#i’m arizonans
marlshroom · 2 months
arizonans say they want to go to oregon like they’ve ever had an original thought in their life
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tango-but-everywhere · 4 months
How are you
I am here to ask you to put Tango in a Box
With food and with a Jimmy:D
Something nice for Tango
They’re kinda like those little guys from night at the museum, which is completely the opposite scale of the previous post
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enmuswife3 · 7 months
Maybe its a Blessing in Disguise
Jacob x werewolf!Reader
reader moves from LA to Forks in order to reconnect with her old family friend Bella Swan and meets Jacob.
Reader is slightly Afro Latina coded I haven’t rlly said anything about reader’s hair tho so maybe just Latina, also speaks Spanish and incorporates it into random sentences but only if she knows the other person can understand it, reader wears a black juicy tracksuit and chunky sandals bc I said so Jacob does not know that reader is a werewolf reader and is in a pack ill add more as i write
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I yawned as I drove to my best friend's house after hearing that her pasty-faced boyfriend had broken up with her. “Bells! vine tan pronto como pude!” I said barging into the house and the young girl's room. I walked in and saw her crying in her bed “Okay pause those sheets are so tacky what the hell” I said carefully sitting down and taking her in my arms letting her cry into my velvety tracksuit. “let's get you better amor” i said kissing the top of her head and helping her stand up. I got her into the shower, washed her face, and put her back to bed as it was already 10:00.
I woke her up bright and early and got her into the bathroom to do something to her face and hair you know to bring that Arizonan girl out and honestly, it worked wonderfully. I put on another tracksuit this time it's dark green and I give Bella a matching one “Tan guapa” I complimented her smiling softly seeing her face turn red alright let go I say grabbing my keys “Wait you driving?” Bella asked “yea silly it’s a sports car though so prepárate,” I said stepping outside and unlocking my Dodge Charger and turning it on making the engine rev like crazy. I smiled as I headed towards the school that I recently enrolled in.
I pulled into a parking spot seeing all the different people including some of Bella’s acquaintances that she showed me a picture of. I stepped out of the car looking around seeing her pasty faced ex-boyfriend through my shades looking right at me, I smirked slightly walking over and opening the door for Bella and helping her out. I chuckled seeing her stumble due to me going 30 over the speed limit. She put her arm around my waist covering up my back tattoo i did the same as we walked through the parking lot ignoring the stares. Thankfully i was able to get all of my classes with Bella so we walked to class together.
Time Skip
It was the end of the day and me and Bella were walking outside and to my car just to find a bunch of random people standing around my car “watch this” i snickered as i pressed the automatic on button and watched as the people jumped and yelped by me turning on the car. I open the door and get in and so does Bella i peered into the mirror seeing the Cullens staring at my car “they stare a whole lot” i said raising my eyebrows. I drove out of the parking lot “ hey can you take me to this place my friend wants to hang out” Bella said “sure”.
We made it to this guy named Billy’s house and when you pulled up several shirtless dudes where sitting on the front deck. I got out and immediately smelled like there were other werewolves and i guess they could smell me too because they immediately turned in my direction. “Guys this is y/n l/n” Bella hesitantly introduced me i smiled politely at the boys “well I’m Seth that’s Quill, Embry, and Jacob” the boy said smiling sweetly “n/n wanna come with us to La Push there’s gonna be a bonfire” Bella asked “uh sure i wont stay too long though a bitch needs her sleep or we wont make it to school tomorrow” i laughed “ well I’m gonna go home i need a shower” i sighed pressing the automatic button on my car key turning up the car making the engine rev. I walked to my car “you stayin’ right?” I looked at Bella as i opened the door, she nodded a few times and i got in my car and sped off.
Bella’s POV
I watched as my friend sped away in her car “soo where’s she from? I know she wasn’t born here” Quil asked “Yeah she’s from LA” I responded as I sat down next to Jacob “What’s LA?” Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow “LA stands for Los Angeles it's in California” I said leaning back and pulling out my phone to text y/n the time she can come back and where. Jacob leaned his head to the side to see what I was doing “So this y/n girl…is she single?” Quil asked as he leaned back in his chair licking his lips “Surprisingly yes” I said “Honestly I don’t even know how or why she’s single I guess the boys in California didn’t catch her attention” I shrugged.
“Are you all ready? And do we have everything we need?” Jacob called out as he finished loading the supplies into his truck “Yeah we’re ready” I called out getting into the passenger seat and the other boys got into the back seat. I dialed y/n’s number and waited for her to answer” Hello?” She answered, “Hey we’re on our way to La Push where are you now?” “Umm I’m at a shopping center right now getting Auntie Annie’s” she answered “Oooh get me a pretzel please,” I asked “ está bien I’m about to leave now no estoy muy lejos” “Okay bye” “Peace”. I hung up the phone “Was she speaking Spanish?” Seth asked “yea it’s her first language” I said looking out the window as the trees turned into cliffs and this cliff turned into the beach. It was slightly crowded but I wasn’t bothered by that. The bonfire was set up and I was waiting patiently for y/n to come with my delicious pretzel.
Y/n’s POV
I pulled into the parking lot and looked around before I got out holding Bella’s pretzel and a lemonade in my other hand I walked towards the bonfire which was actual a long distance away so I started sipping on my frosted lemonade. The soft light of the fire grew larger as I neared I scanned for a spot to sit at and slightly tensed up seeing that the only spot open was by that Jacob guy. No I don’t hate him or anything he’s actually very attractive in fact he looks like he was sculpted by a god or something. And ohh don’t get me started on his eyes and the way his brows furrow- that’s enough rambling for one day I thought to myself. I saw Bella get up happily scurrying towards me grabbing the pretzel and taking a bite happily. “Oh um there aren’t anymore seats by me so I guess you’ll have to sit with Jay” Bella said looking around “oh okay” I said sitting down on the bench by the young boy.
Time Skip
Everyone was laughing and enjoying their time Jacob and I grew silent but I could feel his eyes on me. Bella and the 3 other boys were talking and laughing but I kind of just zoned them out by playing a random game on my phone. “So y/n how’s the weather there in California?” Jacob asked as he sat up straight “extremely hot I can say that” I laughed breathlessly “so do you like it over here more?” I grew silent for a moment looking back at Bella and the others joking around “I guess you could say that though I do miss my family” I smiled softly looking back at Jacob. I could see a slight hint of red in his cheeks but I dared not to say anything about it. “Alright y/n I’m ready to go” Bella said getting up “okay” I said getting up “it was nice meeting you all” I said softly walking over to Bella and turning around. “Yeah it was nice meeting you” Seth said as the others nodded in agreement I softly smiled and turned around to see Bella already walking off I smacked my lips jogging after her.
We had finally made it to my car and we got in and I drove away “soo Jacob huh~ think he’s cute?” Bella asked teasingly and laughed when I blushed “I think he’s really into you y/n~” she laughed “I should set you two up” I laughed nervously “I mean I wouldn’t be complaining he is cute” I said as I pulled into the driveway and got out the car. “Oh by the way me and Edward are okay now I guess but I don’t know if we’re back together yet, also prom is Friday night and I think you should come” Bella said as we walked into the house “okay but I don’t trust that pasty-face bastard, and yea we can go to prom can you come dress shopping with me?” I asked “sure”.
“Alright goodnight Bells” I yawned as I walked to my room, I laid down and called my mom as it was only 8:00 where she was “hi momma” I spoke sweetly “hi my sweet baby how is mare you doing?” My mother cooed “ah I’m alright schools pretty nice here and I love the weather” I gushed “that’s good sweetie now have you met anyone? Any boys?” My mother asked slyly. I chuckled nervously “there’s this one boy but when I first met him I got a whiff of that wet dog smell so I think he’s one of us including his friends or should I say pack” I whispered “another pack? Well I’m not surprised. You haven’t come across any of those cold ones have you?” She asked “unfortunately yes, I have and I think Bella has a relation shit with one of them” I sighed “god well if you need any help let out a howl and your siblings will be there in a bling of an eye” “I will momma, I’m going to go to sleep now okay?” “Alright love call me if you need anything alright? Bye now” I hung up the phone and placed it on my nightstand and rolled over to look at the ceiling. I waited for a few minutes just in case then I softly closed my eyes.
