#i’m clinging onto the hope he’ll come back in some manner
nraqi · 1 month
im actually still so pissed we never got a good varian & anduin reunion in shadowlands. what, his ghost appears briefly to pep talk mind controlled!anduin and then?? nothing?? fuck youuuu
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diavolosthots · 4 years
I adore your work and I am so happy I caught you open request it's my first time! May I please request something with Diavolo handling his human exchange student being a kid who is like 6 who is convinced that Diavolo os their dad and clings to him crying when someone tries to take them away because they don't want to loose their dad scared of being alone again? 100000% platonic obvs. It just sounds cute and sad because Dia could probably relate to the poor kid and I'm a sucker for soft dia and found family stuff. As per your rules that I hope I'm getting right with mc being a kid being okay I want you to know this is not and oc just a basic sad little kid with family issues. Just don't want you to think it is when I swear ots not because of how detailed I felt I was giving. Sorry for rambling I really admire you and your skill and just am so nervous making a request.
Your rambling got cuter and cuter and I couldn't help myself from smiling. Yes this is okay and yes you've read the rules right :)
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For a task he trusted the eldest with, he certainly didn’t think Lucifer would decide to let a literal child enter the Devildom. “Lord Diavolo, I swear I had no clue! On the paper it said 26, not 6!” Sure enough; a quick glance at the paper and it indeed said ‘age: 26’ and yet here they are, which a barely functioning human in a world they can’t even comprehend. “We can’t keep them here, under any circumstance.” Another quick glance at the child in front of him and then the pure fear they had in their eyes when they saw the rest of the demons in the room put Diavolo in a tough spot. “I will take them home immediately.” But the minute Lucifer tried to reach out for you, you jumped up and ran to Diavolo, clinging onto his pant leg and hiding behind him, “don’t let him take me, daddy!” Diavolo’s whole body stiffened at the name, “Daddy? I’m not your father.” But you would have none of it, still clinging to him and actually screaming out when Barbatos tried to pry you off. “It’s okay Barbatos, I’ll just take them.” He mainly said that because your screaming was unbearable but when he leaned down to pick you up so he could take you back, you had tears streaming down your cheeks and he hates admitting that it actually broke his heart, “why are you crying little one?” “Because the bad men want to take me away from you, daddy.” You snuggled into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and clinging to him for dear life, and for once in his own life, Diavolo wasn’t quite sure on what to do. 
That was a couple months ago. No matter how many times he tried to take you back home, you’d find a way to cling to him, kicking and screaming for him to not leave you too, so he decided to keep you, at least for a little while. He made sure to remind you every day that he was certainly not your father, but you never believed him so he gave up at some point and decided to just have a serious talk with you when you’re older and more willing to listen and comprehend. “Daddy!” Sadly, having you around also meant that he barely had time to get enough things done and Barbatos was constantly running after you and not getting things done, either. Speaking of Barbatos, he’s still salty about the time you decided to bite his tail and has made it a point to never be in his demon form around you. “My Lord, I’m so sorry, I can’t seem to keep (Y/N) occupied.”
In all honesty, Diavolo’s eye was twitching because this is the third meeting you decided to interrupt, not this week, but today alone. “(Y/N). Please listen to Barbatos.” You climbed up in his chair, sitting proudly and taking random papers from his desk, pretending to read them, “vetoed! Trashed! Wait… this one looks cool, it has a seal on it!” Diavolo snatched that one from you so fast, you could’ve thought it was just your imagination, “(Y/N), are you listening to me? I said you ha--!” “Daddy look, if you take two pens and hold it up, it looks like Barbatos has horns!” Barbatos was also getting mildly irritated but he was trying so hard to keep his calm. “(Y/N), why don’t you listen to Lord Diavolo? I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to play with you at the en--!” “Look Daddy, I’m wearing your coat!” You seemed so happy, so full of life and as much as it inconvenienced him right now, Diavolo couldn’t bring himself to get stern with you, and he didn’t have to. “(Y/N)! Listen to what people are telling you!” Because it was Barbatos who lost his cool, and apparently also his manners. 
The loud sound of his voice along with the fact that his smile dropped to a glare had the whole room silent. Even Lucifer who was part of the meeting, managed to stand at attention. No one remembers the last time Barbatos lost his patience and all of them wondered if he ever lost his patience before this, but that’s not the issue now. Your lip was quivering, tears threatening to spill over as small sobs escaped your mouth, “no…” Diavolo knew what would be next and he doesn’t have the heart or the time for it. “Ssh.. It’s okay, come here. Daddy’s got you.” He quickly picks you up, holding you against his chest and stroking through your hair lovingly, trying to keep you from screaming out. A crying you was a very loud you and he’s trying to save everyone’s ears from that spiel. “Barbatos, take Lucifer and leave, please.” The butler, as much as he wanted to just yank the kid back to human realm, could do nothing but nod, his usual smile returning to his face as he bowed, “of course, My Lord.” He waited until Lucifer went ahead of him, following suit and then closing the door behind him. 
Diavolo let out a long sigh, seating himself back in his chair and then propping you up in his lap. He pulled you back far enough to look at you, golden eyes soft while one of his hands continued to stroke through your hair, “he didn’t mean it, but he does have a point. You can’t keep interrupting me all the time, (Y/N).” You brought one of your hands up to wipe some of the tears before leaning back against him, burying your chest in his face, “b-but…. I just want to spend time with you, Daddy…” Another sigh escaped Diavolo as his mind raced to find solutions, turning left to right in his chair kind of in a rocking motion as he did so. “I know that, but I have things I need to get done before I can have fun time with you.” Diavolo rested his cheek against your head, staring at the paperwork on his desk and then at the sealed piece of paper that he took from you earlier.
“What if… when I don’t have a meeting, what if I set up a small desk for you right here, right beside mine, and we can work together, hm? How does that sound?” Your head immediately lifted off of his shoulder, a wide smile evident on your lips and Diavolo felt his heart settle with content at the sight, “yes! I want that, Daddy! And then you and I can rule together!” Diavolo laughed softly, shaking his head, “hm… we’ll see about that. You have to promise me you’ll listen to Barbatos though AND you have to leave when I have meetings, okay?” You nodded, holding up your tiny pinky, “pinky promise!” which Diavolo gladly wrapped around his before kissing it softly, turning you back around in his lap so you can watch him go through some paperwork. Part of him just hopes you’ll find this boring and leave, but a tiny, other part of him hopes you’ll stick around for a little while longer.
You may not be his child, but you’ve grown on him, and at this point, he’d do anything for you so as long as it didn’t put the Devildom in danger. He loves you, as if you were his own.
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h0tch-r0cket · 3 years
Infatuation (18+) {a.h.} : chapter 13
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summary: you needed a job. aaron hotchner needed a babysitter. the rest was inevitable. 
word count: 5.3K
warnings: explicit language, smut (18+!), oral sex, (female receiving), fingering, penetration, unprotected sex, 
table of contents
"You better keep me posted this weekend while you're gone," Esmé said as she tossed you some more of your clothes out of your dresser for your suitcase.
You laughed, rolling your eyes jokingly at her. "Yes, Esmé. Because me going away with Aaron absolutely warrants me updating you about our little weekend rendezvous." You folded the clothes neatly before stacking them in a few different piles in your suitcase.
"Of course it does. What kind of friend would I be if I wasn't nosy as all hell and wanted to know how things are going between you and Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?"
"One that isn't nosy as hell?"
"You should just tell him you're sick and spend the entire weekend with me," she teased. "No but in all seriousness, this is good for you guys. I'm excited for you."
You nodded your head, packing some of the toiletries into your bag. "It'll be nice to get away from everything for a bit, you know? Just me and him. Have some more time to get to know one another better."
Esmé hummed in agreement before a small smirk was plastered across her face. "Maybe it's time."
"Time for what?"
"For you and Aaron to...you know," Esmé laughed. "Come on. How much longer are you going to wait?"
The truth was you wanted Aaron badly. It had gotten to the point where you would find yourself moaning his name as you found your pleasure yourself. You just didn't want to rush things. You wanted to make sure that when it did happen that you weren't forcing it to happen. If all went well, when you guys finally did have sex, you wanted it to be something natural, the feeling of primal desire taking over the two of you in a mutual I need you to fuck me right now otherwise I might die on the spot manner.
"I don't know, E," you said sheepishly. "I'm not rushing things."
"Well here," Esmé said as she tossed you some more clothes from your dresser drawer. You scoffed playfully, rolling your eyes at the effort of your friend. She had tossed you your black lace lingerie set, the one that you weren't even sure if you could consider clothes because it barely covered any part of your body. "Take this up to the lake house with Aaron and maybe you'll get to take it for a spin," she teased.
You clutched the lingerie in your hands and your eyes darted back and forth between the suitcase and your friend. With a sigh of defeat, although there was hope behind it, you packed the lingerie into your bag.
"He'll have no choice but to fuck you silly if you wear that," Esmé concluded, shrugging her shoulders as if talking about your sex life and encouraging you to get it on was a normal occurrence between friends.
"You're too much sometimes, you know that?"
"Yeah, but I mean, hey. If you finally get to have your way with him, no harm no foul, right?"
The two of you burst into hysterical laughter as you finished packing your bags for the weekend away with Aaron.
Aaron had picked you up later that afternoon and drove you up to the lake house that he rented, which of course, he refused to take any money from you for it. The drive was nice and easy, the two of you singing along to songs on the radio and calling Jessica to check in on how Jack was doing.
You stayed quiet when Aaron was talking to Jack, just in case. The two of you hadn't discussed yet whether or not you were going to tell Jack that there was something going on between the two of you.
And on top of that, the two of you had to have a conversation as to what exactly the two of you were doing. Besides making eachother happy and kissing any damn second you had.
Once you arrived at the lake house, Aaron carried in your bags as you got settled. The house was fairly modern in its design and was furnished in a similar manner. It had a bathroom, decorated with vintage fixtures, a kitchen that was much larger than the one at your apartment, and two bedrooms. Your favorite part of the house was definitely the back deck that you could clearly see the sunrise or sunset from and the fact that it was so close to the docks that you could walk down.
You and Aaron decided to spend the majority of the day curled up on the couch watching TV, being a bit tired from the drive up. After you ordered in some takeout- Thai was Aaron's pick- you had told him that you wanted to watch the sunset from the docks. You figured it would be something peaceful and relaxing for the two of you to wind down the day.
The two of you walked hand in hand down the dock that was only a few feet away from behind the house, feeling the cool breeze roll off of the water. You bumped shoulders gently as you walked, your hands swinging in between the gap of your bodies.
"It's nice up here. Quiet. It feels like a good place to get away and get some work done," Aaron said softly as you continued to walk.
"You didn't actually bring your work up with you did you?" you asked, hoping that you would have his undivided attention for the weekend.
"No, of course not," he laughed. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "This weekend is just about me and you. Us."
"I like the sound of that," you murmured as you rested your head against his shoulder as you walked.
You continued to walk down the dock, nearing the end of it.
Aaron stopped at the edge of the dock, sighing lightly as he held you closer to his side. You watched as his gaze followed a passing boat and then drifted to the water in front of him. He let go of you from his side and squatted down, peering into the lake. He reached down, swirling his hand in the water. "You up for a swim?" he asked, squinting from the sunlight as he looked up at you.
"I have to go get changed first but then I wouldn't mind," you told him as you kept your eyes on him as he stood up in front of you, wiping his wet hand on his jeans.
"Let's just go now," he said with a playful smile, grinning from ear to ear.
"Aaron, sweetie," you laughed. "I'm not going to swim in my regular clothes."
Aaron raised a brow and crossed his arms over his chest. "Y/N, I don't think you have a choice," he chuckled.
"Aaron, I don't-" was all you managed to say before Aaron lunged forward and grabbed you by your hips. His grip was iron tight as he threw you over his shoulder while you flailed in his arms.
"Hey come on!" you hollered, laughing as you looked at the world upside down from his grip. You weren't going to complain too much, not when you got a view of his firm ass.
"Hold your breath!" Aaron laughed. And the next thing you knew, he was tossing you off of his shoulder into the water.
You held your breath as you sank down into the water, feeling your clothes cling to your body immediately when you landed in the lake. It wasn't as cold as you had anticipated, which was a relief. It felt refreshing and cooled you off quickly.
You exhaled out of your nose underneath the water, feeling the bubbles roll off your face. Propelling yourself upwards, you made your way back to the surface.
You pushed your hair out of your face, keeping your eyes shut for a moment as the water rolled down your face.
"Very funny, Aaron," you said unenthusiastically as you rubbed your eyes with your hands as you heard Aaron laughing from above you on the dock.
"I mean, I thought so," he chuckled.
"You're going to pay for that one, Hotchner," you said, trying to make your voice sound more threatening in its tone.
"Oh, I'm sure I will," he teased. You rolled your eyes, wading through the water back towards the dock. He bent down holding out his hand for you to grab on to. "Come on. I'll help you up."
You scoffed lightly as if to tell him You better as you grabbed onto his arm, a tight grip on his forearm. You were ready to get out of your soaked clothes and the water, but of course, you had a better idea than that.
So you grabbed onto Aaron's arm with your other hand and sent him a smirk. Realization struck his face as he froze in his movements. Before he could grab his bearings, you yanked on his arm with all your might, sending him tumbling into the water with you, in his clothes just like he did to you.
The water splashed around you from the impact and you moved away from the area that he had fallen into to give him some space when he came back up to the surface. You threw your head back with laughter, kicking your feet underneath the water to keep yourself steady as your body bobbed with the small waves that rippled around you.
You didn't think that you would have been able to pull off the little stunt so frankly, you were just ecstatic that you had been able to muster the strength to pull Aaron in.
As you were floating in the water, you felt two hands trail up your legs and then your waist before settling on your hips as Aaron emerged from the water, his hair dampened and slick upon his head.
"I guess I should have seen that coming," he said with a laugh as he pulled you flush against his body in the water. You carded your fingers through his hair, brushing the soaked strands off of his forehead. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling his legs moving underneath the water as he ran his hand down his chin to try to wipe off the water that still lingered.
"Yeah," you laughed, looping your hand around the back of his neck. You splashed a little bit of water in his direction, the droplets of water landing on his glasses which you were thankful that they hadn't fallen off during all of the shenanigans. You leaned forward and pecked his lips gently. "You should have," you teased, rubbing your nose against his.
Aaron nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck, placing wet kisses along your shoulder. "You're lucky you're cute," he murmured into your ear.
The two of you spent some more time in the water, swimming around and splashing each other like a couple of lovesick teenagers. Small kisses and laughs were exchanged the entire time, making the moment one to last a lifetime. You stayed in the lake until the sun started to go down and when you could feel your hands getting pruney as you interlocked it with Aaron's.
You shivered lightly as the warmth from the sun started to dwindle, being replaced by the chilliness from the water as it became more shady in the sky.
"Come on, baby," Aaron said as he swam in your direction. "Let's get you inside."
You nodded your head as Aaron grabbed your hand in his and started to pull you along gently in the water back towards the shore.
The two of you got out of the lake water, your clothes clinging to your body, making them look three times their normal size. You crossed your arms over your chest for warmth as you started to walk back to the house.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched as Aaron shed himself of his shirt. He draped it over his shoulder as he ran a hand through his soaked hair, water droplets rolling down his toned chest. Your breath hitched in your throat at the realization that this was the first time that you had seen him without a shirt and the fact that he was a lot more gorgeous than you could have imagined. Not that you didn't expect anything less, but for him to look that good was almost mind boggling to you.
You kept glancing at him as you walked; the way his damp jeans hung low around his hips, the way his chest rose and fell as he breathed, the way that the last glimmer of sunlight cascaded over his body.
The two of you walked back up the deck, kicking off your soaked shoes as you stepped.
"I'll be right back," Aaron said as he tossed his shirt over the deck railing to dry. "Going to run in and grab some towels." You nodded and watched the way his back muscles contracted as he walked, taking note of how broad his shoulders actually were.
Aaron came back quickly, holding the two towels in his hand. He came over to you, stepping close, almost boxing you in. His fingers ran over the hem of your shirt and he nodded his head in an upwards motion. "Let's get this off you. Don't want you to catch a cold, love," he said softly. You lifted your arms up, your shirt being tossed next to Aaron's on the railing, leaving you in your bra and leggings. He draped the towel over your shoulders, rubbing small circles around it to dry you off.
Aaron's eyes darted to your lips and as much as he tried, he couldn't help but have his mind wonder. Wonder what those lovely lips could do, how the moans he was becoming more and more desperate to hear would slip through those lips, how it would feel to have you sucking him off as he fucked your face.
Aaron slowed his movements, his eyes looking back at you. The tension was palpable and it felt as though it was going to explode at any moment.
You felt it too. There was something about the deliberate way he was looking at you, as if he felt the way that you were aching for him.
"Y/N," he whispered, bringing his head down as he nipped on your earlobe. His hands so delicately rubbed the towel along your shoulder, pulling down gently on the straps of your bra. His fingers trailed down your arm, his eyes searching your gaze.
You hooked your fingers into the loops of his jeans and pulled him against you, the need to have him taking over. You stood up on your toes and brushed your lips against his. You ran your hand up along his abdomen, feeling every line that defined him. "Aaron, I need you," you whispered, trying not to make your voice come out as a whimper as you pressed a soft kiss on his lips.
Aaron had never felt more aroused in his life. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans, feeling as though he would never get out of them fast enough and would continue to feel restrained.
"How bad do you need me?" he muttered, sucking and kissing on the curve of your neck as his hand rested on the small of your back. His hand moved down further, squeezing your ass harshly.
You bit down on your bottom lip, stifling the guttural moan that was sure to escape out in the open for anyone else in the other rental houses around you to hear. You leaned your head back as he moved to place more kisses down your neck and chest and you let out a sigh in pure ecstasy. "So fucking bad, Aaron."
Aaron groaned at your response and crashed his lips onto yours in a bruising pace. It was hot, desperate, and full of need. He walked the two of you back towards the house, cupping your face with his hand as he fumbled for the sliding glass door with the other. He opened it, taking careful steps as he guided you into the rental home as he continued to kiss you with such fervor, you were feeling lightheaded from the contact.
He reached behind you and shut the door, tossing the towel that had remained around your shoulders across the room. He pushed down the remainder of your bra, exposing your breasts to him. He pulled away from the kiss, panting from the intense way your lips were attached to his. Glancing down at your chest, you saw his throat bob and a small groan left him.
"Jesus fucking Christ," he groaned. He pressed you back against the glass door, the coolness shocking your bare back. He brought his one hand up to your breast and began to pinch and roll your nipple between his fingers as he went back to leaving marks on your neck. You heard his hand slap next to your head as he leaned against the door, as if he didn't have the strength to hold himself upright. "Can't believe you've been holding out on showing me these beautiful tits of yours," he whispered.
"I wasn't holding out," you said, resting your head against the glass door as Aaron continued his assault on your breasts. And you hoped for two things; one, that no one could see into the house being that you were pressed against the glass door and two, that the glass door could handle the weight of the two of you leaning against it.
Aaron brought his mouth down to your nipple and swirled his tongue around the hardending bud. You gasped at the contact, bringing your hand to the back of his head as you pulled on his hair gently. And judging from the noise he made, he was definitely a fan of you pulling on his hair.
He reached down and looped his hand behind the back of your knee, hiking your leg up around his waist as he brought his mouth to your other tit. He pressed his hips in between your legs and you felt how hard and ready he was through his damp jeans.
"I've been waiting to ruin this pretty little pussy of yours ever since I realized how fucking special you are. Just how hot you are," he muttered against your skin. He thrust his hips forward and you felt a jolt of pleasure roll through you. Even between the layers of soaked clothing that separated your  bodies, you could feel the way you were soon to be dripping because of Aaron's words and actions.
"Aaron," you let out breathlessly. He released your tit from his mouth and looked down at you, his eyes dark with lust.
"Yeah, baby?" He ran his fingers gently down your cheek as you watched his chest rise and fall erratically.
"Fuck me, please," you begged. You arched off the door, grinding lightly against his cock. "I can't wait any longer."
"Whatever you want, Y/N," he murmured, pulling you against him and devouring your mouth once again with his own. He grabbed your other leg and picked you up as you threw your arms around his neck.
He walked the two of you down the hallway, practically slamming you against the wall as he took a second to adjust his grip on you as your bare chests pressed together .
Heavy breathing and small moans filled the air as Aaron moved his hands to your ass, giving both cheeks a firm squeeze. You gasped before letting out a light laugh in amazement at how he was making you feel.
Aaron took you off the wall and continued to walk towards the bedroom, peppering kisses along your jawline. "Fucking beautiful. Just fucking perfect, I already know," he said in between the messy kisses.
Before you knew it, he was tossing you onto the bed, causing you to bounce on the mattress. You caught your bearings and propped yourself up on your elbows. You tried to catch your breath, watching as Aaron's eyes trailed down your half naked body as he ripped off the belt from his jeans, the veins in his arms protruding. He quickly unbuttoned his pants, kicking the damp bottoms off of his legs, leaving him in only his boxers.
"Y/N," he said quietly as he practically dove on top of you, hovering himself over you as he kissed you gently on the lips, sliding his tongue in your mouth briefly. He broke the kiss, looking down at you with a serious look on his face. "You're sure you want to do this?" he asked.
You ran your hands along his back, nodding vigorously. He brought his hand up to your chin and tilted it upwards to place another kiss on your lips. "I don't want you to do anything you don't want to," he said softly, looking to see if there was a sliver of doubt on your face that this is what you wanted.
"Aaron, baby, I swear. I don't think I've wanted anything more in my life," you assured,  pecking him on his nose.
He let out a sigh of relief and hung his head low, resting it on your shoulder for a brief moment. "Thank the fucking lord," he grumbled, kissing you deeply. He broke the kiss and stood up on his knees in between your legs. He hooked his fingers into your pants and tore them off your legs, along with your panties, baring your all to him. He groaned loudly at the sight of you and he was pretty sure he could have come on the spot with how fucking goregous you were. "Because I am going to lose it if I don't find myself buried inside of you relatively soon."
Aaron ran his hand up your leg, going from your ankle to your thigh before moving it to the in between your legs to where you wanted his attention the most. He swiped a finger in you, spreading your arousal all over your pussy. "All this for me?" he said smugly as a smirk curled up at the end of his lips.
You nodded your head, fisting the sheets below you in anticipation. Aaron thrust his finger into you, causing you to whimper lightly at the contact. He watched in amazement at how responsive you were, how your chest was heaving with desire as he curled his finger in you at a delicious pace.
"I'm going to make you feel so fucking good, Y/N," he grumbled as he reached up to grope your breasts again at the same time he added another finger to your soaking pussy. He rubbed your clit in such a way that you swore you would be seeing stars.
The wanton moans and short breaths that were leaving you was music to Aaron's ears as his fingers continued to fuck you. You clenched your walls around his fingers, desperate to find your everbuilding release. Aaron groaned at the contact as you saw his eyes practically roll in the back of his head from the pleasure.
"God, Y/N. You're doing so great, baby. Absolutely perfect," he praised. You felt the heat growing in between your legs, your arousal starting to seep out of you. Aaron continued his movements on your clit, a third finger being added to your aching core.
Aaron halted his movements on your body and you almost were ready to kill him from stopping. But when you saw him adjust himself in between your legs, wrapping his broad arms around your thighs to get a better grip, you figured you could forgive him when you felt his tongue swipe up your slit, deliberately slow.
"Holy shit," you moaned out, your hand going into his hair as your hips jerked from the contact. The deep vibrations from his throat sent shockwaves through your core as he continued to lap you up, taking in each and every inch of your pussy.
"All mine," he murmured as he continued to eat you out, sucking on your clit. He adjusted his grip on your thighs and pulled you even closer to him, his face being fully pressed into your pussy.
"Yours," you repeated softly. "God, Aaron, I'm yours." Your back arched off the bed as you fisted the sheets tightly next to you, your knuckles turning white.
"You taste so fucking sweet. So delicious." He brought a finger back into you, working in tandem with his tongue to drive you closer and closer to your high. "God, you have no idea how long I've wanted this, Y/N," he said as he looked up at you from between your thighs. You saw how his nose and chin glistened from your arousal, the sight instantly turning you on more. He kept working you with his finger, swiping his tongue across his lips to catch the bits of you that were dripping down them. "Do you know how many times I've jerked off to the thought of you? Like this? Crumbling underneath me. You don't know the power you hold over me, baby. And I promise that after tonight," he said as he propped himself back up on his knees, "you'll know just how fucking crazy I am about you."
You felt the white, hot daze bubbling inside you, the dam threatening to burst at any moment. Aaron reached for your hand and pulled you up gently, placing your hand on his on his boxers over his throbbing cock, all the while continuing to finger fuck you. "See how bad I fucking need this?" He pressed your hand into his cock and you wrapped your hand around the outline of it, giving it a squeeze. Aaron groaned loudly, louder than anything else you had heard tonight. "Holy shit, Y/N. Fuck," he breathed as you palmed him gently in his boxers. "Come, baby. Come on my fingers so I can finally fuck you like you deserve."
You clenched around his fingers as your orgasm shot through your body, the feeling rushing through you faster than you had expected. Aaron's words, his cock, his fingers- all of it pushed you over the edge. You laid back against the bed, trying to catch your breath as you swiped away some of the beads of sweat that developed on your forehead. Aaron guided you through your high, his finger gradually slowing down its movements.
Once he removed his finger from you, he brought it up to his mouth and sucked it clean. You were almost convinced that you could have come again from the sight of this man in front of you- Aaron Hotchner- cleaning your cum from his fingers.
"You did so well, pretty girl," Aaron assured as he hovered over you again. He pressed his hips into your thigh, his cock rubbing harshly against you. "Fuck, I need to be in you." You nodded your head and leaned forward, running your hands down his chest to his boxers.
You pushed them down, revealing Aaron's cock. And you clenched your thighs together from the sight. Large, hard, and the head leaking with precum. Aaron kicked off the boxers the rest of the way and dragged the head of his cock along your folds.
