on me saying I am weak link on tribe and wants me voted out with Keegan staying safe, Heather and CoCO are in alliance with me and tipped me off. So our vote is CHIPS. but we all three fear the idol situation. So I may not survive but calling me weak link who beat Chips ass in Scavenger hunt and came from behind to do so lol yeppers Glo beat Chips. Anyways it might be good bye GLO GLO tonight and if so I did my best. That would be end for me I guess. <3 GLO <3
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I think if we were on larger tribes and the challenge was different I might have thrown it. Bit as it is tribal only presents three options: a) vote out dan, which is not a big move or anything and is not going to change much. b) save dan, and vote out someone from my og tribe, which would piss off 8 other people I had ground work with, and c) Dan pulls something out of his ass and survives, voting one of us out. So yeah, no good scenarios for my long term game at tribal. However without it I can keep my relationships while also building new bridges with Dan that could help come merge and further.
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If Glo is truly the vote tonight, I’m probably going to cry. Not even going to sugar coat it. I’ll be crying. She’s just so pure and so nice and just this incredible person. I’m trying to not let it sway my judgement too much. I’m tearing up just thinking about her leaving. But if Heather and Chips are being honest with me and not conspiring against me they’ve both said they’d vote for Glo. And all I need to do right now is stay in the game. Against all odds, I might just manage to stay in the game in a disasterous 4v1 swap. The biggest downside after this is getting Evan(?) back from Oak Island. I’m praying he’s not close with Heather and Chips or I might not survive another tribal.
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So we got swapped onto a tribe of 5... and lost the first immunity challenge on that tribe. Keegan is the obvious vote since he got swapped onto our tribe. I'd rather not. Spent all day lying to Glo telling her I was going to vote him. If for some reason that's not the case and Glo doesn't go, cool. I got gamed. Also, I'm in an alliance chat with Heather and Keegan and lowkey I love it. I want to see this be a final 3 but I'm not going to get ahead of myself.
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Conspiracy theory: coco, glo & Keegan voted out chips, heather on the outs. No fucking clue why but it’s the only thing that makes sense. This whole game is so scary I’m like watching blindsides & murdering happening & im just chillin on the sidelines
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KEEGAN SURVIVED! I’m so happy for him! That’s all I wanted. Hopefully Keegan and Dan can make merge. I wanna throw the F14 immunity to send home Sunshine but that’s just a thought. I always said my two biggest obstacles were the OG other tribe and Kyle. That’s still true but maybe there’s hope for the first obstacle!
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Oh damn, I didn’t see that coming. There are two possible situations here: 1) That Keegan managed to pull two votes in with promises and shit, and 2) That there was a pre-existing alliance against Chips (and others) that I wasn’t aware of. This is worrying, not only did I just lose someone I wanted to work with but it shows I’m not that aware of what’s going on. Not good.
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I watched the tribal council. Keegan wasn’t even on the chopping block which is great. Glo seems like a lovely lady and seems easy to bond and manipulate. Great for me 🐍. Our alliance including Dan, with Keegan and his allies can make a strong group and potential majority. I feel like at merge I can play my cards right and secret pull strings.
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Chips was voted out which is honestly a big surprise to me but at least I’m still here! Who survived a 4v1 Swap Fucking? This guy!
0 notes
survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 10 - “I wanna merge” - Thomas
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alright just a recap of the round since i was at work all day! i was suuuuper excited that despite being in the warzone i was there with owen and matt my main boiz. also now people don't need to go bitching that i haven't been there yet anymore xoxo bite me cullan u bitch. apparently right when we got to the warzone tommy threw out adrian's name to trace bc he's still pressed about him calling him inactive during the round that nehe left which i mean eyeroll but ok. so as soon as i heard this i told matt, which probably was a mistake on my part but oh well. at that point i still was wanting to go through with what matt had wanted which was an alliance with us, adrian, and maynor. matt tells me last night though that adrian apparently initially brought up wanting to vote myself or owen due to challenge prowess, and i'm assuming the fact that we're winners as well. again, eyeroll. i brush it off and am like well let's sleep on it and see where we're at in the morning. so i tell owen all of this as well and make him promise me not to leak bc this could've potentially been a big round for us depending on what we wanted to do. he agreed with me that adrian even suggesting our names in passing wasn't a cute look and i didn't really wanna stand for that. we talked about it in pms and then again in the paradise hotel chat and it was odd bc then traces' information and actions were always seemingly right behind us. i'm fairly certain matt was leaking all of it to him but ok. i mean i hope he wasn't, but we'll see. trace and adrian got close real fast if they weren't already so that was kind of another point that i was trying to drive home with matt. good ol' matt kept mentioning yk that me and owen are his main people and that he doesn't care if adrian goes and at that point it just felt like ok well put your money where your mouth is. so we push for that and come to the conclusion that we really just need us, tommy and chloe obvs bc she's not gonna vote herself. the group decides to leave trace out of it after i bring up how trace apparently has all of the tea so maybe it wasn't getting leaked to him afterall??? idk shrug. i did let stephen know what was going on a little before tribal, i probably should've confirmed with him earlier but i wasn't sure how much he was willing to trust me with kind of right away like that. everything goes right as planned and adrian leaves 6-2??? happy to be back and out of the warzone, but i miss matt and owen already, but corey is back with me now!!! oh that reminds me apparently matt is wary of both ian and corey so i gotta keep an eye on that moving forwards and plan accordingly. ummmm also trace messaged me and was like hey so what happened?? i decided to tell him that i legit must've misunderstood messages from someone and that he was back to voting adrian. idk i just played dumb so i hope he bought it. he was like yeah as long as it was miscommunication and not me getting fucked over it's cool sdjgksdlg like what am i supposed to say to that.... yes i was trying to fuck u over u right.... got me!! 
