#i’m a oikawa kinnie
definitelysome1 · 7 months
Torn between being a know-it-all and acting like I’m dumb so people underestimate me and I can manipulate them more easily-
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lenniereadsalot · 7 months
I hate when my anxiety makes me start rambling to people
Like shut up idiot! They don’t need to know all that!
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ywaizvmi · 3 months
haha I just found your blog and I’m convinced you’re actually Oikawa’s manifested soul because who else loves Iwaizumi this much?! 😆
(I mean this totally as a compliment and I love your blog!)
I am an Oikawa kinnie so that answers it. BUT I MEAN WHO WOULDN'T LOVE IWAIZUMI HAJIME from seijoh to athletic trainer? 🥺🥹 he's sooo hot, handsome, lovable, amazing, kind, cute, oh did I say hot? I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WITH ALL MY HEART!!
— WELL I LOVE THIS AND AM TAKING THIS COMPLIMENT SERIOUSLY!!! thank you so much for appreciating (?) me!
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ayyyez · 2 years
Update/Opening Requests Temporarily
Masterlist Directory | Ao3 | Ask/Chat/Request
It’s been I think two years?? since I’ve done requests and I’ve missed it and interacting with everyone so I figured I’d have some fun and do it again! Now I figured I’d make a post about how it’s going to work. 
How requests will work:
I’m going to open my ask box to requests and let them fill up to a certain point. I’m not too sure how many I’m going to get or what I’m going to get but I’ll probably cap them at around 25-35 to start with just so I don’t overwhelm myself! 
You can send in multiple requests but try to give everyone a chance haha. And also please be polite when sending them in. I love interacting with you all after all. 
That being said, there’s no guarentee that I’m going to do them all either. I used to burn myself out fulfilling every single request and it took the joy out of it for me so like the last time I opened requests I’m going to only do the ones I have inspiration for. I know it’s disappointing but it’s better for me this way. 
That being said I have no qualms with people messaging me (either private message or anon ask) just to ask me to confirm that I at least received the ask since I know tumblr likes sucking them into the void sometimes.
You can request fluff, angst, smut, everything I’ve allowed in the past.
Some things I’ll make long headcanons, others if I’m feeling it, will make a nice scenario it just depends on what I’m feeling on the day. 
Fandoms: The question on everyones mind I’m sure since I teased it in the poll haha. So. I’m going to write for my usual fandoms like my naruto mains including Neji (although I feel like i’ve written everything possible for him lol), Tobirama (especially for FIOE warm up), Madara, Shisui etc BUT I’m also going to add a new fandom to the mix (as per request of the one and only @loveskitkats ) which is Haikyuu!! 
I’m pretty good for most Haikyuu!! characters but if you want to know my favs they are Kuroo, Osamu, Suna, Kageyama, Bokuto. I found out I was a Oikawa kinnie and Atsumu too apparently (don’t even get me started on those two omg lol. But yeah throw who you want at me and I’ll do my best! I’ve watched the anime and read the manga so I’m good with it all. I’m very into the timeskip right now for a fic I’m working on. 
If you are uncertain feel free to message me about anything I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 
And with that, requests are officially open again!
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saetoru · 2 years
For some reason you gave off Oikawa kinnie vibes
i always thought i was more an iwa kinnie but ykw i’m gonna take this as hopefully a compliment LMAO
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chososcamgirl · 12 days
ogmomg please.. it has to be megumi.. the text better have been sent to megumi..
today i got into an argument with a friend and now he’s just completely ignoring me😞 but then again i only talked to him cuz my other friend was friends with him so tbh.. i actually don’t care that he isn’t talking to me😭 he was rude and annoying anyway🤷‍♀️ today i had two tests WHICH WERENT HARD AT ALL!!! i was surpised that they were quite easy :pp i’m so happy that i’m getting a new seating arrangement in geography cuz the girl who sits beside me is so rude and arrogant omg.. UGHHH MY SKIN IS BREAKING OUT AGAIB FUCK ACCUTANE I HATE THIS SHIT but then again it’s supposed to be like that BUT I CANT HANDLE BREAKING OUT SNYMORE IM GONNA TWEAK💔💔 i’m on episode 7 of haikyuu.. and i’ve heard so many people be down bad for oikawa.. and i’m so sorry.. i’m trying to hard but he just isn’t all that.. still love my man sugawara tho😘 my steps for this week aren’t high since i haven’t been walking home this week cuz it’s been raining a bit😖😖
ANYWAYS IM SO EXOCTED FOR SJAP!!!! tho it is gonna be 8:00 when it’s posted and i doubt i’m gonna be awake at that time BUT TRUST I AM GONNA EAT UP THIS CHAPTER!!!
