#i’m glad i saved before that choice so i can go through all the scenes i wouldn’t have got otherwise
danielnelsen · 17 hours
so if you romance and ascend astarion you can kick him in the balls when he tries to turn you and it’s just very funny, he’s so pissy about it. so much for the most powerful vampire of all time or whatever, he stamps around like a toddler and then leaves forever
#i’m glad i saved before that choice so i can go through all the scenes i wouldn’t have got otherwise#(‘that choice’ meaning ascension)#im Fascinated by a whole bunch of stuff if you ascend him#like if you succeed on the detect thoughts (or maybe insight i forget) before he turns you to see what he think of you#it says something like ‘he will always see you as degrading yourself while you choose to be with him’ which is just BONKERS INSANE#like not confusing or anything. just wild to include. in a good way; like yeah of course that’s how he feels#and then the narrator follows it up with something like ‘but isn’t that what you want?’#like i’m glad they do actually try to impress upon you how fucked this dynamic is. they’re not trying to make you think it’s a good outcome#(i know there’s discourse about this and it’s very annoying)#(people who are like ‘actually it’s romantic and kinky’ uhh 😬)#(but then people who are like ‘how can anyone think this is ok’ and direct that towards anyone who enjoys playing it)#(like no it’s fun and genuinely interesting and i can see the appeal. just not when it comes to analysing the relationship)#(most people are aware that this is a bad dynamic they’re just playing a game chill out)#(like when i said 😬 about it being romantic/kinky i mean that from the perspective of analysing the story not personal enjoyment)#(anyway. moving on)#like i did that specific bit of dialogue probably a month or more ago and only once (because the test was really hard)#and it’s been creeping around in my head ever since. i love it lmao#i saw a video of that kiss where he makes you kneel a while ago and didn’t quite believe it was a real thing#but no it’s one of his actual default kisses. amazing#like i’m definitely gonna do a playthrough where i get everyone to make the power-hungry soul-destroying choices#and i might have to romance astarion again for that one because he definitely seems to have the most bad-decision relationship content#although he has the most relationship content full stop so it’s not surprising#but i think that’s the only one that notably changes your character during the playthrough rather than just the epilogue#personal#ash plays bg3
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unrealisticlea · 2 months
Remembering 911 is a drama first and a procedural second and they love putting couples through hell before giving them a happy ending, here's my realistic bucktommy arc for season 8a. It’s gonna feel very slow because I’m taking into account that there are emergencies, 6 other characters, Tommy’s not a main, and maybe there’ll be some work related storylines for Buck.
The first three episodes are the big emergency. But Buck's distracted. He keeps checking his phone, at some point he refuses to go on a call because he received the news about an aviation incident (it's the Athena's one, Tommy's not involved whatsoever). The Big Call with all those firehouses involved starts and on the scene Eddie has to save Buck's life from something falling because Buck got distracted because he saw a hat with 217 on it on the ground and started panicking (Eddie screams "Buck what the hell!!!" and he goes "sorry, I thought..." and trails off). The Big Call ends and Buck reunites with Tommy and acts like he thought he was dead and starts touching him everywhere and frantically saying "I was so worried, I'm so glad you're okay" and Tommy hugs him but he looks kinda confused.
At the end of episode 3 or in episode 4 Buck and Tommy are on a date at Buck's place but Buck doesn't look at Tommy and Tommy tries to engage him but Buck's very quiet. And Tommy asks "are you okay?" and he says "yeah" but he's still quiet.
And that's when Buck pulls an Ali. Well, he doesn't have the time to pull an Ali because Tommy suddenly looks very sad and in a very monotone voice says "let me guess. Dating a firefighter is harder than you thought. It's messing with your head and you aren't sure you can deal with it" and Buck feebly says "if I'm distracted on the job, people die. I'm so sorry".
And Tommy just starts collecting his things (he has an overnight bag) and not looking at Buck he says "it's okay. You're not the first person who doesn’t feel like dating a firefighter. You know that.” and he sounds mad and sad and keeps moving like he can’t get out of there fast enough.
Buck follows him looking desperate and asks “can we still be friends?” and they are in front of the door at this point and that’s when Tommy finally looks at him in the eyes and says “No Evan…Buck. I’m sorry but I’m not friends with people I’m in love with”. And Buck kinda smiles even though there are tears in his eyes and goes “You’re in love with me?” and Tommy nods and answers “Yeah. Too bad that doesn’t change anything.” and closes the door behind him.
We have 3-4 episodes with other storylines and we don’t deal with the break up at all. We’re only reminded in passing. There’s a scene in one episode where Chimney says “Buck, stop moping about Tommy and come help” and another one where Eddie says “if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think he left his couch for anything except work” and Buck says “it makes me feel worse but thanks”.
Than in episode 8/9 we finally have the conversation with Maddie. Buck says “I don’t know how you do it. Seeing Chim leave every morning knowing he might not come back. You are so much stronger than I am, Maddie”. And Maddie answers “It’s terrifying but the alternative is not seeing him at all and that’s even scarier”.
And Buck looks pensive and then admits “I thought breaking up with Tommy was gonna make me feel better but now I’m still worried about him and I can’t even text him to asks if he’s alright. It’s hell.”. And Maddie says “Evan. You’re the one who taught me that sometimes staying with someone who loves you instead of running is the scariest thing you can do but it’s so worth it.” But Buck looks unconvinced.
The choice is taken out of his hands. Because 1 or 2 episodes later, in the last episode before the hiatus multiple times during the episode we see Buck taking out his phone and hovering on Tommy’s name in his contacts or in his messages. He finally calls in the last minute of the episode. We hear the “This is Tommy Kinard, please…” but it’s interrupted by the firehouse alarm ringing and the announcement system saying that Harbor Station requested back up because a chopper went down.
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daitranscripts · 3 months
Skyhold Conversation
Here Lies the Abyss: Morrigan
Skyhold Masterpost Related Quest: Here Lies the Abyss
The PC speaks to Morrigan after the events of HLTA.
Choice dependent dialogue:
Morrigan had Kieran with HoF, HoF went through the eluvian with her [1]
Morrigan did not have Kieran/Morrigan did not maintain contact with the HoF [2]
1 - Morrigan had Kieran with HoF, HoF went through the eluvian with her
Morrigan (completed HLTA after WEWH): So you have saved the Grey Wardens from their own self-destructive foolishness. ‘Tis for the best. Morrigan (Completed HLTA before WEWH): I was pleased to learn you saved the Grey Wardens from their own self-destructive foolishness.
Morrigan: For all their eagerness to shed blood for their cause, we will still need them should another Blight arise. ‘Tis fortunate my Warden was not here, or he would surely have been in the middle of it.
PC: Your Warden?
Morrigan: You might know him as the Hero of Ferelden. A lofty title, though he wears it well.
Dialogue options:
General: I’m pleased for you. [3]
General: You have a husband? [4]
General: Where is he? [5]
3 - General: I’m pleased for you. PC: It’s good to know you have someone special. Morrigan: Nobody is more surprised by that fact than I, Inquisitor. [6]
4 - General: You have a husband? PC: didn’t see you as the type to settle down, Morrigan. Morrigan: (Chuckles.) ‘Tis not so domestic as you picture, but even so, it has far outstripped my expectations. [6]
5 - General: Where is he? PC: Where is your Warden now? [6]
6 - Scene continues.
Morrigan: My love is on a quest to combat the Calling—the actual Calling that signals the end of a Warden’s life. If he is successful, it will mean a long life for him… perhaps for them all. Once Corypheus has been defeated, I fully intend to join my love once more. Kieran misses him greatly.
7 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Why didn’t you go with him? [8] Investigate: Can he stop the Calling? [9] Investigate: Are you happy? [10] General: Could he help us? [11]
8 - Investigate: Why didn’t you go with him? PC: It seems odd he went on an adventure, and you stayed behind. Morrigan: We are neither of us so weak, we would die of loneliness. Where he went, Kieran could not follow, and thus I remained behind to look after our son. We will be together soon enough, and I am glad of it. [back to 7]
9 - Investigate: Can he stop the Calling? PC: How can the Calling be stopped? Is that actually possible? Morrigan: Grand Enchanter Fiona was once a Grey Warden, but something removed the blight from her blood. Similarly, a Warden mage named Avernus performed experiments that prolonged his life to unnatural lengths. So we know it is possible. Indeed, ‘twas I who found the lead my love now follows in the western lands. Success is not guaranteed, of course, but he has never lacked for determination. [back to 7]
10 - Investigate: Are you happy? PC: Are the two of you happy together? Morrigan: The three of us. And it is little business of yours. But… yes. I never thought to find someone in the world I could trust as an equal. He has been a good partner, and a good father. And now I pray we discuss something else, lest these honeyed words make me vomit. [back to 7]
11 - General: Could he help us? PC: Is there any way the Hero of Ferelden could help us against Corypheus? Morrigan: ‘Tis unlikely. Corypheus uses the blight, but he is not controlled by it like a true darkspawn. Still, my love has ever been resourceful. I can give the Inquisition a means to send him a message. He will think this message means I miss him, of course. (Sighs.) He will be insufferably pleased with himself. I hope you appreciate this sacrifice, Inquisitor. Scene ends.
After PC makes contact with the Warden: Morrigan: Leliana gave me the note that the Hero of Ferelden included for me. She may have even left it sealed. A pity. She would have learned things that could even make an Orlesian blush. Now, was there anything else?
2 - Morrigan did not have Kieran/Morrigan did not maintain contact with the HoF
Choice dependent dialogue:
Alistair/Loghain left in the Fade [12]
Stroud/Hawke left in the Fade [13]
12 - Alistair/Loghain left in the Fade Morrigan (Warden Alistair): So, Alistair is dead. Morrigan (Warden Loghain): So, Loghain is dead. The Hero of River Dane, responsible for the deaths of so many Grey Wardens until he became one of them.
Morrigan: ‘Tis fitting he died in a foolhardy, if heroic, fashion. That was his way.
Dialogue options:
General: It wasn’t foolhardy. [14]
General: You knew him? [15]
General: He will be avenged. [16]
14 - General: It wasn’t foolhardy. PC: It wasn’t foolhardy—he sacrificed himself so I could escape. Morrigan: Perhaps you and I have different definitions of the word. [17] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 15 - General: You knew him? PC: It sounds like you knew each other. Morrigan (Warden Alistair): For a time, though we were hardly friends. Morrigan (Warden Loghain): He attempted to have my companions and I slain during the Fifth Blight. That did not end as he expected. Morrigan: Still, I cannot fault his valiance. Considering the end that normally awaits a Grey Warden, he did well. [17] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 16 - General: He will be avenged. PC: Corypheus will pay. Morrigan: Of that I have no doubt. [17]
13 - Stroud/Hawke left in the Fade
Morrigan (Wardens banished): I hear the Grey Wardens are now banished from southern lands? Such a decent into infamy after their victory in the Fifth Blight. I wonder if they wish now the war had spread further? They have until the next Archdemon’s rise to repair what damage they have done, if they are even able. [17]
Morrigan (Wardens allied): I understand you have spared the Grey Wardens from destroying what goodwill was left them? ‘Tis good of you, considering the weakness Corypheus exploited was their own doing. Still, should an Archdemon one day arise, they will no doubt be needed. Or so they would have us believe. [17]
17 - Choice dependent dialogue:
HoF survived [18]
HoF made ultimate sacrifice [19]
18 - HoF survived
Morrigan: One thing which makes me curious: did you encounter the Hero of Ferelden at Adamant Fortress?
20 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: You knew [them]? [21]
General: I’m sorry. [22]
General: It was very chaotic. [23]
General: Not that I know of. [24]
21 - Investigate: You knew [them]? PC: Was the Hero of Ferelden a friend of yours?
Choice dependent dialogue
Romanced HoF [26]
Not romanced HoF [27]
26 - Romanced HoF Morrigan : More than a friend, as it happens. We traveled together during the Blight, and after… we parted ways. Where I went, he could not follow. [28] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 27 - Not romanced HoF Morrigan: We traveled together during the time [they] fought the Blight. Morrigan (male HoF, Morrigan did the ritual): I helped him, and he helped me. Without him, Kieran would never have been born. [28] Morrigan (female HoF, Morrigan did the ritual): I helped her, and she helped me. Indeed, without her, my son would have never been born. [28] Morrigan (did not do the dark ritual): I would not say [they were] a friend. We parted on poor terms, though I wish it had not been so. [28] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 28 - Scene continues. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Morrigan: Regardless, did you see [them]? [25]
22 - General: I’m sorry. PC: I wish I had more to tell you, but no… I don’t think so. Morrigan: [They] are not the sort of [person] to fade into the background. If [they were] there, you would have known. [25]
23 - General: It was very chaotic. PC: I have no idea, Morrigan. There was a great deal of chaos. Morrigan: [They] are not the sort of [person] to fade into the background. If [they were] there, you would have known. [25]
24 - General: Not that I know of. PC: I met no one by that title. [25]
25 - Scene continues.
Morrigan: When the Champion of Kirkwall mentioned a Grey Warden ally, I assumed it would be [them]. It was, after all, just the sort of thing in which [they] would involve [themselves]. But that rather begs the question: if the Hero of Ferelden was not at Adamant, where [are they]? My suggestion? Track [them] down. [They] could be a great aid against Corypheus… or a terrible foe to the Inquisition. [19]
19 - Scene ends.
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year
apple pie
deku x reader
notes: reader has bunny quirk, mentions of gvns, violence, veeeery minor cursing
thank you @glitch-girl318 for requesting this! i am so sorry i didn’t publish it!! it’s been sitting in my drafts finished for ages and i totally forgot to actually post it😭😭
“latte for online pickup!” you call out, setting the coffee on the pickup counter before hurrying back to the register to take the next order. your coworker had decided to take their break, driving off to get food, so you were left alone. it wasn’t the worst, but it definitely wasn’t the best either. you managed.
you make sure your ears were perked up (people often thought that when they weren’t you were upset. this wasn’t inherently true— sometimes you just wanted to rest them— but you felt no need to start anything) and smiled at the man next in line— a big fellow, but skinny, but bulky, wearing a long coat and sunglasses. you found yourself wondering why he wore sunglasses, but put it off as a personal choice.
“what can i get you?” you chirp, doing your best to keep an energetic persona up. the man glanced back and forth, and his lips parted, before he froze— the man behind him had clamped a massive, scarred hand down on his shoulder. you recognized the man as deku, the symbol of peace, number one hero. deku turned the man around, displaying incredible and possibly even scary strength.
“excuse me.” deku said, his expression somber. “but could you tell me what’s in your coat there?” you frowned, studying the man’s coat, and your heart dropped, ears pinned back. it was undeniably the outline of a handgun, and the man’s hand was undeniably moving towards said weapon.
the man raised the gun and pulled the trigger.
“get down!” deku shouted. if not for your quirk, allowing for incredible reaction time, you would’ve undoubtedly gotten shot. deku immediately twisted the man’s arms behind his back. the man thrashed about, trying to escape. the gun went off again as customers screamed and fled the scene and you stayed under the counter, trembling. it was loud, very loud. deku pressed the man against the edge of the counter.
“please stay still!” deku said loudly. “or i’ll have to use more force!”