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Genuinely surprised Chloe survived after being a target for so long, makes me suspicious there might be another alliance out there, because most people told me Adrian, they might not trust me yet, hopefully voting with them helped me there.
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If I’m being truly honest. This challenge is so weird that i dont think imma be able to like do iy. Might be a warzone trip for me this round and it sucks because I dont want to go. Like Adrian was someone i could have worked with but he left 6-2 and I hope it wasnt Matt who voted Cloe.
I got the first one in 6 clicks. I hope im able to get the rest pretty quickly but i dont know if i move from kuwait or i start from survivor again.
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Part 1. I have emotional motion sickness. Somebody pls roll the windows down. I'm scared to lose Matt or Owen at this tribal. I don't see it happening but it still worries me. Ideally, Thomas leaves. Kait or Stephen leaving aren't the worst case scenarios either. Realistically, I predict Trace or Stephen. Trace.... pls survive. I'll send this confessional in two parts. Will be writing the second part later tonight. Part 2. Well. Adrian left. this is bad for my game. Is it worst case scenario? no. But Trace didn't vote him out; Matt did. Matt betrayed Adrian and Kait basically told me so. I cannot trust Matt as much as I thought I could; but maybe his allegiance is to Owen primarily as Matt sold Adrian out bc Adrian wanted to target Kait/Owen. It's hectic but Adrian was a number for my game, personally. I'll do my espionnage and try to keep tabs on what everyone is thinking. Oh, and attempt to win immunity again!
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Well, last night's war zone did NOT go as I expected. I really thought that everyone was on board to vote Chloe, but I was clearly mistaken. The tribal left me a little confused, and genuinely nervous about what my fate would be if I were to return to the war zone in the near future. There are a few things that I did learn from this war zone, however. I really think that matt is kind of calling the shots over there. He seemed to be the sneakiest one, and was the one lie that kind of hurt the most. Kait claims that she thought I knew the vote was Adrian, and that is was a mistake on her part. I don't fucking buy it. Kait is clearly close with Thomas (she literally calls him Tommy), but decided that they couldn't trust me enough to tell me in the end the vote wasn't chloe. I did not appreciate that. I hate being in war zones where people who are inactive get to stay because somehow, someone figured out how to goat them to the end. I am going to do my best to stay out of the war zone this round, but this challenge is confusing so I have no idea if I even have a chance.
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Im really nervous for this immunity. I hope i had a quick clicks. If not I hope im with people i can work with and not be voted out. Im anticipating a merge soon but how it works idk.
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http://prntscr.com/nu7q5f what kind of false scorpio antics.......... 