You reached down, stroking his cock a few times. He hung his head down low, biting down gently on your shoulder. "Baby, you're going to be the absolute death of me, aren't you?"
"If it means you get to fuck me senseless," you breathed, kissing his temple down to his jaw, "then I'll gladly take it."
"God, you're perfect," Aaron said softly. He pushed into you gently, his cock finally inside you. You gripped onto his shoulders, running your nails along his back.
"Oh, Aaron," you moaned as he pushed into you further, completely burying himself inside you.
"You're so fucking tight around my cock, Y/N. Almost as if you were made just for me. Just for me to fuck your gorgeous body," he moaned as he stayed still for a few moments, letting you get used to him.
He filled you perfectly, stretching you out in the best way possible. You squeezed onto his shoulder and pressed your lips against his. "Please move. Do something, anything. I just want to feel you inside me."
Aaron returned the kisses and started to move his hips, slowly at first as he practically removed his entire cock from you before slamming back into you. The room filled with the sounds of skin on skin, your groans being matched by one another as Aaron pounded into you.
You felt the familiar knot leading to your climax start to build as Aaron moved faster. You rolled your hips to match his thrusts, clenching your walls around his cock a few times solely for the fact that the guttural moans and breaths leaving his throat became your new favorite sound.
"Taking me so well, baby," he grunted as he interlocked his hand with yours. He lined your jaw with kisses as he continued to fuck you. "So perfect."
You saw as his forehead became beaded with sweat, his already damp hair flopping down onto his face. Aaron squeezed your hand in his, bringing his free hand down to your clit to provide some more friction.
"Come around my cock, Y/N. Be the good girl that I know you can be," he murmured into your ear.
Once again, you found yourself reaching your climax, Aaron's name becoming a yell across your lips. You held onto him for dear life, letting him fuck you harder, faster to chase his own release.
As his thrusts grew more sporadic, you threw your head back into the pillow, your chest rising and falling.
"Fuck," Aaron groaned as he came, his cum mixing with yours inside you. The feeling of him completely filling you for the first time was something that you would never forget and couldn't wait to do again.
His body gradually became still, resting his body weight half on top of you and half on the bed while he remained in you. He squeezed your hand again as you felt him trying to catch his breath on top of you, just as you were doing. You ran your hand lazily through his hair, feeling an overwhelming sense of tiredness from your body.
"That was-" Aaron muttered, his head turned away from you.
"Fucking phenomenal," you laughed lightly. Aaron turned his head towards you and smiled widely, his hair all messed up and his glasses lying crooked on his nose. You reached over and adjusted his glasses, positive that you had some goofy looking smile on your face as a result of you and Aaron finally having sex.
He leaned forward and pecked your lips once, twice, three times before removing himself from you. All at once, you felt empty without him as he started to get up out of bed. He tapped his finger on your nose and smiled. "Be right back."
"Hurry," you chuckled, stretching out your bare body along the bed.
Aaron came back a few moments later with a rag and wiped down the inside of your thighs, cleaning the remnants of the cum that lingered. "Feeling okay?" he asked as he peered up at you over the rim of his glasses.
"Never better," you assured as you slipped your body underneath the covers since he was done cleaning you.
"Good," he said with a smile. He got rid of the towel before coming into bed next to you, wrapping you in his strong embrace. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and ran his fingers along your spine. "You sure you're okay?"
You hummed in content, nuzzling against his chest. "I'm perfect, Aaron." You felt your eyelids growing heavier as the exhaustion crept up on you.
"Get some rest, pretty girl," Aaron whispered into your ear. He continued to rub your back, watching as your breathing steadied as you drifted off to sleep.
He couldn't wait to wake up in his arms, seeing you in all your bare, naked, morning glory.
authors note:
hello! long time no see :) hope you all are doing well!
just wanted to say thank you for your continued support. it means a lot! and i also wanted to let you guys know that (although they haven't been frequent at all lately) my updates aren't going to be as steady as they have been in the past because of student teaching and school. HOWEVER, i'm making it my goal to get a chapter out every week to a week and a half. so bear with me haha
love you all! see you soon :)
tag list: @gothicxbarbie​ 
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asexualdrago · 3 years
FNAF SB: Montgomery and Gregory
The ball fell into the hole as a number 14 glowed in illuminated lights. “Hole in one” he muttered to himself. His joints and gears felt stiff. Almost hurting at times but as a performer he had to keep up his work and make the kids happy. He waltzed over to the hole and picked his ball up to head over to the next hole but stopped when he felt something touch his shoulder pad. He jumped and snarled at them. Only to realize it was only Glamrock Chica. “Hey Chic, sorry about that.” 
Chica had her feathered hand over her chest in a way as if grabbing her chest to soothe pounding heart. “Geez Monty, what was that for?” She noticed him rolling his shoulders and stretching his neck. “You ok? You seem tense. Cheese and crackers, your wires are stiff!” Monty only rolled his eyes and shook her hand off his shoulder. “I can’t get tense Chica. I am made of metal. And what do you want? I am busy.” He growled his last sentence to her. Her response was to put her hands on her hips. Almost resembling an annoyed mother. “Don’t get an attitude with me. Vanessa just notified us that she’s bringing Gregory over again to see all of us. That’s why I came here to tell you.” She said with a glare. Monty would admit that she could be scary at times. Sure he was the strongest of the group and argue with Freddy sometimes and fight with Roxanne but there was no way he could take on Chica when she was angry. 
Some kind of “mother hen” instincts or something like that. “Sorry momma,” with another roll of his eyes. Chica just shook her head. “Look, just... try to relax and be nice to Gregory when he gets here alright? I don’t want Freddy or Vanessa hassling you later for being rude.” He merely nodded and went back to his golfing. He could feel that Chica was still staring at him. Not out of irritation but in concern over her friend. He could hear her metal feet pound against the fake grass and walk out of his golf course. He rolled his head to stretch his wires and pulled his arms over his head. “Gregory’s coming over huh?” 
He would’ve guess that the kid would have stayed away or better yet be terrified of them after what happened but the kid surprised him. He was still shy of them but he was still able to interact with them and play with them. Well most of them. The child was still timid of Montgomery. Maybe it was because the alligator was much more intimidating than the others. He was more of punk, get physical kind of guy, or gator. Taking a look into his room, many people would get an idea of what he was like, or assume what he was like. Taking aim he putted his ball. He wasn’t really the emotional type. Watching it roll towards its goal and once again, another hole in one. 
He could feel his gears tensing again. He growled in pain grabbing onto his bicep. “Time for a break.” He grabbed his ball and golf club and went to his green room to relax for a bit. Before he could he heard two voices coming his way. He turned his head over to the left to see the nightguard, Vanessa and Gregory walking together as they were talking. “I am not sure about that Greg. But you can ask them.” Vanessa told them as she ruffled his hair and went off to do her job. Leaving Gregory alone as she called Monty over to watch him. “W-what? Why? Isn’t he your responsibility?” He argued. “You guys entertain kids don’t you? Besides I have to secure the place, be nice to him alright.” And just like that she walked away. He threw his arms in the air and shouted “The hell?!” after her. “Are you serious? Our regular nightguards don’t pull this shit!”
Vanessa shouted as she was a few meters away “I have work to do!” Gregory’s shy demeanor appeared and shyly smiled at Monty. “H-hi Monty.” The animatronic nodded at him. He looked around expecting Freddy or at least Chica to watch him but none of the gang were around. He swore to himself that he’ll get her back for that.
He felt kind of out of place. When he did interact with Gregory it was very awkward as he would usually hide behind the bear animatronic or hide his face when he is holding him in his brawn arms. It was as if the kid was intimidated by him, which was no doubt in his head. Like he was going to eat him or something. Which was, in his opinion, was impossible as he had no way of swallowing no less chewing anything. Biting, sure. But that’s all he could do. He rubbed his snout and groaned as he felt his gears grind and the pain shot up his left arm. 
Gregory noticed and asked if he was ok. “Just tired kid,” he responds. He rolled his shoulders and placed his golf club back into his golf club pack. When his back was turned he felt something grab onto his tail. He jerked and turned around to see him holding his tail. Actually his was very close to him and tried holding his tail for comfort. He wondered why he was clinging to him only to hear shifting gears and what sounded like metallic laughter. He immediately knew who it was. “Son of a bitch.” He murmured. Looking at the green room entrance to see a thin, jester like animatronic. It’s fabric colors consisted of dark shades of blue and had golden stars plastered on its body. Its face plate was in the shape of a crescent moon. Along with bright red eyes. A huge grin plastered on its face. “Hiya Gregory,” it cheered. The animatronic was named Moondrop. 
“What ya want? I am in no mood for your games.” The moon animatronic giggled and said “I know, I just came to say hello~” He crept closer to Gregory in a slow playful manner. But to Gregory it was down right scary! He clung closer to Monty and tried to hide from him. Unknowingly Monty wrapped his tail around the boy and help him close. “Not in the mood, and while your at it,” He squares his shoulders to seem more intimidating. “Don’t try to pull any pranks.” “I wasn’t. Tiiiiiillllllll NOW!” Monty felt something tug at him as Gregory was snagged from tail and taken out of the green room by the sun animatronic Sunnyrise. “Hey!” He yelled as chased after them. “Monty! Help!” Sunnyrise was slightly bigger than Moondrop and carried him with slight ease. 
They jumped from metal beam to pipeline making sure his balance was on point. “Freddy!” He cried. Hoping the bear animatronic would hear him and come save him. He tried to struggle and get out of the sun animatronic’s grip but as thin as it appeared to be, it was stronger than it originally looked. “Put me down! Please!” He begged. “In a minute, lets mess with gator boy for a bit!” The sun animatronic laughed in response to Moondrop’s answer to the boy’s plea. 
He felt a bit nauseous from the frantic movements before he landed on something soft. He realized it was a pillow. A large pile of them actually. Mainly consisting of two types of styles, moon and stars, sun and clouds. The duo jumped down in front of him and the boy began to whimper as he tried to back away from them. Although no longer controlled by Vanny or that Glitchtrap character, that didn’t mean he felt comfortable with them. “MOONDROP! SUNNYRISE! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!? BRING THE KID BACK NOW! I MEAN IT!” He hoped that he would come to find him. He heard another voice along with Monty’s. It was Chica’s voice, “Gregory? Where are you sugar dot?” 
Gregory called out to them as he heard low growls. He heard what sounded like clanging on metal to see Monty climbing the ramp the three were on. “Monty be careful!” Chica shouted after him as she is afraid that he or Gregory would get hurt. “Coming up!” He shouted. Sunnyrise and Moondrop laughed comically and abandoned ship. “W-what the- get back here!” He reached out to snag at least one of them but they were too far out of reach. “Damn!” He looked over to Gregory. “You good?” The boy nodded. He tried to pull him over the ledge as he was, although won’t admit it, scared to fall. He hated high heights. Gregory came closer to him and grabbed his right arm to pull him up. But being an animatronic made of dense metal it wasn’t an easy task. “Don’t strain ya self kid. I’m toov heavy for ya to pull.” 
Gregory didn’t listen and kept pulling as Monty pulled himself up. Gusts of air seeping through the cracks of his metal plates. “Monty? Gregory? You boys alright?” “We’re ok.” Gregory answered. Tired from his attempts to pull Monty. “Can you get down?” “You for real? It was a hassle for me to get up here! I doubt I can climb down, no less with the kid on my back! Screw that shit!” He can hear Chica shouting angrily “Language!” Monty rolled his eyes and sighed. Falling backwards and laying his back on the pillows Gregory didn’t say anything and hid a small smile in the form of a yawn. He was actually tired. He was hanging out with Roxanne as Freddy was busy and Chica was helping him. He wanted to ask him about them having dreams or better yet nightmares but didn’t how to phrase it. He asked Roxanne and she told him she would dream sometimes but didn’t give thorough details.
“H-hey Monty?” “Yeah kid?” He thought for a minute before saying “Can you dream? Or have nightmares?” Monty sat up and looked at him. A confused expression or so it seems, appeared on his face plates. “Why ya asking?” Gregory’s face said it all. “You had a nightmare? Is that why you’re asking? What does it have to do with us?” The boy shyly nodded. Gregory fiddled with his shoelaces and said in a low tone “It was about you.” It would be an exaggeration to say that his jaw dropped. It was about him? He had a nightmare about him? Why? “Monty! Gregory! I’ll be back with help! Don’t do anything!” 
Chica’s voice was drowned out by the awkward silence between them. He didn’t know what to say. He thought about his restless nights after the incident. The feeling of his body being controlled by a living virus. He was still there but as a passenger and watched in horror in what happened and he attempted to do. Especially to the boy. He couldn’t stop himself no matter how much he fought for control. He could hear its taunts and demonic laughter as it held him as a host till its body was complete. It still scares him. “Yeah Gregory, we...we can dream....we also have....bad dreams you could say.” The boy looked at him stunned. “You can? I asked Roxy about it and she said she would get strange dreams but didn’t explain much to me.” Monty nodded. 
“Well I wouldn’t say they are dreams...more like processed memories. Mainly what we experienced during the day and they are placed in our processors. Mainly to replay like a movie.” “So its a movie in your head?” “Hell if I know, its a guess of mine. There were even times I get weird dreams like I don’t know, like a large chicken chasing me around and pecking at me for cursing. I didn’t even think it was possible as...well...I am a machine.” Gregory giggled. “Was the large chicken Chica?” “Maybe~” He laughed. “But in all seriousness, what was your nightmare about? Why me?” Gregory took a deep breath, he won’t hurt you. He told him what he remembered. From playing golf together to Vanny possessing him with the malware and him killing him by biting down on his head. Monty stared horrified. “That’s your nightmare?” The boy nodded. Not looking up. 
“I...I didn’t realize. Jesus kid, that must’ve been scary for ya. Can’t imagine how that would’ve felt for ya.” “After that nightmare, I wanted to know if you had nightmares yourself, since you seem so...so...” “Sentient?” “Uh...I guess so.” “The gang and I even have bad dreams ourselves. I don’t understand the reasoning for it but it does happen. Sometimes its scary and we’ll forget about it as there isn’t much to it y’know. Just a fluke dream, but some are more horrifying than expected. So terrifying that even I can’t sleep.” “Monty? Do you have bad dreams and refuse to sleep? I did that when I came home...that day... I didn’t want to sleep as I was afraid to see Vanny and Glitchtrap laughing at me and taunt me, and having images of...what they did.” He shivered due to the cold and the sickening feeling of dread. He knew that feeling all too well. 
Monty noticed and grabbed a blanket he was sitting on. He guessed Gregory never saw it as he was distracted by the twins. Well since bearball isn’t here and Chica isn’t here...I’ll try to comfort him till they come by and get us down. I hope they don’t see this. He reached out his tail and wrapped it around the boy’s waist and wrapped him up in the blanket and held him in his lap. Gregory was confused and looked up at him. “I know kid. It’s not easy to confront or deal with. What happened was traumatizing for you and us. I wouldn’t blame you having nightmares after that day.” Gregory reached out and hugged the gator around his neck and nuzzled his lower jaw. “I don’t blame you either. I bet you were scared too. And I remember what Freddy told me about you all being family.” Monty was stunned. The child was actually hugging him. The one kid who was intimidated by him, was hugging him. “He did huh?” “He said I was a part of that family too. Which means that I would consider you as an older brother, Roxy an older sister, Chica and Freddy as the mom and dad.” “Well,” He ruffled his hair making his chuckle. “I guess you are our little brother eh?” 
Line Break:
Chica and Freddy managed to get Vanessa to grab the ladder from storage to help the two get down. Well, mainly Monty as they would just get Sunnyrise or Moondrop to grab Gregory and set him down nicely. “Are they alright?” Freddy shrugged. “Have you seen the twins?” he asked. She nodded no. “Nope, not after Monty chased after them.” Vanessa set the ladder and made sure it was stable. “Well wherever they are, they might get their due later.” “Gregors? Monty? You guys ok?” Roxy looked towards the platform but didn’t see anything. 
Vanessa told Freddy to hold the ladder and climbed up. “Be safe, the twins might be around to scare you.” Roxy said. “God I hope not!” Vanessa shouted down to her. When she reached the ledge, she had to hold back a laugh. Right in front of her was something she never thought she’ll ever see. It was Montgomery Gator, the big, tough brute of the group cuddling little Gregory. He was wrapped up in the big arms of the animatronic and she could’ve swore that his tail was wagging slowly. “Oh! This is adorable!” Gregory was wrapped in a blanket and his head was nestled under Monty’s chin. She reached out and took out her phone. Making sure the flash was off and taking a picture of the duo before coming down to show the others. Who would’ve known that the big gator was a huge softy sometimes? Was he going to kill for it? Maybe? Was it worth it? Oh yes it was!
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
Ivy: Chapter One - Incandescent Glow
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A/N: Chapter One is here!! I’m so excited to share this with you all and I hope you enjoy it!! You can find the rest of my writing in my masterlist and I would love love love to hear what you think about it in my ask! Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoy it!! 
Word Count: 6.5k
Series Masterlist
Chapter Pinterest Board
Before their paths had crossed, she had resigned herself to an existence void of the excitement, passion, and the simple enjoyment of a life in love that she consumed every day in her books. Their worn and yellowed pages held stories of adventure, mystery, and her personal favorite, romance, etched onto pages that held the ability to transport the novel’s reader. She turned to their worn leather binding as a way to escape her own dismal and boring life, living vicariously through star crossed lovers, double agent spies, and explorers who had set out to find the fountain of youth.
The tall tales were never enough to fill the void or tame her desire to escape, but they placed a temporary bandage on the wound she would rather keep covered.
She spent most of her time among her books, curled into the small pink velvet couch that sat next to the large fireplace, immersing herself into the words on the page and the silence that surrounded her, as she reveled in the warmth of the open flame. The library was the one place in the large estate that felt like a home to her. Books lined the walls, placed carefully into floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. Most of them had been read through already, patiently awaiting their turn to be picked up once again for her to experience another journey through their pages.
She chased a homey solace within those four walls, a comfortability she could never obtain anywhere else on her husband’s large estate. The mansion was a massive stone fortress that sat on acres of land she had never been granted permission to fully explore. The greatest freedom allowed to her were the well mannered and dignified walks she took around the garden, sometimes a trip to the small stream that ran across the edge of the property with a book tucked into her basket; but as winter fell, as it always did, she was forced back into her library.
Snow fell gently outside, covering the large and manicured lawns with a bright white blanket of quiet, but her concentration and tranquility were startled away from her when three too loud knocks fell onto the large mahogany door. She knew the knocks well, and exactly who they belonged to. They were the only ones that ever seemed to disturb her.
“Dear,” she heard her husband, William, call through the door. “May I come in?” He was boring and overbearing, but he was always polite when it came to her library. She could give him that.
“Of course,” she hummed in a slight annoyance, hearing the door swing open with a creak, as she tucked her bookmark into Gulliver’s Travels’ well loved pages. It was hard for her to tear her eyes from the book, not yet fully out of the story land she had been consumed by for hours now, but when she did, she was met with two men instead of one.
“I wanted to introduce you to the new groundskeeper, Mr. Styles.” William spoke far too loud for her quiet room and in his usual dull tone, which was somehow made even more boring by the beautiful man standing next to him.
Mr. Styles was striking. 
He had chocolate brown curls that fell in tousled waves pushed back from his forehead and vibrant green eyes that zeroed in on her with an intense but friendly gaze. A polite smile graced his pink lips which caused a pair of dimples to ghost over his cheeks, softening his rather imposing large figure.
He was tall and had broad shoulders and muscular arms that didn’t completely fit into his vest and suit jacket, and she could tell he was uncomfortable in such formal dress. He stood perfectly straight up and down, like any sudden movements might bust him out of the most likely hand me down outfit, and his slightly awkward appearance made it difficult for her to fight off a more than friendly smile.
She moved towards him, the pink roses embroidered on the delicate white fabric of her dress falling down around her as she stood from the couch, and with a greeting knod of her head, she extended her hand towards him to delicately shake. His hands were frozen as he took her hand and bowed his head to her, a side effect of the snow blanketing the ground outside, but they were also strong and calloused.
Their contact shot a spark up her arm, assuredly from the cold of his fingertips.
“It’s delightful to meet you, Mr. Styles,” she spoke with a soft but confident voice, bowing her own head towards him gently as he released her hand.
“Thank you for having me, Lady Taylor,” he spoke smoothly, with a deep and musical voice, his sharp jaw brushing against the starched high fabric of his collar. She liked the way he spoke and made a note to make sure she heard more of it in the future.
She hoped she had controlled her face and didn’t outwardly cringe when he called her by her formal title and her husband’s last name. It was an identifier she deeply loathed, representative of all she had become. She looked forward to whenever they got a moment away from her husband and she could ask him to call her Y/N, similar to moments she had in the past with all of the staff in the mansion.
“Of course,” she smiled. “We’re glad to have you.”
“He’ll be staying in the cottage on the east side of the property,” William informed her, bringing her attention back to him.
“That is the one near the stream with the ivy on it, if I’m not mistaken. Correct?” she directed her question towards her husband, toeing the line of an appropriate amount of small talk, while also encouraging the conversation to move fast so she could return to her book.
“That’s the one,” the dull man answered with a nod. “I’m going to show him to it now. I wanted to introduce him because you might be seeing him around the estate.” He paused, stepping closer to her and she felt her muscles tense slightly. “We wouldn’t want you getting startled by a stranger, now would we, darling?”
“No, we wouldn’t,” she answered with a tight lipped smile. She could never get used to his patronizing tone, even after three years as his wife. With a deep breath, she steeled herself as he got even closer, reaching his hand out and pushing a curl that had fallen from her gathered bun at the base of her neck behind her ear, then pressing a kiss to her cheek that lasted far too long to be in front of a guest. Her cheeks heated in embarrassment and she watched as Mr. Styles’ gained an uncomfortable blush to his as well.
With a patch of dampness still clinging to her cheek, William backed away and returned to their new guest’s side.
“It was lovely to meet you,” the new man said, a seemingly sympathetic look in his eye. “Your library is beautiful.”
His complement of her books brought a hint of joy back to her features. “Thank you very much. If you ever need anything to read, I may have something you could borrow,” she chuckled, raising her hand to gesture towards the rows and rows of books. “I can only read so many at a time.”
“I will keep that in mind,” he said, his lips perking up in a sideways smile that showed off one of his dimples.
William left the room without anything else to say, Mr. Styles following soon after, but for some reason she could not shake the sound of his voice and the look of his dimple from her mind. Even when she settled back down next to the fire, knees tucked up beneath her and Gulliver’s Travels back in her hands, his face remained. She found herself rereading sentences two or three times before comprehending them, her focus lost to the handsome man who was now living in the small ivy covered cottage. She was intrigued.
A few days passed before she saw him again.
Once again, he had roused her from a book while she read, making an awful scraping noise as he tried to remove the ice hanging from the outdoor windowsill of her library. He must have been watching her through the window because when her head shot up to investigate the noise, he already held an apologetic look in his eyes and mouthed ‘I’m sorry!’ to her through the window. He looked quite cute like that and she couldn’t help but release a laugh.
She decided to abandon the epic love story she had been consuming, choosing to focus on another object of interest as she moved towards the large window and opened it. A frigid wind seemed to slap her in the face, making her realize just how red his nose was. She could only guess how cold he was and how long he had been scraping ice off the house in only a flimsy wool coat.
“I am so sorry I disturbed you, Lady Taylor,” he profusely apologized, but she only smiled in return.
“No trouble at all,” she shook her head. “And please call me Y/N. I’m only Lady Taylor in front of my husband.”
His face held a slight surprise, obviously unfamiliar with such a casual relationship with his bosses. “Oh, alright then, Y/N.” He held a shy grin on his face as he looked up at her through the window, extending a hand for her to shake. “Well then, call me Harry.”
Harry, she repeated to herself. It suited him. She liked his name and the way his strong jaw and pink lips moved when he said it.
Their hands met in a less formal handshake this time, her body hanging halfway out the window into the cold to reach him. The same shocks made their way up her arm again and she blamed them on his frozen hand.
“Harry,” she started, liking the way his name felt on her lips. “You seem like you are about to freeze to death out there. Why don’t you come in for a cup of tea?”
She knew her husband wouldn’t be home for at least another hour, a result of meticulously monitoring his schedule for the last three years in an effort to appreciate her limited freedom to its fullest. William was a creature of habit, spending every Wednesday across the county with his younger brother in his own massive home; allowing her time to relax, no longer held to the absurdly formal high standards her husband held for ‘the lady of the house.’ And today, she decided she could exercise that freedom by inviting Harry in for tea.
“I couldn’t,” he tried to politely deny, bound by strict rules of etiquette in ‘high society,’ whatever that meant.
“I insist. You look frost bitten.”
When he nodded his head in concession, she couldn’t help the bright and triumphant smile that stretched across her features.
It wasn’t long before she was leading him through the massive home towards the servants quarters and her favorite part of the mansion: the kitchen. As they walked, they moved under ornate arches and impressively high ceilings, passing walls decorated with portraits of her husband’s dead relatives that seemed to judge the two commoners as they passed. She assumed her husband hadn’t given Harry a tour of the main house, as every time she snuck a peak at him, his eyes were wide in amazement at the lavish home.
The deep maroon satin fabric of her dress flowed behind her as she led him down winding hallways and past massive grand staircases. The grandiose decorations and atmosphere began to dwindle as they made their way to the servants quarters, the house taking on a much more bare-bones look. The hallways were smaller and left a pale white, a stark contrast to the brightly colored walls that lived in the rest of the house.
He followed her down a small spiral staircase that opened into a kitchen that emitted a welcoming warmth the rest of the sterile house lacked. A large stone fireplace was set into the wall to their right and copper pots and pans hung from the walls. A large cabinet held stacks and stacks of dishes of every sort and a perpetually bubbling pot of water hung over the open flame. But the centerpiece of the room was the long wooden table that was covered in flour and surrounded by smiley women kneading balls of dough.
“Hello sweetheart!” chimed one of the women from the table, her older round face framed by grey hair holding onto flushed cheeks and a wide smile. Her grin seemed to calm an anxiety that was perpetually inside her. “How are you doing today?”