I was woken up by my 5:00 alarm and got up with a groan. I quickly got ready and headed downstairs just to see Bella introducing her so called “boyfriend” to Charlie “good morning Charlie!” I say walking up to the chief giving him a big hug somehow he was still taller than me “mornin’” he huffed “y/n this is Edward” Bella said “hi.uh nice to meet you” I said looking him up and down questionably. “It’s nice to meet you too I’m about to take Bella to play baseball ball with my family would you like to join?” The pale-faced man smiled “I’ll go if Bells wants me to” I stated as I turned to the girl raising my eyebrow. “Yeah you should come but take your car so I can have a ride home,” Bella said smiling “Okay. “
“Y/n, I trust that you’ll keep Bella safe and not let any harm come to her correct?” Charlie asked sternly but I could see right through him “She won’t get into any type of danger as long as I’m breathing” I said with a glint in my eyes. “She’s safe with me,” I said holding up my hands and retracted my claws smiling. Charlie nodded and walked off to get ready for work Bella and her boyfriend were already outside I sipped on some water and pressed the button to turn on my car “I’ll follow you guys or you could just tell me the location so I can speed how I’d like to” I said looking at Edward “I think it’d be best if you followed since I don’t know where we’re going” “erm okay I guess” I shrugged walking to my car.
The car ride there was pretty long but I understand what Edward meant by him not even knowing where we were going himself because there were three other cars in front of him at last we finally made it to the destination three women got out of one car and three men came out of theirs I opened my door and got out and walked next to Bella and rested my elbow on her shoulder. “Y/n this is Alice, Rosalie, and Esme” “Hi y/n I’ve seen you in the halls but I was too nervous to come up to you,” Alice said chuckling nervously “I know right? When I first met her she looked like she wanted to fight me but she’s a sweetheart really” Bella smiled “Looks like it” Rosalie said eyeing me up and down. I heard a twig snap and immediately turned my head to see who it was kind of surprising the three women.
After I was introduced to everyone the game had finally begun and I could tell that they were very serious about the game. I stood at one of the bases and looked to my side seeing Bella at another one then all of a sudden she caught the ball and threw it at me and I could see in the corner of my eye Rosalie running towards me using her super speed I caught the ball just before she could slide to the base “you're out.” I said looking down at her. She stood up immediately and let out a growl as if she were trying to scare me I raised my eyebrow tilted my head and watched her stomp away.
“Stop!” Alice yelled everyone walked to her “Someone’s coming”
Yall i was so excited writing this yall do not knowww anywho not rlly proof read i just used Grammarly to correct sum stuff so if it sounds weird it’s that😓🙏
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xerith-42 · 6 months
dude. xerith. idk if you saw my reblog of madcatlad’s post, BUT. they cooked. the issue on the table: nether withdrawals. i’m insane about this.
very much exploring the idea of the calling being more about fighting the addiction that is the nether itself for shadow knights, rather than purely the aggression part.
thoughts? musings?
Oh Cinn, oh Cinn you've brought my attention to something beautiful.
Little known fact about me because I'm still pretty decent about over sharing on the internet, addiction is something I've actually thrown hands with before. The idea of the Calling as an addiction to the Nether?? Now that's a concept I can latch onto.
I think that there could be ways to satiate withdrawal, but not in an exactly helpful way. The Calling is in Shadow Knights brains like "Oooh you wanna kill your loved ones and come back to the Nether soooo bad." But minor acts of violence and arson can make it shut up. Enough bloodshed, such as what happens at the Werewolf Wedding, is enough to make it so a knight isn't drawn to the idea of killing their loved one anymore because the urge for blood has been answered. Of course... Most Shadow Knights fighting the call aren't exactly happy when something like the Werewolf Wedding happens to them.
As for the urge of the Nether, they could always try to answer that with things that are like the Nether or remind them of it. Sitting by a fire, setting things on fire, sitting in a pool of hot water that can at least try and simulate lava, setting things on fire, existing in the bitter dry heat of an Arizonan morning, or setting things on fire. The Calling always responds best to the most violent solution, and even while trying to satiate it, it's still pulling at the mental strings of a knight to make the most violent decisions possible.
That idea of being able to sit by a fire instead of setting something ablaze really sucks for Knights who might have been traumatized by the Nether and struggle to be around fire for very long as a result, Laurance.
A lot of moments of a premature Shadow Knight lashing out aren't necessarily because the Calling is making them want to kill, it's because it's making them want to go back to something they know is bad for them. It's a drug that they've overdosed on and are trying to run away from still present in their veins and urging them to take another dose, regardless of its lethality. That kind of mental gymnastics and battle wears down at a person even when they aren't actively fighting. Even if they aren't in their head fighting the Calling and it's urges, it's still there. They still think about it.
Laurance doesn't want to go back to The Nether. He would rather die again than go back there. But when he sees the frame of a portal, when he's nearby one that's unstable, he has to fight. He has to fight his body and its urge to go back to that hell. Just one hit will make him feel better. Just a chance to touch netherack and breathe that ashy air will soothe his worries. Because being reminded of the Nether, even if it causes a trauma response, does cause a part of his brain to feel good. The Calling sees fire and gives him a shot of dopamine and excitement.
Wouldn't it just be so nice if he went back? If he didn't have to feel this constant drain? If he was in the Nether then the Calling would shut up, right? Wouldn't it be so amazing to just feel this good all the time? He's already dead, what damage can be done to his body afterwards?
Of course the Calling has two components, both addictive. One is of course the urge to go to the Nether. The other is that urge to kill your loved one and gain immortality. Doing one only makes the other feel stronger. Oh, you sat next to a Nether portal and made it so you're now comfortable in the over world? Bet you wanna kill your lord right about now, huh?
What's that, you actually killed your lord? Well, don't you just wanna come home to the Nether where you're surrounded by people who have all done the same and won't hate you for it? Go on, you know you want to.
Like everything else, it comes down to the Shadow Kings need to control. If he can make Shadow Knights into addicts of stuff directly associated with him, they'll be more loyal. They'll serve him to get a fix of bloodshed and hell fire. They'll come running back to him after ruining their lives for his enjoyment, and they'll fall at his feet for the chance to become a higher up in their army. He deprives them of everything they ever could have had and calls it freedom.
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mojave-pete · 1 year
Kari Lake
Our election was stolen in broad daylight.
Even Joe Rogan knows it.
That’s why I’m traveling across the country advocating for election reforms that will ensure what happened to Arizonans never happens to anyone again.
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John Russell at LGBTQ Nation:
Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) vetoed 13 Republican bills on Tuesday, including one that LGBTQ+ advocates say would have erased transgender people from legal recognition in the state. Senate Bill 1628, the so-called “Arizona Women’s Bill of Rights,” was introduced by state Sen. Sine Kerr (R) in February. Similar to laws introduced in other states like Indiana and Iowa, it would have removed the word “gender” from state law, replacing it with the word “sex,” which it defined strictly according to biology. The proposed law defined gendered terms like “boy,” “girl,” “man,” “woman,” “mother,” and “father” according to biological sex and would have banned trans people from single-sex environments like bathrooms, locker rooms, sports teams, and domestic violence shelters that do not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. Critics said the bill would have erased trans and nonbinary people from public life in Arizona. “This effort to erase trans people and try to force them to fit into boxes that they don’t fit into is totally unacceptable to me,” state Sen. Eva Burch (D) told the Arizona Senate Health and Human Services Committee in February. “I’m not afraid of trans people, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen to them if we keep treating them like this.”  