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Me? Safe again? Hskshdjd who woulda THOUGHT!!! I’m glad madison is finally safe I feel like the more she goes the more time she has to make connections lmao. I know she rlly wanted to be safe this time for some reason but part of me thought she had been throwing tbh so she could actually play the game which isn’t a bad strategy. I feel really bad for matt going again :( but I think he will be okay. Here’s hoping they send Stephen out please and ty!!!! In other news I still think I’ve never talked to Ian or corey which is funny af because corey could be my number one in this game. I feel like he will be loyal to me once we make it together.... I rlly just hope him and Kait don’t clash, but I’m scared af because Matt was sus about corey getting renee out and I haven’t gotten to tell corey that yet. Hopefully when the time comes I can get corey and Kait to work together and the three of us can go to the end somehow. I’m not gonna turn on Kait. I can’t turn on corey. It’s gonna be messed up if they ever start to target each other bc Kait doesn’t know I’m close with him but he knows I’m close with her nnnn
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Kait thinks I'm targeting pairs, huh? Well, yes but actually no. I'm targeting pairs in the since that members of those pairs are people I don't think would work with me, I'm not targeting them for being pairs. I've got a pair in Leo I want to work with, also MY SIGN PARTNER IS STILL IN THE GAME, albeit barely. It has become abuntly clear to me that Matt does not have over lapping interests with me in this game. The man is out there spreading propaganda against me to Kait and Owen, who has never met me might I add so he sees me exactly as I see him. A threat. Kait, I thought you were warming up to me, but please keep thinking Corey is who you should confide in, he's totally not closer to me or anything.
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This Warzone is really stressing me out. I don’t think I have the same allies I’m usually confident with. There’s Devon and Trace and Maynor and Chloe but I only can trust them so much because none of them are working together. I’m hoping to get out timmy or Stephen who I don’t know and don’t trust but I also know that my name certainly could be coming up soon enough because with each tribal I survive I become a bigger and bigger threat. I’m ready for some idol shenanigans if need be but I’d love to save that shit for down the road.
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The names being thrown out right now are Cloe, Timmy, and Stephen. I much rather have Timmy stay because we are actually working together in this game rather than against. Stephen even tho we dont talk much there is still that connection through his game he hosted and one we played together. Getting majority on Cloe will be great because she wont get dragged to the f3 and take a spot that could be mine.
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This warzone feels different. It’s an odd group and a lot of people who haven’t been together. So it’s somewhat quiet but also contentious since anything could happen at this point. Not sure how tonight will play our, should be fun....
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So the vote seems to be Chloe, yet she always gets votes and it’s never her so naturally I’m weary. I think this will be the time though, especially with who is at this tribal. Trace was saying Devon had said Stephen, which I don’t want him going because he would be a good number for me. Trace also said that Matt said my name but I think he’s now on the Chloe train...I’m hoping. Either way I doubt he would have majority. I’m hoping I stay because it’s about to be merge and I think I’ve been doing well so far. I’m proud of how social I have been with people, it’s not the best, but it’s a lot better than I usually am.
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It looks like the vote is locked on Cloe but still very awkwardly quiet. I hope nothing crazy goes down. *knocks on wood*
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Don’t mind me just dying and having no idea what’s going on at all hahaha probs gonna be voted out next xoxox 
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This better be the last Warzone, I wanna merge.
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So, with little debate, I think we settled on voting Chloe. Originally, Devon and Matt wanted to vote Stephen, but I had to convince them onto Chloe because I want to make sure we have more people on our tribe than theirs so that I have a chance of winning immunity. Matt told me he heard Timmy's name which is weird. I think he was just trying to scare me. I told Timmy about it, and Timmy was upset, but I really don't think it went anywhere. Chloe came to me and told me that she would vote anyone as long as it wasn't her. I really don't trust Matt even though he keeps telling me that I can trust him, so idk. Maybe I'll flip the script at the last minute and try to get everyone Matt at the last minute, but we shall have to see if that's smart for me... idk
0 notes
yandereshit · 7 years
707 hugs & donuts for my sista!
Happy birthday, @liasviel! My lil sista is an adult nao ~♥ (…i just realized i messed up the notifications but it’s 1 minute left dont hate me)
–707 logged in–
707: Okay let’s state one thing straight. 707: EVERYONE needs a cat 707: Except for Zen. 707: But if it wasn’t for his allergy, he’d need a cat too. 707: So it seems that the cruelty of Ms Vanderwood 3rd makes my life harder since she doesn’t let me own a cat T_T 707: She obviously wants me to suffer T_T Zen: Okay, first. Zen: We all know Vanderwood is a guy by now -_- 707: Whoops~ Zen: And second Zen: DON’T MEASURE EVERYONE WITH YOUR OWN STANDARDS 707: T_T 707: You’ve been living without a cat for so long 707: That you’re not aware of your own loss anymore 707: *gasp* So sad…! Shiro: There, there. Saeran: Could you all stop? Saeran: I keep getting the notifications, it’s annoying -_- 707: How 707: about 707: no? Shiro: Uhuhu, don’t provoke him, he’s unsteady today Saeran: What did you just say -_- Shiro: lololol 707: I was about to go anyway~ 707: You know, as the older, responsible brother Shiro: *cough* 707: I need to work hard to earn the living for… 707: My brother 707: His soon-to-be-fiance Saeran: Excuse me…? 707: And My Donut. Shiro: …Donut. 707: Shiro: Could you stop making weird nicknames for my sister ;_; 707: How 707: about 707: …rather not lol 707: Going off like a sunset~ Saeran: Begone.