“I’m doing very well. Thank you, Mary,” she smiled back at her. “How are you?”
“She’s been talking our ears off all day, Y/N,” the youngest girl, Grace, piped up from across the table, her long black hair pulled from her face in a ponytail that reached her bum. She couldn’t have been older than 16. “Thank goodness you came down here to distract her for a moment.”
“Oh hush, Grace,” Mary playfully scolded her before turning her attention back to Y/N. “My boy had the highest marks in his class this week. Isn’t that just incredible?”
“That’s fantastic!” she exclaimed, knowing how hard the boy had been working on his studies as of late from how highly his mother always spoke of him.
“It’s all because you let him borrow your books,” the older woman said in a softer and more sincere tone. “He reads them so fast now and his instructors are so impressed.”
“I am always happy to lend them to Robert. He’s such a good boy. I always miss him in the winter when it is too cold for him to come to the grounds to play.”
“Spring will be here soon enough,” the last woman at the table, Siobhan, spoke up in a thick Irish accent. Her fiery red curls were pinned up on top of her head and flour was smudged onto her freckled nose.
“The almanac predicts that we should have an early spring this year,” Y/N heard Harry’s deep voice cut into their conversation behind her. She watched as all the eyes belonging to the women at the table went wide in his direction like they hadn’t noticed him prior.
“Ladies, this is Harry Styles,” she introduced him, turning back to face him just long enough to take in his shy and somewhat awkward wave to the women. “He’s the new groundskeeper.”
“What happened to John?” Grace asked in a slight whine, her face falling in disappointment at the news.  
“She had a crush on John,” Siobhan cut in quickly to give Harry context. And while Grace denied her infatuation with a defiant ‘did not,’ her cheeks betrayed her as they turned a beet red.
“William said he got married or something of the sort,” Y/N lied, knowing William had fired him during a particular mood swing. While she held a deep distaste towards her husband, she was afraid to hint at that to the women in the event they didn’t follow his explicit orders due to their second hand dislike of him. She would never forgive herself if they happened to lose their jobs because of her.
These women were her only friends and she cherished them.
“Good for him,” Mary said before quickly turning her attention back to the curly man in the corner, staring at him intensely, as if she could see all his deepest secrets if she just looked hard enough. “It’s good to meet you, Harry,” she finally spoke, voice holding a motherly suspicion. “How did you become a groundskeeper?”
He seemed shocked that anyone would ask him a question at all, stammering slightly as he answered. “I always enjoyed being outside when I was a child, and as I got older, I found that I had quite the green thumb,” he spoke shyly, pulling his hand from behind his back to flash the ladies a thumbs-up. “I started working on estates a few years ago and I send whatever I can back to my mum and sister in Cheshire.”
At the mention of his mother and sister, Mary’s face softened.  All in the room could tell that she had deemed him trustworthy and respectable, pushing away her worst nightmares of him having bad intentions on the estate she ran inside and out.
“What a good boy,” she spoke jovially, like if she was closer to him she could have pinched his blushed and dimpled cheeks.
“Well,” Y/N began in an attempt to change the subject, “Harry has been out in the cold for who knows how long so I’m going to fix us up a cup of tea.”
“Y/N, that is what we are here for,” Siobhan said, letting out a chuckle.
“Oh no,” she waved her off, making her way towards the cabinet and retrieving a sachet of her favorite tea and a teapot. “You’re all busy and I am very capable of making my own.”
She felt Harry’s eyes on her, surely confused about the relationship she had with her staff, as she skillfully navigated around the kitchen. She knew she looked out of place wearing her formal dress, a jeweled belt even wrapped around the empire waistline, as she moved about with the women in aprons covered in flour. But she felt comfortable here, like she was experiencing a loving hug from an old and less stressful life she once lived.
Soon she was holding a silver tray with an ornately decorated tea set delicately placed upon it, Harry trailing behind her while she carried it back to her library without spilling a drop. He continued to watch her with an inquisitive eye as she expertly crafted teas for both of them, although she knew his chill had long left his bones, before she settled onto her pink couch, Harry sitting in a matching armchair across from her.
“The way you are looking at me makes me think I owe you an explanation,” she smirked over her tea cup as she brought it to her lips.
“Ma’am,” he began, but corrected himself to “Y/N,” after she shot him a playful yet disapproving look. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“Fine then. I’m just going to talk to myself and if you happen to hear details about my life that might help you understand me and this house a bit more, then so be it.” She spoke calmly, with a regality that she had spent years perfecting.
Harry’s lips perked up with a closed lipped smile that seemed to say ‘you got me’ and an attentive gaze, signalling her to go on.
“I think it is probably quite obvious at this point that I did not grow up in wealth like this,” she started, ready to explain herself to the man across from her for some reason she couldn’t pinpoint. “I’m friendly with the staff because I was one for most of my life. I was a servant girl growing up, very much like Grace. My family did not have much other than too many children and I left home to start work in estates like this one when I was 11.”
He watched quietly from his seat, not giving her much of a reaction at all.
“I met William when I was 17, when I started working for his aunt in her home. He tried to propose, for the first time, after I knew him for three weeks, but his mother said no because I wasn't born into the nobility. And honestly, I was relieved because I did not like him one bit.”
Harry let out a small chuckle at her words that quickly and involuntarily brought a grin to her face.
“His mother died two years later and he proposed again, no longer needing her blessing as he then became the head of their family. He offered me the world if I were to accept. He told me that we would travel and see the sights and that he would support my dream of becoming a writer. But most of all, he promised to take care of my family financially.” She took a long sip of her tea and swallowed hard before finishing the most painful part of her story. “So I accepted, but he never followed through on any of his promises.”
“William isn’t a bad man,” she continued, “although he isn’t a particularly good one either. He likes control of his house and his wife. It is I that made a naive promise to him and I have spent every day of the last three years paying for it.”
She watched as Harry’s exterior softened slowly as she spoke with radical honesty, looking like he wasn’t sure what to say that could comfort her. While she retold the story in a calm, cool, and collected manner, she hoped she was able to fully conceal her true hurt that attempted to fight it’s way to her face.
“Well,” she said with a cheerful new tone to her voice, brushing off her somber and self-pitying mood, “now that I have spoken about myself and you may have heard some of it, would you like some more tea?”
He raised his eyebrows inquisitively at her sudden change in tone, but decided not to push it any further. “I would,” he nodded. She felt his eyes on her as she stood up and made her way back to the tea pot, wishing she could read his mind. When she returned, she poured his tea carefully and went to set the pot back down, but she was stopped when his hand grasped onto hers.
His skin was now warm, hot even, from his tea cup; but the same shocks still remained when he touched her. She couldn’t help but notice how well her hand fit in his. Her eyes first found where he held her, both of his hands cradling one of her’s gently, then they flickered to his face. Emerald green eyes bored into her own, that surely held an element of shock in them at their contact. His face was soft and sympathetic as he looked up at her from his seat. “Y/N,” he sighed, goosebumps forming over her arms as she felt his warm breath float over her skin. “I’m sorry.”
Before she could answer, she heard the familiar roll of the wheels of her husband’s carriage begin to crunch on the gravel outside the window. Her eyes shot towards the sound coming from the circular driveway and she regretfully peeled her hand away from his own, immediately missing his warmth.
“You have to go,” she instructed softly. “Head out the door to your left, make a right at the end of the hallway, and then head down the second staircase. There’s a door that leads out to the back garden on the left.” Her directions were detailed and concise, like she had used the escape route herself many times.
Harry quickly scurried out of the chair and towards the door she was now holding open for him, but before he made his departure he turned back to look at her one more time. “Thank you for the tea, Y/N,” he said, previous panic traded for sincerity on his face.
“You’re welcome, Harry. I quite enjoy your company,” she confessed. “We will have to do this again.”
He smiled softly before turning on the ball of his foot and taking off down the hallway. As he rounded the corner and disappeared, she heard the front door open and William’s lumbering footsteps clomp onto the shiny marble tile of the foyer. Her eyes flickered back towards the two tea cups that sat on the small table in the library, knowing if William came to find her, he would inquire about who she had tea with. Gritting her teeth and letting out a sigh, she made her way to the front door to greet him.  But not before she closed the library door tight behind her and made a mental note to ask Mary to retrieve the cups.
“Hello my dearest,” she breathed through her perfectly rehearsed smile. “How was your visit with Gregory today?”
“Fine,” he dismissed, leaning in to kiss her cheek and scratching her skin with the stubbly mustache he was desperately trying to grow for some reason. “What’s for dinner?”
“I can go ask Mrs. Jefferson if you would like,” she offered, always feeling odd when she referred to Mary by her last name. He didn’t answer her with words, just a negative grunt that she assumed was denying her attempt at escape.
“Is that a new corset?” he asked abruptly and she watched in disgusted horror as his eyes settled in on her chest. She knew that she was just a warm body to him most of the time, but his grotesque excuses for manners always shocked her.
She pressed her lips together into a hard line, holding back every awful thing she could think of that she wanted to spit in her husband’s direction. Instead, she just sighed and gave him a kurt “yes.”
“Alright,” he grumbled. “They looked bigger. I thought you might finally be pregnant.”
Just the thought of being pregnant with William’s child made her want to refund her lunch onto his riding boots. She could only imagine what a child consisting half of him would look like. She hoped it wouldn’t inherit his bulbous nose, or his beady eyes, or his sparse black hair that seemed to be perpetually greasy.
She prayed every day that the rank smelling tea Mary gave her to drink every morning was enough to stave off a pregnancy forever. It came from a healer woman a few counties over, that some insisted was a witch, but the tea had kept her from falling pregnant so far and she had no plans of stopping her morning routine anytime soon. She didn’t care if the woman was Satan himself, as long as she never began to swell with whatever creature William routinely attempted to put inside her.
“No.” She tried to sound regretful. “I started my cycle this morning.”
“Too bad,” he said, eyes still staring down the front of her dress. “We will just have to keep trying.”
He eventually stopped oggoling her, starting down the hallway and leaving her in the foyer without another word. She let out the sigh of relief that she always did when he left her, releasing the tightly wound ball of stress inside of her that tightened whenever he was near, but she felt it return to her when she sat down at the long dining room table for dinner later that day.
She sipped her wine carefully, watching her husband scarf down his meal at the other head of the table, thankful for the long wooden surface that kept her far from him. But for the first time in forever, her husband and his revolting habits were not at the forefront of her mind.
Her thoughts were occupied almost exclusively by Harry. Surely it was because he was new, like when a little girl receives a new doll and it becomes the center of her universe until the novelty wears off. She also realized she knew almost nothing about him, cursing herself for overrunning their conversation with her own story before they were rudely interrupted. But the small fragments she did know about him, like his love of nature, the care he took for his mother and sister, and his general kindness and care for those around him, had begun to take root in her brain and she just couldn’t shake him.
“What are you thinking about?” William seemed to shout across the table, pulling her from her dreamland.
“I was trying to decide what china pattern we should use for this year’s spring gala,” she lied seamlessly.
“There will be no spring gala this year,” he said with a mouth full of food. “I’ll be in France on business.”
The spring gala was the highlight of her dismal life and she couldn’t help but feel like she had just been punched in the gut by the news. It was a celebration on the spring solstice that the Taylor family had been holding for the last century and was the most lavish and exciting event of the year. There was endless food and drink among lively music and beautiful opulent gowns, but most of all, there were people. This party was a priceless connection to the outside world and to have it ripped away like this was heartbreaking.
“But I’ve already had a dress made,” she weakly argued, picturing the light blue satin ball gown overlaid with a delicate white floral lace.
“You can wear it next year. I have to go to France for six weeks.”
“What is in France that is so important?”
William let out a frustrated huff and looked up from his plate for the first time to shoot her a threatening glare. He was not used to this sort of push back from the usually docile woman, even if her passivity was a meticulously rehearsed act. “A lady should not concern herself with her husband’s business.”
Knowing not to push the conversation, she kept her mouth shut but shot him angry daggers for the duration of the meal. She barely touched her food, but she continued to drain and refill her wine glass.
He pushed himself away from the table after his plate was all but licked clean, looking over at her crossed arms and slumped drunk body in the chair at the other end of the room. “I know you enjoy the gala,” he spoke as gentle as his brooding voice could. “But we will not be discussing this manner any further.”
“Fine,” she said curtly. When he turned to leave the room, she childishly stuck her purple tongue out behind him. She listened to the small bursts of air Grace released next to her, stifling laughter. She grinned lazily at the young girl clearing his plate. “What a pompous knob,” she muttered as she pushed herself away from the table and exited the grand dining room through the opposite exit William had taken. She heard Siobhan’s delicate footsteps following behind as she marched towards her bedroom, the thoughtful woman knowing she wouldn’t be able to undo her tightly laced corset with her currently clumsy fingers.
Siobhan held her hand and securely guided her up one of the many massive staircases that inhabited the mansion, saving her when she tripped on the fabric of her dress. Y/N was thankful for her support, but couldn’t stop thinking about how her contact with Harry felt earlier in the day felt so different. She had originally attributed the electric feeling to the cold, and then considered it a result of not being touched by another person in so long. But Siobhan’s hand did not hold the same sparks.
She stood facing the mirror in her bedroom and stared at herself as Siobhan carefully removed the layers upon layers of her clothing. Her fingers skillfully released the corset from her body and Y/N took in what felt like the first real breath she had taken all day, leaving her in the bright white shift dress that was the first layer she put on every morning.
“Siobhan,” she spoke softly as if she didn’t want to disturb the silence, “do you believe in true love?”
She was quiet for a moment before she answered. “I think I do.”
“Do you think everyone gets to have it?”
“I think everyone has chances, but not everyone actually gets it.”
“Do you think a life with William is a life worth living?” 
Y/N’s own question startled herself, her lips letting the words materialize and fall from them without her consent. Her eyes fell towards the floor, unwilling to make eye contact with the other woman in the mirror after the jarring question.
“Y/N, you have had a tad too much wine tonight to be asking big questions like that.”
“I know.” Her voice was just above a whisper and laced with shame. “Will you get me my nightgown? I want to go down to the library and read before bed.” Siobhan nodded behind her, slipping the lilac fabric and wrapping a cream colored night robe around her, before helping her back down the stairs and into her library.
She ripped a dark red leather bound book off the shelf, not particularly caring what it was called or what it was about, plopping herself down on the ground next to the warm fireplace. She just needed to be somewhere else, transported far away from the nightmare that had become her life.
It took three pages before tears began to prick at the back of her eyes. This book wasn’t a tale of pirates, or war, or mythology; it was a romance, one she had read before. It told of a soldier returning home from war to rescue his one true love from a domineering stepmother, sweeping her off her feet and escaping to start a new life together. She remembered that they lived happily ever after at the end.
She couldn’t help the jealousy and sadness that boiled within her, mourning for a love and a life she would never get to have. She would be trapped within the giant fortress that had been designed to keep enemies out, but had ended up keeping her shut inside with her own nemesis. She grieved for a life she would never be able to experience.
A gentle knock on the door interrupted her wallowing. She didn’t recognize it. Mary knocked loudly, but only once, and William always knocked three times, with Grace and Siobhan usually knocking softly twice.  
She unwillingly dragged her still wobbly limbs off the ground and made her way towards the door. When she opened it, she was met with the bright green eyes that had been stuck in her head all day.
“Harry,” she greeted with a weak smile, trying her best to wipe all her tears off of her hot and angry cheeks. “What are you doing here?”
“I was hoping to borrow a book from your collection, but I can come back later,” he said hurriedly, eyebrows knitting together as he took in her tears.
“No, come in,” she said, sniffling and stepping aside so he could enter.
“Y/N,” he said with concern in his voice, his gaze narrowing in on her like the books no longer existed, abandoning his original goal of the visit. “Are you alright?”
“I’ll be fine,” she assured him, not sure if she was telling the truth or not. She held her robe close to her body, trying to hide herself from embarrassment, refusing to make eye contact with him and directing her attention towards the walls. “Uh-,” she stumbled over her words, “what kind of book were you looking for?”
He got the hint to stop his line of questioning about her emotional state, turning his body to face the walls as well. “I was going to ask you for recommendations.”
Her heart swelled with his words. No one had asked her about her opinions on anything other than drapes or china patterns in years. In this house, she was meant to be a proper lady, and proper ladies weren’t allowed to have brains with real thoughts or opinions.
“I have a few,” she cleared her throat. “I keep my favorites on this shelf,” she said, directing him to follow her. The shelf was at eye level for her and when she went to stand in front of it, she felt Harry hovering over her shoulder, his warm breath falling over the skin on the back of her neck. He was too close, far too close for ‘proper society,’ and too close for a married woman to be to a single man. But she couldn’t bring herself to ask him to move back because all she wanted in the world was for him to move even closer.
“These are adventure stories,” she stammered and pointed to a few, thrown off by his proximity, “and these are mysteries.” He hummed in her ear as she spoke. “And these,” she spoke softly and pointing towards the largest section of books, “are romance.”
She stepped aside so he could examine the spines of the novels, watching closely as he recited their names under his breath, perfect pink lips moving smoothly as he spoke quietly. She couldn’t take her eyes off of them. She jumped when he moved to grab a book off the shelf, breaking the trance she had fallen into as she took in his incandescent glow.
“I think I’ll take this one,” he said just above a whisper when he turned back to face her, his face hovering only inches above hers. Their faces were so close, one move and their lips would connect, indulging herself in her wildest fantasies since she had met this man only days ago. He brought the book up beside their faces and she quickly stole a glance.
Pride and Prejudice, was embossed in gold on the dark purple cover. It was new, but had quickly become her favorite romance of all time.
Her eyes connected with his once again, taking in the mischievous glint they held and the boyish smirk that had found its way onto his lips. His smile was contagious, her previous angry tears swapped for a small grin of her own. “Who doesn’t love a romance?” he asked her, smirk turning into a dimpled grin.
She wanted to reach out and grab him by the lapels of his jacket when he stepped back from her and pull his face to meet her own. She wanted to tell him not to go, to lock the door, and take her on the couch. She wanted to ask him to take her far away from this fortress and never return again. But she didn’t. She just let him walk to the door, a new book tucked under his arm.
“Before I go,” he said abruptly, turning around once again to face her. “I have a question.”
“I have an answer,” she quipped, earning a laugh from the man that sounded like the most beautiful symphony she could have ever imagined.
“There’s ivy crawling up the house on the east wall. Would you like me to take it down?”
His words reminded her that he wasn’t some gallant rescuer coming to save her from a loveless marriage and bring her to a better life. No, he was the groundskeeper of her husband’s estate. Her heart sank slightly, but she was glad to be back in reality.
“Let it grow,” she instructed softly. “Let’s see where it goes.”
Chapter Two
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Rating: SFW Length: 1495 Pairing: Male Orc x Male Reader (both cis)
Some hurt/comfort and fluff with your dutiful pirate boyfriend. TW for mentions of blood, injuries, and torture.
“Cut him down from there.”
They are the first words I’ve heard since the screaming stopped. I’m barely clinging onto the last threads of my consciousness, blood and drool oozing from my mouth and onto the wooden post I’ve been lashed to. When the ties that bind my arms are cut, my knees can’t hope to hold me up, but they never touch the floor. Instead, I’m caught by gentle hands and my battered body is wrapped in my discarded coat, and then I’m carried out into the light of the late afternoon.
I remember the transition from the smell of blood to the salt of the sea. I remember soft whispers and exclamations of horror and despair. I remember bobbing like a buoy, floating and weightless, and then the fresh agony of my wounds being cleaned. The pain makes everything hazy at the edges, soft and insubstantial in a way that only an open wound’s prolonged exposure to astringents can manage to do. 
“He’ll always bear the scars,” I hear someone else murmur.
“It doesn’t matter,” says the first voice I heard before. “Just make sure he lives.”
I close my eyes. I sleep. I dream of restless things in the aftermath. Of clawing hands and sharp barbs, of drowning in the darkest depths of the ocean where no man dares go. I feel stiflingly hot, then chilled to the bone. I taste bile in my mouth and feel my eyes go raw from weeping. I surface from the depths for brief moments and beg for mercy, though I know not the manner in which I crave it be delivered.
When I finally come back to myself, I can tell that it’s been days. For one, I feel the ache of a man who’s lain too long in bed, and for another, I smell like one, too. My first attempts at movement are slow and halting, and I grit my teeth against the pain and the tightness I feel across my back. My wounds are dressed and for that, I’m grateful, but the rest of me is bare, and I make a note to thank the doctor for taking care of me while I was at my worst. I find spare clothing in my quarters and manage to wrestle into my trousers and shirt, but by then, I have to sit at the edge of my bed to catch my breath, dizzy with effort.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
I look up with a start to my doorway and see that it’s been darkened by my surly first mate, a massive orc by the name of Orlec with skin like bronze and eyes like brushed steel. He’s a fearsome-looking man with one chipped tusk and arms like the trunks of trees, but he’s deadliest with the cutlass at his hip. Now, he has a towel over his shoulder and a bucket in his hand, which he brings over to my bedside and sets down by my knee. In it is steaming seawater—a luxurious bath for a pirate so far out at sea.
“I thought I’d get some fresh air,” I wheeze, trying for nonchalance. 
Orlec looks unimpressed. “You’re lucky I caught you before we hit a swell and the ship pitched your sorry ass halfway across the cabin.”
“You’d have caught me then, too,” I say with a grin, allowing Orlec to help me back out of my shirt and eagerly reaching for the rag resting over the lip of the bucket; Orlec swats my hand away and takes it up himself.
“You think this is some kind of joke,” he accuses, narrowing his eyes as he kneels in front of me and starts scrubbing at my skin none-too-tenderly. “You almost got yourself killed. Again.”
“I think it worked out quite well, actually, don’t you?” I quip, wincing through a laugh as Orlec’s grip on my arm tightens. “I knew my bold and intrepid crewmen would come to my rescue.”
“I should throw you overboard to the sharks,” Orlec snarls, pulling off my trousers and scrubbing from the waist down as though he were trying to polish the decks outside.
“Easy, easy!” I cry, cupping my hands over my poor abused cock. “You’ll tear it off, you big oaf!”
“‘Oaf’!” Orlec barks back, throwing the rag in my face with a wet slap. “The only oaf I see here is you! What the fuck were you thinking, turning yourself over to those damn privateers? We barely scraped you off the flogging pole!”
“I was thinking that I’d save you a bullet to the head,” I say between clenched teeth, my ire making my head spin a little. “Or did you forget the pistol they had pressed to your temple? It was you or me, Orlec. I chose me.”
“And what of my choices?” Orlec snaps, eyes aflame as his voice lifts. “Every day I choose to stay with you! Every day I choose to follow your lead because you’re a good captain, and you up and throw your life away at the first opportunity! I could have gotten out of it! I could have—” He cuts himself off, his great chest rising and falling like so many empires.
“There was no other way, Orlec,” I tell him, sympathy softening my temper. “I’m alive and they’re not. That’s what matters now.”
“Like hell it is,” Orlec grumbles after a moment spent collecting himself, snatching the rag back from me and continuing his work cleaning me up.
I can’t keep myself from laughing softly, reaching up to run my fingers through my lover’s thick brown mohawk. “Are you grumpy because you missed me?”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“I’m afraid I lack the flexibility for that.”
“I’m sure as shit not doing it.”
“Not in the state I’m in, no, but I hope that threat doesn’t extend too far into the future. Your sex is practically chiropractic.”
Orlec splutters, gently swatting my stomach with the back of a massive hand. “Shut up. I’ll show you chiropractic when I break your back over my knee the next time you do something this stupid.”
“Promises, promises,” I sigh, scraping my fingernails along Orlec’s scalp and watching as the repetitive motions soften the line of my lover’s shoulders. “I’m not so fragile as all that, my dearest.”
Just like that, the tension returns to Orlec. “You almost bled out. The doctor had to perform some emergency surgery, and then you were fevered for three nights. We almost lost you. I almost lost you.”
“Well, I haven’t been lost,” I say, “and I’ll surely never take that same risk again.”
Orlec squints his steely eyes at me, suspicious. “That better not be loophole-speak for ‘because that particular captain is dead now’.”
I avert my eyes.
Orlec pinches the inside of my knee.
“Yowch!” I yelp, jumping and then wincing when the act pulls at my new scabs.
“Shit, sorry,” Orlec rumbles, and to his credit, he does look apologetic. “Only meant to hurt your knee, not your back.”
“Not the kind of weakness I want you to cause in my knees, my love,” I breathlessly reply, and barely dodge the swat of the wet rag aimed towards my face.
“Do you think of nothing but sex?” Orlec grumps, shaking his head and scrubbing between my toes.
I try desperately not to wriggle. “No,” I say around my laughter, clutching at his shoulders. “I think about kisses, too. It’s been far too long since our last, don’t you think?”
“I’m not kissing you until you wash the bile from your mouth,” Orlec deadpans, shaking his head with amusement and finally helping me back into my clothing. He helps me do just that, offering me warm saltwater to rinse with as he tames the tangles in my hair with careful ease. By the time we’re done, I’m about ready to faint all over again, and Orlec—bless him—notices. Instead of taking me out to reassure the men, he tucks me back under the covers and gives me some concoction to fight an oncoming fever, only relenting in his mothering when I promise to stay in and rest.
“Now will you kiss me?” I ask, feeling like a schoolboy tucked in to his armpits by his nanny.
“Now I will kiss you,” Orlec relents, perching at my bedside and leaning in to press his lips to mine. The kiss is long and sweet, with Orlec taking my face in his big hand and curling his fingers over the back of my head to keep me close. As if I’d ever pull away.
“I love you,” I sigh as he pulls away, melting hazily down into the pillows and clinging to the last vestiges of my consciousness.
“And despite my better judgment, I love you, too,” Orlec grumbles, startling a drunken laugh out of me. He smiles crookedly, in that way that always makes my heart melt. “Sleep,” he tells me, and I do.
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
Love Me, Love Me Not
ft. Kuroken
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G/N Reader
TW: Insecurities... I think that’s it?