The American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona’s Hugo Polanco warned that S.B. 1628 would have also prevented trans people from obtaining legal documents like IDs that accurately reflect their gender identity. “This bill would force transgender people to live a lie and put them at risk of harm by disclosing the sex they were assigned at birth on documents like drivers’ licenses, marriage licenses, school records and burial paperwork,” Polanco said in February. “All of us, including transgender people, need accurate and consistent identity documents that reflect who we are. That’s what IDs are for.”  Arizona’s Republican-controlled House of Representatives approved the bill in a 31–28 vote along party lines earlier this month, KJZZ reported. The bill was then sent to Hobbs, who had previously said she opposed it.  
Brilliant news from Arizona: Governor Katie Hobbs (D) vetoes trans erasure bill deceitfully called the "Women's Bill of Rights" bill SB1628.
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twilight-skies · 1 year
Is it just me or is it weirdly heartwarming how this age of the internet coinciding with the worst of climate change has certainly helped save lives?
What I mean is, as every strange weather event in the last few years have happened, you can also see in the days before lots of people from the regions that do usually get that weather sharing over social media how they’ve been taught to survive it. Yes there will also be a lot of “pshh, ya think that’s bad? Weak” going around, but also a lot of genuine advice.
I’ve seen Minnesotans and Alaskans explaining how to keep the heat in during the Texas snowstorm; on the flip side Arizonans and Nevadans giving tips on how to keep cool when the north gets bad heatwaves; people from the pacific states helping people in New England keep the smoke from getting inside; and now I’m sure people from Florida or Louisiana have made posts by now about surviving hurricane-force rain and wind for California and Mexico. And on the occasion that some unprecedented tornado touches down, there’s a whole lotta states that’ll tell you to stay calm and just wait it out in something that can’t get picked up by the wind.
Hope for humanity exists and it exists in explaining your region’s weather to someone else when humans have fucked up the planet enough that it’s in their region now too
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ultramantr1gger · 6 months
i’m being silenced
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southern united states as an arizonan this is just what it looks like outside my house
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Runaway - Chapter Twenty.
Good morning, my beautiful audience! A fresh chapter has landed, and I’m looking forward to your thoughts, as ever! You’re all always so kind in your replies, it thrills me to see you enjoying reading this as much as I did writing it, even if this pair are being so annoyingly frustrating right now!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 2,256 
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
“Oh my god,” she exclaimed softly at the view upon the horizon, Manny smiling at her reaction.
“Beautiful, ain’t it?” It certainly was, the vast, unspoiled, arid landscape that was La Paz County, Arizona. “I sometimes think I was insane to trade it all for a girl, and then eventually the outlaw life. Then I remember the 4am starts, sometimes earlier. It’s a hard life, being a rancher.”
Hannah often wondered if he missed it, living and working in such a peaceful and serene environment. What she’d been told by him about his former vocation, though, well, the life of a rancher wasn’t quite as idyllic as the surroundings they executed such back breaking work within. The vast nothingness they drove through proved to be the perfect soother to her problem, even though all six feet of him was sitting right next to her, the talk she knew she needed to have with him still not materialising.  
She tried not to feel bad about that, reasoning with herself that he hadn’t been forthcoming either, which in all frankness likely meant from his perspective, it was what it was, clandestine sex, with nothing further behind it. If it had been more, surely, he would have said something by that point?
‘It’s more for you, and you haven’t said anything!’ she fumed internally, chewing the inside of her cheek. She felt herself pulled into wondering over the inner workings of his mind, crossing and uncrossing her legs, her eyes screwing shut tightly. ‘Oh, just enjoy the scenery, Hannah!’ Having those words with herself pushed it back down again, Manny indicating left, turning onto a road with a large property right at the end coming into view. Blackstone Ranch, she guessed, as it was the only place for miles around, Manny once revealing that the closest neighbours were two miles south of that location.
She could just about make out the vast herd of cattle upon the horizon, black dots littering the orange of the Arizonan landscape, sturdily built fences coming into view, horses grazing contently on piles of doled out hay as they swung into the long driveway, Manny suddenly breaking out into a happy smile, swinging the SUV over to park up.  
“Hold on, I spy my girl.” Jumping out, he vaulted the paddock fence, putting his fingers to his lips and letting out a loud whistle. In the distance, a head shot up, a piercing neigh sounding the air before the horse began to charge, Manny continuing walking as the steed galloped for him, stopping just in time to have his arms flung around her neck. “How you been, beauty? How’s my girl, huh?” he spoke softly, stroking the beautiful, dark bay mare’s face, turning back to Hannah.
“I take it that’s Midnight?”  
He nodded, the mare sniffing his head. “Yep, ain’t she gorgeous?” She truly was, almost black in colour, her mane streaked with lighter, copper-coloured strands, not a speck of white on her, hence why he’d named her Midnight. Grabbing a handful of her mane, he vaulted up onto her back cleanly, turning back to Hannah. “Drive the rest of the way up and I’ll meet you there.”
“Manny, she doesn’t even have a bridle on!” she cried, watching him grab two handfuls of her mane.
“You underestimate my skills if you think I need that. C’mon girl.” He dug his heels into her sides, Midnight surging forward, Hannah shaking her head as she watched them gallop off, sliding into the driver’s seat.  
“Your daddy? He’s crazy,” she spoke, turning to Lola, who grinned widely at her. “Lovely, but definitely crazy.” Shifting the car into drive, she continued up to the open gates, parking up next to a large, red pickup, a man with black hair that touched his waist approaching.  
“Well, you’re very pretty, and have a baby in the back of the car, so I take it you’re Hannah, and not the girl from the feed company?” Ed spoke on approach, offering his hand forth. Hannah shook it, receiving a kiss on the cheek too.  
“I am, yes. And you must be Ed. It’s so nice to meet you.” He nodded, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. Hannah saw it clearly then, where her daughter had gotten her grey eyes from. Right from her grandfather.
“I take it my hairbrained grandson got up here on four legs?”  
“Yeah,” she chuckled, looking over at the paddock rail and pointing, Manny and Midnight coming to a stop. “He’s such a show off.”
“Hmph!” Ed wheezed. “How well you know him.” He then looked to where Manny was climbing the fence, shaking his head. “Boy, you always have to make an entrance, don’t you?”  
“Maybe.” Ed laughed, opening his arms and hugging his grandson warmly, giving him a few hard slaps on the back.  
“It’s good to see you, now get that damned car open so I can meet my great grandbaby!” His request was obliged, Manny lifting Lola from her seat and passing her to her great grandpa. His face softened, holding her close to his chest, beaming. “Oh, I know I’ve said it before, but hell, she looks just like your mama did when she was her age, probably just as loud as my little Valeria was, too. She got any teeth coming in yet?”
“Yes, so apologies if she keeps you and your wife awake,” Hannah explained, Ed waving his hand dismissively.
“Ain’t no bother to me. Besides, I put you and Manny in the furthest bedrooms from ours, just in case. Now, shall we go meet great-grammy? Shall we? Let’s go, small person.” It warmed her heart, just how much of a natural Ed was with her, Lola fascinated with the turquoise beads around his neck, grasping and pulling them to her mouth to chew. The face she pulled had her parents in absolute hysterics.
“Cool Water don’t taste too good, does it?” Ed laughed, Lola’s face crumpling before she went back for another mouthful of the cologne-flavoured beads. “No, no, no more now.” Another pained face sent Hannah and Manny over the edge.  