“okay, okay!” the man screeched. “lemme go, dammit!”
deku only frowned, and he and the man left. you slowly come out from behind the counter, surveying the damage. a couple chairs were knocked over from the customers fleeing, but that was an easy fix. it was when you went around putting them back up, though, that you spotted the shattered light. the bullet must’ve hit it. you sighed and went to get a broom.
i’m glad everyone got out ok. you think as you sweep up the broken glass. your brow furrowed. my boss won’t be happy about this.
you were just about to call your boss when deku returned. you were pleasantly surprised by this; you weren’t expecting him to come back. regardless, his massive frame lumbered through the door with a worried expression. you immediately set the broom aside and turn to face him.
“thank you.” you bowed deeply. deku seemed startled.
“for what?”
“for saving the shop.”
“it’s nothing, really!” deku waved it off frantically. “i’m just doing my job is all.”
“really, i mean it.” you look up at him as he looked at the broken light fixture— he was tall.
“at least let me pay for that light the guy shot..” he offered, putting out his wallet and flicking through bills to find enough to pay it off, roughly.
“oh, i couldn’t!” you insist. “put it away, please, the insurance will cover it.”
“are you sure?” deku chewed his lip. you nod.
“listen,” you say, “what’s your favorite dessert?”
“um.. apple pie?” he blinks.
“alright. come in tomorrow.” you tell him. he seems baffled.
“okay.” he agrees, albeit still confused.
the next day, deku does indeed come in. you smile when you see him enter— just in time.
“it smells good,” deku commented, looking around for the source of the smell.
“that’s because i made you this!” you beam, setting a warm apple pie on the counter. “for you.”
“for me?” deku’s eyes widened in shock. “but… why?”
“because you saved the shop.” you smile. “and me.”
“i— i see.” deku looked at the pie. “… are you sure?”
“positive.” you nod. deku smiled at you. he had such a beautiful smile, full of light and hope.
“hey…” deku began, fidgeting slightly. “you wouldn’t want to maybe come over and eat this with me, would you?” your expression softens.
“i’d love to.”
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elaryssue · 2 years
I’m about to ramble why I think Rei works better as a Bottom than Kazuki is. They might as well switch, but this post might not be going deeper on that. As well as to clarify this is from a shipper pov.
Many people dislike Bottom Rei just because He has a cold attitude and resemblances the stereotypical father figure. But also because they want to break the well-known: “shorter and slimmer grumpy guy” over-used BL troupe. I do understand that. However, at doing that, many other fall in the cliché of placing Kazuki as the bottom just because he enjoys doing activities stereotypically associated with women, such as cooking, cleaning or being fond of children. Which is, I think, a very sexist argument and I’m glad the writers are doing a great not, amazing job with this character. He is very comfortable with his colorful yet masculine style, which doesn’t only display on his outfits but also in his furniture choices (because yeah, at this point it’s canon he made almost all the decoration in Rei’s flat). But at the same time, has a feminine spot, because he literally choose almost all of Miri outfits and wow, they are very cute and stylish.
I don’t care if they themselves call him “The mom”, because is more like a joke about this specific topic, more like: “let’s make a male character that can break gender rolls without making him act or look girly, but adding many troupes that people will laugh about because they remind them a mother figure and many situations they themselves have gone through. Let’s just show the world that men doesn’t have to be pleased with helping the minimum in the house or when taking care of the children, where both parent should be doing equally.” Coming back to Rei, in my opinion him being the bottom might even deep the plot concerning his OFF and ON modes and all about the Suwa family legacy: His OFF mode represents everything his father despites and works as a antonym of the “ very masculine and elegant cold-blooded hitman”. Where being placed in a submissive position is just unacceptable for the image of Superiority and dominance a future Boss must display. I will always see the Father-son conversation in chapter 8 as subtext of a homophobic Father and his gay son. (Or at least that’s what you can see on media). All about continuing the legacy is literally Shigeki telling Rei to have blood-related children of his own with of course a high class girl that might as well be involved in their world and share their vision, like the daughter of an associated gang. Just for this old piece of sht to discover that his own blood might actually prefer other men company. Which is also implied in the scene when he talks sht about Kazuki. Just for it to be even more suspicious when Rei immediately defended him with such emotion in his voice. (he even refers Kazuki by his name). Miserably destroying his façade about hadn’t made any personal attachments. At that point it was clear to me his father didn’t bite a bit of what Rei had said.
I also hold the headcanon that Rei took after his mother, and my as well be a reason for his father being so cruel to him, especially when he was younger and the resemblance was stronger. Plus adding the fact that, even though he see many of Kazuki’s plans as dumb or stupid, he goes along with them, even when it’s obvious he could reduced him at any moment, he lets Kazuki handle him around and invade his personal space. This guy is touch-starved and enjoys being taken care of and seem pretty comfortable having someone else taking the lead, although he might first die before admitting it.
Just to finish this mess, apart from the mother – malewife jokes, there is nothing that can convince me of Kazuki being the bottom. Yeah, these are anime clichés, but even between all the broken ones, I feel the staff did saved the physixal ones (height difference, body shape), plus the fact that Kazuki is the only one to be shown interested in being in relationships where he tops (obviously with women). Or when his relationship with Rei and Miri is compared as his with Yuzuko and the unborn baby. Of course Rei was also compared with his mentor, where Kazuki might as well resembled his wife. But chapter 7 did went deeper with the comparisons.
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fatalwhims · 2 years
i am going to ramble about Heart of the Sun Warrior into the void in hopes that someone will actually browse the tags and join me because i need to gush about this book through incoherent rambles
Wow how do I put into words how this book (and duology) made me feel?? Tan had me guessing throughout the entire book about who would be endgame. Just when you think the scale tips one way, she follows it up with a tender scene with the other boy (?? ok technically man, but we’ll affectionally say boy because they are my boys). It swung back and forth so much that tbh I got frustrated at one point and legitimately thought that Xingyin wouldn’t end up with either. 
With Wenzhi’s last scene in DOTMG I had a feeling that he would be endgame. So I’m surprised that even with that feeling, I was so unsure throughout the entire book. With Xingyin + Wenzhi’s conversation before the final battle and the finality of the word “Friends” and Xingyin’s monologue: “a part of me mourning the end of something precious, that never truly had a chance to begin”, I thought that was it. I convinced myself that the “I love you” when he died was just her speaking in the moment. Yes it was a truth, but not the truth. And with Wenzhi dead I didn’t think there was any chance that she would end up with him in the end.
Unless he was reborn as a mortal. Which brings me to the ending... oh the ending. It was such a beautiful resolution. What a way to bring Wenzhi and Xingyin back together, but also involve Liwei. With his death, I thought the only way Wenzhi + Xingyin would end up together was if he was reborn as a mortal and she found him. But to have Liwei send him down so that he could regenerate his immortal self, to do this out of love for Xingyin to see her be happy...we love to see growth! And not just growth of Liwei, but also Xingyin in her decision to wait for the elixir of immorality. It’s the classic tale of an immortal falling in love with a mortal and having to watch them die and then find them again in each new life. Tbh it’s a tragic curse, but there was so much joy in Xingyin’s thoughts as she describes all the moments that they would share together, that it filled me with hope instead (that and the fact that it shouldn’t be centuries hopefully). And the resolution really comes full circle with Chang’e and Houyi’s circumstances. 
My thing with love triangles is that I feel like the author can sometimes force their resolution by just writing out the one who isn't chosen by giving them less screen time. For a while I felt like that's what Tan had done. Liwei just didn't have as many opportunities as Wenzhi here to prove himself or do something for Xingyin. Wenzhi had the pivotal role of getting the scroll from his father and then casting the enchantment, which was the key part that tethered them together and allowed for the sacrifice. Liwei was imprisoned for part of the novel. Etc. Etc. But as I thought more about Wenzhi's death and how he gave his life for her and thus his crown, I realized that Liwei could have given up his crown too. Ok yeah, it's easier for Wenzhi to do that when he knows it's a choice of life or death. Maybe if Liwei was tasked with the same decision to save her, he would give up that duty as well (tbh he probably would). BUT in the aftermath, when he still wouldn’t make the choice and help her heal... when he still believed that she would be able to live there, despite how much he could sense her hurting, that was when I knew that Liwei just couldn't choose her over everything. And he admits it when they meet for the final time. I guess all this to say that, I’m glad that Liwei did have his chances and his choices and that he wasn't just written off as shitty guy.
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mkiss723 · 6 months
LItG S8 Vol. XI
This one is long! 😘
More gossip?! Of course I want to know it all duh!
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Jin grabbing me for a chat before the movie night was good. Got to hear him out. I’m glad he’s being respectful of Sienna but I wish she could get it through her thick skull that he’s just not that into her.
Movie night!
I feel so bad for Bea. She is so sweet and he is such an ass. But she is the one who chose to bring him back over the others when we tried to warn her so… 🤷‍♀️
Oops there I go again, spilling tea I’ve heard… 😏
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And I do believe Jin but he also could have been a bit more clear so I do get where she’s coming from. A little bit… I did like getting to rub it in Sienna’s face though 😝
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Paying gems to watch Liam fail miserably with Claudia was totally worth it! 🤣
Ugh Emel and Oakley are super irritating at this point. Hypocrites both of them! 🙄
Both Jin and Max’s clips were both super cute and choosing between them is getting harder by the episode! I still love Jin though!! But Max is so tempting 😉
My clip was so nice and tame… this time round. (I’ve seen some other scenarios of what plays if you’re not loyal and oh boy! 🫣)
Not sure how I feel about Theo and Hari talking about me too in their clips. I feel bad for the other girls. I’ve never once flirted with either one…
The boys recoupling was fine. Went pretty much the way I figured it would. OG LI picked us (yay for us loyal girlies!!) and then our Casa LI picked Sienna (yuck) and I’m not sure how I feel about that since I like him too… would have been interesting if Oakley was able to choose Sienna and then have the rest of the couples all mixed up 😅
This is the one time I will thank Liam because… Holy… Moly… that shower scene was 🥵 I’m seriously enjoying the newer spicy scenes. They are much better this season! All ways are hot so play them alllll! The pinning the hands up against the wall is sooooo up my ally I can’t handle it 🫠
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Dammit Sienna… just had to ruin it there didn’t you? Though I’m not sure why it would be a secret if you’re coupled with the person you’re caught with. Oh no! You caught me getting busy with the guy I’m coupled up with and have been keen on the whole time! What will everyone think? 🥱
Heart Rate Challenge Time!!!
So excited for this HOWEVER the outfit choices are awful! I am so disappointed in the options for MC! Why the awful bright iridescent colors?! What happened to our choices compared to the other girls?? I would literally have taken any one of those over our choices! Ours are so tacky and cheap looking! The mermaid isn’t sexy AT ALL and the cowgirl literally hurts my eyes AND the hat/collar don’t sit right on MC’s body and hair! 😤 The other girls get such cute outfits - especially Bea and Emel…
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Anyways, back to the challenge! I do enjoy this one but seeing Sienna all over my Casa boy was hard to watch even though I’m with Jin. I wish we could choose to dance a little bit for everyone like Claudia did instead of all one person. I want to raise as many heart rates as I can!! 🤣
Hazel liking Liam is sad. Poor girl. Oh well she’s been warned too. Bit of a hypocrite with Emel though (shocker!) calling out Hari for not dancing with Hazel but Hazel chose Liam to dance all over and nothing was said to her… I hate double standards.
Not sure how I feel about the Viking outfits… like I like that each boy’s version is a bit different, but the hats sit really weird on their heads. Definitely not a fan of the caveman one on Jin, doesn’t show enough! Max’s superhero is so cute! He can save me any day! Also, he gets bonus points for having pop as his song type because that is what I picked as my favorite! And I’m a fan of Indiana Jones so that was a good one too! But the guys outfits are pretty cute this season! Overall two thumbs up for the boys 👍👍
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And of course Liam is a jester… 🙄
I wonder how the results will go… if either Jin or Max gets their heart rate raised most by Sienna then I’m gonna be upset. I know I can’t have both in the same playthrough, but they’re both still mine!! 😅
I really hope the new bombshell doesn’t pick me. Please go for anyone else but me. I am finally back with Jin and I don’t want to ruin that! Also, I’m not a fan of his face so that doesn’t help! lol I guess we shall see what happens next week.
This time it isn’t as bad to wait like the past few weeks have been so that’s good… or is it bad? 🤔
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monsoonxskies · 1 year
Please please tell me more about this werewolf au! I love renfield and werewolf. I want to know what will happen if you put them together.
I’m so glad you asked! And I hope you’re ready for a MAJOR infodump here~
This is going to be a pretty lengthy post, so I’m going to do a full rundown of the backstory and such under the cut! There are some spoilers for the Dracula novel intermixed in there, so fair warning there if you haven’t read that. Also some Renfield 2023 spoilers towards the end. I’m assuming most people interacting with this have seen it, but it’s still worth warning for.
This AU primarily plays off of the Renfield movie and a little bit of the 1931 Dracula and the original novel itself. Ren still takes on the role of the real estate agent going to make a deal with Dracula. However, instead of just becoming Drac’s familiar (like in the Renfield movie), he gets turned into a werewolf. However, he doesn’t know this right off the bat.
Fast forward a bit, and Ren has been in the asylum for quite some time. Again, no sign of being a werewolf up to this point. But he’s pretty mentally deteriorated. When he would have died in the novel, he instead transforms for the very first time. This introduces an important plot point: His transformations are often controlled by Dracula. In this case, Drac knew he was in some deep shit with everyone on their way to kill him, and so he forced Ren to come to his rescue. And without much of a choice in the matter, Renfield has to comply.
After a killing spree in the asylum, he comes across Mina Harker. The one person who treated him as a human being through his madness. Something about that fear in her eyes, yet that unmistakable bravery as she locked gazes with him, snapped him out of all that terrifying rage he had. (To clarify here, everyone was kinda stationed at the asylum in the book. Hence why Mina is here to begin with.)
But, in that moment of vulnerability, he hears a click of a gun. None other than Quincy Morris is staring down the barrel of a rifle, not seeing Ren as human but rather one of the enemy- A wolf was akin to Dracula, and thus Quincy saw Ren as a threat. Renfield gets past Quincy, but not before taking a shot to the ear. This never healed and he still has a hole near the tip of his right ear, even in human form.
He escapes the asylum. He saves Dracula. They do their whole song and dance between these events and the events of the 2023 movie.
Modern Day:
Renfield has chilled out over the years. His arrangement with Dracula is merely a job. He’s grown a bit bitter over time. What’s the fun of being a werewolf if it’s just an infinite game of fetch?
The only saving grace he has is the time around a full moon. You see, Dracula’s control directly relates to the phases of the moon. A full moon is a werewolf’s time, and thus Ren has time to be free. To be himself. To run free, enjoying the perks of being a werewolf. He truly does enjoy it! He just hates the stupid fetch game Dracula is constantly forcing him to play. All it does is put the blood of innocent people on his hands and leave him with more shredded clothes.
As you can probably guess, the time around a new moon is when Drac’s influence over Ren is at its peak. If Dracula wants something, he’s going to get it, and Renfield does not get a say in it. In many cases, he’s still fully aware when this happens. So he’s been forced to do some horrible things with no way of stopping himself.