–707 logged off–
He yawned, swaying on the chair lazily. Working was definitely the last thing he wanted to do, and so - he didn’t pay much attention to it. 
So many things happened lately. He thought that everything would change once he escaped the agency.
But it did not. There - of course - was a change, but much different from what he expected.
He still worked as IT expert, his house was as messy as always. Vanderwood still lived with him, doing his own work and - by the way - cleaning all the mess Saeyoung’s made. He threatened to move away soon - which he planned from the very beginning - but it was for some reason a painfully slow process and, as long as he still lived here, it seemed as if nothing changed. 
Except for Saeran, the third mouth to feed.
That wasn’t all though. The thing that changed the most was the almost continuous presence of two additional beings. You know, the same set as before. Buy one, get one free. 
Kuro was the one who’s got invited to Rika’s apartment.
Shiro was the one who stormed in two days later with food, scolding her sister for neglecting the studies.
It didn’t exactly go as planned and storming in resulted in the bomb almost going off. 
And there again: Kuro was the one to take it with only a weird, rather unmoved expression, while Shiro started yelling at the redhead for putting her sister in such a danger.
But when he pointed that she let her live in a stranger’s apartment (she was obviously aware of the fact), she just waved him off and, sending him a cold glare, stated that either he lets Kuro live at his place (to make sure she’s safe) (she didn’t actually believe it’d make her safe) or she will take her sister back home and no one will hear from her ever again.
It all ended with Kuro having to calm down her heatened sister and Saeyoung having to prepare a separate bedroom for the poor girl. 
It was a few months ago and right now, the girls were living together again.
Ever since Shiro and Saeran accidentally met, it was pretty obvious that there’s something soothing in her demanding behaviour that made Saeran kind of vulnerable. The relationship between them was a bit weird, but rather stable.
But Kuro? It was a completely different matter.
The girl caught Saeyoung’s attention. When she, for the first time, entered the RFA’s chatroom, she was so bright and innocent. Cheerful, trying to make everyone smile. Understanding, even to him. She even got his jokes, which made them both an explosive pair.
And then, when he decided to look into the camera’s feedback, he noticed her, sitting in the corner with her phone laying beside her, eyes focused on her small laptop, the light of the screen brightening her pale, calm face.
Every message she sent, every emoticon she put into the messages, she didn’t’ smile even once. When someone called her, she was kind and smiling. But every time the call ended, she would sigh quietly and go back to her laptop, looking as if the talk never happened. There was that dark, filled with despair aura around her. The one that made him keep wondering and asking himself over and over: what heppened to her…?
To keep her saddness buried deep inside and show only the happy, careless side. To sit in this corner, in front of the CCTV camera, all day and scribble in her laptop as if nothing else mattered. To occasionally wip her eyes and if it weren’t for the poor quality of the feed, he’d always want to know if she’s crying, because if so - he’d call her straight away to cheer her up…
…But he was aware that the call would be just like any other she’s got. Happy, cheerful, “worries-lacking”.
And that’s when he suddenly realized that she’s just like him. 
And that it’s not good to be like this.
–Kuro logged in–
Shiro: And that’s why showers are better than bathtubs. Shiro: Are you even reading this…?
–Saerean logged off–
Shiro: O-okay… ;_; Kuro: I prefer tubs to be honest, but Kuro: Sisssterrr…. Kuro: I really don’t want to disturb you Kuro: And your amazing conversation  (´• ω •`) Kuro: But, honey Kuro: YOUR CHICKEN IS FUCKIN BURNING  ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ Shiro: awsedrftgyhuji
–Shiro logged off–
Kuro: ;_; Kuro: Leave me some if it’s not too charred… Kuro: …and don’t eat it if it is
–707 logged in–
Kuro: Hello there…  (*´▽`*) 707: Who’s this~ 707: Is this~ 707: Maybe~ 707: The most wonderful~ 707: The most adorable~ 707: And the most tasty~ 707: DONUT? ★ Kuro: …what did you just call me ;_; Kuro: A donut…? Kuro: …sounds nice lol 707: I know right! Kuro: Why everyone is offline again? >.707: Probably because 707: It’s over the midnight lol 707: Jaehee probably works 707: Jumin probably sleeps 707: Zen probably practices his lines 707: Yoosung probably still plays LOLOL 707: Elly probably shines 707: Saeran probably went to sleep 707: And Shiro is probably trying to rescue the charred chicken
–Shiro logged in–
Shiro: IT’S NOT THAT CHARRED Shiro: DAMMIT SIS Shiro: I ALMOST FORGOT Shiro: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kuro: Thank you ^^” Shiro: will stalk u tomorrow Shiro: just burned my fingers Shiro: will hug u when i see u Shiro: BRING THE EXTINGUISHER Shiro: QUICKLY Kuro: To the rescue… ;_;
–Kuro logged off– –Shiro logged off–
Saeyoung blinked, staring at the screen. Everything happened too quickly for him to have a chance to react.