Read This First
Mini Series Here
Okay part 2/4 for the continuation of “Toxic Things They Do” request. This is probably the hardest one for me because I’m better at writing Kuroken x reader on a platonic level aha. Not proofread because your girl is a slacker-
You’re sitting on the floor of your living room, staring at the tv while Kenma plays on the new PS5 he bought. He’s seated in Tetsuro’s lap, the dark haired male is busy yapping his ear off- to which Kenma lets out small hums of acknowledgement every once in a while to show he’s listening. You want to join them up there, somehow the couch seems so far away from you. Like a pillar high in the sky- only serving to show off what you can’t ever really have. It seems a little dramatic to be thinking that way, sure, but you have a valid reason to put it in such a manner. You know, since you’re allergic to leather and all.
Tetsuro was always so caring, constantly doting on the ones he loves. With his trashy puns, troublesome smirk, and sparkling eyes that promised a good time, he was perhaps the ideal man. He gave his all for those he cared for, seemingly nothing about him was selfish... and yet the leather couch had been Tetsuro’s idea- he had always been fond of the material after all. Even when you brought up the whole issue of you being allergic to it- he still insisted that they purchase a leather sofa. 
“We’ll just buy you a separate arm chair or something.” Kenma had said after listening to the both of you argue back and forth. “It’s not like we don’t have the money.” It hurt more looking back on it now than it did at the time. It was an unreasonable solution, but it wasn’t like Kenma was going to disagree with Kuroo. He never did. At least when it came to you that is.
You continue staring at them. There’s something about the way that Tetsuro gazes at Kenma that just screams love and contentment. He’s never looked at you that way- even back when you were in denial you knew that much. Kenma never had to do what you would need to in order to keep his attention on him. All Kenma needed to do was exist- unlike you- he never had to earn dear Kuroo’s love. 
Tetsuro only doted on those he loved. He loved Kenma. And he only seemed to love you when Kenma wasn’t around.
“Y/n...” The messy haired male called, long arms winding around your torso. “Let’s go to the arcade! I made some reservations- we have the whole place to ourselves for a few hours.” 
You remember being excited at the time- finally you would get to go on a date with Tetsuro. It had been so long since your last one. 
“Really? That’s awesome! Let me just get dressed.” You slipped into a pair of jeans and a band t-shirt before hurrying to meet Kuroo at the door. “Tetsu I’m-”
“I can’t believe you got called in so last minute. It’s too late to cancel the reservations already kitten.” Kuroo whines into the phone, obviously talking to Kenma. “Yeah I’m just bringing Y/n, no point in wasting money... oh? Okay see you later. Love you kitten~”
Needless to say, your day seemed a lot less exciting after overhearing that conversation.
Kuroo gently nudged the smaller male aside, standing up to go use the restroom. The two of you made eye contact briefly, he winked playfully before continuing on his way to the bathroom. Your gaze fell upon Kenma- who was still rapidly pushing buttons and triggers on his controller. 
Kenma had always been elusive. It was one of the things that drew you into him. He looked so uncaring about everything, at first you couldn’t even have imagined that he would be so attentive to every detail. Was it a trait he had gained from Tetsuro or vice versa? People do say lovers begin sharing habits over time. At first you could barely distinguish one of his expressions from another, but as you spent more time in his company you found much more than you could have hoped. You discovered that he was constantly changing, learning to be more expressive. Each time you thought you had him figured out- he had already developed beyond that.
The minuscule way his lips would upturn when he was amused soon changed into a hidden smile, chuckles threatening to escape his throat. Then that changed to a slightly wider one, showing the smallest amount of his teeth. Eventually he learned to forgo his embarrassment entirely- and he would laugh freely, all teeth, heart, and soul, in it. Yes, Kenma was a constantly evolving individual- like the ever changing maze in the maze runner. There was seemingly no escape to him- just twists and turns and dead ends. He was impossibly deep- a promise of a myriad of mysteries within his eyes. 
But you were just another runner- doomed to be lost in the maze- but never to escape it. Kuroo on the other hand was something else. He was on a completely different level- skilled in his knowledge of Kenma- able to come and go as he pleased. You doubted he’d ever wanted to escape. Neither did you- at first. 
Out of the two of them, Kenma had always been more receptive of you. It had surprised even Kuroo himself actually. You didn’t doubt Kenma’s love for you- not like you doubted Tetsuro’s- but you also knew that he’d never care for you as much as he did Kuroo. It showed in the little things.
“Y/n did you want to play with me?” Kenma’s soft voice carried over where you were- snuggled up in blankets, playing Animal Crossing while sitting in your arm chair. He had his own red and blue Switch in his hands. Kuroo had been home at the time, you recall hearing him snoring away in your bedroom. “It’s been awhile since it was just us.”
You smiled at his words and agreed. The two of you visiting each others islands and irritating your beloved villagers. It was fun, spending time with Kenma, and you could tell that he was enjoying himself- and not just because of the game. He would shoot you shy, soft smiles when he thought you weren’t looking. It was those smiles that really kept you clinging onto the sinking ship that was your relationship. 
Kenma loved you.
The smiles directed towards Kuroo were different. They weren’t shy- instead they were familiar and open. Kenma had known Kuroo far longer than he had you. The comfort he took in him was of an entirely separate magnitude. Naturally, this was the same with the amount of love he held for him too. 
He looked happier with Kuroo than he did with you.
Maybe it’s because of that fact that you decided to break the news to Kenma first. Making sure that your skin was covered with you long sleeves, pants, and socks, you made your way over to where Kenma was seated. His eyes tore away from the screen to stare at you worriedly. 
“Y/n your allergies-” He began.
“It’s fine, as long as my bare skin doesn’t touch the leather.” You reply, sitting beside him. You know you shouldn’t- not when you’re about to say this- but you yank him into a hug anyways. You hug Kenma tight and hard, because he’s the only one in this relationship that might even love you a sliver as much as you love him. He tries to turn, so that he can embrace you too- but you won’t let him, opting to pin his arms down with your own. It’ll hurt too much to do this if you let him hold you. 
“Y/n what’s wrong?” He asks and he looks at you like you’re the only one in the world for that moment. Bitterly, you wonder if this is what it feels like to be in Kuroo’s shoes. Yet again, you are reminded that while this is a rare sensation for you- it’s a daily occurrence between the two of them- looking at each other like they hung the stars up in the sky- that is. 
“I have to tell you something Kenma.” You murmur, licking your lips. “But first I’m going to let you go, right after I try to memorize what you feel like against me. And you have to promise not to try to hug me after that okay?” 
“W-why? What’s wrong Y/n?” He struggles again, fear overtaking his heart at your words. “What is it?”
“J-just promise me. You can be mad, you can cry, hell you can even laugh afterwards. But don’t try to reach out and hug me okay?” He’s never seen you so serious, so he nods his head. 
“I promise.” He agrees and stops fighting against you. You do your best to memorize this- the feeling of him in your arms. He’s warm and despite his lithe figure he’s firm against you. His hair is smooth and soft- since you had managed to drill into him how important hair maintenance was- it smells like his pricey conditioner. You rest your cheek against his for a long moment, before forcing yourself to pull away from him entirely. The half blonde abides by his promise, but it’s clear that he wants to reach out to you.
“This is going to hurt me a lot more than it’s going to hurt you.”
“What are you saying?” Kenma’s anxious now, eyes searching for answers in your own pools of e/c. 
“But you have Tetsuro... I don’t know how he’ll feel about this- but he’ll probably be furious with me.” You continue, heavy tears slipping from your tear ducts. “I don’t think this is working out Kenma-”
“What did I do?” He asks, wide eyed and desperate- you can hear the pain in his tone. “Did you fall out of love with me- with us?” The angel and devil perched on your shoulders agree that you should lie to him- tell him ‘yes, I did fall out of love with you.’ The angel says it’s better to do it this way, to spare him the pain of knowing what you went through. While the devil thinks you should say it in the most vicious way possible- to give back all the pain, the unworthiness they made you experience. But you refuse to listen, no one deserves to suffer through your insecurities.
“I’m still in love with you two.”
There’s tears spilling from both of your eyes now.
“Then why-”
“It’s because I’m not content anymore.” It’s not the full truth but it’s better than a lie right? You forgot that a half truth is a whole lie. 
“I think we deserve the truth.” Kuroo says from the entrance of the living room, he’s leaning against the doorway, arms crossed. “Not some half assed explanations.” 
“Right...” You agree, blinking back your tears. “I’m so grateful for you two. Tetsuro you’re so caring and selfless, you give your heart in everything you do- I’d be lying to say that I’m over you. Kenma you’ve always been so attentive and I won’t lie- something about you just makes me want to appreciate you endlessly. But babes, you’ve been in love for so long- I can’t possibly catch up.” 
Kuroo’s expression is shocked, not expecting this. “Y/n-”
“No, please listen.” You ask of him- just this once- to listen to you. Luckily for you he does. Kenma looks like he wants to speak up too, but swallows his words. It’s the first time they’ve let you get a word in without getting defensive. Kinda poetic if you think about it. Your last 'argument’ as a throuple and the first time they’ve been able to let you say your piece.
“Tetsu, it’s clear Kenma’s your first and foremost priority. I don’t even know if what we have is love or admiration- but it’s not what I’m looking for.” You give him a sad smile and he discovers that it’s the most genuine one he’s seen from you.
“Y/n I-” He tries, only to get an impatient look from both you and Kenma. “Sorry, continue.”
“I’m a hypocrite to say this- but Kenma... this is harder to say because I’ve grown more attached to you overtime.” You hate yourself for what you’re about to say next- the hypocrisy you’re about to spew is enough to render your feelings null and void... or so you believe. “I never doubted with you- what we had... have... it’s definitely love.” 
Kenma looks ugly, his face is all scrunched up and theres snot and tears dripping down onto his lap. “It always was- still is Y/n.”
“I know baby.” You whisper back, it pains you to see him like this. “But you’re still more in love with Tetsu.” He can’t deny it either, that’s what pains him the most. “I love the both of you though. So I really do wish you the best. It’s the only thing I can do- because I can’t stay here and hold you back.”
Something inside of Kuroo’s heart cracks and he finds himself tearing up at your words. It hurts because you’re right. He doesn’t love you like that- or at least he doesn’t think so. But if that’s the case then it doesn’t make sense as to why he’s hurting. 
“I’m sorry that I had to be the one to call it quits- because I never, ever, wanted to be the one to do that. But guys-” Your voice cracks, it embodies all the heart ache you’re feeling- been feeling for so long. “When it’s just you two, at the altar, finally becoming one... I’ll be able to say with good faith that I made the right decision. So don’t fight me, don’t even say anything- this is what I want. This isn’t for just you- it’s for me too.”
They nod, facing the consequences of your choice- maybe it goes further than that. Maybe all this time the three of you were doomed to fail. If that’s the case then it’s a blessing that you’re not going down in flames. Instead this chapter is ending with a flood of tears and the promise of ruin. But there’s also the underlying hope that one day the flood will dry up and they’ll finally be able to look at the ruins without feeling regret. It’s that hope that all three of you cling too. That hope that one day you’ll be able to rebuild upon the ruins- a new temple, new kingdom. A new place for a rebuilt- or maybe even entirely new- love. 
A/N: I did Kuroo so dirty but I’m not sorry about that. In all honesty this is how I feel it’d go in a situation like this. Kuroo’s priority is always going to be Kenma. He’s a chemistry nerd- and their shared chemistry is so deep, it’s engrained onto the face of their soul. I think Kenma does really love Y/n but he’ll always love Kuroo just a little more. But sometimes a little is all the difference and is the game changer in the end. I do think, that if Kenma had loved the two of them equally- then maybe they could have been fine with a polygamous dynamic- but sadly that’s not the case.
This is also the harsh reality to a lot of poly relationships- some people enter them but aren’t prepared to love equally. So there’s an imbalance there that really shouldn’t be there. A lot of authors who write for polyships don’t touch on this but I want to be here to write about the good and the bad. 
Seeing the reader after the breakup
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honklore · 4 years
is nothing sacred? | quackity
(4.6k+ word count, prince!alex, augur/seer!reader, gn!reader, angst, alex has a sucky dad, reader has a sucky family, karl appears as a time traveler ofc, neg and pos religious themes, deification is the belief that when a monarch dies they will become a god, the rapids is a kingdom in this but it isn’t an smp au)
listen to: evermore by taylor swift, foreigner’s god by hozier, (the end) by levi weaver, exile by taylor swift
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There’s a warm spring just outside the monastery. It’s hidden in the mountain, a few miles away from the castle walls and yet you find that it’s too close for comfort.
Every bright and loud fanfare that announces the prince’s coming and leaving echoes off of the hills and pours through your peaceful respite. It’s just enough to make you grumpy.
It’s one of those mornings again, and you find yourself floating in the hot spring, eyes open towards the sun, wishing you had more patience with the dear prince you call your best friend.
Your robe is heavy across your torso, floating around your bare legs as you ponder your plans for today. That is, if the prince doesn’t come visit you.
That would be wishful thinking, though. You don’t have to close your eyes to know that someone has blocked the sun. With a sigh, you sink your body beneath the warm water and submerge, blinking the water off of your lashes. “Alex, this is sacred ground.”
“I know,” the prince replies, squatting down to see you. “I tied my boots around my neck, see?”
You stare at the boot he’s proudly holding up, then shift your eyes to his bare feet. “Why are you here? This is my day off.”
“Excuse me for wanting to see my best friend,” Alex sneers mockingly, rolling his eyes. “Listen, are you coming back to the castle tomorrow?”
“We literally have an augury lesson at one in the morning,” you say. “So, yes.”
“Good, I’m going to disprove all of your theories.”
“They aren’t theories, Alex. I read patterns for a living, alright? I know what I’m talking about.”
“It’s not science.”
“Neither is your father deifying your grandfather,” this time you mock him.
He holds a steady gaze, lips quirked into a cheeky smile. “You’ll tell me about the night of my coronation again, right?”
“Because it warned of extreme change,” you say, voice level. “Yet I can’t figure out what’s going to happen. There’s something the stars aren’t telling me, and I have to figure it out to protect you and the kingdom.”
Alex’s eyes are a deep brown that you could probably get lost in, if he wasn’t such a little shit. “Protect me, you say?” He’s flirting now, eyes alight with the thought of annoying you, and if this spring wasn’t so important to you, you would’ve yanked him in already. “Didn’t know you cared that much about me, Y/n.”
Your robes are clinging uncomfortably to your body, accentuating the lines and curves — or lack thereof. “Hand me my towel and look away please.”
Alex closes his eyes and turns his face away, holding out the towel. “Learn anything divine from your swimming trip?”
Alex holds the towel out like a makeshift screen, and averts his eyes while you dry off and change into the clean robe he brought you. As annoying as he is, the prince is thoughtful, and he fills in the places where you lack.
“I was reflecting,” you say, buttoning the front of the robe. “It’s good for you; clears out your soul.”
Alex tosses the towel over your head and ruffles your hair. He chuckles at your protests; taunts you with warmth in his eyes. “You’re so spiritual.”
You glare at him. “I’m an augur.”
“Right,” Alex says, holding the now-wet towel close to his chest. “But you take it so seriously, sometimes.”
“I hate you,” you say, no venom in your words.
“I love you, too,” Alex says. He leans forward, almost as if to kiss your forehead, and then remembers that you’re on sacred ground, and kissing is forbidden.
Still, the very thought of what he might’ve done sends an unwanted flutter throughout your chest.
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Wax drips onto the closed letter. You dip the silver stamp into the dark purple puddle, leaving the royal seal behind.
Inside is a letter to your family. It’s a prophecy you’ve received just for them. Despite them disowning you for your gift, you still find it important to warn them of upcoming woe. Like now, for instance, when you wish to warn them about the upcoming rainstorm that could ruin their crops if they don’t take precautions.
You rub your temples and blow out the candle, leaving you in silent darkness.
Your room is on the highest tower of the castle. The turret is small; a circular room with a circular bed and a circular desk and a glass, circular ceiling that showcases the stars to you each night. There’s a telescope standing against the window, a chest for your clothes, and the writing desk you’re seated upon. However, your bathroom is a few stories down, near the bottom of the tower and closer to accessible plumbing.
The door behind you bursts open, and you know it’s the young prince and his lack of basic manners when it comes to privacy. Your privacy, anyway. “What is it, Alex?”
“I’ve been waiting for you in the tower for an hour now, silly,” Alex’s words get softer as the light from the corridor pours in, and he can see what you’ve been up to. He stills, smile faltering. “You had another vision of them.”
“I wish they would stop,” you mutter. If you clench your eyes tightly enough, you can will any tears to suck back into your head. Then you can suffer through a headache, like you always do. You’ve had this “gift” since you were a little kid; you know the ups and downs of using it.
Not that it gives you much choice sometimes.
“Are you drinking the–“
“No,” you snap at Alex. “Look, suppressing them only makes it worse. Prophecies become... darker. I see things I can’t unsee. I have to allow them through.”
Alex has a hurt look on his face, but you can’t tell if it’s because you snapped at him or because he doesn’t want to see you in pain. You selfishly hope it’s the latter.
“We can talk about something less harsh on the mind.” Alex sits on your chest, avoiding your bed. It’s another sacred place for you, same as the monastery grounds. Alex knows the rules of being a seer; the ancient laws you practice. He’s read the same books as you — if just to understand you better. He’s the most loyal friend you can think of: the only person in the entire kingdom who has never questioned your beliefs.
“I can’t stand the thought of them getting hurt,” you admit. “And with the vision about your coronation... I’m so scared this kingdom is going to crumble and it’s going to be because I couldn’t prevent it.”
Alex fiddles with his necklace. It’s a rune, one for protection. You used to wear a similar one beneath your robes, but with your fear of something happening, you’ve made Alex promise to wear it.
“It’s not your job to keep the kingdom from crumbling,” Alex relays. “All you need to do is tell me what you see. Then I hint to my father ways to change the kingdom. After that, it’s up to fate.”
You bite your lip. “Fate has a tricky way of playing its own hand.”
“Then it was never in your hands in the first place, yes?” Alex speaks honestly, but there’s a bit of cheek to his voice that eases your nerves.
You smile sadly. “Your father is too prideful, Alex. I can see it; the ravens, they flock the castle whenever he makes a speech. He wants to become a god. He wants something that’s impossible.”
“He deified Grandfather,” Alex quips, no emotion backing his voice. “Like you said earlier. It’s just to start the tradition, so that when he dies he’ll become holy, too.”
“I told him it was wrong. I told him that the stars foresee ruin if he stays on this trail of pride.” You cast your eyes down to your family’s letter. “No one believes me.”
“I believe you,” Alex’s soft voice urges you to look at him.
He’s quiet. The rune is resting on his outstretched palm and he’s looking at you. “Do you think I’d take these lessons and wear these trinkets if I thought you were wrong?”
“Maybe you do it because we’re friends,” you say. You're well aware of the fact that the prince is the only person in the entire kingdom who advocates for your beliefs. But with the rest of the realm against you, you can't help but think that deep down, he's making fun of you, too.
"You sure do worry a lot for someone who can foresee the future."
You choke out a laugh and run your hands down your face. "I'm sorry, Alex. I'm so sorry. I just– I feel like if I can't prevent every bad thing I predict, then it's my fault when they happen. I wish I was ignorant to omens."
Alex tuts. He pouts at you, dragging his lower lip between his teeth and holding it there for just a beat too long. “Let’s skip lessons today. You should rest.”
“Ah!” Alex stands up. He begins to unclip his cufflinks from the hem of his sleeve before he passes you a coy glance. “That’s Prince Alexis to you, and if I say you should rest, then you should rest.”
You grumble, but inwardly you’re thankful.
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There’s an altar, rectified in the middle of the castle courtyard. Though it was once a place of healing — a place seers would go to cleanse their minds — it is now standing in ruins.
You lay down your offerings anyway. Dried rose petals, and a few copper coins saved up. You wait with the objects until a few crows come to diligently take them away. To where? You don’t know. You’ve never asked.
Alex’s father plans to take down the altar and replace it with a shrine of himself. The knowledge of change reeks the air with a foul scent only you can smell.
It’s as if the entire kingdom is rotting and you’re the only one who knows.
You lift your hood off of your face and continue your walk throughout the court. Those you pass politely ignore you, though some choose to sneer at your mannerisms. The king has them wrapped in his prideful rule, and your heart aches for them.
There is no freedom in serving man. This much, you know.
You find yourself in the tower, waiting for the prince to come in time for his lessons.
“Father says he wants me to study more practical subjects,” Alex relates to you.
He’s lying across the balcony floor, and you are perpendicular, with your head on his stomach. You feel every breath he takes, and something about the closeness comforts you in a way you refuse to analyze.
“I’m not sure what else you could learn,” you say. Your eyes are stuck on a chip in the balcony railing. Stone that hardly cracks, and of course your foundation is crumbling quicker than your resolve. “You have lessons from dawn till dusk.”
“And you’re the only tutor I care for,” he says with a flippant sort of tone. “I don’t know what I’d do if I saw you less. I already wish I had more time with you.”
You’ve spoken to nuns and monks and those who swear off love in servitude to the one they worship. Most admit that it’s a lonely existence, and a torture to make up for their sins. You understand that true love must be as sacred as an old god, and to worship another person would be the greatest act of devotion. For how else do you serve a creator than by worshiping the created?
You don’t think kings are meant to be worshipped. No one with that much power should be revered with such ignorance.
But a prince is different. To worship a prince alone, in secret, for just yourself... perhaps that is the most spiritual devotion of all. Perhaps it is the most torturous.
Hearing Alex’s words makes your heart yearn for a future that can never be. You don’t need a vision to tell you that his father will soon grow tired of you. Of course you will soon be sent out of the kingdom, and Alex will forget about you in time.
You know this without a doubt in your heart, and yet Alex still clings to these moments with you.
You’d do anything to keep him safe.
“Where will I go?” You ask. “Where will I be accepted?”
Alex’s breath hitches; you feel it. And you know what he wants to say — you know what lingers at the tip of his tongue.
With me.
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Your family sends back the letter, unopened. You try not to cry about it, but the truth is that you feel more alone than ever. Surely you are the last of your kind, and no one cares in the least about what you have to say.
Except maybe Alex. Lovely, beautiful Alexis. He could no sooner harm a butterfly’s wing than deny you your beliefs.
But Alex is not king. He is merely a prince, and the king does not like you. It’s a miracle you’ve lasted this long.
“You fill my son’s head with nonsense,” the king paces back and forth in front of his empty thrown.
You hide your hands in the sleeves of your robe. “Your Majesty, I only relay what I see. I fear your kingdom is in danger.”
“And you think it my fault? Tell me, what if the stars told me to deify my father? What if I am following my own visions?” The royal cackles. “You have no sensible argument. All you have are silly dreams and lies to propel your own agenda. I will not have you spoiling my son’s brain.”
“Your Majesty—“
“I forbid you to speak on anything of the sort from hence forth. The altar will be torn down, and any peep from you regarding these readings will result in instant banishment.”
The sentence hurts more than it should, considering you aren’t being willed to die. You’re quite lucky in this sentence, considering you can still see Alex. Though, a part of you cracks and splinters to think of suppressing your visions.
The vision of Alex’s coronation still remains. You fear for the prince’s life. You fear the king will have something to do with it.
How do you tell the boy you adore that his father may be his downfall?
How do you get him to believe you?
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The warm spring only gets hotter as the seasons change. You sink your head under, and the heat of the water burns your closed eyelids. Your head is killing you; pounding from holding back your emotions: your tears.
The monks don’t even worship the same as you. They lend you their springs and advice, but they aren’t the same. There are no other augurs in The Rapids, so no one else really knows how taxing the job is.
More visions come to you when you’re stressed, so you try your hardest to calm yourself. The water scalds your skin, but it distracts your mind enough to keep the visions away.
It’s all the same. All the visions are the same — Alex gets crowned king and overturns the deifying decree. And only days later, he’s assassinated, and the regent — his father — takes back the throne.
As the old proverb goes: pride cometh before a fall, and the king certainly has enough pride. You just don’t want Alex to get caught in the fall.
“You’re so predictable.” Alex’s voice is warbled.
It takes a minute for the water to release from your ears.
Surfaced, you can see Alex crouched by the bank, careful not to fall in. He’s got that same gentle smile — thin, rouge lips and eyes that seem to shine when they look at you. Alex never judges. He never makes fun of your methods. He’s simply there for you, and your heart longs to be there for him as well.
“This place is sacred,” you blurt. Seeing Alex’s face in the light of the sunset just makes you think of your visions. What would a world without Alex even look like? You aren’t sure you want to find out.
You start to cry, and Alex holds a hand out silently.
He helps you out — holds out the robe for you. His boots are around his neck, and you focus on the thinness of his ankles while you clothe yourself.
“You can’t hold me.” You say plainly.
“I know,” Alex’s voice is watery. “Let’s get you back to the palace, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you sniff. “Okay.”
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“I’m not dead.” Alex lightly scratches your arm. Up and down. Up and down. “I’m not going to die.”
Your shoulders are braced against his side. You keep your gaze on the white smoke rising off of his incense cone.
This is his room, and his bed, because those aren’t sacred. His bed can be slept in and snuggled in and kissed in and loved in. He has scratchy cotton sheets and incense that is too old to really smell like anything.
He’s a prince with messy documents surrounding his desk and curtains that haven’t been dusted in days. Some days you wonder if the entire castle has forgotten about him. You don’t want to bring it up — don’t want to ask — but it flummoxes you.
You reach for his hand and stop its motions. “I’m sorry I bring you into all of this.”
“I want you to bring me into everything,” Alex slurs. He’s staying awake for you, and you know it. He rests his temple against your head. “I don’t want you to keep anything from me.”
You hum. His body is warm against yours. Too warm, to the extent where you know you’ll wake up in the uncomfortable sort of sweat that comes when a child falls asleep on you, or when you fall asleep without the window open.
Something heavy squeezes your chest. It feels like your ribcage is sentient — hugging and pressing into your lungs until it’s nearly impossible to breathe without an uncomfortable stutter.
Alex falls asleep quick, so you don’t worry about him noticing.