“She stole a piece of lemon from Hannah’s drink a few days ago and shoved it in her mouth, and that’s the exact face she did. I couldn’t breathe!” Manny revealed, laughing hard, Lola beginning to giggle as she pointed at him. Whenever her parents laughed, the baby instantly joined in.  
“Like you when I gave you a piece of lime when you were about eight months old. Hated it, but damn, you wouldn’t let it go again, kept on munchin’, trying to beat it,” Ed remembered, laughing at the memory of a very small Manny insisting upon eating the sour fruit regardless. “And then there was the time you got into my cold coffee and hated it so much, you squealed for ten minutes straight.”
As Hannah entered the homestead, she just knew she’d likely be regaled with stories of Manny as a child, and after meeting Rosita and seeing the heart-warming sight of her bonding her great-granddaughter, she and Ed didn’t disappoint.  
“You gotta watch ‘em when they get to about two, that’s when they get their baby turbo and are suddenly capable of running at about thirty miles an hour. This one right here used to streak across the stable block and go throw himself straight into the water trough. We got pictures of it somewhere,” Ed revealed, Manny pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.
“No, grandma, don’t start with the baby pictures.” Rosita was already on her feet and moving to the bookshelf before he’d even finished his sentence.  
“Look at this!” she cried, placing the album on Hannah’s lap and opening it up, revealing a picture of a giggling baby Manny, his mouth covered in banana puree. “Apart from Lola, obviously, did you ever see a baby so beautiful?”
“Awwww, look at you!” Hannah gushed, turning to Manny, who had shrunk way down in the armchair, hiding his face behind Lola. “You were so tiny and cute!”
“Yeah, what the hell happened?” Ed chuckled, Manny poking his head out to frown. After all mortifying picture viewing was done, Hannah fed Lola her bottle and put her down to sleep, Rosita telling her she’d keep an eye on her while she was taken for a tour of the ranch. The property was massive, Ed explaining that it had been ramshackle and in a state of disrepair for many years, the house not always as beautiful as it was, nor the outbuildings quite so pristine.  
She learned it had taken him decades to make a decent earning, through the disasters that had been illness wiping the herd out, mortgages up to his eyeballs, bank debt and credit card debt just to be able to feed the animals, while he and Rosie had lived meagrely on rice and beans, and plenty of pasta just to keep themselves fed inexpensively, the animals always put first.  
“Since I started the horse breeding too, it’s brought a damned good injection of cash, and meant that I’ve produced some real beauties,” he explained as they walked towards the long, indoor stable block. “Like this guy here that Ned’s leading out. This is Ace, I had to keep him, he was too beautiful to sell, so he’s one of my best breeding stallions. Absolute joy to ride, too, so well-mannered.”
“He’s lame,” Manny observed as Ned neared them with the beautiful palomino horse. “See? He’s sloping on his offside hind.”
“Turn him back, Ned. Let me see him walk away again,” Ed instructed, making a circling motion with his finger, the tall, greying man walking Ace in a circle before leading him away. “Well, whaddya know? Your eye is as sharp as ever. Ned, hitch him up outside his stall, I’ll deal with it.”  
“Ed? Woman from the feed company is here to see you,” a young guy called from the top of the block, poking his head around the sliding doors.  
“I’ll do it, you go,” Manny offered. Ed thanked him and walked away, Manny having a brief chat with Ned before checking Ace’s legs. “Oh, you got some nastiness in your hoof, boy?” he then spoke, holding his hand to the horse’s foot, comparing with the other.
“How do you know that?” Hannah asked, moving to stroke Ace’s soft muzzle.  
“His hoof is hot, that’s how you tell where the infection is.” He then checked his legs again. “Don’t feel like it’s spread. Hold on there a sec, I need some stuff.” He headed off, leaving Hannah to stand and pet the beautiful horse, tickling under his eyes, Ace beginning to lean into her. She’d almost forgotten, how lovely horses were.  
“So, what’s all that you have there?” she asked when Manny returned, taking the items he had wedged under his arm as he set a large bowl of water down.  
“Warm salt water to clean his hoof, kaolin to make a poultice and draw all the nasty shit out, a pad to absorb said nasty shit, bandage to keep it in place, and a boot to keep it all on so he doesn’t kick it off.” She found it all fascinating, watching how swiftly Manny had reverted back to his former self, undertaking the care he’d never forgotten a horse needed when sick.  
Picking his hoof out, he brushed it clean, moving the bowl of water and placing his hoof in it, swiftly moving to his front legs and lifting one up. “So he can’t move his foot out of the water. Can’t dance around when you’re only on three legs.” He explained to her, patting Ace’s shoulder, telling him he was a good boy. He let it soak for a few minutes before moving back, removing it and wrapping his hoof in a large towel, drying it off before applying a thick smear of the kaolin clay, Hannah assisting by holding the tub and then passing him the pad and bandage.
She marvelled at how efficient and gentle he was with the horse, talking to him softly when he tried to pull his hoof away, his manner effortless. It just showed how much of a nurturing person he was, yet another thing that drew her to him, his kindness. He was tough, he was hard, but there was a gentleness on the inside of Manuel Santiago that never failed to touch her heart.  
“There, all done. That’s gonna stink like death in the morning when it’s drawn it all out. It’s vile, smells even worse than when Lola does a massive shit,” he spoke, leading Ace back into his stall, stroking his neck as Hannah watched the horse give him a friendly shove, Manny coming back out again. “Come on, let’s take you round to see the babies.”
It was like seeing him illuminated, watching him there in the place he’d once called home, so comfortable in the surroundings, taking her hand and leading her back to the paddocks, mares and foals all ambling around contentedly. While they stood and watched, he let go, wrapping his arm around her shoulders casually instead, Hannah leaning against him on impulse as he pointed out who was who, his fingers trailing a circle at the top of her arm.  
She probably should have been taking in what he was telling her, but as they stood there under the bright Arizonan sun, she could only think four words, over and over. ‘God, I love him.’
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colesabi · 9 days
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
i hope you can rest well tonight!!
26. A scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Hmm, this is kind of stumping me. I’m not sure if it’s a scenario you replay in your head multiple times, because I could go real dark here but I don’t think I want to do that lol. Since my brain is still a bit soupy, I’ll say currently, I’m replaying all of the photoshoot ideas I’m planning for the Chris & Leon dolls. :3
34. Is there a song you know every word to by heart?
A couple yeah. I know most Mariah Carey songs completely by heart along with Fleetwood Mac. I’m a 90s baby who was raised on classic rock and R&B lol.
43. What is your take on spicy foods?
As a native Arizonan, it would be sacrilege for me to not love spicy foods. I live and breathe capsaicin. 🌶️
thanks for the ask and I’m hoping I’ll pass out eventually.
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barbie-necromancer · 3 months
ultimately by saying you’re not going to vote, you’re actively telling the world around you that you don’t care about any down ballot issues. I don’t care if you vote for president or not (although if you’re in a swing state, I’m side eyeing you), but by not turning up to vote for other issues that do directly impact your community, all you’re doing is saying you don’t care about where you live.
Maybe Im just an Arizonan who now lives in California, but Voting is really easy here in CA. I don’t need my ID, I just need to verify who I am with words from my mouth. In Arizona, I would continually be pushed away from the ballot box for not having my address match or that I moved too soon to the election date and I didn’t count for some reason.
what I am saying is, if voting wasn’t so damn important, they wouldn’t make it this hard to do it
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chambers003 · 8 months
that’s so insane and embarrassing to me omggg aaaa hello hello hai!! i’m promise i’m normal and sane and mentally well adjusted
i’ve been running a blog where i post images of a minecraft character played by an arizonan father for almost 2 years. we’re all normal/sane/mentally well-adjusted here
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psychotic4ghost · 10 months
Blood Under The Bridge A Story By Psychotic4Ghost
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Chapter 7 - The Heartbeat Of A Ghost
TW: Strong Language ♡ Fluff ♡ Gross man ♡ ♡ Masterlist | Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 ♡ WC: 2.1k ♡ A/N: Listen, before we judge my way of writing about Arizona in the last chapter; I am an Arizonan. I can talk shit lmaooo. We sat in the 90s for most of November :| This one is definitely much cuter and starting the progression of Simon and Mykie. Hope you enjoy! (I'm also like, really proud of this chapters header image, feels very 90s/00s punk <;3)
After about an hour in the bathroom, Mykie had completed a full face of delicate makeup, she wore a long, black dress covered in fine sequins, giving the dress a mesmerizing shimmer. Her hair was pulled into a clean bun with some stray pieces sticking near her ears. The slick black heels she wore clicked along the concrete floors of the base as she entered their shared dorm. 