Happy birthday…?
He didn’t even know. While doing his research, he completely missed this information.
Wait, but… shouldn’t Kuro answer with “happy birthday to you too” or something like this? They were twins. T.W.I.N.S. It’s more than obvious that the birthday’s date is the same for the both of them.
He couldn’t know though.
They were probably busy with rescuing the chicken at the moment, so he waited for twenty minutes and dialed the number.
- Hello…?
- Hello, my brother’s soon-to-be-fiance!
- … Hi there, sucker.
- So mean…!
- It’s over the midnight, dammit! - Shiro cursed quietly. - Kuro is already sleeping, what do you want…?
- Well, I have… a very important question, to be honest! Mind answering me~?
- What’s it? - she sighed, her voice clearly bored.
- Tell me then, why is it your sister’s birthday, and not yours~?
There was a short silence.
- Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know. - He could almost see her shrugging. - Kuro and I were found in a forest. We’re adopted, you could say. In our passports, there’s the adoption’s date as our birthday, but we don’t know when we were actually born. So we chose the dates on our own, when we got older. Kuro chose the day when our parents gave her a cat she asked for so long. Mine is the day when I’ve seen an aurora for the first time. That’s the whole story.
Saeyoung hummed, thinking intensively.
- I see… 
- Is that all?
She almost hung up.
- N-nonono, wait! One more question.
- Come on, dude…
- What happened to her cat…?
Shiro sighed tiredly.
- He passed away last summer. He was old, of course. It was… well, tough for her. 
- I see… and, tell me, please-
And then Shiro finally hung up.
He almost dialed her number again, but realized that she’d probably not even pick it up. 
Well, he knew much enough.
–Saeran logged in–
Saeran: Saeyoung, you fucker Saeran: What are you doing at this hour? Saeran: Loud. As. Hell. Saeran: …am I hearing a driller? Saeran: I’m gonna strangle you.
–Saeran logged off–
- Sis? What are you doing at this hour? - Kuro peeked out of her room, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
Shiro cursed once more, throwing her phone onto the couch.
- Got a call. Sorry for waking you up.
Kuro shook her head and came closer.
- You didn’t, I couldn’t sleep anyway.
- Want some pills?
- I’d rather not. 
- Tea…?
- Nah. You should go to sleep though, you have kinda red eyes. 
- …It’s the lighting.
- Doubt so. You’ve been sticking to your phone for the whole day. Not too healthy~
- You won’t tell me what’s healthy, honey - Shiro mumbled and almost stumbled into her room, because sleeping was the best thing she could do now.
Kuro peeked at the phone, sitting on the couch and turning on the TV, instantly reducing the volume. The noise was still weirdly loud, as the rest of the apartment stayed completely silent. The sounds of the night city didn’t reach them on the thirteen floor.
The light of the TV screen was annoyingly bright and yet she felt surrounded by the darkness. The shadow behind her back, the open door to the kitchen and her room - obviously dark. The uneasy feeling grown in her as the movie ended and there were end credits on the black background, with quiet, kind of creepy music. 
She took the remote and turned it off. The silence calmed her down a little bit, but the darkness only got worse. She closed her eyes for a few minutes, hopeful that she would fall asleep on the couch, but it didn’t work.
The floor looked like an abyss and she sincerely hesitated before laying her foot on it.
She went to the window and opened it wide. The cold air filled the room, chills running down her spine as the wind messed with her hair. Now she could hear all the noises, the streets of the city filled with cars and moving lights as if it was the middle of a day. Brightness of the city contrasted with the black sky.
It was warmer than she though it’d be at this hour. The urge to take a walk was something definitely too strong to resist at this point. She’d only have to change, since pajamas aren’t the best choice. Going out in pajamas is never a good choice, let’s be honest.
In a few minutes she was ready, with casual trousers, a shirt and a blouse. She hid her hair under the hem of the blouse so that it wouldn’t get all messy because of the wind and opened the door to go outside…
…only to bang someone else’s head with her own.