You settle against him and breathe through your nose. The feeling will pass — it always does. You feel this way whenever Alex reveals something so vulnerable to you. You reckon it’s something to do with the tenderness of his voice, or the earnest squeeze of his hand.
There’s a need to protect him. You want to be there for him, more than anything else in the world.
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Stripped of your job — the altar torn down — you resort back to your first and foremost activity: Alex’s best friend and (unofficial) advisor.
In this position, you’re confident in your abilities. You know just as well as anyone that you’d rather die than see the prince harmed in any way.
You’re kicked out of the tower, and your telescopes are left to dust. The king locks the door personally, ardent in his attempt to keep you away from any visions that might harm his reign.
You stay in Alex’s room, on a spare bed mat near the fireplace.
Of course, Alex has offered his bed, but you refuse to bother him any more than you have to. And now, with your rituals forbidden, you need a place to privately gather your thoughts.
The flames lick the stone furnace and you lie still. You watch them dance and close your eyes, hoping to rest without any visions or nightmares.
But the nightmares come, and they’re always the same.
When you wake in a fervent sweat, you know that only one thing will keep you from fearing Alex’s death. So, you crawl beneath his scratchy sheets.
You don’t snuggle into him or bother his slumber. All you need to do is know that he’s here. You rest your smallest finger against his bare arm and fall asleep to the sound of an owl hooting outside the window.
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On the morning of Alex’s coronation, fog rises from the earth. You see it as a sign: this day will be confusing and blurred.
Alex is just excited to have cooler weather. The blistering heat has been plaguing the kingdom for days, so to have a day of fog and hollow wind sounds like heaven to the prince.
You wear your runes beneath your robe, and the weight of them is less than the weight of knowing you’re dead if you’re caught. But you need them; need this day to come and go without blood and tears.
Alex cannot see you. He’s far too busy with final rehearsals and receiving guests from far and wide.
You stray beyond the castle, into the square, where traders and travelers have set up shop in the hopes of making a profit.
There’s a sign. Fortunes Read Here. It’s tacked over a purple curtain, and you can see amber light shining through a thin slit. Like maybe someone is in there. Like maybe you aren’t alone.
You walk in.
Disappointment smacks against your ribs like a heavy wave against jagged rocks. It’s a scam. A boy no younger than yourself is sitting behind a table, with a green sash tied over his forehead. There’s a mystical rune of some kind that looks like a portal, and it’s tacked to nearly every surface you can see with dripping green paint. The place looks like that of a madman, and you fear you’re about to be mocked.
“Hello,” he says. He doesn’t offer a name. The blues of his eyes flicker from time to time with a shimmery purple, and you think it’s a trick of the light.
“Are you going to laugh at me?” You sit across from him. “Once I leave, are you going to think of me as just another gullible customer?”
“Can you not tell the future?” He says, and he grabs the crystal ball and tucks it under the table. “I can sense it. You want answers, genuine answers, not some promise of success.”
“Who are you?”
“Karl,” he says. “I’m from the village of The Rapids, but you know, magic is looked down upon. I doubt anyone would believe me if I told them what I know.”
You trace the lines of the rune. Your brain fogs, but as you repeat the motion, it clears up, and you suddenly see Karl, clear as day, standing in a crowd and watching Alex make a speech. “You’ve been there? You’ve been to the future?”
“Look closer,” Karl mumbles.
So you focus on the details, and you can see the black banners of mourning, and the redness of Alex’s eyes. “Oh. This is his grandfather’s funeral. This is the year before I became Alex’s tutor.”
“Walk closer.”
Unsure what he means, you continue to trace the rune, and imagine yourself walking through the crowd. Only Karl moves instead, so you pause your tracing and look at Karl.
He’s got his eyes closed, and his eyebrows furrowed. “Why did you come here? What did you want to see?”
You brought me here, you think of saying, but you wonder if this is what Karl can do. If he can travel to the past and show people what he sees. “I- I suppose I want to know why he was deified. Was it a plot?”
You trace the rune again, and Karl walks over to the king, where he stands apart from the podium. Even though his son is giving a heartfelt speech, he’s not listening at all. Instead, he’s talking to one of his trusted advisors.
“I will make a wonderful god.”
“Prince Alexis hates the new creed,” the advisor observes. “Surely he’ll overrule it once he is king.”
“Yes,” the king says. “Well, I suppose we’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen.”
You gasp, and even Karl seems winded as you stop tracing the rune.
He places his palms on the table. “So that’s what you wanted to find out. A regicide plot.”
“I have to find Alex,” you mutter. You stand and rip one of your runes off of your neck. Intuition. “Here, take it. You should go.”
“I can’t go into the future,” Karl warns. “I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
“No,” you think of Alex’s words. “None of us can predict fate. I have to go.”
You run out of the tent, and when you look back, it’s gone, left with nothing but a dirty sign labeled Fortunes Read Here.
Perhaps it’s past tense now.
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Your purple robe billows behind you as you rush into the castle in search of the prince.
The staff says they haven’t seen him, the lords are already drunk off of mulled wine. His own tailors are running around, fearing they won’t be able to dress him in time.
So he’s gone, and that means you’re too late.
Or rather, maybe Alex is smarter than you give him credit for, and he’s gone to the one place his father won’t go.
You head up to the tower.
He’s there. Of course he’s there. And he’s in only part of his ceremonial clothes, leather pants and a cream-white collared shirt. He’s leaning his palms against the stone railing and staring out against the wind, like he’s waiting for it to speak to him. Tears slip down his cheeks and drop into the air.
“Alex…” You wrap your arms around his soft waist, squeezing tight to try and convey how thankful you are that he knew to get away. “Your father… He’s—”
“He poisoned my breakfast,” Alex whimpers. He grabs blindly for your arms, and at the touch of your skin, he folds in on himself; shifts around to face you, and buries his face into your neck. “My taster… He thought my taster was out. But he wasn’t. Now he’s dead, and the counsel are trying to figure out what to do with my father.”
“Alex, I’m so sorry.”
He cries harder, and you think your hug must feel weak compared to the comfort he so clearly needs right now. “I have to go tell the lords and the staff. We have to postpone the coronation until everyone involved is apprehended.”
You think of what he does when you feel alone. He visits your spring, and he takes off his shoes. He takes you to his bed and scratches your arm. He kisses your head and hums old lullabies from his childhood until you fall asleep.
So you grab his hand, and you pull him down the few stairs where your old bedroom lies. And you bring him toward your bed, but he stops you.
“It’s sacred to you,” he hiccups.
“You’re sacred to me,” you finally decide, and you let him crawl under your sheets.
You untie his boots and pull them off of his feet, along with his socks. Then you take the blanket and pull it up to his chin. You kiss his forehead and crawl in next to him. And you scratch his arm, up and down, and you hum old lullabies from your own childhood until he falls asleep.
While he’s asleep, you trace the moles across his cheeks and close your eyes. Suddenly, it’s like Karl’s tent, only you can see into the future, not the past. And you aren’t Karl, you’re Y/n.
The sun is bright on Alex’s back, skin tanned and warm. You’re swimming with him in the spring, and all that is sacred to you is him. All that matters is him, so he can float in the spring, and he can kiss you on holy ground, and if he can’t be deified in the kingdom, he can be deified in your soul.
And when you stop your motions, you’re back in your bed. Alex is there, sweet Alex, snoring softly and snuggling into your warmth, like you keep him safe. Like your visions aren’t the ones he believed in at all.
He has always believed solely in you.
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nekowriteshaikyuu · 4 years
 - mistletoe with middle blockers -
 𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒 , 𝕜𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕠 , 𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕦 ,
 — slight nsfw, fluff, not proofread
 word count : i’m so lazy to copy and paste so uh..alot u^u
 a/n : it was so difficult having little to no connection at home, but all’s good now ! anyways this was pretty last minute but nonetheless, i hope you guys enjoy this !! decided to create this after impulsively buying the christmas dlc for mystic messenger aksksk. also i tried to write for more than one person so yeah, do give me any feedback so i could improve:) ngl writing kuroos’ is so heartwarming, his one is the best out all three uwu (that’s why is a little longer lolol)  anyways enjoy and merry christmas !! 
𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒 𝕜𝕖𝕚
he’s not really into christmas because of the blinding lights that littered everywhere, so he often stays home
his house is no where near festive so you’d hang some decorations every single day you come over.
on christmas itself, you saved the mistletoe last to kind of give off a finishing touch
tsukki would just mock you when you constantly jump to hang the mistletoe by the door, in the end he helped you and sighed because he know what’s coming.
“yaay !!” you threw your hands up in the air, eyeing on the last deco that was put up. tsukki leaned by the door, hands crossed over as he stared blankly on the floor. inching a little closer, you looked at him with your gleaming eyes, hinting him.
“i’m not kissing you.” he said coldly, walking away from the door to the kitchen. you pout as you trail along behind him, begging for even just a peck on the cheek.
“tsukki please ~ it’s christmas !!” your arms cling onto his as you rubbed your head onto it. tsukki wasn’t reacting much but inside, he’s dying by how adorable you were to desperately beg for a kiss. he wouldn’t mind kissing you, but he know very well that the minute his lips touch yours, there’s no way it will end then and there. he sighed as he took a sip of water, slowly getting annoyed by your constant whine and you pulling his sweater.
“stop pulling my shirt.” you eventually let loose before stomping into the room and closing the door shut, the mistletoe dropping to the ground. tsukki slowly made his way back and noticed the fallen mistletoe. picking it up, he opened the door slowly before hanging it back. you sat on the bed, face smooshed into the pillow as you laid completely still. he sighed, before walking up to you, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out.
you groaned, trying to pry from his grip but only for him to tightened it. he stopped by the door, having a moment of thoughts
“you don’t have to do it, i’m not asking anymo-” you couldn’t finish your sentence before tsukki turns to face you, cupping your cheeks and pecking your lips. you stood there, your face burning up and turning red. tsukki pushed his hair backwards before picking you up and throwing you to the bed.
“i knew this was gonna happen, you’re gonna accept it no matter what.” taking his glasses off, he glared down at you, his brows furrowing. 
what a night you could say ~
𝕜𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕠 𝕥𝕖𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕣𝕠𝕦
this guy- istg. 
any mistletoe, like any, EVEN THE ONES PLACED INFRONT OF A BUSY MALL, he’d sneakily give you a kiss.
your face will burn like hell but aint gonna lie though you liked it alot
he’ll go out to wrap his arm around your waist and pull you close to him, giving you a very long and passionate kiss
so long sometimes people just awes the both of you and wish you both the best of luck (you’re face will be as red as a tomato by now)
every year, he’d always hand you a gift after kissing below a mistletoe, just to spice things up (what a gentleman uwu)
maybe this year...i guess you could say you’ll never forget this year’s christmas. ever.
walking around the mall with your hand intertwined with your boyfriend’s, it was the most romantic date out of all the dates you’ve went with him. you could have spent your day at his place, binge watching every christmas movie he downloaded online. but he felt a little special and decided to bring you out to see the lights and do some shopping here and there.
you stopped after eyeing on the huge christmas tree deco that was centered at the mall. you pulled out your phone, dragging kuroo in as you snapped pictures of the both of you with the beautifully lit tree as your background. you heart melt as you take short glances to your boyfriend who was smiling as you snapped the pictures. after a few takes, you switched the camera around to take pictures of the lights and your surrounding. you were so engrossed with the atmosphere you weren’t aware of what’s was anticipating upon you.
you felt a hand gripping onto your arm and pulling you back. turning, kuroo only smiled before his eyes looked up. you followed his eyes to see the little plant hanging above the both of you. your cheeks grew red, knowing very well that he’d devour your lips even if you both are in public. kuroo took your phone from your hands, pocketing it into his coat. his hand snaked around your waist, while the other cupped the side of your cheek. his face slowly inched closer to yours, feeling the tip of your noses touching each other. your eyes were shut close as you felt his soft lips colliding with yours. as per usual, the kiss was slow, passionate, filled with love. you could hear couples behind aweing the both of you. a rush of embarrassment started to creep upon you, making you try to pull away from the kiss. it only made kuroo deepened the kiss, his grip around your waist tightening. after a solid seven minutes of endless love, he broke it off, his eyes looking straight into yours. you gave him a weak smile, still slightly embarrassed that this all occurred in public. he tucked your hair that was covering your face, lifting your chin up slightly higher to see your every feature.
“i love, y/n.” he said cheekily. you only lightly punched his chest, before saying it back. he took a step back away from you, pulling a small black box from the inside of his coat. oh my god. is this really happening? is it what you think it is? you watched every move he did, where he got down on one of his knee, slowly opening the box revealing a diamond ring nicely tucked in the sponge placed inside. a swam of people soon crowd around, some with their phones out recording.
“my dearest y/n, spending my high school years with you till this very day has never once been a bore to me. every moment, i cherish it. every memory, i kept it secure within my heart. you are my everything, and for that, i want to create more memories with you, each better than the one before. “ he took the ring out the box, reaching out for your hand.
“y/n, will you marry me ?” you could the lights reflecting from his eyes, his smile never leaving his face. everyone crowding around slowly waited for your respond, some clenching their hands into each other in hopes of this public engagement to be successful. you giggled, a tear shedding from your eyes. you looked at kuroo, stepping a little closer to him, before nodding with a smile pasted on your face.
“i would love to.” the crowd was cheering, applauding as kuroo slipped the ring onto your finger. he got up from his kneel, pulling you in for a hug. you sighed in relief as you bury your face onto his chest.
“god, this is embarrassing !!” you screamed into his chest, bringing him to laugh while caressing your hair. 
hands down, this was the best christmas day ever.
𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕚
honestly, he has never once walk by a mistletoe.
n e v e r
either he avoids it or just pays no attention to it
with that, he doesn’t get why couples kiss in certain locations that has a small plant hanging above them.
you thought you could use this as an advantage to get him to give you a little kiss.
you went to the deco shop and bought a mistletoe, hiding it in your bag as you went back into the dorm he was living in.
you waited for a perfect time before you could pull  it out and kiss him
but i guess not all plans work out, huh ?
“satori !!” you cheered as he opened the front door, his smile growing just as you arrived. he let you in, closing the door behind him before plopping back in bed, reading his weekly shounen jump magazine. now is the perfect time. you quietly took the mistletoe out of your back, tiptoeing you way behind tendou who was busy reading. you held the mistletoe above in between both of you, preparing youself. you cleared your throat loud and clear for tendou to hear, which worked and he turned around.
you inched closer, eyes close as you slowly move closer to tendou to kiss him.
“wakatoshi ?” he said before moving out of your way, making you fall face flat onto his pillow. you groaned, turning to realise wakatoshi was standing at the door. tendou walked up to him, conversing away as you lay on the bed, upset that your plan did not work. you toyed with the mistletoe on your hand, tempting to throw it away. you were downplayed the idea of kissing him. despite dating him for over 5 months now, he never really showed much affection aside from hugs or just head pats.
after a while, ushijima left the dorm after handing tendou a gift. tendou turned to see you in the midst of chucking the mistletoe in the bin, which caught his attention.
“oh ? isn’t that the plant thingy that couples kiss under ?” you were surprised he knew despite not seeing one is real life. he walked over to you, taking it from your hands and observing it. he was mesmerised, fondling with it for a while. he placed ushijima’s gift on the table before resuming to inspect the little ornament.
you started to grow a little annoyed that we was taking too long playing with it. your hands were crossed and one of your knee popped out as you spoke in a very cold manner.
“look, it’s trash, just throw it out.” to your surprised, tendou stretches his arm that was holding the mistletoe up high above, before his lips pecking yours. his sudden action kind of caught you off guard. you could not react fast before he smashed his lips back to yours, a hand snaked around your waste to pull you closer. your hands cupped his cheeks as you slowly melt from the kiss. you’ve anticipated this long enough and now you got it.
tendou broke the kiss, chucking the mistletoe straight into the bin before pushing you down to the bed. he hovered above you, his hands caging you. he lowered his body closer to yours. you shiver slightly which made him grin from your reaction.
“you were hoping for this weren’t you, hmph?” he whispered to your ear. this was a whole new side of tendou you’re experiencing. however, you were rather fond of his more dominant side, instead of his cheerful loud side he portrayed since the beginning of your relationship. 
your noses touch, his lips slightly brushing over yours. he got back up, removing his shirt before tossing it to the ground and caging you back with his hands.
“i guess our christmas is gonna be a wild one, huh?” he giggled before nibbling on your earlobe. 
i’ll let your imagination roam further~
but let’s just say, you were satisfied at the end despite your plan backfiring<3
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caffernnn · 4 years
Haru’s hopelessness - an extensive rambling.
Watchers of Free! Eternal Summer - y’all remember this moment, right? 
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Throughout S2, as some of the boys now have to seriously think about their lives and paths after high school, Haru struggles to think past what he’s always known: swimming for his friends/himself, eating mackerel, and being free. Things arguably take a darker turn once Haru cannot run from the question anymore and breaks, lashing out at Rin and saying he doesn’t have a dream or a future. 
There are so many things that can be unpacked from this quote alone, and my thoughts on the matter will probably be sporadic, but here are a few key things I’d like to try diving into in this post:
My interpretation of Haru’s, Makoto’s, and Rin’s characters’ mindsets
What Haru is likely trying to say
How Makoto and Rin interpret his words (based on their mindsets and experiences)
I’d love to hear other people’s thoughts on it all as well, so please feel free to add on :)
DISCLAIMER: This post will reference material outside of S2 itself to explain my insight/interpretation of the characters (S1 episodes, High Speed novel), but I won’t be putting full links to all of those materials in this post. If you’d like a specific link to anything I’m referencing, let me know and I can try to dig one up.
When first hearing Haru say that he doesn’t have a dream or a future, it is shocking and concerning, especially to his friends. However, as broken as lost as Haru is in this moment, the weight of his words and what he’s verbally trying to convey is most likely different than what his friends hear. I feel as if a big reason for this comes down to the different ways the characters perceive time and approach general goal-setting. 
Here is a video that can give a frame of reference for what I mean by “time perception,” but I’ll still try to explain my thinking ---> https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJsdVUhu/
Rin and Haru butt heads on many occasions throughout the series due to having opposing characteristics and approaches to life. The big difference that comes into play during S2 is how they both approach goal-setting and time. As soon as we’re introduced to Rin, it becomes apparent that he is someone who is a visionary that has always set his sights on the future. From boldly proclaiming his Olympic goals in elementary school to encouraging their team to put their relay trophy into a time capsule, Rin establishes himself early on as a dreamer that puts his all into his long-term goals. Being someone who thinks about things in this manner isn’t inherently good or bad, but it does lend a hand to many of the issues we see Rin go through in S1 (having tunnel vision on his goal that isolates him from his friends, being prone to catastrophize when confronted with road blocks along the way [like when he breaks down after losing to Haru in middle school], etc.). However, all of that dreaming puts him at an advantage now when preparing to move forward into post-high-school life. He has a frame of reference for most of his next steps (winning races, talking to scouts), and now he just has to make it a reality.
Haru, in essence, lives his life in the moment. If he wants to swim, he’ll try to swim; if he wants mackerel, he’ll try to make mackerel. He lets the people around him (usually Makoto) worry about the possible consequences for his actions (swimming too early in spring might get him sick, swimming in a fish tank might get him kicked out of XYZ place, cooking mackerel after a long bath might make him late for school, etc.). The way he thinks about all of his “tomorrows” beyond acting freely on impulse is through having a consistent routine or norm to cling onto. When swimming, he’ll swim freestyle. When given a choice, he’ll default to eating mackerel. He’ll find a way to get in a swim or a bath most days because water is safe. He’ll walk with Makoto to and from school, sticking to the side of the path closest to the ocean and anticipating sharing the same split popsicle. This is about as much thought as he lends to the future, usually: he’ll keep doing the things that make him happy and comfortable, whatever that’ll mean to him in the moment. In opposition of Rin, this frame of mind based in immediacy and short-term goals helps him in S1 (teaching Rin to appreciate the moment, connecting with his friends, not getting lost in the overly analytical or competitive side of swimming), but it makes the challenges that come with his looming graduation in S2 much harder to cope with. 
The reason that it’s important to understand how both Haru and Rin frame their perceptions of time is because it plays right into what Haru is saying during their argument. He is frustrated with Rin because Rin doesn’t understand the way Haru thinks/lives moment-to-moment (he yells as much in this fight) and he is tired of hearing people for years try and push him into long-term thinking about his future when he doesn’t naturally approach life that way. Think back to one of the first things Haru said in S1: 
“When you're ten, they call you a prodigy. When you're fifteen, they call you a genius. Once you hit twenty, you're just an ordinary person. About three years until I'm ordinary. Man... I can't wait to be ordinary.”
Because of Haru’s swimming abilities, people have looked at him as a prodigy and have had their own visions about his potential or his future ever since he was young. Even if it seems like flattery, Haru feels boxed in by all of this. Being considered a prodigy comes with expectations that put him on a pedestal he never asked to be placed on -- if he’s going to swim, he’s expected to swim well; if he swims well, he’s expected to capitalize on his abilities in a competitive manner or expand his horizons to other forms of swimming; if he’s going to live his life tied to the water, people view him as a swimmer before they view him as anything/anyone else. Haru has been frustrated with all of this since he was younger (as expressed in S1), but it gets even worse as people close in on Haru from all sides with advice and sentiments that compound in Haru’s head as belonging to the echo chamber he hates so much. 
So... what does this all mean in relevance to Haru saying he doesn’t have a dream or a future? Here’s my line of thinking: all of the internalized frustration Haru has with long-term thinkers (from his perspective) speaking over him and not taking time to understand his in-the-moment intuition-led mindset comes out in this line. What Haru is trying to say is that he doesn’t have a detailed long-term plan because he isn’t a romantic visionary like Rin. He wants to stick with his relatively free lifestyle (y’know, the one where he can do what he wants, but still ultimately sticks to a routine) because he sees no point in forcing himself to put effort into big changes if 1) he’s satisfied and 2) the system isn’t broken.*
*we learn later, especially through Haru and Makoto’s later fight, that these two points are up for debate, but this is what Haru has convinced himself to believe at the time of this specific confrontation.
However, with the way Haru vocalizes this frustration, it is vague enough that Rin and the others hear something much different. It’s written right on their faces. Like I mentioned earlier, being a long-term thinker prone to catastrophizing, Rin interprets (and possibly misconstrues) Haru’s words to mean that he doesn’t think he has the potential or abilities to strive for something. Rin feels Haru’s words like a punch to the gut because he relates Haru’s hopelessness to the times he has felt lost and hopeless, like when defeat after defeat led to him breaking down after his middle school race with Haru. It’s shocking and it stings for Rin to hear, because as much as he’s learned to believe in himself and his own future, he’s also held onto those dreams and hope for his friends. I’ll admit, his dedication and borderline obsession with swimming lends to him mostly vocalizing the dreams he has for his friends that are related to swimming (Makoto and Haru getting scouted, Sousuke returning to swimming), but the love is still there. 
The idea of long-term vs short-term thinkers I’ve presented isn’t completely dichotomous or black-and-white, even though Haru and Rin tend to fall on the far opposite sides of the proposed spectrum. So, where does someone like Makoto fall? 
Makoto is an interesting case. From how I’ve come to understand his character, I would say he also looks to the future, albeit in less idealistic or extreme ways than Rin. Makoto’s forward line of thinking presents itself through both his people-pleasing tendencies and his caring disposition. When Makoto interacts with people, he is often observant and calculating, trying to figure out how he can navigate a conversation in the most complimentary or polite manner. This ability and tendency to understand/empathize with others ties into a lot of the roles he takes on: team captain, big brother, part-time position as a swim coach, full-time position as Haru’s impulse control... he is inclined to think about the future and all of the possible consequences for his actions. This also ties into some of the other things we know Makoto’s character for, such as being a scaredy-cat (aka, someone who overthinks consequences in fear of the unknown) and a ray of sunshine (aka, someone who wants to see the best in people and holds onto optimism/hope for the people he loves, even if it sometimes means not saving enough for himself and his own abilities). 
Despite being more of a forward-thinker, Makoto has definitely been influenced by his close relationship with Haru. Makoto has spent most of his life observing and learning how to read Haru, and it has been shown time and time again that Makoto is one of the people (if not, the person) that understands Haru best. He understands that Haru values the freedom of choice and harbors a desire for unconditional appreciation. He understands that Haru puts stock in consistency/reliability and needs time and space to process or reflect when life deviates from that carefully-crafted norm. Makoto’s actions towards Haru over the years all reflect him trying to be respectful of these observations. Even when he can tell something is bothering Haru, Makoto tries to let Haru work it out on his own first, not prodding him for information but letting his presence/support be known all the same. I digress, being best friends, their lives and routines are tightly woven together. Because of this, Makoto spends a lot of time also living in-the-moment with Haru -- he is a large proponent in Haru’s “free” lifestyle. 
Since Makoto has a foot in both Haru and Rin’s respective worlds, how does he interpret Haru’s declaration that he doesn’t have a dream or a future? Surely, since he understands Haru and his position so well and has always been respectful of his mindset/wishes, he gets what Haru is trying to say... right? 
Unfortunately for Haru (or fortunately, depending on who you ask), Makoto is immediately concerned by those words in a way similar to Rin. Like I mentioned earlier, Makoto holds deep optimism and hope in his chest for all of the people he cares about. Even though he never forced lofty expectations onto Haru to swim or be anything other than himself, he still holds so much care and hope for his best friend. For Makoto to hear that Haru might not have that faith in himself or the belief that he is worth a bright future, it breaks his heart. Similar to Rin, he is probably thinking back to his own moments of hopelessness, and I can’t help but think back to the lost and scared Makoto fighting with himself during the middle school days. When entering middle school, Makoto struggles with his identity, trying to figure out just how dependent he is on Haru’s friendship. One of his darkest moments in my mind comes from Chapter 8 of the High Speed! 2 novel, when Makoto is beating himself up especially hard after being frozen by his fear of the ocean yet again. Haru finds Makoto alone on a secluded part of the shore, where he says this:
“Will I be alright even if Haru isn’t here? …..I wanted to make sure of that.”