Eventually, he finds the therapy group. And everything is going great. He meets Rebecca in the restaurant scene, just like in the movie (no, he doesn’t wolf out here because I think it’s better to save that for a later discovery). He starts taking care of himself more. He figures out that oversized sweaters are great for having something to wear in werewolf form. He figures out just how much life he’s been missing. He has hope for the first time in years.
But the full moon slowly wanes away. Dracula’s demands start coming through again. At first, he tries to ignore it. But the closer it gets to the new moon, the worse things get. And things start looking darker than they’ve ever looked before.
What about the bugs?
Yes! Well, he still does get a bit of power from their life force, but! It’s not just bugs he can gain power from! Pretty much anything that isn’t human will give him power, and the larger it is, the more power he gets. However, given that it has to be alive for him to get anything out of it, he doesn’t like consuming anything much larger than a rat or bird.
Notably, during the night, eating enough bugs or whatnot can give him a power surge needed to change forms. It’s oftentimes how he manages to do such on short notice, when he can’t take the time to mentally prepare himself for it. I love Renfield, but I’m sorry, he doesn’t escape the pain of shifting forms. Nobody does. That’s a rule across the board for many of my AUs haha- On that note, he also can’t transform during the day.
I think that’s a good starting point! I’ve got a lot of random fun facts and other random ideas for differences in scenes that were in the movie, but I think this is enough information for the time being! Feel free to ask more if you’d like! I’m thrilled that I received this ask, and it was a wonderful thing to wake up to!
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zomblorbs · 4 months
responding to your post about the aot ending. (if this doesn’t work for what you wanted don’t answer but i thought i’d open up about this!)
i just finished attack on titan a few days ago. because before that, i hated what i saw. like, from the perspective of someone who got all their information from manga clippings on tumblr. and here’s why i hated it with every fiber of my being:
a) i hated marley. i didn’t like reiner or zeke, i hated gabi, and i hated how much attention they got in the final season/issues. i wanted to see our main cast, not these side characters who ruined everything. (after finally finishing it, i have a new appreciation. i still dislike gabi and zeke, and i’m not the biggest fan of reiner. but i found myself absolutely adoring porco and colt and pieck and it gave me room to open up)
b) i hated eren. he went from the protagonist we were supposed to adore to the antagonist we were fighting against and i thought it was too bold of a choice and i couldn’t get on board with it. the whole conversation with armin and mikasa… ugh. i was infuriated. and everything i saw only furthered that. the rumbling?? mikasa kissing his decapitated head??? it was all so weird and upsetting to me. (i sobbed over the scene where she kissed him. i cried through the intro every time. he was a child. he just wanted to save his friends.)
c) levi. i was BEYOND convinced that without hange in the picture, he couldn’t have a happy ending. i was livid that he survived. i was infuriated that he survived AND didn’t ever fully heal from his physical injuries. it felt like they had taken everything from him, and i was so mad about it. (i made a whole post about how wrong i was about this one)
so, yeah! these were the reasons that it took me several years to finally actually finish attack on titan, and see that the ending isn’t as bad as i had previously thought.
Thank you for answering and wanting to share your opinion! Even though you had rocky opinions starting out i’m glad you were able to finish it in the end, no matter how your opinions changed or stayed the same!
Here’s my thoughts: (feel free to skip if you’re not interested)
It took me a really long time to finish AOT as well, i started watching it when Season 1 came out and then was hesitant to watch any further when the next season was added because i was nervous about how the story would go, im glad i finished it when i did though because i grew up and was able to understand the plot a lot better.
i can completely relate on not liking Gabi or Zeke, even after finishing the show i still strongly dislike them. though i feel a little neutral when it comes to Reiner and the other Warriors. I feel bad for Reiner and how far he was pushed even after he had wanted to die but his actions were still awful, i do not sympathize with him but i do pity him. Marley is still unforgivable in my eyes.
As far as Eren goes, i’m pretty neutral on him, it’s very Love Hate relationship between me and him. It was the first time i’ve ever seen a protagonist become the antagonist (or at least an anti-hero) so it was very shocking. I hate Eren because he made the decision without anyone else’s consideration and believed it was okay, even after we get a glimpse of his talk with Armin in the final episode he still did The Rumbling. I love him because i feel bad for him, he was just a kid when he was pushed into the role of a Titan shifter and everyone in the Survey Corps took advantage of his titan, seeing him as a tool rather than anything else.
I believe that how things ended was the only way things could have ended, everyone was pushed to the extreme and killing Eren was the only way to end the story (i know a lot of people have problems with the ending because of Eren dying)
I was happy to see that Levi got a (overall) neutral ending (imo) although i agree that without Hange in the picture it would be hard to see Levi surviving I believe that Hange dying was the final straw with him so you can imagine my surprise to see that he survived AND then was in a portion where he was being very kind and generous to the kids (though it makes sense because he had been in the same position as them before) i’m very happy he survived in the end
In the end, i didn’t side with either sides of the war because overall, there were no completely good people with good intentions, and i was glad it turned out that way because no one is entirely good. Nothing is ever black and white.
Overall it’s really interesting to see what other people think of the ending so thanks for sharing!
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
so mc running away i love it the angst 👌 so if its alright can you the same but with the dorm leaders?(pls do a good ending my poor heart cannot take it-༎ຶ‿༎ຶ)
Dorm Leaders + MC Running Away
So I apologise for the lack of happy endings, if you want to call it that. The scenarios turned out much more different than the First Years probably because of the power gap I had in mind. Also, for anyone wondering, the Vice Dorm Leaders will have a shot of saving you next! When I get to it... Cut for length. Also please help to share because I limited the tags!
Warnings: Character Death [Not you or the main boy], mentions of abuse and emotional manipulation [On the Reader] and violent actions [The Dorm Leaders]
"I'm not going back."
"Wh... What?" He was astonished. "YN... I've looked far and wide for you- please-"
No words left his mouth as you stepped away from him, tears in your eyes and you were going to make a run for it again.
Malleus Draconia
Your words struck a chord in him. He didn't mean it, but when you said that you weren't going back, he almost lost control. What did you mean you weren't going back? You promised him to be his Queen!
No... he's not accepting this. His Queen deserved better. His larger hands encircled your wrists, stopping you in your tracks. No matter how much you tugged and pushed, Malleus' strength was beyond you. In your sole despair, you fell in his embrace.
Every ache and injury struck your core, as you cried your heart out. "I can't go back Malleus," you whimpered. "I... I'm sorry."
Your hands gripped tighter onto his clothes. "I don't mean to fight against you, I-"
The Fae Prince sealed your bruised lips with his own, pulling your smaller form into his lap as he took in the moment of the bittersweet, longing kiss. "YN... listen to me," He said, his own ice cold tears falling onto your cheek, healing your wounds. "You never have to apologise for your suffering. Not even to me."
Malleus held you close as you drowsed off. The gentle smile hardened into a growl, as his back arched, black wings bursting out of his body. Malleus, in his dragon form, summoned the thorns to protect you, holding you as if you were his personal dragon hoard…
The principal, or more accurately the culprit, Dire Crowley was a fool to step out. It disgusted Malleus to his very core, his claws setting the very ground on fire as Crowley stepped closer. No words were exchanged between them. For all the suffering you faced, it was to be paid in tenfold as the dragon took a deep breath, releasing the fire in his chest.
"It was a fraction of her suffering…"
Riddle Rosehearts
He was ballistic. Riddle had been eager to bring you back immediately, but the sheer refusal and attempt to run away made him think that you hate him. He was blaming himself, sobbing to the ground.
Riddle's breakdown made you stop. No matter what you did, you still love him. Riddle's hiccups of sobbing paused at the feeling of your arms wrap around him. He wanted this, he wanted your warmth, he wanted- no… he needed you so badly he'd ceased to function without you.
"I don't hate you Riddle," You said, kissing his tears away. Your pretty Queen of Hearts had ruined the uniform he so proudly kept up with and Riddle himself was unkempt. Riddle cradled your sore body, letting you tell him your stresses and your breaking point abused over and over again by Crowley.
Riddle's heart softened ever so much for you, as he realised that he was to a fault as well. It was then he started to cry for you. "YN… I… I lost control. I know I can't be forgiven for the stress you went through so-"
"Rosehearts! You found her, how wonderful!" The jovial Principal cried out. In his hand was a magic tracking spell and that's when Riddle was struck with guilt once more. He doomed you, again. He… no, he refuses to end it this way.
Your loving self became meek, frightened by the aspect of being under Crowley's care once more. You trembled, reaching out to the hem of Riddle's coat. "Riddle… Please don't let them take me…"
He pulled you up, whispering to you. "When I cast my magic, run YN."
"Never thought you'd defy me, Rosehearts. Being a law abider and all~"
"Off With Your Head."
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim desperately hung onto your ankle, on his knees, begging and bargaining you to stay.
"YN… Please don't leave me again," He begged. "I'll… I'll stop dragging you to parties! I'll get you anything you want just please… please come back to me."
His tears wet your foot, as his grip left light marks on your ankle. Kalim never meant to harm you. He was so desperate to make you stay, but in his heart, he knew that he didn't have the strength to keep you with him if you desired to leave.
"How could you think that?!" You cried out. You stooped to Kalim's level, tackling him in hug so hard that he crashes to the ground. "I… I'd never leave you if I had the choice! I couldn't stand NRC anymore…"
You sobbed into Kalim's chest, wondering when it'd all end. You could never refuse Kalim, but what about everyone else? What about Crowley? Your spine shivered at the monster's name, wanting everything to disappear except for you and Kalim.
Kalim didn't know what to do. He didn't understand why Crowley would do such a thing to you. If Crowley was causing you such pain… He'd just have to get rid of the problem. You only deserve the best, after all. It's not his fault, nor is it yours.
You had cried yourself to utter exhaustion. Kalim gently wrapped you up in his jacket, cradling you to his chest. As if clockwork, Crowley appeared to the heartwarming scene, simply glad that you were going to be returned.
"Al-Asim, Dire should patch her up nicely-"
Crowley coughed. "What was that?"
"I said no," Kalim reiterated. "I have no reason to listen to you…"
"Since YN and I aren't your students anymore."
Azul Ashengrotto
How grateful he was to find you near the water. He almost turned red at the thought of you willing to search for him. Azul never thought you'd long for him this way, but you knew him, and you knew him well.
As if on cue, you looked beyond the trees to see your beloved, running from the sandy shores barefoot to be caught by your precious Azul. Azul doesn't have the best reflexes, trying to catch you without hurting you.
Azul took one good look at you, and the sight was enough to make him cry. Messy hair, cuts and bruises littering your skin possibly from running through the rocky forest, feet with sores from rocks… and tearful, sorrowful eyes.
Not an inch of sadness deserved to touch you. That was one of his core beliefs. He didn't say anything to prompt you to tell about what you'd been suffering. He knew. He knew every line of the story, and it made him ever so guilty that it led to this. If he just paid more attention to you, or at least try to.
Azul offered you everything. An ear to listen and his body for comfort, with his arms wrapping about you. If the simple action was enough for your forgiveness, he'd do it over and over again.
It was for a moment Azul held you, before running the water with you in tow. From the forest emerged the tweels, but what was behind you made you scream. Crowley, with his magic, retaliating against the twins' magic.
Azul wrapped you around his tentacles, drifting further into the ocean with you. He bent down to whisper in your ear. "YN, close your eyes. Don't look."
You shut your eyes tight as you did, hiding yourself in Azul's chest, away from the scene.
"May we never see you again, Crowley."
Azul and the twins in their merforms plummet into the ocean, deep down where Crowley would never come to touch you.
Idia Shroud
He wasn't surprised that the huge robot scared you. It was his secret project after all. He immediately let himself out of the robot, but he was hesitant to step into the forest. Idia was scared, but he still had to protect you!
You stopped running, seeing your boyfriend pop out of the robot. Idia was quick to get over his reluctance as his panic shifts to your injuries instead. He wanted to cry out of joy from the mere chance of finding you.
Idia tried to treat your wounds as best as he could with the emergency kit conveniently equipped [he really did think of everything] although his wrapping technique was unkempt at best.
Idia's attempts to heal you made you forget of all the suffering. You couldn't help but laugh, realising how much you missed Idia. He knew that you needed this time. Oh, how he wanted to whisk you away...
But he might as well. You're his, right?
Crowley didn't get close to reaching you. Idia thought of it all. He tracked every move the principal made, fooling Crowley to think that Idia was with you the entire time, with the tracking device that Crowley so faithfully gave him.
"How desperate... it's honestly funny..." Idia scoffed at the idea of Crowley getting to you.
With the S.T.Y.X androids, Idia confronted Crowley, who was in sheer confusion.
"Crowley… burn in hell."
Leona Kingscholar
Leona didn't hold back. He couldn't believe you would say such a thign to him… The only conclusion he reached to was that you hated him. You hated his very core, just like everyone else… He was scared. It frightened him to the core that after everything he did, you still hated him.
"YN… stop fucking around with me," He said, grabbing onto your wrist. He wasn't about to throw a tantrum then and there. He had to get things straight. "Hey… tell me. Was I just a waste for you?"
"W-What are you talking about Leona?" You pushed against his chest, trying to get some distance but Leona was way stronger than you. The lion couldn't listen to reason. He simply went on about how you must've hated him, and how much you despised him.
"Did I mean nothing to you, YN?" Leona was shaking, his shoulders trembling from the mere thought of hearing those words.
You wrapped your arms around Leona, pulling him in close. "I never did… How dare you think that you stupid lion?!" You said, sobbing your heart out. You were equally hurt, but you never once thought Leona would think such a thing.
The emotional reunion was interrupted by the principal himself, pretending to be moved by such a scene. The false pretense of safety caught on to you, and you were sent into a panic, clinging onto Leona for fear of your life.
"I hate you!" You yelled, your body crumpling to the ground just as Leona caught you. "I hate you, I hate you. I don't want to go back, don't make me!"
If you were to scream anymore, you might collapse from exhaustion. Leona was quick to carry you in his arms, holding you close to his chest, where you were comforted by his heartbeat.
"Hoi, good for nothing principal," Leona called out, a single claw drawn out, igniting his Unique Magic.
"Move before I turn you to sand."
Vil Schoenheit
He was stunned to see you in such a state. He called out for you, and you stopped in your tracks. Was he that incompetent that he can't keep you with him? Did he not treat you right? Was his mere presence just torture for you?
Vil couldn't keep it in anymore. He needed to know. "YN… why won't you come back? Tell me, is it my fault? Am I not worthy of you?!"
The once prideful queen fell into shambles of insecurity as his mind won't stop painting images of you walking away from him, of you calling him your doom, of him being your captor… No, he didn't mean it…
"Was I the villain in your story?! WAS I?!"
Vil had never cried as much as he did. He needed to know that you didn't of him as a nuisance. He really was worthless if he made you feel unwanted… so please, he needed an answer.
"How could you think that, my love?"
You stooped to Vil's level, brushing away the tears that ruined his makeup with your very hands. Oh, your poor Vil… You were too selfish, thinking of your own suffering. With Vil in your arms, you felt whole once again. You gave Vil your actual answer, relenting every moment of your stress that stemmed from Crowley.