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Soap let out a sharp whistle as she entered the room. She did a small twirl for the boys before taking her seat on the bottom bunk that Ghost claimed. Ghost was nowhere to be seen yet. 
“Simon, you’ll be fine. Have you really never tied a tie before?” Price asked as he looped the tie through itself. 
“Never needed to. Price this is a lot. I’m not CIA, why do I need this stupid suit?” Ghost complained as he tugged at the collar, loosening it up a touch. 
“Stop that, you’ll fuck up the tie. You’ll be fine Simon. It’s only for a few hours and it’s not like I’m sending you in alone. Here.” Price handed Ghost a plain black surgical mask. Ghost eyed it cautiously. The mask felt like a tube top,  it was so revealing. He took the mask from Price and stripped the black and white skull plated balaclava from his face. Price had seen Simon’s face many times before, but he still tried not to stare, giving Ghost some more privacy. 
“You’ll go by Simon for this mission. No one knows who you are anyway.” Price said, now facing Ghost who had the surgical mask on. 
“What about Mykie?” 
“You’ll call her Rose. It was her code name before she joined the 141.” Price informed. Ghost nodded his head as the two men left the small bathroom that was attached to the dorm. 
Ghost shifted uncomfortably as he made eye contact with Mykie. She was absolutely stunning. Keeping his emotions regulated was so much harder with so little of his face covered. 
Soap let out the same flirtatious whistle to his superior. “Not bad, LT! The suit looks good.”
Ghost gave Soap an unintentional death glare, but this time it came across much stronger than it usually does with the rest of his face coverings. 
“Don’t think I’ve seen Ghost with this much skin showing, feels scandalous.” Gaz added with a chuckle. 
Ghost opened his mouth to yell at them, his body moved forward but stopped when he felt a small hand press against his chest. “Oookay, let’s not rile him up, kay? I need him sane for the night.” Mykie giggled as she stepped back from Ghost after he relaxed a little. 
                                                 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
The team arrived at their first destination, a small apartment building across the way from the mansion, giving the team a good line of sight on the party. 
“Alright, your names are Simon and Rose Poe. You’ll be acting as a married couple. Your name has been snuck onto the list already. Act as natural as you can. Ghost, I know you haven’t been in this setting in a long time so follow Mykie’s lead. She’s been briefed on what to do in case things go wrong.” Price informed the pretend couple before sending them on their way. 
The apartment base was about a mile down the road, meaning the two would have to drive. But the car was a 2020 Dodge viper and was a low seated car, it felt like sitting on the ground itself when you were in it. 
Mykie fit just fine; Ghost held her hand as she lowered herself into the vehicle, keeping the appearance strong. He made sure her sleek black dress was fully inside the car before closing the door for her. 
Ghost, on the other hand, couldn't fit his broad shoulders past the frame and his legs were too long for the space between the seat and the pedals. "This won't work. I don't fit." Ghost sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. 
"We don't have much of a choice. It had to be a luxury vehicle for this op to work." Mykie tried to reason with him, hoping that maybe he could wedge himself in. 
"Why couldn't it be a luxury truck ‘r some shit." Ghost complained as he forced his body into the driver's seat. He pushed the seat as far back as it would go, though he still couldn't even reach the seat belt behind his shoulder, he didn't have enough room to turn. "This is bullshit."
"Hold still, let me." Mykie unbuckled herself and crawled onto her knees. She leaned over his chest to grab the seat belt. Ghost looked up at the ceiling as her breasts pushed against his chest. She smelt like strawberries and the color pink, driving Ghost mad as he unintentionally inhaled the scent. She grabbed the seat belt and pulled it across his chest as she sat back down in her seat. 
"Guess being tiny has its advantages." Mykie smirked as she held the buckle for him to take. 
Ghost let out a grumble before taking the seat belt. He raised the steering wheel as high as it would go so it would clear his knees before pushing the start button. The drive was rather short, Ghost’s mind raced as he thought about having to exit the car in front of the valet. 
Fortunately for the ‘couple’, it wasn’t as hard for Ghost to get out as it was to get in. They handed off the keys to one of the valet boys before making their way to the entrance. Mykie naturally slung her hand around Ghost’s bicep, catching him off guard. He played along though, hiding his shock the best he could.
“Don’t tense, makes you look constipated.” Mykie said as she nudged his side with her elbow. 
“Ow.” Ghost said as he winced, it didn’t hurt and they both knew that as Mykie rolled her eyes. “I thought you’ve done this before.” Mykie whispered as they waited in line to enter. 
“I have, just not…playing a couple.” Ghost hissed down to his copart. 
“Have you never had a girlfriend? Relax you damn muscles Simon- It’s just another event, nothing we aren’t used to hun-” Mykie quickly changed her tempo as she saw a guard walking past them. “We need to quit talking about this. Act natural.” Mykie muttered before they finally made it to the front of the line. 
“Name?” The very unamused man at the door asked, he tapped his clipboard impatiently as he waited for Ghost to answer. 
“Poe, Simon and Rose Poe.” Mykie quickly answered as she noticed Ghost freezing on the spot. The man eyed them then the sheet on his clipboard before he pulled the red rope open for them, not speaking another word. 
“Get it together.” Mykie hissed as they passed the line. Mykie pulled the two of them to a small bathroom she spotted off the way. “Hello?” Mykie asked out softly, waiting for a response before locking the door. “Seriously Simon, have you never had a girlfriend? Why are you acting so stiff, you’re gonna give us away.” Mykie threw her hands up in frustration. 
“No.” Ghost said with no emotion, or at least with hidden emotions. There was definitely something there, Mykie just couldn’t pick it out.
“Really? You’ve never had a girlfriend? Are you a virgin?” Mykie asked, letting the more childish side seep out. 
“No, I’m not a fucking virgin, My-Rose. And no, I’ve never had a girlfriend. Get over it. Don’t act like Soap.” Ghost crossed his arm in a boyish way, he refused to make eye contact with her. Mykie’s features softened as she took in the scene. “Oh…well, would have been nice to know beforehand, um. Okay, just, don’t be afraid to touch me. Hand around my waist, across my shoulders. Hold my hand sometimes and when you do, rub your thumb over my knuckles, it makes the action look more natural. And if we don’t talk it’ll have people looking. We don’t have to kiss or whatever, not a lot of couples do that in public anyway.” Mykie rambled as she paced the bathroom floor. She was thinking of every little thing she could to make them look like a couple. 
“Mykie, please. Stop. I think I get it but you’re rambling.” Simon placed his hand on her shoulder as if to calm her. 
“S-sorry. Didn’t mean to ramble. Um, you think you got this?” Mykie asked as she made eye contact with the large man who was feet from her, the bathroom was actually quite small and she hadn’t noticed till just now. 
“I got this. Just, is there anything you aren’t okay with?” Ghost asked as he removed his hand and backed up as much as he could. 
“Um, no, not really. Anything to make us look more like a couple. We can’t afford to blow this.” Mykie added, not really thinking of what she could be signing herself up for. 