Raising his eyebrows, he shows a lonely smile. Makoto was fighting all along. He was suffering, all along. In a place where Haruka’s thoughts couldn’t possibly reach... 
“Would Haru be alright even if I weren’t here?”
If Makoto’s internal struggles throughout their middle school days reveal anything, it is that Makoto has experienced a hopelessness that he wouldn’t ever wish on his friends. To think that Haru might now be at war with himself in a way that makes him question his own place in the world, his future... it is the ultimate catalyst for Makoto to step in and try to talk to Haru. Sadly, we all remember how that confrontation went...
(Since this post is already super long, I might go more into my thoughts on how this all plays into the misunderstandings about the fireworks fight in a separate post. We’ve talked about the fight at length on multiple occasions and you can definitely find my thoughts on the matter if you look under the “#fireworks angst night” or “#meta” tags on my profile.)
If you’ve made it this far into the post, thanks for sticking with me. I’d love to hear about how you interpreted Haru’s words or how you think the others took in his breakdown. 
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Sneaky but not really
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Beetlejuice first sleepover with you
Soft, lewd jokes warning, sort of, you know how bj is
Love at first strike was the perfect way to describe your relationship, well at least to beetlejuice. After a scare gone wrong the ghoul was head over heals for you, long story short you were Delia's niece, after a few moments upon meeting lydia, the kid tricked and locked you in the basement, where said ghoul was waiting to 'introduce' himself to you. When he jumped out from the darkness you reacted poorly and sucker punched him in the jaw, with a hard thump the demon hits the floor, of course you felt awful about the whole thing, hitting someone you didnt even know, but as you went to help the poor man up his only response was "damn sugar, hit me again".
The rest was history, you visited lydia and beetlejuice like clockwork, you enjoyed them both, having a similar sense of humor really helped, hell you even joined in on Beetlejuice's lewd humor when lydia was out of ear shot, the ghoul adored this, you were perfect for him, funny and had the balls big enough to hit him, no one's ever done that before.
"Please please please, come on baby, dont you trust me?~" beetlejuice pleaded clinging to your leg like a child
"Beej, no, it's not that I dont trust you its just-" you trail off glancing to lydia for some help, the kid just stifles a laugh at you.
"What's wrong y/n? He'd be the perfect little house guest, you live alone right? What's the issue?" She shrugs
You sigh, beetlejuice has been begging you forever to let him sleepover and looks like he roped lydia into it, or she just thought it was funny to watch you flail.
"Come on babes, itll be great, we'll watch movies, order take out, suck face-"
You scowl, and pinch the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath, then a long sigh
The weight from you leg was lifted in a flash and the ghoul was right in your face "REALLY?! Great choice, you are never gonna regret this sweet stuff" the ghouls cups your face and gives you a quick kiss before disappearing leaving you dazed and confused, what have you done.
As you walked home you couldnt help bit feel dread creeping up on you, hoping you never reach your destination, it's not like you didnt want beetlejuice to come to your little home, it's more of you were nervous being alone with the demon in such a personal space, you liked him yeah, more then you're will to admit, this whole 'sleepover' is gonna be more then awkward. The dread sinks in when you stand infront if your little apartment building, you sigh and head inside, at your door your hands tremble with the keys, your nerves reaching new heights, you wanted to vomit, you wanted this whole thing to be done and over, stupid undead bastard who wormed his way into your heart.
Home sweet home, you toss your belongings aside and shamble your way to the living room, plopping down on the couch you swallow hard, as the conversation you and beej had before leaving the Deetz house flood back into your mind
'Now all you gotta do to get me into your little home is say my name 3 times, 3 times in a row spoken, unbroken, okay? I'll be waiting sugar~"
You knew he was teasing you, the ghoul could probably tell how the whole pet name thing effected you, since no ones ever done that to you before. Taking a deep breath of air and jumping up from the couch you decided it's now or never, and you knew if you didnt summon him he'll be twice as annoying the next time you saw him.
You could feel the air get heavier
The temperature around your body drops, you take a deep breath trying to steady yourself
"Beetlejuice" you clamp your eyes shut, not really sure what's gonna happen next, since you weren't exactly told much past the whole how to thing.
"Its showtime~" a gravely voice purrs in your ear and you nearly jump out of your skin, you curse and turn to the culprit, beetlejuice, he was here, it was really that simple.
"You came-" you stutter in disbelief
"Oh doll, your sweet voice would make anyone cum as fast as I did~" the ghoul coos as he cups your face, you flinch at the joke, yes you sure walked into it, giving the demon a perfect set up, beetlejuice howls with laughter at your reaction.
"Babes you make this too easy, but ya know I like easy gals" he gives you a wink followed by a loud cackle.
You regain your composure and clear your throat "well this is it, my home" you give a half hearted gesture, the ghoul whistles in response as if he was impressed by your little home.
"So babes, how bout you show old mr beebleboose where the magic happens~" the demon coos wiggling his eyebrows, you couldnt help but snort a laugh, as you give the demon a soft shove.
"All right sugar, what's the plan tonight? Shitty horror? Take out? Tonsil hockey?" Tips of pink gracing the demons hair as he purrs that last part.
Again a you snort out a laugh "2 out of 3 there beej"
"Sucking face while watching bad movies? You really know how to spoil a ghost" beetlejuice cackles, leaning in close as he makes kissing sounds.
You push the ghoul off, as you chuckle, embarrassed, yet amused at your pal's constant jokes.
You pull out your phone to order a pizza for the two of you, you knew the demon can and will eat anything so you knew he wouldnt really care WHAT you ordered. Beetlejuice perks up at your actions, he wasnt a fan of cell phones, he hated when your attention wasnt fully on him, but after some trial and error he learned to adapt to subtlety messing with you in that state of distraction.
The ghoul places his arm around you shoulder and leans in to you, watching you tap away on your phone, he never really got the whole technical thing, the ghoul was more into making you nervous, in his current position, pressed up against you, he could feel your warmth, he could hear your heart pounding, and he could see your fingers fumble as you try to type, the ghoul huffs out a small chuckle when he sees you puff out your cheeks as you try to focus and steady your hands to finish what you were doing.
The two of you chatted and joked about as beetlejuice told you stories of scares he pulled off with lydia, he was practically glowing green with excitement as he told you in great detailed of how amazing and scary he was and how you need to see him in action more often, the demons mood was contagious you couldnt help but laugh and hang on practically every word. The two of you are interrupted with a knock on your door,
You get up from the couch without much thought, beetlejuice jumps up quickly after you, and pulls you to the front door, you make a noise of surprise at the sudden action.
"Watch and be amazed sweet stuff, its show time" the ghoul swings open the door to see the delivery guy.
"Pizza for l/n"
"Thanks man" the ghoul takes the pizza and hands it to you.
"Oh! Babes what did you order anyway?" The ghoul asks before snapping his fingers, a familiar tingle goes through your body, you go stiff as beetlejuice puppets your words
"Oh you know honey, the usual, pepperoni, bacon, and tarantulas" you say in a cheery tone.
"Tarantulas?" The delivery guys asks
"You never tried one? They crunch real nice" the ghoul goes to pull out a live rather large tarantula from his coat pocket, you flinch at the sight, not being a fan of bugs. Beetlejuice, without hesitation drops the spider into his mouth, the crunching noise alone made the colour drain from your face, but your reaction was nothing in comparison to pizza guy. The poor guy looked like he was gonna vomit, frozen in place with the scene in front of him.
"Where are my manners? Want one?" Beetlejuice leans forward into his victim dangling a new larger tarantula in the poor man's face.
"Open wide~" he coos
At that The pizza guy's legs finally give out, causing him to drop to his ass, the man screams and scrambles to his feet, stumbling and fumbling all the while getting away from your home.
"Such a beautiful sound~" beetlejuice sighs, as he slides the spider into his coat pocket "save him for later" he mumbles before turning to you
"So? How was I sugar?" The ghoul was beaming at you with a big toothy grin, desperate for your approval.
You snort out a hard laugh "you're disgusting beej, amazingly disgusting" you cackle
The ghoul bows at your praise "thank you doll, you are too kind~"
God did beetlejuice live for your praise, the attention you gave him, he wanted you so badly, he wanted you to say 'beetlejuice, I see you, I accept you, I fear for my safety around you'. But you were dense and a coward, and he sure as hell didnt want to make the first move, so this, this was fine for now, you praising him and spending time with him, will just have to do until you proclaim your undying love for him.
The two of you hang out on the couch, you in your pajamas, beetlejuice leaning into you with an arm around you, you never really fought this, beej was the touchy feely type and he claims how he just likes how warm you are, so you just went with it. As your movie marathon runs late you begin to nod off, you finally commit to bed time when you nudge Beetlejuice's arm off and stand up, the ghoul makes a noise of annoyance at your absence.
"I'm going to bed" you yawn out "night beej" you wave goodnight before heading to you room, the ghoul growls at this, he didnt really want to stop hanging out with you, but unfortunately breather need sleep, the demon flows you to your room.
As you climb into bed beetlejuice phases through the bedroom door
"Oh no!" His voice alerts you to his presence
"Theres only one bed" he continues in a false worried tone, you know your brows together
"Beetlejuice I can make up the couch for you if you like, I know you dont sleep-"
"OH NO THERE'S ONLY ONE BED AND ITS A SINGLE" he repeats as if a louder volume will change anything.
"I guess we'll just have to share y/n, please be gentle with me~" the demon coos as he slumps onto the bed
You give him a soft smile at this awful little show, but as nice and warm as the idea of sharing your bed with him would make you feel, you weren't exactly ready to agree to that, anxiety and nerves beat away any romantic thought.
"Beej, come on-"
"Cum on what?"
You snort out a soft laugh, you always walked into a set up for him without a second thought.
"Beetlejuice, no offense, but I dont feel comfortable with that, you know, sharing a bed with you, I mean, like, you know" your voice shrank as you spoke, you didnt want to sound rude, not that hed ever mind, the ghoul sits up and stares back at you with a wide toothy grin.
"I getcha sweets, not till marriage, right? You never struck me as the old fashioned type, but I can wait till we tie the knot~" he winks that last part, you can feel you ears burn with embarrassment, all of his flirting jokes did make you blush, but the marriage jokes were the big guns, you adored the demon, and the idea of being married to him made your heart want to rip it's way out of your chest.
Without another word beetlejuice vanishes before your eyes, and a soft "goodnight" is whispered in you ear, causing you to shiver.
Finally after all that time begging you finally let beetlejuice into your home, just you and him, such a high level of trust you have in him, the ghoul himself is filled with delight at the thought, here he was floating next to your bed, watching you slept so peacefully, completely unaware of the dead man watching you.
"Ya know sweet stuff, you look real cute when you sleep~" he purrs, pink hue gracing his hair in streaks.
It goes without saying the demon was a creep, so it was no surprise he would watch you sleep. The ghoul stares at you for hours, taking in all the little things about you, the little things of being alive, how your chest slowly moved up and down as you slept, how you're lips were slightly parted, those sweet little sounds you'd make during your slumber.
As the time went by the ghoul's mind began to wander.
"Bet it's real warm under those covers huh?" He mused
"Y/n is such an oblivious little breather, they probably wouldnt even notice little old me sliding in next to that soft, warm, body of theirs" he whispered to himself, the thought alone of pressing himself up against your warm body was enough to get the demon drooling.
That was all the convincing he needed, slip in to cuddle for a bit, then slip out before you wake, easy.
With a snap of his fingers the ghoul's trade mark striped suit disappears leaving him in a pair of striped boxers, with another snap beetlejuice reappears next to you in bed, the wave of warm washing over him was delightful, so toasty warm, so soft and comfy, he could get used to this, with a soft sigh the ghoul cuddled up to you, without a second thought he gets carried away, wrapping him arms around your body, you respond with some unintelligible noise as the demon pulls you into him.
Beetlejuice, now completely pink, gives your forehead a kiss before whispering a soft
"goodnight y/n"
This was heaven, or as close as a born dead demon straight from hell was gonna get at least, everything felt so good, your soft body in his arms, your warmth, your scent, your soft comfy bed, he could really get used to this. Beetlejuice didnt have to sleep, but did to pass the time when bored, but tonight he fell asleep for a more soft reason, yes the ghoul has had more flings and one night stands then he could remember, but this, he never spent the night in another's arms, someone who genuinely liked him and wanted him around, the ghoul couldnt help but doze off with this level of comfort, as cheesy as it sounded, it was true.
Unfortunately him dozing off was a less then great idea, beetlejuice was a heavy sleeper, more so then you were.
The ghoul shoots up at your rather loud call, beetlejuice looks up at you to see a rather embarrassed, confused you, clenching the blanket to your chest, though you were full clothed.
"Morning sweetheart, you sleep well in daddy's arms?" He purrs, busted the demon Hope's to flirt his way out of getting trouble.
"What are you doing?!" Your voice trembles as you're pretty sure the ghoul can hear your heart pounding like a jackhammer.
"I couldnt help myself it's so chilly at night, and you're so warm" the ghoul shrugs "Oh! Right I forgot my little y/n is an old fashioned little breather, guess we gotta get hitched now huh?" The ghoul winks at you.
You felt like your heart was gonna explode, you just woke up and he's pulling this? Honestly part of you wasnt surprised he'd worm his way into your bed, and tease the hell out of you, then it hits you. You stare at the ghoul, his torso exposed, completely bare, revealing a rather hairy, scared up upper half, while his waist was hidden below the covers.
"Beetlejuice, please, please tell me you're wearing something below the waist" you turn your head away not wanting to look at him, you knew beej is a creepy pervert, but he wouldnt sneak into your bed completely naked, would he?
Beetlejuice let's out his awful cackle, causing you to flinch.
"Babes do you really think, I'd slip in next to you in bed balls out? Please, I am a perfect gentleman, I already vowed to marry you after I slept with you" he snorts out a laugh.
You return your gaze to the ghoul to see he has removed the covers to reveal a pair of boxers resembling his suit. You sigh in relief, the demon only smirks at your reaction.
"Like what you see?~" he wiggles his eyebrows and bites his lip while giving his hips a quick jerk upwards.
"Beej please, i guess it's fine if you want to sleep with me, as long as you're respectful, I mean you're gonna do it anyways so" you trail off clearly embarrassed at his lewd motions, but finding it easier to ignore them and continue on with what had transpired.
"Whoa, you mean it?" The ghoul sits up, wide eyed and pink at your words
"Yes, as long as you're not gonna be gross about it- FUCK"
Beetlejuice lunges at you, pulling you into a tight hug, this was all too much for first thing in the morning, yes it felt nice to be held, but youd be lying if waking up next to beetlejuice didnt scare the shit out of you, but sleeping together, as warm as it made you feel, its gonna take some getting used too.
"How bout we get some coffee?" You ask timidly.
Beetlejuice pulls away, a big dopey grin plastered across his face, patches of pink slowly taking over his scratchy facial hair.
"You read my mind doll".
One of these days, you should really ask him what pink ment for him, maybe comfort? Really happy? Who knows
After a rather embarrassing morning for you, the two of you make your way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Beetlejuice didnt exactly drink coffee, just really milk and sugar with coffee in it, not that you minded
The two of you sat in silence at your little kitchen table, you scrolled through your phone checking weather and other nonsense as you take a sip of your coffee the ghoul cuts the silence
"You think Adam will be my best man at our wedding?"
You nearly choke on your drink.
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jinkicake · 4 years
Aizawa, Midoriya, Hawks With A Clingy S/O
Aizawa, badboy!Midoriya, Hawks with a s/o who likes to cling onto them.
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Takami Keigo x Reader
Again, sorry Anon for not posting this sooner. I’ve been really busy the last few days. I hope this is okay!! I really like this prompt and wanted to try it out with these three fools. </33 Thank you for being my first bnha request!!!! ily!
WC- 1,687
Aizawa Shouta
The things I want to say about this man…. The things I want to do to this man….. I,,,,, he’ll make your stomach drop…. please.
Anyway, I feel like Aizawa would really appreciate a clingy s/o
Like having someone who pampers him in love and affection is something he needs
Aizawa deserves all the support he can get and will sometimes lean on you when he needs it 
Not too much of course, he has a stern appearance to uphold LOL but in private I think he is really soft with you
He loves to hold you when he’s sleeping, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest
He has you sit on his lap anytime, like if he is working on something or just sitting at the table with his phone…. You’re going to be in his lap
It might take Aizawa some time to open up to you at first, but I don’t think he will ever reject your advances……
Whenever you want to hug him or hold his hand, he will let you. He’d probably even let your braid his hair 
Someone like Aizawa who spends his entire life taking care of people and looking after them probably just wants someone to do the same for him,,,, he would love the way his kitten dotes on him~
“Shouta,” You call out quietly into the living room where your husband is still focused on his UA work. “it’s almost three am.” Aizawa doesn’t even glance at you, he continues to strain his dark eyes towards his computer. With a sigh you pad over towards him and sit right next to him on the couch. Immediately your arms loop around his waist and you toss your legs into his lap. Aizawa glances at you when he feels your touch and softly kisses your temple.
“Kitty, go back to sleep.” The familiar nickname makes your stomach flutter, even after all these years, yet you refuse to budge. You stubbornly shake your head.
“Only if you come with me.” You bargain and Aizawa nearly sighs at your perseverance.
“I have to finish putting in these grades before patrol tomorrow.” Aizawa rests his hand against your bare thigh and gently squeezes in an effort to lull you back to sleep.
“Just let me do it tomorrow while you’re out.” You compromise and Aizawa continues to caress your legs.
“I can’t make you do that, baby.” Now, he finally sighs.
“Yes, you can.” You push and relax against his chest, resting your face into his neck. “Please, Shouta, I’m so tired. I can’t sleep without you.” You glance at him and pout, knowing damn well he can never say no when your eyes stare at him pitifully like this. Deep down you know that if you tell him the reason you want him to go to sleep is that he needs sleep, it won’t work and he won’t come to bed. However, maybe if you use your special charms-
“No. Just let me finish this.” He tries to go back to his laptop but you slam it shut before glaring up at him with cloudy eyes.
“We are going to sleep now.” You order and your husband sighs before scooping you up in his arms and bringing you back to your shared bedroom. “Yay~ I love you Shouta!”
“I love you too, kitten.”
Midoriya Izuku
I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABT THIS, my head is full of thoughts when it comes to villain evil Midoriya….
“ If this man *Deku* came up to me he would get slapped, but if THIS MAN *villian!deku* came up to me I would take my pants off so quick “
That is literally, that’s it. That’s the headcannon
Whether we are speaking about just Deku or like villain bad boy Deku, I think either way he would still receive his s/o’s affection with open arms
But we talking about bad boy Deku so let’s steer away.... He’d tease you a little bit,, just to see you get flustered
I feel like this mf would make lewd jokes whenever you touch him, hug him, anything because he can and it is funny to watch as your insides melt…..
He’d take advantage of your clinginess and use it as a way to make you all rattled
Midoriya would drag his fingers all along your sides or your thighs just to see you scold him,,, he thinks it is hot whenever you yell at him
I feel like bad boy Deku would be soooo much more confident than our regular Midoriya is….. he still has the softness of the og but he has the asshole-y hotness of you know,,,,,,
You know who…..
“Izuku,” You groan and try to get out of your boyfriend’s comfortable arms. It is late in the afternoon and you have been laying in bed doing absolutely nothing, except napping, you seriously have to get up and do work now. “I need to do my homework.” You push at his head again but his strong arms only keep you pinned to his chest.
“Do it later.” He snaps in annoyance, though his voice is still relatively quiet. Clearly, someone is mad that you woke them up.
“This assignment is going to take me forever, Izuku please.” You complain and your boyfriend simply buries his face into your neck, his lips pressed into your collarbone.
“I love the way it sounds when you beg.” He teases and you squeak in embarrassment, the smirk on his face makes your heart do flips.
“You’re so,” You pause and bite your lip in thought while running your hands through Midoriya’s thick hair. “infuriating.”
“I’ll remember that the next time you want to have sex.” He responds cooly and you hide your face in embarrassment.
“I have to work on my college applications, they aren’t going to do themselves!” Midoriya yawns and closes his eyes, clearly not threatened by your fists or heated demeanor. “You make it so hard to get out of bed.” You whine and lay back down, tucking yourself to fit snug against your boyfriend.
“I know and in more ways than one, I hope.” He chuckles against your neck and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes.
“I don’t even want to fuel your ego even more so I’ll just say nothing.” You close your eyes and your boyfriend brings his strong hands to your hips. “I-Izuku!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll just force the words out of you,” Midoriya tells you arrogantly and you don’t even think about opening your eyes again, too focused on each of his touches.
Takami Keigo
If someone doesn’t get this man a hug RIGHT NOW,, my sweet sweet poor baby NEEDS AFFECTION and needs it now!!!
Shit with Hawks,,,, I’m just tryna be his kid ya know….
He’ll tease you A LOT, please this cocky ass Kuroo blueprint bitch would be soooo flirty with you
“Did you miss me that much, dove?” He’d smirk when you tackle him in a hug after he comes back from a day of work
“I know you can’t control yourself that much around me, kid, but you can at least try”
Please him and Atsumu I want to rock their shits, and by rock his shit I mean ride his face
I think it would take Hawks a very long time to actually open up with you, much like Aizawa he wouldn’t deny your affections but that doesn’t mean he is ready to portray the same intense emotions back….
Given his circumstances I think Hawks would be very hesitant to have an s/o he can trust, though I also think he thrives off the attention you give him, so clearly he must like you in some way
He can be just as clingy back, you cannot tell me this man wouldn’t cling to you like a baby, he’d follow you into every room and even try to go into the bathroom with you  
Please…. Please, someone, give my sweet angel the love he deserves
“I’m back!” Hawks announced the moment he steps back into his apartment, he places the container of chicken wings on the counter and glances around at the empty living room. For a moment he finds himself wondering if you’re out at uni until he hears you running out the bedroom.
“Keigo!” You exclaim and nearly tackle your boyfriend as you run into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist. “I missed you!!!”
“How much, dove?” He teases and you have to refrain from rolling your eyes. Instead, you bury your face into his jacket and sigh in content in all the warmth he has to offer.
“So, so much!” At that you begin to pepper kisses all over his cheeks and Hawks laughs loudly while grabbing your cheeks between his hands. He pushes your lips together to pucker your lips out and smirks at the sight of your face.
“Yeah?” He lowers his lips to ghost over yours and you try to reach his lips but your boyfriend simply won’t let you. “Why don’t you show me how much you missed me?” He croons and your eyes light up, Hawks can practically see your obedient little tail wagging. “After we eat!” 
Your boyfriend pulls away and stalks into the kitchen, leaving you to grumble about what a tease he is. You won't fall for his tricks any longer!
“You got the pickled radish right?” You call after him and Hawks turns around slowly to look at you, his face pinched together as he feigns a thought.
“I don’t know… Did I?” He taunts and before you can threaten him, you notice the delicacy right in front of you being floated up by a single red wing. “What do you say, baby?”
“Thank you.” You mumble and Hawks gasps at your manners.
“Such a good girl,” He continues to tease before sliding up next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you into his chest. He leans down to kiss the top of your head and you watch him carefully, especially with the way his hands are descending down your sides. “maybe I’ll have dessert early tonight.”
~ Taglist.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy
1K notes · View notes
izzabeean · 3 years
Chapter 8 : Restless
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Now that you’ve temporarily moved into Oikawa’s apartment, you feel like you need to do something in return for his and Iwaizumi’s generosity. Yet, just when things start to look up, there’s always something that brings you back down.
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pairing : ushjima x f!reader / oikawa x f!reader / iwaizumi x f!reader
genre : angst + fluff
word count : 5,474
content : profanity, smoking
tags :  alternate universe - college/university, post-break up, friends to lovers, pining, slow burn
a/n : a bit of a longer chapter, I'm sorry if the ending seems a bit rushed. I tried to have two perspectives in this chapter and I’m not entirely sure if I like it, but here ya go! Also I hope you like it! (Pardon my errors, I only proofread once)
Post Thursday evenings PST, if not latest by Friday.
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“I’m thinking… Curry!” you exclaim while you begin to collect the required ingredients at the smaller grocer.
Dinner wasn’t going to be anything too elaborate or fancy, just something simple. It’s the least you could do for Oikawa and Iwaizumi, letting you stay at the apartment until the disaster at your place ends. Though you weren’t much of a chef, you were really good at making a delicious pot of chicken curry. Truthfully, you’ve never cooked for anyone but yourself before, even Ushijima didn’t have the chance to taste your cooking, so you were quite nervous about the outcome. 
Nonetheless, this was your opportunity to do something for all that they’ve done.
“I can’t even remember the last time I had homemade curry,” Iwaizumi says while the corners of his mouth slightly curl up. You think he could probably light a room up with that smile, even if it’s so stupid for you to admit it, but you were really happy Iwaizumi offered to accompany you.
“Well you’re in for a treat!” you giggle. But you're finding yourself distracted watching every move Iwaizumi makes in search of some sort of confirmation that perhaps he is attracted to you too. You know it’s your own fault for clinging onto the tiny chance of hope that it’s more than him being a courteous gentleman. 
You’re practically floored when you accidentally brush each other's hands reaching for the same item at the same time. You blush from embarrassment up as you shoot him a sheepish smile and quickly pull your hand away.
Oh god, what is going on with you? Can’t you just be normal for once? You think, attempting to talk yourself down from the severe sweat your body has broken out in.
There were only a couple more things on your list you needed and advised the rest would be found down the aisles. Rounding the corner you begin to walk down the row of groceries on the hunt for the curry roux to complete your dish. At first, you’re too busy ignoring your hyper-awareness to Iwaizumi's presence to notice, but once you do, your heart sinks to your stomach as a familiar figure stands the opposite end of the aisle.
Quickly, you back out of the aisle pushing Iwaizumi with you. He doesn’t necessarily respond, but the unexpected reaction on your part definitely surprises him as he glances down at you with wide eyes.
“My ex is here,” you breathe. 
You can feel yourself shutting down again. You at least hoped that living in a different neighborhood, you’d avoid running into Ushijima, but it seems like no matter where you go you always seem to find him. It’s almost like the universe forbids you to get over him.