Oh… how his sweet potato must've suffered. Vil had a stuck of guilt, considering that he was under an Overblot as well. No matter, he had to make things right. For your sake, for his love's sake.
"YN, Crowley is trying to find you. But I… I have to set things right," He said, pulling you up.
The rustle of leaves had you on guard as from it came Dire Crowley, revelling in the scene.
"Schoenheit. You are supposed to bring LN YN to me immediately as I ordered."
Vil for once scared you. It scared you how enraged he was, and your heart wrenched at seeing the ink droplets by his hand.
"Vil, don't you dare-"
He turned back to you, whispering for you to run to Rook's safety. "Don't cry, my love."
You tried to hold the tears once again as you saw Vil shifting forms to an ink-like mess, this time his rage directed at Crowley. You could only run away, praying in your heart that Vil was safe.
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Summary: Reader dies on a mission, but keeps watch over Natasha as a ghost.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 3190
Warnings: major character death (but like... in a good way? First time I’ve ever happily made it Endgame compliant.)
A/N: I had to read the Aeneid for school and basically Aeneas breaks Dido’s heart and she kills herself because of him. But then he sees her in the Underworld with her former husband and I just thought it must be so awkward for that guy. Imagine if Aeneas didn’t break her heart because she’d definitely choose Aeneas over him... anyway, that's basically the concept except completely different.
“I’m sorry Tasha” you sobbed, tears mixing with her own as she rested her forehead on yours.
“No. No, you can’t apologise. You’re not- nothing’s gonna happen. The doctors are coming, they’re going to save you.”
“I know they’re on their way. They’re coming as fast as they can, and I’m really holding it off as much as I have power to, but they won’t be here on time Natty.”
“Yes, they will. They will. They-” she choked, “they have to”
You could feel yourself fading, and you mustered a smile for the woman you loved. “No they won’t, but it’s okay. I’ll scout out what’s next, alright? I’ll see you there” you promised, already struggling to retain consciousness. Her sobs and broken ‘I love you’ s kept you company as you passed.
The next time your eyes opened you were weightless. Floating high above, everything shimmered before your eyes, it was like watching through a screen. You found that you could move, somehow gliding through the air without the need for any effort or motion, just a thought. It felt different as well, nothing resisted your movement.
A cloaked figure appeared, pausing your exploration of your new powers. It didn’t frighten you though. Logically, you knew it should, you knew it would have just an hour before, yet you were serene. It spoke.
“Y/N Y/L/N, I’m sorry to say you have died”
“Yeah, I kind of worked that one out” you mocked, but it had no effect on the spectre.
Death, or whoever they were, began to float towards the scene you were watching. You followed. As you neared, it became clear to you what the scene was, the immediate aftermath of your death. Doctors were just arriving at the scene, but your gaze locked on Natasha sobbing over your body. “You have a choice, move on now and see all you have lost before, or remain in the midpoint.”
“I don’t want to move on,” you said firmly. “Not until she can come with me”
“You understand she may live many years more.” Death warned, you nodded. “She may start a new life with another, go further with them than with you.”
“And I hope she gets that, but I’d still like to see it.”
The figure nodded, sighing resignedly as if it was an answer they expected but didn’t want. “Very well. When her life is over I will return, and see then where you stand”
“Thank you” you smiled, because manners are important. Even when you are dead and talking to some other ghostly immortal being. 
It simply nodded in return, then faded, presumably going elsewhere too.
“Alright Natty” you muttered to yourself, “hope you have an interesting life cos it’s going to be the only thing I see”
She didn’t reply, as you probably could have expected. Because you were dead, and she was still sobbing over your body.
Fury made Natasha take a month off after your death, prompted by missions going wrong due to her distracted state. The man was a father figure to Natasha, and he took it seriously, ensuring that she was cared for. It had been intimidating when you were alive, because it was the head of SHIELD giving you the ‘dad talk’, and he’d threatened grievous harm multiple times in the beginning. But you’d grown on him, and realistically you knew he’d accepted you for Natasha from the beginning, he just had to keep up the act. You were glad for his presence now; he kept Natasha safe and looked after her in the way you simply couldn’t. 
You loved Natasha, but you didn’t want her joining you too soon. She had to live a life.
Clint helped too, despite his own grief from your death. But he kept Natasha occupied, knowing just as well as you did that she’d hate nothing more than having nothing to do. You watched on with a smile as they reminisced about you, about weird habits, or old memories between the three of you. It was lucky they only said kind things, and any criticism was said in a teasing manner, usually to be followed by laughs wet with tears. You knew they loved you, and being dead confirmed it. 
You sat with them through the smiles, but being with Nat constantly meant that you saw all the things they didn’t. Like how her face would fall as soon as the others looked away, or at night, when she’d cry herself to sleep. Everything in you screamed to comfort her, and most times you tried. But of course, your words went unheard, and soft touches went straight through her. It was tough for you, but it had to be unbearable for her.
Recovering from grief is a slow process. Imperceptible enough that you don’t realise it’s happening, until one day you are incomparable to the person you were at the start and, realistically, also to the person you were before.
It was just as slow for Natasha. The spy tried to hide it, but her façade of fully recovered wouldn't fool you, nor, thankfully, Clint. He did what was best though and ignored it, letting Natasha pretend she had control of the situation. Only to subtly comfort her and offer help in ways where she wouldn't suspect he knew.
Pride surged through you as the pair of them were recruited for the Avengers, seeing them suit up with the others for the first time. Fury had approached Natasha about it way back in 2009. Naturally, she then shared the secret with the two people she trusted most. You, her girlfriend (later, wife), and Clint, her best friend, both of whom were also intended to be recruited, so she really just hurried the process along.
It was to be the three of you, SHIELD's dream trio, plus the handful of super-powered beings that also inhabited the Earth: the Hulk; the newly thawed Captain America; and Iron Man. Yet you never got around to meeting the others, no event world-threatening enough to warrant the formation of the Avengers. At least while you were still alive.
Loki's arrival changed that, and, with Clint on the line, Natasha buried her grief once more. Focusing completely on getting her friend back. Natasha would succeed, you were sure of it, but a small part of you pondered the thought of if she didn't. Failure here could lead to millions of deaths, potentially including hers or Clint's. They had to succeed, but if they didn't then your wait for Natasha would be over. And if it was just Clint, would he stay with you? Probably. He had his family to look out for.
You were doing that too, always keeping an eye on the secret family you'd been gifted knowledge of. Natasha relaxed when she visited them, and she needed that after your death, so you saw them then. But Natasha didn't always need your watch, and ghost travel was a quick method indeed, so you popped over occasionally, watching to ensure their cover was still intact. You wouldn't have the power to do anything if it wasn't, you would just have to watch and do nothing, but it still felt purposeful to keep an eye on them.
Natasha was getting better, she rarely cried over you now. Only on special occasions, like birthdays and anniversaries, or when she'd had a particularly rough day. It was progress, and she might not be seeing it, but you were, and you were glad.
By 2014, she'd become much the same as before, which of course meant something would happen. Natasha's life could never be simple, as much as you wished it for her, something always came in the way. And now it was SHIELD.
You were present with Natasha when she got the call. Telling her to get to the hospital to visit Fury.
"No, no. Don't do this to me Nick" she whispered. It broke your heart, the words sending you back to the moment you died, the pain that had inflicted on her. She'd recovered, and now she'd be sent through it all over again.
Tears brimmed in her eyes which you hopelessly wished you could brush away. But they were still a sign of her growth, seeing Natasha cry would have been considered impossible when you first met. Now she no longer felt the need to repress it.
Even as Fury's death was called. And Maria and Steve walked away, you stayed with Natasha, watching Fury's body. Having followed Natasha on missions before, you knew what death looked like from the afterlife. Their ghosts tended to part from their bodies, and you did your best to help with the following confusion, at least until Death arrived.
You waited for it to happen to Fury, so you could talk to a friend again, but it never happened. You smirked, maybe you weren’t getting company for a while, but Natasha's grief couldn't last long when the man she was grieving for wasn't dead. At least you hoped he'd reveal it to her soon.
It didn't happen all that long after, but by that stage you were more concerned with Natasha's physical wellbeing than Fury's. She'd been protecting civilians, getting them out of harm's way, when she was shot by the Winter Soldier, only to then be cornered by the STRIKE team agents that you knew were HYDRA.
If you had taken your eyes off of Natasha for one second, you could have noticed Hill on the scene. You may have seen her covertly take out a masked guard and take their place on the very same van Natasha, Steve, and the new guy, Sam, were taken into. But you didn't notice that, and instead had a tense 15 minutes where you thought Natasha and the others would soon be joining you.
At least it made the relief all that better when she didn't.
That relief corresponded with Natasha's own at seeing Fury alive. "I'm sorry Natasha," he told her in private, "I know-... you're not losing another family member that soon". You smiled at the rare candour from him, it was what they both needed.
The next couple of days after that kept you tense. Natasha healed up perfectly fine, but was then thrust immediately back into work, going undercover at SHIELD to take back control. She did it perfectly, as you could expect, but there were too many close calls for your liking, she seemed far too comfortable being on the brink of death.
But she came through, saved the day once again, even if the government weren't fans. She was stressed in preparation for her trial, pacing back and forth and reciting her lines, she even began talking to you. Acting like you were there and could hear her words. Clearly you could, but she didn't know that. She aced the trial, and you couldn't help letting out a 'that's my wife!' when she walked out.
Time continued to pass with you watching Natasha. Since the fall of SHIELD she had continued to talk as if you were in the room, you wondered whether it was part of her grief, or if it was just in your memory. You hoped the latter, and it seemed proven when she got closer with Bruce.
It hurt of course, seeing her flirt with him just like she had with you all those years ago. He seemed just as oblivious as you had been too. But you didn't mind, you were glad to see Natasha moving past your death. She had a whole life to live and you hoped she would take the chance. So you were encouraging whenever one of them made a move, and you sided with Steve when he told Bruce to ask her out.
It worked well to begin with, and even after the Ultron fiasco she seemed to look out for him. But not everything lasts. You saw Natasha's heart wasn't in it when they discussed having kids, even if she was fooling him. You knew Natasha couldn't have children biologically, she'd told you when you had this exact conversation. But rather than make it a hurdle she'd immediately presented a solution of adoption. Something she ignored with Bruce. And that wasn't a coincidence, she just wasn't as into the relationship as anyone had hoped she might be.
It took another week for her to realise it herself, while captured by Ultron. She told Bruce when he came to free her, not wanting to keep him in a relationship that she couldn't make work.
She told the Avengers explicitly about you for the first time. That she'd had a wife, who she'd lost. That she still wasn't 100% ready to move on yet.
Bruce took it well. Hulk... less so. Natasha blamed herself when he took the quinjet and left, bringing Bruce to somewhere untraceable. Again, you could do nothing to convince her that she wasn't at fault.
2016 was an eventful year. Almost as if Natasha was heeding your request to keep her life interesting. Fighting her best friend over government regulation, then siding against her own team when circumstances changed.
Not just that, because she then had to go on the run, away from all the family she had. Until she ran into the family she had told you she'd lost long ago. When Natasha picked up the red vials and saw the pictures attached, you recognised them too. She had the matching set in the room you'd shared, her with her sister, Yelena.
You'd never met her family, but you'd heard her stories. They were nothing like what you'd been expecting. Yelena, for instance, was no longer the carefree child Natasha had described, she was a Widow now. Nor were Melina and Alexei the parents Natasha had looked up to and respected; they were selfish in their own way.
Natasha had to find this out at the same time as you, and you could see her inner turmoil. Years in the Red Room had led her to idolise her time in Ohio, and it was a shattering conclusion to remember that they were the ones who had sent her there in the first place. She didn't tell them about you, but she began to talk to you a lot more. She wondered how you would have reacted to meeting her family, whether you would have chosen to go on the run with her after the Accords. You answered honestly; that you'd go the whole world with her if she asked, and that her family seemed like a chaotic type of fun. If only she could hear.
Yelena found out about you in 2017. The two kept in contact even after the Red Room was destroyed, and Natasha went back on the run with a few other Avengers. The sisterly bond reformed, Natasha gave Yelena her trust, and with it, the secret that she'd had a wife.
Yelena provided comfort, and told Natasha that she would have loved to meet you. You wished for the same.
Thanos happened and then everyone Natasha loved was gone. Her sister, her mentee, her teammates. Half the universe vanished, not to the realm of the dead, just a mysterious elsewhere. You talked to Death and even they didn't know what to make of it, the souls were beyond reality.
For five years you watched Natasha mourn. When the other survivors did nothing, Natasha kept herself busy. You knew she was working because of the grief, not through it, but no one else saw. Not even Clint was there to save his best friend this time.
Death joined you as the time heist began. It warned you what was coming, it was still too early in your opinion, but there was nothing you could do.
"That your brother or something?" you joked, as you and Death watched the scene on Vormir, the hooded figure guiding Natasha and Clint towards the edge of the cliff.
Death laughed lightly, and you were shocked to finally receive a reaction. "Another mortal who reached too high, and given a life sentence in return."
"I didn't know you were ever mortal" you mumbled. You didn't particularly want to be watching Natasha right now, but you had to be near to her.
"It was a long time ago" Death informed you, "but I still remember. It's why I knew you would need company for this, or a distraction."
"thank you" you whispered. Clint had Natasha pinned down now. She flipped the scene over with ease.
An explosion, then Natasha was down once again and Clint was jumping. She caught him, and suddenly it was her who was dangling. Your heart clenched knowing it was only a matter of time now. And you would have to watch.
Your two former partners in crime locked eyes with each other, knowing just as well as you did what was to come. Their expressions told stories, indecipherable to anyone but the three of you.
"Let me go"
"No. Please no" Clint whimpered, "she'll wait" he added. It was true, I'd wait for eternity, but her mind was made up.
"It's okay" she smiled. She'd been grieving for over a decade. That would be over soon.
With a kick, she was falling, and Death led you down. Your eyes steered clear of the body.
"Y/N?" The familiar voice forced you to tear your eyes in that direction. It was inevitable, but seeing the body, and the ghostly figure beside it confirmed that it was true. The woman you loved was dead.
"Hi Natty" you smiled, walking up to her. You cautiously raised your hands to either side of her face, placing your thumbs on her cheeks. For the first time in 12 years, they didn't pass through. "I promised I'd meet you here"
She didn't show the same hesitancy. Quickly wrapping her arms around your torso and squeezing tight, her face buried in the crook of your neck. "I missed you. I missed you so much"
"I missed you too, I kept watch though"
"I know" she whispered, and you pulled away to look at her questioningly. "When I was bleeding out, after the fight with the Winter Soldier, I saw you there. I thought I was hallucinating maybe, but you were there every time I came close to death."
"And that was way too many times"
"I know" she sighed, resting her forehead against yours, "I didn't intend it... but I'm here now"
Death coughed from behind you. "I guess your gamble paid off Y/N"
"Thankfully so"
"You're happy for me to move the both of you on to the afterlife now? I'd rather not leave ghosts lurking longer"
You shared a look with Natasha and nodded.