“Close your eyes.” Ghost said in a low tone. Mykie blinked a few times before shutting her eyes, thinking he had to fix his mask or something in the mirror. Instead a soft pair of lips gently brushed hers, the pressure growing as the seconds ticked. He was kissing her, her Lieutenant’s lips were on hers. It was over before it even really started. His mask was back over his nose and he was unlocking the door, pushing her out before she could even register the events. 
“D-did you just?” Mykie stuttered as Ghost placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her out to the main hall. Mykie shook her head, trying to clear any and all thoughts of what just happened. They made their way to a luxurious bar, fancy bottles lined the walls behind the bartender. 
“Best bourbon you got, two glasses please.” Ghost said as he pulled out a 50 US dollar from the chest of his pocket. The bartender took it and began pouring the bourbons. “Keep the change.” Ghost said as he took the two drinks and nudged mykie towards an empty table. 
“Drink, calm your nerves.” Ghost said as he set the glass down in front of Mykie who he had to force to sit down. 
“What was that even for?” Mykie finally asked as she brought the glass to her pink painted lips. 
“Gotta play the part.” Ghost said bluntly. 
“No one was even there to see it!” Mykie hissed.
Ghost shrugged his shoulders as he turned his attention to the guest around them. His eyes followed anyone he thought to be of importance, ignoring Mykie’s still flabbergasted look. 
The night played on, nothing of interest happened as the hours ticked by. They had been in the mansion for about an hour now, sipping bourbon and watching. “We should dance.” Mykie suggested as she pulled her gaze from her glass. 
“What?” Ghost asked abruptly. “Dance, we should dance. Other couples are.” Mykie added, her chin was resting on her hand as her elbow dug into the table. 
“Fine. Let’s go, you’re right.” Ghost took a stand and extended a hand out for her. She took it happily as he led her out to the floor. They stayed away from the center, not wanting to pique anyone's interest. 
Unfortunately for the two of them, an older gentleman approached the two. “And who are you, my girasol?” He asked, extending a hand for Mykie to shake. 
“My name is Rose, this is Simon.” She said as she took his hand. He pulled her closer, placing a delicate kiss to the back of her hand as he slipped a small folded piece of paper in her hand. His thin handlebar mustache tickled her hand as he pulled away. “Pleasure to meet you, Rose.” He took off without another word looking back and making eye contact with Ghost, who wore an irritated look in his eyes. The hispanic gentleman simply grinned at his victory to rile Ghost up. 
“Simon, wipe that look off your face.” Mykie said as she pressed her body against his side, placing her hand on his chest. 
“Something about him was off.” Ghost grumbled as he took Mykie’s hand and moved to a dancing position, led by Mykie. 
“He’s probably just being friendly, things are different here. Why do you look so jealous?” Mykie asked, not thinking about her words as usual. 
“Jealous? I’m not jealous. Why would I be?” Ghost stuttered in a frustration he didn’t know he had. Why was he jealous? It’s not she was his to even be jealous about. Is this what jealousy felt like? This was the same angry bubble that formed in his chest during pool a few weeks ago. Jealousy, a sinful emotion. One Ghost didn’t think he was capable of and for a woman that wasn’t even his to claim. 
“If only I had a mirror to show you your own face right now.” Mykie sighed. A few more songs played as the two swayed together, no words being shared to save Ghost the embarrassment. Mykie had laid her head against his chest as they moved together, listening to his heart beat change pattern as a new thought arose in his mind. It beat faster, then slower, sometimes it would stop all together as if he was taking aim with his sniper. Then it would speed up quickly, his feet matching his heart beat as he skipped a few beats to the slower song. 
“Your heart's racing again. What are you thinking about?” Mykie asked, looking up into his eyes. 
“Nothing.” he lied. 
“I know it’s not nothing, I’ve been listening to her heartbeat for the last 20 minutes. When you think of something that I assume makes you upset, your heartbeat picks up and your footing is off.” Mykie made accusations, causing Ghost to stare at her in shock. 
“It’s…it’s a lot. Don’t worry about it. My mind is just always active.” Ghost tried his best to shrug off the conversation. While Mykie nodded, she kept thinking about it, kept measuring his heartbeat, letting it calm her when he was calm. 
                                                 ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is leaving the Democratic Party and registering as a political independent, she told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an exclusive TV interview.
“I’ve registered as an Arizona independent. I know some people might be a little bit surprised by this, but actually, I think it makes a lot of sense,” Sinema said in a Thursday interview with Tapper in her Senate office.
“I’ve never fit neatly into any party box. I’ve never really tried. I don’t want to,” she added. “Removing myself from the partisan structure – not only is it true to who I am and how I operate, I also think it’ll provide a place of belonging for many folks across the state and the country, who also are tired of the partisanship.”
Sinema’s move away from the Democratic Party is unlikely to change the power balance in the next Senate. Democrats will have a narrow 51-49 majority that includes two independents who caucus with them: Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Angus King of Maine.
While Sanders and King formally caucus with Democrats, Sinema declined to explicitly say that she would do the same. She did note, however, that she expects to keep her committee assignments – a signal that she doesn’t plan to upend the Senate composition, since Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer controls committee rosters for Democrats.
“When I come to work each day, it’ll be the same,” Sinema said. “I’m going to still come to work and hopefully serve on the same committees I’ve been serving on and continue to work well with my colleagues at both political parties.”
But Sinema’s decision to become a political independent makes official what’s long been an independent streak for the Arizona Senator, who began her political career as a member of the Green Party before being elected as a Democrat to the US House in 2012 and US Senate in 2018. Sinema has prided herself on being a thorn in the side of Democratic leaders, and her new nonpartisan affiliation will further free her to embrace an against-the-grain status in the Senate, though it raises new questions about how she – and Senate Democrats – will approach her reelection in 2024 with liberals already mulling a challenge.
Sinema wrote an op-ed in the Arizona Republic released Friday explaining her decision, noting that her approach in the Senate has “upset partisans in both parties.”
“When politicians are more focused on denying the opposition party a victory than they are on improving Americans’ lives, the people who lose are everyday Americans,” Sinema wrote.
“That’s why I have joined the growing numbers of Arizonans who reject party politics by declaring my independence from the broken partisan system in Washington.”
Sinema is up for reelection in 2024 and liberals in Arizona are already floating potential challengers, including Arizona Rep. Ruben Gallego, who said earlier this year that some Democratic Senators have urged him to run against Sinema.
“Unfortunately, Senator Sinema is once again putting her own interests ahead of getting things done for Arizonans,” Gallego said in a statement following Sinema’s announcement.
Sinema declined to address questions about her reelection bid in the interview with Tapper, saying that simply isn’t her focus right now.
She also brushed aside criticism she may face for the decision to leave the Democratic Party.
“I’m just not worried about folks who may not like this approach,” Sinema said. “What I am worried about is continuing to do what’s right for my state. And there are folks who certainly don’t like my approach, we hear about it a lot. But the proof is in the pudding.”
White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called Sinema a “key partner” following her decision and said the White House has “every reason to expect that we will continue to work successfully with her.”
Sources familiar with the matter tell CNN that Sinema gave the White House a heads up that she was leaving the Democratic Party. Schumer said in a statement he also was aware of Sinema’s bombshell announcement ahead of Friday morning.
“She asked me to keep her committee assignments and I agreed,” Schumer said. “Kyrsten is independent; that’s how she’s always been. I believe she’s a good and effective Senator and am looking forward to a productive session in the new Democratic majority Senate.”
Schumer also outlined how he did not expect Sinema’s decision to impact Democrats’ plans for next year, saying in his statement, “We will maintain our new majority on committees, exercise our subpoena power, and be able to clear nominees without discharge votes.”
The Biden White House is offering a muted reaction Friday morning and insisting that they expect to continue having a productive working relationship with the senator.