Iwaizumi tries to push past you, but you shove him back.
“No, no! He’ll see you,” you warn, hands pressed against his chest. Your mind takes a step back realizing what actions you’ve committed while the tips of your fingers and palms of your hands feel his toned chest beneath them. You feel your face warm up and it doesn’t help that you feel like you're burning under Iwaizumi’s dark, intense gaze. 
“Let me look,” he argues. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t.”
Putting your hands down, you watch him go. Your shoulders lock up as you ball your hands into fists. 
Fuck, fuck, FUCK! Your brain screams.
You turn on your heels preparing yourself to bolt if Iwaizumi has been spotted. Instead, he turns back and looks at you in shock. 
“I didn’t know that was your type,” he teases.
You furrow your brows at his response. “And what did you think my type would be?”
“I don’t know…” he clears his throat. “Oikawa?”
“What?” you shout. A look of annoyance flashed across your face, you try to sound polite, but the words come off as irritated with a hint of attitude. 
He laughs in response. “Let’s go,” he says while walking past the aisle. 
You catch your breath and hesitate, not wanting to be seen by Ushijima, but at the same time, you want to see if that girl is with him. Slowly you poke your head out to get a better look. He appears to be alone on the phone with someone, you can't hear the conversation but you notice by the way he's standing it isn't a good one. You know his mannerisms better than you'd like to admit and one thing he would do when he was having a difficult conversation is pinch the bridge of his nose. It wouldn't happen often, but when it did he would always tell you nothing was wrong when it clearly was. 
It's strange looking in from the outside, unable to comfort or distract Ushijima from his worries. 
“Pst,” you look over to Iwaizumi, snickering to himself. “Done spying yet?”
His comment startles you as you swallow hard convincing yourself to walk past the aisle to join Iwaizumi. This sad feeling hangs in your chest, a bit sharper than when you were blindsided with a break-up and a bit deeper than when you saw him with the girl. It almost like everything you’ve known was just pulled from under you, as if the last couple of years never existed, it was all a dream and now you're strangers. 
You take a deep breath as you follow Iwaizumi to continue gathering the rest of the ingredients. In your mind, you’d imagined that anger would have encapsulated you in this orb of revenge but instead, you have this longing for wanting to know if any of what you had with him was real.
As you leave, you check behind you wondering if you’ll see him again. Hoping perhaps he will see you too. But you don’t. 
“Something wrong?” Iwaizumi asks.
Your face pales as you think up a broad way to express how life just keeps getting worse and worse. 
“No, life is just weird now.”
“Cause you’re new roommates are two immature boys?” Iwaizumi jokes.
“That’s the least of my worries,” you answer, letting out a dry chuckle. 
Because I get to see you.
The grocery bags bounce against your leg as you look up at the clear sky feeling the sun’s rays kiss your face with warmth. Was it possible for you to like someone this fast? It’s easy enough to get over a break-up when someone else is in the picture, but what if that someone was a person you crossed paths with when you were younger? Was it meant to be? Or are you just imagining things?
The tension feels overwhelming as a fire lights in your stomach. 
“You know, I never thought I’d ever see you again.”
“Yeah,” Iwaizumi says peering at you. “It really surprised me too… In a good way. But it seems you can’t keep yourself out of trouble.”
You feel a big surprise overcome as you shift your gaze to him. He’s referring to the sparkly gel pen the bully took from you. You’re certain. 
“What can I say? Trouble always finds me, I don’t go looking for it.”
You both laugh, filling your body with relief as the tension in your shoulders relaxes. This feeling of warmth blossoms throughout your body as the sound of his laugh echoes in your ears giving you the perfect amount of serotonin you need to alleviate your earlier worries.
How the hell did you get lucky enough to hear it? 
Your eyes glimmer and you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach. The giddy sensation gives you the confidence to slip out the next sentence you didn’t fully process--
“It’s kind of funny because I used to have a crush on you.”
You start to sweat realizing the words that just came out of your mouth and you’re silent. This isn’t exactly how eight-year-old you wanted to confess, honestly, you were going to take your crush on Iwaizumi to your grave. And now here you are. Oversharing. Something you don’t pride yourself on doing. In fact, now, you’re just worried about what he will say.
“I know,”  he replies, avoiding eye contact rubbing the back of his neck.
“What?” you start, stumbling over your feet.
You feel like you didn’t hear that right. Yes, you would see him every day because you were in the same class. But you barely spoke to each other, keeping to yourself most of the time. You were discreet, to say the least.
“How?” is the only thing you can think up to say.
“I mean, you weren’t really good at hiding it, with you staring at me all the time,” he says. “But also Hina told me.”
Hina, an old ‘friend’ of yours from elementary school. You recall her pestering you about who was your crush and stupidly told her who. And what does she do in return? That’s a low blow for an eight-year-old.
Brushing it off with a dry laugh, you add, “Well that’s embarrassing.”
“I wouldn’t say so,” he shrugs, looking at you in his peripheral vision. “We were just kids.”
You open your mouth to speak but the words die in your throat.
“It’s not like you still have those feelings,” he continues.
“God no,” you exclaim, sounding a bit insincere. But you’re trying to act unaffected by the strength of his words that made you feel like you just got hit by a car.
“Do you?”
“W-what?” you stutter flustered. “I-I don’t know what you’re asking--”
“I was joking. It was a joke,” Iwaizumi interjects realizing maybe he’s pushed it a little too far then playfully nudges you with his shoulder.
Your whole body tingles from the short contact. In a way, it feels like he just unknowingly friend-zoned you in a matter of seconds. But it was truly your fault for thinking that some sort of fate brought you both together. You feel like you’ve been pulled out of the strange lull of not knowing how the other person is feeling. Now you just feel like an idiot.
“Right! Just a joke!” Changing your entire expression to a more vibrant smile.
Part of you wishes you didn’t get your answer though. 
Dinner doesn’t take as long as you suspected, especially with Iwaizumi’s help, speeding up the process without you stressing over getting it done at a reasonable hour. It isn’t overly delicious as you taste the final concoction, but you still find it good enough to serve your friends.
“Thanks for the help,” you smile.
“No problem,” he says.
“What time is Oikawa coming home?” you question while turning down the heat and covering the curry with a lid to keep warm.
“He texted me back saying--”
“I’m home,” a voice calls from the entrance. Oikawa walks into the kitchen nose carried by the rich smell of spices. The corner of his lips curls up into a coy smile as he eyes you up and down while you stand in front of the stove with an apron on. “Didn’t know I could consider you wife material.”
“Remind me to not do something nice for you again,” you retort, irked by the shit-eating grin.
He blinks when he peeks over your shoulder realizing the delicious smell is coming from a pot on the stove. “You made dinner?”
“Yes, as thanks for letting me stay here, but I can just throw it out if you’re going to be an asshole,” you argue while staring at him intensely. It strikes you that you’ve forgotten how ungrateful he can be and perhaps making dinner was just a bad idea to show gratitude. 
“No, no, I was just kidding,” he begs. “Looks good.”
“Go sit,” you scold. 
He’s taken aback by the sternness in your voice and slowly back off to the dining table in the other room. 
Iwaizumi passes a plate of rice to you, noticing the aura of rage exuding by the way you slop the chicken curry onto the plate.
“You ok?” he asks so matter-of-factly that you could punch him as well.
“I’m fine,” you reply quickly while you finish plating that last portion. 
Walking into the other room, you set a plate down in front of Oikawa who marvels at the mouth-watering meal. 
“Thanks for the meal,” Oikawa says, delving into the curry. His eyes light up at the taste as he happily chews the tender chicken. “It’s good!”
“Thanks,” you mumble. But your anger hasn’t dissipated as he can immediately sense it whilst you refuse to look his way. “Iwaizumi helped too.”
“I can’t take credit for all your hard work,” he adds.
You look up at Iwaizumi giving him a soft smile then turn back to the food that you’ve barely touched as you continue to play with it on your plate. You’ve lost your appetite.
“I think I’m going to go to bed,” you utter getting up from your seat.
“What? Aren’t you hungry?” Oikawa asks. 
“I’m just tired,” you reply, bringing your plate into the kitchen. 
No one else says anything else as they watch you go, they just pause unable to process your sudden exit. The next thing they hear is the door shut to Oikawa’s room. They exchange glances before continuing to indulge in their meal. 
Collapsing on the bed you exhale deeply. It’s too bad you couldn’t sit down and enjoy the meal but everything seemed to hit you at once. You could only take so much, from seeing Ushijima yet again to the disappointing rejection from Iwaizumi to Oikawa’s snarky comments. You don’t know why his comment jabbed you so deeply, normally, stuff like that doesn’t bother you, but you suspect all the stress and surprises you’ve endured in the past three days, you were definitely on edge.
You knew you were lashing out, but you couldn’t ignore the pain you felt inside. Maybe sleeping it off could help. Just maybe.
The night felt endless. Shifting in the sheets you bury your face in the pillow; it’s not the same familiar scent as it is back at your apartment, instead, it’s a mix of fabric softener with a ting of cologne that most certainly smells like Oikawa. 
Didn’t know I could consider you wife material. 
The same words repeat in your head causing you to toss and turn, unable to fall asleep with all the anxiety pent up inside. His words make sense though. If Oikawa couldn’t even see you that way, how could Iwaizumi? 
You know you’re not going to get any more sleep with your thoughts racing, so you climb out of bed and throw on a jacket.
Slowly turning the knob, you pry the door open and creep into the hall. The apartment is dark and quiet except for the subdued sound of Oikawa's snoring trailing from the living room. You study him in his deep slumber while a trickle of the light slips in through a crack of the closed curtains. You still can’t believe he gave up his bed to let you sleep in it. Lately, he’s been awfully nicer than usual to you. 
As you reach the foyer, you crouch over to slip on your shoes to lace them up. Suddenly the air in the room shifts as a hand emerges from the darkness to cover your mouth. Your fight or flight instincts kick in as you try to tear the culprit's arm away from you. But when you do, your eyes are met with Iwaizumi holding his index finger to his lips. You send him a wide-eyed glare in disapproval of his actions, you thought you were going to have a heart attack.
“Go,” he whispers, gesturing to leave.
Putting on your other shoe and quickly tying it, you get up to unlock the door.
The sound wasn’t that loud, but in the silence of the apartment, it feels like the noise shot and reverberated off the walls. You close your eyes and strain your hearing to listen for Oikawa's snoring. And it stops. But for a moment, before continuing.
You sigh as you shoot Iwaizumi with a look of relief and walk out of the apartment.
A shiver goes down your spine as you breathe in the fresh dewy morning air while the birds chirping in the background with the sun just about to rise. You lean on the railing taking in the peaceful surroundings having a newfound appreciation of how beautiful everything is.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Iwaizumi asks, shutting the door behind him.
“Not really,” you groan. “You?”
“I have a weird sleep schedule,” he continues, his voice a little groggy probably from just waking up. He takes out a pack of cigarettes and offers you the pack as a way of asking if you’d like one. “I like getting up early when I can.”
“Yeah I’m a bit more of a morning person myself,” you reply, accepting a smoke. As of lately you’re a morning and night person but didn’t think it was not worth mentioning.
He lights the cigarette and passes you the lighter. You watch him press his lips to the smoke, you wonder if they’re as soft as they appear providing that he seems so gentle when inhaling the toxins. Then he exhales the smoke, you watch it curl into the air and the sweet smell hits your nose urging you to light your own. In your fantasies, you imagine sharing a smoke as a form of intimacy, passing it off to each other, but obviously, this is real life and not some romance novel so you push the thought away.
“So, what do your parents do?”
The question feels like a forced form of conversation that you ask someone when you don’t know what to talk about. You know after yesterday’s adventure to your parent's home, there must have been a lot going through his mind as to how they have such a big house with so many rooms, but the inquiry is always deeply triggering. It’s not that you don’t want to answer, you just don’t like to talk about your parents much. You wouldn’t think that you have the healthiest relationship with them and you definitely didn’t believe now is the best time to give a full autobiography.
“... They work in medicine,” you try to sound enthusiastic but the words leave your mouth sounding bitter and resentful.
“Ah, both doctors?”
“Mm… Kind of,” you mutter, taking a hit from the cigarette realizing you’re going to need another one soon with the way this conversation is going.
“You don’t like talking about it?” he exclaims, noticing that you are extremely reticent to the topic.
“Not really…” 
You didn’t feel like outlining how they forced you to go to university when you weren’t completely sure what to study. And you didn’t want to tell him that they were absolutely livid when you refused to go to school. And the only compromise you could make with them is that you would go to university if you were allowed to move out to live by yourself. 
“They’re great in a sense they take care of me, but not great in a way that I am able to choose what I want to do…” you mumble, already dreading the fact you’re starting to overshare. Sure he asked, but you can’t help but feel guilty for even talking about the subject. 
“Well, what do you want to do?”
You pause. Despite his firm demeanor, it wasn’t something you expected to hear from Iwaizumi. At all. What did you want to do?
Go somewhere far away, where no one can find me, leave everything behind, become the person I want to be without any judgment… Is what you wanted to say, but instead, you murmur, “I don’t know… I’m hoping someday I figure it out.”
“No harm in that,” he responds.
“You’re lucky you know what you want to do,” you utter, peering at him. “I wish I did.”
Iwaizumi exhales and looks up at the sky that’s changing to a golden color with the sun about to rise.
“It's okay to not know what you want right now,” he begins. “It’s hard to commit to something that you’re going to do for the rest of your life.”
“How did you know?”
“One day I just knew,” he shrugs.
“I don’t think I can,” you object, fully knowing you’re being difficult. 
Instinctively, you don’t think something like that can appear before you so easily. Here you are, almost four years later, completing a degree you don’t necessarily care about, but feel like you have to do in order to get your parents off your back. You understand it’s your life and you have the full ability to make your own decisions but all you can feel is fear and anxiety wash over you at the thought of thinking where you could be in five years. 
“What about your ex?” 
You blink unsure if you heard Iwaizumi right.
“What?” you answer almost coldly.
“Do you want to get back together with him?”
“No,” you snap hostilely, raising your voice. 
“There, you made one decision,” he points out.
“Not when he’s found someone else,” you whisper.
You swallow hard as he glances up at you, his gaze finally meeting yours for the first time this morning. The statement takes you both by surprise as your words linger in the air between the two of you. Iwaizumi’s eyes are wide like he’s heard this fact for the first time.
“Didn’t Oikawa tell you?” 
Iwaizumi shakes his head. "What happened?"
You feel yourself emotionally facepalm yourself as you draw the conclusion that Oikawa didn't actually tell Iwaizumi everything. Now you'd wish you had clarification of what he was told.
“I saw him the other day, when I was out with Oikawa, with someone new,” you confess, taking a deep inhale you feel your eyes start to turn glassy and your heart dip. It’s a mix of feeling like the world is about to implode and embarrassment as you come to realize the amount of word vomit that leaves your mouth in Iwaizumi’s presence. 
“She knows what she wants, that’s probably why he left me. Probably smarter too and definitely much prettier,” you add, not knowing why you’re continuing to go on about it.
Yes, you’re tired and upset that all this dumb bullshit keeps happening to you, all you wanted to do was talk about it. Even if Oikawa offered, there’s this unexplainable uneasiness of being vulnerable around him. 
The next few minutes are painful as you stand in irrefutable silence that seems to speak louder than any words of comfort. You wonder if you’ve overstepped your boundaries by telling him more than he probably cares to know.
“I hear that you’re smart,” Iwaizumi finally says. “Oikawa says you’re always studying hard and getting high marks in your classes…” 
Frankly, he didn’t have to try to console you. He has no reason to. And he can’t lie, he feels a bit guilty for bringing it up.
“And I doubt she’s prettier,” he utters.
Your chest tightens as you look at Iwaizumi with bright eyes. He takes a long drag of his cigarette before breathing out looking in the opposite direction. You know you’re a bit insane for getting your hopes up slightly, but you can’t help it with a comment like that.  
Why do you feel so nervous? 
“I’m going to go inside. See if I can get some more rest before class,” you assure, putting out the cigarette. You know you're running away from the conversation but Iwaizumi's comment was more complex than you wanted it to be.
It’s been almost a week at Oikawa’s apartment.
You thought it was going to be endlessly chaotic with lots of annoying bantering on Oikawa’s part, but it’s been quite pleasant. However, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t manage to get a good night’s rest. You blame the unfamiliar atmosphere, with the unfamiliar sounds coming from outside and the unfamiliar smell that most definitely is a ting of Oikawa’s clone. Each night you find yourself shifting around, unable to get comfortable, trying to plead yourself to sleep so you can survive another day. But even when you do fall asleep, you find yourself waking up every hour, checking the time on your phone, checking for missed calls or messages. 
Yes, you did in fact still have that sliver of hope Ushijima would reach out.
Yet, whenever the phone illuminates your face waking you up, even more, your notifications are empty. And honestly, your heart was too, yet also so heavy.
The past couple of mornings you’ve had classes later that day, you manage to sleep on and off until you had to drag yourself to campus in time.
But oh my god. Class is nothing short of boring making time feel like it’s moving alarmingly slow. You think perhaps you can get away with taking a nap, seeing as you are seated at the back of the class. Except as you’re about to, the professor designates a group assignment.
Gathering your stuff, you move to a desk to sit with your group members the professor assigned. As you scan the other student's faces before opening your textbook up, a small commotion at the front of the classroom distracts you. A student files in apologizing to the professor for her tardiness. At first, you don’t recognize her familiar appearance until she approaches your group to sit down across from you. But once you do, you realize you are met with the girl you never thought you’d see like this. 
The transfer student.
Infuriatingly enough, she’s pretty wearing a nicely put-together outfit with a face full of makeup perfectly applied. You notice the soft shine from her sparkly gloss as she smiles flashing her pearly whites. The atmosphere seems to shift as her smile radiates before speaking up. No wonder Ushijima has a thing for her. She's gorgeous.
“I’m Sara,” she announces. “I look forward to working with you all!”
The student beside you nudges your arm, gesturing you to introduce yourself.
“Oh, I’m Y/N,” you say softly, trying to revert your eye contact with the new member whose eyes sparkle while gazing at you. 
Then it strikes you. Does she even know who you are?
Back at the apartment, Oikawa enters his room to grab his homework and textbooks. The room is a mess with clothes thrown on the floor and your belonging placed unorderly in random spots. He shoots the room with a sour look, a bit displeased seeing as he always thought you were much tidier than this. Approaching his desk, he notices your pile of clothing holding his textbooks hostage, drooped all over his desk. He starts to sweat as he slowly pries his books from under hoping the heap of clothes won’t fall. And he’s lucky for a moment until a couple of articles crash to the floor.
Oikawa sighs as he begins to pick them up to place them back on the desk. But as he grabs your jacket, he hears a small thud as cartilage hits the floor. He looks down to see what’s been dropped and spies a pack of smokes. 
He hesitantly picks them up analyzing the half-used pack unsure why it was in his pocket.
“Hey are you-- What are you doing?” Iwaizumi scolds pausing in the doorway staring at Oikawa in surprise. He looks down to where Oikawa’s eye line meets.
Oikawa turns to Iwaizumi, “She smokes?”
“Uh, no,” Iwaizumi spouts out quickly, walking up to Oikawa taking the pack away from him. “She’s holding that for me.”
“Don’t bullshit, I know you don’t smoke this brand,” he sneers, face flickering with disgust. “Why are you covering for her?”
Iwaizumi is quiet as the shame he had hoped to ignore fills him with guilt.
“Fuck,” Oikawa snaps storming out of the room.
“Y/N,” a voice calls out to you from behind. Class finally ended and you had rushed out in order to get back to the apartment at a decent hour. Meeting Sara really put you in a bad mood and the last thing you wanted to do was linger after class for some forced conversation. Yet when you turn around to see whose voice it was, Sara stands before you smiling.
“What do you think of going out for dinner tonight? I thought it would be a good idea for our group to get to know each other more since we will be working together for the rest of the semester…”
She’s polite and soft-spoken, a seemingly large contrast from your loud and fiery personality.
“Um, I’m not sure…”  you say after a long pause. 
“Please! It will be fun. You can even bring some friends.” she pleads, perhaps more appealing than you wanted to hear.
There’s a strange excitement to her voice that makes you feel like you need to say yes as you think about it for a moment. Her invitation must mean she doesn’t know that you are her new boyfriend’s recent ex-girlfriend of 3 days. With that in mind, your curiosity grows about what kind of person Sara is.
“What time?” you reply.
“I’m back,” you call into the apartment. Surprisingly, you are a bit enthusiastic to tell Oikawa and Iwaizumi about the invitation. It was your chance to spy and you knew Oikawa would definitely be down to join.
Oikawa rushes out with a stern look on his face just moments after you announce your arrival. He was ready to confront you about what he found today, but before he has a chance to you speak up.
“I have a favor to ask of you,” you say while unlacing your shoes.“I met the transfer student today, her name is Sara. I didn’t realize she’s in my class.”
Oikawa remains silent, cluing into the way you radiate as you speak; it’s been a while since he’s seen you this way. Your voice seems to chirp at a higher note and the way you’re carrying yourself seemed lighter as well.
“She asked me to go out for dinner, to get to know me better,” you threw up a couple of air quotes to mock her. “You, me and Iwaizumi, we’re going. I have to see what she’s all about.”
You look at Oikawa who still hasn’t spoken and shoot him a concerned look, “What? Did I do something?”
“Dinner? With your ex's new girlfriend?” he mutters, sounding not even remotely pleased with your explanation.
“Apparently she doesn’t know I’m his ex,” you answer coy. “Or I doubt she would have invited me.”
You may not have all the answers you want, but you sure as hell know you can find out something.
“I mean, you don’t have to come, I’m sure Iwaizumi will be fine just going with me,” you smirk.
“Uh, no I’ll come,” Oikawa responds quickly, realizing he’s going to have to keep an eye on you. Right now, you don’t know that he knows you’re smoking and maybe instead of confronting you there was another way he could stop you from continuing the bad habit. He most definitely could have brought it up now, but seeing you in a happier mood, for once, he didn’t want to ruin it.
Suddenly, the door opens behind you and Iwaizumi appears glistening in sweat from his afternoon jog. He looks like he’s glowing as he wipes the sweat from his brow and gazes at you in the entrance. “What’s going on?” 
“Y/N-chan’s exes new girl asked Y/N to go out for dinner, but we assume she doesn’t know about Y/N and Ushijima… You in?” Oikawa explains.
Iwaizumi isn’t sure he understood the entire explanation but doesn’t seem to care as he notices the stars in your eyes waiting for his response. He can tell he wants you to go.
“How much time do I have to get ready?”
The restaurant is lively, full of patrons talking over each other while they argue over who’s going to buy the next pitcher of beer. You feel your nerves start to explode as you check the crowded room in search of Sara and your group members. Fortunately, a hostess greets you and you ask her in regards to where a big group of people would be sitting. As you follow behind her deeper into the restaurant, the more everything starts to feel real. You are on the cusp of turning around and getting out of there. 
Did you really want to see what she was like? Were you that desperate for answers? 
But you’re too late to turn back as Sara’s face lights up when she sees you. 
“You made it!” she smiles.
But you can’t meet her with the same bright smile because right beside her is Ushijima. 
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Anakin/Vader, time travel, emperor Vader, possessive behavior, hurt Anakin Skywalker
Anon, I need you to know that you’re too powerful:
He looked like Padmé.
Anakin couldn’t believe that out of the hundred thousand different thoughts rushing through his head right now, his mind had to latch onto that one. The boy’s eyes were his, or at least similar enough to his on the good days. He didn’t have too many of those nowadays, but today had been one. Bright blue, light as the sky Anakin saw so seldomly anymore. His nose and cheeks were as round as Padmé’s, soft and kind, even when he looked like a warrior.
Like a Jedi.
The boy’s training had been limited and Anakin mourned the fact that he hadn’t been able to teach and guide him, that he hadn’t ever been able to run his fingers through his hair and wave the strands to a Padawan braid.
“You are Luke,” Anakin said. He knew right off the bat that this was his son despite never having seen a holo of him.
Vader had been trying to use knowledge of their child against him to make Anakin more willing to go along with his schemes. Anakin had been promised recordings, information about his possible whereabouts, and again, more holos. He had resisted until now, but he didn’t think he’d be able to deny Vader again now that he had seen Luke.
He was perfect.
All Anakin had ever imagined of a child born to him and Padmé.
“Yes,” Luke replied. “I- We’re here to rescue you.”
His eyes drifted away from Anakin’s face only once, down to the bruises around his neck, on his hips. Dressed in soft silk, Anakin knew that he didn’t look much like the Jedi that Luke had probably expected or at least hoped to find. It hurt him to have disappointed the boy not only this once but twice. Where once he had been glad when Vader told him that Obi-Wan had stolen their child, now he was almost angry at his old Master. He should have told Luke the truth so he wouldn’t have to be devasted learning his father had turned into a monster or-
There were a lot of words for what exactly Anakin was and none of them fit quite well.
“How did you get here past the guards?” Anakin asked his child.
He was only a few years older than Luke. Sometimes he couldn’t quite believe how much time had passed since the Force had dropped him right in front of Vader. Often enough, he felt close enough to his past, the Clone Wars, the Jedi-
And then there were moments like this where he felt so grounded in the present, the darkness, that it hurt. He tried to stay calm. He didn’t want to chase Luke away when his eyes flickered. The last thing he needed was learning how weak any iteration of his father truly was.
“We have a mole in the guards. They helped us out,” Luke answered quickly. “We don’t have much time, Vader is currently out, but he’ll return soon.”
Despite the anxiety Luke was feeling, he was much calmer than anyone else in his situation would be. He had come to rescue Anakin despite having no real reason to. He didn’t need Anakin and yet he had staged this undertaking.
Luke was smart and brilliant and Anakin found that he agreed with his mirror image.
Luke would make a great Emperor someday.
“I can’t leave,” Anakin said, shaking his head. “We are connected.”
So much more than anyone could ever possibly understand, not even their child.
“You don’t have to stay with him. Nobody- nobody else knows. They think he just held you capture for years, kept you young through some Force techniques. Nobody would have to know of his identity. You could help us fight back. Rebuild the Republic, the Jedi.”