"You were good company in the end Y/N. And Natasha, the good you have done far outweighs the bad. I hope you see it yourself someday." With Death's parting words, you began to fade, hand in hand with your wife.
Entering the afterlife, your life together was just beginning. And this time, neither of you could die.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
hey, i have a jj maybank request! fem!reader, possible angst!
so basically, y/n is a pogue and gets along with the other pogues (john b, pope, sarah, kiara & cleo) except for jj. y/n is always bright, a total sweetheart and bubbly and jj…hates it.
john b recently opens up a surf board shop on that stranded island that they’re on?? and he leaves y/n and jj alone to polish some boards hoping that they’d get along. jj complains about every little thing y/n does and starts calling her names. she gets really upset and storms out the shop to clear her head. she goes by the water for a swim but a dangerous tide picks her up and jj notices and saves her?? hopefully this makes sense!
the deep end ☆
jj maybank x fem!reader.
warnings: mentions of drowning, jj being an asshole, swearing.
words: 1,674.
summary: jj somehow finds everything you do annoying to the point he criticizes everything you do. john b thinks of a plan that will ensure his two friends will befriend each other. it was working at first, until it wasn’t.
request? yes!
a/n: y’all have such good ideas what the?! thank you for the request! if you enjoyed please like and comment. this is angst with fluff at the end. <3 BTW i am from missouri and have never surfed so i hope i got the polishing of the surfboards correct. :)
my masterlist
john b always had a plan, well usually he did. if two of his friends were fighting, he would always find a way to get them to get along. he knew that stranding kiara and sarah on a boat together in the middle of nowhere would force them to fix their friendship. so, with that knowledge, he knew that he could do the same thing with jj and you.
you were always nice to jj, he just seemed to get annoyed with you all the time. you didn’t know what you had done, if you had even done something. he just always felt the need to critique you. it became harder and harder everyday to ignore him.
since washing up on the abandoned island, john b was ecstatic for his brand new start. unsurprisingly to anyone, his first idea for creating a new civilization would be a surf shack. he started building it right away. you would occasionally help, but he was determined to do it on his own so he would always send you away.
“okay! john b what would you like my help with? i can do anything you need. just let me know.” you smile brightly at john b, while he stared at you. “listen, i love you. but, i don’t need your help at the moment. you should talk to everyone else.” you frown at his words, “fine. but you better get me the minute you need assistance.” he nodded. “will do.” and with that, you left joining the others.
jj was talking to cleo before silencing upon your arrival. “hey everyone!” you smile at the group in front of you. “hey! how’s john b?” kiara asked. “i think he is good, he’s actually pretty much done.” you play with the bracelet on your wrist. kiara nods, “that’s great.” pope smiles, “statistically speaking, we can’t ensure that his shack will be entirely safe as he built it all on his own.” you stare at pope. “true… we’ll let’s hope it doesn’t collapse on him.” pope smiled at you, glad you listened to his random fact.
jj groaned. “awe, how sweet pope!! you found a girl who wasn’t disgusted by your weird and useless knowledge.” you gasp in shock, “jj! shut up you are so rude.” jj laughs, “it’s just a joke, why do you always have to be so offended?” you glare at jj. “jj it’s not funny, you’re just a dick.” pope sighs. “it’s okay, don’t worry.” you frown in popes direction. you quietly pull away from the group. you walk to an area of sand, plopping yourself down. that’s when john b approached you.
“hey, remember when i told you i would come get you when i needed help?” john b smiled at you. “yes! do you need my help?” you tilt your head to the side, waiting. he nods. “i need you to wax up some of the boards i made.” you nod. “okay! sure.” he walked you to his shack, helping you set up. you began waxing the board, paying attention to the direction and the amount of wax you were applying. john b waits a minute watching you, before he decides to leave.
after a minute, you see jj approaching the shack with john b who held a smug smile on his lips. you shake your head, confused. “friends.” he looked between you and jj. jj held an unamused look on his face. “as my close friends, you will wax these boards for me. you can’t stop until you guys fix whatever feud is going on between the two of you.” john b stands his ground. jj scoffs, “we don’t have a feud.” you nod your head in agreement. “jj is right, his hatred is definitely one sided... it is not a feud.” you laugh softly seeing jj send a glare your way. “yeah okay. whatever guys. just fix it, and if you even try and leave, i’ll send cleo after both of you.” your eyebrows lift in shock. you mutter a quick okay, returning your attention to the board.
jj stares at you, watching you apply the wax. he couldn’t help but get upset. everything you did just made him annoyed. he grabbed the wax, working on the board right by yours. silence falls over the two of you. it’s not awkward or weird, it actually feels quite normal. until jj interrupted it so he could judge you.
“youre doing it wrong. i mean come on.” you stare at jj, “jj please just focus on your own board.” you shake your head, continuing to polish the surfboard. he glares at you. “whatever. just keep doing what you are doing, and then john b or i will fix it after you.” his attention turned back to his board. you rolled your eyes. “i will, thank you.” he breathes in, inhaling the waxy scent. “you are so annoying you know that?” you ignore jj’s words, focusing on the board. he continues, “i mean everything you do. everything you say, it pisses me off.” you nod slightly. “you done?”
“no, actually i’m not.” you bite your lip, fixating on the wax that is spreading along the smooth surface. jj stops waxing the surfboard. you look up to see he is already staring at you. “you know, you act like you are better than us, i mean why do you hang out with us anyway?” jj waits but continues when he realizes you won’t reply. “you are fake, you are so upbeat and bubbly that it’s annoying. you are a double sided two faced bitch who says anything to get in good graces.” you inhale, looking up at him.
“listen jj. we are stranded on this fucking island. TOGETHER. so either drop it and move on, or just shut the fuck up and stay away from me.” you place your hands on your hips, breathing slightly staggered from anger. “everyone speaks so highly of you saying how great you are; but the only jj i’ve met is a total douche. if you hate me so much then just stay the fuck away from me. if you continue you’ll just be wasting your breath and energy anyway.” jj holds back a laugh at your sudden outburst.
“you really think if i had the choice, i would want to be here? especially with you?” jj asked, you already knowing the answer. you stay silent. “exactly. no one can deal with you for that long anyway.” you roll your eyes.
“whatever jj. you win.” you toss the wax to the side, frowning. you don’t turn back to him, you just ignore him. you start to walk towards the beaches seashore. it was getting slightly hot, so you decided to take a dip into the water.
you were salvaging the few moments of freedom you had, before you got john b’s and cleo’s wrath from leaving the scene before mending the friendship with jj. it was practically impossible. what did jj have against you? you tip toed into the water, getting deeper and deeper. you floated at the top of the water; the coolness feeling great on top of your hot skin.
jj truly had the biggest nerve, your mind was overwhelmingly clogged. you felt seaweed scratch against the bottom of your foot, this caused you to jump, your adrenaline levels rising since you thought it was a fish. you try to remain afloat, but the high tide caused the waves to crash right over you repeatedly, being faster and higher than ever. you went above water trying to shout for help, but your mouth was filled, causing no sound to come out. you thrash against the water, kicking to stay afloat. your throat was burning, your legs tired from kicking, and your lungs filled with liquid.
a pair of hands wrap around your stomach, dragging you out the water. you were placed on the warm sand. “shit.” jj stared at you. your head felt light. jj’s hand began pumping your chest, curses falling from his mouth. “come on, just breathe. please.” you cough, the salt water exiting your lungs, and dropping onto your neck. you gasp for air, opening your eyes to be met with jj’s face. you breathe heavily for a minute.
“jj… thank you.” you sit up, pulling him into a tight hug. your hands wrap around his neck, one of them grabbing his hair. his arms held tightly around your waist. his chest was heaving heavily, shaking slightly. “i hate to be so cliché j, but you genuinely saved my life.” he frowns at you. “i almost lost you.”
jj’s confession confused you. “what?” you say softly, your hand combed through his hair. “look. the reason i’m so mean to you, is because i knew that if i was nice to you, my already intense feelings for you would only amplify.” you frown at him. “you’ve had a crush on me this whole time?” jj nodded. you went to talk, but your friends interrupted the moment.
john b rushed to your side, kiara and pope swiftly behind him. “what happened!! we were watching from over there.” john b pointed in a direction farther away. “one minute you were swimming… the next you we’re gone!?” you wipe your neck, trying to dry it off. “jj saved my life. i almost drowned.” you frown, the group in front of you nodded. “im so glad you are okay.” kiara bent down pulling you into a hug. “i’m glad you are safe now too.” pope joined in on the hug; as well as everyone else.
sarah, kiara, and cleo bend down, reaching for your hands. they help you up, dragging you to your feet. they walk you away from the crowd, bombarding you with questions. “so when you were drowning what did it feel like??” you turn around watching jj, you smile slightly before turning to them. “oh get ready for the amount of details i’m going to give you guys.”
possibly a part two…??? not sure yet :) <3 also!! i’m proofreading this tomorrow since i’m not entirely sure if it has errors or not! ily!!
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doublel27 · 2 years
I'm very interested to see where they go with this Owen and his father storyline. What do you hope/think we will get out of it?
I think they added a fascinating facet to Owen Strand in this last episode. Now, I’ve made no secret on this platform that I find Owen to be a really interesting and deep character. They’ve been seeding this storyline since season one, where he punched people, and I’m so glad we’re finally going to crack open the Owen Strand nut to learn more about who he is as a person and why he works the way he does. 
So before, I’ve mostly theorized about 9/11 and the divorce from Gwyn which rocked him, Tim’s death, the whole Gwyn reunion-break up with the child that isn’t his, and how he saw Jonah as a “redo” almost, and the dissolution of the 126 and his running away to the mountains, and how all of this impacts him. This root being his dad abandoning the family (Owen’s words) is fascinating and makes a lot of sense. Tying my old meta to this new revelation may be a whole other meta - but let's be real, death and divorce can feel like an abandonment. The grief of being left behind is something that impacts Owen. I’m really hoping we’ll see the ties be made to the losses he’s faced. But Owen already tied to two near loses to his father during therapy and they both have to do with his relationship with TK. The sequence of Owen’s brain associating down to clowns is beautifully giffed here (thanks @maxbegone). The first thing the dot reminds him of is the spot on his lung. The second thing following the dot brings him to TK in the ICU on a vent. The third is the clown. So, let’s go back to season one and the spot on his lung. This is part of our introduction to Owen Strand, the second scene we have is him going to the doctor after TK admits he’s going to propose to Alex. Owen wants to know if he’ll make it to the wedding. He hides the cancer from TK, and makes the choice to leave the 252, a family he refused to abandon when the other members abandoned him through death, and picks TK and has a very heavy-handed, co-dependent plan to save TK. Originally, he thinks the cancer is going to kill him, and as many people have noted, built a team that reflects Owen’s favorite qualities back at him, but also surrounds TK with them. In some ways, he’d been waiting for 9/11 to kill him since he survived. He always knew he’d leave TK some day, but Owen was determined to do it by leaving TK in the best place possible. 
We then move to TK on a ventilator. This is an entirely different scenario, and fascinating, because we as an audience never saw that interaction. We have the still of Owen standing by TK’s bed, where he looks exhausted and devastated. But we DID see Owen’s speech, which is heavy handed and full of self-recrimination. @marjansmarwani did a great job pointing out that this is largely because he’s partially bargaining. If I do this, I’ll get my son back. Because the failingOwen keeps focusing on, is quitting, on giving up, his heart giving out by not fighting for the 126 and their family to remain whole. In Owen’s mind, he’s being punished for abandoning his whole family by the world threatening to take his son. If he fixes it, if he fights to put the family back together, he’ll get to keep TK. And even if he doesn’t keep TK, he’ll know he did everything to try and put their family back together.
And it’s so fascinating that these two moments are the moments he thinks of before his own abandonment that’s tied to his father and that creepy picture of a clown. We now know Owen hasn’t seen his father since he was 12, and supposedly (per season one) he stayed in California until he was 16. And while I don’t always trust this show with math, that gives four years of them remaining in the same state without seeing each other. Then he moved to New York and has built an entire life without ever letting his father know. He’s held this grudge, and that’s not a surprise, for at least the last 40 years. But now, despite his fervent insisting to TK that Owen never abandoned him in 1x10, it’s clear that he at least subconsciously is tying those in a linear connection to his own son. While Owen clearly has a better relationship with TK, the level of defensiveness when TK says “You left us” in 1x10 feels far more understandable (if incorrect). To Owen, abandonment involves never seeing the person again and TK still came to the firehouse, was a part of Owen’s life. By 1x10, they live and work together, a level of togetherness Owen couldn’t manage with his own father. What I am hoping for on Monday is to understand what happened when Owen’s father left. Did Owen become so angry that he refused to speak to his father? Did his father actually stop speaking to Owen? Or did Owen’s refusal get to the point where Walter Strand stopped reaching out? What was their relationship like before Owen turned 12? Were they close? Were they already distant and this was further rejection? How does Owen compare his divorces, specifically the one where he left Gwyn and TK, from his parent’s divorce?
I’m also hoping to contrast the relationship between Owen and Walter with what we’ve seen of Owen and TK. Owen and TK are openly affectionate. They care deeply about each other’s opinion. There is a level of respect that goes both ways, even in the face of both of their mistakes. TK talks to Buck in 2x03 about how his dad never gave up on him, despite every bad choice TK has made. Owen gives TK his medical power of attorney when he has surgery, which is a huge level of trust and respect. They don’t have a perfect relationship, there are plenty of mistakes and missteps, but they have a GOOD relationship.  
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tunnaa-unnaa · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet&Violet 2nd trailer: Compliments and concerns
New pokemon look awesome! Let others theorize about lore, I’m here for the game mechanics and graphics. Let’s dive in to the trailer for a deeper look!
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^ Confirms what we saw in the announcement trailer: Pokemon centers in the field are like rest stops. Notice the beam of light on the roof, so they are presumably easy to find when you’re out there. I like the palm trees here heh.
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^ Game crests. The designs imply Scarlet = modern, Violet = traditional. Art deco vs art noveau kind of thing.
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^ Professors Sada and Turo however have the opposite theming, and theirs matches the legendaries. Though instead of “traditional” I’d describe Sada “primal”, with the loin cloth style outfit, claw jewellery and ACTUAL FANGS. While I otherwise don’t mind her design, it’s a bit offputting to make your “savage feral lady” darker skinned, though the 3D render is much lighter. Racial stereotypes and whitewashing in the same character, ah. Generic-white-man Turo over there is just forgettable and boring. So overall not a fan of these two. Maybe they’ll have character to make up for the designs.
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^ While I enjoy seeing the starters rendered, I can’t say the art direction is very pleasing. SwSh had a lot to improve when it came to graphics, but its art direction knew what they were doing. These guys just look kinda blurry and their shading is messy and lifeless. There’s hope it’ll improve before release, like it did with Let’s Go and BDSP.
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^ This rival battle scene looks incredibly rough. The trainers are insanely far apart, small pokemon are barely visible in the middle, scenery is completely uninteresting and that building(?) on the left is the ugliest block of graphics we’ve seen in any game so far. Some red and yellow stuff poking through under the “doors” and just overall a wth experience looking at it.