One White House official tells CNN that the move “doesn’t change much” other than Sinema’s own reelection calculations.
“We’ve worked with her effectively on a lot of major legislation from CHIPS to the bipartisan infrastructure law,” the official said. The White House, for now, has “every reason to expect that will continue,” they added.
Sinema has long been the source of a complex convergence of possibility, frustration and confusion inside the White House.
“Rubik’s cube, I guess?” was how one former senior White House official described the Arizona Senator who has played a central role in President Joe Biden’s largest legislative wins and also some of his biggest agenda disappointments.
There was no major push to get Sinema to change her mind, a White House official said, noting that it wouldn’t have made a difference.
“Nothing about the last two years indicates a major effort would’ve made helped – the exact opposite actually,” a White House official said.
The most urgent near-term effort was to quietly find out what it meant for their newly expanded Senate majority, officials said.
While there were still clear details to figure out about process, “I think people exhaled when we had a better understanding of what she meant,” one source familiar with the discussion said.
Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota told “CNN This Morning” that “Senator Sinema has always had an independent streak,” adding that “I don’t believe this is going to shake things up quite like everyone thinks.”
She added, “Senator Sinema has been an independent in all intents and purposes.”
Sinema and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin have infuriated liberals at various points over the past two years, standing in the way of Biden’s agenda at a time when Democrats controlled the House, Senate and White House.
Sinema and Manchin used their sway in the current 50-50 Senate – where any single Democrat could derail a bill – to influence a host of legislation, especially the massive $3.5 trillion Build Back Better bill that Biden proposed last year. Sinema’s objections to increasing the corporate tax rate during the initial round of negotiations over the legislation last year particularly rankled liberals.
While Sinema was blindsided by the surprise deal that Manchin cut with Schumer in July on major health care and energy legislation, she ultimately backed the smaller spending package that Biden signed into law before the election.
Both Manchin and Sinema also opposed changes to the Senate’s filibuster rules despite pressure from their Senate colleagues and Biden to change them. After a vote against filibuster changes in January, the Arizona Democratic Party’s executive board censured Sinema.
Sinema has been in the middle of several significant bipartisan bills that were passed since Biden took office. She pointed to that record as evidence that her approach has been an effective one.
“I’ve been honored to lead historic efforts, from infrastructure, to gun violence prevention, to protecting religious liberty and helping LGBT families feel secure, to the CHIPs and science bill to the work we’ve done on veterans’ issues,” she told CNN. “The list is really long. And so I think that the results speak for themselves. It’s OK if some people aren’t comfortable with that approach.”
Sinema’s announcement comes just days after Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock won reelection in Georgia, securing Democrats a 51st Senate seat that frees them from reliance on Vice President Kamala Harris’ tiebreaking vote.
Sinema declined to address questions about whether she would support Biden for president in 2024, and she also said she’s not thinking about whether a strong third party should emerge in the US.
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occult-roommates · 2 years
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Sul sul to Sulani
After a 10 hours flight, the roommates finally made it to Sulani, though on top of that they had to wait an extra two hours for Dawud’s flight to show up, since he was still in his Arizonan hometown. Like, would have been a bit of a waste of time for him to fly back to San Myshuno just to be with his friends, and then fly to Sulani. Now, the group was rushing themselves to go to their vacation house, as the Sulani sun is not exactly vampire friendly, the heat was killing Rudi, and Daniele just wanted to finally be at the destination.
Daniele: Dude, I missed you so much! Dawud: I’ve been gone for five days. Daniele: It was too much for me. Rudi: Ok you two calm down...By the way, Dawud, count yourself lucky you weren’t in the plane with us. I was sitting next to Daniele and he spent the entire flight watching episodes of Aircrash Investigation and then giggling when I said it’s making me uncomfortable. Daniele: What, it was actually very interesting ok, I learnt a lot of stuff! Like, did you know the deadliest plane crash in history happened in the Canary Islands of all place? I didn’t know that. And it even happened on my mom’s 10th birthday. Rudi: My dad died in a plane crash you asshole! Daniele: Well you should have said it, bruh I can’t read your mind! Dawud: Even then, that’s still a bit rude to do Dan... Kino: You think that’s bad? I got my period during the flight! Like great, the trip has barely started yet and it’s already ruined... Dawud: Your...You have that??? Kino: Well, if we ignore the part Sixamians only have one sex, we reproduce pretty much like Earthlings, so keeping that in mind it’s pretty obvious I would. Daniele: Duh. Dawud: Ok, sorry for not ever thinking about alien menstruations I guess??? Akva: At least that means you’re not pregnant. Fuck, how will my friend react uh? I should have tell her in advance fuuuuuck... Charlie: Will you please hurry up I’m gonna burn alive if you don’t move right now!
The reason for this trip was because Akva got invited by her best friend from high school, June, to come visit her, and she’ll be the one hosting them during their vacations. The two hadn’t seen each other in forever, as June moved to Sulani as soon as she graduated. The reason for that is she moved there to study environmental science and then do work as a oceanic wildlife conservationist. To her, saving the ocean is a major issues, especially for Sulani, which is deeply affected by climate change by virtue of being a tiny island country in Polynesia, located around 50 miles south of Hawaii.
As soon as the young woman saw her friend, she rushed down the stairs and jumped on her to hug her. However, Akva quickly pushed her away, because...you know.
Akva: Please be careful... June: Why...OH! Uh...Are you...Wait...No way?? Akva: Yeah..................That’s why I’m dressed in these awful leggings that look straight out of a Facebook MLM, none of my clothes fit anymore and I got desperate. June: When you said you had a big new for me and were bringing new people I thought you had gotten a girlfriend. Girl, what the fuck! Akva: By the way, I see you’re still super short. June: Miss Singh, don’t try to switch the topic on me...Also who even is the dad?? Akva: Remember last winter when I dated Jay for like two months before realizing I’m a lesbian... June: REALLY? DOES HE EVEN KNOW?? HE’S ALSO IN SULANI RIGHT NOW AND HE DIDN’T TOLD ME???
Akva did some sort of middle point between cringing and smiling, then shook her head. Then, the realization Jay was also on the island right now horrified her...Well, seems like she won’t be able to keep the secret for long. All of this noise outside attracted the attention of the actual owner of the house, a world famous professional surfer...Though to June, she’ll forever be her beloved older sister.
June: So, anyway, hello Akvamareen’s friends. My name is June Crosdale, I’m 20 years old and I love sea turtles. And this is my big sister Antoinette Crosdale, she is 25 years old, she loves surfing and also cheesy rom-com. Dawud: June and ANTOINETTE??? Is it just me or do the vibe of these two names doesn’t fit? It would be like if I had a brother named Jean-Claude. June: And we also have an older sister named Eduarda. Toni: Well, Antoinette is my birth name, but pretty much everyone calls me simply Toni. It’s just June who’s weirdly insistant on always calling people by their full name. Rudi: I don’t think I ever told y’all but my full name is Rudder.
As this whole name thing was going on, Kino stood there, in awe of Toni. Her dyed blue hair, her smooth dark skin, Kino could only think one thing...
Oh my Llama, she’s gorgeous!
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jodilinbio · 5 days
Stacey was my biggest problem at the first complex I lived in during my time in Arizona, along with twenty-six-year-old Andrea (Andi), the woman living next to me in Andy’s building. Through Andi, I got my first real sense of just how much Arizonans despise complaining, no matter how legitimate your grievance might be.
While I was still in the first-floor apartment, I had to give up Shadow, my cat, because pets weren’t allowed on the first floor. Even if they were, I couldn’t afford the outrageous pet deposit. So, Andy and I left the cat on what we thought was Stevie Nicks’ property in Paradise Valley, only to later learn we’d given him to her neighbor instead. Andy eventually figured out which house was really hers by going through her trash. He somehow became phone friends with Stevie’s mother, Barbara, after finding her number through her business—a little crafts store in some small town outside of Phoenix. He eventually went on to actually meet Stevie a few times.