She whined softly and wobbled from the sudden dizziness. She automatically held her forehead and backed away, a similar to hers whine reached her ears at the same moment.
She blinked and looked at the wall clock in the living room, making sure she didn’t make a mistake.
- … - She looked once more at the silhoulette she just banged (…I really didn’t mean it to sound like this). - Saeyoung… care to tell me, what are you doing here at one a.m…?
The boy panted, leaning against the door frame. It was obvious he was running all his way here.
- You’re… not asleep yet… Good - he mumbled out, trying to calm down his breath.
- … Why didn’t you go here by car?
He froze.
- I… forgot I have one - he admitted. - But more important, Kuro, why aren’t you asleep?! - he panicked suddenly.
- … - The girl stared at him. - You just said it’s good I’m not asleep! 
- It’s good for me, but it’s not good not for your health! And what’s up with going out at this hour! Someone could kidnap you!
- …
The scene was so surreal that she didn’t even know how to answer.
- E-er… - she stuttered. - Okay, so what are you doing here by the way…? - The despearte attempt to change the topic was obviously desperate.
Now Saeyoung was the one to stutter. It took her a while to notice a brown box he was keeping under his arm.
- O-oh! I almost forgot! E-er, it may not look the best right now, b-but… - He opened the box and took out a bit heavy thing that miraclously fitted the box. - I know you’ve already seen it, but it… for some reason kept breaking so I couldn’t give it to you, I eventually fixed it though, so… Happy birthday, Kuro!
Tumblr media
The girl’s eyes widened at the view and she almost forgot how to breathe. She held the cat carefully in both of her hands, afraid of accidentally breaking or letting it fall to the floor.
- S-Saeyoung… Y-you… d-didn’t have to… - she stuttered out. 
- No, I didn’t - he agreed. - But I wanted to. Kuro… - He cleared his throat. - Thank you… for everything. If you ever feel down or just… need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you. It may be hard to just… come and talk, but… I promise I will always listen, so there’s nothing you should be worried about, okay?
He smiled warmly and gently kissed her forehead, his fingers tangled in her hair as the other hand wrapped around her waist, giving her a warm hug. 
- I’m not going to leave you, so just trust me, okay?
He hummed softly. 
The night was still young.
–Shiro logged in–
Shiro: I will kill him. Shiro: I will kill her too. Shiro: I will choke them both. Saeran: It’s fuckin 2 am Shiro: …You know you can turn off the notifications? Saeran: … Shiro: I ought to explain it later. Shiro: BUT MORE IMPORTANT Shiro: Your brother just went into our flat Shiro: took my sister Shiro: and flied away Shiro: leaving only the damn robotic cat Shiro: THAT WON’T FUCKIN SHUT UP Shiro: HOW DO YOU TURN THIS SHIT OFF? Saeran: …With a hammer? Shiro: … Shiro: Nevermind. Shiro: Can anyone tell me Shiro: why is my sister gone? Shiro: Come on, aren’t you worried about your brother too?;; Saeran: Not really Saeran: He’s an adult lol Saeran: Stop babysitting your sister -_- Shiro: I stopped babysitting her once. Shiro: and she almost got kidnapped by a sect -_- Saeran: … Shiro: Dammit, where are they?!
–707 logged in–
707: YO YO SUP BITCHES Shiro: YOU 707: ME Shiro: ARE 707: awesome? Shiro: DEAD Shiro: I WILL KILL YOU Saeran: seconded 707: Where is all that hate from?! T_T Shiro: YOU KIDNAPPED MY SISTER 707: She went with me on her own lol Shiro: YOU SEDUCED HER 707: lolololol 707: … it’s possible tho  707: The poor Kuro was seduced by a nameless hacker
–Kuro logged in–
Kuro: Stop it ;_; Shiro: UR ALIVE Kuro: I am! Shiro: KICK THIS FUCKER FROM ME 707: DON’T KICK THIS FUCKER Shiro: KICK Saeran: kick seconded 707: T_T 707: What did I do to deserve all this hate… 707: I was so good to the all of you… 707: And yet… 707: Like Messiah lol Kuro: Hey, Messiah, get out of my side;; Kuro: You were supposed to have only HALF of this bed Shiro: yihoisafp Shiro: BED?!!!!!!!!!!! 707: My half is relatively smaller though TT 707: Hey;;;;; 707: Stop kicking me;;;;;;; Saeran: Are they really chatting while laying next to each other…? Shiro: I’M NOT PLEASED Saeran: Are you a chaperone? lol Shiro: I guess I should hire one -_- Kuro: :3 Shiro: Why are you smiling now…? 707: She kicked me off the bed T_T Shiro: LOL Shiro: GOOD JOB SISTA Saeran: lol Saeran: Wait… Saeran: You haven’t come back and you’re not with Shiro Saeran: Where the hell are you…? 707: In a hotel! 707: It’s super duper nice and cozy Saeran: …and you… share the bed…?