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^ Science guy is here! I just wanted to highlight the contrast in detail between clothing and the backpack, as well as the player character and the npc. A bit jarring tbh. BUT. I do like the speech bubble design. It matters a lot to me - we have to look at these bubbles constantly when we play so them looking neat is a must.
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^ Multiplayer in the same world sounds super fun, a big push forward from SwSh. It also looks like you’ll have your pokemon following you so YES, FINALLY THEY GET IT. The world here looks a bit empty though, so I hope it’s not as shallow as it was in PLA and we have actually interesting things to find out there.
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^ I like the backgrounds here, implying very diverse scenery, but I can’t say the same for the player customization. If it wasn’t for gen7 and gen8 with their sports uniform nonsense I wouldn’t have to worry, but the fact that all of these characters are simply wearing color-coded school uniforms is very concerning. If they lock us into wearing this kind of outfits for the whole game I might as well die.
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^ This is terrifying.
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^ ^ Smoliv sneaking and catching scene shows us it’s not PLA mechanics and instead we’re back to classic pokemon style battles and catching. Honestly glad, it wasn’t a concept I wanted for all upcoming games. I want to highlight the hideous background though. The completely flat, blurry ground and untextured tree trunks are... well, yikes.
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^ Battle UI is super simplified! I’m conflicted, because although it is nice and sleek, it’s also a bit unpolished almost. Having the opponent status over its head PLA style kinda makes me think you can have battles against multiple wild mons at the same time. If not, the UI choice is a bit odd since it could just use the traditional diagonal corners style.
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^ ^ Prepare yourselves to people complaining about attack animations, because we’re back to pokemon standing still and performing motions instead of actually moving. Although I did enjoy the PLA mobile battle arena style a whole lot, I can deal with this coming back for now. It’s a stylistic choice at this point, and saves a lot of dev time that they can spend on more important things.
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^ Pokemart, healing, and? I wonder what the third kiosk is for. Also fun to see that it really is a rest stop, with a couch and some tables. Why they felt the need to keep the “corporations and advertisement are just part of the pokemon world now” from SwSh I’ll never know.
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^ The two most important pseudo-legendaries are in. We can rest easy.
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^ The venonat looked huge so I was excited for pokemon sizes to be back from PLA, but maybe it’s just close to the camera. Gosh please keep the size variations, it was the most fun thing to come out of that game.
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^ That’s one ugly cave, though at least it’s not a path disguised as a cave like Crown Tundra in SwSh. What I’m saying is it’s alright but it lacks atmosphere completely.
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^ Are these gyms? Activities? Some hints towards a new gimmick? Hard to say yet. At least they look more interesting than SwSh gyms.
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^ Koraidon and Miraidon look absolutely fantastic! The trailer-exclusive render of course makes them look even better, but just overall their designs ooze coolness! Nice to have some lizard-inspired legendaries!
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^ If Riddler is correct, they’ll be Dragon/Fighting and Dragon/Electric and have multiple forms that the player can ride on in the overworld. Heck, just look at them! - Miraidon already looks like a vehicle, with jets and all. - Koraidon has literal reins on its head. - Both of them have “wheels” on their chests. Not literally, but you can’t deny the look. - Both of them have handle-looking extensions on their shoulders and backrest shaped extensions on their backs.
So it’s not hard to believe. Personally I wish they just gave me a bike and a surfboard and let the legendaries have more dignity than to be reduced to a school kid’s taxi service.
Closing thoughts:
Overall I’m very excited for the games, but it keeps disappointing me how lackluster the visual design of the pokemon games seem to be consistently. What Scarlet&Violet might lack in the visual department I hope it makes up for with new pokemon designs, a fun playthrough experience and a competitive meta without goddamn dynamax.
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hi!! I would like to request something angsty, a headcanon/drabble/fic about Izana and an older sister reader, she taught him (and maybe kakucho too) everything about delinquents alongside Shinichiro. She took all the bullets that was meant for Izana, it's your choice if you want reader to survive or not. Thank you and good luck on your interview!!
Why does everyone want to break my heart with these angst requests? 😭💔 But I do like the idea so it shall be written!
A note about the reader. I am thinking of her as more a fellow orphan who is seen as the older sister figure to the younger orphans, mainly by Izana. After all, the bond between orphans means more than anything and that's the only way I can see Izana reacting but not Mikey. Sorry if that's not what you wanted...
Thank you for requesting and I hope you like it!!
Izana with an older sister!reader who protects them (angst)
TW: mentions of violence, gun shots, blood, mourning, canon divergence, manga spoilers
You had been a constant in Izana's life. When he had first been left at the orphanage, you had taken him under your wing like you had with every other child that turned up. It was mainly because you had been at the orphanage the longest and so knew what it felt like to just suddenly end up there.
Izana was hesitant to get close to you in the beginning, especially since you were a bit intimidating. You were only two years older than the blond boy yet you had probably experienced a lot more than he had.
It was only when he saw you fighting off a gang of middle school boys that were bullying him, did he want to get close to you. He thought you were amazing in that moment. The way you kicked at the boys had him wanting to learn how to fight like that. And so, he would ask you to teach him.
From there, the two of you created a strong bond. And when Kakucho had arrived at the orphanage, Izana had dragged him into the lessons you would give. Through the lessons, you would explain how you had once met an older boy who had told you all about the ways of a delinquent and how that had influenced your decisions.
The boys would follow you around, doing their best to keep you safe. After all, you had quickly become an older sister to them both and they refused to let anything happen to their older sister. They had even showed your their secret plans for the kingdom they were going to make, saying how you would be in charge of keeping it safe. Izana was the king, Kakucho was the servant, and you were the protector.
It was when Shinichiro turned up out of the blue to talk to Izana that had made a slight rift in your relationship with him. He would actively seek out his big brother instead of you, something that both made you happy for him yet broke your heart a little. After all, you had been with him since he was a young child and had taught him what you could.
Shinichiro had expressed his gratitude for you helping raise Izana. You simply explained that's just how it was and that promised the older boy that you would protect his younger brother with your life. Over the months, you had gotten close to Shinichiro and learnt new ways in which to follow the true delinquent path.
Years had passed and a lot of things had changed. Shinichiro had died, Izana and Kakucho had formed their kingdom, and a strange boy of the name Kisaki had entered the lives of your brothers. While you questioned some of their new friend choices, you remained with Izana. After all, an older sister was meant to protect their younger siblings with their life if needs be.
Now you were standing a little behind Izana as you both watched the battle that was happening below. 50 members of Toman were going against the kingdom of Tenjiku, being led by a boy that reminded you so much of Shinichiro it was crazy. Kakucho was currently fighting him but it was proving difficult to knock him down. You really couldn't help but admire the blond for not giving up even when his face was swelling and covered in blood.
Kisaki must have had enough as he had finally gotten down from the platforms. You were uninterested until a gun had been pulled out. Wasn't this a simple brawl? Why the hell would Kisaki bring a gun? After noticing it, you couldn't shake the bad feeling that filled your chest. Something was definitely going to happen with that gun being here.
Kisaki shot the blond boy in the foot, and yet he still didn't give up. That is what piqued your interest even more. It was as if the spirit of Shinichiro Sano was placed into that boy after his untimely death. Tears were threatening to fill your eyes as memories danced throughout your mind. You almost missed Izana standing up from where he sat.
You quickly followed Izana down to the battlefield, remaining just a little way behind him. After all, he was the king and you were simply his protector. It was all going well until another gunshot rang out. You turned your head only to find Kakucho bleeding from his shoulder.
Anger clouded your judgement. How dare that piece of trash shoot at one of your brothers?! However, your mind went blank as you saw Kisaki go to pull the trigger again. Izana had pushed Kakucho out of the way while you covered the younger male with your body. There was no way you were letting harm come to Izana. After all, he was your life.
Three bullets entered your body.
Everything went in slow motion for the three siblings. Kakucho watched in horror as the scene played out. Izana was confused on why he felt no physical pain until he looked up to find you smiling down at him. Blood was trickling down your chin, dripping to the ground below.
"Y-Y/N?" If your mind wasn't screaming at your pain, you would have tried to comfort the poor boy in front of you. Instead, you used your energy to simply keep that smile on your face as you fell forward.
Izana couldn't catch you. His body was frozen and he was panicking. You and Kakucho were his only family and you were both bleeding from gunshot wounds. He didn't know what to do except shout for someone, anyone to call an ambulance. Maybe they could save you!
"Izana..." The boy had to kneel down and lean close just to hear you. "I'm so glad you're safe. I don't know what I would have done if you got hurt." Your words were separated with heavy breathes. If this was anything to go by, you were about to leave this world at any moment.
Kakucho had crawled his way over to where you and Izana was, tears flowing easily down his cheeks. He had to be there for Izana, even if it was too painful seeing you in that state.
"Why did you do that?" The platinum blond croaked out, trying his hardest to push the lump in his throat down. He refused to cry, especially when you were the one in immense pain. Izana had to be strong for you.
"Because I am your older sister. That's what we do." With that, you had gone silent, a smile on your paling face. It was moments after that the paramedics had arrived. Kakucho and you were placed into the back of the ambulance while Izana followed Kakucho. He needed his friend to comfort him.
Hours had passed by since arriving at the hospital. Kakucho was fine, he just needed a few stitches and some IV fluids to rehydrate him. The doctors had delivered some bad news to the boys. You had not made it.
No-one spoke as the news set in. You had died. The protector of the kingdom of Tenjiku. The one who had practically raised them. The girl who welcomed them with open arms when they arrived at the orphanage. You were gone.
Izana didn't know how to handle the news. He felt like his world was crumbling around him. Why had you saved him?! But that's when your last words popped into his head. Why did every older sibling end up leaving him before their time?
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jungkxook · 4 years
—moonstruck. (m)
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⟶ pairing: taehyung x reader
⟶ genre: werewolf!taehyung au / arranged marriage au / smut with a sprinkle of fluff
⟶ words: 7,421
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: in hindsight, being friends with a pack of werewolves and, thus, suddenly being thrown into a world of supernatural furries and other inhuman beings isn’t something you would recommend but it was too late to back out now, especially when you consider the fact that apparently you’re now being “hunted” and the only way to save you is to be mated with taehyung. whatever that means.
⟶ warnings: multiple smut scenes, first time (virgin!taehyung), clumsy sex, soft and gentle sex, sort of rough sex, all the sex, cunnilingus, riding, hair pulling, knotting, buckets of cum, biting kink, slight impregnation kink, unprotected sex, creampie
⟶ disclaimer: first fic back after a long hiatus and i’m suddenly v nervous to post this!! also this is shamelessly and 100% inspired by an episode of the show outlander (to be exact, the wedding episode). i couldn’t help myself!! 
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“Are you serious right now?”
In hindsight, being friends with a pack of werewolves and, thus, suddenly being thrown into a world of supernatural furries and other inhuman beings isn’t something you would recommend but it was too late to back out now, especially when you consider the fact that apparently you’re now being “hunted.” Whatever that means.
Had you heard yourself speak a year ago before meeting Taehyung and having your life turned upside down, you would have surely thought you were insane, and you would have definitely thought Taehyung is insane, and the rest of his friends who are, subsequently, now yours ━ each of whom are all currently splayed out before you in Namjoon’s spacious country-side home with similar grave looks staring back at you.
“Dead serious,” Hoseok takes the liberty of breaking the odd silence saturating the kitchen. He’s made it a point to be on time for once, which you consider great and all if it wasn’t basically to dispute your current death sentence. “Always thought Jaebum’s pack were sons of bitches ━ glad to know it’s still true.”
“Hoseok,” Yoongi scolds. “Be a little more compassionate.”
“Am I wrong?” Hoseok refutes.
From off to the side, Jimin pushes himself forward with a frustrated groan, shaking his head. “Tae, I told you this was a dumb fucking idea ━ bringing Y/N into the pack━”
“I didn’t think this would happen,” Taehyung protests hotly. He’s leaning against the wall somewhere behind you, arms crossed over his chest and a deep frown darkening his face.
“How could you not think this would happen?” Jungkook retorts bitterly.
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“She’s a human,” Jungkook says. “Jaebum wants her gone, but if he were to get his hands on her, then who knows what could happen━”
“I said shut up, Jungkook,” Taehyung snarls, an odd vehement tone dripping from his every word that is out of the place for the usually tranquil boy. Jungkook’s mouth clamps shut at once, though you suspect it’s not to do with defeat more so than because he’s the newest addition to the pack and, while Namjoon is their leader (or Alpha, as you’ve heard being thrown around before), Taehyung was something of a second-in-command. You could only imagine the consequences of crossing either Namjoon or Taehyung within the pack.
“Hold on a second,” You try to sputter for air, lungs wheezing. Your mind has since been spinning, struggling to keep up. At first you thought they were joking when they had told you, but now you were beginning to understand the severity at the very least. “I’m being hunted? Why?”
Now, Namjoon looks from Taehyung, then to you, and back again. Taehyung hesitates to answer at first, and Jungkook scowls. “Well, tell her, Tae. You dragged her into this mess. She deserves to hear it from you.”
As you twist in your seat to look up at Taehyung, your eyes locking briefly with his, the boy grimaces and then has to look away. He takes a deep breath before responding. “Okay, look. You know that pack I told you about? Jaebum’s?”
You nod, though the memory is vague. You’ve heard the name in passing before, but you could only gather that there was some sort of animosity between his and Taehyung’s pack.
“He found out about you, and I don’t know how,” Taehyung explains. “And now he wants you gone, and he’ll do anything to see it through.”
You blink once, dumbfounded. Terrified, even. Taehyung can certainly hear it in your voice and it makes him flinch again, as if being striked across the face. “Why?”
“Because you’re not one of us,” Taehyung says. “Because you’re human. When I first told you about us, I was risking everything. It’s uncommon for one of us to bring a human into the pack just because, and often even frowned upon. There’s a fear you’ll expose us to the human world or the hunters. Jaebum’s threatening to start war if we don’t deal with this situation ourselves.”
It’s only then that the dread begins to creep upon you, chilling you to the bone. “Deal with it… how?”
“The ultimatum is either kill you ourselves, or give you over to Jaebum to deal with, as a sort of peace offering,” Namjoon says carefully.
“Which probably also results in death,” Hoseok points out morbidly.
Jin scoffs. “Or worse.”
“Is there any option that doesn’t result in death?” You ask warily. At this, the group falls silent once more.
“Well, there is one.” Namjoon glances fleetingly around at his brethren, then sighs. “You become one of us.”
“I━” You stammer, face suddenly hot. “You mean, like, a werewolf?”
“I mean, a wedding.”
“A wedding?” You gasp. “How is that going to save me?”
“Not a wedding like you think,” Namjoon says. “More of a bonding. A handfasting. Right now, as a human, you’re vulnerable and exposed. We have no claim over you. But if you become one of us ━ without being turned ━ then Jaebum shouldn’t be able to touch you.”
Slowly, you begin to piece together the fragment of your dilemma. “Marry who?”
A beat of silence passes amongst the group in which time you spot Namjoon nod in the direction of Taehyung’s figure beyond you, a wordless yet clear gesture. Suddenly, a stubborn warmth of a blush pinches at your cheeks. You wonder if they can notice, if Taehyung can notice. You start, “Taehyung━?”