Stacey had a reputation for being a difficult person, but one day, she began targeting me in ways I hadn’t seen her do with anyone else. To this day, I’m not sure what triggered her. I discussed it with Andy, Kara, and Randy, but none of us could figure out the source of her wrath. Maybe it was because I was Jewish (Arizona was as anti-Semitic as it was anti-gay), maybe it was because I was on disability, or maybe it was because I was short with green eyes and very long hair. I honestly had no idea.
Then, I developed a theory: some people, when they can’t get positive attention, settle for negative attention. Perhaps Stacey really did have some kind of attraction to me and was struggling with those feelings, especially since she was married. Others had speculated about this too, particularly after it became clear that she was practically stalking me. This wasn’t an exaggeration—she followed me around the complex, and it felt like she was scrutinizing my every move. I was stunned by how much she seemed to know about my whereabouts and the people I interacted with. My friends and I even searched my place for hidden cameras or audio recorders, but we found nothing. The only way she could have known what she did was by either tailing me, having someone else do it, or somehow gaining access to my apartment while I was out. I doubted that last one, but who knows?
I’ll admit Stacey wasn’t bad-looking for a light-eyed blonde, which wasn’t usually my type. She was tall and slim, with a Kate Jackson vibe—her voice, hairstyle, and mannerisms all reminded me of her. But even if she had been my type, I knew I’d rather be alone forever than settle for a controlling bitch like her.
One day, Stacey summoned both Andy and me to her office. Oddly, she insisted on speaking to Andy first, then me.
"Why can’t she just talk to both of us at once?" I asked Andy on our way there.
"I don’t know. Maybe she doesn’t want us to get our stories straight," he said.
"What stories?" I asked, confused.
"I don’t know," he said. "I’m just as stumped as you are."
Andy went in first, and then it was my turn. I sat down in front of her desk, and Stacey cut right to the chase.
"I have a report that you made some harassing phone calls to Ellie and Robert," she said.
"So?" I replied.
"So," she echoed, pausing.
"So I called them a few times. They won’t be hearing from me again, though. Besides, Ellie’s out of her mind. Ask the FBI agents trying to kill her with petroleum jelly as she claims."
"Then don’t have anything to do with her," Stacey said.
"I don’t intend to, but how does this concern you? You’re the manager, not our mother. Part of our rent goes toward your salary. You work for us."
She then mentioned some supposed vandalism but wouldn’t say what had been vandalized. I had no idea what she was talking about, and neither did Andy.
Next, she scolded me for asking to see the second studio apartment I had transferred to in Andy’s building before the previous tenant moved out. I couldn’t believe someone would complain about something so trivial! The girl didn’t have to let me in, and she hadn’t seemed bothered at the time.
Then, Stacey implied that I had been trying to invite people up to my place. I was completely confused. "What are you talking about? What people?"
"I understand that being home as much as you are can make a person rather lonely," she said, her tone patronizing.
"Oh, is that what you think I am? Lonely? And this concerns you because…?" I asked, beginning to realize what she was insinuating. She was implying that I was trying to get women up to my place for sex, which was total nonsense. No one in that complex appealed to me. After Rosemarie made her lack of interest clear, I backed off immediately. I didn’t want to push people who weren’t interested in me, and I expected the same respect in return.
Though I tried, I couldn’t get Stacey to admit what she was really implying. She never dared to use the L-word.
She also rattled off a bunch of trivial facts about my daily life, things like what I had for lunch, and this unnerved me. I was amazed at how well she had done her homework. With the exception of the vandalism and the absurd insinuation about my social life, she was frighteningly accurate.
Andy later told me he was just as shocked by Stacey’s knowledge of my activities. "She even encouraged me to dump you," he said.
On January 6, 1993, I finally decided to see about getting a job dancing. I didn’t have any marketable skills that would land me a decent job anytime soon, and I wasn’t about to flip burgers or clean houses again. Dancing seemed like a good option. Kara, who was a pretty big woman, acted as my bodyguard, and the three of us—Kara, Andy, and I—went to a nearby club with exotic dancers.
After just two dances and $18 in tips, I was hired for the 6 PM to 1 AM shift. I was excited, thinking I’d make tons of money, but it didn’t turn out that way. Maybe in Vegas it would have.
I eventually built up a small group of regular cab drivers. One of them even offered to be my bodyguard if I ever made it in the music business, and I gladly agreed.
Though dancing was preferable to most other jobs, there were downsides. I hated the sore feet and the way the owners used us to pay the DJ, bartenders, and bouncers. We had to give them a cut of our earnings because the owners were too cheap to pay them themselves.
At the clubs, we rotated sets on stage, where customers could tip us—or not. Table dances, one-on-one performances in front of a customer, earned the dancers $5. Dancers weren’t allowed to touch the customers or engage in anything explicit.
My stage name was "Mystery." Maybe if I had been a chesty, blue-eyed blonde with long legs, I would have made more money. But as a then flat, short, green-eyed brunette, I didn’t exactly fit the bill for a T&A bar. Still, I danced on and off for the next eight months at a few different places, including all-nude private room dancing with two-way windows, cameras, and armed staff. We often sat around for hours in between customers, bored out of our minds in front of the TV.
After I moved to the studio apartment behind Andy, I started accumulating some furniture. My parents sent me a blue card table with matching chairs. A friend of Andy’s gave me a twin bed, and a guy I met later on gave me a couch, a desk, and a TV.
At first, the building was relatively quiet. The guy below me eventually moved out, giving me a few things he didn’t want, like clothes hangers and a fake plant in a wicker basket. For a while, the apartment below me was a model unit, and the new tenant who moved in was quiet. Even Andi didn’t make much noise initially. She was hardly ever home.
The person I heard the most in the building was actually Andy. Despite his feminine demeanor, he stomped around like an elephant and slammed doors instead of closing them.
I had yet to learn just how sensitive Arizonans could be about noise complaints, but I started to get an idea when Andi had her fifteen siblings over for a few days. It was a nightmare—constant bumps and bangs at all hours. After being ignored when I knocked on her door to ask her to quiet down, I had no choice but to complain to Stacey.
Mary, a thirty-year-old woman with muscular dystrophy who lived directly below Andi, also complained. She was getting the worst of it. Mary informed Stacey that if she wanted her rent, she needed to be able to sleep so she could work for it.
Even Andy, who lived diagonally from Andi, could hear the commotion. The whole building shook.
When Stacey came to investigate, Andi tried to shift the blame. Our doors were right next to each other and standing just inside mine, I could hear everything they said.
"She does the same thing," Andi lied.
Right, Andi, I thought sarcastically. I have fifteen kids over, too.
The next day, the kids finally left, and I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking peace had returned and I could finally get some sleep. But I was sorely mistaken. Andi was furious that I had complained, and she wasn’t about to let me forget it. That was lesson number two about Arizonans: they weren’t quick to let go of grudges. They wouldn’t let you forget or ignore them either, no matter how wrong they were or how valid your complaint was. She was going to get her revenge!
Andi made sure to shake the building with her every move when she wasn’t at work or asleep, clearly not caring who else she annoyed along with me. She began staying home more frequently, just to make her presence felt. Since I knew I couldn’t physically force her to quiet down, and Stacey couldn’t monitor every slam, bump, and bang, I was seriously considering confronting her when a new idea popped into my head.
I doubted it would work, but I figured I’d try it before resorting to more drastic measures. So, I sat down and wrote a note, pretending to be a neighbor who had just moved in behind her, politely asking her to keep the noise down. I signed it with a bogus name and slipped it under her door.
To my surprise, it actually worked!
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