–Shiro logged off–
707: … Saeran: I have an advise for you. Saeran: Run for your life before she finds you. 707: T_T Kuro: She won’t tho~ 707: …probably not 707: We’re too far lol Saeran: I wouldn’t be surprised if she put a gps in Kuro’s bra Kuro: … 707: Oh my dear Donut! 707: It seems that  707: I need to check whether there’s the gps or not! 707: Just wait for it! 707: I will make sure you’re safe! Kuro: DON’T COME CLOSER PERV Kuro: vtufghgiynuom Kuro: yugimhuo Kuro: vtbp
–Shiro logged in–
Shiro: … Shiro: DON’T TOUCH HER  Saeran: Where have you been lol Shiro: I called Vanderwood  Saeran: lol and? Shiro: There’s gps in Saeyoung’s phone lol Saeran: heh Saeran: you could have just asked me Saeran: I could even hack into his phone and find him Shiro: Would you do it for me? lol Saeran: Who knows Shiro: … waIT WE FORGOT ABOUT THE IMPORTNAT Shiro: MY SISTA IS IN DANGER
–Kuro logged off– –707 logged off–
Shiro: … Shiro: I’M SERIOUSLY WORRIED RIGHT NOW Saeran: Chill out Saeran: It’s not like they’re THAT irresponsible right? Shiro: … T_T Saeran: Go to sleep, it’s late Shiro: I won’t fall asleep like this T_T Saeran: There, there Saeran: lol Saeran: Just trust them a bit Saeran: Good night Saeran: …or something
–Saeran logged off–
Shiro: Siiiiiiigggghhhhh;; Shiro: ..no choice then Shiro: no CHOIce Shiro: lol Shiro: When you’re reading this, it’s probably late af so… Shiro: Sleep well, my lil sister.
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femaleidols · 7 years
im curious on the admins opinions on the whole mamamoo blackface situation... im really having a hard time bc mamamoo was one of my ult groups but it's been so hard for me to move past that as a black woman and it hurts bc i can feel myself not having the joy i had before for this comeback :( im just curious about how the admins felt and how they worked past it
see our honest opinions below the cut!
sullflower: To be honest, I can’t say much about their scandal because I didn’t follow it nor am I a Moomoo. But you have every right to be disappointed. It’s totally okay if you don’t feel like enjoying them anymore, really. I know I wasn’t much help, but I hope you’ll find a way you’re comfortable with.
iyokans: (hiatus)
heonies: I don’t want to share any opinion on the matter since I don’t really follow mamamoo and only recently heard of the events. It is incredibly disappointing though, and you have every right to be upset. All I can say is, if something hurts you, don’t invest your time and effort into it. You do you, and don’t feel bad about it.
jiaerrs: dude i totally get it if you’re having a hard time. one of my ubs fucked up in a similar way last week and blatantly ignored black fans who were sending him messages to educate him. while i can’t understand how painful it is firsthand as an asian woman, i understand completely if you’re feeling conflicted/upset/etc. over what mamamoo did. ngl, i was very disappointed when i saw them do blackface again after i was starting to get over their last incident. even with rbw stepping up and issuing apologies for multiple instances, it doesn’t seem genuine because it keeps happening. seeing the amount of people justifying it because bruno mars wasn’t black and bringing up sexist double standards to absolve the girls from their fuckups is a headache to deal with. whatever you feel is totally valid, and it’s fine if you’re not excited or maybe you are. i just hope no one gives you a hard time for doing either or!
katypery: i don’t know the details on how this scandal unfolded since i haven’t been following it but when i heard it i was extremely disappointed with them. i’m not a moomoo myself so i don’t follow their activities but i do hope they learn from their mistakes regardless. i believe you have the right to be hurt since this situation affected you directly and probably most of their black fans as well so it’s totally understandable if you don’t feel like enjoying this comeback! i personally don’t see anything wrong with you feeling that way so don’t go hard on yourself and support them only if you feel comfortable.