“He offered to be the one,” Namjoon says. “And Jaebum knows Taehyung’s role in the pack. If he knows you’re mated to Tae, Jaebum would be absolutely insane to try and come for you. It’s the only way, Y/N, and it ensures your safety.”
“Marrying Taehyung?” You ask shrilly, voice dangerously thin. “How is marrying Taehyung going to ensure my safety?”
“It’s not just a marriage,” Jimin explains.
But of course you already know this, werewolf laws a strange and intricate jumble of rules that you’ve long since grown accustomed to. When he speaks next, you already know it’s much more than a marriage; and, when he speaks next, you fear you’ve already had your fate decided for you.
“It’s not just a marriage,” Namjoon repeats, matter-of-fact, “because we’re making you Taehyung’s mate.”
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“You didn’t have to do this.”
You try not to think about it. Admittedly, marrying your friend who you have only known for a year isn’t something you had been expecting. But, as Namjoon had explained it, it wasn’t necessarily a legal unification between you and Taehyung, though you suppose it’s as valid now as any marriage with the ritualistic handfasting ceremony making it official. That, and you favoured living to see another day instead of becoming a werewolf’s next meal or ripped to shreds by one.
Only a day after your conversation with the boys of Taehyung’s pack, you’ve come to your ultimate decision which has led you to where you are now, returning to Namjoon’s home for a wedding. Your wedding. You hadn’t very long to decide your own fate anyway, with the boys grimly warning you it was now or never. But you trust them, despite this crazed ludicrous situation you find yourself in ━ and you trust Taehyung more than anything, your friendship with him having quickly blossomed into something so sincerely profound over the year that you’ve known him.
If you’re being honest, Namjoon’s pack had at least made an effort for the occasion because despite how unconventional it is, it was still a celebration. A celebration for your marriage, and a celebration for their hopeful victory over Jaebum. Still, the underlying threat of the evening remains, made more prevalent by the fact that it was required to invite at least another pack (of which you’ve met the leader, Jisoo, a handful of times before) as witnesses. It’s a simple ceremony too, quaint and cute if you weren’t clinging to life. You had made it a point to dress up, digging a pretty white dress from the depths of your closet with flowing butterfly-like sleeves; Taehyung had forgone a suit but was still handsomely dressed too, leaving you to feel like less of an idiot. Namjoon had officiated it, standing before you and Taehyung as you held one another’s hand, wrapped delicately in ribbon, listening to the vows being proclaimed that talked about true love, and the passion and yearning involved.
When the handfasting finally draws to a close, you’re shoved into a room alone with Taehyung for a moment of privacy by Hoseok, who can be heard quipping wolfishly, “Get it over with quick!” before vanishing behind the closed door. You wager he’s left to join with the rest of the festivities outside where, no doubt, every werewolf is currently drinking themselves blind.
Finally alone with Taehyung, a saturated silence fills the air that has you wringing your hands anxiously in front of you. You sit on the edge of the bed in the center of the room. “What other choice was there, Tae?”
Taehyung takes a moment to respond, and even he knows the thought is a useless one when it crosses his mind before voicing it aloud. “We could have ran away.”
“How far would we get?” You sigh. Still, the sorrow earnest in his voice and riddling his face is enough to make you look up at him sympathetically. “I’m no use to you if Jaebum or someone worse finds us by ourselves. Besides, the boys need you.”
“No, you need me,” Taehyung insists. “Jungkook’s right. I dragged you and the pack into this mess. It’s my responsibility to fix this.”
He drags his feet towards the bed, then flops down onto his back on the mattress. A troubled groan punctuates the air, and you sneak a glance behind you to see him rubbing warily at his eyes.
You decide now would be the best time to ask the one question that has been on your mind since the night before when you were sitting in Namjoon’s kitchen to discuss Jaebum’s scorn. “Is that why… Is that why you offered to be my mate?”
“Yes,” Taehyung admits meekly. “Sort of. Think we’d all rather it be me than Joon, anyway.”
You don’t argue with this. The reasons as to why it had to be Taehyung satisfied you well enough. That, and aside from having befriended the pack over the months, you’re much closer to Taehyung than you are with the others.
“So…” You trail off, clearing your throat. At this point, you’re simply speaking for the sake of filling the void. “What now?”
Taehyung shrugs. He looks around the room. “Nothing.”
“Well, what did Hoseok mean just now? Get what over with?”
“Erm━” Taehyung opens his mouth, as if preparing to explain, then decides otherwise. “It’s nothing.”
“Taehyung, we literally just got married and you’re already keeping secrets from me,” You retort. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” he insists. “It’s just that… Well…” He sits up from the bed, meeting your curious gaze. “This was essentially a mating, and every mating needs to be seen through to the end to be considered valid. The pack can tell when it’s… uh… done.”
Now it hits you. It’s the way he awkwardly trails off, hand ruffling through his long locks, that has you immediately understanding what he’s trying to imply. You gawk upward at him. “Are you asking me to sleep with you?”
Suddenly, Taehyung looks flustered and he shakes his head frantically. “I mean, they expect it, but I would never force it on you.” Then, he straightens up, as if captivated by a newfound confidence. The smallest of smirks dances upon his lips that you don’t miss. “Besides, I never said it had to be between you and me. As long as they can sense it, I’d say your hand would do just fine instead ━ but you have all night for that.”
“Oh my god.”
The smirk widens into a devious look now. “You said you wanted honesty.”
As he dissolves into a fit of stifled chuckles, you scowl but you wager it’s mostly an attempt to hide the frazzled look on your face. Then, hurrying to change the topic, ask, “Is every mating like that then?”
“Yeah,” Taehyung admits. “If two mates want to stay together forever, they complete the process with marking, usually by a bite. It strengthens the mating bond.”
Taehyung notices you squirm in your spot, crossing your knee over the other and squeezing your thighs together. He can sense you’re uncomfortable, understandably with your current situation, but can’t quite pinpoint what else seems to make you sit so rigidly.
“What was it like for you?” He decides to ask. “The handfasting?”
The question takes you by surprise, though his sincere intrigue makes you smile smally to yourself. “I’ve never experienced anything like that before, but it was… It was nice.” You think back to nearly an hour ago, and the way Taehyung had looked standing before you. While you were marrying him out of necessity, there was something candidly beautiful about the entire ceremony. At the very least, you were glad it had been with Taehyung of all people. “Can I be honest with you, Tae?”
“Of course,” Taehyung says. “At this point, you can pretty much tell me anything. Don’t think anything’s as shocking as coming out as a werewolf.”
An innocent giggle bubbles at your throat. Suddenly, you look sheepish. “I might have had one too many glasses of wine before coming.”
“Ah.” Despite the interested hum of noise, he looks genuinely entertained. “So you’re drunk?”
“Not quite. Pleasantly buzzed,” You say. “Well, can you blame me? The occasion called for it considering a bunch of wolves want to kill me and I’m being arranged into a marriage.”
“So you don’t remember anything about your own wedding?”
You pull a face, though Taehyung gathers it’s because of the blunt mention of the word. “I do. Just… not all of it. Some things are clearer than others, but I think that’s mostly because I was nervous.”
“I remember every moment,” Taehyung muses thoughtfully. “I remember seeing you there, in your dress, and everything felt right despite it all.” His stare hardens in that moment, as if probed by the harsh reminder of the reasoning behind the night in the first place. “You know I’ll do anything to keep you safe, right? We haven’t had time to sit back and talk it over but you really do mean the world to me.”
A muffled groan eclipses your lips. You dig the heels of your palms against your eyes as you bemoan, “Don’t say those kinds of things, Tae.”
“Because… Because…” Your eyes shoot open, though suddenly you refuse to meet his curious wandering gaze.
But Taehyung doesn’t even need you to finish your thought. You wonder if it’s one of the many keen abilities possessed by these shapeshifters or if it’s simply a Taehyung thing, being that he’s quickly become one of your closest friends over the year that you’ve known him.  
“You’re still nervous,” he hums as delicately as possible. It’s not an accusation, but a simple fact of the matter. He pushes himself to sit on the edge of the bed beside you, leaving an appropriate amount of space between the two of you. “Are you nervous because of me?”
“That’s a lie,” Taehyung snorts. When you don’t respond immediately, a small inkling of a doubt makes him question apprehensively, “Are you scared of me then? I wouldn’t blame you, especially after everything that’s been going on━”
“What?” You finally turn to look at him, a look of incredulousness contorting your face. “No! No, I’m not scared of you, Tae. I could never be scared of you.” You don’t dare turn to face him, instead keeping your eyes fixed on your hands as you continue. “You make me nervous, but not in a bad way. Does that make any sense?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it does.” When you chance a look at him, you find him smiling softly to himself. “It’s the same way I felt when I saw you earlier tonight.”
Your heart quickens in pace against your chest, and you’re almost positive he can surely hear it. Now, you finally lift your timid stare to meet his pensive look, and you have to bite back the smile that threatens to form on your face. He looks distracted, though not in a way where his mind is elsewhere entirely; instead, he seems besotted, dark eyes shimmering gently, and there’s a palpable shift of energy in the atmosphere.
Without even realizing it, the pair of you begin to gravitate towards one another, leaning in close enough to shorten the distance between the two of you. You pause, lingering near enough to feel his warm breath fanning against your neck. He can’t help himself, and reaches out with his hand to brush his fingers along your shoulder to the base of your throat, sending chills down your spine. His hand comes to rest against your neck, fingers stretching outward to cradle the back of your head. He guides you toward him this time, closer and closer.
“Taehyung…” You whisper.
He stops at once, clamps his mouth shut and squeezes his eyes closed. His restraint seems to be not without labour, judging by the sobering small shake of his head, and the way he leans his forehead against yours, tendons in his jaw fluttering as he clenches his teeth. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t.”
“I want you to.”
He’s startled when you’re the one that moves first, catching his lips onto yours. He’s unmoving at first, basking in the feel and taste of your mouth smoothing over his. It’s slow, steady, but then he’s craning his neck to deepen the kiss and something feverish overtakes the both of you. You clamber onto his lap at once, swinging one leg over his and settling back onto him, your dress bunching up at your thighs. He’s taken aback for a moment, though his hands instinctively come to grip at your waist and you try not to focus on how large and warm they feel, burning against the material of your dress. In fact, every inch of him radiates a thermal energy that is both comforting and excites you. You chase his lips, yearning for another kiss, but he hesitates at the last moment, jerking his head away. He doesn’t move very far at first, then he drops his head into the crook of your neck. His nose burrows against the base of your throat, his lips brushing against your skin as he moves along your neck to your shoulder, then back again. You can tell he’s holding himself back, not quite allowing himself to enjoy this. To enjoy you.
“You said we have all night, didn’t you?” You rasp. “So why not start now?”
“I also said it didn’t have to be between you and me if you didn’t want it to be.” Taehyung finds his voice at long last, however hoarse it may be. You’re already driving him crazy, just by your smell alone. “Are you sure? You said you wanted honesty, so be honest with me, Y/N. Don’t just say it’s because it has to be done. I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“Well, don’t you want this?” You question.
“Fuck, yes.” He groans against your neck. Something feral seems to stir within him, and you can feel his canines bare against your skin. “But only if you do.”
You aren’t quite sure what seems to possess you all of a sudden. He’s intoxicating, you think. Your hands tug at his hair now, desperation wearing your own voice thin. “Yes, Tae. Please. I want you inside me so badly.”
Finally, he presses his mouth against your throat, tonguing hot open-mouthed kisses there. His grip tightens around your waist, tugging you harder against him, and the feeling of him growing harder against your inner thigh in a matter of seconds has you both enraptured by a newfound heated ferocity.
Grasping at a moment of clarity, you ask meekly, “Isn’t this your first time?”
“Is it that obvious?”
You want to tell him anything but, the way his hands and lips move across you an indicator of that. “I thought you wolves are all about sex. Don’t you, like, go into heat or something?”
It’s a feeble attempt at a snarky joke, judging by the way your lips unfurl into a languid smirk. “Typically. But I never wanted sex for the sake of fucking. The boys make fun of me all the time for it.”
You snicker, but the delightful noise is lost in a simper as he continues to kiss upward to the underside of your jaw. He grips tightly at your waist and moves, shifting the two of you around, until your back is splayed out on the edge of the bed and he’s hovering directly over you.
“Taehyung…” He grunts in response, though you don’t blame him for not responding. The way his cock bulges against your core now, the way you press your hips up into his instinctively, is enough to drive you insane, let alone the boy. Still, you manage to rasp, “Tae, just don’t bite me. Promise me.”
“I won’t,” he assures, though now he certainly seems preoccupied. He inhales deeply, nostrils flaring, and whines aloud, “God, I can already smell you. So fucking good.”
His head falls into the crook of your neck as his hips dig harshly into yours in a way that makes you aware of what his words seem to mean. Slick arousal already begins to form between your legs, pooling into a mess on your underwear that has you squirming beneath him. The thought of him being able to smell you makes your face heat, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He kisses down to your collarbones, then, without warning, flips you over at once. Rough hands grasp at your waist, pulling you to your knees and your ass off the edge of the bed. As he fumbles to tear your panties from your hips, then lifts the skirt of your dress up with one hand, he hurries to undo his belt and the button of his pants with the other.
“Wait, Tae━” You gasp. Before he can push himself into you, you heave yourself up with your hands and twist just enough to place your palm above his waist on his abdomen, stopping him in his place. “What are you doing?”
“What’s wrong?” he asks, brows creasing with concern. “Isn’t this how it’s done? I’m not totally helpless.”
You bite back your abrupt grin, swallowing your amusement when you realize he’s genuinely confused. It’s hard to grasp how he can look so innocent even despite his leaking cock still in his hand. “Well, yeah, but not always.”
“I just thought it was like how dogs go at it, y’know?” Taehyung says. “The guys all seem to say so anyway.”
You can’t help it now when this newfound information has you keeling over with laughter. You’re fortunate he doesn’t seem offended by your delight, instead grinning sheepishly to himself as he watches you wipe tears away from your eyes.
“What?” he asks promptly, and then as if to nudge you back to reality, tightens his grip on your waist and yanks you towards him gingerly. Pressing his front flush against your back, he catches your ear lobe between his teeth and nibbles on it.
“Then I feel sorry for their mates,” You manage to choke out. “It’s not bad, but I want to be able to see you the first time around. It’s better that way. More intimate.”
You squirm out from beneath him, turning to face him properly. Still sprawled out before him, you prop yourself up on your elbow and then reach out with your other hand to grab at his face and pull him down to you.
“Noted,” he hums into your mouth. “Anything else I should know?”
“Nothing that I can think of at the moment,” You admit, though maybe that’s simply because your mind is spinning at the sight of his length.
He’s much, much bigger than you imagined, tip irritated and swollen red already, glistening with precum as he swipes his palm over himself a handful of times. You hike your dress up further around your waist as he guides himself towards you.
“Stop me if it hurts,” he says.
You nod, though you trust him well enough to know he’ll treat you right in the best way possible. As he pushes the tip of his length against your folds and into you, your reactions are almost immediate. He ceases above you, face scrunching up at the feeling of your slickness around him. You notice his furrowed brows, the way he bares his teeth. A guttural growl sounds deep within his chest that has you shuddering in anticipation.