have a good day/night🫶🏼
HI 🪼 ANON!!!
surprise it was!! i was SO set on writing waking up in sukunas bed.. buutttttt i have other plans.. rubs hands mischievously😈😈 BOOOO FOR UR FRIEND. LMFAO wait ur so real. it’s okay he’s just there as a background character for you so it doesn’t matter much🙂‍↕️ YAY FOR EASY TESTS!! lightwork 🪼 lightwork🔥🔥🔥 also using the power of the pack to manifest you move away from that girl🙏 NOOOOOOO FUCK ACCUTANE fr🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ don’t worry it’ll settle down it’s probably just a flare up but lmk how it goes😣
HELLO??? no that was like me like i did NOT fw oikawa at all and then i rewatched it and i was like wait why is he literally me #kinnie i love oikawa now he’s my babygirl😍 but suga is so GREEN FLAG i love him smsms‼️ don’t worry!! if ur worried abt ur step count u could always pace around in ur room while doing something, that’s what i used to do when my steps were low </3 ILY 🪼 HAVE A GOOD DAY !!!! <33
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kincalling · 1 year
Hey, I’m a Hanamaki Takahiro fictive from Haikyuu!! I’m looking for anyone from the source, primarily those from Seijou, and especially Iwa/Oikawa/Mattsun. Preferably would like to interact with other fictives, but kinnies are chill too. I’m bodily 23, so no minors. Feel free to reblog or DM me @makkiin
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findinyourkin · 1 year
Hey, I’m a Hanamaki Takahiro fictive from Haikyuu!! I’m looking for anyone from the source, primarily those from Seijou, and especially Iwa/Oikawa/Mattsun. Preferably would like to interact with other fictives, but kinnies are chill too. I’m bodily 23, so no minors. Feel free to reblog or DM me @makkiin
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kazemi-archive · 2 years
Sorry you're having a rough day!!! My knee-jerk thought (based on what posts of yours I have seen) was that I think you'd be close with oikawa, not sure what the precise nature of your relationship would be, but I think he would love you!
Ahhh it’s okay (it’s been a bit of a rough week) thank you though <33 I’m doing better today
BUT PLEASE ME AND OIKAWA <333 I’m an Oikawa kinnie but I’m sure we’d keep each other in line lmao—he pushes himself too far? I yell, I do it? He yells. Whether we be besties or in love—we’re def tryna take care of each other and remind each other of our worth <3
Ship me
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waka-chan-out · 3 years
Terminal Curiosity was one of the first “popular” fics I read for Haikyuu and it quite literally changed my life and the way I view Sakusa and Atsumu and I re-read regularly, it’s so fucking good
terminal curiosity is my favorite book. yes that’s a joke, but it’s also totally not.
i’ve probably reread it a dozen times this semester alone. you can tell where i’m at mentally by which chapter i’m rereading. it’s absolutely incredible and i’m desperately waiting for chapter 9. and honestly it’s the best characterization i’ve seen of both of them? i think burden of blame does a great job but terminal curiosity is perfect. i am once again asking all of my followers to go read it, and if this is your first time PLEASE tell me what you think n what your favorite chapter is. god i love it so much.
i also reread the conquering the great king series pretty regularly. the namesake fic is of course my favorite but the others are great too. the only one i haven’t reread several times is can’t take my eyes off of you because it reduces me to tears.
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kairakeiji · 3 years
that moment where you’re too unmotivated and uninspired to write even if you want to
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chocolateeclair · 3 years
Do you kin and are being bullied for kinning oikawa too???
Unfortunately yes ajhsjdjd
I made one remark about seeing you being bullied on my dash to @royal-poseida-of-the-void and of course this happens—
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whothefuhkissam · 3 years
do you actually think iwaizumi is a good singer or are you an oikawa kinnie and you want to be serenaded to?