Luke spoke with growing desperation. His heart was so big and he cared so much for a man he had only ever talked to in his dreams. Anakin swung his legs over the side of the bed, chains clinging against one another. While he had hated them at first, he had grown used to them. They were almost a comfort, grounding. Since the shackles had been replaced with something much kinder to his skin, they also didn’t irritate his ankles anymore and Anakin didn’t have to watch for injuries.
He walked over to Luke, who watched him with wide eyes. Ever so gently, Anakin put a hand on his cheek. It was the first time in years that he had touched another living being that wasn’t Vader. It was so much warmer than he remembered.
“I’m so sorry, Luke,” Anakin whispered. “You shouldn’t have come.”
“What, what are you talking about-“
Anakin only smiled sadly when suddenly the temperature of the room dropped. Luke‘s head whipped around, finding the dark shadow that loomed over both their fates. Anakin used to spit curses at Vader, ridicule the added height of his prosthetics, but even he couldn’t deny their effect. Vader towered over most people in any room, now over them both.
Luke didn’t waste any time. His eyes darted from Vader to Anakin, then he quickly turned on his lightsaber, a bright green blade, and cut through Anakin’s chains.
“Run!” he ordered. “I will hold him off.”
His dear, foolish, brave son.
“Oh, Luke,” Anakin just said. “There is no use in fighting.”
He had learned that long ago when he had decided to kneel in front of his Emperor, not even glancing at the beheaded body of his former Mentor.
“I- I don’t understand,” Luke said, terror still running through his mind, freezing him and urging him to move at the same time.
“You will in the future, my son,” Vader said. His voice was dark, low, so very different from Anakin. In moments like this, it was almost possible for Anakin to pretend that they weren’t the same person, that they hadn’t been born in the desert in the dead of night.
“Well done, Anakin,” Vader praised him and called him closer across their bond. Anakin didn’t hesitate to walk over to his other half, leaned into Vader’s touch when his other half tilted his chin up, gold meeting blue, dominating it until, eventually, the gold overtook him.
This was never a question of Anakin’s strength, merely of his devotion.
Good, Vader purred. All mine. Our son will do well, so eager to protect.
Anakin exhaled.
“It’s over, Luke,” he told their son. Vader’s hand resided low on his back, promise and threat all the same. Anakin didn’t know what it even said about himself anymore that he would rather their son disappear into his quarters now so that Anakin could welcome his other half back.
Luke’s eyes widened in horror.
“You can stop fighting now.” Anakin couldn’t see any disgust, only sadness, determination too, perhaps.
And Anakin was so, so sorry.
He knew what the Rebels were telling each other, of course. Anakin’s appearance had been sudden, Vader’s coup entirely unexpected at that point and the manner by which Vader had presented Anakin to the Imperial Court after spoke miles about their relationship.
His Imperial Consort, Knight Skywalker.
“I’m sorry,” Anakin apologized again.
He stepped closer to Luke, carefully reached for his trembling hands, well aware Vader would keep their son from hurting him. Anakin deactivated Luke’s lightsaber and clipped it to the chains wrapped around his waist. They weren’t meant to hold a weapon, but they did well enough. Anakin hadn’t held a lightsaber since they had killed Sidious together and he was keenly aware of Vader’s eyes on him, his mind in him.
Anakin had a chance.
He didn’t take it.
“Just accept it,” he told Luke and pulled his son, suddenly feeling so much older, into his arms as they slowly sunk to the ground. “All will be well.”
Vader would ensure it.
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bethansfandoms · 4 years
You asked for prompts so.. super possesive Remus? Hogwarts era
I can certainly give it my best shot!
So it’s their sixth year at Hogwarts. And Remus Lupin has had a huge little bit of a crush on Sirius Black for some time.
And unfortunately for him he’s not the only one.
Because Sirius Black is attractive. And this isn’t Remus being biased. Sirius Black has slick, healthy looking, almost shoulder length hair that curls perfectly.
And he has such defined features. A strong jaw line, sharp cheekbones. His skin practically glows, his eyes are this deep grey colour and Remus is surprised that the whole school aren’t head over heals for him.
Although a lot of them are.
And Remus has actually been really good at keeping his little crush to himself. But Sirius somehow got even more attractive over summer and now more people are catching on.
And Remus really tries to find a healthy way to deal with the jealousy of sharing a crush with half the girls in school, he really does. But it kind of just goes out of the window.
Because he’s looking at the admittedly quite attractive Ravenckaw girl who’s talking to Sirius. And he hopes he doesn’t look as obviously in love with him as she does. Because she’s twirling her hair and laughing and it’s literally driving him insane.
“So are you free this Hogsmeade weekend?” She askes him, blushing.
“No. He’s helping me study.” Remus doesn’t actually realise he’s said it for a split second and looks at Sirius rather sheepishly.
“Yeah. I am, actually.” Sirius confirms. Which Remus is glad about because they had not been planning to. Although he kind of hopes they end up doing it now.
“And what was that about?” Sirius asks, smirking at him as she walks away.
Remus shakes his head. “I don’t know what you mean.” And with that, he stands and walks out of the great hall.
But this kind of thing happens again. Because they’re together the next time a girl asks out Sirius Black. And in much the same manner, Remus can’t help but reject her for him.
Sirius never seems to complain though. He always laughs slightly and agrees with whatever feeble excuse Remus makes for him.
One time Remus literally death stared a girl and straight up just said “no,��� before taking Sirius’s arm and pulling him away.
And every time Remus does it, he reacts much the same. He’ll blush slightly and bite his lip and look at the floor and pull his sleeves over his hands. And then he’ll walk away and brush it off like it never happened.
Remus is embarrassed about his admittedly possessive nature but it’s almost like he can’t help it. It really starts to bother him, however. Because that’s not fair on Sirius. Remus’s has liked him for ages, so he figures it’s his fault for not acting on it sooner.
Sirius should be able to go out with whoever he wants. Remus shouldn’t intervein.
They’re eating breakfast the next time it happens. And Remus is adimant he’ll let this one play out. And so he does.
He watches the hufflepuff girl beam at Sirius as she talks to him enthusiastically. And Remus decides to not listen and instead he just angrily eats his toast.
He doesn’t make it to the end of the conversation, however, and instead just walks away. Ashamed of the fact that he wants nothing more than to tell her to go away.
James literally slams his head on the table. Making Peter, Sirius and the girl all jump slightly. Sirius kindley rejects her before turning his attention to James.
“Can I help you?” He askes, irritably.
“Remus is so obviously jealous it’s driving me up the wall!”
“Jealous? What why would he be-”
“Padfoot? Are you stupid?” James asks bluntly. And Peter can’t help but laugh. “That boy is so obviously in love with you I actually want to claw my own eyes out!”
“That’s...” Sirius thinks about it for a moment. “That’s ridiculous.
James groans into his hands. “To take a less dramatic approach, I do think he’s right.” Peter confirms.
“Exactly! Thankyou, Peter!” James said, staring at Sirius. “And it’s obvious you love him to so can you please just-”
“What?” Sirius cuts him off rather defensively. “What makes you say that?”
“Sirius you’ve literally rejected every single girl who’s asked you out.”
“Maybe I’m just not looking for a relationship.”
James smiles sympathetically. “I see the way you look at him.”
Sirius scoffs, “you don’t know what you’re on about.”
He stands and strides off through the great hall. But deep down he’s frustrated because james did know what he was on about.
Sirius slams the dorm room door shut which makes Remus jump slightly and look up from his book
“Why do you reject everyone who asks me out?” Sirius asks, voice raised.
“Sirius I- I’m really sorry I didn’t mean to be”
“Rude? Invasive? Possessive?” Sirius supplies.
Remus looks at him, hurt. “I’m sorry Sirius, I really am!”
“Yeah. Fine. Whatever.” He shrugs him off.
“Why are you angry though?” Remus asks cautiously. Sirius shoots him a look. “I mean, you could have stopped me and said yes.”
“I- uh...” Sirius stammers. “No, that’s not the point!” He decides.
“Why’d you do it though? You don’t have to listen to what I say. You normally don’t,” he says, smiling in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Probably because I’m gay.” Sirius says, the corners of his lips tugging up slightly.
Remus looks rather taken back, “oh.”
“Yeah, oh.” Sirius says. He’s grinning now. “James reckons you’re jealous.” He admits.
“Just because he’s desperate for a girlfriend doesn’t mean I am.”
Sirius laughs. “Not what I meant. He thinks... he thinks you’re jealous that it’s me being asked.”
“What? Why would I be?”
“So you’re not?”
And Remus hesitates. Which sets Sirius off grinning again.
“Merlin! You’re actually jealous!”
“Oh shut up.”
Sirius walks close to him and places a hand on the side of the other boys face. “Come to Hogsmeade with me, next weekend.” And then Remus is kissing him and Sirius is actually convinced his legs are going to give way and so he just clings onto the taller boy and kisses him with everything he has.
And when they pull away, Remus just smirks at him, “can’t. Busy.”
And soon after, James and Peter return to the dorm room to see them running around the dormitory in an intense pillow fight.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
BEAST. [Halloween Week] [P.1]
Summary: Throughout the years you’ve known Bakugou Katsuki, he’s never celebrated Halloween with you. This year seems to be an exception, and you’re not sure if it’s a good or bad thing. One day at a scare house unravels the secrets of the friend you’ve been pining after for months, and you experience horror and fear like never before. 
Pairing: Werewolf! Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader
Themes: Horror, teens pining after each other jhdjhsd, fantasy!au [ONE-SHOT] [HALLOWEEN WEEK]
TW (PLEASE RED): Jumpscares, body gore, werewolves, graphic violence, cursing.
Word Count: 3.2K (aprox 3,265 words) 
A/N: i had such a hard time coming up with the title DEBWEBKAW!! You might’ve noticed I was scheduled to post about All Might, not Bakugou, but I’ve been having a hard time writing for All Might so I decided to write Bakubitch. and i just whipped this up today, so hopefully it’s okay ;;
This is PART 1!! WILL BE RELEASING PART 2 (and final) TOMORROW (or in 2 days)! If anyone’s interested in P2, lmk to make a taglist! 
This fic is part of HALLOWEEN WEEK, which you can check out HERE! Please support the event <3 please check out my other HALLOWEEN WEEK FIC (todoroki shouto) which is LINKED at the END of THIS FIC!
If you enjoy, please leave a REBLOG, COMMENT, LIKE AND/OR FOLLOW!! REBLOG > LIKE 
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Bakugou hates Halloween.
It's not the holiday he exactly hates, not at all. Although he won't admit it, the laughter of children around the corner, the ''spooky'' decorations and the hint in the air of new fall spices humors him. It's still a somewhat foreign- Western concept to him, but it doesn’t bother him, so he thinks it’s alright.
What he hates, is how you're so insistent on going trick-or-treating on Halloween. Every goddamn year, you're trying to convince him with those sweet, pleading eyes of yours, your pouty lips, and sad little voice. And there's been several times you almost win him over, but he has to put his foot down. 
Halloween is the bane of his existence, the only day he loses control of his body. Bakugou spends it sitting in a cold, musty dungeon, held down by chains. 
Sometimes, he'll briefly remember you, and that you're probably out in a cute, skimpy outfit, smiling and bouncing with other guys. It makes his blood boil. 
But it's the way it is, even if it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He would rather put your safety and keeping his secret over enjoying the holiday outdoors, with you. 
And this year, just like the rest, was no different. Right after the school bell rang, and the students began to shuffle out of the U.A. academy, you walked up to him.
''Bakugou!'' your quiet but determined tone reached his ears. On any other occasion, he would've basked in it. But it was October 31st, which meant that you came to attempt to convince him to spend Halloween with you.
''Yes, Y/N?'' He grumbled. You smiled as the two of you walked out of the school hallways and onto the entrance.
''I was wondering...'' you twiddled with your skirt. ''Do you want to go trick or treating with me?'' As soon as he opened his mouth to protest, you stopped in your tracks and pressed your hand on his chest. 
''-And before you say no, hear me out! It's a scary house, we can go at five pm, we'll spend an hour or two there and then you're back at your house, just in time for your bedtime! God knows you appreciate your sleep,'' you snorted, shaking your head in amusement. 
Bakugou groaned. He gently pushed off your hand, shaking his head and walking straight ahead. You whined in annoyance and trailed after him.
''C'mon, Baku!'' you tugged at his shirt sleeve. ''Please come with me. I'm... I'm having some problems with my friends, and...'' he slowed down at the sudden bitter tone in your voice. 
''They’re going to ditch me on Halloween, and now I don't have anyone to hang out with. You know how things are with my family, and I'd...I'd really appreciate it if you could hang out with me, even if it's for a while.''
The way you lower your head makes his heart ache with pain. Bakugou knows you don't have an idea, but you've got his heart and soul around your finger, bound and desperate to make you happy.
He lets out a quiet sigh, before shoving his hands into his pockets. ''Tch. Fine, I'll go with you to this shitty house, or whatever.''
His heart leaped at the way your manner changed in a blink of an eye. The loneliness in your eyes was swept away and you smiled widely, leaping forward and wrapping him in a tight hug.
The blond barely had time to react, letting out a surprised oof! before being smothered by your hug.
''Thank you, thank you!'' You nearly wagged your nonexistent tail in excitement. The way you beamed at him made his face warm, even though he knew the rest of his departing classmates were staring at him. Frankly, if this was what it took to make you smile, he'd do it all over again.
''Whatever...'' he growled. Bakugou glanced at the sky. It was light blue, with little to no clouds. The moon was out of sight. For now, he thought bitterly.
''Just promise me something.'' You raised your eyebrows expectantly. 
''We have to return before eight o'clock, nine at most. You hear me?''
You shot him a toothy grin that made his heart stutter. ''Sure thing!'
                             ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You're not entirely sure how you managed to convince Bakugou- but you sure as hell won't question it. If you do, you might risk him not going at all. And that would just be the cherry on top of your melancholic week, the trigger that would make you fall apart and burst into tears.
But for now, you tucked those feelings into a corner. The Halloween costume you were going to wear was a top priority. Shifting through your small closet, your eyes drifted back and forth. Money had been tight this year, and you weren't sure what to wear as a decent Halloween costume. Buying a costume was out of the question.
When your eyes settled on a gothic dress, a grin spread on your face. It was a blood-red and black lace, with three-fourths sleeve and beautiful designs. It had a blood-red ribbon around the waist and reached around your mid-thigh. 
''Perfect,'' you whispered with a wide grin. In a matter of a few hours, you texted Bakugou the location of the spooky house, showered, dressed, slipped on a pair of black flats, and did your makeup. Since the dress was gothic looking, you decided to dress as a vampire.
All you had to do was do some simple makeup, apply some fake blood- which you learned to do last year, and buy a pair of fake fangs on your way to the scary house. And if you were lucky, buy a cheap but nice looking black cloak.
Even though you told yourself to not think about it, you couldn't help but wonder what made Bakugou change his mind this year. Although the two of you had been friends since meeting during your first year at U.A. Academy, he had always opted out of Halloween. 
The fleeting and conflicted thoughts swarmed your mind as you walked out of the local store, having bought the fake fangs and cloak. With them, your costume was complete.
Feeling happy and confident with yourself, you arrived at the spooky house in a matter of minutes. You noticed that your neighborhood was long behind you, and the house was in an abandoned area. It was the only house. Other than that, there was a road and on the other side, a huge, dark forest that made you shiver. 
The spooky house was tall, with three floors, creaky and old wood, and a wide yard. Tall weeds and dead plants surrounded the house. The house was painted a dirty grey, with cobwebs in the corners and an empty swing creaking on the doorstep entrance. The house had gates surrounding it, easily double your height. 
''Oi, fangs,'' Bakugou's gruff voice pulled you away from examining the house. You glanced at your left, and there he was, leaning on the house’s black gates.
The blonde stood a few feet away from you, wearing a simple black tee-shirt and jeans. And yet, he looked irresistibly good. 
''He....'' you swallowed nervously. You had to keep your feelings down. ''Hey.'' 
Bakugou nodded in acknowledgment, and the two of you lingered in front of the house. The gates’ paint was chipped, and the two gate doors were slightly open, but something held you back from entering. Why weren’t there any other people?
''So... this the place or what? It looks too fucking shady for a spook house.'' He snorted, and you couldn't help but agree with his statement, even if you didn't voice it out.
''Yeah...'' seeing him in an informal outfit had left you breathless. ''Yeah, this is the house. Let's go in.'' And without further ado, you pushed the gates open. They creaked loudly and you grimaced.
The two of you walked side to side in silence, shoulders slightly brushing against each other. When you reached the doorstep, you craned your neck and peeked on the window at the right. It was musty and covered in dust, but you caught a movement or two. You weren’t sure if it was comforting.
''Well...'' you breathed shakily. ''Here we go.'' 
There was no one inside. The house was barren, with grey walls and a banner on one of them with the bold words; “WELCOME!’’
You didn’t see any actors or customers. It was unsettling. Slowly, the two of you stepped inside the house, tensing as the wooden floor creaked beneath your feet.
The house was too eery. Even though the website said that once you stepped inside, no one would be there, you couldn’t help but feel that neither of you was supposed to be there.
As soon as the two of you were completely inside the house, the front door slammed behind you. You jumped, and Bakugou flinched. The two of you glanced back at the door and then at each other.
‘’You better fucking hope this is the right house,’’ the blond grumbled. ‘’Or we’re in serious trouble.’’
You decided to remain silent. The two of you surveyed the room; all of the doors were closed and upon further inspection, locked. It was dimly lit with one small, flicker lightbulb.
''Bakugou...'' you whispered, clinging onto his arm. ''Are you scared?''
He snorted. ''Of course not. Knowing how these cheap-ass places work, they’re probably going to scare us from behind or something.'' 
You heard a ball drop on the floor. It came from behind, rolled to your feet, and you flinched.
''I don’t think we should-'' you couldn't even finish your sentence, as the floor beneath you two disappeared. A scream ripped from your lips as Bakugou and you fell into complete darkness.
''Fucking hell!'' The blonde shouted. You gripped his hand and his free arm moved wildly, desperate to grab hold onto something. 
''Hooly shiit!'' You screamed. The wind howled briefly in your ears and a few seconds, you stopped falling. With a loud thump, the two of you fell on a soft surface. It was still dark, and you could barely see a thing. Then a few torches lighted up on the walls, and you strained your eyes to adjust to your surroundings. 
''Jesus fucking christ...'' Bakugou rose from the ground, and it seemed that the two of you had landed on a black, wide cushion. He patted down his clothes and scowled.
''Where the fuck did you find this house, Y/N?''
You smiled sheepishly and rose from the cushion. ‘’Google?’’
He sighed in disapproval. ''Whatever. Hurry up, I don't want us to take long.''
You nodded and followed him. It seemed that you had fallen to an underground passage of sorts. The walls were rocky and cold, a rocky wall behind you blocked passage south and there was an empty trail ahead of you. Torches were on the walls, but they weren't enough to light the entire way. Farther than ten feet away, it was dark. You weren't sure if the path continued or not.
''C'mon,'' Bakugou began speed walking away and you had to jog to catch up with him.
‘’Hey!’’ You protested. ‘’Slow down!’’ With a grunt, he reluctantly slowed down. Just as Bakugou and you reached the end of the trail lighted by torches, he walked towards the wall and plucked one off the wall. 
He gripped your hand and surged forward. You followed after, feeling your face erupt with warmth at his bold actions. On the other hand, he didn’t even flinch, and you wondered what the hell was he thinking.
It seemed that the trail continued forward. The torch lit the way, and it seemed that the path narrowed the farther you walked. There was an uncomfortable and questionable silence between the two of you, mainly because of your hand-holding. Katsuki was one of your closest friends, and although he had been your crush for months, there hadn’t been any noticeable changes or romantic insinuations.
After a while, he cleared his throat. ‘’It’s so… we don’t get lost. I don’t want to have to find your dumbass if you get lost.’’ He grumbled.
You smiled. ‘’Okay, Bakugou.’’ 
Every once in awhile, you’d hear a scream or a roar that did not sound human. You’d flinch and cling onto Bakugou, but nothing ever happened.
It felt like hours passed by until you reached the end of the path. Or at least, what seemed to be the exit. The trail had been narrowing until the two of you could barely fit, shoulders, and hips brushing against each other constantly. It was safe to say your face was hotter than a teapot.
‘’I don’t think we’ll need this anymore,’’ Katsuki released the torch and placed it on one of the wall’s torch handles.
There was a white, wooden door ahead. 
‘’Do you think this is the exit?’’ You murmured. Bakugou shrugged. He pushed you behind him, and slowly opened the doorknob, kicking it open once it clicked.
‘’Who’s there?’’ He snapped and placed one foot inside, moving the torch and attempting to observe his surroundings. You trailed behind him, hand still in his.
After hearing and seeing nothing, the blonde grumbled. He pulled you forward and the two of you stepped into the room. This time, it looked similar to the design of the house’s first room. 
There were two old and ripped couches, a TV that was turned on, emitting static and disturbing noises. The lightbulb flickered. At the farthest and opposite wall of the room, there was another door.
The two of you slowly stepped forward, glancing from side to side. As you passed by the first couch, something wrapped around your ankle and you screamed. Just as fast as it seized you, it slithered away. Bakugou whupped around, and the two of you raced towards the door. Just as your hand wrapped around the doorknob, you heard a gut-wrenching scream behind you.
‘’Shit!” Both of you shouted in surprise.
A low groan echoed in the room, and Bakugou gripped your arm and swung the door open. The banshee was gone, and the two of you raced inside. As soon as you were inside, you realized too late that it was a tight hallway. Quickly, the two of you raced forward, and you yelped when you felt hands, hundreds of them, grab desperately at your clothes. None of them pulled you back, but it was enough to make you scream in terror.
Bakugou tightened his grip on your hand and before you knew it, you saw light ahead of you. The two of you raced forward, only to freeze when you saw a body hanging from the ceiling. It resembled a young boy, with his eyes gouged out, his stomach ripped open. You hoped the guts that spilled from his body were fake. Dried blood stained the floor. With trembling legs, you followed Bakugou, who was leading the way, even though you noticed he was frightened as well. 
Besides the dummy, there was nothing else in the room. Instead of a door, there was a wide hole, and you could see a rope from the other side. The exit.
‘’Is-is it fake?’’ You couldn’t help the tremble in your voice.
‘’Yeah, it is.’’ But even Bakugou sounded uncertain of himself. 
Slowly, the two of you stepped forward, walking around the body. As you were halfway towards the exit, a roar echoed and the floor ripped open in the middle. A monster crawled out of the floor, and Bakugou and you raced towards the exit. He pushed you out first, and you wildly grabbed the rope, even as it scratched at your hands as you slid downwards.
Bakugou followed suit and the two of you landed on soft grass, panting heavily. You had escaped in time. It seemed that you had finally reached the exit of the spooky house. There was a tall, towering forest surrounding you. Trees swayed and crickets chirped. The sky was already dark, and you could see the moon slowly setting in the sky.
Slowly, the two of you rose from the grass. 
‘’Oh god…’’ you mumbled. ‘’I’m never going to a scare house again.’’ As you regained your breath and muttered about how frightening it was, you noticed that Bakugou was eerily silent. His back was turned to you. 
''Y/N...'' Bakugou's voice was oddly strained. You frowned and glanced at him. He slowly turned around. Veins were popping on his forehead, and he was digging his nails into his palm. Why was he acting so strange?
''What time is it?'' 
With a frown, you fished out your phone from the cloak and turned it on. The screen read 10 PM.
''Um...'' you froze. Nine o'clock at most. You hear me? Bakugou's previous words echoed in your head. Oh god, he was upset that it'd taken too long and would never hang out with you again-
''Y/N!'' He barked. You staggered backward as Bakugou dropped on the floor, curling into a fetal position with a low groan. The more he groaned, the less he sounded like himself, and sounded more... inhumane. His pained groans shifted between growls and whines.
''Go away. Go home, Y/N. Get the fuck away from me.'' The blonde managed to rise on his feet for a few seconds and spat out the words, before tumbling to the ground again. 
''What?'' Disobeying his wishes, you stepped closer to him. ‘’No. You're clearly not feeling well. C'mon, grab onto my shoulder, and I'll take you to the nearest hospital.''
''NO!'' He flinched when you grabbed him and stepped away.
You frowned, feeling your heart sting at his actions. ''What is going on with you Bakugou? Stop being so prideful for a second, and let me help you!''
He opened his mouth to respond, and with a gasp, you noticed there was something wrong. 
He had fangs.
Not the type that you were wearing, transparent and cheap-looking, fake fangs. No, the fangs that sprouted on both his canines were sharp, large, and gleamed dangerously. Your heart stopped for a second.
''Ba...ku....gou...'' With wobbly knees, you took a step backward. His eyes gleamed with frustration and panic, and just as he reached out for you, a sharp howl pierced the wind.
Both of you glanced at the sky, and you felt your hands tremble as the full moon stared back at you.
‘’No.’’ Bakugou whispered. He stared at his hands in disbelief, before falling to his knees. He groaned loudly, gripping at his head.
‘’Are you feeling okay? Let me help you-,’’ He pushed your hand away and growled. 
‘’Go home, Y/N! Get the fuck away from me. You’re in danger. GO!’’ 
You were startled to hear bones cracking and popping from Bakugou. What was going on? Was he hurt? Why did he want you to go?
‘’Wha-,’’ Before you could complete your sentence, you watched in horror as your friend rose and became a beast. His spine grew, his arms and legs were covered in fur as claws sprout from his nails. Bakugou’s jaw elongated, the fangs you had previously seen only grew longer and his eyes became a near pitch-black, void of any human soul.
You fell on the ground from the shock, feeling your heart stutter in fear and knees tremble.
''What- what are you?''
The beast you called your friend growled in response. 
A werewolf. Your friend, Bakugou Katsuki, was a werewolf. And the fact couldn't terrify you any more than it already did.
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If you’re interested in P2; send me an ask/DM!
Taglist: @sandwichez01​ @ur-local-simp​
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