“Oh, fuck,” he moans. “You’re so fucking wet. You take me so well, baby. I don’t think I’ll last long.”
“Don’t care,” You whimper. “Just wanna feel you.”
He pushes himself in further, slowly and carefully, inch-by-inch, in just a way that has the both of you feeling how he stretches you open every single step of the way. You wonder how much further you can go until he’s stopping, bottoming out within you. He sputters for air, collapsing against your chest entirely as you fall back onto the bed. He waits just enough for you to adjust to the girth of his weight in you, then rolls his hips into yours. Then again, and again, until he’s grinding into you with such measured and deep strokes that you melt beneath him entirely. You kick your legs up to wrap around his waist, head lolling back at the feeling of his mouth sucking against your throat.
“I’m gonna━” His voice splinters off then into an abrupt cry. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum━”
He’s quick to dissolve into shambles, grunting and moaning every time you clench around him and every thrust of his hips. Just when you think you’ve lost yourself to the moment, he cums much faster than you thought and entirely unexpected for him too, in hot waves that have you still writhing beneath him. When he’s spent, his weight falls slack against you, crushing you beneath him but in a comforting manner. It’s silently peaceful for a few moments as he settles, heart thundering in his chest and against yours. Your fingers smooth over his sweaty long locks, scratching at his head. Then━
“That was terrible, wasn’t it?” he mutters wretchedly.
“Not terrible,” You confess. “What was that? Three minutes, top? For your first time, I’m honestly surprised you lasted more than a minute.”
“Fuck off.” His fingers poke at your sides teasingly as you burst out into laughter. He lifts his head to meet yours, perhaps a little embarrassed. “Don’t tell the guys. They’ll never let me live it down.”
“Doesn’t matter,” You hum, tracing your finger down to his lips. “We can practice whenever you want. I’ll make you into a lover so good, you’ll want me to brag to them.”
“Practice, huh?” His eyes sparkle mischievously. He pulls himself from your core and you hiss at the sudden loss, tugging at his chest as if to keep him close to you but he seems to have other plans. “Why stop now?”
You watch him curiously. “Easy there, boy. Don’t wear yourself out.”
“Well, I have to make it up to you,” he points out. “Especially on your wedding night. It’s only fair. What kind of lousy mate would I be to call it a night without having you cum on my face?”
“Romantic.” You roll your eyes but you marvel at the way you had shuddered at the word only moments ago and now, under such a different circumstance, the way he utters it makes your heart flutter in your chest. “Is this the first time you’ve eaten a girl out?”
“I said I was a virgin,” he says. Your eyes stay trained on the boy as he shifts himself further down your body to wedge himself between your thighs, throwing one leg over his shoulder. He kisses at your navel, then down to your core. He takes his time as he reaches out with his fingers to swipe at your folds, admiring the way his cum leaks from you; then, with his forefinger, he wipes at a stray bead of his arousal and pushes it back into your cunt slowly. The simple action is enough to have your back arching off the bed, hands flying out to brace yourself by gripping at his hair. “I never said I didn’t know how to please a woman elsewhere.”
“Enlighten me.”
He sinks lower to your core and out of sight, leaving hot open mouthed kisses along the way. His finger never once leaves its spot within you, and instead is joined by another that spreads you wide in absence of his cock.
“Do you know how hard it is to focus on anything other than your beautiful cunt?” he asks, voice low and sultry. “From the moment I could smell you, I wanted a taste.”
His tongue probes against your clit, the wet muscle a sudden startle that has you slackening against him. He flicks it back and forth, mouth wrapping around the bundle of nerves and sucking hard. A moan threatens to fall from your lips but an intrusive thought crossing your mind has you swallowing it with much difficulty.
“Can’t the boys hear us from down there?” You ask. You wonder how the celebration for your “wedding” has unfolded over the night without you or Taehyung there, or if they even notice your prolonged absence.
“No.” His voice is a deep mumble, rattling you from your core outward. “We learn how to tune out sounds nearby unless we really want to pay attention. The new ones struggle a bit, though.”
He curls his fingers inside you, stretching them upward. You pant, “Isn’t Jungkook still new?”
You can feel his smirk unfurling against you even before he pokes his head up to look at you with devious, hooded eyes. “Yeah, well, it’s a bit of a hazing process.”
You hardly have time to register the thought, though it doesn’t matter much. You’re far too overwhelmed by the way Taehyung is making you feel to even care. He drops his mouth from your clit to your folds, tongue swirling against your aching core. He laps at your cunt like a mangy dog as his fingers continue to work within you. The further he burrows into you, the harder his nose digs against your clit and sends you over the edge. You try to hold on just a little longer but your core is already achingly sensitive from when his length had made it home.
“Cum for me,” he murmurs. “Don’t hold back, baby. Let me taste you.”
Fingers twisting in his hair, he growls roughly against you, basking in the way you mewl and moan his name. Time seems to blur and, before you know it, you’ve reached your high. You’re embarrassingly wet, soaking his chin and nose which glistens with a mixture of yours and his arousal. Taehyung doesn’t hold back, instead licking you clean of every last drop, a muffled moan of content emitting from him.
“So good,” he says. “All mine.”
When he finally pulls away from you, he licks at his lips as if not quite finished with your every taste. From where he sits, you’re an entire mess, brows scrunched in concentration, teeth tugging at your lower lip. Needy hands yank at his hair and he obliges, kissing his way up your body to meet your mouth. His tongue pokes through to lav at your lips and wedges itself beyond, and you suck delightfully at the taste of you and him mingling on it. His own hands caress your body, bringing you back down from your high gradually but you can still feel his straining dick against your thigh and it invigorates you even further despite the beginning hints of exhaustion starting to creep upon you.
“Want more,” Taehyung growls with a newfound intensity, catching you off guard. “Need your cunt. M’gonna make it mine. Need to make you mine. Gonna fill you with my cum till you’re bursting with my pups, how does that sound?”
Mind spinning, you nod eagerly at the thought. Your words form in the shape of a moan. “Yes, please.”
“Gotta get this dress off first,” he mutters, greedy palms wandering up beneath the hem of your dress.
You scurry to obey, helping him slide the dress off your arms and toss it away on the floor. He’s more than pleased to see that you had decided to forgo wearing a bra earlier in the day, and reaches out at once to grasp at your perked breasts in his large palm. He buries his face into your chest, catching one of your nipples between his teeth. He busies himself by marking your chest red with small nibbles until you grow impatient, tugging at the shirt he’s still wearing. He’s quick to oblige, shedding himself of his clothes; then, his nails are digging viciously into your hips as he flips the two of you over with incredible ease.
“Sit on my cock,” he snarls into your ear. “Need to feel you again.”
Legs weak from your past orgasm and the huskiness of his voice, you sidle onto his lap, tossing one thigh over his. He sits up to join you and helps push himself past your folds, though you finish by settling back on his length carefully until you’re filled to the brim. Despite already knowing what to expect from the first time around, you still shudder at the feeling, mouth unhinging as you roll your hips leisurely against his. He hardly strays from your body, instead continuing to kiss between the valley of your breasts and up to the underside of your jaw and back again. Fingers poke and prod at your body as they follow his lips, then grasp at your ass to push you closer to him each time you grind against him.
Just when you begin grinding against him in a new angle that makes you moan into his ear, a sudden noise startles the both of you but only just. It takes you both a moment to register it’s the sound of knocking on the other side of the bedroom door (that you can’t remember if Taehyung had locked, because you certainly hadn’t), followed by Jimin’s familiar voice. “Joon said he wanted us to check in on you!”
Taehyung immediately groans into your neck out of frustration, though you suspect it’s because your pace starts to stutter and not because of his bothersome friends.
“Taehyung,” You bite at your lip in an attempt to hide your moans. You tug at his hair, as if to portray what your words fail to do, but he can hear it plainly riddling your voice. The concern, and the sudden shyness, as if fearing Jimin may walk in. But part of you is thrilled at the thought, and judging by the way your unabashed cry of glee slips from your lips without much hiding is proof of that. “Oh, Tae━”
“Shit,” Taehyung’s muffled grunts of pleasure and the way his hips continue to dig into yours to meet your efforts makes you aware Jimin is the least of his current troubles. “Fucking hell━ Don’t stop.”
“Are you guys okay in there?” Now comes Hoseok’s voice, a little faint but undeniably there. Can they hear you? Do they care? They must know what’s happening beyond the door.
“They’re doing it on purpose. Fucking idiots,” Taehyung snarls as he slams his hips up into yours. A contented whimper falls from your mouth, and you cling to him tighter as you quicken your pace. Taehyung grabs at your chin, forcing you to keep your eyes fixed on him despite wandering to the door. “Look at you fucking yourself on me still even with them listening. Such a good girl, huh? So desperate for my cock, aren’t you? Gonna breed so well.”
You think Hoseok and Jimin give up and leave at some point, though you don’t recall when. Instead, in the next moment, something primitive seems to awaken in Taehyung once more and he’s shoving you onto your back on the bed. Kneeling before you, he pummels his hips into yours again and again until you’re only crying his name.
“Mine. All mine,” he growls. “Wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
So wearied from your first high, you tumble easily to your second, coming undone in a matter of seconds, spurred on by the lewd wet noises of his length thrusting into you.
“That’s it, baby,” he mutters, basking in the sound of your moans. “Fuck━ Let them all know who you belong to━”
But just when you think Taehyung has reached his own orgasm ━ sputtering for air and crescendoing in moans of your names, panting hot breath into your ear as he leans against your chest ━ he doesn’t. His thrusts become desperate and sloppy, bordering on frantic, that the soreness between your legs begins to burn. It’s an amalgamation of stubborn yet bearable pain and something harshly pleasant that has your head lolling back.
“What’s wrong?” You moan, blindly tugging at his hair. “Taehyung?”
“I can’t━” He cries out. “I can’t━ I’m so fucking hard, it hurts. I don’t know what’s wrong━”
Confused yet too tired to keep up, you reach out to smooth your fingers across his back. “It’s okay. Just let go, baby. Cum for me, Tae. Please.”
“I’m trying,” he chokes out. “I just can’t━”
Your mind works in a haze to understand what’s happening, but through it all you’re able to discern one reasonable thought. What had Taehyung said about matings and bonds? Aside from the obvious of sleeping with a mate, he had said that typically certain bonds require marking. But he had also said that marking proved to be almost irreversible, resulting in a connection so close that a pair of mates would be together forever. It was a troublesome concept to think about, especially when considering you didn’t think you were a fit match for Taehyung if only because you’re human.
But is that what he needed? The physical strain he puts himself under now to reach his high is almost unbearable to watch. So, you settle on a whim of a decision and conclude that you won’t think of any consequences until after the fact, only wanting to see the poor boy in relief.
“Tae,” You whisper. “What if you bite me?”
“I won’t,” Taehyung says through gritted teeth. His pace has slowed as he slumps against your chest in nearing defeat. “You told me not to.”
“I don’t care,” You retort. “Just bite me.”
He hesitates, lifting his gaze to look at you. When he sees your earnest zeal, he grimaces as if despising that this is his only option. Still, the look of relief that crosses his face is undeniably there. He presses his mouth against your throat, lips brushing faintly against your flesh as he grazes the smooth expanse for a spot, sharp canines poking against you. You brace yourself for the bite, though the pain isn’t as bad as you had thought. A sharp jolt runs down your spine as he sinks his teeth into your skin, and his reaction is immediate, crumbling into pitiful moans of glory.
“Fuck!” he wails. With one final slam of his hips into yours, he finally reaches his high and it’s unlike anything you have felt before. As if he begins to swell within you, his length pulsates as he cums in you to the point where you can’t help but feel so full. It overflows and leaks from your core and onto the sheets, a sticky mess that lingers even long after he’s done. Your mouth pops open at the foreign feeling, whimpering his name.
“I’m sorry,” he flinches. “I’m sorry, does it hurt?”
“No,” You manage to say. “It just… It feels so good━”
He sluggishly rides out the rest of his high until you both physically can’t take anymore. When he hears you hiss his name in a soft reminder, he apologizes once more. Then, as the room falls oddly silent, he slumps against you. He lavs his tongue over the fresh mark on your neck, the gentle motion alleviating the sting left behind. As Taehyung settles finally, he shifts his head to look up at you. You note the faint yellow hue lingering in his eyes, fading now.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “We might have to stay like this for a while.”
“Can’t say I’m mad about that,” You croon sleepily. “You better draw me a bath after this.”
He laughs, rubbing gentle circles against your hips. “Of course. I’ll do anything for you.”
You believe him wholeheartedly when he says it, smiling against his mouth when he leans in for a kiss. His tender wandering hands over your body does wonders in calming your shrill heart, the stretch between your legs, and the bite on your neck. He nuzzles his face into your collarbones, the tip of his nose tickling against you. As your fingers rake through his hair and scratch at his head, he mewls in content.
“Is it always like that?” You ask through a stifled yawn. “You had so much energy, I could barely keep up.”
“No,” he admits groggily. “It’s only like that when you’re mated with someone.”
“What does that even mean anyway?” You ask. “To be mated with someone?”
“Well, it’s━ It’s not really a conscious decision. It sort of just happens,” Taehyung says. “It’s a connection. You gravitate towards one another. You can’t live without the other. We call it imprinting. Sometimes you’re mated to a person who doesn’t even want you, but those are rare instances.”
“So we’re the exception?”
“I thought we were,” Taehyung trails off now. He finally lifts his head to look at you, perhaps a little embarrassed. “I━ Well━ All of this, and especially the bite, doesn’t just happen ━ and definitely not with humans.”
“Oh.” You blush now, face warming under the boy’s introspective stare. “So you’re saying we’re…”
“I always thought there was a connection, but I didn’t think it meant this,” Taehyung murmurs to himself. “As crazy as it sounds, I think we were meant to be.”
“So the bite…”
You don’t finish your thought, instead already having pieced it together in your mind. It does sound crazy, but even you have felt it before. A strange connection to Taehyung, far more exceptional than simply having feelings for him. And the bite is what draws it all together, proving his point and your previous speculations about some sort of affection between the two of you.  
“Are you starting to regret this now?” Taehyung asks sheepishly, a weak attempt at a joke to what he had asked you earlier in the night.  
He braces himself, as if waiting for your outburst of annoyance or anger. To push him off of you and leave forever. But you do neither, instead reaching out to grasp at his face in both of your hands. You delicately lift his head, meeting his docile stare, entirely and utterly bewitched by him.
“No,” You say earnestly. “I couldn’t have asked for a better night.” A smile forms on his face, innocent and ardent in nature. “I’m just wondering how I’ll hide the mark.”
“I think there’s little to hide now after tonight,” Taehyung grins wolfishly. “Especially with the boys.” 
He quivers with laughter at the sight of your scowling face and fingers poking at his sides. As he settles, he leans into your ear to hum, “I’ll make it up to you. Everything. Jaebum, the bite, the boys. But I think you should rest now. We’ll deal with all of that later.”
You don’t argue with that. You’ve already begun to fight the beginnings of sleep, eyelids drooping and itching with a need to just close them ━ and with Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you, his body emitting a pleasurable heat, you decide there’s no place else you’d rather be, moonstruck and in love.
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