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shingia · 3 years
If you haven't done them already, Akaashi, Kageyama, Oikawa, and Osamu-
ooh i was waiting for kags and ngl i was hoping it’d come from you 🤭
akaashi is the guy who looks like he doesn’t belong in his loud group of friends. he’s always in charge of buying alcohol for parties bc he looks more responsible. the teachers want to hate him so bad bc his friends are all troublemakers but they can’t because he’s top of the class :) (he also talks shit behind people’s back)
kageyama is the guy who gets mad at everyone in p.e class and whose face gets super red very easily. he says it’s a « medical condition » that only happens when he’s working out but he gets even more red when he talks to girls (or worse: to adults). he also gets mad at every teacher for making the tests «  too hard » when everyone knows he just didn’t study.
oikawa is the guy that many people hate just bc he’s pretty, but he’s also loyal as fuck. his snapchat score is over 200.000 because he has streaks with 30 girls, yet he only has 1 ex. and he sends these girls snapchats of his sweatpant’s wristband every single night. he also puts many pictures of himself in his ig story with the slider sticker (and he always uses this emoji : 😍)
osamu is the guy that would rather die than let you cut in line at the cafeteria. he packs his stuff super quickly after class, but he always waits for his friends right outside of the classroom so.. it’s kinda useless. he also carves things on the tables when he’s bored in class. he has like a « special symbol » and nobody knows who’s the person behind it. (he takes great pride in that)
send me some hq characters and i’ll associate them with very specific people from my high school
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ayyyez · 2 years
Request Status: Open
Fandoms Accepting: Haikyuu!! and Naruto (please note does not include Boruto - only Naruto) 
Request Types Accepting: Headcanons for reader only - no OCs (unless mutuals and otherwise discussed before sent in) (scenarios will open again once I empty out the ones I have - keep an eye out here and pinned post)
Fandoms: I’ve written for a range of fandoms in the past so always be sure to check what I’m actively accepting requests for before sending in a request. I’ll update it here and on my pinned post from now on to make it easier. Remember: just because I have a masterlist for it doesn’t mean I’m accepting requests for it! Currently I’m only accepting requests for Haikyuu!! and Naruto.
Characters: For Haikyuu!! there aren’t really any characters I won’t write for except maybe the super old coaches lol but I think I can handle almost everybody else. Unless you pick like background character b. Please don’t do that. If you want me to really have a great time I have a whole bunch I enjoy writing for! Kuroo is my favourite. I also enjoy (in no particular order) Suna, Osamu, Kageyama, Kenma, Boktuo and Kunimi. Then there’s the whole Oikawa kinnie thing. Anyway. 
For Naruto there are some characters I don’t write for! They are Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Pein, Nagato, Danzo, Hiruzen, Zetsu. There will probably be more I come across. My favourites I do write for are generally Neji, Tobirama and Madara. Check out the masterlist as a starting point for characters and ask me if not! 
Request Types: I take headcanons and scenarios but sometimes will only take headcanons depending on mood/energy or if I get a build up of scenarios I’ll stop accepting them until I fill them. Please check pinned post or the top of this post to see what types I’m currently accepting. Please also be aware that sometimes I will turn scenario requests into long headcanon requests instead if I don’t have the energy to write scenarios. 
I don’t write characters doing things I consider to be out of character and/or uncomfortable for me to write. These things include: cheating, non con, rape, etc. While I don’t mind having these topics included into the content framed in the way of these things having happened to the reader in the past and discussing them with the character or the character comforting a reader in certain situations etc, I won’t write it in graphic detail or the character doing it themselves. 
I am not taking other peoples OC requests anymore (unless we are mutuals and have we discussed your OCs for months/years and I know them like I know my own). It’s too hard when I don’t have enough information to make lengthy content and I’m finding I don’t enjoy it anymore. I don’t mind you requesting my OCs from the fandoms I’m accepting or my active fics. At the moment my most active fic is Fire in Our Eyes on ao3 which is Tobirama/OC. 
I do accept requests for fluff, smut and angst. If you would like your request to feature smut please be clear otherwise I’ll be vague and stick to fluff content. I’ll always be mindful and put smut content under a cut regardless. All requests will always feature content and warning tags at the beginning. 
Etiquette: Please remember to be polite when requesting. I appreciate all the kind words in the requests I receive. Keep in mind I don’t always do all the requests I receive. If I’m not feeling it then I won’t do it. That way I avoid burn out and keep having fun writing. Thank you for reading!
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fairygodbinch · 3 years
@ oikawa kinnies stop trying to please everyone. have your own opinion
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