sunjis: first of all, i’m not black. honestly when a situation like this happens i don’t even get surprised anymore, which is sad, i always expect the worst to happen sooner or later but when it does i still get disappointed. regardless of being an idol i like, my relatives, someone from work/school, i just hope the person learns from their mistakes and keep an open mind when they hear critics. i got really surprised by rbw apology, but what saddened me the most were some fans reactions, defending them and therefore proving themselves of being completely ignorant. if what happened made you sad and you don’t feel excited anymore, it’s fine, really. it’s not worthy giving more chances to something that makes you feel bad and it’s not your or any fans obligation to educate them, sometimes we just have to get away and do what is the best for ourselves.
lauxrent:I think that generally when you fave fucks up you need to understand that if you can’t move on past what they did it’s perfectly fine and you don’t have to overcome it? Like if they don’t bring you joy anymore you shouldn’t force yourself into it. Maybe it will pass with time maybe it won’t. I know that it must be sad and disappointing when your fave group fucks up and looses its magic for you because of that, but if it really bothers you shouldn’t feel obliged to accept it. I know that there is a certain pressure in kpop fandom to accept idols’ mistakes and that some fandoms are really nasty to people that can’t forgive their faves but this fandom culture is toxic and you primarily should focus on what makes you happy. Myself I was never really a fan of mamamoo and I won’t become one now.
sooyulti:it’s really disappointing and there’s no excuse for racism, all this bullshit that fans say when trying to explain it like “their culture is different”, i believe it makes the situation even worse… and i know they apologized but it’s hard to accept it, especially when they have a big international fanbase, they should’ve educated themselves by searching through internet, i’m sure they have access to it. anyways, idk how i could help you to move past that bc i’m still very disappointed and i can’t move past that either, i just hope the girls will learn from this and won’t make the same mistake again.
wonhosoks: i was pretty surprised that they did that tbh but im not into them like as a “fan” so my only opinion probably it was disappointing coming from them? idk but i totally get that you would feel hurt cus they are ur ult group too :(  im so sorry I dont think i helped much at all :(
24kool: i’d rather not share my opinion on it, however i do hope you manage to find the right solution for you 💜
1krystaljung:when mamamoo first did it i was rly dissapointed and upset of course… but then they apologized so soon after which was really surprising and i wanted to forgive them & believe they had really learned from their mistakes. like i don’t think i’ve seen many idols apologize when they’re in situations like this, so i thought it was great they were aplogizing and i believed it to be genuine and that they were really gonna grow and learn from it! but then… they jst went and did blackface again so shortly after lmao… like i really thought they had learned and listened to what people had to say but i guess the apology was just to save face and wasn’t really genuine at all lol?? so the whole thing is really upsetting to me and i lost a lot of respect for them, especially now that they’re caught up in the controversy of them wearing bindis… like……. do they not learn??? it feels like they don’t really care like at all lmao. aaaand that’s my opinion on that. sorry, but i don’t really have much to say on “working past it” because i was never really a mamamoo stan, i just listen to some songs here and there. if you decide to work past it, good luck, i know it can be kind of hard to work past something like that, especially since it wasn’t just a one time thing :/ and if you decide to drop them that’s totally understandable and i wouldn’t blame you
seuhgi:that was disappointing for sure.
prkchaeyoung: i was never really a mamamoo fan, but what mamamoo did was extremely ignorant and it hurt a lot of people. if you believe that letting go of them is the best thing for you, then go for it!
yoonbomis: i’m sorry that the situation has made u feel this way :( the situation did make me upset and quite shocked?? (since i’m not a big fan of mmm, i didn’t really expect it) and i’m glad that fans’ rightfully upset/offended/perhaps betrayed? feelings to it was able to get a least, an apologetic response out of mamamoo and their agency (if i remember right, they said things along the lines that they were going to aim to educate themselves on it?) but it is still something that is constantly in my thoughts whenever i think of or see mamamoo, so it did hinder my opinion of them. however, i still listen to their music, although not with the same enthusiasm as before. i’m sorry if i’m not too much help or comfort ;; (also because i am not a black woman) but i hope u are able to find a way to ease ur pain in a way that makes u comfortable and happy ^^
monoka: as a nonfan & someone who was never interested in them i have to say i avoid them as much as possible, because i got tired of their problematic antics. They have done so many things multiple times and still NOT learn. Their ignorance is amazing.
seulge: what bothers me the most is that mamamoo fans are quick to pretend that these girls did absolutely nothing wrong - or most of them at least. i will never forget seeing on twitter this one moomoo who was giving out false translations to protect mamamoo’s reputation or some bs. i do not like mamamoo as people anymore, and the fandom is equally toxic imo, so i stepped away a long time ago. i might check out the mv when it’s out and if the song is good, so be it. i’ll listen to it if it’s catchy.
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